1// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd hurd js,wasm linux netbsd openbsd solaris
7package os_test
9import (
10	"io"
11	"io/ioutil"
12	. "os"
13	"path/filepath"
14	"runtime"
15	"strings"
16	"syscall"
17	"testing"
18	"time"
21func init() {
22	isReadonlyError = func(err error) bool { return err == syscall.EROFS }
25// For TestRawConnReadWrite.
26type syscallDescriptor = int
28func checkUidGid(t *testing.T, path string, uid, gid int) {
29	dir, err := Lstat(path)
30	if err != nil {
31		t.Fatalf("Lstat %q (looking for uid/gid %d/%d): %s", path, uid, gid, err)
32	}
33	sys := dir.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
34	if int(sys.Uid) != uid {
35		t.Errorf("Lstat %q: uid %d want %d", path, sys.Uid, uid)
36	}
37	if int(sys.Gid) != gid {
38		t.Errorf("Lstat %q: gid %d want %d", path, sys.Gid, gid)
39	}
42func TestChown(t *testing.T) {
43	// Use TempDir() to make sure we're on a local file system,
44	// so that the group ids returned by Getgroups will be allowed
45	// on the file. On NFS, the Getgroups groups are
46	// basically useless.
47	f := newFile("TestChown", t)
48	defer Remove(f.Name())
49	defer f.Close()
50	dir, err := f.Stat()
51	if err != nil {
52		t.Fatalf("stat %s: %s", f.Name(), err)
53	}
55	// Can't change uid unless root, but can try
56	// changing the group id. First try our current group.
57	gid := Getgid()
58	t.Log("gid:", gid)
59	if err = Chown(f.Name(), -1, gid); err != nil {
60		t.Fatalf("chown %s -1 %d: %s", f.Name(), gid, err)
61	}
62	sys := dir.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
63	checkUidGid(t, f.Name(), int(sys.Uid), gid)
65	// Then try all the auxiliary groups.
66	groups, err := Getgroups()
67	if err != nil {
68		t.Fatalf("getgroups: %s", err)
69	}
70	t.Log("groups: ", groups)
71	for _, g := range groups {
72		if err = Chown(f.Name(), -1, g); err != nil {
73			t.Fatalf("chown %s -1 %d: %s", f.Name(), g, err)
74		}
75		checkUidGid(t, f.Name(), int(sys.Uid), g)
77		// change back to gid to test fd.Chown
78		if err = f.Chown(-1, gid); err != nil {
79			t.Fatalf("fchown %s -1 %d: %s", f.Name(), gid, err)
80		}
81		checkUidGid(t, f.Name(), int(sys.Uid), gid)
82	}
85func TestFileChown(t *testing.T) {
86	// Use TempDir() to make sure we're on a local file system,
87	// so that the group ids returned by Getgroups will be allowed
88	// on the file. On NFS, the Getgroups groups are
89	// basically useless.
90	f := newFile("TestFileChown", t)
91	defer Remove(f.Name())
92	defer f.Close()
93	dir, err := f.Stat()
94	if err != nil {
95		t.Fatalf("stat %s: %s", f.Name(), err)
96	}
98	// Can't change uid unless root, but can try
99	// changing the group id. First try our current group.
100	gid := Getgid()
101	t.Log("gid:", gid)
102	if err = f.Chown(-1, gid); err != nil {
103		t.Fatalf("fchown %s -1 %d: %s", f.Name(), gid, err)
104	}
105	sys := dir.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
106	checkUidGid(t, f.Name(), int(sys.Uid), gid)
108	// Then try all the auxiliary groups.
109	groups, err := Getgroups()
110	if err != nil {
111		t.Fatalf("getgroups: %s", err)
112	}
113	t.Log("groups: ", groups)
114	for _, g := range groups {
115		if err = f.Chown(-1, g); err != nil {
116			t.Fatalf("fchown %s -1 %d: %s", f.Name(), g, err)
117		}
118		checkUidGid(t, f.Name(), int(sys.Uid), g)
120		// change back to gid to test fd.Chown
121		if err = f.Chown(-1, gid); err != nil {
122			t.Fatalf("fchown %s -1 %d: %s", f.Name(), gid, err)
123		}
124		checkUidGid(t, f.Name(), int(sys.Uid), gid)
125	}
128func TestLchown(t *testing.T) {
129	// Use TempDir() to make sure we're on a local file system,
130	// so that the group ids returned by Getgroups will be allowed
131	// on the file. On NFS, the Getgroups groups are
132	// basically useless.
133	f := newFile("TestLchown", t)
134	defer Remove(f.Name())
135	defer f.Close()
136	dir, err := f.Stat()
137	if err != nil {
138		t.Fatalf("stat %s: %s", f.Name(), err)
139	}
141	linkname := f.Name() + "2"
142	if err := Symlink(f.Name(), linkname); err != nil {
143		if runtime.GOOS == "android" && IsPermission(err) {
144			t.Skip("skipping test on Android; permission error creating symlink")
145		}
146		t.Fatalf("link %s -> %s: %v", f.Name(), linkname, err)
147	}
148	defer Remove(linkname)
150	// Can't change uid unless root, but can try
151	// changing the group id. First try our current group.
152	gid := Getgid()
153	t.Log("gid:", gid)
154	if err = Lchown(linkname, -1, gid); err != nil {
155		if err, ok := err.(*PathError); ok && err.Err == syscall.ENOSYS {
156			t.Skip("lchown is unavailable")
157		}
158		t.Fatalf("lchown %s -1 %d: %s", linkname, gid, err)
159	}
160	sys := dir.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
161	checkUidGid(t, linkname, int(sys.Uid), gid)
163	// Then try all the auxiliary groups.
164	groups, err := Getgroups()
165	if err != nil {
166		t.Fatalf("getgroups: %s", err)
167	}
168	t.Log("groups: ", groups)
169	for _, g := range groups {
170		if err = Lchown(linkname, -1, g); err != nil {
171			t.Fatalf("lchown %s -1 %d: %s", linkname, g, err)
172		}
173		checkUidGid(t, linkname, int(sys.Uid), g)
175		// Check that link target's gid is unchanged.
176		checkUidGid(t, f.Name(), int(sys.Uid), int(sys.Gid))
177	}
180// Issue 16919: Readdir must return a non-empty slice or an error.
181func TestReaddirRemoveRace(t *testing.T) {
182	oldStat := *LstatP
183	defer func() { *LstatP = oldStat }()
184	*LstatP = func(name string) (FileInfo, error) {
185		if strings.HasSuffix(name, "some-file") {
186			// Act like it's been deleted.
187			return nil, ErrNotExist
188		}
189		return oldStat(name)
190	}
191	dir := newDir("TestReaddirRemoveRace", t)
192	defer RemoveAll(dir)
193	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "some-file"), []byte("hello"), 0644); err != nil {
194		t.Fatal(err)
195	}
196	d, err := Open(dir)
197	if err != nil {
198		t.Fatal(err)
199	}
200	defer d.Close()
201	fis, err := d.Readdir(2) // notably, greater than zero
202	if len(fis) == 0 && err == nil {
203		// This is what used to happen (Issue 16919)
204		t.Fatal("Readdir = empty slice & err == nil")
205	}
206	if len(fis) != 0 || err != io.EOF {
207		t.Errorf("Readdir = %d entries: %v; want 0, io.EOF", len(fis), err)
208		for i, fi := range fis {
209			t.Errorf("  entry[%d]: %q, %v", i, fi.Name(), fi.Mode())
210		}
211		t.FailNow()
212	}
215// Issue 23120: respect umask when doing Mkdir with the sticky bit
216func TestMkdirStickyUmask(t *testing.T) {
217	const umask = 0077
218	dir := newDir("TestMkdirStickyUmask", t)
219	defer RemoveAll(dir)
220	oldUmask := syscall.Umask(umask)
221	defer syscall.Umask(oldUmask)
222	p := filepath.Join(dir, "dir1")
223	if err := Mkdir(p, ModeSticky|0755); err != nil {
224		t.Fatal(err)
225	}
226	fi, err := Stat(p)
227	if err != nil {
228		t.Fatal(err)
229	}
230	if mode := fi.Mode(); (mode&umask) != 0 || (mode&^ModePerm) != (ModeDir|ModeSticky) {
231		t.Errorf("unexpected mode %s", mode)
232	}
235// See also issues: 22939, 24331
236func newFileTest(t *testing.T, blocking bool) {
237	if runtime.GOOS == "js" {
238		t.Skipf("syscall.Pipe is not available on %s.", runtime.GOOS)
239	}
241	p := make([]int, 2)
242	if err := syscall.Pipe(p); err != nil {
243		t.Fatalf("pipe: %v", err)
244	}
245	defer syscall.Close(p[1])
247	// Set the read-side to non-blocking.
248	if !blocking {
249		if err := syscall.SetNonblock(p[0], true); err != nil {
250			syscall.Close(p[0])
251			t.Fatalf("SetNonblock: %v", err)
252		}
253	}
254	// Convert it to a file.
255	file := NewFile(uintptr(p[0]), "notapipe")
256	if file == nil {
257		syscall.Close(p[0])
258		t.Fatalf("failed to convert fd to file!")
259	}
260	defer file.Close()
262	timeToWrite := 100 * time.Millisecond
263	timeToDeadline := 1 * time.Millisecond
264	if !blocking {
265		// Use a longer time to avoid flakes.
266		// We won't be waiting this long anyhow.
267		timeToWrite = 1 * time.Second
268	}
270	// Try to read with deadline (but don't block forever).
271	b := make([]byte, 1)
272	timer := time.AfterFunc(timeToWrite, func() { syscall.Write(p[1], []byte("a")) })
273	defer timer.Stop()
274	file.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(timeToDeadline))
275	_, err := file.Read(b)
276	if !blocking {
277		// We want it to fail with a timeout.
278		if !IsTimeout(err) {
279			t.Fatalf("No timeout reading from file: %v", err)
280		}
281	} else {
282		// We want it to succeed after 100ms
283		if err != nil {
284			t.Fatalf("Error reading from file: %v", err)
285		}
286	}
289func TestNewFileBlock(t *testing.T) {
290	t.Parallel()
291	newFileTest(t, true)
294func TestNewFileNonBlock(t *testing.T) {
295	t.Parallel()
296	newFileTest(t, false)
299func TestSplitPath(t *testing.T) {
300	t.Parallel()
301	for _, tt := range []struct{ path, wantDir, wantBase string }{
302		{"a", ".", "a"},
303		{"a/", ".", "a"},
304		{"a//", ".", "a"},
305		{"a/b", "a", "b"},
306		{"a/b/", "a", "b"},
307		{"a/b/c", "a/b", "c"},
308		{"/a", "/", "a"},
309		{"/a/", "/", "a"},
310		{"/a/b", "/a", "b"},
311		{"/a/b/", "/a", "b"},
312		{"/a/b/c", "/a/b", "c"},
313		{"//a", "/", "a"},
314		{"//a/", "/", "a"},
315		{"///a", "/", "a"},
316		{"///a/", "/", "a"},
317	} {
318		if dir, base := SplitPath(tt.path); dir != tt.wantDir || base != tt.wantBase {
319			t.Errorf("splitPath(%q) = %q, %q, want %q, %q", tt.path, dir, base, tt.wantDir, tt.wantBase)
320		}
321	}