1unit mk64f12;
6// ** ###################################################################
7// **     Processors:          MK64FN1M0VDC12
8// **                          MK64FN1M0VLL12
9// **                          MK64FN1M0VLQ12
10// **                          MK64FN1M0VMD12
11// **
12// **     Compilers:           Keil ARM C/C++ Compiler
13// **                          Freescale C/C++ for Embedded ARM
14// **                          GNU C Compiler
15// **                          GNU C Compiler - CodeSourcery Sourcery G++
16// **                          IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler for ARM
17// **
18// **     Reference manual:    K64P144M120SF5RM, Rev.2, January 2014
19// **     Version:             rev. 2.8, 2015-02-19
20// **     Build:               b150225
21// **
22// **     Abstract:
23// **         CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MK64F12
24// **
25// **     Copyright (c) 1997 - 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
26// **     All rights reserved.
27// **
28// **     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
29// **     are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
30// **
31// **     o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
32// **       of conditions and the following disclaimer.
33// **
34// **     o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
35// **       list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
36// **       other materials provided with the distribution.
37// **
38// **     o Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names of its
39// **       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
40// **       software without specific prior written permission.
41// **
52// **
53// **     http:                 www.freescale.com
54// **     mail:                 support@freescale.com
55// **
56// **     Revisions:
57// **     - rev. 1.0 (2013-08-12)
58// **         Initial version.
59// **     - rev. 2.0 (2013-10-29)
60// **         Register accessor macros added to the memory map.
61// **         Symbols for Processor Expert memory map compatibility added to the memory map.
62// **         Startup file for gcc has been updated according to CMSIS 3.2.
63// **         System initialization updated.
64// **         MCG - registers updated.
65// **         PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTE - registers for digital filter removed.
66// **     - rev. 2.1 (2013-10-30)
67// **         Definition of BITBAND macros updated to support peripherals with 32-bit acces disabled.
68// **     - rev. 2.2 (2013-12-09)
69// **         DMA - EARS register removed.
70// **         AIPS0, AIPS1 - MPRA register updated.
71// **     - rev. 2.3 (2014-01-24)
72// **         Update according to reference manual rev. 2
73// **         ENET, MCG, MCM, SIM, USB - registers updated
74// **     - rev. 2.4 (2014-02-10)
75// **         The declaration of clock configurations has been moved to separate header file system_MK64F12.h
76// **         Update of SystemInit() and SystemCoreClockUpdate() functions.
77// **     - rev. 2.5 (2014-02-10)
78// **         The declaration of clock configurations has been moved to separate header file system_MK64F12.h
79// **         Update of SystemInit() and SystemCoreClockUpdate() functions.
80// **         Module access macro module_BASES replaced by module_BASE_PTRS.
81// **     - rev. 2.6 (2014-08-28)
82// **         Update of system files - default clock configuration changed.
83// **         Update of startup files - possibility to override DefaultISR added.
84// **     - rev. 2.7 (2014-10-14)
85// **         Interrupt INT_LPTimer renamed to INT_LPTMR0, interrupt INT_Watchdog renamed to INT_WDOG_EWM.
86// **     - rev. 2.8 (2015-02-19)
87// **         Renamed interrupt vector LLW to LLWU.
88// **
89// ** ###################################################################
90// !
91// * @file MK64F12.h
92// * @version 2.8
93// * @date 2015-02-19
94// CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MK64F12
95// *
96// * CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MK64F12
97// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98// -- MCU activation
99// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100// Prevention from multiple including the same memory map
101// Check if another memory map has not been also included
102// * Memory map major version (memory maps with equal major version number are
103// * compatible)
104// * Memory map minor version
105// Macro to calculate address of an aliased word in the peripheral
106// *        bitband area for a peripheral register and bit (bit band region 0x40000000 to
107// *        0x400FFFFF).
108// * @param Reg Register to access.
109// * @param Bit Bit number to access.
110// * @return  Address of the aliased word in the peripheral bitband area.
111// Macro to access a single bit of a peripheral register (bit band region
112// *        0x40000000 to 0x400FFFFF) using the bit-band alias region access. Can
113// *        be used for peripherals with 32bit access allowed.
114// * @param Reg Register to access.
115// * @param Bit Bit number to access.
116// * @return Value of the targeted bit in the bit band region.
117// Macro to access a single bit of a peripheral register (bit band region
118// *        0x40000000 to 0x400FFFFF) using the bit-band alias region access. Can
119// *        be used for peripherals with 16bit access allowed.
120// * @param Reg Register to access.
121// * @param Bit Bit number to access.
122// * @return Value of the targeted bit in the bit band region.
123// Macro to access a single bit of a peripheral register (bit band region
124// *        0x40000000 to 0x400FFFFF) using the bit-band alias region access. Can
125// *        be used for peripherals with 8bit access allowed.
126// * @param Reg Register to access.
127// * @param Bit Bit number to access.
128// * @return Value of the targeted bit in the bit band region.
129// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
130// -- Interrupt vector numbers
131// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132// !
133// * Interrupt Number Definitions
136  TIRQn_Enum   = (
137    NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14,        // *< Non Maskable Interrupt
138    HardFault_IRQn = -13,             // *< Cortex-M4 SV Hard Fault Interrupt
139    MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12,      // *< Cortex-M4 Memory Management Interrupt
140    BusFault_IRQn = -11,              // *< Cortex-M4 Bus Fault Interrupt
141    UsageFault_IRQn = -10,            // *< Cortex-M4 Usage Fault Interrupt
142    SVCall_IRQn = -5,                 // *< Cortex-M4 SV Call Interrupt
143    DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4,           // *< Cortex-M4 Debug Monitor Interrupt
144    PendSV_IRQn = -2,                 // *< Cortex-M4 Pend SV Interrupt
145    SysTick_IRQn = -1,                // *< Cortex-M4 System Tick Interrupt
146    DMA0_IRQn  = 0,                   // *< DMA Channel 0 Transfer Complete
147    DMA1_IRQn  = 1,                   // *< DMA Channel 1 Transfer Complete
148    DMA2_IRQn  = 2,                   // *< DMA Channel 2 Transfer Complete
149    DMA3_IRQn  = 3,                   // *< DMA Channel 3 Transfer Complete
150    DMA4_IRQn  = 4,                   // *< DMA Channel 4 Transfer Complete
151    DMA5_IRQn  = 5,                   // *< DMA Channel 5 Transfer Complete
152    DMA6_IRQn  = 6,                   // *< DMA Channel 6 Transfer Complete
153    DMA7_IRQn  = 7,                   // *< DMA Channel 7 Transfer Complete
154    DMA8_IRQn  = 8,                   // *< DMA Channel 8 Transfer Complete
155    DMA9_IRQn  = 9,                   // *< DMA Channel 9 Transfer Complete
156    DMA10_IRQn = 10,                  // *< DMA Channel 10 Transfer Complete
157    DMA11_IRQn = 11,                  // *< DMA Channel 11 Transfer Complete
158    DMA12_IRQn = 12,                  // *< DMA Channel 12 Transfer Complete
159    DMA13_IRQn = 13,                  // *< DMA Channel 13 Transfer Complete
160    DMA14_IRQn = 14,                  // *< DMA Channel 14 Transfer Complete
161    DMA15_IRQn = 15,                  // *< DMA Channel 15 Transfer Complete
162    DMA_Error_IRQn = 16,              // *< DMA Error Interrupt
163    MCM_IRQn   = 17,                  // *< Normal Interrupt
164    FTFE_IRQn  = 18,                  // *< FTFE Command complete interrupt
165    Read_Collision_IRQn = 19,         // *< Read Collision Interrupt
166    LVD_LVW_IRQn = 20,                // *< Low Voltage Detect, Low Voltage Warning
167    LLWU_IRQn  = 21,                  // *< Low Leakage Wakeup Unit
168    WDOG_EWM_IRQn = 22,               // *< WDOG Interrupt
169    RNG_IRQn   = 23,                  // *< RNG Interrupt
170    I2C0_IRQn  = 24,                  // *< I2C0 interrupt
171    I2C1_IRQn  = 25,                  // *< I2C1 interrupt
172    SPI0_IRQn  = 26,                  // *< SPI0 Interrupt
173    SPI1_IRQn  = 27,                  // *< SPI1 Interrupt
174    I2S0_Tx_IRQn = 28,                // *< I2S0 transmit interrupt
175    I2S0_Rx_IRQn = 29,                // *< I2S0 receive interrupt
176    UART0_LON_IRQn = 30,              // *< UART0 LON interrupt
177    UART0_RX_TX_IRQn = 31,            // *< UART0 Receive/Transmit interrupt
178    UART0_ERR_IRQn = 32,              // *< UART0 Error interrupt
179    UART1_RX_TX_IRQn = 33,            // *< UART1 Receive/Transmit interrupt
180    UART1_ERR_IRQn = 34,              // *< UART1 Error interrupt
181    UART2_RX_TX_IRQn = 35,            // *< UART2 Receive/Transmit interrupt
182    UART2_ERR_IRQn = 36,              // *< UART2 Error interrupt
183    UART3_RX_TX_IRQn = 37,            // *< UART3 Receive/Transmit interrupt
184    UART3_ERR_IRQn = 38,              // *< UART3 Error interrupt
185    ADC0_IRQn  = 39,                  // *< ADC0 interrupt
186    CMP0_IRQn  = 40,                  // *< CMP0 interrupt
187    CMP1_IRQn  = 41,                  // *< CMP1 interrupt
188    FTM0_IRQn  = 42,                  // *< FTM0 fault, overflow and channels interrupt
189    FTM1_IRQn  = 43,                  // *< FTM1 fault, overflow and channels interrupt
190    FTM2_IRQn  = 44,                  // *< FTM2 fault, overflow and channels interrupt
191    CMT_IRQn   = 45,                  // *< CMT interrupt
192    RTC_IRQn   = 46,                  // *< RTC interrupt
193    RTC_Seconds_IRQn = 47,            // *< RTC seconds interrupt
194    PIT0_IRQn  = 48,                  // *< PIT timer channel 0 interrupt
195    PIT1_IRQn  = 49,                  // *< PIT timer channel 1 interrupt
196    PIT2_IRQn  = 50,                  // *< PIT timer channel 2 interrupt
197    PIT3_IRQn  = 51,                  // *< PIT timer channel 3 interrupt
198    PDB0_IRQn  = 52,                  // *< PDB0 Interrupt
199    USB0_IRQn  = 53,                  // *< USB0 interrupt
200    USBDCD_IRQn = 54,                 // *< USBDCD Interrupt
201    RESERVED71_IRQn = 55,             // *< Reserved interrupt 71
202    DAC0_IRQn  = 56,                  // *< DAC0 interrupt
203    MCG_IRQn   = 57,                  // *< MCG Interrupt
204    LPTMR0_IRQn = 58,                 // *< LPTimer interrupt
205    PORTA_IRQn = 59,                  // *< Port A interrupt
206    PORTB_IRQn = 60,                  // *< Port B interrupt
207    PORTC_IRQn = 61,                  // *< Port C interrupt
208    PORTD_IRQn = 62,                  // *< Port D interrupt
209    PORTE_IRQn = 63,                  // *< Port E interrupt
210    SWI_IRQn   = 64,                  // *< Software interrupt
211    SPI2_IRQn  = 65,                  // *< SPI2 Interrupt
212    UART4_RX_TX_IRQn = 66,            // *< UART4 Receive/Transmit interrupt
213    UART4_ERR_IRQn = 67,              // *< UART4 Error interrupt
214    UART5_RX_TX_IRQn = 68,            // *< UART5 Receive/Transmit interrupt
215    UART5_ERR_IRQn = 69,              // *< UART5 Error interrupt
216    CMP2_IRQn  = 70,                  // *< CMP2 interrupt
217    FTM3_IRQn  = 71,                  // *< FTM3 fault, overflow and channels interrupt
218    DAC1_IRQn  = 72,                  // *< DAC1 interrupt
219    ADC1_IRQn  = 73,                  // *< ADC1 interrupt
220    I2C2_IRQn  = 74,                  // *< I2C2 interrupt
221    CAN0_ORed_Message_buffer_IRQn = 75, // *< CAN0 OR'd message buffers interrupt
222    CAN0_Bus_Off_IRQn = 76,           // *< CAN0 bus off interrupt
223    CAN0_Error_IRQn = 77,             // *< CAN0 error interrupt
224    CAN0_Tx_Warning_IRQn = 78,        // *< CAN0 Tx warning interrupt
225    CAN0_Rx_Warning_IRQn = 79,        // *< CAN0 Rx warning interrupt
226    CAN0_Wake_Up_IRQn = 80,           // *< CAN0 wake up interrupt
227    SDHC_IRQn  = 81,                  // *< SDHC interrupt
228    ENET_1588_Timer_IRQn = 82,        // *< Ethernet MAC IEEE 1588 Timer Interrupt
229    ENET_Transmit_IRQn = 83,          // *< Ethernet MAC Transmit Interrupt
230    ENET_Receive_IRQn = 84,           // *< Ethernet MAC Receive Interrupt
231    ENET_Error_IRQn = 85              // *< Ethernet MAC Error and miscelaneous Interrupt
232  );
234  TADC_Registers = record
235    SC1        : array[0..1] of longword; // *< ADC Status and Control Registers 1, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4
236    CFG1       : longword;            // *< ADC Configuration Register 1, offset: 0x8
237    CFG2       : longword;            // *< ADC Configuration Register 2, offset: 0xC
238    R          : array[0..1] of longword; // *< ADC Data Result Register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x4
239    CV1        : longword;            // *< Compare Value Registers, offset: 0x18
240    CV2        : longword;            // *< Compare Value Registers, offset: 0x1C
241    SC2        : longword;            // *< Status and Control Register 2, offset: 0x20
242    SC3        : longword;            // *< Status and Control Register 3, offset: 0x24
243    OFS        : longword;            // *< ADC Offset Correction Register, offset: 0x28
244    PG         : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side Gain Register, offset: 0x2C
245    MG         : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side Gain Register, offset: 0x30
246    CLPD       : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x34
247    CLPS       : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x38
248    CLP4       : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x3C
249    CLP3       : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x40
250    CLP2       : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x44
251    CLP1       : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x48
252    CLP0       : longword;            // *< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x4C
253    RESERVED_0 : array[0..3] of byte;
254    CLMD       : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x54
255    CLMS       : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x58
256    CLM4       : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x5C
257    CLM3       : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x60
258    CLM2       : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x64
259    CLM1       : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x68
260    CLM0       : longword;            // *< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x6C
261  end;
264  ADC0_BASE    = $4003B000;
267  ADC0         : TADC_Registers absolute ADC0_BASE;
270  ADC1_BASE    = $400BB000;
273  ADC1         : TADC_Registers absolute ADC1_BASE;
276  TAIPS_Registers = record
277    MPRA       : longword;            // *< Master Privilege Register A, offset: 0x0
278    RESERVED_0 : array[0..27] of byte;
279    PACRA      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x20
280    PACRB      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x24
281    PACRC      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x28
282    PACRD      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x2C
283    RESERVED_1 : array[0..15] of byte;
284    PACRE      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x40
285    PACRF      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x44
286    PACRG      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x48
287    PACRH      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x4C
288    PACRI      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x50
289    PACRJ      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x54
290    PACRK      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x58
291    PACRL      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x5C
292    PACRM      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x60
293    PACRN      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x64
294    PACRO      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x68
295    PACRP      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x6C
296    RESERVED_2 : array[0..15] of byte;
297    PACRU      : longword;            // *< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x80
298  end;
301  AIPS0_BASE   = $40000000;
304  AIPS0        : TAIPS_Registers absolute AIPS0_BASE;
307  AIPS1_BASE   = $40080000;
310  AIPS1        : TAIPS_Registers absolute AIPS1_BASE;
313  TAXBS_SLAVE  = record
314    PRS        : longword;            // *< Priority Registers Slave, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x100
315    RESERVED_0 : array[0..11] of byte;
316    CRS        : longword;            // *< Control Register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x100
317    RESERVED_1 : array[0..235] of byte;
318  end;
320  TAXBS_Registers = record
321    SLAVE      : array[0..4] of TAXBS_SLAVE;
322    RESERVED_0 : array[0..767] of byte;
323    MGPCR0     : longword;            // *< Master General Purpose Control Register, offset: 0x800
324    RESERVED_1 : array[0..251] of byte;
325    MGPCR1     : longword;            // *< Master General Purpose Control Register, offset: 0x900
326    RESERVED_2 : array[0..251] of byte;
327    MGPCR2     : longword;            // *< Master General Purpose Control Register, offset: 0xA00
328    RESERVED_3 : array[0..251] of byte;
329    MGPCR3     : longword;            // *< Master General Purpose Control Register, offset: 0xB00
330    RESERVED_4 : array[0..251] of byte;
331    MGPCR4     : longword;            // *< Master General Purpose Control Register, offset: 0xC00
332    RESERVED_5 : array[0..251] of byte;
333    MGPCR5     : longword;            // *< Master General Purpose Control Register, offset: 0xD00
334  end;
337  AXBS_BASE    = $40004000;
340  AXBS         : TAXBS_Registers absolute AXBS_BASE;
343  TCAN_MB      = record
344    CS         : longword;            // *< Message Buffer 0 CS Register..Message Buffer 15 CS Register, array offset: 0x80, array step: 0x10
345    ID         : longword;            // *< Message Buffer 0 ID Register..Message Buffer 15 ID Register, array offset: 0x84, array step: 0x10
346    WORD0      : longword;            // *< Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD0 Register, array offset: 0x88, array step: 0x10
347    WORD1      : longword;            // *< Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD1 Register, array offset: 0x8C, array step: 0x10
348  end;
350  TCAN_Registers = record
351    MCR        : longword;            // *< Module Configuration Register, offset: 0x0
352    CTRL1      : longword;            // *< Control 1 register, offset: 0x4
353    TIMER      : longword;            // *< Free Running Timer, offset: 0x8
354    RESERVED_0 : array[0..3] of byte;
355    RXMGMASK   : longword;            // *< Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register, offset: 0x10
356    RX14MASK   : longword;            // *< Rx 14 Mask register, offset: 0x14
357    RX15MASK   : longword;            // *< Rx 15 Mask register, offset: 0x18
358    ECR        : longword;            // *< Error Counter, offset: 0x1C
359    ESR1       : longword;            // *< Error and Status 1 register, offset: 0x20
360    RESERVED_1 : array[0..3] of byte;
361    IMASK1     : longword;            // *< Interrupt Masks 1 register, offset: 0x28
362    RESERVED_2 : array[0..3] of byte;
363    IFLAG1     : longword;            // *< Interrupt Flags 1 register, offset: 0x30
364    CTRL2      : longword;            // *< Control 2 register, offset: 0x34
365    ESR2       : longword;            // *< Error and Status 2 register, offset: 0x38
366    RESERVED_3 : array[0..7] of byte;
367    CRCR       : longword;            // *< CRC Register, offset: 0x44
368    RXFGMASK   : longword;            // *< Rx FIFO Global Mask register, offset: 0x48
369    RXFIR      : longword;            // *< Rx FIFO Information Register, offset: 0x4C
370    RESERVED_4 : array[0..47] of byte;
371    MB         : array[0..15] of TCAN_MB;
372    RESERVED_5 : array[0..1791] of byte;
373    RXIMR      : array[0..15] of longword; // *< Rx Individual Mask Registers, array offset: 0x880, array step: 0x4
374  end;
377  CAN0_BASE    = $40024000;
380  CAN0         : TCAN_Registers absolute CAN0_BASE;
383  TCAU_Registers = record
384    DIRECT     : array[0..15] of longword; // *< Direct access register 0..Direct access register 15, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4
385    RESERVED_0 : array[0..2047] of byte;
386    LDR_CASR   : longword;            // *< Status register - Load Register command, offset: 0x840
387    LDR_CAA    : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - Load Register command, offset: 0x844
388    LDR_CA     : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - Load Register command..General Purpose Register 8 - Load Register command, array offset: 0x848, array step: 0x4
389    RESERVED_1 : array[0..19] of byte;
390    STR_CASR   : longword;            // *< Status register - Store Register command, offset: 0x880
391    STR_CAA    : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - Store Register command, offset: 0x884
392    STR_CA     : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - Store Register command..General Purpose Register 8 - Store Register command, array offset: 0x888, array step: 0x4
393    RESERVED_2 : array[0..19] of byte;
394    ADR_CASR   : longword;            // *< Status register - Add Register command, offset: 0x8C0
395    ADR_CAA    : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - Add to register command, offset: 0x8C4
396    ADR_CA     : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - Add to register command..General Purpose Register 8 - Add to register command, array offset: 0x8C8, array step: 0x4
397    RESERVED_3 : array[0..19] of byte;
398    RADR_CASR  : longword;            // *< Status register - Reverse and Add to Register command, offset: 0x900
399    RADR_CAA   : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - Reverse and Add to Register command, offset: 0x904
400    RADR_CA    : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - Reverse and Add to Register command..General Purpose Register 8 - Reverse and Add to Register command, array offset: 0x908, array step: 0x4
401    RESERVED_4 : array[0..83] of byte;
402    XOR_CASR   : longword;            // *< Status register - Exclusive Or command, offset: 0x980
403    XOR_CAA    : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - Exclusive Or command, offset: 0x984
404    XOR_CA     : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - Exclusive Or command..General Purpose Register 8 - Exclusive Or command, array offset: 0x988, array step: 0x4
405    RESERVED_5 : array[0..19] of byte;
406    ROTL_CASR  : longword;            // *< Status register - Rotate Left command, offset: 0x9C0
407    ROTL_CAA   : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - Rotate Left command, offset: 0x9C4
408    ROTL_CA    : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - Rotate Left command..General Purpose Register 8 - Rotate Left command, array offset: 0x9C8, array step: 0x4
409    RESERVED_6 : array[0..275] of byte;
410    AESC_CASR  : longword;            // *< Status register - AES Column Operation command, offset: 0xB00
411    AESC_CAA   : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - AES Column Operation command, offset: 0xB04
412    AESC_CA    : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - AES Column Operation command..General Purpose Register 8 - AES Column Operation command, array offset: 0xB08, array step: 0x4
413    RESERVED_7 : array[0..19] of byte;
414    AESIC_CASR : longword;            // *< Status register - AES Inverse Column Operation command, offset: 0xB40
415    AESIC_CAA  : longword;            // *< Accumulator register - AES Inverse Column Operation command, offset: 0xB44
416    AESIC_CA   : array[0..8] of longword; // *< General Purpose Register 0 - AES Inverse Column Operation command..General Purpose Register 8 - AES Inverse Column Operation command, array offset: 0xB48, array step: 0x4
417  end;
420  CAU_BASE     = $E0081000;
423  CAU          : TCAU_Registers absolute CAU_BASE;
426  TCMP_Registers = record
427    CR0        : byte;                // *< CMP Control Register 0, offset: 0x0
428    CR1        : byte;                // *< CMP Control Register 1, offset: 0x1
429    FPR        : byte;                // *< CMP Filter Period Register, offset: 0x2
430    SCR        : byte;                // *< CMP Status and Control Register, offset: 0x3
431    DACCR      : byte;                // *< DAC Control Register, offset: 0x4
432    MUXCR      : byte;                // *< MUX Control Register, offset: 0x5
433  end;
436  CMP0_BASE    = $40073000;
439  CMP0         : TCMP_Registers absolute CMP0_BASE;
442  CMP1_BASE    = $40073008;
445  CMP1         : TCMP_Registers absolute CMP1_BASE;
448  CMP2_BASE    = $40073010;
451  CMP2         : TCMP_Registers absolute CMP2_BASE;
454  TCMT_Registers = record
455    CGH1       : byte;                // *< CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 1, offset: 0x0
456    CGL1       : byte;                // *< CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 1, offset: 0x1
457    CGH2       : byte;                // *< CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 2, offset: 0x2
458    CGL2       : byte;                // *< CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 2, offset: 0x3
459    OC         : byte;                // *< CMT Output Control Register, offset: 0x4
460    MSC        : byte;                // *< CMT Modulator Status and Control Register, offset: 0x5
461    CMD1       : byte;                // *< CMT Modulator Data Register Mark High, offset: 0x6
462    CMD2       : byte;                // *< CMT Modulator Data Register Mark Low, offset: 0x7
463    CMD3       : byte;                // *< CMT Modulator Data Register Space High, offset: 0x8
464    CMD4       : byte;                // *< CMT Modulator Data Register Space Low, offset: 0x9
465    PPS        : byte;                // *< CMT Primary Prescaler Register, offset: 0xA
466    DMA        : byte;                // *< CMT Direct Memory Access Register, offset: 0xB
467  end;
470  CMT_BASE     = $40062000;
473  CMT          : TCMT_Registers absolute CMT_BASE;
476  TCRC_Registers = record
477    DATA       : longword;            // *< CRC Data register, offset: 0x0
478    GPOLY      : longword;            // *< CRC Polynomial register, offset: 0x4
479    CTRL       : longword;            // *< CRC Control register, offset: 0x8
480  end;
483  CRC_BASE     = $40032000;
486  CRC0         : TCRC_Registers absolute CRC_BASE;
489  TDAC_DAT     = record
490    DATL       : byte;                // *< DAC Data Low Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x2
491    DATH       : byte;                // *< DAC Data High Register, array offset: 0x1, array step: 0x2
492  end;
494  TDAC_Registers = record
495    DAT        : array[0..15] of TDAC_DAT;
496    SR         : byte;                // *< DAC Status Register, offset: 0x20
497    C0         : byte;                // *< DAC Control Register, offset: 0x21
498    C1         : byte;                // *< DAC Control Register 1, offset: 0x22
499    C2         : byte;                // *< DAC Control Register 2, offset: 0x23
500  end;
503  DAC0_BASE    = $400CC000;
506  DAC0         : TDAC_Registers absolute DAC0_BASE;
509  DAC1_BASE    = $400CD000;
512  DAC1         : TDAC_Registers absolute DAC1_BASE;
515  TDMA_TCD     = record
516    SADDR      : longword;            // *< TCD Source Address, array offset: 0x1000, array step: 0x20
517    SOFF       : word;                // *< TCD Signed Source Address Offset, array offset: 0x1004, array step: 0x20
518    ATTR       : word;                // *< TCD Transfer Attributes, array offset: 0x1006, array step: 0x20
519    NBYTES_MLNO : longword;           // *< TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20
520    SLAST      : longword;            // *< TCD Last Source Address Adjustment, array offset: 0x100C, array step: 0x20
521    DADDR      : longword;            // *< TCD Destination Address, array offset: 0x1010, array step: 0x20
522    DOFF       : word;                // *< TCD Signed Destination Address Offset, array offset: 0x1014, array step: 0x20
523    CITER_ELINKNO : word;             // *< TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20
524    DLAST_SGA  : longword;            // *< TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address, array offset: 0x1018, array step: 0x20
525    CSR        : word;                // *< TCD Control and Status, array offset: 0x101C, array step: 0x20
526    BITER_ELINKNO : word;             // *< TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20
527  end;
529  TDMA_Registers = record
530    CR         : longword;            // *< Control Register, offset: 0x0
531    ES         : longword;            // *< Error Status Register, offset: 0x4
532    RESERVED_0 : array[0..3] of byte;
533    ERQ        : longword;            // *< Enable Request Register, offset: 0xC
534    RESERVED_1 : array[0..3] of byte;
535    EEI        : longword;            // *< Enable Error Interrupt Register, offset: 0x14
536    CEEI       : byte;                // *< Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register, offset: 0x18
537    SEEI       : byte;                // *< Set Enable Error Interrupt Register, offset: 0x19
538    CERQ       : byte;                // *< Clear Enable Request Register, offset: 0x1A
539    SERQ       : byte;                // *< Set Enable Request Register, offset: 0x1B
540    CDNE       : byte;                // *< Clear DONE Status Bit Register, offset: 0x1C
541    SSRT       : byte;                // *< Set START Bit Register, offset: 0x1D
542    CERR       : byte;                // *< Clear Error Register, offset: 0x1E
543    CINT       : byte;                // *< Clear Interrupt Request Register, offset: 0x1F
544    RESERVED_2 : array[0..3] of byte;
545    INT        : longword;            // *< Interrupt Request Register, offset: 0x24
546    RESERVED_3 : array[0..3] of byte;
547    ERR        : longword;            // *< Error Register, offset: 0x2C
548    RESERVED_4 : array[0..3] of byte;
549    HRS        : longword;            // *< Hardware Request Status Register, offset: 0x34
550    RESERVED_5 : array[0..199] of byte;
551    DCHPRI3    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x100
552    DCHPRI2    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x101
553    DCHPRI1    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x102
554    DCHPRI0    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x103
555    DCHPRI7    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x104
556    DCHPRI6    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x105
557    DCHPRI5    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x106
558    DCHPRI4    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x107
559    DCHPRI11   : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x108
560    DCHPRI10   : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x109
561    DCHPRI9    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x10A
562    DCHPRI8    : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x10B
563    DCHPRI15   : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x10C
564    DCHPRI14   : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x10D
565    DCHPRI13   : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x10E
566    DCHPRI12   : byte;                // *< Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x10F
567    RESERVED_6 : array[0..3823] of byte;
568    TCD        : array[0..15] of TDMA_TCD;
569  end;
572  DMA_BASE     = $40008000;
575  DMA0         : TDMA_Registers absolute DMA_BASE;
578  TDMAMUX_Registers = record
579    CHCFG      : array[0..15] of byte; // *< Channel Configuration register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x1
580  end;
583  DMAMUX_BASE  = $40021000;
586  DMAMUX       : TDMAMUX_Registers absolute DMAMUX_BASE;
589  TENET_CHANNEL= record
590    TCSR       : longword;            // *< Timer Control Status Register, array offset: 0x608, array step: 0x8
591    TCCR       : longword;            // *< Timer Compare Capture Register, array offset: 0x60C, array step: 0x8
592  end;
594  TENET_Registers = record
595    RESERVED_0 : array[0..3] of byte;
596    EIR        : longword;            // *< Interrupt Event Register, offset: 0x4
597    EIMR       : longword;            // *< Interrupt Mask Register, offset: 0x8
598    RESERVED_1 : array[0..3] of byte;
599    RDAR       : longword;            // *< Receive Descriptor Active Register, offset: 0x10
600    TDAR       : longword;            // *< Transmit Descriptor Active Register, offset: 0x14
601    RESERVED_2 : array[0..11] of byte;
602    ECR        : longword;            // *< Ethernet Control Register, offset: 0x24
603    RESERVED_3 : array[0..23] of byte;
604    MMFR       : longword;            // *< MII Management Frame Register, offset: 0x40
605    MSCR       : longword;            // *< MII Speed Control Register, offset: 0x44
606    RESERVED_4 : array[0..27] of byte;
607    MIBC       : longword;            // *< MIB Control Register, offset: 0x64
608    RESERVED_5 : array[0..27] of byte;
609    RCR        : longword;            // *< Receive Control Register, offset: 0x84
610    RESERVED_6 : array[0..59] of byte;
611    TCR        : longword;            // *< Transmit Control Register, offset: 0xC4
612    RESERVED_7 : array[0..27] of byte;
613    PALR       : longword;            // *< Physical Address Lower Register, offset: 0xE4
614    PAUR       : longword;            // *< Physical Address Upper Register, offset: 0xE8
615    OPD        : longword;            // *< Opcode/Pause Duration Register, offset: 0xEC
616    RESERVED_8 : array[0..39] of byte;
617    IAUR       : longword;            // *< Descriptor Individual Upper Address Register, offset: 0x118
618    IALR       : longword;            // *< Descriptor Individual Lower Address Register, offset: 0x11C
619    GAUR       : longword;            // *< Descriptor Group Upper Address Register, offset: 0x120
620    GALR       : longword;            // *< Descriptor Group Lower Address Register, offset: 0x124
621    RESERVED_9 : array[0..27] of byte;
622    TFWR       : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Watermark Register, offset: 0x144
623    RESERVED_10 : array[0..55] of byte;
624    RDSR       : longword;            // *< Receive Descriptor Ring Start Register, offset: 0x180
625    TDSR       : longword;            // *< Transmit Buffer Descriptor Ring Start Register, offset: 0x184
626    MRBR       : longword;            // *< Maximum Receive Buffer Size Register, offset: 0x188
627    RESERVED_11 : array[0..3] of byte;
628    RSFL       : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Section Full Threshold, offset: 0x190
629    RSEM       : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Section Empty Threshold, offset: 0x194
630    RAEM       : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Almost Empty Threshold, offset: 0x198
631    RAFL       : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Almost Full Threshold, offset: 0x19C
632    TSEM       : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Section Empty Threshold, offset: 0x1A0
633    TAEM       : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Almost Empty Threshold, offset: 0x1A4
634    TAFL       : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Almost Full Threshold, offset: 0x1A8
635    TIPG       : longword;            // *< Transmit Inter-Packet Gap, offset: 0x1AC
636    FTRL       : longword;            // *< Frame Truncation Length, offset: 0x1B0
637    RESERVED_12 : array[0..11] of byte;
638    TACC       : longword;            // *< Transmit Accelerator Function Configuration, offset: 0x1C0
639    RACC       : longword;            // *< Receive Accelerator Function Configuration, offset: 0x1C4
640    RESERVED_13 : array[0..59] of byte;
641    RMON_T_PACKETS : longword;        // *< Tx Packet Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x204
642    RMON_T_BC_PKT : longword;         // *< Tx Broadcast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x208
643    RMON_T_MC_PKT : longword;         // *< Tx Multicast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x20C
644    RMON_T_CRC_ALIGN : longword;      // *< Tx Packets with CRC/Align Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x210
645    RMON_T_UNDERSIZE : longword;      // *< Tx Packets Less Than Bytes and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x214
646    RMON_T_OVERSIZE : longword;       // *< Tx Packets GT MAX_FL bytes and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x218
647    RMON_T_FRAG : longword;           // *< Tx Packets Less Than 64 Bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x21C
648    RMON_T_JAB : longword;            // *< Tx Packets Greater Than MAX_FL bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x220
649    RMON_T_COL : longword;            // *< Tx Collision Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x224
650    RMON_T_P64 : longword;            // *< Tx 64-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x228
651    RMON_T_P65TO127 : longword;       // *< Tx 65- to 127-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x22C
652    RMON_T_P128TO255 : longword;      // *< Tx 128- to 255-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x230
653    RMON_T_P256TO511 : longword;      // *< Tx 256- to 511-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x234
654    RMON_T_P512TO1023 : longword;     // *< Tx 512- to 1023-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x238
655    RMON_T_P1024TO2047 : longword;    // *< Tx 1024- to 2047-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x23C
656    RMON_T_P_GTE2048 : longword;      // *< Tx Packets Greater Than 2048 Bytes Statistic Register, offset: 0x240
657    RMON_T_OCTETS : longword;         // *< Tx Octets Statistic Register, offset: 0x244
658    RESERVED_14 : array[0..3] of byte;
659    IEEE_T_FRAME_OK : longword;       // *< Frames Transmitted OK Statistic Register, offset: 0x24C
660    IEEE_T_1COL : longword;           // *< Frames Transmitted with Single Collision Statistic Register, offset: 0x250
661    IEEE_T_MCOL : longword;           // *< Frames Transmitted with Multiple Collisions Statistic Register, offset: 0x254
662    IEEE_T_DEF : longword;            // *< Frames Transmitted after Deferral Delay Statistic Register, offset: 0x258
663    IEEE_T_LCOL : longword;           // *< Frames Transmitted with Late Collision Statistic Register, offset: 0x25C
664    IEEE_T_EXCOL : longword;          // *< Frames Transmitted with Excessive Collisions Statistic Register, offset: 0x260
665    IEEE_T_MACERR : longword;         // *< Frames Transmitted with Tx FIFO Underrun Statistic Register, offset: 0x264
666    IEEE_T_CSERR : longword;          // *< Frames Transmitted with Carrier Sense Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x268
667    RESERVED_15 : array[0..3] of byte;
668    IEEE_T_FDXFC : longword;          // *< Flow Control Pause Frames Transmitted Statistic Register, offset: 0x270
669    IEEE_T_OCTETS_OK : longword;      // *< Octet Count for Frames Transmitted w/o Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x274
670    RESERVED_16 : array[0..11] of byte;
671    RMON_R_PACKETS : longword;        // *< Rx Packet Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x284
672    RMON_R_BC_PKT : longword;         // *< Rx Broadcast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x288
673    RMON_R_MC_PKT : longword;         // *< Rx Multicast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x28C
674    RMON_R_CRC_ALIGN : longword;      // *< Rx Packets with CRC/Align Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x290
675    RMON_R_UNDERSIZE : longword;      // *< Rx Packets with Less Than 64 Bytes and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x294
676    RMON_R_OVERSIZE : longword;       // *< Rx Packets Greater Than MAX_FL and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x298
677    RMON_R_FRAG : longword;           // *< Rx Packets Less Than 64 Bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x29C
678    RMON_R_JAB : longword;            // *< Rx Packets Greater Than MAX_FL Bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x2A0
679    RESERVED_17 : array[0..3] of byte;
680    RMON_R_P64 : longword;            // *< Rx 64-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2A8
681    RMON_R_P65TO127 : longword;       // *< Rx 65- to 127-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2AC
682    RMON_R_P128TO255 : longword;      // *< Rx 128- to 255-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2B0
683    RMON_R_P256TO511 : longword;      // *< Rx 256- to 511-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2B4
684    RMON_R_P512TO1023 : longword;     // *< Rx 512- to 1023-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2B8
685    RMON_R_P1024TO2047 : longword;    // *< Rx 1024- to 2047-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2BC
686    RMON_R_P_GTE2048 : longword;      // *< Rx Packets Greater than 2048 Bytes Statistic Register, offset: 0x2C0
687    RMON_R_OCTETS : longword;         // *< Rx Octets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2C4
688    IEEE_R_DROP : longword;           // *< Frames not Counted Correctly Statistic Register, offset: 0x2C8
689    IEEE_R_FRAME_OK : longword;       // *< Frames Received OK Statistic Register, offset: 0x2CC
690    IEEE_R_CRC : longword;            // *< Frames Received with CRC Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x2D0
691    IEEE_R_ALIGN : longword;          // *< Frames Received with Alignment Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x2D4
692    IEEE_R_MACERR : longword;         // *< Receive FIFO Overflow Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x2D8
693    IEEE_R_FDXFC : longword;          // *< Flow Control Pause Frames Received Statistic Register, offset: 0x2DC
694    IEEE_R_OCTETS_OK : longword;      // *< Octet Count for Frames Received without Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x2E0
695    RESERVED_18 : array[0..283] of byte;
696    ATCR       : longword;            // *< Adjustable Timer Control Register, offset: 0x400
697    ATVR       : longword;            // *< Timer Value Register, offset: 0x404
698    ATOFF      : longword;            // *< Timer Offset Register, offset: 0x408
699    ATPER      : longword;            // *< Timer Period Register, offset: 0x40C
700    ATCOR      : longword;            // *< Timer Correction Register, offset: 0x410
701    ATINC      : longword;            // *< Time-Stamping Clock Period Register, offset: 0x414
702    ATSTMP     : longword;            // *< Timestamp of Last Transmitted Frame, offset: 0x418
703    RESERVED_19 : array[0..487] of byte;
704    TGSR       : longword;            // *< Timer Global Status Register, offset: 0x604
705    CHANNEL    : array[0..3] of TENET_CHANNEL;
706  end;
709  ENET_BASE    = $400C0000;
712  ENET         : TENET_Registers absolute ENET_BASE;
715  TEWM_Registers = record
716    CTRL       : byte;                // *< Control Register, offset: 0x0
717    SERV       : byte;                // *< Service Register, offset: 0x1
718    CMPL       : byte;                // *< Compare Low Register, offset: 0x2
719    CMPH       : byte;                // *< Compare High Register, offset: 0x3
720  end;
723  EWM_BASE     = $40061000;
726  EWM          : TEWM_Registers absolute EWM_BASE;
729  TFB_CS       = record
730    CSAR       : longword;            // *< Chip Select Address Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0xC
731    CSMR       : longword;            // *< Chip Select Mask Register, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0xC
732    CSCR       : longword;            // *< Chip Select Control Register, array offset: 0x8, array step: 0xC
733  end;
735  TFB_Registers = record
736    CS         : array[0..5] of TFB_CS;
737    RESERVED_0 : array[0..23] of byte;
738    CSPMCR     : longword;            // *< Chip Select port Multiplexing Control Register, offset: 0x60
739  end;
742  FB_BASE      = $4000C000;
745  FB           : TFB_Registers absolute FB_BASE;
748  TFMC_SET     = record
749    DATA_U     : longword;            // *< Cache Data Storage (upper word), array offset: 0x200, array step: index*0x20, index2*0x8
750    DATA_L     : longword;            // *< Cache Data Storage (lower word), array offset: 0x204, array step: index*0x20, index2*0x8
751  end;
753  TFMC_Registers = record
754    PFAPR      : longword;            // *< Flash Access Protection Register, offset: 0x0
755    PFB0CR     : longword;            // *< Flash Bank 0 Control Register, offset: 0x4
756    PFB1CR     : longword;            // *< Flash Bank 1 Control Register, offset: 0x8
757    RESERVED_0 : array[0..243] of byte;
758    TAGVDW0S   : array[0..3] of longword; // *< Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4
759    TAGVDW1S   : array[0..3] of longword; // *< Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x110, array step: 0x4
760    TAGVDW2S   : array[0..3] of longword; // *< Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x120, array step: 0x4
761    TAGVDW3S   : array[0..3] of longword; // *< Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x130, array step: 0x4
762    RESERVED_1 : array[0..191] of byte;
763    &SET       : array[0..3] of TFMC_SET;
764  end;
767  FMC_BASE     = $4001F000;
770  FMC          : TFMC_Registers absolute FMC_BASE;
773  TFTFE_Registers = record
774    FSTAT      : byte;                // *< Flash Status Register, offset: 0x0
775    FCNFG      : byte;                // *< Flash Configuration Register, offset: 0x1
776    FSEC       : byte;                // *< Flash Security Register, offset: 0x2
777    FOPT       : byte;                // *< Flash Option Register, offset: 0x3
778    FCCOB3     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x4
779    FCCOB2     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x5
780    FCCOB1     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x6
781    FCCOB0     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x7
782    FCCOB7     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x8
783    FCCOB6     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x9
784    FCCOB5     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xA
785    FCCOB4     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xB
786    FCCOBB     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xC
787    FCCOBA     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xD
788    FCCOB9     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xE
789    FCCOB8     : byte;                // *< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xF
790    FPROT3     : byte;                // *< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x10
791    FPROT2     : byte;                // *< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x11
792    FPROT1     : byte;                // *< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x12
793    FPROT0     : byte;                // *< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x13
794    RESERVED_0 : array[0..1] of byte;
795    FEPROT     : byte;                // *< EEPROM Protection Register, offset: 0x16
796    FDPROT     : byte;                // *< Data Flash Protection Register, offset: 0x17
797  end;
800  FTFE_BASE    = $40020000;
803  FTFE         : TFTFE_Registers absolute FTFE_BASE;
806  TFTM_CONTROLS= record
807    CnSC       : longword;            // *< Channel (n) Status And Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8
808    CnV        : longword;            // *< Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8
809  end;
811  TFTM_Registers = record
812    SC         : longword;            // *< Status And Control, offset: 0x0
813    CNT        : longword;            // *< Counter, offset: 0x4
814    &MOD       : longword;            // *< Modulo, offset: 0x8
815    CONTROLS   : array[0..7] of TFTM_CONTROLS;
816    CNTIN      : longword;            // *< Counter Initial Value, offset: 0x4C
817    STATUS     : longword;            // *< Capture And Compare Status, offset: 0x50
818    MODE       : longword;            // *< Features Mode Selection, offset: 0x54
819    SYNC       : longword;            // *< Synchronization, offset: 0x58
820    OUTINIT    : longword;            // *< Initial State For Channels Output, offset: 0x5C
821    OUTMASK    : longword;            // *< Output Mask, offset: 0x60
822    COMBINE    : longword;            // *< Function For Linked Channels, offset: 0x64
823    DEADTIME   : longword;            // *< Deadtime Insertion Control, offset: 0x68
824    EXTTRIG    : longword;            // *< FTM External Trigger, offset: 0x6C
825    POL        : longword;            // *< Channels Polarity, offset: 0x70
826    FMS        : longword;            // *< Fault Mode Status, offset: 0x74
827    FILTER     : longword;            // *< Input Capture Filter Control, offset: 0x78
828    FLTCTRL    : longword;            // *< Fault Control, offset: 0x7C
829    QDCTRL     : longword;            // *< Quadrature Decoder Control And Status, offset: 0x80
830    CONF       : longword;            // *< Configuration, offset: 0x84
831    FLTPOL     : longword;            // *< FTM Fault Input Polarity, offset: 0x88
832    SYNCONF    : longword;            // *< Synchronization Configuration, offset: 0x8C
833    INVCTRL    : longword;            // *< FTM Inverting Control, offset: 0x90
834    SWOCTRL    : longword;            // *< FTM Software Output Control, offset: 0x94
835    PWMLOAD    : longword;            // *< FTM PWM Load, offset: 0x98
836  end;
839  FTM0_BASE    = $40038000;
842  FTM0         : TFTM_Registers absolute FTM0_BASE;
845  FTM1_BASE    = $40039000;
848  FTM1         : TFTM_Registers absolute FTM1_BASE;
851  FTM2_BASE    = $4003A000;
854  FTM2         : TFTM_Registers absolute FTM2_BASE;
857  FTM3_BASE    = $400B9000;
860  FTM3         : TFTM_Registers absolute FTM3_BASE;
863  TGPIO_Registers = record
864    PDOR       : longword;            // *< Port Data Output Register, offset: 0x0
865    PSOR       : longword;            // *< Port Set Output Register, offset: 0x4
866    PCOR       : longword;            // *< Port Clear Output Register, offset: 0x8
867    PTOR       : longword;            // *< Port Toggle Output Register, offset: 0xC
868    PDIR       : longword;            // *< Port Data Input Register, offset: 0x10
869    PDDR       : longword;            // *< Port Data Direction Register, offset: 0x14
870  end;
873  PTA_BASE     = $400FF000;
876  PTA          : TGPIO_Registers absolute PTA_BASE;
879  PTB_BASE     = $400FF040;
882  PTB          : TGPIO_Registers absolute PTB_BASE;
885  PTC_BASE     = $400FF080;
888  PTC          : TGPIO_Registers absolute PTC_BASE;
891  PTD_BASE     = $400FF0C0;
894  PTD          : TGPIO_Registers absolute PTD_BASE;
897  PTE_BASE     = $400FF100;
900  PTE          : TGPIO_Registers absolute PTE_BASE;
903  TI2C_Registers = record
904    A1         : byte;                // *< I2C Address Register 1, offset: 0x0
905    F          : byte;                // *< I2C Frequency Divider register, offset: 0x1
906    C1         : byte;                // *< I2C Control Register 1, offset: 0x2
907    S          : byte;                // *< I2C Status register, offset: 0x3
908    D          : byte;                // *< I2C Data I/O register, offset: 0x4
909    C2         : byte;                // *< I2C Control Register 2, offset: 0x5
910    FLT        : byte;                // *< I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter register, offset: 0x6
911    RA         : byte;                // *< I2C Range Address register, offset: 0x7
912    SMB        : byte;                // *< I2C SMBus Control and Status register, offset: 0x8
913    A2         : byte;                // *< I2C Address Register 2, offset: 0x9
914    SLTH       : byte;                // *< I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High, offset: 0xA
915    SLTL       : byte;                // *< I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low, offset: 0xB
916  end;
919  I2C0_BASE    = $40066000;
922  I2C0         : TI2C_Registers absolute I2C0_BASE;
925  I2C1_BASE    = $40067000;
928  I2C1         : TI2C_Registers absolute I2C1_BASE;
931  I2C2_BASE    = $400E6000;
934  I2C2         : TI2C_Registers absolute I2C2_BASE;
937  TI2S_Registers = record
938    TCSR       : longword;            // *< SAI Transmit Control Register, offset: 0x0
939    TCR1       : longword;            // *< SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register, offset: 0x4
940    TCR2       : longword;            // *< SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register, offset: 0x8
941    TCR3       : longword;            // *< SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register, offset: 0xC
942    TCR4       : longword;            // *< SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register, offset: 0x10
943    TCR5       : longword;            // *< SAI Transmit Configuration 5 Register, offset: 0x14
944    RESERVED_0 : array[0..7] of byte;
945    TDR        : array[0..1] of longword; // *< SAI Transmit Data Register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x4
946    RESERVED_1 : array[0..23] of byte;
947    TFR        : array[0..1] of longword; // *< SAI Transmit FIFO Register, array offset: 0x40, array step: 0x4
948    RESERVED_2 : array[0..23] of byte;
949    TMR        : longword;            // *< SAI Transmit Mask Register, offset: 0x60
950    RESERVED_3 : array[0..27] of byte;
951    RCSR       : longword;            // *< SAI Receive Control Register, offset: 0x80
952    RCR1       : longword;            // *< SAI Receive Configuration 1 Register, offset: 0x84
953    RCR2       : longword;            // *< SAI Receive Configuration 2 Register, offset: 0x88
954    RCR3       : longword;            // *< SAI Receive Configuration 3 Register, offset: 0x8C
955    RCR4       : longword;            // *< SAI Receive Configuration 4 Register, offset: 0x90
956    RCR5       : longword;            // *< SAI Receive Configuration 5 Register, offset: 0x94
957    RESERVED_4 : array[0..7] of byte;
958    RDR        : array[0..1] of longword; // *< SAI Receive Data Register, array offset: 0xA0, array step: 0x4
959    RESERVED_5 : array[0..23] of byte;
960    RFR        : array[0..1] of longword; // *< SAI Receive FIFO Register, array offset: 0xC0, array step: 0x4
961    RESERVED_6 : array[0..23] of byte;
962    RMR        : longword;            // *< SAI Receive Mask Register, offset: 0xE0
963    RESERVED_7 : array[0..27] of byte;
964    MCR        : longword;            // *< SAI MCLK Control Register, offset: 0x100
965    MDR        : longword;            // *< SAI MCLK Divide Register, offset: 0x104
966  end;
969  I2S0_BASE    = $4002F000;
972  I2S0         : TI2S_Registers absolute I2S0_BASE;
975  TLLWU_Registers = record
976    PE1        : byte;                // *< LLWU Pin Enable 1 register, offset: 0x0
977    PE2        : byte;                // *< LLWU Pin Enable 2 register, offset: 0x1
978    PE3        : byte;                // *< LLWU Pin Enable 3 register, offset: 0x2
979    PE4        : byte;                // *< LLWU Pin Enable 4 register, offset: 0x3
980    ME         : byte;                // *< LLWU Module Enable register, offset: 0x4
981    F1         : byte;                // *< LLWU Flag 1 register, offset: 0x5
982    F2         : byte;                // *< LLWU Flag 2 register, offset: 0x6
983    F3         : byte;                // *< LLWU Flag 3 register, offset: 0x7
984    FILT1      : byte;                // *< LLWU Pin Filter 1 register, offset: 0x8
985    FILT2      : byte;                // *< LLWU Pin Filter 2 register, offset: 0x9
986    RST        : byte;                // *< LLWU Reset Enable register, offset: 0xA
987  end;
990  LLWU_BASE    = $4007C000;
993  LLWU         : TLLWU_Registers absolute LLWU_BASE;
996  TLPTMR_Registers = record
997    CSR        : longword;            // *< Low Power Timer Control Status Register, offset: 0x0
998    PSR        : longword;            // *< Low Power Timer Prescale Register, offset: 0x4
999    CMR        : longword;            // *< Low Power Timer Compare Register, offset: 0x8
1000    CNR        : longword;            // *< Low Power Timer Counter Register, offset: 0xC
1001  end;
1004  LPTMR0_BASE  = $40040000;
1007  LPTMR0       : TLPTMR_Registers absolute LPTMR0_BASE;
1010  TMCG_Registers = record
1011    C1         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 1 Register, offset: 0x0
1012    C2         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 2 Register, offset: 0x1
1013    C3         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 3 Register, offset: 0x2
1014    C4         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 4 Register, offset: 0x3
1015    C5         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 5 Register, offset: 0x4
1016    C6         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 6 Register, offset: 0x5
1017    S          : byte;                // *< MCG Status Register, offset: 0x6
1018    RESERVED_0 : array[0..0] of byte;
1019    SC         : byte;                // *< MCG Status and Control Register, offset: 0x8
1020    RESERVED_1 : array[0..0] of byte;
1021    ATCVH      : byte;                // *< MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register, offset: 0xA
1022    ATCVL      : byte;                // *< MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register, offset: 0xB
1023    C7         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 7 Register, offset: 0xC
1024    C8         : byte;                // *< MCG Control 8 Register, offset: 0xD
1025  end;
1028  MCG_BASE     = $40064000;
1031  MCG          : TMCG_Registers absolute MCG_BASE;
1034  TMCM_Registers = record
1035    RESERVED_0 : array[0..7] of byte;
1036    PLASC      : word;                // *< Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration, offset: 0x8
1037    PLAMC      : word;                // *< Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration, offset: 0xA
1038    CR         : longword;            // *< Control Register, offset: 0xC
1039    ISCR       : longword;            // *< Interrupt Status Register, offset: 0x10
1040    ETBCC      : longword;            // *< ETB Counter Control register, offset: 0x14
1041    ETBRL      : longword;            // *< ETB Reload register, offset: 0x18
1042    ETBCNT     : longword;            // *< ETB Counter Value register, offset: 0x1C
1043    RESERVED_1 : array[0..15] of byte;
1044    PID        : longword;            // *< Process ID register, offset: 0x30
1045  end;
1048  MCM_BASE     = $E0080000;
1051  MCM          : TMCM_Registers absolute MCM_BASE;
1054  TMPU_SP      = record
1055    EAR        : longword;            // *< Error Address Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8
1056    EDR        : longword;            // *< Error Detail Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x8
1057  end;
1059  TMPU_Registers = record
1060    CESR       : longword;            // *< Control/Error Status Register, offset: 0x0
1061    RESERVED_0 : array[0..11] of byte;
1062    SP         : array[0..4] of TMPU_SP;
1063    RESERVED_1 : array[0..967] of byte;
1064    WORD       : array[0..11] of longword; // *< Region Descriptor n, Word 0..Region Descriptor n, Word 3, array offset: 0x400, array step: index*0x10, index2*0x4
1065    RESERVED_2 : array[0..831] of byte;
1066    RGDAAC     : array[0..11] of longword; // *< Region Descriptor Alternate Access Control n, array offset: 0x800, array step: 0x4
1067  end;
1070  MPU_BASE     = $4000D000;
1073  MPU          : TMPU_Registers absolute MPU_BASE;
1076  TNV_Registers = record
1077    BACKKEY3   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 3., offset: 0x0
1078    BACKKEY2   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 2., offset: 0x1
1079    BACKKEY1   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 1., offset: 0x2
1080    BACKKEY0   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 0., offset: 0x3
1081    BACKKEY7   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 7., offset: 0x4
1082    BACKKEY6   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 6., offset: 0x5
1083    BACKKEY5   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 5., offset: 0x6
1084    BACKKEY4   : byte;                // *< Backdoor Comparison Key 4., offset: 0x7
1085    FPROT3     : byte;                // *< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - Low Register, offset: 0x8
1086    FPROT2     : byte;                // *< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - High Register, offset: 0x9
1087    FPROT1     : byte;                // *< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - Low Register, offset: 0xA
1088    FPROT0     : byte;                // *< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - High Register, offset: 0xB
1089    FSEC       : byte;                // *< Non-volatile Flash Security Register, offset: 0xC
1090    FOPT       : byte;                // *< Non-volatile Flash Option Register, offset: 0xD
1091    FEPROT     : byte;                // *< Non-volatile EERAM Protection Register, offset: 0xE
1092    FDPROT     : byte;                // *< Non-volatile D-Flash Protection Register, offset: 0xF
1093  end;
1096  FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE = $400;
1099  FTFE_FlashConfig : TNV_Registers absolute FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE;
1102  TOSC_Registers = record
1103    CR         : byte;                // *< OSC Control Register, offset: 0x0
1104  end;
1107  OSC_BASE     = $40065000;
1110  OSC          : TOSC_Registers absolute OSC_BASE;
1113  TPDB_CH      = record
1114    C1         : longword;            // *< Channel n Control register 1, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x28
1115    S          : longword;            // *< Channel n Status register, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x28
1116    DLY        : array[0..1] of longword; // *< Channel n Delay 0 register..Channel n Delay 1 register, array offset: 0x18, array step: index*0x28, index2*0x4
1117    RESERVED_0 : array[0..23] of byte;
1118  end;
1119  TPDB_DAC     = record
1120    INTC       : longword;            // *< DAC Interval Trigger n Control register, array offset: 0x150, array step: 0x8
1121    INT        : longword;            // *< DAC Interval n register, array offset: 0x154, array step: 0x8
1122  end;
1124  TPDB_Registers = record
1125    SC         : longword;            // *< Status and Control register, offset: 0x0
1126    &MOD       : longword;            // *< Modulus register, offset: 0x4
1127    CNT        : longword;            // *< Counter register, offset: 0x8
1128    IDLY       : longword;            // *< Interrupt Delay register, offset: 0xC
1129    CH         : array[0..1] of TPDB_CH;
1130    RESERVED_0 : array[0..239] of byte;
1131    DAC        : array[0..1] of TPDB_DAC;
1132    RESERVED_1 : array[0..47] of byte;
1133    POEN       : longword;            // *< Pulse-Out n Enable register, offset: 0x190
1134    PODLY      : array[0..2] of longword; // *< Pulse-Out n Delay register, array offset: 0x194, array step: 0x4
1135  end;
1138  PDB0_BASE    = $40036000;
1141  PDB0         : TPDB_Registers absolute PDB0_BASE;
1144  TPIT_CHANNEL     = record
1145    LDVAL      : longword;            // *< Timer Load Value Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10
1146    CVAL       : longword;            // *< Current Timer Value Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10
1147    TCTRL      : longword;            // *< Timer Control Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10
1148    TFLG       : longword;            // *< Timer Flag Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10
1149  end;
1151  TPIT_Registers = record
1152    MCR        : longword;            // *< PIT Module Control Register, offset: 0x0
1153    RESERVED_0 : array[0..251] of byte;
1154    CHANNEL    : array[0..3] of TPIT_CHANNEL;
1155  end;
1158  PIT_BASE     = $40037000;
1161  PIT          : TPIT_Registers absolute PIT_BASE;
1164  TPMC_Registers = record
1165    LVDSC1     : byte;                // *< Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register, offset: 0x0
1166    LVDSC2     : byte;                // *< Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register, offset: 0x1
1167    REGSC      : byte;                // *< Regulator Status And Control register, offset: 0x2
1168  end;
1171  PMC_BASE     = $4007D000;
1174  PMC          : TPMC_Registers absolute PMC_BASE;
1177  TPORT_Registers = record
1178    PCR        : array[0..31] of longword; // *< Pin Control Register n, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4
1179    GPCLR      : longword;            // *< Global Pin Control Low Register, offset: 0x80
1180    GPCHR      : longword;            // *< Global Pin Control High Register, offset: 0x84
1181    RESERVED_0 : array[0..23] of byte;
1182    ISFR       : longword;            // *< Interrupt Status Flag Register, offset: 0xA0
1183    RESERVED_1 : array[0..27] of byte;
1184    DFER       : longword;            // *< Digital Filter Enable Register, offset: 0xC0
1185    DFCR       : longword;            // *< Digital Filter Clock Register, offset: 0xC4
1186    DFWR       : longword;            // *< Digital Filter Width Register, offset: 0xC8
1187  end;
1190  PORTA_BASE   = $40049000;
1193  PORTA        : TPORT_Registers absolute PORTA_BASE;
1196  PORTB_BASE   = $4004A000;
1199  PORTB        : TPORT_Registers absolute PORTB_BASE;
1202  PORTC_BASE   = $4004B000;
1205  PORTC        : TPORT_Registers absolute PORTC_BASE;
1208  PORTD_BASE   = $4004C000;
1211  PORTD        : TPORT_Registers absolute PORTD_BASE;
1214  PORTE_BASE   = $4004D000;
1217  PORTE        : TPORT_Registers absolute PORTE_BASE;
1220  TRCM_Registers = record
1221    SRS0       : byte;                // *< System Reset Status Register 0, offset: 0x0
1222    SRS1       : byte;                // *< System Reset Status Register 1, offset: 0x1
1223    RESERVED_0 : array[0..1] of byte;
1224    RPFC       : byte;                // *< Reset Pin Filter Control register, offset: 0x4
1225    RPFW       : byte;                // *< Reset Pin Filter Width register, offset: 0x5
1226    RESERVED_1 : array[0..0] of byte;
1227    MR         : byte;                // *< Mode Register, offset: 0x7
1228  end;
1231  RCM_BASE     = $4007F000;
1234  RCM          : TRCM_Registers absolute RCM_BASE;
1237  TRFSYS_Registers = record
1238    REG        : array[0..7] of longword; // *< Register file register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4
1239  end;
1242  RFSYS_BASE   = $40041000;
1245  RFSYS        : TRFSYS_Registers absolute RFSYS_BASE;
1248  TRFVBAT_Registers = record
1249    REG        : array[0..7] of longword; // *< VBAT register file register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4
1250  end;
1253  RFVBAT_BASE  = $4003E000;
1256  RFVBAT       : TRFVBAT_Registers absolute RFVBAT_BASE;
1259  TRNG_Registers = record
1260    CR         : longword;            // *< RNGA Control Register, offset: 0x0
1261    SR         : longword;            // *< RNGA Status Register, offset: 0x4
1262    ER         : longword;            // *< RNGA Entropy Register, offset: 0x8
1263    &OR        : longword;            // *< RNGA Output Register, offset: 0xC
1264  end;
1267  RNG_BASE     = $40029000;
1270  RNG          : TRNG_Registers absolute RNG_BASE;
1273  TRTC_Registers = record
1274    TSR        : longword;            // *< RTC Time Seconds Register, offset: 0x0
1275    TPR        : longword;            // *< RTC Time Prescaler Register, offset: 0x4
1276    TAR        : longword;            // *< RTC Time Alarm Register, offset: 0x8
1277    TCR        : longword;            // *< RTC Time Compensation Register, offset: 0xC
1278    CR         : longword;            // *< RTC Control Register, offset: 0x10
1279    SR         : longword;            // *< RTC Status Register, offset: 0x14
1280    LR         : longword;            // *< RTC Lock Register, offset: 0x18
1281    IER        : longword;            // *< RTC Interrupt Enable Register, offset: 0x1C
1282    RESERVED_0 : array[0..2015] of byte;
1283    WAR        : longword;            // *< RTC Write Access Register, offset: 0x800
1284    RAR        : longword;            // *< RTC Read Access Register, offset: 0x804
1285  end;
1288  RTC_BASE     = $4003D000;
1291  RTC          : TRTC_Registers absolute RTC_BASE;
1294  TSDHC_Registers = record
1295    DSADDR     : longword;            // *< DMA System Address register, offset: 0x0
1296    BLKATTR    : longword;            // *< Block Attributes register, offset: 0x4
1297    CMDARG     : longword;            // *< Command Argument register, offset: 0x8
1298    XFERTYP    : longword;            // *< Transfer Type register, offset: 0xC
1299    CMDRSP     : array[0..3] of longword; // *< Command Response 0..Command Response 3, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x4
1300    DATPORT    : longword;            // *< Buffer Data Port register, offset: 0x20
1301    PRSSTAT    : longword;            // *< Present State register, offset: 0x24
1302    PROCTL     : longword;            // *< Protocol Control register, offset: 0x28
1303    SYSCTL     : longword;            // *< System Control register, offset: 0x2C
1304    IRQSTAT    : longword;            // *< Interrupt Status register, offset: 0x30
1305    IRQSTATEN  : longword;            // *< Interrupt Status Enable register, offset: 0x34
1306    IRQSIGEN   : longword;            // *< Interrupt Signal Enable register, offset: 0x38
1307    AC12ERR    : longword;            // *< Auto CMD12 Error Status Register, offset: 0x3C
1308    HTCAPBLT   : longword;            // *< Host Controller Capabilities, offset: 0x40
1309    WML        : longword;            // *< Watermark Level Register, offset: 0x44
1310    RESERVED_0 : array[0..7] of byte;
1311    FEVT       : longword;            // *< Force Event register, offset: 0x50
1312    ADMAES     : longword;            // *< ADMA Error Status register, offset: 0x54
1313    ADSADDR    : longword;            // *< ADMA System Addressregister, offset: 0x58
1314    RESERVED_1 : array[0..99] of byte;
1315    VENDOR     : longword;            // *< Vendor Specific register, offset: 0xC0
1316    MMCBOOT    : longword;            // *< MMC Boot register, offset: 0xC4
1317    RESERVED_2 : array[0..51] of byte;
1318    HOSTVER    : longword;            // *< Host Controller Version, offset: 0xFC
1319  end;
1322  SDHC_BASE    = $400B1000;
1325  SDHC         : TSDHC_Registers absolute SDHC_BASE;
1328  TSIM_Registers = record
1329    SOPT1      : longword;            // *< System Options Register 1, offset: 0x0
1330    SOPT1CFG   : longword;            // *< SOPT1 Configuration Register, offset: 0x4
1331    RESERVED_0 : array[0..4091] of byte;
1332    SOPT2      : longword;            // *< System Options Register 2, offset: 0x1004
1333    RESERVED_1 : array[0..3] of byte;
1334    SOPT4      : longword;            // *< System Options Register 4, offset: 0x100C
1335    SOPT5      : longword;            // *< System Options Register 5, offset: 0x1010
1336    RESERVED_2 : array[0..3] of byte;
1337    SOPT7      : longword;            // *< System Options Register 7, offset: 0x1018
1338    RESERVED_3 : array[0..7] of byte;
1339    SDID       : longword;            // *< System Device Identification Register, offset: 0x1024
1340    SCGC1      : longword;            // *< System Clock Gating Control Register 1, offset: 0x1028
1341    SCGC2      : longword;            // *< System Clock Gating Control Register 2, offset: 0x102C
1342    SCGC3      : longword;            // *< System Clock Gating Control Register 3, offset: 0x1030
1343    SCGC4      : longword;            // *< System Clock Gating Control Register 4, offset: 0x1034
1344    SCGC5      : longword;            // *< System Clock Gating Control Register 5, offset: 0x1038
1345    SCGC6      : longword;            // *< System Clock Gating Control Register 6, offset: 0x103C
1346    SCGC7      : longword;            // *< System Clock Gating Control Register 7, offset: 0x1040
1347    CLKDIV1    : longword;            // *< System Clock Divider Register 1, offset: 0x1044
1348    CLKDIV2    : longword;            // *< System Clock Divider Register 2, offset: 0x1048
1349    FCFG1      : longword;            // *< Flash Configuration Register 1, offset: 0x104C
1350    FCFG2      : longword;            // *< Flash Configuration Register 2, offset: 0x1050
1351    UIDH       : longword;            // *< Unique Identification Register High, offset: 0x1054
1352    UIDMH      : longword;            // *< Unique Identification Register Mid-High, offset: 0x1058
1353    UIDML      : longword;            // *< Unique Identification Register Mid Low, offset: 0x105C
1354    UIDL       : longword;            // *< Unique Identification Register Low, offset: 0x1060
1355  end;
1358  SIM_BASE     = $40047000;
1361  SIM          : TSIM_Registers absolute SIM_BASE;
1364  TSMC_Registers = record
1365    PMPROT     : byte;                // *< Power Mode Protection register, offset: 0x0
1366    PMCTRL     : byte;                // *< Power Mode Control register, offset: 0x1
1367    VLLSCTRL   : byte;                // *< VLLS Control register, offset: 0x2
1368    PMSTAT     : byte;                // *< Power Mode Status register, offset: 0x3
1369  end;
1372  SMC_BASE     = $4007E000;
1375  SMC          : TSMC_Registers absolute SMC_BASE;
1378  TSPI_Registers = record
1379    MCR        : longword;            // *< Module Configuration Register, offset: 0x0
1380    RESERVED_0 : array[0..3] of byte;
1381    TCR        : longword;            // *< Transfer Count Register, offset: 0x8
1382    CTAR       : array[0..1] of longword; // *< Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4
1383    RESERVED_1 : array[0..23] of byte;
1384    SR         : longword;            // *< Status Register, offset: 0x2C
1385    RSER       : longword;            // *< DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register, offset: 0x30
1386    PUSHR      : longword;            // *< PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode, offset: 0x34
1387    POPR       : longword;            // *< POP RX FIFO Register, offset: 0x38
1388    TXFR0      : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Registers, offset: 0x3C
1389    TXFR1      : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Registers, offset: 0x40
1390    TXFR2      : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Registers, offset: 0x44
1391    TXFR3      : longword;            // *< Transmit FIFO Registers, offset: 0x48
1392    RESERVED_2 : array[0..47] of byte;
1393    RXFR0      : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Registers, offset: 0x7C
1394    RXFR1      : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Registers, offset: 0x80
1395    RXFR2      : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Registers, offset: 0x84
1396    RXFR3      : longword;            // *< Receive FIFO Registers, offset: 0x88
1397  end;
1400  SPI0_BASE    = $4002C000;
1403  SPI0         : TSPI_Registers absolute SPI0_BASE;
1406  SPI1_BASE    = $4002D000;
1409  SPI1         : TSPI_Registers absolute SPI1_BASE;
1412  SPI2_BASE    = $400AC000;
1415  SPI2         : TSPI_Registers absolute SPI2_BASE;
1418  TUART_Registers = record
1419    BDH        : byte;                // *< UART Baud Rate Registers: High, offset: 0x0
1420    BDL        : byte;                // *< UART Baud Rate Registers: Low, offset: 0x1
1421    C1         : byte;                // *< UART Control Register 1, offset: 0x2
1422    C2         : byte;                // *< UART Control Register 2, offset: 0x3
1423    S1         : byte;                // *< UART Status Register 1, offset: 0x4
1424    S2         : byte;                // *< UART Status Register 2, offset: 0x5
1425    C3         : byte;                // *< UART Control Register 3, offset: 0x6
1426    D          : byte;                // *< UART Data Register, offset: 0x7
1427    MA1        : byte;                // *< UART Match Address Registers 1, offset: 0x8
1428    MA2        : byte;                // *< UART Match Address Registers 2, offset: 0x9
1429    C4         : byte;                // *< UART Control Register 4, offset: 0xA
1430    C5         : byte;                // *< UART Control Register 5, offset: 0xB
1431    ED         : byte;                // *< UART Extended Data Register, offset: 0xC
1432    MODEM      : byte;                // *< UART Modem Register, offset: 0xD
1433    IR         : byte;                // *< UART Infrared Register, offset: 0xE
1434    RESERVED_0 : array[0..0] of byte;
1435    PFIFO      : byte;                // *< UART FIFO Parameters, offset: 0x10
1436    CFIFO      : byte;                // *< UART FIFO Control Register, offset: 0x11
1437    SFIFO      : byte;                // *< UART FIFO Status Register, offset: 0x12
1438    TWFIFO     : byte;                // *< UART FIFO Transmit Watermark, offset: 0x13
1439    TCFIFO     : byte;                // *< UART FIFO Transmit Count, offset: 0x14
1440    RWFIFO     : byte;                // *< UART FIFO Receive Watermark, offset: 0x15
1441    RCFIFO     : byte;                // *< UART FIFO Receive Count, offset: 0x16
1442    RESERVED_1 : array[0..0] of byte;
1443    C7816      : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Control Register, offset: 0x18
1444    IE7816     : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register, offset: 0x19
1445    IS7816     : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register, offset: 0x1A
1446    WP7816T0   : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register, offset: 0x1B
1447    WN7816     : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Wait N Register, offset: 0x1C
1448    WF7816     : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Wait FD Register, offset: 0x1D
1449    ET7816     : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Error Threshold Register, offset: 0x1E
1450    TL7816     : byte;                // *< UART 7816 Transmit Length Register, offset: 0x1F
1451  end;
1454  UART0_BASE   = $4006A000;
1457  UART0        : TUART_Registers absolute UART0_BASE;
1460  UART1_BASE   = $4006B000;
1463  UART1        : TUART_Registers absolute UART1_BASE;
1466  UART2_BASE   = $4006C000;
1469  UART2        : TUART_Registers absolute UART2_BASE;
1472  UART3_BASE   = $4006D000;
1475  UART3        : TUART_Registers absolute UART3_BASE;
1478  UART4_BASE   = $400EA000;
1481  UART4        : TUART_Registers absolute UART4_BASE;
1484  UART5_BASE   = $400EB000;
1487  UART5        : TUART_Registers absolute UART5_BASE;
1490  TUSB_ENDPOINT= record
1491    ENDPT      : byte;                // *< Endpoint Control register, array offset: 0xC0, array step: 0x4
1492    RESERVED_0 : array[0..2] of byte;
1493  end;
1495  TUSB_Registers = record
1496    PERID      : byte;                // *< Peripheral ID register, offset: 0x0
1497    RESERVED_0 : array[0..2] of byte;
1498    IDCOMP     : byte;                // *< Peripheral ID Complement register, offset: 0x4
1499    RESERVED_1 : array[0..2] of byte;
1500    REV        : byte;                // *< Peripheral Revision register, offset: 0x8
1501    RESERVED_2 : array[0..2] of byte;
1502    ADDINFO    : byte;                // *< Peripheral Additional Info register, offset: 0xC
1503    RESERVED_3 : array[0..2] of byte;
1504    OTGISTAT   : byte;                // *< OTG Interrupt Status register, offset: 0x10
1505    RESERVED_4 : array[0..2] of byte;
1506    OTGICR     : byte;                // *< OTG Interrupt Control register, offset: 0x14
1507    RESERVED_5 : array[0..2] of byte;
1508    OTGSTAT    : byte;                // *< OTG Status register, offset: 0x18
1509    RESERVED_6 : array[0..2] of byte;
1510    OTGCTL     : byte;                // *< OTG Control register, offset: 0x1C
1511    RESERVED_7 : array[0..98] of byte;
1512    ISTAT      : byte;                // *< Interrupt Status register, offset: 0x80
1513    RESERVED_8 : array[0..2] of byte;
1514    INTEN      : byte;                // *< Interrupt Enable register, offset: 0x84
1515    RESERVED_9 : array[0..2] of byte;
1516    ERRSTAT    : byte;                // *< Error Interrupt Status register, offset: 0x88
1517    RESERVED_10 : array[0..2] of byte;
1518    ERREN      : byte;                // *< Error Interrupt Enable register, offset: 0x8C
1519    RESERVED_11 : array[0..2] of byte;
1520    STAT       : byte;                // *< Status register, offset: 0x90
1521    RESERVED_12 : array[0..2] of byte;
1522    CTL        : byte;                // *< Control register, offset: 0x94
1523    RESERVED_13 : array[0..2] of byte;
1524    ADDR       : byte;                // *< Address register, offset: 0x98
1525    RESERVED_14 : array[0..2] of byte;
1526    BDTPAGE1   : byte;                // *< BDT Page register 1, offset: 0x9C
1527    RESERVED_15 : array[0..2] of byte;
1528    FRMNUML    : byte;                // *< Frame Number register Low, offset: 0xA0
1529    RESERVED_16 : array[0..2] of byte;
1530    FRMNUMH    : byte;                // *< Frame Number register High, offset: 0xA4
1531    RESERVED_17 : array[0..2] of byte;
1532    TOKEN      : byte;                // *< Token register, offset: 0xA8
1533    RESERVED_18 : array[0..2] of byte;
1534    SOFTHLD    : byte;                // *< SOF Threshold register, offset: 0xAC
1535    RESERVED_19 : array[0..2] of byte;
1536    BDTPAGE2   : byte;                // *< BDT Page Register 2, offset: 0xB0
1537    RESERVED_20 : array[0..2] of byte;
1538    BDTPAGE3   : byte;                // *< BDT Page Register 3, offset: 0xB4
1539    RESERVED_21 : array[0..10] of byte;
1540    ENDPOINT   : array[0..15] of TUSB_ENDPOINT;
1541    USBCTRL    : byte;                // *< USB Control register, offset: 0x100
1542    RESERVED_22 : array[0..2] of byte;
1543    OBSERVE    : byte;                // *< USB OTG Observe register, offset: 0x104
1544    RESERVED_23 : array[0..2] of byte;
1545    CONTROL    : byte;                // *< USB OTG Control register, offset: 0x108
1546    RESERVED_24 : array[0..2] of byte;
1547    USBTRC0    : byte;                // *< USB Transceiver Control register 0, offset: 0x10C
1548    RESERVED_25 : array[0..6] of byte;
1549    USBFRMADJUST : byte;              // *< Frame Adjust Register, offset: 0x114
1550    RESERVED_26 : array[0..42] of byte;
1551    CLK_RECOVER_CTRL : byte;          // *< USB Clock recovery control, offset: 0x140
1552    RESERVED_27 : array[0..2] of byte;
1553    CLK_RECOVER_IRC_EN : byte;        // *< IRC48M oscillator enable register, offset: 0x144
1554    RESERVED_28 : array[0..22] of byte;
1555    CLK_RECOVER_INT_STATUS : byte;    // *< Clock recovery separated interrupt status, offset: 0x15C
1556  end;
1559  USB0_BASE    = $40072000;
1562  USB0         : TUSB_Registers absolute USB0_BASE;
1565  TUSBDCD_Registers = record
1566    CONTROL    : longword;            // *< Control register, offset: 0x0
1567    CLOCK      : longword;            // *< Clock register, offset: 0x4
1568    STATUS     : longword;            // *< Status register, offset: 0x8
1569    RESERVED_0 : array[0..3] of byte;
1570    TIMER0     : longword;            // *< TIMER0 register, offset: 0x10
1571    TIMER1     : longword;            // *< TIMER1 register, offset: 0x14
1572    TIMER2_BC11: longword;            // *< TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18
1573  end;
1576  USBDCD_BASE  = $40035000;
1579  USBDCD       : TUSBDCD_Registers absolute USBDCD_BASE;
1582  TVREF_Registers = record
1583    TRM        : byte;                // *< VREF Trim Register, offset: 0x0
1584    SC         : byte;                // *< VREF Status and Control Register, offset: 0x1
1585  end;
1588  VREF_BASE    = $40074000;
1591  VREF         : TVREF_Registers absolute VREF_BASE;
1594  TWDOG_Registers = record
1595    STCTRLH    : word;                // *< Watchdog Status and Control Register High, offset: 0x0
1596    STCTRLL    : word;                // *< Watchdog Status and Control Register Low, offset: 0x2
1597    TOVALH     : word;                // *< Watchdog Time-out Value Register High, offset: 0x4
1598    TOVALL     : word;                // *< Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low, offset: 0x6
1599    WINH       : word;                // *< Watchdog Window Register High, offset: 0x8
1600    WINL       : word;                // *< Watchdog Window Register Low, offset: 0xA
1601    REFRESH    : word;                // *< Watchdog Refresh register, offset: 0xC
1602    UNLOCK     : word;                // *< Watchdog Unlock register, offset: 0xE
1603    TMROUTH    : word;                // *< Watchdog Timer Output Register High, offset: 0x10
1604    TMROUTL    : word;                // *< Watchdog Timer Output Register Low, offset: 0x12
1605    RSTCNT     : word;                // *< Watchdog Reset Count register, offset: 0x14
1606    PRESC      : word;                // *< Watchdog Prescaler register, offset: 0x16
1607  end;
1610  WDOG_BASE    = $40052000;
1613  WDOG         : TWDOG_Registers absolute WDOG_BASE;
1617procedure NonMaskableInt_interrupt; external name 'NonMaskableInt_interrupt';
1618procedure HardFault_interrupt; external name 'HardFault_interrupt';
1619procedure MemoryManagement_interrupt; external name 'MemoryManagement_interrupt';
1620procedure BusFault_interrupt; external name 'BusFault_interrupt';
1621procedure UsageFault_interrupt; external name 'UsageFault_interrupt';
1622procedure SVCall_interrupt; external name 'SVCall_interrupt';
1623procedure DebugMonitor_interrupt; external name 'DebugMonitor_interrupt';
1624procedure PendSV_interrupt; external name 'PendSV_interrupt';
1625procedure SysTick_interrupt; external name 'SysTick_interrupt';
1626procedure DMA0_interrupt; external name 'DMA0_interrupt';
1627procedure DMA1_interrupt; external name 'DMA1_interrupt';
1628procedure DMA2_interrupt; external name 'DMA2_interrupt';
1629procedure DMA3_interrupt; external name 'DMA3_interrupt';
1630procedure DMA4_interrupt; external name 'DMA4_interrupt';
1631procedure DMA5_interrupt; external name 'DMA5_interrupt';
1632procedure DMA6_interrupt; external name 'DMA6_interrupt';
1633procedure DMA7_interrupt; external name 'DMA7_interrupt';
1634procedure DMA8_interrupt; external name 'DMA8_interrupt';
1635procedure DMA9_interrupt; external name 'DMA9_interrupt';
1636procedure DMA10_interrupt; external name 'DMA10_interrupt';
1637procedure DMA11_interrupt; external name 'DMA11_interrupt';
1638procedure DMA12_interrupt; external name 'DMA12_interrupt';
1639procedure DMA13_interrupt; external name 'DMA13_interrupt';
1640procedure DMA14_interrupt; external name 'DMA14_interrupt';
1641procedure DMA15_interrupt; external name 'DMA15_interrupt';
1642procedure DMA_Error_interrupt; external name 'DMA_Error_interrupt';
1643procedure MCM_interrupt; external name 'MCM_interrupt';
1644procedure FTFE_interrupt; external name 'FTFE_interrupt';
1645procedure Read_Collision_interrupt; external name 'Read_Collision_interrupt';
1646procedure LVD_LVW_interrupt; external name 'LVD_LVW_interrupt';
1647procedure LLWU_interrupt; external name 'LLWU_interrupt';
1648procedure WDOG_EWM_interrupt; external name 'WDOG_EWM_interrupt';
1649procedure RNG_interrupt; external name 'RNG_interrupt';
1650procedure I2C0_interrupt; external name 'I2C0_interrupt';
1651procedure I2C1_interrupt; external name 'I2C1_interrupt';
1652procedure SPI0_interrupt; external name 'SPI0_interrupt';
1653procedure SPI1_interrupt; external name 'SPI1_interrupt';
1654procedure I2S0_Tx_interrupt; external name 'I2S0_Tx_interrupt';
1655procedure I2S0_Rx_interrupt; external name 'I2S0_Rx_interrupt';
1656procedure UART0_LON_interrupt; external name 'UART0_LON_interrupt';
1657procedure UART0_RX_TX_interrupt; external name 'UART0_RX_TX_interrupt';
1658procedure UART0_ERR_interrupt; external name 'UART0_ERR_interrupt';
1659procedure UART1_RX_TX_interrupt; external name 'UART1_RX_TX_interrupt';
1660procedure UART1_ERR_interrupt; external name 'UART1_ERR_interrupt';
1661procedure UART2_RX_TX_interrupt; external name 'UART2_RX_TX_interrupt';
1662procedure UART2_ERR_interrupt; external name 'UART2_ERR_interrupt';
1663procedure UART3_RX_TX_interrupt; external name 'UART3_RX_TX_interrupt';
1664procedure UART3_ERR_interrupt; external name 'UART3_ERR_interrupt';
1665procedure ADC0_interrupt; external name 'ADC0_interrupt';
1666procedure CMP0_interrupt; external name 'CMP0_interrupt';
1667procedure CMP1_interrupt; external name 'CMP1_interrupt';
1668procedure FTM0_interrupt; external name 'FTM0_interrupt';
1669procedure FTM1_interrupt; external name 'FTM1_interrupt';
1670procedure FTM2_interrupt; external name 'FTM2_interrupt';
1671procedure CMT_interrupt; external name 'CMT_interrupt';
1672procedure RTC_interrupt; external name 'RTC_interrupt';
1673procedure RTC_Seconds_interrupt; external name 'RTC_Seconds_interrupt';
1674procedure PIT0_interrupt; external name 'PIT0_interrupt';
1675procedure PIT1_interrupt; external name 'PIT1_interrupt';
1676procedure PIT2_interrupt; external name 'PIT2_interrupt';
1677procedure PIT3_interrupt; external name 'PIT3_interrupt';
1678procedure PDB0_interrupt; external name 'PDB0_interrupt';
1679procedure USB0_interrupt; external name 'USB0_interrupt';
1680procedure USBDCD_interrupt; external name 'USBDCD_interrupt';
1681procedure RESERVED71_interrupt; external name 'RESERVED71_interrupt';
1682procedure DAC0_interrupt; external name 'DAC0_interrupt';
1683procedure MCG_interrupt; external name 'MCG_interrupt';
1684procedure LPTMR0_interrupt; external name 'LPTMR0_interrupt';
1685procedure PORTA_interrupt; external name 'PORTA_interrupt';
1686procedure PORTB_interrupt; external name 'PORTB_interrupt';
1687procedure PORTC_interrupt; external name 'PORTC_interrupt';
1688procedure PORTD_interrupt; external name 'PORTD_interrupt';
1689procedure PORTE_interrupt; external name 'PORTE_interrupt';
1690procedure SWI_interrupt; external name 'SWI_interrupt';
1691procedure SPI2_interrupt; external name 'SPI2_interrupt';
1692procedure UART4_RX_TX_interrupt; external name 'UART4_RX_TX_interrupt';
1693procedure UART4_ERR_interrupt; external name 'UART4_ERR_interrupt';
1694procedure UART5_RX_TX_interrupt; external name 'UART5_RX_TX_interrupt';
1695procedure UART5_ERR_interrupt; external name 'UART5_ERR_interrupt';
1696procedure CMP2_interrupt; external name 'CMP2_interrupt';
1697procedure FTM3_interrupt; external name 'FTM3_interrupt';
1698procedure DAC1_interrupt; external name 'DAC1_interrupt';
1699procedure ADC1_interrupt; external name 'ADC1_interrupt';
1700procedure I2C2_interrupt; external name 'I2C2_interrupt';
1701procedure CAN0_ORed_Message_buffer_interrupt; external name 'CAN0_ORed_Message_buffer_interrupt';
1702procedure CAN0_Bus_Off_interrupt; external name 'CAN0_Bus_Off_interrupt';
1703procedure CAN0_Error_interrupt; external name 'CAN0_Error_interrupt';
1704procedure CAN0_Tx_Warning_interrupt; external name 'CAN0_Tx_Warning_interrupt';
1705procedure CAN0_Rx_Warning_interrupt; external name 'CAN0_Rx_Warning_interrupt';
1706procedure CAN0_Wake_Up_interrupt; external name 'CAN0_Wake_Up_interrupt';
1707procedure SDHC_interrupt; external name 'SDHC_interrupt';
1708procedure ENET_1588_Timer_interrupt; external name 'ENET_1588_Timer_interrupt';
1709procedure ENET_Transmit_interrupt; external name 'ENET_Transmit_interrupt';
1710procedure ENET_Receive_interrupt; external name 'ENET_Receive_interrupt';
1711procedure ENET_Error_interrupt; external name 'ENET_Error_interrupt';
1713{$i cortexm4f_start.inc}
1715procedure FlashConfiguration; assembler; nostackframe;
1716label flash_conf;
1718  .section ".flash_config.flash_conf"
1720  .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
1722  .text
1725procedure LowLevelStartup; assembler; nostackframe; [public, alias: '_LOWLEVELSTART'];
1727  // Unlock watchdog
1728  ldr r0, .LWDOG_BASE
1729  movw        r1, #50464
1730  strh        r1, [r0, #0xE]
1731  movw        r1, #55592
1732  strh        r1, [r0, #0xE]
1733  nop
1734  nop
1735  // Disable watchdog for now
1736  movs r1, #0
1737  strh r1, [r0, #0]
1739  b Startup
1742  .long 0x40052000
1745procedure Vectors; assembler; nostackframe;
1746label interrupt_vectors;
1748  .section ".init.interrupt_vectors"
1749  interrupt_vectors:
1750  .long _stack_top
1751  .long LowLevelStartup                          // int -15
1752  .long NonMaskableInt_interrupt                 // int -14
1753  .long HardFault_interrupt                      // int -13
1754  .long MemoryManagement_interrupt               // int -12
1755  .long BusFault_interrupt                       // int -11
1756  .long UsageFault_interrupt                     // int -10
1757  .long 0                                        // int -9
1758  .long 0                                        // int -8
1759  .long 0                                        // int -7
1760  .long 0                                        // int -6
1761  .long SVCall_interrupt                         // int -5
1762  .long DebugMonitor_interrupt                   // int -4
1763  .long 0                                        // int -3
1764  .long PendSV_interrupt                         // int -2
1765  .long SysTick_interrupt                        // int -1
1766  .long DMA0_interrupt                           // int 0
1767  .long DMA1_interrupt                           // int 1
1768  .long DMA2_interrupt                           // int 2
1769  .long DMA3_interrupt                           // int 3
1770  .long DMA4_interrupt                           // int 4
1771  .long DMA5_interrupt                           // int 5
1772  .long DMA6_interrupt                           // int 6
1773  .long DMA7_interrupt                           // int 7
1774  .long DMA8_interrupt                           // int 8
1775  .long DMA9_interrupt                           // int 9
1776  .long DMA10_interrupt                          // int 10
1777  .long DMA11_interrupt                          // int 11
1778  .long DMA12_interrupt                          // int 12
1779  .long DMA13_interrupt                          // int 13
1780  .long DMA14_interrupt                          // int 14
1781  .long DMA15_interrupt                          // int 15
1782  .long DMA_Error_interrupt                      // int 16
1783  .long MCM_interrupt                            // int 17
1784  .long FTFE_interrupt                           // int 18
1785  .long Read_Collision_interrupt                 // int 19
1786  .long LVD_LVW_interrupt                        // int 20
1787  .long LLWU_interrupt                           // int 21
1788  .long WDOG_EWM_interrupt                       // int 22
1789  .long RNG_interrupt                            // int 23
1790  .long I2C0_interrupt                           // int 24
1791  .long I2C1_interrupt                           // int 25
1792  .long SPI0_interrupt                           // int 26
1793  .long SPI1_interrupt                           // int 27
1794  .long I2S0_Tx_interrupt                        // int 28
1795  .long I2S0_Rx_interrupt                        // int 29
1796  .long UART0_LON_interrupt                      // int 30
1797  .long UART0_RX_TX_interrupt                    // int 31
1798  .long UART0_ERR_interrupt                      // int 32
1799  .long UART1_RX_TX_interrupt                    // int 33
1800  .long UART1_ERR_interrupt                      // int 34
1801  .long UART2_RX_TX_interrupt                    // int 35
1802  .long UART2_ERR_interrupt                      // int 36
1803  .long UART3_RX_TX_interrupt                    // int 37
1804  .long UART3_ERR_interrupt                      // int 38
1805  .long ADC0_interrupt                           // int 39
1806  .long CMP0_interrupt                           // int 40
1807  .long CMP1_interrupt                           // int 41
1808  .long FTM0_interrupt                           // int 42
1809  .long FTM1_interrupt                           // int 43
1810  .long FTM2_interrupt                           // int 44
1811  .long CMT_interrupt                            // int 45
1812  .long RTC_interrupt                            // int 46
1813  .long RTC_Seconds_interrupt                    // int 47
1814  .long PIT0_interrupt                           // int 48
1815  .long PIT1_interrupt                           // int 49
1816  .long PIT2_interrupt                           // int 50
1817  .long PIT3_interrupt                           // int 51
1818  .long PDB0_interrupt                           // int 52
1819  .long USB0_interrupt                           // int 53
1820  .long USBDCD_interrupt                         // int 54
1821  .long RESERVED71_interrupt                     // int 55
1822  .long DAC0_interrupt                           // int 56
1823  .long MCG_interrupt                            // int 57
1824  .long LPTMR0_interrupt                         // int 58
1825  .long PORTA_interrupt                          // int 59
1826  .long PORTB_interrupt                          // int 60
1827  .long PORTC_interrupt                          // int 61
1828  .long PORTD_interrupt                          // int 62
1829  .long PORTE_interrupt                          // int 63
1830  .long SWI_interrupt                            // int 64
1831  .long SPI2_interrupt                           // int 65
1832  .long UART4_RX_TX_interrupt                    // int 66
1833  .long UART4_ERR_interrupt                      // int 67
1834  .long UART5_RX_TX_interrupt                    // int 68
1835  .long UART5_ERR_interrupt                      // int 69
1836  .long CMP2_interrupt                           // int 70
1837  .long FTM3_interrupt                           // int 71
1838  .long DAC1_interrupt                           // int 72
1839  .long ADC1_interrupt                           // int 73
1840  .long I2C2_interrupt                           // int 74
1841  .long CAN0_ORed_Message_buffer_interrupt       // int 75
1842  .long CAN0_Bus_Off_interrupt                   // int 76
1843  .long CAN0_Error_interrupt                     // int 77
1844  .long CAN0_Tx_Warning_interrupt                // int 78
1845  .long CAN0_Rx_Warning_interrupt                // int 79
1846  .long CAN0_Wake_Up_interrupt                   // int 80
1847  .long SDHC_interrupt                           // int 81
1848  .long ENET_1588_Timer_interrupt                // int 82
1849  .long ENET_Transmit_interrupt                  // int 83
1850  .long ENET_Receive_interrupt                   // int 84
1851  .long ENET_Error_interrupt                     // int 85
1853  .weak NonMaskableInt_interrupt
1854  .weak HardFault_interrupt
1855  .weak MemoryManagement_interrupt
1856  .weak BusFault_interrupt
1857  .weak UsageFault_interrupt
1858  .weak SVCall_interrupt
1859  .weak DebugMonitor_interrupt
1860  .weak PendSV_interrupt
1861  .weak SysTick_interrupt
1862  .weak DMA0_interrupt
1863  .weak DMA1_interrupt
1864  .weak DMA2_interrupt
1865  .weak DMA3_interrupt
1866  .weak DMA4_interrupt
1867  .weak DMA5_interrupt
1868  .weak DMA6_interrupt
1869  .weak DMA7_interrupt
1870  .weak DMA8_interrupt
1871  .weak DMA9_interrupt
1872  .weak DMA10_interrupt
1873  .weak DMA11_interrupt
1874  .weak DMA12_interrupt
1875  .weak DMA13_interrupt
1876  .weak DMA14_interrupt
1877  .weak DMA15_interrupt
1878  .weak DMA_Error_interrupt
1879  .weak MCM_interrupt
1880  .weak FTFE_interrupt
1881  .weak Read_Collision_interrupt
1882  .weak LVD_LVW_interrupt
1883  .weak LLWU_interrupt
1884  .weak WDOG_EWM_interrupt
1885  .weak RNG_interrupt
1886  .weak I2C0_interrupt
1887  .weak I2C1_interrupt
1888  .weak SPI0_interrupt
1889  .weak SPI1_interrupt
1890  .weak I2S0_Tx_interrupt
1891  .weak I2S0_Rx_interrupt
1892  .weak UART0_LON_interrupt
1893  .weak UART0_RX_TX_interrupt
1894  .weak UART0_ERR_interrupt
1895  .weak UART1_RX_TX_interrupt
1896  .weak UART1_ERR_interrupt
1897  .weak UART2_RX_TX_interrupt
1898  .weak UART2_ERR_interrupt
1899  .weak UART3_RX_TX_interrupt
1900  .weak UART3_ERR_interrupt
1901  .weak ADC0_interrupt
1902  .weak CMP0_interrupt
1903  .weak CMP1_interrupt
1904  .weak FTM0_interrupt
1905  .weak FTM1_interrupt
1906  .weak FTM2_interrupt
1907  .weak CMT_interrupt
1908  .weak RTC_interrupt
1909  .weak RTC_Seconds_interrupt
1910  .weak PIT0_interrupt
1911  .weak PIT1_interrupt
1912  .weak PIT2_interrupt
1913  .weak PIT3_interrupt
1914  .weak PDB0_interrupt
1915  .weak USB0_interrupt
1916  .weak USBDCD_interrupt
1917  .weak RESERVED71_interrupt
1918  .weak DAC0_interrupt
1919  .weak MCG_interrupt
1920  .weak LPTMR0_interrupt
1921  .weak PORTA_interrupt
1922  .weak PORTB_interrupt
1923  .weak PORTC_interrupt
1924  .weak PORTD_interrupt
1925  .weak PORTE_interrupt
1926  .weak SWI_interrupt
1927  .weak SPI2_interrupt
1928  .weak UART4_RX_TX_interrupt
1929  .weak UART4_ERR_interrupt
1930  .weak UART5_RX_TX_interrupt
1931  .weak UART5_ERR_interrupt
1932  .weak CMP2_interrupt
1933  .weak FTM3_interrupt
1934  .weak DAC1_interrupt
1935  .weak ADC1_interrupt
1936  .weak I2C2_interrupt
1937  .weak CAN0_ORed_Message_buffer_interrupt
1938  .weak CAN0_Bus_Off_interrupt
1939  .weak CAN0_Error_interrupt
1940  .weak CAN0_Tx_Warning_interrupt
1941  .weak CAN0_Rx_Warning_interrupt
1942  .weak CAN0_Wake_Up_interrupt
1943  .weak SDHC_interrupt
1944  .weak ENET_1588_Timer_interrupt
1945  .weak ENET_Transmit_interrupt
1946  .weak ENET_Receive_interrupt
1947  .weak ENET_Error_interrupt
1948  .set NonMaskableInt_interrupt, HaltProc
1949  .set HardFault_interrupt, HaltProc
1950  .set MemoryManagement_interrupt, HaltProc
1951  .set BusFault_interrupt, HaltProc
1952  .set UsageFault_interrupt, HaltProc
1953  .set SVCall_interrupt, HaltProc
1954  .set DebugMonitor_interrupt, HaltProc
1955  .set PendSV_interrupt, HaltProc
1956  .set SysTick_interrupt, HaltProc
1957  .set DMA0_interrupt, HaltProc
1958  .set DMA1_interrupt, HaltProc
1959  .set DMA2_interrupt, HaltProc
1960  .set DMA3_interrupt, HaltProc
1961  .set DMA4_interrupt, HaltProc
1962  .set DMA5_interrupt, HaltProc
1963  .set DMA6_interrupt, HaltProc
1964  .set DMA7_interrupt, HaltProc
1965  .set DMA8_interrupt, HaltProc
1966  .set DMA9_interrupt, HaltProc
1967  .set DMA10_interrupt, HaltProc
1968  .set DMA11_interrupt, HaltProc
1969  .set DMA12_interrupt, HaltProc
1970  .set DMA13_interrupt, HaltProc
1971  .set DMA14_interrupt, HaltProc
1972  .set DMA15_interrupt, HaltProc
1973  .set DMA_Error_interrupt, HaltProc
1974  .set MCM_interrupt, HaltProc
1975  .set FTFE_interrupt, HaltProc
1976  .set Read_Collision_interrupt, HaltProc
1977  .set LVD_LVW_interrupt, HaltProc
1978  .set LLWU_interrupt, HaltProc
1979  .set WDOG_EWM_interrupt, HaltProc
1980  .set RNG_interrupt, HaltProc
1981  .set I2C0_interrupt, HaltProc
1982  .set I2C1_interrupt, HaltProc
1983  .set SPI0_interrupt, HaltProc
1984  .set SPI1_interrupt, HaltProc
1985  .set I2S0_Tx_interrupt, HaltProc
1986  .set I2S0_Rx_interrupt, HaltProc
1987  .set UART0_LON_interrupt, HaltProc
1988  .set UART0_RX_TX_interrupt, HaltProc
1989  .set UART0_ERR_interrupt, HaltProc
1990  .set UART1_RX_TX_interrupt, HaltProc
1991  .set UART1_ERR_interrupt, HaltProc
1992  .set UART2_RX_TX_interrupt, HaltProc
1993  .set UART2_ERR_interrupt, HaltProc
1994  .set UART3_RX_TX_interrupt, HaltProc
1995  .set UART3_ERR_interrupt, HaltProc
1996  .set ADC0_interrupt, HaltProc
1997  .set CMP0_interrupt, HaltProc
1998  .set CMP1_interrupt, HaltProc
1999  .set FTM0_interrupt, HaltProc
2000  .set FTM1_interrupt, HaltProc
2001  .set FTM2_interrupt, HaltProc
2002  .set CMT_interrupt, HaltProc
2003  .set RTC_interrupt, HaltProc
2004  .set RTC_Seconds_interrupt, HaltProc
2005  .set PIT0_interrupt, HaltProc
2006  .set PIT1_interrupt, HaltProc
2007  .set PIT2_interrupt, HaltProc
2008  .set PIT3_interrupt, HaltProc
2009  .set PDB0_interrupt, HaltProc
2010  .set USB0_interrupt, HaltProc
2011  .set USBDCD_interrupt, HaltProc
2012  .set RESERVED71_interrupt, HaltProc
2013  .set DAC0_interrupt, HaltProc
2014  .set MCG_interrupt, HaltProc
2015  .set LPTMR0_interrupt, HaltProc
2016  .set PORTA_interrupt, HaltProc
2017  .set PORTB_interrupt, HaltProc
2018  .set PORTC_interrupt, HaltProc
2019  .set PORTD_interrupt, HaltProc
2020  .set PORTE_interrupt, HaltProc
2021  .set SWI_interrupt, HaltProc
2022  .set SPI2_interrupt, HaltProc
2023  .set UART4_RX_TX_interrupt, HaltProc
2024  .set UART4_ERR_interrupt, HaltProc
2025  .set UART5_RX_TX_interrupt, HaltProc
2026  .set UART5_ERR_interrupt, HaltProc
2027  .set CMP2_interrupt, HaltProc
2028  .set FTM3_interrupt, HaltProc
2029  .set DAC1_interrupt, HaltProc
2030  .set ADC1_interrupt, HaltProc
2031  .set I2C2_interrupt, HaltProc
2032  .set CAN0_ORed_Message_buffer_interrupt, HaltProc
2033  .set CAN0_Bus_Off_interrupt, HaltProc
2034  .set CAN0_Error_interrupt, HaltProc
2035  .set CAN0_Tx_Warning_interrupt, HaltProc
2036  .set CAN0_Rx_Warning_interrupt, HaltProc
2037  .set CAN0_Wake_Up_interrupt, HaltProc
2038  .set SDHC_interrupt, HaltProc
2039  .set ENET_1588_Timer_interrupt, HaltProc
2040  .set ENET_Transmit_interrupt, HaltProc
2041  .set ENET_Receive_interrupt, HaltProc
2042  .set ENET_Error_interrupt, HaltProc
2043  .text