2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
6Desugaring foreign declarations (see also DsCCall).
10{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
14module DsForeign ( dsForeigns ) where
16#include "HsVersions.h"
17import GhcPrelude
19import TcRnMonad        -- temp
21import CoreSyn
23import DsCCall
24import DsMonad
26import GHC.Hs
27import DataCon
28import CoreUnfold
29import Id
30import Literal
31import Module
32import Name
33import Type
34import RepType
35import TyCon
36import Coercion
37import TcEnv
38import TcType
40import CmmExpr
41import CmmUtils
42import HscTypes
43import ForeignCall
44import TysWiredIn
45import TysPrim
46import PrelNames
47import BasicTypes
48import SrcLoc
49import Outputable
50import FastString
51import DynFlags
52import GHC.Platform
53import OrdList
54import Pair
55import Util
56import Hooks
57import Encoding
59import Data.Maybe
60import Data.List
63Desugaring of @foreign@ declarations is naturally split up into
64parts, an @import@ and an @export@  part. A @foreign import@
67  foreign import cc nm f :: prim_args -> IO prim_res
69is the same as
71  f :: prim_args -> IO prim_res
72  f a1 ... an = _ccall_ nm cc a1 ... an
74so we reuse the desugaring code in @DsCCall@ to deal with these.
77type Binding = (Id, CoreExpr) -- No rec/nonrec structure;
78                              -- the occurrence analyser will sort it all out
80dsForeigns :: [LForeignDecl GhcTc]
81           -> DsM (ForeignStubs, OrdList Binding)
82dsForeigns fos = getHooked dsForeignsHook dsForeigns' >>= ($ fos)
84dsForeigns' :: [LForeignDecl GhcTc]
85            -> DsM (ForeignStubs, OrdList Binding)
86dsForeigns' []
87  = return (NoStubs, nilOL)
88dsForeigns' fos = do
89    mod <- getModule
90    fives <- mapM do_ldecl fos
91    let
92        (hs, cs, idss, bindss) = unzip4 fives
93        fe_ids = concat idss
94        fe_init_code = foreignExportsInitialiser mod fe_ids
95    --
96    return (ForeignStubs
97             (vcat hs)
98             (vcat cs $$ fe_init_code),
99            foldr (appOL . toOL) nilOL bindss)
100  where
101   do_ldecl (dL->L loc decl) = putSrcSpanDs loc (do_decl decl)
103   do_decl (ForeignImport { fd_name = id, fd_i_ext = co, fd_fi = spec }) = do
104      traceIf (text "fi start" <+> ppr id)
105      let id' = unLoc id
106      (bs, h, c) <- dsFImport id' co spec
107      traceIf (text "fi end" <+> ppr id)
108      return (h, c, [], bs)
110   do_decl (ForeignExport { fd_name = (dL->L _ id)
111                          , fd_e_ext = co
112                          , fd_fe = CExport
113                              (dL->L _ (CExportStatic _ ext_nm cconv)) _ }) = do
114      (h, c, _, _) <- dsFExport id co ext_nm cconv False
115      return (h, c, [id], [])
116   do_decl (XForeignDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
120*                                                                      *
121\subsection{Foreign import}
122*                                                                      *
125Desugaring foreign imports is just the matter of creating a binding
126that on its RHS unboxes its arguments, performs the external call
127(using the @CCallOp@ primop), before boxing the result up and returning it.
129However, we create a worker/wrapper pair, thus:
131        foreign import f :: Int -> IO Int
133        f x = IO ( \s -> case x of { I# x# ->
134                         case fw s x# of { (# s1, y# #) ->
135                         (# s1, I# y# #)}})
137        fw s x# = ccall f s x#
139The strictness/CPR analyser won't do this automatically because it doesn't look
140inside returned tuples; but inlining this wrapper is a Really Good Idea
141because it exposes the boxing to the call site.
144dsFImport :: Id
145          -> Coercion
146          -> ForeignImport
147          -> DsM ([Binding], SDoc, SDoc)
148dsFImport id co (CImport cconv safety mHeader spec _) =
149    dsCImport id co spec (unLoc cconv) (unLoc safety) mHeader
151dsCImport :: Id
152          -> Coercion
153          -> CImportSpec
154          -> CCallConv
155          -> Safety
156          -> Maybe Header
157          -> DsM ([Binding], SDoc, SDoc)
158dsCImport id co (CLabel cid) cconv _ _ = do
159   dflags <- getDynFlags
160   let ty  = pFst $ coercionKind co
161       fod = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (dropForAlls ty) of
162             Just tycon
163              | tyConUnique tycon == funPtrTyConKey ->
164                 IsFunction
165             _ -> IsData
166   (resTy, foRhs) <- resultWrapper ty
167   ASSERT(fromJust resTy `eqType` addrPrimTy)    -- typechecker ensures this
168    let
169        rhs = foRhs (Lit (LitLabel cid stdcall_info fod))
170        rhs' = Cast rhs co
171        stdcall_info = fun_type_arg_stdcall_info dflags cconv ty
172    in
173    return ([(id, rhs')], empty, empty)
175dsCImport id co (CFunction target) cconv@PrimCallConv safety _
176  = dsPrimCall id co (CCall (mkCCallSpec target cconv safety
177                                         (panic "Missing Return PrimRep")
178                                         (panic "Missing Argument PrimReps")))
179dsCImport id co (CFunction target) cconv safety mHeader
180  = dsFCall id co (CCall (mkCCallSpec target cconv safety
181                                      (panic "Missing Return PrimRep")
182                                      (panic "Missing Argument PrimReps"))) mHeader
183dsCImport id co CWrapper cconv _ _
184  = dsFExportDynamic id co cconv
186-- For stdcall labels, if the type was a FunPtr or newtype thereof,
187-- then we need to calculate the size of the arguments in order to add
188-- the @n suffix to the label.
189fun_type_arg_stdcall_info :: DynFlags -> CCallConv -> Type -> Maybe Int
190fun_type_arg_stdcall_info dflags StdCallConv ty
191  | Just (tc,[arg_ty]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty,
192    tyConUnique tc == funPtrTyConKey
193  = let
194       (bndrs, _) = tcSplitPiTys arg_ty
195       fe_arg_tys = mapMaybe binderRelevantType_maybe bndrs
196    in Just $ sum (map (widthInBytes . typeWidth . typeCmmType dflags . getPrimTyOf) fe_arg_tys)
197fun_type_arg_stdcall_info _ _other_conv _
198  = Nothing
202*                                                                      *
203\subsection{Foreign calls}
204*                                                                      *
208dsFCall :: Id -> Coercion -> ForeignCall -> Maybe Header
209        -> DsM ([(Id, Expr TyVar)], SDoc, SDoc)
210dsFCall fn_id co (CCall (CCallSpec target cconv safety _ _)) mDeclHeader = do
211    let
212        ty                   = pFst $ coercionKind co
213        (tv_bndrs, rho)      = tcSplitForAllVarBndrs ty
214        (arg_tys, io_res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys rho
216    args <- newSysLocalsDs arg_tys  -- no FFI levity-polymorphism
217    (val_args, arg_wrappers) <- mapAndUnzipM unboxArg (map Var args)
219    let
220        work_arg_ids  = [v | Var v <- val_args] -- All guaranteed to be vars
222    (ccall_result_ty, res_wrapper) <- boxResult io_res_ty
224    ccall_uniq <- newUnique
225    work_uniq  <- newUnique
227    dflags <- getDynFlags
229    let
230      fcall = CCall (mkCCallSpec target cconv safety io_res_ty arg_tys)
232    (fcall', cDoc) <- case fcall of
233              CCall (CCallSpec (StaticTarget _ cName mUnitId isFun)
234                               CApiConv safety _ _) ->
235               do wrapperName <- mkWrapperName "ghc_wrapper" (unpackFS cName)
236                  let fcall' = CCall (mkCCallSpec
237                                      (StaticTarget NoSourceText
238                                                    wrapperName mUnitId
239                                                    True)
240                                      CApiConv safety io_res_ty arg_tys)
241                      c = includes
242                       $$ fun_proto <+> braces (cRet <> semi)
243                      includes = vcat [ text "#include \"" <> ftext h
244                                        <> text "\""
245                                      | Header _ h <- nub headers ]
246                      fun_proto = cResType <+> pprCconv <+> ppr wrapperName <> parens argTypes
247                      cRet
248                       | isVoidRes =                   cCall
249                       | otherwise = text "return" <+> cCall
250                      cCall = if isFun
251                              then ppr cName <> parens argVals
252                              else if null arg_tys
253                                    then ppr cName
254                                    else panic "dsFCall: Unexpected arguments to FFI value import"
255                      raw_res_ty = case tcSplitIOType_maybe io_res_ty of
256                                   Just (_ioTyCon, res_ty) -> res_ty
257                                   Nothing                 -> io_res_ty
258                      isVoidRes = raw_res_ty `eqType` unitTy
259                      (mHeader, cResType)
260                       | isVoidRes = (Nothing, text "void")
261                       | otherwise = toCType raw_res_ty
262                      pprCconv = ccallConvAttribute CApiConv
263                      mHeadersArgTypeList
264                          = [ (header, cType <+> char 'a' <> int n)
265                            | (t, n) <- zip arg_tys [1..]
266                            , let (header, cType) = toCType t ]
267                      (mHeaders, argTypeList) = unzip mHeadersArgTypeList
268                      argTypes = if null argTypeList
269                                 then text "void"
270                                 else hsep $ punctuate comma argTypeList
271                      mHeaders' = mDeclHeader : mHeader : mHeaders
272                      headers = catMaybes mHeaders'
273                      argVals = hsep $ punctuate comma
274                                    [ char 'a' <> int n
275                                    | (_, n) <- zip arg_tys [1..] ]
276                  return (fcall', c)
277              _ ->
278                  return (fcall, empty)
279    let
280        -- Build the worker
281        worker_ty     = mkForAllTys tv_bndrs (mkVisFunTys (map idType work_arg_ids) ccall_result_ty)
282        tvs           = map binderVar tv_bndrs
283        the_ccall_app = mkFCall dflags ccall_uniq fcall' val_args ccall_result_ty
284        work_rhs      = mkLams tvs (mkLams work_arg_ids the_ccall_app)
285        work_id       = mkSysLocal (fsLit "$wccall") work_uniq worker_ty
287        -- Build the wrapper
288        work_app     = mkApps (mkVarApps (Var work_id) tvs) val_args
289        wrapper_body = foldr ($) (res_wrapper work_app) arg_wrappers
290        wrap_rhs     = mkLams (tvs ++ args) wrapper_body
291        wrap_rhs'    = Cast wrap_rhs co
292        fn_id_w_inl  = fn_id `setIdUnfolding` mkInlineUnfoldingWithArity
293                                                (length args) wrap_rhs'
295    return ([(work_id, work_rhs), (fn_id_w_inl, wrap_rhs')], empty, cDoc)
299*                                                                      *
300\subsection{Primitive calls}
301*                                                                      *
304This is for `@foreign import prim@' declarations.
306Currently, at the core level we pretend that these primitive calls are
307foreign calls. It may make more sense in future to have them as a distinct
308kind of Id, or perhaps to bundle them with PrimOps since semantically and
309for calling convention they are really prim ops.
312dsPrimCall :: Id -> Coercion -> ForeignCall
313           -> DsM ([(Id, Expr TyVar)], SDoc, SDoc)
314dsPrimCall fn_id co (CCall (CCallSpec target cconv safety _ _)) = do
315    let
316        ty                   = pFst $ coercionKind co
317        (tvs, fun_ty)        = tcSplitForAllTys ty
318        (arg_tys, io_res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys fun_ty
320    args <- newSysLocalsDs arg_tys  -- no FFI levity-polymorphism
322    ccall_uniq <- newUnique
323    dflags <- getDynFlags
324    let
325        fcall = CCall (mkCCallSpec target cconv safety io_res_ty arg_tys)
326        call_app = mkFCall dflags ccall_uniq fcall (map Var args) io_res_ty
327        rhs      = mkLams tvs (mkLams args call_app)
328        rhs'     = Cast rhs co
329    return ([(fn_id, rhs')], empty, empty)
333*                                                                      *
334\subsection{Foreign export}
335*                                                                      *
338The function that does most of the work for `@foreign export@' declarations.
339(see below for the boilerplate code a `@foreign export@' declaration expands
340 into.)
342For each `@foreign export foo@' in a module M we generate:
344\item a C function `@foo@', which calls
345\item a Haskell stub `@M.\$ffoo@', which calls
347the user-written Haskell function `@M.foo@'.
350dsFExport :: Id                 -- Either the exported Id,
351                                -- or the foreign-export-dynamic constructor
352          -> Coercion           -- Coercion between the Haskell type callable
353                                -- from C, and its representation type
354          -> CLabelString       -- The name to export to C land
355          -> CCallConv
356          -> Bool               -- True => foreign export dynamic
357                                --         so invoke IO action that's hanging off
358                                --         the first argument's stable pointer
359          -> DsM ( SDoc         -- contents of Module_stub.h
360                 , SDoc         -- contents of Module_stub.c
361                 , String       -- string describing type to pass to createAdj.
362                 , Int          -- size of args to stub function
363                 )
365dsFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv isDyn = do
366    let
367       ty                     = pSnd $ coercionKind co
368       (bndrs, orig_res_ty)   = tcSplitPiTys ty
369       fe_arg_tys'            = mapMaybe binderRelevantType_maybe bndrs
370       -- We must use tcSplits here, because we want to see
371       -- the (IO t) in the corner of the type!
372       fe_arg_tys | isDyn     = tail fe_arg_tys'
373                  | otherwise = fe_arg_tys'
375       -- Look at the result type of the exported function, orig_res_ty
376       -- If it's IO t, return         (t, True)
377       -- If it's plain t, return      (t, False)
378       (res_ty, is_IO_res_ty) = case tcSplitIOType_maybe orig_res_ty of
379                                -- The function already returns IO t
380                                Just (_ioTyCon, res_ty) -> (res_ty, True)
381                                -- The function returns t
382                                Nothing                 -> (orig_res_ty, False)
384    dflags <- getDynFlags
385    return $
386      mkFExportCBits dflags ext_name
387                     (if isDyn then Nothing else Just fn_id)
388                     fe_arg_tys res_ty is_IO_res_ty cconv
391@foreign import "wrapper"@ (previously "foreign export dynamic") lets
392you dress up Haskell IO actions of some fixed type behind an
393externally callable interface (i.e., as a C function pointer). Useful
394for callbacks and stuff.
397type Fun = Bool -> Int -> IO Int
398foreign import "wrapper" f :: Fun -> IO (FunPtr Fun)
400-- Haskell-visible constructor, which is generated from the above:
401-- SUP: No check for NULL from createAdjustor anymore???
403f :: Fun -> IO (FunPtr Fun)
404f cback =
405   bindIO (newStablePtr cback)
406          (\StablePtr sp# -> IO (\s1# ->
407              case _ccall_ createAdjustor cconv sp# ``f_helper'' <arg info> s1# of
408                 (# s2#, a# #) -> (# s2#, A# a# #)))
410foreign import "&f_helper" f_helper :: FunPtr (StablePtr Fun -> Fun)
412-- and the helper in C: (approximately; see `mkFExportCBits` below)
414f_helper(StablePtr s, HsBool b, HsInt i)
416        Capability *cap;
417        cap = rts_lock();
418        rts_evalIO(&cap,
419                   rts_apply(rts_apply(deRefStablePtr(s),
420                                       rts_mkBool(b)), rts_mkInt(i)));
421        rts_unlock(cap);
426dsFExportDynamic :: Id
427                 -> Coercion
428                 -> CCallConv
429                 -> DsM ([Binding], SDoc, SDoc)
430dsFExportDynamic id co0 cconv = do
431    mod <- getModule
432    dflags <- getDynFlags
433    let fe_nm = mkFastString $ zEncodeString
434            (moduleStableString mod ++ "$" ++ toCName dflags id)
435        -- Construct the label based on the passed id, don't use names
436        -- depending on Unique. See #13807 and Note [Unique Determinism].
437    cback <- newSysLocalDs arg_ty
438    newStablePtrId <- dsLookupGlobalId newStablePtrName
439    stable_ptr_tycon <- dsLookupTyCon stablePtrTyConName
440    let
441        stable_ptr_ty = mkTyConApp stable_ptr_tycon [arg_ty]
442        export_ty     = mkVisFunTy stable_ptr_ty arg_ty
443    bindIOId <- dsLookupGlobalId bindIOName
444    stbl_value <- newSysLocalDs stable_ptr_ty
445    (h_code, c_code, typestring, args_size) <- dsFExport id (mkRepReflCo export_ty) fe_nm cconv True
446    let
447         {-
448          The arguments to the external function which will
449          create a little bit of (template) code on the fly
450          for allowing the (stable pointed) Haskell closure
451          to be entered using an external calling convention
452          (stdcall, ccall).
453         -}
454        adj_args      = [ mkIntLitInt dflags (ccallConvToInt cconv)
455                        , Var stbl_value
456                        , Lit (LitLabel fe_nm mb_sz_args IsFunction)
457                        , Lit (mkLitString typestring)
458                        ]
459          -- name of external entry point providing these services.
460          -- (probably in the RTS.)
461        adjustor   = fsLit "createAdjustor"
463          -- Determine the number of bytes of arguments to the stub function,
464          -- so that we can attach the '@N' suffix to its label if it is a
465          -- stdcall on Windows.
466        mb_sz_args = case cconv of
467                        StdCallConv -> Just args_size
468                        _           -> Nothing
470    ccall_adj <- dsCCall adjustor adj_args PlayRisky (mkTyConApp io_tc [res_ty])
471        -- PlayRisky: the adjustor doesn't allocate in the Haskell heap or do a callback
473    let io_app = mkLams tvs                  $
474                 Lam cback                   $
475                 mkApps (Var bindIOId)
476                        [ Type stable_ptr_ty
477                        , Type res_ty
478                        , mkApps (Var newStablePtrId) [ Type arg_ty, Var cback ]
479                        , Lam stbl_value ccall_adj
480                        ]
482        fed = (id `setInlineActivation` NeverActive, Cast io_app co0)
483               -- Never inline the f.e.d. function, because the litlit
484               -- might not be in scope in other modules.
486    return ([fed], h_code, c_code)
488 where
489  ty                       = pFst (coercionKind co0)
490  (tvs,sans_foralls)       = tcSplitForAllTys ty
491  ([arg_ty], fn_res_ty)    = tcSplitFunTys sans_foralls
492  Just (io_tc, res_ty)     = tcSplitIOType_maybe fn_res_ty
493        -- Must have an IO type; hence Just
496toCName :: DynFlags -> Id -> String
497toCName dflags i = showSDoc dflags (pprCode CStyle (ppr (idName i)))
502\subsection{Generating @foreign export@ stubs}
506For each @foreign export@ function, a C stub function is generated.
507The C stub constructs the application of the exported Haskell function
508using the hugs/ghc rts invocation API.
511mkFExportCBits :: DynFlags
512               -> FastString
513               -> Maybe Id      -- Just==static, Nothing==dynamic
514               -> [Type]
515               -> Type
516               -> Bool          -- True <=> returns an IO type
517               -> CCallConv
518               -> (SDoc,
519                   SDoc,
520                   String,      -- the argument reps
521                   Int          -- total size of arguments
522                  )
523mkFExportCBits dflags c_nm maybe_target arg_htys res_hty is_IO_res_ty cc
524 = (header_bits, c_bits, type_string,
525    sum [ widthInBytes (typeWidth rep) | (_,_,_,rep) <- aug_arg_info] -- all the args
526         -- NB. the calculation here isn't strictly speaking correct.
527         -- We have a primitive Haskell type (eg. Int#, Double#), and
528         -- we want to know the size, when passed on the C stack, of
529         -- the associated C type (eg. HsInt, HsDouble).  We don't have
530         -- this information to hand, but we know what GHC's conventions
531         -- are for passing around the primitive Haskell types, so we
532         -- use that instead.  I hope the two coincide --SDM
533    )
534 where
535  -- list the arguments to the C function
536  arg_info :: [(SDoc,           -- arg name
537                SDoc,           -- C type
538                Type,           -- Haskell type
539                CmmType)]       -- the CmmType
540  arg_info  = [ let stg_type = showStgType ty in
541                (arg_cname n stg_type,
542                 stg_type,
543                 ty,
544                 typeCmmType dflags (getPrimTyOf ty))
545              | (ty,n) <- zip arg_htys [1::Int ..] ]
547  arg_cname n stg_ty
548        | libffi    = char '*' <> parens (stg_ty <> char '*') <>
549                      text "args" <> brackets (int (n-1))
550        | otherwise = text ('a':show n)
552  -- generate a libffi-style stub if this is a "wrapper" and libffi is enabled
553  libffi = platformMisc_libFFI (platformMisc dflags) && isNothing maybe_target
555  type_string
556      -- libffi needs to know the result type too:
557      | libffi    = primTyDescChar dflags res_hty : arg_type_string
558      | otherwise = arg_type_string
560  arg_type_string = [primTyDescChar dflags ty | (_,_,ty,_) <- arg_info]
561                -- just the real args
563  -- add some auxiliary args; the stable ptr in the wrapper case, and
564  -- a slot for the dummy return address in the wrapper + ccall case
565  aug_arg_info
566    | isNothing maybe_target = stable_ptr_arg : insertRetAddr dflags cc arg_info
567    | otherwise              = arg_info
569  stable_ptr_arg =
570        (text "the_stableptr", text "StgStablePtr", undefined,
571         typeCmmType dflags (mkStablePtrPrimTy alphaTy))
573  -- stuff to do with the return type of the C function
574  res_hty_is_unit = res_hty `eqType` unitTy     -- Look through any newtypes
576  cResType | res_hty_is_unit = text "void"
577           | otherwise       = showStgType res_hty
579  -- when the return type is integral and word-sized or smaller, it
580  -- must be assigned as type ffi_arg (#3516).  To see what type
581  -- libffi is expecting here, take a look in its own testsuite, e.g.
582  -- libffi/testsuite/libffi.call/cls_align_ulonglong.c
583  ffi_cResType
584     | is_ffi_arg_type = text "ffi_arg"
585     | otherwise       = cResType
586     where
587       res_ty_key = getUnique (getName (typeTyCon res_hty))
588       is_ffi_arg_type = res_ty_key `notElem`
589              [floatTyConKey, doubleTyConKey,
590               int64TyConKey, word64TyConKey]
592  -- Now we can cook up the prototype for the exported function.
593  pprCconv = ccallConvAttribute cc
595  header_bits = text "extern" <+> fun_proto <> semi
597  fun_args
598    | null aug_arg_info = text "void"
599    | otherwise         = hsep $ punctuate comma
600                               $ map (\(nm,ty,_,_) -> ty <+> nm) aug_arg_info
602  fun_proto
603    | libffi
604      = text "void" <+> ftext c_nm <>
605          parens (text "void *cif STG_UNUSED, void* resp, void** args, void* the_stableptr")
606    | otherwise
607      = cResType <+> pprCconv <+> ftext c_nm <> parens fun_args
609  -- the target which will form the root of what we ask rts_evalIO to run
610  the_cfun
611     = case maybe_target of
612          Nothing    -> text "(StgClosure*)deRefStablePtr(the_stableptr)"
613          Just hs_fn -> char '&' <> ppr hs_fn <> text "_closure"
615  cap = text "cap" <> comma
617  -- the expression we give to rts_evalIO
618  expr_to_run
619     = foldl' appArg the_cfun arg_info -- NOT aug_arg_info
620       where
621          appArg acc (arg_cname, _, arg_hty, _)
622             = text "rts_apply"
623               <> parens (cap <> acc <> comma <> mkHObj arg_hty <> parens (cap <> arg_cname))
625  -- various other bits for inside the fn
626  declareResult = text "HaskellObj ret;"
627  declareCResult | res_hty_is_unit = empty
628                 | otherwise       = cResType <+> text "cret;"
630  assignCResult | res_hty_is_unit = empty
631                | otherwise       =
632                        text "cret=" <> unpackHObj res_hty <> parens (text "ret") <> semi
634  -- an extern decl for the fn being called
635  extern_decl
636     = case maybe_target of
637          Nothing -> empty
638          Just hs_fn -> text "extern StgClosure " <> ppr hs_fn <> text "_closure" <> semi
641  -- finally, the whole darn thing
642  c_bits =
643    space $$
644    extern_decl $$
645    fun_proto  $$
646    vcat
647     [ lbrace
648     ,   text "Capability *cap;"
649     ,   declareResult
650     ,   declareCResult
651     ,   text "cap = rts_lock();"
652          -- create the application + perform it.
653     ,   text "rts_evalIO" <> parens (
654                char '&' <> cap <>
655                text "rts_apply" <> parens (
656                    cap <>
657                    text "(HaskellObj)"
658                 <> ptext (if is_IO_res_ty
659                                then (sLit "runIO_closure")
660                                else (sLit "runNonIO_closure"))
661                 <> comma
662                 <> expr_to_run
663                ) <+> comma
664               <> text "&ret"
665             ) <> semi
666     ,   text "rts_checkSchedStatus" <> parens (doubleQuotes (ftext c_nm)
667                                                <> comma <> text "cap") <> semi
668     ,   assignCResult
669     ,   text "rts_unlock(cap);"
670     ,   ppUnless res_hty_is_unit $
671         if libffi
672                  then char '*' <> parens (ffi_cResType <> char '*') <>
673                       text "resp = cret;"
674                  else text "return cret;"
675     , rbrace
676     ]
679foreignExportsInitialiser :: Module -> [Id] -> SDoc
680foreignExportsInitialiser mod hs_fns =
681   -- Initialise foreign exports by registering a stable pointer from an
682   -- __attribute__((constructor)) function.
683   -- The alternative is to do this from stginit functions generated in
684   -- codeGen/CodeGen.hs; however, stginit functions have a negative impact
685   -- on binary sizes and link times because the static linker will think that
686   -- all modules that are imported directly or indirectly are actually used by
687   -- the program.
688   -- (this is bad for big umbrella modules like Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL)
689   --
690   -- See Note [Tracking foreign exports] in rts/ForeignExports.c
691   vcat
692    [ text "static struct ForeignExportsList" <+> list_symbol <+> equals
693         <+> braces (
694           text ".exports = " <+> export_list <> comma <+>
695           text ".n_entries = " <+> ppr (length hs_fns))
696         <> semi
697    , text "static void " <> ctor_symbol <> text "(void)"
698         <+> text " __attribute__((constructor));"
699    , text "static void " <> ctor_symbol <> text "()"
700    , braces (text "registerForeignExports" <> parens (char '&' <> list_symbol) <> semi)
701    ]
702  where
703    mod_str = pprModuleName (moduleName mod)
704    ctor_symbol = text "stginit_export_" <> mod_str
705    list_symbol = text "stg_exports_" <> mod_str
706    export_list = braces $ pprWithCommas closure_ptr hs_fns
708    closure_ptr :: Id -> SDoc
709    closure_ptr fn = text "(StgPtr) &" <> ppr fn <> text "_closure"
712mkHObj :: Type -> SDoc
713mkHObj t = text "rts_mk" <> text (showFFIType t)
715unpackHObj :: Type -> SDoc
716unpackHObj t = text "rts_get" <> text (showFFIType t)
718showStgType :: Type -> SDoc
719showStgType t = text "Hs" <> text (showFFIType t)
721showFFIType :: Type -> String
722showFFIType t = getOccString (getName (typeTyCon t))
724toCType :: Type -> (Maybe Header, SDoc)
725toCType = f False
726    where f voidOK t
727           -- First, if we have (Ptr t) of (FunPtr t), then we need to
728           -- convert t to a C type and put a * after it. If we don't
729           -- know a type for t, then "void" is fine, though.
730           | Just (ptr, [t']) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t
731           , tyConName ptr `elem` [ptrTyConName, funPtrTyConName]
732              = case f True t' of
733                (mh, cType') ->
734                    (mh, cType' <> char '*')
735           -- Otherwise, if we have a type constructor application, then
736           -- see if there is a C type associated with that constructor.
737           -- Note that we aren't looking through type synonyms or
738           -- anything, as it may be the synonym that is annotated.
739           | Just tycon <- tyConAppTyConPicky_maybe t
740           , Just (CType _ mHeader (_,cType)) <- tyConCType_maybe tycon
741              = (mHeader, ftext cType)
742           -- If we don't know a C type for this type, then try looking
743           -- through one layer of type synonym etc.
744           | Just t' <- coreView t
745              = f voidOK t'
746           -- This may be an 'UnliftedFFITypes'-style ByteArray# argument
747           -- (which is marshalled like a Ptr)
748           | Just byteArrayPrimTyCon        == tyConAppTyConPicky_maybe t
749              = (Nothing, text "const void*")
750           | Just mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon == tyConAppTyConPicky_maybe t
751              = (Nothing, text "void*")
752           -- Otherwise we don't know the C type. If we are allowing
753           -- void then return that; otherwise something has gone wrong.
754           | voidOK = (Nothing, text "void")
755           | otherwise
756              = pprPanic "toCType" (ppr t)
758typeTyCon :: Type -> TyCon
759typeTyCon ty
760  | Just (tc, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe (unwrapType ty)
761  = tc
762  | otherwise
763  = pprPanic "DsForeign.typeTyCon" (ppr ty)
765insertRetAddr :: DynFlags -> CCallConv
766              -> [(SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)]
767              -> [(SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)]
768insertRetAddr dflags CCallConv args
769    = case platformArch platform of
770      ArchX86_64
771       | platformOS platform == OSMinGW32 ->
772          -- On other Windows x86_64 we insert the return address
773          -- after the 4th argument, because this is the point
774          -- at which we need to flush a register argument to the stack
775          -- (See rts/Adjustor.c for details).
776          let go :: Int -> [(SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)]
777                        -> [(SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)]
778              go 4 args = ret_addr_arg dflags : args
779              go n (arg:args) = arg : go (n+1) args
780              go _ [] = []
781          in go 0 args
782       | otherwise ->
783          -- On other x86_64 platforms we insert the return address
784          -- after the 6th integer argument, because this is the point
785          -- at which we need to flush a register argument to the stack
786          -- (See rts/Adjustor.c for details).
787          let go :: Int -> [(SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)]
788                        -> [(SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)]
789              go 6 args = ret_addr_arg dflags : args
790              go n (arg@(_,_,_,rep):args)
791               | cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood rep b64 = arg : go (n+1) args
792               | otherwise  = arg : go n     args
793              go _ [] = []
794          in go 0 args
795      _ ->
796          ret_addr_arg dflags : args
797    where platform = targetPlatform dflags
798insertRetAddr _ _ args = args
800ret_addr_arg :: DynFlags -> (SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)
801ret_addr_arg dflags = (text "original_return_addr", text "void*", undefined,
802                       typeCmmType dflags addrPrimTy)
804-- This function returns the primitive type associated with the boxed
805-- type argument to a foreign export (eg. Int ==> Int#).
806getPrimTyOf :: Type -> UnaryType
807getPrimTyOf ty
808  | isBoolTy rep_ty = intPrimTy
809  -- Except for Bool, the types we are interested in have a single constructor
810  -- with a single primitive-typed argument (see TcType.legalFEArgTyCon).
811  | otherwise =
812  case splitDataProductType_maybe rep_ty of
813     Just (_, _, data_con, [prim_ty]) ->
814        ASSERT(dataConSourceArity data_con == 1)
815        ASSERT2(isUnliftedType prim_ty, ppr prim_ty)
816        prim_ty
817     _other -> pprPanic "DsForeign.getPrimTyOf" (ppr ty)
818  where
819        rep_ty = unwrapType ty
821-- represent a primitive type as a Char, for building a string that
822-- described the foreign function type.  The types are size-dependent,
823-- e.g. 'W' is a signed 32-bit integer.
824primTyDescChar :: DynFlags -> Type -> Char
825primTyDescChar dflags ty
826 | ty `eqType` unitTy = 'v'
827 | otherwise
828 = case typePrimRep1 (getPrimTyOf ty) of
829     IntRep      -> signed_word
830     WordRep     -> unsigned_word
831     Int8Rep     -> 'B'
832     Word8Rep    -> 'b'
833     Int16Rep    -> 'S'
834     Word16Rep   -> 's'
835     Int32Rep    -> 'W'
836     Word32Rep   -> 'w'
837     Int64Rep    -> 'L'
838     Word64Rep   -> 'l'
839     AddrRep     -> 'p'
840     FloatRep    -> 'f'
841     DoubleRep   -> 'd'
842     _           -> pprPanic "primTyDescChar" (ppr ty)
843  where
844    (signed_word, unsigned_word)
845       | wORD_SIZE dflags == 4  = ('W','w')
846       | wORD_SIZE dflags == 8  = ('L','l')
847       | otherwise              = panic "primTyDescChar"