2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2020. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
20%% This pass infers types from expressions and attempts to simplify or remove
21%% subsequent instructions based on that information.
23%% This is divided into two subpasses; the first figures out function type
24%% signatures for the whole module without optimizing anything, and the second
25%% optimizes based on that information, further refining the type signatures as
26%% it goes.
30-export([opt_start/2, opt_continue/4, opt_finish/3]).
35-import(lists, [all/2,any/2,duplicate/2,foldl/3,member/2,
36                keyfind/3,reverse/1,split/2,zip/2]).
38%% The maximum number of #b_ret{} terminators a function can have before
39%% collapsing success types into a single entry. Consider the following code:
41%%    f(0) -> 1;
42%%    f(...) -> ...;
43%%    f(500000) -> 500000.
45%% Since success types are grouped by return type and each clause returns a
46%% distinct type (singleton #t_integer{}s), we'll add 500000 entries which
47%% makes progress glacial since every call needs to examine them all to
48%% determine the return type.
50%% The entries are collapsed unconditionally if the number of returns in a
51%% function exceeds this threshold. This is necessary because collapsing as we
52%% go might widen a type; if we're at (?RETURN_LIMIT - 1) entries and suddenly
53%% narrow a type down, it could push us over the edge and collapse all entries,
54%% possibly widening the return type and breaking optimizations that were based
55%% on the earlier (narrower) types.
56-define(RETURN_LIMIT, 30).
58%% Constants common to all subpasses.
60        { func_id :: func_id(),
61          limit_return :: boolean(),
62          params :: [beam_ssa:b_var()],
63          used_once :: sets:set(beam_ssa:b_var()) }).
65-type type_db() :: #{ beam_ssa:var_name() := type() }.
69-spec opt_start(term(), term()) -> term().
70opt_start(StMap, FuncDb0) when FuncDb0 =/= #{} ->
71    {ArgDb, FuncDb} = signatures(StMap, FuncDb0),
73    opt_start_1(maps:keys(StMap), ArgDb, StMap, FuncDb);
74opt_start(StMap, FuncDb) ->
75    %% Module-level analysis is disabled, likely because of a call to
76    %% load_nif/2 or similar. opt_continue/4 will assume that all arguments and
77    %% return types are 'any'.
78    {StMap, FuncDb}.
80opt_start_1([Id | Ids], ArgDb, StMap0, FuncDb0) ->
81    case ArgDb of
82        #{ Id := ArgTypes } ->
83            #opt_st{ssa=Linear0,args=Args} = St0 = map_get(Id, StMap0),
85            Ts = maps:from_list(zip(Args, ArgTypes)),
86            {Linear, FuncDb} = opt_function(Linear0, Args, Id, Ts, FuncDb0),
88            St = St0#opt_st{ssa=Linear},
89            StMap = StMap0#{ Id := St },
91            opt_start_1(Ids, ArgDb, StMap, FuncDb);
92        #{} ->
93            %% Unreachable functions must be removed so that opt_continue/4
94            %% won't process them and potentially taint the argument types of
95            %% other functions.
96            StMap = maps:remove(Id, StMap0),
97            FuncDb = maps:remove(Id, FuncDb0),
99            opt_start_1(Ids, ArgDb, StMap, FuncDb)
100    end;
101opt_start_1([], _CommittedArgs, StMap, FuncDb) ->
102    {StMap, FuncDb}.
105%% The initial signature analysis is based on the paper "Practical Type
106%% Inference Based on Success Typings" [1] by `Tobias Lindahl` and
107%% `Konstantinos Sagonas`, mainly section 6.1 and onwards.
109%% The general idea is to start out at the module's entry points and propagate
110%% types to the functions we call. The argument types of all exported functions
111%% start out a 'any', whereas local functions start at 'none'. Every time a
112%% function call widens the argument types, we analyze the callee again and
113%% propagate its return types to the callers, analyzing them again, and
114%% continuing this process until all arguments and return types have been
115%% widened as far as they can be.
117%% Note that we do not "jump-start the analysis" by first determining success
118%% types as in the paper because we need to know all possible inputs including
119%% those that will not return.
121%% [1] http://www.it.uu.se/research/group/hipe/papers/succ_types.pdf
125        { wl = wl_new() :: worklist(),
126          committed = #{} :: #{ func_id() => [type()] },
127          updates = #{} :: #{ func_id() => [type()] }}).
129signatures(StMap, FuncDb0) ->
130    State0 = init_sig_st(StMap, FuncDb0),
131    {State, FuncDb} = signatures_1(StMap, FuncDb0, State0),
132    {State#sig_st.committed, FuncDb}.
134signatures_1(StMap, FuncDb0, State0) ->
135    case wl_next(State0#sig_st.wl) of
136        {ok, FuncId} ->
137            {State, FuncDb} = sig_function(FuncId, StMap, State0, FuncDb0),
138            signatures_1(StMap, FuncDb, State);
139        empty ->
140            %% No more work to do, assert that we don't have any outstanding
141            %% updates.
142            #sig_st{updates=Same,committed=Same} = State0, %Assertion.
144            {State0, FuncDb0}
145    end.
147sig_function(Id, StMap, State, FuncDb) ->
148    try
149        do_sig_function(Id, StMap, State, FuncDb)
150    catch
151        Class:Error:Stack ->
152            #b_local{name=#b_literal{val=Name},arity=Arity} = Id,
153            io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]),
154            erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
155    end.
157do_sig_function(Id, StMap, State0, FuncDb0) ->
158    case sig_function_1(Id, StMap, State0, FuncDb0) of
159        {false, false, State, FuncDb} ->
160            %% No added work and the types are identical. Pop ourselves from
161            %% the work list and move on to the next function.
162            Wl = wl_pop(Id, State#sig_st.wl),
163            {State#sig_st{wl=Wl}, FuncDb};
164        {false, true, State, FuncDb} ->
165            %% We've added some work and our return type is unchanged. Keep
166            %% following the work list without popping ourselves; we're very
167            %% likely to need to return here later and can avoid a lot of
168            %% redundant work by keeping our place in line.
169            {State, FuncDb};
170        {true, WlChanged, State, FuncDb} ->
171            %% Our return type has changed so all of our (previously analyzed)
172            %% callers need to be analyzed again.
173            %%
174            %% If our worklist is unchanged we'll pop ourselves since our
175            %% callers will add us back if we need to analyzed again, and
176            %% it's wasteful to stay in the worklist when we don't.
177            Wl0 = case WlChanged of
178                      true -> State#sig_st.wl;
179                      false -> wl_pop(Id, State#sig_st.wl)
180                  end,
182            #func_info{in=Cs0} = map_get(Id, FuncDb0),
183            Updates = State#sig_st.updates,
184            Callers = [C || C <- Cs0, is_map_key(C, Updates)],
185            Wl = wl_defer_list(Callers, Wl0),
187            {State#sig_st{wl=Wl}, FuncDb}
188    end.
190sig_function_1(Id, StMap, State0, FuncDb) ->
191    #opt_st{ssa=Linear,args=Args} = map_get(Id, StMap),
193    {ArgTypes, State1} = sig_commit_args(Id, State0),
194    Ts = maps:from_list(zip(Args, ArgTypes)),
196    FakeCall = #b_set{op=call,args=[#b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=unknown},
197                                              name=#b_literal{val=unknown},
198                                              arity=0}]},
200    Ds = maps:from_list([{Var, FakeCall#b_set{dst=Var}} ||
201                            #b_var{}=Var <- Args]),
203    Ls = #{ ?EXCEPTION_BLOCK => {incoming, Ts},
204            0 => {incoming, Ts} },
206    Meta = init_metadata(Id, Linear, Args),
208    Wl0 = State1#sig_st.wl,
210    {State, SuccTypes} = sig_bs(Linear, Ds, Ls, FuncDb, #{}, [], Meta, State1),
212    WlChanged = wl_changed(Wl0, State#sig_st.wl),
213    #{ Id := #func_info{succ_types=SuccTypes0}=Entry0 } = FuncDb,
215    if
216        SuccTypes0 =:= SuccTypes ->
217            {false, WlChanged, State, FuncDb};
218        SuccTypes0 =/= SuccTypes ->
219            Entry = Entry0#func_info{succ_types=SuccTypes},
220            {true, WlChanged, State, FuncDb#{ Id := Entry }}
221    end.
223sig_bs([{L, #b_blk{is=Is,last=Last0}} | Bs],
224       Ds0, Ls0, Fdb, Sub0, SuccTypes0, Meta, State0) ->
225    case Ls0 of
226        #{ L := Incoming } ->
227            {incoming, Ts0} = Incoming,         %Assertion.
229            {Ts, Ds, Sub, State} =
230                sig_is(Is, Ts0, Ds0, Ls0, Fdb, Sub0, State0),
232            Last = simplify_terminator(Last0, Ts, Ds, Sub),
233            SuccTypes = update_success_types(Last, Ts, Ds, Meta, SuccTypes0),
235            UsedOnce = Meta#metadata.used_once,
236            {_, Ls1} = update_successors(Last, Ts, Ds, Ls0, UsedOnce),
238            %% In the future there may be a point to storing outgoing types on
239            %% a per-edge basis as it would give us more precision in phi
240            %% nodes, but there's nothing to gain from that at the moment so
241            %% we'll store the current Ts to save memory.
242            Ls = Ls1#{ L := {outgoing, Ts} },
243            sig_bs(Bs, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub, SuccTypes, Meta, State);
244        #{} ->
245            %% This block is never reached. Ignore it.
246            sig_bs(Bs, Ds0, Ls0, Fdb, Sub0, SuccTypes0, Meta, State0)
247    end;
248sig_bs([], _Ds, _Ls, _Fdb, _Sub, SuccTypes, _Meta, State) ->
249    {State, SuccTypes}.
252               args=[#b_local{}=Callee | _]=Args0,
253               dst=Dst}=I0 | Is],
254       Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub, State0) ->
255    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub),
256    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
258    [_ | CallArgs] = Args,
259    {I, State} = sig_local_call(I1, Callee, CallArgs, Ts0, Fdb, State0),
261    Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
262    Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
263    sig_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub, State);
265               args=[#b_var{} | _]=Args0,
266               dst=Dst}=I0 | Is],
267       Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub, State) ->
268    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub),
269    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
271    [Fun | _] = Args,
272    I = case normalized_type(Fun, Ts0) of
273            #t_fun{type=Type} -> beam_ssa:add_anno(result_type, Type, I1);
274            _ -> I1
275        end,
277    Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
278    Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
279    sig_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub, State);
281       Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub0, State0) when MakeFun =:= make_fun;
282                                             MakeFun =:= old_make_fun ->
283    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub0),
284    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
286    {I, State} = sig_make_fun(I1, Ts0, Fdb, State0),
288    Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
289    Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
290    sig_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub0, State);
291sig_is([I0 | Is], Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub0, State) ->
292    case simplify(I0, Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Sub0) of
293        {#b_set{}, Ts, Ds} ->
294            sig_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub0, State);
295        Sub when is_map(Sub) ->
296            sig_is(Is, Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub, State)
297    end;
298sig_is([], Ts, Ds, _Ls, _Fdb, Sub, State) ->
299    {Ts, Ds, Sub, State}.
301sig_local_call(I0, Callee, Args, Ts, Fdb, State) ->
302    ArgTypes = argument_types(Args, Ts),
303    I = sig_local_return(I0, Callee, ArgTypes, Fdb),
304    {I, sig_update_args(Callee, ArgTypes, State)}.
306%% While it's impossible to tell which arguments a fun will be called with
307%% (someone could steal it through tracing and call it), we do know its free
308%% variables and can update their types as if this were a local call.
310                    args=[#b_local{}=Callee | FreeVars]}=I0,
311             Ts, Fdb, State) when MakeFun =:= make_fun;
312                                  MakeFun =:= old_make_fun ->
313    ArgCount = Callee#b_local.arity - length(FreeVars),
315    FVTypes = [raw_type(FreeVar, Ts) || FreeVar <- FreeVars],
316    ArgTypes = duplicate(ArgCount, any) ++ FVTypes,
318    I = sig_local_return(I0, Callee, ArgTypes, Fdb),
319    {I, sig_update_args(Callee, ArgTypes, State)}.
321sig_local_return(I, Callee, ArgTypes, Fdb) ->
322    #func_info{succ_types=SuccTypes} = map_get(Callee, Fdb),
323    case return_type(SuccTypes, ArgTypes) of
324        any -> I;
325        Type -> beam_ssa:add_anno(result_type, Type, I)
326    end.
328init_sig_st(StMap, FuncDb) ->
329    %% Start out as if all the roots have been called with 'any' for all
330    %% arguments.
331    Roots = init_sig_roots(FuncDb),
332    #sig_st{ committed=#{},
333             updates=init_sig_args(Roots, StMap, #{}),
334             wl=wl_defer_list(Roots, wl_new()) }.
336init_sig_roots(FuncDb) ->
337    maps:fold(fun(Id, #func_info{exported=true}, Acc) ->
338                      [Id | Acc];
339                 (_, _, Acc) ->
340                      Acc
341              end, [], FuncDb).
343init_sig_args([Root | Roots], StMap, Acc) ->
344    #opt_st{args=Args0} = map_get(Root, StMap),
345    ArgTypes = lists:duplicate(length(Args0), any),
346    init_sig_args(Roots, StMap, Acc#{ Root => ArgTypes });
347init_sig_args([], _StMap, Acc) ->
348    Acc.
350sig_commit_args(Id, #sig_st{updates=Us,committed=Committed0}=State0) ->
351    Types = map_get(Id, Us),
352    Committed = Committed0#{ Id => Types },
353    State = State0#sig_st{committed=Committed},
354    {Types, State}.
356sig_update_args(Callee, Types, #sig_st{committed=Committed}=State) ->
357    case Committed of
358        #{ Callee := Current } ->
359            case parallel_join(Current, Types) of
360                Current ->
361                    %% We've already processed this function with these
362                    %% arguments, so there's no need to visit it again.
363                    State;
364                Widened ->
365                    sig_update_args_1(Callee, Widened, State)
366            end;
367        #{} ->
368            sig_update_args_1(Callee, Types, State)
369    end.
371sig_update_args_1(Callee, Types, #sig_st{updates=Us0,wl=Wl0}=State) ->
372    Us = case Us0 of
373             #{ Callee := Current } ->
374                 Us0#{ Callee => parallel_join(Current, Types) };
375             #{} ->
376                 Us0#{ Callee => Types }
377         end,
378    State#sig_st{updates=Us,wl=wl_add(Callee, Wl0)}.
380-spec opt_continue(Linear, Args, Anno, FuncDb) -> {Linear, FuncDb} when
381      Linear :: [{non_neg_integer(), beam_ssa:b_blk()}],
382      Args :: [beam_ssa:b_var()],
383      Anno :: beam_ssa:anno(),
384      FuncDb :: func_info_db().
385opt_continue(Linear0, Args, Anno, FuncDb) when FuncDb =/= #{} ->
386    Id = get_func_id(Anno),
387    case FuncDb of
388        #{ Id := #func_info{exported=false,arg_types=ArgTypes} } ->
389            %% This is a local function and we're guaranteed to have visited
390            %% every call site at least once, so we know that the parameter
391            %% types are at least as narrow as the join of all argument types.
392            Ts = join_arg_types(Args, ArgTypes, #{}),
393            opt_function(Linear0, Args, Id, Ts, FuncDb);
394        #{ Id := #func_info{exported=true} } ->
395            %% We can't infer the parameter types of exported functions, but
396            %% running the pass again could still help other functions.
397            Ts = maps:from_list([{V,any} || #b_var{}=V <- Args]),
398            opt_function(Linear0, Args, Id, Ts, FuncDb)
399    end;
400opt_continue(Linear0, Args, Anno, _FuncDb) ->
401    %% Module-level optimization is disabled, pass an empty function database
402    %% so we only perform local optimizations.
403    Id = get_func_id(Anno),
404    Ts = maps:from_list([{V,any} || #b_var{}=V <- Args]),
405    {Linear, _} = opt_function(Linear0, Args, Id, Ts, #{}),
406    {Linear, #{}}.
408join_arg_types([Arg | Args], [TypeMap | TMs], Ts) ->
409    Type = beam_types:join(maps:values(TypeMap)),
410    join_arg_types(Args, TMs, Ts#{ Arg => Type });
411join_arg_types([], [], Ts) ->
412    Ts.
415%% Optimizes a function based on the type information inferred by signatures/2
416%% and earlier runs of opt_function/5.
418%% This is pretty straightforward as it only walks through each function once,
419%% and because it only makes types narrower it's safe to optimize the functions
420%% in any order or not at all.
423-spec opt_function(Linear, Args, Id, Ts, FuncDb) -> Result when
424      Linear :: [{non_neg_integer(), beam_ssa:b_blk()}],
425      Args :: [beam_ssa:b_var()],
426      Id :: func_id(),
427      Ts :: type_db(),
428      FuncDb :: func_info_db(),
429      Result :: {Linear, FuncDb}.
430opt_function(Linear, Args, Id, Ts, FuncDb) ->
431    try
432        do_opt_function(Linear, Args, Id, Ts, FuncDb)
433    catch
434        Class:Error:Stack ->
435            #b_local{name=#b_literal{val=Name},arity=Arity} = Id,
436            io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]),
437            erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
438    end.
440do_opt_function(Linear0, Args, Id, Ts, FuncDb0) ->
441    FakeCall = #b_set{op=call,args=[#b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=unknown},
442                                              name=#b_literal{val=unknown},
443                                              arity=0}]},
445    Ds = maps:from_list([{Var, FakeCall#b_set{dst=Var}} ||
446                            #b_var{}=Var <- Args]),
448    Ls = #{ ?EXCEPTION_BLOCK => {incoming, Ts},
449            0 => {incoming, Ts} },
451    Meta = init_metadata(Id, Linear0, Args),
453    {Linear, FuncDb, SuccTypes} =
454        opt_bs(Linear0, Ds, Ls, FuncDb0, #{}, [], Meta, []),
456    case FuncDb of
457        #{ Id := Entry0 } ->
458            Entry = Entry0#func_info{succ_types=SuccTypes},
459            {Linear, FuncDb#{ Id := Entry }};
460        #{} ->
461            %% Module-level optimizations have been turned off.
462            {Linear, FuncDb}
463    end.
465get_func_id(Anno) ->
466    #{func_info:={_Mod, Name, Arity}} = Anno,
467    #b_local{name=#b_literal{val=Name}, arity=Arity}.
469opt_bs([{L, #b_blk{is=Is0,last=Last0}=Blk0} | Bs],
470       Ds0, Ls0, Fdb0, Sub0, SuccTypes0, Meta, Acc) ->
471    case Ls0 of
472        #{ L := Incoming } ->
473            {incoming, Ts0} = Incoming,         %Assertion.
475            {Is, Ts, Ds, Fdb, Sub} =
476            opt_is(Is0, Ts0, Ds0, Ls0, Fdb0, Sub0, Meta, []),
478            Last1 = simplify_terminator(Last0, Ts, Ds, Sub),
479            SuccTypes = update_success_types(Last1, Ts, Ds, Meta, SuccTypes0),
481            UsedOnce = Meta#metadata.used_once,
482            {Last, Ls1} = update_successors(Last1, Ts, Ds, Ls0, UsedOnce),
484            Ls = Ls1#{ L := {outgoing, Ts} },           %Assertion.
486            Blk = Blk0#b_blk{is=Is,last=Last},
487            opt_bs(Bs, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub, SuccTypes, Meta, [{L,Blk} | Acc]);
488        #{} ->
489            %% This block is never reached. Discard it.
490            opt_bs(Bs, Ds0, Ls0, Fdb0, Sub0, SuccTypes0, Meta, Acc)
491    end;
492opt_bs([], _Ds, _Ls, Fdb, _Sub, SuccTypes, _Meta, Acc) ->
493    {reverse(Acc), Fdb, SuccTypes}.
496               args=[#b_local{}=Callee | _]=Args0,
497               dst=Dst}=I0 | Is],
498       Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb0, Sub, Meta, Acc) ->
499    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub),
500    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
502    [_ | CallArgs] = Args,
503    {I, Fdb} = opt_local_call(I1, Callee, CallArgs, Dst, Ts0, Fdb0, Meta),
505    Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
506    Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
507    opt_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub, Meta, [I | Acc]);
509               args=[#b_var{} | _]=Args0,
510               dst=Dst}=I0 | Is],
511       Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub, Meta, Acc) ->
512    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub),
513    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
515    [Fun | _] = Args,
516    I = case normalized_type(Fun, Ts0) of
517            #t_fun{type=Type} when Type =/= any ->
518                beam_ssa:add_anno(result_type, Type, I1);
519            _ ->
520                I1
521        end,
523    Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
524    Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
525    opt_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub, Meta, [I | Acc]);
527       Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb0, Sub0, Meta, Acc) when MakeFun =:= make_fun;
528                                                 MakeFun =:= old_make_fun ->
529    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub0),
530    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
532    {I, Fdb} = opt_make_fun(I1, Ts0, Fdb0, Meta),
534    Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
535    Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
536    opt_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub0, Meta, [I|Acc]);
537opt_is([I0 | Is], Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub0, Meta, Acc) ->
538    case simplify(I0, Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Sub0) of
539        {#b_set{}=I, Ts, Ds} ->
540            opt_is(Is, Ts, Ds, Ls, Fdb, Sub0, Meta, [I | Acc]);
541        Sub when is_map(Sub) ->
542            opt_is(Is, Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Fdb, Sub, Meta, Acc)
543    end;
544opt_is([], Ts, Ds, _Ls, Fdb, Sub, _Meta, Acc) ->
545    {reverse(Acc), Ts, Ds, Fdb, Sub}.
547opt_local_call(I0, Callee, Args, Dst, Ts, Fdb, Meta) ->
548    ArgTypes = argument_types(Args, Ts),
549    I = opt_local_return(I0, Callee, ArgTypes, Fdb),
550    case Fdb of
551        #{ Callee := #func_info{exported=false,arg_types=AT0}=Info0 } ->
552            %% Update the argument types of *this exact call*, the types
553            %% will be joined later when the callee is optimized.
554            CallId = {Meta#metadata.func_id, Dst},
556            AT = update_arg_types(ArgTypes, AT0, CallId),
557            Info = Info0#func_info{arg_types=AT},
559            {I, Fdb#{ Callee := Info }};
560        #{} ->
561            %% We can't narrow the argument types of exported functions as they
562            %% can receive anything as part of an external call. We can still
563            %% rely on their return types however.
564            {I, Fdb}
565    end.
567%% See sig_make_fun/4
569                    dst=Dst,
570                    args=[#b_local{}=Callee | FreeVars]}=I0,
571             Ts, Fdb, Meta) when MakeFun =:= make_fun;
572                                 MakeFun =:= old_make_fun ->
573    ArgCount = Callee#b_local.arity - length(FreeVars),
574    FVTypes = [raw_type(FreeVar, Ts) || FreeVar <- FreeVars],
575    ArgTypes = duplicate(ArgCount, any) ++ FVTypes,
577    I = opt_local_return(I0, Callee, ArgTypes, Fdb),
579    case Fdb of
580        #{ Callee := #func_info{exported=false,arg_types=AT0}=Info0 } ->
581            CallId = {Meta#metadata.func_id, Dst},
583            AT = update_arg_types(ArgTypes, AT0, CallId),
584            Info = Info0#func_info{arg_types=AT},
586            {I, Fdb#{ Callee := Info }};
587        #{} ->
588            %% We can't narrow the argument types of exported functions as they
589            %% can receive anything as part of an external call.
590            {I, Fdb}
591    end.
593opt_local_return(I, Callee, ArgTypes, Fdb) when Fdb =/= #{} ->
594    #func_info{succ_types=SuccTypes} = map_get(Callee, Fdb),
595    case return_type(SuccTypes, ArgTypes) of
596        any -> I;
597        Type -> beam_ssa:add_anno(result_type, Type, I)
598    end;
599opt_local_return(I, _Callee, _ArgTyps, _Fdb) ->
600    %% Module-level optimization is disabled, assume it returns anything.
601    I.
603update_arg_types([ArgType | ArgTypes], [TypeMap0 | TypeMaps], CallId) ->
604    TypeMap = TypeMap0#{ CallId => ArgType },
605    [TypeMap | update_arg_types(ArgTypes, TypeMaps, CallId)];
606update_arg_types([], [], _CallId) ->
607    [].
611-spec opt_finish(Args, Anno, FuncDb) -> {Anno, FuncDb} when
612      Args :: [beam_ssa:b_var()],
613      Anno :: beam_ssa:anno(),
614      FuncDb :: func_info_db().
615opt_finish(Args, Anno, FuncDb) ->
616    Id = get_func_id(Anno),
617    case FuncDb of
618        #{ Id := #func_info{exported=false,arg_types=ArgTypes} } ->
619            ParamInfo0 = maps:get(parameter_info, Anno, #{}),
620            ParamInfo = opt_finish_1(Args, ArgTypes, ParamInfo0),
621            {Anno#{ parameter_info => ParamInfo }, FuncDb};
622        #{} ->
623            {Anno, FuncDb}
624    end.
626opt_finish_1([Arg | Args], [TypeMap | TypeMaps], Acc0) ->
627    case beam_types:join(maps:values(TypeMap)) of
628        any ->
629            opt_finish_1(Args, TypeMaps, Acc0);
630        JoinedType ->
631            Info = maps:get(Arg, Acc0, []),
632            Acc = Acc0#{ Arg => [{type, JoinedType} | Info] },
633            opt_finish_1(Args, TypeMaps, Acc)
634    end;
635opt_finish_1([], [], Acc) ->
636    Acc.
639%%% Optimization helpers
642simplify_terminator(#b_br{bool=Bool}=Br0, Ts, Ds, Sub) ->
643    Br = beam_ssa:normalize(Br0#b_br{bool=simplify_arg(Bool, Ts, Sub)}),
644    simplify_not(Br, Ts, Ds, Sub);
646                    Ts, Ds, Sub) ->
647    Arg = simplify_arg(Arg0, Ts, Sub),
648    %% Ensure that no label in the switch list is the same as the
649    %% failure label.
650    List = [{Val,Lbl} || {Val,Lbl} <- List0, Lbl =/= Fail],
651    case beam_ssa:normalize(Sw0#b_switch{arg=Arg,list=List}) of
652        #b_switch{}=Sw ->
653            case beam_types:is_boolean_type(raw_type(Arg, Ts)) of
654                true -> simplify_switch_bool(Sw, Ts, Ds, Sub);
655                false -> Sw
656            end;
657        #b_br{}=Br ->
658            simplify_terminator(Br, Ts, Ds, Sub)
659    end;
660simplify_terminator(#b_ret{arg=Arg}=Ret, Ts, Ds, Sub) ->
661    %% Reducing the result of a call to a literal (fairly common for 'ok')
662    %% breaks tail call optimization.
663    case Ds of
664        #{ Arg := #b_set{op=call}} -> Ret;
665        #{} -> Ret#b_ret{arg=simplify_arg(Arg, Ts, Sub)}
666    end.
669%% Simplifies an instruction, returning either a new instruction (with updated
670%% type and definition maps), or an updated substitution map if the instruction
671%% was redundant.
674simplify(#b_set{op=phi,dst=Dst,args=Args0}=I0, Ts0, Ds0, Ls, Sub) ->
675    %% Simplify the phi node by removing all predecessor blocks that no
676    %% longer exists or no longer branches to this block.
677    {Type, Args} = simplify_phi_args(Args0, Ls, Sub, none, []),
678    case phi_all_same(Args) of
679        true ->
680            %% Eliminate the phi node if there is just one source
681            %% value or if the values are identical.
682            [{Val, _} | _] = Args,
683            Sub#{ Dst => Val };
684        false ->
685            I = I0#b_set{args=Args},
687            Ts = Ts0#{ Dst => Type },
688            Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
689            {I, Ts, Ds}
690    end;
692         Ts0, Ds0, _Ls, Sub) ->
693    Type = case will_succeed(I0, Ts0, Ds0, Sub) of
694               yes -> beam_types:make_atom(true);
695               no -> beam_types:make_atom(false);
696               maybe -> beam_types:make_boolean()
697           end,
698    case Type of
699        #t_atom{elements=[true]} ->
700            %% The checked operation always succeeds, so it's safe to remove
701            %% this instruction regardless of whether we're in a guard or not.
702            Lit = #b_literal{val=true},
703            Sub#{ Dst => Lit };
704        #t_atom{elements=[false]} when Kind =:= guard ->
705            %% Failing operations are only safe to remove in guards.
706            Lit = #b_literal{val=false},
707            Sub#{ Dst => Lit };
708        _ ->
709            true = is_map_key(Arg, Ds0),        %Assertion.
711            %% Note that we never simplify args; this instruction is specific
712            %% to the operation being checked, and simplifying could break that
713            %% connection.
714            I = beam_ssa:normalize(I0),
715            Ts = Ts0#{ Dst => Type },
716            Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
717            {I, Ts, Ds}
718    end;
719simplify(#b_set{op=bs_match,dst=Dst,args=Args0}=I0, Ts0, Ds0, _Ls, Sub) ->
720    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub),
721    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
722    I2 = case {Args0,Args} of
723             {[_,_,_,#b_var{},_],[Type,Val,Flags,#b_literal{val=all},Unit]} ->
724                 %% The size `all` is used for the size of the final binary
725                 %% segment in a pattern. Using `all` explicitly is not allowed,
726                 %% so we convert it to an obvious invalid size.
727                 I1#b_set{args=[Type,Val,Flags,#b_literal{val=bad_size},Unit]};
728             {_,_} ->
729                 I1
730         end,
731    %% We KNOW that simplify/2 will return a #b_set{} record when called with
732    %% a bs_match instruction.
733    #b_set{} = I3 = simplify(I2, Ts0),
734    I = beam_ssa:normalize(I3),
735    Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
736    Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
737    {I, Ts, Ds};
738simplify(#b_set{dst=Dst,args=Args0}=I0, Ts0, Ds0, _Ls, Sub) ->
739    Args = simplify_args(Args0, Ts0, Sub),
740    I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0#b_set{args=Args}),
741    case simplify(I1, Ts0) of
742        #b_set{}=I2 ->
743            I = beam_ssa:normalize(I2),
744            Ts = update_types(I, Ts0, Ds0),
745            Ds = Ds0#{ Dst => I },
746            {I, Ts, Ds};
747        #b_literal{}=Lit ->
748            Sub#{ Dst => Lit };
749        #b_var{}=Var ->
750            Sub#{ Dst => Var }
751    end.
753simplify(#b_set{op={bif,'and'},args=Args}=I, Ts) ->
754    case is_safe_bool_op(Args, Ts) of
755        true ->
756            case Args of
757                [_,#b_literal{val=false}=Res] -> Res;
758                [Res,#b_literal{val=true}] -> Res;
759                _ -> eval_bif(I, Ts)
760            end;
761        false ->
762            I
763    end;
764simplify(#b_set{op={bif,'or'},args=Args}=I, Ts) ->
765    case is_safe_bool_op(Args, Ts) of
766        true ->
767            case Args of
768                [Res,#b_literal{val=false}] -> Res;
769                [_,#b_literal{val=true}=Res] -> Res;
770                _ -> eval_bif(I, Ts)
771            end;
772        false ->
773            I
774    end;
775simplify(#b_set{op={bif,element},args=[#b_literal{val=Index},Tuple]}=I0, Ts) ->
776    case normalized_type(Tuple, Ts) of
777        #t_tuple{size=Size} when is_integer(Index),
778                                 1 =< Index,
779                                 Index =< Size ->
780            I = I0#b_set{op=get_tuple_element,
781                         args=[Tuple,#b_literal{val=Index-1}]},
782            simplify(I, Ts);
783        _ ->
784            eval_bif(I0, Ts)
785    end;
786simplify(#b_set{op={bif,hd},args=[List]}=I, Ts) ->
787    case normalized_type(List, Ts) of
788        #t_cons{} ->
789            I#b_set{op=get_hd};
790        _ ->
791            eval_bif(I, Ts)
792    end;
793simplify(#b_set{op={bif,tl},args=[List]}=I, Ts) ->
794    case normalized_type(List, Ts) of
795        #t_cons{} ->
796            I#b_set{op=get_tl};
797        _ ->
798            eval_bif(I, Ts)
799    end;
800simplify(#b_set{op={bif,size},args=[Term]}=I, Ts) ->
801    case normalized_type(Term, Ts) of
802        #t_tuple{} ->
803            simplify(I#b_set{op={bif,tuple_size}}, Ts);
804        #t_bitstring{size_unit=U} when U rem 8 =:= 0 ->
805            %% If the bitstring is a binary (the size in bits is
806            %% evenly divisibly by 8), byte_size/1 gives
807            %% the same result as size/1.
808            simplify(I#b_set{op={bif,byte_size}}, Ts);
809        _ ->
810            eval_bif(I, Ts)
811    end;
812simplify(#b_set{op={bif,tuple_size},args=[Term]}=I, Ts) ->
813    case normalized_type(Term, Ts) of
814        #t_tuple{size=Size,exact=true} ->
815            #b_literal{val=Size};
816        _ ->
817            I
818    end;
819simplify(#b_set{op={bif,is_function},args=[Fun,#b_literal{val=Arity}]}=I, Ts)
820  when is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0 ->
821    case normalized_type(Fun, Ts) of
822        #t_fun{arity=any} ->
823            I;
824        #t_fun{arity=Arity} ->
825            #b_literal{val=true};
826        any ->
827            I;
828        _ ->
829            #b_literal{val=false}
830    end;
831simplify(#b_set{op={bif,is_map_key},args=[Key,Map]}=I, Ts) ->
832    case normalized_type(Map, Ts) of
833        #t_map{} ->
834            I#b_set{op=has_map_field,args=[Map,Key]};
835        _ ->
836            I
837    end;
838simplify(#b_set{op={bif,Op0},args=Args}=I, Ts) when Op0 =:= '==';
839                                                    Op0 =:= '/=' ->
840    Types = normalized_types(Args, Ts),
841    EqEq0 = case {beam_types:meet(Types),beam_types:join(Types)} of
842                {none,any} -> true;
843                {#t_integer{},#t_integer{}} -> true;
844                {#t_float{},#t_float{}} -> true;
845                {#t_bitstring{},_} -> true;
846                {#t_atom{},_} -> true;
847                {_,_} -> false
848            end,
849    EqEq = EqEq0 orelse any_non_numeric_argument(Args, Ts),
850    case EqEq of
851        true ->
852            Op = case Op0 of
853                     '==' -> '=:=';
854                     '/=' -> '=/='
855                 end,
856            simplify(I#b_set{op={bif,Op}}, Ts);
857        false ->
858            eval_bif(I, Ts)
859    end;
860simplify(#b_set{op={bif,'=:='},args=[Same,Same]}, _Ts) ->
861    #b_literal{val=true};
862simplify(#b_set{op={bif,'=:='},args=[LHS,RHS]}=I, Ts) ->
863    LType = raw_type(LHS, Ts),
864    RType = raw_type(RHS, Ts),
865    case beam_types:meet(LType, RType) of
866        none ->
867            #b_literal{val=false};
868        _ ->
869            case {beam_types:is_boolean_type(LType),
870                  beam_types:normalize(RType)} of
871                {true,#t_atom{elements=[true]}} ->
872                    %% Bool =:= true  ==>  Bool
873                    LHS;
874                {true,#t_atom{elements=[false]}} ->
875                    %% Bool =:= false ==> not Bool
876                    %%
877                    %% This will be further optimized to eliminate the
878                    %% 'not', swapping the success and failure
879                    %% branches in the br instruction. If LHS comes
880                    %% from a type test (such as is_atom/1) or a
881                    %% comparison operator (such as >=) that can be
882                    %% translated to test instruction, this
883                    %% optimization will eliminate one instruction.
884                    simplify(I#b_set{op={bif,'not'},args=[LHS]}, Ts);
885                {_,_} ->
886                    eval_bif(I, Ts)
887            end
888    end;
889simplify(#b_set{op={bif,Op},args=Args}=I, Ts) ->
890    Types = normalized_types(Args, Ts),
891    case is_float_op(Op, Types) of
892        false ->
893            eval_bif(I, Ts);
894        true ->
895            AnnoArgs = [anno_float_arg(A) || A <- Types],
896            eval_bif(beam_ssa:add_anno(float_op, AnnoArgs, I), Ts)
897    end;
898simplify(#b_set{op=bs_extract,args=[Ctx]}=I, Ts) ->
899    case raw_type(Ctx, Ts) of
900        #t_bitstring{} ->
901            %% This is a bs_match that has been rewritten as a bs_get_tail;
902            %% just return the input as-is.
903            Ctx;
904        #t_bs_context{} ->
905            I
906    end;
908                args=[#b_literal{val=binary}, Ctx, _Flags,
909                      #b_literal{val=all},
910                      #b_literal{val=OpUnit}]}=I, Ts) ->
911    %% <<..., Foo/binary>> can be rewritten as <<..., Foo/bits>> if we know the
912    %% unit is correct.
913    #t_bs_context{tail_unit=CtxUnit} = raw_type(Ctx, Ts),
914    if
915        CtxUnit rem OpUnit =:= 0 ->
916            I#b_set{op=bs_get_tail,args=[Ctx]};
917        CtxUnit rem OpUnit =/= 0 ->
918            I
919    end;
920simplify(#b_set{op=bs_start_match,args=[#b_literal{val=new}, Src]}=I, Ts) ->
921    case raw_type(Src, Ts) of
922        #t_bs_context{} ->
923            I#b_set{op=bs_start_match,args=[#b_literal{val=resume}, Src]};
924        _ ->
925            I
926    end;
927simplify(#b_set{op=get_tuple_element,args=[Tuple,#b_literal{val=N}]}=I, Ts) ->
928    #t_tuple{size=Size,elements=Es} = normalized_type(Tuple, Ts),
929    true = Size > N,                            %Assertion.
930    ElemType = beam_types:get_tuple_element(N + 1, Es),
931    case beam_types:get_singleton_value(ElemType) of
932        {ok, Val} -> #b_literal{val=Val};
933        error -> I
934    end;
935simplify(#b_set{op=is_nonempty_list,args=[Src]}=I, Ts) ->
936    case normalized_type(Src, Ts) of
937        any ->
938            I;
939        #t_list{} ->
940            I;
941        #t_cons{} ->
942            #b_literal{val=true};
943        _ ->
944            #b_literal{val=false}
945    end;
947                args=[Src,#b_literal{val=Size},#b_literal{}=Tag]}=I, Ts) ->
948    simplify_is_record(I, normalized_type(Src, Ts), Size, Tag, Ts);
950                                  #b_literal{val=T}]}, _Ts) ->
951    #b_literal{val=[H|T]};
952simplify(#b_set{op=put_tuple,args=Args}=I, _Ts) ->
953    case make_literal_list(Args) of
954        none -> I;
955        List -> #b_literal{val=list_to_tuple(List)}
956    end;
957simplify(#b_set{op=call,args=[#b_remote{}=Rem|Args]}=I, Ts) ->
958    case Rem of
959        #b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=Mod},
960                  name=#b_literal{val=Name}} ->
961            simplify_remote_call(Mod, Name, Args, Ts, I);
962        #b_remote{} ->
963            I
964    end;
965simplify(#b_set{op=call,args=[#b_literal{val=Fun}|Args]}=I, _Ts)
966  when is_function(Fun, length(Args)) ->
967    FI = erlang:fun_info(Fun),
968    {module,M} = keyfind(module, 1, FI),
969    {name,F} = keyfind(name, 1, FI),
970    {arity,A} = keyfind(arity, 1, FI),
971    Rem = #b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=M},
972                    name=#b_literal{val=F},
973                    arity=A},
974    I#b_set{args=[Rem|Args]};
975simplify(#b_set{op=peek_message,args=[#b_literal{val=Val}]}=I, _Ts) ->
976    case Val of
977        none ->
978            I;
979        _ ->
980            %% A potential receive marker has been substituted with a literal,
981            %% which means it can't actually be a marker on this path. Replace
982            %% it with a normal receive.
983            I#b_set{args=[#b_literal{val=none}]}
984    end;
985simplify(#b_set{op=recv_marker_clear,args=[#b_literal{}]}, _Ts) ->
986    %% Not a receive marker: see the 'peek_message' case.
987    #b_literal{val=none};
988simplify(I, _Ts) ->
989    I.
991will_succeed(#b_set{args=[Src]}, Ts, Ds, Sub) ->
992    case {Ds, Ts} of
993        {#{}, #{ Src := none }} ->
994            %% Checked operation never returns.
995            no;
996        {#{ Src := I }, #{}} ->
997            %% There can't be any substitution because the instruction
998            %% is still there.
999            false = is_map_key(Src, Sub),        %Assertion.
1000            will_succeed_1(I, Src, Ts, Sub);
1001        {#{}, #{}} ->
1002            %% The checked instruction has been removed and substituted, so we
1003            %% can assume it always succeeds.
1004            true = is_map_key(Src, Sub),        %Assertion.
1005            yes
1006    end.
1008will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=bs_get_tail}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1009    yes;
1010will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=bs_start_match,args=[_, Arg]}, _Src, Ts, _Sub) ->
1011    ArgType = raw_type(Arg, Ts),
1012    case beam_types:is_bs_matchable_type(ArgType) of
1013        true ->
1014            %% In the future we may be able to remove this instruction
1015            %% altogether when we have a #t_bs_context{}, but for now we need
1016            %% to keep it for compatibility with older releases of OTP.
1017            yes;
1018        false ->
1019            %% Is it at all possible to match?
1020            case beam_types:meet(ArgType, #t_bs_matchable{}) of
1021                none -> no;
1022                _ -> maybe
1023            end
1024    end;
1026will_succeed_1(#b_set{op={bif,Bif},args=BifArgs}, _Src, Ts, _Sub) ->
1027    ArgTypes = normalized_types(BifArgs, Ts),
1028    beam_call_types:will_succeed(erlang, Bif, ArgTypes);
1030                      args=[#b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=Mod},
1031                            name=#b_literal{val=Func}} |
1032                            CallArgs]},
1033               _Src, Ts, _Sub) ->
1034            ArgTypes = normalized_types(CallArgs, Ts),
1035            beam_call_types:will_succeed(Mod, Func, ArgTypes);
1037will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=get_hd}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1038    yes;
1039will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=get_tl}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1040    yes;
1041will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=has_map_field}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1042    yes;
1043will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=get_tuple_element}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1044    yes;
1045will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=put_tuple}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1046    yes;
1048%% Remove the success branch from binary operations with invalid
1049%% sizes. That will remove subsequent bs_put and bs_match instructions,
1050%% which are probably not loadable.
1052               _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1053    case all(fun(#b_literal{val=Size}) -> is_integer(Size) andalso Size >= 0;
1054                (#b_var{}) -> true
1055             end, [Arg1,Arg2]) of
1056        true -> maybe;
1057        false -> no
1058    end;
1060                      args=[#b_literal{val=new},#b_literal{val=Size},_Unit]},
1061               _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1062    if
1063        is_integer(Size), Size >= 0 ->
1064            maybe;
1065        true ->
1066            no
1067    end;
1069                      args=[#b_literal{},_,#b_literal{val=Size},_Unit]},
1070               _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1071    if
1072        is_integer(Size), Size >= 0 ->
1073            maybe;
1074        true ->
1075            no
1076    end;
1078                      args=[#b_literal{val=Type},_,_,#b_literal{val=Size},_]},
1079               _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1080    if
1081        is_integer(Size), Size >= 0 ->
1082            maybe;
1083        Type =:= binary, Size =:= all ->
1084            %% `all` is a legal size for binary segments at the end of
1085            %% a binary pattern.
1086            maybe;
1087        true ->
1088            %% Invalid size. Matching will fail.
1089            no
1090    end;
1092%% These operations may fail even though we know their return value on success.
1093will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=call}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1094    maybe;
1095will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=get_map_element}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1096    maybe;
1097will_succeed_1(#b_set{op=wait_timeout}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1098    %% It is essential to keep the {succeeded,body} instruction to
1099    %% ensure that the failure edge, which potentially leads to a
1100    %% landingpad, is preserved. If the failure edge is removed, a Y
1101    %% register holding a `try` tag could be reused prematurely.
1102    maybe;
1104will_succeed_1(#b_set{}, _Src, _Ts, _Sub) ->
1105    maybe.
1107simplify_is_record(I, #t_tuple{exact=Exact,
1108                               size=Size,
1109                               elements=Es},
1110                   RecSize, #b_literal{val=TagVal}=RecTag, Ts) ->
1111    TagType = maps:get(1, Es, any),
1112    TagMatch = case beam_types:get_singleton_value(TagType) of
1113                   {ok, TagVal} -> yes;
1114                   {ok, _} -> no;
1115                   error ->
1116                       %% Is it at all possible for the tag to match?
1117                       case beam_types:meet(raw_type(RecTag, Ts), TagType) of
1118                           none -> no;
1119                           _ -> maybe
1120                       end
1121               end,
1122    if
1123        Size =/= RecSize, Exact; Size > RecSize; TagMatch =:= no ->
1124            #b_literal{val=false};
1125        Size =:= RecSize, Exact, TagMatch =:= yes ->
1126            #b_literal{val=true};
1127        true ->
1128            I
1129    end;
1130simplify_is_record(I, any, _Size, _Tag, _Ts) ->
1131    I;
1132simplify_is_record(_I, _Type, _Size, _Tag, _Ts) ->
1133    #b_literal{val=false}.
1135simplify_switch_bool(#b_switch{arg=B,fail=Fail,list=List0}, Ts, Ds, Sub) ->
1136    FalseVal = #b_literal{val=false},
1137    TrueVal = #b_literal{val=true},
1138    List1 = List0 ++ [{FalseVal,Fail},{TrueVal,Fail}],
1139    {_,FalseLbl} = keyfind(FalseVal, 1, List1),
1140    {_,TrueLbl} = keyfind(TrueVal, 1, List1),
1141    Br = #b_br{bool=B,succ=TrueLbl,fail=FalseLbl},
1142    simplify_terminator(Br, Ts, Ds, Sub).
1144simplify_not(#b_br{bool=#b_var{}=V,succ=Succ,fail=Fail}=Br0, Ts, Ds, Sub) ->
1145    case Ds of
1146        #{V:=#b_set{op={bif,'not'},args=[Bool]}} ->
1147            case beam_types:is_boolean_type(raw_type(Bool, Ts)) of
1148                true ->
1149                    Br = Br0#b_br{bool=Bool,succ=Fail,fail=Succ},
1150                    simplify_terminator(Br, Ts, Ds, Sub);
1151                false ->
1152                    Br0
1153            end;
1154        #{} ->
1155            Br0
1156    end;
1157simplify_not(#b_br{bool=#b_literal{}}=Br, _Sub, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1158    Br.
1160simplify_phi_args([{Arg0, From} | Rest], Ls, Sub, Type0, Args) ->
1161    case Ls of
1162        #{ From := Outgoing } ->
1163            {outgoing, Ts} = Outgoing,          %Assertion.
1165            Arg = simplify_arg(Arg0, Ts, Sub),
1166            Type = beam_types:join(raw_type(Arg, Ts), Type0),
1167            Phi = {Arg, From},
1169            simplify_phi_args(Rest, Ls, Sub, Type, [Phi | Args]);
1170        #{} ->
1171            simplify_phi_args(Rest, Ls, Sub, Type0, Args)
1172    end;
1173simplify_phi_args([], _Ls, _Sub, Type, Args) ->
1174    %% We return the arguments in their incoming order so that they won't
1175    %% change back and forth and ruin fixpoint iteration in beam_ssa_opt.
1176    {Type, reverse(Args)}.
1178phi_all_same([{Arg, _From} | Phis]) ->
1179    phi_all_same_1(Phis, Arg).
1181phi_all_same_1([{Arg, _From} | Phis], Arg) ->
1182    phi_all_same_1(Phis, Arg);
1183phi_all_same_1([], _Arg) ->
1184    true;
1185phi_all_same_1(_Phis, _Arg) ->
1186    false.
1188simplify_remote_call(erlang, throw, [Term], Ts, I) ->
1189    %% Annotate `throw` instructions with the type of their thrown term,
1190    %% helping `beam_ssa_throw` optimize non-local returns.
1191    Type = normalized_type(Term, Ts),
1192    beam_ssa:add_anno(thrown_type, Type, I);
1193simplify_remote_call(erlang, '++', [#b_literal{val=[]},Tl], _Ts, _I) ->
1194    Tl;
1195simplify_remote_call(erlang, setelement,
1196                     [#b_literal{val=Pos},
1197                      #b_literal{val=Tuple},
1198                      #b_var{}=Value], _Ts, I)
1199  when is_integer(Pos), 1 =< Pos, Pos =< tuple_size(Tuple) ->
1200    %% Position is a literal integer and the shape of the
1201    %% tuple is known.
1202    Els0 = [#b_literal{val=El} || El <- tuple_to_list(Tuple)],
1203    {Bef,[_|Aft]} = split(Pos - 1, Els0),
1204    Els = Bef ++ [Value|Aft],
1205    I#b_set{op=put_tuple,args=Els};
1206simplify_remote_call(Mod, Name, Args, _Ts, I) ->
1207    case erl_bifs:is_pure(Mod, Name, length(Args)) of
1208        true ->
1209            simplify_pure_call(Mod, Name, Args, I);
1210        false ->
1211            I
1212    end.
1214%% Simplify a remote call to a pure BIF.
1215simplify_pure_call(Mod, Name, Args0, I) ->
1216    case make_literal_list(Args0) of
1217        none ->
1218            I;
1219        Args ->
1220            %% The arguments are literals. Try to evaluate the BIF.
1221            try apply(Mod, Name, Args) of
1222                Val ->
1223                    case cerl:is_literal_term(Val) of
1224                        true ->
1225                            #b_literal{val=Val};
1226                        false ->
1227                            %% The value can't be expressed as a literal
1228                            %% (e.g. a pid).
1229                            I
1230                    end
1231            catch
1232                _:_ ->
1233                    %% Failed. Don't bother trying to optimize
1234                    %% the call.
1235                    I
1236            end
1237    end.
1239any_non_numeric_argument([#b_literal{val=Lit}|_], _Ts) ->
1240    is_non_numeric(Lit);
1241any_non_numeric_argument([#b_var{}=V|T], Ts) ->
1242    is_non_numeric_type(raw_type(V, Ts)) orelse any_non_numeric_argument(T, Ts);
1243any_non_numeric_argument([], _Ts) -> false.
1245is_non_numeric([H|T]) ->
1246    is_non_numeric(H) andalso is_non_numeric(T);
1247is_non_numeric(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
1248    is_non_numeric_tuple(Tuple, tuple_size(Tuple));
1249is_non_numeric(Map) when is_map(Map) ->
1250    %% Starting from OTP 18, map keys are compared using `=:=`.
1251    %% Therefore, we only need to check that the values in the map are
1252    %% non-numeric. (Support for compiling BEAM files for OTP releases
1253    %% older than OTP 18 has been dropped.)
1254    is_non_numeric(maps:values(Map));
1255is_non_numeric(Num) when is_number(Num) ->
1256    false;
1257is_non_numeric(_) -> true.
1259is_non_numeric_tuple(Tuple, El) when El >= 1 ->
1260    is_non_numeric(element(El, Tuple)) andalso
1261        is_non_numeric_tuple(Tuple, El-1);
1262is_non_numeric_tuple(_Tuple, 0) -> true.
1264is_non_numeric_type(#t_atom{}) -> true;
1265is_non_numeric_type(#t_bitstring{}) -> true;
1266is_non_numeric_type(#t_cons{type=Type,terminator=Terminator}) ->
1267    is_non_numeric_type(Type) andalso is_non_numeric_type(Terminator);
1268is_non_numeric_type(#t_list{type=Type,terminator=Terminator}) ->
1269    is_non_numeric_type(Type) andalso is_non_numeric_type(Terminator);
1270is_non_numeric_type(#t_map{super_value=Value}) ->
1271    is_non_numeric_type(Value);
1272is_non_numeric_type(nil) -> true;
1274  when map_size(Types) =:= Size ->
1275    is_non_numeric_tuple_type(Size, Types);
1276is_non_numeric_type(_) -> false.
1278is_non_numeric_tuple_type(0, _Types) ->
1279    true;
1280is_non_numeric_tuple_type(Pos, Types) ->
1281    is_non_numeric_type(map_get(Pos, Types)) andalso
1282        is_non_numeric_tuple_type(Pos - 1, Types).
1284make_literal_list(Args) ->
1285    make_literal_list(Args, []).
1287make_literal_list([#b_literal{val=H}|T], Acc) ->
1288    make_literal_list(T, [H|Acc]);
1289make_literal_list([_|_], _) ->
1290    none;
1291make_literal_list([], Acc) ->
1292    reverse(Acc).
1294is_safe_bool_op([LHS, RHS], Ts) ->
1295    LType = raw_type(LHS, Ts),
1296    RType = raw_type(RHS, Ts),
1297    beam_types:is_boolean_type(LType) andalso
1298        beam_types:is_boolean_type(RType).
1300eval_bif(#b_set{op={bif,Bif},args=Args}=I, Ts) ->
1301    Arity = length(Args),
1302    case erl_bifs:is_pure(erlang, Bif, Arity) of
1303        false ->
1304            I;
1305        true ->
1306            case make_literal_list(Args) of
1307                none ->
1308                    eval_type_test_bif(I, Bif, raw_types(Args, Ts));
1309                LitArgs ->
1310                    try apply(erlang, Bif, LitArgs) of
1311                        Val -> #b_literal{val=Val}
1312                    catch
1313                        error:_ -> I
1314                    end
1316            end
1317    end.
1319eval_type_test_bif(I, is_atom, [Type]) ->
1320    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_atom{});
1321eval_type_test_bif(I, is_binary, [Type]) ->
1322    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_bs_matchable{tail_unit=8});
1323eval_type_test_bif(I, is_bitstring, [Type]) ->
1324    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_bs_matchable{});
1325eval_type_test_bif(I, is_boolean, [Type]) ->
1326    case beam_types:is_boolean_type(Type) of
1327        true ->
1328            #b_literal{val=true};
1329        false ->
1330            case beam_types:meet(Type, #t_atom{}) of
1331                #t_atom{elements=[_|_]=Es} ->
1332                    case any(fun is_boolean/1, Es) of
1333                        true -> I;
1334                        false -> #b_literal{val=false}
1335                    end;
1336                #t_atom{} ->
1337                    I;
1338                none ->
1339                    #b_literal{val=false}
1340            end
1341    end;
1342eval_type_test_bif(I, is_float, [Type]) ->
1343    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_float{});
1344eval_type_test_bif(I, is_function, [Type]) ->
1345    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_fun{});
1346eval_type_test_bif(I, is_integer, [Type]) ->
1347    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_integer{});
1348eval_type_test_bif(I, is_list, [Type]) ->
1349    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_list{});
1350eval_type_test_bif(I, is_map, [Type]) ->
1351    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_map{});
1352eval_type_test_bif(I, is_number, [Type]) ->
1353    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, number);
1354eval_type_test_bif(I, is_tuple, [Type]) ->
1355    eval_type_test_bif_1(I, Type, #t_tuple{});
1356eval_type_test_bif(I, Op, Types) ->
1357    case Types of
1358        [#t_integer{},#t_integer{elements={0,0}}] when Op =:= 'bor'; Op =:= 'bxor' ->
1359            #b_set{args=[Result,_]} = I,
1360            Result;
1361        [#t_integer{},#t_integer{elements={0,0}}] when Op =:= '*'; Op =:= 'band' ->
1362            #b_literal{val=0};
1363        [T,#t_integer{elements={0,0}}] when Op =:= '+'; Op =:= '-' ->
1364            case beam_types:is_numerical_type(T) of
1365                true ->
1366                    #b_set{args=[Result,_]} = I,
1367                    Result;
1368                false ->
1369                    I
1370            end;
1371        [T,#t_integer{elements={1,1}}] when Op =:= '*'; Op =:= 'div' ->
1372            case beam_types:is_numerical_type(T) of
1373                true ->
1374                    #b_set{args=[Result,_]} = I,
1375                    Result;
1376                false ->
1377                    I
1378            end;
1379        [#t_integer{elements={LMin,LMax}},#t_integer{elements={RMin,RMax}}] ->
1380            case is_inequality_op(Op) of
1381                true ->
1382                    case {erlang:Op(LMin, RMin),erlang:Op(LMax, RMin),
1383                          erlang:Op(LMin, RMax),erlang:Op(LMax, RMax)} of
1384                        {Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool} ->
1385                            #b_literal{val=Bool};
1386                        _ ->
1387                            I
1388                    end;
1389                false ->
1390                    I
1391            end;
1392        _ ->
1393            I
1394    end.
1396is_inequality_op('<') -> true;
1397is_inequality_op('=<') -> true;
1398is_inequality_op('>') -> true;
1399is_inequality_op('>=') -> true;
1400is_inequality_op(_) -> false.
1402eval_type_test_bif_1(I, ArgType, Required) ->
1403    case beam_types:meet(ArgType, Required) of
1404        ArgType -> #b_literal{val=true};
1405        none -> #b_literal{val=false};
1406        _ -> I
1407    end.
1409simplify_args(Args, Ts, Sub) ->
1410    [simplify_arg(Arg, Ts, Sub) || Arg <- Args].
1412simplify_arg(#b_var{}=Arg0, Ts, Sub) ->
1413    case sub_arg(Arg0, Sub) of
1414        #b_literal{}=LitArg ->
1415            LitArg;
1416        #b_var{}=Arg ->
1417            case beam_types:get_singleton_value(raw_type(Arg, Ts)) of
1418                {ok, Val} -> #b_literal{val=Val};
1419                error -> Arg
1420            end
1421    end;
1422simplify_arg(#b_remote{mod=Mod,name=Name}=Rem, Ts, Sub) ->
1423    Rem#b_remote{mod=simplify_arg(Mod, Ts, Sub),
1424                 name=simplify_arg(Name, Ts, Sub)};
1425simplify_arg(Arg, _Ts, _Sub) -> Arg.
1427sub_arg(#b_var{}=Old, Sub) ->
1428    case Sub of
1429        #{Old:=New} -> New;
1430        #{} -> Old
1431    end.
1433is_float_op('-', [#t_float{}]) ->
1434    true;
1435is_float_op('/', [_,_]) ->
1436    true;
1437is_float_op(Op, [#t_float{},_Other]) ->
1438    is_float_op_1(Op);
1439is_float_op(Op, [_Other,#t_float{}]) ->
1440    is_float_op_1(Op);
1441is_float_op(_, _) -> false.
1443is_float_op_1('+') -> true;
1444is_float_op_1('-') -> true;
1445is_float_op_1('*') -> true;
1446is_float_op_1(_) -> false.
1448anno_float_arg(#t_float{}) -> float;
1449anno_float_arg(_) -> convert.
1452%%% Type helpers
1455%% Returns the narrowest possible return type for the given success types and
1456%% arguments.
1457return_type(SuccTypes0, CallArgs0) ->
1458    SuccTypes = st_filter_reachable(SuccTypes0, CallArgs0, [], []),
1459    st_join_return_types(SuccTypes, none).
1461st_filter_reachable([{SuccArgs, {call_self, SelfArgs}}=SuccType | Rest],
1462                    CallArgs0, Deferred, Acc) ->
1463    case st_is_reachable(SuccArgs, CallArgs0) of
1464        true ->
1465            %% If we return a call to ourselves, we need to join our current
1466            %% argument types with that of the call to ensure all possible
1467            %% return paths are covered.
1468            CallArgs = parallel_join(SelfArgs, CallArgs0),
1469            st_filter_reachable(Rest, CallArgs, Deferred, Acc);
1470        false ->
1471            %% This may be reachable after we've joined another self-call, so
1472            %% we defer it until we've gone through all other self-calls.
1473            st_filter_reachable(Rest, CallArgs0, [SuccType | Deferred], Acc)
1474    end;
1475st_filter_reachable([SuccType | Rest], CallArgs, Deferred, Acc) ->
1476    st_filter_reachable(Rest, CallArgs, Deferred, [SuccType | Acc]);
1477st_filter_reachable([], CallArgs, Deferred, Acc) ->
1478    case st_any_reachable(Deferred, CallArgs) of
1479        true ->
1480            %% Handle all deferred self calls that may be reachable now that
1481            %% we've expanded our argument types.
1482            st_filter_reachable(Deferred, CallArgs, [], Acc);
1483        false ->
1484            %% We have no reachable self calls, so we know our argument types
1485            %% can't expand any further. Filter out our reachable sites and
1486            %% return.
1487            [ST || {SuccArgs, _}=ST <- Acc, st_is_reachable(SuccArgs, CallArgs)]
1488    end.
1490st_join_return_types([{_SuccArgs, SuccRet} | Rest], Acc0) ->
1491    st_join_return_types(Rest, beam_types:join(SuccRet, Acc0));
1492st_join_return_types([], Acc) ->
1493    Acc.
1495st_any_reachable([{SuccArgs, _} | SuccType], CallArgs) ->
1496    case st_is_reachable(SuccArgs, CallArgs) of
1497        true -> true;
1498        false -> st_any_reachable(SuccType, CallArgs)
1499    end;
1500st_any_reachable([], _CallArgs) ->
1501    false.
1503st_is_reachable([A | SuccArgs], [B | CallArgs]) ->
1504    case beam_types:meet(A, B) of
1505        none -> false;
1506        _Other -> st_is_reachable(SuccArgs, CallArgs)
1507    end;
1508st_is_reachable([], []) ->
1509    true.
1511update_success_types(#b_ret{arg=Arg}, Ts, Ds, Meta, SuccTypes) ->
1512    #metadata{ func_id=FuncId,
1513               limit_return=Limited,
1514               params=Params } = Meta,
1516    RetType = case Ds of
1517                  #{ Arg := #b_set{op=call,args=[FuncId | Args]} } ->
1518                      {call_self, argument_types(Args, Ts)};
1519                  #{} ->
1520                      argument_type(Arg, Ts)
1521              end,
1522    ArgTypes = argument_types(Params, Ts),
1524    case Limited of
1525        true -> ust_limited(SuccTypes, ArgTypes, RetType);
1526        false -> ust_unlimited(SuccTypes, ArgTypes, RetType)
1527    end;
1528update_success_types(_Last, _Ts, _Ds, _Meta, SuccTypes) ->
1529    SuccTypes.
1531%% See ?RETURN_LIMIT for details.
1532ust_limited(SuccTypes, CallArgs, {call_self, SelfArgs}) ->
1533    NewArgs = parallel_join(CallArgs, SelfArgs),
1534    ust_limited_1(SuccTypes, NewArgs, none);
1535ust_limited(SuccTypes, CallArgs, CallRet) ->
1536    ust_limited_1(SuccTypes, CallArgs, CallRet).
1538ust_limited_1([], ArgTypes, RetType) ->
1539    [{ArgTypes, RetType}];
1540ust_limited_1([{SuccArgs, SuccRet}], CallArgs, CallRet) ->
1541    NewTypes = parallel_join(SuccArgs, CallArgs),
1542    NewType = beam_types:join(SuccRet, CallRet),
1543    [{NewTypes, NewType}].
1545%% Adds a new success type. Note that we no longer try to keep the list short
1546%% by combining entries with the same return type, as that can make effective
1547%% return types less specific as analysis goes on, which may cause endless
1548%% loops or render previous optimizations unsafe.
1550%% See beam_type_SUITE:success_type_oscillation/1 for more details.
1551ust_unlimited(SuccTypes, _CallArgs, none) ->
1552    %% 'none' is implied since functions can always fail.
1553    SuccTypes;
1554ust_unlimited([{SameArgs, SameType} | _]=SuccTypes, SameArgs, SameType) ->
1555    %% Already covered, return as-is.
1556    SuccTypes;
1557ust_unlimited([SuccType | SuccTypes], CallArgs, CallRet) ->
1558    [SuccType | ust_unlimited(SuccTypes, CallArgs, CallRet)];
1559ust_unlimited([], CallArgs, CallRet) ->
1560    [{CallArgs, CallRet}].
1563                  Ts, _Ds, Ls, _UsedOnce) ->
1564    {Last, update_successor(Succ, Ts, Ls)};
1566                  Ts, Ds, Ls0, UsedOnce) ->
1567    IsTempVar = sets:is_element(Bool, UsedOnce),
1568    case infer_types_br(Bool, Ts, IsTempVar, Ds) of
1569        {#{}=SuccTs, #{}=FailTs} ->
1570            Ls1 = update_successor(Succ, SuccTs, Ls0),
1571            Ls = update_successor(Fail, FailTs, Ls1),
1572            {Last0, Ls};
1573        {#{}=SuccTs, none} ->
1574            Last = Last0#b_br{bool=#b_literal{val=true},fail=Succ},
1575            {Last, update_successor(Succ, SuccTs, Ls0)};
1576        {none, #{}=FailTs} ->
1577            Last = Last0#b_br{bool=#b_literal{val=true},succ=Fail},
1578            {Last, update_successor(Fail, FailTs, Ls0)}
1579    end;
1581                  Ts, Ds, Ls0, UsedOnce) ->
1582    IsTempVar = sets:is_element(V, UsedOnce),
1584    {List1, FailTs, Ls1} =
1585        update_switch(List0, V, raw_type(V, Ts), Ts, Ds, Ls0, IsTempVar, []),
1587    case FailTs of
1588        none ->
1589            %% The fail block is unreachable; swap it with one of the choices.
1590            case List1 of
1591                [{#b_literal{val=0},_}|_] ->
1592                    %% Swap with the last choice in order to keep the zero the
1593                    %% first choice. If the loader can substitute a jump table
1594                    %% instruction, then a shorter version of the jump table
1595                    %% instruction can be used if the first value is zero.
1596                    {List, [{_,Fail}]} = split(length(List1)-1, List1),
1597                    Last = Last0#b_switch{fail=Fail,list=List},
1598                    {Last, Ls1};
1599                [{_,Fail}|List] ->
1600                    %% Swap with the first choice in the list.
1601                    Last = Last0#b_switch{fail=Fail,list=List},
1602                    {Last, Ls1}
1603            end;
1604        #{} ->
1605            Ls = update_successor(Fail0, FailTs, Ls1),
1606            Last = Last0#b_switch{list=List1},
1607            {Last, Ls}
1608    end;
1609update_successors(#b_ret{}=Last, _Ts, _Ds, Ls, _UsedOnce) ->
1610    {Last, Ls}.
1612update_switch([{Val, Lbl}=Sw | List],
1613              V, FailType0, Ts, Ds, Ls0, IsTempVar, Acc) ->
1614    FailType = beam_types:subtract(FailType0, raw_type(Val, Ts)),
1615    case infer_types_switch(V, Val, Ts, IsTempVar, Ds) of
1616        none ->
1617            update_switch(List, V, FailType, Ts, Ds, Ls0, IsTempVar, Acc);
1618        SwTs ->
1619            Ls = update_successor(Lbl, SwTs, Ls0),
1620            update_switch(List, V, FailType, Ts, Ds, Ls, IsTempVar, [Sw | Acc])
1621    end;
1622update_switch([], _V, none, _Ts, _Ds, Ls, _IsTempVar, Acc) ->
1623    %% Fail label is unreachable.
1624    {reverse(Acc), none, Ls};
1625update_switch([], V, FailType, Ts, Ds, Ls, IsTempVar, Acc) ->
1626    %% Fail label is reachable, see if we can narrow the type down further.
1627    FailTs = case beam_types:get_singleton_value(FailType) of
1628                 {ok, Value} ->
1629                     %% This is the only possible value at the fail label, so
1630                     %% we can infer types as if we matched it directly.
1631                     Lit = #b_literal{val=Value},
1632                     infer_types_switch(V, Lit, Ts, IsTempVar, Ds);
1633                 error when IsTempVar ->
1634                     ts_remove_var(V, Ts);
1635                 error ->
1636                     Ts#{ V := FailType }
1637             end,
1638    {reverse(Acc), FailTs, Ls}.
1640update_successor(?EXCEPTION_BLOCK, _Ts, Ls) ->
1641    %% We KNOW that no variables are used in the ?EXCEPTION_BLOCK,
1642    %% so there is no need to update the type information. That
1643    %% can be a huge timesaver for huge functions.
1644    Ls;
1645update_successor(S, Ts0, Ls) ->
1646    case Ls of
1647        #{ S := {outgoing, _} } ->
1648            %% We're in a receive loop or similar; the target block will not be
1649            %% revisited.
1650            Ls;
1651        #{ S := {incoming, InTs} } ->
1652            Ts = join_types(Ts0, InTs),
1653            Ls#{ S := {incoming, Ts} };
1654        #{} ->
1655            Ls#{ S => {incoming, Ts0} }
1656    end.
1658update_types(#b_set{op=Op,dst=Dst,anno=Anno,args=Args}, Ts, Ds) ->
1659    T = type(Op, Args, Anno, Ts, Ds),
1660    Ts#{Dst=>T}.
1662type({bif,Bif}, Args, _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1663    ArgTypes = normalized_types(Args, Ts),
1664    {RetType, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(erlang, Bif, ArgTypes),
1665    RetType;
1666type(bs_init, _Args, _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1667    #t_bitstring{};
1668type(bs_extract, [Ctx], _Anno, _Ts, Ds) ->
1669    #b_set{op=bs_match,args=Args} = map_get(Ctx, Ds),
1670    bs_match_type(Args);
1671type(bs_start_match, [_, Src], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1672    case beam_types:meet(#t_bs_matchable{}, raw_type(Src, Ts)) of
1673        none ->
1674            none;
1675        T ->
1676            Unit = beam_types:get_bs_matchable_unit(T),
1677            #t_bs_context{tail_unit=Unit}
1678    end;
1679type(bs_match, [#b_literal{val=binary}, Ctx, _Flags,
1680                #b_literal{val=all}, #b_literal{val=OpUnit}],
1681     _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1683    %% This is an explicit tail unit test which does not advance the match
1684    %% position.
1685    CtxType = raw_type(Ctx, Ts),
1686    OpType = #t_bs_context{tail_unit=OpUnit},
1688    beam_types:meet(CtxType, OpType);
1689type(bs_match, Args, _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1690    [_, Ctx | _] = Args,
1692    %% Matches advance the current position without testing the tail unit. We
1693    %% try to retain unit information by taking the GCD of our current unit and
1694    %% the increments we know the match will advance by.
1695    #t_bs_context{tail_unit=CtxUnit} = raw_type(Ctx, Ts),
1696    OpUnit = bs_match_stride(Args, Ts),
1698    #t_bs_context{tail_unit=gcd(OpUnit, CtxUnit)};
1699type(bs_get_tail, [Ctx], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1700    #t_bs_context{tail_unit=Unit} = raw_type(Ctx, Ts),
1701    #t_bitstring{size_unit=Unit};
1702type(call, [#b_remote{mod=#b_literal{val=Mod},
1703                      name=#b_literal{val=Name}}|Args], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1704    ArgTypes = normalized_types(Args, Ts),
1705    {RetType, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(Mod, Name, ArgTypes),
1706    RetType;
1707type(call, [#b_remote{} | _Args], _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1708    %% Remote call with variable Module and/or Function.
1709    any;
1710type(call, [#b_local{} | _Args], Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1711    case Anno of
1712        #{ result_type := Type } -> Type;
1713        #{} -> any
1714    end;
1715type(call, [#b_var{} | _Args], Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1716    case Anno of
1717        #{ result_type := Type } -> Type;
1718        #{} -> any
1719    end;
1720type(call, [#b_literal{val=Fun} | Args], _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1721    case is_function(Fun, length(Args)) of
1722        true ->
1723            %% This is an external fun literal (fun M:F/A).
1724            any;
1725        false ->
1726            %% This is either not a fun literal or the number of
1727            %% arguments is wrong.
1728            none
1729    end;
1730type(extract, [V, #b_literal{val=Idx}], _Anno, _Ts, Ds) ->
1731    case map_get(V, Ds) of
1732        #b_set{op=landingpad} when Idx =:= 0 ->
1733            %% Class
1734            #t_atom{elements=[error,exit,throw]};
1735        #b_set{op=landingpad} when Idx =:= 1 ->
1736            %% Reason
1737            any;
1738        #b_set{op=landingpad} when Idx =:= 2 ->
1739            %% Stack trace
1740            any
1741    end;
1742type(get_hd, [Src], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1743    SrcType = #t_cons{} = normalized_type(Src, Ts), %Assertion.
1744    {RetType, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(erlang, hd, [SrcType]),
1745    RetType;
1746type(get_tl, [Src], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1747    SrcType = #t_cons{} = normalized_type(Src, Ts), %Assertion.
1748    {RetType, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(erlang, tl, [SrcType]),
1749    RetType;
1750type(get_map_element, [_, _]=Args0, _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1751    [#t_map{}=Map, Key] = normalized_types(Args0, Ts), %Assertion.
1752    {RetType, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(erlang, map_get, [Key, Map]),
1753    RetType;
1754type(get_tuple_element, [Tuple, Offset], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1755    #t_tuple{size=Size,elements=Es} = normalized_type(Tuple, Ts),
1756    #b_literal{val=N} = Offset,
1757    true = Size > N, %Assertion.
1758    beam_types:get_tuple_element(N + 1, Es);
1759type(has_map_field, [_, _]=Args0, _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1760    [#t_map{}=Map, Key] = normalized_types(Args0, Ts), %Assertion.
1761    {RetType, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(erlang, is_map_key, [Key, Map]),
1762    RetType;
1763type(is_nonempty_list, [_], _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1764    beam_types:make_boolean();
1765type(is_tagged_tuple, [_,#b_literal{},#b_literal{}], _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1766    beam_types:make_boolean();
1767type(MakeFun, [#b_local{arity=TotalArity} | Env], Anno, _Ts, _Ds)
1768  when MakeFun =:= make_fun;
1769       MakeFun =:= old_make_fun ->
1770    RetType = case Anno of
1771                  #{ result_type := Type } -> Type;
1772                  #{} -> any
1773              end,
1774    #t_fun{arity=TotalArity - length(Env), type=RetType};
1775type(put_map, [_Kind, Map | Ss], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1776    put_map_type(Map, Ss, Ts);
1777type(put_list, [Head, Tail], _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1778    HeadType = raw_type(Head, Ts),
1779    TailType = raw_type(Tail, Ts),
1780    beam_types:make_cons(HeadType, TailType);
1781type(put_tuple, Args, _Anno, Ts, _Ds) ->
1782    {Es, _} = foldl(fun(Arg, {Es0, Index}) ->
1783                            Type = raw_type(Arg, Ts),
1784                            Es = beam_types:set_tuple_element(Index, Type, Es0),
1785                            {Es, Index + 1}
1786                    end, {#{}, 1}, Args),
1787    #t_tuple{exact=true,size=length(Args),elements=Es};
1788type(resume, [_, _], _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1789    none;
1790type(wait_timeout, [#b_literal{val=infinity}], _Anno, _Ts, _Ds) ->
1791    %% Waits forever, never reaching the 'after' block.
1792    beam_types:make_atom(false);
1793type(_, _, _, _, _) ->
1794    any.
1796put_map_type(Map, Ss, Ts) ->
1797    pmt_1(Ss, Ts, normalized_type(Map, Ts)).
1799pmt_1([Key0, Value0 | Ss], Ts, Acc0) ->
1800    Key = normalized_type(Key0, Ts),
1801    Value = normalized_type(Value0, Ts),
1802    {Acc, _, _} = beam_call_types:types(maps, put, [Key, Value, Acc0]),
1803    pmt_1(Ss, Ts, Acc);
1804pmt_1([], _Ts, Acc) ->
1805    Acc.
1807%% We seldom know how far a match operation may advance, but we can often tell
1808%% which increment it will advance by.
1809bs_match_stride([#b_literal{val=Type} | Args], Ts) ->
1810    bs_match_stride(Type, Args, Ts).
1812bs_match_stride(_, [_,_,Size,#b_literal{val=Unit}], Ts) ->
1813    case raw_type(Size, Ts) of
1814        #t_integer{elements={Sz, Sz}} when is_integer(Sz) ->
1815            Sz * Unit;
1816        _ ->
1817            Unit
1818    end;
1819bs_match_stride(string, [_,#b_literal{val=String}], _) ->
1820    bit_size(String);
1821bs_match_stride(utf8, _, _) ->
1822    8;
1823bs_match_stride(utf16, _, _) ->
1824    16;
1825bs_match_stride(utf32, _, _) ->
1826    32;
1827bs_match_stride(_, _, _) ->
1828    1.
1830-define(UNICODE_MAX, (16#10FFFF)).
1832bs_match_type([#b_literal{val=Type}|Args]) ->
1833    bs_match_type(Type, Args).
1835bs_match_type(binary, Args) ->
1836    [_,_,_,#b_literal{val=U}] = Args,
1837    #t_bitstring{size_unit=U};
1838bs_match_type(float, _) ->
1839    #t_float{};
1840bs_match_type(integer, Args) ->
1841    case Args of
1842        [_,
1843         #b_literal{val=Flags},
1844         #b_literal{val=Size},
1845         #b_literal{val=Unit}] when Size * Unit < 64 ->
1846            NumBits = Size * Unit,
1847            case member(unsigned, Flags) of
1848                true ->
1849                    beam_types:make_integer(0, (1 bsl NumBits)-1);
1850                false ->
1851                    %% Signed integer. Don't bother.
1852                    #t_integer{}
1853            end;
1854        [_|_] ->
1855            #t_integer{}
1856    end;
1857bs_match_type(skip, _) ->
1858    any;
1859bs_match_type(string, _) ->
1860    any;
1861bs_match_type(utf8, _) ->
1862    beam_types:make_integer(0, ?UNICODE_MAX);
1863bs_match_type(utf16, _) ->
1864    beam_types:make_integer(0, ?UNICODE_MAX);
1865bs_match_type(utf32, _) ->
1866    beam_types:make_integer(0, ?UNICODE_MAX).
1868normalized_types(Values, Ts) ->
1869    [normalized_type(Val, Ts) || Val <- Values].
1871normalized_type(V, Ts) ->
1872    beam_types:normalize(raw_type(V, Ts)).
1874argument_types(Values, Ts) ->
1875    [argument_type(Val, Ts) || Val <- Values].
1877-spec argument_type(beam_ssa:value(), type_db()) -> type().
1879argument_type(V, Ts) ->
1880    beam_types:limit_depth(raw_type(V, Ts)).
1882raw_types(Values, Ts) ->
1883    [raw_type(Val, Ts) || Val <- Values].
1885-spec raw_type(beam_ssa:value(), type_db()) -> type().
1887raw_type(#b_literal{val=Value}, _Ts) ->
1888    beam_types:make_type_from_value(Value);
1889raw_type(V, Ts) ->
1890    map_get(V, Ts).
1892%% infer_types(Var, Types, #d{}) -> {SuccTypes,FailTypes}
1893%%  Looking at the expression that defines the variable Var, infer
1894%%  the types for the variables in the arguments. Return the updated
1895%%  type database for the case that the expression evaluates to
1896%%  true, and and for the case that it evaluates to false.
1898%%  Here is an example. The variable being asked about is
1899%%  the variable Bool, which is defined like this:
1901%%     Bool = is_nonempty_list L
1903%%  If 'is_nonempty_list L' evaluates to 'true', L must
1904%%  must be cons. The meet of the previously known type of L and 'cons'
1905%%  will be added to SuccTypes.
1907%%  On the other hand, if 'is_nonempty_list L' evaluates to false, L
1908%%  is not cons and cons can be subtracted from the previously known
1909%%  type for L. For example, if L was known to be 'list', subtracting
1910%%  'cons' would give 'nil' as the only possible type. The result of the
1911%%  subtraction for L will be added to FailTypes.
1913infer_types_br(#b_var{}=V, Ts, IsTempVar, Ds) ->
1914    #{V:=#b_set{op=Op,args=Args}} = Ds,
1916    {PosTypes, NegTypes} = infer_type(Op, Args, Ts, Ds),
1918    SuccTs0 = meet_types(PosTypes, Ts),
1919    FailTs0 = subtract_types(NegTypes, Ts),
1921    case IsTempVar of
1922        true ->
1923            %% The branch variable is defined in this block and is only
1924            %% referenced by this terminator. Therefore, there is no need to
1925            %% include it in the type database passed on to the successors of
1926            %% of this block.
1927            SuccTs = ts_remove_var(V, SuccTs0),
1928            FailTs = ts_remove_var(V, FailTs0),
1929            {SuccTs, FailTs};
1930        false ->
1931            SuccTs = infer_br_value(V, true, SuccTs0),
1932            FailTs = infer_br_value(V, false, FailTs0),
1933            {SuccTs, FailTs}
1934    end.
1936infer_br_value(_V, _Bool, none) ->
1937    none;
1938infer_br_value(V, Bool, NewTs) ->
1939    #{ V := T } = NewTs,
1940    case beam_types:is_boolean_type(T) of
1941        true ->
1942            NewTs#{ V := beam_types:make_atom(Bool) };
1943        false ->
1944            %% V is a try/catch tag or similar, leave it alone.
1945            NewTs
1946    end.
1948infer_types_switch(V, Lit, Ts0, IsTempVar, Ds) ->
1949    {PosTypes, _} = infer_type({bif,'=:='}, [V, Lit], Ts0, Ds),
1950    Ts = meet_types(PosTypes, Ts0),
1951    case IsTempVar of
1952        true -> ts_remove_var(V, Ts);
1953        false -> Ts
1954    end.
1956ts_remove_var(_V, none) -> none;
1957ts_remove_var(V, Ts) -> maps:remove(V, Ts).
1959infer_type({succeeded,_}, [#b_var{}=Src], Ts, Ds) ->
1960    #b_set{op=Op,args=Args} = maps:get(Src, Ds),
1961    infer_success_type(Op, Args, Ts, Ds);
1963%% Type tests are handled separately from other BIFs as we're inferring types
1964%% based on their result, so we know that subtraction is safe even if we're
1965%% not branching on 'succeeded'.
1966infer_type(is_tagged_tuple, [#b_var{}=Src,#b_literal{val=Size},
1967                             #b_literal{}=Tag], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1968    Es = beam_types:set_tuple_element(1, raw_type(Tag, #{}), #{}),
1969    T = {Src,#t_tuple{exact=true,size=Size,elements=Es}},
1970    {[T], [T]};
1971infer_type(is_nonempty_list, [#b_var{}=Src], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1972    T = {Src,#t_cons{}},
1973    {[T], [T]};
1974infer_type({bif,is_atom}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1975    T = {Arg, #t_atom{}},
1976    {[T], [T]};
1977infer_type({bif,is_binary}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1978    T = {Arg, #t_bitstring{size_unit=8}},
1979    {[T], [T]};
1980infer_type({bif,is_bitstring}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1981    T = {Arg, #t_bitstring{}},
1982    {[T], [T]};
1983infer_type({bif,is_boolean}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1984    T = {Arg, beam_types:make_boolean()},
1985    {[T], [T]};
1986infer_type({bif,is_float}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1987    T = {Arg, #t_float{}},
1988    {[T], [T]};
1989infer_type({bif,is_integer}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1990    T = {Arg, #t_integer{}},
1991    {[T], [T]};
1992infer_type({bif,is_list}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1993    T = {Arg, #t_list{}},
1994    {[T], [T]};
1995infer_type({bif,is_map}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1996    T = {Arg, #t_map{}},
1997    {[T], [T]};
1998infer_type({bif,is_number}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
1999    T = {Arg, number},
2000    {[T], [T]};
2001infer_type({bif,is_tuple}, [Arg], _Ts, _Ds) ->
2002    T = {Arg, #t_tuple{}},
2003    {[T], [T]};
2004infer_type({bif,'=:='}, [#b_var{}=LHS,#b_var{}=RHS], Ts, _Ds) ->
2005    %% As an example, assume that L1 is known to be 'list', and L2 is
2006    %% known to be 'cons'. Then if 'L1 =:= L2' evaluates to 'true', it can
2007    %% be inferred that L1 is 'cons' (the meet of 'cons' and 'list').
2008    LType = raw_type(LHS, Ts),
2009    RType = raw_type(RHS, Ts),
2010    Type = beam_types:meet(LType, RType),
2012    PosTypes = [{V,Type} || {V, OrigType} <- [{LHS, LType}, {RHS, RType}],
2013                            OrigType =/= Type],
2015    %% We must be careful with types inferred from '=:='.
2016    %%
2017    %% If we have seen L =:= [a], we know that L is 'cons' if the
2018    %% comparison succeeds. However, if the comparison fails, L could
2019    %% still be 'cons'. Therefore, we must not subtract 'cons' from the
2020    %% previous type of L.
2021    %%
2022    %% However, it is safe to subtract a type inferred from '=:=' if
2023    %% it is single-valued, e.g. if it is [] or the atom 'true'.
2024    %%
2025    %% Note that we subtract the left-hand type from the right-hand
2026    %% value and vice versa. We must not subtract the meet of the two
2027    %% as it may be too specific. See beam_type_SUITE:type_subtraction/1
2028    %% for details.
2029    NegTypes = [T || {_, OtherType}=T <- [{RHS, LType}, {LHS, RType}],
2030                     beam_types:is_singleton_type(OtherType)],
2032    {PosTypes, NegTypes};
2033infer_type({bif,'=:='}, [#b_var{}=Src,#b_literal{}=Lit], Ts, Ds) ->
2034    Def = maps:get(Src, Ds),
2035    LitType = raw_type(Lit, Ts),
2036    PosTypes = [{Src, LitType} | infer_eq_lit(Def, LitType)],
2038    %% Subtraction is only safe if LitType is single-valued.
2039    NegTypes = case beam_types:is_singleton_type(LitType) of
2040                    true -> PosTypes;
2041                    false -> []
2042               end,
2044    {PosTypes, NegTypes};
2045infer_type(_Op, _Args, _Ts, _Ds) ->
2046    {[], []}.
2048infer_success_type({bif,Op}, Args, Ts, _Ds) ->
2049    ArgTypes = normalized_types(Args, Ts),
2051    {_, PosTypes0, CanSubtract} = beam_call_types:types(erlang, Op, ArgTypes),
2052    PosTypes = [T || {#b_var{},_}=T <- zip(Args, PosTypes0)],
2054    case CanSubtract of
2055        true -> {PosTypes, PosTypes};
2056        false -> {PosTypes, []}
2057    end;
2058infer_success_type(call, [#b_var{}=Fun|Args], _Ts, _Ds) ->
2059    T = {Fun, #t_fun{arity=length(Args)}},
2060    {[T], []};
2061infer_success_type(bs_start_match, [_, #b_var{}=Src], _Ts, _Ds) ->
2062    T = {Src,#t_bs_matchable{}},
2063    {[T], [T]};
2064infer_success_type(bs_match, [#b_literal{val=binary},
2065                              Ctx, _Flags,
2066                              #b_literal{val=all},
2067                              #b_literal{val=OpUnit}],
2068                   _Ts, _Ds) ->
2069    %% This is an explicit tail unit test which does not advance the match
2070    %% position, so we know that Ctx has the same unit.
2071    T = {Ctx, #t_bs_context{tail_unit=OpUnit}},
2072    {[T], [T]};
2073infer_success_type(_Op, _Args, _Ts, _Ds) ->
2074    {[], []}.
2077             #t_integer{elements={Size,Size}}) ->
2078    [{Tuple,#t_tuple{exact=true,size=Size}}];
2080                    args=[#b_var{}=Tuple,#b_literal{val=N}]},
2081             LitType) ->
2082    Index = N + 1,
2083    case beam_types:set_tuple_element(Index, LitType, #{}) of
2084        #{ Index := _ }=Es ->
2085            [{Tuple,#t_tuple{size=Index,elements=Es}}];
2086        #{} ->
2087            %% Index was above the element limit; subtraction is not safe.
2088            []
2089    end;
2090infer_eq_lit(_, _) ->
2091    [].
2093join_types(Ts, Ts) ->
2094    Ts;
2095join_types(LHS, RHS) ->
2096    if
2097        map_size(LHS) < map_size(RHS) ->
2098            join_types_1(maps:keys(LHS), RHS, LHS);
2099        true ->
2100            join_types_1(maps:keys(RHS), LHS, RHS)
2101    end.
2103%% Joins two type maps, keeping the variables that are common to both maps.
2104join_types_1([V | Vs], Bigger, Smaller) ->
2105    case {Bigger, Smaller} of
2106        {#{ V := Same }, #{ V := Same }} ->
2107            join_types_1(Vs, Bigger, Smaller);
2108        {#{ V := LHS }, #{ V := RHS }} ->
2109            T = beam_types:join(LHS, RHS),
2110            join_types_1(Vs, Bigger, Smaller#{ V := T });
2111        {#{}, #{ V := _ }} ->
2112            join_types_1(Vs, Bigger, maps:remove(V, Smaller))
2113    end;
2114join_types_1([], _Bigger, Smaller) ->
2115    Smaller.
2117meet_types([{V,T0}|Vs], Ts) ->
2118    #{V:=T1} = Ts,
2119    case beam_types:meet(T0, T1) of
2120        none -> none;
2121        T1 -> meet_types(Vs, Ts);
2122        T -> meet_types(Vs, Ts#{V:=T})
2123    end;
2124meet_types([], Ts) -> Ts.
2126subtract_types([{V,T0}|Vs], Ts) ->
2127    #{V:=T1} = Ts,
2128    case beam_types:subtract(T1, T0) of
2129        none -> none;
2130        T1 -> subtract_types(Vs, Ts);
2131        T -> subtract_types(Vs, Ts#{V:=T})
2132    end;
2133subtract_types([], Ts) -> Ts.
2135parallel_join([A | As], [B | Bs]) ->
2136    [beam_types:join(A, B) | parallel_join(As, Bs)];
2137parallel_join([], []) ->
2138    [].
2140gcd(A, B) ->
2141    case A rem B of
2142        0 -> B;
2143        X -> gcd(B, X)
2144    end.
2147%%% Helpers
2150init_metadata(FuncId, Linear, Params) ->
2151    {RetCounter, Map0} = init_metadata_1(reverse(Linear), 0, #{}),
2152    Map = maps:without(Params, Map0),
2153    UsedOnce = sets:from_list(maps:keys(Map), [{version, 2}]),
2155    #metadata{ func_id = FuncId,
2156               limit_return = (RetCounter >= ?RETURN_LIMIT),
2157               params = Params,
2158               used_once = UsedOnce }.
2160init_metadata_1([{L,#b_blk{is=Is,last=Last}} | Bs], RetCounter0, Uses0) ->
2161    %% Track the number of return terminators in use. See ?RETURN_LIMIT for
2162    %% details.
2163    RetCounter = case Last of
2164                     #b_ret{} -> RetCounter0 + 1;
2165                     _ -> RetCounter0
2166                 end,
2168    %% Calculate the set of variables that are only used once in the terminator
2169    %% of the block that defines them. That will allow us to discard type
2170    %% information discard type information for variables that will never be
2171    %% referenced by the successor blocks, potentially improving compilation
2172    %% times.
2174    Uses1 = used_once_last_uses(beam_ssa:used(Last), L, Uses0),
2175    Uses = used_once_2(reverse(Is), L, Uses1),
2176    init_metadata_1(Bs, RetCounter, Uses);
2177init_metadata_1([], RetCounter, Uses) ->
2178    {RetCounter, Uses}.
2180used_once_2([#b_set{dst=Dst}=I|Is], L, Uses0) ->
2181    Uses = used_once_uses(beam_ssa:used(I), L, Uses0),
2182    case Uses of
2183        #{Dst:=[L]} ->
2184            used_once_2(Is, L, Uses);
2185        #{} ->
2186            %% Used more than once or used once in
2187            %% in another block.
2188            used_once_2(Is, L, maps:remove(Dst, Uses))
2189    end;
2190used_once_2([], _, Uses) -> Uses.
2192used_once_uses([V|Vs], L, Uses) ->
2193    case Uses of
2194        #{V:=more_than_once} ->
2195            used_once_uses(Vs, L, Uses);
2196        #{} ->
2197            %% Already used or first use is not in
2198            %% a terminator.
2199            used_once_uses(Vs, L, Uses#{V=>more_than_once})
2200    end;
2201used_once_uses([], _, Uses) -> Uses.
2203used_once_last_uses([V|Vs], L, Uses) ->
2204    case Uses of
2205        #{V:=[_]} ->
2206            %% Second time this variable is used.
2207            used_once_last_uses(Vs, L, Uses#{V:=more_than_once});
2208        #{V:=more_than_once} ->
2209            %% Used at least twice before.
2210            used_once_last_uses(Vs, L, Uses);
2211        #{} ->
2212            %% First time this variable is used.
2213            used_once_last_uses(Vs, L, Uses#{V=>[L]})
2214    end;
2215used_once_last_uses([], _, Uses) -> Uses.
2218%% Ordered worklist used in signatures/2.
2220%% This is equivalent to consing (wl_add) and appending (wl_defer_list)
2221%% to a regular list, but avoids uneccessary work by reordering elements.
2223%% We can do this since a function only needs to be visited *once* for all
2224%% prior updates to take effect, so if an element is added to the front, then
2225%% all earlier instances of the same element are redundant.
2229        { counter = 0 :: integer(),
2230          elements = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_trees:tree(integer(), term()),
2231          indexes = #{} :: #{ term() => integer() } }).
2233-type worklist() :: #worklist{}.
2235wl_new() -> #worklist{}.
2237%% Adds an element to the worklist, or moves it to the front if it's already
2238%% present.
2239wl_add(Element, #worklist{counter=Counter,elements=Es,indexes=Is}) ->
2240    case Is of
2241        #{ Element := Index } ->
2242            wl_add_1(Element, Counter, gb_trees:delete(Index, Es), Is);
2243        #{} ->
2244            wl_add_1(Element, Counter, Es, Is)
2245    end.
2247wl_add_1(Element, Counter0, Es0, Is0) ->
2248    Counter = Counter0 + 1,
2249    Es = gb_trees:insert(Counter, Element, Es0),
2250    Is = Is0#{ Element => Counter },
2251    #worklist{counter=Counter,elements=Es,indexes=Is}.
2253%% All mutations bump the counter, so we can check for changes without a deep
2254%% comparison.
2255wl_changed(#worklist{counter=Same}, #worklist{counter=Same}) -> false;
2256wl_changed(#worklist{}, #worklist{}) -> true.
2258%% Adds the given elements to the back of the worklist, skipping the elements
2259%% that are already present. This lets us append elements arbitrarly after the
2260%% current front without changing the work order.
2261wl_defer_list(Elements, #worklist{counter=Counter,elements=Es,indexes=Is}) ->
2262    wl_defer_list_1(Elements, Counter, Es, Is).
2264wl_defer_list_1([Element | Elements], Counter0, Es0, Is0) ->
2265    case Is0 of
2266        #{ Element := _ } ->
2267            wl_defer_list_1(Elements, Counter0, Es0, Is0);
2268        #{} ->
2269            Counter = Counter0 + 1,
2270            Es = gb_trees:insert(-Counter, Element, Es0),
2271            Is = Is0#{ Element => -Counter },
2272            wl_defer_list_1(Elements, Counter, Es, Is)
2273    end;
2274wl_defer_list_1([], Counter, Es, Is) ->
2275    #worklist{counter=Counter,elements=Es,indexes=Is}.
2277wl_next(#worklist{indexes=Is}) when Is =:= #{} ->
2278    empty;
2279wl_next(#worklist{elements=Es,indexes=Is}) when Is =/= #{} ->
2280    {_Key, Element} = gb_trees:largest(Es),
2281    {ok, Element}.
2283%% Removes the front of the worklist.
2284wl_pop(Element, #worklist{counter=Counter0,elements=Es0,indexes=Is0}=Wl) ->
2285    Counter = Counter0 + 1,
2286    {_Key, Element, Es} = gb_trees:take_largest(Es0), %Assertion.
2287    Is = maps:remove(Element, Is0),
2288    Wl#worklist{counter=Counter,elements=Es,indexes=Is}.