1;;; 7.ss
2;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
8;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14;;; limitations under the License.
16;;; system operations
19(define scheme-start
20  (make-parameter
21    (lambda fns (for-each load fns) (new-cafe))
22    (lambda (p)
23      (unless (procedure? p)
24        ($oops 'scheme-start "~s is not a procedure" p))
25      p)))
27(define scheme-script
28  (make-parameter
29    (lambda (fn . fns)
30      (command-line (cons fn fns))
31      (command-line-arguments fns)
32      (load fn))
33    (lambda (p)
34      (unless (procedure? p)
35        ($oops 'scheme-script "~s is not a procedure" p))
36      p)))
38(define scheme-program
39  (make-parameter
40    (lambda (fn . fns)
41      (command-line (cons fn fns))
42      (command-line-arguments fns)
43      (load-program fn))
44    (lambda (p)
45      (unless (procedure? p)
46        ($oops 'scheme-program "~s is not a procedure" p))
47      p)))
49(define command-line-arguments
50  (make-parameter
51    '()
52    (lambda (x)
53      (unless (and (list? x) (andmap string? x))
54        ($oops 'command-line-arguments "~s is not a list of strings" x))
55      x)))
57(define command-line
58  (make-parameter
59    '("")
60    (lambda (x)
61      (unless (and (list? x) (not (null? x)) (andmap string? x))
62        ($oops 'command-line "~s is not a nonempty list of strings" x))
63      x)))
65(define-who #(r6rs: command-line)
66  (lambda ()
67    (#2%command-line)))
69(define-who bytes-allocated
70  (let ([ba (foreign-procedure "(cs)bytes_allocated"
71              (scheme-object scheme-object)
72              scheme-object)])
73    (define filter-generation
74      (lambda (g)
75        (cond
76          [(and (fixnum? g) (fx<= 0 g (collect-maximum-generation))) g]
77          [(eq? g 'static) (constant static-generation)]
78          [else ($oops who "invalid generation ~s" g)])))
79    (define filter-space
80      (lambda (s)
81        (cond
82          [(assq s (constant real-space-alist)) => cdr]
83          [else ($oops who "invalid space ~s" s)])))
84    (case-lambda
85      [() (ba -1 -1)]
86      [(g) (ba (filter-generation g) -1)]
87      [(g s) (ba (if g (filter-generation g) -1) (if s (filter-space s) -1))])))
89(define $spaces (lambda () (map car (constant real-space-alist))))
91(define current-memory-bytes (foreign-procedure "(cs)curmembytes" () uptr))
92(define maximum-memory-bytes (foreign-procedure "(cs)maxmembytes" () uptr))
94(define reset-maximum-memory-bytes! (foreign-procedure "(cs)resetmaxmembytes" () void))
96(define-who with-source-path
97  (lambda (whoarg fn p)
98    (unless (or (eq? whoarg #f) (string? whoarg) (symbol? whoarg)) ($oops who "invalid who argument ~s" whoarg))
99    (unless (string? fn) ($oops who "~s is not a string" fn))
100    (unless (procedure? p) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" p))
101    (let ([dirs (source-directories)])
102      (if (or (equal? dirs '("")) (equal? dirs '(".")) ($fixed-path? fn))
103          (p fn)
104          (let loop ([ls dirs])
105            (if (null? ls)
106                ($oops whoarg "file ~s not found in source directories" fn)
107                (let ([path (let ([dir (car ls)])
108                              (if (or (string=? dir "") (string=? dir "."))
109                                  fn
110                                  (format
111                                    (if (directory-separator?
112                                          (string-ref dir
113                                            (fx- (string-length dir) 1)))
114                                        "~a~a"
115                                        "~a/~a")
116                                    dir fn)))])
117                  (if (guard (c [#t #f]) (close-input-port (open-input-file path)) #t)
118                      (p path)
119                      (loop (cdr ls))))))))))
121(set! $compressed-warning
122  (let ([warned? #f])
123    (lambda (who p)
124      (unless warned?
125        (set! warned? #t)
126        (warningf who "fasl file content is compressed internally; compressing the file (~s) is redundant and can slow fasl writing and reading significantly" p)))))
128(set-who! fasl-read
129  (let ()
130    (define $fasl-read (foreign-procedure "(cs)fasl_read" (int fixnum ptr) ptr))
131    (define $bv-fasl-read (foreign-procedure "(cs)bv_fasl_read" (ptr ptr) ptr))
132    (define (get-uptr p)
133      (let ([k (get-u8 p)])
134        (let f ([k k] [n (fxsrl k 1)])
135          (if (fxlogbit? 0 k)
136              (let ([k (get-u8 p)])
137                (f k (logor (ash n 7) (fxsrl k 1))))
138              n))))
139    (define (get-uptr/bytes p)
140      (let ([k (get-u8 p)])
141        (let f ([k k] [n (fxsrl k 1)] [bytes 1])
142          (if (fxlogbit? 0 k)
143              (let ([k (get-u8 p)])
144                (f k (logor (ash n 7) (fxsrl k 1)) (fx+ bytes 1)))
145              (values n bytes)))))
146    (define (malformed p what) ($oops who "malformed fasl-object found in ~s (~a)" p what))
147    (define (check-header p)
148      (let ([bv (make-bytevector 8 (constant fasl-type-header))])
149        (unless (and (eqv? (get-bytevector-n! p bv 1 7) 7)
150                     (bytevector=? bv (constant fasl-header)))
151          (malformed p "invalid header")))
152      (let ([n (get-uptr p)])
153        (unless (= n (constant scheme-version))
154          ($oops who "incompatible fasl-object version ~a found in ~s"
155            ($format-scheme-version n) p)))
156      (let ([n (get-uptr p)])
157        (unless (or (= n (constant machine-type-any)) (= n (constant machine-type)))
158          (cond
159            [(assv n (constant machine-type-alist)) =>
160             (lambda (a)
161               ($oops who "incompatible fasl-object machine-type ~s found in ~s"
162                 (cdr a) p))]
163            [else (malformed p "unrecognized machine type")])))
164      (unless (and (eqv? (get-u8 p) (char->integer #\()) ;)
165                   (let f ()
166                     (let ([n (get-u8 p)])
167                       (and (not (eof-object? n)) ;(
168                            (or (eqv? n (char->integer #\))) (f))))))
169        (malformed p "invalid list of base boot files")))
170    (define (go p situation)
171      (define (go1)
172        (if (and ($port-flags-set? p (constant port-flag-file))
173                 (or (not ($port-flags-set? p (constant port-flag-compressed)))
174                     (begin ($compressed-warning who p) #f))
175                 (eqv? (binary-port-input-count p) 0))
176            ($fasl-read ($port-info p) situation (port-name p))
177            (let fasl-entry ()
178              (let ([ty (get-u8 p)])
179                (cond
180                  [(eof-object? ty) ty]
181                  [(eqv? ty (constant fasl-type-header))
182                   (check-header p)
183                   (fasl-entry)]
184                  [(eqv? ty (constant fasl-type-visit))
185                   (go2 (eqv? situation (constant fasl-type-revisit)))]
186                  [(eqv? ty (constant fasl-type-revisit))
187                   (go2 (eqv? situation (constant fasl-type-visit)))]
188                  [(eqv? ty (constant fasl-type-visit-revisit))
189                   (go2 #f)]
190                  [else (malformed p "invalid situation")])))))
191      (define (go2 skip?)
192        (let ([n (get-uptr p)])
193          (if skip?
194              (begin
195                (if (and (port-has-port-position? p) (port-has-set-port-position!? p))
196                    (set-port-position! p (+ (port-position p) n))
197                    (get-bytevector-n p n))
198                (go1))
199              (let ([compressed-flag (get-u8 p)])
200                (cond
201                  [(or (eqv? compressed-flag (constant fasl-type-gzip)) (eqv? compressed-flag (constant fasl-type-lz4)))
202                   (let-values ([(dest-size dest-size-bytes) (get-uptr/bytes p)])
203                     (let* ([src-size (- n 1 dest-size-bytes)]
204                            [bv (get-bytevector-n p src-size)]
205                            [bv ($bytevector-uncompress bv dest-size
206                                  (if (eqv? compressed-flag (constant fasl-type-gzip))
207                                      (constant COMPRESS-GZIP)
208                                      (constant COMPRESS-LZ4)))])
209                       ($bv-fasl-read bv (port-name p))))]
210                  [(eqv? compressed-flag (constant fasl-type-uncompressed))
211                   ($bv-fasl-read (get-bytevector-n p (- n 1)) (port-name p))]
212                  [else (malformed p "invalid compression")])))))
213      (unless (and (input-port? p) (binary-port? p))
214        ($oops who "~s is not a binary input port" p))
215      (go1))
216    (case-lambda
217      [(p) (go p (constant fasl-type-visit-revisit))]
218      [(p situation)
219       (go p
220         (case situation
221           [(visit) (constant fasl-type-visit)]
222           [(revisit) (constant fasl-type-revisit)]
223           [(load) (constant fasl-type-visit-revisit)]
224           [else ($oops who "invalid situation ~s" situation)]))])))
226(define ($compiled-file-header? ip)
227  (let ([pos (port-position ip)])
228    (let ([cfh? (let* ([bv (constant fasl-header)] [n (bytevector-length bv)])
229                  (let f ([i 0])
230                    (or (fx= i n)
231                        (and (eqv? (get-u8 ip) (bytevector-u8-ref bv i))
232                             (f (fx+ i 1))))))])
233      (set-port-position! ip pos)
234      cfh?)))
236(let ()
237  (define do-load-binary
238    (lambda (who fn ip situation for-import? importer)
239      (let ([load-binary (make-load-binary who fn situation for-import? importer)])
240        (let ([x (fasl-read ip situation)])
241          (unless (eof-object? x)
242            (let loop ([x x])
243              (let ([next-x (fasl-read ip situation)])
244                (if (eof-object? next-x)
245                    (load-binary x)
246                    (begin (load-binary x) (loop next-x))))))))))
248  (define (make-load-binary who fn situation for-import? importer)
249    (module (Lexpand? recompile-info? library/ct-info? library/rt-info? program-info?)
250      (import (nanopass))
251      (include "base-lang.ss")
252      (include "expand-lang.ss"))
253    (lambda (x)
254      (cond
255        [(procedure? x) (x)]
256        [(library/rt-info? x) ($install-library/rt-desc x for-import? importer fn)]
257        [(library/ct-info? x) ($install-library/ct-desc x for-import? importer fn)]
258        [(program-info? x) ($install-program-desc x)]
259        [(recompile-info? x) (void)]
260        [(Lexpand? x) ($interpret-backend x situation for-import? importer fn)]
261        ; NB: this is here to support the #t inserted by compile-file-help2 after header information
262        [(eq? x #t) (void)]
263        [else ($oops who "unexpected value ~s read from ~a" x fn)])))
265  (define (do-load who fn situation for-import? importer ksrc)
266    (let ([ip ($open-file-input-port who fn)])
267      (on-reset (close-port ip)
268        (let ([fp (let ([start-pos (port-position ip)])
269                    (if (and (eqv? (get-u8 ip) (char->integer #\#))
270                             (eqv? (get-u8 ip) (char->integer #\!))
271                             (let ([b (get-u8 ip)]) (or (eqv? b (char->integer #\space)) (eqv? b (char->integer #\/)))))
272                        (let loop ([fp 3])
273                          (let ([b (get-u8 ip)])
274                            (if (eof-object? b)
275                                fp
276                                (let ([fp (+ fp 1)])
277                                  (if (eqv? b (char->integer #\newline))
278                                      fp
279                                      (loop fp))))))
280                        (begin (set-port-position! ip start-pos) 0)))])
281          (if ($compiled-file-header? ip)
282              (begin
283                (do-load-binary who fn ip situation for-import? importer)
284                (close-port ip))
285              (begin
286                (unless ksrc
287                  (close-port ip)
288                  ($oops who "~a is not a compiled file" fn))
289                (unless (eqv? fp 0) (set-port-position! ip 0))
290                (let ([sfd ($source-file-descriptor fn ip (eqv? fp 0))])
291                  (unless (eqv? fp 0) (set-port-position! ip fp))
292                  ; whack ip so on-reset close-port call above closes the text port
293                  (set! ip (transcoded-port ip (current-transcoder)))
294                  (ksrc ip sfd ($make-read ip sfd fp)))))))))
296  (set! $make-load-binary
297    (lambda (fn)
298      (make-load-binary '$make-load-binary fn 'load #f #f)))
300  (set-who! load-compiled-from-port
301    (lambda (ip)
302      (unless (and (input-port? ip) (binary-port? ip))
303        ($oops who "~s is not a binary input port" ip))
304      (do-load-binary who (port-name ip) ip 'load #f #f)))
306  (set-who! visit-compiled-from-port
307    (lambda (ip)
308      (unless (and (input-port? ip) (binary-port? ip))
309        ($oops who "~s is not a binary input port" ip))
310      (do-load-binary who (port-name ip) ip 'visit #f #f)))
312  (set-who! revisit-compiled-from-port
313    (lambda (ip)
314      (unless (and (input-port? ip) (binary-port? ip))
315        ($oops who "~s is not a binary input port" ip))
316      (do-load-binary who (port-name ip) ip 'revisit #f #f)))
318  (set-who! load-program
319    (rec load-program
320      (case-lambda
321        [(fn) (load-program fn eval)]
322        [(fn ev)
323         (unless (string? fn) ($oops who "~s is not a string" fn))
324         (unless (procedure? ev) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" ev))
325         (with-source-path who fn
326           (lambda (fn)
327             (do-load who fn 'load #f #f
328               (lambda (ip sfd do-read)
329                 ($set-port-flags! ip (constant port-flag-r6rs))
330                 (let loop ([x* '()])
331                   (let ([x (do-read)])
332                     (if (eof-object? x)
333                         (begin
334                           (close-port ip)
335                           (ev `(top-level-program ,@(reverse x*)))
336                           (void))
337                         (loop (cons x x*)))))))))])))
339  (set-who! load-library ; like load, but sets #!r6rs mode
340    (rec load-library
341      (case-lambda
342        [(fn) (load-library fn eval)]
343        [(fn ev)
344         (unless (string? fn) ($oops who "~s is not a string" fn))
345         (unless (procedure? ev) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" ev))
346         (with-source-path who fn
347           (lambda (fn)
348             (do-load who fn 'load #f #f
349               (lambda (ip sfd do-read)
350                 ($set-port-flags! ip (constant port-flag-r6rs))
351                 (let loop ()
352                   (let ([x (do-read)])
353                     (unless (eof-object? x)
354                       (ev x)
355                       (loop))))
356                 (close-port ip)))))])))
358  (set! $load-library ; for syntax.ss load-library
359    ; like load, but sets #!r6rs mode and does not use with-source-path,
360    ; since syntax.ss load-library has already determined the path.
361    ; adds fn's directory to source-directories
362    (lambda (fn situation importer)
363      (define who 'import)
364      (let ([fn (let ([host-fn (format "~a.~s" (path-root fn) (machine-type))])
365                  (if (file-exists? host-fn) host-fn fn))])
366        (do-load who fn situation #t importer
367          (lambda (ip sfd do-read)
368            ($set-port-flags! ip (constant port-flag-r6rs))
369            (parameterize ([source-directories (cons (path-parent fn) (source-directories))])
370              (let loop ()
371                (let ([x (do-read)])
372                  (unless (eof-object? x)
373                    (eval x)
374                    (loop)))))
375            (close-port ip))))))
377  (set-who! load
378    (rec load
379      (case-lambda
380        [(fn) (load fn eval)]
381        [(fn ev)
382         (unless (string? fn) ($oops who "~s is not a string" fn))
383         (unless (procedure? ev) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" ev))
384         (with-source-path who fn
385           (lambda (fn)
386             (do-load who fn 'load #f #f
387               (lambda (ip sfd do-read)
388                 (let loop ()
389                   (let ([x (do-read)])
390                     (unless (eof-object? x)
391                       (ev x)
392                       (loop))))
393                 (close-port ip)))))])))
395  (set! $visit
396    (lambda (who fn importer)
397      (do-load who fn 'visit #t importer #f)))
399  (set! $revisit
400    (lambda (who fn importer)
401      (do-load who fn 'revisit #t importer #f)))
403  (set-who! visit
404    (lambda (fn)
405      (do-load who fn 'visit #f #f #f)))
407  (set-who! revisit
408    (lambda (fn)
409      (do-load who fn 'revisit #f #f #f))))
411(let ()
412  (module sstats-record (make-sstats sstats? sstats-cpu sstats-real
413                          sstats-bytes sstats-gc-count sstats-gc-cpu
414                          sstats-gc-real sstats-gc-bytes
415                          set-sstats-cpu! set-sstats-real!
416                          set-sstats-bytes! set-sstats-gc-count!
417                          set-sstats-gc-cpu! set-sstats-gc-real!
418                          set-sstats-gc-bytes!)
419    (define-record-type (sstats make-sstats sstats?)
420      (nongenerative #{sstats pfwch3jd8ts96giujpitoverj-0})
421      (sealed #t)
422      (fields
423        (mutable cpu sstats-cpu set-sstats-cpu!)
424        (mutable real sstats-real set-sstats-real!)
425        (mutable bytes sstats-bytes set-sstats-bytes!)
426        (mutable gc-count sstats-gc-count set-sstats-gc-count!)
427        (mutable gc-cpu sstats-gc-cpu set-sstats-gc-cpu!)
428        (mutable gc-real sstats-gc-real set-sstats-gc-real!)
429        (mutable gc-bytes sstats-gc-bytes set-sstats-gc-bytes!))
430      (protocol
431        (lambda (new)
432          (lambda (cpu real bytes gc-count gc-cpu gc-real gc-bytes)
433            (new cpu real bytes gc-count gc-cpu gc-real gc-bytes))))))
434  (define exact-integer? (lambda (x) (and (integer? x) (exact? x))))
435  (set-who! make-sstats
436    (lambda (cpu real bytes gc-count gc-cpu gc-real gc-bytes)
437      (define verify-time
438        (lambda (name x)
439          (unless (time? x)
440            ($oops who "~s value ~s is not a time record" name x))))
441      (define verify-exact-integer
442        (lambda (name x)
443          (unless (exact-integer? x)
444            ($oops who "~s value ~s is not an exact integer" name x))))
445      (import sstats-record)
446      (verify-time 'cpu cpu)
447      (verify-time 'real real)
448      (verify-exact-integer 'bytes bytes)
449      (verify-exact-integer 'gc-count gc-count)
450      (verify-time 'gc-cpu gc-cpu)
451      (verify-time 'gc-real gc-real)
452      (verify-exact-integer 'gc-bytes gc-bytes)
453      (make-sstats cpu real bytes gc-count gc-cpu gc-real gc-bytes)))
454  (set! sstats? (lambda (x) (import sstats-record) (sstats? x)))
455  (let ()
456    (define verify-sstats
457      (lambda (who x)
458        (import sstats-record)
459        (unless (sstats? x) ($oops who "~s is not an sstats record" x))))
460    (define verify-exact-integer
461      (lambda (who x)
462        (unless (exact-integer? x)
463          ($oops who "~s is not an exact integer" x))))
464    (define verify-time
465      (lambda (who x)
466        (unless (time? x)
467          ($oops who "~s is not a time record" x))))
468    (define-syntax field
469      (lambda (x)
470        (syntax-case x ()
471          [(_ name verify-arg)
472            (with-syntax ([sstats-name (construct-name #'sstats-record "sstats-" #'name)]
473                          [set-sstats-name! (construct-name #'sstats-record "set-sstats-" #'name "!")])
474              #'(begin
475                  (set-who! sstats-name
476                    (lambda (x)
477                      (import sstats-record)
478                      (verify-sstats who x)
479                      (sstats-name x)))
480                  (set-who! set-sstats-name!
481                    (lambda (x n)
482                      (import sstats-record)
483                      (verify-sstats who x)
484                      (verify-arg who n)
485                      (set-sstats-name! x n)))))])))
486    (field cpu verify-time)
487    (field real verify-time)
488    (field bytes verify-exact-integer)
489    (field gc-count verify-exact-integer)
490    (field gc-cpu verify-time)
491    (field gc-real verify-time)
492    (field gc-bytes verify-exact-integer)))
494(define-who sstats-print
495  (rec sstats-print
496   (case-lambda
497     [(s) (sstats-print s (current-output-port))]
498     [(s port)
499      (unless (sstats? s)
500        ($oops who "~s is not an sstats record" s))
501      (unless (and (output-port? port) (textual-port? port))
502        ($oops who "~s is not a textual output port" port))
503      (let ([collections (sstats-gc-count s)]
504            [time->string
505             (lambda (x)
506               ;; based on record-writer for ts in date.ss
507               (let ([sec (time-second x)] [nsec (time-nanosecond x)])
508                 (if (and (< sec 0) (> nsec 0))
509                     (format "-~d.~9,'0ds" (- -1 sec) (- 1000000000 nsec))
510                     (format "~d.~9,'0ds" sec nsec))))])
511         (if (zero? collections)
512             (fprintf port
513"    no collections
514    ~a elapsed cpu time
515    ~a elapsed real time
516    ~s bytes allocated
518                      (time->string (sstats-cpu s))
519                      (time->string (sstats-real s))
520                      (sstats-bytes s))
521             (fprintf port
522"    ~s collection~:p
523    ~a elapsed cpu time, including ~a collecting
524    ~a elapsed real time, including ~a collecting
525    ~s bytes allocated, including ~s bytes reclaimed
527                      collections
528                      (time->string (sstats-cpu s)) (time->string (sstats-gc-cpu s))
529                      (time->string (sstats-real s)) (time->string (sstats-gc-real s))
530                      (sstats-bytes s) (sstats-gc-bytes s))))])))
532(define display-statistics
533   (case-lambda
534      [() (display-statistics (current-output-port))]
535      [(p)
536       (unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
537          ($oops 'display-statistics "~s is not a textual output port" p))
538       (sstats-print (statistics) p)]))
540(define-who sstats-difference
541   (lambda (a b)
542      (unless (sstats? a)
543        ($oops who "~s is not an sstats record" a))
544      (unless (sstats? b)
545        ($oops who "~s is not an sstats record" b))
546      (let ([int-diff (lambda (f a b) (- (f a) (f b)))]
547            [time-diff (lambda (f a b) (time-difference (f a) (f b)))])
548         (make-sstats
549           (time-diff sstats-cpu a b)
550           (time-diff sstats-real a b)
551           (int-diff sstats-bytes a b)
552           (int-diff sstats-gc-count a b)
553           (time-diff sstats-gc-cpu a b)
554           (time-diff sstats-gc-real a b)
555           (int-diff sstats-gc-bytes a b)))))
557(define collect-generation-radix
558   (make-parameter
559      4
560      (lambda (v)
561         (unless (and (fixnum? v) (fx< 0 v))
562            ($oops 'collect-generation-radix "~s is not a positive fixnum" v))
563         v)))
565(define $reset-protect
566  (lambda (body out)
567    ((call/cc
568       (lambda (k)
569         (parameterize ([reset-handler
570                         (lambda ()
571                           (k (lambda ()
572                                (out)
573                                ((reset-handler)))))])
574           (with-exception-handler
575             (lambda (c)
576              ; would prefer not to burn bridges even for serious condition
577              ; if the exception is continuable, but we have no way to know
578              ; short of grubbing through the continuation
579               (if (serious-condition? c)
580                   (k (lambda () (out) (raise c)))
581                   (raise-continuable c)))
582             (lambda ()
583               (call-with-values body
584                 (case-lambda
585                   [(v) (lambda () v)]
586                   [v* (lambda () (apply values v*))]))))))))))
588(define exit-handler)
589(define reset-handler)
590(define abort-handler)
591(let ([c-exit (foreign-procedure "(cs)c_exit" (integer-32) void)])
592  (define (integer-32? x)
593    (and (integer? x)
594         (exact? x)
595         (<= #x-80000000 x #x7fffffff)))
597  (set! exit-handler
598    ($make-thread-parameter
599      (case-lambda
600        [() (c-exit 0)]
601        [(x . args) (c-exit (if (eqv? x (void)) 0 (if (integer-32? x) x -1)))])
602      (lambda (v)
603        (unless (procedure? v)
604          ($oops 'exit-handler "~s is not a procedure" v))
605        v)))
607  (set! reset-handler
608    ($make-thread-parameter
609      (lambda () (c-exit 0))
610      (lambda (v)
611        (unless (procedure? v)
612          ($oops 'reset-handler "~s is not a procedure" v))
613        v)))
615  (set! abort-handler
616    ($make-thread-parameter
617      (case-lambda
618        [() (c-exit -1)]
619        [(x) (c-exit (if (eqv? x (void)) 0 (if (integer-32? x) x -1)))])
620      (lambda (v)
621        (unless (procedure? v)
622          ($oops 'abort-handler "~s is not a procedure" v))
623        v))))
625(let ()
626  (define (unexpected-return who)
627    ($oops who (format "unexpected return from ~s handler" who)))
629  (set-who! exit
630    (lambda args
631      (apply (exit-handler) args)
632      (unexpected-return who)))
634  (set-who! #(r6rs: exit)
635    (case-lambda
636      [() ((exit-handler)) (unexpected-return who)]
637      [(x) ((exit-handler) x) (unexpected-return who)]))
639  (set-who! reset
640    (lambda ()
641      ((reset-handler))
642      (unexpected-return who)))
644  (set-who! abort
645    (case-lambda
646      [() ((abort-handler)) (unexpected-return who)]
647      [(x) ((abort-handler) x) (unexpected-return who)])))
649(define $interrupt ($make-thread-parameter void))
651(define $format-scheme-version
652  (lambda (n)
653    (if (= (logand n 255) 0)
654        (format "~d.~d"
655          (ash n -16)
656          (logand (ash n -8) 255))
657        (format "~d.~d.~d"
658          (ash n -16)
659          (logand (ash n -8) 255)
660          (logand n 255)))))
662; set in back.ss
663(define $scheme-version)
665(define scheme-version-number
666  (lambda ()
667    (let ([n (constant scheme-version)])
668      (values
669        (ash n -16)
670        (logand (ash n -8) 255)
671        (logand n 255)))))
673(define scheme-version
674  (let ([s #f])
675    (lambda ()
676      (unless s
677        (set! s
678          (format "~:[Petite ~;~]Chez Scheme Version ~a"
679            $compiler-is-loaded?
680            $scheme-version)))
681      s)))
683(define petite?
684  (lambda ()
685    (not $compiler-is-loaded?)))
687(define threaded?
688  (lambda ()
689    (if-feature pthreads #t #f)))
691(define get-process-id (foreign-procedure "(cs)getpid" () integer-32))
693(set! get-thread-id
694  (lambda ()
695    ($tc-field 'threadno ($tc))))
697(define-who sleep
698  (let ([fp (foreign-procedure "(cs)nanosleep" (ptr ptr) void)])
699    (lambda (t)
700      (unless (and (time? t) (eq? (time-type t) 'time-duration))
701        ($oops who "~s is not a time record of type time-duration" t))
702      (fp (time-second t) (time-nanosecond t)))))
704(define $scheme-greeting
705  (lambda ()
706    (format "~a\nCopyright 1984-2020 Cisco Systems, Inc.\n"
707      (scheme-version))))
709(define $session-key #f)
710(define $scheme-init)
711(define $scheme)
712(define $script)
713(define $as-time-goes-by)
714(define collect)
715(define break-handler)
716(define debug)
718(let ()
720(define debug-condition* '())
722(module (docollect collect-init)
723  (define gc-trip 0)
724  (define gc-cpu (make-time 'time-collector-cpu 0 0))
725  (define gc-real (make-time 'time-collector-real 0 0))
726  (define gc-bytes 0)
727  (define gc-count 0)
728  (define start-bytes 0)
729  (define docollect
730    (let ([do-gc (foreign-procedure "(cs)do_gc" (int int int) void)])
731      (lambda (p)
732        (with-tc-mutex
733          (unless (= $active-threads 1)
734            ($oops 'collect "cannot collect when multiple threads are active"))
735          (let-values ([(trip g gmintarget gmaxtarget) (p gc-trip)])
736            (set! gc-trip trip)
737            (let ([cpu (current-time 'time-thread)] [real (current-time 'time-monotonic)])
738              (set! gc-bytes (+ gc-bytes (bytes-allocated)))
739              (when (collect-notify)
740                (fprintf (console-output-port)
741                  "~%[collecting generation ~s into generation ~s..."
742                  g gmaxtarget)
743                (flush-output-port (console-output-port)))
744              (when (eqv? g (collect-maximum-generation))
745                ($clear-source-lines-cache))
746              (do-gc g gmintarget gmaxtarget)
747              ($close-resurrected-files)
748              (when-feature pthreads
749                ($close-resurrected-mutexes&conditions))
750              (when (collect-notify)
751                (fprintf (console-output-port) "done]~%")
752                (flush-output-port (console-output-port)))
753              (set! gc-bytes (- gc-bytes (bytes-allocated)))
754              (set! gc-cpu (add-duration gc-cpu (time-difference (current-time 'time-thread) cpu)))
755              (set! gc-real (add-duration gc-real (time-difference (current-time 'time-monotonic) real)))
756              (set! gc-count (1+ gc-count))))))))
757  (define collect-init
758    (lambda ()
759      (set! gc-trip 0)
760      (set! gc-cpu (make-time 'time-collector-cpu 0 0))
761      (set! gc-real (make-time 'time-collector-real 0 0))
762      (set! gc-count 0)
763      (set! gc-bytes 0)
764      (set! start-bytes (bytes-allocated))))
765  (set! $gc-real-time (lambda () gc-real))
766  (set! $gc-cpu-time (lambda () gc-cpu))
767  (set! initial-bytes-allocated (lambda () start-bytes))
768  (set! bytes-deallocated (lambda () gc-bytes))
769  (set! collections (lambda () gc-count))
770  (set! statistics
771    (lambda ()
772      (make-sstats
773        (current-time 'time-thread)
774        (current-time 'time-monotonic)
775        (+ (- (bytes-allocated) start-bytes) gc-bytes)
776        gc-count
777        gc-cpu
778        gc-real
779        gc-bytes))))
781(set-who! collect
782  (let ()
783    (define collect0
784      (lambda ()
785        (docollect
786          (lambda (gct)
787            (let ([gct (+ gct 1)])
788              (let ([cmg (collect-maximum-generation)])
789                (let loop ([g cmg])
790                  (if (= (modulo gct (expt (collect-generation-radix) g)) 0)
791                      (if (fx= g cmg)
792                          (values 0 g (fxmin g 1) g)
793                          (values gct g 1 (fx+ g 1)))
794                      (loop (fx- g 1))))))))))
795    (define collect2
796      (lambda (g gmintarget gmaxtarget)
797        (docollect
798          (lambda (gct)
799            (values
800             ; make gc-trip to look like we've just collected generation g
801             ; w/o also having collected generation g+1
802              (if (fx= g (collect-maximum-generation))
803                  0
804                  (let ([gct (+ gct 1)])
805                    (define (trip g)
806                      (let ([n (expt (collect-generation-radix) g)])
807                        (+ gct (modulo (- n gct) n))))
808                    (let ([next (trip g)] [limit (trip (fx+ g 1))])
809                      (if (< next limit) next (- limit 1)))))
810              g gmintarget gmaxtarget)))))
811    (case-lambda
812      [() (collect0)]
813      [(g)
814       (let ([cmg (collect-maximum-generation)])
815         (unless (and (fixnum? g) (fx<= 0 g cmg))
816           ($oops who "invalid generation ~s" g))
817         (let ([gtarget (if (fx= g cmg) g (fx+ g 1))])
818           (collect2 g gtarget gtarget)))]
819      [(g gtarget)
820       (let ([cmg (collect-maximum-generation)])
821         (unless (and (fixnum? g) (fx<= 0 g cmg))
822           ($oops who "invalid generation ~s" g))
823         (unless (if (fx= g cmg)
824                     (or (eqv? gtarget g) (eq? gtarget 'static))
825                     (or (eqv? gtarget g) (eqv? gtarget (fx+ g 1))))
826           ($oops who "invalid target generation ~s for generation ~s" gtarget g)))
827       (let ([gtarget (if (eq? gtarget 'static) (constant static-generation) gtarget)])
828         (collect2 g gtarget gtarget))]
829      [(g gmintarget gmaxtarget)
830       (let ([cmg (collect-maximum-generation)])
831         (unless (and (fixnum? g) (fx<= 0 g cmg))
832           ($oops who "invalid generation ~s" g))
833         (unless (if (fx= g cmg)
834                     (or (eqv? gmaxtarget g) (eq? gmaxtarget 'static))
835                     (or (eqv? gmaxtarget g) (eqv? gmaxtarget (fx+ g 1))))
836           ($oops who "invalid maximum target generation ~s for generation ~s" gmaxtarget g))
837         (unless (or (eqv? gmintarget gmaxtarget)
838                     (and (fixnum? gmintarget)
839                          (fx<= 1 gmintarget (if (fixnum? gmaxtarget) gmaxtarget cmg))))
840           ($oops who "invalid minimum target generation ~s for generation ~s and maximum target generation ~s" gmintarget g gmaxtarget)))
841       (collect2 g
842         (if (eq? gmintarget 'static) (constant static-generation) gmintarget)
843         (if (eq? gmaxtarget 'static) (constant static-generation) gmaxtarget))])))
845(set! collect-rendezvous
846  (let ([fire-collector (foreign-procedure "(cs)fire_collector" () void)])
847    (lambda ()
848      (fire-collector)
849      ($collect-rendezvous))))
851(set! keyboard-interrupt-handler
852   ($make-thread-parameter
853      (lambda ()
854         (clear-output-port (console-output-port))
855         (fresh-line (console-output-port))
856         (flush-output-port (console-output-port))
857         (($interrupt)))
858      (lambda (x)
859         (unless (procedure? x)
860            ($oops 'keyboard-interrupt-handler "~s is not a procedure" x))
861         x)))
863(let ()
864  (define register-scheme-signal
865    (foreign-procedure "(cs)register_scheme_signal" (iptr) void))
867  (define signal-alist '())
869  (set! register-signal-handler
870    (lambda (sig handler)
871      (unless (fixnum? sig)
872        ($oops 'register-signal-handler "~s is not a fixnum" sig))
873      (unless (procedure? handler)
874        ($oops 'register-signal-handler "~s is not a procedure" handler))
875      (critical-section
876        (register-scheme-signal sig)
877        (let ((a (assq sig signal-alist)))
878          (if a
879              (set-cdr! a handler)
880              (set! signal-alist (cons (cons sig handler) signal-alist)))))))
882  (set! $signal-interrupt-handler
883    (lambda (sig)
884      (let ((a (assq sig signal-alist)))
885        (unless a
886          ($oops '$signal-interrupt-handler
887                 "unexpected signal number ~d received~%"
888                 sig))
889        ((cdr a) sig)))))
891;;; entry point from C kernel
893(set! $scheme-init
894  (lambda ()
895    (set! debug-condition* '())
896    (collect-init)
897    ($io-init)
898    (set! $session-key #f)
899    ($interrupt reset)
900    ($clear-pass-stats)
901    (enable-interrupts)))
903(set! $scheme
904  (lambda (fns)
905    (define (go)
906      (call/cc
907        (lambda (k)
908          (parameterize ([abort-handler
909                          (case-lambda [() (k -1)] [(x) (k x)])]
910                         [exit-handler
911                          (case-lambda [() (k (void))] [(x . args) (k x)])]
912                         [reset-handler (lambda () (k -1))])
913            (apply (scheme-start) fns)))))
914    (unless (suppress-greeting)
915      (display ($scheme-greeting) (console-output-port))
916      (newline (console-output-port))
917      (flush-output-port (console-output-port)))
918    (if-feature expeditor
919      (if ($enable-expeditor) ($expeditor go) (go))
920      (go))))
922(set! $script
923  (lambda (program? fn fns)
924    (define (go)
925      (call/cc
926        (lambda (k)
927          (parameterize ([abort-handler
928                          (case-lambda [() (k -1)] [(x) (k x)])]
929                         [exit-handler
930                          (case-lambda [() (k (void))] [(x . args) (k x)])]
931                         [reset-handler (lambda () (k -1))])
932            (apply (if program? (scheme-program) (scheme-script)) fn fns)))))
933    (if-feature expeditor
934      (if ($enable-expeditor) ($expeditor go) (go))
935      (go))))
937(set! $as-time-goes-by
938  (lambda (e t)
939    (define sanitize
940      (lambda (s)
941        (define sanitize-time
942          (lambda (t)
943            (if (< (time-second t) 0)
944                (make-time 'time-duration 0 0)
945                t)))
946        (define sanitize-count
947          (lambda (n)
948            (max n 0)))
949        (make-sstats
950          (sanitize-time (sstats-cpu s))
951          (sanitize-time (sstats-real s))
952          (sanitize-count (sstats-bytes s))
953          (sanitize-count (sstats-gc-count s))
954          (sanitize-time (sstats-gc-cpu s))
955          (sanitize-time (sstats-gc-real s))
956          (sanitize-count (sstats-gc-bytes s)))))
957    (define prstats
958      (lambda (b1 b2)
959        (let ([a (statistics)])
960          (parameterize ([print-level 2] [print-length 2])
961            (fprintf (console-output-port) "(time ~s)~%" e))
962          (let ([elapsed (sstats-difference a b2)])
963            (let ([overhead (sstats-difference b2 b1)])
964              (let ([adjusted (sanitize (sstats-difference elapsed overhead))])
965                (sstats-print adjusted (console-output-port)))))
966          (flush-output-port (console-output-port)))))
967    (let ([b1 (statistics)])
968      (let ([b2 (statistics)])
969        (call-with-values t
970          (case-lambda
971            [(v) (prstats b1 b2) v]
972            [(v1 v2) (prstats b1 b2) (values v1 v2)]
973            [(v1 v2 v3) (prstats b1 b2) (values v1 v2 v3)]
974            [(v1 v2 v3 v4) (prstats b1 b2) (values v1 v2 v3 v4)]
975            [r (prstats b1 b2) (apply values r)]))))))
977(set! $report-string
978    (lambda (dest what who msg args)
979      (let ([what (and (not (equal? what "")) what)]
980            [who (and (not (equal? who "")) who)])
981        (parameterize ([print-level 3] [print-length 6])
982          (format dest "~@[~@(~a~)~]~:[~; in ~]~@[~a~]~:[~;: ~]~@[~?~]"
983            what
984            (and what who)
985            who
986            (and (or what who) (not (equal? msg "")))
987            msg
988            args)))))
990(let ()
991(define report
992  (lambda (what who msg args)
993    (fresh-line (console-output-port))
994    ($report-string (console-output-port) what who msg args)
995    (newline (console-output-port))
996    (flush-output-port (console-output-port))))
998(set! break-handler
999   ($make-thread-parameter
1000      (case-lambda
1001         [(who msg . args)
1002          (unless (string? msg)
1003             ($oops 'default-break-handler "~s is not a string" msg))
1004          (report "break" who msg args)
1005          (($interrupt))]
1006         [(who)
1007          (report "break" who "" '())
1008          (($interrupt))]
1009         [()
1010          (($interrupt))])
1011      (lambda (x)
1012         (unless (procedure? x)
1013            ($oops 'break-handler "~s is not a procedure" x))
1014         x)))
1017(set-who! debug-condition
1018  (case-lambda
1019    [() (cond
1020          [(assv ($tc-field 'threadno ($tc)) debug-condition*) => cdr]
1021          [else #f])]
1022    [(c)
1023     (let ([n ($tc-field 'threadno ($tc))])
1024       (with-tc-mutex
1025         (set! debug-condition*
1026           (let ([ls (remp (lambda (a) (eqv? (car a) n)) debug-condition*)])
1027             (if c (cons (cons n c) ls) ls)))))]))
1029(set! debug
1030  (lambda ()
1031    (define line-limit 74)
1032    (define pad
1033      (lambda (s n p)
1034        (let ([i (string-length s)])
1035          (when (> n i) (display (make-string (- n i) #\space) p))
1036          (display s p)
1037          (max i n))))
1038    (define numbered-line-display
1039      (lambda (point? n c p)
1040        (display (if point? "*" " "))
1041        (let ([s (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display-condition c)))])
1042          (let ([k (- line-limit (+ (pad (number->string n) 4 p) 2))])
1043            (display ": " p)
1044            (let ([i (string-length s)])
1045              (if (> i k)
1046                  (fprintf p "~a ...~%" (substring s 0 (- k 4)))
1047                  (fprintf p "~a~%" s)))))))
1048    (define unnumbered-line-display
1049      (lambda (c p)
1050        (let ([s (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display-condition c)))])
1051          (let ([k (- line-limit 2)])
1052            (display "  " p)
1053            (let ([i (string-length s)])
1054              (if (> i k)
1055                  (fprintf p "~a ...~%" (substring s 0 (- k 4)))
1056                  (fprintf p "~a~%" s)))))))
1057    (define printem
1058      (lambda (point ls p)
1059        (if (null? (cdr ls))
1060            (let ([x (car ls)])
1061              (unnumbered-line-display (cdr x) p))
1062            (for-each
1063              (lambda (x)
1064                (numbered-line-display (eq? x point) (car x) (cdr x) p))
1065              ls))))
1066    (define debug-cafe
1067      (lambda (point ls)
1068        (parameterize ([$interrupt void])
1069          (clear-input-port (console-input-port))
1070          (let ([waiter (call/cc
1071                          (lambda (k)
1072                            (rec f (lambda () (k f)))))])
1073            (fprintf (console-output-port) "debug> ")
1074            (flush-output-port (console-output-port))
1075            (let ([x (let ([x (parameterize ([$interrupt waiter]
1076                                             [reset-handler waiter])
1077                                (read (console-input-port)))])
1078                       (if (eof-object? x)
1079                           (begin
1080                             (newline (console-output-port))
1081                             (flush-output-port (console-output-port))
1082                             'e)
1083                           x))])
1084              (case x
1085                [(i)
1086                 (let ([c (cdr point)])
1087                   (if (continuation-condition? c)
1088                       (inspect (condition-continuation c))
1089                       (display "the raise continuation is not available\n")))
1090                 (waiter)]
1091                [(c)
1092                 (inspect (cdr point))
1093                 (waiter)]
1094                [(q)
1095                 (with-tc-mutex
1096                   (for-each
1097                     (lambda (x) (set! debug-condition* (remq x debug-condition*)))
1098                     ls))
1099                 (void)]
1100                [(e)
1101                 (void)]
1102                [(s)
1103                 (printem point
1104                   (sort (lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y))) ls)
1105                   (console-output-port))
1106                 (waiter)]
1107                [(?)
1108                 (if (null? (cdr ls))
1109                     (fprintf (console-output-port)
1110"Type i  to inspect the raise continuation (if available)
1111     s  to display the condition
1112     c  to inspect the condition
1113     e  or eof to exit the debugger, retaining error continuation
1114     q  to exit the debugger, discarding error continuation
1116                     (fprintf (console-output-port)
1117"Type i  to inspect the selected thread's raise continuation (if available)
1118    <n> to select thread <n>
1119     s  to display the conditions
1120     c  to inspect the selected thread's condition
1121     e  or eof to exit the debugger, retaining error continuations
1122     q  to exit the debugger, discarding error continuations
1124                 (flush-output-port (console-output-port))
1125                 (waiter)]
1126                [else
1127                 (cond
1128                   [(assv x ls) =>
1129                    (lambda (a)
1130                      (set! point a)
1131                      (waiter))]
1132                   [(and (integer? x) (nonnegative? x))
1133                    (fprintf (console-output-port)
1134                       "No saved error continution for thread ~s.~%"
1135                       x)
1136                    (flush-output-port (console-output-port))
1137                    (waiter)]
1138                   [else
1139                    (fprintf (console-output-port)
1140                      "Invalid command.  Type ? for options.~%")
1141                    (flush-output-port (console-output-port))
1142                    (waiter)])]))))))
1143    (let ([ls debug-condition*])
1144      (cond
1145        [(null? ls)
1146         (fprintf (console-output-port) "Nothing to debug.~%")
1147         (flush-output-port (console-output-port))]
1148        [else
1149         (debug-cafe (car ls) ls)]))))
1152(define $collect-rendezvous
1153  (lambda ()
1154    (define once
1155      (let ([once #f])
1156        (lambda ()
1157          (when (eq? once #t)
1158            ($oops '$collect-rendezvous
1159              "cannot return to the collect-request-handler"))
1160          (set! once #t))))
1161    (if-feature pthreads
1162      (with-tc-mutex
1163        (let f ()
1164          (when $collect-request-pending
1165            (if (= $active-threads 1) ; last one standing
1166                (dynamic-wind
1167                  once
1168                  (collect-request-handler)
1169                  (lambda ()
1170                    (set! $collect-request-pending #f)
1171                    (condition-broadcast $collect-cond)))
1172                (begin
1173                  (condition-wait $collect-cond $tc-mutex)
1174                  (f))))))
1175      (critical-section
1176        (dynamic-wind
1177          once
1178          (collect-request-handler)
1179          (lambda () (set! $collect-request-pending #f)))))))
1181(define collect-request-handler
1182   (make-parameter
1183      (lambda () (collect))
1184      (lambda (x)
1185         (unless (procedure? x)
1186            ($oops 'collect-request-handler "~s is not a procedure" x))
1187         x)))
1189(define collect-notify (make-parameter #f (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
1191(define $c-error
1192  (lambda (arg . error-args)
1193   ; error-args may be present along doargerr path, but we presently
1194   ; ignore them
1195    (define-syntax c-error-case
1196      (lambda (x)
1197        (syntax-case x ()
1198          [(_ arg [(key) fmls e1 e2 ...] ...)
1199           (with-syntax ([(k ...) (map lookup-constant (datum (key ...)))])
1200             #'(let ([t arg])
1201                 (record-case t
1202                   [(k) fmls e1 e2 ...]
1203                   ...
1204                   [else ($oops '$c-error "invalid error type ~s" t)])))])))
1205    (c-error-case arg
1206      [(ERROR_OTHER) args (apply $oops args)]
1207      [(ERROR_CALL_UNBOUND) (cnt symbol arg1?)
1208       ($oops #f "variable ~:s is not bound" symbol)]
1209      [(ERROR_CALL_NONPROCEDURE_SYMBOL) (cnt symbol arg1?)
1210       ($oops #f "attempt to apply non-procedure ~s"
1211                 ($top-level-value symbol))]
1212      [(ERROR_CALL_NONPROCEDURE) (cnt nonprocedure arg1?)
1213       ($oops #f "attempt to apply non-procedure ~s" nonprocedure)]
1214      [(ERROR_CALL_ARGUMENT_COUNT) (cnt procedure arg1?)
1215       ($oops #f "incorrect number of arguments to ~s" procedure)]
1216      [(ERROR_RESET) (who msg . args)
1217       ($oops who "~?.  Some debugging context lost" msg args)]
1219       (let ([noncontinuable-interrupt
1220              (lambda ()
1221                 ((keyboard-interrupt-handler))
1222                 (fprintf (console-output-port)
1223                          "Noncontinuable interrupt.~%")
1224                 (reset))])
1225          ;; ruse to get inspector to print "continuation in
1226          ;; noncontinuable-interrupt" instead of "#c-error".
1227          (noncontinuable-interrupt))]
1228      [(ERROR_VALUES) (cnt)
1229       ($oops #f
1230         "returned ~r values to single value return context"
1231         cnt)]
1232      [(ERROR_MVLET) (cnt)
1233       ($oops #f
1234         "incorrect number of values received in multiple value context")])))
1236(define break
1237  (lambda args
1238    (apply (break-handler) args)))
1240(define timer-interrupt-handler
1241   ($make-thread-parameter
1242      (lambda ()
1243         ($oops 'timer-interrupt
1244                "timer interrupt occurred with no handler defined"))
1245      (lambda (x)
1246         (unless (procedure? x)
1247            ($oops 'timer-interrupt-handler "~s is not a procedure" x))
1248         x)))
1250(define $symbol-type
1251  (lambda (name)
1252    (let ((flags ($sgetprop name '*flags* 0)))
1253      (cond
1254        [(any-set? (prim-mask system) flags) 'system]
1255        [(any-set? (prim-mask primitive) flags) 'primitive]
1256        [(any-set? (prim-mask keyword) flags)
1257         (if (any-set? (prim-mask library-uid) flags)
1258             'library-uid
1259             'keyword)]
1260        [(any-set? (prim-mask system-keyword) flags)
1261         (if (any-set? (prim-mask library-uid) flags)
1262             'system-library-uid
1263             'system-keyword)]
1264        [else 'unknown]))))
1266(let ()
1267 ; naive version is good enough for apropos
1268  (define (substring? s1 s2)
1269    (let ([n1 (string-length s1)] [n2 (string-length s2)])
1270      (let loop2 ([i2 0])
1271        (let loop1 ([i1 0] [j i2])
1272          (if (fx= i1 n1)
1273              i2
1274              (and (not (fx= j n2))
1275                   (if (char=? (string-ref s1 i1) (string-ref s2 j))
1276                       (loop1 (fx+ i1 1) (fx+ j 1))
1277                       (loop2 (fx+ i2 1)))))))))
1278  (define sym<? (lambda (x y) (string-ci<? (symbol->string x) (symbol->string y))))
1279  (define apropos-help
1280    (lambda (s env)
1281      (let ([s (if (symbol? s) (symbol->string s) s)])
1282        (sort sym<?
1283          (let f ([ls (environment-symbols env)])
1284            (if (null? ls)
1285                '()
1286                (if (substring? s (symbol->string (car ls)))
1287                    (cons (car ls) (f (cdr ls)))
1288                    (f (cdr ls)))))))))
1289  (define apropos-library-help
1290    (lambda (s)
1291      (define lib<?
1292        (lambda (lib1 lib2)
1293          (and (not (null? lib2))
1294               (or (null? lib1)
1295                   (if (eq? (car lib1) (car lib2))
1296                       (lib<? (cdr lib1) (cdr lib2))
1297                       (sym<? (car lib1) (car lib2)))))))
1298      (let ([s (if (symbol? s) (symbol->string s) s)])
1299        (sort (lambda (ls1 ls2) (lib<? (car ls1) (car ls2)))
1300          (let do-libs ([lib* (library-list)] [match** '()])
1301            (if (null? lib*)
1302                match**
1303                (do-libs (cdr lib*)
1304                  (let do-exports ([x* (library-exports (car lib*))] [match* '()])
1305                    (if (null? x*)
1306                        (if (null? match*)
1307                            match**
1308                            (cons (cons (car lib*) (sort sym<? match*)) match**))
1309                        (do-exports (cdr x*)
1310                          (if (substring? s (symbol->string (car x*)))
1311                              (cons (car x*) match*)
1312                              match*)))))))))))
1313  (define check-s
1314    (lambda (who s)
1315      (unless (or (symbol? s) (string? s))
1316        ($oops who "~s is not a symbol or string" s))))
1317  (define check-env
1318    (lambda (who env)
1319      (unless (environment? env)
1320        ($oops 'apropos-list "~s is not an environment" env))))
1321  (set! apropos-list
1322    (case-lambda
1323      [(s)
1324       (check-s 'apropos-list s)
1325       (append
1326         (apropos-help s (interaction-environment))
1327         (apropos-library-help s))]
1328      [(s env)
1329       (check-s 'apropos-list s)
1330       (check-env 'apropos-list env)
1331       (append
1332         (apropos-help s env)
1333         (apropos-library-help s))]))
1334  (let ()
1335    (define do-apropos
1336      (lambda (who where s env)
1337        (printf "~a environment:\n ~{~<~%~& ~1:; ~s~>~^,~}~&" where (apropos-help s env))
1338        (for-each
1339          (lambda (x) (printf "~s:\n ~{~<~%~& ~1:; ~s~>~^,~}~&" (car x) (cdr x)))
1340          (apropos-library-help s))))
1341    (set-who! apropos
1342      (case-lambda
1343        [(s)
1344         (check-s who s)
1345         (do-apropos who "interaction" s (interaction-environment))]
1346        [(s env)
1347         (check-s who s)
1348         (check-env who env)
1349         (do-apropos who "supplied" s env)]))))
1351(let ()
1352  (define-record-type pass-stats
1353    (nongenerative)
1354    (sealed #t)
1355    (fields
1356      (mutable calls)
1357      (mutable cpu)
1358      (mutable gc-cpu)
1359      (mutable bytes))
1360    (protocol
1361      (lambda (n)
1362        (lambda ()
1363          (let ([t (make-time 'time-duration 0 0)])
1364            (n 0 t t 0))))))
1366  (define field-names '(name calls cpu gc-cpu bytes))
1368  (define stats-ht)
1370  (define-threaded outer-ps #f)
1372  (set! $clear-pass-stats
1373    (lambda ()
1374      (set! stats-ht (make-eq-hashtable))))
1376  (set! $enable-pass-timing (make-parameter #f))
1378  (set-who! $pass-time
1379    (lambda (name thunk)
1380      (unless (symbol? name) ($oops who "~s is not a symbol" name))
1381      (unless (procedure? thunk) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" thunk))
1382      (if ($enable-pass-timing)
1383          (let ([ps (with-tc-mutex
1384                      (let ([a (hashtable-cell stats-ht name #f)])
1385                        (let ([ps (or (cdr a) (let ([ps (make-pass-stats)]) (set-cdr! a ps) ps))])
1386                          (pass-stats-calls-set! ps (+ (pass-stats-calls ps) 1))
1387                          ps)))])
1388            (dynamic-wind
1389              (lambda ()
1390                (with-tc-mutex
1391                  (let ([cpu (current-time 'time-thread)]
1392                        [gc-cpu (current-time 'time-collector-cpu)]
1393                        [bytes (+ (bytes-deallocated) (bytes-allocated))])
1394                    (set-time-type! cpu 'time-duration)
1395                    (set-time-type! gc-cpu 'time-duration)
1396                    (when outer-ps
1397                      (pass-stats-cpu-set! outer-ps (add-duration (pass-stats-cpu outer-ps) cpu))
1398                      (pass-stats-gc-cpu-set! outer-ps (add-duration (pass-stats-gc-cpu outer-ps) gc-cpu))
1399                      (pass-stats-bytes-set! outer-ps (+ (pass-stats-bytes outer-ps) bytes)))
1400                    (pass-stats-cpu-set! ps (subtract-duration (pass-stats-cpu ps) cpu))
1401                    (pass-stats-gc-cpu-set! ps (subtract-duration (pass-stats-gc-cpu ps) gc-cpu))
1402                    (pass-stats-bytes-set! ps (- (pass-stats-bytes ps) bytes)))))
1403              (lambda () (fluid-let ([outer-ps ps]) (thunk)))
1404              (lambda ()
1405                (with-tc-mutex
1406                  (let ([cpu (current-time 'time-thread)]
1407                        [gc-cpu (current-time 'time-collector-cpu)]
1408                        [bytes (+ (bytes-deallocated) (bytes-allocated))])
1409                    (set-time-type! cpu 'time-duration)
1410                    (set-time-type! gc-cpu 'time-duration)
1411                    (when outer-ps
1412                      (pass-stats-cpu-set! outer-ps (subtract-duration (pass-stats-cpu outer-ps) cpu))
1413                      (pass-stats-gc-cpu-set! outer-ps (subtract-duration (pass-stats-gc-cpu outer-ps) gc-cpu))
1414                      (pass-stats-bytes-set! outer-ps (- (pass-stats-bytes outer-ps) bytes)))
1415                    (pass-stats-cpu-set! ps (add-duration (pass-stats-cpu ps) cpu))
1416                    (pass-stats-gc-cpu-set! ps (add-duration (pass-stats-gc-cpu ps) gc-cpu))
1417                    (pass-stats-bytes-set! ps (+ (pass-stats-bytes ps) bytes)))))))
1418          (thunk))))
1420  (set-who! $pass-stats-fields (lambda () field-names))
1422  (set! $pass-stats
1423    (lambda ()
1424      (define (build-result namev psv)
1425        (vector->list
1426          (vector-map
1427            (lambda (name ps)
1428              (list name
1429                (pass-stats-calls ps)
1430                (pass-stats-cpu ps)
1431                (pass-stats-gc-cpu ps)
1432                (pass-stats-bytes ps)))
1433            namev
1434            psv)))
1435      (with-tc-mutex
1436        (if outer-ps
1437            (let ([cpu (current-time 'time-thread)]
1438                  [gc-cpu (current-time 'time-collector-cpu)]
1439                  [bytes (+ (bytes-deallocated) (bytes-allocated))])
1440              (set-time-type! cpu 'time-duration)
1441              (set-time-type! gc-cpu 'time-duration)
1442              (pass-stats-cpu-set! outer-ps (add-duration (pass-stats-cpu outer-ps) cpu))
1443              (pass-stats-gc-cpu-set! outer-ps (add-duration (pass-stats-gc-cpu outer-ps) gc-cpu))
1444              (pass-stats-bytes-set! outer-ps (+ (pass-stats-bytes outer-ps) bytes))
1445              (let ([result (call-with-values (lambda () (hashtable-entries stats-ht)) build-result)])
1446                (pass-stats-cpu-set! outer-ps (subtract-duration (pass-stats-cpu outer-ps) cpu))
1447                (pass-stats-gc-cpu-set! outer-ps (subtract-duration (pass-stats-gc-cpu outer-ps) gc-cpu))
1448                (pass-stats-bytes-set! outer-ps (- (pass-stats-bytes outer-ps) bytes))
1449                result))
1450              (call-with-values (lambda () (hashtable-entries stats-ht)) build-result)))))
1452  (let ()
1453    (define who '$print-pass-stats)
1454    (define field-name-strings (map symbol->string field-names))
1455    (define check-psls
1456      (lambda (psl*)
1457        (unless (list? psl*) ($oops who "~s is not a list" psl*))
1458        (for-each
1459          (lambda (psl)
1460            (define exact-integer? (lambda (x) (or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x))))
1461            (unless (and (fx= ($list-length psl who) 5)
1462                         (apply (lambda (name calls cpu gc-cpu bytes)
1463                                  (and (exact-integer? calls)
1464                                       (time? cpu)
1465                                       (time? gc-cpu)
1466                                       (exact-integer? bytes)))
1467                           psl))
1468              ($oops who "malformed pass-stats entry ~s" psl)))
1469          psl*)))
1470    (define val->string
1471      (lambda (x)
1472        (cond
1473          [(time? x)
1474           (let-values ([(sec nsec)
1475                         (let ([sec (time-second x)] [nsec (time-nanosecond x)])
1476                           (if (and (< sec 0) (> nsec 0))
1477                               (values (+ sec 1) (- 1000000000 nsec))
1478                               (values sec nsec)))])
1479             (format "~d.~9,'0d" sec nsec))]
1480          [else (format "~s" x)])))
1481    (define (print-pass-stats key psl*)
1482      (define psl<?
1483        (lambda (x y)
1484          (apply (lambda (x-name x-calls x-cpu x-gc-cpu x-bytes)
1485                   (apply (lambda (y-name y-calls y-cpu y-gc-cpu y-bytes)
1486                            (case (or key 'non-gc-cpu)
1487                              [(non-gc-cpu)
1488                               (time<?
1489                                 (time-difference x-cpu x-gc-cpu)
1490                                 (time-difference y-cpu y-gc-cpu))]
1491                              [(cpu) (time<? x-cpu y-cpu)]
1492                              [(gc-cpu) (time<? x-gc-cpu y-gc-cpu)]
1493                              [(bytes) (< x-bytes y-bytes)]
1494                              [(name) (string<? (symbol->string x-name) (symbol->string y-name))]
1495                              [(calls) (< x-calls y-calls)]
1496                              [else ($oops who "unrecognized sort key ~s" key)]))
1497                     y))
1498            x)))
1499      ; run check when passed psl* to check psl*; run when passed
1500      ; the value of ($pass-stats) to check our assumptions
1501      (check-psls psl*)
1502      (let ([psl* (append (sort psl<? psl*)
1503                    (list (let loop ([psl* psl*] [calls 0] [cpu (make-time 'time-duration 0 0)] [gc-cpu (make-time 'time-duration 0 0)] [bytes 0])
1504                            (if (null? psl*)
1505                                (list 'TOTAL calls cpu gc-cpu bytes)
1506                                (apply (lambda (*name *calls *cpu *gc-cpu *bytes)
1507                                         (loop (cdr psl*)
1508                                           (+ calls *calls)
1509                                           (add-duration cpu *cpu)
1510                                           (add-duration gc-cpu *gc-cpu)
1511                                           (+ bytes *bytes)))
1512                                  (car psl*))))))])
1513        (let ([s** (map (lambda (psl) (map val->string psl)) psl*)])
1514          (let ([w* (fold-left (lambda (w* s*)
1515                                 (map (lambda (s w) (fxmax (string-length s) w)) s* w*))
1516                      (map string-length field-name-strings)
1517                      s**)])
1518            (define print-row
1519              (lambda (s*)
1520                (printf "~v<~a~;~>  " (car w*) (car s*))
1521                (for-each (lambda (s w) (printf "~v:<~a~>  " w s)) (cdr s*) (cdr w*))
1522                (newline)))
1523            (print-row field-name-strings)
1524            (print-row (map (lambda (w) (make-string w #\-)) w*))
1525            (for-each print-row s**)))))
1526    (set! $print-pass-stats
1527      (case-lambda
1528        [() (print-pass-stats #f ($pass-stats))]
1529        [(key) (print-pass-stats key ($pass-stats))]
1530        [(key psl*) (print-pass-stats key psl*)]))))