1This is adacontrol_ug.info, produced by makeinfo version 6.0 from
5File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Introduction,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)
7AdaControl User Guide
10Last edited: September 17, 2016
12   This is the AdaControl User Guide.  It describes how to install and
13use AdaControl.  Please refer to the AdaControl Programmer Manual to
14learn how to add new kinds of rules to AdaControl.
16* Menu:
18* Introduction::
19* Installation::
20* Program Usage::
21* Command language reference::
22* Rules reference::
23* Examples of using AdaControl for common programming rules::
24* Specifying an Ada entity name::
25* Syntax of regular expressions::
26* Non upward-compatible changes::
28   AdaControl is Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Eurocontrol/Adalog, except for
29some specific modules that are (C) 2006 Belgocontrol/Adalog, (C) 2006
30CSEE/Adalog, (C) 2006 SAGEM/Adalog, or (C) 2015 Alstom/Adalog.
31AdaControl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
32under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
33Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
34version.  This unit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
35but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
37Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
38GNU General Public License distributed with this program; see file
39COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place
40- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
42   As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
43program, or if you link units from this program with other files to
44produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting
45executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.  This
46exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
47executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
49   This document is Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Eurocontrol/Adalog.  This
50document may be copied, in whole or in part, in any form or by any
51means, as is or with alterations, provided that (1) alterations are
52clearly marked as alterations and (2) this copyright notice is included
53unmodified in any copy.
56File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Introduction,  Next: Installation,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top
581 Introduction
61AdaControl is an Ada rules controller.  It is used to control that Ada
62software meets the requirements of a number of parameterizable rules.
63It is not intended to supplement checks made by the compiler, but rather
64to search for particular violations of good-practice rules, or to check
65that some rules are obeyed project-wide.  AdaControl can also be handy
66to make statistics about certain usages of language features, or simply
67to search for the occurrences of particular constructs; its scope is
68therefore not limited to enforcing programming rules, although it is of
69course one of its main goals.
71   AdaControl is a commercial product of Adalog
72(http://www.adalog.fr/adalog2.htm) with professional grade support
73available.  Getting support is highly recommended for industrial
74projects.  Adacontrol can also be customized or extended to match your
75special needs, please refer to *note Support:: or contact Adalog at
78* Menu:
80* Features::
81* Support::
82* History::
83* References::
86File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Features,  Next: Support,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Introduction
881.1 Features
91AdaControl analyzes a set of Ada units, according to parameterizable
92controls.  Controls can be given from the command line, from a file, or
93interactively.  There is a wide range of controls available.  Some are
94quite simple (although very useful):
95   * Control physical layout of the program (Maximum line length, no use
96     of tabulations...)
97   * Control occurences of special strings in comments (like TBD for "To
98     Be Defined"), with full wildcarding.
99   * Use of features (goto statement, tasking, pointers, variables in
100     package specifications...)
101   * Use of any declared entity, with full overloading resolution
102   Other rules are quite sophisticated:
103   * Control series of "if"..."elsif" that could be replaced by "case"
104     statements
105   * Verify usage of declarations (variables that should be constant,
106     variables read but not written...)
107   * Control declarations that could be moved to a more reduced,
108     internal scope
109   * Limit the call depth of a program (and diagnose recursive
110     subprograms)
111   * Enforce a pattern that guarantees that exceptions are not handled
112     silently
113   * Enforce a pattern for paired calls (like semaphore's "P" and "V")
114     that guarantees that the closing call is always executed, even in
115     presence of exceptions.
116   * Check that there is no aliasing between out parameters
117   * Ensure that no protected operation calls a potentially blocking
118     operation
119   and much, much more...  See *note Rules reference:: for the complete
120reference for all possible controls.
122   AdaControl is very simple to use.  It takes, as parameters, a list of
123units to process and a list of commands that define the controls to
124apply.  The complete syntax of the commands is described in chapter
125*note Command language reference::.
127   AdaControl produces messages to the standard output, unless
128redirected.  Several levels of messages are defined (i.e.  error or
129found), depending on the kind of the control (i.e.  check or search).
131   Rules can be locally disabled for a part of the source code, and
132various options can be passed to the program.
134   Ex:
136   Given the following package:
137     package Pack is
138        pragma Pure (Pack);
139        ...
140     end Pack;
141   The following command:
142     adactl -l "search pragmas (pure)" pack
143   produces the following result (displayed to standard output):
144     pack.ads:2:4: Found: PRAGMAS: use of pragma Pure
146   AdaControl integrates nicely in environments such as GPS (*note
147Running AdaControl from GPS::), AdaGide (*note Running AdaControl from
148AdaGide::), or emacs (*note Control kinds and report messages::).  In
149those environments, you can run AdaControl from menus or by just
150clicking on a button!
153File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Support,  Next: History,  Prev: Features,  Up: Introduction
1551.2 Support
1581.2.1 Commercial support
161Adalog provides commercial support for AdaControl.  Support includes the
162following benefits:
163   * Help with installation procedures.
164   * Explanations regarding the use of the tool, and help for
165     translating coding standards into AdaControl rules.
166   * Dedicated account into our BT system for priority handling of
167     problem reports.
168   * Correction of problems encountered in the use of AdaControl.
169     Pre-releases versions of AdaControl are provided for each corrected
170     problem.
171   * Access to beta-versions before they are released
172   * Keeping in sync customer's own custom rules with the latest version
173     of AdaControl.
174   * Reduced rate for on-demand development of custom rules.
175   * Priority consideration of enhancement requests.  Satisfying
176     enhancement requests is not part of the support contract; however,
177     Adalog is constantly improving AdaControl, and suggestions
178     originating from supported customers are given a high priority in
179     our todo list.
181   Adalog cannot correct problems whose origin is due to compiler bugs
182or defects in the implementation of ASIS (contact your compiler provider
183for support on these problems).  However, Adalog will do its best effort
184to find workarounds for such problems.
186   In addition, Adalog can provide various services:
187   * Custom improvements to AdaControl, including application-specific
188     rules;
189   * consulting services for defining coding standards;
190   * consulting services in all areas related to Ada, real-time,
191     compilation, etc.  See Adalog's site
192     (http://www.adalog.fr/adalog2.htm) for details.
194   For pricing information about support contract and other services,
195please contact <info@adalog.fr>.
1971.2.2 Other support
200There is a Wiki for questions about AdaControl at
201<https://sourceforge.net/p/adacontrol/wiki/Home/>.  This is the place to
202ask for information, make suggestions, or get help from the community.
204   For problem reports, please create a ticket into our BT system at
2071.2.3 Your support to us, too!
210If you enjoy AdaControl, there are several things you can do to help us
211continue and improve this nice project.
212   * Rate it, or even better post a review, on the SourceForge review
213     page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/adacontrol/reviews/)
214   * Click "I use it" from AdaControl's home page
215     (http://www.adalog.fr/adacontrol2.htm).
216   * Rate it on AdaControl's Ohloh page
217     (http://www.ohloh.net/p/11353?ref=sample)
218   * Get a support contract, or encourage your company, your friends, or
219     anybody else to get a support contract!
220   * Provide good ideas, new rules, suggestions for improvements...
221   And remember: developing AdaControl is an expensive effort (according
222to Ohlo's COCOMO model, it is worth 15 man.year of development).  We
223need support from our users to keep it running!
226File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: History,  Next: References,  Prev: Support,  Up: Introduction
2281.3 History
231The development of AdaControl was initially funded by Eurocontrol
232(<http://www.eurocontrol.int>), which needed a tool to help in verifying
233the million+ lines of code that does Air Traffic Flow Management over
234Europe.  Because it was felt that such a tool would benefit the
235community at-large, and that further improvements made by the community
236would benefit Eurocontrol, it was decided to release AdaControl as free
237software.  Later, Eurocontrol, Belgocontrol, Alstom, Ansaldo (formerly
238CSEE-Transport), and SAGEM-DS sponsored the development of more rules.
240   The requirements for AdaControl were written by Philippe Waroquiers
241(Eurocontrol-Brussels), who also conducted extensive testing of
242AdaControl over the Eurocontrol software.  The software was developped
243by Arnaud Lecanu and Jean-Pierre Rosen (Adalog).  Rules, improvements,
244etc.  were contributed by Pierre-Louis Escouflaire (Adalog), Alain
245Fontaine (ABF consulting), Richard Toy (Eurocontrol-Maastricht), and
246Isidro Ilasa Veloso (GMV). AdaGide support and improvement of icons were
247contributed by Gautier de Montmollin.  Emmanuel Masker (Alstom) and
248Yannick Duchene contributed to GPS integration.
250   See file 'HISTORY' for a description of the various versions of
251AdaControl, including enhancements of the current version over the
252previous ones.  Users of a previous version are warned that the rules
253are not 100% upward-compatible: this is necessary to make the rules more
254consistent and easier to use.  However, the incompatibilities are
255straightforward to fix and should affect only a very limited number of
256files.  See *note Non upward-compatible changes:: for details.
259File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: References,  Prev: History,  Up: Introduction
2611.4 References
264  1. "On the benefits for industrials of sponsoring free software
265     development", Ada User Journal, Volume 26, number 4, december 2005
267     <http://www.adalog.fr/publicat/Free-software.pdf>
268  2. "A Comparison of Industrial Coding Rules", Ada User Journal, Volume
269     29, number 4, december 2008
271     <http://www.adalog.fr/publicat/coding-rules.pdf>
272  3. "A Methodology for Avoiding Known Compiler Problems Using Static
273     Analysis", proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International
274     Conference (SIGAda 2010)
276     <http://dl.acm.org/authorize?316395>
279File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Installation,  Next: Program Usage,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Top
2812 Installation
284Like any ASIS application, AdaControl can be run only if the compiler
285available on the system has exactly the same version as the one used to
286compile AdaControl itself.  The executable distribution of AdaControl
287will work only with GNAT version GPL 2015, as distributed by AdaCore.
288If you are using any other version, please use the source distribution
289of AdaControl and compile it as indicated below.
291   Another reason for using the source distribution of AdaControl is
292that the user may not be interested in all provided rules.  It is very
293easy to remove some rules from AdaControl to increase its speed.  *Note
294Customizing AdaControl::.
296* Menu:
298* Building and installing AdaControl from source::
299* Installing an executable distribution::
300* Installing support for AdaGide::
303File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Building and installing AdaControl from source,  Next: Installing an executable distribution,  Prev: Installation,  Up: Installation
3052.1 Building and installing AdaControl from source
308This section is only for the source distribution of AdaControl.  If you
309downloaded an executable distribution (and are using the latest version
310of GNAT GPL), you may skip to the next section.
3122.1.1 Getting the correct version of the sources for your Gnat version
315ASIS is continuously evolving to support Ada-2005/2012 features, and so
316is AdaControl.  As a consequence, the full set of features of AdaControl
317is supported only with recent versions of Gnat, namely with GnatPRO
3187.2.0 and GnatGPL-2013 (and higher).  We refer to these versions as the
319"new Gnat", and we encourage all users to use the latest versions.
321   Some user may however need to use an older version of Gnat.  We
322provide also a version of AdaControl that is compatible with versions
323GnatPRO 7.0.x and GnatGPL-2011 and older (before some incompatible -but
324necessary- changes in ASIS happened).  We refer to these versions as the
325"old Gnat".
327   The release whose distribution files start with "adactl" is for the
328new Gnat, and the one whose distribution files start with "adactl-old"
329is for the old-gnat.  Both versions provide the same features, except
330that controls related to Ada-2012 (or that depend on new features of
331ASIS) are not available in the old-gnat version.  Moreover, the old-gnat
332version is now frozen, and will not receive any new features or
333improvements in the future, unless requested by a supported customer
334(such requests will be honoured as part of the support contract).  See
335*note Support:: for information on becoming a supported user.
337   Note that intermediate releases of Gnat (GnatPRO-7.1.x, GnatGPL-2012)
338are not fully compatible with either of these distribution.  Depending
339on exact version, problems may range from compilation errors to
340incorrect results in some rare (Ada 2012) cases.  Compatible sources can
341be obtained from the Git repository of AdaControl on SourceForge
342(<http://adacontrol.sourceforge.net>).  We will be happy to help our
343supported customers who must use one of these versions.
3452.1.2 Prerequisites
348The following software must be installed in order to compile AdaControl
349from source:
350   * A GNAT compiler, any version (but please consider *note Getting the
351     correct version of the sources for your Gnat version:: above).
352     Note that the compiler must also be available on the machine in
353     order to run AdaControl (all ASIS application need the compiler).
354   * ASIS for GNAT
355   * The GNATColl component
357   Make sure to have the same version of GNAT and ASIS. The version used
358for running AdaControl must be the same as the one used to compile
359AdaControl itself.
3612.1.3 Build and install with installer (Windows)
364Run the installer ('adactl_src-setup.exe').  This will automatically
365build and install AdaControl, no other installation is necessary.
3672.1.4 Build and install with project file
370Simply go to the root directory of the distribution and type:
371     gprbuild build.gpr
372     gprinstall build.gpr
373   You're done!
375   Caveat (old gnat only): Due to a bug in some versions, if you are
376using GNATPro 6.1.2 and above, you must set the variable GNAT_FIX to 1;
377i.e.  invoke the command as:
378     gprbuild -Pbuild.gpr -XGNAT_FIX=1
379   or if gprbuild is not available for your distribution:
380     gnatmake -Pbuild.gpr -XGNAT_FIX=1
3822.1.5 Build and install with Makefile
385It is also possible to build and install AdaControl with a regular
386Makefile, although it does little more than run the previous commands.
387This is mainly useful if you want to embed AdaControl into some
388distribution that uses Makefiles, or if you want to change the default
389compilation options (see comments in Makefile for details).
391   Go to the root directory of the distribution and type:
392     make build
393     make install
395   It is also possible to delete object files and do other actions with
396this "Makefile", run the following command to get more information:
397     make help
399   NOTE: Building AdaControl needs the "make" command provide with GNAT;
400it works both with WIN32 shell and UNIX shell.
4022.1.6 Manual installation
405Automatic install will place AdaControl's files in standard locations,
406in your Gnat installation tree.  You can skip this section unless you
407want different locations (for example, if GPS is not installed in the
408Gnat tree).
410   All you need to run AdaControl is the executable named 'adactl' under
411Linux or 'adactl.exe' under Windows.  In addition, 'pfni' (or 'pfni.exe'
412under Windows) is a convenient utility, required by the GPS support.
413*Note pfni::.  Copy these executables (found in the root directory of
414the distribution) to any convenient directory on your path.
416   To also add AdaControl support to GPS, copy the file
417'GPS/adacontrol.xml' into the '<GNAT_dir>/share/gprconfig' directory;
418copy all other files from the 'GPS' directory into the
419'<GPS_dir>/share/gps/plug-ins' directory.  Copy also HTML files from the
420'doc' directory into the '<GPS_dir>/share/doc/gps/html' to access
421AdaControl's guides from the "Help" menu of GPS.
4232.1.7 Build with a compiler other than GNAT
426It should be possible to compile AdaControl with other compilers than
427GNAT, although we didn't have an opportunity to try it.  If you have
428another compiler that supports ASIS, note that it may require some easy
429changes in the package 'Implementation_Options' to give proper
430parameters to the 'Associate' procedure of ASIS. Rules that need string
431pattern matchings need the package 'Gnat.Regpat'.  If you compile
432AdaControl with another compiler, you can either port 'Gnat.Regpat' to
433your system, or use a (limited) portable implementation of a simple
434pattern matching (package 'String_Matching_Portable').  Edit the file
435'string_matching.ads' and change it as indicated in the comments.  No
436other change should be necessary.
438   Alternatively, if you are using another compiler, you can try and
439compile your program with GNAT just to be able to run AdaControl.
440However, compilers often differ in their support of representation
441clauses, which can cause your program to be rejected by GNAT. In that
442case, we provide a sed script to comment-out all representation clauses;
443this can be sufficient to allow you to use AdaControl.  *Note
4462.1.8 Testing AdaControl
449Testing AdaControl needs a UNIX shell, so it works only with UNIX
450systems.  However, it is possible to run the tests on a WIN32 system by
451using an UNIX-like shell for WIN32, such as those provided by CYGWIN or
452MSYS. To run the tests, enter the following commands:
453     cd test
454     ./run.sh
456   All tests must report PASSED. If they don't, it may be due to one of
457the following issues:
458   * You are using an old version of GNAT. AdaControl runs without any
459     known problem (and it has been checked against the whole ACATS)
460     only with the latest GNATPro and GNATGPL versions; earlier versions
461     are known to have bugs and unimplemented features that will not
462     allow AdaControl to run correctly in some cases.  We strongly
463     recommend to always use the most recent version of GNAT.
464   * You run an old-gnat version of AdaControl with GNATPro (6.1.2 and
465     above) and you forgot to specify the "-XGNAT_FIX=1" option.  *Note
466     Build and install with project file::.
467   * It may happen that the test 'tfw_help' reports "FAILED" because it
468     includes a check on the version of AdaControl, and the version
469     string refers to a different version of Gnat.  The only difference
470     (you can see it by typing "d" when prompted for checking the
471     differences) should be the name of the compiler.
4732.1.9 Customizing AdaControl
476If there are some rules that you are not interested in, it is very easy
477to remove them from AdaControl:
478  1. In the 'src' directory, edit the file 'framework-plugs.adb'.  There
479     is a 'with' clause for each rule (children of package 'Rules').
480     Comment out the ones you don't want.
481  2. Recompile 'framework-plugs.adb'.  There will be error messages
482     about unknown procedure calls.  Comment out the corresponding
483     lines.
484  3. Compile AdaControl normally.  That's all!
486   It is also possible to add new rules to AdaControl.  If your favorite
487rules are not currently supported, you have several options:
488  1. If you have some funding available, please contact info@adalog.fr.
489     We'll be happy to make an offer to customize AdaControl to your
490     needs.
491  2. If you don't have funding, but have some knowledge of ASIS
492     programming, you can add the rule yourself.  We have made every
493     effort to make this as simple as possible.  Please refer to the
494     AdaControl programmer's manual for details.  If you do so, please
495     send your rules to rosen@adalog.fr, and we'll be happy to integrate
496     them in the general release of AdaControl to make them available to
497     everybody.
498  3. If you have good ideas, but don't feel like implementing them
499     yourself (nor financing them), please send a note to
500     rosen@adalog.fr.  We will eventually incorporate all good
501     suggestions, but we can't of course commit to any dead-line in that
502     case.
505File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Installing an executable distribution,  Next: Installing support for AdaGide,  Prev: Building and installing AdaControl from source,  Up: Installation
5072.2 Installing an executable distribution
510If you downloaded the Windows installer executable version of
511AdaControl, simply run 'adactl_exe-setup.exe'.  This will install all
512the files in the recommended locations (as has been done with the
513Windows installer source version), including GPS support if you have GPS
514installed and/or AdaGide support if you have AdaGide installed.
516   Otherwise, go to the root directory of the installation and type:
517     gprinstall build.gpr
519   This will install the executables and the GPS support in the standard
520locations (the Gnat directory).  However, if you are using AdaGide, the
521support will have to be installed manually as explained below.
524File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Installing support for AdaGide,  Prev: Installing an executable distribution,  Up: Installation
5262.3 Installing support for AdaGide
529To add AdaControl support to AdaGide, copy the file 'AdaControl.tdf'
530from the 'AdaGide' directory of the distribution into AdaGide's root
531directory.  Note that AdaControl support requires AdaGide version 7.42
532or above.
535File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Program Usage,  Next: Command language reference,  Prev: Installation,  Up: Top
5373 Program Usage
540AdaControl is a command-line program, i.e.  it is normally called
541directly from the system shell.  Options are introduced by a "-"
542followed by a letter and can be grouped as usual.  Some options take the
543following word on the command line as a value; such options must appear
544last in a group of options.  Parameters are words on the command line
545that stand by themselves.  Options and parameters can be given in any
548   The syntax for invoking AdaControl in regular mode is:
549     adactl [-deEirsTuvwx]
550            [-p <project file>]     [-f <rules file>]    [-l <rules list>]
551            [-o <output file>]      [-t <trace file>]    [-F <format>]
552            [-S <statistics level>] [-m <warning limit>] [-M <message limit>]
553            {<unit>[+|-<unit>]|[@]<file>} [-- <ASIS options>]
555   AdaControl can process Ada-2012 as well as Ada-95 programs, even if
556there are currently few Ada-2012 related controls - but we hope to
557improve that situation in the near future.
559   If you are using Ada-2005 (or Ada-2012) features, make sure that GNAT
560is set up for Ada-2005/2012 (this is the default for GNAT-GPL). Due to
561technical reasons, the -gnat05 option cannot be passed to the compiler
562in "compile on the fly" mode, but you can do any of the following:
563   * have a "gnat.adc" file in the current directory that contains a
564     'pragma Ada_05;' (or 'pragma Ada_12;')
565   * put a 'pragma Ada_05' (or 'pragma Ada_12;') on top of every
566     compilation unit that uses Ada-2005/2012 features;
567   * generate the tree files manually (*note Generating tree files
568     manually::) with the "-gnat05" (or "-gnat12)") option.  Note that
569     this allows you to pass any other GNAT option as well.
571   Note that if your program is pure Ada-95 and you are using a version
572of GNAT where Ada-2005 is the default (especially GNAT-GPL), and in the
573rare cases where your program would not compile in Ada-2005 mode
574(notably if you have a function that returns a task type), you can force
575Ada-95 the same way by using 'pragma Ada_95' instead.
577* Menu:
579* Command line parameters and options::
580* Return codes::
581* Environment variable and default settings::
582* Interactive mode::
583* Other execution modes::
584* Running AdaControl from GPS::
585* Running AdaControl from AdaGide::
586* Helpful utilities::
587* Optimizing Adacontrol::
588* In case of trouble::
591File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Command line parameters and options,  Next: Return codes,  Prev: Program Usage,  Up: Program Usage
5933.1 Command line parameters and options
596* Menu:
598* Input units::
599* Commands::
600* Output file::
601* Output format::
602* Output limits::
603* Project files::
604* Local disabling control::
605* Verbose and debug mode::
606* Treatment of warnings::
607* Exit on error::
608* ASIS options::
611File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Input units,  Next: Commands,  Prev: Command line parameters and options,  Up: Command line parameters and options
6133.1.1 Input units
616Units to be processed are given as parameters on the command line.  Note
617that they are Ada _compilation unit_ names, not _file names_: case is
618not significant, and there should be no extension!  Child units are
619allowed following normal Ada naming rules: 'Parent.Child', but be aware
620that specifying a child unit will automatically include its parent unit
621in the analysis.  Subunits are processed during the analysis of the
622including unit; there is therefore no need to specify subunits
623explicitely.  If you do specify a subunit explicitly, it will result in
624the whole enclosing unit being analyzed.
626   However, as a convenience to the user, units can be specified as file
627names, provided they follow the default GNAT naming convention.  More
628precisely, if a parameter ends in ".ads" or ".adb", the unit name is
629extracted from it (and all "-" in the name are substituted with ".").
630File names can include a path; in this case, the path is automatically
631added to the list of directories searched ("-I" ASIS option).  The file
632notation is convenient to process all units in a directory, as in the
633following example:
634     adactl -f my_rules.aru *.adb
636   In the unlikely case where you have a child unit called 'Ads' or
637'Adb', use the "-u" option to force interpretation of all parameters as
638unit names.
640   By default, both the specification and body of the unit are
641processed; however, it is possible to specify processing of the
642specification only by providing the "-s" option.  If only file names are
643given, the "-s" option is assumed if all files are specifications
644(".ads" files).  It is not possible to specify processing of bodies
645only, since rules dealing with visibility would not work.
647   The "-r" option tells AdaControl to process (recursively) all user
648units that the specified units depend on (including parent units if the
649unit is a child unit or a subunit).  Predefined Ada units and units
650belonging to the compiler's run-time library are never processed.
652   Ex:
653     adactl -r -f my_rules.aru my_main
654   will process 'my_main' and all units that 'my_main' depends on.  If
655'my_main' is the main procedure, this means that the whole program will
656be processed.
658   If both options "-r" and "-s" are given, then AdaControl will process
659all units given on the command line, plus (recursively) the
660specifications (but not the bodies) of all units that the given units
661depend on.  In short, it will process the minimal transitive closure of
662all compilation units that are necessary to compile the units given on
663the command line.
665   It is possible to specify more than one unit (not file) to process in
666a parameter by separating the names with "+".  Conversely, it is
667possible to specify units that are not to be processed, separated by
668"-".  When a unit is subtracted from the unit list, it is never
669processed even if it is included via the recursive option, and all its
670child and separate units are also excluded.  This is convenient to avoid
671processing reusable components, that are not part of a project.  For
672example, if you want to run AdaControl on itself, you should use the
673following command:
674     adactl -f my_rules_file.aru -r adactl-asis-a4g
675   This applies the rules from the file 'my_rules_files.aru' to
676AdaControl itself, but not to units that are part of ASIS (units 'Asis',
677'A4G', and their children) that would be found by the "-r" (recursive)
678option otherwise.
680   Alternatively, it is possible to provide units indirectly with a
681parameter consisting of an "@" followed by the name of a file.  This
682file must contain a list of unit names (not files), one on each line.
683Only the first "word" of the line is considered, i.e.  everything after
684the first blank is ignored.  This can be useful to annotate unit names.
685All units whose names are given in the file will be processed.  If a
686name in the file starts with "@", it will also be treated as an indirect
687file (i.e.  the same process will be invoked recursively).  If a line in
688the file starts with "#" or "--", it is ignored.  This can be useful to
689temporarily disable the processing of some files or to add comments.
691   Ex:
692     adactl -f my_rules.aru @unit_file.txt
695File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Commands,  Next: Output file,  Prev: Input units,  Up: Command line parameters and options
6973.1.2 Commands
700Commands specify which processing AdaControl should apply to units.  See
701*note Command language reference:: for a detailed description of all
704   Commands can be given directly on the command line with the "-l"
705option.  A commands list must be quoted with """.
707   Ex:
708     adactl pack.ads proc.adb -l "check instantiations (My_Generic);"
709   It is possible to pass several commands separated by ";", but as a
710convenience to the user, the last ";" may be omitted.
712   Commands can also be read from a file, whose name is given after the
713"-f" option (the "'.aru'" extension is taken by default).  As a special
714case, if the file name is "-", commands are read from the standard
715input.  This is intended to allow AdaControl to be pipelined behind
716something that generates commands; if you want to type commands directly
717to AdaControl, the interactive mode is more appropriate.  *Note
718Interactive mode::.
720   Ex:
721     adactl -f my_rules.aru proc.adb
723   Note that the "-l" and "-f" options are not exclusive: if both are
724specified, the commands to be performed include those in the file
725(first) and then those given on the command line.
728File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Output file,  Next: Output format,  Prev: Commands,  Up: Command line parameters and options
7303.1.3 Output file
733Messages produced by controls are output to the output file; by default,
734it is the standard output, but it can be changed by specifying the "-o"
737   Ex:
738     adactl -f my_rules.aru -o my_output.txt proc.adb
739   If the output file exists, new messages are appended to it.  This
740allows running AdaControl under several directories that make up the
741project, and gathering the results in a single file.  However, if the
742"-w" option is given, AdaControl overwrites the output file if it
745   All other messages, including syntax error messages, units processed
746(in verbose mode), and possible internal error mesages from AdaControl
747itself are output to the standard error file.
750File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Output format,  Next: Output limits,  Prev: Output file,  Up: Command line parameters and options
7523.1.4 Output format
755The "-F" option selects the output format.  It must be followed by
756"Gnat", "Gnat_Short", "CSV", "CSV_Short", "Source", "Source_Short", or
757"None" (case insensitive).  By default, the output is in "Gnat" format.
758See *note Control kinds and report messages:: for details.
760   The "-S" option selects which statistics are output after each run.
761It must be followed by a value in the range 0..3.  See *note Control
762kinds and report messages:: for details on the various statistics
765   The "-T" option prints a summary of timing at the end of each run.
766This indicates how long (in real-time seconds) was spent in processing
767each rule.
769   Ex:
770     adactl -F CSV -S 2 -f my_rules.aru -o my_output.csv proc.adb
773File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Output limits,  Next: Project files,  Prev: Output format,  Up: Command line parameters and options
7753.1.5 Output limits
778The "-m" and "-M" options are used to limit the output of AdaControl.
779These options are followed by an integer value that specifies the
780maximum number of error messages ("-m") or warning and error messages
781("-M"). If the value is omitted, a previous limitation (comming for
782example from a command file) is cancelled.
784   If the indicated number of messages is exceeded during a run,
785AdaControl stops immediately.
788File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Project files,  Next: Local disabling control,  Prev: Output limits,  Up: Command line parameters and options
7903.1.6 Project files
793Starting with version 1.18, AdaControl supports GNAT project files
794(".gpr").  The "-p" option is used to provide the name of a project
795file; Ada units to analyze will be searched in all "source_dirs"
796specified in the project file or one of the projects it depends on
797(directly or indirectly).
799   Ex:
800     adactl -f my_rules.aru -p proj.gpr proc.adb
802   Alternatively, an old emacs project file (the file with a ".adp"
803extension used by the Ada mode of Emacs and older versions of
804AdaControl) can also be specified with the " -p" option.  AdaControl
805will consider all the directories mentioned in "src_dir" lines from the
806project file.
809File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Local disabling control,  Next: Verbose and debug mode,  Prev: Project files,  Up: Command line parameters and options
8113.1.7 Local disabling control
814The "-i" option tells AdaControl to ignore disabling markers in Ada
815source code (*note Disabling controls::); i.e.  all controls will be
816performed, regardless of the presence of disabling markers.  This is
817equivalent to the command "'set ignore ON;'".  Note that if you have
818many messages, setting this option can speed-up AdaControl considerably.
819It is therefore advisable to always set this option when you know that
820there is no disabling marker in your source code.
822   The "-j" option tells AdaControl to invert the meaning of disabling
823markers, i.e.  only messages marked as disabled will be printed.  This
824is useful to check which messages have been disabled.  This is
825equivalent to the command "'set ignore INVERTED;'".
828File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Verbose and debug mode,  Next: Treatment of warnings,  Prev: Local disabling control,  Up: Command line parameters and options
8303.1.8 Verbose and debug mode
833In the default mode, AdaControl displays only messages from triggered
834controls.  It is possible to get more information with the verbose
835option ("-v").  In this mode, AdaControl displays a a progress indicator
836and unit names as they are processed, and its global execution time when
837it finishes.  Note that the progress indicator includes an indication of
838the run number if there are more than one "go" command.
840   The "-d" option enables debug mode.  This mode provides more
841information in case of an internal program error, and is of little
842interest for the casual user.  Note that if you hit Ctrl-C in debug
843mode, AdaControl aborts with a message telling the currently active rule
844and module.  This can be useful if you suspect AdaControl to be stuck in
845an infinite loop.
847   In debug mode, AdaControl may also, in rare occasions (and only with
848some versions of GNAT), display ASIS "bug boxes"; this does not mean
849that something went wrong with the program, but simply that an ASIS
850failure was properly recovered by AdaControl.
852   Output of the messages printed by the "-d" option can be directed to
853a "trace" file (instead of being printed to the standard error file).
854This is done by the "-t" option, which must be followed by the file
855name.  If the trace file exists, new messages are appended to it.
858File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Treatment of warnings,  Next: Exit on error,  Prev: Verbose and debug mode,  Up: Command line parameters and options
8603.1.9 Treatment of warnings
863The "-e" option tells AdaControl to treat warnings as errors, i.e.  to
864report a return code of 1 even if only "search" controls were triggered.
865*Note Return codes::.  It does not change the messages however.
867   Conversely, the "-E" option tells AdaControl to not report warnings
868at all, i.e.  only errors are reported.  However, if you ask for
869statistics, the number of warning messages is still counted.  *Note
870Control kinds and report messages::.
873File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Exit on error,  Next: ASIS options,  Prev: Treatment of warnings,  Up: Command line parameters and options
8753.1.10 Exit on error
878If an internal error is encountered during the processing of a unit,
879AdaControl will do its best effort to recover and to continue to process
880other units.  However, if the "-x" option is given, AdaControl will stop
881on the first error encountered.  This option is mainly useful if you
882want to debug AdaControl itself (or your own rules).  *Note In case of
885   Ex:
886     adactl -x -f my_rules.aru proc.adb
889File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: ASIS options,  Prev: Exit on error,  Up: Command line parameters and options
8913.1.11 ASIS options
894Everything that appears on the command line after "--" will be treated
895as an ASIS option, as described in the ASIS user manual.
897   Casual users don't need to care about ASIS options, except in one
898case: if you are running AdaControl from the command line (not from
899GPS), and if the units that you are processing reference other units
900whose source is not in the same directory, AdaControl needs to know how
901to access these units (as GNAT would).  This can be done either by using
902a project file with the "-p" option (see *note Project files::), by
903putting the appropriate directories into the ADA_INCLUDE_PATH
904environment variable, or by passing "-I" options to ASIS.
906   It is possible to pass one or several "-I" options to ASIS, to
907provide other directories where sources can be found.  The syntax is the
908same as the "-I" option for GNAT.
910   Other ASIS options, like the "-Cx" and/or "-Fx" options, can be
911specified.  Most users can ignore this feature; however, specifying
912these options can improve the processing time of big projects.  *Note
913Optimizing Adacontrol::.
916File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Return codes,  Next: Environment variable and default settings,  Prev: Command line parameters and options,  Up: Program Usage
9183.2 Return codes
921In order to ease the automation of controlling programs with shell
922scripts, AdaControl returns various error codes depending on how
923successful it was.  Values returned are:
924   * 0: At most "search" controls (i.e.  warnings) were triggered (no
925     control at all with "-e" option)
926   * 1: At least one "check" control (i.e.  error) was triggered (or at
927     least one "search" or "check" control with "-e" option)
928   * 2: AdaControl was not run due to a syntax error in the rules or in
929     the specification of units.
930   * 10: There was an internal failure of AdaControl.
933File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Environment variable and default settings,  Next: Interactive mode,  Prev: Return codes,  Up: Program Usage
9353.3 Environment variable and default settings
938If the environment variable "ADACTLINI" is set, its content is taken as
939a set of commands (separated by semi-colons) that are executed before
940any other command.  Although any command can be specified, this is
941intended to allow changing default settings with "set" commands.  *Note
942Set command::.
944   For example, you can set ADACTLINI to "set format Gnat_Short" if you
945prefer having you messages in short format rather than the (default)
946long format.
949File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Interactive mode,  Next: Other execution modes,  Prev: Environment variable and default settings,  Up: Program Usage
9513.4 Interactive mode
954The "-I" option tells AdaControl to operate interactively.  In this
955mode, commands specified with "-l" or "-f" options are first processed,
956then AdaControl prompts for commands on the terminal.  Note that the
957"quit" command (*note Quit command::) is used to terminate AdaControl.
959   The syntax of commands run interactively is exactly the same as the
960one used for files; especially, each command must be terminated with a
961";".  Note that the prompt ("Command:") becomes ".......:" when
962AdaControl requires more input because a command is not completely
963given, and especially if you forget the final ";".
965   As with files, it is possible to give several commands on a single
966line in interactive mode.  If a command contains syntax errors, all "go"
967commands (*note Go command::) on the same line are temporarily disabled.
968Other commands that do not have errors are normally processed however.
970   The interactive mode is useful when you want to do some analysis of
971your code, but don't know beforehand what you want to control.  Since
972the ASIS context is open only once when the program is loaded, queries
973will be much faster than running AdaControl entirely with a new query
974given in a "-l" option each time.  It is also useful to experiment with
975AdaControl, and to check interactively commands before putting them into
976a file.
979File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Other execution modes,  Next: Running AdaControl from GPS,  Prev: Interactive mode,  Up: Program Usage
9813.5 Other execution modes
984In addition to normal usage, AdaControl features special options to ease
985its use; no Ada unit is analyzed when using these options.
987* Menu:
989* Getting help::
990* Checking commands syntax::
991* Generating a units list::
994File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Getting help,  Next: Checking commands syntax,  Prev: Other execution modes,  Up: Other execution modes
9963.5.1 Getting help
999The "-h" option provides help about Adacontrol usage.  If the "-h"
1000option is given, no other option is analyzed and no further processing
1003   Syntax:
1004     adactl -h [<keyword> | <rule name> | variables ["<pattern>"] ...]
1005     <keyword> ::= all | commands | license | list | options | rules | version
1007   The "-h" option without parameter displays a help message about usage
1008of the AdaControl program, the various options, and the rule names.
1010   Otherwise, the "-h" must be followed by one or several keywords or
1011rule names (case irrelevant); its effect is:
1012   * <rule name>: if <rule name> is exactly the name of rule, display
1013     the help message for the indicated rule.  Otherwise, <rule name> is
1014     interpreted as a pattern, and help messages for all rules that
1015     match the pattern is displayed.  Patterns are given using the full
1016     Regexp syntax.  *note Syntax of regular expressions:: for details.
1017   * "variables" lists the values of all variables whose name matches
1018     <pattern>, or all variables if there is no <pattern>.  Patterns are
1019     given using the full Regexp syntax.  *note Syntax of regular
1020     expressions:: for details.
1021   * "all": display the help message for all rules.
1022   * "commands": display a summary of all commands
1023   * "license": display the license information
1024   * "list": display the names of all rules (note that "rules" also
1025     displays the list of rules, in a prettier format; the "list" option
1026     is mainly useful for the integration of AdaControl into GPS).
1027   * "options": display help about the command-line options
1028   * "rules": display the names of all rules.
1029   * "version": display AdaControl and ASIS implementation version
1030     numbers.
1032   Ex:
1033     adactl -h pragmas Unnecessary_Use_Clause
1034     adactl -h all
1035     adactl -h version license
1036     adactl -h stat
1037   Note in the last example that "stat" is not the name of a rule; it is
1038therefore interpreted as a pattern, and help will be displayed for all
1039rules that include the string "stat" in their name.  This can be very
1040convenient to retrieve the name of a rule if you don't remember exactly
1041how it is spelled.
1044File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Checking commands syntax,  Next: Generating a units list,  Prev: Getting help,  Up: Other execution modes
10463.5.2 Checking commands syntax
1049The "-C" option is used to check syntax of commands without executing
1050any control.
1052   Syntax:
1053     adactl -C [-dv] [-f <rules file>] [-l <rules list>]
1055   In this mode, AdaControl simply checks the syntax of the commands
1056provided with the "-l" option, or of the commands provided in the file
1057named by the "-f" option (at least one of these options must be
1058provided).  No other processing will happen.
1060   AdaControl will exit with a return code of 0 if the syntax is
1061correct, and 2 if any errors are found.  A confirming message that no
1062errors were found is output if the "-v" option is given.
1064   This option is especially useful when you have modified a rules file,
1065before trying it on many units.  The way AdaControl works, it must open
1066the ASIS context (a lengthy operation) before analyzing the rules.  This
1067option can therefore save a lot of time if the rules file contains
1071File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Generating a units list,  Prev: Checking commands syntax,  Up: Other execution modes
10733.5.3 Generating a units list
1076The "-D" options produces a list of units that can be reused as an
1077indirect file in later runs.
1079   Syntax:
1080     adactl -D [-rsvw] [-o <output file>] [-p <project file>]
1081               {<unit>[+|-<unit>]|[@]<file>} [-- <ASIS options>]
1082   In this mode, AdaControl outputs the list of units that would be
1083processed.  It is especially useful when used with the "-r" option and
1084given the main unit name, since it will then generate the whole
1085dependencies list (hence the name "D"), i.e.  the list of units that are
1086part of the program.  However, if -D is used with -s, the list includes
1087only transitive dependencies from the specifications of required units
1088(but not from their bodies).  This is the list of all units required to
1089compile the given units.
1091   The list can be directed to a file with the "-o" option (if the file
1092exists, it won't be overwritten unless the "-w" option is specified).
1093This file can then be used in an indirect list of units.  *Note Input
1094units::.  Note that it is more efficient to create the list of units
1095once and then use the indirect file than to specify all applicable units
1096or use the "-r" option each time AdaControl is run.
10983.5.3.1 Limitation
1101If you use the "-Drs" option to generate the minimum set of required
1102units to compile the given unit, note that some units may still be
1103missing when the compiler requires the presence of a body due to
1104inlining of subprograms or generic instantiations.  These units depend
1105on the compiler and cannot be computed from the text of the program
1109File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Running AdaControl from GPS,  Next: Running AdaControl from AdaGide,  Prev: Other execution modes,  Up: Program Usage
11113.6 Running AdaControl from GPS
1114AdaControl integrates nicely into GPS, making it even easier to use.  It
1115can be launched from menu commands, and parameters can be set like any
1116other GPS project parameters.  When run from within GPS, AdaControl will
1117automatically retrieve all needed directories from the current GPS
1120   After running AdaControl, the "locations" panel will open, and you
1121can retrieve the locations of errors from there, just like with a
1122regular compilation.  Errors will be marked in red in the source,
1123warning will be marked orange, and you will have corresponding marks
1124showing the places of errors and warnings in the speedbar.  Note that
1125AdaControl errors appear under the "AdaControl" category, but if there
1126were compilation errors, they will appear under the "Compilation"
1127category.  Final counts from "count" control kinds will appear under the
1128"Counts summary" category, and statistics under the "Statistics"
1131* Menu:
1133* The AdaControl menu and buttons::
1134* Contextual menu::
1135* AdaControl switches::
1136* AdaControl preferences::
1137* AdaControl language::
1138* AdaControl help::
1139* Caveat::
1142File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: The AdaControl menu and buttons,  Next: Contextual menu,  Prev: Running AdaControl from GPS,  Up: Running AdaControl from GPS
11443.6.1 The AdaControl menu and buttons
1147GPS now features an "AdaControl" menu, with several submenus:
1148   * "Control Current File (rules file)" runs AdaControl on the
1149     currently edited file, with rules taken from the current rules
1150     file; this menu is greyed-out if no rules file is defined, if no
1151     file window is currently active, or if the associated language is
1152     not "Ada".  The name of the rules file can be set from the
1153     "Library" tab from the "Project/Edit Project Properties" menu.
1154   * "Control Root Project (rules file)" runs AdaControl on all units
1155     that are part of the root project, with rules taken from the
1156     current rules file; this menu is greyed-out if no rules file is
1157     defined.  The name of the rules file can be set from the "Library"
1158     tab from the "Project/Edit Project Properties" menu.
1159   * "Control Units from List (rules file)" runs AdaControls on units
1160     given in a indirect file, with rules taken from the current rules
1161     file.  This menu is greyed-out if no rules file is defined or if no
1162     indirect file is defined.  The name of the rules file and of the
1163     indirect file can be set from the "Library" tab from the
1164     "Project/Edit Project Properties" menu.
1165   * "Control Current File (interactive)" runs AdaControl on the
1166     currently edited file, with a rule asked interactively from a
1167     pop-up; this menu is greyed-out if no file window is currently
1168     active, or if the associated language is not "Ada".
1169   * "Control Root Project (interactive)" runs AdaControl on all units
1170     that are part of the root project, with a rule asked interactively
1171     from a pop-up.
1172   * "Control Units from List (interactive)" runs AdaControls on units
1173     given in a indirect file, with a rule asked interactively from a
1174     pop-up.  This menu is greyed-out if no indirect file is defined.
1175     The name of the indirect file can be set from the "Library" tab
1176     from the "Project/Edit Project Properties" menu.
1177   * "Check Rules File" checks the syntax of the current rules file.
1178     This menu is deactivated if the current window does not contain an
1179     AdaControl rules file.
1180   * "Open Rules File" opens the rules file.  This menu is deactivated
1181     if there is no current rules file defined.
1182   * "Open Units File" opens the units file.  This menu is deactivated
1183     if there is no current units file defined.
1184   * "Create units file" creates a text file containing all units (not
1185     files) names from the current root project.  This file is
1186     appropriate as an indirect file for the "...  from list" commands.
1187   * "Create .adp project" creates an Emacs-style project file from the
1188     current GPS project.  This is of little interest now that
1189     AdaControl accepts GPS project files directly, and is still
1190     provided for compatibility with older versions of AdaControl.
1191     *Note Project files::.
1192   * "Delete Tree Files" removes existing tree files from the current
1193     directory.  This is convenient when AdaControl complains that the
1194     tree files are not up-to-date.  Note that you can set the
1195     preferences for automatic deletion of tree files after each run
1196     (see below).  Note that the name of this menu is changed to "Delete
1197     Tree and .ali Files" if you have chosen to delete .ali files in the
1198     preferences (see below).
1199   * "Load results file" loads in the location window the result file
1200     obtained from a previous run of AdaControl.  The file must have
1201     been produced with the "Gnat" or "Gnat_Short" format.  *Note
1202     Control kinds and report messages::.
1204   There are also two buttons representing Lady Ada in a magnifier glass
1205in the toolbar, one with a red question mark in the background.  These
1206buttons launch AdaControl, by default on the file currently being
1207edited; however, you can change this behaviour from the preferences to
1208control either files from a list, or all files from the project.  The
1209button without the question mark uses rules from the current rules file,
1210while the one with the question mark asks for the control to apply
1213   Here are some tips about using the "interactive" menus (or the button
1214with the question mark):
1215   * When you use the "interactive" menus several times, the previously
1216     entered command(s) is used as a default.
1217   * You can enter any command from AdaControl's language in the dialog;
1218     you can even enter several commands separated by ";".
1219   * Especially, if you want to run AdaControl with a rules file that is
1220     not the one defined by the switches, you can use one of the
1221     "interactive" commands, and give "source <file name>" as the
1222     command.
1225File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Contextual menu,  Next: AdaControl switches,  Prev: The AdaControl menu and buttons,  Up: Running AdaControl from GPS
12273.6.2 Contextual menu
1230AdaControl adds two entries to the contextual menus (right click) of Ada
1231files.  They call the 'pfni' utility on the current entity.  *Note
1232pfni::.  The entry "Print full name" displays the full name of the
1233entity in simple form, while the entry "Print full name (with
1234overloading)" ) prints it with overloading information.  If the name
1235refers to an entity which is initialized (or to a parameter with a
1236default value), the initial value is printed.  If the entity is a
1237discrete type, its range is printed.  If the entity is an array type,
1238the ranges of its indices are printed.
1240   This is convenient to find how to name entities in rule files.  *Note
1241Specifying an Ada entity name::.  It is also convenient to find where an
1242entity is declared, and which of several overloaded entities is being
1243referred to.
1245   This is also convenient to find the actual value of a constant from
1246anywhere in the program text, since the printed value is completely
1247evaluated if it is a (static) expression.
1250File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: AdaControl switches,  Next: AdaControl preferences,  Prev: Contextual menu,  Up: Running AdaControl from GPS
12523.6.3 AdaControl switches
1255The tab "switches" from the "Project/Edit Project Properties" menu
1256includes a page for AdaControl, which allows you to set various
1257parameters.  Since the GPS interface analyzes the output of AdaControl,
1258you should not set options directly in the bottom window of this page
1259(the one that displays the actual options passed to AdaControl).
12613.6.3.1 Files
1264This section controls the definition of various files used by
1266   * "Rules file".  This is the name of a file that contains the
1267     definition of the controls to be applied to your project.  This
1268     file is required for all "control (rules file)" commands.
1269   * "Units file".  This is the name of a file that contains the list of
1270     units to be controlled.  This file is required for all "control
1271     from list" commands.
12733.6.3.2 Processing
1276This section offers options that control how units are processed.
1277   * "Recursive mode".  This sets the "-r" option.  *Note Input units::.
1278   * "Ignore local deactivation".  This sets the "-i" option.  *Note
1279     Local disabling control::.
1280   * "Process specs only".  This sets the "-s" option.  *Note Input
1281     units::.
1282   * "Compilation unit mode".  This sets the "-u" option.  *Note Input
1283     units::.
12853.6.3.3 Debug
1288This section controls the debugging options of AdaControl.
1289   * "Debug messages".  This sets the "-d" option.  *Note Verbose and
1290     debug mode::.
1291   * "Halt on error".  This sets the "-x" option.  *Note Exit on
1292     error::.
12943.6.3.4 Output
1297This section offers options that control where and how the output of
1298AdaControl is displayed.
1299   * "Display only errors".  This sets the "-E" option.  *Note Treatment
1300     of warnings::.
1301   * "Warnings as errors".  This sets the "-e" option.  *Note Treatment
1302     of warnings::.
1303   * "Statistics".  This sets the "-S" option from a pull-down menu.
1304     *Note Control kinds and report messages::.
1305   * "Send results to GPS". When checked (default), the output of
1306     AdaControl is sent to the "locations" window of GPS.
1307   * "Send results to File".  When checked, the output of AdaControl is
1308     sent to the file indicated in the box below.
1309   * "Send results to File and GPS". When checked, the output of
1310     AdaControl is sent to the file indicated in the box below, and the
1311     content of the file is then automatically reloaded in the
1312     "locations" window of GPS. If this option is set, the file format
1313     is always "Gnat" (the file format option is ignored).
1314   * "File name".  This is the name of the file that will contain the
1315     results when sent to "File" or "File and GPS". If the results are
1316     sent to "File" and the file exists, AdaControl will ask for the
1317     permission to overwrite it.  If the results are sent to "File and
1318     GPS", the result file is always overriden without asking.
1319   * "File format".  This is a pull-down menu that allows you to select
1320     the desired format when output is directed to a file ("-F" option).
1321     *Note Control kinds and report messages::.
13233.6.3.5 ASIS
1326This section controls the ASIS parameters passed to AdaControl.  The
1327content of the input field "ASIS options" is used in place of the
1328standard ("-CA -FM") one.
1330   Casual users don't need to change the default ASIS options.  For more
1331details, *note ASIS options::.
1334File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: AdaControl preferences,  Next: AdaControl language,  Prev: AdaControl switches,  Up: Running AdaControl from GPS
13363.6.4 AdaControl preferences
1339There is an entry for AdaControl in the "edit/preferences" menu:
1340   * "delete trees".  If this box is checked, tree files are
1341     automatically deleted after each run of AdaControl.  This avoids
1342     having problems with out-of-date tree files, at the expanse of
1343     slightly slowing down AdaControl if you run it several times in a
1344     row without changing the source files.
1345   * "Delete .ali files with tree files".  If this box is checked, the
1346     ".ali" files in the current directory will also be deleted together
1347     with the tree files (either automatically if the previous box is
1348     checked, or when the "AdaControl/Delete Tree Files" menu is
1349     selected).  This is normally what you want, unless the current
1350     directory is also used as the object directory for compilations; in
1351     the latter case, deleting ".ali" files would cause a full
1352     recompilation for the next build of the project.
1353   * "Help on rule".  This allows you to select how rule specific help
1354     (from the "Help/AdaControl/Help on rule" menu) is displayed.  If
1355     you select "Pop-up", a summary of the rule's purpose and syntax is
1356     displayed in a pop-up.  If you select "User Guide", the user guide
1357     opens in a browser at the page that explains the rule.  (Caveat:
1358     due to a problem in GPS under Windows, the "User Guide" option may
1359     not work at all, or the browser will not find the right anchor;
1360     hopefully, this will be fixed in an upcomming release of GPS. No
1361     such problem under Linux).
1362   * "Use separate categories".  If this box is checked, there will be
1363     one category (i.e.  tree in the locations window) for each rule
1364     type or label, otherwise all messages will be grouped under the
1365     single category "AdaControl".  In practice, this means that with
1366     the box checked, messages will be sorted by rules first, then by
1367     files, while otherwise, the messages will be sorted by files first,
1368     then by rules.  In any case, compilation errors appear under the
1369     "Compilation" category, final counts under the "Counts summary"
1370     category, and statistics under the "Statistics" category.
1371   * "Auto save files".  If this box is checked, all modified files are
1372     automatically saved without asking before running AdaControl.
1373     Otherwise, a dialog appears allowing the user to choose which files
1374     to save.
1375   * "Buttons operate on".  This defines the behaviour of the buttons.
1376     If "Current File" is selected, the buttons operate on the file
1377     being currently edited.  If "Root Project" is selected, the buttons
1378     operate on all files that are part of the current project.  If
1379     "Units from List" is selected, the buttons operate on all units
1380     from the units file.
1381   * "Display AdaControl run".  If this box is checked, the command line
1382     used to launch AdaControl and the output messages are displayed in
1383     the "Messages" window.
1384   * "Max allowed error messages".  If non zero, run will stop if the
1385     number of error messages exceeds this limit.  *Note Output
1386     limits::.
1387   * "Max allowed messages (all kinds)".  If non zero, run will stop if
1388     the number of error and warning messages exceeds this limit.  *Note
1389     Output limits::.
1392File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: AdaControl language,  Next: AdaControl help,  Prev: AdaControl preferences,  Up: Running AdaControl from GPS
13943.6.5 AdaControl language
1397If you check "AdaControl" in the "Languages" tab of the project
1398properties, GPS will recognize files with extension '.aru' as AdaControl
1399rules files, and provide appropriate colorization.  Remember to check
1400also the corresponding "no compiler" checkbox to avoid spurious messages
1401from GPS.
1404File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: AdaControl help,  Next: Caveat,  Prev: AdaControl language,  Up: Running AdaControl from GPS
14063.6.6 AdaControl help
1409The AdaControl User Manual (this manual) and the AdaControl Programmer
1410Manual are available from the "Help/AdaControl" menu of GPS.
1412   The "Help on rule" entry displays the list of all rules; if you click
1413on one of them, you get help for the particular rule.  Depending on the
1414setting of the "Help on rule" preference (see above), it opens a pop-up
1415that displays the rule(s) purpose and the syntax of its parameters, or
1416opens the user guide at the appropriate location.
1418   The "About" entry displays a popup with AdaControl's version number
1419and license condition.
1422File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Caveat,  Prev: AdaControl help,  Up: Running AdaControl from GPS
14243.6.7 Caveat
1427GPS may crash when the output of a command is too big (i.e.  hundreds of
1428messages with AdaControl).  If this happens, use the "preferences" menu
1429to limit the number of messages.
1432File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Running AdaControl from AdaGide,  Next: Helpful utilities,  Prev: Running AdaControl from GPS,  Up: Program Usage
14343.7 Running AdaControl from AdaGide
1437If you want to use AdaControl from AdaGide, make sure you have copied
1438the necessary file into the required place.  *Note Installing support
1439for AdaGide::.  Note that AdaGide does not have all the parameterization
1440facilities of sophisticated environments like GPS, but all AdaControl
1441options, like the name of the rules file or the output format, can
1442easily be changed by editing the tool description file 'AdaControl.tdf'.
1444   AdaGide now features several AdaControl commands from the "tool"
1446   * "AdaControl" runs AdaControl on the currently edited file, with
1447     rules taken from the file named 'verif.aru'.
1448   * "AdaControl recursive" works like the previous command, with the
1449     addition of the "-r" (recursive) option.  When used on the main
1450     program, it will analyze the whole set of compilation units in the
1451     program.
1452   * "AdaControl interactive" runs AdaControl on the currently edited
1453     file, with a rule asked interactively from a pop-up.
1454   * "AdaControl: delete .adt" removes existing tree files from the
1455     current directory.  This is convenient when AdaControl complains
1456     that the tree files are not up-to-date.
1459File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Helpful utilities,  Next: Optimizing Adacontrol,  Prev: Running AdaControl from AdaGide,  Up: Program Usage
14613.8 Helpful utilities
1464This section describe utilities that are handy to use in conjunction
1465with AdaControl.
1467* Menu:
1469* pfni::
1470* makepat.sed::
1471* unrepr.sed::
1474File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: pfni,  Next: makepat.sed,  Prev: Helpful utilities,  Up: Helpful utilities
14763.8.1 pfni
1479The convention used to refer to entities (as described in *note
1480Specifying an Ada entity name::) is very powerful, but it may be
1481difficult to spell out correctly the name of some entities, especially
1482when using the overloaded syntax.
1484   'pfni' (which stands for Print Full Name Image) can be used to get
1485the correct spelling for any Ada entity.  The syntax of 'pfni' is:
1486     pfni [-sofdq] [-p <project-file>] <unit>[:<span>]
1487          [-- <ASIS options>]
1488     <span> ::=   <line_number>
1489                | [<first_line>]-[<last_line>]
1490                | <line_number>:<column_number>
1491   or
1492     pfni -h
1493   If called with the "-h" option, 'pfni' prints a help message and
1496   Otherwise, 'pfni' prints the full name image of all identifiers
1497declared in the indicated unit, unless there is a "-f" (full) option, in
1498which case it prints the full name image of all identifiers (i.e.
1499including those that are used, but not declared, in the unit).  The
1500image is printed without overloading information, unless the "-o" option
1501is given.
1503   In addition, 'pfni' prints the initial value of variables if there is
1504one, the range of discrete types, and the range of the indices of array
1507   The <unit> is given either as an Ada unit, or as a file name,
1508provided the extension is ".ads" or ".adb" (as in AdaControl).  If a
1509span is given, only identifiers within the span are printed.  In the
1510first form, the span includes only the indicated line; in the second
1511form, the span includes all lines from <first_line> to <last_line> (if
1512omitted, they are taken as the first and last line of the file,
1513respectively).  In the third form, the span includes only the place at
1514the specified <line_number> and <column_number>.
1516   Normally, the source line corresponding to the names is printed above
1517the names.  The "-q" (quiet) option suppresses this.
1519   If the "-s" option is given (or the unit is a file name with a ".ads"
1520extension), the specification of the unit is processed, otherwise the
1521body is processed.  The "-p" option specifies the name of a project file
1522(".gpr" or ".adp"), and the "-d" option is the debug mode, as for
1523AdaControl itself.  ASIS options can be passed, like for AdaControl,
1524after a "--" (but -FS is the default).  *Note ASIS options::.
1526   As a side usage of 'pfni', if you are calling a subprogram that has
1527several overloadings and you are not sure which one is called, use
1528'pfni' with the "-o" option on that line: the program will tell you the
1529full name and profile of the called subprogram.
1532File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: makepat.sed,  Next: unrepr.sed,  Prev: pfni,  Up: Helpful utilities
15343.8.2 makepat.sed
1537This file (provided in the "src" directory) is a sed script that
1538transforms a text file into a set of correponding regular expressions.
1539It is useful to generate model header files.  *Note Header_Comments::.
1542File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: unrepr.sed,  Prev: makepat.sed,  Up: Helpful utilities
15443.8.3 unrepr.sed
1547This file (provided in the "src" directory) is a sed script that
1548comments out all representation clauses.  It is typically useful if you
1549use a different compiler that accepts representation clauses not
1550supported by GNAT.
1552   Typically, you would copy all your sources in a different directory,
1553copy "unrepr.sed" in that directory, then run:
1554     sed -i -f unrepr.sed *.ads *.adb
1555   You can now run AdaControl on the patched files.  Of course, you
1556won't be able to check rules related to representation clauses any
1559   Note that the script adds "--UNREPR " to all representation clauses.
1560Its effect can thus easily be undone with the following commad:
1561     sed -i -e "s/--UNREPR //" *.ads *.adb
1564File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Optimizing Adacontrol,  Next: In case of trouble,  Prev: Helpful utilities,  Up: Program Usage
15663.9 Optimizing Adacontrol
1569There are many factors that may influence dramatically the speed of
1570AdaControl when processing many units.  For example, on our canonical
1571test (same controls, same units), the extreme points for execution time
1572were 111s.  vs 13s.!  Unfortunately, this seems to depend on a number of
1573parameters that are beyond AdaControl's control, like the relative speed
1574of the CPU to the speed of the hard-disk, or the caching strategy of the
1575file system.
1577   This section will give some hints that may help you increase the
1578speed of AdaControl, but it will not change the output of the program;
1579you don't really need to read it if you just use AdaControl
1580occasionnally.  This section is concerned only with the GNAT
1581implementation of ASIS; other implementations work differently.
1583   Bear in mind that the best strategy depends heavily on how your
1584program is organized, and on the particular OS and hardware you are
1585using.  Therefore, no general rule can be given, you'll have to
1586experiment yourself.  Hint: if you specify the "-v" option to
1587AdaControl, it will print in the end the elapsed time for running the
1588tests; this is very helpful to make timing comparisons.
1590   Note: all options described in this section are ASIS options, i.e.
1591they must appear last on the command line, after a "--".
1593* Menu:
1595* Tree files and the ASIS context::
1596* Generating tree files manually::
1597* Choosing an appropriate combination of options::
1600File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Tree files and the ASIS context,  Next: Generating tree files manually,  Prev: Optimizing Adacontrol,  Up: Optimizing Adacontrol
16023.9.1 Tree files and the ASIS context
1605Since AdaControl is an ASIS application, it is useful to explain here
1606how ASIS works.  ASIS (and therefore AdaControl) works on a set of units
1607constituting a "context".  Any reference to an Ada entity which is not
1608in the context (nor automatically added, see below) will be ignored;
1609especially, if you specify to AdaControl the name of a unit which is not
1610included in the current context, the unit will simply not be processed.
1612   ASIS works by exploring tree files (same name as the corresponding
1613Ada unit, with a ".adt" extension), which are "predigested" views of the
1614corresponding Ada units.  By default, the tree files are generated
1615automatically when needed, and kept after each run, so that subsequent
1616runs do not have to recreate them.
1618   A context in ASIS-for-Gnat is a set of tree files.  Which trees are
1619part of the context is defined by the "-C" option:
1620   * -C1 Only one tree makes up the context.  The name of the tree file
1621     must follow the option.
1622   * -CN Several explicit trees make up the context.  The name of the
1623     tree files must follow the option.
1624   * -CA All available trees make up the context.  These are the tree
1625     files found in the current directory, and in any directory given
1626     with a "-T" option (which works like the "-I" option, but for tree
1627     files instead of source files).
1629   The "-F" option specifies what to do if the program tries to access
1630an Ada unit which is not part of the context:
1631   * -FT Only consider tree files, do not attempt to compile units
1632     on-the-fly
1633   * -FS Always compile units on-the-fly, ignore existing tree files
1634   * -FM Compile on-the-fly units for which there is no already existing
1635     tree file
1636   Note that "-FT" is the only allowed mode, and must be specified, with
1637the "-C1" and "-CN" options.
1639   The default combination used by AdaControl is "-CA -FM". A
1640consequence of this is that the context is established by first loading
1641all available tree files before starting the analysis, even those that
1642are not necessary.  Since tree files are often big and long to load, if
1643you want to check a single unit and have remaining trees from a previous
1644run, it is often more efficient to delete all ".adt" files first.
1646   More generally, given the current speed of CPUs and the not-so-fast
1647access time of disks, it may happen that recomputing the trees instead
1648of loading them from disk might be faster.  Only experiencing will tell
1649you the best procedure to follow.
1652File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Generating tree files manually,  Next: Choosing an appropriate combination of options,  Prev: Tree files and the ASIS context,  Up: Optimizing Adacontrol
16543.9.2 Generating tree files manually
1657It is also possible to generate the tree files manually before running
1658AdaControl.  Although this mode of operation is less practical, it is
1659recommended by AdaCore for any ASIS tool that deals with many
1660compilation units.  Some reasons why you might want to generate the tree
1661files manually are:
1662   * Your project has several source directories (ASIS had problems with
1663     ADA_INCLUDE_PATH, until releases dated later than Sept.  1st,
1664     2006).  Note that an alternative solution is to provide a project
1665     file with the -p option, or to specify source directories with the
1666     -I option;
1667   * Your project uses some compilation options that cannot be set
1668     otherwise (AdaControl just uses the "source_dirs" from GPR
1669     projects, not other options)
1670   * It is faster to generate tree files once than to use "compile on
1671     the fly" mode.
1673   To generate tree files manually, simply recompile your project with
1674the "-gnatct" option.  This option can be passed to 'gnatmake' or
1675'gprbuild' normally.  Of course, you will need all other options needed
1676by your project (like the "-P" option if you are using GNAT project
1679   Tree files may be copied into a different directory if you don't want
1680your current directory to be cluttered by them.  In this case, use the
1681"-T" ASIS option to indicate the directory where the tree files are
1684   If you chose to generate the tree files manually, you may want to
1685specify the "-FT" ASIS option (see above) to prevent from accidental
1686automatic recompilation.
1689File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Choosing an appropriate combination of options,  Prev: Generating tree files manually,  Up: Optimizing Adacontrol
16913.9.3 Choosing an appropriate combination of options
1694In order to optimize the use of AdaControl, it is important to remember
1695that reading tree files is a time-consuming operation.  On the other
1696hand, a single tree file contains not only information for the
1697corresponding unit, but also for the specifications of all units that
1698the given unit depends on.  Moreover, our measures showed that reading
1699an existing tree file may be slower than compiling the corresponding
1700unit on-the-fly (but once again, YMMV).
1702   Here are some hints to help you find the most efficient combination
1703of options.
1704   * If you want to run AdaControl on all units of your program, use the
1705     "-D" option to create a file containing the list of all required
1706     units, then use this file as an indirect file.  Using the the "-r"
1707     option (recursive mode) of AdaControl implies an extra pass over
1708     the whole program tree to determine the necessary units.
1709   * If you have not disabled any rule (and have many messages),
1710     specifying the "-i" option (ignore disabling) saves AdaControl the
1711     burden of checking whether rules are disabled, which can result in
1712     a sensible speed-up.
1713   * Avoid having unnecessary tree files.  All tree files in the context
1714     are read by ASIS, even if they are not later used.  If you don't
1715     want to run AdaControl on the whole project, deleting tree files
1716     from a previous run can save a lot of time.
1717   * When using an indirect file, the order in which units are given may
1718     influence the speed of the program.  As a rule of thumb, units that
1719     are closely related should appear close to each other in the file.
1720     A good starting point is to sort the file in alphabetical order:
1721     this way, child units will appear immediately after their parent.
1722     You can then reorder units, and measure if it has a significant
1723     effect on speed.
1724   * If you want to check a unit individually, try using the "-C1"
1725     option (especially if the current directory contains many tree
1726     files from previous runs).  Remember that you must specify the unit
1727     to check to AdaControl, and the tree file to ASIS. I.e., if you
1728     want to check the unit "Example", the command line should look
1729     like:
1730          adactl -f rules_file.aru example -- -FT -C1 example.adt
1731     provided the tree file already exists.
1732   * For each strategy, first run AdaControl with the default options
1733     (which will create all necessary tree files).  Compare execution
1734     time with the one you get with "-FT" and "-FS". This will tell you
1735     if compiling on-the-fly is more efficient than loading tree files,
1736     or not.
1739File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: In case of trouble,  Prev: Optimizing Adacontrol,  Up: Program Usage
17413.10 In case of trouble
17443.10.1 Known issues
1747If you are using an old version of GNAT and your project includes source
1748files located in several directories, the ADA_INCLUDE_PATH environment
1749variable may not be considered by ASIS, resulting in error messages that
1750tell you that the bodies of some units have not been found (and hence
1751have not been processed).  This problem has been fixed in GNAT dated
1752later than Sept.  1st, 2006.  If this happens, either provide your
1753source directories as "-I" options (*note ASIS options::), or generate
1754the tree files manually (*note Generating tree files manually::).  Note
1755that this problem does not happen if you are using a project file (*note
1756Project files::), nor if you are running AdaControl from GPS.
17583.10.2 AdaControl or ASIS failure
1761Like any sophisticated piece of software, AdaControl may fail when
1762encountering some special case of construct.  ASIS may also fail
1763occasionnally; actually, we discovered several ASIS bugs during the
1764development of AdaControl.  These were reported to ACT, and have been
1765corrected in the wavefront version of GNAT - but you may be using an
1766earlier version.  In this case, try to upgrade to a newer version of
1767ASIS. If an AdaControl or ASIS problem is not yet solved, AdaControl is
1768designed in such a way that an occasionnal bug won't prevent you from
1769using it.
1771   If AdaControl detects an unexpected exception during the processing
1772of a unit (an ASIS error or an internal error), it will abandon the
1773unit, clean up everything, and go on processing the remaining units.
1774This way, an error due to a special case in a unit will not affect the
1775processing of other units.  AdaControl will return a Status of 10 in
1776this case.
1778   However, if it is run with the "-x" option (eXit on error), it will
1779stop immediately, and no further processing will happen.
1781   If you don't want the garbage from a failing rule to pollute your
1782report, you may chose to disable the rule for the unit that has a
1783problem.  *Note Inhibit command::.
1785   If you encounter a problem while using AdaControl, you are very
1786welcome to report it through our bug tracking system
1787(https://sourceforge.net/p/adacontrol/tickets/) (under Windows, you can
1788click on "Report problem" in the AdaControl Start menu).  Please include
1789the exact control and the unit that caused the problem, as well as the
1790captured output of the program (with "-dx" option).
1793File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Command language reference,  Next: Rules reference,  Prev: Program Usage,  Up: Top
17954 Command language reference
1798AdaControl is about controlling rules.  Rules are built in AdaControl;
1799each rule has a name, and may require parameters.  For the complete
1800description of each rule, *note Rules reference::.
1802   To run AdaControl, you need to define which rules you want to apply
1803to your Ada units, what are the parameters, etc.  In addition, you may
1804want to define various things, like the file where the results should
1805go, the output format, etc.
1807   AdaControl defines a small command language which is used to describe
1808how you want to process your units.  Commands can be specified either on
1809the command line or in a file, that we call here a rules file.  Commands
1810can also be given interactively; *Note Interactive mode::.
1812* Menu:
1814* General::
1815* Controls::
1816* Other commands::
1817* Example of commands::
1820File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: General,  Next: Controls,  Prev: Command language reference,  Up: Command language reference
18224.1 General
1825The command language is not case-sensitive, i.e.  the case of the
1826keywords, rule names, and parameters is not significant.  The layout of
1827commands is free (i.e.  a command can extend over several lines, and
1828spaces are freely allowed between syntactic elements).
1830   Comments are allowed in and between commands.  Comments begin with a
1831"#" or a "--", and extend to the end of the line.
1833   Since wide characters are allowed in Ada programs, AdaControl accepts
1834wide characters in commands as well.  With GNAT, the encoding scheme is
1835Hex ESC encoding (see the GNAT User-Guide/Reference-Manual).  This is
1836the prefered method, since few people require wide characters in
1837programs anyway, and that keeping the default bracket encoding would not
1838conveniently allow brackets for regular expressions, like those used by
1839some rules.  *Note Syntax of regular expressions::.
1841   If a syntax error is encountered in a command, an appropriate error
1842message is output, and analysis of the rules file continues in order to
1843output all errors, but no analysis of user code will be performed.
1846File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Controls,  Next: Other commands,  Prev: General,  Up: Command language reference
18484.2 Controls
1851A control command is a command that declares one (or several) controls.
1852A control defines how a rule is applied to Ada units.  The syntax of a
1853control command is as follows:
1854     <control_command> ::= [<label> ":"] <control> {"," <control>} ";"
1855     <control>   ::= <ctrl_kind> <Rule_Name> [<parameters>]
1856     <parameters ::= "(" [<modifiers>] <value> {"," [<modifiers>] <value>} ")"
1857     <ctrl_kind> ::= "check"|"search"|"count"
1859   If present, the label gives a name to the control(s); it will be
1860printed whenever each control is activated, and can be used to disable
1861the control(s).  *Note Disabling controls::.  If no label is present,
1862the rule name is printed instead.  The label must have the syntax of an
1863Ada identifier, or else the label must be included within double quotes
1864('"'), in which case it can contain any character.
1866   Each control consists of a <ctrl_kind> followed by a rule name, and
1867(optionally) parameters.  Some parameters may be preceded by modifiers
1868(such as "not" or "case_sensitive").  The meaning of the rule parameters
1869and modifiers depends on the rule.
1871   Here are some examples of commands:
1872     check unnecessary_use_clause;
1873     All_Imports: search pragmas (Import);
1874     "Why do you need that?": check entities (Unchecked_Conversion,
1875                                              all 'Address);
1877   Specifying several controls with the same label is a shorthand which
1878is equivalent to specifying the same label for several controls.  It is
1879handy when the label is long, and/or to stress that several controls are
1880part of the same programming rule.  For example:
1881     "Check why this obsolete stuff is still used":
1882        check entities (obsolete_unit_1),     -- Note comma here!
1883        check instantiations (some_obsolete_generic);
1885* Menu:
1887* Control kinds and report messages::
1888* Parameters::
1889* Multiple controls::
1890* Disabling controls::
1893File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Control kinds and report messages,  Next: Parameters,  Prev: Controls,  Up: Controls
18954.2.1 Control kinds and report messages
1898There are three control kinds: "check", "search", and "count".
1900   "Check" is intended to search for rules that must be obeyed in your
1901programs.  Normally, if a "Check" control fails, you should fix the
1902program.  "Search" is intended to report some situations, but you should
1903consider what to do on a case-by-case basis.  Roughly, use "check" when
1904you consider that the failure of the control is an error, and "search"
1905when you consider it as a warning.  AdaControl will exit with a status
1906of 1 if any "Check" control is triggered, and a status of 0 if only
1907"Search" controls were triggered (or no control was triggered at all).
1909   "Count" works like "Search", but instead of printing a message for
1910each control which is triggered, it simply counts occurrences and prints
1911a summary at the end of the run.  There is a separate count for each
1912control label (or if no label is given, the rule name is taken instead);
1913if you give the same label to different controls, this allows you to
1914accumulate the counts.
1916   A report message (except for the final report of "count") comprises
1917the following elements:
1918   * the file name (where the control matches)
1919   * the line number (where the control matches)
1920   * the column number (where the control matches)
1921   * the label (if there is one) and/or the rule name (the rule that
1922     matches).
1923   * a message (why the control matches).  A control whose kind is
1924     "check" will produce an error report message (i.e.  containing the
1925     keyword "Error") and a control whose kind is "search" will produce
1926     a found report message (i.e.  containing the keyword "Found").
1928   The formatting of the report message depends on the format option,
1929which can be selected with the "-F" command-line option or the "set
1930format" command.
1932   If the format is "Gnat" (the default) or "Gnat_Short", items are
1933separated by ':'; this is the same format as the one used by GNAT error
1934messages.  Editors (like Emacs or GPS) that recognize this format allow
1935you to go directly to the place of the message by clicking on it.  In
1936order to avoid too long messages, only the label appears, unless there
1937is none, in which case it is replaced with the rule name.
1939   If the format is "CSV" or "CSV_Short", items are separated by ',' and
1940surrounded by double quotes.  This is the "Comma Separated Values"
1941format, which can be read by any known spreadsheet program, except
1942Excel(tm) by default, which uses the semicolon and not the comma to
1943separate fields.  Therefore, the formats "CSVX" and "CSVX_Short" do the
1944same thing, but using semi-colons (';') instead of commas.  Both the
1945label (replaced by an empty column if there is none) and the rule name
1946appear.  Note that when an output file is created in one of the "CSV"
1947formats, a title line is issued as the first line, following normal CSV
1950   If the format is "Source" or "Source_Short", the offending source
1951line is output, and the message is output behind it, with a "!"
1952pointing to the exact location of the problem.
1954   If the format is "None", no error message is output at all.  This is
1955useful when only the return code of running AdaControl is desired (just
1956to check if a program is OK or not).  Note that this does not prevent
1957the output of statistics, since these are under control of the "-S"
1958option or the "set statistics" command.  In this case, statistics are
1959output in CSVX format, since asking for statistics with a "none" format
1960is mainly useful for analysing the statistics with a spreadsheet
1963   With recent versions of GNAT, the file name includes the full path of
1964the source file.  If the "_Short" form of the format option is used, the
1965file name is stripped from any path.  This can make it easier to compare
1966the results of controlling units from various directories.  Note that
1967with older versions of GNAT, the file name never includes the full path,
1968and the "_Short" form of the format option has no effect.
1970   After each run (*note Go command::), statistics may be output,
1971depending on the statistics level which is set with the "-S" option or
1972the "set statistics" command.  The meaning of the various levels is as
1974   * 0: No statistics are output (default)
1975   * 1: A count of error and warning messages is output
1976   * 2: The rule name and label (if any) of any control not triggered
1977     are output
1978   * 3: The rule name and label (if any) of every control is output,
1979     together with a count of each triggering kind ("check", "search",
1980     "count"), or "not triggered" if the control was not triggered.
1983File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Parameters,  Next: Multiple controls,  Prev: Control kinds and report messages,  Up: Controls
19854.2.2 Parameters
1988Most rules accept parameters.  Parameters can be:
1989   * a keyword for the rule
1990   * a numerical value
1991   * a character string (often a regular expression)
1992   * an Ada entity name
1994   A numerical value is given with the syntax of an Ada integer or real
1995literal (underscores and exponents are allowed as in Ada).  Based
1996literals are supported for integer values; if somebody can justify a
1997need for supporting them for reals, we'll be happy to add this feature
2000   A character string is given within double quotes """.  As usual,
2001quotes appearing within the string are doubled.  The tilde character
2002("~") can be used as a replacement delimiter, but the same character
2003must be used at both ends of the string.  The latter has been chosen as
2004a character not used by the various shells, and can be useful to pass
2005quoted strings from parameters on the command line (unfortunately, we
2006could not use the percent ("%") sign, because it plays a special role in
2009   An Ada entity name is the full name (prefixed with the names of all
2010units that include it) of something declared in a program.  It can be
2011followed by overloading information, in order to uniquely identify the
2012Ada entity.  If an Ada entity is overloaded and no overloading
2013information is provided, the rule is applied to all (overloaded) Ada
2014entities that match the name.  Alternatively, it can be "all" followed
2015by a simple name, in wich case it applies to all entities with that
2016name.  See *note Specifying an Ada entity name:: for the full
2017description of the syntax.  Here are some examples of entity names:
2018     Ada.Text_IO.Put                      -- All Put defined in Ada.Text_IO
2019     Ada.Text_IO.Put{Standard.Character}  -- The Put on Character
2020     all Put                              -- All Put
2021     Standard.Integer'Image               -- The 'Image function on Integer
2022     all 'Image                           -- All 'Image functions
2025File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Multiple controls,  Next: Disabling controls,  Prev: Parameters,  Up: Controls
20274.2.3 Multiple controls
2030Most rules can be used in more than one control (with different
2031parameters).  There is no difference between a single or a multiple
2032configuration rule use: outputs, efficiency, etc.  are the same.
2034   The following rules files produce an identical configuration:
2035     Search Pragmas (Pure, Elaborate_All);
2036   and
2037     Search Pragmas (Pure);
2038     Search Pragmas (Elaborate_All);
2040   However, the second form can be used to give different labels.
2042     Search Pragmas (Pure);
2043     No_Elaborate: Search Pragmas (Elaborate_All);
2045   The messages for pragma 'Pure' will contain "PRAGMAS", while those
2046for 'Elaborate_All' will contain "No_Elaborate".  If a disabling comment
2047mentions 'pragmas', it will disable both controls, but a disabling
2048comment that mentions 'No_Elaborate' will disable only the second one.
2051File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Disabling controls,  Prev: Multiple controls,  Up: Controls
20534.2.4 Disabling controls
2056It is possible to disable controls on parts of the source code by
2057placing markers in the source code.  A marker is an Ada comment, where
2058the comment mark ('--') is immediately followed by the special tag
2059"'##'" (by default).
2061   There are two kinds of markers: block markers and line markers.  Both
2062kinds specify a list of controls to disable/re-enable.  A list of
2063controls is a list of rule names (to disable/re-enable all controls on
2064the indicated rule(s)) or control labels (to disable/re-enable all
2065controls with that label), separated by spaces.  Alternatively, the list
2066of controls can be the word "all" to disable/re-enable all controls.
2068   In a "'--##'" line, everything appearing after another "##" tag (by
2069default) is ignored.  This allows the insertion of a comment explaining
2070why the control is disabled at that point.
2072   Both tags can be changed with the "set" command.  *Note Set
20754.2.4.1 Block disabling
2078A control is disabled from a "rule off" marker that applies to it until
2079a "rule on" marker that applies to it.  If there is no appropriate "rule
2080on" marker, the control is disabled up to the end of file.
2082   Syntax:
2083     --## rule off <control_list>
2084     Ada code block
2085     --## rule on <control_list>
2087   Ex:
2088     --## rule off rule1 rule2 ## Authorized by QA ref 1234
2089     I := I + 1;
2090     Proc (I);
2091     --## rule on rule2
20934.2.4.2 Line disabling
2096A control is disabled only for the line where a marker that applies to
2097it appears.
2099   Syntax:
2100     Ada code line --## rule line off <rule_list>
2101   Ex:
2102     I := I + 1; --## rule line off rule3 rule_label_1
2103   Conversely, it is possible to re-enable a control for just the
2104current line in a block where it is disabled:
2106   Syntax:
2107     Ada code line --## rule line on <rule_list>
2108   Ex:
2109     --## rule off rule1 rule2
2110     ...
2111     I := I + 1; --## rule line on rule2
21134.2.5 Limitation
2116Since the disabling is based on special comments, there is a conflict
2117with the rule "header_comments" which is based on the content of
2118comments.  Line disabling is not possible with this rule, and block
2119disabling needs special care.  *Note Header_Comments::.
2122File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Other commands,  Next: Example of commands,  Prev: Controls,  Up: Command language reference
21244.3 Other commands
2127In addition to controls, AdaControl recognizes a number of commands.
2128Although these commands are especially useful when using the interactive
2129mode (*note Interactive mode::), they can be used in command files as
2132* Menu:
2134* Go command::
2135* Quit command::
2136* Message command::
2137* Help command::
2138* Clear command::
2139* Set command::
2140* Source command::
2141* Inhibit command::
2144File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Go command,  Next: Quit command,  Prev: Other commands,  Up: Other commands
21464.3.1 Go command
2149This command starts processing of the controls that have been specified.
2151   Syntax:
2152     go;
2153   Controls are not reset after a "go" command; for example, the
2154following program:
2155     search entities (pack1);
2156     go;
2157     search entities (pack2);
2158     go;
2159   will first output all usages of 'Pack1', then all usages of both
2160'Pack1' and 'Pack2'.  See *note Clear command:: to reset controls.
2162   If not in interactive mode, a "go" command is automatically added at
2163the end, therefore it is not required in rules files.
2166File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Quit command,  Next: Message command,  Prev: Go command,  Up: Other commands
21684.3.2 Quit command
2171This command terminates AdaControl.
2173   Syntax:
2174     quit;
2175   If given in a file, all subsequent commands will be ignored.  This
2176command is really useful only in interactive mode.  *Note Interactive
2180File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Message command,  Next: Help command,  Prev: Quit command,  Up: Other commands
21824.3.3 Message command
2185This command prints a message on the output file.
2187   Syntax:
2188     message "<any string>" [pause];
2189   The length of the message is limited to 250 characters.  If the word
2190"pause" (case irrelevant) is specified after the message, AdaControl
2191will wait for the user to press the Return key before proceeding.
2193   Note that the message is syntactically a string, and must therefore
2194be quoted (double quotes).
2197File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Help command,  Next: Clear command,  Prev: Message command,  Up: Other commands
21994.3.4 Help command
2202This command prints various informations about the rules and AdaControl
2205   Syntax:
2206     Help [<help_item> {,<help_item>}]
2207     <Help_Item> ::=<keyword> | <rule name> | variables ["<pattern>"]
2208     <keyword>   ::= all | commands | license | list | options | rules | version
2209   Without any argument, this command prints a summary of all commands
2210and rule names.  If given one or more keywords or rule names, it prints
2211the corresponding help message.  See *note Getting help:: for the
2215File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Clear command,  Next: Set command,  Prev: Help command,  Up: Other commands
22174.3.5 Clear command
2220This command command clears (i.e.  removes) controls that have been
2221previously given.
2223   Syntax:
2224     Clear all | <rule name>{,<rule name>} ;
2225   The command clears all controls given for the indicated rules, or for
2226all rules if the 'all' keyword is given.  Rule variables (*note Set
2227command::) associated to cleared rules are returned to their default
2228values.  For example, the following program:
2229     search entities (pack1);
2230     go;
2231     clear all;
2232     search entities (pack2);
2233     go;
2234   will first output all usages of 'Pack1', then all usages of 'Pack2'.
2235Without the "clear all" command, the second "go" would output all usages
2236of 'Pack1' together with all usages of 'Pack2'.
2239File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Set command,  Next: Source command,  Prev: Clear command,  Up: Other commands
22414.3.6 Set command
2244This command sets various parameters of AdaControl.
2246   Syntax:
2247     set Format Gnat|Gnat_Short|CSV|CSV_Short|Source|Source_short|None;
2248     set Check_Key|Search_Key "<value>"
2249     set Max_Errors [<value>];
2250     set Max_Messages [<value>];
2251     set Output|New_Output <output file>;
2252     set Statistics <level>;
2253     set Tag1|Tag2 "<value>";
2254     set Trace <trace file>;
2255     set Debug|Exit_On_Error|Verbose|Warning|Warning_As_Error
2256           On|Off;
2257     set Timing On|Off|Global
2258     set Ignore On|Off|Inverted;
2259     set <Rule_Name>.<Variable> <Value>
2260   The "set format" command selects the output format for the messages,
2261like the "-F" option; see *note Control kinds and report messages:: for
2264   The "set check_key" command defines a string which is used in place
2265of "Error" in messages issued by a "check" control.  Similarly, the "set
2266search_key" command defines a string which is used in place of "Found"
2267in messages issued by a "search" control.  This can be useful when
2268AdaControl is used, for example, to detect places where manual
2269inspection is required; having the word "Error" in the message could be
2270misleading to the persons in charge of the review.  Note however that if
2271you set these keys, the GPS interface will not be able to recognize
2272properly the messages.
2274   The "set max_errors" and "set max_messages" limit the output of
2275AdaControl, like the "-m" and "-M" options; see *note Output limits::
2276for details.  If no <value> is given after the command name, the
2277corresponding limitation is removed.
2279   The "set output" and "set new_output" commands redirect the output of
2280subsequent controls to the indicated file.  If the string 'console'
2281(case irrelevant) is given as the <output file>, output is redirected to
2282the console.
2284   The "set new_output" always create a new file (or overwrites an
2285existing file with the same name).
2287   The "set output" command appends if the file exists, unless the "-w"
2288option is given, in which case it is overwritten.  However, the file is
2289overwritten only the first time it is mentionned in an "output" command.
2290This means that you can switch forth and back between two output files,
2291all results from the same run will be kept.  Note however that for this
2292to work, you need to specify the output file exactly the same way: if
2293you specify it once as "result.txt", and then as "./result.txt", the
2294second one will overwrite the first one.
2296   The "set statistics" command sets the statistics level, like the "-S"
2297option; see *note Control kinds and report messages:: for details.
2299   The "set Tag1|Tag2" command changes the tags used to disable (or
2300enable) rules.  "Tag1" is the string that appears immediately after the
2301comment indicator ('--'), and "tag2" is the tag that terminates the
2302special comment.  Note that these tags must be given as strings (in
2303quotes) and that case is relevant.  See *note Disabling controls:: for
2306   The "set trace" command redirects the trace messages of the "-d"
2307option to the indicated file.  If the string 'console' (case irrelevant)
2308is given as the <trace file>, trace messages are redirected to the
2309console.  As with the "-t" option, if the file exists, output is
2310appended to it.
2312   The "set Debug|Exit_On_Error|Verbose|Warning|Warning_As_Error"
2313command activates ("on") or deactivates ("off") options.  "Debug"
2314corresponds to the "-d" option, "Exit_On_Error" to the "-x" option,
2315"Ignore" to the "-i" option, "Timing" to the "-T" option, "Verbose" to
2316the "-v" option, "Warning" to the "-E" option, and "Warning_As_Error" to
2317the "-e" option.  See *note Verbose and debug mode::, *note Exit on
2318error::, *note Treatment of warnings::, *note Output format::, and *note
2319Local disabling control:: for details.
2321   The "set Timing" command activates ("on") or deactivates ("off") the
2322printing of the time spent in each rule after each "go" command.  If set
2323to "global" instead of "on", the timings are accumulated over all "go"
2324commands, and output when the program terminates.
2326   The "set Ignore" command governs handling of disabled messages (*note
2327Disabling controls::).  In default mode ("set Ignore Off"), disabled
2328messages are not printed.  When set to "on" ("set Ignore On"), all
2329messages are printed, including those that are disabled.  Setting this
2330option can result in considerable speed-up of the printing of messages.
2331When set to "Inverted" ("set Ignore Inverted"), only disabled messages
2332are printed.  This is useful to check which messages have been disabled.
2334   Some rules may also have user-settable global variables that affect
2335their behaviour; the last form of the "set" command allows changing
2336their value.  The variable name is of the form of a qualified name (i.e.
2337"rule.var"), and the value depends on the variable.  The description of
2338the variables (if any) and appropriate values is given for each rule.
2341File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Source command,  Next: Inhibit command,  Prev: Set command,  Up: Other commands
23434.3.7 Source command
2346This command inputs commands from another file.
2348   Syntax:
2349     Source <input file>;
2350   Commands are read and executed from the indicated file, then control
2351is returned to the place after the "source" command.  There is no
2352restriction on the content of the sourced file; especially, it may
2353itself include other "source" commands.
2355   If <input file> is a relative file path, it is taken relatively to
2356the file where the "source" command is given.  Especially, if no path is
2357specified, the sourced file will be taken from the same directory as the
2358sourcing file (irrespectively of where the command is being run from).
2359If the file is not found there, it is searched on the path given by the
2360environment variable 'ADACTL_PATH'.
2362   The default extension is '.aru', i.e.  if <input file> is not found
2363as given, AdaControl will retry the same name with '.aru' appended.  It
2364is a syntax error if the file is not found either.
2366   If the string 'console' (case irrelevant) is given as the <input
2367file>, commands are read from the console until a "quit" command is
2368given.  This command is of course useful only from files, and allows to
2369pass temporarily control to the user in interactive mode.
2372File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Inhibit command,  Prev: Source command,  Up: Other commands
23744.3.8 Inhibit command
2377This command prevents execution of certain controls on particular units.
2379   Syntax:
2380     Inhibit <rule name>|all ([all] <unit> {,[all] <unit>});
2381   Controls refering to the given rule (or all rules if "all" is
2382specified in place of a rule name) for the indicated unit(s) are not
2383performed.  In addition, if "all" is specified in front of the unit
2384name, the unit will not be accessed at all, even from rules that follow
2385call graphs, and could thus access this unit while analyzing other
2388   There are several reasons why you might want to inhibit a control of
2389a rule for certain units:
2390   * The unit is known not to obey the rule in many places, and you
2391     don't want the output to be cluttered with too many messages (of
2392     course, you'll fix the unit in the near future!);
2393   * The unit is known to obey the rule, execution of the rule is
2394     time-consuming, and you want to save some processing time;
2395   * The unit is known to raise an ASIS bug, and until you upgrade to
2396     the appropriate version of GNAT, you don't want to be bothered by
2397     the error messages.
2399   The "all" option for a unit is intended for the last case, to prevent
2400ASIS bugs from spoiling any unit that calls something from an offending
2404File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Example of commands,  Prev: Other commands,  Up: Command language reference
24064.4 Example of commands
2409Below is an example of a file with multiple commands:
2410     message "Searching Unchecked_Conversion";
2411     search entitities (ada.unchecked_conversion);
2412     set output uc_usage.txt;
2413     go;
2414     clear all;
2415     message "Searching 'Address";
2416     search entities (all 'Address);
2417     set output address_usage.txt;
2418     go;
2419   This file will output all usages of 'Ada.Unchecked_Conversion' into
2420the file 'uc_usage.txt', then output all usages of the ''Address'
2421attribute into the file 'address_usage.txt'.  Messages are output to
2422tell the user about what's happenning.
2425File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Rules reference,  Next: Examples of using AdaControl for common programming rules,  Prev: Command language reference,  Up: Top
24275 Rules reference
2430This chapter describes each rule currently provided by AdaControl.  Note
2431that the 'rules' directory of the distribution contains a file named
2432'verif.aru' that contains an example of a set of rules appropriate to
2433check on almost any software.
2435   A general limitation applies to all rules.  AdaControl is a static
2436checking tool, and therefore cannot check usages that depend on run-time
2437values.  For example, it is not possible to check rules applying to an
2438entity when this entity is aliased and accessed through an access value,
2439or rules applying to subprogram calls when the call is a dispatching
2442* Menu:
2444* Abnormal_Function_Return::
2445* Allocators::
2446* Array_Declarations::
2447* Aspects::
2448* Assignments::
2449* Barrier_Expressions::
2450* Case_Statement::
2451* Characters::
2452* Comments::
2453* Declarations::
2454* Default_Parameter::
2455* Dependencies::
2456* Derivations::
2457* Directly_Accessed_Globals::
2458* Duplicate_Initialization_Calls::
2459* Entities::
2460* Entity_Inside_Exception::
2461* Exception_Propagation::
2462* Expressions::
2463* Generic_Aliasing::
2464* Global_References::
2465* Header_Comments::
2466* Improper_Initialization::
2467* Instantiations::
2468* Insufficient_Parameters::
2469* Local_Access::
2470* Local_Hiding::
2471* Max_Blank_Lines::
2472* Max_Call_Depth::
2473* Max_Line_Length::
2474* Max_Nesting::
2475* Max_Size::
2476* Max_Statement_Nesting::
2477* Movable_Accept_Statements::
2478* Naming_Convention::
2479* No_Operator_Usage::
2480* Non_Static::
2481* Not_Elaboration_Calls::
2482* Not_Selected_Name::
2483* Object_Declarations::
2484* Parameter_Aliasing::
2485* Parameter_Declarations::
2486* Positional_Associations::
2487* Potentially_Blocking_Operations::
2488* Pragmas::
2489* Record_Declarations::
2490* Reduceable_Scope::
2491* Representation_Clauses::
2492* Return_Type::
2493* Side_Effect_Parameters::
2494* Silent_Exceptions::
2495* Simplifiable_Expressions::
2496* Simplifiable_Statements::
2497* Statements::
2498* Style::
2499* Terminating_Tasks::
2500* Type_Initial_Values::
2501* Type_Usage::
2502* Uncheckable::
2503* Unit_Pattern::
2504* Units::
2505* Unnecessary_Use_Clause::
2506* Unsafe_Elaboration::
2507* Unsafe_Paired_Calls::
2508* Unsafe_Unchecked_Conversion::
2509* Usage::
2510* Use_Clauses::
2511* With_Clauses::
2514File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Abnormal_Function_Return,  Next: Allocators,  Prev: Rules reference,  Up: Rules reference
25165.1 Abnormal_Function_Return
2519This rule controls functions that may not terminate normally, i.e.
2520where 'Program_Error' could be raised due to reaching the end of the
2521function without encountering a 'return' statement.
25235.1.1 Syntax
2526     <control_kind> abnormal_function_return;
25285.1.2 Action
2531The rule controls that the sequence of statements of each function body,
2532as well as each of its exception handlers, ends with:
2533   * a 'return' statement (including extended return statements)
2534   * a 'raise' statement (or equivalently, a call to
2535     'Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception' or
2536     'Ada.Exceptions.Reraise_Occurrence');
2537   * a call to a procedure which is the target of a 'pragma No_Return';
2538   * a block statement, whose last statement of its sequence and any
2539     exception handler is one of these;
2540   * an 'if' statement that includes an 'else' path, and where the last
2541     statement of every path is one of these;
2542   * a 'case' statement where the last statement of every path is one of
2543     these.
2544   * a plain 'loop' statement (not 'for' or 'while') without any 'exit'
2545     or 'goto' statement transfering control outside of the loop.
2547   This is a sufficient (but of course not necessary) condition to
2548ensure that no function raises 'Program_Error' due to reaching the end
2549of its statements without encountering a 'return'.
2551   This rule can be specified only once.
2553   Ex:
2554     check abnormal_function_return;
25565.1.3 Tips
2559This rule checks that a function always returns correctly, but does not
2560prevent multiple 'return' statements in functions.  If you want to
2561ensure that there is exactly one 'return' statement in functions, and
2562that this statement is always the last one, use this rule together with
2563the rule 'statements(function_return)'.  *Note Statements::.
2565   It is possible to exit from an extended return statement with an
2566'exit' or 'goto' statement.  If this happens, the return statement is
2567not considered a proper return statement, and an appropriate message is
2571File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Allocators,  Next: Array_Declarations,  Prev: Abnormal_Function_Return,  Up: Rules reference
25735.2 Allocators
2576This rule controls the use of allocators (i.e.  dynamic memory
25795.2.1 Syntax
2582     <control_kind> allocators [(<target> {, <target>})];
2583     <target>   ::= [anonymous | inconsistent | not] [<category>|<entity>]
2584     <category> ::= ()  | access    | array | delta  | digits |
2585                    mod | protected | range | record | tagged | task
25875.2.2 Action
2590If one or several <entity> or <category> are given, only allocators
2591whose allocated type matches the <entity>, or whose type belongs to the
2592indicated <category>, are controlled; otherwise all allocators are
2593controlled.  As usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed for
2594<entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity name::.  The meaning of
2595<category> is:
2596   * "()": The allocated value is of an enumerated type.
2597   * "access": The allocated value is of an access type.
2598   * "array": The allocated value is of an array type.
2599   * "delta": The allocated value is of a fixed point type (it is not
2600     currently possible to distinguish ordinary fixed point types from
2601     decimal fixed point types).
2602   * "digits": The allocated value is of a floating point type.
2603   * "mod": The allocated value is of a modular type.
2604   * "protected": The allocated value is of a protected type.
2605   * "range": The allocated value is of a signed integer type.
2606   * "record": The allocated value is of an (untagged) record type.
2607   * "tagged": The allocated value is of a tagged type (including type
2608     extensions).
2609   * "task": The allocated value is of a task type.
2611   This rule is especially useful for finding memory leaks, since it
2612tells all the places where dynamic allocation occurs.
2614   If a parameter is preceded by the word "not", allocators for the
2615corresponding type or category are not controlled (i.e.  they are always
2616allowed).  If a control includes only "not" parameters, an implicit
2617check for all allocators is assumed.
2619   If a parameter is preceded by the word "anonymous", only allocators
2620whose expected type is an anonymous access type are controlled.
2622   If a parameter is preceded by the word "inconsistent", only
2623allocators whose allocator subtype (the name after "'new'") is not the
2624same as the designated subtype (from the access type declaration) are
2625controlled.  However an allocator is not considered inconsistent when
2626the designated subtype imposes no special constraint:
2627   * when it is a class-wide type, since the allocator subtype will
2628     generally be of some descendant specific type;
2629   * when it is an unconstrained array type, since the allocated subtype
2630     is necessarily constrained;
2631   * when it is a base type (of the form 'T'Base').
2633   Note that if the access type includes a constraint like in the
2634following example:
2635        type Acc is access integer range 1..10;
2636   all allocators will necessarilly be inconsistent, since there is no
2637way to repeat the constraint at the place of the allocator.
2639   "Inconsistent" can be given alone, in which case all inconsistent
2640allocators are controlled.
2642   Ex:
2643     search allocators (standard.string);
2644     check allocators (T'Class);
2645     check allocators (array);
2646     check allocators (Inconsistent standard.Integer);
2647     check allocators (Inconsistent);
2649      -- all task allocators, except when the type is called "special":
2650     check allocators (task, not all Special);
26525.2.3 Tips
2655The type given as an <entity> in the rule must be a first named subtype,
2656and the rule will also find allocators that use a subtype of this type.
2657If the type is declared within a generic package, the rule will control
2658all corresponding types from instantiations.
2660   The type mentionned in the rule is the one following the 'new'
2661keyword, which is not necessarily the same as the expected type in
2662presence of implicit conversions like this:
2664        type T is tagged ...;
2665        type Class_Access is access T'Class;
2666        X : Class_Access;
2667     begin
2668        X := new T;
2670   This allocator will be found for type 'T', not for type 'T'Class'.
2672   For <categories>, note that the rule "sees through" derived and
2673private types (i.e.  it will trigger if the ultimate type belongs to the
2674indicated category).
2676   The reason for the "inconsistent" modifier is that inconsistent
2677allocators may cost a double check.  Given:
2678        type Acc is access Positive;
2679        V : Acc;
2680     begin
2681        V := new Natural'(...);
2682   The compiler will first check the constraint for Natural, then the
2683constraint for Positive.  To avoid confusion, it is better to always use
2684the same subtype for the allocator as used in the access type
2687   The reason for the "anonymous" modifier is that allocators of an
2688anonymous type (especially access parameters) create a terrible mess in
2689accessibility rules, and are better avoided.
26915.2.4 Limitations
2694In some (rare) cases involving anonymous access types as array or record
2695components, ASIS provides no way to determine the target type of the
2696(anonymous) acccess type.  Inconsistent allocators will thus not be
2697controlled.  Such cases are detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note
2701File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Array_Declarations,  Next: Aspects,  Prev: Allocators,  Up: Rules reference
27035.3 Array_Declarations
2706This rule controls properties of arrays, by enforcing a consistent value
2707or range of values for the lower or upper bound, or by limiting the
2708possible size.  It can also control various aspects of the component
2709type of the array.
27115.3.1 Syntax
2714     <control_kind> array_declarations (first,      <value> | <bounds>);
2715     <control_kind> array_declarations (last,       <value> | <bounds>);
2716     <control_kind> array_declarations (dimensions, <value> | <bounds>);
2717     <control_kind> array_declarations ([all] length,     <bounds>);
2718     <control_kind> array_declarations (component,  <type> {,<repr_cond>});
2719     <control_kind> array_declarations (index,      <type> | <> {,<type> | <>});
2720     <bounds>    ::= min|max <value> [, min|max <value> ]
2721     <type>      ::= <entity>|<category>
2722     <category > ::= () | access    | array | delta  | digits | mod | private
2723                        | protected | range | record | tagged | task
2724     <repr_cond> ::= [not] pack | size | component_size
27265.3.2 Action
2729This rule controls properties of the index or component of an array
2730type.  The checks are therefore performed on array definitions, i.e.  on
2731array (sub)type declarations and single array declarations.  However,
2732the "length" subrule can be checked on any array variable, see below.
2734   The first parameter is a subrule keyword:
2735   * "First" and "Last" control the lower (respectively upper) bound of
2736     each dimension of arrays (even unconstrained array types).  If a
2737     single value is specified without the "min" or "max" modifiers, the
2738     subrule controls the bounds that are not exactly this value;
2739     otherwise, it controls the bounds that are smaller than the given
2740     "min" value or greater than the given "max" value.  It is possible,
2741     but not required to specify both "min" and "max".  If this subrule
2742     is given both for "search" and for "check", the value(s) for
2743     "search" is interpreted as the prefered one, and the value(s) for
2744     "check" is interpreted as an alternative acceptable one; i.e., it
2745     is a warning if the value is the one given for "check", and an
2746     error if it is neither.  In short:
2747          search array_declarations (first, 1);
2748          check array_declarations (first, min -1, max 1);
2749     will be silent if the lower bound of an array is 1, it will issue a
2750     warning if it is in the range -1 ..  1, and an error otherwise.
2751   * "Dimensions"controls the number of dimensions of arrays.  If a
2752     single value is specified without the "min" or "max" modifiers, the
2753     subrule controls arrays whose number of dimensions is not exactly
2754     this value; otherwise, it controls arrays whose number of
2755     dimensions are smaller than the given "min" value or greater than
2756     the given "max" value.  It is possible, but not required to specify
2757     both "min" and "max".  If this subrule is given both for "search"
2758     and for "check", the value(s) for "search" is interpreted as the
2759     prefered one, and the value(s) for "check" is interpreted as an
2760     alternative acceptable one; i.e., it is a warning if the value is
2761     the one given for "check", and an error if it is neither.  In
2762     short:
2763          search array_declarations (Dimensions, 1);
2764          check array_declarations (Dimensions, min 2, max 3);
2765     will be silent for one-dimensional arrays, it will issue a warning
2766     for 2- and 3-dimensional arrays, and an error otherwise.
2767   * "Length" controls arrays that have a dimension whose number of
2768     elements is smaller than the given "min" value or greater than the
2769     given "max" value (except for unconstrained array types).  At least
2770     one of "min" or "max" must be specified, but it is not required to
2771     specify both.
2773     If the "all" modifier is specified, all object declarations of an
2774     array type are controlled, even if they do not contain any special
2775     constraint.  This is useful if you want to assess all variables
2776     that contain more than a certain number of elements.  For example:
2777             type Tab is array (Min .. Max) of Compo;  -- Always checked
2778             subtype Str is String (Min .. Max);       -- Always checked
2779             V1 : String (Min .. Max);                 -- Always checked
2780             V2 : Str;                                 -- Checked only with "all"
2782   * "Component" controls arrays whose component type is the indicated
2783     <entity>, or whose component type belongs to the indicated
2784     <category>.  If the <entity> is a subtype, only arrays whose
2785     components are of that subtype are controlled.  If the indicated
2786     <entity> is a type, all arrays whose components are of that type
2787     (including subtypes) are controlled.  The meaning of <category> is:
2788        * "()": The component is of an enumerated type.
2789        * "access": The component is of an access type.
2790        * "array": The component is of an array type.
2791        * "delta": The component is of a fixed point type (it is not
2792          currently possible to distinguish ordinary fixed point types
2793          from decimal fixed point types).
2794        * "digits": The component is of a floating point type.
2795        * "mod": The component is of a modular type.
2796        * "private": The component is of a private type (including
2797          private extensions).
2798        * "protected": The component is of a protected type.
2799        * "range": The component is of a signed integer type.
2800        * "record": The component is of an (untagged) record type.
2801        * "tagged": The component is of a tagged type (including type
2802          extensions).
2803        * "task": The component is of a task type.
2804     If <repr_cond> are specified, the rule controls only arrays to
2805     which all the corresponding representation items apply:
2806        * "pack": A pragma Pack applies to the array.
2807        * "not pack": No pragma Pack applies to the array.
2808        * "size": A size representation clause applies to the array.
2809        * "not size": No size representation clause applies to the
2810          array.
2811        * "component_size": A component_size representation clause
2812          applies to the array.
2813        * "not component_size": No component_size representation clause
2814          applies to the array.
2816   * "index" controls arrays whose index types are the indicated
2817     <entity>, or whose index types belong to the indicated <category>.
2818     If the <entity> is a subtype, only arrays whose indexes are of that
2819     subtype are controlled.  If the indicated <entity> is a type, all
2820     arrays whose indexes are of that type (including subtypes) are
2821     controlled.  The meaning of <category> is the same as for
2822     "component", but obviously only "()", "range", and "mod" are
2823     allowed.
2825     The number of <entity> given determines the dimensionality of the
2826     controlled arrays.  If a "<>" is given in place of an entity, it
2827     means that any type matches at that position.
2829   This rule can be specified several times for the "component" and
2830"index" subrules.  For other subrules, it can be specified at most once
2831for each subrule and for each of "check", "search" and "count".  It is
2832thus possible for each subrule to have a value considered a warning, and
2833a value considered an error.
2835   Ex:
2836     -- All arrays should start at 1:
2837     check array_declarations (first, 1);
2839     -- No arrray of more than 100 elements:
2840     check array_declarations (length, max 100);
2842     -- No empty array:
2843     check array_declarations (length, min 1);
2845     -- Arrays whose component type is private:
2846     check array_declarations (component, private);
2848     -- Packed arrays of Character
2849     check array_declarations (component, Standard.Character, pack);
2851     -- Packed arrays of record without size clause
2852     check array_declarations (component, record, packed, not size);
2854     -- One-dimensional arrays indexed by Integer
2855     check array_declarations (index, standard.integer);
2857     -- Three dimensional arrays whose second index is an enumeration
2858     check array_declarations (index, <>, (), <>);
28605.3.3 Tips
2863The subrule 'Max_Length' ignores index constraints that are not static.
2864Non static index constraints can be controlled with the rule 'Non_Static
2865(Index_Constraint)'.  *Note Non_Static::.
2867   Requiring the same upper bound for all arrays is not very useful,
2869     check array_declarations (last, min 1);
2870   can be used to check that no array has a negative or zero upper
2873   The subrule "index" controls a precise pattern of types used as
2874indices.  To control the use of a type as an index at any position and
2875irrespectively of the number of indices of the array, use the rule
2876"type_usage".  *Note Type_Usage::.
2879File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Aspects,  Next: Assignments,  Prev: Array_Declarations,  Up: Rules reference
28815.4 Aspects
2884This rule controls aspect specifications (new feature in Ada 2012),
2885either all of them or specific ones.
28875.4.1 Syntax
2890     <control_kind> aspects [(all | <aspect mark> {, <aspect mark>})];
28925.4.2 Action
2895Without parameters (or if "all" is given), controls all aspect
2896specifications.  Otherwise, controls only the aspect specifications
2897corresponding to the given aspect marks.
2899   Ex:
2900     search aspects;
2901     DBC: check aspects (Pre, Post, Pre'Class, Post'Class);
2904File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Assignments,  Next: Barrier_Expressions,  Prev: Aspects,  Up: Rules reference
29065.5 Assignments
2909This rule controls various issues related to the assignment statement:
2910assignments that involve array sliding, redundant assignments to the
2911same variable, or groups of assignments that are replaceable by
2912aggregate assignment.
29145.5.1 Syntax
2917     <control_kind> assignments (sliding);
2918     <control_kind> assignments (repeated);
2919     <control_kind> assignments (groupable, <filter> {,<filter>});
2920     <filter> ::= given <min_val> | missing <max_val> | ratio <min_val> |
2921                  total <max_val>
29235.5.2 Action
2926The first form (keyword "sliding") controls array assignments where the
2927target variable has a different lower bound than the assigned
2928expression; this is allowed by the language only in so-called "sliding"
2931   Other subrules control properties of groups of assignment statements.
2932A group is made of consecutive assignments, without any other
2933intervening kind of statements (except null statements).
2935   The second form (keyword "repeated") controls when a same variable
2936(or a same subcomponent of a structured variable) is assigned several
2937times in the same group of assignments.  This form of the rule can be
2938given only once.
2940   The third form (keyword "groupable") controls assignments to
2941different subcomponents of a same structured variable; such assignments
2942are often replaceable by a global assignment of an aggregate to the
2943variable.  One or several <filter> parameters indicate under which
2944conditions a group is reported:
2945   * "given": <min_val> (an integer value) indicates the minimum number
2946     of assigned subcomponents that will trigger the rule (i.e.  the
2947     rule is triggered if the number of assignments to subcomponents of
2948     a same variable is greater or equal to the indicated value).
2949   * "missing": <max_val> (an integer value) indicates the maximum
2950     number of subcomponents not assigned that will trigger the rule
2951     (i.e.  the rule is triggered if the number of subcomponents not
2952     assigned to is lesser or equal to the indicated value).
2953   * "ratio": <min_val> (an integer value) indicates the minimum
2954     percentage of assigned subcomponents that will trigger the rule
2955     (i.e.  the rule is triggered if the percentage of assigned
2956     subcomponents is greater or equal to the indicated value).
2957   * "total": <max_val> (an integer value) indicates the maximum number
2958     of subcomponents of the type that will trigger the rule (i.e.  the
2959     rule is triggered if the number of subcomponents of the record type
2960     is lesser or equal to the indicated value).
2962   If several filters are given, the rule is triggered if all conditions
2963are met ("and" logic).  Note however that this rule can be given several
2964times, thus achieving "or" logic.
2966   The rule is not triggered on an object if a subcomponent of that
2967object is of a limited type, since global assignment would not be
2968allowed in that case.
2970   For other structured objects, a subcomponent is counted as assigned
2971if it has been assigned in full, or if it should have been assigned in
2972full (in other words: if the rule is triggered on those subcomponents as
2973well) - recursively, of course.
2975   Ex:
2976     search Assignments (sliding);
2977     check  Assignments (repeated);
2979     -- Warn if a at least 3 fields are given and at most
2980     -- two fields are missing, or if 80% of the fields are given:
2981     search assignments (groupable, given 3, missing 2);
2982     search assignments (groupable, ratio 80);
29845.5.3 Tip
2987The "sliding" subrule is not intended to prevent all cases of slidings
2988(the dynamic ones are uncheckable), it is rather an indication of
2989"obvious" cases that could be avoided.
2991   Note that for the "groupable" subrule, it is possible to give 1 for
2992the "given" criterion; in this case, any assignment to parts of a
2993structured variable will be reported, only global assignment is allowed.
29955.5.4 Limitations
2998As usual, AdaControl can control only static aspects of assignments.
2999Therefore, it cannot control assignments whose target is not statically
3000known (like dynamic indexing of arrays).  Slices are always considered
3001dynamic (the cases where it would be useful did not seem worth the
3002additional complexity).
3004   For the "sliding" subrule, if the assigned expression is a
3005multidimensional aggregate, only the first dimension is checked for
3006sliding, other dimensions are ignored.  This is not considered an
3007important issue, since in any case the rule can detect only static
3008cases, and the handling of sliding in multi-dimensional array aggregates
3009is extremely touchy (see RM 4.3.3 for details).
3011   For the "groupable" subrule, if the number of subcomponents is not
3012statically determinable (dynamic arrays, discriminated records), only
3013the "given" criterion can be met.
3016File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Barrier_Expressions,  Next: Case_Statement,  Prev: Assignments,  Up: Rules reference
30185.6 Barrier_Expressions
3021Although the language allows any expression as the barrier of a
3022protected entry, it is generally better to use only "simple"
3023expressions.  This rule controls the kind of constructs allowed in
3024barrier expressions.
30265.6.1 Syntax
3029     <control_kind> Barrier_Expressions ([<allowable> {, <allowable>}]);
3030     <allowable>    ::= <entity> | <keyword>
3031     <keyword> ::= allocation          | any_component   | any_variable        |
3032                   arithmetic_operator | array_aggregate | comparison_operator |
3033                   conversion          | dereference     | indexing            |
3034                   function_attribute  | local_function  | logical_operator    |
3035                   record_aggregate    | value_attribute
30375.6.2 Action
3040Without parameters, the only elements allowed in barriers are references
3041to boolean components of the protected element and litterals (this
3042corresponds to what is allowed for the Ravenscar profile).  Parameters
3043specify other constructs that are allowed:
3044   * Any <entity> (like a global variable, a function...)  can be
3045     specified and is thus allowed.  As usual, the whole syntax for
3046     entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity
3047     name::.
3048   * "allocation" allows use of allocators.
3049   * "any_component" allows use of protected components that are not of
3050     type 'Standard.Boolean'.
3051   * "any_variable" allows use of any variable (i.e.  variables external
3052     to the protected element).
3053   * "arithmetic_operator" allows use of predefined arithmetic operators
3054     ('"+"', '"**"', etc.).
3055   * "array_aggregate" allows use of array aggregates.
3056   * "comparison_operator" allows use of predefined comparison and
3057     membership operators ('"="', '">"', 'in', etc.).
3058   * "conversion" allows use of type conversions and type
3059     qualifications.
3060   * "dereference" allows use of dereferencing of access types (both
3061     implicit and explicit dereferences).
3062   * "indexing" allows use of array indexing and slices.
3063   * "function_attribute" allows use of attributes that are functions
3064     (like ''Pred', ''Image', etc.).
3065   * "local_function" allows use of (protected) functions declared in
3066     the same protected object.
3067   * "logical_operator" allows use of predefined logical operators and
3068     short-circuit forms ('and', 'or else', etc.).
3069   * "record_aggregate" allows use of record aggregates and extension
3070     aggregates.
3071   * "value_attribute" allows use of attributes that are simple values
3072     (like ''First', ''Terminated', etc.).
3074   This rule can be given only once for each of "check", "search" and
3077   Ex:
3078     search barrier_expressions;
3079     check  barrier_expressions (logical_operator, comparison_operator,
3080                                 any_component,
3081                                 Pack.Global_State);
30835.6.3 Tips
3086The goal of the "Simple_Barrier" restriction from the Ravenscar profile
3087is to ensure that evaluation of barriers never raise exceptions.  Even
3088simple things like a qualified expression can raise exceptions, but in
3089practice more than the restriction of the Ravenscar profile can be
3090"reasonably" allowed.
3092   Note that the various "operator" keywords allow only the use of
3093predefined operators.  If a user defined operator should be allowed,
3094provide it explicitely as an <entity>.  There is no way to allow any
3095function call, since this would boil down to allowing pretty much
3096anything, but you can of course specify explicitely functions that can
3097be called.
3099   You can provide this rule both for "check" and "search", but of
3100course it makes sense only if the set of allowed features for "search"
3101is a superset of those allowed for "check".  This way, the use of
3102certain features can be interpreted only as a warning.
3105File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Case_Statement,  Next: Characters,  Prev: Barrier_Expressions,  Up: Rules reference
31075.7 Case_Statement
3110This rule controls various metrics related to the 'case' statement.  It
3111is intended for cases where it is desired to limit the complexity of
3112'case' statements.
31145.7.1 Syntax
3117     <control_kind> Case_Statement (<subrule>, <bound> [, <bound>]);
3118     <subrule> ::= others_span | paths | range_span | values | values_if_others
3119     <bound>   ::= min | max <value>
31215.7.2 Action
3124The first parameter is a subrule keyword.  The second (and optionnally
3125third) parameter give the minimum and/or maximum allowed values (i.e.
3126the rule will control values outside the indicated interval).  If not
3127specified, the minimum value is defaulted to 0 and the maximum value to
3128infinity.  The parameters controlled by each subrule are:
3129   * "others_span" controls the number of values covered by 'when'
3130     'others' case alternatives.
3131   * "paths" controls the number of paths (i.e.  'when' branches).
3132   * "range_span" controls the number of values covered by ranges used
3133     as choices.
3134   * "values" controls the number of values covered by the subtype of
3135     the 'case' selector.
3136   * "values_if_others" is like "values", but is activated only for
3137     'case' statements with a 'when' 'others' alternative.
3139   This rule can be specified at most once for each subrule and for each
3140of "check", "search" and "count".  It is thus possible for each subrule
3141to have a value considered a warning, and a value considered an error.
3143   Ex:
3144     check  Case_Statement (others_span, min 1);
3145     search Case_Statement (others_span, min 5);
3147     check  Case_Statement (values, max 10);
3148     check  Case_Statement (paths, min 3, max 30);
31505.7.3 Tips
3153To control that no range is used as a choice in a 'case' statement:
3154     check case_statement (range_span, max 0);
3156   To control "'when' 'others'" that cover no value at all:
3157     check case_statement (others_span, min 1);
31595.7.4 Limitations
3162If some characteristic of the 'case' statement depend on a generic
3163formal type, it is not possible to control some of the features
3164statically.  Such cases are detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note
3167   If the subtype of the selecting expression of the 'case' statement,
3168or a subtype in one of its a choice lists, has applicable static
3169predicates, AdaControl is not able to control the features that depend
3170on the number of values of the subtype.  Such cases are detected by the
3171rule "uncheckable".  *Note Uncheckable::.  We hope to be able to remove
3172this limitation in the future, but the problem is quite difficult...
3175File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Characters,  Next: Comments,  Prev: Case_Statement,  Up: Rules reference
31775.8 Characters
3180This rule makes sure that the program text does not use "undesirable"
31835.8.1 Syntax
3186     <control_kind> characters [(<subrule> {, <subrule>})];
3187     <subrule> ::= control | not_iso_646 | trailing_space | wide
31895.8.2 Action
3192The rule controls the occurrence in the source file of characters
3193belonging to the classe(s) defined by the subrules.  Without parameters,
3194all classes are controlled.  The classes are defined as follows:
3195   * "control": control characters that are allowed by the language
3196     (ASCII HT, ASCII VT and ASCII FF).
3197   * "not_iso_646": characters outside the ISO-646 set (aka ASCII).
3198   * "trailing_space": space characters appearing at the end of the
3199     source line.
3200   * "wide": wide characters that are not in 'Standard.Character'.
3202   This rule can be given only once for each class of characters.
3204   Ex:
3205     check characters (control, trailing_space);
3206     search characters (not_iso_646);
32085.8.3 Limitations
3211With the "wide" subrule, the error message may seem to not always appear
3212at the right place; this depends on the encoding scheme used.  For
3213example, if your source contains (using bracket encoding):
3214     S : Wide_String := "["1041"]["1042"]";
3215   it will appear to AdaControl as a string containing two characters,
3216and therefore the error message for the second wide character will point
3217at two characters after the opening quote of the string.
3219   This rule controls only the characters in the source file; other
3220means of having characters in the corresponding classes (like using the
3221''Val' attribute) are not controlled.
3224File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Comments,  Next: Declarations,  Prev: Characters,  Up: Rules reference
3229This rule controls comments that must, or must not, appear in certain
32325.9.1 Syntax
3235     <control_kind> comments (pattern, "<pattern>" {, "<pattern>"});
3236     <control_kind> comments (position, <value> | <bounds>);
3237     <control_kind> comments (terminating {, "<pattern>" | begin | end});
3238     <control_kind> comments (unnamed_begin, <kind> {, <kind>});
3239     <bounds>    ::= min|max <value> [, min|max <value> ]
3240     <kind>      ::= [<condition>] <unit_kind>
3241     <condition> ::= always | declaration | program_unit
3242     <unit_kind> ::= all | procedure | function | entry | package | task
32445.9.2 Action
3247The first parameter is a subrule name which detemines what is being
3249   * "pattern" controls comments that match one of the given patterns
3250     (given as strings).  Only the "useful" part of the comment is
3251     matched against the patterns, i.e.  the part after the "'--'" and
3252     spaces following it.  Patterns are given using the full Regexp
3253     syntax.  *note Syntax of regular expressions:: for details.
3254     Pattern matching is always case insensitive.
3256     This subrule is especially useful to find lines with comments like
3257     "TBSL" (To Be Supplied Later) or "fixme", which are often used to
3258     mark places where something should be done before releasing the
3259     program.
3260   * "position" controls the starting position of comments.  If a single
3261     value is specified without the "min" or "max" modifiers, the
3262     subrule controls comments that do not start exactly at the
3263     indicated column position; otherwise, it controls comments whose
3264     starting column is smaller than the given "min" value or greater
3265     than the given "max" value.  It is possible, but not required to
3266     specify both "min" and "max".  If this subrule is given both for
3267     "search" and for "check", the value(s) for "search" is interpreted
3268     as the prefered one, and the value(s) for "check" is interpreted as
3269     an alternative acceptable one; i.e., it is a warning if the value
3270     is the one given for "check", and an error if it is neither.  In
3271     short:
3272          search comments (position, 1);
3273          check  comments (position, min 1, max 6);
3274     will be silent for comments that start in column 1, it will issue a
3275     warning for comments that start at columns 2 to 6, and an error
3276     otherwise.
3278   * "terminating" controls comments that are at the end of an otherwise
3279     non empty line (i.e.  that appear on the same line as a declaration
3280     or statement).  If "begin" is specified, comments appearing on a
3281     line that contains only a 'begin' are allowed (not reported);
3282     similarly, if "end" is specified, comments appearing on a line that
3283     contains only an 'end' are allowed.  Otherwise, the other
3284     parameters are patterns that specify forms of comments that are
3285     allowed.  Patterns are given using the full Regexp syntax.  *note
3286     Syntax of regular expressions:: for details.  Pattern matching is
3287     always case insensitive.
3288   * "unnamed_begin" controls 'begin' of various constructs that do not
3289     have a comment that repeats the name of the program unit associated
3290     to the 'begin'.  Except for spaces, the comment must not contain
3291     anything else than the unit name.
3293     The <condition> keyword determines circumstances where the comment
3294     is required:
3295        * "always" (default): the comment is always required.
3296        * "declaration": the comment is required only if the preceding
3297          declaration part is non-empty (not counting pragmas).
3298        * "program_unit": the comment is required only if the preceding
3299          declaration part contains the declarations of other program
3300          units (subprograms, packages, protected objects, or tasks).
3302     The <unit_kind> keyword detemines the kind of program unit to which
3303     the rule applies ("all" stands for all kinds).  The subrule can be
3304     given only once of each kind of program unit.
3306   Ex:
3307     check comments (pattern, "TBSL");
3309     -- Report places where rules are disabled:
3310     search comments (pattern, "##.* off");
3312     -- End of line comments are not allowed, except for the
3313     -- comment that repeats the name of a procedure on the "begin"
3314     -- line, and special AdaControl comments
3315     check comments (terminating, begin, "^ *##");
3317     -- Named begin required for packages unless they have no
3318     -- declaration, and subprograms if they have nested units
3319     check comments (unnamed_begin, declaration package);
3320     check comments (unnamed_begin, program_unit procedure);
3321     check comments (unnamed_begin, program_unit function);
33235.9.3 Tips
3326Remember that a Regexp matches if the pattern matches any part of the
3327identifier.  Use "^" and "$" to match the beginning (resp.  end) of the
3328comment, or both.
33305.9.4 Limitations
3333This rule does not support wide characters outside the basic Latin-1
3337File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Declarations,  Next: Default_Parameter,  Prev: Comments,  Up: Rules reference
33395.10 Declarations
3342This rule controls usage of various kinds of declarations, possibly only
3343those occurring at specified locations.
33455.10.1 Syntax
3348     <control_kind> declarations (<subrule> {, <subrule>});
3349     <subrule>     ::= {[not] <location_kw>} <declaration_kw>
3350     <location_kw> ::= all | block   | library | local      | nested |
3351                       own | private | public  | in_generic | task_body
3352     <declaration_kw> ::=
3353        any_declaration                   | abstract_function                 |
3354        abstract_operator                 | abstract_procedure                |
3355        abstract_type                     | access_all_type                   |
3356        access_constant_type              | access_constrained_array_type     |
3357        access_def_discriminated_type     | access_formal_Type                |
3358        access_language_type              | access_nondef_discriminated_type  |
3359        access_protected_type             | access_subprogram_type            |
3360        access_task_type                  | access_unconstrained_array_type   |
3361        access_unknown_discriminated_type | access_type                       |
3362        aliased_array_component           | aliased_constant                  |
3363        aliased_protected_component       | aliased_record_component          |
3364        aliased_variable                  | anonymous_access_component        |
3365        anonymous_access_constant         | anonymous_access_discriminant     |
3366        anonymous_access_parameter        | anonymous_access_variable         |
3367        anonymous_subtype_allocator       | anonymous_subtype_case            |
3368        anonymous_subtype_declaration     | anonymous_subtype_for             |
3369        anonymous_subtype_indexing        | array                             |
3370        array_type                        | binary_modular_type               |
3371        box_defaulted_formal_function     | box_defaulted_formal_procedure    |
3372        character_literal                 | child_unit                        |
3373        class_wide_constant               | class_wide_variable               |
3374        constant                          | constrained_array_constant        |
3375        constrained_array_type            | constrained_array_variable        |
3376        controlled_type                   | decimal_fixed_type                |
3377        defaulted_discriminant            | defaulted_generic_parameter       |
3378        defaulted_parameter               | deferred_constant                 |
3379        derived_type                      | discriminant                      |
3380        empty_private_part                | empty_visible_part                |
3381        enumeration_type                  | entry                             |
3382        equality_operator                 | exception                         |
3383        expression_function               | extension                         |
3384        fixed_type                        | float_type                        |
3385        formal_function                   | formal_package                    |
3386        formal_procedure                  | formal_type                       |
3387        function                          | function_call_renaming            |
3388        function_instantiation            | generic                           |
3389        generic_function                  | generic_package                   |
3390        generic_procedure                 | handlers                          |
3391        incomplete_type                   | in_out_generic_parameter          |
3392        in_out_parameter                  | initialized_protected_component   |
3393        initialized_record_component      | initialized_variable              |
3394        instantiation                     | integer_type                      |
3395        interface_type                    | library_unit_renaming             |
3396        limited_private_type              | modular_type                      |
3397        multiple_names                    | multiple_protected_entries        |
3398        name_defaulted_formal_function    | name_defaulted_formal_procedure   |
3399        named_number                      | non_binary_modular_type           |
3400        non_identical_operator_renaming   | non_identical_renaming            |
3401        non_joint_ce_ne_handler           | non_limited_private_type          |
3402        non_ravenscar_task                | not_operator_renaming             |
3403        null_defaulted_formal_procedure   | null_extension                    |
3404        null_ordinary_record_type         | null_procedure                    |
3405        null_procedure_body               | null_procedure_declaration        |
3406        null_tagged_type                  | operator                          |
3407        operator_renaming                 | ordinary_fixed_type               |
3408        ordinary_fixed_type_no_small      | ordinary_fixed_type_with_small    |
3409        ordinary_record_type              | ordinary_record_variable          |
3410        out_parameter                     | package                           |
3411        package_instantiation             | package_statements                |
3412        predefined_operator               | private_extension                 |
3413        procedure                         | procedure_instantiation           |
3414        protected                         | protected_discriminant            |
3415        protected_entry                   | protected_type                    |
3416        protected_variable                | record_type                       |
3417        relay_function                    | relay_package                     |
3418        relay_procedure                   | renaming                          |
3419        renaming_as_body                  | renaming_as_declaration           |
3420        scalar_variable                   | self_calling_function             |
3421        self_calling_procedure            | separate                          |
3422        signed_type                       | single_array                      |
3423        single_protected                  | single_task                       |
3424        subtype                           | synonym_renaming                  |
3425        tagged_incomplete_type            | tagged_private_type               |
3426        tagged_type                       | tagged_variable                   |
3427        task                              | task_discriminant                 |
3428        task_entry                        | task_type                         |
3429        task_variable                     | type                              |
3430        unconstrained_array_constant      | unconstrained_array_type          |
3431        unconstrained_array_variable      | unconstrained_subtype             |
3432        uninitialized_protected_component | uninitialized_record_component    |
3433        uninitialized_variable            | unknown_discriminant              |
3434        variable                          | variant_part
34365.10.2 Action
3439The <location_kw> restricts the places where the occurrence of the
3440declaration is controlled.  If it is preceded by "not", the declaration
3441is controlled except at this location.  Several <location_kw> can be
3442given, in which case the declaration is controlled at places where all
3443the keywords apply.  If there is no <location_kw>, it is assumed to be
3445   * 'all': puts no special restriction to the location.  This keyword
3446     can be specified for readability purposes, and if specified must
3447     appear alone (not with other <location_kw>), and "not" is not
3448     allowed.
3449   * 'block': only declarations appearing in block statements are
3450     controlled.
3451   * 'library': only library level declarations are controlled.
3452   * 'local': only local declarations are controlled (i.e.  only
3453     declarations appearing in (generic) packages, possibly nested, are
3454     allowed).
3455   * 'own': only declarations that are local to a (generic) package body
3456     are controlled.
3457   * 'public': only declarations appearing in the visible part of
3458     (generic) packages are controlled.
3459   * 'private': only declarations appearing directly in a private part
3460     are controlled.
3461   * 'in_generic': only declarations appearing directly or indirectly in
3462     a generic specification or body are controlled.
3463   * 'task_body': only declarations appearing directly in a task body
3464     are controlled.  Note that it would not make sense to have a
3465     <location_kw> for task specifications, since only entries can
3466     appear there, and they cannot appear anywhere else.
3468   The <declaration_kw> specifies what kind of declaration to control:
3469   * Declaration keywords that are Ada keywords match the corresponding
3470     Ada declarations.
3471   * 'any_declaration' controls all declarations.  This is of course not
3472     intended to forbid all declarations in a program (!), but
3473     _counting_ all declarations can be quite useful.
3474   * 'abstract_function', 'abstract_operator', and 'abstract_procedure'
3475     control the declarations of abstract functions, abstract operators,
3476     and abstract procedures, respectively.
3477   * 'abstract_type' controls the declaration of non-formal abstract
3478     types.
3479   * 'access_type' controls all access type declarations, while
3480     'access_subprogram_type', 'access_protected_type', and
3481     'access_task_type' control only access to procedures or functions,
3482     access to protected types, or access to task types, respectively.
3483     Similarly, 'access_constrained_array_type' and
3484     'access_unconstrained_array_type' control access to constrained or
3485     unconstrained array types, 'access_def_discriminated_type',
3486     'access_nondef_discriminated_type', and
3487     'access_unknown_discriminated_type' control access to types with
3488     discriminants with default values, without default values, and
3489     unknown discriminants, respectively.  'access_formal_type' controls
3490     access to (generic) formal types, 'access_all_type' control
3491     generalized access to variables types (aka "'access all T'", and
3492     'access_constant_type' control generalized access to constants
3493     types (aka "'access constant T'").  'access_language_type' controls
3494     access to language defined private types.
3495   * 'aliased_variable' and 'aliased_constant' control the declarations
3496     of aliased variables or constants, respectively.
3497   * 'aliased_array_component' controls the declaration of arrays (array
3498     types or single arrays) whose components are declared aliased.
3499   * 'aliased_record_component' and 'aliased_protected_component'
3500     control the declarations of aliased record (respectively protected)
3501     components.
3502   * 'anonymous_access_component' controls array and record components
3503     that are of an anonymous access type (but not discriminants, which
3504     are controlled by 'anonymous_access_discriminant').  Similarly,
3505     'anonymous_access_constant' and 'anonymous_access_variable' control
3506     constants and variables that are of an anonymous access type
3507     (including generic formal 'in' and 'in out' parameters,
3508     respectively).  'anonymous_access_parameter' controls subprogram
3509     parameters that are of an anonymous access type, the only ones that
3510     existed in Ada 95.  Note that to avoid unnecessary messages, if a
3511     subprogram has an explicit specification, the message for
3512     'anonymous_access_parameter' is given on the specification and not
3513     repeated on the body.
3514   * 'anonymous_subtype_declaration' controls the declarations of
3515     anonymous subtypes and ranges that are part of some other
3516     declaration.  Similarly, 'anonymous_subtype_allocator',
3517     'anonymous_subtype_case', 'anonymous_subtype_for', and
3518     'anonymous_subtype_indexing' control anonymous subtype declarations
3519     and ranges that are part of allocators, 'case' statements (ranges
3520     in the 'when' path), 'for' loop statements, and indexing of slices
3521     or array aggregates, respectively.
3522   * 'array' controls all array definitions (array types and single
3523     arrays), while 'array_type' controls only array types and
3524     'single_array' controls only single arrays (objects of an anonymous
3525     array type).  'constrained_array_type' controls only constrained
3526     array types, while 'unconstrained_array_type' controls only
3527     unconstrained array types.  'constrained_array_variable' controls
3528     variable declarations where the given (or anonymous) array type is
3529     constrained, while 'unconstrained_array variable' controls variable
3530     declarations where the given (or anonymous) array type is
3531     unconstrained (and the constraint is provided by the initial
3532     value).  'constrained_array_constant' and
3533     'unconstrained_array_constant' do the same with constants instead
3534     of variables.
3535   * 'character_literal' controls the declaration of new character
3536     literals, i.e.  character literals defined as part of the values of
3537     an enumeration type.
3538   * 'child_unit' controls the declaration of all child units.
3539   * 'constant' controls all constants, while 'class_wide_constant'
3540     control the declaration of constants of a class-wide type, and
3541     'deferred_constant' controls the declaration of deferred constants.
3542   * 'controlled_type' controls the declaration of controlled types,
3543     i.e.  descendants of 'Ada.Finalization.Controlled' or
3544     'Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled'.  Note that this includes
3545     also private types that are not visibly controlled.
3546   * 'defaulted_parameter' controls subprogram or entry (in) parameters
3547     that provide a default value, while 'defaulted_generic_parameter'
3548     controls generic formal objects that provide a default value.
3549   * 'derived_type' controls regular derived types, but not type
3550     extensions (derivations of tagged types).  These are controlled by
3551     'extension' and 'private_extension'.
3552   * 'discriminant' controls all declarations of types with
3553     discriminants, while 'protected_discriminant' and
3554     'task_discriminant' control only discriminants of protected types
3555     and task types, respectively.  'defaulted_discriminants' controls
3556     only discriminants where default values are provided.
3557     'unknown_discriminants' controls only unknown discriminants (AKA
3558     "'(<>)'" discriminants).
3559   * 'empty_private_part' controls package specification with an empty
3560     private part, i.e.  where the word 'private' appears, but the
3561     private part contains no declaration (even if it contains pragmas).
3562   * 'empty_visible_part' controls package specifications that contain
3563     no declaration in the visible part (before the word 'private' if
3564     any), even if it contains pragmas.
3565   * 'enumeration_type' controls the declaration of enumeration types.
3566   * 'exception' controls exception declarations.
3567   * 'expression_function' controls declaration of expression functions
3568   * 'extension' controls type extensions, i.e.  derivations from a
3569     tagged type with a 'with record' extension part.
3570   * 'fixed_type' controls all declarations of fixed point types while
3571     'ordinary_fixed_type' controls only ordinary (binary) fixed point
3572     types, 'ordinary_fixed_type_no_small' controls ordinary fixed point
3573     type without a representation clause for ''SMALL',
3574     'ordinary_fixed_type_with_small' controls ordinary fixed point type
3575     with an explicit representation clause for ''SMALL', and
3576     'decimal_fixed_type' controls only decimal fixed point types (those
3577     can never have a representation clause for ''SMALL').
3578   * 'float_type' controls declarations of floating point types.
3579   * 'formal_function', 'formal_package', 'formal_procedure', and
3580     'formal_type' control all generic formal functions, packages,
3581     procedures, and types, respectively.
3582     'box_defaulted_formal_function', 'box_defaulted_formal_procedure',
3583     'name_defaulted_formal_function',
3584     'name_defaulted_formal_procedure', and
3585     'null_defaulted_formal_procedure' control generic formal functions
3586     and procedures with a box default, a name default, and a null
3587     default, respectively.
3588   * 'generic_function', 'generic_package', 'generic_procedure' control
3589     generic function (respectively package, procedure) declarations.
3590   * 'handlers' controls the presence of exception handlers in any
3591     handled sequence of statements.
3592   * 'in_out_parameter' and 'out_parameter' control subprogram and entry
3593     parameters of modes 'in' 'out' and 'out' (respectively), while
3594     'in_out_generic_parameter' and 'out_generic_parameter' do the same
3595     for generic formal parameters.  Note that to avoid unnecessary
3596     messages, if a subprogram has an explicit specification, the
3597     message is given on the specification and not repeated on the body.
3598   * 'incomplete_type' controls (regular) incomplete type declarations,
3599     while 'tagged_incomplete_type' controls tagged incomplete type
3600     declarations (Ada 2005).
3601   * 'initialized_variable' controls variable declarations that include
3602     an initialization expression, unless they are of a class-wide type
3603     since initialization is required in that case.
3604   * 'instantiation' controls all instantiations, while
3605     'function_instantiation', 'package_instantiation',
3606     'procedure_instantiation' control function (respectively package,
3607     procedure) instantiations.
3608   * 'integer_type' controls all declarations of integer types, while
3609     'signed_type' controls only signed integer types, and
3610     'modular_type' controls only modular types (both kinds);
3611     'binary_modular_type' controls only modular types whose modulus is
3612     a power of 2, and 'non_binary_modular_type' controls only modular
3613     types whose modulus is not a power of 2.
3614   * 'initialized_record_component' and
3615     'initialized_protected_component' control the declaration of record
3616     (respectively protected) component that include a default
3617     initialization, while 'uninitialized_record_component' and
3618     'uninitialized_protected_component' control the declaration of
3619     record (respectively protected) component that do not include a
3620     default initialization, unless they are of a limited type since
3621     initialization would not be allowed in that case.
3622   * 'limited_private_type' controls limited private type declarations,
3623     while 'non_limited_private_type' controls regular (non limited)
3624     private type declarations.  'tagged_private_type' controls tagged
3625     private type declarations.
3626   * 'multiple_names' controls declarations where more than one defining
3627     identifier is given in the same declaration.
3628   * 'multiple_protected_entries' controls protected definitions (from
3629     protected types or single protected objects) that have more than
3630     one entry declaration.  Note that a protected definition with a
3631     single entry family declaration is counted as a single entry
3632     declaration.
3633   * 'named_number' controls declarations of named numbers, i.e.
3634     untyped constants.
3635   * 'non_joint_CE_NE_handler' controls exception handlers whose choices
3636     include 'Constraint_Error' or 'Numeric_Error', but not both.  This
3637     is intended for legacy Ada 83 code that required to always handle
3638     these exceptions together; it makes little sense for Ada95 or
3639     Ada2005 code (and to be honnest, this subrule is provided because
3640     Gnatcheck has it).
3641   * 'null_extension' controls record extensions (derived tagged types)
3642     that contain no new elements.  Similarly,
3643     'null_ordinary_record_type' and 'null_tagged_type' control ordinary
3644     records and tagged types that contain no elements.  Note that the
3645     record definitions may be plain "'null' 'record'" definitions, or
3646     full record definitions that contain only null components.
3647     However, a definition is not considered null if it contains a
3648     variant part.
3649   * 'null_procedure_body' controls procedure declarations whose
3650     sequence of statements contain only 'null' statements (or blocks
3651     without declarations and containing only 'null' statements).
3652     'null_procedure_declaration' controls Ada2005 null procedure
3653     declarations (i.e., "procedure P is null;").  'null_procedure'
3654     controls both.
3655   * 'operator' controls the definition of operators (things like
3656     '"+"'); note that the message is given on the specification if
3657     there is an explicit specification, on the body otherwise.
3658     'equality_operator' controls only equality operators ('"="' and
3659     '"/="') and 'predefined_operator' controls only operator
3660     definitions that overload a predefined operator (like '"+"' on a
3661     numeric type, for example).
3662   * 'package_statements' controls the presence of elaboration
3663     statements in the bodies of packages (or generic packages).
3664   * 'private_extension' controls private extensions, i.e.  derivations
3665     from a tagged type with a 'with private' extension part.
3666   * 'record_type' controls all record type declarations (tagged or
3667     not), while 'ordinary_record_type' controls only non-tagged record
3668     types, and 'tagged_type' controls only tagged record types.
3669   * 'interface_type' controls interface type declarations.
3670   * 'relay_function' controls functions whose statement part includes
3671     only a single 'return' statement whose expression is another
3672     function call; similarly, 'relay_procedure' controls procedures
3673     whose statement part includes only a call to another procedure, and
3674     'relay_package' controls packages whose visible part includes only
3675     the declaration of another package (regular package, instantiation
3676     of a generic package, or renaming of package).
3677   * 'renaming' controls all renaming declarations, while
3678     'renaming_as_body' controls only those that are renamings as bodies
3679     of subprograms, 'renaming_as_declaration' controls only those that
3680     are regular renamings of subprograms (i.e.  not as bodies),
3681     'operator_renaming' controls only those that are renamings of an
3682     operator, 'not_operator_renaming' controls only those that are
3683     _not_ renamings of an operator, 'function_call_renaming' controls
3684     renaming of the result of a function call, and
3685     'library_unit_renaming' controls renaming of library units.
3686     'non_identical_renaming' controls only renamings where the new name
3687     and the old name are not the same, and
3688     'non_identical_operator_renaming' does the same, but only for
3689     renamings of operators.  'synonym_renaming' controls renamings
3690     declared in the same declarative part as the entity being renamed
3691     (these serve no purpose as far as visibility is concerned, and are
3692     thus pure synonyms).
3693   * 'self_calling_function' controls functions whose body contains only
3694     a single (simple) 'return' statement, and the return expression is
3695     a (recursive) call to the same function.  Similarly,
3696     'self_calling_procedure' controls procedures whose body contains
3697     only a single statement which is a (recursive) call to the same
3698     procedure.  Note that this corresponds to bodies automatically
3699     generated by gnatstub.
3700   * 'subtype' controls all explicit subtype declarations (i.e.  not all
3701     anonymous subtypes that appear at various places in the language),
3702     while 'unconstrained_subtype' controls only the subtype
3703     declarations that do not include a constraint.
3704   * 'task' controls task type declarations as well as single tasks
3705     declarations while 'single_task' and 'task_type' control only
3706     single task declarations or task type declarations respectively
3707     (and similarly for 'protected').  'non_ravenscar_task' controls all
3708     task type and task object declarations from a unit to which no
3709     'pragma Profile (Ravenscar)' applies.
3710   * 'type' controls all type (but not subtype) declarations.
3711   * 'uninitialized_variable' controls variable declarations that do not
3712     include an initialization expression.  Depending on the value of
3713     the rule variable "limited_initialization" (see below), variables
3714     of a limited type, or only variables of a task or protected type,
3715     are not reported, since initialization would not be allowed in that
3716     case.
3717   * 'variable' controls all variable declarations.  'scalar_variable'
3718     controls the declarations of variables of a scalar type (integer,
3719     enumeration, float, fixed).  'ordinary_record_variable' controls
3720     declarations of variables of an untagged record type.
3721     'tagged_variable' controls declarations of variables of a tagged
3722     type (including class-wide ones), while 'class_wide_variable'
3723     controls only the declarations of variables of a class-wide type.
3724     'task_variable' and 'protected_variable' control task and protected
3725     objects (respectively), whether given with a named or anonymous
3726     type.
3727   * 'variant_part' controls variant parts in record defintions.
3729   Ex:
3730     -- No task, no exception:
3731     search declarations (task, exception);
3733     -- Don't declare subprograms or packages inside a block:
3734     check declarations (block procedure, block function, block package);
3736     -- No task in the public part of a package:
3737     check declarations (public task);
3739     -- Generics allowed only as top-level units
3740     check declarations (not library generic);
37425.10.3 Variable
3745The rule provides a variable that allows to adjust the handling of
3746limited types for the subrule "uninitialized_variable".  Initialization
3747of variables of a limited time was not permitted until Ada 2005.
3749Variable           Values  Default Effect
3750Limited_Initializationoff/onoff    if "off", uninitialized variables of a
3751                                   limited type are never reported; if
3752                                   "on", they are reported like
3753                                   non-limited variables, unless they are
3754                                   of a task or protected type, since no
3755                                   initialization would be allowed in
3756                                   that case.
37585.10.4 Tips
3761Certain keywords are not exclusive, and it may be the case that several
3762keywords apply to the same declaration; in this case, they are all
3763reported.  For example, if you specify:
3764     check declarations (record_type, tagged_type);
3765   tagged types will be reported both as "record_type" and
3768   There is no subrule for checking functions whose result type is from
3769an anonymous access type; these are controlled by the rule 'return_type
3770(anonymous_access)'.  *Note Return_Type::.
3772   Some of the keyword do not seem very useful; it would be strange to
3773have a programming rule that prevents all type declarations...  But bear
3774in mind that the <location_kw> can be used to restrict the check to
3775certain locations; moreover, AdaControl can be used not only for
3776checking, but also for searching; finding all type declarations in a set
3777of units can make sense.  As another example, "search declarations (own
3778variable);" will find all variables declared directly in package bodies.
3780   Some modifiers do not make sense with certain declarations; for
3781example, a "private out_parameter" is impossible (a parameter occurs in
3782a subprogram declaration, not directly in a private part).  This is not
3783a problem as far as the rule is concerned, but don't expect to find
3786   Generally, discriminants are considered components of record types.
3787However, discriminants of an anonymous access type (so-called access
3788discriminants) play such a special role in the language that they
3789deserved their own control ('anonymous_access_discriminant').
3791   Private types are normally followed in determining the kind of access
3792type (i.e., an access to a private type will be controlled according to
3793the full declaration).  However, this is not done for an access type
3794that designates a private type defined in a language defined unit (since
3795the full type depends on the implementation); these are controlled as
3796"access_language_type" instead.  Of course, language defined visible
3797types are controlled normally.
37995.10.5 Limitation
3802In some rare cases, AdaControl may not be able to evaluate the modulus
3803of a modular type definition, thus preventing correct operation of
3804"binary_modular_type" and "non_binary_modular_type" subrules.  Such
3805cases are detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note Uncheckable::.
3808File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Default_Parameter,  Next: Dependencies,  Prev: Declarations,  Up: Rules reference
38105.11 Default_Parameter
3813This rule checks usage (or non-usage) of defaulted parameters.
38155.11.1 Syntax
3818     <control_kind> default_parameter (<place>, <formal>, <usage>);
3819     <place>  ::= <entity> | calls | instantiations
3820     <formal> ::= <formal name> | all
3821     <usage>  ::= used | positional | not_used
38235.11.2 Action
3826The rule controls subprogram calls or generic instantiations that use
3827the default value for the indicated parameter, or conversely don't use
3828it, either in positional notation or in any notation.  If a subprogram
3829is called, or a generic instantiated, whose name matches <entity>, and
3830it has a formal whose name is <formal name>, then:
3831   * If the string 'used' (case irrelevant) is given as the third
3832     parameter, the rule reports when there is no corresponding actual
3833     parameter (i.e.  the default value is used for the parameter).
3834   * If the string 'positional' (case irrelevant) is given as the third
3835     parameter, the rule reports when there is an explicit corresponding
3836     actual parameter (i.e.  the default is not used for the parameter),
3837     and the actual uses positional (not named) notation.
3838   * If the string 'not_used' (case irrelevant) is given as the third
3839     parameter, the rule reports when there is an explicit corresponding
3840     actual parameter (i.e.  the default is not used for the parameter),
3841     independently of whether it uses positional or named notation.
3843   As usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed for <entity>.
3844*Note Specifying an Ada entity name::.  On the other hand, <formal> is
3845the simple name of the formal parameter.
3847   Alternatively, the <entity> can be specified as 'calls', to control
3848all calls or 'instantiations', to control all instantiations.  The
3849<formal name> can be replaced by 'all', in which case all formals are
3852   Ex:
3853     check default_parameter (P, X, used);
3854     check default_parameter (P, Y, not used);
3855     search default_parameter (calls, all, positional);
38575.11.3 Tip
3860If the <entity> is a generic subprogram, it is also possible to give a
3861formal parameter (a parameter of the subprogram, not a generic
3862parameter) as the <formal name>; in this case, all instantiations of the
3863indicated generic subprogram will be controlled for the use of the
3864indicated parameter.
3867File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Dependencies,  Next: Derivations,  Prev: Default_Parameter,  Up: Rules reference
38695.12 Dependencies
3872This rule controls dependencies of units (i.e.  'with' clauses, parents,
3873child units...), either according to a set of allowed/forbidden units,
3874or by count.
38765.12.1 Syntax
3879     <control_kind> dependencies (others, <unit> {,<unit>});
3880     <control_kind> dependencies (with, <unit> {,<unit>});
3881     <control_kind> dependencies (public_child | private_child);
3882     <control_kind> dependencies (<counter>, <bound> [, <bound>]);
3883     <counter> ::= raw | direct | parent
3884     <bound>   ::= min | max <value>
38865.12.2 Action
3889The kind of action depends on the specified subrule.
3891   The "others" subrule controls semantic dependencies to units other
3892than those indicated.  This subrule can be specified only once, and at
3893least one unit must be given.
3895   The "with" subrule controls with clauses that reference the indicated
3896units.  At least one unit must be given.
3898   Note that for these two rules, renamings are followed: if you give
3899the basic name of a unit, it will be identified even if used with other
3900names.  Similarly, if you give the name of a generic, all of its
3901instantiations will also be controlled.
3903   "public_child" and "private_child" control units that depend on their
3904own public (respectively private) child units.  Since these subrules
3905have no parameters, they can be given only once.
3907   Other subrules control that the number of various dependencies is
3908whithin a specified range.  The second (and optionnally third) parameter
3909give the minimum and/or maximum allowed values (i.e.  the rule will
3910control values outside the indicated interval).  If not specified, the
3911minimum value is defaulted to 0 and the maximum value to infinity.
3912   * "raw" controls the number of units textually given in 'with'
3913     clauses.  Redundant 'with' clauses are counted, and a child unit
3914     counts for one.
3915   * "direct" controls the number of different units that this unit
3916     really depends on: if a unit is mentionned in several 'with'
3917     clauses, it is counted only once, but if a child unit is
3918     mentionned, all parents of this child unit are added to the count.
3919   * "parent" counts the number of parents of the current unit.  A root
3920     unit has no parent, a child of a root unit has one parent, etc.
3922   Ex:
3923     check dependencies (others, Ada.Text_IO);
3924     check dependencies (raw, max 15);
3926     -- child units should not be nested more than 5 levels:
3927     check dependencies (parent, max 5);
3929     -- units that depend on nothing:
3930     search dependencies (direct, min 1);
3932     -- units that depend on their public children:
3933     check dependencies (public_child);
39355.12.3 Tips
3938If you give a name that's already a renaming to the "others" or "with"
3939subrules, the rule will only apply to this name, not to what has been
3940renamed.  Therefore:
3941      -- Allow only Ada.Text_IO:
3942     check dependencies (others, Ada.Text_IO);
3944     -- But not if the plain name Text_IO is used:
3945     check dependencies (with, Text_IO);
3947   The notion of public or private for the rules "public_child" or
3948"private_child" refer to the real unit, which is not necessarily the
3949name used in the with clause, if for example you have a private library
3950renaming of a public unit.
3952   There is a slight overlap between this rule and the rule "entities'.
3953But "entities" will find all uses of an entity (not necessarily a
3954compilation unit), while "dependencies" will control occurrences only of
3955compilation units, and only in 'with' clauses.  *Note Entities::.
3957   In certain contexts, only a set of the Ada predefined units is
3958allowed.  For example, it can be useful to forbid units defined in
3959special needs annexes.  The 'rules' directory of Adacontrol contains
3960files with "Dependencies" rules that forbid the use of various
3961predefined Ada units.  Comment out the lines for the units that you want
3962to allow.  You can then simply "source" these files from your own rule
3963file (or copy the content) if you want to disallow these units.  *Note
3964Rules files provided with AdaControl::.
3967File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Derivations,  Next: Directly_Accessed_Globals,  Prev: Dependencies,  Up: Rules reference
39695.13 Derivations
3972This rule controls various properties of the declaration of derived
39755.13.1 Syntax
3978     <control_kind> derivations (from, <entity>|<category> {, <entity>|<category>})
3979     <control_kind> derivations (max_parents, <value>)
3980     <category>     ::= ()      | access    | array | delta  | digits | mod  |
3981                        private | protected | range | record | tagged | task
39835.13.2 Action
3986The "from" subrule controls derivations according to the parent type.
3988   If <entity> is a type name, it controls types that are derived
3989(directly or indirectly) from the given type, or one of its subtypes;
3990however, if it is a subtype name, only types that are derived (directly
3991or indirectly) from the given subtype are controlled.  If <entity> is
3992the name of a compilation unit, it controls types that are derived
3993(directly or indirectly) from a type (or subtype) declared inside the
3994given unit.  As usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed for
3995<entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity name::.
3997   If <category> is given, it controls derived types that belong to the
3998corresponding category.  The meaning of <category> is:
3999   * "()": The parent is of an enumerated type.
4000   * "access": The parent is of an access type.
4001   * "array": The parent is of an array type.
4002   * "delta": The parent is of a fixed point type (it is not currently
4003     possible to distinguish ordinary fixed point types from decimal
4004     fixed point types).
4005   * "digits": The parent is of a floating point type.
4006   * "mod": The parent is of a modular type.
4007   * "private": The parent is of a private type (including private
4008     extensions).
4009   * "protected": The parent is of a protected type.
4010   * "range": The parent is of a signed integer type.
4011   * "record": The parent is of an (untagged) record type.
4012   * "tagged": The parent is of a tagged type (including type
4013     extensions).
4014   * "task": The parent is of a task type.
4016   It may be the case that several controls apply to a given derived
4017type.  In this case, the message corresponds to the most specific
4018control, according to the following priority order:
4019  1. Specific subtype
4020  2. Specific type
4021  3. Type or subtype from a compilation unit
4022  4. Category
4024   Ex:
4025     check derivations (from, Standard.Integer);  -- Types derived from Integer
4026     search derivations (from, range);            -- Types derived from an integer type, except
4027                                                  -- Standard.Integer (caught above)
4028     search derivations (from, standard);         -- Types derived from a type in Standard, except
4029                                                  -- Standard.Integer (caught above)
4031   The "max_parents" subrule controls the maximum number of parents in a
4032derivation.  The parents are the direct ancestor in a derived type
4033definition, plus all of the progenitors (the interfaces that are
4034implemented by the type).  <n> is the maximum number of allowed parents,
4035i.e.  the rule is triggered if the number of parents is strictly greater
4036than <n>.
4038   This subrule can be given once for each of check, search, and count.
4039This way, it is possible to have a number of parents considered a
4040warning (search), and one considered an error (check).  Of course, this
4041makes sense only if the number for search is less than the one for
4044     check derivations (max_parents, 5);   -- error if more than 5 parents
4045     search derivations (max_parents, 3);  -- warning if more than 3 parents
40475.13.3 Limitations
4050Currently, the "from" subrule controls only parent types, progenitors
4051are ignored.  This limitation will be removed in future versions.
4054File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Directly_Accessed_Globals,  Next: Duplicate_Initialization_Calls,  Prev: Derivations,  Up: Rules reference
40565.14 Directly_Accessed_Globals
4059This rule checks that global variables in package bodies are accessed
4060only through dedicated subprograms.  Especially, it can be used to
4061prevent race conditions in multi-tasking programs.
40635.14.1 Syntax
4066     <control_kind> directly_accessed_globals [(<kind> {,<kind>})];
4067     <kind> ::= plain | accept | protected
40695.14.2 Action
4072The rule controls global variables declared directly in (generic)
4073package bodies that are accessed outside of dedicated callable entities
4074(i.e.  procedure or function, possibly protected, protected entries, and
4075'accept' statements).
4077   This rule can be specified only once.  The parameters indicate which
4078kinds of callable entity are allowed: "plain" for non-protected
4079subprograms, "protected" for protected subprograms, and "accept" for
4080'accept' statements).  Without parameters, all forms are allowed.
4082   More precisely, the rule ensures that the global variables are read
4083from a single callable entity, and written by a single callable entity.
4084Note that the same callable entity can read and write a variable, but in
4085this case no other callable entity is allowed to read or write the
4087   * Subprograms used to read/write the variables must be declared at
4088     the same level as the variable itself (i.e.  not nested), and must
4089     not be generic.
4090   * Protected subprograms used to read/write the variables must both be
4091     part of the same single protected object, which must be declared at
4092     the same level as the variable itself (i.e.  not nested); they are
4093     not allowed to be declared in a protected type, since if there are
4094     several protected objects of the same type, mutual exclusion would
4095     not be enforced.
4096   * 'accept' statements used to read/write the variables must both be
4097     part of the same single task object, which must be declared at the
4098     same level as the variable itself (i.e.  not nested); they are not
4099     allowed to be declared in a task type, since if there are several
4100     task objects of the same type, mutual exclusion would not be
4101     enforced.
4102   In short, this rule enforces that all global variables are accessed
4103by dedicated access subprograms, and that only those subprograms access
4104the variables directly.  If given with the keyword "protected" and/or
4105"accept", it enforces that global variables are accessed only by
4106dedicated protected subprograms or tasks, ensuring that no race
4107condition is possible.
4109   Ex:
4110     check directly_accessed_globals
41125.14.3 Tips
4115Note that this rule controls global variables from package bodies, not
4116those from the specification.  This is intended, since it makes little
4117sense to declare a variable in a specification, and then require it not
4118to be accessed directly, but through provided subprograms.  Obviously,
4119in this case the variable should be moved to the body.
4121   Note that AdaControl can check that no variable is declared in a
4122package specification with the following rule:
4123     check usage (variable, from_spec);
4124   *note Usage:: for details.
41265.14.4 Limitations
4129AdaControl cannot check entities accessed through dynamic names (dynamic
4130renaming, access on aliased variables).  Use of such constructs is
4131detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note Uncheckable::.
4133   Due to a weakness in the ASIS standard, it is not possible to know
4134the mode (in, out) of variables used as parameters of dispatching calls.
4135Such variables are considered to be read and written at the point of the
4136call, therefore possibly creating false positives (which is safer than
4137false negatives).  Use of such constructs is detected by the rule
4138"uncheckable".  *Note Uncheckable::.
4141File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Duplicate_Initialization_Calls,  Next: Entities,  Prev: Directly_Accessed_Globals,  Up: Rules reference
41435.15 Duplicate_Initialization_Calls
4146This rule checks that some procedures (notably initialization
4147procedures) are not called several times in identical conditions.
41495.15.1 Syntax
4152     <control_kind> duplicate_initialization_calls (<entity> {, <entity>});
41545.15.2 Action
4157This rule controls calls to initialization procedures that are
4158duplicated.  The <entity> parameters are the initialization procedures
4159to be controlled.  As usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed
4160for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity name::.
4162   More precisely, the initialization procedures must follow one of
4163these patterns:
4164   * The procedure only has 'in' parameters.  All actual parameters used
4165     in calls are static, and not two calls have the same values for all
4166     parameters.
4167   * The procedure has exactly one 'out' parameter (and no 'in out'
4168     parameter).  Not two calls refer the same actual variable for the
4169     'out' parameter.
4171   The rule controls any violation of these patterns.  If a procedure
4172passed as parameter does not have a profile that corresponds to one of
4173the above patterns, it is an error.
4175   Ex:
4176     check duplicate_initialization_calls (pack.init_proc);
41785.15.3 Limitation
4181If a variable passed as an 'out' parameter is not statically
4182determinable, it is not controlled by the rule.  Such a case is detected
4183by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note Uncheckable::.
4186File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Entities,  Next: Entity_Inside_Exception,  Prev: Duplicate_Initialization_Calls,  Up: Rules reference
41885.16 Entities
4191This rule is used to control usage of Ada entities, i.e.  any declared
4192element (type, variables, packages, etc).
41945.16.1 Syntax
4197     <control_kind> entities ({[not] <location>} [instance] <entity>
4198                           {, {[not] <location>} [instance] <entity>});
4199     <location> ::= block   | library | local      | nested    | own |
4200                    private | public  | in_generic | task_body
42035.16.2 Action
4206This rule controls all uses of the indicated entities,or only those that
4207appear within the specified locations.  As usual, the whole syntax for
4208entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity
4211   When present, the <location_kw> restricts the places where the entity
4212is controlled.  If it is preceded by "not", the entity is controlled
4213except at this location.  Several <location_kw> can be given, in which
4214case the entity is controlled at places where all the keywords apply.
4215   * 'block': the entity appears in a block statement.
4216   * 'library': the entity appears at library level.
4217   * 'local': the entity appears in a local scope (i.e.  not in
4218     (generic) packages, possibly nested)
4219   * 'own': the entity appers in a (generic) package body.
4220   * 'public': the entity appears in the visible part of a (generic)
4221     package.
4222   * 'private': the entity appears directly in a private part.
4223   * 'in_generic': the entity appears directly or indirectly in a
4224     generic specification or body.
4225   * 'task_body': the entity appears directly in a task body.
4227   If the given entity is a generic unit or an entity declared inside a
4228generic unit, all corresponding uses in all instances will be reported.
4229Uses of the generic entity itself will also be reported normally, unless
4230the keyword 'instance' is given.
4232   Note that this rules reports on the use of the entity, not the name:
4233if an entity has been renamed, it will be found under its various names.
4235   Ex:
4236     search entities (Debug.Trace);
4237     check  entities (Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO.Put);
4238     check  entities (instance Ada.Unchecked_Conversion);
4239   The second line will report on any use of a 'Put' from any
4240instantiation of 'Float_IO'.  The third one will report only on uses of
4241instances of 'Ada.Unchecked_Conversion'.
42435.16.3 Tips
4246This rule is safer than cross-references if you want to check where
4247certain entities are used, since it follows renamings but does not
4248report on homonyms of the intended entity.
4250   This rule can also be used to check for all occurrences of certain
4251attributes with the "'all <Attribute>'" syntax.  For example, the
4252following will report on any usage of ''Unchecked_Access':
4253     check entities (all 'Unchecked_Access);
4255   If you want to make sure that certain compilation units are not used,
4256it is preferable to use the rule "Depencies (with,...)"  rather than
4257"Entities", because "Entities" will control all uses of the unit, while
4258"Dependencies" will control only those in 'with' clauses (which is of
4259course sufficient).
4261   In certain contexts, it can be useful to forbid certain entities,
4262like those from 'Standard', 'System', or entities defined in special
4263needs annexes packages.  The 'rules' directory of Adacontrol contains
4264files with "Dependencies" and "Entities" rules that forbid the use of
4265various predefined Ada elements.  Comment out the lines for the elements
4266that you want to allow.  You can then simply "source" these files from
4267your own rule file (or copy the content) if you want to disallow these
4268elements.  *Note Rules files provided with AdaControl::.
42705.16.4 Limitation
4273GNAT defines 'Unchecked_Conversion' and 'Unchecked_Deallocation' as
4274separate entities, rather than renamings of 'Ada.Unchecked_Conversion'
4275and 'Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation'.  As a consequence, it is necessary to
4276specify explicitely both forms if you want to make sure that the
4277corresponding generics are not used.
4280File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Entity_Inside_Exception,  Next: Exception_Propagation,  Prev: Entities,  Up: Rules reference
42825.17 Entity_Inside_Exception
4285This rule controls entities that appear within exception handlers.
42875.17.1 Syntax
4290     <control_kind> entity_inside_exception (<spec> {, <spec>});
4291     <spec> ::= [not] <entity> | calls | entry_calls
42935.17.2 Action
4296This rule controls exception handlers that contain references to one or
4297several Ada entities specified as parameters.  If the keyword "calls" is
4298given, it stands for all subprogram and entry calls.  If the keyword
4299"entry_calls" is given, it stands for all entry calls (task or
4300protected).  If an <entity> (or "calls" or "entry_calls") is preceded by
4301the keyword "not", it is not included in the list of controlled entities
4302(i.e.  the entity is allowed in the exception handler).  This allows to
4303make exceptions to a more general specification of an entity, or to
4304allow calls to well-defined procedures if the keyword "calls" is given.
4306   Ex:
4307     -- No Put_Line in exception handlers:
4308     check entity_inside_exception (ada.text_io.put_line);
4310     -- No entry calls in exception handlers:
4311     check entity_inside_exception (entry_calls);
4313     -- No calls allowed, except to the Report_Exception procedure:
4314     check entity_inside_exception (calls, not Reports.Report_Exception);
4316     -- No Put allowed, except the one on Strings:
4317     check entity_inside_exception (all Put,
4318                                    not Ada.Text_IO.Put{Standard.String});
4321File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Exception_Propagation,  Next: Expressions,  Prev: Entity_Inside_Exception,  Up: Rules reference
43235.18 Exception_Propagation
4326This rule controls that certain program units are guaranteed to never
4327propagate exceptions, or that local exceptions cannot propagate out of
4328their scope.
43305.18.1 Syntax
4333     <control_kind> exception_propagation
4334        (local_exception);
4335     <control_kind> exception_propagation
4336        ([<level>,] interface, <convention> {, <convention> });
4337     <control_kind> exception_propagation
4338        ([<level>,] parameter, <entity> {, <entity>});
4339     <control_kind> exception_propagation
4340        ([<level>,] task);
4341     <control_kind> exception_propagation
4342        (<level>, declaration);
43445.18.2 Action
4347The "local_exception" subrule controls a design pattern that ensures
4348that a local exception cannot propagate outside the scope where it is
4349declared.  If an exception is declared within a block, a subprogram
4350body, an entry body, or a task body, then this body must have either a
4351handler for this exception or for 'others'; this handler must not
4352reraise the exception; and no handler is allowed to raise explicitely
4353the exception.  The subrule controls explicit 'raise' statements and
4354calls to 'Raise_Exception' and 'Reraise_Occurrence', but it does not
4355control exceptions raised as a consequence of calling other subprograms.
4357   The other subrules control subprograms, tasks, or all declarations
4358that can propagate exceptions, while being used in contexts where it is
4359desirable to ensure that no exception can be propagated.
4361   A subprogram or task is considered as _not_ propagating if:
4362  1. it has an exception handler with a "'when others'" choice
4363  2. no exception handler contains a 'raise' statement, nor any call to
4364     'Ada.Exception.Raise_Exception' or
4365     'Ada.Exception.Reraise_Occurrence'.
4366  3. no declaration from its own declarative part propagates exceptions.
4368   A declaration is considered propagating if it includes elements that
4369could propagate exceptions.  This is impossible to assess fully using
4370only static analysis, therefore the <level> parameter determines how
4371pessimistic (or optimistic) AdaControl is in determining the possibility
4372of exceptions.  Possible values of the <level> parameter, and their
4373effect, are:
4374   * 0: expressions in declarative parts are not considered as
4375     propagating (anything allowed, this is the default value for
4376     "interface", "parameter" and "task".  Not allowed for
4377     "declaration").
4378   * 1: all function calls (including operators) in declarations are
4379     considered as potentially propagating exceptions, except those
4380     appearing in named number declarations or scalar types
4381     declarations, since those are required by the language to be
4382     static.
4383   * 2: same as 1, plus every use of variables in expressions is
4384     considered as potentially propagating.
4385   * 3: same as 2, plus any declaration of objects (constants or
4386     variables) is considered potentially propagating (not very useful
4387     for "declaration").
4389   These subrules serve several purposes:
4390   * The "interface" subrule analyzes all subprograms to which an
4391     'Interface' or 'Export' pragma applies (with the given
4392     convention(s)), and reports on those that can propagate exceptions.
4394     Since it is dangerous to call an Ada subprogram that can propagate
4395     exceptions from a language that has no exception (and especially
4396     C), any such subprogram should have a "catch-all" exception
4397     handler.
4398   * The "parameter" subrule accepts one or more fully qualified formal
4399     parameter names (i.e.  in the form of the parameter name prefixed
4400     by the full name of its subprogram, see *note Specifying an Ada
4401     entity name::).  The subrule reports any subprogram that can
4402     propagate exceptions and is used as the prefix of a ''Access' or
4403     ''Address' attribute that appears as part of an actual value for
4404     the indicated formal.  Similarly, the indicated formal can also be
4405     the name of a formal procedure or function of a generic.  In this
4406     case, the rule will report on any subprogram that can propagate
4407     exceptions and is used as an actual in an instantiation for the
4408     given formal.
4410     Many systems (typically windowing systems) use call-back
4411     subprograms.  Although the native interface is generally hidden
4412     behind an Ada binding, the call-back subprograms will eventually be
4413     called from another language, and like for the "interface" subrule,
4414     any such subprogram should have a "catch-all" exception handler.
4415   * The "task" subrule reports any task that can propagate exceptions.
4417     Since tasks die silently if an exception is propagated out of their
4418     body, it is generally desirable to ensure that every task has an
4419     exception handler that (at least) reports that the task is being
4420     completed due to an exception.
4421   * The "declaration" subrule reports any declaration that can
4422     propagate exceptions, irrespectively of where it appears.  In this
4423     case, the specification of <level> is required and cannot be 0.
4425     It is sometimes desirable to make sure that no declaration raises
4426     an exception, ever.
4428   Ex:
4429     -- Make sure that C-compatible subprograms don't propagate exceptions:
4430     check exception_propagation (interface, C);
4432     -- Parameter CB of of procedure Pack.Register is used as a call-back
4433     -- Make sure that not procedure passed to it can propagate exceptions.
4434     check exception_propagation (parameter, Pack.Register.CB);
4436     -- Make sure that tasks do not die silently due to unhandled exception:
4437     check exception_propagation (task);
4439     -- Make sure that no exception is raised by elaboration of declarations:
4440     check exception_propagation (2, declaration);
4442   The first example will report on any subprogram to which a 'pragma
4443Interface (C,...)' applies that can propagate exceptions.
4445   If 'Proc' is a procedure that can propagate exceptions, the second
4446example will report on every call like:
4447     Pack.Register (CB => Proc'Access);
4449   The third example will report on any task that can terminate silently
4450due to an unhandled exception.
4452   The fourth example will report on any declaration that makes use of
4453function calls or variables.
44555.18.3 Tips
4458Note that the registration procedure for a call-back can be designated
4459by an access type, but in this case, use the name of the formal for the
4460access type.  For example, given:
4461     package Pack is
4462        type Acc_Proc is access procedure;
4463        type Acc_Reg is access procedure (CB : Acc_Proc);
4464        ...
4465        Ptr : Acc_Reg := ...;
4467   You can give a rule such as:
4468     check exception_propagation (parameter, Pack.Acc_Reg.CB);
4469   All procedures registered by a call to 'Pack.Ptr.all' will be
4472   The declaration of a for loop parameter is not checked by this rule.
4473In other words, the rule "check exception_propagation (2, declaration)"
4474will not issue a message for:
4475     for I in Positive range 1 .. X loop ...
4476   although formally the declaration of I could raise Constraint_Error
4477if X is negative.  We consider that for the casual user,
4478Constraint_Error appears to be raised by the for loop statement.
44805.18.4 Limitations
4483An exception may be raised in a subprogram considered as not propagating
4484by this rule, if an exception handler calls a subprogram that propagates
4485an exception.
4487   The rule will not consider subprograms whose body is missing, or that
4488are not statically known (i.e.  if a subprogram is registered through a
4489dereference of a pointer to subprogram), like in the following example:
4490     Pack.Register (CB => Pointer.all'Access);
4492   Due to a weakness of the ASIS standard, references to subprograms
4493that appear in dispatching calls are not considered.  This limitation
4494will be removed as soon as we find a way to work around this problem,
4495but the issue is quite difficult!
4497   These last two cases are detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note
4501File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Expressions,  Next: Generic_Aliasing,  Prev: Exception_Propagation,  Up: Rules reference
45035.19 Expressions
4506This rule controls usage of various kinds of expressions.
45085.19.1 Syntax
4511     <control_kind> expressions (<subrule> {, <subrule>});
4512     <subrule> ::= {<category>} <expression_kw>
4513     <expression_kw> ::=
4514        and                        | and_array                        |
4515        and_binary                 | and_boolean                      |
4516        and_then                   | array_aggregate                  |
4517        array_named_others         | array_non_static_range           |
4518        array_others               | array_partial_others             |
4519        array_positional_others    | array_range                      |
4520        case                       | complex_parameter                |
4521        downward_conversion        | dispatching_function_calls       |
4522        dynamic_function_calls     | extendable_aggregate             |
4523        extension_aggregate        | explicit_dereference             |
4524        fixed_multiplying_op       | for_all                          |
4525        for_some                   | function_calls                   |
4526        if                         | if_elsif                         |
4527        if_no_else                 | implicit_dereference             |
4528        in                         | inconsistent_attribute_dimension |
4529        inherited_function_call    | mixed_operators                  |
4530        not                        | not_in                           |
4531        or                         | or_array                         |
4532        or_binary                  | or_boolean                       |
4533        or_else                    | parameter_view_conversion        |
4534        prefixed_operator          | real_equality                    |
4535        record_partial_others      | record_aggregate                 |
4536        record_others              | redispatching_function_calls     |
4537        slice                      | static_membership                |
4538        type_conversion            | upward_conversion                |
4539        unconverted_multiplying_op | underived_conversion             |
4540        universal_range            | unqualified_aggregate            |
4541        xor                        | xor_array                        |
4542        xor_binary                 | xor_boolean
4543     <category> ::=
4544        <>     | ()     | range  | mod | delta   | digits | array    |
4545        record | tagged | access | new | private | task   | protected
45475.19.2 Action
4550This rule controls usage of certain forms of expressions.  The rule can
4551be specified at most once for each subrule (i.e.  subrules that accept
4552categories can be specified once for each combination of categories and
4553expression keyword).
4555   Categories are used by certain subrules to further refine the
4556control.  They define categories of types to which they apply:
4557   * "<>": Any type
4558   * "()": Enumerated types
4559   * "range": Signed integer types
4560   * "mod": Modular types
4561   * "delta": Fixed point types (no possibility to differentiate
4562     ordinary and decimal fixed point types yet).
4563   * "digits": Floating point types
4564   * "array": Array types
4565   * "record": (untagged) record types
4566   * "tagged": Tagged types (including type extensions)
4567   * "access": Access types
4568   * "new": Derived types
4569   * "private": Private types
4570   * "task": Task types
4571   * "protected": Protected types
4573   The subrule define the kind of expression being controlled:
4574   * 'not', 'and', 'or', 'xor', 'and_then', 'or_else', 'in', and
4575     'not_in' control usage of the corresponding logical operator (or
4576     short circuit form, or membership test).
4577   * 'and_array', 'or_array', and 'xor_array' do the same, but only for
4578     operators whose result type is an array type.
4579   * 'and_binary', 'or_binary', and 'xor_binary' do the same, but only
4580     for operators whose result type is a modular type.
4581   * 'and_boolean', 'or_boolean', and 'xor_boolean' do the same, but
4582     only for operators whose result type is 'Standard.Boolean'.
4583   * 'array_aggregate' and 'record_aggregate' control array and record
4584     aggregates, respectively, while 'unqualified_aggregate' controls
4585     aggregates (both arrays and records) that do not appear directly
4586     within a qualified expression.  'extension_aggregate' controls
4587     extension aggregates, while 'extendable_aggregate' controls
4588     aggregates that are not extension aggregates, but whose type is a
4589     non-root tagged type, or are extension aggregates whose ancestor
4590     part is not their immediate parent (such aggregates could be
4591     written as extension aggregates).
4592   * 'array_others' and 'record_others' control the occurrence of a
4593     'others =>' association in array and record aggregates,
4594     respectively.
4595   * 'array_partial_others' and 'record_partial_others' do the same, but
4596     only if there are other associations in addition to the 'others =>'
4597     in the aggregate.  'array_named_others' and
4598     'array_positional_others' do the same, but only for named
4599     (respectively positional) array aggregates.
4600   * 'array_range' controls array aggregates that include a range (i.e.
4601     an association like 'A .. B =>').  'array_non_static_range' does
4602     the same, but only if (at least) one of the bounds is not static.
4603   * 'case' controls case expressions (introduced in Ada 2012).
4604   * 'complex_parameter' controls complex expressions used as actual
4605     parameters in subprogram (or entry) calls.  A complex expression is
4606     any expression that includes a function call (including operators).
4607     This rule is not applied to the parameters of operators, since
4608     otherwise it would forbid any expression with more than a single
4609     operator.
4610   * 'explicit_dereference' controls explicit dereferences of access
4611     values (i.e.  with an explicit '.all').
4612   * 'fixed_multiplying_op' controls calls to predefined fixed-point
4613     multiplication and division (regular fixed-point or decimal-fixed
4614     point).  'unconverted_fixed_multiplying_op' does the same, but only
4615     when both operands are objects (not literals) of a fixed_point type
4616     (not Integer); this is when type conversion is required by Ada 83.
4617   * 'for_all' and 'for_some' control the two forms of quantifiers
4618     introduced by Ada 2012.
4619   * 'if' controls all if expressions (introduced in Ada 2012), while
4620     'if_elsif' only controls those that have an elsif part, and
4621     'if_no_else' only controls those that have no else part.
4622   * 'implicit_dereference' controls implicit dereferences of access
4623     values (i.e.  when the '.all' is omitted).
4624   * 'inconsistent_attribute_dimension' controls when no dimension is
4625     explicitely given for a ''First', ''Last', ''Range' or ''Length'
4626     attribute and the attribute applies to a multi-dimensional array,
4627     or conversely, when an explicit dimension is given, but the
4628     attribute applies to a one-dimensional array.
4629   * 'function_call' controls all calls to functions, incuding user
4630     defined operators, but not predefined operators (including the
4631     latter would generate too much noise).  'dispatching_function_call'
4632     does the same, but only for dispatching calls while
4633     'redispatching_function_call' does the same, but only for
4634     dispatching calls that are (directly or indirectly) inside a
4635     primitive operation of a tagged type.  'dynamic_function_call' does
4636     the same, but only for calls through pointers.
4637     'inherited_function_call' controls calls to functions that have
4638     been inherited by a derived type and not redefined.
4640     For all '*_function_call' subrules, if a category is specified,
4641     only calls whose result type belongs to the category are
4642     controlled.  Derived types are followed, i.e.  the "real" category
4643     from the original type is used for the matching; as a consequence,
4644     the "new" category cannot be specified for this subrule.
4645   * 'mixed_operators' controls expressions that involve several
4646     different operators, without parentheses.  In a sense, it extends
4647     the language rule that forbids mixing 'and' and 'or' in logical
4648     expressions to all other operators.  Note that for the purpose of
4649     this subrule, membership tests ('in', 'not in') and short circuit
4650     forms ('and then', 'or else') are considered operators.
4651   * 'prefixed_operator' controls calls to operators that use prefixed
4652     notation (i.e.  '"+"(A, B)').  If a category is specified, only
4653     calls whose result type belongs to the category are controlled.
4655     Derived types are followed, i.e.  the "real" category from the
4656     original type is used for the matching; as a consequence, the "new"
4657     category cannot be specified for this subrule.
4658   * 'real_equality' controls usage of predefined exact equality or
4659     inequality ("=" or "/=") between real (floating point or fixed
4660     point) values.
4661   * 'slice' controls usage of array slices.
4662   * 'static_membership' controls membership tests ('in' and 'not in')
4663     where the expression on the left is statically known to belong to
4664     the range (or subtype) on the right, and is therefore always True
4665     (or false for 'not in').
4666   * 'type_conversion' controls all (sub)type conversions, while
4667     'underived_conversion' controls conversions between types that do
4668     not belong to the same derivation family.  'downward_conversion'
4669     and 'upward_conversion' control conversions between types that
4670     belong to the same family, converting away from the root or toward
4671     the root, respectively.  'parameter_view_conversion' controls
4672     conversions that appear as 'out' or 'in out' actual parameters.
4674     One or two categories can be specified; if only one category is
4675     specified, only conversions whose result type belong to that
4676     category are controlled.  If two categories are specified, only
4677     conversions whose souce type belongs to the first category and
4678     whose target type belong to the second category are controlled.
4680     Derived types are followed, i.e.  the "real" category from the
4681     original type is used for the matching; as a consequence, the "new"
4682     category cannot be specified for this subrule.
4683   * 'universal_range' controls discrete ranges that are a part of an
4684     index constraint, constrained array definition, or for-loop
4685     parameter specification (but not type or subtype defintions), and
4686     whose bounds are both of type universal_integer.
4688   Ex:
4689     search expressions (real_equality, slice);
4690     check  expressions (mixed_operators);
4692     -- Find logical operators that could be replaced by short-circuits forms:
4693     check expressions (and_boolean, or_boolean);
4695     -- Find all conversions between integer and floating point types
4696     search expression (range digits type_conversion);
4698     -- Find all conversions from a fixed point type:
4699     search expressions (delta <> type_conversion);
4701     -- Find all view conversions between array types:
4702     search expressions (array parameter_view_conversions);
4704     -- Find all "structural" conversions between arrays
4705     search expressions (array underived_conversion);
4707     -- Some think that downward conversions of tagged types are evil:
4708     check expressions (tagged downward_conversion);
47105.19.3 Tips
4713The 'real_equality' subrule does not control calls to an equality
4714operator that has been defined by the user; actually, it would make
4715little sense to write a function and then forbid its use!  However, if
4716control of calls to such a function is desired, it can be easily
4717accomplished by using the 'entities' rule.  *Note Entities::.
4719   This rule does not check the use of allocators ('new'), use the rule
4720'Allocators' instead.  *Note Allocators::.
4722   "inherited_function_call" controls only function calls.  For
4723procedure calls, see rule *note Statements::.
4725   Specifying 'array_partial_others' is the same as specifying both
4726'array_named_others' and 'array_positional_others'.  It is retained for
4727compatibility, and also for symetry with 'record_partial_others'.
4729   Per language rules, underived conversions are allowed only between
4730numeric types, and between structurally equivalent array types.
4732   "static_membership" is handy for finding a common misuse of
4733membership tests, where the user assigns an external value (obtained
4734with Unchecked_Conversion for example) to a variable, then checks that
4735the variable belongs to its subtype to make sure the value is valid.
4736Such a check can be optimized away by the compiler; the 'Valid attribute
4737should be used instead.
47395.19.4 Limitations
4742"static_membership" does not control the complex membership tests with
4743several choices that are possible with Ada 2012.
4746File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Generic_Aliasing,  Next: Global_References,  Prev: Expressions,  Up: Rules reference
47485.20 Generic_Aliasing
4751This rule controls instantiations where the same actual is given to more
4752than one formal.
47545.20.1 Syntax
4757     <control_kind> generic_aliasing [(<subrule> {, <subrule>})];
4758     <subrule>   ::= [<condition>] <entity>
4759     <condition> ::= unlikely | possible | certain
4760     <entity>    ::= all | variable | type | subprogram | package
47625.20.2 Action
4765This rule identifies instantiations where the same variable, type,
4766subprogram, or package is given several times (to different formal
4767parameters).  Such aliasing of variables is dangerous, since it can
4768induce subtile bugs.  Other elements are less dangerous, although often
4769questionable (depending on the generic).
4771   The <entity> parameter indicates for which elements aliasing is
4772controlled; "all" stands for all kinds of elements.
4774   There are many cases where aliasing cannot be determined statically.
4775The optional parameter specifies how aggressively the rule will check
4776for possible aliasings (see *note Parameter_Aliasing:: for a more
4777detailed description of these modifiers).  Possible values are (case
4779   * Certain (default): Only cases where aliasing is statically certain
4780     are output.
4781   * Possible: In addition, cases where aliasing may occur depending on
4782     the value of an indexed component are output.  This can be
4783     specified only for variables.
4784   * Unlikely: In addition, cases where aliasing may occur due to access
4785     variables designating the same element are output.  This can be
4786     specified only for variables and subprograms.
4788   Without any parameter, the rule is the same as "certain all".  The
4789rule can be specified only once for each combination of <condition> and
4792   Ex:
4793     check  generic_aliasing (certain  variable);
4794     search generic_aliasing (possible variable, type, subprogram, package);
47965.20.3 Limitations
4799Due to a limitation of ASIS for Gnat, AdaControl might not be able to
4800differentiate predefined operators of different types, and may thus give
4801false positives if a generic is instantiated with, for example, two
4802different functions that are actually '"+"' on Integer and '"+"' on
4803Float.  This possibility of false positives is detected by the rule
4804"uncheckable".  *Note Uncheckable::.
4807File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Global_References,  Next: Header_Comments,  Prev: Generic_Aliasing,  Up: Rules reference
48095.21 Global_References
4812This rule controls accesses to global elements that may be subject to
4813race conditions, or otherwise shared.
48155.21.1 Syntax
4818     <control_kind> global_references (<subrule> {, <root>});
4819     <subrule> ::= all | read | written | multiple | multiple_non_atomic
4820     <root>    ::=  <entity> | function | procedure | task | protected
48225.21.2 Action
4825This rule controls access to global variables from several entities (the
4826roots).  The '<entity>' must be subprograms, task types, single task
4827objects, protected types, or single protected objects.  As usual, the
4828whole syntax for entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an
4829Ada entity name::.  The special keywords 'function', 'procedure',
4830'task', and 'protected' are used to refer to all functions, procedures,
4831tasks, and protected entities, respectively.
4833   The <subrule> determines the kind of references that are controlled.
4834If it is 'all', all references to global elements from the indicated
4835entities are reported.  If <subrule> is 'read' or 'written', only read
4836(respectively write) accesses are reported.  If <subrule> is 'multiple',
4837only global elements that are accessed by more than one of the indicated
4838entities (i.e.  shared elements) are reported.  Note however that if a
4839reference is found from a task type or protected type, it is always
4840reported, since there are potentially several objects of the same type.
4841If <subrule> is 'multiple_non_atomic', references reported are the same
4842as with 'multiple', except that global variables that are 'atomic' or
4843'atomic_components' and written from at most one of the indicated
4844entities are not reported.  Note that this latter case corresponds to a
4845safe reader/writer use of atomic variables.
4847   This rule follows the call graph, and therefore finds references from
4848subprogram and protected calls made (directly or indirectly) from the
4849indicated entities.  However, calls to subprograms from the Ada standard
4850library are not followed.
4852   Ex:
4853     -- Find global variables used by P1 or P2:
4854     search global_references (all, P1, P2);
4856     -- Find global variables modified by functions:
4857     check global_references (written, function);
4859     -- Find possible race conditions:
4860     check global_references (multiple, task, protected);
4862   This rule can be given several times, and conflicts (with 'multiple')
4863are reported on a per-rule basis, i.e.  given:
4864     check global_references (multiple, P1, P2);
4865     check global_references (multiple, P1, P3);
4867   the first rule will report on global variables shared between P1 and
4868P2, and the second rule will report on global variables shared between
4869P1 and P3.
48715.21.3 Tips
4874The notion of "global" is relative, i.e.  it designates every variable
4875whose scope encloses (strictly) the indicated entities.  This means that
4876a same reference may or may not be global, depending on the indicated
4877entity.  Consider:
4879     procedure Outer is
4880        Inner_V : Integer;
4882        procedure Inner_P is
4883        begin
4884           Inner_V := 1;
4885        end Inner_P;
4886     begin
4887        Inner_P;
4888     end Outer;
4890   The rule
4891     check global_references (all, outer);
4892   will not report any global reference, while the rule
4893     check global_references (all, outer.inner_p);
4894   will report a reference to 'Inner_V'.  This is as it should be, since
4895there is no race condition if several tasks call 'Outer', while there is
4896a risk if several tasks (declared inside 'Outer') call 'Inner_P'.
4898   Specifying:
4899     check global_references (all, function);
4900   will report on any function that access variables outside of their
4901scope, i.e.  all functions that have potential side effects.  On the
4902other hand, this check must follow the whole call graph for any function
4903encountered, and can therefore be quite costly in execution time.
49055.21.4 Limitations
4908Calls through pointers to subprograms and dispatching calls are unknown
4909statically; they are assumed to not access any global.  Such calls are
4910detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note Uncheckable::.
4913File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Header_Comments,  Next: Improper_Initialization,  Prev: Global_References,  Up: Rules reference
49155.22 Header_Comments
4918This rule controls that every compilation unit starts with a
4919standardized comment.
49215.22.1 Syntax
4924     <control_kind> header_comments (minimum, <comment lines>);
4925     <control_kind> header_comments (model, "<file name>");
49275.22.2 Action
4930If the keyword "minimum" is given as first parameter, this rule controls
4931that every compilation unit starts with at least the number of comment
4932lines indicated by the second parameter.  If several forms of headers
4933are possible, checking that the headers follow the project's standard
4934requires manual inspection, but this rule is useful to control that unit
4935headers have not been inadvertantly forgotten.
4937   If the keyword "model" is given as first parameter, the second
4938parameter is a string, interpreted as a file name.  If the file name is
4939not an absolute path, it is interpreted as relative to the directory of
4940the file that contains the rule, or to the current directory if the rule
4941is given on the command line.  Each line of the indicated file is a
4942regular expression, and the rule controls that the corresponding line of
4943the source file matches the expression.  *Note Syntax of regular
4944expressions::.  In addition, it is possible to specify a repetition for
4945a line.  If the first character of a line is a ''{'', the line must have
4946the following syntax:
4947     {<min>,[<max>]}
4948   where <min> and <max> specify the minimum and maximum number of
4949occurrences of the pattern in the line that follows this one.  <min>
4950must be at least 0, and <max> must be at least 1, and be equal or
4951greater than <min>.  If <max> is omitted, it means that the line may
4952occur any number of times.
4954   As a convenience, if the first character of a line is a ''*'' it
4955means that the next line is a pattern that can occur any number of times
4956(same as '{0,}').  If the first character is a ''+'', it means that the
4957next line is a pattern that must occur at least once (same as '{1,}').
4958If the first character is a ''?'', it means that the next line is an
4959optional pattern (same as '{0,1}').
4961   Note that the repetition lines all start with a special character
4962which is not allowed at the start of a regular expression; there is
4963therefore no ambiguity.  Everything after the special character (or the
4964closing ''}'') is ignored, and can be used to provide comments.
4966   This rule can be given at most once with "minimum" for each of
4967"check", "search", and "count".  The rule can be given only once with
4968"model" (but it can be given together with one or more "minimum" rules).
4970   Ex:
4971     check header_comments (minimum, 10);
4972     search header_comments (model, "header.pat");
4973     count header_comments (minimum, 20);
4974   This makes an error for every unit that starts with less than 10
4975comment lines, and a warning for units that do not follow the pattern
4976contained in the file 'header.pat'.  A count of units that start with
4977less than 20 comment lines is reported.
4979   Example of a pattern file:
4980     {1,3} 1 to 3 occurrences of next line
4981     ^--$
4982     ^-- Author: .+$
4983     ^-- Date: \d{2}/\d{2}/\\d{4}$
49855.22.3 Tips
4988Remember that the lines of the file are regular expressions; every
4989character that is specially interpreted (like "+", "*", etc.)  must be
4990quoted with "\" if it must appear textually.  To ease the process of
4991generating the model file, the directory 'source' contains a script file
4992for sed named 'makepat.sed'; if you run this script on a file that
4993contains a standard header, it will produce a pattern file where each
4994line starts with "^", ends with "$", and every special character is
4995quoted with "\".
4997   When the model contains an indication of repeated lines ("*"), the
4998repetition is not "greedy", i.e.  matching will stop as soon as what
4999follows the repetition matches.  This is very useful to check header
5000comments that have sections, but where you don't want to impose a
5001precise content to each section.  Imagine for example that the structure
5003   * A comment with "HISTORY"
5004   * Any number of comment lines
5005   * A comment with "AUTHORS"
5006   * Any number of comment lines
5007   the following pattern will work as expected:
5008     ^-- HISTORY$
5009     *
5010     ^--
5011     ^-- AUTHORS
5012     *
5013     ^--
50155.22.4 Limitation
5018Since the "model" subrule analyzes the content of comments, there is a
5019conflict with the disabling mechanism of AdaControl that uses special
5020comments.  *Note Disabling controls::.
5022   Specifically, line disabling is not possible at all.  Block disabling
5023is possible, provided the disabling line is allowed by the pattern.  In
5024short, if you want to be able to disable this rule, the first lines of
5025the model file should be:
5026     ?
5027     --##
5028   i.e.  allow an optional block disabling comment as the first line of
5029the file.  Note that there is no need to re-enable this rule, since it
5030is checked only at the start of a compilation unit.
5033File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Improper_Initialization,  Next: Instantiations,  Prev: Header_Comments,  Up: Rules reference
50355.23 Improper_Initialization
5038This rule enforces a coding pattern that ensures that variables and
5039'out' parameters are properly initialized befor use.
50415.23.1 Syntax
5044     <control_kind> improper_initialization [(<subrule> {,<subrule>})]
5045     <subrule> ::= {<extra>} <target>
5046     <extra>   ::= access | limited | package | return
5047     <target>  ::= out_parameter | variable | initialized_variable
50495.23.2 Action
5052This rule controls variables and/or 'out' parameters that are not
5053"properly" initialized, i.e.  those that are not "safely" initialized,
5054those that have a useless initialization in their declaration, and those
5055where the value is known to be used before having been assigned.  The
5056notion of variable includes the return object of an extended return
5057statement (Ada 2005+).
5059   A variable (or 'out' parameter) is considered safely initialized if
5060there is an initialization expression in its declaration, or if it is
5061given a value in the first statements of the corresponding body, before
5062any "non-trivial" statement.  The goal is not to perform a complete
5063data-flow analysis, but rather to follow a design pattern where all
5064variables are initialized before entering the "active" part of the
5065algorithm.  This makes it easier to ensure that variables are properly
5068   "Trivial" statements are:
5069   * 'null' statements;
5070   * assignment statements;
5071   * procedure calls;
5072   * return statements;
5073   * raise statements;
5074   * extended return statements, unless they contain a nested
5075     non-trivial statement.
5076   * 'if' and 'case' statements, unless they contain a nested
5077     non-trivial statement.
5078   The <target> parameters determines what is to be checked:
5079   * 'out_parameter' controls that 'out' parameters are safely
5080     initialized before the first non-trivial statement, and before
5081     every (trivial) 'return' statement.  Note that 'out' parameters are
5082     not checked before 'raise' statements, since the language does not
5083     guarantee that 'out' parameters are transmitted back in the case of
5084     exceptions.
5085   * 'variable' controls that local variables are safely initialized
5086     before the first non-trivial statement.  If the <extra> modifier
5087     'return' is specified, only return objects of extended return
5088     statements are controlled.
5089   * 'initialized_variable' controls variables that are safely
5090     initialized before the first non-trivial statement, but also have
5091     an explicit (and therefore useless) explicit initialization in
5092     their declaration.  If the modifier 'return' is specified, only
5093     return objects of extended return statements are controlled.
5094   In all cases, variables used in trivial statements before being
5095initialized are reported.
5097   A variable is considered initialized if it is the target of an
5098assignment statement, or if it is used as an actual for an 'out' (but
5099not 'in out') parameter of a procedure call.  Variables assigned in 'if'
5100or 'case' statements must receive a value in all paths to be considered
5101initialized after the statement.  Note that the variable must be
5102assigned to globally, i.e.  assigning to some elements of an array, or
5103some fields of a record, does not count as an initialization of the
5106   Some variables are not controlled, unless the corresponding <extra>
5107modifier is given:
5108   * Variables declared immediately within a (generic) package
5109     specification or body, since in general, package state variables
5110     are initialized through calls to dedicated procedures.  Use the
5111     "package" modifier to control also package variables.
5112   * Variables of an access types, or arrays whose components are of an
5113     access type, since these are always initialized by the compiler.
5114     Use the "access" modifier to control also variables of an access
5115     type.
5116   * Variables of a limited type, since global assignment is not
5117     available for them.  Use the "limited" modifier to control also
5118     variables of a limited type.
5120   This rule can be given only once for each value of <target>.  Without
5121parameters, it is equivalent to giving all, without any <extra>.
5123   Ex:
5124     check improper_initialization (out_parameter);
5125     check improper_initialization (access limited variable);
5126     search improper_initialization (initialized_variable);
51285.23.3 Tips
5131'variable' and 'initialized_variable' control also return objects from
5132extended return statements, since it would be strange to guarantee safe
5133initialization of local variables and not return objects.  On the other
5134hand, the design pattern enforced by this rule may seem to limitative
5135for regular variables, but it might be desirable to enforce it for
5136return objects; hence the possibility to limit the rule to return
5137objects by specifying the 'return' modifier.
51395.23.4 Limitations
5142Due to a weakness of the ASIS standard, dispatching calls and calls to
5143procedures that are attributes are not considered for the initialization
5144of variables.  Note that for attributes, only ''Read' and ''Input' have
5145an 'out' parameter.
5147   In the rare case where a variable is initialized by a dispatching
5148call or an attribute call, this limitation will result in a false
5149positive.  Such a case is detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note
5150Uncheckable::.  It is then easy to disable the rule for this variable.
5151*Note Disabling controls::.
5153   The rule analyzes only initializations and uses that are directly in
5154the unit, not those from nested units, since these are in the general
5155case not statically checkable.
5157   There are other cases where an object is automatically initialized by
5158the declaration, like controlled types that have redefined the
5159'Initialize' procedure, records where all components have a default
5160initialization, etc.  The rule does not consider these as automatically
5161initialized, as it does for access types.  Maybe later...
5164File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Instantiations,  Next: Insufficient_Parameters,  Prev: Improper_Initialization,  Up: Rules reference
51665.24 Instantiations
5169This rule controls all instantiations of a generic, or only
5170instantiations that are made with specific values of the parameters.
5171Control can be restricted to instantiations in specified places.
51735.24.1 Syntax
5176     <control_kind> instantiations (<generic_spec>);
5177     <generic_spec> ::= {[not] <location_kw>} <entity> {, <formal_spec>}
5178     <formal_spec>  ::= <entity> | <category> | <> | =
5179     <location_kw>  ::= all | block   | library | local      | nested |
5180                        own | private | public  | in_generic | task_body
5181     <category>     ::= ()      | access    | array | delta  | digits | mod  |
5182                        private | protected | range | record | tagged | task
51845.24.2 Action
5187The rule controls instantiations of the specified <entity>.  As usual,
5188the whole syntax for entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying
5189an Ada entity name::.
5191   The <location_kw> restricts the places where the occurrence of the
5192instantiation is controlled.  If it is preceded by "not", the
5193instantiation is controlled except at this location.  Several
5194<location_kw> can be given, in which case the instantiation is
5195controlled at places where all the keywords apply.  If there is no
5196<location_kw>, it is assumed to be "all".
5197   * 'all': puts no special restriction to the location.  This keyword
5198     can be specified for readability purposes, and if specified must
5199     appear alone (not with other <location_kw>), and "not" is not
5200     allowed.
5201   * 'block': only instantiations appearing in block statements are
5202     controlled.
5203   * 'library': only library level instantiations are controlled.
5204   * 'local': only local instantiations are controlled (i.e.  only
5205     instantiations appearing in (generic) packages, possibly nested,
5206     are allowed).
5207   * 'own': only instantiations that are local to a (generic) package
5208     body are controlled.
5209   * 'public': only declarations appearing in the visible part of
5210     (generic) packages are controlled.
5211   * 'private': only instantiations appearing directly in a private part
5212     are controlled.
5213   * 'in_generic': only instantiations appearing directly or indirectly
5214     in a generic specification or body are controlled.
5215   * 'task_body': only instantiations appearing directly in a task body
5216     are controlled.  Note that it would not make sense to have a
5217     <location_kw> for task specifications, since instantiations are not
5218     allowed there.
5220   An instantiation matches if it appears at a specified location (if
5221any) and either:
5222  1. No <formal_spec> is given in the rule
5223  2. The actual parameters of the instantiation match the corresponding
5224     <formal_spec>, in order (there can be more actual parameters in the
5225     instantiation than specified in the rule).  An actual parameter
5226     matches an <entity> at a given place if it is the same entity, or
5227     if the <entity> designates a (sub)type and the actual is a subtype
5228     of this type.  As usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed
5229     for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity name::.  In addition,
5230     it matches if the actual is a type name that belongs to the
5231     indicated category:
5232        * "()": The parameter is of an enumerated type.
5233        * "access": The parameter is of an access type.
5234        * "array": The parameter is of an array type.
5235        * "delta": The parameter is of a fixed point type (it is not
5236          currently possible to distinguish ordinary fixed point types
5237          from decimal fixed point types).
5238        * "digits": The parameter is of a floating point type.
5239        * "mod": The parameter is of a modular type.
5240        * "private": The parameter is of a private type (including
5241          private extensions).
5242        * "protected": The parameter is of a protected type.
5243        * "range": The parameter is of a signed integer type.
5244        * "record": The parameter is of an (untagged) record type.
5245        * "tagged": The parameter is of a tagged type (including type
5246          extensions).
5247        * "task": The parameter is of a task type.
5249     In addition, two special signs can be given instead of an <entity>
5250     (or <category>): a box ('<>') matches any actual parameter (i.e.
5251     it stands for any value), and an equal sign ('=') matches if there
5252     has been already an instantiation with the same value for this
5253     parameter (i.e.  it matches the second time it is encountered).
5255   Formal 'in' parameters cannot be matched, since the actual can be any
5256expression and it is not clear how to specify it in the rule; therefore,
5257the rule should normally specify a box ('<>') at the place of such
5260   Ex:
5261     -- Check all instantiations of Unchecked_Deallocation:
5262     search instantiations (ada.unchecked_deallocation);
5264     -- Check all instantiations of Unchecked_Conversion from or to String:
5265     check instantiations (ada.unchecked_conversion, standard.string);
5266     check instantiations (ada.unchecked_conversion, <>, standard.string);
5268     -- Check all instantiations of Unchecked_Conversion from address
5269     -- to an integer type:
5270     check instantiations (ada.unchecked_conversion, system.address, range);
5272     -- Check that Unchecked_Conversion is instantiated only once
5273     -- for any pair of arguments:
5274     check instantiations (ada.unchecked_conversion, =, =);
52765.24.3 Tips
5279The various forms of <formal_spec> make the rule quite powerful.  For
5281     -- Not two instantiations of Gen with the same first parameter:
5282     check instantations (Gen, =);
5284     -- Not two instantiations of Gen with the same first and third parameter:
5285     check instantiations (Gen, =, <>, =);
5287     -- Not two instantiations of Gen with the same first parameter if the
5288     -- second parameter is Pack.Proc:
5289     check instantiations (Gen, =, Pack.Proc);
5291     -- Not two instantiations of Gen with the same first parameter if the
5292     -- second parameter is any procedure named Proc:
5293     check instantiations (Gen, =, all Proc);
5295   Note that a generic actual wich is a subtype matches all types (and
5296subtypes) above it.  Therefore,
5297     check instantiations (ada.unchecked_deallocation (standard.natural));
5298   will find only instantiations that use 'Natural', while:
5299     check instantiations (ada.unchecked_deallocation (standard.integer));
5300   will find instantiations that use either 'Integer', 'Positive', or
5303   If an equal sign ('=') is provided for a formal 'in' parameter, it is
5304not part of the comparison of existing instantiations (it behaves like a
5305box ('<>')), i.e.  given:
5306     generic
5307        type T1 is private;
5308        Val : String := "";
5309     package Gen;
5311     package body Gen is ...  end Gen;
5313     package Inst1 is new Gen (Float, "Some Message");
5314     package Inst2 is new Gen (Float, "Some Other Message");
5315   and the rule:
5316     check instantiations (Gen, =, =);
5317   Adacontrol will issue a message for Inst2 that it has already been
5318instantiated with the same parameters, although the second ('in')
5319parameter is different.
53215.24.4 Limitation
5324GNAT defines 'Unchecked_Conversion' and 'Unchecked_Deallocation' as
5325separate entities, rather than renamings of 'Ada.Unchecked_Conversion'
5326and 'Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation'.  As a consequence, it is necessary to
5327specify explicitely both forms if you want to make sure that the
5328corresponding generics are not instantiated.
5331File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Insufficient_Parameters,  Next: Local_Access,  Prev: Instantiations,  Up: Rules reference
53335.25 Insufficient_Parameters
5336This rule controls calls to subprograms and entries where the values of
5337parameters does not provide sufficient information to the reader to
5338correctly identify the parameter's purpose.
53405.25.1 Syntax
5343     <control_kind> insufficient_parameters (<max_allowed> {, <entity>});
53455.25.2 Action
5348<max_allowed> is the maximum number of allowed "insufficient" parameters
5349(can be 0).  The <entity> parameters designate enumeration types whose
5350values should be included in the check.  As usual, the whole syntax for
5351entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity
5354   An actual parameter is deemed "insufficient" if it is given in
5355positional (as opposed to named) notation, it is an expression whose
5356primaries are all numeric literals, or enumeration literals belonging to
5357one of the types passed as parameters to the rule ('Standard.Boolean'
5358for example).
5360   This rule can be given once for each of check, search, and count.
5361This way, it is possible to have a level considered a warning (search),
5362and one considered an error (check).
5364   Ex:
5365     search Insufficient_Parameters (1, Standard.Boolean);
5366     check  Insufficient_Parameters (2, Standard.Boolean);
53685.25.3 Tips
5371This rule does not apply to operators that use infix notation, nor to
5372calls to subprograms that are attributes, since named notation is not
5373allowed for these.
5375   This rule controls the use of positional parameters according to
5376their values; it is also possible to control the use of positional
5377parameters according to the number of parameters with the rule
5378'positional_associations'.  *Note Positional_Associations::.
5380   Note also that this rules applies only to calls, while
5381'positional_associations' applies to all forms of associations.
5384File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Local_Access,  Next: Local_Hiding,  Prev: Insufficient_Parameters,  Up: Rules reference
53865.26 Local_Access
5389This rule controls the taking of access values (through the ''Access',
5390''Unchecked_Access', or the GNAT specific ''Unrestricted_Access'
5391attributes) of local (i.e.  non global) entities.
53935.26.1 Syntax
5396     <control_kind> local_access [(<subrule> {,<subrule>})];
5397     <subrule>   ::= constant | variable | procedure | function |
5398                     protected_procedure | protected_function
54005.26.2 Action
5403Without parameters, the rule controls all entities given as prefixes of
5404''Access', ''Unchecked_Access', or ''Unrestricted_Access' attributes and
5405reports on those that are not global, i.e.  not defined in (possibly
5406nested) library packages.
5408   If parameters are specified, only entities belonging to the
5409corresponding categories are controlled.
5411   Ex:
5412     Dangerous_Objects: check local_access (Constant, Variable);
54145.26.3 Tips
5417In Ada 95, accessibility rules make sure that taking the ''Access' of an
5418entity cannot create dangling pointers, but this check can be
5419circumvented by using ''Unchecked_Access' (but not on subprograms), or
5420in GNAT, by using ''Unrestricted_Access'.  Moreover, Ada 2005
5421generalized anonymous access types create more cases where accessibility
5422levels are dynamically checked.
5424   Taking an access value on a global entity is never a risk, but every
5425use of access values designating local entities has a potential of a
5426failing dynamic accessibility check or even of a dangling pointer.  This
5427rule is helpful in finding the places that need careful inspection - or
5428for disallowing taking accesses on anything but global entities.
5431File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Local_Hiding,  Next: Max_Blank_Lines,  Prev: Local_Access,  Up: Rules reference
54335.27 Local_Hiding
5436This rule controls declarations that hide an outer declaration with the
5437same name.
54395.27.1 Syntax
5442     <control_kind> local_hiding [(<subrule> {,"<allowed pattern>"})];
5443     <subrule>   ::= {<exception>}  strict | overloading
5444     <exception> ::= not_operator           | not_enumeration       |
5445                     not_identical_renaming | not_different_families
54475.27.2 Action
5450If "strict" is given (or if there is no subrule), the rule controls
5451strict hiding (an inner subprogram that overloads an outer one is not
5452considered hiding).  If "overloading" is given, only subprograms that
5453overload another subprogram in the same scope or in an outer scope are
5454controlled.  Note that following the normal Ada model, the declarations
5455of enumeration literals are considered functions (and thus controlled).
5457   Modifiers are used to exclude some controls (i.e.  to allow the
5458corresponding hiding):
5459   * "not_operator": the subrule does not apply to the declarations of
5460     operators (i.e.  things like "'"+"'").
5461   * "not_enumeration": the subrule does not apply to the
5462     hiding/overloading of enumeration literals by other enumeration
5463     literals (the rule still applies to the hiding/overloading of
5464     functions by enumeration litterals, for example).
5465   * "not_identical_renaming" (only allowed with "strict"): the subrule
5466     does not apply to renamings where the renaming name is the same as
5467     the name of the renamed entity.  Such renamings are commonly used
5468     to provide visibility of identifiers in a controlled way.
5469   * "not_different_families" (only allowed with "strict"): the subrule
5470     does not apply if the hiding identifier and the hidden one do not
5471     belong to the same "family".  Families are either data (constant,
5472     variables, numbers, etc.), types, subprograms (including entries),
5473     packages, generics, exceptions, and labels (including block and
5474     loop names).
5475   If one or more <allowed pattern> are given, hiding (or overloading)
5476of identifiers that match one of the patterns are not reported.  The
5477whole syntax for regular expressions is allowed for the pattern, but the
5478matching is always case insensitive.  *Note Syntax of regular
5481   This rule can be given only once for "strict" and once for
5484   Ex:
5485     Hiding: check local_hiding (strict);
5486     Overloading: search local_hiding (not_operator overloading);
54885.27.3 Variables
5491The rule provides a variable that allows to adjust the verbosity of
5492messages for the subrule "overloading".
5494Variable       Values         Default Effect
5495Overloading_Reportcompact/detaileddetailedif "detailed", when a construct
5496                                      that overloads several other
5497                                      constructs is encountered,
5498                                      "overloading" will issue a message
5499                                      for each overloaded construct; if
5500                                      "compact", it will issue a single
5501                                      message mentionning how many
5502                                      constructs are overloaded, and a
5503                                      pointer to the last one.
55055.27.4 Tips
5508If you have a naming convention like having all tagged types named
5509"instance" (with a meaningful name for the enclosing package), and if in
5510addition your package structure follows the inheritance hierarchy (i.e.
5511a descendent class is in a child package), then all "instance" will hide
5512each other - but this is of course intended.  Specifying "'^instance$'"
5513as an allowed pattern will prevent error messages for these
5516   Note that the name is given between "'^'" and "'$'".  Otherwise,
5517following normal regexp syntax, any identifier containing "instance"
5518would be allowed.
5520   A confusion between names belonging to different "families" (as
5521defined here) always leads to a compilation error; it may be acceptable
5522to allow local hiding of names belonging to different families, since
5523there is no risk involved.
5526File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Max_Blank_Lines,  Next: Max_Call_Depth,  Prev: Local_Hiding,  Up: Rules reference
55285.28 Max_Blank_Lines
5531This rule controls excessive spacing in the program text.
55335.28.1 Syntax
5536     <control_kind> max_blank_lines (<max allowed blank lines>);
55385.28.2 Action
5541This rule controls the occurrence of more than the indicated number of
5542consecutive blank lines (empty lines, or lines that contain only
5543spaces).  This rule can be given once for each of check, search, and
5544count.  This way, it is possible to have a number of blank lines
5545considered a warning (search), and one considered an error (check).  Of
5546course, this makes sense only if the number for search is less than the
5547one for check.
5549   Ex:
5550     search max_blank_lines (2);
5551     check max_blank_lines (5);
5554File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Max_Call_Depth,  Next: Max_Line_Length,  Prev: Max_Blank_Lines,  Up: Rules reference
55565.29 Max_Call_Depth
5559This rule controls the maximum depth of subprograms (or entry) calls.
55615.29.1 Syntax
5564     <control_kind> max_call_depth (<allowed depth> | finite {, <entity>});
55665.29.2 Action
5569Roughly speaking, the call depth is the number of frames that are
5570stacked by a call: if you call a subprogram that calls another
5571subprogram that calls nothing, then the call depth is 2.  Note that a
5572call to a task (not protected) entry has always a depth of 1, since the
5573accept body that corresponds to the entry is executed on a different
5576   The value of the first parameter is the maximum allowed depth, i.e.
5577the rule will trigger if the call depth is strictly greater than the
5578indicated value.  A call to a (directly or indirectly) recursive
5579procedure is considered of infinite depth, and will be therefore
5580signaled (with an appropriate message) for any value of <allowed depth>.
5581Alternatively, the keyword "finite" can be given in place of the
5582<allowed depth>: in this case, only calls to recursive subprograms will
5583be signalled.
5585   If entity names are given after the first parameter, they are
5586interpreted as callable entities that are not to be analyzed, and
5587assumed of depth 0 (not calling anything else).  As usual, the whole
5588syntax for entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada
5589entity name::.  This can be useful, for example, when a subprogram
5590appears to be recursive (but is not, due to the algorithm), to prevent
5591all those who call it to be flagged as having infinite call depth.
5593   This rule can be given once for each of check, search, and count.
5594This way, it is possible to have a call depth considered a warning
5595(search), and one considered an error (check).  Of course, this makes
5596sense only if the number for search is less than the one for check.
5598   Ex:
5599     search max_call_depth (9);
5600     check  max_call_depth (finite);
56025.29.3 Variable
5605The rule provides a variable that allows to specify how to handle
5606expression functions (Ada 2012).
5608Variable           Values  Default Effect
5609Count_Expr_Fun_Callson/off on      if "on", calls to expression functions
5610                                   are counted like regular calls; if
5611                                   "off", such calls are assumed to be
5612                                   inlined and do not add an extra depth
5613                                   level.
56155.29.4 Tip
5618It is possible to give the value 0 for <allowed depth>.  Of course, it
5619would not make sense to forbid all subprogram calls in an Ada program,
5620but this can be useful for inspection purposes, since every call will be
5621reported, and the message indicates the depth of the call.
5623   If the message says that the call depth "is N", it is exactly N. If
5624the message says that the call depth is "at least N", it means that the
5625call chain includes a call to a subprogram whose depth is unknown (see
5626"Limitations" below); "N" is the call depth if this subprogram does not
5627call anything else.  Of course, the rule issues a message if this
5628minimal value is greater than the maximum allowed value.
5630   There is only one set of entities that are forced to depth 0;
5631therefore, if the control is given several times, each with various
5632<entity>, all controls will use the union of all entities given.
56345.29.5 Limitations
5637Calls to subprograms that are attributes are assumed to have a depth of
56381.  Calls to predefined operators are assumed to be in-lined (i.e.  a
5639depth of 0).
5641   Calls through pointers to subprograms and dispatching calls are
5642unknown statically; in addition, some subprograms may not have a body
5643available for analysis, like imported subprograms, or possibly
5644subprograms from the standard library; they are all assumed to have a
5645depth of 1.  Such calls are detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note
5649File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Max_Line_Length,  Next: Max_Nesting,  Prev: Max_Call_Depth,  Up: Rules reference
56515.30 Max_Line_Length
5654This rule controls that no line exceeds a given length.
56565.30.1 Syntax
5659     <control_kind> max_line_length (<max allowed length>);
56615.30.2 Action
5664This rule controls the maximum length of source lines.  This rule can be
5665given once for each of check, search, and count.  This way, it is
5666possible to have a length considered a warning (search), and one
5667considered an error (check).  Of course, this makes sense only if the
5668length for search is less than the one for check.
5670   Ex:
5671     search max_line_length (80);
5672     check max_line_length (120);
5675File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Max_Nesting,  Next: Max_Size,  Prev: Max_Line_Length,  Up: Rules reference
56775.31 Max_Nesting
5680This rule controls excessive nesting of declarations.
56825.31.1 Syntax
5685     <control_kind> max_nesting ([<subrule>,] <max allowed depth>);
5686     <subrule> ::= all | generic | separate | task
56885.31.2 Action
5691If "all" (or no subrule) is given as the first parameter, this rule
5692controls the nesting of declarative constructs (like subprograms,
5693packages, generics, block statements...) that exceed a given depth.
5694Nesting of statements ('loop', 'case') is not considered.
5696   If "generic" is given as the first parameter, this rule controls the
5697nesting of generics, ignoring all non-generic units.
5699   If "separate" is given as the first parameter, this rule controls the
5700nesting of separate bodies.
5702   If "task" is given as the first parameter, this rule controls the
5703nesting of tasks (task types and single task objects), ignoring all
5704non-task units.
5706   This rule can be given once for each subrule and each of check,
5707search, and count.  This way, it is possible to have a level considered
5708a warning (search), and one considered an error (check).  Of course,
5709this makes sense only if the level for search is less than the one for
5712   Note that the value given is the maximum allowed nesting; f.e.  if
5713the value given for "generic" is 1, it means that a generic inside a
5714generic is allowed, but not more.
5716   Ex:
5717     search max_nesting (5);
5718     check max_nesting (all, 7);
5719     check max_nesting (generic, 1);
5720     check max_nesting (separate, 0); -- Do not allow separate in separate
5721     check max_nesting (task, 0);     -- Do not allow a task in another task
5724File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Max_Size,  Next: Max_Statement_Nesting,  Prev: Max_Nesting,  Up: Rules reference
57265.32 Max_Size
5729This rule controls the maximum size, in source lines of code, of various
5730statements and declarations.
57325.32.1 Syntax
5735     <control_kind> max_size (<subrule>, <max allowed lines>);
5736     <subrule> ::= accept        | block          | case  | case_branch   |
5737                   if            | if_branch      | loop  | simple_block  |
5738                   unnamed_block | unnamed_loop   |
5739                   package_spec  | package_body   | procedure_body |
5740                   function_body | protected_spec | protected_body |
5741                   entry_body    | task_spec      | task_body      |
5742                   unit
57445.32.2 Action
5747The first parameter is a subrule keyword that determines which elements
5748are controlled:
5749   * "accept" controls accept statements.
5750   * "block" controls all block statements, while "simple_block"
5751     controls only blocks without a 'declare' part, and "unnamed_block"
5752     controls only blocks without a name.
5753   * "loop" controls all loop statement, while "unnamed_loop" controls
5754     only loops without a name.
5755   * "if_branch" and "case_branch" control the length of each
5756     alternative of an 'if' (respectively 'case') statement.
5757   * "package_spec", "package_body", "procedure_body", "function_body",
5758     "protected_spec", "protected_body", "entry_body", "task_spec", and
5759     "task_body" control the length of the declaration of the
5760     corresponding element.
5761   * "unit" controls the whole length of compilation units.
5763   For each kind of element, the indicated value is the maximum allowed
5764size of the full element; however, for branches ("if_branch" and
5765"case_branch") it is the maximum size of the sequence of statements in
5766the branch (i.e., the line that contains the 'elsif' is not counted as
5767part of an "if_branch").
5769   This rule can be given once for each of check, search, and count for
5770each kind of element.  This way, it is possible to have a level
5771considered a warning (search), and one considered an error (check).  Of
5772course, this makes sense only if the number of lines for search is less
5773than the one for check.
5775   Ex:
5776     check Max_Size (if_branch, 30);
5777     search Max_Size (if_branch, 50);
5778     check Max_Size (unnamed_loop, 20);
57805.32.3 Tip
5783Note that "procedure_body" and "function_body" apply to protected
5784subprograms as well as regular ones, and that there is no subrule for
5785the length of the declaration of subprograms.  Such fine specifications
5786didn't seem useful, but could be added if someone expresses a need for
5790File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Max_Statement_Nesting,  Next: Movable_Accept_Statements,  Prev: Max_Size,  Up: Rules reference
57925.33 Max_Statement_Nesting
5795This rule controls the nesting of compound statements.
57975.33.1 Syntax
5800     <control_kind> max_statement_nesting (<subrule>, <max allowed depth>);
5801     <subrule> ::= block | case | if | loop | all
58035.33.2 Action
5806If one of "block", "case", "if", or "loop" is specified, it controls the
5807nesting of statements of the same kind, i.e.  an 'if' within a 'loop'
5808within an 'if' counts only 2 for the "if" keyword.  If "all" is
5809specified, all kinds of compound statements are counted together, i.e.
5810an 'if' within a 'loop' within an 'if' counts for 3.  This rule can be
5811given once for each of check, search, and count, and for each of the
5812subrules.  This way, it is possible to have a level considered a warning
5813(search), and one considered an error(check).  Of course, this makes
5814sense only if the level for search is less than the one for check.
5816   Ex:
5817     check max_statement_nesting (loop, 3);
5818     search max_statement_nesting (all, 5);
5821File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Movable_Accept_Statements,  Next: Naming_Convention,  Prev: Max_Statement_Nesting,  Up: Rules reference
58235.34 Movable_Accept_Statements
5826This rule controls statements that are inside accept statements and
5827could safely be moved outside.
58295.34.1 Syntax
5832     <control_kind> movable_accept_statements (certain|possible {, <entity>})
58345.34.2 Action
5837Since it is good practice to block a client for the shortest time
5838possible, any action that does not depend on the accept parameters
5839should not be part of an accept statement.
5841   Statements that involve synchronisation (delay statements, accept or
5842entry calls...)  are not movable.  Statements (including compound
5843statements) that reference the parameters of the enclosing accept are
5844not movable.  In addition, statements that use one of the <entity> given
5845as parameters are never considered movable.  As usual, the whole syntax
5846for entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity
5847name::.  Note that if a generic entity, or an entity declared in a
5848generic package, is given, all statements that use the corresponding
5849instantiated entity are considered not movable.
5851   If the first parameter of the rule is 'certain', only statements
5852after the last non-movable statement are reported.  If the first
5853parameter is 'possible', a simple data flow analysis is performed, and
5854every statement that does not reference a variable that appears to
5855depend (directly or indirectly) on a parameter is also reported.
5857   Ex:
5858     check movable_accept_statements (possible, Log.Report_Rendezvous);
58605.34.3 Tips
5863The list of <entity> given to the rule can be, for example, procedures
5864whose execution must be part of the accept statement for logical
5865reasons.  They can also be global variables, when the rendezvous is
5866intended to prevent concurrent access to these variables.
5869File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Naming_Convention,  Next: No_Operator_Usage,  Prev: Movable_Accept_Statements,  Up: Rules reference
58715.35 Naming_Convention
5874This rule controls the form of identifiers to make sure that they follow
5875the project's naming conventions.  Different naming conventions can be
5876specified, depending on the kind of Ada entity that the name is refering
58795.35.1 Syntax
5882     <control_kind> naming_convention
5883        ([root] [others] {<location>} [<type_spec>] <filter_kind>,
5884         [case_sensitive|case_insensitive] [not] "<pattern>"
5885         {, ...});
5886     <location>  ::= global | local | unit
5887     <type_spec> ::= <entity> | {<category>}
5888     <category>  ::= ()      | access    | array | delta  | digits | mod |
5889                     private | protected | range | record | tagged | task
5890     <filter_kind> ::= All |
5891                         Type |
5892                            Discrete_Type |
5893                               Enumeration_Type |
5894                               Integer_Type |
5895                                  Signed_Integer_Type |
5896                                  Modular_Integer_Type |
5897                               Floating_Point_Type |
5898                               Fixed_Point_Type |
5899                                  Binary_Fixed_Point_Type |
5900                                  Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type |
5901                            Array_Type |
5902                            Record_Type |
5903                               Regular_Record_Type |
5904                               Tagged_Type |
5905                               Interface_Type |
5906                               Class_Type |
5907                            Access_Type |
5908                               Access_To_Regular_Type |
5909                               Access_To_Tagged_Type |
5910                               Access_To_Class_Type |
5911                               Access_To_SP_Type |
5912                               Access_To_Task_Type |
5913                               Access_To_Protected_Type |
5914                            Private_Type |
5915                               Private_Extension |
5916                            Generic_Formal_Type |
5917                         Variable |
5918                            Regular_Variable |
5919                            Field |
5920                               Discriminant |
5921                               Record_Field |
5922                               Protected_Field |
5923                            Procedure_Formal_Out |
5924                            Procedure_Formal_In_Out |
5925                            Generic_Formal_In_Out |
5926                         Constant |
5927                            Regular_Constant |
5928                               Regular_Static_Constant |
5929                               Regular_Nonstatic_Constant |
5930                            Named_Number |
5931                               Integer_Number |
5932                               Real_Number |
5933                            Enumeration |
5934                            Sp_Formal_In |
5935                            Generic_Formal_In |
5936                            Loop_Control |
5937                            Occurrence_Name |
5938                            Entry_Index |
5939                         Label |
5940                         Stmt_Name |
5941                            Loop_Name |
5942                            Block_Name |
5943                         Subprogram |
5944                            Procedure |
5945                               Regular_Procedure |
5946                               Protected_Procedure |
5947                               Generic_Formal_Procedure |
5948                            Function |
5949                               Regular_Function |
5950                               Protected_Function |
5951                               Generic_Formal_Function |
5952                            Entry |
5953                               Task_Entry |
5954                               Protected_Entry |
5955                         Package |
5956                            Regular_Package |
5957                            Generic_Formal_Package |
5958                         Task |
5959                            Task_Type |
5960                            Task_Object |
5961                         Protected |
5962                            Protected_Type |
5963                            Protected_Object |
5964                         Exception |
5965                         Generic |
5966                            Generic_Package |
5967                            Generic_Sp |
5968                               Generic_Procedure |
5969                               Generic_Function |
5970                         Renaming |
5971                            Object_Renaming |
5972                            Exception_Renaming |
5973                            Package_Renaming |
5974                            Subprogram_Renaming |
5975                               Procedure_Renaming |
5976                               Function_Renaming |
5977                            Generic_Renaming |
5978                               Generic_Package_Renaming |
5979                               Generic_Sp_Renaming |
5980                                  Generic_Procedure_Renaming |
5981                                  Generic_Function_Renaming
59835.35.2 Action
5986The first parameter defines the kind of declaration to which the rule is
5987applicable, and other parameters are strings, interpreted as regular
5988expressions that define the patterns that must be matched (or not).
5989*Note Syntax of regular expressions::.
5991   If one or more <location> keyword is specified, the pattern applies
5992only to identifiers declared at the corresponding place.  Otherwise, the
5993pattern applies to all identifiers, irrespectively of where they are
5994declared.  The definition of locations is as follows:
5995   * "unit": The identifier is the defining name of a compilation unit.
5996   * "global": The identifier is declared in a package or a generic
5997     package, possibly nested in other packages or generic packages.
5998   * "local": All other cases.
6000   In the case of objects (corresponding to filters in the "variable"
6001and "constant" families) and functions (in the "function" family), it is
6002possible to be more specific, depending on the type of the object (or
6003the return type of the function), as specified by the <type_spec>
6004modifier.  The <type_spec> modifier is either a single <entity> giving
6005the type of the object or one or more <category> keywords.  As usual,
6006the whole syntax for entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note Specifying
6007an Ada entity name::.  The meaning of <category> is:
6008   * "()": The object is of an enumerated type.
6009   * "access": The object is of an access type.
6010   * "array": The object is of an array type.
6011   * "delta": The object is of a fixed point type (it is not currently
6012     possible to distinguish ordinary fixed point types from decimal
6013     fixed point types).
6014   * "digits": The object is of a floating point type.
6015   * "mod": The object is of a modular type.
6016   * "private": The object is of a private type (including private
6017     extensions).
6018   * "protected": The object is of a protected type.
6019   * "range": The object is of a signed integer type.
6020   * "record": The object is of an (untagged) record type.
6021   * "tagged": The object is of a tagged type (including type
6022     extensions).
6023   * "task": The object is of a task type.
6025   For a given layer of the hierarchy (i.e.  "variable",
6026"regular_variable"), only the most specific filter is applicable, i.e.
6027"standard.boolean variable" will apply to all boolean variables, while
6028plain "variable" will apply to other variables.  See examples below.
6030   If "case_sensitive" is specified, pattern matching considers casing.
6031Otherwise ("case_insensitive"), casing is irrelevant.  The default is
6032"case_insensitive", and can be changed by setting the variable
6033"Default_Case_Sensitivity", see below.  Note that the rule checks the
6034name only at the place where it is declared; casing might be different
6035when the name is used later.
6037   If a pattern is preceded by "not", then the pattern must not be
6038matched (i.e.  the rule reports when there is a match).
6040   The rule will be activated if an identifier is declared that does not
6041match any of the "positive" patterns (the ones without "not"), or if it
6042matches any of the "negative" patterns (the ones with a "not").  If only
6043negative patterns are given, it is implicitely assumed that all other
6044identifiers are OK. In other words, accepted identifiers must have the
6045form of (at least) one of the "positive" patterns (if any), but not the
6046form of one of the "negative" patterns.
6048   The filter kinds are organized hierarchically, as reflected by
6049indentation in the syntax above.  To be valid, the name must match the
6050patterns specified for its own filter, and for all filters above it in
6051the hierarchy.  For example, a modular type declaration must follow the
6052rules (if specified) for "all", "type","discrete_type", "integer_type"
6053and "modular_integer_type".  However, if a filter kind is preceded by
6054"others", the rule will apply only if there is no applicable positive
6055pattern deeper in the hierarchy; similarly, if a filter kind is preceded
6056by "root", no rule above it in the hierarchy is considered (neither for
6057itself nor its children).  This is useful to make exceptions to a more
6058general rule.  For example:
6060     -- All identifiers must have at least 3 characters:
6061     check naming_convention (all, "...");
6062     -- And start with an upper-case letter
6063     -- (will not apply to types and access types, because of "others" and
6064     --  other rules given below)
6065     check naming_convention (others all, case_sensitive "^[A-Z]");
6067     -- Exception to the rule for "all":
6068     -- No minimum length for "for loop" identifiers, but must be
6069     -- all uppercase
6070     check naming_convention (root loop_control, case_sensitive "^[A-Z]+$");
6072     -- Types must start with "t", then an upper-case letter:
6073     -- (will not apply to access types, because of "others" and
6074     --  other rule given below)
6075     check naming_convention (others type, case_sensitive "^t[A-Z]");
6077     -- Access types must start with "ta", then an upper-case letter:
6078     check naming_convention (access_type, case_sensitive "^ta[A-Z]");
6080     -- Boolean variables, and only these, must start with "Is_" or
6081     -- "Has_":
6082     check naming_convention (variable, not "^Is_", not "^Has_");
6083     check naming_convention (standard.boolean variable, "^Is_", "^Has_");
6085     -- Functions returning Wide_String must start with "Wide_", and
6086     -- similarly for Wide_Wide_String, and no other:
6087     check naming_convention (standard.wide_string function,
6088        "^Wide_",
6089        not "^Wide_Wide_");
6090     check naming_convention (standard.wide_wide_string function,
6091        "^Wide_Wide_");
6092     check naming_convention (function, not "^Wide_");
6094   It is of course not necessary to specify all the filter kinds, nor to
6095specify filters down to the deepest level; if you specify a rule for
6096"type", it will be applied to all type declarations, whether there is a
6097more specific rule or not.
6099   Subtypes and derived types must follow the rule for their respective
6100original (full) type.  Incomplete type declarations are not checked,
6101since their corresponding full declaration is (normally) checked.
6102Private types (including of course the full declaration of a private
6103type) follow the rule for private types, not the rules for their full
6104type view (otherwise it would be privacy breaking).
6106   Renamings are treated specially: if there is no explicit rule for a
6107given renaming, the applicable rule is the one for the renamed entity.
6109   Ex:
6110     -- Predefined name is forbidden:
6111     check naming_convention (all, not "Integer");
6113     -- Types must either start or end with T
6114     check naming_convention (type, case_sensitive "^T_",
6115                                    case_sensitive "_T$");
6117     -- "Upper_Initials" naming convention:
6118     check naming_convention
6119        (all, case_sensitive "^[A-Z][a-z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9][a-z0-9]*)*$");
6121     -- All global variables must start with "G_"
6122     check naming_convention (global variable, "G_");
61245.35.3 Variables
6127The rule provides a variable that allows to specify the default casing.
6129Variable           Values  Default Effect
6130Default_Case_Sensitivityon/offoff  if "on", controls that do not
6131                                   explicitely specify case sensitivity
6132                                   are case sensitive.
61345.35.4 Tips
6137The rule only checks the casing of identifiers at the place where they
6138are declared.  A useful companion rule is "style (casing_identifier,
6139original)", which ensures that every use of the identifier will use the
6140same casing as in the declaration.  *Note Style::.  Similarly, in the
6141case of a subprogram and its parameters, the check is not done on the
6142body if there is an explicit specification (since specification and body
6143have to match anyway).
6145   The rule does not check the names of operators, since it would make
6146little sense to have naming conventions for things whose name is
6147imposed.  If you want to prevent the definition of operators, refer to
6148the rule "declarations" and its subrules "operator",
6149"equality_operator", and"predefined_operator".  *Note Declarations::.
6151   Remember that a Regexp matches if the pattern matches any part of the
6152identifier.  Use "^" and "$" to match the beginning (resp.  end) of the
6153name, or both.
6155   A constant is considered static for the purpose of
6156"Regular_Static_Constant" and "Regular_Nonstatic_Constant" if it is of a
6157discrete type initialized by a static expression, or if it is an
6158aggregate whose components all have static values.  This is different
6159from the official definition of "static" in the language, but
6160corresponds to what most users would expect.
6162   "class_type" is applicable to subtypes that designate a class-wide
6163type.  Similarly, "access_to_class_type" is applicable to access types
6164whose designated type is class-wide.
6166   If you don't want any special rule for renamings (not even the one
6167that applies to the renamed entity), specify:
6168     check naming_convention (renaming, "");
6169   This imposes no constraint on renamings, but since it is specified
6170explicitely, the implicit rule for the renamed entity won't apply.
6172   The 'rules' directory of Adacontrol contains two files named
6173'no_standard_entity.aru' and 'no_system_entity.aru'.  These are files
6174that contain a naming_convention rule that forbids the declaration of
6175names declared in packages 'Standard' and 'System', respectively.  You
6176can simply "source" these files from your own rule file (or copy the
6177content) if you want to disallow these identifiers.
6179   Like usual, naming_convention rule can be given multiple times, and
6180can be disabled.  However, consider the following:
6181     Rule1 : check naming_convention (constant, "^c_");
6182     Rule2 : check naming_convention (constant, "^const_");
6183   The rule will trigger if a constant is declared that does not start
6184with either "c_" or "const_".  But here, we have two different rule
6185labels.  The message will refer to the first label encountered in the
6186rule file; this is the label that must be mentionned in a disabling
6187comment, unless you simply disable "naming_convention".
61895.35.5 Limitations
6192This rule does not support wide characters outside the basic Latin-1
6196File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: No_Operator_Usage,  Next: Non_Static,  Prev: Naming_Convention,  Up: Rules reference
61985.36 No_Operator_Usage
6201This rule controls integer types that do not use any arithmetic
6202operators, which indicates that they might be replaceable with other
6203kinds of types.
62055.36.1 Syntax
6208     <control_kind> no_operator_usage [([<category>] <parameter> [,<parameter>])];
6209     <category>  ::= range | mod
6210     <parameter> ::= [<filter>] <observed>
6211     <filter>    ::= not | ignore | report
6212     <observed>  ::= relational | logical | indexing
62145.36.2 Action
6217This rule controls integer types where no arithmetic operator of the
6218type is used in the program.  If the <category> is 'range', the control
6219applies only to signed integer types; if it is 'mod', it applies only to
6220modular integer types; otherwise, it applies to both.
6222   When such a type is found, it migh be interesting to find out other
6223usages to determine a possible better kind of type.  "relational" means
6224that relational operators ('<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'in', 'not in') are
6225used, "logical" means that logical operators ('and', 'or', 'xor') are
6226used, and "indexing" means that the type is used as an index in some
6227array type.
6229   If an <observed> property is given as parameter, only types that
6230feature the property are controlled, or those that do not feature the
6231property if the <observed> is preceded by "not".  If the <observed> is
6232preceded by "ignore" the type is controlled irrrespectively of the
6233property, and the message does not mention it at all, while if it is
6234preceded by "report", the message still mentions whether the <observed>
6235is used or not.
6237   Without parameters, the rule is equivalent to "ignore relational,
6238ignore logical, ignore indexing" (i.e.  it controls all types that do
6239not use any arithmetic operator).
6241   This rule can be given only once for each combination of values of
6242the parameters.
6244   Ex:
6245     -- Simply report types that don't use arithmetic operators:
6246     check no_operator_usage;
6248     -- Do the same, but mention if indexing/logical ops are used:
6249     check no_operator_usage (report indexing, report logical);
6251     -- Find modular integer types that use only logical operators:
6252     check no_operator_usage (mod logical);
6254     -- Find integer types that don't use artihmetic operators and are
6255     -- not used for indexing nor in relational operators:
6256     check no_operator_usage (not indexing, not relational);
62585.36.3 Tips
6261An integer type that uses no operator at all is a good candidate to be
6262replaced by an enumerated type.  A modular type where only logical
6263operators are used is likely to be used as a bit field or a set, and is
6264a good canditate for being replaced by an array of booleans.
6266   The rule does not make a distinction between predefined and
6267user-defined operators.  On the other hand, only calls to operators are
6268considered, operators used for example as actual generic parameters in
6269instantiations are not considered.
6271   The rule applies also to private types whose full declaration is an
6272integer type.
6275File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Non_Static,  Next: Not_Elaboration_Calls,  Prev: No_Operator_Usage,  Up: Rules reference
62775.37 Non_Static
6280This rule controls that expressions used in certain contexts are static.
62825.37.1 Syntax
6285     <control_kind> non_static [(<subrule> {, <subrule>})];
6286     <subrule> ::= constant_initialization | variable_initialization |
6287                   index_constraint        | discriminant_constraint |
6288                   instantiation           | index_check
62905.37.2 Action
6293The <subrule> defines the elements that are required to be static:
6294   * "constant_initialization": expressions used as initial value in
6295     constant declarations.
6296   * "variable_initialization": expressions used as initial value in
6297     variable declarations.
6298   * "index_constraint": expressions used in index constraints (aka
6299     array sizes).
6300   * "discriminant_constraint": expressions used in discriminant
6301     constraints
6302   * "instantiation": expressions used as generic actual parameters in
6303     instantiations.
6304   * "index_check": expressions used as indices must satisfy statically
6305     the index check.  I.e., the expression needs not be static, but it
6306     should be statically provable that the index check cannot fail.
6308   If no keyword is given, all contexts are controlled.
6310   Ex:
6311     check non_static (index_constraint);
63135.37.3 Limitations
6316Currently, "constant_initialization" and "variable_initialization" do
6317not control structured (record and array) variables.  For access
6318variables, the initial value is considered static only if it is a plain
6319'null'.  This may improve in future versions of AdaControl.
63215.37.4 Tips
6324If all index and discriminant constraints are static, the space occupied
6325by data structures is computable from the program text.  This rule is
6326useful to enforce this in contexts where the memory space must be
6327statically determined.
6330File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Not_Elaboration_Calls,  Next: Not_Selected_Name,  Prev: Non_Static,  Up: Rules reference
63325.38 Not_Elaboration_Calls
6335This rule controls that certain subprograms (or allocators) are called
6336only during program initialization.
63385.38.1 Syntax
6341     <control_kind> not_elaboration_calls (<entity>|new {, <entity>|new});
63435.38.2 Action
6346The <entity> parameters are callable entities (procedure, function or
6347entry calls).  As usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed for
6348<entity>.  *Note Specifying an Ada entity name::.  This rule controls
6349calls to the indicated callable entities, or allocators if "new" is
6350given, that are performed at any time except during the elaboration of
6351library packages.
6353   Ex:
6354     search not_elaboration_calls (Data.Initialize, new);
63565.38.3 Limitations
6359Due to an (allowed by ASIS standard) limitation of ASIS-for-Gnat, the
6360rule will not detect calls to subprograms that are implicitely defined,
6361like calling a '"+"' on 'Integer'.  Fortunately, it is very unlikely
6362that the user would want to forbid that kind of calls in non-elaboration
6365   Note also that calls that cannot be statically determined, like calls
6366to dispatching operations or calls through pointers to subprograms
6367cannot be detected either.
6370File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Not_Selected_Name,  Next: Object_Declarations,  Prev: Not_Elaboration_Calls,  Up: Rules reference
63725.39 Not_Selected_Name
6375This rule controls that certain entities are always refered to using
6376selected notation, even in the presence of 'use' clauses.
63785.39.1 Syntax
6381     <control_kind> not_selected_name
6382        (<exception places>, <entity> {, <entity>});
6383     <exception places> ::= none | unit | compilation | family
63855.39.2 Action
6388A name is "selected" if it is prefixed by the name of the construct
6389where it is declared.  Only one level of prefix is required, unless the
6390prefix itself is the target of a not_selected_name rule.
6392   The first parameter specifies places where the rule is not enforced,
6393i.e.  where simple notation is allowed:
6394   * "none": selected notation is always required.
6395   * "unit": selected notation is not required within the program unit
6396     where the entity is declared.
6397   * "compilation": selected notation is not required within the
6398     compilation unit where the entity is declared.
6399   * "family": selected notation is not required within the compilation
6400     unit where the entity is declared, nor within its (direct or
6401     indirect) children.
6403   Other parameters indicate the <entity> to which the rule applies.  As
6404usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed for <entity>.  *Note
6405Specifying an Ada entity name::.
6407   Ex:
6408     check not_selected_name (unit, all Instance);
6409     search not_selected_name (none, Pack.T);
64115.39.3 Tip
6414Note that, as usual, the entity can be given in the form "all name".
6415This is especially useful for types that must always be declared with a
6416special name (like 'Instance', 'Object', 'T') and are intended to be
6417always used with the name of the enclosing package.
6420File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Object_Declarations,  Next: Parameter_Aliasing,  Prev: Not_Selected_Name,  Up: Rules reference
64225.40 Object_Declarations
6425This rule controls various aspects of object (constants and variables)
64285.40.1 Syntax
6431     <control_kind> object_declarations (min_integer_span, <min_spec>
6432                                                        {, <min_spec>});
6433     <control_kind> object_declarations (type, <type_spec> {, <type_spec>});
6434     <control_kind> object_declarations (volatile_no_address);
6435     <control_kind> object_declarations (address_not_volatile);
6436     <min_spec>  ::= [constant | variable] <value>
6437     <type_spec> ::= [constant | variable] <entity>
64395.40.2 Action
6442The action depends on the subrule.
6443   * "min_integer_span": controls that every object of an integer type
6444     has a subtype that covers at least the indicated number of values.
6445     Different values can be specified for variables and constants; if
6446     no modifier ("constant" or "variable") is supplied, the value
6447     applies to both.
6449     This subrule can be given only once for each combination of
6450     check/search/count and constant/variable.
6451   * "type": controls every object whose (sub)type matches <entity>.  As
6452     usual, the whole syntax for entities is allowed for <entity>.
6453     *Note Specifying an Ada entity name::.  If the <entity> is a
6454     subtype, only objects of that exact subtype are controlled; if the
6455     <entity> is a type, objects declared with the type or any subtype
6456     of it are controlled.  The control can be restricted to only
6457     variables or only constants; if no modifier ("constant" or
6458     "variable") is supplied, both are controlled.
6460     This subrule can be given only once for each combination of
6461     <entity> and constant/variable.
6462   * "volatile_no_address": controls variables that are the target of a
6463     pragma volatile, but have no address clause.  Constants are not
6464     controlled, since it would be very strange to have a volatile
6465     constant...
6467     Since this subrule has no parameters, it can be given only once.
6468   * "address_not_volatile": controls variables that have an address
6469     clause, but are not the target of a pragma volatile.  Constants are
6470     not controlled, since it would be very strange to have a volatile
6471     constant...
6473     Since this subrule has no parameters, it can be given only once.
6475   Ex:
6476     check object_declarations (min_integer_span, variable 5, constant 10);
6478     count object_declarations (min_integer_span, 8);
6479     -- Same value for variables and constants
6481     search object_declarations (volatile_no_address);
6482     search object_declarations (address_not_volatile);
64845.40.3 Tip
6487The "min_integer_span" rule can be useful for detecting variables that
6488should use an enumerated type rather than an integer type.
64905.40.4 Limitation
6493Due to a shortcomming of the ASIS interface, the subrules
6494"volatile_no_address" and "address_not_volatile" will not detect
6495variables of a class-wide type that are volatile due to a pragma
6496volatile applying to the class-wide type.  If the pragma applies to the
6497variable, the subrule will work correctly.  A pragma volatile applied to
6498a class-wide type is detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note
6501   Declaring a class-wide _type_ as volatile seems very peculiar
6505File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Parameter_Aliasing,  Next: Parameter_Declarations,  Prev: Object_Declarations,  Up: Rules reference
65075.41 Parameter_Aliasing
6510This rule controls aliased use of variables in subprogram calls.
65125.41.1 Syntax
6515     <control_kind> parameter_aliasing [([with_in] <level>)];
6516     <level> ::= Certain | Possible | Unlikely
65185.41.2 Action
6521This rule identifies calls where the same variable is given as an actual
6522to more than one 'out' or 'in out' parameter, like in the following
6524     procedure Proc (X, Y : out Integer);
6525        ...
6526     Proc (X => V, Y => V);
6528   If the modifier "'with_in'" is given, aliasing between 'out' or 'in
6529out' parameters and 'in' parameters is also considered (unless the 'in'
6530parameter is of a user-defined by-copy type).  Although aliasing of 'in'
6531parameters is generally considered less of an issue, it can lead to
6532unexpected results when the parameter is passed by reference.
6534   There are many cases where aliasing cannot be determined statically.
6535The optional parameter specifies how aggressively the rule will check
6536for possible aliasings.  Possible values are (case irrelevant):
6537   * Certain (default): Only cases where aliasing is statically certain
6538     are output.
6539   * Possible: In addition, cases where aliasing may occur depending on
6540     the value of an indexed component are output.  These may or may not
6541     be true aliasing, depending on the algorithm.  For example, given:
6542          Swap (Tab (I), Tab (J));
6543     there is no aliasing, unless 'I' equals 'J'.
6545     If all expressions used for indexing in both variables are static,
6546     the rule will be able to eliminate the diagnosis of aliasing (if
6547     the values are different).  This avoids unnecessary messages in
6548     cases like:
6549          Swap (Tab (1), Tab (2));
6551   * Unlikely: In addition, cases where aliasing may occur due to access
6552     variables pointing to the same variable are output.  These may or
6553     may not be true aliasing, depending on the algorithm, but should
6554     normally occur only as the result of very strange practices, like
6555     in the following example:
6556          type R is
6557             record
6558                X : aliased Integer;
6559             end record;
6560          X : R;
6561          Y : Access_All_Integer := R.X'access;
6562             ...
6563          P (X, Y.all);
6564   There will be no false positive with "Certain".  There will be no
6565false negative with "Unlikely" (but many false positives).  "Possible"
6566is somewhere in-between.
6568   The rule may be specified at most once for each value of the
6569parameter.  This allows for example to "check" for "Certain" and
6570"search" for "Possible".
6572   Ex:
6573     check parameter_aliasing (with_in certain);
6574     search parameter_aliasing (Possible);
6576   Note that the rule is quite clever: it will consider partial aliasing
6577(like a record variable as one parameter, and one of its components as
6578another parameter), and will not be fooled by renamings.
65805.41.3 Limitation
6583Due to a weakness of the ASIS standard, dispatching calls are not
6584analyzed.  Some calls cannot obviously have aliasing (if there is only
6585one parameter, or if there are no variables in the parameters f.e.);
6586other calls are detected by the rule "uncheckable".  *Note
6590File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Parameter_Declarations,  Next: Positional_Associations,  Prev: Parameter_Aliasing,  Up: Rules reference
65925.42 Parameter_Declarations
6595This rule controls various characteristics of the declaration of
6596parameters for all callable entities (i.e.  functions, procedures and
65995.42.1 Syntax
6602     <control_kind> parameter_declarations (<subrule> [,<bounds>] {,<callable>});
6603     <subrule>  ::= all_parameters       | in_parameters         |
6604                    defaulted_parameters | out_parameters        |
6605                    in_out_parameters    | access_parameters     |
6606                    tagged_parameters    | class_wide_parameters |
6607                    single_out_parameter
6608     <bounds>    ::= min|max <value> [, min|max <value> ]
6609     <callable> ::= function             | procedure             |
6610                    dispatching_function | dispatching_procedure |
6611                    protected_function   | protected_procedure   |
6612                    protected_entry      | task_entry
66145.42.2 Action
6617The first parameter is a subrule keyword.  "single_out_parameter" has no
6618parameter; all other subrules require one or two bounds.
6619   * "all_parameters": Controls callable entities whose number of
6620     parameters is less than the given "min" or greater than the given
6621     "max".  "min" defaults to 0 and "max" to infinity.
6622   * "in_parameters", "out_parameters", "in_out_parameters": Do the
6623     same, counting only parameters of modes 'in', 'out', or 'in out'
6624     respectively.
6625   * "defaulted_parameters": Does the same, counting only parameters
6626     declared with an explicit default expression.
6627   * "access_parameters": Does the same, counting only (anonymous)
6628     access parameters.
6629   * "tagged_parameters": Does the same, counting only parameters of a
6630     specific tagged type.
6631   * "class_wide_parameters": Does the same, counting only parameters of
6632     a class-wide type.
6633   * "single_out_parameter": Controls callable entities that have
6634     exactly one 'out' parameter.  Procedures with a single 'out'
6635     parameter might be candidates to becoming functions.
6637   If one or more <callable_kind> is specified after the <value>, the
6638rule applies only to the corresponding declaration(s), otherwise it
6639applies to all callable entities.  "dispatching_function" and
6640"dispatching_procedure" allow different counts for dispatching
6641subprograms (i.e.  primitive subprograms of a tagged type).  If
6642"dispatching_function" or "dispatching_procedure" is not explicitely
6643specified, "function" (conversely "procedure") applies also to
6644dispatching functions (conversely dispatching procedures).
6646   This rule can be given once for each of check, search, and count for
6647each subrule and each kind of entity.  This way, it is possible to have
6648a level considered a warning (search), and one considered an error
6651   Ex:
6652     -- Callable entities should preferably not have more than 5
6653     -- parameters, and in any case not have more that 10 parameters,
6654     check  parameter_declarations (all_parameters, max 10);
6655     search parameter_declarations (all_parameters, max 5);
6657     -- All functions must have parameters and no out or in out
6658     -- parameters (allowed in Ada 2012):
6659     check parameter_declarations (all_parameters,    min 1, function);
6660     check parameter_declarations (out_parameters,    max 0, function);
6661     check parameter_declarations (in_out_parameters, max 0, function);
6663     -- A regular (not protected) procedure with one out parameter
6664     -- should be replaced by a function
6665     check parameter_declarations (single_out_parameter, procedure);
6667     -- Find all callable entities with class-wide parameters:
6668     search parameter_declarations (class_wide_parameters, max 0);
6670     -- Dispatching operations may have only one parameter of a tagged type:
6671     check parameter_declarations (tagged_parameter,
6672                                   max 1,
6673                                   dispatching_function,
6674                                   dispatching_procedure);
66765.42.3 Tips
6679This rule applies to generic subprograms as well as to regular ones.  On
6680the other hand, it does not apply to generic formal subprograms, since
6681instantiations would only be possible with subprograms which are
6682supposed to have been already controlled.
6684   Instantiations are also controlled; the number of parameters is taken
6685from the corresponding generic.
6687   Note that this rule controls only "regular" parameters, not generic
6688formal parameters.
6690   Note that dispatching operations have necessarily at least one tagged
6691parameter, although a "max 0" could be specified in the example above.
6692If you do this, all declarations of dispatching subprograms will be
6693controlled.  Maybe that's what you want...
6696File: adacontrol_ug.info,  Node: Positional_Associations,  Next: Potentially_Blocking_Operations,  Prev: Parameter_Declarations,  Up: Rules reference
66985.43 Positional_Associations
6701This rule controls the use of positional associations (as opposed to
6702named associations) in all kinds of associations.
67045.43.1 Syntax
6707     <control_kind> positional_associations [(<subrule>, <max_allowed>
6708                                              [, <category> {, <entity>}])];
6709     <subrule>  ::= all | all_positional | same_type
6710     <category> ::=  [not_operator] call | pragma          | discriminant     |
6711                     instantiation       | array_aggregate | record_aggregate |
6712                     enumeration_representation
67145.43.2 Action
6717The rule controls pragmas, discriminants, calls, aggregates, or
6718instantiations that use too many positional associations.  The
6719definition of "too many" depends on the subrule:
6720   * "all": when positional associations are given in a place where
6721     there is more than <max_allowed> associations (both positional and
6722     named).
6723   * "all_positional": when there is more than <max_allowed> positional
6724     associations.
6725   * "same_type": when more than <max_allowed> positional parameters are
6726     of the same type.
6728   In addition, a <category> can be specified to restrict the rule to
6729specific kinds of associations; if not specified, all associations are
6730controlled.  The categories carry their obvious meaning, with the
6731distinction that "array_aggregate" applies only to "true" array
6732aggregates, while "enumeration_representation" applies to the special
6733array aggregate used in enumeration representation clauses.  Note that
6734the "same_type" subrule is not allowed for the "pragma" category.  For
6735"pragma", "call", and "instantiation", entities can also be specified;
6736such entities are exempted from the rule (i.e.  the rule will not
6737control these entities).  See examples below.
6739   For calls, positional association is not reported for operators that
6740use infix notation (since named notation is not possible); in addition,
6741if the "not_operator" modifier is specified before the "call" keyword
6742(not allowed elsewhere), positional association is never reported for
6743operators, even if they are called with the syntax of a normal function
6744call (i.e.  'Pack."+" (A,B)').  Calls to subprograms that are attributes
6745are not reported either, since named notation is not allowed for them.
6747   This rule can be specified once for each combination of <subrule>,
6748<category>, and <control_kind>.  This way, it is possible to have a
6749number of positional associations considered a warning (search), and one
6750considered an error (check).  Of course, this makes sense only if
6751<max_allowed> for search is greater than the one for check.  It is also
6752possible to have different criteria for each category.
6754   If no parameter is given, it is equivalent to
6755"'positional_associations (all, 0)'", i.e.  all positional associations
6756are controlled.
6758   Ex:
6759      -- All positional associations:
6760     check positional_associations;
6762     -- All positional associations in aggregates:
6763     check positional_associations(all, 0, array_aggregate);
6764     check positional_associations(all, 0, record_aggregate);
6766      -- All positional associations with more than 3 elements:
6767     search positional_associations (all, 3);
6769     -- Positional associations in calls with more than 3 params of the same type
6770     search positional_associations (same_type, 3, call);
6772     -- Positional associations in calls with more than 2 elements (except
6773     -- calls to any subprogram called Put)
6774     search positional_associations(all, 2, call, all put);
67765.43.3 Tips
6779There are two kinds of calls where the rule does not complain about
6780usage of positional association: infix operator calls (since requiring
6781named notation would not allow infix notation any more), and calls to
6782subprograms that are attributes (since named notation is not allowed for
6785   For the purpose of the "same_type" subrule, integer literals are
6786considered of the same type as any parameter of an integer type, and
6787similarly for other universal values.  The reason is that this rule is
6788intended to avoid confusion between parameters, when strong typing would
6789not detect an inversion of parameters for example; such a case would
6790happen between parameters of a universal type.
6792   For calls, another rule controls positional associations according to
6793the value of parameters rather than their number: *Note