2--  Rules.Non_Static - Package specification                        --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This software  is (c) Adalog  2004-2005. The Ada  Controller is --
5--  free software;  you can redistribute it and/or  modify it under --
6--  terms of  the GNU  General Public License  as published  by the --
7--  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) --
8--  any later version.   This unit is distributed in  the hope that --
9--  it will be  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the --
10--  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR --
11--  PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License for more details. --
12--  You  should have  received a  copy  of the  GNU General  Public --
13--  License distributed  with this  program; see file  COPYING.  If --
14--  not, write to  the Free Software Foundation, 59  Temple Place - --
15--  Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                          --
16--                                                                  --
17--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
18--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
19--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
20--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
21--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
22--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
23--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
24--                                                                  --
25--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
26--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
27--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
28--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
31-- Asis
32with Asis;
34package Rules.Non_Static is
36   Rule_Id : constant Wide_String := "NON_STATIC";
38   procedure Process_Constrained_Array_Definition (Elem : Asis.Type_Definition);
39   procedure Process_Discriminant_Constraint      (Elem : Asis.Constraint);
40   procedure Process_Index_Constraint             (Elem : Asis.Discrete_Range);
41   procedure Process_Instantiation                (Elem : Asis.Declaration);
42   procedure Process_Object_Declaration           (Decl : Asis.Declaration);
43   procedure Process_Index_Expression             (Expr : Asis.Expression);
45end Rules.Non_Static;