1 {!
2 	@file		AudioUnitProperties.h
3  	@framework	AudioToolbox.framework
4  	@copyright	(c) 2000-2015 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 	@abstract	Property ID's and accompanying structs used by Apple audio units.
7 	@discussion
9 	Properties form the basis of much of the audio unit API. You use them with
10 	these AudioUnit.framework API functions declared in AUComponent.h:
12 		AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo
13 		AudioUnitGetProperty
14 		AudioUnitSetProperty
16 	This file first lists generic audio unit properties (those that are potentially applicable to
17 	any audio unit), followed by properties specific to Apple audio units.
19 	Apple reserves property IDs from 0 -> 63999. Developers are free to use property IDs above this
20 	range.
22 	All property values are passed by reference. When a property's value type is listed below,
23 	that value type is always passed by reference. For example, CFStringRef is passed as
24 	&myCFString.
26 	Properties are described below using a general form:
27 		Scope:				The audio unit scope that the property applies to. For example, Global,
28 							Input, Output, etc. For an explanation of audio unit scopes, see the
29 							Audio Unit Programming Guide in the ADC Reference Library.
30 		Value Type:			The data type used to hold the value associated with the property. For
31 							example, CFStringRef or UInt32
32 		Access:				How a host application can access the property in a hosted audio unit:
33 							read only, write only, or read/write.
34 		Description:		A description of the property's role.
36 	The descriptions in this file apply to typical or recommended usage. Audio unit developers can
37 	vary the way each property is used. For example, a property may be described as applying to both
38 	input and output scopes, but a given audio unit may implement the property on the input scope
39 	only. As another example, a property may be described here as having read/write access, but an
40 	audio unit may implement the property as read only.
42 	The properties are divided into two primary sections:
43 		(1) Core/Embedded Implementation
44 			- these properties are available on all platforms where audio units are available
46 		(2) OS X
47 			- these properties are available on only available on OS X
48 }
49 {  Pascal Translation:  Gorazd Krosl <gorazd_1957@yahoo.ca>, October 2009 }
50 {  Pascal Translation Update: Jonas Maebe <jonas@freepascal.org>, October 2012 }
51 {  Pascal Translation Update: Jonas Maebe <jonas@freepascal.org>, October 2010 }
53 {
54     Modified for use with Free Pascal
55     Version 308
56     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
57 }
59 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
60 {$mode macpas}
61 {$modeswitch cblocks}
62 {$packenum 1}
63 {$macro on}
64 {$inline on}
65 {$calling mwpascal}
67 unit AudioUnitProperties;
68 interface
70 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
72 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
74 {$endc}
76 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
77 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
78 {$endc}
79 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
80 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
81 {$endc}
83 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
84 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
85 {$elsec}
86 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
87 {$endc}
88 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
89 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
90 {$elsec}
91 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
92 {$endc}
93 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
94 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
95 {$elsec}
96 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
97 {$endc}
98 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
99 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
100 {$elsec}
101 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
102 {$endc}
103 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
104 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
105 {$elsec}
106 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
107 {$endc}
108 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
109   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
110 {$elsec}
111   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
112 {$endc}
114 {$ifc defined cpu64}
115   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
116 {$elsec}
117   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
118 {$endc}
121 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
122 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
123 {$endc}
125 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
126 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
127 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
128 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
129 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
130 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
131 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
132 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
133 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
136 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
137 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
138 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
139 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
140 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
141 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
142 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
143 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
144 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
147 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
148 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
149 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
150 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
151 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
152 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
153 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
154 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
155  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
156 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
158 {$elsec}
159 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
160 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
162 {$endc}
164 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
165 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
166 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
167 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
168 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
169 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
170 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
171 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
172  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
173 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
175 {$elsec}
176 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
177 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
179 {$endc}
181 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
182 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
183 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
184 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
185 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
186 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
187 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
188 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
189 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
192 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
193 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
194 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
195 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
196 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
197 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
198 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
199 {$ifc defined ios}
200 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
201 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
203 {$elsec}
204 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
205 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
207 {$endc}
209 {$elsec}
210 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
211 {$endc}
213 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
214   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
215 {$elsec}
216   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
217 {$endc}
219 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
222 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
225 {$elsec}
226 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
227 {$endc}
232 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
234 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
237 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
238 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
239 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
240 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
241 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
243 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
244 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
245 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
246 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
249 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
250 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
251 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
252 uses MacTypes,AUComponent,AudioFile,CoreAudioTypes,MIDIServices,CFBase,CFURL;
253 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
258 //=====================================================================================================================
259 //#pragma mark Overview
261 //#pragma mark -
262 //#pragma mark Core Implementation
263 //#pragma mark -
264 {!
265     @enum           Audio Unit scope types
266     @abstract       The scope IDs for audio units define basic roles and contexts for an audio unit's state.
267     @discussion		Each scope is a discrete context. Apple reserves scope IDs from 0 through 1024.
269 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_Global	The context for audio unit characteristics that apply to the audio unit as a
270 											whole
271 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_Input	The context for audio data coming into an audio unit
272 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_Output	The context for audio data leaving an audio unit
273 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_Group	A context specific to the control scope of parameters (for instance,
274 											MIDI Channels is an example of this scope)
275 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_Part	A distinct rendering context. For instance a single timbre in a multi-timbral
276 											instrument, a single loop in a multi looping capable looper unit, etc.
277 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_Note	A scope that can be used to apply changes to an individual note. The
278 											elementID used with this scope is the unique note ID returned from
279 											a started note (see MusicDeviceStartNote)
280 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_Layer	A context which functions as a layer within a part and allows
281 											grouped control of LayerItem-scope parameters.
282 											An example is the percussive attack layer for an electric organ instrument
283 	@constant		kAudioUnitScope_LayerItem	A scope which represents an individual element within a particular Layer scope.
284 											The individual sample zones, envelope generators, and filters within a synth are
285 											examples of this.
286 }
287 const
288 	kAudioUnitScope_Global = 0;
289 	kAudioUnitScope_Input = 1;
290 	kAudioUnitScope_Output = 2;
291 	kAudioUnitScope_Group = 3;
292 	kAudioUnitScope_Part = 4;
293 	kAudioUnitScope_Note = 5;
294 	kAudioUnitScope_Layer = 6;
295 	kAudioUnitScope_LayerItem = 7;
298 //=====================================================================================================================
299 //#pragma mark Audio Unit Properties
301 {!
302     @enum           Generic Property IDs
303     @abstract       Properties that can apply to any audio unit.
305 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo
306 						Scope:			Global (or Part for a part scope preset)
307 						Value Type:		CFDictionaryRef
308 						Access:			Read / Write
310 						The complete state of an audio unit if on global scope. An audio unit that supports part scope, may also support presets on the part scope
311 						that apply to individual parts.
313 						After a host sets this property it needs to notify the parameter listeners that the values of the parameters of an AU may have changed (so
314 						views, etc, can update their state). Something like the following code should be used:
316 						<code>
318 						AudioUnitParameter changedUnit;
319 						changedUnit.mAudioUnit = theChangedAU;
320 						changedUnit.mParameterID = kAUParameterListener_AnyParameter;
321 						AUParameterListenerNotify (NULL, NULL, &changedUnit);
322 						</code>
325 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MakeConnection
326 						Scope:			Input
327 						Value Type:		AudioUnitConnection
328 						Access:			Write
330 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRate
331 						Scope:			Input / Output
332 						Value Type:		Float64
333 						Access:			Read / Write
335 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList
336 						Scope:			Any
337 						Value Type:		AudioUnitParameterID
338 						Access:			Read
340 						The list of parameter IDs on the specified scope
342 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterInfo
343 						Scope:			Any
344 						Element:		AudioUnitParameterID of the parameter being queried
345 						Value Type:		AudioUnitParameterInfo
346 						Access:			Read
348 						The info struct describes the general characteristics of an individual parameterID
350 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch
351 						Scope:			Global
352 						Value Type:		void* (function pointer)
353 						Access:			Read
355 						The caller provides the selector for a given audio unit API, and retrieves a function pointer for that selector. For instance,
356 						this enables the caller to retrieve the function pointer for the AudioUnitRender call, so that call can be made directly
357 						through to the audio unit to avoid the overhead of the ComponentMgr's dispatch.
359 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_CPULoad
360 						Scope:			Global
361 						Value Type:		Float64
362 						Access:			Read
364 						Can be used to retrieve the duty cycle (as a value from 0 to 1) of the render time that an audio unit is spending in its render call.
366 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat
367 						Scope:			Input / Output
368 						Value Type:		AudioStreamBasicDescription
369 						Access:			Read / Write
371 						An AudioStreamBasicDescription is used to specify the basic format for an audio data path. For instance, 2 channels, 44.1KHz, Float32 linear pcm.
372 						The value can be both set and retrieve from an I/O element (bus)
374 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount
375 						Scope:			Any (though Global scope will always have an element count of 1)
376 						Value Type:		UInt32
377 						Access:			Read / Write
379 						Most audio units will only implement the read version of this call, thus they would have a fixed bus topology (number of input and output elements/buses).
380 						Some audio units possess the capability to add or remove elements, so in that case this property will be writable.
382 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_Latency
383 						Scope:			Global
384 						Value Type:		Float64
385 						Access:			Read
387 						The processing latency (the time it takes an audio unit to represent an input in its audio output) specified in seconds
389 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels
390 						Scope:			Global
391 						Value Type:		AUChannelInfo array
392 						Access:			Read
394 						The size of this property will represent the number of AUChannelInfo structs that an audio unit provides. Each entry describes a particular number of
395 						channels on any input, matched to a particular number of channels on any output. Thus an entry (2, 2) says the audio unit will support a channel configuration
396 						of 2 channels on an input and 2 channels on an output.
398 						Negative numbers (-1, -2) are used to indicate *any* number of channels. So (-1, -1) means any number of channels on input and output as long as they are the same.
399 						(-1, -2) means any number of channels on input or output buses
401 						A negative number less than -2 is used to indicate a total number of channels across every bus on that scope, regardless of how many channels are set on any
402 						particular bus.
404 						Zero on any side (typically only input) means that the audio unit doesn't have any input elements, and is expressing the capability of configuring its output channels.
406 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice
407 						Scope:			Global
408 						Value Type:		UInt32
409 						Access:			Read / Write
411 						This property is used to describe to an audio unit the maximum number of samples it will be asked to produce on any single given call to audio unit render.
413 						If an audio unit can require more or less input data than its output request, then it should limit any given request for input to this number of frames (that is,
414 						it should "break up" its input pulls).
416 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SetExternalBuffer
417 						Scope:			Global
418 						Value Type:		AudioUnitExternalBuffer
419 						Access:			Write
421 						This is used to provide to an audio unit a buffer that it can use with its input render callback's audio buffer list
423 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueStrings
424 						Scope:			Any
425 						Element:		AudioUnitParameterID of the parameter being queried
426 						Value Type:		CFArrayRef
427 						Access:			Read
429 						Some audio unit parameters that are of an index type, can also provide names for each value of the parameter. This property returns an array containing CFStrings, where
430 						each element in the array is the name that should be used for that parameter value. The size of the array should be the same as the range between the parameters min and max values.
431 						The array's strings can then be used to build a menu for that parameter.
433 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList
434 						Scope:			Any
435 						Value Type:		AudioComponentDescription array
436 						Access:			Read
438 						Presents an array of AudioComponentDescription that are of type 'auvw' (AudioUnitCarbonView). These are the carbon based custom views for that audio unit.
440 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout
441 						Scope:			Input/Output
442 						Value Type:		struct AudioChannelLayout
443 						Access:			read/write
445 						Description:
446 						Describes for a given scope/element the order of channels within a given stream.
447 						The number of channels it describes must match the number of channels set for that
448 						scope/element. Each input and output bus in an audio unit can have one instance of
449 						this property.
451 						Some audio units require this property. For example, the 3DMixer unit must
452 						implement this property on its output bus. If a host application attempts to
453 						clear the value of this property on a bus that requires a valid value, the
454 						audio unit will return a kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue error.
456 						Input and output buses can be in one of three states in regard to Audio
457 						channel layout:
459 						1. implemented and set
460 						2. implemented but not set
461 						3. unimplemented
463 						Requesting the value of this property when it is implemented but not set
464 						results in a kAudioUnitErr_PropertyNotInUse error.
466 						Use the kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout property whenever channel
467 						layout is relevant. By comparison, the kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat
468 						property cannot specify channel layout or purpose.
470 						See also: kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedChannelLayoutTags,
471 						kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat.
473 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_TailTime
474 						Scope:			Global
475 						Value Type:		Float64
476 						Access:			Read
478 						The time in seconds that will remain after the last valid input of any audio unit has been processed before the output is silent. For example, this could be the total
479 						decay time of a reverb or a delay. In general this will be a conservative estimate.
481 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_BypassEffect
482 						Scope:			Global
483 						Value Type:		UInt32
484 						Access:			Read / Write
486 						A boolean value that can be used to bypass the processing in an effect unit, so that the input is passed unchanged through to the output
488 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_LastRenderError
489 						Scope:			Global
490 						Value Type:		OSStatus
491 						Access:			Read
493 						This property is set if there is an error in AudioUnitRender. The AU will then fire a property changed notification to any listeners on this property and
494 						those listeners can then use this property ID to retrieve that error.
496 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback
497 						Scope:			Input
498 						Value Type:		AURenderCallbackStruct
499 						Access:			Write
501 						This is used to provide the audio unit with input on the specified element (input bus) with audio data from the provided callback. The callback is delivered a buffer list
502 						which it must fill in with audio data. If no data is available, it should set the audio data to 0 (silence). In the normal case, f an error is returned, the audio is not processed
503 						and the audio unit will return an error from AudioUnitRender.
505 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets
506 						Scope:			Global
507 						Value Type:		CFArray of AUPreset structures
508 						Access:			Read
510 						An array of preset structures that provide a name and number for each preset. A factory preset is then chosen using the PresentPreset property.
512 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ContextName
513 						Scope:			Global
514 						Value Type:		CFString
515 						Access:			Read / Write
517 						The host can set this as information to the audio unit to describe something about the context within which the audio unit is instantiated. For instance, "track 3" could
518 						be set as the context, so that the audio unit's view could then display "My audio unit on track 3" as information to the user of the particular context for any audio unit.
520 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality
521 						Scope:			Global
522 						Value Type:		UInt32
523 						Access:			Read / Write
525 						A value (0 - 127) that can be used to control the quality (complexity) of the rendering operation. A typical usage is to set render quality to maximum for best quality, but
526 						if CPU usage is a concern a lesser quality can be set to trade off render quality.
528 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks
529 						Scope:			Global
530 						Value Type:		HostCallbackInfo
531  						Access:			Write
533 						The audio unit should only call the host callbacks while it is in its render function. The audio unit must provide the client info when calling the callbacks as provided
534 						by the host. They are provided as a means for an audio unit to gain information from the host about parameters that may affect its rendering operation.
535 						For example, what is the current beat of the host, is the transport running, and so forth.
537 						Any of the parameters of the callback function, when called by the audio unit, can be NULL. This indicates that the unit doesn't want to know that particular information.
538 						The exception is that the unit must always specify the HostUserData which was be supplied to the unit when the property was set.
540 						If the host is unable to provide the requested information then it can return the kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext error code
542 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_InPlaceProcessing
543 						Scope:			Global
544 						Value Type:		UInt32
545 						Access:			Read / Write
547 						A property that can be used to determine if the audio unit can process input data on the same data as is provided to it, and if so this can be turned off if the host
548 						has a particular buffer management strategy and such an operation would defeat that.
550 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ElementName
551 						Scope:				any
552 						Value Type:			CFStringRef
553 						Access:				read/write
554 						Description:
555 						The name of the specified element. The Host owns a reference to this property value
556 						(as with all other CF properties), and should release the string retrieved or used when setting.
558 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI
559 						Scope:				Global
560 						Value Type:			struct AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo
561 						Access:				read
563 						Publishes the audio unit's custom Cocoa NSViews. The Host can determine how big this structure is by
564 						querying the size of the property (i.e., How many alternate UI classes there are for the unit)
565 						Typically, most audio units will provide 1 UI class per unit
567 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedChannelLayoutTags
568 						Scope:				Input/Output
569 						Value Type:			AudioChannelLayoutTags[ variable number of elements ]
570 						Access:				read only
572 						Used with GetProperty to ascertain what an audio unit understands about
573 						laying out of channel orders. This will normally return one or more of the specified layout tags.
575 						When a specific set of layouts are returned, the client then uses the
576 						kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout property (with one of those layout tags specified) to set
577 						the unit to use that layout. In this case the client (and the audio unit when reporting its
578 						AudioChannelLayout) is only expected to have set an AudioChannelLayout which only sets the
579 						layout tag as the valid field.
581 						Custom Channel Maps:
582 						Some audio units may return the tag:
583 							kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions
585 						In this case, the host then can look at supported number of channels on that scope
586 						(using the kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels), and supply an AudioChannelLayout with the
587 						kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout property to specify the layout, number of channels
588 						and location of each of those channels. This custom channel map MUST have a channel valence
589 						that is supported by the Audio Unit.
591 						The UseChannelBitmap field is NOT used within the context of the AudioUnit.
593 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterIDName
594 						Scope:				any
595 						Element:			AudioUnitParameterID of the parameter being queried
596 						Value Type:			AudioUnitParameterIDName
597 						Access:				read
599 						An audio unit returns the full parameter name in the GetParameterInfo struct/property.
600 						In some display situations however, there may only be room for a few characters, and
601 						truncating this full name may give a less than optimal name for the user. Thus,
602 						this property can be used to ask the audio unit whether it can supply a truncated name, with
603 						the host suggesting a length (number of characters). If the unit returns a longer
604 						name than the host requests, that name may be truncated to the requested characters in display.
605 						The unit could return a shorter name than requested as well. The unit returns a CFString
606 						that should be released by the host. When using this property, the host asks for
607 						the name in the same scope and element as the unit publishes the parameter.
609 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterClumpName
610 						Scope:				any
611 						Value Type:			AudioUnitParameterIDName
612 						Access:				read
614 						This works in a similar manner to the ParameterIDName property, except that the inID
615 						value is one of the clumpID's that are returned with the audio unit's ParameterInfo
616 						structure.
618 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset
619 						Scope:				Global/Part
620 						Value Type:			AUPreset
621 						Access:				read/write
623 						This property replaces the deprecated CurrentPreset property, due to the ambiguity of
624 						ownership of the CFString of the preset name in the older CurrentPreset property.
625 						With PresentPreset the client of the audio unit owns the CFString when it retrieves the
626 						preset with PresentPreset and is expected to release this (as with ALL properties
627 						that retrieve a CF object from an audio unit).
629 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_OfflineRender
630 						Scope:				Global
631 						Value Type:			UInt32
632 						Access:				Read / Write
634 						This is used by the host to indicate when an audio unit (that normally operates within a general real-time calling model) is
635 						rendering in an offline context. A typical usage of this is to set this to true when the rendering operation an audio unit is being used within is
636 						going to write out the results to a file. The value defaults to false, as the common usage of audio units is for real-time processing
638 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterStringFromValue
639 						Scope:				any
640 						Value Type:			AudioUnitParameterStringFromValue
641 						Access:				read
643 						This property is used with parameters that are marked with the
644 						kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasName parameter info flag. This indicates that some
645 						(or all) of the values represented by the parameter can and should be
646 						represented by a special display string.
648 						This is NOT to be confused with kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueStrings. That property
649 						is used with parameters that are indexed and is typically used for instance to build
650 						a menu item of choices for one of several parameter values.
652 						kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterStringFromValue can have a continuous range, and merely states
653 						to the host that if it is displaying those parameter's values, they should request
654 						a name any time any value of the parameter is set when displaying that parameter.
656 						For instance (a trivial example), a unit may present a gain parameter in a dB scale,
657 						and wish to display its minimum value as "negative infinity". In this case, the audio unit
658 						will not return names for any parameter value greater than its minimum value - so the host
659 						will then just display the parameter value as is. For values less than or equal to the
660 						minimum value, the audio unit will return a string for "negative infinity" which the host can
661 						use to display appropriately.
663 						A less trivial example might be a parameter that presents its values as seconds. However,
664 						in some situations this value should be better displayed in a SMPTE style of display:
665 							HH:MM:SS:FF
666 						In this case, the audio unit would return a name for any value of the parameter.
668 						The GetProperty call is used in the same scope and element as the inParamID
669 						that is declared in the struct passed in to this property.
671 						If the *inValue member is NULL, then the audio unit should take the current value
672 						of the specified parameter. If the *inValue member is NOT NULL, then the audio unit should
673 						return the name used for the specified value.
675 						On exit, the outName may point to a CFStringRef (which if so must be released by the caller).
676 						If the parameter has no special name that should be applied to that parameter value,
677 						then outName will be NULL, and the host should display the parameter value as
678 						appropriate.
681 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueFromString
682 						Scope:				any
683 						Value Type:			AudioUnitParameterValueFromString
684 						Access:				read
686 						This property returns the value of a parameter from its string representation. See kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterStringFromValue.
688 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_IconLocation
689 						Scope:				Global
690 						Value Type:			CFURLRef
691 						Access:				Read
693 						A URL that will specify the location of an icon file that can be used when presenting UI for this audio unit.
695 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_PresentationLatency
696 						Scope:				Input/Output
697 						Value Type:			Float64
698 						Access:				write
700 						This property is set by a host to describe to the audio unit the presentation latency of both
701 						any of its input and/or output audio data.
702 						It describes this latency in seconds. A value of zero means either no latency
703 						or an unknown latency.
705 						This is a write only property because the host is telling the audio unit the latency of both the
706 						data it provides it for input and the latency from getting the data from the unit until it is
707 						presented.
709 						The property is should be set on each active input and output bus (Scope/Element pair).
710 						For example, an audio unit with multiple outputs will have the output data it produces processed
711 						by different audio units, etc before it is mixed and presented. Thus, in this case, each output
712 						element could have a different presentation latency.
714 						This should not be confused with the Latency property, where the audio unit describes to the host
715 						any processing latency it introduces between its input and its output.
717 						For input:
718 							Describes how long ago the audio given to an audio unit was acquired. For instance, when
719 							reading from a file to the first audio unit, then its input presentation latency will be zero.
720 							When processing audio input from a  device, then this initial input latency will be the
721 							presentation latency of the device itself, the device's safety offset and latency.
723 							The next audio unit's (connected to that first unit) input presentation latency will be the
724 							input presentation latency of the first unit, plus the processing latency (as expressed by
725 							kAudioUnitProperty_Latency) of the first unit.
727 						For output:
728 							Describes how long before the output audio of an audio unit is to be presented. For instance,
729 							when writing to a file, then the last audio unit's output presentation latency will be zero.
730 							When the audio from that audio unit is to be played to an AudioDevice, then that initial
731 							presentation latency will be the latency of the device itself - which is the I/O buffer size,
732 							and the device's safety offset and latency
734 							The previous audio unit's (connected to this last unit) output presentation latency will be that
735 							initial presentation latency plus the processing latency (as expressed by
736 							kAudioUnitProperty_Latency) of the last unit.
738 						So, for a given audio unit anywhere within a mixing graph, the input and output presentation
739 						latencies describe to that unit how long from the moment of generation it will take for its
740 						input to arrive, and how long it will take for its output to be presented.
742 						You can use this property, for example, to provide metering for an audio unit that
743 						is generating output to be presented to the user at a future time.
745 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_DependentParameters
746 						Scope:				any
747 						Value Type:			array of AUDependentParameter
748 						Access:				read
750 						This property is used for parameters with the kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsGlobalMeta
751 						or kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsElementMeta flags set. Hosts applications (and the
752 						AudioUnitParameterListener mechanism) can interrogate this property to determine which parameters
753 						are dependent on a
754 						meta-parameter.
756 						For parameters marked with kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsGlobalMeta, any non-global
757 						dependent parameters are assumed to be dependent in every element of their scope.
759 						For parameters marked with kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsElementMeta, then its dependent
760 						parameters must all be the same scope, and are assumed to apply only within a single element,
761 						not to other instances of the same parameter in other elements.
763 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_AUHostIdentifier
764 						Scope:				Global
765 						Value Type:			AUHostVersionIdentifier
766 						Access:				write
768 						Determine which application (and which version) an audio unit is being hosted by.
769 						This is made more complex through the intervention of audio units such as Kore, that are hosting
770 						other audio units (in this case of course, the real host of the audio unit is the hosting unit,
771 						not the host application, so the previous mechanism of getting the main bundle ID is no longer
772 						correct).
774 						There are also inconsistencies in the way that bundle identifiers are applied (with apps changing
775 						these from version to version), and we'd prefer to see a more consistent identifier used with
776 						this property. This is in spirit similar to the string returned by CFBundle API, except that we
777 						require this host string be consistent and reliable through different revisions of the host.
779 						The audio unit is responsible for retaining the hostName string if it needs to use it past the
780 						duration of the actual call. The host should set this property as early as possible within the
781 						lifetime of the unit in a session.
783 						This API used to take a NumVersion struct. It is redefined to take an AUHostVersionIdentifier struct
784 						which is binary compatible with the existing usage, but not source compatible.
786 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallbackInfo
787 						Scope:				Global
788 						Value Type:			CFArrayRef
789 						Access:				read
791 						Used to determine how many MIDI output streams the audio unit can generate  (and the name for
792 						each of these outputs). Each MIDI output is a complete MIDI data stream, such as embodied by a
793 						MIDIEndpointRef in CoreMIDI.
795 						The host can retrieve an array of CFStringRefs published by the audio unit, where :
796 							- the size of the array is the number of MIDI Outputs the audio unit supports
797 							- each item in the array is the name for that output at that index
799 						The host should release the array when it is finished with it.
801 						Once the host has determined that the audio unit supports this feature, it can then provide a
802 						callback, through which the audio unit can send the MIDI data.
803 						See the documentation for the kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallback property.
805 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallback
806 						Scope:				Global
807 						Value Type:			AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct
808 						Access:				write
810 						The host sets this property on the audio unit with the callback (and its user data) set
811 						appropriately.
813 						Operational Parameters:
814 							In the render call, just as is the expected usage of the AUHostCallbacks, the audio unit can
815 							call the provided callback to provide MIDI data to the host that it will associate with the
816 							current AudioUnitRender call in process.
818 						The audio unit in the callback provides:
819 							- the user data provided by the host when the callback was established
820 							- the AudioTimeStamp that was provided to the audio unit for this particular call of
821 								AudioUnitRender
822 							- the output number to associate this MIDI data with
823 							- a MIDI Packet List containing MIDI data. The time stamp values contained within the
824 							MIDIPackets in this list are **sample offsets*** from the AudioTimeStamp provided.
825 							This allows MIDI data to be time-stamped with a sample offset that is directly associated
826 							with the audio data it is generating in the current call to the AudioUnitRender function
828 						There is no implied or expected association between the number (or position) of an audio unit's
829 						audio or MIDI outputs.
831 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_InputSamplesInOutput
832 						Scope:			Global
833 						Value Type:		struct AUInputSamplesInOutputCallbackStruct
834 						Access: 		read/write
836 						An audio unit calls this callback at the end of its render call. The audio unit supplies the
837 						following information:
839 						outputTime      - The timestamp passed in to the audio unit's render call. This timestamp
840 											represents the time of the first output sample.
841 						inputSample     - The sample number of the first input sample that is present in the output
842 											audio.
843 						numInputSamples - The number of input samples that were used and are present in the output
844 											audio.
846 						This property allows a host application to determine which input samples correspond to a sample
847 						in the output buffer. It is useful only for audio units that do time-stretching, such as the
848 						AUVarispeed and AUTimePitch units, where the relationship between input and output samples is
849 						non-trivial. For these units, the range of input samples that correspond to an output buffer
850 						typically differs from the range of input samples that were pulled for that render call.
851 						This difference arises because of internal buffering, processing latency, and other factors.
853 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfoFromDocument
854 						Scope:			Global
855 						Value Type:		CFDictionary
856 						Access: 		read/write
858 						If the audio unit implements this property then it is going to do different actions establishing
859 						its state from a document rather than from a user preset. Thus, a host app should use this property
860 						first (instead of kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo) when restoring the state of an audio unit when
861 						opening a document. If the audio unit returns an error (or doesn't implement this property) then
862 						the host should use the same preset with the kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo.
865 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ShouldAllocateBuffer
866 						Scope:			input/output elements (settable per element)
867 						Value Type:		UInt32
868 						Access: 		read/write
870 						By default this value is true. This affects the allocations of the buffers for I/O (the mData field
871 						of the AudioBufferList used with AudioUnitRender, callbacks and connections)
873 						If true, the element will create a buffer for rendering into.
875 						If false, the element will not create a buffer for rendering.
877 						For example, if the audio unit is only ever going to have a connection as its input and never a callback, then
878 						it should not need to create a buffer (the API contract expects an audio unit to provide a buffer for
879 						callbacks, but no buffer for connections).
881 						If the audio unit is always going to be pulled for audio with the client providing audio data buffers to
882 						the AudioUnitRender call, then it will never need to create an audio buffer on the output side.
884 						So, this property can be used to control the default allocation strategy of an audio unit. If the audio unit
885 						needs a buffer, but one hasn't been allocated, then an error will be thrown from that call to AudioUnitRender.
887 						This property cannot be set on Initialised audio units as it may end up reallocating memory.
890 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_FrequencyResponse
891 						Scope:			input/output elements (settable per element)
892 						Value Type:		AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBin
893 						Access: 		read
895 						The property provides a way for a user interface view to get points for drawing a graph of the frequency
896 						response of the AU.
898 						An array of AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBin are passed in to kAudioUnitProperty_FrequencyResponse
899 						with the mFrequency field filled in. The array is returned with the mMagnitude fields filled in.
900 						If fewer than kNumberOfResponseFrequencies are needed, then the first unused bin should be marked with
901 						a negative frequency.
903 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterHistoryInfo
904 						Scope:			Global
905 						Value Type:		AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo
906 						Access: 		read
908 						For parameters which have kAudioUnitParameterFlag_PlotHistory set, getting this property fills out the
909 						AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo struct containing the recommended update rate and history duration.
911 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_NickName
912 						Scope:			Global
913 						Value Type:		CFStringRef
914 						Access:			read/write
916 						Provides a way for a host to set a custom name on an AU.
918 						An example of when this is useful is when a host is managing a processing chain that contains multiple AU
919 						instances of the same subtype (and type and manufacturer). The host uses this property to assign a
920 						unique name to each AU instance indicating what that particular instance's function is in the processing
921 						chain and can later query the property to distinguish between AU instances with the same type/subtype/manu
922 						tuple. It is the host's responsibility to keep the names unique if uniqueness is required.
924 						When getting this property, ownership follows Core Foundation's 'Copy Rule'. This property may return NULL
925 						which indicates that no name has been set on the AU.
927 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_RequestViewController
928 						Scope:			Global
929 						Value Type:		block: void (^)(AUViewControllerBase *)
930 						Access:			write
932 						If the audio unit is implemented using the version 3 API, it may provide a
933 						view controller, returned via this property. As with any other CoreFoundation
934 						or Foundation object returned by AudioUnitGetProperty, the caller must
935 						release the returned reference (i.e. the Copy rule is used).
937 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ParametersForOverview
938 						Scope:			Global
939 						Value Type:		variably-sized array of struct AudioUnitParameter
940 						Access:			read
942 						A host may query an audio unit for a list of its N most important
943 						parameters, via this property. The size of the array passed to
944 						AudioUnitGetProperty controls the number of AudioUnitParameter values
945 						returned.
946     @constant       kAudioUnitProperty_SupportsMPE
947                         Scope:          Global
948                         Value Type:     UInt32
949                         Access:         read
951                         Indicates whether an audio unit supports Multi-dimensional Polyphonic Expression.
952 }
953 const
954 // range (0 -> 999)
955 	kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo = 0;
956 	kAudioUnitProperty_MakeConnection = 1;
957 	kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRate = 2;
958 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList = 3;
959 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterInfo = 4;
960 	kAudioUnitProperty_CPULoad = 6;
961 	kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat = 8;
962 	kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount = 11;
963 	kAudioUnitProperty_Latency = 12;
964 	kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels = 13;
965 	kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice = 14;
966 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueStrings = 16;
967 	kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout = 19;
968 	kAudioUnitProperty_TailTime = 20;
969 	kAudioUnitProperty_BypassEffect = 21;
970 	kAudioUnitProperty_LastRenderError = 22;
971 	kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback = 23;
972 	kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets = 24;
973 	kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality = 26;
974 	kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks = 27;
975 	kAudioUnitProperty_InPlaceProcessing = 29;
976 	kAudioUnitProperty_ElementName = 30;
977 	kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedChannelLayoutTags = 32;
978 	kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset = 36;
979 	kAudioUnitProperty_DependentParameters = 45;
980 	kAudioUnitProperty_InputSamplesInOutput = 49;
981 	kAudioUnitProperty_ShouldAllocateBuffer = 51;
982 	kAudioUnitProperty_FrequencyResponse = 52;
983 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterHistoryInfo = 53;
984 	kAudioUnitProperty_NickName = 54;
985 	kAudioUnitProperty_OfflineRender = 37;
986 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterIDName = 34;
987 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterStringFromValue = 33;
988 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterClumpName = 35;
989 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueFromString = 38;
990 	kAudioUnitProperty_ContextName = 25;
991 	kAudioUnitProperty_PresentationLatency = 40;
992 	kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfoFromDocument = 50;
993 	kAudioUnitProperty_RequestViewController = 56;
994 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParametersForOverview = 57;
995 	kAudioUnitProperty_SupportsMPE = 58;
996 	kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch = 5;
997 	kAudioUnitProperty_SetExternalBuffer = 15;
998 	kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList = 18;
999 	kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI = 31;
1000 	kAudioUnitProperty_IconLocation = 39;
1001 	kAudioUnitProperty_AUHostIdentifier = 46;
1002 	kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallbackInfo = 47;
1003 	kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallback = 48;
1006 {!
1007     @abstract       Keys contains in an audio unit preset (ClassInfo) dictionary
1008     @discussion     These strings are used as keys in the AUPreset-"classInfo" dictionary
1009 					The actual keys are CFStrings to use these keys you define the key as:
1010 						static const CFStringRef kMyVersionString = CFSTR(kAUPresetVersionKey);
1011 }
1012 const
1013 	kAUPresetVersionKey = 'version';
1014 const
1015 	kAUPresetTypeKey = 'type';
1016 const
1017 	kAUPresetSubtypeKey = 'subtype';
1018 const
1019 	kAUPresetManufacturerKey = 'manufacturer';
1020 const
1021 	kAUPresetDataKey = 'data';
1022 const
1023 	kAUPresetNameKey = 'name';
1024 const
1025 	kAUPresetRenderQualityKey = 'render-quality';
1026 const
1027 	kAUPresetCPULoadKey = 'cpu-load';
1028 const
1029 	kAUPresetElementNameKey = 'element-name';
1030 const
1031 	kAUPresetExternalFileRefs = 'file-references';
1033 //#if !TARGET_OS_IPHONE
1034 {$ifc not TARGET_OS_IPHONE}
1035 	// these are keys to use when a preset contains data from other plugin formats
1036 	// vstdata is used to signify VST state from a vst "bank"
1037 const kAUPresetVSTDataKey = 'vstdata';
1038 	// vstpreset is used to signify VST state from a vst "preset"
1039 const kAUPresetVSTPresetKey = 'vstpreset';
1040 const kAUPresetMASDataKey = 'masdata';
1041 //#endif
1042 {$endc}
1044 {!
1045     @define         kAUPresetPartKey
1046     @discussion     This key if present, distinguishes a global preset that is set
1047 					on the global scope with a part-based preset that is set on the part scope.
1048 					The value of this key is audio unit defined
1049 }
1050 const
1051 	kAUPresetPartKey = 'part';
1054 {!
1055     @struct         AudioUnitConnection
1056     @abstract       This structure contains the information needed to make a connection between a source
1057 					and destination audio unit.
1058 	@discussion		The structure is set on the destination audio unit's input element
1059     @field          sourceAudioUnit
1060 						The audio unit that is the source for the connection
1061     @field          sourceOutputNumber
1062 						The source audio unit's output element to be used in the connection
1063     @field          destInputNumber
1064 						The destination audio unit's input element to be used in the connection
1065 }
1066 type
1067 	AudioUnitConnection = record
1068 		sourceAudioUnit: AudioUnit {__nullable};
1069 		sourceOutputNumber: UInt32;
1070 		destInputNumber: UInt32;
1071 	end;
1072 	AudioUnitConnectionPtr = ^AudioUnitConnection;
1074 {!
1075 	@struct			AUChannelInfo
1076 	@abstract		Define an audio unit's channel handling capabilities
1077 }
1078 type
1079 	AUChannelInfo = record
1080 		inChannels: SInt16;
1081 		outChannels: SInt16;
1082 	end;
1083 	AUChannelInfoPtr = ^AUChannelInfo;
1085 {!
1086 	@struct			AudioUnitExternalBuffer
1087 	@abstract		Allow a host to tell an audio unit to use the provided memory for its input callback
1088 }
1089 type
1090 	AudioUnitExternalBuffer = record
1091 		buffer: BytePtr;
1092 		size: UInt32;
1093 	end;
1094 	AudioUnitExternalBufferPtr = ^AudioUnitExternalBuffer;
1096 {!
1097 	@struct			AURenderCallbackStruct
1098 	@abstract		Used by a host when registering a callback with the audio unit to provide input
1099 }
1100 type
1101 	AURenderCallbackStruct = record
1102 		inputProc: AURenderCallback {__nullable};
1103 		inputProcRefCon: UnivPtr {__nullable};
1104 	end;
1105 	AURenderCallbackStructPtr = ^AURenderCallbackStruct;
1107 {!
1108 	@struct			AUPreset
1109 	@abstract		Used to publish and set factory presets on an audio unit
1110 	@field			presetNumber
1111 						If < 0, then preset is a user preset
1112 						If >= 0, then this field is used to select the factory preset
1113 	@field			presetName
1114 						If a factory preset, the name of the specified factory preset
1115 }
1116 type
1117 	AUPreset = record
1118 		presetNumber: SInt32;
1119 		presetName: CFStringRef {__nullable};
1120 	end;
1121 	AUPresetPtr = ^AUPreset;
1123 {!
1124 	@enum			RenderQuality
1125 	@abstract		Used to get/set a render quality setting on an audio unit
1126 	@discussion		Typically, this property is used to trade-off between CPU usage, latency
1127 					and the quality of the audio unit's processing/output.
1128 }
1129 const
1130 	kRenderQuality_Max = $7F;
1131 	kRenderQuality_High = $60;
1132 	kRenderQuality_Medium = $40;
1133 	kRenderQuality_Low = $20;
1134 	kRenderQuality_Min = 0;
1137 {!
1138 	@enum			kNumberOfResponseFrequencies
1139 	@abstract		The maximum number of frequency response bins for kAudioUnitProperty_FrequencyResponse.
1140 	@discussion		An array of AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBin are passed in to kAudioUnitProperty_FrequencyResponse
1141 					with the mFrequency field filled in. The array is returned with the mMagnitude fields filled in.
1142 					If fewer than kNumberOfResponseFrequencies are needed, then the first unused bin should be marked with
1143 					a negative frequency.
1144 }
1145 const
1146 	kNumberOfResponseFrequencies = 1024;
1148 {!
1149 	@struct			AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBin
1150 	@abstract		Structure used to get the magnitude of the frequency response at a particular frequency via kAudioUnitProperty_FrequencyResponse.
1151 	@discussion		An array of AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBin are passed in to kAudioUnitProperty_FrequencyResponse
1152 					with the mFrequency field filled in. The array is returned with the mMagnitude fields filled in.
1153 					If fewer than kNumberOfResponseFrequencies are needed, then the first unused bin should be marked with
1154 					a negative frequency.
1155 }
1156 type
1157 	AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBin = record
1158 		mFrequency: Float64;
1159 		mMagnitude: Float64;
1160 	end;
1161 	AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBinPtr = ^AudioUnitFrequencyResponseBin;
1163 {!
1164 	@typedef		HostCallback_GetBeatAndTempo
1165 	@abstract		Retrieve information about the current beat and/or tempo
1166 	@discussion
1167 		If the host app has set this callback, then the audio unit can use this to get the current
1168 		beat and tempo as they relate to the first sample in the render buffer. The audio unit can
1169 		call this callback only from within the audio unit render call (otherwise the host is unable
1170 		to provide information accurately to the audio unit as the information obtained is relate to
1171 		the current AudioUnitRender call). If the host cannot provide the requested information, it
1172 		will return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext.
1174 		The AudioUnit can provide NULL for any of the requested parameters (except for
1175 		inHostUserData) if it is not interested in that particular piece of information
1177 	@param			inHostUserData			Must be provided by the audio unit when it makes this call. It is the client data provided by the host when it set the HostCallbacks property
1178 	@param			outCurrentBeat			The current beat, where 0 is the first beat. Tempo is defined as the number of whole-number (integer) beat values (as indicated by the outCurrentBeat field) per minute.
1179 	@param			outCurrentTempo			The current tempo
1180 }
1181 type
inHostUserDatanull1182 	HostCallback_GetBeatAndTempo = function( inHostUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; outCurrentBeat: Float64Ptr {__nullable}; outCurrentTempo: Float64Ptr {__nullable}): OSStatus;
1184 {!
1185 	@typedef		HostCallback_GetMusicalTimeLocation
1186 	@abstract		Retrieve information about the musical time state of the host
1187 	@discussion
1188 		If the host app has set this callback, then the audio unit can use this to obtain
1189 		information about the state of musical time in the host. The audio unit can call this
1190 		callback only from within the audio unit render call (otherwise the host is unable to
1191 		provide information accurately to the audio unit as the information obtained is relate to
1192 		the current AudioUnitRender call). If the host cannot provide the requested information, it
1193 		will return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext.
1195 		The AudioUnit can provide NULL for any of the requested parameters (except for
1196 		inHostUserData) if it is not interested in that particular piece of information
1198 	@param			inHostUserData					Must be provided by the audio unit when it makes this call. It is the client data provided by the host when it set the HostCallbacks property
1199 	@param			outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat	The number of samples until the next whole beat from the start sample of the current rendering buffer
1200 	@param			outTimeSig_Numerator			The Numerator of the current time signature
1201 	@param			outTimeSig_Denominator			The Denominator of the current time signature (4 is a quarter note, etc)
1202 	@param			outCurrentMeasureDownBeat		The beat that corresponds to the downbeat (first beat) of the current measure that is being rendered
1204 }
1205 type
inHostUserDatanull1206 	HostCallback_GetMusicalTimeLocation = function( inHostUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat: UInt32Ptr; outTimeSig_Numerator: Float32Ptr; outTimeSig_Denominator: UInt32Ptr; outCurrentMeasureDownBeat: Float64Ptr ): OSStatus;
1208 {!
1209 	@typedef		HostCallback_GetTransportState
1210 	@abstract		Retrieve information about the time line's (or transport) state of the host.
1211 	@discussion
1212 		If the host app has set this callback, then the audio unit can use this to obtain
1213 		information about the transport state of the host's time line. The audio unit can call this
1214 		callback only from within the audio unit render call (otherwise the host is unable to
1215 		provide information accurately to the audio unit as the information obtained is relate to
1216 		the current AudioUnitRender call. If the host cannot provide the requested information, it
1217 		will return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext.
1219 		The AudioUnit can provide NULL for any of the requested parameters (except for
1220 		inHostUserData) if it is not interested in that particular piece of information
1222 	@param			inHostUserData					Must be provided by the audio unit when it makes this call. It is the client data provided by the host when it set the HostCallbacks property
1223 	@param			outIsPlaying					Returns true if the host's transport is currently playing, false if stopped
1224 	@param			outTransportStateChanged		Returns true if there was a change to the state of, or discontinuities in, the host's transport (generally since the callback was last called). Can indicate such state changes as start/top, time moves (jump from one time line to another).
1225 	@param			outCurrentSampleInTimeLine		Returns the current sample count in the time line of the host's transport time.
1226 	@param			outIsCycling					Returns true if the host's transport is currently cycling or looping
1227 	@param			outCycleStartBeat				If cycling is true, the start beat of the cycle or loop point in the host's transport
1228 	@param			outCycleEndBeat					If cycling is true, the end beat of the cycle or loop point in the host's transport
1230 }
1231 type
inHostUserDatanull1232 	HostCallback_GetTransportState = function( inHostUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; outIsPlaying: BooleanPtr; outTransportStateChanged: BooleanPtr; outCurrentSampleInTimeLine: Float64Ptr; outIsCycling: BooleanPtr; outCycleStartBeat: Float64Ptr; outCycleEndBeat: Float64Ptr ): OSStatus;
1234 {!
1235 	@typedef		HostCallback_GetTransportState2
1236 	@abstract		Retrieve information about the time line's (or transport) state of the host.
1237 	@discussion
1238 		If the host app has set this callback, then the audio unit can use this to obtain
1239 		information about the transport state of the host's time line. The audio unit can call this
1240 		callback only from within the audio unit render call (otherwise the host is unable to
1241 		provide information accurately to the audio unit as the information obtained is relate to
1242 		the current AudioUnitRender call. If the host cannot provide the requested information, it
1243 		will return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext.
1245 		The AudioUnit can provide NULL for any of the requested parameters (except for
1246 		inHostUserData) if it is not interested in that particular piece of information
1248 	@param			inHostUserData					Must be provided by the audio unit when it makes this call. It is the client data provided by the host when it set the HostCallbacks property
1249 	@param			outIsPlaying					Returns true if the host's transport is currently playing, false if stopped
1250 	@param			outIsRecording					Returns true if the host is currently record-enabled, otherwise false.
1251 	@param			outTransportStateChanged		Returns true if there was a change to the state of, or discontinuities in, the host's transport (generally since the callback was last called). Can indicate such state changes as start/top, time moves (jump from one time line to another).
1252 	@param			outCurrentSampleInTimeLine		Returns the current sample count in the time line of the host's transport time.
1253 	@param			outIsCycling					Returns true if the host's transport is currently cycling or looping
1254 	@param			outCycleStartBeat				If cycling is true, the start beat of the cycle or loop point in the host's transport
1255 	@param			outCycleEndBeat					If cycling is true, the end beat of the cycle or loop point in the host's transport
1257 }
1258 type
inHostUserDatanull1259 	HostCallback_GetTransportState2 = function( inHostUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; outIsPlaying: BooleanPtr; outIsRecording: BooleanPtr; outTransportStateChanged: BooleanPtr; outCurrentSampleInTimeLine: Float64Ptr; outIsCycling: BooleanPtr; outCycleStartBeat: Float64Ptr; outCycleEndBeat: Float64Ptr ): OSStatus;
1261 {!
1262 	@struct			HostCallbackInfo
1263 	@abstract		Contains the various callbacks for an audio unit to call
1264 	@discussion
1265 		Any callback can be NULL.
1266 }
1267 type
1268 	HostCallbackInfo = record
1269 		hostUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable};
1270 		beatAndTempoProc: HostCallback_GetBeatAndTempo {__nullable};
1271 		musicalTimeLocationProc: HostCallback_GetMusicalTimeLocation {__nullable};
1272 		transportStateProc: HostCallback_GetTransportState {__nullable};
1273 		transportStateProc2: HostCallback_GetTransportState2 {__nullable};
1274 	end;
1275 	HostCallbackInfoPtr = ^HostCallbackInfo;
1276 {!
1277 	@struct			AUDependentParameter
1278 	@abstract		Used to represent a dependent parameter that can change as a result of its parent meta-parameter
1279 					changing
1280 }
1281 type
1282 	AUDependentParameter = record
1283 		mScope: AudioUnitScope;
1284 		mParameterID: AudioUnitParameterID;
1285 	end;
1286 	AUDependentParameterPtr = ^AUDependentParameter;
1289 {!
1290 	@struct			AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo
1291 	@abstract		The location and class name of one or more view factory objects an Audio Unit publishes
1292 	@field			mCocoaAUViewBundleLocation
1293 						Contains the location of the bundle which the host app can then use to locate the bundle
1294 	@field			mCocoaAUViewClass
1295 						Contains the names of the classes that implements the required protocol (AUCocoaUIBase). This class is a view factory that creates the NSView object that is the AudioUnit view.
1296 }
1297 type
1298 	AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo = record
1299 		mCocoaAUViewBundleLocation: CFURLRef;
1300 		mCocoaAUViewClass: array[0..0] of CFStringRef;
1301 	end;
1302 	AudioUnitCocoaViewInfoPtr = ^AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo;
1304 {!
1305 	@struct			AUHostVersionIdentifier
1306 	@abstract		Used to describe the name and version of the audio unit's host
1307 }
1308 type
1309 	AUHostVersionIdentifier = record
1310 		hostName: CFStringRef;
1311 		hostVersion: UInt32;
1312 	end;
1313 	AUHostVersionIdentifierPtr = ^AUHostVersionIdentifier;
1315 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
1316 {
1317 	@typedef		AUMIDIOutputCallback
1318 	@abstract		A callback used by an audio unit to provide MIDI data to a host application
1319 }
1320 type
userDatanull1321 	AUMIDIOutputCallback = function( userData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; const (*var*) timeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; midiOutNum: UInt32; {const} pktlist: MIDIPacketListPtr ): OSStatus;
1323 {!
1324 	@struct			AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct
1325 	@abstract		Set by host application to provide the callback and user data for an audio
1326 					unit that provides MIDI output
1327 }
1328 type
1329 	AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct = record
1330 		midiOutputCallback: AUMIDIOutputCallback;
1331 		userData: UnivPtr {__nullable};
1332 	end;
1333 	AUMIDIOutputCallbackStructPtr = ^AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct;
1334 {$endc TARGET_OS_MAC}
1336 {!
1337 	@struct			AUInputSamplesInOutputCallbackStruct
1338 	@abstract		Used by a host when registering a callback with an audio unit, to provide
1339 					input-to-output samples mapping
1340 }
1341 type
1342 	AUInputSamplesInOutputCallbackStruct = record
1343 		inputToOutputCallback: AUInputSamplesInOutputCallback;
1344 		userData: UnivPtr {__nullable};
1345 	end;
1346 	AUInputSamplesInOutputCallbackStructPtr = ^AUInputSamplesInOutputCallbackStruct;
1348 {!
1349 	@struct			AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo
1350 	@abstract		This structure contains the suggested update rate and history duration for parameters which have the kAudioUnitParameterFlag_PlotHistory flag set.
1351 					The structure is filled out by getting kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterHistoryInfo.
1352 	@field			updatesPerSecond
1353 						This is the number of times per second that it is suggested that the host get the value of this parameter.
1354 	@field			historyDurationInSeconds
1355 						This is the duration in seconds of history that should be plotted.
1356 }
1357 type
1358 	AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo = record
1359 		updatesPerSecond: Float32;
1360 		historyDurationInSeconds: Float32;
1361 	end;
1362 	AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfoPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo;
1364 //=====================================================================================================================
1365 //#pragma mark - Parameter Definitions
1367 // assume kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic if not found in this enum
1368 {!
1369 	@enum			AudioUnitParameterUnit
1370 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic
1371 						untyped value generally between 0.0 and 1.0
1372 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed
1373 						takes an integer value (good for menu selections)
1374 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean
1375 						0.0 means FALSE, non-zero means TRUE
1376 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Percent
1377 						usually from 0 -> 100, sometimes -50 -> +50
1378 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Seconds
1379 						absolute or relative time
1380 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_SampleFrames
1381 						one sample frame equals (1.0/sampleRate) seconds
1382 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Phase
1383 						-180 to 180 degrees
1384 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Rate
1385 						rate multiplier, for playback speed, etc. (e.g. 2.0 == twice as fast)
1386 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz
1387 						absolute frequency/pitch in cycles/second
1388 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Cents
1389 						unit of relative pitch
1390 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_RelativeSemiTones
1391 						useful for coarse detuning
1392 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDINoteNumber
1393 						absolute pitch as defined in the MIDI spec (exact freq may depend on tuning table)
1394 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDIController
1395 						a generic MIDI controller value from 0 -> 127
1396 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels
1397 						logarithmic relative gain
1398 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_LinearGain
1399 						linear relative gain
1400 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Degrees
1401 						-180 to 180 degrees, similar to phase but more general (good for 3D coord system)
1402 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_EqualPowerCrossfade
1403 						0 -> 100, crossfade mix two sources according to sqrt(x) and sqrt(1.0 - x)
1404 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MixerFaderCurve1
1405 						0.0 -> 1.0, pow(x, 3.0) -> linear gain to simulate a reasonable mixer channel fader response
1406 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Pan
1407 						standard left to right mixer pan
1408 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Meters
1409 						distance measured in meters
1410 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_AbsoluteCents
1411 						absolute frequency measurement :
1412 						if f is freq in hertz then absoluteCents = 1200 * log2(f / 440) + 6900
1413 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Octaves
1414 						octaves in relative pitch where a value of 1 is equal to 1200 cents
1415 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_BPM
1416 						beats per minute, ie tempo
1417     @constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Beats
1418 						time relative to tempo, i.e., 1.0 at 120 BPM would equal 1/2 a second
1419 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Milliseconds
1420 						parameter is expressed in milliseconds
1421 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Ratio
1422 						for compression, expansion ratio, etc.
1423 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit
1424 						this is the parameter unit type for parameters that present a custom unit name
1425 }
1426 type
1427 	AudioUnitParameterUnit = UInt32;
1428 	AudioUnitParameterUnitPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterUnit;
1429 const
1430 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic = 0;
1431 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed = 1;
1432 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean = 2;
1433 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Percent = 3;
1434 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Seconds = 4;
1435 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_SampleFrames = 5;
1436 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Phase = 6;
1437 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Rate = 7;
1438 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz = 8;
1439 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Cents = 9;
1440 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_RelativeSemiTones = 10;
1441 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDINoteNumber = 11;
1442 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDIController = 12;
1443 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels = 13;
1444 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_LinearGain = 14;
1445 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Degrees = 15;
1446 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_EqualPowerCrossfade = 16;
1447 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MixerFaderCurve1 = 17;
1448 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Pan = 18;
1449 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Meters = 19;
1450 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_AbsoluteCents = 20;
1451 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Octaves = 21;
1452 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_BPM = 22;
1453 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Beats = 23;
1454 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Milliseconds = 24;
1455 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Ratio = 25;
1456 	kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit = 26;
1457 {!
1458 	@enum			AudioUnitParameterOptions
1459 	@discussion		Bit positions 18, 17, and 16 are set aside for display scales. Bit 19 is reserved.
1460 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease
1461 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_PlotHistory
1462 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_MeterReadOnly
1463 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayMask
1464 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquareRoot
1465 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquared
1466 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubed
1467 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubeRoot
1468 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayExponential
1469 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump
1470 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ValuesHaveStrings
1471 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic
1472 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsHighResolution
1473 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_NonRealTime
1474 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CanRamp
1475 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ExpertMode
1476 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString
1477 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsGlobalMeta
1478 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsElementMeta
1479 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable
1480 	@constant		kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable
1481 }
1482 type
1483 	AudioUnitParameterOptions = UInt32;
1484 	AudioUnitParameterOptionsPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterOptions;
1485 const
1486 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease = 1 shl 4;
1487 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_OmitFromPresets = 1 shl 13;
1488 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_PlotHistory = 1 shl 14;
1489 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_MeterReadOnly = 1 shl 15;
1491 	// bit positions 18,17,16 are set aside for display scales. bit 19 is reserved.
1492 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayMask = (7 shl 16) or (1 shl 22);
1493 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquareRoot = 1 shl 16;
1494 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquared = 2 shl 16;
1495 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubed = 3 shl 16;
1496 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubeRoot = 4 shl 16;
1497 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayExponential = 5 shl 16;
1498 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump = 1 shl 20;
1499 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ValuesHaveStrings = 1 shl 21;
1500 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic = 1 shl 22;
1501 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsHighResolution = 1 shl 23;
1502 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_NonRealTime = 1 shl 24;
1503 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CanRamp = 1 shl 25;
1504 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ExpertMode = 1 shl 26;
1505 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString = 1 shl 27;
1506 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsGlobalMeta = 1 shl 28;
1507 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsElementMeta = 1 shl 29;
1508 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable = 1 shl 30;
1509 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable = 1 shl 31;
1511 {!
1512 	@struct			AudioUnitParameterInfo
1513 	@field			name
1514 						UNUSED - set to zero - UTF8 encoded C string (originally).
1515 	@field			unitName
1516 						only valid if kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit is set. If kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit
1517 						is set, this field must contain a valid CFString.
1518 	@field			clumpID
1519 						only valid if kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump
1520 	@field			cfNameString
1521 						only valid if kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString
1522 	@field			unit
1523 						if the "unit" field contains a value not in the enum above, then assume
1524 						kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic
1525 	@field			minValue
1526 	@field			maxValue
1527 	@field			defaultValue
1528 	@field			flags
1529 						Due to some vagaries about the ways in which Parameter's CFNames have been described, it was
1530 						necessary to add a flag: kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease
1531 						In normal usage a parameter name is essentially a static object, but sometimes an audio unit will
1532 						generate parameter names dynamically.. As these are expected to be CFStrings, in that case
1533 						the host should release those names when it is finished with them, but there was no way
1534 						to communicate this distinction in behavior.
1535 						Thus, if an audio unit will (or could) generate a name dynamically, it should set this flag in
1536 						the parameter's info. The host should check for this flag, and if present, release the parameter
1537 						name when it is finished with it.
1538 }
1539 type
1540 	AudioUnitParameterInfo = record
1541 		name : packed array [0..51] of char;
1542 		unitName: CFStringRef {__nullable};
1543 		clumpID: UInt32;
1544 		cfNameString: CFStringRef {__nullable};
1545 		unt: AudioUnitParameterUnit;
1546 		minValue: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1547 		maxValue: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1548 		defaultValue: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1549 		flags: AudioUnitParameterOptions;
1550 	end;
1551 	AudioUnitParameterInfoPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterInfo;
1553 {!
1554 	@enum			Audio Unit Clump ID
1555 	@discussion		Audio unit developers should not use a clump ID of 0. This value is reserved for system use.
1556 }
1557 const
1558 	kAudioUnitClumpID_System = 0;
GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayTypenull1559 function GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags : UInt32) : UInt32; inline;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsLogarithmicnull1560 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsLogarithmic(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquareRootnull1561 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquareRoot(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquarednull1562 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquared(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubednull1563 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubed(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubeRootnull1564 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubeRoot(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsExponentialnull1565 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsExponential(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
1566 procedure SetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(var flags : UInt32; displayType : UInt32); inline;
1569 {
1570 	The following properties are used with display names
1571 }
1573 {!
1574 	@enum			Audio Unit Parameter Full Name
1575 	@discussion		Used with the AudioUnitParameterIDName.inDesiredLength field to indicate the full name
1576 					of the requested parameter.
1577 }
1578 const
1579 	kAudioUnitParameterName_Full = -1;
1581 {!
1582 	@struct			AudioUnitParameterIDName
1583 	@abstract		Used to provide shorter names for a specified parameter
1584 }
1585 type
1586 	AudioUnitParameterNameInfo = record
1587 		inID: AudioUnitParameterID;
1588 		inDesiredLength: SInt32;
1589 		outName: CFStringRef {__nullable};
1590 	end;
1591 	AudioUnitParameterNameInfoPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterNameInfo;
1593 {!
1594 	@struct			AudioUnitParameterStringFromValue
1595 	@abstract		Provide a string representation of a parameter's value
1596 }
1597 type
1598 	AudioUnitParameterStringFromValue = record
1599 		inParamID: AudioUnitParameterID;
1600 		inValue: { const } AudioUnitParameterValuePtr;
1601 		outString: CFStringRef {__nullable};
1602 	end;
1603 	AudioUnitParameterStringFromValuePtr = ^AudioUnitParameterStringFromValue;
1605 {!
1606 	@struct			AudioUnitParameterValueFromString
1607 	@abstract		Provide the parameter's value for a given string representation of it
1608 }
1609 type
1610 	AudioUnitParameterValueFromString = record
1611 		inParamID: AudioUnitParameterID;
1612 		inString: CFStringRef;
1613 		outValue: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1614 	end;
1615 	AudioUnitParameterValueFromStringPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterValueFromString;
1618 //=====================================================================================================================
1619 //#pragma mark - Configuration Info Keys
1621 //	These strings are used as keys to the dictionary of configuration info returned by
1622 //	AudioComponentGetConfigurationInfo(). Information about them is presented inline with the
1623 //	declaration.
1625 {!
1626 	@define		kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_HasCustomView
1627 	@discussion	This is a boolean value that indicates whether or not the AU has a custom view
1628 }
1629 const
1630 	kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_HasCustomView = 'HasCustomView';
1632 {!
1633 	@define		kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_ChannelConfigurations
1634 	@discussion	This is an array of pairs of values where each item in the array is an array of two
1635 				numbers and is the equivalent of an AUChannelInfo. If the AudioUnit is an effect and
1636 				it doesn't implement kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels, the array will contain
1637 				only the single entry, ( -1, -1). If the AudioUnit is an instrument or a generator
1638 				and doesn't implement kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels, the array will be
1639 				empty and means that the AU's initial state is all that is supported.
1640 }
1641 const
1642 	kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_ChannelConfigurations = 'ChannelConfigurations';
1644 {!
1645 	@define		kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_InitialInputs
1646 	@discussion	An array of numbers whose size is equal to the number of input buses posessed by the
1647 				AU. Each number in the array represents the number of channels for the corresponding
1648 				bus.
1649 }
1650 const
1651 	kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_InitialInputs = 'InitialInputs';
1653 {!
1654 	@define		kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_InitialOutputs
1655 	@discussion	An array of numbers whose size is equal to the number of output buses posessed by
1656 				the AU. Each number in the array represents the number of channels for the
1657 				corresponding bus.
1658 }
1659 const
1660 	kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_InitialOutputs = 'InitialOutputs';
1662 {!
1663  @define		kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_IconURL
1664  @discussion	A CFURLRef value that indicates the location of an icon of the audio unit.
1665  }
1666 const
1667 	kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_IconURL = 'IconURL';
1669 {!
1670  @define		kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_BusCountWritable
1671  @discussion	An array of booleans whose size is three representing Global, Input and Output scope
1672 				in the order it is defined in CoreAudioTypes.h. Each value represents whether the bus
1673 				count is writable for the specified scope.
1674  }
1675 const
1676 	kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_BusCountWritable = 'BusCountWritable';
1678 {!
1679  @define		kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_SupportedChannelLayoutTags
1680  @discussion	A dictionary that contains two arrays one for input scope and output scope. Each array
1681 				of numbers whose size is equal to number of supported channel layout tags supported for the scope
1682 				by the AU. Each number in the array represents the channel layout tag.
1683  }
1685 const
1686 	kAudioUnitConfigurationInfo_SupportedChannelLayoutTags = 'SupportedChannelLayoutTags';
1688 //=====================================================================================================================
1689 //#pragma mark - Output Unit
1690 {!
1691     @enum           Output Unit Properties
1692     @abstract       The collection of properties for output units
1693 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_IsRunning
1694 	@discussion			Scope:
1695 						Value Type:
1696 						Access:
1697 }
1698 const
1699 // range  (2000 -> 2999)
1700 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_IsRunning = 2001;
1702 //#pragma mark -
1703 //#pragma mark OS X Availability
1705 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
1707 //=====================================================================================================================
1708 //#pragma mark - Music Effects and Instruments
1709 {!
1710     @enum           Music Effect and Instrument Unit (MusicDevice) Properties
1711     @abstract       The collection of Music Effects and Instrument Unit Property IDs
1712 	@discussion
1713 		These properties are used to:
1714 			Describe a current set of mappings between MIDI messages and Parameter value setting
1715 			Create a mapping between a parameter and a MIDI message through either:
1716 				- explicitly adding (or removing) the mapping
1717 				- telling the audio unit to hot-map the next MIDI message to a specified Parameter
1718 			The same MIDI Message can map to one or more parameters
1720 		These properties normally apply only to the two types of audio units that implement
1721 		the MIDI API, instrument units ('aumu') and music effects ('aumf').
1723 		These properties are used in the Global scope. The scope and element members of the structure describe
1724 		the scope and element of the parameter. In all usages, mScope, mElement and mParameterID must be
1725 		correctly specified.
1728 		* The AUParameterMIDIMapping Structure
1730 		Command				mStatus			mData1
1731 		Note Off			0x8n			Note Num
1732 		Note On				0x9n			Note Num
1733 		Key Pressure		0xAn			Note Num
1734 		Control Change		0xBn			ControllerID
1735 		Patch Change		0xCn			Patch Num
1736 		Channel Pressure	DxDn			0 (Unused)
1737 		Pitch Bend			0xEn			0 (Unused)
1739 		(where n is 0-0xF to correspond to MIDI channels 1-16)
1741 		Details:
1743 		In general MIDI Commands can be mapped to either a specific channel as specified in the mStatus bit.
1744 		If the kAUParameterMIDIMapping_AnyChannelFlag bit is set mStatus is a MIDI channel message, then the
1745 		MIDI channel number in the status byte is ignored; the mapping is from the specified MIDI message on ANY channel.
1747 		For note commands (note on, note off, key pressure), the MIDI message can trigger either with just a specific
1748 		note number, or any note number if the kAUParameterMIDIMapping_AnyNoteFlag bit is set. In these instances, the
1749 		note number is used as the trigger value (for instance, a note message could be used to set the
1750 		cut off frequency of a filter).
1752 		When the parameter mapping list changes through addition/replace, removal, the implementation should
1753 		fire a notification on the kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings property. The host can then
1754 		retrieve the full set of mappings for the audio unit.
1756 		When a hot mapping is made, the notification should just be delivered for the HotMap property. The host can
1757 		retrieve the last current hot mapping made through getting the value of that property.
1759 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings
1760 	@discussion			Scope:				any
1761 						Value Type:			array of AUParameterMIDIMapping
1762 						Access:				read/write
1764 						This property allows setting and retrieving the current mapping state between
1765 						(some/many/all of) an audio unit's parameters and MIDI messages. When set, it should replace
1766 						any previous mapped settings the audio unit had.
1768 						If this property is implemented by a non-MIDI capable audio unit (such as an 'aufx' type),
1769 						then the property is read only and should recommend a suggested set of mappings for the host
1770 						to perform. In this case, it is the host's responsibility to map MIDI message to the audio
1771 						unit parameters.
1773 						This property's size varies depending on the number of mappings currently in effect. A host
1774 						application should always get the size of this property before retrieving it. The audio
1775 						unit should return an error if the host doesn't provide enough space to return all of the
1776 						current mappings.
1778 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_AddParameterMIDIMapping
1779 	@discussion			Scope:				any
1780 						Value Type:			array of AUParameterMIDIMapping
1781 						Access:				write
1783 						Use this property to add parameter-to-MIDI mappings to an audio unit's existing set of
1784 						mappings. There can be only one mapping per parameter. When you set a mapping for a parameter,
1785 						it replaces the previous mapping.
1787 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_RemoveParameterMIDIMapping
1788 	@discussion			Scope:				any
1789 						Value Type:			array of AUParameterMIDIMapping
1790 						Access:				write
1792 						Use this property to remove mappings from an audio unit. If a mapping is specified that
1793 						does not currently exist in an audio unit, then the audio unit should ignore the request.
1794 						The Scope/Element/ParameterID is used to find the mapping to remove.
1796 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_HotMapParameterMIDIMapping
1797 	@discussion			Scope:				any
1798 						Value Type:			AUParameterMIDIMapping
1799 						Access:				read/write
1801 						This property can be used in two ways, determined by the value supplied by the host
1802 						application.
1804 						(1) If a mapping structure is provided, then that structure provides all the information
1805 						that the audio unit should use to map the parameter, except for the MIDI message. The audio
1806 						unit should then listen for the next MIDI message and associate that MIDI message with the
1807 						supplied parameter mapping. When this MIDI message is received and the mapping made, the
1808 						audio unit should also issue a notification on this property to indicate to the host that
1809 						the mapping has been made. The host can then retrieve the mapping that was made by getting the
1810 						value of this property.
1812 						To avoid possible confusion, it is recommended that once the host has retrieved this mapping
1813 						(if it is presenting a user interface to describe the mappings, for example), that the host
1814 						should then clear the mapping state, as described in (2).
1816 						The only time this property will return a valid value is when an audio unit has implemented the
1817 						requested mapping. If the audio unit's mapping state has been cleared (or if it has not been
1818 						asked to make a mapping), then the audio unit should return a kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue
1819 						error when the host tries to read this property's value.
1821 						(2) If the value passed in this property is NULL, and if the audio unit had a parameter that
1822 						it was in the process of mapping, the audio unit should disregard the parameter mapping request
1823 						and discard the partially mapped structure. If the value is NULL and the audio unit is not in
1824 						the process of mapping, the audio unit can just ignore the request.
1826 						At all times, the _AllMappings property will completely describe the current known state of an
1827 						audio unit's mappings of MIDI messages to parameters.
1828 }
1829 const
1830 	kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings = 41;
1831 	kAudioUnitProperty_AddParameterMIDIMapping = 42;
1832 	kAudioUnitProperty_RemoveParameterMIDIMapping = 43;
1833 	kAudioUnitProperty_HotMapParameterMIDIMapping = 44;
1835 {!
1836 	@enum			ParameterMIDIMappings
1837 	@abstract		General defined values to customize the behavior of parameter-to-MIDI mappings
1839 	@constant		kAUParameterMIDIMapping_AnyChannelFlag
1840 	@discussion			If this flag is set and the value of the mStatus field is a MIDI channel message, then
1841 						the MIDI channel number in the status byte is ignored; the mapping is from the specified
1842 						MIDI message on any channel.
1844 	@constant		kAUParameterMIDIMapping_AnyNoteFlag
1845 	@discussion			If this flag is set and the value of the mStatus field is a Note On, Note Off, or
1846 						Polyphonic Pressure message, the message's note number is ignored. The mapping is from
1847 						any note number.
1849 	@constant		kAUParameterMIDIMapping_SubRange
1850 	@discussion			Set this flag if the MIDI control should map only to a sub-range of the parameter's value.
1851 						Then specify that range in the mSubRangeMin and mSubRangeMax member fields.
1853 	@constant		kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Toggle
1854 	@discussion			Intended for Boolean typed parameters. When this property is set, it means that the
1855 						parameter's value should be toggled when the mapped MIDI message is received. For example,
1856 						if the parameter's value is currently TRUE, when the mapped MIDI message is received
1857 						the value changes to FALSE.
1859 	@constant		kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Bipolar
1860 	@discussion			This property is useful when mapping a parameter to a MIDI Controller. When set, it
1861 						indicates that the parameter can assume only two values: on or off. For this reason, a
1862 						parameter associated with this property is typically Boolean. For example, if this
1863 						property is set for a parameter mapped to a sustain pedal MIDI controller, controller
1864 						values from 0 to 64 result in the parameter switched to its "off" state; controller
1865 						values from 65 to 127 result in the parameter switched to its "on" state.
1867 						This property works in connection with the kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Bipolar_On property.
1868 						The value of the kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Bipolar_On property
1870 	@constant		kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Bipolar_On
1871 	@discussion			Determines whether the  "on" state of a parameter is mapped to the "on" or "off" state
1872 						of the associated MIDI controller. Only valid  if the  kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Bipolar
1873 						property is set.
1874 }
1875 type
1876 	AUParameterMIDIMappingFlags = UInt32;
1877 	AUParameterMIDIMappingFlagsPtr = ^AUParameterMIDIMappingFlags;
1878 const
1879 	kAUParameterMIDIMapping_AnyChannelFlag = 1 shl 0;
1880 	kAUParameterMIDIMapping_AnyNoteFlag = 1 shl 1;
1881 	kAUParameterMIDIMapping_SubRange = 1 shl 2;
1882 	kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Toggle = 1 shl 3;
1883 	kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Bipolar = 1 shl 4;
1884 	kAUParameterMIDIMapping_Bipolar_On = 1 shl 5;
1886 {!
1887 	@struct			AUParameterMIDIMapping
1888 	@abstract		Represents a mapping between a MIDI message and an audio unit's parameter.
1889 	@discussion		The reserved fields in this structure are for future use. In the current implementation,
1890 					they help align the structure to 64 bit size. Do not use the names of these fields in a
1891 					host application. They are subject to change.
1892 }
1893 type
1894 	AUParameterMIDIMapping = record
1895 		mScope: AudioUnitScope;
1896 		mElement: AudioUnitElement;
1897 		mParameterID: AudioUnitParameterID;
1898 		mFlags: AUParameterMIDIMappingFlags;
1899 		mSubRangeMin: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1900 		mSubRangeMax: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1901 		mStatus: UInt8;
1902 		mData1: UInt8;
1903 		reserved1: UInt8; // MUST be set to zero
1904 		reserved2: UInt8; // MUST be set to zero
1905 		reserved3: UInt32; // MUST be set to zero
1906 	end;
1907 	AUParameterMIDIMappingPtr = ^AUParameterMIDIMapping;
1909 //=====================================================================================================================
1910 //#pragma mark - Music Device
1911 {!
1912     @enum           Instrument Unit (MusicDevice) Properties
1913     @abstract       The collection of Instrument Unit Property IDs
1915 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_MIDIXMLNames
1916 	@discussion			Scope:
1917 						Value Type:
1918 						Access:
1920 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_PartGroup
1921 	@discussion			Scope:				Part
1922 						Value Type:			AudioUnitElement
1923 						Access:				read/write
1925 						This property's value specifies the group ID (the Group scope's element)
1926 						that the part is (or should be) assigned to. The property is used in the Part scope,
1927 						where the element ID is the part that is being queried (or assigned).
1929 						This property may be implemented in an audio unit as read only, as writeable only if the
1930 						audio unit is uninitialized, or as read/write. Apple recommends that it should be
1931 						writable at any time.
1933 						The effect of assigning a new group to a part is undefined. Typically, however, it can be
1934 						expected that all existing notes would be turned off before the re-assignment is made by
1935 						the audio unit.
1937 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_DualSchedulingMode
1938 	@discussion			Scope:				Global
1939 						Value Type:			UInt32
1940 						Access:				write
1942 						Some instrument units need to distinguish realtime note and control events (such as from
1943 						incoming MIDI) from sequenced or pre-scheduled events. To support this, a host application
1944 						may set this property to 1. If the instrument unit returns a value of noErr, it supports
1945 						an alternate interpretation of the inOffsetSampleFrame parameter for the following
1946 						functions:
1948 							MusicDeviceMIDIEvent
1949 							MusicDeviceStartNote
1950 							MusicDeviceStopNote
1951 							AudioUnitSetParameter
1953 						Once the host sets this property to 1 and the instrument unit returns noErr, the
1954 						inOffsetSampleFrame field becomes a bitfield:
1956 							kMusicDeviceSampleFrameMask_SampleOffset = 0xFFFFFF // AND with this to obtain sample offset
1957 							kMusicDeviceSampleFrameMask_IsScheduled = 0x01000000
1959 						The IsScheduled bit should be set on events which are being scheduled ahead of time from
1960 						a prerecorded track. The IsScheduled bit should be clear on events which are being sent
1961 						to the instrument unit in response to realtime events, such as incoming MIDI or control
1962 						changes in a view.
1964 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_SupportsStartStopNote
1965 	@discussion			Scope:				Global
1966 						Value Type:			UInt32
1967 						Access:				read
1969 						The MusicDeviceStartNote and MusicDeviceStopNote APIs have been available since Mac OS X v10.0.
1970 						However, many third-party audio units do not implement these calls. This property can
1971 						be used to determine if an audio unit does provide a compliant implementation. A compliant
1972 						audio unit will both implement the property and return !0 as the value for the property.
1973 						Apple's DLSMusicDevice unit has implemented MusicDeviceStartNote and MusicDeviceStopNote
1974 						since Mac OS X v10.0. The kMusicDeviceProperty_SupportsStartStopNote property was introduced
1975 						with Mac OS X v10.5, so the DLSMusicDevice unit will not return an appropriate value for
1976 						this property on a pre-10.5 system.
1978 }
1979 const
1980 // range  (1000 -> 1999)
1981 	kMusicDeviceProperty_MIDIXMLNames = 1006;
1982 	kMusicDeviceProperty_PartGroup = 1010;
1983 	kMusicDeviceProperty_DualSchedulingMode = 1013;
1984 	kMusicDeviceProperty_SupportsStartStopNote = 1014;
1986 {!
1987     @enum			DualSchedulingMode
1988  }
1989 const
1990 	kMusicDeviceSampleFrameMask_SampleOffset = $FFFFFF;  // AND with this to obtain the sample offset
1991 	kMusicDeviceSampleFrameMask_IsScheduled = $01000000;
1994 //=====================================================================================================================
1995 //#pragma mark - Offline Unit
1996 {!
1997     @enum           Offline Unit Properties
1998     @abstract       The collection of properties for offline units
1999 	@constant		kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_InputSize
2000 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2001 						Value Type:		UInt64
2002 						Access:			read/write
2004 						Once this property is set, an audio unit will assume that its input samples
2005 						have been reset to a new region. Setting this property will also cause the
2006 						audio unit's internal DSP state to be reset. That is, the audio unit calls
2007 						the AudioUnitReset function on itself.
2009 						This property tells the offline unit how many samples to process. Once it
2010 						knows this number it will then request from 0 to (nSamples-1) in its input
2011 						callback. The host of the audio unit is then required to provide the samples
2012 						specified in the sample count field of that Input's callback.
2014 	@constant		kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_OutputSize
2015 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2016 						Value Type:		UInt64
2017 						Access:			read
2019 						The host can use this property to estimate how many output samples an audio
2020 						unit will produce for the specified input samples. The property value
2021 						is invalid if InputSize is not set.
2023 						The host cannot assume that the value returned is exact.
2024 						It is a guide only, so is suitable for use in a progress bar, for instance.
2026 						Termination of processing is solely determined by the setting of the
2027 						kAudioUnitStatus_OfflineRenderComplete property in the
2028 						ioRenderActionFlags from the AudioUnitRender function.
2030 	@constant		kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_StartOffset
2031 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2032 						Value Type:		UInt64
2033 						Access:			read/write
2035 						The host sets this property to tell an audio unit that the start offset of
2036 						the data it is processing has been changed. This should be set along with
2037 						the InputSize property, so that the unit knows its input data has been set
2038 						or changed.
2040 	@constant		kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_PreflightRequirements
2041 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2042 						Value Type:		UInt32
2043 						Access:			read
2045 						Returns one of the kOfflinePreflight_ results (see the Offline Preflight
2046 						enumeration).
2048 	@constant		kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_PreflightName
2049 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2050 						Value Type:		CFStringRef
2051 						Access:			read
2053 						For an audio unit that allows or requires preflighting, this property lets
2054 						the unit give its host application a name to describe the preflight
2055 						operations.
2056 }
2057 const
2058 // range (3020->3040)
2059 	kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_InputSize = 3020;
2060 	kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_OutputSize = 3021;
2061 	kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_StartOffset = 3022;
2062 	kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_PreflightRequirements = 3023;
2063 	kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_PreflightName = 3024;
2065 {!
2066 	@enum		Offline Preflight Flags
2067 	@abstract	Used to indicate an Offline Unit's preflight requirements
2068 	@constant	kOfflinePreflight_NotRequired
2069 	@discussion		Offline unit does not require preflight
2070 	@constant	kOfflinePreflight_Optional
2071 	@discussion		Offline unit will generally behave better if it is preflighted, but it is not
2072 					required to be preflighted.
2073 	@constant	kOfflinePreflight_Required
2074 	@discussion		Offline unit requires preflighting or it cannot do its work
2076 }
2077 const
2078 	kOfflinePreflight_NotRequired = 0;
2079 	kOfflinePreflight_Optional = 1;
2080 	kOfflinePreflight_Required = 2;
2082 //=====================================================================================================================
2083 //#pragma mark - Panner Unit
2084 {!
2085     @enum           Panner Unit Properties
2086     @abstract       The collection of properties for panner units
2087 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_DistanceAttenuationData
2088 	@discussion		This property is deprecated.
2089 						Scope:			Global
2090 						Value Type:		AUDistanceAttenuationData
2091 						Access:			Read
2092 }
2093 const
2094 // range (3060->3999)
2095 	kAudioUnitProperty_DistanceAttenuationData = 3600;
2096 (* API_DEPRECATED("no longer supported", macos(10.5, 10.11)) API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, watchos, tvos) *)
2099 {!
2100 	@struct			AUDistanceAttenuationData
2101 }
2102 type
2103 	AUDistanceAttenuationDataPairsRec = record
2104 		inDistance: Float32;	// 0-1000
2105 		outGain: Float32;	// 0-1
2106 	end;
2107 	AUDistanceAttenuationDataPairsRecPtr = ^AUDistanceAttenuationDataPairsRec;
2109 	AUDistanceAttenuationData = record
2110 		inNumberOfPairs: UInt32;
2111 		pairs: array[0..0] of AUDistanceAttenuationDataPairsRec; // this is a variable length array of inNumberOfPairs elements
2112 	end;
2113 	AUDistanceAttenuationDataPtr = ^AUDistanceAttenuationData;
2114 (* API_DEPRECATED("no longer supported", macos(10.5, 10.11)) API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, watchos, tvos); *)
2116 //=====================================================================================================================
2117 //#pragma mark - Translation Service
2118 {!
2119     @enum           Translation Properties
2120     @abstract       The collection of properties for migrating data from other audio plug-ins to the
2121     				Audio Unit architecture
2122 	@discussion		While this is a general service, there are two formats that are explicitly defined:
2123 					MAS and VST. An audio unit may have MAS settings given to it in one of two ways:
2125 						(1) The settings may have a single setting. This may be set multiple times with
2126 						different settings each time. In this case, numberOfSettings will be 1.
2128 						(2) The settings may be set in one hit, providing all SettingData at once.
2129 						In this case, numberOfSettings may be more than 1, and will be the number of
2130 						settings the host has from the MAS plugin.
2132 						AU-VST - the CFDataRef data contains VST chunk data with no additional information.
2134 					In addition, this can be used to migrate settings from an older audio unit; this allows manufacturers
2135 					to deprecate older audio units and replace them with new ones. The data for the older audio unit is
2136 					the audio unit preset CFDictionary that that unit generated.
2138 	@constant		kAudioUnitMigrateProperty_FromPlugin
2139 	@discussion			Scope:
2140 						Value Type:
2141 						Access:
2143 	@constant		kAudioUnitMigrateProperty_OldAutomation
2144 	@discussion			Scope:
2145 						Value Type:
2146 						Access:
2147 }
2148 const
2149 // range (4000->4020)
2150 	kAudioUnitMigrateProperty_FromPlugin = 4000;
2151 	kAudioUnitMigrateProperty_OldAutomation = 4001;
2153 {!
2154 	@enum			Other Plug-in Formats
2155 }
2156 const
2157 	kOtherPluginFormat_Undefined = 0;  //reserving this value for future use
2158 	kOtherPluginFormat_kMAS = 1;
2159 	kOtherPluginFormat_kVST = 2;
2160 	kOtherPluginFormat_AU = 3;
2162 {!
2163 	@struct			AudioUnitOtherPluginDesc
2164 	@discussion
2166 	@field			format
2167 	@discussion			One of the OtherPluginFormat values
2169 	@field			plugin
2170 	@discussion			struct AudioClassDescription (
2171 							OSType mType;
2172 							OSType mSubType;
2173 							OSType mManufacturer;
2174 						);
2175 						is defined in <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
2177 					mType specifies a generic, plug-in format defined descriptor
2178 							mSubType is usually left to the manufacturer to use at their discretion
2179 							mManufacturer is a registered code to identify all plugins from the same manufacturer
2181 }
2182 type
2183 	AudioUnitOtherPluginDesc = record
2184 		format: UInt32;
2185 		plugin: AudioClassDescription;
2186 	end;
2187 	AudioUnitOtherPluginDescPtr = ^AudioUnitOtherPluginDesc;
2189 {!
2190 	@struct			AudioUnitParameterValueTranslation
2191 	@abstract		Used to translate another plug-in's parameter values to  audio unit parameter
2192 					values
2193 }
2194 type
2195 	AudioUnitParameterValueTranslation = record
2196 		otherDesc: AudioUnitOtherPluginDesc;
2197 		otherParamID: UInt32;
2198 		otherValue: Float32;
2199 		auParamID: AudioUnitParameterID;
2200 		auValue: AudioUnitParameterValue;
2201 	end;
2202 	AudioUnitParameterValueTranslationPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterValueTranslation;
2204 {!
2205 	@struct			AudioUnitPresetMAS_SettingData
2206 	@discussion		AU-MAS specific structs for the data contained in the "masdata" key of an audio
2207 					unit preset dictionary
2208 }
2209 type
2210 	AudioUnitPresetMAS_SettingData = record
2211 		isStockSetting: UInt32; // zero or 1  i.e., "long bool"
2212 		settingID: UInt32;
2213 		dataLen: UInt32; //length of following data
2214 		data: array[0..0] of UInt8;
2215 	end;
2216 	AudioUnitPresetMAS_SettingDataPtr = ^AudioUnitPresetMAS_SettingData;
2218 {!
2219 	@struct			AudioUnitPresetMAS_Settings
2220 	@discussion		See MAS documentation
2221 }
2222 type
2223 	AudioUnitPresetMAS_Settings = record
2224 		manufacturerID: UInt32;
2225 		effectID: UInt32;
2226 		variantID: UInt32;
2227 		settingsVersion: UInt32;
2228 		numberOfSettings: UInt32;
2229 	 	settings: array[0..0] of AudioUnitPresetMAS_SettingData;
2230 	end;
2232 {$endc}	{ TARGET_OS_MAC }
2234 //=====================================================================================================================
2235 //#pragma mark -
2236 //#pragma mark Apple Specific Properties
2238 //=====================================================================================================================
2239 //#pragma mark - AUConverter
2240 {!
2241     @enum           Apple AUConverter Property IDs
2242     @abstract       The collection of property IDs for Apple AUConverter
2244 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRateConverterComplexity
2245 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2246 						Value Type:		UInt32
2247 						Access:			read/write
2248 }
2249 const
2250 	kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRateConverterComplexity = 3014;
2252 {!
2253 	@enum			Audio Unit Sample Rate Converter Complexity
2254 	@discussion		The lowest quality of the Mastering algorithm is higher than the highest quality of the Normal algorithm.
2255 	@constant		kAudioUnitSampleRateConverterComplexity_Normal
2256 	@discussion			Normal quality sample rate conversion.
2257 	@constant		kAudioUnitSampleRateConverterComplexity_Mastering
2258 	@discussion			Mastering quality sample rate conversion. More expensive.
2259 }
2260 const
2261 	kAudioUnitSampleRateConverterComplexity_Linear = FourCharCode('line'); 	// linear interpolation
2262 	kAudioUnitSampleRateConverterComplexity_Normal = FourCharCode('norm'); 	// the default
2263 	kAudioUnitSampleRateConverterComplexity_Mastering = FourCharCode('bats'); 	// higher quality, more expensive
2265 //=====================================================================================================================
2266 //#pragma mark - AUHAL and device units
2267 {!
2268     @enum           Apple Output Property IDs
2269     @abstract       The collection of property IDs for Apple output units
2271 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice
2272 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2273 						Value Type:		AudioObjectID
2274 						Access:			read/write
2276 						The audio device being used (or to be used) by and output device unit
2278 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap
2279 	@discussion			Scope:			Input/Output
2280 						Value Type:		Array of SInt32
2281 						Access:			Read / Write
2283 						This will also work with AUConverter. This property is used to map input channels from an input (source) to a destination.
2284 						The number of channels represented in the channel map is the number of channels of the destination. The channel map entries
2285 						contain a channel number of the source that should be mapped to that destination channel. If -1 is specified, then that
2286 						destination channel will not contain any channel from the source (so it will be silent)
2288 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO
2289 	@discussion			Scope: ( scope output, element 0 = output ) ( scope input, element 1 = input )
2290 						Value Type: UInt32
2291 						Access: read/write
2292 							Output units default to output-only operation. Host applications may disable
2293 							output or enable input operation using this property, if the output unit
2294 							supports it. 0=disabled, 1=enabled using I/O proc.
2296 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_StartTime
2297 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2298 						Value Type: AudioOutputUnitStartAtTimeParams
2299 						Access: write only
2300 							When this property is set on an output unit, it will cause the next Start request
2301 							(but no subsequent Starts) to use AudioDeviceStartAtTime, using the specified
2302 							timestamp, passing false for inRequestedStartTimeIsInput.
2304 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback
2305 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2306 						Value Type: AURenderCallbackStruct
2307 						Access: read/write
2308 							When an output unit has been enabled for input operation, this callback can be
2309 							used to provide a single callback to the host application from the input
2310 							I/O proc, in order to notify the host that input is available and may be
2311 							obtained by calling the AudioUnitRender function.
2313 							Note that the inputProc will always receive a NULL AudioBufferList in ioData.
2314 							You must call AudioUnitRender in order to obtain the audio.
2316 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_HasIO
2317 	@discussion			Scope: ( scope output, element 0 = output ) ( scope input, element 1 = input )
2318 						Value Type: UInt32
2319 						Access:
2320 							See kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO
2321 							Property value is 1 if input or output is enabled on the specified element.
2323 	@constant		kAudioOutputUnitProperty_StartTimestampsAtZero
2324 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2325 						Value Type: UInt32
2326 						Access: read/write
2328 							Apple output units typically begin their stream of timestamps presented to their
2329 							inputs at sample time 0. Some applications may wish to receive the HAL's timestamps
2330 							directly instead. When this property is set to false, the output unit's sample times
2331 							will be direct reflections of the HAL's -- except when a sample rate conversion
2332 							makes this impossible.
2334 							This property also applies to AUConverter. Its value defaults to 1 for AUHAL;
2335 							1 for other AUs.
2336 }
2337 const
2338 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice = 2000;
2339 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap = 2002;  // this will also work with AUConverter
2340 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO = 2003;
2341 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_StartTime = 2004;
2342 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback = 2005;
2343 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_HasIO = 2006;
2344 	kAudioOutputUnitProperty_StartTimestampsAtZero = 2007; 	// this will also work with AUConverter
2347 {!
2348 	@struct			AudioOutputUnitStartAtTimeParams
2349 }
2350 type
2351 	AudioOutputUnitStartAtTimeParams = record
2352 	// see AudioDeviceStartAtTime
2353 		mTimestamp: AudioTimeStamp;
2354 		mFlags: UInt32;
2355 	end;
2356 	AudioOutputUnitStartAtTimeParamsPtr = ^AudioOutputUnitStartAtTimeParams;
2358 //=====================================================================================================================
2359 //#pragma mark - AUVoiceProcessing unit
2360 {!
2361 	@enum           Apple Voice Processing Property IDs for OS X and iOS
2362 	@abstract       The collection of property IDs for Apple voice processing units.
2364 	@constant		kAUVoiceIOProperty_BypassVoiceProcessing
2365 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2366 						Value Type: UInt32
2367 						Access: read/write
2368 							Bypass all processing done by the voice processing unit. When set to 0
2369 							(default), the processing is activated otherwise it is disabled.
2371 	@constant		kAUVoiceIOProperty_VoiceProcessingEnableAGC
2372 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2373 						Value Type: UInt32
2374 						Access: read/write
2375 							Enable automatic gain control on the processed microphone/uplink
2376                             signal. On by default.
2378 	 @constant		kAUVoiceIOProperty_MuteOutput
2379 	 @discussion		Scope: Global
2380 						Value Type: UInt32
2381 						Access: read/write
2382 							Mutes the output of the voice processing unit.
2383 							0 (default) = muting off. 1 = mute output.
2384 }
2385 const
2386 	kAUVoiceIOProperty_BypassVoiceProcessing = 2100;
2387 	kAUVoiceIOProperty_VoiceProcessingEnableAGC = 2101;
2388 	kAUVoiceIOProperty_MuteOutput = 2104;
2391 //#pragma mark - AUVoiceProcessing unit deprecated properties
2394 {!
2395  @enum           Apple Voice Processing Property IDs that are being deprecated
2396  @constant		kAUVoiceIOProperty_VoiceProcessingQuality
2397  @discussion		Scope: Global
2398                     Value Type: UInt32
2399                     Access: read/write
2400                 DEPRECATED. Sets the quality of the voice processing unit. Quality values
2401                 are comprised between 0 (lowest) and 127 (highest).
2402  }
2403 const
2404 	kAUVoiceIOProperty_VoiceProcessingQuality = 2103;
2405 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_7, __MAC_10_9, __IPHONE_3_0, __IPHONE_7_0) *)
2408 //=====================================================================================================================
2409 //#pragma mark - AUNBandEQ unit
2410 {!
2411 	@enum           Apple N-Band EQ Audio Unit Property IDs
2412 	@abstract       The collection of property IDs for the Apple N-Band EQ Audio Unit.
2414 	@constant		kAUNBandEQProperty_NumberOfBands
2415 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2416 						Value Type: UInt32
2417 						Access: read/write
2418 							Specifies the number of equalizer bands. If more than kAUNBandEQProperty_MaxNumberOfBands
2419 							are specified, an error is returned.
2420 							Can only be set if the unit is uninitialized.
2422 	@constant		kAUNBandEQProperty_MaxNumberOfBands
2423 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2424 						Value Type: UInt32
2425 						Access: read-only
2426 							Returns the maximum number of equalizer bands.
2428 	@constant		kAUNBandEQProperty_BiquadCoefficients
2429 	@discussion			Scope: Global
2430 						Value Type: array of Float64
2431 						Access: read-only
2432 							Returns an array of Float64 values, 5 per band.
2433 }
2434 const
2435 	kAUNBandEQProperty_NumberOfBands = 2200;
2436 	kAUNBandEQProperty_MaxNumberOfBands = 2201;
2437 	kAUNBandEQProperty_BiquadCoefficients = 2203;
2440 {!
2441  @enum         Apple Voice Processing AudioUnit Error IDs
2442  @abstract     These are the various error IDs returned by Voice Processing audio unit.
2444  @constant     kAUVoiceIOErr_UnexpectedNumberOfInputChannels
2445                This error indicates that an unexpected number of input channels was encountered during initialization of voice processing audio unit
2447 }
2448 const
2449 	kAUVoiceIOErr_UnexpectedNumberOfInputChannels = -66784;
2452 //=====================================================================================================================
2453 //#pragma mark - Mixers
2454 {!
2455     @enum           Apple Mixer Property IDs
2456     @abstract       The collection of property IDs for Apple mixers
2458 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MeteringMode
2459 	@discussion			Scope: ( scope / element )
2460 						Value Type: UInt32
2461 						Access: read/write
2463 						Enable or disable metering on a particular scope/element
2465 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MatrixLevels
2466 	@discussion			This property can be used for both the AUMatrixMixer and AUMultiChannelMixer.
2468 						AUMatrixMixer
2469 						Scope:			Global
2470 						Value Type:		Float32 array
2471 						Access:			read/write
2473 						This property is used to retrieve the entire state of a matrix mixer. The size required is
2474 						the number of (input  channels + 1) * (output channels + 1) - see _MatrixDimensions
2476 						So a matrix mixer that has 2 input channels and 2 output channels, will need a 3 x 3 array of Float32
2478 						Global volume is stored at volumes[2][2]
2479 						Input volumes are stored in the last column (volumes[0][2] for the first input channel,  volumes[1][2] for the second)
2480 						Output volumes are stored in the last row (volumes [2][0] and [2][1])
2481 						Cross point volumes are stored at their expected locations ([0][1], etc)
2483 						AUMultiChannelMixer
2484 						Scope:			Input
2485 						Value Type:		Float32 array
2486 						Access:			read/write
2488 						Gets/sets the matrix levels for one input element. This allows arbitrary mixing configurations
2489 						from all input channels to all output channels.
2490 						The size required is the number of (input channels) * (output channels).
2491 						The matrix stores only the crosspoint gains, there are no overall input or output channel gains.
2493 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MatrixDimensions
2494 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2495 						Value Type:		2 x UInt32
2496 						Access:			Read only
2498 						Returns the total number of channels for input and output of a given matrix mixer
2500 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MeterClipping
2501 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2502 						Value Type:		AudioUnitMeterClipping
2503 						Access:			Read
2505 						A mixer returns an AudioUnitMeterClipping structure.
2508 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_InputAnchorTimeStamp
2509 	@discussion			Scope:			Input
2510 						Value Type:		AudioTimeStamp
2511 						Access:			Read / Write
2513 						There are situations, for example moving an input between mixers, where the
2514 						input's sample time timeline needs to be made continuous. This facilitates
2515 						the operation: after disconnecting the input, fetch its anchor time stamp,
2516 						then before reconnecting it, set the same anchor time stamp. The input's
2517 						sequence of sample times will be maintained.
2519 						This property cannot be accessed while the input is rendering.
2520 }
2521 const
2522 // General mixers
2523 	kAudioUnitProperty_MeteringMode = 3007;
2525 	// Matrix Mixer
2526 	kAudioUnitProperty_MatrixLevels = 3006;
2527 	kAudioUnitProperty_MatrixDimensions = 3009;
2528 	kAudioUnitProperty_MeterClipping = 3011;
2530 	// Multichannel Mixer
2531 	kAudioUnitProperty_InputAnchorTimeStamp = 3016;
2533 {!
2534 	@struct			AudioUnitMeterClipping
2536 	@field			peakValueSinceLastCall;
2537 	@discussion			The maximum value seen on the channel since the last time the property was retrieved.
2538 	@field			sawInfinity;
2539 	@discussion			TRUE if there was an infinite value on this channel.
2540 	@field			sawNotANumber
2541 	@discussion			TRUE if there was a floating point Not-A-Number value on this channel.
2542 }
2543 type
2544 	AudioUnitMeterClipping = record
2545 		peakValueSinceLastCall: Float32;
2546 		sawInfinity: Boolean;
2547 		sawNotANumber: Boolean;
2548 	end;
2549 	AudioUnitMeterClippingPtr = ^AudioUnitMeterClipping;
2551 //=====================================================================================================================
2552 //#pragma mark - _SpatialMixer
2553 {!
2554     @enum           Apple Mixer Property IDs
2555     @abstract       The collection of property IDs for AUSpatialMixer
2557     @constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ReverbRoomType
2558 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2559 						Value Type:		UInt32
2560 						Access:			Read / Write
2562 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_UsesInternalReverb
2563 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
2564 						Value Type:		UInt32
2565 						Access:			Read / Write
2567 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SpatializationAlgorithm
2568 	@discussion			Scope:			Input
2569 						Value Type:		UInt32
2570 						Access:			Read / Write
2572 						Used to set the spatialisation algorithm used by an input of AUSpatialMixer. See kSpatializationAlgorithm_
2574 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SpatialMixerRenderingFlags
2575 	@discussion			Scope:			Input
2576 						Value Type:		UInt32
2577 						Access:			Read / Write
2579 						Used to enable various rendering operations on a given input for the 3DMixer. See k3DMixerRenderingFlags_
2581 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SpatialMixerAttenuationCurve
2582 	@discussion			Scope:			Input
2583 						Value Type:		UInt32
2584 						Access:			Read / Write
2586 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_SpatialMixerDistanceParams
2587 	@discussion			Scope:			Input
2588 						Value Type:		MixerDistanceParams
2589 						Access:			Read / Write
2590 }
2591 const
2592 	kAudioUnitProperty_ReverbRoomType = 10;
2593 	kAudioUnitProperty_UsesInternalReverb = 1005;
2594 	kAudioUnitProperty_SpatializationAlgorithm = 3000;
2595 	kAudioUnitProperty_SpatialMixerDistanceParams = 3010;
2596 	kAudioUnitProperty_SpatialMixerAttenuationCurve = 3013;
2597 	kAudioUnitProperty_SpatialMixerRenderingFlags = 3003;
2599 {!
2600 	@enum 	Spatialization Algorithms
2601 }
2602 type
2603 	AUSpatializationAlgorithm = UInt32;
2604 const
2605 	kSpatializationAlgorithm_EqualPowerPanning = 0;
2606 	kSpatializationAlgorithm_SphericalHead = 1;
2607 	kSpatializationAlgorithm_HRTF = 2;
2608 	kSpatializationAlgorithm_SoundField = 3;
2609 	kSpatializationAlgorithm_VectorBasedPanning = 4;
2610 	kSpatializationAlgorithm_StereoPassThrough = 5;
2611 	kSpatializationAlgorithm_HRTFHQ = 6;
2613 {!
2614 	@enum	Reverb Room Types
2615 	@discussion Used to specify room type (as identified by a factory preset number) on Apple audio
2616 				units that use internal reverb.
2617 }
2618 type
2619 	AUReverbRoomType = UInt32;
2620 const
2621 	kReverbRoomType_SmallRoom = 0;
2622 	kReverbRoomType_MediumRoom = 1;
2623 	kReverbRoomType_LargeRoom = 2;
2624 	kReverbRoomType_MediumHall = 3;
2625 	kReverbRoomType_LargeHall = 4;
2626 	kReverbRoomType_Plate = 5;
2627 	kReverbRoomType_MediumChamber = 6;
2628 	kReverbRoomType_LargeChamber = 7;
2629 	kReverbRoomType_Cathedral = 8;
2630 	kReverbRoomType_LargeRoom2 = 9;
2631 	kReverbRoomType_MediumHall2 = 10;
2632 	kReverbRoomType_MediumHall3 = 11;
2633 	kReverbRoomType_LargeHall2 = 12;
2635 {!
2636 	@enum AUSpatialMixer Attenuation Curves
2637 }
2638 type
2639 	AUSpatialMixerAttenuationCurve = UInt32;
2640 const
2641 	kSpatialMixerAttenuationCurve_Power = 0;
2642 	kSpatialMixerAttenuationCurve_Exponential = 1;
2643 	kSpatialMixerAttenuationCurve_Inverse = 2;
2644 	kSpatialMixerAttenuationCurve_Linear = 3;
2646 {!
2647 	@struct			MixerDistanceParams
2648 }
2649 type
2650 	MixerDistanceParams = record
2651 		mReferenceDistance: Float32;
2652 		mMaxDistance: Float32;
2653 		mMaxAttenuation: Float32;	// in decibels
2654 	end;
2655 	MixerDistanceParamsPtr = ^MixerDistanceParams;
2657 {!
2658 	@enum	AUSpatial Mixer Rendering Flags
2659 }
2660 type
2661 	AUSpatialMixerRenderingFlags = UInt32;
2662 const
2663 	kSpatialMixerRenderingFlags_InterAuralDelay = 1 shl 0;
2664 	kSpatialMixerRenderingFlags_DistanceAttenuation = 1 shl 2;
2666 //=====================================================================================================================
2667 //#pragma mark - _3DMixer (Deprecated)
2668 {!
2669     // AUMixer3D is deprecated. Use AUSpatialMixer instead.
2671     @enum           Apple Mixer Property IDs
2672     @abstract       The collection of property IDs for Apple mixers
2674 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_MeteringMode
2675 	@discussion			Scope: ( scope / element )
2676 						Value Type: UInt32
2677 						Access: read/write
2679 						Enable or disable metering on a particular scope/element
2681 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_DopplerShift
2682 	@discussion			Scope:			Input
2683 						Value Type:		UInt32
2684 						Access:			Write
2686 						Use a boolean true/false value to enable doppler shift for any specified input
2688 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerRenderingFlags
2689 	@discussion			Scope:			Input
2690 						Value Type:		UInt32
2691 						Access:			Read / Write
2693 						Used to enable various rendering operations on a given input for the 3DMixer. See k3DMixerRenderingFlags_
2695 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerDistanceAtten
2696 	@discussion			Scope:
2697 						Value Type:
2698 						Access:
2700 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerDistanceParams
2701 	@discussion			Scope:
2702 						Value Type:
2703 						Access:
2705 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ReverbPreset
2706 	@discussion			Scope:
2707 						Value Type:
2708 						Access:
2710 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerAttenuationCurve
2711 	@discussion			Scope:
2712 						Value Type:
2713 						Access:
2714 }
2715 const
2716 	kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerDistanceParams = 3010;
2717 	kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerAttenuationCurve = 3013;
2718 	kAudioUnitProperty_DopplerShift = 3002;
2719 	kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerRenderingFlags = 3003;
2720 	kAudioUnitProperty_3DMixerDistanceAtten = 3004;
2721 	kAudioUnitProperty_ReverbPreset = 3012;
2722 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_7, __MAC_10_11, __IPHONE_3_0, __IPHONE_9_0) *)
2725 {!
2726 	@enum	3D Mixer Rendering Flags
2727 }
2728 type
2729 	AU3DMixerRenderingFlags = UInt32;
2730 	AU3DMixerRenderingFlagsPtr = ^AU3DMixerRenderingFlags;
2731 const
2732 	k3DMixerRenderingFlags_InterAuralDelay = 1 shl 0;
2733 	k3DMixerRenderingFlags_DopplerShift = 1 shl 1;
2734 	k3DMixerRenderingFlags_DistanceAttenuation = 1 shl 2;
2735 	k3DMixerRenderingFlags_DistanceFilter = 1 shl 3;
2736 	k3DMixerRenderingFlags_DistanceDiffusion = 1 shl 4;
2737 	k3DMixerRenderingFlags_LinearDistanceAttenuation = 1 shl 5;
2738 	k3DMixerRenderingFlags_ConstantReverbBlend = 1 shl 6;
2740 {!
2741 	@enum 3D Mixer Attenuation Curves
2742 }
2743 type
2744 	AU3DMixerAttenuationCurve = UInt32;
2745 	AU3DMixerAttenuationCurvePtr = ^AU3DMixerAttenuationCurve;
2746 const
2747 	k3DMixerAttenuationCurve_Power = 0;
2748 	k3DMixerAttenuationCurve_Exponential = 1;
2749 	k3DMixerAttenuationCurve_Inverse = 2;
2750 	k3DMixerAttenuationCurve_Linear = 3;
2752 //=====================================================================================================================
2753 //#pragma mark - AUScheduledSoundPlayer
2754 {!
2755     @enum           Apple AUScheduledSoundPlayer Property IDs
2756     @abstract       The collection of property IDs for the Apple AUScheduledSoundPlayer audio unit.
2758     @discussion     The AUScheduledSoundPlayer audio unit lets a client schedule audio buffers for
2759                     future playback, with sample-accurate timing.
2762                     Elements and Formats
2764                     This unit has one output element and no input elements. The output's format
2765                     should be a canonical audio unit stream format (native Float32, deinterleaved).
2768                     Scheduling
2770                     To schedule slices of audio for future playback, set the
2771                     kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleAudioSlice property, with a ScheduledAudioSlice
2772                     structure as the property value. The slice's mTimeStamp.mSampleTime field
2773                     determines when the slice will be played. This sample number is relative to
2774                     the unit's start time, which you must set using the
2775                     kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleStartTimeStamp property before playback will
2776                     begin.
2778                     You must retain, unmodified, the ScheduledAudioSlice structure, including
2779                     its mBufferList and the buffers to which it points, until the slice has been
2780                     completely played, or until you stop playback by uninitializing or resetting
2781                     the unit. The format of the slice's buffer list must match the unit's output
2782                     stream format.
2784                     As of OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.0, you can use an invalid time stamp (no flags set
2785                     in mFlags) to indicate that the slice should be played immediately following the
2786                     previous slice (or immediately, if there are no slices playing).
2788                     (The fields other than mSampleTime and mFlags in the mTimestamp structure are
2789                     currently ignored.)
2792                     Completion
2794                     To receive a callback when the slice has been played, store a pointer to a
2795                     callback function in the mCompletionProc field. This function will be called
2796                     (from the audio unit's rendering thread) when the slice has been completely
2797                     played -- or when the slice is determined to be unplayable due to an error.
2798                     As an alternative, you may also poll the slice's
2799                     (mFlags & kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_Complete).
2801                     Upon completion, you can test (mFlags & kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_BeganToRenderLate)
2802                     to determine whether some portion of the slice was not played due to its having
2803                     been scheduled too late relative to the current playback time.
2806                     Start Time
2808                     The audio unit will not play any slices following initialization or reset, until
2809                     its start time has been set. The start time establishes the beginning of a
2810                     timeline: the timestamps of all slices in the schedule are relative to the
2811                     start time.
2813                     Set a start time by setting the kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleStartTimeStamp
2814                     property with an AudioTimeStamp structure. If the timestamp contains a valid
2815                     sample time (timestamp.mFlags & kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid), then playback
2816                     begins when the timestamp passed to the AudioUnitRender function reaches the
2817                     specified sample time. If the specified sample time is -1, playback begins on
2818                     the next render cycle.
2820                     If the start timestamp does not contain a valid sample time, but does contain a
2821                     valid host time (timestamp.mFlags & kAudioTimeStampHostTimeValid), then the
2822                     specified host time is translated to the sample time at which playback will
2823                     begin. A host time of 0 means "start on the next render cycle."
2825                     The kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleStartTimeStamp property may be queried to obtain
2826                     the time at which playback began. If the start time has not yet been reached,
2827                     the timestamp returned will be whatever the host application last set.
2830                     Current play time
2832                     The kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPlayTime property may be queried to determine the
2833                     audio unit's current time offset from its start time. This is useful, for
2834                     example, to monitor playback progress.
2837                     Unscheduling events
2839                     To clear an audio unit's play schedule, call the AudioUnitReset function. The
2840                     completion proc (if any) for each slice in the schedule will called. Playback
2841                     will not resume until a new start time has been set. This also happens when
2842                     the audio unit is uninitialized.
2844     @constant       kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleAudioSlice
2845     @discussion         Scope:
2846                         Value Type: ScheduledAudioSlice
2847                         Access:
2849     @constant       kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleStartTimeStamp
2850     @discussion         Scope:
2851                         Value Type: AudioTimeStamp
2852                         Access:
2853                             Sample time or host time valid. Sample time takes precedence,
2854                             -1 means "now". Host time of 0 means "now."
2856     @constant       kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPlayTime
2857     @discussion         Scope:
2858                         Value Type: AudioTimeStamp
2859                         Access:
2860                             AudioTimeStamp, relative to start time, sample time of -1 if not yet started.
2861 }
2862 const
2863 	kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleAudioSlice = 3300;
2864 	kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleStartTimeStamp = 3301;
2865 	kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPlayTime = 3302;
2867 {!
2868     @enum           ScheduledAudioSlice
2869     @abstract           bits in ScheduledAudioSlice.mFlags
2871     @constant       kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_Complete
2872     @abstract           Set if the unit is done with this slice
2873     @constant       kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_BeganToRender
2874     @abstract           Set if any portion of the buffer has been played
2875     @constant       kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_BeganToRenderLate
2876     @abstract           Set if any portion of the buffer was not played because it was scheduled late
2877     @constant       kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_Loop
2878     @abstract           specifies that the buffer should loop indefinitely
2879     @constant       kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_Interrupt
2880     @abstract           specifies that the buffer should interrupt any previously scheduled buffer
2881                         (by default, buffers following a playing buffer are not played until the
2882                         playing buffer has completed).
2883     @constant       kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_InterruptAtLoop
2884     @abstract           specifies that the buffer should interrupt any previously scheduled buffer,
2885                         but only at a loop point in that buffer.
2887 }
2888 type
2889 	AUScheduledAudioSliceFlags = UInt32;
2890 	AUScheduledAudioSliceFlagsPtr = ^AUScheduledAudioSliceFlags;
2891 const
2892 	kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_Complete = $01;
2893 	kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_BeganToRender = $02;
2894 	kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_BeganToRenderLate = $04;
2895 	kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_Loop = $08;  // new for OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.0
2896 	kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_Interrupt = $10;  // new for OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.0
2897 	kScheduledAudioSliceFlag_InterruptAtLoop = $20;   // new for OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.0
2899 type
2900 	// forward dec, see definition below
2901 	ScheduledAudioSlicePtr = ^ScheduledAudioSlice;
2902 {!
2903 	@typedef			ScheduledAudioSliceCompletionProc
2904 }
2906 	ScheduledAudioSliceCompletionProc = procedure(userData : UnivPtr; bufferList : ScheduledAudioSlicePtr);
2908 {
2909 	@struct				ScheduledAudioSlice
2910 	@field				mTimeStamp
2911 	@field				mCompletionProc
2912 							May be null
2913 	@field				mCompletionProcUserData
2914 	@field				mFlags
2915 	@field				mReserved
2916 							Must be 0
2917 	@field				mReserved2
2918 							For internal use
2919 	@field				mNumberFrames
2920 							Must be consistent with byte count of mBufferList
2921 	@field				mBufferList
2922 							Must contain deinterleaved Float32
2923 }
2924 	ScheduledAudioSlice = record
2925 		mTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp;
2926 		mCompletionProc: ScheduledAudioSliceCompletionProc;	// may be null
2927 		mCompletionProcUserData: UnivPtr;
2928 		mFlags: AUScheduledAudioSliceFlags;
2929 		mReserved: UInt32;		// must be 0
2930 		mReserved2: UnivPtr;		// for internal use
2931 		mNumberFrames: UInt32;  // must be consistent with byte count of mBufferList
2932 		mBufferList: AudioBufferListPtr;	// must contain deinterleaved Float32
2933 	end;
2935 //=====================================================================================================================
2936 //#pragma mark - AUAudioFilePlayer
2937 {!
2938     @enum           Apple AUAudioFilePlayer Property IDs
2939     @abstract       The collection of property IDs for Apple AUAudioFilePlayer
2940 	@discussion		This audio unit lets you schedule regions of audio files for future playback,
2941 					with sample-accurate timing.
2943 					The unit is a subclass of AUScheduledSoundPlayer and inherits all of its
2944 					behavior. In particular, this unit implements the kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleStartTimeStamp
2945 					and kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPlayTime properties. Instead of scheduling
2946 					slices (buffers) of audio to be played (via kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleAudioSlice),
2947 					however, you schedule regions of audio files to be played. The unit reads and
2948 					converts audio file data into its own internal buffers. It performs disk I/O
2949 					on a high-priority thread shared among all instances of this unit within a
2950 					process. Upon completion of a disk read, the unit internally schedules
2951 					buffers for playback.
2954 					Elements and Formats
2956 					This unit has one output element and no input elements. The output's format
2957 					should be a canonical audio unit stream format (native Float32,
2958 					deinterleaved). This format should have at least as many channels are in the
2959 					audio file(s) to be played (otherwise channels will be dropped). During
2960 					playback, all audio file data is converted to the unit's output format.
2963 					Audio Files
2965 					Before starting playback, you must first open all audio files to be played
2966 					using the AudioFile API's (see AudioToolbox/AudioFile.h), and pass their
2967 					AudioFileIDs to the unit by setting the kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileIDs
2968 					property. This property must not be set during playback. The audio files must
2969 					be kept open for the duration of playback.
2972 					Scheduling Regions
2974 					To schedule the playback of a region of an audio file, set the
2975 					kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileRegion property. This is a
2976 					ScheduledAudioFileRegion structure. mTimeStamp.mSampleTime must be valid and
2977 					is interpreted relative to the unit's start time -- the start time semantics
2978 					(using kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduleStartTimeStamp) are identical to those of
2979 					AUScheduledSoundPlayer. Unlike the ScheduledAudioSlice structures, the unit
2980 					makes copies of ScheduledAudioFileRegions, so you may create them on the
2981 					stack or otherwise reuse/dispose of them immediately after scheduling them.
2984 					Priming
2986 					You should set kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFilePrime after scheduling
2987 					initial file regions to be played and before starting playback. This SetProperty call
2988 					will begin reading the audio files and not return until the number of frames
2989 					specified by the property value have been read.
2992 					Completion Callbacks
2994 					A region's completion callback (mCompletionProc) is called when it has been
2995 					completely scheduled for reading from disk. This callback is issued on the disk
2996 					read thread. If the region is not read from disk in time to play at its
2997 					scheduled time, mCompletionProc is called a second time with an error code,
2998 					also from the read thread. Note that the region passed to the callback will not
2999 					be the same memory object as was passed by the client (since the unit copies the region).
3002 					Start Time and Current Time
3004 					These properties work identically as in AUScheduledSoundPlayer.
3007 					Unscheduling regions
3009 					To clear the unit's play schedule, call the AudioUnitReset function. The completion proc
3010 					(if any) for each file region in the schedule will be called. Playback will
3011 					not resume until a new start time has been set. This also happens when the
3012 					unit is uninitialized.
3015 					Customization
3017 					The size and number of the player's disk read buffers default to "sensible"
3018 					values, but may be configured with the properties:
3019 						kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileBufferSizeFrames
3020 						kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileNumberBuffers
3023 					Bugs
3025 					kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileBufferSizeFrames
3026 					kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileNumberBuffers
3027 						are currently unimplemented
3029 					An option to make the unit not perform conversion from the audio file sample
3030 					rate to the unit's output rate may be desirable.
3032 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileIDs
3033 	@discussion			Scope:
3034 						Value Type: Array of AudioFileIDs
3035 						Access:
3036 							Must set this property on scheduled file player for all files to be played
3038 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileRegion
3039 	@discussion			Scope:
3040 						Value Type: ScheduledAudioFileRegion
3041 						Access:
3043 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFilePrime
3044 	@discussion			Scope:
3045 						Value Type: UInt32
3046 						Access:
3047 							The number of frames to read from disk before returning, or 0 to specify use
3048 							of a default value
3050 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileBufferSizeFrames
3051 	@discussion			Scope:
3052 						Value Type: UInt32
3053 						Access:
3055 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileNumberBuffers
3056 	@discussion			Scope:
3057 						Value Type: UInt32
3058 						Access:
3059 }
3060 const
3061 	kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileIDs = 3310;
3062 	kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileRegion = 3311;
3063 	kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFilePrime = 3312;
3064 	kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileBufferSizeFrames = 3313;
3065 	kAudioUnitProperty_ScheduledFileNumberBuffers = 3314;
3067 type
3068 	ScheduledAudioFileRegionPtr = ^ScheduledAudioFileRegion; //forward declaraion, see definition below
3069 {!
3070 	@typedef		ScheduledAudioFileRegionCompletionProc
3071 }
3072 	ScheduledAudioFileRegionCompletionProc = procedure(userData : UnivPtr; fileRegion : ScheduledAudioFileRegionPtr; aResult : OSStatus);
3074 {!
3075 	@struct			ScheduledAudioFileRegion
3076 	@field			mTimeStamp
3077 	@field			mCompletionProc
3078 						may be NULL
3079 	@field			mCompletionProcUserData
3080 	@field			mAudioFile
3081 						must be a valid and open AudioFileID
3082 						defined in AudioToolbox/AudioFile.h: typedef	struct OpaqueAudioFileID	*AudioFileID;
3083 	@field			mLoopCount
3084 						0 = don't loop
3085 	@field			mStartFrame
3086 						offset into file
3087 	@field			mFramesToPlay
3088 						number of frames to play
3090 }
3092 	ScheduledAudioFileRegion = record
3093 		mTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp;
3094 		mCompletionProc: ScheduledAudioFileRegionCompletionProc {__nullable};
3095 		mCompletionProcUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable};
3096 		mAudioFile: AudioFileID;
3097 		mLoopCount: UInt32;
3098 		mStartFrame: SInt64;
3099 		mFramesToPlay: UInt32;
3100 	end;
3102 //=====================================================================================================================
3103 //#pragma mark - OS X-specific Music Device Properties used by DLSMusicDevice
3105 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
3107 {!
3108  @enum			Property IDs
3109  @abstract       OS X-only audio unit property IDs used by the DLSMusicDevice
3111  @constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankData
3112  @discussion			Scope:
3113  Value Type:
3114  Access:
3116  @constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_StreamFromDisk
3117  @discussion			Scope:
3118  Value Type:
3119  Access:
3121  @constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankFSRef
3122  @discussion			Scope:
3123  Value Type:
3124  Access:
3126  }
3127 const
3128 	kMusicDeviceProperty_UsesInternalReverb = kAudioUnitProperty_UsesInternalReverb;
3129 	kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankData = 1008;
3130 	kMusicDeviceProperty_StreamFromDisk = 1011;
3131 	kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankFSRef = 1012;
3134 //=====================================================================================================================
3135 //#pragma mark - Music Device Properties used by DLSMusicDevice
3137 {!
3138 	@enum           Generic Property IDs
3139 	@abstract       Audio unit property IDs used by DLSMusicDevice (OSX)
3141 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_InstrumentName
3142 	@discussion			Scope:				Global
3143 						Value Type:			CFURLRef
3144 						Access:				Read
3146 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_InstrumentNumber
3147 	@discussion			Scope:				Global
3148 						Value Type: 		UInt32
3149 						Access:				Read
3150  }
3151 const
3152 	kMusicDeviceProperty_InstrumentName = 1001;
3153 	kMusicDeviceProperty_InstrumentNumber = 1004;
3155 //=====================================================================================================================
3156 //#pragma mark - Music Device Properties used by DLSMusicDevice and AUMIDISynth
3158 {!
3159 	@enum           Generic Property IDs
3160 	@abstract       Audio unit property IDs used by AUMIDISynth (iOS) and DLSMusicDevice (OSX)
3162 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_InstrumentCount
3163 	@discussion			Scope:				Global
3164 						Value Type:			UInt32
3165 						Access:				Read
3167 					For a mono-timbral music instrument, this property should return 0 (it should be implemented).
3169 					For a multi-timbral music instrument, this property can return the number of independent patches that
3170 					are available to be chosen as an active patch for the instrument. For instance, for Apple's DLS Music Device
3171 					and AUMIDISynth, this value returns the number of patches that are found in a given DLS or SoundFont file when loaded.
3173 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_BankName
3174 	@discussion			Scope:				Global
3175 						Value Type: 		CFStringRef
3176 						Access: 			Read
3178 	@constant		kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankURL
3179 	@discussion			Scope:				Global
3180 						Value Type:			CFURLRef
3181 						Access:				Read (Read/Write for AUMIDISynth)
3183 					For DLSMusicDevice, this is a read-only property to return the URL for the currently-loaded bank file.
3184 					For AUMIDISynth it is also writeable, and is used to specify the URL for the sound bank to load and use
3185 					for playback.
3186  }
3187 const
3188 	kMusicDeviceProperty_InstrumentCount = 1000;
3189 	kMusicDeviceProperty_BankName = 1007;
3190 	kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankURL = 1100;
3192 //=====================================================================================================================
3193 //#pragma mark - AUMIDISynth
3195 {!
3196 	@enum			Apple AUMIDISynth Property IDs
3197 	@abstract		The collection of property IDs for the Apple Midi Synth audio unit.
3199 	@discussion		The AUMIDISynth audio unit lets a client create fully GM-compatible Midi Synth.
3201 	@constant		kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload
3202 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
3203 						Value Type:		UInt32
3204 						Access: 		Write
3206  					Setting this property to 1 puts the MIDISynth in a mode where it will attempt to load
3207  					instruments from the bank or file when it receives a program change message.  This
3208  					is used internally by the MusicSequence.  It should only be used prior to MIDI playback,
3209 					and must be set back to 0 before attempting to start playback.
3210  }
3211 const
3212 	kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload = 4119;
3214 //=====================================================================================================================
3215 //#pragma mark - AUSampler
3217 {!
3218 	@enum			Apple AUSampler Property IDs
3219 	@abstract		The collection of property IDs for the Apple Sampler audio unit.
3221 	@discussion		The AUSampler audio unit lets a client create an editable, interactive
3222 					sampler synthesizer instrument.
3224 	@constant		kAUSamplerProperty_LoadInstrument
3225 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
3226 						Value Type:		AUSamplerInstrumentData
3227 						Access:			Write
3228 							Load an instrument from an external DLS or Soundfont2 bank file, or from other file formats.
3230 	@constant		kAUSamplerProperty_LoadAudioFiles
3231 	@discussion			Scope:			Global
3232 						Value Type:		CFArrayRef
3233 						Access:			Write
3234 							Create a new preset from a list of audio file paths.  The CFArray should contain a set
3235 							of CFURLRefs, one per file.  The previous preset will be completely cleared.
3236  }
3237 const
3238 // range (4100->4999)
3239 	kAUSamplerProperty_LoadInstrument = 4102;
3240 	kAUSamplerProperty_LoadAudioFiles = 4101;
3242 {
3243 	@struct			AUSamplerInstrumentData
3244 	@abstract		Used for loading an instrument from either an external bank file (i.e. DLS or SoundFont), an Apple
3245  					.aupreset, a Logic or GarageBand EXS24 sampler instrument, or creating a new default instrument from
3246  					a single audio file.  The path to the bank or instrument file is specified in the fileURL field.
3247  					The instrumentType field distinguishes between the instrument types.  The remaining fields of this
3248  					struct are used only for the kInstrumentType_DLSPreset and kInstrumentType_SF2Preset types to
3249  					identify the particular bank and preset IDs for the instrument you wish to load from the bank.
3250  					They represent values for MIDI controllers 0 and 32 and the MIDI present change message that would be
3251  					sent to a GM2-compatible synth for program changes.  Use the provided constants
3252  					(kAUSampler_DefaultMelodicBankMSB,  kAUSampler_DefaultPercussionBankMSB) to designate  melodic or
3253  					percussion banks per the GM2 specification (GM-compatible DLS or Soundfont banks).  For custom
3254  					non-GM-compatible DLS and Soundfont banks, use the actual MSB/LSB values associated with the desired preset.
3256 	@field			fileURL
3257 						The URL of the path to the bank or instrument file.   Caller is responsible for releasing the
3258  						provided CFURLRef.
3259 	@field			instrumentType
3260 						The type of instrument being loaded or created.  For example, use kInstrumentType_DLSPreset to load an
3261  						instrument from a DLS bank file.
3262 	@field			bankMSB
3263 						For the preset instruments, the most significant byte value for a particular bank variation within that
3264  						file.  Range is 0 to 127.  Use kAUSampler_DefaultMelodicBankMSB by default.
3265 	@field			bankLSB
3266 						For the preset instruments, the least significant byte value for a particular bank variation within that
3267  						file.  Range is 0 to 127.  Use kAUSampler_DefaultBankLSB by default.
3268 	@field			presetID
3269 						For the preset instruments, the numeric ID of a particular preset within that bank to load.
3270  						Range is 0 to 127.
3271  }
3273 type
3274 	AUSamplerInstrumentData = record
3275 		fileURL: CFURLRef;
3276 		instrumentType: UInt8;
3277 		bankMSB: UInt8;
3278 		bankLSB: UInt8;
3279 		presetID: UInt8;
3280 	end;
3281 	AUSamplerInstrumentDataPtr = ^AUSamplerInstrumentData;
3283 {
3284 	@enum			InstrumentTypes
3285 	@abstract		Values to specify the type of instrument being loaded.
3287 	@constant		kInstrumentType_DLSPreset
3288 	@discussion			A preset from a DLS bank file.  Bank MSB, LSB and preset ID must be specified.
3290 	@constant		kInstrumentType_SF2Preset
3291 	@discussion			A preset from a SoundFont2 bank file.  Bank MSB, LSB and preset ID must be specified.
3293 	@constant		kInstrumentType_AUPreset
3294 	@discussion			A native Apple .aupreset file created using the AUSampler's custom view.
3296 	@constant		kInstrumentType_Audiofile
3297 	@discussion			An audio file which will be used to create a default instrument with that file as its sole sample.
3299  	@constant		kInstrumentType_EXS24
3300 	@discussion			A Logic or GarageBand sampler instrument.
3302  }
3304 const
3305 	kInstrumentType_DLSPreset = 1;
3306 	kInstrumentType_SF2Preset = kInstrumentType_DLSPreset;
3307 	kInstrumentType_AUPreset = 2;
3308 	kInstrumentType_Audiofile = 3;
3309 	kInstrumentType_EXS24 = 4;
3311 const
3312 	kAUSampler_DefaultPercussionBankMSB = $78;
3313 	kAUSampler_DefaultMelodicBankMSB = $79;
3314 	kAUSampler_DefaultBankLSB = $00;
3317 //=====================================================================================================================
3318 //#pragma mark - AUDeferredRenderer
3319 {!
3320 	@enum			AUDeferredRenderer
3321 	@discussion		This audio unit has one input element and one output element. They must both have
3322 					the same format, which must be canonical (Float32 deinterleaved) and must have
3323 					the same number of channels.
3325 					The AUDeferredRenderer unit creates a high-priority producer thread, on which
3326 					calls by this AU for input are performed at a constant buffer size. This buffer size may be
3327 					set with the kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererPullSize property. The deferred
3328 					renderer may be asked to render at different buffer sizes by a downstream unit or
3329 					host application, but it always pulls upstream at its constant buffer size.
3330 					The upstream pull size MUST be greater than or equal to the downstream pull
3331 					size.
3333 					The upstream producer thread runs in advance of calls to its Render
3334 					function, with respect to the timestamps being passed to Render and
3335 					PullInput. The difference between these timestamps is the unit's "latency",
3336 					which is always at least one upstream pull buffer. The client may specify
3337 					additional latency with the property
3338 					kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererExtraLatency, which is a number of sample
3339 					frames.
3341 					It is possible, at Render time, for the producer thread to have not yet
3342 					finished rendering the necessary data. This generates an error. In order to
3343 					give the producer a small amount of extra time to finish rendering, the
3344 					client may set the unit's property
3345 					kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererWaitFrames. If this property is non-zero,
3346 					then when Render finds that insufficient data has been produced, it will
3347 					sleep for the amount of realtime corresponding to the number of wait frames.
3348 					It will then check again to see if the required amount of data has been
3349 					produced, and fail if it hasn't.
3351 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererPullSize
3352 	@discussion			Scope:
3353 						Value Type: UInt32
3354 						Access:
3356 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererExtraLatency
3357 	@discussion			Scope:
3358 						Value Type: UInt32
3359 						Access:
3361 	@constant		kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererWaitFrames
3362 	@discussion			Scope:
3363 						Value Type: UInt32
3364 						Access:
3365 }
3366 const
3367 	kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererPullSize = 3320;
3368 	kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererExtraLatency = 3321;
3369 	kAudioUnitProperty_DeferredRendererWaitFrames = 3322;
3371 //=====================================================================================================================
3372 //#pragma mark - AUNetReceive
3373 {!
3374 	@enum			AUNetReceive
3375 	@constant		kAUNetReceiveProperty_Hostname
3376 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3377 						Value Type: CFStringRef
3378 						Access:
3379 						The hostname from which you wish to receive audio.
3380 						For GetProperty, the returned CFStringRef is a copy and therefore must be released by the caller.
3381 						The UI view for AUNetReceive does the resolution of Bonjour service names to hostnames.
3382 						Clients who are using this AU programmatically using Bonjour will have to do this resolution themselves.
3383 						It is not done by the AU.
3385 	@constant		kAUNetReceiveProperty_Password
3386 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3387 						Value Type: CFStringRef
3388 						Access: Read / Write
3389 						The password to send to the sender. Leave unset or set to the empty string for no password.
3390 						For GetProperty, the returned CFStringRef is a copy and therefore must be released by the caller.
3391 }
3392 const
3393 	kAUNetReceiveProperty_Hostname = 3511;
3394 	kAUNetReceiveProperty_Password = 3512;
3396 //=====================================================================================================================
3397 //#pragma mark - AUNetSend
3398 {!
3399 	@enum			AUNetSend
3400 	@constant		kAUNetSendProperty_PortNum
3401 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3402 						Value Type: UInt32
3403 						Access: Read / Write
3404 						The network port number on which to send.
3406 	@constant		kAUNetSendProperty_TransmissionFormat
3407 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3408 						Value Type: AudioStreamBasicDescription
3409 						Access: Read / Write
3410 						Get or set an arbitrary format that will be used to transmit the audio.
3411 						For compressed formats, it is recommended to use kAUNetSendProperty_TransmissionFormatIndex instead of this property,
3412 						since there is no way to specify a bit rate with this property.
3414 	@constant		kAUNetSendProperty_TransmissionFormatIndex
3415 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3416 						Value Type: UInt32
3417 						Access: Read / Write
3418 						Get or set the index of the preset format that will be used to transmit the audio.
3419 						The format indices can be found in the NetSendPresetFormat enum.
3421 	@constant		kAUNetSendProperty_ServiceName
3422 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3423 						Value Type: CFStringRef
3424 						Access: Read / Write
3425 						The name you want to publish for this network service.
3426 						For GetProperty, the returned CFStringRef is a copy and therefore must be released by the caller.
3428 	@constant		kAUNetSendProperty_Disconnect
3429 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3430 						Value Type: UInt32
3431 						Access: Read / Write
3432 						In order to disconnect, call this with a non-zero value.
3433 						In order to connect, call this with a zero value.
3434 						For GetProperty, the returned value the last value set by the caller.
3435 						To get the current connection status, get the value of the parameter kAUNetReceiveParam_Status.
3437 	@constant		kAUNetSendProperty_Password
3438 	@discussion			Scope: Global
3439 						Value Type: CFStringRef
3440 						Access: Read / Write
3441 						The password that must be used by the receiver. Leave unset or set to the empty string for no password.
3442 						For GetProperty, the returned CFStringRef is a copy and therefore must be released by the caller.
3444 }
3445 const
3446 	kAUNetSendProperty_PortNum = 3513;
3447 	kAUNetSendProperty_TransmissionFormat = 3514;
3448 	kAUNetSendProperty_TransmissionFormatIndex = 3515;
3449 	kAUNetSendProperty_ServiceName = 3516;
3450 	kAUNetSendProperty_Disconnect = 3517;
3451 	kAUNetSendProperty_Password = 3518;
3453 {!
3454 	@enum			NetSendPresetFormat
3455 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_PCMFloat32
3456 	@discussion			1411 kilobits per second per channel @ 44100KHz (kilo == 1000 not 1024)
3457 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_PCMInt24
3458 	@discussion			1058 kilobits per second per channel @ 44100KHz
3459 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_PCMInt16
3460 	@discussion			706 kilobits per second per channel @ 44100KHz
3461 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_Lossless24
3462 	@discussion			650 kilobits per second per channel @ 44100KHz
3463 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_Lossless16
3464 	@discussion			350 kilobits per second per channel @ 44100KHz
3465 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_ULaw
3466 	@discussion			353 kilobits per second per channel @ 44100KHz
3467 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_IMA4
3468 	@discussion			176 kilobits per second per channel @ 44100KHz
3469 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_128kbpspc
3470 	@discussion			128 kilobits per second per channel
3471 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_96kbpspc
3472 	@discussion			96 kilobits per second per channel
3473 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_80kbpspc
3474 	@discussion			80 kilobits per second per channel
3475 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_64kbpspc
3476 	@discussion			64 kilobits per second per channel
3477 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_48kbpspc
3478 	@discussion			48 kilobits per second per channel
3479 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_40kbpspc
3480 	@discussion			40 kilobits per second per channel
3481 	@constant		kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_32kbpspc
3482 	@discussion			32 kilobits per second per channel
3483 	@constant		kAUNetSendNumPresetFormats = 14
3484 }
3485 const
3486 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_PCMFloat32 = 0;
3487 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_PCMInt24 = 1;
3488 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_PCMInt16 = 2;
3489 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_Lossless24 = 3;
3490 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_Lossless16 = 4;
3491 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_ULaw = 5;
3492 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_IMA4 = 6;
3493 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_128kbpspc = 7;
3494 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_96kbpspc = 8;
3495 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_80kbpspc = 9;
3496 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_64kbpspc = 10;
3497 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_48kbpspc = 11;
3498 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_40kbpspc = 12;
3499 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_32kbpspc = 13;
3500 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_LD_64kbpspc = 14;
3501 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_LD_48kbpspc = 15;
3502 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_LD_40kbpspc = 16;
3503 	kAUNetSendPresetFormat_AAC_LD_32kbpspc = 17;
3504 	kAUNetSendNumPresetFormats = 18;
3506 {$endc}	{ TARGET_OS_MAC }
3508 //=====================================================================================================================
3509 //#pragma mark -
3510 //#pragma mark Deprecated Properties
3512 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
3514 // NumVersion is no longer used (originally from MacTypes.h)
3515 type
3519 	AUNumVersion = record
3520 { Numeric version part of 'vers' resource }
3521 		majorRev: UInt8;               {1st part of version number in BCD}
3522 		minorAndBugRev: UInt8;         {2nd & 3rd part of version number share a byte}
3523 		stage: UInt8;                  {stage code: dev, alpha, beta, final}
3524 		nonRelRev: UInt8;              {revision level of non-released version}
3525 	end;
3526 {$elsec} { TARGET_RT_BIG_ENDIAN }
3528 	AUNumVersion = record
3529 { Numeric version part of 'vers' resource accessible in little endian format }
3530 		nonRelRev: UInt8;              {revision level of non-released version}
3531 		stage: UInt8;                  {stage code: dev, alpha, beta, final}
3532 		minorAndBugRev: UInt8;         {2nd & 3rd part of version number share a byte}
3533 		majorRev: UInt8;               {1st part of version number in BCD}
3534 	end;
3535 {$endc}  { TARGET_RT_BIG_ENDIAN }
3536 	AUNumVersionPtr = ^AUNumVersion;
3537 	AUNumVersionHandle = ^AUNumVersionPtr;
3539 {!
3540 	@struct			AUHostIdentifier
3541 	@abstract		Used to describe the name and version of the audio unit's host
3542 }
3543 type
3544 	AUHostIdentifier = record
3545 		hostName: CFStringRef;
3546 		hostVersion: AUNumVersion;
3547 	end;
3549 //=====================================================================================================================
3550 // GENERIC
3551 const
3552 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_Global = 1 shl 0; 	//	parameter scope is global
3553 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_Input = 1 shl 1; 	//	parameter scope is input
3554 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_Output = 1 shl 2; 	//	parameter scope is output
3555 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_Group = 1 shl 3; 		//	parameter scope is group
3557 const
3558 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasName = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ValuesHaveStrings;
3560 const
3561 //kAudioUnitProperty_SetInputCallback		= 7 -> deprecated
3562 	kAudioUnitProperty_SRCAlgorithm = 9;  // see kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRateConverterComplexity
3563 	kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIControlMapping = 17;  // see ParameterMIDIMapping Properties
3564 	kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset = 28;  // see PresentPreset
3566 	kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueName = kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterStringFromValue;
3567 	kAudioUnitProperty_BusCount = kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount;
3568 	kAudioOfflineUnitProperty_InputSize = kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_InputSize;
3569 	kAudioOfflineUnitProperty_OutputSize = kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_OutputSize;
3571 const
3572 	kAudioUnitSRCAlgorithm_Polyphase = FourCharCode('poly'); 	// same as kAudioUnitSampleRateConverterComplexity_Normal
3573 	kAudioUnitSRCAlgorithm_MediumQuality = FourCharCode('csrc'); 	// same as kAudioUnitSampleRateConverterComplexity_Normal
3576 // Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.2. See AUParameterMIDIMapping.
3577 type
3578 	AudioUnitMIDIControlMapping = record
3579 		midiNRPN: UInt16;
3580 		midiControl: UInt8;
3581 		scope: UInt8;
3582 		element: AudioUnitElement;
3583 		parameter: AudioUnitParameterID;
3584 	end;
3586 // Deprecated. See AudioUnitParameterStringFromValue for equivalent structure, but with clearer field names
3587 type
3588 	AudioUnitParameterValueName = record
3589 		inParamID: AudioUnitParameterID;
3590 		inValue: {const} Float32Ptr;	// may be NULL if should translate current parameter value
3591 		outName: CFStringRef;  	// see comments for kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterStringFromValue
3592 	end;
3595 //=====================================================================================================================
3596 // Deprecated. These properties are Apple specific.
3597 const
3598 	kMusicDeviceProperty_GroupOutputBus = 1002;
3599 	kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankFSSpec = 1003;
3600 	kAudioUnitProperty_PannerMode = 3008;
3601 const
3602 	kAudioUnitProperty_SpeakerConfiguration = 3001;
3604 // Deprecated in favor of the newer AudioChannelLayout
3605 // structure and its supporting property.
3606 const
3607 	kSpeakerConfiguration_HeadPhones = 0;
3608 	kSpeakerConfiguration_Stereo = 1;
3609 	kSpeakerConfiguration_Quad = 2;
3610 	kSpeakerConfiguration_5_0 = 3;
3611 	kSpeakerConfiguration_5_1 = kSpeakerConfiguration_5_0;
3614 // Deprecated in favor of the newer AUSamplerInstrumentData
3615 // structure and its supporting property.
3617 type
3618 	AUSamplerBankPresetData = record
3619 		bankURL: CFURLRef;
3620 		bankMSB: UInt8;
3621 		bankLSB: UInt8;
3622 		presetID: UInt8;
3623 		reserved: UInt8;
3624 	end;
3625 	AUSamplerBankPresetDataPtr = ^AUSamplerBankPresetData;
3627 const
3628 	kAUSamplerProperty_LoadPresetFromBank = 4100;
3629 	kAUSamplerProperty_BankAndPreset = kAUSamplerProperty_LoadPresetFromBank;
3631 {$endc}	{ TARGET_OS_MAC }
3633 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
3634 implementation
GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayTypenull3637 function GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags : UInt32) : UInt32; inline;
3638 begin
3639 	GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType := flags and kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayMask
3640 end;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsLogarithmicnull3642 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsLogarithmic(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
3643 begin
3644 	AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsLogarithmic := GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags) = 	kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic
3645 end;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquareRootnull3647 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquareRoot(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
3648 begin
3649 	AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquareRoot := GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags) = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquareRoot
3650 end;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquarednull3652 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquared(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
3653 begin
3654 	AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquared := GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags) = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquared
3655 end;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubednull3657 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubed(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
3658 begin
3659 	AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubed := GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags) = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubed
3660 end;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubeRootnull3662 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubeRoot(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
3663 begin
3664 	AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubeRoot := GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags) = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubeRoot
3665 end;
AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsExponentialnull3667 function AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsExponential(flags : UInt32) : Boolean; inline;
3668 begin
3669 	AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsExponential := GetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(flags) = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayExponential
3670 end;
3672 procedure SetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType(var flags : UInt32; displayType : UInt32); inline;
3673 begin
3674 	flags := (flags and (not kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayMask)) or displayType
3675 end;
3677 end.
3679 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}