1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
5 // =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
6 //
7 // CESchedulerPairTests.cs
8 // Tests Ported from the TPL test bed
9 //
10 // Summary:
11 // Implements the tests for the new scheduler ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair
12 //
13 // =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
15 using System;
16 using System.Threading;
17 using System.Threading.Tasks;
18 using System.Collections.Generic;
19 using System.Security;
21 using Xunit;
22 using System.Diagnostics;
24 namespace System.Threading.Tasks.Tests
25 {
26     public class TrackingTaskScheduler : TaskScheduler
27     {
TrackingTaskScheduler(int maxConLevel)28         public TrackingTaskScheduler(int maxConLevel)
29         {
30             //We need to set the value to 1 so that each time a scheduler is created, its tasks will start with one.
31             _counter = 1;
32             if (maxConLevel < 1 && maxConLevel != -1/*infinite*/)
33                 throw new ArgumentException("Maximum concurrency level should between 1 and int32.Maxvalue");
35             _maxConcurrencyLevel = maxConLevel;
36         }
QueueTask(Task task)39         protected override void QueueTask(Task task)
40         {
41             if (task == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("When requesting to QueueTask, the input task can not be null");
42             Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
43             {
44                 lock (_lockObj) //Locking so that if multiple threads in threadpool does not incorrectly increment the counter.
45                 {
46                     //store the current value of the counter (This becomes the unique ID for this scheduler's Task)
47                     SchedulerID.Value = _counter;
48                     _counter++;
49                 }
50                 ExecuteTask(task); //Extracted out due to security attribute reason.
51             }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default);
52         }
ExecuteTask(Task task)54         private void ExecuteTask(Task task)
55         {
56             base.TryExecuteTask(task);
57         }
TryExecuteTaskInline(Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued)59         protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline(Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued)
60         {
61             if (taskWasPreviouslyQueued) return false;
62             return TryExecuteTask(task);
63         }
66         //public int SchedulerID
67         //{
68         //	get;
69         //	set;
70         //}
GetScheduledTasks()72         protected override IEnumerable<Task> GetScheduledTasks() { return null; }
73         private Object _lockObj = new Object();
74         private int _counter = 1; //This is used to keep track of how many scheduler tasks were created
75         public ThreadLocal<int> SchedulerID = new ThreadLocal<int>(); //This is the ID of the scheduler.
77         /// <summary>The maximum concurrency level for the scheduler.</summary>
78         private readonly int _maxConcurrencyLevel;
79         public override int MaximumConcurrencyLevel { get { return _maxConcurrencyLevel; } }
80     }
82     public class CESchedulerPairTests
83     {
84         #region Test cases
86         /// <summary>
87         /// Test to ensure that ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair can be created using user defined parameters
88         /// and those parameters are respected when tasks are executed
89         /// </summary>
90         /// <remarks>maxItemsPerTask and which scheduler is used are verified in other testcases</remarks>
91         [Theory]
92         [InlineData("default")]
93         [InlineData("scheduler")]
94         [InlineData("maxconcurrent")]
95         [InlineData("all")]
TestCreationOptions(String ctorType)96         public static void TestCreationOptions(String ctorType)
97         {
98             ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair schedPair = null;
99             //Need to define the default values since these values are passed to the verification methods
100             TaskScheduler scheduler = TaskScheduler.Default;
101             int maxConcurrentLevel = Environment.ProcessorCount;
103             //Based on input args, use one of the ctor overloads
104             switch (ctorType.ToLower())
105             {
106                 case "default":
107                     schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
108                     break;
109                 case "scheduler":
110                     schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(scheduler);
111                     break;
112                 case "maxconcurrent":
113                     maxConcurrentLevel = 2;
114                     schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(scheduler, maxConcurrentLevel);
115                     break;
116                 case "all":
117                     maxConcurrentLevel = Int32.MaxValue;
118                     schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(scheduler, -1/*MaxConcurrentLevel*/, -1/*MaxItemsPerTask*/); //-1 gets converted to Int32.MaxValue
119                     break;
120                 default:
121                     throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("The option specified {0} to create the ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair is invalid", ctorType));
122             }
124             //Create the factories that use the exclusive scheduler and the concurrent scheduler. We test to ensure
125             //that the ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair created are valid by scheduling work on them.
126             TaskFactory writers = new TaskFactory(schedPair.ExclusiveScheduler);
127             TaskFactory readers = new TaskFactory(schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler);
129             List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>(); //Store all tasks created, to enable wait until all of them are finished
131             // Schedule some dummy work that should be run with as much parallelism as possible
132             for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
133             {
134                 //In the current design, when there are no more tasks to execute, the Task used by concurrentexclusive scheduler dies
135                 //by sleeping we simulate some non trivial work that takes time and causes the concurrentexclusive scheduler Task
136                 //to stay around for addition work.
137                 taskList.Add(readers.StartNew(() => { var sw = new SpinWait(); while (!sw.NextSpinWillYield) sw.SpinOnce() ; }));
138             }
139             // Schedule work where each item must be run when no other items are running
140             for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) taskList.Add(writers.StartNew(() => { var sw = new SpinWait(); while (!sw.NextSpinWillYield) sw.SpinOnce(); }));
142             //Wait on the tasks to finish to ensure that the ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair created can schedule and execute tasks without issues
143             foreach (var item in taskList)
144             {
145                 item.Wait();
146             }
148             //verify that maxconcurrency was respected.
149             if (ctorType == "maxconcurrent")
150             {
151                 Assert.Equal(maxConcurrentLevel, schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler.MaximumConcurrencyLevel);
152             }
153             Assert.Equal(1, schedPair.ExclusiveScheduler.MaximumConcurrencyLevel);
155             //verify that the schedulers have not completed
156             Assert.False(schedPair.Completion.IsCompleted, "The schedulers should not have completed as a completion request was not issued.");
158             //complete the scheduler and make sure it shuts down successfully
159             schedPair.Complete();
160             schedPair.Completion.Wait();
162             //make sure no additional work may be scheduled
163             foreach (var schedPairScheduler in new TaskScheduler[] { schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler, schedPair.ExclusiveScheduler })
164             {
165                 Exception caughtException = null;
166                 try
167                 {
168                     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, schedPairScheduler);
169                 }
170                 catch (Exception exc)
171                 {
172                     caughtException = exc;
173                 }
174                 Assert.True(
175                     caughtException is TaskSchedulerException && caughtException.InnerException is InvalidOperationException,
176                     "Queueing after completion should fail");
177             }
178         }
180         /// <summary>
181         /// Test to verify that only up to maxItemsPerTask are executed by a single ConcurrentExclusiveScheduler Task
182         /// </summary>
183         /// <remarks>In ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair, each tasks scheduled are run under an internal Task. The basic idea for the test
184         /// is that each time ConcurrentExclusiveScheduler is called QueueTasK a counter (which acts as scheduler's Task id) is incremented.
185         /// When a task executes, it observes the parent Task Id and if it matches the one its local cache, it increments its local counter (which tracks
186         /// the items executed by a ConcurrentExclusiveScheduler Task). At any given time the Task's local counter cant exceed maxItemsPerTask</remarks>
187         [Theory]
188         [InlineData(4, 1, true)]
189         [InlineData(1, 4, true)]
190         [InlineData(4, 1, false)]
191         [InlineData(1, 4, false)]
TestMaxItemsPerTask(int maxConcurrency, int maxItemsPerTask, bool completeBeforeTaskWait)192         public static void TestMaxItemsPerTask(int maxConcurrency, int maxItemsPerTask, bool completeBeforeTaskWait)
193         {
194             //Create a custom TaskScheduler with specified max concurrency (TrackingTaskScheduler is defined in Common\tools\CommonUtils\TPLTestSchedulers.cs)
195             TrackingTaskScheduler scheduler = new TrackingTaskScheduler(maxConcurrency);
196             //We need to use the custom scheduler to achieve the results. As a by-product, we test to ensure custom schedulers are supported
197             ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(scheduler, maxConcurrency, maxItemsPerTask);
198             TaskFactory readers = new TaskFactory(schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler); //get reader and writer schedulers
199             TaskFactory writers = new TaskFactory(schedPair.ExclusiveScheduler);
201             //These are threadlocals to ensure that no concurrency side effects occur
202             ThreadLocal<int> itemsExecutedCount = new ThreadLocal<int>(); //Track the items executed by CEScheduler Task
203             ThreadLocal<int> schedulerIDInsideTask = new ThreadLocal<int>(); //Used to store the Scheduler ID observed by a Task Executed by CEScheduler Task
205             //Work done by both reader and writer tasks
206             Action work = () =>
207             {
208                 //Get the id of the parent Task (which is the task created by the scheduler). Each task run by the scheduler task should
209                 //see the same SchedulerID value since they are run on the same thread
210                 int id = ((TrackingTaskScheduler)scheduler).SchedulerID.Value;
211                 if (id == schedulerIDInsideTask.Value)
212                 { //since ids match, this is one more Task being executed by the CEScheduler Task
213                     itemsExecutedCount.Value = ++itemsExecutedCount.Value;
214                     //This does not need to be thread safe since we are looking to ensure that only n number of tasks were executed and not the order
215                     //in which they were executed. Also asserting inside the thread is fine since we just want the test to be marked as failure
216                     Assert.True(itemsExecutedCount.Value <= maxItemsPerTask, string.Format("itemsExecutedCount={0} cant be greater than maxValue={1}. Parent TaskID={2}",
217                         itemsExecutedCount, maxItemsPerTask, id));
218                 }
219                 else
220                 { //Since ids don't match, this is the first Task being executed in the CEScheduler Task
221                     schedulerIDInsideTask.Value = id; //cache the scheduler ID seen by the thread, so other tasks running in same thread can see this
222                     itemsExecutedCount.Value = 1;
223                 }
224                 //Give enough time for a Task to stay around, so that other tasks will be executed by the same CEScheduler Task
225                 //or else the CESchedulerTask will die and each Task might get executed by a different CEScheduler Task. This does not affect the
226                 //verifications, but its increases the chance of finding a bug if the maxItemPerTask is not respected
227                 new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(1);
228             };
230             List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
231             int maxConcurrentTasks = maxConcurrency * maxItemsPerTask * 5;
232             int maxExclusiveTasks = maxConcurrency * maxItemsPerTask * 2;
234             // Schedule Tasks in both concurrent and exclusive mode
235             for (int i = 0; i < maxConcurrentTasks; i++)
236                 taskList.Add(readers.StartNew(work));
237             for (int i = 0; i < maxExclusiveTasks; i++)
238                 taskList.Add(writers.StartNew(work));
240             if (completeBeforeTaskWait)
241             {
242                 schedPair.Complete();
243                 schedPair.Completion.Wait();
244                 Assert.True(taskList.TrueForAll(t => t.IsCompleted), "All tasks should have completed for scheduler to complete");
245             }
247             //finally wait for all of the tasks, to ensure they all executed properly
248             Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray());
250             if (!completeBeforeTaskWait)
251             {
252                 schedPair.Complete();
253                 schedPair.Completion.Wait();
254                 Assert.True(taskList.TrueForAll(t => t.IsCompleted), "All tasks should have completed for scheduler to complete");
255             }
256         }
258         /// <summary>
259         /// When user specifies a concurrency level above the level allowed by the task scheduler, the concurrency level should be set
260         /// to the concurrencylevel specified in the taskscheduler. Also tests that the maxConcurrencyLevel specified was respected
261         /// </summary>
262         [Fact]
TestLowerConcurrencyLevel()263         public static void TestLowerConcurrencyLevel()
264         {
265             //a custom scheduler with maxConcurrencyLevel of one
266             int customSchedulerConcurrency = 1;
267             TrackingTaskScheduler scheduler = new TrackingTaskScheduler(customSchedulerConcurrency);
268             // specify a maxConcurrencyLevel > TaskScheduler's maxconcurrencyLevel to ensure the pair takes the min of the two
269             ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(scheduler, Int32.MaxValue);
270             Assert.Equal(scheduler.MaximumConcurrencyLevel, schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler.MaximumConcurrencyLevel);
272             //Now schedule a reader task that would block and verify that more reader tasks scheduled are not executed
273             //(as long as the first task is blocked)
274             TaskFactory readers = new TaskFactory(schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler);
275             ManualResetEvent blockReaderTaskEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
276             ManualResetEvent blockMainThreadEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
278             //Add a reader tasks that would block
279             readers.StartNew(() => { blockMainThreadEvent.Set(); blockReaderTaskEvent.WaitOne(); });
280             blockMainThreadEvent.WaitOne(); // wait for the blockedTask to start execution
282             //Now add more reader tasks
283             int maxConcurrentTasks = Environment.ProcessorCount;
284             List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
285             for (int i = 0; i < maxConcurrentTasks; i++)
286                 taskList.Add(readers.StartNew(() => { })); //schedule some dummy reader tasks
288             foreach (Task task in taskList)
289             {
290                 bool wasTaskStarted = (task.Status != TaskStatus.Running) && (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion);
291                 Assert.True(wasTaskStarted, string.Format("Additional reader tasks should not start when scheduler concurrency is {0} and a reader task is blocked", customSchedulerConcurrency));
292             }
294             //finally unblock the blocjedTask and wait for all of the tasks, to ensure they all executed properly
295             blockReaderTaskEvent.Set();
296             Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray());
297         }
299         [Theory]
300         [InlineData(true)]
301         [InlineData(false)]
TestConcurrentBlockage(bool useReader)302         public static void TestConcurrentBlockage(bool useReader)
303         {
304             ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
305             TaskFactory readers = new TaskFactory(schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler);
306             TaskFactory writers = new TaskFactory(schedPair.ExclusiveScheduler);
307             ManualResetEvent blockExclusiveTaskEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
308             ManualResetEvent blockMainThreadEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
309             ManualResetEvent blockMre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
311             //Schedule a concurrent task and ensure that it is executed, just for fun
312             Task<bool> conTask = readers.StartNew<bool>(() => { new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(10); ; return true; });
313             conTask.Wait();
314             Assert.True(conTask.Result, "The concurrenttask when executed successfully should have returned true");
316             //Now scehdule an exclusive task that is blocked(thereby preventing other concurrent tasks to finish)
317             Task<bool> exclusiveTask = writers.StartNew<bool>(() => { blockMainThreadEvent.Set(); blockExclusiveTaskEvent.WaitOne(); return true; });
319             //With exclusive task in execution mode, schedule a number of concurrent tasks and ensure they are not executed
320             blockMainThreadEvent.WaitOne();
321             List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
322             for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) taskList.Add(readers.StartNew<bool>(() => { blockMre.WaitOne(10); return true; }));
324             foreach (Task task in taskList)
325             {
326                 bool wasTaskStarted = (task.Status != TaskStatus.Running) && (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion);
327                 Assert.True(wasTaskStarted, "Concurrent tasks should not be executed when an exclusive task is getting executed");
328             }
330             blockExclusiveTaskEvent.Set();
331             Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray());
332         }
334         [Theory]
335         [MemberData(nameof(ApiType))]
TestIntegration(String apiType, bool useReader)336         public static void TestIntegration(String apiType, bool useReader)
337         {
338             Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(" Running apiType:{0} useReader:{1}", apiType, useReader));
339             int taskCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; //To get varying number of tasks as a function of cores
340             ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair schedPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
341             CountdownEvent cde = new CountdownEvent(taskCount); //Used to track how many tasks were executed
342             Action work = () => { cde.Signal(); }; //Work done by all APIs
343             //Choose the right scheduler to use based on input parameter
344             TaskScheduler scheduler = useReader ? schedPair.ConcurrentScheduler : schedPair.ExclusiveScheduler;
346             SelectAPI2Target(apiType, taskCount, scheduler, work);
347             cde.Wait(); //This will cause the test to block (and timeout) until all tasks are finished
348         }
352         /// <summary>
353         /// Test to ensure that invalid parameters result in exceptions
354         /// </summary>
355         [Fact]
TestInvalidParameters()356         public static void TestInvalidParameters()
357         {
358             Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(null)); //TargetScheduler is null
359             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(TaskScheduler.Default, 0)); //maxConcurrencyLevel is invalid
360             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(TaskScheduler.Default, -2)); //maxConcurrencyLevel is invalid
361             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(TaskScheduler.Default, -1, 0)); //maxItemsPerTask  is invalid
362             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(TaskScheduler.Default, -1, -2)); //maxItemsPerTask  is invalid
363         }
365         /// <summary>
366         /// Test to ensure completion task works successfully
367         /// </summary>
368         [Fact]
TestCompletionTask()369         public static void TestCompletionTask()
370         {
371             // Completion tasks is valid after initialization
372             {
373                 var cesp = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
374                 Assert.True(cesp.Completion != null, "CompletionTask should never be null (after initialization)");
375                 Assert.True(!cesp.Completion.IsCompleted, "CompletionTask should not have completed");
376             }
378             // Completion task is valid after complete is called
379             {
380                 var cesp = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
381                 cesp.Complete();
382                 Assert.True(cesp.Completion != null, "CompletionTask should never be null (after complete)");
383                 cesp.Completion.Wait();
384             }
386             // Complete method may be called multiple times, and CompletionTask still completes
387             {
388                 var cesp = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
389                 for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) cesp.Complete(); // ensure multiple calls to Complete succeed
390                 Assert.True(cesp.Completion != null, "CompletionTask should never be null (after multiple completes)");
391                 cesp.Completion.Wait();
392             }
394             // Can create a bunch of schedulers, do work on them all, complete them all, and they all complete
395             {
396                 var cesps = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair[100];
397                 for (int i = 0; i < cesps.Length; i++)
398                 {
399                     cesps[i] = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
400                 }
401                 for (int i = 0; i < cesps.Length; i++)
402                 {
403                     Action work = () => new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(2); ;
404                     Task.Factory.StartNew(work, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, cesps[i].ConcurrentScheduler);
405                     Task.Factory.StartNew(work, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, cesps[i].ExclusiveScheduler);
406                 }
407                 for (int i = 0; i < cesps.Length; i++)
408                 {
409                     cesps[i].Complete();
410                     cesps[i].Completion.Wait();
411                 }
412             }
414             // Validate that CESP does not implement IDisposable
415             Assert.Equal(null, new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair() as IDisposable);
416         }
418         /// <summary>
419         /// Ensure that CESPs can be layered on other CESPs.
420         /// </summary
421         [Fact]
TestSchedulerNesting()422         public static void TestSchedulerNesting()
423         {
424             // Create a hierarchical set of scheduler pairs
425             var cespParent = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
427             var cespChild1 = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(cespParent.ConcurrentScheduler);
428             var cespChild1Child1 = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(cespChild1.ConcurrentScheduler);
429             var cespChild1Child2 = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(cespChild1.ExclusiveScheduler);
431             var cespChild2 = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(cespParent.ExclusiveScheduler);
432             var cespChild2Child1 = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(cespChild2.ConcurrentScheduler);
433             var cespChild2Child2 = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(cespChild2.ExclusiveScheduler);
435             // these are ordered such that we will complete the child schedulers before we complete their parents.  That way
436             // we don't complete a parent that's still in use.
437             var cesps = new[] {
438                 cespChild1Child1,
439                 cespChild1Child2,
440                 cespChild1,
441                 cespChild2Child1,
442                 cespChild2Child2,
443                 cespChild2,
444                 cespParent,
445             };
447             // Get the schedulers from all of the pairs
448             List<TaskScheduler> schedulers = new List<TaskScheduler>();
449             foreach (var s in cesps)
450             {
451                 schedulers.Add(s.ConcurrentScheduler);
452                 schedulers.Add(s.ExclusiveScheduler);
453             }
455             // Keep track of all created tasks
456             var tasks = new List<Task>();
458             // Queue lots of work to each scheduler
459             foreach (var scheduler in schedulers)
460             {
461                 // Create a function that schedules and inlines recursively queued tasks
462                 Action<int> recursiveWork = null;
463                 recursiveWork = depth =>
464                 {
465                     if (depth > 0)
466                     {
467                         Action work = () =>
468                         {
469                             var sw = new SpinWait();
470                             while (!sw.NextSpinWillYield) sw.SpinOnce();
471                             recursiveWork(depth - 1);
472                         };
474                         TaskFactory factory = new TaskFactory(scheduler);
475                         Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Start tasks in scheduler {0}", scheduler.Id));
476                         Task t1 = factory.StartNew(work); Task t2 = factory.StartNew(work); Task t3 = factory.StartNew(work);
477                         Task.WaitAll(t1, t2, t3);
478                     }
479                 };
481                 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
482                 {
483                     tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => recursiveWork(2), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, scheduler));
484                 }
485             }
487             // Wait for all tasks to complete, then complete the schedulers
488             Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray());
489             foreach (var cesp in cesps)
490             {
491                 cesp.Complete();
492                 cesp.Completion.Wait();
493             }
494         }
496         /// <summary>
497         /// Ensure that continuations and parent/children which hop between concurrent and exclusive work correctly.
498         /// EH
499         /// </summary>
500         [Theory]
501         [InlineData(true)]
502         [InlineData(false)]
TestConcurrentExclusiveChain(bool syncContinuations)503         public static void TestConcurrentExclusiveChain(bool syncContinuations)
504         {
505             var scheduler = new TrackingTaskScheduler(Environment.ProcessorCount);
506             var cesp = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair(scheduler);
508             // continuations
509             {
510                 var starter = new Task(() => { });
511                 var t = starter;
512                 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
513                 {
514                     t = t.ContinueWith(delegate { }, CancellationToken.None, syncContinuations ? TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously : TaskContinuationOptions.None, cesp.ConcurrentScheduler);
515                     t = t.ContinueWith(delegate { }, CancellationToken.None, syncContinuations ? TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously : TaskContinuationOptions.None, cesp.ExclusiveScheduler);
516                 }
517                 starter.Start(cesp.ExclusiveScheduler);
518                 t.Wait();
519             }
521             // parent/child
522             {
523                 var errorString = "hello faulty world";
524                 var root = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
525                 {
526                     Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
527                     {
528                         Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
529                         {
530                             Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
531                             {
532                                 Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
533                                 {
534                                     Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
535                                     {
536                                         Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
537                                         {
538                                             throw new InvalidOperationException(errorString);
539                                         }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, cesp.ExclusiveScheduler).Wait();
540                                     }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, cesp.ExclusiveScheduler);
541                                 }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, cesp.ConcurrentScheduler);
542                             }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, cesp.ExclusiveScheduler);
543                         }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, cesp.ConcurrentScheduler);
544                     }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, cesp.ExclusiveScheduler);
545                 }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, cesp.ConcurrentScheduler);
547                 ((IAsyncResult)root).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne();
548                 Assert.True(root.IsFaulted, "Root should have been faulted by child's error");
549                 var ae = root.Exception.Flatten();
550                 Assert.True(ae.InnerException is InvalidOperationException && ae.InnerException.Message == errorString,
551                     "Child's exception should have propagated to the root.");
552             }
553         }
554         #endregion
556         #region Helper Methods
SelectAPI2Target(string apiType, int taskCount, TaskScheduler scheduler, Action work)558         public static void SelectAPI2Target(string apiType, int taskCount, TaskScheduler scheduler, Action work)
559         {
560             switch (apiType)
561             {
562                 case "StartNew":
563                     for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) new TaskFactory(scheduler).StartNew(() => { work(); });
564                     break;
565                 case "Start":
566                     for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) new Task(() => { work(); }).Start(scheduler);
567                     break;
568                 case "ContinueWith":
569                     for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++)
570                     {
571                         new TaskFactory().StartNew(() => { }).ContinueWith((t) => { work(); }, scheduler);
572                     }
573                     break;
574                 case "FromAsync":
575                     for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++)
576                     {
577                         new TaskFactory(scheduler).FromAsync(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { }), (iar) => { work(); });
578                     }
579                     break;
580                 case "ContinueWhenAll":
581                     for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++)
582                     {
583                         new TaskFactory(scheduler).ContinueWhenAll(new Task[] { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { }) }, (t) => { work(); });
584                     }
585                     break;
586                 case "ContinueWhenAny":
587                     for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++)
588                     {
589                         new TaskFactory(scheduler).ContinueWhenAny(new Task[] { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { }) }, (t) => { work(); });
590                     }
591                     break;
592                 default:
593                     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("Api name specified {0} is invalid or is of incorrect case", apiType));
594             }
595         }
597         /// <summary>
598         /// Used to provide parameters for the TestIntegration test
599         /// </summary>
600         public static IEnumerable<object[]> ApiType
601         {
602             get
603             {
604                 List<Object[]> values = new List<object[]>();
605                 foreach (String apiType in new String[] {
606                     "StartNew", "Start", "ContinueWith", /* FromAsync: Not supported in .NET Native */ "ContinueWhenAll", "ContinueWhenAny" })
607                 {
608                     foreach (bool useReader in new bool[] { true, false })
609                     {
610                         values.Add(new Object[] { apiType, useReader });
611                     }
612                 }
614                 return values;
615             }
616         }
618         #endregion
619     }
620 }