2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2020. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
23%% Script interface
26%% User interface
28	 run_testspec/1,step/3,step/4,refresh_logs/1]).
30%% Misc internal API functions
31-export([variables_file_name/1,script_start1/2,run_test2/1, run_make/3]).
37-define(abs(Name), filename:absname(Name)).
38-define(testdir(Name, Suite), ct_util:get_testdir(Name, Suite)).
44-define(default_verbosity, [{default,?MAX_VERBOSITY},
45			    {'$unspecified',?MAX_VERBOSITY}]).
47-record(opts, {label,
48	       profile,
49	       shell,
50	       cover,
51	       cover_stop,
52	       coverspec,
53	       step,
54	       logdir,
55	       logopts = [],
56	       basic_html,
57	       esc_chars = true,
58	       verbosity = [],
59	       config = [],
60	       event_handlers = [],
61	       ct_hooks = [],
62	       enable_builtin_hooks,
63	       include = [],
64	       auto_compile,
65	       abort_if_missing_suites,
66	       silent_connections = [],
67	       stylesheet,
68	       multiply_timetraps,
69	       scale_timetraps,
70	       create_priv_dir,
71	       testspec_files = [],
72	       current_testspec,
73	       tests,
74	       starter}).
76script_start() ->
77    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
78    Init = init:get_arguments(),
79    CtArgs = lists:takewhile(fun({ct_erl_args,_}) -> false;
80				(_) -> true end, Init),
82    %% convert relative dirs added with pa or pz (pre erl_args on
83    %% the ct_run command line) to absolute so that app modules
84    %% can be found even after CT changes CWD to logdir
85    rel_to_abs(CtArgs),
87    Args =
88	case application:get_env(common_test, run_test_start_opts) of
89	    {ok,EnvStartOpts} ->
90		FlagFilter = fun(Flags) ->
91				     lists:filter(fun({root,_}) -> false;
92						     ({progname,_}) -> false;
93						     ({home,_}) -> false;
94						     ({noshell,_}) -> false;
95						     ({noinput,_}) -> false;
96						     (_) -> true
97						  end, Flags)
98			     end,
99		%% used for purpose of testing the run_test interface
100		io:format(user, "~n-------------------- START ARGS "
101			  "--------------------~n", []),
102		io:format(user, "--- Init args:~n~tp~n", [FlagFilter(Init)]),
103		io:format(user, "--- CT args:~n~tp~n", [FlagFilter(CtArgs)]),
104		EnvArgs = opts2args(EnvStartOpts),
105		io:format(user, "--- Env opts -> args:~n~tp~n   =>~n~tp~n",
106			  [EnvStartOpts,EnvArgs]),
107		Merged = merge_arguments(CtArgs ++ EnvArgs),
108		io:format(user, "--- Merged args:~n~tp~n", [FlagFilter(Merged)]),
109		io:format(user, "-----------------------------------"
110			  "-----------------~n~n", []),
111		Merged;
112	    _ ->
113		merge_arguments(CtArgs)
114	end,
115    case proplists:get_value(help, Args) of
116	undefined -> script_start(Args);
117	_ -> script_usage()
118    end.
120script_start(Args) ->
121    Tracing = start_trace(Args),
122    case ct_repeat:loop_test(script, Args) of
123	false ->
124	    {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
125	    CTVsn =
126		case filename:basename(code:lib_dir(common_test)) of
127		    CTBase when is_list(CTBase) ->
128			case string:lexemes(CTBase, "-") of
129			    ["common_test",Vsn] -> " v"++Vsn;
130			    _ -> ""
131			end
132		end,
133	    io:format("~nCommon Test~s starting (cwd is ~ts)~n~n",
134	              [CTVsn,Cwd]),
135	    Self = self(),
136	    Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> script_start1(Self, Args) end),
137	    receive
138		{'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
139		    case Reason of
140			{user_error,What} ->
141			    io:format("\nTest run failed!\nReason: ~tp\n\n\n",
142                                      [What]),
143			    finish(Tracing, ?EXIT_STATUS_TEST_RUN_FAILED, Args);
144			_ ->
145			    io:format("Test run crashed! "
146                                      "This could be an internal error "
147				      "- please report!\n\n"
148				      "~tp\n\n\n", [Reason]),
149			    finish(Tracing, ?EXIT_STATUS_TEST_RUN_FAILED, Args)
150		    end;
151		{Pid,{error,Reason}} ->
152		    io:format("\nTest run failed! Reason:\n~tp\n\n\n",[Reason]),
153		    finish(Tracing, ?EXIT_STATUS_TEST_RUN_FAILED, Args);
154		{Pid,Result} ->
155		    io:nl(),
156		    finish(Tracing, analyze_test_result(Result, Args), Args)
157	    end;
158	{error,_LoopReason} ->
159	    finish(Tracing, ?EXIT_STATUS_TEST_RUN_FAILED, Args);
160	Result ->
161	    io:nl(),
162	    finish(Tracing, analyze_test_result(Result, Args), Args)
163    end.
165%% analyze the result of one test run, or many (in case of looped test)
166analyze_test_result(ok, _) ->
168analyze_test_result({error,_Reason}, _) ->
170analyze_test_result({_Ok,Failed,{_UserSkipped,AutoSkipped}}, Args) ->
171    if Failed > 0 ->
173       true ->
174	    case AutoSkipped of
175		0 ->
177		_ ->
178		    case get_start_opt(exit_status,
179				       fun([ExitOpt]) -> ExitOpt end,
180				       Args) of
181			undefined ->
183			"ignore_config" ->
185		    end
186	    end
187    end;
188analyze_test_result([Result|Rs], Args) ->
189    case analyze_test_result(Result, Args) of
191	    analyze_test_result(Rs, Args);
192	Other ->
193	    Other
194    end;
195analyze_test_result([], _) ->
197analyze_test_result(interactive_mode, _) ->
198    interactive_mode;
199analyze_test_result(Unknown, _) ->
200    io:format("\nTest run failed! Reason:\n~tp\n\n\n",[Unknown]),
203finish(Tracing, ExitStatus, Args) ->
204    stop_trace(Tracing),
205    timer:sleep(1000),
206    if ExitStatus == interactive_mode ->
207	    interactive_mode;
208       true ->
209            %% it's possible to tell CT to finish execution with a call
210            %% to a different function than the normal halt/1 BIF
211            %% (meant to be used mainly for reading the CT exit status)
212            case get_start_opt(halt_with,
213                               fun([HaltMod,HaltFunc]) ->
214                                       {list_to_atom(HaltMod),
215                                        list_to_atom(HaltFunc)} end,
216                               Args) of
217                undefined ->
218                    halt(ExitStatus);
219                {M,F} ->
220                    apply(M, F, [ExitStatus])
221            end
222    end.
224script_start1(Parent, Args) ->
225    %% tag this process
226    ct_util:mark_process(),
227    %% read general start flags
228    Label = get_start_opt(label, fun([Lbl]) -> Lbl end, Args),
229    Profile = get_start_opt(profile, fun([Prof]) -> Prof end, Args),
230    Shell = get_start_opt(shell, true, Args),
231    Cover = get_start_opt(cover, fun([CoverFile]) -> ?abs(CoverFile) end, Args),
232    CoverStop = get_start_opt(cover_stop,
233			      fun([CS]) -> list_to_atom(CS) end, Args),
234    LogDir = get_start_opt(logdir, fun([LogD]) -> LogD end, Args),
235    LogOpts = get_start_opt(logopts,
236			    fun(Os) -> [list_to_atom(O) || O <- Os] end,
237			    [], Args),
238    Verbosity = verbosity_args2opts(Args),
239    MultTT = get_start_opt(multiply_timetraps,
240			   fun([MT]) -> list_to_integer(MT) end, Args),
241    ScaleTT = get_start_opt(scale_timetraps,
242			    fun([CT]) -> list_to_atom(CT);
243			       ([]) -> true
244			    end, Args),
245    CreatePrivDir = get_start_opt(create_priv_dir,
246				  fun([PD]) -> list_to_atom(PD);
247				     ([]) -> auto_per_tc
248				  end, Args),
249    EvHandlers = event_handler_args2opts(Args),
250    CTHooks = ct_hooks_args2opts(Args),
251    EnableBuiltinHooks = get_start_opt(enable_builtin_hooks,
252				       fun([CT]) -> list_to_atom(CT);
253					  ([]) -> undefined
254				       end, undefined, Args),
256    %% check flags and set corresponding application env variables
258    %% ct_decrypt_key | ct_decrypt_file
259    case proplists:get_value(ct_decrypt_key, Args) of
260	[DecryptKey] ->
261	    application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, {key,DecryptKey});
262	undefined ->
263	    case proplists:get_value(ct_decrypt_file, Args) of
264		[DecryptFile] ->
265		    application:set_env(common_test, decrypt,
266					{file,?abs(DecryptFile)});
267		undefined ->
268		    application:unset_env(common_test, decrypt)
269	    end
270    end,
271    %% no_auto_compile + include
272    {AutoCompile,IncludeDirs} =
273	case proplists:get_value(no_auto_compile, Args) of
274	    undefined ->
275		application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, true),
276		InclDirs =
277		    case proplists:get_value(include, Args) of
278			Incls when is_list(hd(Incls)) ->
279			    [filename:absname(IDir) || IDir <- Incls];
280			Incl when is_list(Incl) ->
281			    [filename:absname(Incl)];
282			undefined ->
283			    []
284		    end,
285		case os:getenv("CT_INCLUDE_PATH") of
286		    false ->
287			application:set_env(common_test, include, InclDirs),
288			{undefined,InclDirs};
289		    CtInclPath ->
290			AllInclDirs =
291			    string:lexemes(CtInclPath,[$:,$ ,$,]) ++ InclDirs,
292			application:set_env(common_test, include, AllInclDirs),
293			{undefined,AllInclDirs}
294		end;
295	    _ ->
296		application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, false),
297		{false,[]}
298	end,
300    %% abort test run if some suites can't be compiled
301    AbortIfMissing = get_start_opt(abort_if_missing_suites,
302				   fun([]) -> true;
303				      ([Bool]) -> list_to_atom(Bool)
304				   end, false, Args),
305    %% silent connections
306    SilentConns =
307	get_start_opt(silent_connections,
308		      fun(["all"]) -> [all];
309			 (Conns) -> [list_to_atom(Conn) || Conn <- Conns]
310		      end, [], Args),
311    %% stylesheet
312    Stylesheet = get_start_opt(stylesheet,
313			       fun([SS]) -> ?abs(SS) end, Args),
314    %% basic_html - used by ct_logs
315    BasicHtml = case proplists:get_value(basic_html, Args) of
316		    undefined ->
317			application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, false),
318			undefined;
319		    _ ->
320			application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, true),
321			true
322		end,
323    %% esc_chars - used by ct_logs
324    EscChars = case proplists:get_value(no_esc_chars, Args) of
325		   undefined ->
326		       application:set_env(common_test, esc_chars, true),
327		       undefined;
328		   _ ->
329		       application:set_env(common_test, esc_chars, false),
330		       false
331	       end,
332    %% disable_log_cache - used by ct_logs
333    case proplists:get_value(disable_log_cache, Args) of
334	undefined ->
335	    application:set_env(common_test, disable_log_cache, false);
336	_ ->
337	    application:set_env(common_test, disable_log_cache, true)
338    end,
339    %% log_cleanup - used by ct_logs
340    KeepLogs = get_start_opt(keep_logs,
341                             fun ct_logs:parse_keep_logs/1,
342                             all,
343                             Args),
344    application:set_env(common_test, keep_logs, KeepLogs),
346    Opts = #opts{label = Label, profile = Profile,
347		 shell = Shell,
348		 cover = Cover, cover_stop = CoverStop,
349		 logdir = LogDir, logopts = LogOpts,
350		 basic_html = BasicHtml,
351		 esc_chars = EscChars,
352		 verbosity = Verbosity,
353		 event_handlers = EvHandlers,
354		 ct_hooks = CTHooks,
355		 enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks,
356		 auto_compile = AutoCompile,
357		 abort_if_missing_suites = AbortIfMissing,
358		 include = IncludeDirs,
359		 silent_connections = SilentConns,
360		 stylesheet = Stylesheet,
361		 multiply_timetraps = MultTT,
362		 scale_timetraps = ScaleTT,
363		 create_priv_dir = CreatePrivDir,
364		 starter = script},
366    %% check if log files should be refreshed or go on to run tests...
367    Result = run_or_refresh(Opts, Args),
369    %% send final results to starting process waiting in script_start/0
370    Parent ! {self(), Result}.
372run_or_refresh(Opts = #opts{logdir = LogDir}, Args) ->
373    case proplists:get_value(refresh_logs, Args) of
374	undefined ->
375	    script_start2(Opts, Args);
376	Refresh ->
377	    LogDir1 = case Refresh of
378			  [] -> which(logdir,LogDir);
379			  [RefreshDir] -> ?abs(RefreshDir)
380		      end,
381	    {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
382	    ok = file:set_cwd(LogDir1),
383	    %% give the shell time to print version etc
384	    timer:sleep(500),
385	    io:nl(),
386	    case catch ct_logs:make_all_runs_index(refresh) of
387		{'EXIT',ARReason} ->
388		    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
389		    {error,{all_runs_index,ARReason}};
390		_ ->
391		    case catch ct_logs:make_all_suites_index(refresh) of
392			{'EXIT',ASReason} ->
393			    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
394			    {error,{all_suites_index,ASReason}};
395			_ ->
396			    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
397			    io:format("Logs in ~ts refreshed!~n~n",
398				      [LogDir1]),
399			    timer:sleep(500), % time to flush io before quitting
400			    ok
401		    end
402	    end
403    end.
405script_start2(Opts = #opts{shell = undefined}, Args) ->
406    case proplists:get_value(spec, Args) of
407	Specs when Specs =/= [], Specs =/= undefined ->
408	    Specs1 = get_start_opt(join_specs, [Specs], Specs, Args),
409	    %% using testspec as input for test
410	    Relaxed = get_start_opt(allow_user_terms, true, false, Args),
411	    try ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_file(Specs1, Relaxed) of
412                TestSpecData ->
413		    execute_all_specs(TestSpecData, Opts, Args, [])
414            catch
415                throw:{error,Reason}:StackTrace ->
416		    {error,{invalid_testspec,{Reason,StackTrace}}};
417                _:Reason:StackTrace ->
418		    {error,{invalid_testspec,{Reason,StackTrace}}}
419            end;
420	[] ->
421	    {error,no_testspec_specified};
422	_ ->	    % no testspec used
423	    %% read config/userconfig from start flags
424	    InitConfig = ct_config:prepare_config_list(Args),
425	    TheLogDir = which(logdir, Opts#opts.logdir),
426	    case check_and_install_configfiles(InitConfig,
427					       TheLogDir,
428					       Opts) of
429		ok ->      % go on read tests from start flags
430		    script_start3(Opts#opts{config=InitConfig,
431					    logdir=TheLogDir}, Args);
432		Error ->
433		    Error
434	    end
435    end;
437script_start2(Opts, Args) ->
438    %% read config/userconfig from start flags
439    InitConfig = ct_config:prepare_config_list(Args),
440    LogDir = which(logdir, Opts#opts.logdir),
441    case check_and_install_configfiles(InitConfig, LogDir, Opts) of
442	ok ->      % go on read tests from start flags
443	    script_start3(Opts#opts{config=InitConfig,
444				    logdir=LogDir}, Args);
445	Error ->
446	    Error
447    end.
449execute_all_specs([], _, _, Result) ->
450    Result1 = lists:reverse(Result),
451    case lists:keysearch('EXIT', 1, Result1) of
452	{value,{_,_,ExitReason}} ->
453	    exit(ExitReason);
454	false ->
455	    case lists:keysearch(error, 1, Result1) of
456		{value,Error} ->
457		    Error;
458		false ->
459		    lists:foldl(fun({Ok,Fail,{UserSkip,AutoSkip}},
460				    {Ok1,Fail1,{UserSkip1,AutoSkip1}}) ->
461					{Ok1+Ok,Fail1+Fail,
462					 {UserSkip1+UserSkip,
463					  AutoSkip1+AutoSkip}}
464				end, {0,0,{0,0}}, Result1)
465	    end
466    end;
468execute_all_specs([{Specs,TS} | TSs], Opts, Args, Result) ->
469    CombinedOpts = combine_test_opts(TS, Specs, Opts),
470    try execute_one_spec(TS, CombinedOpts, Args) of
471	ExecResult ->
472	    execute_all_specs(TSs, Opts, Args, [ExecResult|Result])
473    catch
474	_ : ExitReason ->
475	    execute_all_specs(TSs, Opts, Args,
476			      [{'EXIT',self(),ExitReason}|Result])
477    end.
479execute_one_spec(TS, Opts, Args) ->
480    %% read config/userconfig from start flags
481    InitConfig = ct_config:prepare_config_list(Args),
482    TheLogDir = which(logdir, Opts#opts.logdir),
483    %% merge config from start flags with config from testspec
484    AllConfig = merge_vals([InitConfig, Opts#opts.config]),
485    case check_and_install_configfiles(AllConfig, TheLogDir, Opts) of
486	ok ->      % read tests from spec
487	    {Run,Skip} = ct_testspec:prepare_tests(TS, node()),
488	    Result = do_run(Run, Skip, Opts#opts{config=AllConfig,
489						 logdir=TheLogDir,
490						 current_testspec=TS}, Args),
491	    ct_util:delete_testdata(testspec),
492	    Result;
493	Error ->
494	    Error
495    end.
497combine_test_opts(TS, Specs, Opts) ->
498    TSOpts = get_data_for_node(TS, node()),
500    Label = choose_val(Opts#opts.label,
501		       TSOpts#opts.label),
503    Profile = choose_val(Opts#opts.profile,
504			 TSOpts#opts.profile),
506    LogDir = choose_val(Opts#opts.logdir,
507			TSOpts#opts.logdir),
509    AllLogOpts = merge_vals([Opts#opts.logopts,
510			     TSOpts#opts.logopts]),
511    AllVerbosity =
512	merge_keyvals([Opts#opts.verbosity,
513		       TSOpts#opts.verbosity]),
514    AllSilentConns =
515	merge_vals([Opts#opts.silent_connections,
516		    TSOpts#opts.silent_connections]),
517    Cover =
518	choose_val(Opts#opts.cover,
519		   TSOpts#opts.cover),
520    CoverStop =
521	choose_val(Opts#opts.cover_stop,
522		   TSOpts#opts.cover_stop),
523    MultTT =
524	choose_val(Opts#opts.multiply_timetraps,
525		   TSOpts#opts.multiply_timetraps),
526    ScaleTT =
527	choose_val(Opts#opts.scale_timetraps,
528		   TSOpts#opts.scale_timetraps),
530    CreatePrivDir =
531	choose_val(Opts#opts.create_priv_dir,
532		   TSOpts#opts.create_priv_dir),
534    AllEvHs =
535	merge_vals([Opts#opts.event_handlers,
536		    TSOpts#opts.event_handlers]),
538    AllCTHooks = merge_vals(
539		   [Opts#opts.ct_hooks,
540		    TSOpts#opts.ct_hooks]),
542    EnableBuiltinHooks =
543	choose_val(
544	  Opts#opts.enable_builtin_hooks,
545	  TSOpts#opts.enable_builtin_hooks),
547    Stylesheet =
548	choose_val(Opts#opts.stylesheet,
549		   TSOpts#opts.stylesheet),
551    AllInclude = merge_vals([Opts#opts.include,
552			     TSOpts#opts.include]),
553    application:set_env(common_test, include, AllInclude),
555    AutoCompile =
556	case choose_val(Opts#opts.auto_compile,
557			TSOpts#opts.auto_compile) of
558	    undefined ->
559		true;
560	    ACBool ->
561		application:set_env(common_test,
562				    auto_compile,
563				    ACBool),
564		ACBool
565	end,
567    AbortIfMissing = choose_val(Opts#opts.abort_if_missing_suites,
568				TSOpts#opts.abort_if_missing_suites),
570    BasicHtml =
571	case choose_val(Opts#opts.basic_html,
572			TSOpts#opts.basic_html) of
573	    undefined ->
574		false;
575	    BHBool ->
576		application:set_env(common_test, basic_html,
577				    BHBool),
578		BHBool
579	end,
581    EscChars =
582	case choose_val(Opts#opts.esc_chars,
583			TSOpts#opts.esc_chars) of
584	    undefined ->
585		true;
586	    ECBool ->
587		application:set_env(common_test, esc_chars,
588				    ECBool),
589		ECBool
590	end,
592    Opts#opts{label = Label,
593	      profile = Profile,
594	      testspec_files = Specs,
595	      cover = Cover,
596	      cover_stop = CoverStop,
597	      logdir = which(logdir, LogDir),
598	      logopts = AllLogOpts,
599	      basic_html = BasicHtml,
600	      esc_chars = EscChars,
601	      verbosity = AllVerbosity,
602	      silent_connections = AllSilentConns,
603	      config = TSOpts#opts.config,
604	      event_handlers = AllEvHs,
605	      ct_hooks = AllCTHooks,
606	      enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks,
607	      stylesheet = Stylesheet,
608	      auto_compile = AutoCompile,
609	      abort_if_missing_suites = AbortIfMissing,
610	      include = AllInclude,
611	      multiply_timetraps = MultTT,
612	      scale_timetraps = ScaleTT,
613	      create_priv_dir = CreatePrivDir}.
616  Configs, LogDir, #opts{
617	     event_handlers = EvHandlers,
618	     ct_hooks = CTHooks,
619	     enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks} ) ->
620    case ct_config:check_config_files(Configs) of
621	false ->
622	    install([{config,Configs},
623		     {event_handler,EvHandlers},
624		     {ct_hooks,CTHooks},
625		     {enable_builtin_hooks,EnableBuiltinHooks}], LogDir);
626	{value,{error,{nofile,File}}} ->
627	    {error,{cant_read_config_file,File}};
628	{value,{error,{wrong_config,Message}}}->
629	    {error,{wrong_config,Message}};
630	{value,{error,{callback,Info}}} ->
631	    {error,{cant_load_callback_module,Info}}
632    end.
634script_start3(Opts, Args) ->
635    Opts1 = get_start_opt(step,
636			  fun(Step) ->
637				  Opts#opts{step = Step,
638					    cover = undefined}
639			  end, Opts, Args),
640    case {proplists:get_value(dir, Args),
641	  proplists:get_value(suite, Args),
642	  groups_and_cases(proplists:get_value(group, Args),
643			   proplists:get_value(testcase, Args))} of
644	%% flag specified without data
645	{_,_,Error={error,_}} ->
646	    Error;
647	{_,[],_} ->
648	    {error,no_suite_specified};
649	{[],_,_} ->
650	    {error,no_dir_specified};
652	{Dirs,undefined,[]} when is_list(Dirs) ->
653	    script_start4(Opts#opts{tests = tests(Dirs)}, Args);
655	{undefined,Suites,[]} when is_list(Suites) ->
656	    Ts = tests([suite_to_test(S) || S <- Suites]),
657	    script_start4(Opts1#opts{tests = Ts}, Args);
659	{undefined,Suite,GsAndCs} when is_list(Suite) ->
660	    case [suite_to_test(S) || S <- Suite] of
661		DirMods = [_] ->
662		    Ts = tests(DirMods, GsAndCs),
663		    script_start4(Opts1#opts{tests = Ts}, Args);
664		[_,_|_] ->
665		    {error,multiple_suites_and_cases};
666		_ ->
667		    {error,incorrect_start_options}
668	    end;
670	{[_,_|_],Suite,[]} when is_list(Suite) ->
671	    {error,multiple_dirs_and_suites};
673	{[Dir],Suite,GsAndCs} when is_list(Dir), is_list(Suite) ->
674	    case [suite_to_test(Dir,S) || S <- Suite] of
675		DirMods when GsAndCs == [] ->
676		    Ts = tests(DirMods),
677		    script_start4(Opts1#opts{tests = Ts}, Args);
678		DirMods = [_] when GsAndCs /= [] ->
679		    Ts = tests(DirMods, GsAndCs),
680		    script_start4(Opts1#opts{tests = Ts}, Args);
681		[_,_|_] when GsAndCs /= [] ->
682		    {error,multiple_suites_and_cases};
683		_ ->
684		    {error,incorrect_start_options}
685	    end;
687	{undefined,undefined,GsAndCs} when GsAndCs /= [] ->
688	    {error,incorrect_start_options};
690	{undefined,undefined,_} ->
691	    if Opts#opts.shell ->
692		    script_start4(Opts#opts{tests = []}, Args);
693	       true ->
694		    %% no start options, use default "-dir ./"
695		    {ok,Dir} = file:get_cwd(),
696		    io:format("ct_run -dir ~ts~n~n", [Dir]),
697		    script_start4(Opts#opts{tests = tests([Dir])}, Args)
698	    end
699    end.
701script_start4(#opts{label = Label, profile = Profile,
702		    shell = true, config = Config,
703		    event_handlers = EvHandlers,
704		    ct_hooks = CTHooks,
705		    logopts = LogOpts,
706		    verbosity = Verbosity,
707		    enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks,
708		    logdir = LogDir, testspec_files = Specs}, _Args) ->
710    %% label - used by ct_logs
711    application:set_env(common_test, test_label, Label),
713    %% profile - used in ct_util
714    application:set_env(common_test, profile, Profile),
716    if Config == [] ->
717	    ok;
718       true ->
719	    io:format("\nInstalling: ~tp\n\n", [Config])
720    end,
721    case install([{config,Config},{event_handler,EvHandlers},
722		  {ct_hooks, CTHooks},
723		  {enable_builtin_hooks,EnableBuiltinHooks}]) of
724	ok ->
725	    _ = ct_util:start(interactive, LogDir,
726			      add_verbosity_defaults(Verbosity)),
727	    ct_util:set_testdata({logopts, LogOpts}),
728	    log_ts_names(Specs),
729	    io:nl(),
730	    interactive_mode;
731	Error ->
732	    Error
733    end;
734script_start4(Opts = #opts{tests = Tests}, Args) ->
735    do_run(Tests, [], Opts, Args).
737script_usage() ->
738    io:format("\nUsage:\n\n"),
739    io:format("Run tests from command line:\n\n"
740	      "\tct_run -dir TestDir1 TestDir2 .. TestDirN |"
741	      "\n\t  [-dir TestDir] -suite Suite1 Suite2 .. SuiteN"
742	      "\n\t   [-group Group1 Group2 .. GroupN] [-case Case1 Case2 .. CaseN]"
743	      "\n\t [-step [config | keep_inactive]]"
744	      "\n\t [-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]"
745	      "\n\t [-userconfig CallbackModule ConfigFile1 .. ConfigFileN]"
746	      "\n\t [-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]"
747	      "\n\t [-logdir LogDir]"
748	      "\n\t [-logopts LogOpt1 LogOpt2 .. LogOptN]"
749	      "\n\t [-verbosity GenVLvl | [CategoryVLvl1 .. CategoryVLvlN]]"
750	      "\n\t [-silent_connections [ConnType1 ConnType2 .. ConnTypeN]]"
751	      "\n\t [-stylesheet CSSFile]"
752	      "\n\t [-cover CoverCfgFile]"
753	      "\n\t [-cover_stop Bool]"
754	      "\n\t [-event_handler EvHandler1 EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]"
755	      "\n\t [-ct_hooks CTHook1 CTHook2 .. CTHookN]"
756	      "\n\t [-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]"
757	      "\n\t [-no_auto_compile]"
758	      "\n\t [-abort_if_missing_suites]"
759	      "\n\t [-multiply_timetraps N]"
760	      "\n\t [-scale_timetraps]"
761	      "\n\t [-create_priv_dir auto_per_run | auto_per_tc | manual_per_tc]"
762	      "\n\t [-basic_html]"
763	      "\n\t [-no_esc_chars]"
764	      "\n\t [-repeat N] |"
765	      "\n\t [-duration HHMMSS [-force_stop [skip_rest]]] |"
766	      "\n\t [-until [YYMoMoDD]HHMMSS [-force_stop [skip_rest]]]"
767	      "\n\t [-exit_status ignore_config]"
768	      "\n\t [-help]\n\n"),
769    io:format("Run tests using test specification:\n\n"
770	      "\tct_run -spec TestSpec1 TestSpec2 .. TestSpecN"
771	      "\n\t [-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]"
772	      "\n\t [-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]"
773	      "\n\t [-logdir LogDir]"
774	      "\n\t [-logopts LogOpt1 LogOpt2 .. LogOptN]"
775	      "\n\t [-verbosity GenVLvl | [CategoryVLvl1 .. CategoryVLvlN]]"
776	      "\n\t [-allow_user_terms]"
777	      "\n\t [-join_specs]"
778	      "\n\t [-silent_connections [ConnType1 ConnType2 .. ConnTypeN]]"
779	      "\n\t [-stylesheet CSSFile]"
780	      "\n\t [-cover CoverCfgFile]"
781	      "\n\t [-cover_stop Bool]"
782	      "\n\t [-event_handler EvHandler1 EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]"
783	      "\n\t [-ct_hooks CTHook1 CTHook2 .. CTHookN]"
784	      "\n\t [-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]"
785	      "\n\t [-no_auto_compile]"
786	      "\n\t [-abort_if_missing_suites]"
787	      "\n\t [-multiply_timetraps N]"
788	      "\n\t [-scale_timetraps]"
789	      "\n\t [-create_priv_dir auto_per_run | auto_per_tc | manual_per_tc]"
790	      "\n\t [-basic_html]"
791	      "\n\t [-no_esc_chars]"
792	      "\n\t [-repeat N] |"
793	      "\n\t [-duration HHMMSS [-force_stop [skip_rest]]] |"
794	      "\n\t [-until [YYMoMoDD]HHMMSS [-force_stop [skip_rest]]]\n\n"),
795    io:format("Refresh the HTML index files:\n\n"
796	      "\tct_run -refresh_logs [LogDir]"
797	      " [-logdir LogDir] "
798	      " [-basic_html]\n\n"),
799    io:format("Run CT in interactive mode:\n\n"
800	      "\tct_run -shell"
801	      "\n\t [-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]"
802	      "\n\t [-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]\n\n"),
803    io:format("Run tests in web based GUI:\n\n"
804	      "\n\t [-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]"
805	      "\n\t [-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]"
806	      "\n\t [-dir TestDir1 TestDir2 .. TestDirN] |"
807	      "\n\t [-suite Suite [-case Case]]"
808	      "\n\t [-logopts LogOpt1 LogOpt2 .. LogOptN]"
809	      "\n\t [-verbosity GenVLvl | [CategoryVLvl1 .. CategoryVLvlN]]"
810	      "\n\t [-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]"
811	      "\n\t [-no_auto_compile]"
812	      "\n\t [-abort_if_missing_suites]"
813	      "\n\t [-multiply_timetraps N]"
814	      "\n\t [-scale_timetraps]"
815	      "\n\t [-create_priv_dir auto_per_run | auto_per_tc | manual_per_tc]"
816	      "\n\t [-basic_html]"
817	      "\n\t [-no_esc_chars]\n\n").
819install(Opts) ->
820    install(Opts, ".").
822install(Opts, LogDir) ->
824    ConfOpts = ct_config:add_default_callback(Opts),
826    case application:get_env(common_test, decrypt) of
827	{ok,_} ->
828	    ok;
829	_ ->
830	    case lists:keysearch(decrypt, 1, Opts) of
831		{value,{_,KeyOrFile}} ->
832		    application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, KeyOrFile);
833		false ->
834		    application:unset_env(common_test, decrypt)
835	    end
836    end,
837    case whereis(ct_util_server) of
838	undefined ->
839	    VarFile = variables_file_name(LogDir),
840	    case file:open(VarFile, [write, {encoding,utf8}]) of
841		{ok,Fd} ->
842		    _ = [io:format(Fd, "~tp.\n", [Opt]) || Opt <- ConfOpts],
843		    ok = file:close(Fd);
844		{error,Reason} ->
845		    io:format("CT failed to install configuration data. Please "
846			      "verify that the log directory exists and that "
847			      "write permission is set.\n\n", []),
848		    {error,{VarFile,Reason}}
849	    end;
850	_ ->
851	    io:format("It is not possible to install CT while running "
852		      "in interactive mode.\n"
853		      "To exit this mode, run ct:stop_interactive().\n"
854		      "To enter the interactive mode again, "
855		      "run ct:start_interactive()\n\n", []),
856	    {error,interactive_mode}
857    end.
859variables_file_name(Dir) ->
860    filename:join(Dir, "variables-"++atom_to_list(node())).
862run_test(StartOpt) when is_tuple(StartOpt) ->
863    run_test([StartOpt]);
865run_test(StartOpts) when is_list(StartOpts) ->
866    CTPid = spawn(run_test1_fun(StartOpts)),
867    Ref = monitor(process, CTPid),
868    receive
869	{'DOWN',Ref,process,CTPid,{user_error,Error}} ->
870		    {error,Error};
871	{'DOWN',Ref,process,CTPid,Other} ->
872		    Other
873    end.
875-spec run_test1_fun(_) -> fun(() -> no_return()).
877run_test1_fun(StartOpts) ->
878    fun() ->
879            ct_util:mark_process(),
880            run_test1(StartOpts)
881    end.
883run_test1(StartOpts) when is_list(StartOpts) ->
884    case proplists:get_value(refresh_logs, StartOpts) of
885	undefined ->
886	    Tracing = start_trace(StartOpts),
887	    {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
888	    io:format("~nCommon Test starting (cwd is ~ts)~n~n", [Cwd]),
889	    Res =
890		case ct_repeat:loop_test(func, StartOpts) of
891		    false ->
892			case catch run_test2(StartOpts) of
893			    {'EXIT',Reason} ->
894				ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
895				{error,Reason};
896			    Result ->
897				Result
898			end;
899		    Result ->
900			Result
901		end,
902	    stop_trace(Tracing),
903	    exit(Res);
904	RefreshDir ->
905            %% log_cleanup - used by ct_logs
906            KeepLogs = get_start_opt(keep_logs,
907                                     fun ct_logs:parse_keep_logs/1,
908                                     all,
909                                     StartOpts),
910            application:set_env(common_test, keep_logs, KeepLogs),
911	    ok = refresh_logs(?abs(RefreshDir)),
912	    exit(done)
913    end.
915run_test2(StartOpts) ->
916    %% label
917    Label = get_start_opt(label, fun(Lbl) when is_list(Lbl) -> Lbl;
918				    (Lbl) when is_atom(Lbl) -> atom_to_list(Lbl)
919				 end, StartOpts),
920    %% profile
921    Profile = get_start_opt(profile, fun(Prof) when is_list(Prof) ->
922					     Prof;
923					(Prof) when is_atom(Prof) ->
924					     atom_to_list(Prof)
925				     end, StartOpts),
926    %% logdir
927    LogDir = get_start_opt(logdir, fun(LD) when is_list(LD) -> LD end,
928			   StartOpts),
929    %% logopts
930    LogOpts = get_start_opt(logopts, value, [], StartOpts),
932    %% verbosity
933    Verbosity =
934	get_start_opt(verbosity,
935		      fun(VLvls) when is_list(VLvls) ->
936			      lists:map(fun(VLvl = {_Cat,_Lvl}) ->
937						VLvl;
938					   (Lvl) ->
939						{'$unspecified',Lvl}
940					end, VLvls);
941			 (VLvl) when is_integer(VLvl) ->
942			      [{'$unspecified',VLvl}]
943		      end, [], StartOpts),
945    %% config & userconfig
946    CfgFiles = ct_config:get_config_file_list(StartOpts),
948    %% event handlers
949    EvHandlers =
950	case proplists:get_value(event_handler, StartOpts) of
951	    undefined ->
952		[];
953	    H when is_atom(H) ->
954		[{H,[]}];
955	    H ->
956		Hs =
957		    if is_tuple(H) -> [H];
958		       is_list(H) -> H;
959		       true -> []
960		    end,
961		lists:flatten(
962		  lists:map(fun(EH) when is_atom(EH) ->
963				    {EH,[]};
964			       ({HL,Args}) when is_list(HL) ->
965				    [{EH,Args} || EH <- HL];
966			       ({EH,Args}) when is_atom(EH) ->
967				    {EH,Args};
968			       (_) ->
969				    []
970			    end, Hs))
971	end,
973    %% CT Hooks
974    CTHooks = get_start_opt(ct_hooks, value, [], StartOpts),
975    EnableBuiltinHooks = get_start_opt(enable_builtin_hooks,
976				       fun(EBH) when EBH == true;
977						     EBH == false ->
978					       EBH
979				       end, undefined, StartOpts),
981    %% silent connections
982    SilentConns = get_start_opt(silent_connections,
983				fun(all) -> [all];
984				   (Conns) -> Conns
985				end, [], StartOpts),
986    %% stylesheet
987    Stylesheet = get_start_opt(stylesheet,
988			       fun(SS) -> ?abs(SS) end,
989			       StartOpts),
990    %% code coverage
991    Cover = get_start_opt(cover,
992			  fun(CoverFile) -> ?abs(CoverFile) end, StartOpts),
993    CoverStop = get_start_opt(cover_stop, value, StartOpts),
995    %% timetrap manipulation
996    MultiplyTT = get_start_opt(multiply_timetraps, value, StartOpts),
997    ScaleTT = get_start_opt(scale_timetraps, value, StartOpts),
999    %% create unique priv dir names
1000    CreatePrivDir = get_start_opt(create_priv_dir, value, StartOpts),
1002    %% auto compile & include files
1003    {AutoCompile,Include} =
1004	case proplists:get_value(auto_compile, StartOpts) of
1005	    undefined ->
1006		application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, true),
1007		InclDirs =
1008		    case proplists:get_value(include, StartOpts) of
1009			undefined ->
1010			    [];
1011			Incls when is_list(hd(Incls)) ->
1012			    [filename:absname(IDir) || IDir <- Incls];
1013			Incl when is_list(Incl) ->
1014			    [filename:absname(Incl)]
1015		    end,
1016		case os:getenv("CT_INCLUDE_PATH") of
1017		    false ->
1018			application:set_env(common_test, include, InclDirs),
1019			{undefined,InclDirs};
1020		    CtInclPath ->
1021			InclDirs1 = string:lexemes(CtInclPath, [$:,$ ,$,]),
1022			AllInclDirs = InclDirs1++InclDirs,
1023			application:set_env(common_test, include, AllInclDirs),
1024			{undefined,AllInclDirs}
1025		end;
1026	    ACBool ->
1027		application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, ACBool),
1028		{ACBool,[]}
1029	end,
1031    %% abort test run if some suites can't be compiled
1032    AbortIfMissing = get_start_opt(abort_if_missing_suites, value, false,
1033				   StartOpts),
1035    %% decrypt config file
1036    case proplists:get_value(decrypt, StartOpts) of
1037	undefined ->
1038	    application:unset_env(common_test, decrypt);
1039	Key={key,_} ->
1040	    application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, Key);
1041	{file,KeyFile} ->
1042	    application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, {file,?abs(KeyFile)})
1043    end,
1045    %% basic html - used by ct_logs
1046    BasicHtml =
1047	case proplists:get_value(basic_html, StartOpts) of
1048	    undefined ->
1049		application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, false),
1050		undefined;
1051	    BasicHtmlBool ->
1052		application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, BasicHtmlBool),
1053		BasicHtmlBool
1054    end,
1055    %% esc_chars - used by ct_logs
1056    EscChars =
1057	case proplists:get_value(esc_chars, StartOpts) of
1058	    undefined ->
1059		application:set_env(common_test, esc_chars, true),
1060		undefined;
1061	    EscCharsBool ->
1062		application:set_env(common_test, esc_chars, EscCharsBool),
1063		EscCharsBool
1064    end,
1065    %% disable_log_cache - used by ct_logs
1066    case proplists:get_value(disable_log_cache, StartOpts) of
1067	undefined ->
1068	    application:set_env(common_test, disable_log_cache, false);
1069	DisableCacheBool ->
1070	    application:set_env(common_test, disable_log_cache, DisableCacheBool)
1071    end,
1072    %% log_cleanup - used by ct_logs
1073    KeepLogs = get_start_opt(keep_logs,
1074                             fun ct_logs:parse_keep_logs/1,
1075                             all,
1076                             StartOpts),
1077    application:set_env(common_test, keep_logs, KeepLogs),
1079    %% stepped execution
1080    Step = get_start_opt(step, value, StartOpts),
1082    Opts = #opts{label = Label, profile = Profile,
1083		 cover = Cover, cover_stop = CoverStop,
1084		 step = Step, logdir = LogDir,
1085		 logopts = LogOpts, basic_html = BasicHtml,
1086		 esc_chars = EscChars,
1087		 config = CfgFiles,
1088		 verbosity = Verbosity,
1089		 event_handlers = EvHandlers,
1090		 ct_hooks = CTHooks,
1091		 enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks,
1092		 auto_compile = AutoCompile,
1093		 abort_if_missing_suites = AbortIfMissing,
1094		 include = Include,
1095		 silent_connections = SilentConns,
1096		 stylesheet = Stylesheet,
1097		 multiply_timetraps = MultiplyTT,
1098		 scale_timetraps = ScaleTT,
1099		 create_priv_dir = CreatePrivDir,
1100		 starter = ct},
1102    %% test specification
1103    case proplists:get_value(spec, StartOpts) of
1104	undefined ->
1105	    case lists:keysearch(prepared_tests, 1, StartOpts) of
1106		{value,{_,{Run,Skip},Specs}} ->	% use prepared tests
1107		    run_prepared(Run, Skip, Opts#opts{testspec_files = Specs},
1108				 StartOpts);
1109		false ->
1110		    run_dir(Opts, StartOpts)
1111	    end;
1112	Specs ->
1113	    Relaxed = get_start_opt(allow_user_terms, value, false, StartOpts),
1114	    %% using testspec(s) as input for test
1115	    run_spec_file(Relaxed, Opts#opts{testspec_files = Specs}, StartOpts)
1116    end.
1119	      Opts = #opts{testspec_files = Specs},
1120	      StartOpts) ->
1121    Specs1 = case Specs of
1122		 [X|_] when is_integer(X) -> [Specs];
1123		 _ -> Specs
1124	     end,
1125    AbsSpecs = lists:map(fun(SF) -> ?abs(SF) end, Specs1),
1126    AbsSpecs1 = get_start_opt(join_specs, [AbsSpecs], AbsSpecs, StartOpts),
1127    try ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_file(AbsSpecs1, Relaxed) of
1128	TestSpecData ->
1129	    run_all_specs(TestSpecData, Opts, StartOpts, [])
1130    catch
1131	throw:{error,CTReason}:StackTrace ->
1132	    exit({error,{invalid_testspec,{CTReason,StackTrace}}});
1133	_:CTReason:StackTrace ->
1134	    exit({error,{invalid_testspec,{CTReason,StackTrace}}})
1135    end.
1137run_all_specs([], _, _, TotResult) ->
1138    TotResult1 = lists:reverse(TotResult),
1139    case lists:keysearch('EXIT', 1, TotResult1) of
1140	{value,{_,_,ExitReason}} ->
1141	    exit(ExitReason);
1142	false ->
1143	    case lists:keysearch(error, 1, TotResult1) of
1144		{value,Error} ->
1145		    Error;
1146		false ->
1147		    lists:foldl(fun({Ok,Fail,{UserSkip,AutoSkip}},
1148				    {Ok1,Fail1,{UserSkip1,AutoSkip1}}) ->
1149					{Ok1+Ok,Fail1+Fail,
1150					 {UserSkip1+UserSkip,
1151					  AutoSkip1+AutoSkip}}
1152				end, {0,0,{0,0}}, TotResult1)
1153	    end
1154    end;
1156run_all_specs([{Specs,TS} | TSs], Opts, StartOpts, TotResult) ->
1157    Combined = #opts{config = TSConfig} = combine_test_opts(TS, Specs, Opts),
1158    AllConfig = merge_vals([Opts#opts.config, TSConfig]),
1159    try run_one_spec(TS,
1160		     Combined#opts{config = AllConfig,
1161				   current_testspec=TS},
1162		     StartOpts) of
1163	Result ->
1164	    run_all_specs(TSs, Opts, StartOpts, [Result | TotResult])
1165    catch
1166	_ : Reason ->
1167	    run_all_specs(TSs, Opts, StartOpts, [{error,Reason} | TotResult])
1168    end.
1170run_one_spec(TS, CombinedOpts, StartOpts) ->
1171    #opts{logdir = Logdir, config = Config} = CombinedOpts,
1172    case check_and_install_configfiles(Config, Logdir, CombinedOpts) of
1173	ok ->
1174	    {Run,Skip} = ct_testspec:prepare_tests(TS, node()),
1175	    reformat_result(catch do_run(Run, Skip, CombinedOpts, StartOpts));
1176	Error ->
1177	    Error
1178    end.
1180run_prepared(Run, Skip, Opts = #opts{logdir = LogDir,
1181				     config = CfgFiles},
1182	     StartOpts) ->
1183    LogDir1 = which(logdir, LogDir),
1184    case check_and_install_configfiles(CfgFiles, LogDir1, Opts) of
1185	ok ->
1186	    reformat_result(catch do_run(Run, Skip, Opts#opts{logdir = LogDir1},
1187					 StartOpts));
1188	{error,_Reason} = Error ->
1189	    exit(Error)
1190    end.
1192check_config_file(Callback, File)->
1193    case code:is_loaded(Callback) of
1194	false ->
1195	    case code:load_file(Callback) of
1196		{module,_} -> ok;
1197		{error,Why} -> exit({error,{cant_load_callback_module,Why}})
1198	    end;
1199	_ ->
1200	    ok
1201    end,
1202    case Callback:check_parameter(File) of
1203	{ok,{file,File}}->
1204	    ?abs(File);
1205	{ok,{config,_}}->
1206	    File;
1207	{error,{wrong_config,Message}}->
1208	    exit({error,{wrong_config,{Callback,Message}}});
1209	{error,{nofile,File}}->
1210	    exit({error,{no_such_file,?abs(File)}})
1211    end.
1213run_dir(Opts = #opts{logdir = LogDir,
1214		     config = CfgFiles,
1215		     event_handlers = EvHandlers,
1216		     ct_hooks = CTHook,
1217		     enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks},
1218	StartOpts) ->
1219    LogDir1 = which(logdir, LogDir),
1220    Opts1 = Opts#opts{logdir = LogDir1},
1221    AbsCfgFiles =
1222	lists:map(fun({Callback,FileList})->
1223			  case code:is_loaded(Callback) of
1224			      {file,_Path}->
1225				  ok;
1226			      false ->
1227				  case code:load_file(Callback) of
1228				      {module,Callback}->
1229					  ok;
1230				      {error,_}->
1231					  exit({error,{no_such_module,
1232						       Callback}})
1233				  end
1234			  end,
1235			  {Callback,
1236			   lists:map(fun(File)->
1237					     check_config_file(Callback, File)
1238				     end, FileList)}
1239		  end, CfgFiles),
1240    case install([{config,AbsCfgFiles},
1241		  {event_handler,EvHandlers},
1242		  {ct_hooks, CTHook},
1243		  {enable_builtin_hooks,EnableBuiltinHooks}], LogDir1) of
1244	ok -> ok;
1245	{error,_IReason} = IError -> exit(IError)
1246    end,
1247    case {proplists:get_value(dir, StartOpts),
1248	  proplists:get_value(suite, StartOpts),
1249	  groups_and_cases(proplists:get_value(group, StartOpts),
1250			   proplists:get_value(testcase, StartOpts))} of
1251	%% flag specified without data
1252	{_,_,Error={error,_}} ->
1253	    Error;
1254	{_,[],_} ->
1255	    {error,no_suite_specified};
1256	{[],_,_} ->
1257	    {error,no_dir_specified};
1259	{Dirs=[Hd|_],undefined,[]} when is_list(Dirs), not is_integer(Hd) ->
1260	    Dirs1 = [if is_atom(D) -> atom_to_list(D);
1261			true -> D end || D <- Dirs],
1262	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dirs1), [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1264	{Dir=[Hd|_],undefined,[]} when is_list(Dir) and is_integer(Hd) ->
1265	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir), [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1267	{Dir,undefined,[]} when is_atom(Dir) and (Dir /= undefined) ->
1268	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(atom_to_list(Dir)),
1269					 [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1271	{undefined,Suites=[Hd|_],[]} when not is_integer(Hd) ->
1272	    Suites1 = [suite_to_test(S) || S <- Suites],
1273	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Suites1), [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1275	{undefined,Suite,[]} when is_atom(Suite) and
1276				  (Suite /= undefined) ->
1277	    {Dir,Mod} = suite_to_test(Suite),
1278	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir, Mod), [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1280	{undefined,Suite,GsAndCs} when is_atom(Suite) and
1281				       (Suite /= undefined) ->
1282	    {Dir,Mod} = suite_to_test(Suite),
1283	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir, Mod, GsAndCs),
1284					 [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1286	{undefined,[Hd,_|_],_GsAndCs} when not is_integer(Hd) ->
1287	    exit({error,multiple_suites_and_cases});
1289	{undefined,Suite=[Hd|Tl],GsAndCs} when is_integer(Hd) ;
1290					       (is_list(Hd) and	(Tl == [])) ;
1291					       (is_atom(Hd) and	(Tl == [])) ->
1292	    {Dir,Mod} = suite_to_test(Suite),
1293	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir, Mod, GsAndCs),
1294					 [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1296	{[Hd,_|_],_Suites,[]} when is_list(Hd) ; not is_integer(Hd) ->
1297	    exit({error,multiple_dirs_and_suites});
1299	{undefined,undefined,GsAndCs} when GsAndCs /= [] ->
1300	    exit({error,incorrect_start_options});
1302	{Dir,Suite,GsAndCs} when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ;
1303				 (is_atom(Dir) and (Dir /= undefined)) ;
1304				 ((length(Dir) == 1) and is_atom(hd(Dir))) ;
1305				 ((length(Dir) == 1) and is_list(hd(Dir))) ->
1306	    Dir1 = if is_atom(Dir) -> atom_to_list(Dir);
1307		      true -> Dir end,
1308	    if Suite == undefined ->
1309		  exit({error,incorrect_start_options});
1311	       is_integer(hd(Suite)) ;
1312	       (is_atom(Suite) and (Suite /= undefined)) ;
1313	       ((length(Suite) == 1) and is_atom(hd(Suite))) ;
1314	       ((length(Suite) == 1) and is_list(hd(Suite))) ->
1315		    {Dir2,Mod} = suite_to_test(Dir1, Suite),
1316		    case GsAndCs of
1317			[] ->
1318			    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir2, Mod),
1319							 [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1320			_ ->
1321			    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir2, Mod,
1322							       GsAndCs),
1323							 [], Opts1, StartOpts))
1324		    end;
1326		is_list(Suite) ->		% multiple suites
1327		    case [suite_to_test(Dir1, S) || S <- Suite] of
1328			[_,_|_] when GsAndCs /= [] ->
1329			    exit({error,multiple_suites_and_cases});
1330			[{Dir2,Mod}] when GsAndCs /= [] ->
1331			    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir2, Mod,
1332							       GsAndCs),
1333							 [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1334			DirMods ->
1335			    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(DirMods),
1336							 [], Opts1, StartOpts))
1337		    end
1338	    end;
1340	{undefined,undefined,[]} ->
1341	    {ok,Dir} = file:get_cwd(),
1342	    %% No start options, use default {dir,CWD}
1343	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(Dir), [], Opts1, StartOpts));
1345	{Dir,Suite,GsAndCs} ->
1346	    exit({error,{incorrect_start_options,{Dir,Suite,GsAndCs}}})
1347    end.
1349run_testspec(TestSpec) ->
1350    CTPid = spawn(run_testspec1_fun(TestSpec)),
1351    Ref = monitor(process, CTPid),
1352    receive
1353	{'DOWN',Ref,process,CTPid,{user_error,Error}} ->
1354		    Error;
1355	{'DOWN',Ref,process,CTPid,Other} ->
1356		    Other
1357    end.
1359-spec run_testspec1_fun(_) -> fun(() -> no_return()).
1361run_testspec1_fun(TestSpec) ->
1362    fun() ->
1363            ct_util:mark_process(),
1364            run_testspec1(TestSpec)
1365    end.
1367run_testspec1(TestSpec) ->
1368    {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
1369    io:format("~nCommon Test starting (cwd is ~ts)~n~n", [Cwd]),
1370    case catch run_testspec2(TestSpec) of
1371	{'EXIT',Reason} ->
1372	    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
1373	    exit({error,Reason});
1374	Result ->
1375	    exit(Result)
1376    end.
1378run_testspec2(File) when is_list(File), is_integer(hd(File)) ->
1379    case file:read_file_info(File) of
1380	{ok,_} ->
1381	    exit("Bad argument, "
1382		 "use ct:run_test([{spec," ++ File ++ "}])");
1383	_ ->
1384	    exit("Bad argument, list of tuples expected, "
1385		 "use ct:run_test/1 for test specification files")
1386    end;
1388run_testspec2(TestSpec) ->
1389    case catch ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_list(TestSpec, false) of
1390	{E,CTReason}  when E == error ; E == 'EXIT' ->
1391	    exit({error,CTReason});
1392	TS ->
1393	    Opts = get_data_for_node(TS, node()),
1395	    AllInclude =
1396		case os:getenv("CT_INCLUDE_PATH") of
1397		    false ->
1398			Opts#opts.include;
1399		    CtInclPath ->
1400			EnvInclude = string:lexemes(CtInclPath, [$:,$ ,$,]),
1401			EnvInclude++Opts#opts.include
1402		end,
1403	    application:set_env(common_test, include, AllInclude),
1405	    LogDir1 = which(logdir,Opts#opts.logdir),
1406	    case check_and_install_configfiles(
1407		   Opts#opts.config, LogDir1, Opts) of
1408		ok ->
1409		    Opts1 = Opts#opts{testspec_files = [],
1410				      logdir = LogDir1,
1411				      include = AllInclude},
1412		    {Run,Skip} = ct_testspec:prepare_tests(TS, node()),
1413		    reformat_result(catch do_run(Run, Skip, Opts1, []));
1414		{error,_GCFReason} = GCFError ->
1415		    exit(GCFError)
1416	    end
1417    end.
1419get_data_for_node(#testspec{label = Labels,
1420			    profile = Profiles,
1421			    logdir = LogDirs,
1422			    logopts = LogOptsList,
1423			    basic_html = BHs,
1424			    esc_chars = EscChs,
1425			    stylesheet = SSs,
1426			    verbosity = VLvls,
1427			    silent_connections = SilentConnsList,
1428			    cover = CoverFs,
1429			    cover_stop = CoverStops,
1430			    config = Cfgs,
1431			    userconfig = UsrCfgs,
1432			    event_handler = EvHs,
1433			    ct_hooks = CTHooks,
1434			    enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks,
1435			    auto_compile = ACs,
1436			    abort_if_missing_suites = AiMSs,
1437			    include = Incl,
1438			    multiply_timetraps = MTs,
1439			    scale_timetraps = STs,
1440			    create_priv_dir = PDs}, Node) ->
1441    Label = proplists:get_value(Node, Labels),
1442    Profile = proplists:get_value(Node, Profiles),
1443    LogDir = case proplists:get_value(Node, LogDirs) of
1444		 undefined -> ".";
1445		 Dir -> Dir
1446	     end,
1447    LogOpts = case proplists:get_value(Node, LogOptsList) of
1448		  undefined -> [];
1449		  LOs -> LOs
1450	      end,
1451    BasicHtml = proplists:get_value(Node, BHs),
1452    EscChars = proplists:get_value(Node, EscChs),
1453    Stylesheet = proplists:get_value(Node, SSs),
1454    Verbosity = case proplists:get_value(Node, VLvls) of
1455		    undefined -> [];
1456		    Lvls -> Lvls
1457		end,
1458    SilentConns = case proplists:get_value(Node, SilentConnsList) of
1459		      undefined -> [];
1460		      SCs -> SCs
1461		  end,
1462    Cover = proplists:get_value(Node, CoverFs),
1463    CoverStop = proplists:get_value(Node, CoverStops),
1464    MT = proplists:get_value(Node, MTs),
1465    ST = proplists:get_value(Node, STs),
1466    CreatePrivDir = proplists:get_value(Node, PDs),
1467    ConfigFiles = [{?ct_config_txt,F} || {N,F} <- Cfgs, N==Node] ++
1468	[CBF || {N,CBF} <- UsrCfgs, N==Node],
1469    EvHandlers =  [{H,A} || {N,H,A} <- EvHs, N==Node],
1470    FiltCTHooks = [Hook || {N,Hook} <- CTHooks, N==Node],
1471    AutoCompile = proplists:get_value(Node, ACs),
1472    AbortIfMissing = proplists:get_value(Node, AiMSs),
1473    Include =  [I || {N,I} <- Incl, N==Node],
1474    #opts{label = Label,
1475	  profile = Profile,
1476	  logdir = LogDir,
1477	  logopts = LogOpts,
1478	  basic_html = BasicHtml,
1479	  esc_chars = EscChars,
1480	  stylesheet = Stylesheet,
1481	  verbosity = Verbosity,
1482	  silent_connections = SilentConns,
1483	  cover = Cover,
1484	  cover_stop = CoverStop,
1485	  config = ConfigFiles,
1486	  event_handlers = EvHandlers,
1487	  ct_hooks = FiltCTHooks,
1488	  enable_builtin_hooks = EnableBuiltinHooks,
1489	  auto_compile = AutoCompile,
1490	  abort_if_missing_suites = AbortIfMissing,
1491	  include = Include,
1492	  multiply_timetraps = MT,
1493	  scale_timetraps = ST,
1494	  create_priv_dir = CreatePrivDir}.
1496refresh_logs(LogDir) ->
1497    {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
1498    case file:set_cwd(LogDir) of
1499	E = {error,_Reason} ->
1500	    E;
1501	_ ->
1502	    case catch ct_logs:make_all_suites_index(refresh) of
1503		{'EXIT',ASReason} ->
1504		    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
1505		    {error,{all_suites_index,ASReason}};
1506		_ ->
1507		    case catch ct_logs:make_all_runs_index(refresh) of
1508			{'EXIT',ARReason} ->
1509			    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
1510			    {error,{all_runs_index,ARReason}};
1511			_ ->
1512			    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
1513			    io:format("Logs in ~ts refreshed!~n",[LogDir]),
1514			    ok
1515		    end
1516	    end
1517    end.
1519which(logdir, undefined) ->
1520    ".";
1521which(logdir, Dir) ->
1522    Dir.
1524choose_val(undefined, V1) ->
1525    V1;
1526choose_val(V0, _V1) ->
1527    V0.
1529merge_vals(Vs) ->
1530    lists:append(Vs).
1532merge_keyvals(Vs) ->
1533    make_unique(lists:append(Vs)).
1535make_unique([Elem={Key,_} | Elems]) ->
1536    [Elem | make_unique(proplists:delete(Key, Elems))];
1537make_unique([]) ->
1538    [].
1540listify([C|_]=Str) when is_integer(C) -> [Str];
1541listify(L) when is_list(L) -> L;
1542listify(E) -> [E].
1544delistify([E]) -> E;
1545delistify(E)   -> E.
1548run(TestDir, Suite, Cases) ->
1549    case install([]) of
1550	ok ->
1551	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(TestDir, Suite, Cases), []));
1552	Error ->
1553	    Error
1554    end.
1556run(TestDir, Suite) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) ->
1557    case install([]) of
1558	ok ->
1559	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(TestDir, Suite), []));
1560	Error ->
1561	    Error
1562    end.
1564run(TestDirs) ->
1565    case install([]) of
1566	ok ->
1567	    reformat_result(catch do_run(tests(TestDirs), []));
1568	Error ->
1569	    Error
1570    end.
1572reformat_result({'EXIT',{user_error,Reason}}) ->
1573    {error,Reason};
1574reformat_result({user_error,Reason}) ->
1575    {error,Reason};
1576reformat_result(Result) ->
1577    Result.
1579suite_to_test(Suite) when is_atom(Suite) ->
1580    suite_to_test(atom_to_list(Suite));
1582suite_to_test(Suite) when is_list(Suite) ->
1583    {filename:dirname(Suite),
1584     list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(Suite)))}.
1586suite_to_test(Dir, Suite) when is_atom(Suite) ->
1587    suite_to_test(Dir, atom_to_list(Suite));
1589suite_to_test(Dir, Suite) when is_list(Suite) ->
1590    case filename:dirname(Suite) of
1591	"." ->
1592	    {Dir,list_to_atom(filename:rootname(Suite))};
1593	DirName ->				% ignore Dir
1594	    File = filename:basename(Suite),
1595	    {DirName,list_to_atom(filename:rootname(File))}
1596    end.
1598groups_and_cases(Gs, Cs) when ((Gs == undefined) or (Gs == [])) and
1599			      ((Cs == undefined) or (Cs == [])) ->
1600    [];
1601groups_and_cases(Gs, Cs) when Gs == undefined ; Gs == [] ->
1602    if (Cs == all) or (Cs == [all]) or (Cs == ["all"]) -> all;
1603       true -> [ensure_atom(C) || C <- listify(Cs)]
1604    end;
1605groups_and_cases(GOrGs, Cs) when (is_atom(GOrGs) orelse
1606				  (is_list(GOrGs) andalso
1607				   (is_atom(hd(GOrGs)) orelse
1608				    (is_list(hd(GOrGs)) andalso
1609				     is_atom(hd(hd(GOrGs))))))) ->
1610    if (Cs == undefined) or (Cs == []) or
1611       (Cs == all) or (Cs == [all]) or (Cs == ["all"]) ->
1612	    [{GOrGs,all}];
1613       true ->
1614	    [{GOrGs,[ensure_atom(C) || C <- listify(Cs)]}]
1615    end;
1616groups_and_cases(Gs, Cs) when is_integer(hd(hd(Gs))) ->
1617    %% if list of strings, this comes from 'ct_run -group G1 G2 ...' and
1618    %% we need to parse the strings
1619    Gs1 =
1620	if (Gs == [all]) or (Gs == ["all"]) ->
1621		all;
1622	   true ->
1623		lists:map(fun(G) ->
1624				  {ok,Ts,_} = erl_scan:string(G++"."),
1625				  {ok,Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Ts),
1626				  Term
1627			  end, Gs)
1628	end,
1629    groups_and_cases(Gs1, Cs);
1630groups_and_cases(Gs, Cs) ->
1631    {error,{incorrect_group_or_case_option,Gs,Cs}}.
1633tests(TestDir, Suites, []) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) ->
1634    [{?testdir(TestDir,Suites),ensure_atom(Suites),all}];
1635tests(TestDir, Suite, Cases) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) ->
1636    [{?testdir(TestDir,Suite),ensure_atom(Suite),Cases}];
1637tests([TestDir], Suite, Cases) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) ->
1638    [{?testdir(TestDir,Suite),ensure_atom(Suite),Cases}].
1639tests([{Dir,Suite}],Cases) ->
1640    [{?testdir(Dir,Suite),ensure_atom(Suite),Cases}];
1641tests(TestDir, Suite) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) ->
1642    tests(TestDir, ensure_atom(Suite), all);
1643tests([TestDir], Suite) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) ->
1644     tests(TestDir, ensure_atom(Suite), all).
1645tests(DirSuites) when is_list(DirSuites), is_tuple(hd(DirSuites)) ->
1646    [{?testdir(Dir,Suite),ensure_atom(Suite),all} || {Dir,Suite} <- DirSuites];
1647tests(TestDir) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) ->
1648    tests([TestDir]);
1649tests(TestDirs) when is_list(TestDirs), is_list(hd(TestDirs)) ->
1650    [{?testdir(TestDir,all),all,all} || TestDir <- TestDirs].
1652do_run(Tests, Misc) when is_list(Misc) ->
1653    do_run(Tests, Misc, ".", []).
1655do_run(Tests, Misc, LogDir, LogOpts) when is_list(Misc),
1656					  is_list(LogDir),
1657					  is_list(LogOpts) ->
1658    Opts =
1659	case proplists:get_value(step, Misc) of
1660	    undefined ->
1661		#opts{};
1662	    StepOpts ->
1663		#opts{step = StepOpts}
1664	end,
1665    do_run(Tests, [], Opts#opts{logdir = LogDir}, []);
1667do_run(Tests, Skip, Opts, Args) when is_record(Opts, opts) ->
1668    #opts{label = Label, profile = Profile,
1669	  verbosity = VLvls} = Opts,
1670    %% label - used by ct_logs
1671    TestLabel =
1672	if Label == undefined -> undefined;
1673	   is_atom(Label)     -> atom_to_list(Label);
1674	   is_list(Label)     -> Label;
1675	   true               -> undefined
1676	end,
1677    application:set_env(common_test, test_label, TestLabel),
1679    %% profile - used in ct_util
1680    TestProfile =
1681	if Profile == undefined -> undefined;
1682	   is_atom(Profile)     -> atom_to_list(Profile);
1683	   is_list(Profile)     -> Profile;
1684	   true                 -> undefined
1685	end,
1686    application:set_env(common_test, profile, TestProfile),
1688    case code:which(test_server) of
1689	non_existing ->
1690	    {error,no_path_to_test_server};
1691	_ ->
1692	    %% This env variable is used by test_server to determine
1693	    %% which framework it runs under.
1694	    case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of
1695		false ->
1696		    os:putenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK", "ct_framework"),
1697		    os:putenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK_NAME", "common_test");
1698		"ct_framework" ->
1699		    ok;
1700		Other ->
1701		    erlang:display(
1702		      list_to_atom(
1703			"Note: TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK = " ++ Other))
1704	    end,
1705	    Verbosity = add_verbosity_defaults(VLvls),
1706	    case ct_util:start(Opts#opts.logdir, Verbosity) of
1707		{error,interactive_mode} ->
1708		    io:format("CT is started in interactive mode. "
1709			      "To exit this mode, "
1710			      "run ct:stop_interactive().\n"
1711			      "To enter the interactive mode again, "
1712			      "run ct:start_interactive()\n\n",[]),
1713		    {error,interactive_mode};
1714		_Pid ->
1715		    ct_util:set_testdata({starter,Opts#opts.starter}),
1716		    compile_and_run(Tests, Skip,
1717                                    Opts#opts{verbosity=Verbosity}, Args)
1718	    end
1719    end.
1721compile_and_run(Tests, Skip, Opts, Args) ->
1722    %% save stylesheet info
1723    ct_util:set_testdata({stylesheet,Opts#opts.stylesheet}),
1724    %% save logopts
1725    ct_util:set_testdata({logopts,Opts#opts.logopts}),
1726    %% save info about current testspec (testspec record or undefined)
1727    ct_util:set_testdata({testspec,Opts#opts.current_testspec}),
1729    %% enable silent connections
1730    case Opts#opts.silent_connections of
1731	[] ->
1732	    ok;
1733	Conns ->
1734	    case lists:member(all, Conns) of
1735		true ->
1736		    Conns1 = ct_util:override_silence_all_connections(),
1737		    ct_logs:log("Silent connections", "~tp", [Conns1]);
1738		false ->
1739		    ct_util:override_silence_connections(Conns),
1740		    ct_logs:log("Silent connections", "~tp", [Conns])
1741	    end
1742    end,
1743    log_ts_names(Opts#opts.testspec_files),
1744    TestSuites = suite_tuples(Tests),
1746    {_TestSuites1,SuiteMakeErrors,AllMakeErrors} =
1747	case application:get_env(common_test, auto_compile) of
1748	    {ok,false} ->
1749		{TestSuites1,SuitesNotFound} =
1750		    verify_suites(TestSuites),
1751		{TestSuites1,SuitesNotFound,SuitesNotFound};
1752	    _ ->
1753		{SuiteErrs,HelpErrs} = auto_compile(TestSuites),
1754		{TestSuites,SuiteErrs,SuiteErrs++HelpErrs}
1755	end,
1757    case continue(AllMakeErrors, Opts#opts.abort_if_missing_suites) of
1758	true ->
1759	    SavedErrors = save_make_errors(SuiteMakeErrors),
1760	    ct_repeat:log_loop_info(Args),
1762	    try final_tests(Tests,Skip,SavedErrors) of
1763		{Tests1,Skip1} ->
1764		    ReleaseSh = proplists:get_value(release_shell, Args),
1765		    ct_util:set_testdata({release_shell,ReleaseSh}),
1766		    TestResult =
1767			possibly_spawn(ReleaseSh == true, Tests1, Skip1, Opts),
1768		    case TestResult of
1769			{Ok,Errors,Skipped} ->
1770			    NoOfMakeErrors =
1771				lists:foldl(fun({_,BadMods}, X) ->
1772						    X + length(BadMods)
1773					    end, 0, SuiteMakeErrors),
1774			    {Ok,Errors+NoOfMakeErrors,Skipped};
1775			ErrorResult ->
1776			    ErrorResult
1777		    end
1778	    catch
1779		_:BadFormat ->
1780		    {error,BadFormat}
1781	    end;
1782	false ->
1783	    io:nl(),
1784	    ct_util:stop(clean),
1785	    BadMods =
1786		lists:foldr(
1787		  fun({{_,_},Ms}, Acc) ->
1788			  Ms ++ lists:foldl(
1789				  fun(M, Acc1) ->
1790					  lists:delete(M, Acc1)
1791				  end, Acc, Ms)
1792		  end, [], AllMakeErrors),
1793	    {error,{make_failed,BadMods}}
1794    end.
1796%% keep the shell as the top controlling process
1797possibly_spawn(false, Tests, Skip, Opts) ->
1798    TestResult = (catch do_run_test(Tests, Skip, Opts)),
1799    case TestResult of
1800	{EType,_} = Error when EType == user_error;
1801			       EType == error ->
1802	    ct_util:stop(clean),
1803	    exit(Error);
1804	_ ->
1805	    ct_util:stop(normal),
1806	    TestResult
1807    end;
1809%% we must return control to the shell now, so we spawn
1810%% a test supervisor process to keep an eye on the test run
1811possibly_spawn(true, Tests, Skip, Opts) ->
1812    CTUtilSrv = whereis(ct_util_server),
1813    Supervisor =
1814	fun() ->
1815                ct_util:mark_process(),
1816		process_flag(trap_exit, true),
1817		link(CTUtilSrv),
1818		TestRun =
1819		    fun() ->
1820                            ct_util:mark_process(),
1821			    TestResult = (catch do_run_test(Tests, Skip, Opts)),
1822			    case TestResult of
1823				{EType,_} = Error when EType == user_error;
1824						       EType == error ->
1825				    ct_util:stop(clean),
1826				    exit(Error);
1827				_ ->
1828				    ct_util:stop(normal),
1829				    exit({ok,TestResult})
1830			    end
1831		    end,
1832		TestRunPid = spawn_link(TestRun),
1833		receive
1834		    {'EXIT',TestRunPid,{ok,TestResult}} ->
1835			io:format(user, "~nCommon Test returned ~tp~n~n",
1836				  [TestResult]);
1837		    {'EXIT',TestRunPid,Error} ->
1838			exit(Error)
1839		end
1840	end,
1841    unlink(CTUtilSrv),
1842    SupPid = spawn(Supervisor),
1843    io:format(user, "~nTest control handed over to process ~w~n~n",
1844	      [SupPid]),
1845    SupPid.
1847%% attempt to compile the modules specified in TestSuites
1848auto_compile(TestSuites) ->
1849    io:format("~nCommon Test: Running make in test directories...~n"),
1850    UserInclude =
1851	case application:get_env(common_test, include) of
1852	    {ok,UserInclDirs} when length(UserInclDirs) > 0 ->
1853		io:format("Including the following directories:~n"),
1854		[begin io:format("~tp~n",[UserInclDir]), {i,UserInclDir} end ||
1855		 UserInclDir <- UserInclDirs];
1856	    _ ->
1857		[]
1858	end,
1859    SuiteMakeErrors =
1860	lists:flatmap(fun({TestDir,Suite} = TS) ->
1861			      case run_make(suites, TestDir,
1862					    Suite, UserInclude,
1863                                            [nowarn_export_all]) of
1864				  {error,{make_failed,Bad}} ->
1865				      [{TS,Bad}];
1866				  {error,_} ->
1867				      [{TS,[filename:join(TestDir,
1868							  "*_SUITE")]}];
1869				  _ ->
1870				      []
1871			      end
1872		      end, TestSuites),
1874    %% try to compile other modules than SUITEs in the test directories
1875    {_,HelpMakeErrors} =
1876	lists:foldl(
1877	  fun({Dir,Suite}, {Done,Failed}) ->
1878		  case lists:member(Dir, Done) of
1879		      false ->
1880			  Failed1 =
1881			      case run_make(helpmods, Dir, Suite, UserInclude, []) of
1882				  {error,{make_failed,BadMods}} ->
1883				      [{{Dir,all},BadMods}|Failed];
1884				  {error,_} ->
1885				      [{{Dir,all},[Dir]}|Failed];
1886				  _ ->
1887				      Failed
1888			      end,
1889			  {[Dir|Done],Failed1};
1890		      true ->		    % already visited
1891			  {Done,Failed}
1892		  end
1893	  end, {[],[]}, TestSuites),
1894    {SuiteMakeErrors,lists:reverse(HelpMakeErrors)}.
1896%% verify that specified test suites exist (if auto compile is disabled)
1897verify_suites(TestSuites) ->
1898    io:nl(),
1899    Verify =
1900	fun({Dir,Suite}=DS,{Found,NotFound}) ->
1901		case locate_test_dir(Dir, Suite) of
1902		    {ok,TestDir} ->
1903			if Suite == all ->
1904				{[DS|Found],NotFound};
1905			   true ->
1906				Beam = filename:join(TestDir,
1907						     atom_to_list(Suite)++
1908							 ".beam"),
1909				case filelib:is_regular(Beam) of
1910				    true  ->
1911					{[DS|Found],NotFound};
1912				    false ->
1913					case code:is_loaded(Suite) of
1914					    {file,SuiteFile} ->
1915						%% test suite is already
1916						%% loaded and since
1917						%% auto_compile == false,
1918						%% let's assume the user has
1919						%% loaded the beam file
1920						%% explicitly
1921						ActualDir =
1922						    filename:dirname(SuiteFile),
1923						{[{ActualDir,Suite}|Found],
1924						 NotFound};
1925					    false ->
1926						Name =
1927						    filename:join(TestDir,
1928								  atom_to_list(
1929								    Suite)),
1930						io:format(user,
1931							  "Suite ~w not found "
1932							  "in directory ~ts~n",
1933							  [Suite,TestDir]),
1934						{Found,[{DS,[Name]}|NotFound]}
1935					end
1936				end
1937			end;
1938		    {error,_Reason} ->
1939			case code:is_loaded(Suite) of
1940			    {file,SuiteFile} ->
1941				%% test suite is already loaded and since
1942				%% auto_compile == false, let's assume the
1943				%% user has loaded the beam file explicitly
1944				ActualDir = filename:dirname(SuiteFile),
1945				{[{ActualDir,Suite}|Found],NotFound};
1946			    false ->
1947				io:format(user, "Directory ~ts is "
1948					  "invalid~n", [Dir]),
1949				Name = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(Suite)),
1950				{Found,[{DS,[Name]}|NotFound]}
1951			end
1952		end
1953	end,
1954    {ActualFound,Missing} = lists:foldl(Verify, {[],[]}, TestSuites),
1955    {lists:reverse(ActualFound),lists:reverse(Missing)}.
1957save_make_errors([]) ->
1958    [];
1959save_make_errors(Errors) ->
1960    Suites = get_bad_suites(Errors,[]),
1961    ct_logs:log("MAKE RESULTS",
1962		"Error compiling or locating the "
1963		"following suites: ~n~p",[Suites]),
1964    %% save the info for logger
1965    ok = file:write_file(?missing_suites_info,term_to_binary(Errors)),
1966    Errors.
1968get_bad_suites([{{_TestDir,_Suite},Failed}|Errors], BadSuites) ->
1969    get_bad_suites(Errors,BadSuites++Failed);
1970get_bad_suites([], BadSuites) ->
1971    BadSuites.
1974step(TestDir, Suite, Case) ->
1975    step(TestDir, Suite, Case, []).
1977step(TestDir, Suite, Case, Opts) when is_list(TestDir),
1978				      is_atom(Suite), is_atom(Case),
1979				      Suite =/= all, Case =/= all ->
1980    do_run([{TestDir,Suite,Case}], [{step,Opts}]).
1984%%% Internal
1985suite_tuples([{TestDir,Suites,_} | Tests]) when is_list(Suites) ->
1986    lists:map(fun(S) -> {TestDir,S} end, Suites) ++ suite_tuples(Tests);
1987suite_tuples([{TestDir,Suite,_} | Tests]) when is_atom(Suite) ->
1988    [{TestDir,Suite} | suite_tuples(Tests)];
1989suite_tuples([]) ->
1990    [].
1992final_tests(Tests, Skip, Bad) ->
1993    {Tests1,Skip1} = final_tests1(Tests, [], Skip, Bad),
1994    Skip2 = final_skip(Skip1, []),
1995    {Tests1,Skip2}.
1997final_tests1([{TestDir,Suites,_}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) when
1998      is_list(Suites), is_atom(hd(Suites)) ->
1999    Skip1 = [{TD,S,make_failed} || {{TD,S},_} <- Bad, S1 <- Suites,
2000				     S == S1, TD == TestDir],
2001    Final1 = [{TestDir,S,all} || S <- Suites],
2002    final_tests1(Tests, lists:reverse(Final1)++Final, Skip++Skip1, Bad);
2004final_tests1([{TestDir,all,all}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) ->
2005    MissingSuites =
2006	case lists:keysearch({TestDir,all}, 1, Bad) of
2007	    {value,{_,Failed}} ->
2008		[list_to_atom(filename:basename(F)) || F <- Failed];
2009	    false ->
2010		[]
2011	end,
2012    Missing = [{TestDir,S,make_failed} || S <- MissingSuites],
2013    Final1 = [{TestDir,all,all}|Final],
2014    final_tests1(Tests, Final1, Skip++Missing, Bad);
2016final_tests1([{TestDir,Suite,Cases}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) when
2017      Cases==[]; Cases==all  ->
2018    final_tests1([{TestDir,[Suite],all}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad);
2020final_tests1([{TestDir,Suite,GrsOrCs}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) when
2021      is_list(GrsOrCs) ->
2022    case lists:keymember({TestDir,Suite}, 1, Bad) of
2023	true ->
2024	    Skip1 = Skip ++ [{TestDir,Suite,all,make_failed}],
2025	    final_tests1(Tests, [{TestDir,Suite,all}|Final], Skip1, Bad);
2026	false ->
2027	    GrsOrCs1 =
2028		lists:flatmap(
2029		  %% for now, only flat group defs are allowed as
2030		  %% start options and test spec terms
2031		  fun({all,all}) ->
2032			  [ct_groups:make_conf(TestDir, Suite, all, [], all)];
2033		     ({skipped,Group,TCs}) ->
2034			  [ct_groups:make_conf(TestDir, Suite,
2035					       Group, [skipped], TCs)];
2036		     ({skipped,TC}) ->
2037			  case lists:member(TC, GrsOrCs) of
2038			      true ->
2039				  [];
2040			      false ->
2041				  [TC]
2042			  end;
2043		     ({GrSpec = {GroupName,_},TCs}) ->
2044			  Props = [{override,GrSpec}],
2045			  [ct_groups:make_conf(TestDir, Suite,
2046					       GroupName, Props, TCs)];
2047		     ({GrSpec = {GroupName,_,_},TCs}) ->
2048			  Props = [{override,GrSpec}],
2049			  [ct_groups:make_conf(TestDir, Suite,
2050					       GroupName, Props, TCs)];
2051		     ({GroupOrGroups,TCs}) ->
2052			  [ct_groups:make_conf(TestDir, Suite,
2053					       GroupOrGroups, [], TCs)];
2054		     (TC) ->
2055			  [TC]
2056		  end, GrsOrCs),
2057	    Do = {TestDir,Suite,GrsOrCs1},
2058	    final_tests1(Tests, [Do|Final], Skip, Bad)
2059    end;
2061final_tests1([], Final, Skip, _Bad) ->
2062    {lists:reverse(Final),Skip}.
2064final_skip([{TestDir,Suite,{all,all},Reason}|Skips], Final) ->
2065    SkipConf = ct_groups:make_conf(TestDir, Suite, all, [], all),
2066    Skip = {TestDir,Suite,SkipConf,Reason},
2067    final_skip(Skips, [Skip|Final]);
2069final_skip([{TestDir,Suite,{Group,TCs},Reason}|Skips], Final) ->
2070    Conf =  ct_groups:make_conf(TestDir, Suite, Group, [], TCs),
2071    Skip = {TestDir,Suite,Conf,Reason},
2072    final_skip(Skips, [Skip|Final]);
2074final_skip([Skip|Skips], Final) ->
2075    final_skip(Skips, [Skip|Final]);
2077final_skip([], Final) ->
2078    lists:reverse(Final).
2080continue([], _) ->
2081    true;
2082continue(_MakeErrors, true) ->
2083    false;
2084continue(_MakeErrors, _AbortIfMissingSuites) ->
2085    io:nl(),
2086    OldGL = group_leader(),
2087    case set_group_leader_same_as_shell(OldGL) of
2088	true ->
2089	    S = self(),
2090	    io:format("Failed to compile or locate one "
2091		      "or more test suites\n"
2092		      "Press \'c\' to continue or \'a\' to abort.\n"
2093		      "Will continue in 15 seconds if no "
2094		      "answer is given!\n"),
2095	    Pid = spawn(fun() ->
2096				case io:get_line('(c/a) ') of
2097				    "c\n" ->
2098					S ! true;
2099				    _ ->
2100					S ! false
2101				end
2102			end),
2103	    group_leader(OldGL, self()),
2104	    receive R when R==true; R==false ->
2105		    R
2106	    after 15000 ->
2107		    exit(Pid, kill),
2108		    io:format("... timeout - continuing!!\n"),
2109		    true
2110	    end;
2111	false ->				% no shell process to use
2112	    true
2113    end.
2115set_group_leader_same_as_shell(OldGL) ->
2116    %% find the group leader process on the node in a dirty fashion
2117    %% (check initial function call and look in the process dictionary)
2118    GS2or3 = fun(P) ->
2119    		     case process_info(P,initial_call) of
2120    			 {initial_call,{group,server,X}} when X == 2 ; X == 3 ->
2121    			     true;
2122    			 _ ->
2123    			     false
2124    		     end
2125    	     end,
2126    case [P || P <- processes(), GS2or3(P),
2127    	       true == lists:keymember(shell,1,
2128    				       element(2,process_info(P,dictionary)))] of
2129    	[GL|_] ->
2130            %% check if started from remote node (skip interaction)
2131            if node(OldGL) /= node(GL) -> false;
2132               true -> group_leader(GL, self())
2133            end;
2134    	[] ->
2135    	    false
2136    end.
2138check_and_add([{TestDir0,M,_} | Tests], Added, PA) ->
2139    case locate_test_dir(TestDir0, M) of
2140	{ok,TestDir} ->
2141	    case lists:member(TestDir, Added) of
2142		true ->
2143		    check_and_add(Tests, Added, PA);
2144		false ->
2145		    case lists:member(rm_trailing_slash(TestDir),
2146				      code:get_path()) of
2147			false ->
2148			    true = code:add_patha(TestDir),
2149			    check_and_add(Tests, [TestDir|Added], [TestDir|PA]);
2150			true ->
2151			    check_and_add(Tests, [TestDir|Added], PA)
2152		    end
2153	    end;
2154	{error,_} ->
2155	    {error,{invalid_directory,TestDir0}}
2156    end;
2157check_and_add([], _, PA) ->
2158    {ok,PA}.
2160do_run_test(Tests, Skip, Opts0) ->
2161    case check_and_add(Tests, [], []) of
2162	{ok,AddedToPath} ->
2163	    ct_util:set_testdata({stats,{0,0,{0,0}}}),
2165	    %% test_server needs to know the include path too
2166	    InclPath = case application:get_env(common_test, include) of
2167			   {ok,Incls} -> Incls;
2168			   _          -> []
2169		       end,
2170	    application:set_env(test_server, include, InclPath),
2172	    %% copy the escape characters setting to test_server
2173	    EscChars =
2174		case application:get_env(common_test, esc_chars) of
2175		    {ok,ECBool} -> ECBool;
2176		    _           -> true
2177		end,
2178	    application:set_env(test_server, esc_chars, EscChars),
2180	    {ok, _} = test_server_ctrl:start_link(local),
2182	    %% let test_server expand the test tuples and count no of cases
2183	    {Suites,NoOfCases} = count_test_cases(Tests, Skip),
2184	    Suites1 = delete_dups(Suites),
2185	    NoOfTests = length(Tests),
2186	    NoOfSuites = length(Suites1),
2187	    ct_util:warn_duplicates(Suites1),
2188	    {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
2189	    io:format("~nCWD set to: ~tp~n", [Cwd]),
2190	    if NoOfCases == unknown ->
2191		    io:format("~nTEST INFO: ~w test(s), ~w suite(s)~n~n",
2192			      [NoOfTests,NoOfSuites]),
2193		    ct_logs:log("TEST INFO","~w test(s), ~w suite(s)",
2194				[NoOfTests,NoOfSuites]);
2195	       true ->
2196		    io:format("~nTEST INFO: ~w test(s), ~w case(s) "
2197			      "in ~w suite(s)~n~n",
2198			      [NoOfTests,NoOfCases,NoOfSuites]),
2199		    ct_logs:log("TEST INFO","~w test(s), ~w case(s) "
2200				"in ~w suite(s)",
2201				[NoOfTests,NoOfCases,NoOfSuites])
2202	    end,
2203	    %% if the verbosity level is set lower than ?STD_IMPORTANCE, tell
2204	    %% test_server to ignore stdout printouts to the test case log file
2205	    case proplists:get_value(default, Opts0#opts.verbosity) of
2206		VLvl when is_integer(VLvl), (?STD_IMPORTANCE < (100-VLvl)) ->
2207		    test_server_ctrl:reject_io_reqs(true);
2208		_Lower ->
2209		    ok
2210	    end,
2212            case Opts0#opts.multiply_timetraps of
2213                undefined -> MultTT = 1;
2214                MultTT    -> MultTT
2215            end,
2216            case Opts0#opts.scale_timetraps of
2217                undefined -> ScaleTT = false;
2218                ScaleTT   -> ScaleTT
2219            end,
2220            ct_logs:log("TEST INFO","Timetrap time multiplier = ~w~n"
2221                        "Timetrap scaling enabled = ~w", [MultTT,ScaleTT]),
2222            test_server_ctrl:multiply_timetraps(MultTT),
2223	    test_server_ctrl:scale_timetraps(ScaleTT),
2225	    test_server_ctrl:create_priv_dir(choose_val(
2226					       Opts0#opts.create_priv_dir,
2227					       auto_per_run)),
2229	    {ok,LogDir} = ct_logs:get_log_dir(true),
2230	    {TsCoverInfo,Opts} = maybe_start_cover(Opts0, LogDir),
2232	    ct_event:notify(#event{name=start_info,
2233				   node=node(),
2234				   data={NoOfTests,NoOfSuites,NoOfCases}}),
2235	    CleanUp = add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opts, []),
2236	    unlink(whereis(test_server_ctrl)),
2237	    catch test_server_ctrl:wait_finish(),
2239	    maybe_stop_cover(Opts, TsCoverInfo, LogDir),
2241	    %% check if last testcase has left a "dead" trace window
2242	    %% behind, and if so, kill it
2243	    case ct_util:get_testdata(interpret) of
2244		{_What,kill,{TCPid,AttPid}} ->
2245		    ct_util:kill_attached(TCPid, AttPid);
2246		_ ->
2247		    ok
2248	    end,
2249	    lists:foreach(fun(Suite) ->
2250				  maybe_cleanup_interpret(Suite, Opts#opts.step)
2251			  end, CleanUp),
2252	    _ = [code:del_path(Dir) || Dir <- AddedToPath],
2254	    %% If a severe error has occurred in the test_server,
2255	    %% we will generate an exception here.
2256	    case ct_util:get_testdata(severe_error) of
2257		undefined -> ok;
2258		SevereError ->
2259		    ct_logs:log("SEVERE ERROR", "~tp\n", [SevereError]),
2260		    exit(SevereError)
2261	    end,
2263	    case ct_util:get_testdata(stats) of
2264		Stats = {_Ok,_Failed,{_UserSkipped,_AutoSkipped}} ->
2265		    Stats;
2266		_ ->
2267		    {error,test_result_unknown}
2268	    end;
2269	Error ->
2270	    exit(Error)
2271    end.
2273maybe_start_cover(Opts=#opts{cover=Cover,cover_stop=CoverStop0},LogDir) ->
2274    if Cover == undefined ->
2275	    {undefined,Opts};
2276       true ->
2277	    case ct_cover:get_spec(Cover) of
2278		{error,Reason} ->
2279		    exit({error,Reason});
2280		CoverSpec ->
2281		    CoverStop =
2282			case CoverStop0 of
2283			    undefined -> true;
2284			    Stop -> Stop
2285			end,
2286		    start_cover(Opts#opts{coverspec=CoverSpec,
2287					  cover_stop=CoverStop},
2288				LogDir)
2289	    end
2290    end.
2292start_cover(Opts=#opts{coverspec=CovData,cover_stop=CovStop},LogDir) ->
2293    {CovFile,
2294     CovNodes,
2295     CovImport,
2296     _CovExport,
2297     #cover{app        = CovApp,
2298            local_only = LocalOnly,
2299	    level      = CovLevel,
2300	    excl_mods  = CovExcl,
2301	    incl_mods  = CovIncl,
2302	    cross      = CovCross,
2303	    src        = _CovSrc}} = CovData,
2304    case LocalOnly of
2305        true -> cover:local_only();
2306        false -> ok
2307    end,
2308    ct_logs:log("COVER INFO",
2309		"Using cover specification file: ~ts~n"
2310		"App: ~w~n"
2311                "Local only: ~w~n"
2312		"Cross cover: ~w~n"
2313		"Including ~w modules~n"
2314		"Excluding ~w modules",
2315		[CovFile,CovApp,LocalOnly,CovCross,
2316		 length(CovIncl),length(CovExcl)]),
2318    %% Tell test_server to print a link in its coverlog
2319    %% pointing to the real coverlog which will be written in
2320    %% maybe_stop_cover/2
2321    test_server_ctrl:cover({log,LogDir}),
2323    %% Cover compile all modules
2324    {ok,TsCoverInfo} = test_server_ctrl:cover_compile(CovApp,CovFile,
2325						      CovExcl,CovIncl,
2326						      CovCross,CovLevel,
2327						      CovStop),
2328    ct_logs:log("COVER INFO",
2329		"Compilation completed - test_server cover info: ~tp",
2330		[TsCoverInfo]),
2332    %% start cover on specified nodes
2333    if (CovNodes /= []) and (CovNodes /= undefined) ->
2334	    ct_logs:log("COVER INFO",
2335			"Nodes included in cover "
2336			"session: ~tw",
2337			[CovNodes]),
2338	    cover:start(CovNodes);
2339       true ->
2340	    ok
2341    end,
2342    lists:foreach(
2343      fun(Imp) ->
2344	      case cover:import(Imp) of
2345		  ok ->
2346		      ok;
2347		  {error,Reason} ->
2348		      ct_logs:log("COVER INFO",
2349				  "Importing cover data from: ~ts fails! "
2350				  "Reason: ~tp", [Imp,Reason])
2351	      end
2352      end, CovImport),
2353    {TsCoverInfo,Opts}.
2355maybe_stop_cover(_,undefined,_) ->
2356    ok;
2357maybe_stop_cover(#opts{coverspec=CovData},TsCoverInfo,LogDir) ->
2358    {_CovFile,
2359     _CovNodes,
2360     _CovImport,
2361     CovExport,
2362     _AppData} = CovData,
2363    case CovExport of
2364	undefined -> ok;
2365	_ ->
2366	    ct_logs:log("COVER INFO","Exporting cover data to ~tp",[CovExport]),
2367	    cover:export(CovExport)
2368    end,
2369    ct_logs:log("COVER INFO","Analysing cover data to ~tp",[LogDir]),
2370    test_server_ctrl:cover_analyse(TsCoverInfo,LogDir),
2371    ct_logs:log("COVER INFO","Analysis completed.",[]),
2372    ok.
2375delete_dups([S | Suites]) ->
2376    Suites1 = lists:delete(S, Suites),
2377    [S | delete_dups(Suites1)];
2378delete_dups([]) ->
2379    [].
2381count_test_cases(Tests, Skip) ->
2382    SendResult = fun(Me, Result) -> Me ! {no_of_cases,Result} end,
2383    TSPid = test_server_ctrl:start_get_totals(SendResult),
2384    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, TSPid),
2385    _ = add_jobs(Tests, Skip, #opts{}, []),
2386    Counted = (catch count_test_cases1(length(Tests), 0, [], Ref)),
2387    erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
2388    case Counted of
2389	{error,{test_server_died}} = Error ->
2390	    throw(Error);
2391	{error,Reason} ->
2392	    unlink(whereis(test_server_ctrl)),
2393	    test_server_ctrl:stop(),
2394	    throw({user_error,Reason});
2395	Result ->
2396	    test_server_ctrl:stop_get_totals(),
2397	    Result
2398    end.
2400count_test_cases1(0, N, Suites, _) ->
2401    {lists:flatten(Suites), N};
2402count_test_cases1(Jobs, N, Suites, Ref) ->
2403    receive
2404	{_,{error,_Reason} = Error} ->
2405	    throw(Error);
2406	{no_of_cases,{Ss,N1}} ->
2407	    count_test_cases1(Jobs-1, add_known(N,N1), [Ss|Suites], Ref);
2408	{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info} ->
2409	    throw({error,{test_server_died,Info}})
2410    end.
2412add_known(unknown, _) ->
2413    unknown;
2414add_known(_, unknown) ->
2415    unknown;
2416add_known(N, N1) ->
2417    N+N1.
2419add_jobs([{TestDir,all,_}|Tests], Skip, Opts, CleanUp) ->
2420    Name = get_name(TestDir),
2421    case catch test_server_ctrl:add_dir_with_skip(Name, TestDir,
2422						  skiplist(TestDir,Skip)) of
2423	{'EXIT',_} ->
2424	    CleanUp;
2425	_ ->
2426	    case wait_for_idle() of
2427		ok ->
2428		    add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opts, CleanUp);
2429		_ ->
2430		    CleanUp
2431	    end
2432    end;
2433add_jobs([{TestDir,[Suite],all}|Tests], Skip,
2434	 Opts, CleanUp) when is_atom(Suite) ->
2435    add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,all}|Tests], Skip, Opts, CleanUp);
2436add_jobs([{TestDir,Suites,all}|Tests], Skip,
2437	 Opts, CleanUp) when is_list(Suites) ->
2438    Name = get_name(TestDir) ++ ".suites",
2439    case catch test_server_ctrl:add_module_with_skip(Name, Suites,
2440						     skiplist(TestDir,Skip)) of
2441	{'EXIT',_} ->
2442	    CleanUp;
2443	_ ->
2444	    case wait_for_idle() of
2445		ok ->
2446		    add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opts, CleanUp);
2447		_ ->
2448		    CleanUp
2449	    end
2450    end;
2451add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,all}|Tests], Skip, Opts, CleanUp) ->
2452    case maybe_interpret(Suite, all, Opts) of
2453	ok ->
2454	    Name =  get_name(TestDir) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Suite),
2455	    case catch test_server_ctrl:add_module_with_skip(Name, [Suite],
2456							     skiplist(TestDir,
2457								      Skip)) of
2458		{'EXIT',_} ->
2459		    CleanUp;
2460		_ ->
2461		    case wait_for_idle() of
2462			ok ->
2463			    add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opts, [Suite|CleanUp]);
2464			_ ->
2465			    CleanUp
2466		    end
2467	    end;
2468	Error ->
2469	    Error
2470    end;
2472%% group (= conf case in test_server)
2473add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,Confs}|Tests], Skip, Opts, CleanUp) when
2474      element(1, hd(Confs)) == conf ->
2475    Group = fun(Conf) -> proplists:get_value(name, element(2, Conf)) end,
2476    TestCases = fun(Conf) -> element(4, Conf) end,
2477    TCTestName = fun(all) -> "";
2478		    ([C]) when is_atom(C) -> "." ++ atom_to_list(C);
2479		    (Cs) when is_list(Cs) -> ".cases"
2480		 end,
2481    GrTestName =
2482	case Confs of
2483	    [Conf] ->
2484		case Group(Conf) of
2485		    GrName when is_atom(GrName) ->
2486			"." ++ atom_to_list(GrName) ++
2487			    TCTestName(TestCases(Conf));
2488		    _ ->
2489			".groups" ++ TCTestName(TestCases(Conf))
2490		end;
2491	    _ ->
2492		".groups"
2493	end,
2494    TestName = get_name(TestDir) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Suite) ++ GrTestName,
2495    case maybe_interpret(Suite, init_per_group, Opts) of
2496	ok ->
2497	    case catch test_server_ctrl:add_conf_with_skip(TestName,
2498							   Suite,
2499							   Confs,
2500							   skiplist(TestDir,
2501								    Skip)) of
2502		{'EXIT',_} ->
2503		    CleanUp;
2504		_ ->
2505		    case wait_for_idle() of
2506			ok ->
2507			    add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opts, [Suite|CleanUp]);
2508			_ ->
2509			    CleanUp
2510		    end
2511	    end;
2512	Error ->
2513	    Error
2514    end;
2516%% test case
2518	 Skip, Opts, CleanUp) when is_atom(Case) ->
2519    add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,Case}|Tests], Skip, Opts, CleanUp);
2522	 Skip, Opts, CleanUp) when is_list(Cases) ->
2523    Cases1 = lists:map(fun({GroupName,_}) when is_atom(GroupName) -> GroupName;
2524			  (Case) -> Case
2525		       end, Cases),
2526    case maybe_interpret(Suite, Cases1, Opts) of
2527	ok ->
2528	    Name =  get_name(TestDir) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Suite) ++ ".cases",
2529	    case catch test_server_ctrl:add_cases_with_skip(Name, Suite, Cases1,
2530							    skiplist(TestDir,
2531								     Skip)) of
2532		{'EXIT',_} ->
2533		    CleanUp;
2534		_ ->
2535		    case wait_for_idle() of
2536			ok ->
2537			    add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opts, [Suite|CleanUp]);
2538			_ ->
2539			    CleanUp
2540		    end
2541	    end;
2542	Error ->
2543	    Error
2544    end;
2545add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,Case}|Tests], Skip, Opts, CleanUp) when is_atom(Case) ->
2546    case maybe_interpret(Suite, Case, Opts) of
2547	ok ->
2548	    Name = get_name(TestDir) ++	"." ++ atom_to_list(Suite) ++ "." ++
2549		atom_to_list(Case),
2550	    case catch test_server_ctrl:add_case_with_skip(Name, Suite, Case,
2551							   skiplist(TestDir,
2552								    Skip)) of
2553		{'EXIT',_} ->
2554		    CleanUp;
2555		_ ->
2556		    case wait_for_idle() of
2557			ok ->
2558			    add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opts, [Suite|CleanUp]);
2559			_ ->
2560			    CleanUp
2561		    end
2562	    end;
2563	Error ->
2564	    Error
2565    end;
2566add_jobs([], _, _, CleanUp) ->
2567    CleanUp.
2569wait_for_idle() ->
2570    ct_util:update_last_run_index(),
2571    Notify = fun(Me,IdleState) -> Me ! {idle,IdleState},
2572				  receive
2573				      {Me,proceed} -> ok
2574				  after
2575				      30000 -> ok
2576				  end
2577	     end,
2578    case catch test_server_ctrl:idle_notify(Notify) of
2579	{'EXIT',_} ->
2580	    error;
2581	TSPid ->
2582	    %% so we don't hang forever if test_server dies
2583	    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, TSPid),
2584	    Result = receive
2585			 {idle,abort}           -> aborted;
2586			 {idle,_}               -> ok;
2587			 {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> error
2588		     end,
2589	    erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
2590	    ct_util:update_last_run_index(),
2591	    %% let test_server_ctrl proceed (and possibly shut down) now
2592	    TSPid ! {self(),proceed},
2593	    Result
2594    end.
2596skiplist(Dir, [{Dir,all,Cmt}|Skip]) ->
2597    %% we need to turn 'all' into list of modules since
2598    %% test_server doesn't do skips on Dir level
2599    Ss = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir, "*_SUITE.beam")),
2600    [{list_to_atom(filename:basename(S,".beam")),Cmt} || S <- Ss] ++
2601	skiplist(Dir,Skip);
2602skiplist(Dir, [{Dir,S,Cmt}|Skip]) ->
2603    [{S,Cmt} | skiplist(Dir, Skip)];
2604skiplist(Dir, [{Dir,S,C,Cmt}|Skip]) ->
2605    [{S,C,Cmt} | skiplist(Dir, Skip)];
2606skiplist(Dir, [_|Skip]) ->
2607    skiplist(Dir, Skip);
2608skiplist(_Dir, []) ->
2609    [].
2611get_name(Dir) ->
2612    TestDir =
2613	case filename:basename(Dir) of
2614	    "test" ->
2615		filename:dirname(Dir);
2616	    _ ->
2617		Dir
2618	end,
2619    Base = filename:basename(TestDir),
2620    case filename:basename(filename:dirname(TestDir)) of
2621	"" ->
2622	    Base;
2623	TopDir ->
2624	    TopDir ++ "." ++ Base
2625    end.
2627run_make(TestDir, Mod, UserInclude) ->
2628    run_make(suites, TestDir, Mod, UserInclude, [nowarn_export_all]).
2630run_make(Targets, TestDir0, Mod, UserInclude, COpts) when is_list(Mod) ->
2631    run_make(Targets, TestDir0, list_to_atom(Mod), UserInclude, COpts);
2633run_make(Targets, TestDir0, Mod, UserInclude, COpts) ->
2634    case locate_test_dir(TestDir0, Mod) of
2635	{ok,TestDir} ->
2636	    %% send a start_make notification which may suspend
2637	    %% the process if some other node is compiling files
2638	    %% in the same directory
2639	    ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=start_make,
2640					node=node(),
2641					data=TestDir}),
2642	    {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
2643	    ok = file:set_cwd(TestDir),
2644	    CtInclude = get_dir(common_test, "include"),
2645	    XmerlInclude = get_dir(xmerl, "include"),
2646	    ErlFlags = UserInclude ++ [{i,CtInclude},
2647				       {i,XmerlInclude},
2648				       debug_info] ++ COpts,
2649	    Result =
2650		if Mod == all ; Targets == helpmods ->
2651			case (catch ct_make:all([noexec|ErlFlags])) of
2652			    {'EXIT',_} = Failure ->
2653				Failure;
2654			    MakeInfo ->
2655				FileTest = fun(F, suites) -> is_suite(F);
2656					      (F, helpmods) -> not is_suite(F)
2657					   end,
2658				Files =
2659				    lists:flatmap(fun({F,out_of_date}) ->
2660							  case FileTest(F,
2661									Targets) of
2662								  true -> [F];
2663								  false -> []
2664							      end;
2665							 (_) ->
2666							      []
2667						      end, MakeInfo),
2668				(catch ct_make:files(Files, [load|ErlFlags]))
2669			end;
2670		   true ->
2671			(catch ct_make:files([Mod], [load|ErlFlags]))
2672		end,
2674	    ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
2675	    %% send finished_make notification
2676	    ct_event:notify(#event{name=finished_make,
2677				   node=node(),
2678				   data=TestDir}),
2679	    case Result of
2680		{up_to_date,_} ->
2681		    ok;
2682		{'EXIT',Reason} ->
2683		    io:format("{error,{make_crashed,~tp}\n", [Reason]),
2684		    {error,{make_crashed,TestDir,Reason}};
2685		{error,ModInfo} ->
2686		    io:format("{error,make_failed}\n", []),
2687		    Bad = [filename:join(TestDir, M) || {M,R} <- ModInfo,
2688							R == error],
2689		    {error,{make_failed,Bad}}
2690	    end;
2691	{error,_} ->
2692	    io:format("{error,{invalid_directory,~tp}}\n", [TestDir0]),
2693	    {error,{invalid_directory,TestDir0}}
2694    end.
2696get_dir(App, Dir) ->
2697    filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), Dir).
2699maybe_interpret(Suite, Cases, #opts{step = StepOpts}) when StepOpts =/= undefined ->
2700    %% if other suite has run before this one, check if last testcase
2701    %% has left a "dead" trace window behind, and if so, kill it
2702    case ct_util:get_testdata(interpret) of
2703	{_What,kill,{TCPid,AttPid}} ->
2704	    ct_util:kill_attached(TCPid, AttPid);
2705	_ ->
2706	    ok
2707    end,
2708    maybe_interpret1(Suite, Cases, StepOpts);
2709maybe_interpret(_, _, _) ->
2710    ok.
2712maybe_interpret1(Suite, all, StepOpts) ->
2713    case i:ii(Suite) of
2714	{module,_} ->
2715	    i:iaa([break]),
2716	    case get_all_testcases(Suite) of
2717		{error,_} ->
2718		    {error,no_testcases_found};
2719		Cases ->
2720		    maybe_interpret2(Suite, Cases, StepOpts)
2721	    end;
2722	error ->
2723	    {error,could_not_interpret_module}
2724    end;
2725maybe_interpret1(Suite, Case, StepOpts) when is_atom(Case) ->
2726    maybe_interpret1(Suite, [Case], StepOpts);
2727maybe_interpret1(Suite, Cases, StepOpts) when is_list(Cases) ->
2728    case i:ii(Suite) of
2729	{module,_} ->
2730	    i:iaa([break]),
2731	    maybe_interpret2(Suite, Cases, StepOpts);
2732	error ->
2733	    {error,could_not_interpret_module}
2734    end.
2736maybe_interpret2(Suite, Cases, StepOpts) ->
2737    set_break_on_config(Suite, StepOpts),
2738    _ = [begin try i:ib(Suite, Case, 1) of
2739	       _ -> ok
2740	   catch
2741	       _:_Error ->
2742		   io:format(user, "Invalid breakpoint: ~w:~tw/1~n",
2743			     [Suite,Case])
2744	   end
2745 	 end || Case <- Cases, is_atom(Case)],
2746    test_server_ctrl:multiply_timetraps(infinity),
2747    WinOp = case lists:member(keep_inactive, ensure_atom(StepOpts)) of
2748		true -> no_kill;
2749		false -> kill
2750	    end,
2751    ct_util:set_testdata({interpret,{{Suite,Cases},WinOp,
2752				     {undefined,undefined}}}),
2753    ok.
2755set_break_on_config(Suite, StepOpts) ->
2756    case lists:member(config, ensure_atom(StepOpts)) of
2757	true ->
2758	    SetBPIfExists = fun(F,A) ->
2759				    case erlang:function_exported(Suite, F, A) of
2760					true -> i:ib(Suite, F, A);
2761					false -> ok
2762				    end
2763			    end,
2764	    ok = SetBPIfExists(init_per_suite, 1),
2765	    ok = SetBPIfExists(init_per_group, 2),
2766	    ok = SetBPIfExists(init_per_testcase, 2),
2767	    ok = SetBPIfExists(end_per_testcase, 2),
2768	    ok = SetBPIfExists(end_per_group, 2),
2769	    ok = SetBPIfExists(end_per_suite, 1);
2770	false ->
2771	    ok
2772    end.
2774maybe_cleanup_interpret(_, undefined) ->
2775    ok;
2776maybe_cleanup_interpret(Suite, _) ->
2777    i:iq(Suite).
2779log_ts_names([]) ->
2780    ok;
2781log_ts_names(Specs) ->
2782    List = lists:map(fun(Name) ->
2783			     Name ++ " "
2784		     end, Specs),
2785    ct_logs:log("Test Specification file(s)", "~ts",
2786		[lists:flatten(List)]).
2788merge_arguments(Args) ->
2789    merge_arguments(Args, []).
2791merge_arguments([LogDir={logdir,_}|Args], Merged) ->
2792    merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(replace, LogDir, Merged));
2794merge_arguments([CoverFile={cover,_}|Args], Merged) ->
2795    merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(replace, CoverFile, Merged));
2797merge_arguments([CoverStop={cover_stop,_}|Args], Merged) ->
2798    merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(replace, CoverStop, Merged));
2800merge_arguments([{'case',TC}|Args], Merged) ->
2801    merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(merge, {testcase,TC}, Merged));
2803merge_arguments([Arg|Args], Merged) ->
2804    merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(merge, Arg, Merged));
2806merge_arguments([], Merged) ->
2807    Merged.
2809handle_arg(replace, {Key,Elems}, [{Key,_}|Merged]) ->
2810    [{Key,Elems}|Merged];
2811handle_arg(merge, {event_handler_init,Elems}, [{event_handler_init,PrevElems}|Merged]) ->
2812    [{event_handler_init,PrevElems++["add"|Elems]}|Merged];
2813handle_arg(merge, {userconfig,Elems}, [{userconfig,PrevElems}|Merged]) ->
2814    [{userconfig,PrevElems++["add"|Elems]}|Merged];
2815handle_arg(merge, {Key,Elems}, [{Key,PrevElems}|Merged]) ->
2816    [{Key,PrevElems++Elems}|Merged];
2817handle_arg(Op, Arg, [Other|Merged]) ->
2818    [Other|handle_arg(Op, Arg, Merged)];
2819handle_arg(_,Arg,[]) ->
2820    [Arg].
2822get_start_opt(Key, IfExists, Args) ->
2823    get_start_opt(Key, IfExists, undefined, Args).
2825get_start_opt(Key, IfExists, IfNotExists, Args) ->
2826    try try_get_start_opt(Key, IfExists, IfNotExists, Args) of
2827	Result ->
2828	    Result
2829    catch
2830	error:_ ->
2831	    exit({user_error,{bad_argument,Key}})
2832    end.
2834try_get_start_opt(Key, IfExists, IfNotExists, Args) ->
2835    case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Args) of
2836	{value,{Key,Val}} when is_function(IfExists) ->
2837	    IfExists(Val);
2838	{value,{Key,Val}} when IfExists == value ->
2839	    Val;
2840	{value,{Key,_Val}} ->
2841	    IfExists;
2842	_ ->
2843	    IfNotExists
2844    end.
2846ct_hooks_args2opts(Args) ->
2847    lists:foldl(fun({ct_hooks,Hooks}, Acc) ->
2848			ct_hooks_args2opts(Hooks,Acc);
2849		   (_,Acc) ->
2850			Acc
2851		end,[],Args).
2853ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH,Arg,Prio,"and"| Rest],Acc) when Arg /= "and" ->
2854    ct_hooks_args2opts(Rest,[{list_to_atom(CTH),
2855			      parse_cth_args(Arg),
2856			      parse_cth_args(Prio)}|Acc]);
2857ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH,Arg,"and"| Rest],Acc) ->
2858    ct_hooks_args2opts(Rest,[{list_to_atom(CTH),
2859			      parse_cth_args(Arg)}|Acc]);
2860ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH], Acc) ->
2861    ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH,"and"],Acc);
2862ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, "and" | Rest], Acc) ->
2863    ct_hooks_args2opts(Rest,[list_to_atom(CTH)|Acc]);
2864ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args], Acc) ->
2865    ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args, "and"],Acc);
2866ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args, Prio], Acc) ->
2867    ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args, Prio, "and"],Acc);
2868ct_hooks_args2opts([],Acc) ->
2869    lists:reverse(Acc).
2871parse_cth_args(String) ->
2872    try
2873	true = io_lib:printable_unicode_list(String),
2874	{ok,Toks,_} = erl_scan:string(String++"."),
2875	{ok, Args} = erl_parse:parse_term(Toks),
2876	Args
2877    catch _:_ ->
2878	    String
2879    end.
2881event_handler_args2opts(Args) ->
2882    case proplists:get_value(event_handler, Args) of
2883	undefined ->
2884	    event_handler_args2opts([], Args);
2885	EHs ->
2886	    event_handler_args2opts([{list_to_atom(EH),[]} || EH <- EHs], Args)
2887    end.
2888event_handler_args2opts(Default, Args) ->
2889    case proplists:get_value(event_handler_init, Args) of
2890	undefined ->
2891	    Default;
2892	EHs ->
2893	    event_handler_init_args2opts(EHs)
2894    end.
2895event_handler_init_args2opts([EH, Arg, "and" | EHs]) ->
2896    [{list_to_atom(EH),lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts",[Arg]))} |
2897     event_handler_init_args2opts(EHs)];
2898event_handler_init_args2opts([EH, Arg]) ->
2899    [{list_to_atom(EH),lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts",[Arg]))}];
2900event_handler_init_args2opts([]) ->
2901    [].
2903verbosity_args2opts(Args) ->
2904    case proplists:get_value(verbosity, Args) of
2905	undefined ->
2906	    [];
2907	VArgs ->
2908	    GetVLvls =
2909		fun("and", {new,SoFar}) when is_list(SoFar) ->
2910			{new,SoFar};
2911		   ("and", {Lvl,SoFar}) when is_list(SoFar) ->
2912			{new,[{'$unspecified',list_to_integer(Lvl)} | SoFar]};
2913		   (CatOrLvl, {new,SoFar}) when is_list(SoFar) ->
2914			{CatOrLvl,SoFar};
2915		   (Lvl, {Cat,SoFar}) ->
2916			{new,[{list_to_atom(Cat),list_to_integer(Lvl)} | SoFar]}
2917		end,
2918		case lists:foldl(GetVLvls, {new,[]}, VArgs) of
2919		    {new,Parsed} ->
2920			Parsed;
2921		    {Lvl,Parsed} ->
2922			[{'$unspecified',list_to_integer(Lvl)} | Parsed]
2923		end
2924    end.
2926add_verbosity_defaults(VLvls) ->
2927    case {proplists:get_value('$unspecified', VLvls),
2928	  proplists:get_value(default, VLvls)} of
2929	{undefined,undefined} ->
2930	    ?default_verbosity ++ VLvls;
2931	{Lvl,undefined} ->
2932	    [{default,Lvl} | VLvls];
2933	{undefined,_Lvl} ->
2934	    [{'$unspecified',?MAX_VERBOSITY} | VLvls];
2935	_ ->
2936	    VLvls
2937    end.
2939%% This function reads pa and pz arguments, converts dirs from relative
2940%% to absolute, and re-inserts them in the code path. The order of the
2941%% dirs in the code path remain the same. Note however that since this
2942%% function is only used for arguments "pre run_test erl_args", the order
2943%% relative dirs "post run_test erl_args" is not kept!
2944rel_to_abs(CtArgs) ->
2945    {PA,PZ} = get_pa_pz(CtArgs, [], []),
2946    _ = [begin
2947	 Dir = rm_trailing_slash(D),
2948	 Abs = make_abs(Dir),
2949	 _ = if Dir /= Abs ->
2950		 _ = code:del_path(Dir),
2951		 _ = code:del_path(Abs),
2952		 io:format(user, "Converting ~tp to ~tp and re-inserting "
2953			   "with add_pathz/1~n",
2954			   [Dir, Abs]);
2955	    true ->
2956		 _ = code:del_path(Dir)
2957	 end,
2958	 code:add_pathz(Abs)
2959     end || D <- PZ],
2960    _ = [begin
2961	 Dir = rm_trailing_slash(D),
2962	 Abs = make_abs(Dir),
2963	 _ = if Dir /= Abs ->
2964		 _ = code:del_path(Dir),
2965		 _ = code:del_path(Abs),
2966		 io:format(user, "Converting ~tp to ~tp and re-inserting "
2967			   "with add_patha/1~n",
2968			   [Dir, Abs]);
2969	    true ->
2970		 _ = code:del_path(Dir)
2971	 end,
2972	 code:add_patha(Abs)
2973     end || D <- PA],
2974    io:format(user, "~n", []).
2976rm_trailing_slash(Dir) ->
2977    filename:join(filename:split(Dir)).
2979get_pa_pz([{pa,Dirs} | Args], PA, PZ) ->
2980    get_pa_pz(Args, PA ++ Dirs, PZ);
2981get_pa_pz([{pz,Dirs} | Args], PA, PZ) ->
2982    get_pa_pz(Args, PA, PZ ++ Dirs);
2983get_pa_pz([_ | Args], PA, PZ) ->
2984    get_pa_pz(Args, PA, PZ);
2985get_pa_pz([], PA, PZ) ->
2986    {PA,PZ}.
2988make_abs(RelDir) ->
2989    Tokens = filename:split(filename:absname(RelDir)),
2990    filename:join(lists:reverse(make_abs1(Tokens, []))).
2992make_abs1([".."|Dirs], [_Dir|Path]) ->
2993    make_abs1(Dirs, Path);
2994make_abs1(["."|Dirs], Path) ->
2995    make_abs1(Dirs, Path);
2996make_abs1([Dir|Dirs], Path) ->
2997    make_abs1(Dirs, [Dir|Path]);
2998make_abs1([], Path) ->
2999    Path.
3001%% This function translates ct:run_test/1 start options
3002%% to ct_run start arguments (on the init arguments format) -
3003%% this is useful mainly for testing the ct_run start functions.
3004opts2args(EnvStartOpts) ->
3005    lists:flatmap(fun({exit_status,ExitStatusOpt}) when is_atom(ExitStatusOpt) ->
3006			  [{exit_status,[atom_to_list(ExitStatusOpt)]}];
3007		     ({halt_with,{HaltM,HaltF}}) ->
3008			  [{halt_with,[atom_to_list(HaltM),
3009				       atom_to_list(HaltF)]}];
3010		     ({interactive_mode,true}) ->
3011			  [{shell,[]}];
3012		     ({config,CfgFile}) when is_integer(hd(CfgFile)) ->
3013			  [{ct_config,[CfgFile]}];
3014		     ({config,CfgFiles}) when is_list(hd(CfgFiles)) ->
3015			  [{ct_config,CfgFiles}];
3016		     ({userconfig,{CBM,CfgStr=[X|_]}}) when is_integer(X) ->
3017			  [{userconfig,[atom_to_list(CBM),CfgStr]}];
3018		     ({userconfig,{CBM,CfgStrs}}) when is_list(CfgStrs) ->
3019			  [{userconfig,[atom_to_list(CBM) | CfgStrs]}];
3020		     ({userconfig,UserCfg}) when is_list(UserCfg) ->
3021			  Strs =
3022			      lists:map(fun({CBM,CfgStr=[X|_]})
3023					      when is_integer(X) ->
3024						[atom_to_list(CBM),
3025						 CfgStr,"and"];
3026					   ({CBM,CfgStrs})
3027					      when is_list(CfgStrs) ->
3028						[atom_to_list(CBM) | CfgStrs] ++
3029						    ["and"]
3030					end, UserCfg),
3031			  [_LastAnd|StrsR] = lists:reverse(lists:flatten(Strs)),
3032			  [{userconfig,lists:reverse(StrsR)}];
3033		     ({group,G}) when is_atom(G) ->
3034			  [{group,[atom_to_list(G)]}];
3035		     ({group,Gs}) when is_list(Gs) ->
3036			  LOfGStrs = [lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tw",[G])) ||
3037					 G <- Gs],
3038			  [{group,LOfGStrs}];
3039		     ({testcase,Case}) when is_atom(Case) ->
3040			  [{'case',[atom_to_list(Case)]}];
3041		     ({testcase,Cases}) ->
3042			  [{'case',[atom_to_list(C) || C <- Cases]}];
3043		     ({'case',Cases}) ->
3044			  [{'case',[atom_to_list(C) || C <- Cases]}];
3045		     ({allow_user_terms,true}) ->
3046			  [{allow_user_terms,[]}];
3047		     ({allow_user_terms,false}) ->
3048			  [];
3049		     ({join_specs,true}) ->
3050			  [{join_specs,[]}];
3051		     ({join_specs,false}) ->
3052			  [];
3053		     ({auto_compile,false}) ->
3054			  [{no_auto_compile,[]}];
3055		     ({auto_compile,true}) ->
3056			  [];
3057		     ({scale_timetraps,true}) ->
3058			  [{scale_timetraps,[]}];
3059		     ({scale_timetraps,false}) ->
3060			  [];
3061		     ({create_priv_dir,auto_per_run}) ->
3062			  [];
3063		     ({create_priv_dir,PD}) when is_atom(PD) ->
3064			  [{create_priv_dir,[atom_to_list(PD)]}];
3065		     ({force_stop,skip_rest}) ->
3066			  [{force_stop,["skip_rest"]}];
3067		     ({force_stop,true}) ->
3068			  [{force_stop,[]}];
3069		     ({force_stop,false}) ->
3070			  [];
3071		     ({decrypt,{key,Key}}) ->
3072			  [{ct_decrypt_key,[Key]}];
3073		     ({decrypt,{file,File}}) ->
3074			  [{ct_decrypt_file,[File]}];
3075		     ({basic_html,true}) ->
3076			  [{basic_html,[]}];
3077		     ({basic_html,false}) ->
3078			  [];
3079		     ({esc_chars,false}) ->
3080			  [{no_esc_chars,[]}];
3081		     ({esc_chars,true}) ->
3082			  [];
3083		     ({event_handler,EH}) when is_atom(EH) ->
3084			  [{event_handler,[atom_to_list(EH)]}];
3085		     ({event_handler,EHs}) when is_list(EHs) ->
3086			  [{event_handler,[atom_to_list(EH) || EH <- EHs]}];
3087		     ({event_handler,{EH,Arg}}) when is_atom(EH) ->
3088			  ArgStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tp", [Arg])),
3089			  [{event_handler_init,[atom_to_list(EH),ArgStr]}];
3090		     ({event_handler,{EHs,Arg}}) when is_list(EHs) ->
3091			  ArgStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tp", [Arg])),
3092			  Strs = lists:flatmap(fun(EH) ->
3093						       [atom_to_list(EH),
3094							ArgStr,"and"]
3095					       end, EHs),
3096			  [_LastAnd | StrsR] = lists:reverse(Strs),
3097			  [{event_handler_init,lists:reverse(StrsR)}];
3098		     ({logopts,LOs}) when is_list(LOs) ->
3099			  [{logopts,[atom_to_list(LO) || LO <- LOs]}];
3100		     ({verbosity,?default_verbosity}) ->
3101			  [];
3102		     ({verbosity,VLvl}) when is_integer(VLvl) ->
3103			  [{verbosity,[integer_to_list(VLvl)]}];
3104		     ({verbosity,VLvls}) when is_list(VLvls) ->
3105			  VLvlArgs =
3106			      lists:flatmap(fun({'$unspecified',Lvl}) ->
3107						    [integer_to_list(Lvl),
3108						     "and"];
3109					       ({Cat,Lvl}) ->
3110						    [atom_to_list(Cat),
3111						     integer_to_list(Lvl),
3112						     "and"];
3113					       (Lvl) ->
3114						    [integer_to_list(Lvl),
3115						     "and"]
3116					    end, VLvls),
3117			  [_LastAnd|VLvlArgsR] = lists:reverse(VLvlArgs),
3118			  [{verbosity,lists:reverse(VLvlArgsR)}];
3119		     ({ct_hooks,[]}) ->
3120			  [];
3121		     ({ct_hooks,CTHs}) when is_list(CTHs) ->
3122			  io:format(user,"ct_hooks: ~tp",[CTHs]),
3123			  Strs = lists:flatmap(
3124				   fun({CTH,Arg,Prio}) ->
3125					   [atom_to_list(CTH),
3126					    lists:flatten(
3127					      io_lib:format("~tp",[Arg])),
3128					    lists:flatten(
3129					      io_lib:format("~tp",[Prio])),
3130					    "and"];
3131				       ({CTH,Arg}) ->
3132					   [atom_to_list(CTH),
3133					    lists:flatten(
3134					      io_lib:format("~tp",[Arg])),
3135					    "and"];
3136				      (CTH) when is_atom(CTH) ->
3137					   [atom_to_list(CTH),"and"]
3138				   end,CTHs),
3139			  [_LastAnd|StrsR] = lists:reverse(Strs),
3140			  io:format(user,"return: ~tp",[lists:reverse(StrsR)]),
3141			  [{ct_hooks,lists:reverse(StrsR)}];
3142		     ({Opt,As=[A|_]}) when is_atom(A) ->
3143			  [{Opt,[atom_to_list(Atom) || Atom <- As]}];
3144		     ({Opt,Strs=[S|_]}) when is_list(S) ->
3145			  [{Opt,Strs}];
3146		     ({Opt,A}) when is_atom(A) ->
3147			  [{Opt,[atom_to_list(A)]}];
3148		     ({Opt,I}) when is_integer(I) ->
3149			  [{Opt,[integer_to_list(I)]}];
3150		     ({Opt,S}) when is_list(S) ->
3151			  [{Opt,[S]}];
3152		     (Opt) ->
3153			  Opt
3154		  end, EnvStartOpts).
3156locate_test_dir(Dir, Suite) ->
3157    TestDir = case ct_util:is_test_dir(Dir) of
3158		  true  -> Dir;
3159		  false -> ct_util:get_testdir(Dir, Suite)
3160	      end,
3161    case filelib:is_dir(TestDir) of
3162	true  -> {ok,TestDir};
3163	false -> {error,invalid}
3164    end.
3166is_suite(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) ->
3167    is_suite(atom_to_list(Mod));
3168is_suite(ModOrFile) when is_list(ModOrFile) ->
3169    case lists:reverse(filename:basename(ModOrFile, ".erl")) of
3170	[$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_] ->
3171	    true;
3172	_ ->
3173	    case lists:reverse(filename:basename(ModOrFile, ".beam")) of
3174		[$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_] ->
3175		    true;
3176		_ ->
3177		    false
3178	    end
3179    end.
3181get_all_testcases(Suite) ->
3182    try ct_framework:get_all_cases(Suite) of
3183	{error,_Reason} = Error ->
3184	    Error;
3185	SuiteCases ->
3186	    Cases = [C || {_S,C} <- SuiteCases],
3187	    try Suite:sequences() of
3188		[] ->
3189		    Cases;
3190		Seqs ->
3191		    TCs1 = lists:flatten([TCs || {_,TCs} <- Seqs]),
3192		    lists:reverse(
3193		      lists:foldl(fun(TC, Acc) ->
3194					  case lists:member(TC, Acc) of
3195					      true  -> Acc;
3196					      false -> [TC | Acc]
3197					  end
3198				  end, [], Cases ++ TCs1))
3199	    catch
3200		_:_ ->
3201		    Cases
3202	    end
3203    catch
3204	_:Error ->
3205	    {error,Error}
3206    end.
3208%% Internal tracing support. If {ct_trace,TraceSpec} is present, the
3209%% TraceSpec file will be consulted and dbg used to trace function
3210%% calls during test run. Expected terms in TraceSpec:
3211%% {m,Mod} or {f,Mod,Func}.
3212start_trace(Args) ->
3213    case lists:keysearch(ct_trace,1,Args) of
3214	{value,{ct_trace,File}} ->
3215	    TraceSpec = delistify(File),
3216	    case file:consult(TraceSpec) of
3217		{ok,Terms} ->
3218		    case catch do_trace(Terms) of
3219			ok ->
3220			    true;
3221			{_,Error} ->
3222			    io:format("Warning! Tracing not started. Reason: ~tp~n~n",
3223				      [Error]),
3224			    false
3225		    end;
3226		{_,Error} ->
3227		    io:format("Warning! Tracing not started. Reason: ~ts~n~n",
3228			      [file:format_error(Error)]),
3229		    false
3230	    end;
3231	false ->
3232	    false
3233    end.
3235do_trace(Terms) ->
3236    dbg:tracer(),
3237    dbg:p(self(), [sos,call]),
3238    lists:foreach(fun({m,M}) ->
3239			  case dbg:tpl(M,x) of
3240			      {error,What} -> exit({error,{tracing_failed,What}});
3241			      _ -> ok
3242			  end;
3243		     ({me,M}) ->
3244			  case dbg:tp(M,[{'_',[],[{exception_trace},
3245						  {message,{caller}}]}]) of
3246			      {error,What} -> exit({error,{tracing_failed,What}});
3247			      _ -> ok
3248			  end;
3249		     ({f,M,F}) ->
3250			  case dbg:tpl(M,F,[{'_',[],[{exception_trace},
3251						     {message,{caller}}]}]) of
3252			      {error,What} -> exit({error,{tracing_failed,What}});
3253			      _ -> ok
3254			  end;
3255		     (Huh) ->
3256			  exit({error,{unrecognized_trace_term,Huh}})
3257		  end, Terms),
3258    ok.
3260stop_trace(true) ->
3261    dbg:stop_clear();
3262stop_trace(false) ->
3263    ok.
3265ensure_atom(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
3266    Atom;
3267ensure_atom(String) when is_list(String), is_integer(hd(String)) ->
3268    list_to_atom(String);
3269ensure_atom(List) when is_list(List) ->
3270    [ensure_atom(Item) || Item <- List];
3271ensure_atom(Other) ->
3272    Other.