1 use der_parser::ber::*;
2 use der_parser::error::*;
3 use der_parser::oid::*;
4 use hex_literal::hex;
5 use nom::Err;
6 // use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
7 use test_case::test_case;
9 #[cfg(feature = "bigint")]
10 use num_bigint::{BigInt, BigUint, Sign};
12 #[test_case(&hex!("01 01 00"), Some(false) ; "val true")]
13 #[test_case(&hex!("01 01 ff"), Some(true) ; "val false")]
14 #[test_case(&hex!("01 01 7f"), Some(true) ; "true not ff")]
15 #[test_case(&hex!("01 02 00 00"), None ; "invalid length")]
16 #[test_case(&hex!("01 01"), None ; "incomplete")]
tc_ber_bool(i: &[u8], out: Option<bool>)17 fn tc_ber_bool(i: &[u8], out: Option<bool>) {
18     let res = parse_ber_bool(i);
19     if let Some(b) = out {
20         let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(b));
21         pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Ok((&b""[..], expected)));
22     } else {
23         assert!(res.is_err());
24     }
25 }
27 #[test]
test_ber_bool()28 fn test_ber_bool() {
29     let empty = &b""[..];
30     let b_true = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(true));
31     let b_false = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(false));
32     assert_eq!(parse_ber_bool(&[0x01, 0x01, 0x00]), Ok((empty, b_false)));
33     assert_eq!(
34         parse_ber_bool(&[0x01, 0x01, 0xff]),
35         Ok((empty, b_true.clone()))
36     );
37     assert_eq!(parse_ber_bool(&[0x01, 0x01, 0x7f]), Ok((empty, b_true)));
38     assert_eq!(
39         parse_ber_bool(&[0x01, 0x02, 0x12, 0x34]),
40         Err(Err::Error(BerError::InvalidLength))
41     );
42 }
44 #[test]
test_seq_indefinite_length()45 fn test_seq_indefinite_length() {
46     let data = hex!("30 80 04 03 56 78 90 00 00 02 01 01");
47     let res = parse_ber(&data);
48     assert_eq!(
49         res,
50         Ok((
51             &data[9..],
52             BerObject::from_seq(vec![BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::OctetString(
53                 &data[4..=6]
54             )),])
55         ))
56     );
57     let res = parse_ber_sequence(&data);
58     assert_eq!(
59         res,
60         Ok((
61             &data[9..],
62             BerObject::from_seq(vec![BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::OctetString(
63                 &data[4..=6]
64             )),])
65         ))
66     );
67 }
69 #[test]
test_ber_set_of()70 fn test_ber_set_of() {
71     let empty = &b""[..];
72     let bytes = [
73         0x31, 0x0a, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
74     ];
75     let expected = BerObject::from_set(vec![
76         BerObject::from_int_slice(b"\x01\x00\x01"),
77         BerObject::from_int_slice(b"\x01\x00\x00"),
78     ]);
79     fn parser(i: &[u8]) -> BerResult {
80         parse_ber_set_of(parse_ber_integer)(i)
81     }
82     assert_eq!(parser(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
83     // empty input should raise error (could not read set header)
84     assert!(parser(&[]).is_err());
85     // empty set is ok (returns empty vec)
86     assert!(parser(&[0x31, 0x00]).is_ok());
87 }
89 #[test]
test_ber_set_of_v()90 fn test_ber_set_of_v() {
91     let empty = &b""[..];
92     let bytes = [
93         0x31, 0x0a, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
94     ];
95     let expected = vec![
96         BerObject::from_int_slice(b"\x01\x00\x01"),
97         BerObject::from_int_slice(b"\x01\x00\x00"),
98     ];
99     fn parser(i: &[u8]) -> BerResult<Vec<BerObject>> {
100         parse_ber_set_of_v(parse_ber_integer)(i)
101     }
102     assert_eq!(parser(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
103     // empty input should raise error (could not read set header)
104     assert!(parser(&[]).is_err());
105     // empty set is ok (returns empty vec)
106     assert_eq!(parser(&[0x31, 0x00]), Ok((empty, vec![])));
107 }
109 #[test]
test_set_indefinite_length()110 fn test_set_indefinite_length() {
111     let data = hex!("31 80 04 03 56 78 90 00 00");
112     let res = parse_ber(&data);
113     assert_eq!(
114         res,
115         Ok((
116             &data[9..],
117             BerObject::from_set(vec![BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::OctetString(
118                 &data[4..=6]
119             )),])
120         ))
121     );
122     let res = parse_ber_set(&data);
123     assert_eq!(
124         res,
125         Ok((
126             &data[9..],
127             BerObject::from_set(vec![BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::OctetString(
128                 &data[4..=6]
129             )),])
130         ))
131     );
132 }
134 #[test]
test_ber_int()135 fn test_ber_int() {
136     let empty = &b""[..];
137     let bytes = [0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01];
138     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Integer(b"\x01\x00\x01"));
139     assert_eq!(parse_ber_integer(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
140 }
142 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 01"), Ok(1) ; "u32-1")]
143 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 00 ff"), Ok(255) ; "u32-255")]
144 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 01 23"), Ok(0x123) ; "u32-0x123")]
145 #[test_case(&hex!("02 04 01 23 45 67"), Ok(0x0123_4567) ; "u32-long-ok")]
146 #[test_case(&hex!("02 05 00 ff ff ff ff"), Ok(0xffff_ffff) ; "u32-long2-ok")]
147 #[test_case(&hex!("02 06 00 00 01 23 45 67"), Ok(0x0123_4567) ; "u32-long-leading-zeros-ok")]
148 #[test_case(&hex!("02 05 01 23 45 67 01"), Err(BerError::IntegerTooLarge) ; "u32 too large")]
149 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab"), Err(BerError::IntegerTooLarge) ; "u32 too large 2")]
150 #[test_case(&hex!("03 03 01 00 01"), Err(BerError::InvalidTag) ; "invalid tag")]
tc_ber_u32(i: &[u8], out: Result<u32, BerError>)151 fn tc_ber_u32(i: &[u8], out: Result<u32, BerError>) {
152     let res = parse_ber_u32(i);
153     match out {
154         Ok(expected) => {
155             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Ok((&b""[..], expected)));
156         }
157         Err(e) => {
158             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(Err::Error(e)));
159         }
160     }
161 }
163 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 01"), Ok(1) ; "u64-1")]
164 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 00 ff"), Ok(255) ; "u64-255")]
165 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 01 23"), Ok(0x123) ; "u64-0x123")]
166 #[test_case(&hex!("02 08 01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67"), Ok(0x0123_4567_0123_4567) ; "u64-long-ok")]
167 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff"), Ok(0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff) ; "u64-long2-ok")]
168 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab"), Err(BerError::IntegerTooLarge) ; "u64 too large")]
169 #[test_case(&hex!("03 03 01 00 01"), Err(BerError::InvalidTag) ; "invalid tag")]
tc_ber_u64(i: &[u8], out: Result<u64, BerError>)170 fn tc_ber_u64(i: &[u8], out: Result<u64, BerError>) {
171     let res = parse_ber_u64(i);
172     match out {
173         Ok(expected) => {
174             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Ok((&b""[..], expected)));
175         }
176         Err(e) => {
177             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(Err::Error(e)));
178         }
179     }
180 }
182 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 01"), Ok(1) ; "i64-1")]
183 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 ff"), Ok(-1) ; "i64-neg1")]
184 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 80"), Ok(-128) ; "i64-neg128")]
185 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 ff 7f"), Ok(-129) ; "i64-neg129")]
186 #[test_case(&hex!("03 03 01 00 01"), Err(BerError::InvalidTag) ; "invalid tag")]
tc_ber_i64(i: &[u8], out: Result<i64, BerError>)187 fn tc_ber_i64(i: &[u8], out: Result<i64, BerError>) {
188     let res = parse_ber_i64(i);
189     match out {
190         Ok(expected) => {
191             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Ok((&b""[..], expected)));
192         }
193         Err(e) => {
194             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(Err::Error(e)));
195         }
196     }
197 }
199 #[cfg(feature = "bigint")]
200 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 01"), Ok(BigInt::from(1)) ; "bigint-1")]
201 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 00 ff"), Ok(BigInt::from(255)) ; "bigint-255")]
202 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 ff"), Ok(BigInt::from(-1)) ; "bigint-neg1")]
203 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 80"), Ok(BigInt::from(-128)) ; "bigint-neg128")]
204 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 ff 7f"), Ok(BigInt::from(-129)) ; "bigint-neg129")]
205 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff"), Ok(BigInt::from(0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_u64)) ; "bigint-long2-ok")]
206 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab"), Ok(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Plus, &hex!("01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab"))) ; "bigint-longer1")]
tc_ber_bigint(i: &[u8], out: Result<BigInt, BerError>)207 fn tc_ber_bigint(i: &[u8], out: Result<BigInt, BerError>) {
208     let res = parse_ber_integer(i);
209     match out {
210         Ok(expected) => {
211             let (rem, ber) = res.expect("parsing failed");
212             assert!(rem.is_empty());
213             let int = ber.as_bigint().expect("failed to convert to bigint");
214             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(int, expected);
215         }
216         Err(e) => {
217             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(Err::Error(e)));
218         }
219     }
220 }
222 #[cfg(feature = "bigint")]
223 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 01"), Ok(Some(BigUint::from(1_u8))) ; "biguint-1")]
224 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 00 ff"), Ok(Some(BigUint::from(255_u8))) ; "biguint-255")]
225 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 ff"), Ok(None) ; "biguint-neg1")]
226 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 80"), Ok(None) ; "biguint-neg128")]
227 #[test_case(&hex!("02 02 ff 7f"), Ok(None) ; "biguint-neg129")]
228 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff"), Ok(Some(BigUint::from(0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_u64))) ; "biguint-long2-ok")]
229 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab"), Ok(Some(BigUint::from_bytes_be(&hex!("01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab")))) ; "biguint-longer1")]
230 #[test_case(&hex!("03 03 01 00 01"), Err(BerError::InvalidTag) ; "invalid tag")]
tc_ber_biguint(i: &[u8], out: Result<Option<BigUint>, BerError>)231 fn tc_ber_biguint(i: &[u8], out: Result<Option<BigUint>, BerError>) {
232     let res = parse_ber_integer(i);
233     match out {
234         Ok(expected) => {
235             let (rem, ber) = res.expect("parsing failed");
236             assert!(rem.is_empty());
237             let uint = ber.as_biguint();
238             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uint, expected);
239         }
240         Err(e) => {
241             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(Err::Error(e)));
242         }
243     }
244 }
246 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 01"), Ok(&[1]) ; "slice 1")]
247 #[test_case(&hex!("02 01 ff"), Ok(&[255]) ; "slice 2")]
248 #[test_case(&hex!("02 09 01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab"), Ok(&hex!("01 23 45 67 01 23 45 67 ab")) ; "slice 3")]
249 #[test_case(&hex!("22 80 02 01 01 00 00"), Ok(&[2, 1, 1]) ; "constructed slice")]
250 #[test_case(&hex!("03 03 01 00 01"), Err(BerError::InvalidTag) ; "invalid tag")]
tc_ber_slice(i: &[u8], out: Result<&[u8], BerError>)251 fn tc_ber_slice(i: &[u8], out: Result<&[u8], BerError>) {
252     let res = parse_ber_slice(i, 2);
253     match out {
254         Ok(expected) => {
255             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Ok((&b""[..], expected)));
256         }
257         Err(e) => {
258             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(Err::Error(e)));
259         }
260     }
261 }
263 #[test]
test_ber_bitstring_primitive()264 fn test_ber_bitstring_primitive() {
265     let empty = &b""[..];
266     let bytes = &[0x03, 0x07, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x3b, 0x5f, 0x29, 0x1c, 0xd0];
267     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::BitString(
268         4,
269         BitStringObject { data: &bytes[3..] },
270     ));
271     assert_eq!(parse_ber_bitstring(bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
272     //
273     // correct encoding, padding bits not all set to 0
274     //
275     let bytes = &[0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x6e, 0x5d, 0xe0];
276     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::BitString(
277         6,
278         BitStringObject { data: &bytes[3..] },
279     ));
280     assert_eq!(parse_ber_bitstring(bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
281     //
282     // long form of length
283     //
284     let bytes = &[0x03, 0x81, 0x04, 0x06, 0x6e, 0x5d, 0xc0];
285     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::BitString(
286         6,
287         BitStringObject { data: &bytes[4..] },
288     ));
289     assert_eq!(parse_ber_bitstring(bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
290 }
292 #[test]
test_ber_bitstring_constructed()293 fn test_ber_bitstring_constructed() {
294     let bytes = &[
295         0x23, 0x80, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x3b, 0x03, 0x05, 0x04, 0x5f, 0x29, 0x1c, 0xd0, 0x00,
296         0x00,
297     ];
298     assert_eq!(
299         parse_ber_bitstring(bytes),
300         Err(Err::Error(BerError::Unsupported))
301     ); // XXX valid encoding
302 }
304 #[test]
test_ber_octetstring_primitive()305 fn test_ber_octetstring_primitive() {
306     let empty = &b""[..];
307     let bytes = [0x04, 0x05, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41];
308     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::OctetString(b"AAAAA"));
309     assert_eq!(parse_ber_octetstring(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
310 }
312 #[test]
test_ber_null()313 fn test_ber_null() {
314     let empty = &b""[..];
315     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Null);
316     assert_eq!(parse_ber_null(&[0x05, 0x00]), Ok((empty, expected)));
317 }
319 #[test]
test_ber_oid()320 fn test_ber_oid() {
321     let empty = &b""[..];
322     let bytes = [
323         0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05,
324     ];
325     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::OID(
326         Oid::from(&[1, 2, 840, 113_549, 1, 1, 5]).unwrap(),
327     ));
328     assert_eq!(parse_ber_oid(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
329 }
331 #[test]
test_ber_enum()332 fn test_ber_enum() {
333     let empty = &b""[..];
334     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Enum(2));
335     assert_eq!(parse_ber_enum(&[0x0a, 0x01, 0x02]), Ok((empty, expected)));
336 }
338 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 04 31 32 33 34"), Ok("1234") ; "utf8: numeric")]
339 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f"), Ok("hello") ; "utf8: string")]
340 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello world") ; "utf8: string with spaces")]
341 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 5c 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello\\world") ; "utf8: string with backspace")]
342 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 2b 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello+world") ; "utf8: string with plus")]
343 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 05 01 02 03 04 05"), Ok("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05") ; "invalid chars")]
344 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 0e d0 bf d1 80 d0 b8 d0 b2 d0 b5 cc 81 d1 82"), Ok("приве́т") ; "utf8")]
345 #[test_case(&hex!("0c 04 00 9f 92 96"), Err(Err::Error(BerError::StringInvalidCharset)) ; "invalid utf8")]
tc_ber_utf8_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>)346 fn tc_ber_utf8_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>) {
347     let res = parse_ber_utf8string(i);
348     match out {
349         Ok(b) => {
350             let (rem, res) = res.expect("could not parse utf8string");
351             assert!(rem.is_empty());
352             let r = res.as_str().expect("could not convert to string");
353             // let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(b));
354             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(r, b);
355         }
356         Err(e) => {
357             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(e));
358         }
359     }
360 }
362 #[test_case(&hex!("12 04 31 32 33 34"), Ok("1234") ; "numeric string")]
363 #[test_case(&hex!("12 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f"), Err(Err::Error(BerError::StringInvalidCharset)) ; "invalid chars")]
364 #[test_case(&hex!("12 05 01 02 03 04 05"), Err(Err::Error(BerError::StringInvalidCharset)) ; "invalid chars2")]
tc_ber_numeric_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>)365 fn tc_ber_numeric_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>) {
366     let res = parse_ber_numericstring(i);
367     match out {
368         Ok(b) => {
369             let (rem, res) = res.expect("could not parse numericstring");
370             assert!(rem.is_empty());
371             let r = res.as_str().expect("could not convert to string");
372             // let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(b));
373             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(r, b);
374         }
375         Err(e) => {
376             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(e));
377         }
378     }
379 }
381 #[test_case(&hex!("13 04 31 32 33 34"), Ok("1234") ; "printable: numeric")]
382 #[test_case(&hex!("13 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f"), Ok("hello") ; "printable: string")]
383 #[test_case(&hex!("13 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello world") ; "printable: string with spaces")]
384 #[test_case(&hex!("13 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 5c 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Err(Err::Error(BerError::StringInvalidCharset)) ; "printable: string with backspace")]
385 #[test_case(&hex!("13 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 2b 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello+world") ; "printable: string with plus")]
386 #[test_case(&hex!("13 05 01 02 03 04 05"), Err(Err::Error(BerError::StringInvalidCharset)) ; "invalid chars")]
tc_ber_printable_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>)387 fn tc_ber_printable_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>) {
388     let res = parse_ber_printablestring(i);
389     match out {
390         Ok(b) => {
391             let (rem, res) = res.expect("could not parse printablestring");
392             assert!(rem.is_empty());
393             let r = res.as_str().expect("could not convert to string");
394             // let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(b));
395             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(r, b);
396         }
397         Err(e) => {
398             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(e));
399         }
400     }
401 }
403 #[test_case(&hex!("16 04 31 32 33 34"), Ok("1234") ; "ia5: numeric")]
404 #[test_case(&hex!("16 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f"), Ok("hello") ; "ia5: string")]
405 #[test_case(&hex!("16 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello world") ; "ia5: string with spaces")]
406 #[test_case(&hex!("16 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 5c 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello\\world") ; "ia5: string with backspace")]
407 #[test_case(&hex!("16 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 2b 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello+world") ; "ia5: string with plus")]
408 #[test_case(&hex!("16 05 01 02 03 04 05"), Ok("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05") ; "invalid chars")]
409 #[test_case(&hex!("16 0d d0 bf d1 80 d0 b8 d0 b2 d0 b5 cc 81 d1 82"), Err(Err::Error(BerError::StringInvalidCharset)) ; "utf8")]
tc_ber_ia5_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>)410 fn tc_ber_ia5_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>) {
411     let res = parse_ber_ia5string(i);
412     match out {
413         Ok(b) => {
414             let (rem, res) = res.expect("could not parse ia5string");
415             assert!(rem.is_empty());
416             let r = res.as_str().expect("could not convert to string");
417             // let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(b));
418             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(r, b);
419         }
420         Err(e) => {
421             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(e));
422         }
423     }
424 }
426 #[test_case(&hex!("1a 04 31 32 33 34"), Ok("1234") ; "visible: numeric")]
427 #[test_case(&hex!("1a 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f"), Ok("hello") ; "visible: string")]
428 #[test_case(&hex!("1a 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello world") ; "visible: string with spaces")]
429 #[test_case(&hex!("1a 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 5c 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello\\world") ; "printable: string with backspace")]
430 #[test_case(&hex!("1a 0b 68 65 6c 6c 6f 2b 77 6f 72 6c 64"), Ok("hello+world") ; "printable: string with plus")]
431 #[test_case(&hex!("1a 05 01 02 03 04 05"), Err(Err::Error(BerError::StringInvalidCharset)) ; "invalid chars")]
tc_ber_visible_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>)432 fn tc_ber_visible_string(i: &[u8], out: Result<&str, Err<BerError>>) {
433     let res = parse_ber_visiblestring(i);
434     match out {
435         Ok(b) => {
436             let (rem, res) = res.expect("could not parse visiblestring");
437             assert!(rem.is_empty());
438             let r = res.as_str().expect("could not convert to string");
439             // let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::Boolean(b));
440             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(r, b);
441         }
442         Err(e) => {
443             pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(res, Err(e));
444         }
445     }
446 }
448 #[test]
test_ber_utf8string()449 fn test_ber_utf8string() {
450     let empty = &b""[..];
451     let bytes = [
452         0x0c, 0x0a, 0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65,
453     ];
454     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::UTF8String("Some-State"));
455     assert_eq!(parse_ber_utf8string(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
456 }
458 #[test]
test_ber_relativeoid()459 fn test_ber_relativeoid() {
460     let empty = &b""[..];
461     let bytes = hex!("0d 04 c2 7b 03 02");
462     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::RelativeOID(
463         Oid::from_relative(&[8571, 3, 2]).unwrap(),
464     ));
465     assert_eq!(parse_ber_relative_oid(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
466 }
468 #[test]
test_ber_bmpstring()469 fn test_ber_bmpstring() {
470     let empty = &b""[..];
471     let bytes = hex!("1e 08 00 55 00 73 00 65 00 72");
472     let expected = BerObject::from_obj(BerObjectContent::BmpString(b"\x00U\x00s\x00e\x00r"));
473     assert_eq!(parse_ber_bmpstring(&bytes), Ok((empty, expected)));
474 }
476 #[test]
test_ber_customtags()477 fn test_ber_customtags() {
478     let bytes = hex!("8f 02 12 34");
479     let hdr = ber_read_element_header(&bytes)
480         .expect("ber_read_element_header")
481         .1;
482     // println!("{:?}", hdr);
483     let expected: &[u8] = &[0x8f];
484     assert_eq!(hdr.raw_tag, Some(expected));
485     let bytes = hex!("9f 0f 02 12 34");
486     let hdr = ber_read_element_header(&bytes)
487         .expect("ber_read_element_header")
488         .1;
489     // println!("{:?}", hdr);
490     let expected: &[u8] = &[0x9f, 0x0f];
491     assert_eq!(hdr.raw_tag, Some(expected));
492 }
494 #[test]
test_ber_indefinite()495 fn test_ber_indefinite() {
496     let bytes = hex!("30 80 02 03 01 00 01 00 00");
497     let (rem, val) = parse_ber_container::<_, _, BerError>(|i, _| {
498         assert!(!i.is_empty());
499         let (_, val) = parse_ber_u32(i)?;
500         Ok((i, val))
501     })(&bytes)
502     .unwrap();
503     assert!(rem.is_empty());
504     assert_eq!(val, 0x10001);
505 }
507 #[test]
test_ber_indefinite_recursion()508 fn test_ber_indefinite_recursion() {
509     let data = &hex!(
510         "
511         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
512         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
513         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
514         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
515         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
516         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
517         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
518         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80
519         24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 24 80 00 00"
520     );
521     let _ = parse_ber_container::<_, _, BerError>(|i, _| Ok((i, ())))(data)
522         .expect_err("max parsing depth overflow");
523 }
525 #[test]
test_parse_ber_content()526 fn test_parse_ber_content() {
527     let bytes = &hex!("02 03 01 00 01");
528     let (i, header) = ber_read_element_header(bytes).expect("parsing failed");
529     let (rem, content) =
530         parse_ber_content(header.tag)(i, &header, MAX_RECURSION).expect("parsing failed");
531     assert!(rem.is_empty());
532     assert_eq!(header.tag, BerTag::Integer);
533     assert_eq!(content.as_u32(), Ok(0x10001));
534 }
536 #[test]
test_parse_ber_content2()537 fn test_parse_ber_content2() {
538     let bytes = &hex!("02 03 01 00 01");
539     let (i, header) = ber_read_element_header(bytes).expect("parsing failed");
540     let tag = header.tag;
541     let (rem, content) = parse_ber_content2(tag)(i, header, MAX_RECURSION).expect("parsing failed");
542     assert!(rem.is_empty());
543     assert_eq!(tag, BerTag::Integer);
544     assert_eq!(content.as_u32(), Ok(0x10001));
545 }