1 /*
2  * %CopyrightBegin%
3  *
4  * Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2020. All Rights Reserved.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  *
18  * %CopyrightEnd%
19  */
20 /*
21  * Module: to_erl.c
22  *
23  * This module implements a process that opens two specified FIFOs, one
24  * for reading and one for writing; reads from its stdin, and writes what
25  * it has read to the write FIF0; reads from the read FIFO, and writes to
26  * its stdout.
27  *
28   ________                            _________
29  |        |--<-- pipe.r (fifo1) --<--|         |
30  | to_erl |                          | run_erl | (parent)
31  |________|-->-- pipe.w (fifo2) -->--|_________|
32                                           ^ master pty
33                                           |
34                                           | slave pty
35                                       ____V____
36                                      |         |
37                                      |  "erl"  | (child)
38                                      |_________|
39  */
40 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
41 #  include "config.h"
42 #endif
44 #include <sys/types.h>
45 #include <sys/stat.h>
46 #include <sys/time.h>
47 #include <sys/types.h>
48 #include <fcntl.h>
49 #include <unistd.h>
50 #include <stdio.h>
51 #include <stdlib.h>
52 #include <string.h>
53 #include <termios.h>
54 #include <dirent.h>
55 #include <signal.h>
56 #include <errno.h>
57 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H
58 #  include <sys/ioctl.h>
59 #endif
61 #include "run_erl.h"
62 #include "safe_string.h"   /* strn_cpy, strn_catf, sn_printf, etc. */
64 #if defined(O_NONBLOCK)
66 #else
68 # if !defined(EAGAIN)
69 #  define EAGAIN -3898734
70 # endif
71 #endif
74 #  define STRERROR(x) strerror(x)
75 #else
76 #  define STRERROR(x) ""
77 #endif
79 #define noDEBUG
81 #define PIPE_DIR        "/tmp/"
82 #define PIPE_STUBNAME   "erlang.pipe"
83 #define PIPE_STUBLEN    strlen(PIPE_STUBNAME)
85 #ifdef DEBUG
86 #define STATUS(s)  { fprintf(stderr, (s)); fflush(stderr); }
87 #else
88 #define STATUS(s)
89 #endif
91 #ifndef FILENAME_MAX
92 #define FILENAME_MAX 250
93 #endif
95 static struct termios tty_smode, tty_rmode;
96 static int tty_eof = 0;
97 static int recv_sig = 0;
98 static int protocol_ver = RUN_ERL_LO_VER; /* assume lowest to begin with */
100 static int write_all(int fd, const char* buf, int len);
101 static int window_size_seq(char* buf, size_t bufsz);
102 static int version_handshake(char* buf, int len, int wfd);
103 #ifdef DEBUG
104 static void show_terminal_settings(struct termios *);
105 #endif
handle_ctrlc(int sig)107 static void handle_ctrlc(int sig)
108 {
109     /* Reinstall the handler, and signal break flag */
110     signal(SIGINT,handle_ctrlc);
111     recv_sig = SIGINT;
112 }
handle_sigwinch(int sig)114 static void handle_sigwinch(int sig)
115 {
116     recv_sig = SIGWINCH;
117 }
usage(char * pname)119 static void usage(char *pname)
120 {
121     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-h|-F] [pipe_name|pipe_dir/]\n", pname);
122     fprintf(stderr, "\t-h\tThis help text.\n");
123     fprintf(stderr, "\t-F\tForce connection even though pipe is locked by other to_erl process.\n");
124 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)126 int main(int argc, char **argv)
127 {
129     int i, len, wfd, rfd;
130     fd_set readfds;
131     char buf[BUFSIZ];
132     char pipename[FILENAME_MAX];
133     int pipeIx = 1;
134     int force_lock = 0;
135     int got_some = 0;
137     if (argc >= 2 && argv[1][0]=='-') {
138 	switch (argv[1][1]) {
139 	case 'h':
140 	    usage(argv[0]);
141 	    exit(1);
142 	case 'F':
143 	    force_lock = 1;
144 	    break;
145 	default:
146 	    fprintf(stderr,"Invalid option '%s'\n",argv[1]);
147 	    exit(1);
148 	}
149 	pipeIx = 2;
150     }
152 #ifdef DEBUG
153     fprintf(stderr, "%s: pid is : %d\n", argv[0], (int)getpid());
154 #endif
156     strn_cpy(pipename, sizeof(pipename),
157 	     (argv[pipeIx] ? argv[pipeIx] : PIPE_DIR));
159     if(*pipename && pipename[strlen(pipename)-1] == '/') {
160 	/* The user wishes us to find a pipe name in the specified */
161 	/* directory */
162 	int highest_pipe_num = 0;
163 	DIR *dirp;
164 	struct dirent *direntp;
166 	dirp = opendir(pipename);
167 	if(!dirp) {
168 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't access pipe directory %s: %s\n", pipename, strerror(errno));
169 	    exit(1);
170 	}
172 	/* Check the directory for existing pipes */
174 	while((direntp=readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
175 	    if(strncmp(direntp->d_name,PIPE_STUBNAME,PIPE_STUBLEN)==0) {
176 		int num = atoi(direntp->d_name+PIPE_STUBLEN+1);
177 		if(num > highest_pipe_num)
178 		    highest_pipe_num = num;
179 	    }
180 	}
181 	closedir(dirp);
182 	strn_catf(pipename, sizeof(pipename), (highest_pipe_num?"%s.%d":"%s"),
183 		  PIPE_STUBNAME, highest_pipe_num);
184     } /* if */
186     /* read FIFO */
187     sn_printf(FIFO1,sizeof(FIFO1),"%s.r",pipename);
188     /* write FIFO */
189     sn_printf(FIFO2,sizeof(FIFO2),"%s.w",pipename);
191     /* Check that nobody is running to_erl on this pipe already */
192     if ((wfd = open (FIFO1, O_WRONLY|DONT_BLOCK_PLEASE, 0)) >= 0) {
193 	/* Open as server succeeded -- to_erl is already running! */
194 	close(wfd);
195 	fprintf(stderr, "Another to_erl process already attached to pipe "
196 			"%s.\n", pipename);
197 	if (force_lock) {
198 	    fprintf(stderr, "But we proceed anyway by force (-F).\n");
199 	}
200 	else {
201 	    exit(1);
202 	}
203     }
205     if ((rfd = open (FIFO1, O_RDONLY|DONT_BLOCK_PLEASE, 0)) < 0) {
206 #ifdef DEBUG
207 	fprintf(stderr, "Could not open FIFO %s for reading.\n", FIFO1);
208 #endif
209 	fprintf(stderr, "No running Erlang on pipe %s: %s\n", pipename, strerror(errno));
210 	exit(1);
211     }
212 #ifdef DEBUG
213     fprintf(stderr, "to_erl: %s opened for reading\n", FIFO1);
214 #endif
216     if ((wfd = open (FIFO2, O_WRONLY|DONT_BLOCK_PLEASE, 0)) < 0) {
217 #ifdef DEBUG
218 	fprintf(stderr, "Could not open FIFO %s for writing.\n", FIFO2);
219 #endif
220 	fprintf(stderr, "No running Erlang on pipe %s: %s\n", pipename, strerror(errno));
221 	close(rfd);
222 	exit(1);
223     }
224 #ifdef DEBUG
225     fprintf(stderr, "to_erl: %s opened for writing\n", FIFO2);
226 #endif
228     fprintf(stderr, "Attaching to %s (^D to exit)\n\n", pipename);
230     /* Set break handler to our handler */
231     signal(SIGINT,handle_ctrlc);
233     /*
234      * Save the current state of the terminal, and set raw mode.
235      */
236     if (tcgetattr(0, &tty_rmode) , 0) {
237 	fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get terminals current mode\n");
238 	exit(-1);
239     }
240     tty_smode = tty_rmode;
241     tty_eof = '\004'; /* Ctrl+D to exit */
242 #ifdef DEBUG
243     show_terminal_settings(&tty_rmode);
244 #endif
245     tty_smode.c_iflag =
246 	1*BRKINT |/*Signal interrupt on break.*/
247 	    1*IGNPAR |/*Ignore characters with parity errors.*/
248 		    0;
250 #if 0
251 0*IGNBRK |/*Ignore break condition.*/
252 0*PARMRK |/*Mark parity errors.*/
253 0*INPCK  |/*Enable input parity check.*/
254 0*INLCR  |/*Map NL to CR on input.*/
255 0*IGNCR  |/*Ignore CR.*/
256 0*ICRNL  |/*Map CR to NL on input.*/
257 0*IUCLC  |/*Map upper-case to lower-case on input.*/
258 0*IXON   |/*Enable start/stop output control.*/
259 0*IXANY  |/*Enable any character to restart output.*/
260 0*IXOFF  |/*Enable start/stop input control.*/
261 0*IMAXBEL|/*Echo BEL on input line too long.*/
262 #endif
264     tty_smode.c_oflag =
265 	1*OPOST  |/*Post-process output.*/
266 	    1*ONLCR  |/*Map NL to CR-NL on output.*/
267 #ifdef XTABS
268 		1*XTABS  |/*Expand tabs to spaces. (Linux)*/
269 #endif
270 #ifdef OXTABS
271 		    1*OXTABS  |/*Expand tabs to spaces. (FreeBSD)*/
272 #endif
273 #ifdef NL0
274 			1*NL0    |/*Select newline delays*/
275 #endif
276 #ifdef CR0
277 			    1*CR0    |/*Select carriage-return delays*/
278 #endif
279 #ifdef TAB0
280 				1*TAB0   |/*Select horizontal tab delays*/
281 #endif
282 #ifdef BS0
283 				    1*BS0    |/*Select backspace delays*/
284 #endif
285 #ifdef VT0
286 					1*VT0    |/*Select vertical tab delays*/
287 #endif
288 #ifdef FF0
289 					    1*FF0    |/*Select form feed delays*/
290 #endif
291 											    0;
293 #if 0
294 0*OLCUC  |/*Map lower case to upper on output.*/
295 0*OCRNL  |/*Map CR to NL on output.*/
296 0*ONOCR  |/*No CR output at column 0.*/
297 0*ONLRET |/*NL performs CR function.*/
298 0*OFILL  |/*Use fill characters for delay.*/
299 0*OFDEL  |/*Fill is DEL, else NULL.*/
300 0*NL1    |
301 0*CR1    |
302 0*CR2    |
303 0*CR3    |
304 0*TAB1   |
305 0*TAB2   |
306 0*TAB3   |/*Expand tabs to spaces.*/
307 0*BS1    |
308 0*VT1    |
309 0*FF1    |
310 #endif
312     /* JALI: removed setting the tty_smode.c_cflag flags, since this is not */
313     /* advisable if this is a *real* terminal, such as the console. In fact */
314     /* this may hang the entire machine, deep, deep down (signalling break */
315     /* or toggling the abort switch doesn't help) */
317     tty_smode.c_lflag =
318 									0;
320 #if 0
321 0*ISIG   |/*Enable signals.*/
322 0*ICANON |/*Canonical input (erase and kill processing).*/
323 0*XCASE  |/*Canonical upper/lower presentation.*/
324 0*ECHO   |/*Enable echo.*/
325 0*ECHOE  |/*Echo erase character as BS-SP-BS.*/
326 0*ECHOK  |/*Echo NL after kill character.*/
327 0*ECHONL |/*Echo NL.*/
328 0*NOFLSH |/*Disable flush after interrupt or quit.*/
329 0*TOSTOP |/*Send SIGTTOU for background output.*/
330 0*ECHOCTL|/*Echo control characters as ^char, delete as ^?.*/
331 0*ECHOPRT|/*Echo erase character as character erased.*/
332 0*ECHOKE |/*BS-SP-BS erase entire line on line kill.*/
333 0*FLUSHO |/*Output is being flushed.*/
334 0*PENDIN |/*Retype pending input at next read or input character.*/
335 0*IEXTEN |/*Enable extended (implementation-defined) functions.*/
336 #endif
338     tty_smode.c_cc[VMIN]      =0;/* Note that VMIN is the same as VEOF! */
339     tty_smode.c_cc[VTIME]     =0;/* Note that VTIME is the same as VEOL! */
340     tty_smode.c_cc[VINTR]     =3;
342     tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &tty_smode);
344 #ifdef DEBUG
345     show_terminal_settings(&tty_smode);
346 #endif
347     /*
348      * 	 "Write a ^L to the FIFO which causes the other end to redisplay
349      *    the input line."
350      * This does not seem to work as was intended in old comment above.
351      * However, this control character is now (R12B-3) used by run_erl
352      * to trigger the version handshaking between to_erl and run_erl
353      * at the start of every new to_erl-session.
354      */
356     if (write(wfd, "\014", 1) < 0) {
357 	fprintf(stderr, "Error in writing ^L to FIFO.\n");
358     }
360     /*
361      * read and write
362      */
363     while (1) {
364 	FD_ZERO(&readfds);
365 	FD_SET(0, &readfds);
366 	FD_SET(rfd, &readfds);
367 	if (select(rfd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
368 	    if (recv_sig) {
369 		FD_ZERO(&readfds);
370 	    }
371 	    else {
372 		fprintf(stderr, "Error in select.\n");
373 		break;
374 	    }
375 	}
376 	len = 0;
378 	/*
379 	 * Read from terminal and write to FIFO
380          */
381 	if (recv_sig) {
382 	    switch (recv_sig) {
383 	    case SIGINT:
384 		fprintf(stderr, "[Break]\n\r");
385 		buf[0] = '\003';
386 		len = 1;
387 		break;
388 	    case SIGWINCH:
389 		len = window_size_seq(buf,sizeof(buf));
390 		break;
391 	    default:
392 		fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected signal: %u\n",recv_sig);
393 	    }
394 	    recv_sig = 0;
395 	}
396 	else if (FD_ISSET(0, &readfds)) {
397 	    len = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf));
398 	    if (len <= 0) {
399 		close(rfd);
400 		close(wfd);
401 		if (len < 0) {
402 		    fprintf(stderr, "Error in reading from stdin.\n");
403 		} else {
404 		    fprintf(stderr, "[EOF]\n\r");
405 		}
406 		break;
407 	    }
408 	    /* check if there is an eof character in input */
409 	    for (i = 0; i < len && buf[i] != tty_eof; i++);
410 	    if (buf[i] == tty_eof) {
411 		fprintf(stderr, "[Quit]\n\r");
412 		break;
413 	    }
414 	}
416 	if (len) {
417 #ifdef DEBUG
418 	    write_all(1, buf, len);
419 #endif
420 	    if (write_all(wfd, buf, len) != len) {
421 		fprintf(stderr, "Error in writing to FIFO.\n");
422 		close(rfd);
423 		close(wfd);
424 		break;
425 	    }
426 	    STATUS("\" OK\r\n");
427 	}
429 	/*
430 	 * Read from FIFO, write to terminal.
431 	 */
432 	if (FD_ISSET(rfd, &readfds)) {
433 	    STATUS("FIFO read: ");
434 	    len = read(rfd, buf, BUFSIZ);
435 	    if (len < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
436 		/*
437 		 * No data this time, but the writing end of the FIFO is still open.
438 		 * Do nothing.
439 		 */
440 		;
441 	    } else if (len <= 0) {
442 		/*
443 		 * Either an error or end of file. In either case, break out
444 		 * of the loop.
445 		 */
446 		close(rfd);
447 		close(wfd);
448 		if (len < 0) {
449 		    fprintf(stderr, "Error in reading from FIFO.\n");
450 		} else
451 		    fprintf(stderr, "[End]\n\r");
452 		break;
453 	    } else {
454 		if (!got_some) {
455 		    if ((len=version_handshake(buf,len,wfd)) < 0) {
456 			close(rfd);
457 			close(wfd);
458 			break;
459 		    }
460 		    if (protocol_ver >= 1) {
461 			/* Tell run_erl size of terminal window */
462 			signal(SIGWINCH, handle_sigwinch);
463 			raise(SIGWINCH);
464 		    }
465 		    got_some = 1;
466 		}
468 		/*
469 		 * We successfully read at least one character. Write what we got.
470 		 */
471 		STATUS("Terminal write: \"");
472 		if (write_all(1, buf, len) != len) {
473 		    fprintf(stderr, "Error in writing to terminal.\n");
474 		    close(rfd);
475 		    close(wfd);
476 		    break;
477 		}
478 		STATUS("\" OK\r\n");
479 	    }
480 	}
481     }
483     /*
484      * Reset terminal characterstics
485      * XXX
486      */
487     tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &tty_rmode);
488     return 0;
489 }
491 /* Call write() until entire buffer has been written or error.
492  * Return len or -1.
493  */
write_all(int fd,const char * buf,int len)494 static int write_all(int fd, const char* buf, int len)
495 {
496     int left = len;
497     int written;
498     while (left) {
499 	written = write(fd,buf,left);
500 	if (written < 0) {
501 	    return -1;
502 	}
503 	left -= written;
504 	buf += written;
505     }
506     return len;
507 }
window_size_seq(char * buf,size_t bufsz)509 static int window_size_seq(char* buf, size_t bufsz)
510 {
511 #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ
512     struct winsize ws;
513     static const char prefix[] = "\033_";
514     static const char suffix[] = "\033\\";
515     /* This Esc sequence is called "Application Program Command"
516        and seems suitable to use for our own customized stuff. */
518     if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == 0) {
519 	int len = sn_printf(buf, bufsz, "%swinsize=%u,%u%s",
520 			    prefix, ws.ws_col, ws.ws_row, suffix);
521 	return len;
522     }
523 #endif /* TIOCGWINSZ */
524     return 0;
525 }
527 /*   to_erl                     run_erl
528  *     |                           |
529  *     |---------- '\014' -------->| (session start)
530  *     |                           |
531  *     |<---- "[run_erl v1-0]" ----| (version interval)
532  *     |                           |
533  *     |--- Esc_"version=1"Esc\ -->| (common version)
534  *     |                           |
535  */
version_handshake(char * buf,int len,int wfd)536 static int version_handshake(char* buf, int len, int wfd)
537 {
538     unsigned re_high=0, re_low;
539     char *end = find_str(buf,len,"]\n");
541     if (end && sscanf(buf,"[run_erl v%u-%u",&re_high,&re_low)==2) {
542 	char wbuf[30];
543 	int wlen;
545 	if (re_low > RUN_ERL_HI_VER || re_high < RUN_ERL_LO_VER) {
546 	    fprintf(stderr,"Incompatible versions: to_erl=v%u-%u run_erl=v%u-%u\n",
547 		    RUN_ERL_HI_VER, RUN_ERL_LO_VER, re_high, re_low);
548 	    return -1;
549 	}
550 	/* Choose highest common version */
551 	protocol_ver = re_high < RUN_ERL_HI_VER ? re_high : RUN_ERL_HI_VER;
553 	wlen = sn_printf(wbuf, sizeof(wbuf), "\033_version=%u\033\\",
554 			 protocol_ver);
555 	if (write_all(wfd, wbuf, wlen) < 0) {
556 	    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to send version handshake\n");
557 	    return -1;
558 	}
559 	end += 2;
560 	len -= (end-buf);
561 	memmove(buf,end,len);
563     }
564     else {  /* we assume old run_erl without version handshake */
565 	protocol_ver = 0;
566     }
568     if (re_high != RUN_ERL_HI_VER) {
569 	fprintf(stderr,"run_erl has different version, "
570 		"using common protocol level %u\n", protocol_ver);
571     }
573     return len;
574 }
577 #ifdef DEBUG
578 #define S(x)  ((x) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
show_terminal_settings(struct termios * t)580 static void show_terminal_settings(struct termios *t)
581 {
582   fprintf(stderr,"c_iflag:\n");
583   fprintf(stderr,"Signal interrupt on break:   BRKINT  %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & BRKINT));
584   fprintf(stderr,"Map CR to NL on input:       ICRNL   %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & ICRNL));
585   fprintf(stderr,"Ignore break condition:      IGNBRK  %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & IGNBRK));
586   fprintf(stderr,"Ignore CR:                   IGNCR   %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & IGNCR));
587   fprintf(stderr,"Ignore char with par. err's: IGNPAR  %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & IGNPAR));
588   fprintf(stderr,"Map NL to CR on input:       INLCR   %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & INLCR));
589   fprintf(stderr,"Enable input parity check:   INPCK   %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & INPCK));
590   fprintf(stderr,"Strip character              ISTRIP  %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & ISTRIP));
591   fprintf(stderr,"Enable start/stop input ctrl IXOFF   %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & IXOFF));
592   fprintf(stderr,"ditto output ctrl            IXON    %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & IXON));
593   fprintf(stderr,"Mark parity errors           PARMRK  %d\n", S(t->c_iflag & PARMRK));
594   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
595   fprintf(stderr,"c_oflag:\n");
596   fprintf(stderr,"Perform output processing    OPOST   %d\n", S(t->c_oflag & OPOST));
597   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
598   fprintf(stderr,"c_cflag:\n");
599   fprintf(stderr,"Ignore modem status lines    CLOCAL  %d\n", S(t->c_cflag & CLOCAL));
600   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
601   fprintf(stderr,"c_local:\n");
602   fprintf(stderr,"Enable echo                  ECHO    %d\n", S(t->c_lflag & ECHO));
603   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
604   fprintf(stderr,"c_cc:\n");
605   fprintf(stderr,"c_cc[VEOF]                           %d\n", t->c_cc[VEOF]);
606 }
607 #endif