1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
3  *
6  *
7  * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
8  * for any purpose,  provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
9  * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
10  * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
11  * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
12  *
13  * Author: Hans-J. Boehm (boehm@parc.xerox.com)
14  */
15 /* Boehm, October 5, 1995 4:20 pm PDT */
17 /*
18  * Cords are immutable character strings.  A number of operations
19  * on long cords are much more efficient than their strings.h counterpart.
20  * In particular, concatenation takes constant time independent of the length
21  * of the arguments.  (Cords are represented as trees, with internal
22  * nodes representing concatenation and leaves consisting of either C
23  * strings or a functional description of the string.)
24  *
25  * The following are reasonable applications of cords.  They would perform
26  * unacceptably if C strings were used:
27  * - A compiler that produces assembly language output by repeatedly
28  *   concatenating instructions onto a cord representing the output file.
29  * - A text editor that converts the input file to a cord, and then
30  *   performs editing operations by producing a new cord representing
31  *   the file after echa character change (and keeping the old ones in an
32  *   edit history)
33  *
34  * For optimal performance, cords should be built by
35  * concatenating short sections.
36  * This interface is designed for maximum compatibility with C strings.
37  * ASCII NUL characters may be embedded in cords using CORD_from_fn.
38  * This is handled correctly, but CORD_to_char_star will produce a string
39  * with embedded NULs when given such a cord.
40  *
41  * This interface is fairly big, largely for performance reasons.
42  * The most basic constants and functions:
43  *
44  * CORD - the type of a cord;
45  * CORD_EMPTY - empty cord;
46  * CORD_len(cord) - length of a cord;
47  * CORD_cat(cord1,cord2) - concatenation of two cords;
48  * CORD_substr(cord, start, len) - substring (or subcord);
49  * CORD_pos i;  CORD_FOR(i, cord) {  ... CORD_pos_fetch(i) ... } -
50  *    examine each character in a cord.  CORD_pos_fetch(i) is the char.
51  * CORD_fetch(int i) - Retrieve i'th character (slowly).
52  * CORD_cmp(cord1, cord2) - compare two cords.
53  * CORD_from_file(FILE * f) - turn a read-only file into a cord.
54  * CORD_to_char_star(cord) - convert to C string.
55  *   (Non-NULL C constant strings are cords.)
56  * CORD_printf (etc.) - cord version of printf. Use %r for cords.
57  */
58 # ifndef CORD_H
60 # define CORD_H
61 # include <stddef.h>
62 # include <stdio.h>
63 /* Cords have type const char *.  This is cheating quite a bit, and not	*/
64 /* 100% portable.  But it means that nonempty character string		*/
65 /* constants may be used as cords directly, provided the string is	*/
66 /* never modified in place.  The empty cord is represented by, and	*/
67 /* can be written as, 0.						*/
69 typedef const char * CORD;
71 /* An empty cord is always represented as nil 	*/
72 # define CORD_EMPTY 0
74 /* Is a nonempty cord represented as a C string? */
75 #define CORD_IS_STRING(s) (*(s) != '\0')
77 /* Concatenate two cords.  If the arguments are C strings, they may 	*/
78 /* not be subsequently altered.						*/
79 CORD CORD_cat(CORD x, CORD y);
81 /* Concatenate a cord and a C string with known length.  Except for the	*/
82 /* empty string case, this is a special case of CORD_cat.  Since the	*/
83 /* length is known, it can be faster.					*/
84 /* The string y is shared with the resulting CORD.  Hence it should	*/
85 /* not be altered by the caller.					*/
86 CORD CORD_cat_char_star(CORD x, const char * y, size_t leny);
88 /* Compute the length of a cord */
89 size_t CORD_len(CORD x);
91 /* Cords may be represented by functions defining the ith character */
92 typedef char (* CORD_fn)(size_t i, void * client_data);
94 /* Turn a functional description into a cord. 	*/
95 CORD CORD_from_fn(CORD_fn fn, void * client_data, size_t len);
97 /* Return the substring (subcord really) of x with length at most n,	*/
98 /* starting at position i.  (The initial character has position 0.)	*/
99 CORD CORD_substr(CORD x, size_t i, size_t n);
101 /* Return the argument, but rebalanced to allow more efficient   	*/
102 /* character retrieval, substring operations, and comparisons.		*/
103 /* This is useful only for cords that were built using repeated 	*/
104 /* concatenation.  Guarantees log time access to the result, unless	*/
105 /* x was obtained through a large number of repeated substring ops	*/
106 /* or the embedded functional descriptions take longer to evaluate.	*/
107 /* May reallocate significant parts of the cord.  The argument is not	*/
108 /* modified; only the result is balanced.				*/
109 CORD CORD_balance(CORD x);
111 /* The following traverse a cord by applying a function to each 	*/
112 /* character.  This is occasionally appropriate, especially where	*/
113 /* speed is crucial.  But, since C doesn't have nested functions,	*/
114 /* clients of this sort of traversal are clumsy to write.  Consider	*/
115 /* the functions that operate on cord positions instead.		*/
117 /* Function to iteratively apply to individual characters in cord.	*/
118 typedef int (* CORD_iter_fn)(char c, void * client_data);
120 /* Function to apply to substrings of a cord.  Each substring is a 	*/
121 /* a C character string, not a general cord.				*/
122 typedef int (* CORD_batched_iter_fn)(const char * s, void * client_data);
123 # define CORD_NO_FN ((CORD_batched_iter_fn)0)
125 /* Apply f1 to each character in the cord, in ascending order,		*/
126 /* starting at position i. If						*/
127 /* f2 is not CORD_NO_FN, then multiple calls to f1 may be replaced by	*/
128 /* a single call to f2.  The parameter f2 is provided only to allow	*/
129 /* some optimization by the client.  This terminates when the right	*/
130 /* end of this string is reached, or when f1 or f2 return != 0.  In the	*/
131 /* latter case CORD_iter returns != 0.  Otherwise it returns 0.		*/
132 /* The specified value of i must be < CORD_len(x).			*/
133 int CORD_iter5(CORD x, size_t i, CORD_iter_fn f1,
134 	       CORD_batched_iter_fn f2, void * client_data);
136 /* A simpler version that starts at 0, and without f2:	*/
137 int CORD_iter(CORD x, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data);
138 # define CORD_iter(x, f1, cd) CORD_iter5(x, 0, f1, CORD_NO_FN, cd)
140 /* Similar to CORD_iter5, but end-to-beginning.	No provisions for	*/
141 /* CORD_batched_iter_fn.						*/
142 int CORD_riter4(CORD x, size_t i, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data);
144 /* A simpler version that starts at the end:	*/
145 int CORD_riter(CORD x, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data);
147 /* Functions that operate on cord positions.  The easy way to traverse	*/
148 /* cords.  A cord position is logically a pair consisting of a cord	*/
149 /* and an index into that cord.  But it is much faster to retrieve a	*/
150 /* charcter based on a position than on an index.  Unfortunately,	*/
151 /* positions are big (order of a few 100 bytes), so allocate them with	*/
152 /* caution.								*/
153 /* Things in cord_pos.h should be treated as opaque, except as		*/
154 /* described below.  Also note that					*/
155 /* CORD_pos_fetch, CORD_next and CORD_prev have both macro and function	*/
156 /* definitions.  The former may evaluate their argument more than once. */
157 # include "private/cord_pos.h"
159 /*
160 	Visible definitions from above:
162 	typedef <OPAQUE but fairly big> CORD_pos[1];
164 	* Extract the cord from a position:
165 	CORD CORD_pos_to_cord(CORD_pos p);
167 	* Extract the current index from a position:
168 	size_t CORD_pos_to_index(CORD_pos p);
170 	* Fetch the character located at the given position:
171 	char CORD_pos_fetch(CORD_pos p);
173 	* Initialize the position to refer to the given cord and index.
174 	* Note that this is the most expensive function on positions:
175 	void CORD_set_pos(CORD_pos p, CORD x, size_t i);
177 	* Advance the position to the next character.
178 	* P must be initialized and valid.
179 	* Invalidates p if past end:
180 	void CORD_next(CORD_pos p);
182 	* Move the position to the preceding character.
183 	* P must be initialized and valid.
184 	* Invalidates p if past beginning:
185 	void CORD_prev(CORD_pos p);
187 	* Is the position valid, i.e. inside the cord?
188 	int CORD_pos_valid(CORD_pos p);
189 */
190 # define CORD_FOR(pos, cord) \
191     for (CORD_set_pos(pos, cord, 0); CORD_pos_valid(pos); CORD_next(pos))
194 /* An out of memory handler to call.  May be supplied by client.	*/
195 /* Must not return.							*/
196 extern void (* CORD_oom_fn)(void);
198 /* Dump the representation of x to stdout in an implementation defined	*/
199 /* manner.  Intended for debugging only.				*/
200 void CORD_dump(CORD x);
202 /* The following could easily be implemented by the client.  They are	*/
203 /* provided in cordxtra.c for convenience.				*/
205 /* Concatenate a character to the end of a cord.	*/
206 CORD CORD_cat_char(CORD x, char c);
208 /* Concatenate n cords.	*/
209 CORD CORD_catn(int n, /* CORD */ ...);
211 /* Return the character in CORD_substr(x, i, 1)  	*/
212 char CORD_fetch(CORD x, size_t i);
214 /* Return < 0, 0, or > 0, depending on whether x < y, x = y, x > y	*/
215 int CORD_cmp(CORD x, CORD y);
217 /* A generalization that takes both starting positions for the 		*/
218 /* comparison, and a limit on the number of characters to be compared.	*/
219 int CORD_ncmp(CORD x, size_t x_start, CORD y, size_t y_start, size_t len);
221 /* Find the first occurrence of s in x at position start or later.	*/
222 /* Return the position of the first character of s in x, or		*/
223 /* CORD_NOT_FOUND if there is none.					*/
224 size_t CORD_str(CORD x, size_t start, CORD s);
226 /* Return a cord consisting of i copies of (possibly NUL) c.  Dangerous	*/
227 /* in conjunction with CORD_to_char_star.				*/
228 /* The resulting representation takes constant space, independent of i.	*/
229 CORD CORD_chars(char c, size_t i);
230 # define CORD_nul(i) CORD_chars('\0', (i))
232 /* Turn a file into cord.  The file must be seekable.  Its contents	*/
233 /* must remain constant.  The file may be accessed as an immediate	*/
234 /* result of this call and/or as a result of subsequent accesses to 	*/
235 /* the cord.  Short files are likely to be immediately read, but	*/
236 /* long files are likely to be read on demand, possibly relying on 	*/
237 /* stdio for buffering.							*/
238 /* We must have exclusive access to the descriptor f, i.e. we may	*/
239 /* read it at any time, and expect the file pointer to be		*/
240 /* where we left it.  Normally this should be invoked as		*/
241 /* CORD_from_file(fopen(...))						*/
242 /* CORD_from_file arranges to close the file descriptor when it is no	*/
243 /* longer needed (e.g. when the result becomes inaccessible).		*/
244 /* The file f must be such that ftell reflects the actual character	*/
245 /* position in the file, i.e. the number of characters that can be 	*/
246 /* or were read with fread.  On UNIX systems this is always true.  On	*/
247 /* MS Windows systems, f must be opened in binary mode.			*/
248 CORD CORD_from_file(FILE * f);
250 /* Equivalent to the above, except that the entire file will be read	*/
251 /* and the file pointer will be closed immediately.			*/
252 /* The binary mode restriction from above does not apply.		*/
253 CORD CORD_from_file_eager(FILE * f);
255 /* Equivalent to the above, except that the file will be read on demand.*/
256 /* The binary mode restriction applies.					*/
257 CORD CORD_from_file_lazy(FILE * f);
259 /* Turn a cord into a C string.	The result shares no structure with	*/
260 /* x, and is thus modifiable.						*/
261 char * CORD_to_char_star(CORD x);
263 /* Turn a C string into a CORD.  The C string is copied, and so may	*/
264 /* subsequently be modified.						*/
265 CORD CORD_from_char_star(const char *s);
267 /* Identical to the above, but the result may share structure with	*/
268 /* the argument and is thus not modifiable.				*/
269 const char * CORD_to_const_char_star(CORD x);
271 /* Write a cord to a file, starting at the current position.  No	*/
272 /* trailing NULs are newlines are added.				*/
273 /* Returns EOF if a write error occurs, 1 otherwise.			*/
274 int CORD_put(CORD x, FILE * f);
276 /* "Not found" result for the following two functions.			*/
277 # define CORD_NOT_FOUND ((size_t)(-1))
279 /* A vague analog of strchr.  Returns the position (an integer, not	*/
280 /* a pointer) of the first occurrence of (char) c inside x at position 	*/
281 /* i or later. The value i must be < CORD_len(x).			*/
282 size_t CORD_chr(CORD x, size_t i, int c);
284 /* A vague analog of strrchr.  Returns index of the last occurrence	*/
285 /* of (char) c inside x at position i or earlier. The value i		*/
286 /* must be < CORD_len(x).						*/
287 size_t CORD_rchr(CORD x, size_t i, int c);
290 /* The following are also not primitive, but are implemented in 	*/
291 /* cordprnt.c.  They provide functionality similar to the ANSI C	*/
292 /* functions with corresponding names, but with the following		*/
293 /* additions and changes:						*/
294 /* 1. A %r conversion specification specifies a CORD argument.  Field	*/
295 /*    width, precision, etc. have the same semantics as for %s.		*/
296 /*    (Note that %c,%C, and %S were already taken.)			*/
297 /* 2. The format string is represented as a CORD.		        */
298 /* 3. CORD_sprintf and CORD_vsprintf assign the result through the 1st	*/ 	/*    argument.	Unlike their ANSI C versions, there is no need to guess	*/
299 /*    the correct buffer size.						*/
300 /* 4. Most of the conversions are implement through the native 		*/
301 /*    vsprintf.  Hence they are usually no faster, and 			*/
302 /*    idiosyncracies of the native printf are preserved.  However,	*/
303 /*    CORD arguments to CORD_sprintf and CORD_vsprintf are NOT copied;	*/
304 /*    the result shares the original structure.  This may make them	*/
305 /*    very efficient in some unusual applications.			*/
306 /*    The format string is copied.					*/
307 /* All functions return the number of characters generated or -1 on	*/
308 /* error.  This complies with the ANSI standard, but is inconsistent	*/
309 /* with some older implementations of sprintf.				*/
311 /* The implementation of these is probably less portable than the rest	*/
312 /* of this package.							*/
314 #ifndef CORD_NO_IO
316 #include <stdarg.h>
318 int CORD_sprintf(CORD * out, CORD format, ...);
319 int CORD_vsprintf(CORD * out, CORD format, va_list args);
320 int CORD_fprintf(FILE * f, CORD format, ...);
321 int CORD_vfprintf(FILE * f, CORD format, va_list args);
322 int CORD_printf(CORD format, ...);
323 int CORD_vprintf(CORD format, va_list args);
325 #endif /* CORD_NO_IO */
327 # endif /* CORD_H */