3%% %CopyrightBegin%
5%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2017. All Rights Reserved.
7%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
11%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17%% limitations under the License.
19%% %CopyrightEnd%
23%% File: corba.erl
25%% Description:
26%%    This file contains the CORBA::ORB interface plus some
27%%    Orber specific functions.
35%% Standard interface CORBA
37-export([orb_init/1, orb_init/2]).
39%% Standard interface CORBA::ORB
42	 %create_operation_list/2,
43	 %% get_default_context/1,
44	 %% 'BOA_init/2,
45	 resolve_initial_references/1,
46	 resolve_initial_references/2,
47	 resolve_initial_references_local/1,
48	 list_initial_services/0,
49	 add_initial_service/2,
50	 remove_initial_service/1,
51	 resolve_initial_references_remote/2,
52	 resolve_initial_references_remote/3,
53	 list_initial_services_remote/1,
54	 list_initial_services_remote/2,
55	 object_to_string/1, object_to_string/2,
56	 object_to_string/3, object_to_string/4,
57	 string_to_object/1,
58	 string_to_object/2]).
61%% External exports
64	 create/3,
65	 create/4,
66	 create_link/2,
67	 create_link/3,
68	 create_link/4,
69	 create_remote/3,
70	 create_remote/5,
71	 create_link_remote/3,
72	 create_link_remote/5,
73	 create_nil_objref/0,
74	 dispose/1,
75	 create_subobject_key/2,
76	 get_subobject_key/1,
77	 get_pid/1,
78	 raise/1, raise_with_state/2,
79	 print_object/1,
80	 print_object/2,
81	 add_alternate_iiop_address/3,
82	 add_FTGroup_component/4,
83	 add_FTPrimary_component/1,
84	 call_internal/10]).
87%% Internal (inside orber implementation) exports
89-export([call/4, call/5, reply/2,
90	 cast/4, cast/5, locate/1, locate/2, locate/3,
91	 request_from_iiop/6,
92	 common_create/5,
93	 mk_objkey/4,
94	 mk_light_objkey/2,
95	 objkey_to_string/1,
96	 string_to_objkey/1,
97	 string_to_objkey_local/1,
98	 call_relay/3,
99	 cast_relay/2,
100	 handle_init/2,
101	 handle_terminate/3,
102	 handle_info/3,
103	 handle_code_change/4,
104	 handle_call/7,
105	 handle_call/10,
106	 handle_cast/9,
107	 handle_cast/6,
108	 get_implicit_context/1]).
111%% Internal definitions
113-define(DEBUG_LEVEL, 5).
115-record(is, {flags = 0}).
117%% Defines possible configuration parameters a user can add when
118%% creating new CORBA objects.
119-record(options, {sup_child = false,
120		  persistent = false,
121		  regname = [],
122		  pseudo = false,
123		  object_flags = ?ORB_INIT_FLAGS,
124		  object_flags_set = ?ORB_INIT_FLAGS,
125		  create_options = [],
126		  passive = false,
127		  group_id = 0,
128		  internal_state}).
130-record(extra, {timeout = infinity,
131		context = []}).
135%% FT stuff
137-define(IDL_MODULES, [oe_TimeBase,
138		      oe_CosEventComm,
139		      oe_CosEventChannelAdmin,
140		      oe_CosNotification,
141		      oe_CosNotifyComm,
142		      oe_CosNotifyFilter,
143		      oe_GIOP]).
146	list_to_atom("ft_" ++ integer_to_list(Integer))).
149	[{attributes, record_info(fields, ft_replication_manager)}]).
151	[{attributes, record_info(fields, ft_replicated_object)}]).
153	[{attributes, record_info(fields, ft_reply_retention)}]).
155%% how long we're allowed to wait for database tables to be available.
156-define(TABLE_TIMEOUT, infinite).
158%-record(rm_state, {default_options, type_options, node_port_ips}).
160%-record(node_port_ip, {node, port, ip}).
162-record(ft_replication_manager, {object_group_id,
163				 type_id,
164				 primary,
165				 iogr,
166				 ref_version,
167				 options}).
169-record(ft_replicated_object, {group_id, state}).
170-record(ft_reply_retention, {retention_id, reply}).
172%-record(ft_properties, {replications_style,
173%			membership_style,
174%			consistency_style,
175%			initial_number_replicas,
176%			minimum_number_replicas}).
178% one should change things work with stdlib:proplist and clean up the mess.
179%-record(ft_criteria, {ft_properties,
180%		      object_location,
181%		      object_init,
182%		      object_impl}).
186%% Implementation of CORBA CORBA::ORB interfaces
190%%create_list(Count) ->
191%%    corba_nvlist:create_list(Count).
193%%create_operation_list(OpDef) ->
194%%    corba_nvlist:create_operation_list(OpDef).
196orb_init(KeyValueList) ->
197    orb_init(KeyValueList, "ORBER").
199orb_init([], _Name) ->
200    ok;
201orb_init(KeyValueList, _Name) ->
202    orber:multi_configure(KeyValueList).
205%% Initial reference handling
207resolve_initial_references(ObjectId) ->
208    resolve_initial_references(ObjectId, []).
209resolve_initial_references(ObjectId, Ctx) ->
210    case use_local_host(ObjectId) of
211	true ->
212	    orber_initial_references:get(ObjectId);
213	Ref ->
214	    string_to_object(Ref, Ctx)
215    end.
217resolve_initial_references_local(ObjectId) ->
218    orber_initial_references:get(ObjectId).
220list_initial_services() ->
221    Local = orber_initial_references:list(),
222    case orber:get_ORBInitRef() of
223	undefined ->
224	    Local;
225	InitRef ->
226	    orber_tb:unique(Local ++ get_prefixes(InitRef, []))
227    end.
229get_prefixes([], Acc) ->
230    Acc;
231%% A list of ORBInitRef's
232get_prefixes([H|T], Acc) when is_list(H) ->
233    [Key|_] = string:tokens(H, "="),
234    get_prefixes(T, [Key|Acc]);
235%% A single ORBInitRef
236get_prefixes(InitRef, _Acc) when is_list(InitRef) ->
237    [Key|_] = string:tokens(InitRef, "="),
238    [Key];
239get_prefixes(What, _) ->
240    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:get_prefixes(~p);~nMalformed argument?",
241	      [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
242    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status = ?COMPLETED_NO}).
245use_local_host(ObjectId) ->
246    case orber:get_ORBInitRef() of
247	undefined ->
248	    case orber:get_ORBDefaultInitRef() of
249		undefined ->
250		    true;
251		DefRef ->
252		    DefRef++"/"++ObjectId
253	    end;
254	InitRef ->
255	    case check_prefixes(InitRef, ObjectId) of
256		false ->
257		    case orber:get_ORBDefaultInitRef() of
258			undefined ->
259			    true;
260			DefRef ->
261			    DefRef++"/"++ObjectId
262		    end;
263		UseRef ->
264		    strip_junk(UseRef)
265	    end
266    end.
269check_prefixes([], _) ->
270    false;
271%% A list of ORBInitRef's
272check_prefixes([H|T], ObjectId) when is_list(H) ->
273    case prefix(ObjectId, H) of
274	false ->
275	    check_prefixes(T, ObjectId);
276	UseRef ->
277	    UseRef
278    end;
279%% A single ORBInitRef
280check_prefixes(InitRef, ObjectId) when is_list(InitRef) ->
281    case prefix(ObjectId, InitRef) of
282	false ->
283	    false;
284	UseRef ->
285	    UseRef
286    end;
287check_prefixes(What,_) ->
288    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:check_prefixes(~p);~nMalformed argument?",
289	      [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
290    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status = ?COMPLETED_NO}).
293%% Valid is, for example, "NameService = corbaloc::host/NameService".
294%% Hence, we must remove ' ' and '='.
295strip_junk([32|T]) ->
296    strip_junk(T);
297strip_junk([$=|T]) ->
298    strip_junk(T);
299strip_junk(Ref) ->
300    Ref.
302add_initial_service(ObjectId, ObjectRef) ->
303    orber_initial_references:add(ObjectId, ObjectRef).
305remove_initial_service(ObjectId) ->
306    orber_initial_references:remove(ObjectId).
308resolve_initial_references_remote(ObjectId, Address) ->
309    resolve_initial_references_remote(ObjectId, Address, []).
311resolve_initial_references_remote(_ObjectId, [], _Ctx) ->
312    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
313resolve_initial_references_remote(ObjectId, [RemoteModifier| Rest], Ctx)
314  when is_list(RemoteModifier) ->
315    case parse_remote_modifier(RemoteModifier) of
316	{error, _} ->
317	    resolve_initial_references_remote(ObjectId, Rest, Ctx);
318	{ok, Host, Port} ->
319	    IOR = iop_ior:create_external(orber:giop_version(), "",
320					  Host, list_to_integer(Port), "INIT"),
321	    %% We know it's an external referens. Hence, no need to check.
322	    {_, Key} = iop_ior:get_key(IOR),
323	    orber_iiop:request(Key, 'get', [ObjectId],
324			       {{'tk_objref', 12, "object"},
325				[{'tk_string', 0}],
326				[]}, 'true', infinity, IOR, Ctx)
327    end.
329list_initial_services_remote(Address) ->
330    list_initial_services_remote(Address, []).
332list_initial_services_remote([], _Ctx) ->
333    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
334list_initial_services_remote([RemoteModifier| Rest], Ctx) when is_list(RemoteModifier) ->
335    case parse_remote_modifier(RemoteModifier) of
336	{error, _} ->
337	    resolve_initial_references_remote(Rest, Ctx);
338	{ok, Host, Port} ->
339	    IOR = iop_ior:create_external(orber:giop_version(), "",
340					  Host, list_to_integer(Port), "INIT"),
341	    %% We know it's an external referens. Hence, no need to check.
342	    {_, Key} = iop_ior:get_key(IOR),
343	    orber_iiop:request(Key, 'list', [],
344			       {{'tk_sequence', {'tk_string',0},0},
345				[], []}, 'true', infinity, IOR, Ctx)
346    end;
347list_initial_services_remote(_, _) ->
348    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
351parse_remote_modifier("iiop://" ++ Rest) ->
352    parse_host_version(Rest);
353parse_remote_modifier(_RemoteModifier) ->
354    {error, not_supported}.
356parse_host_version("[" ++ Rest) ->
357    parse_ipv6(Rest, []);
358parse_host_version(Rest) ->
359    parse_ipv4_or_dnsname(Rest, []).
362parse_ipv4_or_dnsname([$: |Rest], Acc) ->
363    {ok, lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
364parse_ipv4_or_dnsname([C |Rest], Acc) ->
365    parse_ipv4_or_dnsname(Rest, [C |Acc]).
367parse_ipv6("]:" ++ Rest, Acc) ->
368    {ok, lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
369parse_ipv6([C |Rest], Acc) ->
370    parse_ipv6(Rest, [C |Acc]).
374%% Objectreference convertions
376object_to_string(Object) ->
377    iop_ior:string_code(Object).
379object_to_string(Object, [H|_] = Hosts) when is_list(H) ->
380    iop_ior:string_code(Object, Hosts);
381object_to_string(_Object, _Hosts) ->
382    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
384object_to_string(Object, [H|_] = Hosts, Port) when is_list(H) andalso
385						   is_integer(Port) ->
386    iop_ior:string_code(Object, Hosts, Port);
387object_to_string(_Object, _Hosts, _Port) ->
388    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
390object_to_string(Object, [H|_] = Hosts, Port, SSLPort) when is_list(H) andalso
391							    is_integer(Port) andalso
392							    is_integer(SSLPort)->
393    iop_ior:string_code(Object, Hosts, Port, SSLPort);
394object_to_string(_Object, _Hosts, _Port, _SSLPort) ->
395    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
398string_to_object(IORString) ->
399    string_to_object(IORString, []).
401string_to_object(IORString, Ctx) when is_list(Ctx) ->
402    case lists:prefix("IOR", IORString) of
403	true ->
404	    {ObjRef, _, _} = iop_ior:string_decode(IORString),
405	    ObjRef;
406	_ ->
407	    %% CORBA-2.4 allows both IOR and ior prefix.
408	    case lists:prefix("ior", IORString) of
409		true ->
410		    {ObjRef, _, _} = iop_ior:string_decode(IORString),
411		    ObjRef;
412		_ ->
413		    Data = orber_cosnaming_utils:select_type(IORString),
414		    case orber_cosnaming_utils:lookup(Data, Ctx) of
415			String when is_list(String) ->
416			    {Obj, _, _} = iop_ior:string_decode(String),
417			    Obj;
418			ObjRef ->
419			    ObjRef
420		    end
421	    end
422    end;
423string_to_object(IORString, Ctx) ->
424    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:string_to_object(~p, ~p);~n"
425	      "Failed to supply a context list.",
426	      [?LINE, IORString, Ctx], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
427    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
431%% Implementation of NON-standard functions
434create(Module, TypeID) ->
435    create(Module, TypeID, []).
437create(Module, TypeID, Env) ->
438    common_create(Module, TypeID, Env, [], 'start').
440create(Module, TypeID, Env, {Type, RegName}) ->
441    common_create(Module, TypeID, Env, [{regname, {Type, RegName}}], 'start');
442create(Module, TypeID, Env, Options) ->
443    common_create(Module, TypeID, Env, Options, 'start').
446create_link(Module, TypeID) ->
447    create_link(Module, TypeID, []).
449create_link(Module, TypeID, Env) ->
450    common_create(Module, TypeID, Env, [], 'start_link').
452create_link(Module, TypeID, Env, {Type, RegName}) ->
453    common_create(Module, TypeID, Env, [{regname, {Type, RegName}}], 'start_link');
454create_link(Module, TypeID, Env, Options) ->
455    common_create(Module, TypeID, Env, Options, 'start_link').
458create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID) ->
459    create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, []).
461create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env) ->
462    common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, [], 'start').
464create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, {Type, RegName}) ->
465    common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, [{regname, {Type, RegName}}], 'start');
466create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, Options) ->
467    common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, Options, 'start').
470create_link_remote(Node, Module, TypeID) ->
471    create_link_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, []).
473create_link_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env) ->
474    common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, [], 'start_link').
476create_link_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, {Type, RegName}) ->
477    common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, [{regname, {Type, RegName}}], 'start_link');
478create_link_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, Options) ->
479    common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, Options, 'start_link').
481common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, {Type, RegName}, StartMethod) ->
482    common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, [{regname, {Type, RegName}}], StartMethod);
483common_create_remote(Node, Module, TypeID, Env, Options, StartMethod) ->
484    case node_check(Node) of
485	true ->
486	    rpc:call(Node, corba, common_create, [Module, TypeID, Env, Options, StartMethod]);
487	_ ->
488	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:common_create_remote(~p);~n"
489		      "Node not in current domain.", [?LINE, Node], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
490	    raise(#'OBJ_ADAPTER'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
491    end.
493node_check(Node) ->
494    lists:member(Node,orber:orber_nodes()).
496common_create(Module, _TypeID, Env, Options, StartMethod) when is_list(Options) ->
497    Opt = evaluate_options(Options, #options{}),
498    case Opt#options.regname of
499	[] ->
500	    ok;
501	{'local', Atom} when is_atom(Atom) andalso Opt#options.persistent == false ->
502	    ok;
503	{'global', _} ->
504	    ok;
505	Why ->
506	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:common_create(~p, ~p);~n"
507		      "Bad name type or combination(~p).",
508		      [?LINE, Module, Options, Why], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
509	    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 1),
510				     completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
511    end,
512    case Opt of
513        #options{pseudo = false, passive = false} ->
514	    case gen_server:StartMethod(Module, {Opt#options.object_flags, Env},
515                                        Opt#options.create_options) of
516		{ok, Pid} ->
517		    case catch mk_objkey(Module, Pid, Opt#options.regname,
518                                         Opt#options.persistent,
519                                         Opt#options.object_flags) of
520			{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
521			    %% This branch is only used if we couldn't register
522			    %% our new objectkey due to an internal error in orber.
523			    gen_server:call(Pid, stop),
524			    raise(E);
525			{'EXIT', _} ->
526			    %% This branch takes care of exit values
527			    %% which aren't expected (due to bug).
528			    gen_server:call(Pid, stop),
529	                    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 1),
530				                     completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
531			Objkey when Opt#options.sup_child == true ->
532		            {ok, Pid, Objkey};
533                        Objkey ->
534			    Objkey
535		    end;
536		X ->
537		    X
538	    end;
539        #options{pseudo = true, passive = false} ->
540	    ModuleImpl = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Module, '_impl'])),
541	    case ModuleImpl:init(Env) of
542		{ok, State} ->
543		    create_subobject_key(mk_pseudo_objkey(Module, ModuleImpl,
544                                                          Opt#options.object_flags),
545                                                          State);
546		{ok, State,_} ->
547		    create_subobject_key(mk_pseudo_objkey(Module, ModuleImpl,
548                                                          Opt#options.object_flags),
549                                                          State);
550		Reason ->
551		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:common_create(~p);~n"
552			      "'init' function incorrect(~p).",
553			      [?LINE, ModuleImpl, Reason], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
554	            raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 1),
555				             completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
556	    end;
557        #options{pseudo = false, passive = true} ->
558            ModuleImpl = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Module, '_impl'])),
559            create_subobject_key(mk_passive_objkey(Module, ModuleImpl,
560                                                   Opt#options.object_flags),
561                                 ?groupid_to_table(Opt#options.group_id));
562	What ->
563	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:common_create(~p, ~p);~n"
564		      "not a boolean(~p).",
565		      [?LINE, Module, Options, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
566	    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 1),
567				     completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
568    end.
571%% Function   : dispose
572%% Arguments  : Object
573%% Returns    :
574%% Description: Terminate the object represented by the supplied reference.
576dispose(?ORBER_NIL_OBJREF) ->
577    ok;
578dispose(Obj) ->
579    corba_boa:dispose(Obj).
582%% Function   : create_nil_objref
583%% Arguments  : -
584%% Returns    : A NIL object reference
585%% Description:
587create_nil_objref() ->
591%% Function   : create_subobject_key
592%% Arguments  : A local object reference and an Erlang term().
593%% Returns    : A new instance of the supplied reference with the
594%%              sub-object field changed to the given value.
595%% Description: Initially, this field is set to 'undefined'
597create_subobject_key(Objkey, B) when is_binary(B) ->
598    iop_ior:set_privfield(Objkey, B);
599create_subobject_key(Objkey, T) ->
600    create_subobject_key(Objkey, term_to_binary(T)).
603%% Function   : get_subobject_key
604%% Arguments  : A local object reference
605%% Returns    : Erlang term().
606%% Description: Return the value set by using create_subobject_key/2
608get_subobject_key(Objkey) ->
609    iop_ior:get_privfield(Objkey).
612%% Function   : get_pid
613%% Arguments  : A local object reference
614%% Returns    : If the object is local and is associated with a pid, this
615%%              pid is returned. Otherwise, external- or pseudo-object,
616%%              an exception is raised.
617%% Description:
619get_pid(Objkey) ->
620    case iop_ior:get_key(Objkey) of
621	{'internal', Key, _, _, _} ->
622	    orber_objectkeys:get_pid(Key);
623	{'internal_registered', Key, _, _, _} when is_atom(Key) ->
624	    case whereis(Key) of
625		undefined ->
626		    raise(#'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
627		Pid ->
628		    Pid
629	    end;
630	 R ->
631	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:get_pid(~p);~n"
632		      "Probably a pseudo- or external object(~p).",
633		      [?LINE, Objkey, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
634	    raise(#'INV_OBJREF'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
635    end.
638%% Function   : raise
639%% Arguments  : Local exception representation.
640%% Returns    : Throws the exception.
641%% Description:
643%% To avoid dialyzer warnings due to the use of exit/throw.
644-spec raise(term()) -> no_return().
645raise(E) ->
646    throw({'EXCEPTION', E}).
649%% Function   : raise_with_state
650%% Arguments  : Local exception representation.
651%% Returns    : Throws the exception.
652%% Description:
654%% To avoid dialyzer warnings due to the use of exit/throw.
655-spec raise_with_state(term(), term()) -> no_return().
656raise_with_state(E, State) ->
657    throw({reply, {'EXCEPTION', E}, State}).
660%% Function   : reply
661%% Arguments  : To - pid
662%%              Reply - Erlang term().
663%% Returns    :
664%% Description: Used to reply to the invoker but still be able
665%%              to do some more work in the callback module.
667reply(To, Reply) ->
668    gen_server:reply(To, Reply).
671%% Function   : print_object
672%% Arguments  : An object represented as one of the following:
673%%               - local (tuple)
674%%               - IOR
675%%               - stringified IOR
676%%               - corbaloc- or corbaname-schema
677%%              IoDevice - the same as the io-module defines.
678%% Returns    :
679%% Description: Prints the object's components and profiles.
681print_object(Object) ->
682    iop_ior:print(Object).
683print_object(Object, IoDevice) ->
684    iop_ior:print(IoDevice, Object).
687%% Function   : add_alternate_iiop_address
688%% Arguments  : Local object (tuple or IOR).
689%%              IP - IP-string
690%%              Port - integer().
691%% Returns    : A local IOR with a TAG_ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS component.
692%% Description:
694add_alternate_iiop_address(Obj, Host, Port) when is_list(Host) andalso is_integer(Port) ->
695    TC = #'IOP_TaggedComponent'{tag = ?TAG_ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS,
696				component_data = #'ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS'{
697				  'HostID' = Host,
698				  'Port' = Port}},
699    iop_ior:add_component(Obj, TC);
700add_alternate_iiop_address(_, Host, Port) ->
701    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:add_alternate_iiop_address(~p, ~p);~n"
702	      "Incorrect argument(s). Host must be IP-string and Port an integer.",
703	      [?LINE, Host, Port], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
704    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status = ?COMPLETED_NO}).
708%% Function   : add_FTGroup_component
709%% Arguments  : Local object (tuple or IOR).
710%%              FTDomain - FT Domain. String().
711%%              GroupID - Replicated object group's id. Integer(). (ulonglong)
712%%              GroupVer - Object group's version number. Integer(). (ulong)
713%% Returns    : A local IOR with one TAG_FT_GROUP component.
714%% Description:
716add_FTGroup_component(Obj, FTDomain, GroupID, GroupVer)
717  when is_list(FTDomain) andalso is_integer(GroupID) andalso is_integer(GroupVer) andalso
718       GroupID >= ?ULONGLONGMIN andalso GroupID =< ?ULONGLONGMAX andalso
719       GroupVer >= ?ULONGMIN andalso GroupVer =< ?ULONGMAX ->
720    TC = #'IOP_TaggedComponent'{tag = ?TAG_FT_GROUP,
721				component_data = #'FT_TagFTGroupTaggedComponent'{
722				  version = #'GIOP_Version'{major = 1, minor = 0},
723				  ft_domain_id = FTDomain,
724				  object_group_id = GroupID,
725				  object_group_ref_version = GroupVer}},
726    iop_ior:add_component(Obj, TC);
727add_FTGroup_component(_Obj, FTDomain, GroupID, GroupVer) ->
728    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:add_FTGroup_component(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
729	      "Incorrect argument(s).",
730	      [?LINE, FTDomain, GroupID, GroupVer], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
731    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status = ?COMPLETED_NO}).
735%% Function   : add_FTPrimary_component
736%% Arguments  : Local object (tuple or IOR).
737%% Returns    : A local IOR with one TAG_FT_PRIMARY component.
738%% Description:
740add_FTPrimary_component(Obj) ->
741    TC = #'IOP_TaggedComponent'{
742      tag=?TAG_FT_PRIMARY,
743      component_data=#'FT_TagFTPrimaryTaggedComponent'{primary = true}},
744    iop_ior:add_component(Obj, TC).
748%% Generic functions for accessing the call-back modules (i.e. X_impl.erl).
749%% These functions are invoked by the generated stubs.
751handle_init(M, {Flags, Env}) ->
752    case M:init(Env) of
753	{ok, State} ->
754	    {ok, {#is{flags = Flags}, State}};
755	{ok,State,Timeout} ->
756	    {ok, {#is{flags = Flags}, State}, Timeout};
757	Other ->
758	    %% E.g. ignore | {stop, Reason}
759	    Other
760    end.
763handle_terminate(M, Reason, {_InternalState, State}) ->
764    catch (M:terminate(Reason, State)).
766handle_info(M, Info, {InternalState, State}) ->
767    case catch M:handle_info(Info, State) of
768	{noreply,NewState} ->
769	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}};
770	{noreply, NewState, Timeout} ->
771	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}, Timeout};
772	{stop, Reason, NewState} ->
773	    {stop, Reason, {InternalState, NewState}};
774	{'EXIT', Why} ->
775	    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Why, true,
776			{M, handle_info}, [Info, State])
777    end.
779handle_code_change(M, OldVsn, {InternalState, State}, Extra) ->
780    {ok, NewState} = M:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra),
781    {ok, {InternalState, NewState}}.
784%% This function handles call Pre- & Post-conditions.
785handle_call(M, F, A, {InternalState, State}, Ctx, This, From,
786	    PreData, PostData, Stub) ->
787    CArgs = call_state(A, State, This, From),
788    case catch invoke_precond(PreData, Stub, F, CArgs) of
789	{'EXIT', Why} ->
790	    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Why, false, PreData, [Stub, F, CArgs]);
791	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
792	    {reply, {'EXCEPTION', E}, {InternalState, State}};
793	ok ->
794	    Result = handle_call2(M, F, CArgs, InternalState, State, Ctx),
795	    case catch invoke_postcond(PostData, Stub, F, CArgs, Result) of
796		{'EXIT', Why} ->
797		    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Why, false, PostData, A);
798		{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
799		    {reply, {'EXCEPTION', E}, {InternalState, State}};
800		ok ->
801		    Result
802	    end
803    end.
806invoke_precond(false, _, _, _) ->
807    ok;
808invoke_precond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs) ->
809    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs).
811%% We must remove the Internal State before invoking post-cond.
812invoke_postcond(false, _, _, _, _) ->
813    ok;
814invoke_postcond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs,	{reply, Reply, {_, NS}}) ->
815    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs, {reply, Reply, NS});
816invoke_postcond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs, {reply, Reply, {_, NS}, Timeout}) ->
817    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs, {reply, Reply, NS, Timeout});
818invoke_postcond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs, {stop, Reason, Reply, {_, NS}}) ->
819    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs, {stop, Reason, Reply, NS});
820invoke_postcond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs, {stop, Reason, {_, NS}}) ->
821    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs, {stop, Reason, NS});
822invoke_postcond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs, {noreply,{_, NS}}) ->
823    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs, {noreply,NS});
824invoke_postcond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs, {noreply,{_, NS}, Timeout}) ->
825    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs, {noreply, NS, Timeout});
826invoke_postcond({CondM, CondF}, Stub, F, CArgs, Result) ->
827    CondM:CondF(Stub, F, CArgs, Result).
830handle_call(M, F, A, {InternalState, State}, Ctx, This, From) ->
831    handle_call2(M, F, call_state(A, State, This, From), InternalState, State, Ctx).
833handle_call2(M, F, A, InternalState, State, []) ->
834    case catch apply(M, F, A) of
835	{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
836	    {reply, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}};
837	{reply, Reply, NewState, Timeout} ->
838	    {reply, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}, Timeout};
839	{stop, Reason, Reply, NewState} ->
840	    {stop, Reason, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}};
841	{stop, Reason, NewState} ->
842	    {stop, Reason, {InternalState, NewState}};
843	{noreply,NewState} ->
844	    {noreply,{InternalState, NewState}};
845	{noreply,NewState,Timeout} ->
846	    {noreply,{InternalState, NewState},Timeout};
847	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
848	    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, false, {M, F}, A);
849	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
850	    {reply, add_context({'EXCEPTION', E}), {InternalState, State}};
851	{Reply, NewState} ->
852	    {reply, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}}
853    end;
854handle_call2(M, F, A, InternalState, State, Ctx) ->
855    %% Set the new Context.
856    put(oe_server_in_context, Ctx),
857    case catch apply(M, F, A) of
858	{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
859	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
860	    {reply, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}};
861	{reply, Reply, NewState, Timeout} ->
862	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
863	    {reply, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}, Timeout};
864	{stop, Reason, Reply, NewState} ->
865	    {stop, Reason, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}};
866	{stop, Reason, NewState} ->
867	    {stop, Reason, {InternalState, NewState}};
868	{noreply,NewState} ->
869	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
870	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}};
871	{noreply, {InternalState, NewState}, Timeout} ->
872	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
873	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState},Timeout};
874	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
875		handle_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, false, {M, F}, A);
876	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
877	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
878	    {reply, add_context({'EXCEPTION', E}), {InternalState, State}};
879	{Reply, NewState} ->
880	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
881	    {reply, add_context(Reply), {InternalState, NewState}}
882    end.
884call_state(A, State, false, false) ->
885    [State|A];
886call_state(A, State, false, From) ->
887    [From, State|A];
888call_state(A, State, This, false) ->
889    [This, State|A];
890call_state(A, State, This, From) ->
891    [This, From, State|A].
893cast_state(A, State, false) ->
894    [State|A];
895cast_state(A, State, This) ->
896    [This, State|A].
898add_context(Reply) ->
899    %% Reset oe_server_out_context
900    case put(oe_server_out_context, undefined) of
901	undefined ->
902	    Reply;
903	 _OutCtx ->
904	    %% The previous value wasn't 'undefined', which means that
905	    %% the server supplied a return context.
906	    Reply
907    end.
910%% This function handles call Pre- & Post-conditions.
911handle_cast(M, F, A, {InternalState, State}, Ctx, This, PreData, PostData, Stub) ->
912    CArgs = cast_state(A, State, This),
913    case catch invoke_precond(PreData, Stub, F, CArgs) of
914	{'EXIT', Why} ->
915	    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Why, true, PreData, [Stub, F, CArgs]);
916	{'EXCEPTION', _} ->
917	    {noreply, {InternalState, State}};
918	ok ->
919	    Result = handle_cast2(M, F, CArgs, InternalState, State, Ctx),
920	    case catch invoke_postcond(PostData, Stub, F, CArgs, Result) of
921		{'EXIT', Why} ->
922		    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Why, true, PostData, A);
923		{'EXCEPTION', _} ->
924		    {noreply, {InternalState, State}};
925		ok ->
926		    Result
927	    end
928    end.
931handle_cast(M, F, A, {InternalState, State}, Ctx, This) ->
932    handle_cast2(M, F, cast_state(A, State, This), InternalState, State, Ctx).
934handle_cast2(M, F, A, InternalState, State, []) ->
935    case catch apply(M, F, A) of
936	{noreply, NewState} ->
937	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}};
938	{noreply, NewState, Timeout} ->
939	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}, Timeout};
940	{stop, Reason, NewState} ->
941	    {stop, Reason, {InternalState, NewState}};
942	{'EXCEPTION', _} ->
943	    {noreply, {InternalState, State}};
944	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
945	    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, true, {M, F}, A);
946	NewState ->
947	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}}
948    end;
949handle_cast2(M, F, A, InternalState, State, Ctx) ->
950    put(oe_server_in_context, Ctx),
951    case catch apply(M, F, A) of
952	{noreply, NewState} ->
953	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
954	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}};
955	{noreply, NewState, Timeout} ->
956	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
957	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}, Timeout};
958	{stop, Reason, NewState} ->
959	    {stop, Reason, {InternalState, NewState}};
960	{'EXCEPTION', _} ->
961	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
962	    {noreply, {InternalState, State}};
963	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
964	    handle_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, true, {M, F}, A);
965	NewState ->
966	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
967	    {noreply, {InternalState, NewState}}
968    end.
970handle_exit(InternalState, State, {undef, [{M, F, _, _}|_]} = Reason,
971	    OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
972    case catch check_exports(M:module_info(exports), F) of
973	{'EXIT',{undef,_}} ->
974	    %% No such module.
975	    orber:dbg("~p.beam doesn't exist.~n"
976		      "Check IC compile options (e.g. 'impl') and that the~n"
977		      "beam-file is load-able.",
978		      [M], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
979	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
980			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 1),
981					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
982	"" ->
983	    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p doesn't exist.~n"
984		      "Check spelling, export-attributes etc",
985		      [M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
986	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
987			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 2),
988					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
989	Exports when is_list(Exports) ->
990	    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p doesn't exist.~n"
991		      "~p:~p~s do exists.~nCheck export-attributes etc",
992		      [M, F, length(A), M, F, Exports], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
993	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
994			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 3),
995					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
996	_ ->
997	    %% Should never happen
998	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
999			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1000					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE})
1001    end;
1002handle_exit(InternalState, State, {undef, [{M2, F2, A2, _}|_]} = Reason,
1003	    OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
1004    case catch check_exports(M2:module_info(exports), F2) of
1005	{'EXIT',{undef,_}} ->
1006	    %% No such module.
1007	    orber:dbg("~p.beam doesn't exist.~n"
1008		      "~p:~p/~p invoked an operation on the module above.~n"
1009		      "Check IC compile options and that the beam-file is load-able.",
1010		      [M2, M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1011	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1012			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 5),
1013					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1014	"" ->
1015	    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p doesn't exist.~n"
1016		      "~p:~p/~p invoked the operation above~n"
1017		      "Check spelling, export-attributes etc",
1018		      [M2, F2, length(A2), M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1019	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1020			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 6),
1021					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1022	Exports when is_list(Exports) ->
1023	    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p doesn't exist.~n"
1024		      "~p:~p~s do exist(s).~nCheck export-attributes etc~n"
1025		      "~p:~p/~p invoked the operation above~n",
1026		      [M2, F2, length(A2), M2, F2, Exports, M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1027	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1028			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 7),
1029					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1030	_ ->
1031	    %% Should never happen
1032	    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1033			     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1034					    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE})
1035    end;
1036%% Misc errors. We separate between direct and in-direct errors. Due to different
1037%% notation we must separate between different cases.
1038handle_exit(InternalState, State, {{case_clause,_}, [{M, F, _}|_]} = Reason,
1039	    OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
1040    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p contains a 'case_clause' error.",
1041	      [M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1042    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1043		     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 8),
1044				    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1045handle_exit(InternalState, State, {Reason, [{M, F, _}|_]}, OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
1046    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p contains a '~p' error.",
1047	      [M, F, length(A), Reason], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1048    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1049		     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 8),
1050				    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1051handle_exit(InternalState, State, {function_clause, [{M2, F2, A2}|_]} = Reason,
1052	    OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
1053    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p contains a 'function_clause' error.~n"
1054	      "Invoked via the operation:~n"
1055	      "~p:~p/~p",
1056	      [M2, F2, length(A2), M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1057    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1058		     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 9),
1059				    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1060handle_exit(InternalState, State, {{case_clause,_}, [{M2, F2, A2}|_]} = Reason,
1061	    OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
1062    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p contains a 'case_clause' error.~n"
1063	      "Invoked via the operation:~n"
1064	      "~p:~p/~p",
1065	      [M2, F2, A2, M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1066    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1067		     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 9),
1068				    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1069handle_exit(InternalState, State, {Reason, [{M2, F2, A2}|_]} = Reason,
1070	    OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
1071    orber:dbg("~p:~p/~p contains a '~p' error.~n"
1072	      "Invoked via the operation:~n"
1073	      "~p:~p/~p",
1074	      [M2, F2, A2, Reason, M, F, length(A)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1075    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1076		     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 9),
1077				    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1078handle_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp, {M, F}, A) ->
1079    orber:dbg("~p:~p(~p) ->~n"
1080	      "  {EXIT, ~p}~n",
1081	      [M, F, A, Reason], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1082    reply_after_exit(InternalState, State, Reason, OnewayOp,
1083		     #'OBJ_ADAPTER'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 10),
1084				    completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE}).
1087reply_after_exit(#is{flags = Flags} = InternalState, State,
1088		 Reason, OnewayOp, Exc) ->
1089    case ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(Flags, ?ORB_SURVIVE_EXIT) of
1090	false ->
1091	    exit(Reason);
1092	true when OnewayOp == false ->
1093	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
1094	    {reply, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}, {InternalState, State}};
1095	true ->
1096	    %% One-way operation. Cannot return exception.
1097	    put(oe_server_in_context, undefined),
1098	    {noreply, {InternalState, State}}
1099    end.
1102check_exports(Exports, Op) ->
1103    check_exports(Exports, Op, []).
1105check_exports([], _, Acc) ->
1106    Acc;
1107check_exports([{Op, Arity}|Rest], Op, Acc)  ->
1108    check_exports(Rest, Op, Acc ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(Arity));
1109check_exports([_|Rest], Op, Acc)  ->
1110    check_exports(Rest, Op, Acc).
1114%% Corba:call - the function for reqests
1116call(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod) ->
1117    call_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, infinity, []).
1119call(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, [{context, Ctx}]) ->
1120    call_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, infinity, Ctx);
1121call(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, [{timeout, Timeout}]) ->
1122    call_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, Timeout, []);
1123call(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, Extra) when is_list(Extra) ->
1124    ExtraData = extract_extra_data(Extra, #extra{}),
1125    call_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, ExtraData#extra.timeout,
1126		ExtraData#extra.context);
1127call(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, Timeout) ->
1128    call_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, Timeout, []).
1130call_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, Timeout, InCtx) ->
1131    Ctx = get_implicit_context(InCtx),
1132    case iop_ior:get_key(Obj) of
1133	{'internal', Key, _, Flags, Mod} ->
1134	    Pid = orber_objectkeys:get_pid(Key),
1135	    call_internal(Pid, Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod,
1137			  ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(Flags, ?ORB_USE_PI), Mod, Timeout, Ctx);
1138	{'internal_registered', Key, _, Flags, Mod} ->
1139	    call_internal(Key, Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod,
1141			  ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(Flags, ?ORB_USE_PI), Mod, Timeout, Ctx);
1142	{'external', Key} when is_atom(TypesOrMod) ->
1143	    case catch TypesOrMod:oe_tc(Func) of
1144		{'EXIT', What} ->
1145		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_helper(~p);~n"
1146			      "The call-back module does not exist or"
1147			      " incorrect IC-version used.~nReason: ~p",
1148			      [?LINE, TypesOrMod, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1149		    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 7),
1150				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1151		undefined ->
1152		    raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{minor = (?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1153					   completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1154		Types ->
1155		    orber_iiop:request(Key, Func, Args, Types, 'true', Timeout, Obj, Ctx)
1156	    end;
1157	{'external', Key} ->
1158	    orber_iiop:request(Key, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, 'true', Timeout, Obj, Ctx)
1159    end.
1161get_implicit_context([]) ->
1162    case get(oe_server_in_context) of
1163	undefined ->
1164	    [];
1165	ImplCtx ->
1166	    ImplCtx
1167    end;
1168get_implicit_context(Ctx) ->
1169    case get(oe_server_in_context) of
1170	undefined ->
1171	    Ctx;
1172	ImplCtx ->
1173	    %% Both defined. An explicit interface context overrides
1174	    %% an implicit.
1175	    case check_for_interface_ctx(Ctx) of
1176		false ->
1177		    ImplCtx;
1178		true ->
1179		    remove_interface_ctx(ImplCtx, Ctx)
1180	    end
1181    end.
1183check_for_interface_ctx([]) ->
1184    false;
1186			 {context_id=?ORBER_GENERIC_CTX_ID,
1187			  context_data = {interface, _I}}|_]) ->
1188    true;
1189check_for_interface_ctx([_|T]) ->
1190    check_for_interface_ctx(T).
1192remove_interface_ctx([], Acc) ->
1193    Acc;
1195		      {context_id=?ORBER_GENERIC_CTX_ID,
1196		       context_data = {interface, _I}}|T], Acc) ->
1197    remove_interface_ctx(T, Acc);
1198remove_interface_ctx([H|T], Acc) ->
1199    remove_interface_ctx(T, [H|Acc]).
1202extract_extra_data([], ED) ->
1203    ED;
1204extract_extra_data([{context, Ctx}|T], ED) ->
1205    extract_extra_data(T, ED#extra{context = Ctx});
1206extract_extra_data([{timeout, Timeout}|T], ED) ->
1207    extract_extra_data(T, ED#extra{timeout = Timeout}).
1209call_internal(Pid, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI, Mod, Timeout, Ctx)
1210  when is_pid(Pid) andalso node(Pid) == node() ->
1211    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1212    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1213    case catch gen_server:call(Pid, {Obj, Ctx, Func, Args}, Timeout) of
1214	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1215	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', E}),
1216            typecheck_reply(Check, {'EXCEPTION', E}, Mod, Func),
1217	    raise(E);
1218	{'EXIT',{timeout, _}} ->
1219	    Exc = #'TIMEOUT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1220	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1221	    raise(Exc);
1222	{'EXIT',R} ->
1223	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~ncall exit(~p).",
1224		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1225	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1226			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO},
1227	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1228	    raise(Exc);
1229	Res ->
1230	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Res),
1231            typecheck_reply(Check, Res, Types, Func),
1232	    Res
1233    end;
1234call_internal(Pid, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI,
1235	      _Mod, Timeout, Ctx) when is_pid(Pid) ->
1236    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1237    case catch rpc:call(node(Pid), corba, call_relay,
1238			[Pid, {Obj, Ctx, Func, Args}, Timeout]) of
1239	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1240	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', E}),
1241            typecheck_reply(Check, {'EXCEPTION', E}, Types, Func),
1242	    raise(E);
1243	{badrpc, {'EXIT',R}} ->
1244	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~ncall exit(~p).",
1245		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1246	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 3),
1247			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1248	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1249	    raise(Exc);
1250	{badrpc,nodedown} ->
1251	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~nNode ~p down.",
1252		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, node(Pid)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1253	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 2),
1254			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO},
1255	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1256	    raise(Exc);
1257	{badrpc, Reason} ->
1258	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1259		      "Unable to invoke operation due to: ~p",
1260		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, Reason], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1261	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 5),
1262			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1263	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1264	    raise(Exc);
1265	Res ->
1266	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Res),
1267            typecheck_reply(Check, Res, Types, Func),
1268	    Res
1269    end;
1271%% This case handles if the reference is created as a Pseudo object.
1272%% Just call apply/3.
1273call_internal({pseudo, Module}, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI,
1274	      _Mod, _Timeout, Ctx) ->
1275    OldCtx = put(oe_server_in_context, Ctx),
1276    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1277    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1278    State = binary_to_term(get_subobject_key(Obj)),
1279    case catch apply(Module, Func, [Obj, State|Args]) of
1280	{noreply, _} ->
1281	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1282	    ok;
1283	{noreply, _, _} ->
1284	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1285	    ok;
1286	{reply, Reply, _} ->
1287	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1288	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Reply),
1289            typecheck_reply(Check, Reply, Types, Func),
1290	    Reply;
1291	{reply, Reply, _, _} ->
1292	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1293	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Reply),
1294            typecheck_reply(Check, Reply, Types, Func),
1295	    Reply;
1296	{stop, _, Reply, _} ->
1297	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1298	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Reply),
1299            typecheck_reply(Check, Reply, Types, Func),
1300	    Reply;
1301	{stop, _, _} ->
1302	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1303	    ok;
1304	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1305	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1306	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', E}),
1307            typecheck_reply(Check, {'EXCEPTION', E}, Types, Func),
1308	    raise(E);
1309	{'EXIT', What} ->
1310	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1311	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1312		      "Pseudo object exit(~p).",
1313		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1314	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1315			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1316	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1317	    raise(Exc);
1318	Unknown ->
1319	    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1320	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1321		      "Pseudo object failed due to bad return value (~p).",
1322		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, Unknown], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1323	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 6),
1324			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1325	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1326	    raise(Exc)
1327    end;
1328call_internal({passive, Module}, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI,
1329	      Mod, Timeout, Ctx) ->
1330    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1331    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1332    GroupID = binary_to_term(get_subobject_key(Obj)),
1333    Transaction =
1334	fun() ->
1335		ObjectGroup = read_object_group(GroupID),
1336		call_primary_protected(ObjectGroup, Module, Obj,
1337				       Func, Args, GroupID,
1338				       get_FTRequestCtx(Ctx))
1339	end,
1340    case mnesia:transaction(Transaction) of
1341	{atomic, Reply} ->
1342	    %% this check should be inside transaction so that
1343	    %% failing typecheck_reply would result in transaction
1344	    %% abortion. Or not. call_internal(Registered...) does not
1345	    %% cancel the state transition even if the result isn't type compliant.
1346	    %% So, we do likewise.
1347	    typecheck_reply(Check, Reply, Mod, Func),
1348	    Reply;
1349	{aborted, {not_primary, Primary, _}} ->
1350	    FTRequestCtx = mk_FTRequestCtx(10000000),
1351	    case rpc:call(Primary, corba, call_internal,
1352			  [{passive, Module}, Obj, Func, Args,
1353			   Types, Check, PI, Mod, Timeout,
1354			   [FTRequestCtx|Ctx]]) of
1355		{badrpc, Reason} ->
1356		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_passive(~p, ~p, ~p); ~n"
1357			      " badrpc(~p).",
1358			      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, Reason],?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1359		    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=0,
1360				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1361		%% one should keep trying request_duration_policy_value -time.
1362		{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1363		    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', E}),
1364		    raise(E);
1365		Reply ->
1366		    %% is this typecheck_reply neccessary? The check is made
1367		    %% on the remote node...
1368		    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Reply),
1369		    typecheck_reply(Check, Reply, Mod, Func),
1370		    Reply
1371		    %% generate RetentionID's and call Primary node with flag that tells
1372		    %% the node not to escalate rpc call's to next node if the primary
1373		    %% has changed again.
1374		    %% raise({not_primary, Primary});
1375	    end;
1376	{aborted, {throw, {'EXCEPTION', E}}} ->
1377	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', E}),
1378	    typecheck_reply(Check, {'EXCEPTION', E}, Mod, Func),
1379	    raise(E);
1380	{aborted, {'EXIT', What}} ->
1381	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_passive(~p, ~p, ~p); " ++
1382		      "Passive object exit(~p).",
1383		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1384	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1385			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1386	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1387	    raise(Exc);
1388	{aborted, Unknown} ->
1389	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_passive(~p, ~p, ~p); " ++
1390		      "Passive object failed due to bad return value (~p).",
1391		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, Unknown], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1392	    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 6),
1393			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1394	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1395	    raise(Exc)
1396    end;
1397call_internal(Registered, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI,
1398	      _Mod, Timeout, Ctx) when is_atom(Registered)->
1399    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1400    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1401    case whereis(Registered) of
1402	undefined ->
1403	    Exc = #'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO},
1404	    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1405	    raise(Exc);
1406	P ->
1407	    case catch gen_server:call(P, {Obj, Ctx, Func, Args}, Timeout) of
1408		{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1409		    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', E}),
1410		    typecheck_reply(Check, {'EXCEPTION', E}, Types, Func),
1411		    raise(E);
1412		{'EXIT',{timeout, _}} ->
1413		    Exc = #'TIMEOUT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1414		    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1415		    raise(Exc);
1416		{'EXIT',R} ->
1417		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p, ~p, ~p).~n"
1418			      "call exit(~p).",
1419			      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1420		    Exc = #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 5),
1421				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE},
1422		    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, {'EXCEPTION', Exc}),
1423		    raise(Exc);
1424		Res ->
1425		    invoke_pi_reply(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Res),
1426                    typecheck_reply(Check, Res, Types, Func),
1427		    Res
1428	    end
1429    end.
1431invoke_pi_request(false, _Obj, _Ctx, _Func, _Args) ->
1432    ok;
1433invoke_pi_request(_, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args) ->
1434    case orber:get_cached_interceptors() of
1435	{native, PIs} ->
1436	    orber_pi:out_request(PIs, Obj, Ctx, Func, "localhost", Args);
1437	_ ->
1438	    ok
1439    end.
1441invoke_pi_reply(false, _Obj, _Ctx, _Func, _Res) ->
1442    ok;
1443invoke_pi_reply(_, Obj, Ctx, Func, Res) ->
1444    case orber:get_cached_interceptors() of
1445	{native, PIs} ->
1446	    orber_pi:in_reply(PIs, Obj, Ctx, Func, "localhost", Res);
1447	_ ->
1448	    ok
1449    end.
1451typecheck_request(false, _, _, _) ->
1452    ok;
1453typecheck_request(true, Args, Mod, Func) when is_atom(Mod) ->
1454    case catch Mod:oe_tc(Func) of
1455	undefined ->
1456	    raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{minor = (?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1457				   completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1458	{'EXIT', What} ->
1459	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:typecheck_request(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1460		      "The call-back module does not exist or incorrect"
1461		      "IC-version used.~nReason: ~p",
1462		      [?LINE, Mod, Func, Args, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1463	    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 7),
1464			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1465	Types ->
1466	    typecheck_request_helper(Types, Args, Mod, Func)
1467    end;
1468typecheck_request(true, Args, Types, Func) ->
1469    typecheck_request_helper(Types, Args, Types, Func).
1471typecheck_request_helper(Types, Args, Mod, Func) ->
1472    case catch cdr_encode:validate_request_body(
1473		 #giop_env{version = {1,2}, tc = Types, parameters = Args,
1474			   host = orber:host(), iiop_port = orber:iiop_port(),
1475			   iiop_ssl_port = orber:iiop_ssl_port(),
1476			   domain = orber:domain(),
1477			   partial_security = orber:partial_security(),
1478			   flags = orber:get_flags()}) of
1479	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1480	    {_, TC, _} = Types,
1481	    error_logger:error_msg("========= Orber Typecheck Request =========~n"
1482				   "Invoked......: ~p:~p/~p~n"
1483				   "Typecode.....: ~p~n"
1484				   "Arguments....: ~p~n"
1485				   "Result.......: ~p~n"
1486				   "===========================================~n",
1487				   [Mod, Func, length(TC), TC, Args, {'EXCEPTION', E}]),
1488	    raise(E);
1489	{'EXIT',R} ->
1490	    {_, TC, _} = Types,
1491	    error_logger:error_msg("========= Orber Typecheck Request =========~n"
1492				   "Invoked......: ~p:~p/~p~n"
1493				   "Typecode.....: ~p~n"
1494				   "Arguments....: ~p~n"
1495				   "Result.......: ~p~n"
1496				   "===========================================~n",
1497				   [Mod, Func, length(TC), TC, Args, {'EXIT',R}]),
1498	    raise(#'MARSHAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1499	_ ->
1500	    ok
1501    end.
1503typecheck_reply(true, Args, Mod, Func) when is_atom(Mod) ->
1504    case catch Mod:oe_tc(Func) of
1505	undefined ->
1506	    raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{minor = (?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1507				   completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1508	{'EXIT', What} ->
1509	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:typecheck_reply(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1510		      "The call-back module does not exist or incorrect"
1511		      " IC-version used.~nReason: ~p",
1512		      [?LINE, Mod, Func, Args, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1513	    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 7),
1514				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1515	Types ->
1516	    typecheck_reply_helper(Types, Args, Mod, Func)
1517    end;
1518typecheck_reply(true, Args, Types, Func) ->
1519    typecheck_reply_helper(Types, Args, Types, Func);
1520typecheck_reply(_, _, _, _) ->
1521    ok.
1523typecheck_reply_helper(Types, Args, Mod, Func) ->
1524    case catch cdr_encode:validate_reply_body(
1525		 #giop_env{version = {1,2}, tc = Types,
1526			   host = orber:host(), iiop_port = orber:iiop_port(),
1527			   iiop_ssl_port = orber:iiop_ssl_port(),
1528			   domain = orber:domain(),
1529			   partial_security = orber:partial_security(),
1530			   flags = orber:get_flags()}, Args) of
1531	{'tk_except', ExcType, ExcTC, {'EXCEPTION', E}} ->
1532	    {_, TC, _} = Types,
1533	    error_logger:error_msg("========== Orber Typecheck Reply ==========~n"
1534				   "Invoked........: ~p:~p/~p~n"
1535				   "Exception Type.: ~p~n"
1536				   "Typecode.......: ~p~n"
1537				   "Raised.........: ~p~n"
1538				   "Result.........: ~p~n"
1539				   "===========================================~n",
1540				   [Mod, Func, length(TC), ExcType, ExcTC, Args, {'EXCEPTION', E}]),
1541	    raise(E);
1542	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1543	    {RetType, TC, OutParams} = Types,
1544	    error_logger:error_msg("========== Orber Typecheck Reply ==========~n"
1545				   "Invoked......: ~p:~p/~p~n"
1546				   "Typecode.....: ~p~n"
1547				   "Reply........: ~p~n"
1548				   "Result.......: ~p~n"
1549				   "===========================================~n",
1550				   [Mod, Func, length(TC), [RetType | OutParams], Args, {'EXCEPTION', E}]),
1551	    raise(E);
1552	{'tk_except', ExcType, ExcTC, {'EXIT',R}} ->
1553	    {_, TC, _} = Types,
1554	    error_logger:error_msg("========== Orber Typecheck Reply ==========~n"
1555				   "Invoked........: ~p:~p/~p~n"
1556				   "Exception Type.: ~p~n"
1557				   "Typecode.......: ~p~n"
1558				   "Raised.........: ~p~n"
1559				   "Result.........: ~p~n"
1560				   "===========================================~n",
1561				   [Mod, Func, length(TC), ExcType, ExcTC, Args, {'EXIT',R}]),
1562	    raise(#'MARSHAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1563	{'EXIT',R} ->
1564	    {RetType, TC, OutParams} = Types,
1565	    error_logger:error_msg("========== Orber Typecheck Reply ==========~n"
1566				   "Invoked........: ~p:~p/~p~n"
1567				   "Typecode.......: ~p~n"
1568				   "Reply..........: ~p~n"
1569				   "Result.........: ~p~n"
1570				   "===========================================~n",
1571				   [Mod, Func, length(TC), [RetType | OutParams], Args, {'EXIT',R}]),
1572	    raise(#'MARSHAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1573	_ ->
1574	    ok
1575    end.
1577call_relay(Pid, Data, Timeout) ->
1578    case whereis(orber_objkeyserver) of
1579	undefined ->
1580	    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 1), completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1581	_ ->
1582	    case catch gen_server:call(Pid, Data, Timeout) of
1583		{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1584		    raise(E);
1585		{'EXIT',{timeout, _}} ->
1586		    raise(#'TIMEOUT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1587		{'EXIT',R} ->
1588		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_internal(~p);~n"
1589			      "call exit(~p).", [?LINE, Data, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1590		    exit(R);
1591		Res ->
1592		    Res
1593	    end
1594    end.
1597%% Corba:cast - the function for ONEWAY requests
1599cast(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod) ->
1600    cast_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, []).
1602cast(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, [{context, Ctx}]) ->
1603    cast_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, Ctx).
1605cast_helper(Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, InCtx) ->
1606    Ctx = get_implicit_context(InCtx),
1607    case iop_ior:get_key(Obj) of
1608	{'internal', Key, _, Flags, Mod} ->
1609	    Pid = orber_objectkeys:get_pid(Key),
1610	    cast_internal(Pid, Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod,
1612			  ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(Flags, ?ORB_USE_PI), Mod, Ctx);
1613	{'internal_registered', Key, _, Flags, Mod} ->
1614	    cast_internal(Key, Obj, Func, Args, TypesOrMod,
1616			  ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(Flags, ?ORB_USE_PI), Mod, Ctx);
1617	{'external', Key} when is_atom(TypesOrMod) ->
1618	    case catch TypesOrMod:oe_tc(Func) of
1619		{'EXIT', What} ->
1620		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:cast_helper(~p);~n"
1621			      "The call-back module does not exist or incorrect"
1622			      " IC-version used.~nReason: ~p",
1623			      [?LINE, TypesOrMod, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1624		    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 7),
1625				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1626		undefined ->
1627		    raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{minor = (?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1628					   completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1629		Types ->
1630		    orber_iiop:request(Key, Func, Args, Types, 'false', infinity,
1631				       Obj, Ctx)
1632	    end;
1633	{'external', Key} ->
1634	    orber_iiop:request(Key, Func, Args, TypesOrMod, 'false', infinity,
1635			       Obj, Ctx)
1636    end.
1638cast_internal(Pid, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI, _Mod, Ctx)
1639  when is_pid(Pid) andalso node(Pid) == node() ->
1640    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1641    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1642    catch gen_server:cast(Pid, {Obj, Ctx, Func, Args}),
1643    ok;
1644cast_internal(Pid, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI, Mod, Ctx) when is_pid(Pid) ->
1645    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1646    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1647    case catch rpc:call(node(Pid), corba, cast_relay, [Pid, {Obj, Ctx, Func, Args}]) of
1648	{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1649            typecheck_reply(Check, {'EXCEPTION', E}, Mod, Func),
1650	    raise(E);
1651	{badrpc, {'EXIT', _R}} ->
1652	    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 3),
1653			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE});
1654	{badrpc,nodedown} ->
1655	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:cast_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~nNode ~p down.",
1656		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, node(Pid)], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1657	    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 2),
1658			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1659	Other ->
1660	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:cast_internal(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1661		      "Communication with node: ~p failed with reason: ~p.",
1662		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, node(Pid), Other], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1663	    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 5),
1664			       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE})
1665    end;
1667%% This case handles if the reference is created as a Pseudo object.
1668%% Just call apply/3.
1669cast_internal({pseudo, Module}, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI, _Mod, Ctx) ->
1670    OldCtx = put(oe_server_in_context, Ctx),
1671    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1672    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1673    State = binary_to_term(get_subobject_key(Obj)),
1674    catch apply(Module, Func, [Obj, State|Args]),
1675    put(oe_server_in_context, OldCtx),
1676    ok;
1677cast_internal(Registered, Obj, Func, Args, Types, Check, PI, _Mod, Ctx) ->
1678    invoke_pi_request(PI, Obj, Ctx, Func, Args),
1679    typecheck_request(Check, Args, Types, Func),
1680    case whereis(Registered) of
1681	undefined ->
1682	    raise(#'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1683	P ->
1684	    gen_server:cast(P, {Obj, Ctx, Func, Args})
1685    end.
1687cast_relay(Pid, Data) ->
1688    case whereis(orber_objkeyserver) of
1689	undefined ->
1690	    raise(#'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 1),
1691				     completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
1692	_ ->
1693	    gen_server:cast(Pid, Data)
1694    end.
1697%% Corba:locate - this function is for the moment just used for tests
1699locate(Obj) ->
1700    locate(Obj, infinity, []).
1702locate(Obj, Timeout) ->
1703    locate(Obj, Timeout, []).
1705locate(Obj, Timeout, Ctx) ->
1706    case iop_ior:get_key(Obj) of
1707	{'external', Key} ->
1708	    orber_iiop:locate(Key, Timeout, Obj, Ctx);
1709	_ ->
1710	    orber_objectkeys:check(iop_ior:get_objkey(Obj))
1711    end.
1714%% Incomming request from iiop
1716%% Operations which do not allow object invokation.
1717request_from_iiop(Obj, '_is_a', [Args], _, _, _) ->
1718    catch corba_object:is_a(Obj, Args);
1719%% First the OMG specified this operation to be '_not_existent' and then
1720%% changed it to '_non_existent' without suggesting that both must be supported.
1721%% See CORBA2.3.1 page 15-34, Minor revision 2.3.1: October 1999
1722request_from_iiop(Obj, '_not_existent', _, _, _, _) ->
1723    catch corba_object:non_existent(Obj);
1724request_from_iiop(Obj, '_non_existent', _, _, _, _) ->
1725    catch corba_object:non_existent(Obj);
1726request_from_iiop(_, '_FT_HB', _, _, _, _) ->
1727    ok;
1729%% "Ordinary" operations.
1730request_from_iiop({Mod, _, _, _, _, _}, oe_get_interface,
1731		  _, _, _, _ServiceCtx) when is_atom(Mod) ->
1732    case catch Mod:oe_get_interface() of
1733	{'EXIT', What} ->
1734	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:request_from_iiop(~p);~n"
1735		      "The call-back module does not exist or"
1736		      " incorrect IC-version used.~nReason: ~p",
1737		      [?LINE, Mod, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1738	    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 7),
1739				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}};
1740	undefined ->
1741	    {'EXCEPTION', #'BAD_OPERATION'{minor = (?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1742					   completion_status='COMPLETED_NO'}};
1743	Interface ->
1744	    Interface
1745    end;
1746request_from_iiop({_Mod, pseudo, Module, _UserDef, _OrberDef, _Flags} = ObjRef,
1747		  Func, Args, Types, ResponseExpected, _ServiceCtx) ->
1748    State = binary_to_term(get_subobject_key(ObjRef)),
1749    case ResponseExpected of
1750	true ->
1751	    case catch apply(Module, Func, [ObjRef, State|Args]) of
1752		{noreply, _} ->
1753		    ok;
1754		{noreply, _, _} ->
1755		    ok;
1756		{reply, Reply, _} ->
1757		    Reply;
1758		{reply, Reply, _, _} ->
1759		    Reply;
1760		{stop, _, Reply, _} ->
1761		    Reply;
1762		{stop, _, _} ->
1763		    ok;
1764		{'EXCEPTION', E} ->
1765		    {'EXCEPTION', E};
1766		{'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
1767		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:request_from_iiop(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1768			      "The call-back module does not exist.",
1769			      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1770		    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1771					       completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}};
1772		{'EXIT', What} ->
1773		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:request_from_iiop(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1774			      "Pseudo object exit(~p).~n"
1775			      "The call-back module probably contain an error.",
1776			      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1777		    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1778					       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE}};
1779		Unknown ->
1780		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:request_from_iiop(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1781			      "Pseudo object failed(~p);~n"
1782			      "Confirm that the return value is correct"
1783			      " (e.g. {reply, Reply, State})",
1784			      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, Unknown], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1785		    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 6),
1786					       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE}}
1787	    end;
1788	false ->
1789	    catch apply(Module, Func, [ObjRef, State|Args]),
1790	    ok;
1791	true_oneway ->
1792	    catch apply(Module, Func, [ObjRef, State|Args]),
1793	    ok
1794    end;
1795% FOR PASSIVE REPLICATION! (Response IS expected --- one way semantics doesn't
1796% really mix with intentions to be consistent & fault tolerant.)
1797request_from_iiop({_Mod, passive, Module, _UserDef, _OrberDef, _Flags} = ObjRef,
1798		  Func, Args, Types, true, Ctx) ->
1799    GroupID = binary_to_term(get_subobject_key(ObjRef)),
1800    FTGroupVersionCtx = get_FTGroupVersionCtx(Ctx),
1801    Transaction =
1802	fun() ->
1803		ObjectGroup = read_object_group(GroupID),
1804		check_version_context(ObjectGroup,
1805				      FTGroupVersionCtx),
1806		call_primary_protected(ObjectGroup,
1807				       Module,
1808				       ObjRef,
1809				       Func,
1810				       Args,
1811				       GroupID,
1812				       get_FTRequestCtx(Ctx))
1813	end,
1814    case mnesia:transaction(Transaction) of
1815	{atomic, Reply} ->
1816	    Reply;
1817	{aborted, {too_old_reference, IOGR}} ->
1818	    {oe_location_forward_perm, IOGR};
1819	{aborted, {not_primary, _Primary, IOGR}} ->
1820	    case FTGroupVersionCtx of
1821		[] ->
1822		    {oe_location_forward_perm, IOGR};
1823		_ ->
1824		    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor = 0,
1825					       completion_status = ?COMPLETED_NO}}
1826	    end;
1827	{aborted, {throw, {'EXCEPTION', E}}} ->
1828	    {'EXCEPTION', E};
1829	{aborted, {'EXIT', What}} ->
1830	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_passive(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1831		      "Passive object exit(~p).",
1832		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1833	    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor = 0,
1834				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE}};
1835	{aborted, Unknown} ->
1836	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:call_passive(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1837		      "Passive object failed due to bad return value (~p).",
1838		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, Unknown], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1839	    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor = 0,
1840				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE}}
1841    end;
1842request_from_iiop({_Mod, _Type, Key, _UserDef, _OrberDef, _Flags} = ObjRef,
1843		  Func, Args, Types, true, _ServiceCtx) ->
1844    case catch gen_server:call(convert_key_to_pid(Key),
1845			       {ObjRef, [], Func, Args}, infinity) of
1846	{'EXIT', What} ->
1847	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:request_from_iiop(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1848		      "gen_server:call exit: ~p",
1849		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1850	    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1851				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE}};
1852	Result ->
1853	    Result
1854    end;
1855request_from_iiop({_Mod, _Type, Key, _UserDef, _OrberDef, _Flags} = ObjRef,
1856		  Func, Args, Types, _, _ServiceCtx) ->
1857    case catch gen_server:cast(convert_key_to_pid(Key),
1858			       {ObjRef, [], Func, Args}) of
1859	{'EXIT', What} ->
1860	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:request_from_iiop(~p, ~p, ~p);~n"
1861		      "gen_server:cast exit: ~p",
1862		      [?LINE, Func, Args, Types, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1863	    {'EXCEPTION', #'TRANSIENT'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 4),
1864				       completion_status=?COMPLETED_MAYBE}};
1865	Result ->
1866	    Result
1867    end.
1870%% Internal stuff
1873convert_key_to_pid(Key) when is_binary(Key) ->
1874    orber_objectkeys:get_pid(Key);
1875convert_key_to_pid(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
1876    Name.
1878mk_objkey(Mod, Pid, RegName, Persistent) ->
1879    mk_objkey(Mod, Pid, RegName, Persistent, 0).
1881mk_objkey(Mod, Pid, [], _, Flags) when is_pid(Pid) ->
1882    Key = make_objkey(),
1883    case orber_objectkeys:register(Key, Pid, false) of
1884	ok ->
1885	    {Mod, 'key', Key, term_to_binary(undefined), 0, Flags};
1886	R ->
1887	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:mk_objkey(~p);~n"
1888		      "unable to store key(~p).", [?LINE, Mod, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1889	    raise(#'INTERNAL'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 2), completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
1890    end;
1891mk_objkey(Mod, Pid, {'global', RegName}, Persitent, Flags) when is_pid(Pid) ->
1892    Key = term_to_binary(RegName),
1893    case orber_objectkeys:register(Key, Pid, Persitent) of
1894	ok ->
1895	    {Mod, 'key', Key, term_to_binary(undefined), 0, Flags};
1896	R ->
1897	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:mk_objkey(~p, ~p);~n"
1898		      "unable to store key(~p).",
1899		      [?LINE, Mod, RegName, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1900	    raise(#'INTERNAL'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 2), completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
1901    end;
1902mk_objkey(Mod, Pid, {'local', RegName}, Persistent, Flags) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_atom(RegName) ->
1903    register(RegName, Pid),
1904    Key = make_objkey(),
1905    case orber_objectkeys:register(Key, Pid, Persistent) of
1906	ok ->
1907	    {Mod, 'registered', RegName, term_to_binary(undefined), 0, Flags};
1908	R ->
1909	    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:mk_objkey(~p, ~p);~n"
1910		      "unable to store key(~p).",
1911		      [?LINE, Mod, RegName, R], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1912	    raise(#'INTERNAL'{minor=(?ORBER_VMCID bor 2), completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
1913    end.
1916mk_light_objkey(Mod, RegName) ->
1917    {Mod, 'registered', RegName, term_to_binary(undefined), 0, 0}.
1919mk_pseudo_objkey(Mod, Module, Flags) ->
1920    {Mod, 'pseudo', Module, term_to_binary(undefined), 0, Flags}.
1922mk_passive_objkey(Mod, Module, Flags) ->
1923    {Mod, 'passive', Module, term_to_binary(undefined), 0, Flags}.
1925make_objkey() ->
1926    term_to_binary({{erlang:system_time(),
1927		     erlang:unique_integer()},
1928		    node()}).
1930objkey_to_string({_Mod, 'registered', 'orber_init', _UserDef, _OrberDef, _Flags}) ->
1931    "INIT";
1932objkey_to_string({Mod, Type, Key, UserDef, OrberDef, Flags}) ->
1933    orber:domain() ++ [ 7 | binary_to_list(term_to_binary({Mod, Type, Key, UserDef, OrberDef, Flags}))];
1934objkey_to_string(External_object_key) ->
1935    External_object_key.
1937string_to_objkey("INIT") ->
1938    {orber_initial_references, 'registered', 'orber_init', term_to_binary(undefined), 0, 0};
1939string_to_objkey(String) ->
1940    case prefix(orber:domain(), String) of
1941	[7 | Rest] ->
1942	    binary_to_term(list_to_binary(Rest));
1943	_ ->
1944	    String
1945    end.
1946%% This function may only be used when we know it's a local reference (i.e. target
1947%% key in a request; IOR's passed as argument or reply doesn't qualify)!
1948string_to_objkey_local("INIT") ->
1949    {orber_initial_references, 'registered', 'orber_init', term_to_binary(undefined), 0, 0};
1950string_to_objkey_local(String) ->
1951    case prefix(orber:domain(), String) of
1952	[7 | Rest] ->
1953	    binary_to_term(list_to_binary(Rest));
1954	_ ->
1955	    case resolve_initial_references(String) of
1957		    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:string_to_objkey_local(~p);~n"
1958			      "Invalid ObjektKey.", [?LINE, String], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
1959		    ?ORBER_NIL_OBJREF;
1960		Object ->
1961		    {location_forward, Object}
1962	    end
1963    end.
1965prefix([], L2) ->
1966    L2;
1967prefix([E |L1], [E | L2]) ->
1968    prefix(L1, L2);
1969prefix(_, _) ->
1970    false.
1973evaluate_options([], Options) ->
1974    GlobalFlags = orber:get_flags(),
1975    Options2 = check_flag(Options, ?ORB_TYPECHECK,
1976			  ?ORB_ENV_LOCAL_TYPECHECKING, GlobalFlags),
1977    Options3 = check_flag(Options2, ?ORB_USE_PI, ?ORB_ENV_USE_PI, GlobalFlags),
1978    check_flag(Options3, ?ORB_SURVIVE_EXIT, ?ORB_ENV_SURVIVE_EXIT, GlobalFlags);
1979%% Pseudo or not.
1980evaluate_options([{pseudo, false}|Rest], Options) ->
1981    evaluate_options(Rest, Options);
1982evaluate_options([{pseudo, true}|Rest], #options{passive = false} = Options) ->
1983    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{pseudo = true});
1984%% FT stuff
1985evaluate_options([{passive, true}|Rest], #options{pseudo = false} = Options) ->
1986    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{passive = true});
1987evaluate_options([{group_id, ID}|Rest], Options) when is_integer(ID) ->
1988    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{group_id = ID});
1989%% Options accepted by gen_server (e.g. dbg).
1990evaluate_options([{create_options, COpt}|Rest], Options) when is_list(COpt) ->
1991    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{create_options = COpt});
1992%% When starting object as supervisor child.
1993evaluate_options([{sup_child, false}|Rest], Options) ->
1994    evaluate_options(Rest, Options);
1995evaluate_options([{sup_child, true}|Rest], Options) ->
1996    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{sup_child = true});
1997%% Persistent object-key
1998evaluate_options([{persistent, false}|Rest], Options) ->
1999    evaluate_options(Rest, Options);
2000evaluate_options([{persistent, true}|Rest], Options) ->
2001    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{persistent = true});
2002evaluate_options([{regname, []}|Rest], Options) ->
2003    evaluate_options(Rest, Options);
2004evaluate_options([{regname, Name}|Rest], Options) ->
2005    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{regname = Name});
2006evaluate_options([{survive_exit, false}|Rest],
2007		 #options{object_flags_set = FlagsSet} = Options) ->
2008    %% This option overrides a global setting.
2009    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{object_flags_set =
2010					   (?ORB_SURVIVE_EXIT bor FlagsSet)});
2011evaluate_options([{survive_exit, true}|Rest],
2012		 #options{object_flags = Flags,
2013			  object_flags_set = FlagsSet} = Options) ->
2014    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{object_flags =
2015					   (?ORB_SURVIVE_EXIT bor Flags),
2016					   object_flags_set =
2017					   (?ORB_SURVIVE_EXIT bor FlagsSet)});
2018evaluate_options([{local_typecheck, false}|Rest],
2019		 #options{object_flags_set = FlagsSet} = Options) ->
2020    %% This option overrides a global setting.
2021    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{object_flags_set =
2022					   (?ORB_TYPECHECK bor FlagsSet)});
2023evaluate_options([{local_typecheck, true}|Rest],
2024		 #options{object_flags = Flags,
2025			  object_flags_set = FlagsSet} = Options) ->
2026    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{object_flags = (?ORB_TYPECHECK bor Flags),
2027					   object_flags_set =
2028					   (?ORB_TYPECHECK bor FlagsSet)});
2029evaluate_options([{local_interceptors, false}|Rest],
2030		 #options{object_flags_set = FlagsSet} = Options) ->
2031    %% This option overrides a global setting.
2032    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{object_flags_set =
2033					   (?ORB_USE_PI bor FlagsSet)});
2034evaluate_options([{local_interceptors, true}|Rest],
2035		 #options{object_flags = Flags,
2036			  object_flags_set = FlagsSet} = Options) ->
2037    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{object_flags = (?ORB_USE_PI bor Flags),
2038					   object_flags_set =
2039					   (?ORB_USE_PI bor FlagsSet)});
2040%% Temporary option.
2041evaluate_options([{no_security, true}|Rest],
2042		 #options{object_flags = Flags} = Options) ->
2043    %% We do not allow this option to be set globally.
2044    evaluate_options(Rest, Options#options{object_flags = (?ORB_NO_SECURITY bor Flags)});
2045evaluate_options([{no_security, false}|Rest], Options) ->
2046    %% We do not allow this option to be set globally.
2047    evaluate_options(Rest, Options);
2048evaluate_options([{Key, Value}|_], _) ->
2049    orber:dbg("[~p] corba:evaluate_options(~p, ~p);~n"
2050	      "Option not recognized, illegal value or combination.~n"
2051	      "Allowed settings:~n"
2052	      "survive_exit.......: boolean()~n"
2053	      "sup_child..........: boolean()~n"
2054	      "persistent.........: boolean()~n"
2055	      "pseudo.............: boolean()~n"
2056	      "local_typecheck....: boolean()~n"
2057	      "local_interceptors.: boolean()~n"
2058	      "regname............: {local, atom()} | {global, term()}",
2059	      [?LINE, Key, Value], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
2060    raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
2062check_flag(#options{object_flags = Flags,
2063		    object_flags_set = FlagsSet} = Options, Flag,
2064	   FlagConstant, GlobalFlags) ->
2065    %% Option activated/deactived by a supplied option.
2066    case ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(FlagsSet, Flag) of
2067	true ->
2068	    Options;
2069	false ->
2070	    %% Not the above. Globally defined?
2071	    case ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(GlobalFlags, FlagConstant) of
2072		true ->
2073		    Options#options{object_flags = (Flag bor Flags)};
2074		false ->
2075		    Options
2076	    end
2077    end.
2079%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FOR PASSIVE REPLICATION!
2080% Note should be called inside transaction. Does not catch exceptions.
2081% let's not allow corba:reply from transaction... (no {noreply, ...} messages)
2082% should the object be able to stop itself by returning {stop, ...}?
2083% how about corba:dispose then? Deleting table representing object group and
2084% corresponding entry in ft_replication_manager -table might just do the job?
2085% No {stop, ...} messages for now
2086% Exceptions falls through. They are expected to be caught by transaction in a
2087% form of {aborted, {throw, {'EXCEPTION', ...}}}
2088call_passive(Module, Obj, Func, Args, GroupID) ->
2089    [Record] = mnesia:read(ft_replicated_object, GroupID, sticky_write),
2090    State = Record#ft_replicated_object.state,
2092    case apply(Module, Func, [Obj, State|Args]) of
2093	{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
2094	    {Reply, NewState};
2095	{reply, Reply, NewState, _} ->
2096	    {Reply, NewState}
2097    end,
2098    mnesia:write(ft_replicated_object,
2099		 #ft_replicated_object{group_id = GroupID, state = NewState},
2100		 sticky_write),
2101    Reply.
2105% FTRequestCtx protected object call
2106% One should protect agains aged reply. If expirations_time is reached and
2107% request is retransmitted, one might return BAD_CONTEXT -exception!
2108call_RQprotected(Module, Obj, Func, Args, GroupID, RQCtx) ->
2109    case mnesia:read(ft_reply_retention, RQCtx, sticky_write) of
2110	% fresh request
2111	[] ->
2112	    Reply = call_passive(Module, Obj, Func, Args, GroupID),
2113	    mnesia:write(ft_reply_retention,
2114			 #ft_reply_retention{retention_id= RQCtx,reply= Reply},
2115			 sticky_write),
2116	    Reply;
2117	% retransmitted request
2118	[#ft_reply_retention{reply = Reply}] ->
2119	    Reply
2120    end.
2124% call_primary_protected. Protects agains calling non-primary node.
2125% normal case, without FTRequest Service Context
2126call_primary_protected(#ft_replication_manager{primary = Primary},
2127		       Module,
2128		       Obj,
2129		       Func,
2130		       Args,
2131		       GroupID,
2132		       []) when Primary == node() ->
2133    call_passive(Module, Obj, Func, Args, GroupID);
2134% normal case, with FTRequest Service Context
2135call_primary_protected(#ft_replication_manager{primary = Primary},
2136		       Module,
2137		       Obj,
2138		       Func,
2139		       Args,
2140		       GroupID,
2141		       RetentionID) when Primary == node() ->
2142    call_RQprotected(Module, Obj, Func, Args, GroupID, RetentionID);
2143% case where primary resides in another node
2144call_primary_protected(#ft_replication_manager{primary = Primary,
2145					       iogr = IOGR},
2146		      _Module, _Obj, _Func, _Args, _GroupID, _) ->
2147    mnesia:abort({not_primary, Primary, IOGR}).
2151% no context
2152check_version_context(_, []) ->
2153    ok;
2154% client's IOGR is current.
2155check_version_context(#ft_replication_manager{ref_version = CurrentVer},
2156		      GroupVer) when CurrentVer == GroupVer ->
2157    ok;
2158% client's IOGR is old.
2159check_version_context(#ft_replication_manager{ref_version = CurrentVer,
2160					      iogr = IOGR},
2161		      GroupVer) when CurrentVer > GroupVer ->
2162    mnesia:abort({too_old_reference, IOGR});
2163% client's IOGR is too new!
2164check_version_context(#ft_replication_manager{ref_version = CurrentVer},
2165		      GroupVer) when CurrentVer < GroupVer ->
2166    raise(#'INV_OBJREF'{completion_status = ?COMPLETED_NO}).
2170read_object_group(GroupID) ->
2171    case mnesia:read({ft_replication_manager, GroupID}) of
2172	[] ->
2173	    raise(#'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'{completion_status = ?COMPLETED_NO});
2174	[ObjectGroup] ->
2175	    ObjectGroup
2176    end.
2180mk_FTRequestCtx(Expiration_time) ->
2181    #'FT_FTRequestServiceContext'{
2182		 client_id = atom_to_list(node()),
2183		 retention_id = orber_request_number:get(),
2184		 expiration_time = Expiration_time}.
2189		  {client_id = Client_ID, retention_id = Retention_ID,
2190		   expiration_time = Expiration_time}|_Ctxs]) ->
2191    {Client_ID, Retention_ID, Expiration_time};
2192get_FTRequestCtx([]) ->
2193    [];
2194get_FTRequestCtx([_Ctx|Ctxs]) ->
2195    get_FTRequestCtx(Ctxs).
2200		       {object_group_ref_version = Version}|_Ctxs]) ->
2201    Version;
2202get_FTGroupVersionCtx([]) ->
2203    [];
2204get_FTGroupVersionCtx([_Ctx|Ctxs]) ->
2205    get_FTGroupVersionCtx(Ctxs).