1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Intel Corporation
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5  *
6  */
8 #include "level_zero/tools/source/sysman/global_operations/linux/os_global_operations_imp.h"
10 #include "shared/source/os_interface/device_factory.h"
12 #include "level_zero/core/source/device/device_imp.h"
13 #include "level_zero/tools/source/sysman/global_operations/global_operations_imp.h"
14 #include "level_zero/tools/source/sysman/linux/fs_access.h"
15 #include "level_zero/tools/source/sysman/sysman_const.h"
16 #include <level_zero/zet_api.h>
18 #include <chrono>
19 #include <time.h>
21 namespace L0 {
23 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::deviceDir("device");
24 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::subsystemVendorFile("device/subsystem_vendor");
25 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::driverFile("device/driver");
26 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::functionLevelReset("device/reset");
27 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::clientsDir("clients");
28 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::srcVersionFile("/sys/module/i915/srcversion");
29 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::agamaVersionFile("/sys/module/i915/agama_version");
30 const std::string LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::ueventWedgedFile("/var/lib/libze_intel_gpu/wedged_file");
32 // Map engine entries(numeric values) present in /sys/class/drm/card<n>/clients/<client_n>/busy,
33 // with engine enum defined in leve-zero spec
34 // Note that entries with int 2 and 3(represented by i915 as CLASS_VIDEO and CLASS_VIDEO_ENHANCE)
35 // are both mapped to MEDIA, as CLASS_VIDEO represents any media fixed-function hardware.
36 static const std::map<int, zes_engine_type_flags_t> engineMap = {
37     {0, ZES_ENGINE_TYPE_FLAG_3D},
getSerialNumber(char (& serialNumber)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE])43 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getSerialNumber(char (&serialNumber)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE]) {
44     std::strncpy(serialNumber, unknown.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
45 }
getDevice()47 Device *LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getDevice() {
48     return pDevice;
49 }
getBoardNumber(char (& boardNumber)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE])51 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getBoardNumber(char (&boardNumber)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE]) {
52     std::strncpy(boardNumber, unknown.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
53 }
getBrandName(char (& brandName)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE])55 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getBrandName(char (&brandName)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE]) {
56     std::string strVal;
57     ze_result_t result = pSysfsAccess->read(subsystemVendorFile, strVal);
58     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
59         std::strncpy(brandName, unknown.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
60         return;
61     }
62     if (strVal.compare(intelPciId) == 0) {
63         std::strncpy(brandName, vendorIntel.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
64     } else {
65         std::strncpy(brandName, unknown.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
66     }
67 }
getModelName(char (& modelName)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE])69 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getModelName(char (&modelName)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE]) {
70     NEO::Device *neoDevice = pDevice->getNEODevice();
71     std::string deviceModelName = neoDevice->getDeviceName(neoDevice->getHardwareInfo());
72     std::strncpy(modelName, deviceModelName.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
73 }
getVendorName(char (& vendorName)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE])75 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getVendorName(char (&vendorName)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE]) {
76     ze_device_properties_t coreDeviceProperties = {ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES};
77     pDevice->getProperties(&coreDeviceProperties);
78     std::stringstream pciId;
79     pciId << std::hex << coreDeviceProperties.vendorId;
80     if (("0x" + pciId.str()).compare(intelPciId) == 0) {
81         std::strncpy(vendorName, vendorIntel.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
82     } else {
83         std::strncpy(vendorName, unknown.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
84     }
85 }
getDriverVersion(char (& driverVersion)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE])87 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getDriverVersion(char (&driverVersion)[ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE]) {
88     std::string strVal;
89     std::strncpy(driverVersion, unknown.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
90     ze_result_t result = pFsAccess->read(agamaVersionFile, strVal);
91     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
92         if (ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE != result) {
93             return;
94         }
95         result = pFsAccess->read(srcVersionFile, strVal);
96         if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
97             return;
98         }
99     }
100     std::strncpy(driverVersion, strVal.c_str(), ZES_STRING_PROPERTY_SIZE);
101     return;
102 }
getPidFdsForOpenDevice(ProcfsAccess * pProcfsAccess,SysfsAccess * pSysfsAccess,const::pid_t pid,std::vector<int> & deviceFds)104 static void getPidFdsForOpenDevice(ProcfsAccess *pProcfsAccess, SysfsAccess *pSysfsAccess, const ::pid_t pid, std::vector<int> &deviceFds) {
105     // Return a list of all the file descriptors of this process that point to this device
106     std::vector<int> fds;
107     deviceFds.clear();
108     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != pProcfsAccess->getFileDescriptors(pid, fds)) {
109         // Process exited. Not an error. Just ignore.
110         return;
111     }
112     for (auto &&fd : fds) {
113         std::string file;
114         if (pProcfsAccess->getFileName(pid, fd, file) != ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
115             // Process closed this file. Not an error. Just ignore.
116             continue;
117         }
118         if (pSysfsAccess->isMyDeviceFile(file)) {
119             deviceFds.push_back(fd);
120         }
121     }
122 }
releaseSysmanDeviceResources()124 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::releaseSysmanDeviceResources() {
125     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pEngineHandleContext->releaseEngines();
126     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pRasHandleContext->releaseRasHandles();
127     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pDiagnosticsHandleContext->releaseDiagnosticsHandles();
128     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pFirmwareHandleContext->releaseFwHandles();
129     pLinuxSysmanImp->releasePmtObject();
130     pLinuxSysmanImp->releaseFwUtilInterface();
131     pLinuxSysmanImp->releaseLocalDrmHandle();
132 }
releaseDeviceResources()134 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::releaseDeviceResources() {
135     releaseSysmanDeviceResources();
136     auto device = static_cast<DeviceImp *>(getDevice());
137     device->releaseResources();
138     executionEnvironment->memoryManager->releaseDeviceSpecificMemResources(rootDeviceIndex);
139     executionEnvironment->releaseRootDeviceEnvironmentResources(executionEnvironment->rootDeviceEnvironments[rootDeviceIndex].get());
140     executionEnvironment->rootDeviceEnvironments[rootDeviceIndex].reset();
141 }
reInitSysmanDeviceResources()143 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::reInitSysmanDeviceResources() {
144     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->updateSubDeviceHandlesLocally();
145     pLinuxSysmanImp->createPmtHandles();
146     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pRasHandleContext->init(pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->deviceHandles);
147     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pEngineHandleContext->init();
148     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pDiagnosticsHandleContext->init(pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->deviceHandles);
149     pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysmanDeviceImp()->pFirmwareHandleContext->init();
150 }
initDevice()152 ze_result_t LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::initDevice() {
153     ze_result_t result = ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS;
154     auto device = static_cast<DeviceImp *>(getDevice());
156     auto neoDevice = NEO::DeviceFactory::createDevice(*executionEnvironment, devicePciBdf, rootDeviceIndex);
157     if (neoDevice == nullptr) {
158         return ZE_RESULT_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST;
159     }
160     static_cast<L0::DriverHandleImp *>(device->getDriverHandle())->updateRootDeviceBitFields(neoDevice);
161     static_cast<L0::DriverHandleImp *>(device->getDriverHandle())->enableRootDeviceDebugger(neoDevice);
162     Device::deviceReinit(device->getDriverHandle(), device, neoDevice, &result);
163     reInitSysmanDeviceResources();
164     return ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS;
165 }
reset(ze_bool_t force)167 ze_result_t LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::reset(ze_bool_t force) {
168     std::string resetPath;
169     std::string resetName;
170     ze_result_t result = ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS;
172     pSysfsAccess->getRealPath(functionLevelReset, resetPath);
173     // Must run as root. Verify permission to perform reset.
174     result = pFsAccess->canWrite(resetPath);
175     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
176         return result;
177     }
178     pSysfsAccess->getRealPath(deviceDir, resetName);
179     resetName = pFsAccess->getBaseName(resetName);
181     ::pid_t myPid = pProcfsAccess->myProcessId();
182     std::vector<int> myPidFds;
183     std::vector<::pid_t> processes;
185     result = pProcfsAccess->listProcesses(processes);
186     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
187         return result;
188     }
189     for (auto &&pid : processes) {
190         std::vector<int> fds;
191         getPidFdsForOpenDevice(pProcfsAccess, pSysfsAccess, pid, fds);
192         if (pid == myPid) {
193             // L0 is expected to have this file open.
194             // Keep list of fds. Close before unbind.
195             myPidFds = fds;
196         } else if (!fds.empty()) {
197             if (force) {
198                 pProcfsAccess->kill(pid);
199             } else {
200                 // Device is in use by another process.
201                 // Don't reset while in use.
202                 return ZE_RESULT_ERROR_HANDLE_OBJECT_IN_USE;
203             }
204         }
205     }
207     ExecutionEnvironmentRefCountRestore restorer(executionEnvironment);
208     releaseDeviceResources();
209     for (auto &&fd : myPidFds) {
210         // Close open filedescriptors to the device
211         // before unbinding device.
212         // From this point forward, there is no
213         // graceful way to fail the reset call.
214         // All future ze calls by this process for this
215         // device will fail.
216         ::close(fd);
217     }
219     // Unbind the device from the kernel driver.
220     result = pSysfsAccess->unbindDevice(resetName);
221     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
222         return result;
223     }
225     // If someone opened the device
226     // after we check, kill them here.
227     result = pProcfsAccess->listProcesses(processes);
228     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
229         return result;
230     }
231     std::vector<::pid_t> deviceUsingPids;
232     deviceUsingPids.clear();
233     for (auto &&pid : processes) {
234         std::vector<int> fds;
235         getPidFdsForOpenDevice(pProcfsAccess, pSysfsAccess, pid, fds);
236         if (!fds.empty()) {
238             // Kill all processes that have the device open.
239             pProcfsAccess->kill(pid);
240             deviceUsingPids.push_back(pid);
241         }
242     }
244     // Wait for all the processes to exit
245     // If they don't all exit within resetTimeout
246     // just fail reset.
247     auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
248     auto end = start;
249     for (auto &&pid : deviceUsingPids) {
250         while (pProcfsAccess->isAlive(pid)) {
251             if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count() > resetTimeout) {
252                 return ZE_RESULT_ERROR_HANDLE_OBJECT_IN_USE;
253             }
255             struct ::timespec timeout = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1000};
256             ::nanosleep(&timeout, NULL);
257             end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
258         }
259     }
261     // Reset the device.
262     result = pFsAccess->write(resetPath, "1");
263     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
264         return result;
265     }
267     // Rebind the device to the kernel driver.
268     result = pSysfsAccess->bindDevice(resetName);
269     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
270         return result;
271     }
273     return initDevice();
274 }
276 // Processes in the form of clients are present in sysfs like this:
277 // # /sys/class/drm/card0/clients$ ls
278 // 4  5
279 // # /sys/class/drm/card0/clients/4$ ls
280 // busy  name  pid
281 // # /sys/class/drm/card0/clients/4/busy$ ls
282 // 0  1  2  3
283 //
284 // Number of processes(If one process opened drm device multiple times, then multiple entries will be
285 // present for same process in clients directory) will be the number of clients
286 // (For example from above example, processes dirs are 4,5)
287 // Thus total number of times drm connection opened with this device will be 2.
288 // process.pid = pid (from above example)
289 // process.engines -> For each client's busy dir, numbers 0,1,2,3 represent engines and they contain
290 // accumulated nanoseconds each client spent on engines.
291 // Thus we traverse each file in busy dir for non-zero time and if we find that file say 0,then we could say that
292 // this engine 0 is used by process.
scanProcessesState(std::vector<zes_process_state_t> & pProcessList)293 ze_result_t LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::scanProcessesState(std::vector<zes_process_state_t> &pProcessList) {
294     std::vector<std::string> clientIds;
295     struct deviceMemStruct {
296         uint64_t deviceMemorySize;
297         uint64_t deviceSharedMemorySize;
298     };
299     struct engineMemoryPairType {
300         int64_t engineTypeField;
301         deviceMemStruct deviceMemStructField;
302     };
304     ze_result_t result = pSysfsAccess->scanDirEntries(clientsDir, clientIds);
305     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
307     }
309     // Create a map with unique pid as key and engineType as value
310     std::map<uint64_t, engineMemoryPairType> pidClientMap;
311     for (const auto &clientId : clientIds) {
312         // realClientPidPath will be something like: clients/<clientId>/pid
313         std::string realClientPidPath = clientsDir + "/" + clientId + "/" + "pid";
314         uint64_t pid;
315         result = pSysfsAccess->read(realClientPidPath, pid);
317         if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
318             std::string bPidString;
319             result = pSysfsAccess->read(realClientPidPath, bPidString);
320             if (result == ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
321                 size_t start = bPidString.find("<");
322                 size_t end = bPidString.find(">");
323                 std::string bPid = bPidString.substr(start + 1, end - start - 1);
324                 pid = std::stoull(bPid, nullptr, 10);
325             }
326         }
328         if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
329             if (ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE == result) {
330                 // update the result as Success as ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE is expected if the "realClientPidPath" folder is empty
331                 // this condition(when encountered) must not prevent the information accumulated for other clientIds
332                 // this situation occurs when there is no call modifying result,
333                 result = ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS;
334                 continue;
335             } else {
336                 return result;
337             }
338         }
339         // Traverse the clients/<clientId>/busy directory to get accelerator engines used by process
340         std::vector<std::string> engineNums = {};
341         int64_t engineType = 0;
342         std::string busyDirForEngines = clientsDir + "/" + clientId + "/" + "busy";
343         result = pSysfsAccess->scanDirEntries(busyDirForEngines, engineNums);
344         if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
345             if (ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE == result) {
346                 // update the result as Success as ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE is expected if the "realClientPidPath" folder is empty
347                 // this condition(when encountered) must not prevent the information accumulated for other clientIds
348                 // this situation occurs when there is no call modifying result,
349                 // Here its seen when the last element of clientIds returns ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE for some reason.
350                 engineType = ZES_ENGINE_TYPE_FLAG_OTHER; // When busy node is absent assign engine type with ZES_ENGINE_TYPE_FLAG_OTHER
351             } else {
352                 return result;
353             }
354         }
355         // Scan all engine files present in /sys/class/drm/card0/clients/<ClientId>/busy and check
356         // whether that engine is used by process
357         for (const auto &engineNum : engineNums) {
358             uint64_t timeSpent = 0;
359             std::string engine = busyDirForEngines + "/" + engineNum;
360             result = pSysfsAccess->read(engine, timeSpent);
361             if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
362                 if (ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE == result) {
363                     continue;
364                 } else {
365                     return result;
366                 }
367             }
368             if (timeSpent > 0) {
369                 int i915EnginNumber = stoi(engineNum);
370                 auto i915MapToL0EngineType = engineMap.find(i915EnginNumber);
371                 zes_engine_type_flags_t val = ZES_ENGINE_TYPE_FLAG_OTHER;
372                 if (i915MapToL0EngineType != engineMap.end()) {
373                     // Found a valid map
374                     val = i915MapToL0EngineType->second;
375                 }
376                 // In this for loop we want to retrieve the overall engines used by process
377                 engineType = engineType | val;
378             }
379         }
381         uint64_t memSize = 0;
382         std::string realClientTotalMemoryPath = clientsDir + "/" + clientId + "/" + "total_device_memory_buffer_objects" + "/" + "created_bytes";
383         result = pSysfsAccess->read(realClientTotalMemoryPath, memSize);
384         if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
385             if (ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE != result) {
386                 return result;
387             }
388         }
390         uint64_t sharedMemSize = 0;
391         std::string realClientTotalSharedMemoryPath = clientsDir + "/" + clientId + "/" + "total_device_memory_buffer_objects" + "/" + "imported_bytes";
392         result = pSysfsAccess->read(realClientTotalSharedMemoryPath, sharedMemSize);
393         if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
394             if (ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE != result) {
395                 return result;
396             }
397         }
398         deviceMemStruct totalDeviceMem = {memSize, sharedMemSize};
399         engineMemoryPairType engineMemoryPair = {engineType, totalDeviceMem};
400         auto ret = pidClientMap.insert(std::make_pair(pid, engineMemoryPair));
401         if (ret.second == false) {
402             // insertion failed as entry with same pid already exists in map
403             // Now update the engineMemoryPairType field for the existing pid entry
404             engineMemoryPairType updateEngineMemoryPair;
405             auto pidEntryFromMap = pidClientMap.find(pid);
406             auto existingEngineType = pidEntryFromMap->second.engineTypeField;
407             auto existingdeviceMemorySize = pidEntryFromMap->second.deviceMemStructField.deviceMemorySize;
408             auto existingdeviceSharedMemorySize = pidEntryFromMap->second.deviceMemStructField.deviceSharedMemorySize;
409             updateEngineMemoryPair.engineTypeField = existingEngineType | engineMemoryPair.engineTypeField;
410             updateEngineMemoryPair.deviceMemStructField.deviceMemorySize = existingdeviceMemorySize + engineMemoryPair.deviceMemStructField.deviceMemorySize;
411             updateEngineMemoryPair.deviceMemStructField.deviceSharedMemorySize = existingdeviceSharedMemorySize + engineMemoryPair.deviceMemStructField.deviceSharedMemorySize;
412             pidClientMap[pid] = updateEngineMemoryPair;
413         }
414         result = ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS;
415     }
417     // iterate through all elements of pidClientMap
418     for (auto itr = pidClientMap.begin(); itr != pidClientMap.end(); ++itr) {
419         zes_process_state_t process;
420         process.processId = static_cast<uint32_t>(itr->first);
421         process.memSize = itr->second.deviceMemStructField.deviceMemorySize;
422         process.sharedSize = itr->second.deviceMemStructField.deviceSharedMemorySize;
423         process.engines = static_cast<uint32_t>(itr->second.engineTypeField);
424         pProcessList.push_back(process);
425     }
426     return result;
427 }
getWedgedStatus(zes_device_state_t * pState)429 void LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::getWedgedStatus(zes_device_state_t *pState) {
430     uint32_t valWedged = 0;
431     if (ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS == pFsAccess->read(ueventWedgedFile, valWedged)) {
432         if (valWedged != 0) {
433             pState->reset |= ZES_RESET_REASON_FLAG_WEDGED;
434         }
435     }
436 }
deviceGetState(zes_device_state_t * pState)437 ze_result_t LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::deviceGetState(zes_device_state_t *pState) {
438     memset(pState, 0, sizeof(zes_device_state_t));
439     pState->repaired = ZES_REPAIR_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED;
440     getWedgedStatus(pState);
441     getRepairStatus(pState);
442     return ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS;
443 }
LinuxGlobalOperationsImp(OsSysman * pOsSysman)445 LinuxGlobalOperationsImp::LinuxGlobalOperationsImp(OsSysman *pOsSysman) {
446     pLinuxSysmanImp = static_cast<LinuxSysmanImp *>(pOsSysman);
448     pSysfsAccess = &pLinuxSysmanImp->getSysfsAccess();
449     pProcfsAccess = &pLinuxSysmanImp->getProcfsAccess();
450     pFsAccess = &pLinuxSysmanImp->getFsAccess();
451     pDevice = pLinuxSysmanImp->getDeviceHandle();
452     auto device = static_cast<DeviceImp *>(pDevice);
453     devicePciBdf = device->getNEODevice()->getRootDeviceEnvironment().osInterface->getDriverModel()->as<NEO::Drm>()->getPciPath();
454     executionEnvironment = device->getNEODevice()->getExecutionEnvironment();
455     rootDeviceIndex = device->getNEODevice()->getRootDeviceIndex();
456 }
create(OsSysman * pOsSysman)458 OsGlobalOperations *OsGlobalOperations::create(OsSysman *pOsSysman) {
459     LinuxGlobalOperationsImp *pLinuxGlobalOperationsImp = new LinuxGlobalOperationsImp(pOsSysman);
460     return static_cast<OsGlobalOperations *>(pLinuxGlobalOperationsImp);
461 }
463 } // namespace L0