1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
4 //
7 //
9 namespace System.Text
10 {
11     internal static partial class EncodingTable
12     {
13         //
14         // s_encodingNames is the concatenation of all supported IANA names for each codepage.
15         // This is done rather than using a large readonly array of strings to avoid
16         // generating a large amount of code in the static constructor.
17         // Using indices from s_encodingNamesIndices, we binary search this string when mapping
18         // an encoding name to a codepage. Note that these names are all lowercase and are
19         // sorted alphabetically.
20         //
21         private const string s_encodingNames =
22             "ansi_x3.4-1968" + // 20127
23             "ansi_x3.4-1986" + // 20127
24             "ascii" + // 20127
25             "cp367" + // 20127
26             "cp819" + // 28591
27             "csascii" + // 20127
28             "csisolatin1" + // 28591
29             "csunicode11utf7" + // 65000
30             "ibm367" + // 20127
31             "ibm819" + // 28591
32             "iso-10646-ucs-2" + // 1200
33             "iso-8859-1" + // 28591
34             "iso-ir-100" + // 28591
35             "iso-ir-6" + // 20127
36             "iso646-us" + // 20127
37             "iso8859-1" + // 28591
38             "iso_646.irv:1991" + // 20127
39             "iso_8859-1" + // 28591
40             "iso_8859-1:1987" + // 28591
41             "l1" + // 28591
42             "latin1" + // 28591
43             "ucs-2" + // 1200
44             "unicode" + // 1200
45             "unicode-1-1-utf-7" + // 65000
46             "unicode-1-1-utf-8" + // 65001
47             "unicode-2-0-utf-7" + // 65000
48             "unicode-2-0-utf-8" + // 65001
49             "unicodefffe" + // 1201
50             "us" + // 20127
51             "us-ascii" + // 20127
52             "utf-16" + // 1200
53             "utf-16be" + // 1201
54             "utf-16le" + // 1200
55             "utf-32" + // 12000
56             "utf-32be" + // 12001
57             "utf-32le" + // 12000
58             "utf-7" + // 65000
59             "utf-8" + // 65001
60             "x-unicode-1-1-utf-7" + // 65000
61             "x-unicode-1-1-utf-8" + // 65001
62             "x-unicode-2-0-utf-7" + // 65000
63             "x-unicode-2-0-utf-8"; // 65001
65         //
66         // s_encodingNameIndices contains the start index of every encoding name in the string
67         // s_encodingNames. We infer the length of each string by looking at the start index
68         // of the next string.
69         //
70         private static readonly int[] s_encodingNameIndices = new int[]
71         {
72             0, // ansi_x3.4-1968 (20127)
73             14, // ansi_x3.4-1986 (20127)
74             28, // ascii (20127)
75             33, // cp367 (20127)
76             38, // cp819 (28591)
77             43, // csascii (20127)
78             50, // csisolatin1 (28591)
79             61, // csunicode11utf7 (65000)
80             76, // ibm367 (20127)
81             82, // ibm819 (28591)
82             88, // iso-10646-ucs-2 (1200)
83             103, // iso-8859-1 (28591)
84             113, // iso-ir-100 (28591)
85             123, // iso-ir-6 (20127)
86             131, // iso646-us (20127)
87             140, // iso8859-1 (28591)
88             149, // iso_646.irv:1991 (20127)
89             165, // iso_8859-1 (28591)
90             175, // iso_8859-1:1987 (28591)
91             190, // l1 (28591)
92             192, // latin1 (28591)
93             198, // ucs-2 (1200)
94             203, // unicode (1200)
95             210, // unicode-1-1-utf-7 (65000)
96             227, // unicode-1-1-utf-8 (65001)
97             244, // unicode-2-0-utf-7 (65000)
98             261, // unicode-2-0-utf-8 (65001)
99             278, // unicodefffe (1201)
100             289, // us (20127)
101             291, // us-ascii (20127)
102             299, // utf-16 (1200)
103             305, // utf-16be (1201)
104             313, // utf-16le (1200)
105             321, // utf-32 (12000)
106             327, // utf-32be (12001)
107             335, // utf-32le (12000)
108             343, // utf-7 (65000)
109             348, // utf-8 (65001)
110             353, // x-unicode-1-1-utf-7 (65000)
111             372, // x-unicode-1-1-utf-8 (65001)
112             391, // x-unicode-2-0-utf-7 (65000)
113             410, // x-unicode-2-0-utf-8 (65001)
114             429
115         };
117         //
118         // s_codePagesByName contains the list of supported codepages which match the encoding
119         // names listed in s_encodingNames. The way mapping works is we binary search
120         // s_encodingNames using s_encodingNamesIndices until we find a match for a given name.
121         // The index of the entry in s_encodingNamesIndices will be the index of codepage in
122         // s_codePagesByName.
123         //
124         private static readonly UInt16[] s_codePagesByName = new UInt16[]
125         {
126             20127, // ansi_x3.4-1968
127             20127, // ansi_x3.4-1986
128             20127, // ascii
129             20127, // cp367
130             28591, // cp819
131             20127, // csascii
132             28591, // csisolatin1
133             65000, // csunicode11utf7
134             20127, // ibm367
135             28591, // ibm819
136             1200, // iso-10646-ucs-2
137             28591, // iso-8859-1
138             28591, // iso-ir-100
139             20127, // iso-ir-6
140             20127, // iso646-us
141             28591, // iso8859-1
142             20127, // iso_646.irv:1991
143             28591, // iso_8859-1
144             28591, // iso_8859-1:1987
145             28591, // l1
146             28591, // latin1
147             1200, // ucs-2
148             1200, // unicode
149             65000, // unicode-1-1-utf-7
150             65001, // unicode-1-1-utf-8
151             65000, // unicode-2-0-utf-7
152             65001, // unicode-2-0-utf-8
153             1201, // unicodefffe
154             20127, // us
155             20127, // us-ascii
156             1200, // utf-16
157             1201, // utf-16be
158             1200, // utf-16le
159             12000, // utf-32
160             12001, // utf-32be
161             12000, // utf-32le
162             65000, // utf-7
163             65001, // utf-8
164             65000, // x-unicode-1-1-utf-7
165             65001, // x-unicode-1-1-utf-8
166             65000, // x-unicode-2-0-utf-7
167             65001 // x-unicode-2-0-utf-8
168         };
170         //
171         // When retrieving the value for System.Text.Encoding.WebName or
172         // System.Text.Encoding.EncodingName given System.Text.Encoding.CodePage,
173         // we perform a linear search on s_mappedCodePages to find the index of the
174         // given codepage. This is used to index WebNameIndices to get the start
175         // index of the web name in the string WebNames, and to index
176         // s_englishNameIndices to get the start of the English name in
177         // s_englishNames. In addition, this arrays indices correspond to the indices
178         // into s_uiFamilyCodePages and s_flags.
179         //
180         private static readonly UInt16[] s_mappedCodePages = new UInt16[]
181         {
182             1200, // utf-16
183             1201, // utf-16be
184             12000, // utf-32
185             12001, // utf-32be
186             20127, // us-ascii
187             28591, // iso-8859-1
188             65000, // utf-7
189             65001 // utf-8
190         };
192         //
193         // s_uiFamilyCodePages is indexed by the corresponding index in s_mappedCodePages.
194         //
195         private static readonly int[] s_uiFamilyCodePages = new int[]
196         {
197             1200,
198             1200,
199             1200,
200             1200,
201             1252,
202             1252,
203             1200,
204             1200
205         };
207         //
208         // s_webNames is a concatenation of the default encoding names
209         // for each code page. It is used in retrieving the value for
210         // System.Text.Encoding.WebName given System.Text.Encoding.CodePage.
211         // This is done rather than using a large readonly array of strings to avoid
212         // generating a large amount of code in the static constructor.
213         //
214         private const string s_webNames =
215             "utf-16" + // 1200
216             "utf-16BE" + // 1201
217             "utf-32" + // 12000
218             "utf-32BE" + // 12001
219             "us-ascii" + // 20127
220             "iso-8859-1" + // 28591
221             "utf-7" + // 65000
222             "utf-8"; // 65001
224         //
225         // s_webNameIndices contains the start index of each code page's default
226         // web name in the string s_webNames. It is indexed by an index into
227         // s_mappedCodePages.
228         //
229         private static readonly int[] s_webNameIndices = new int[]
230         {
231             0, // utf-16 (1200)
232             6, // utf-16be (1201)
233             14, // utf-32 (12000)
234             20, // utf-32be (12001)
235             28, // us-ascii (20127)
236             36, // iso-8859-1 (28591)
237             46, // utf-7 (65000)
238             51, // utf-8 (65001)
239             56
240         };
242         //
243         // s_englishNames is the concatenation of the English names for each codepage.
244         // It is used in retrieving the value for System.Text.Encoding.EncodingName
245         // given System.Text.Encoding.CodePage.
246         // This is done rather than using a large readonly array of strings to avoid
247         // generating a large amount of code in the static constructor.
248         //
249         private const string s_englishNames =
250             "Unicode" + // 1200
251             "Unicode (Big-Endian)" + // 1201
252             "Unicode (UTF-32)" + // 12000
253             "Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian)" + // 12001
254             "US-ASCII" + // 20127
255             "Western European (ISO)" + // 28591
256             "Unicode (UTF-7)" + // 65000
257             "Unicode (UTF-8)"; // 65001
259         //
260         // s_englishNameIndices contains the start index of each code page's English
261         // name in the string s_englishNames. It is indexed by an index into
262         // s_mappedCodePages.
263         //
264         private static readonly int[] s_englishNameIndices = new int[]
265         {
266             0, // Unicode (1200)
267             7, // Unicode (Big-Endian) (1201)
268             27, // Unicode (UTF-32) (12000)
269             43, // Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian) (12001)
270             70, // US-ASCII (20127)
271             78, // Western European (ISO) (28591)
272             100, // Unicode (UTF-7) (65000)
273             115, // Unicode (UTF-8) (65001)
274             130
275         };
277         // redeclaring these constants here for readability below
278         private const uint MIMECONTF_MAILNEWS = Encoding.MIMECONTF_MAILNEWS;
279         private const uint MIMECONTF_BROWSER = Encoding.MIMECONTF_BROWSER;
281         private const uint MIMECONTF_SAVABLE_BROWSER = Encoding.MIMECONTF_SAVABLE_BROWSER;
283         //
284         //s_flags is indexed by the corresponding index in s_mappedCodePages.
285         //
286         private static readonly uint[] s_flags = new uint[]
287         {
289             0,
290             0,
291             0,
296         };
297     }
298 }