1 //-------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <copyright company=�Microsoft Corporation�>
3 //   Copyright � Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
4 // </copyright>
5 //-------------------------------------------------------------
6 // @owner=alexgor, deliant
7 //=================================================================
8 //  File:		ColorPalette.cs
9 //
10 //  Namespace:	System.Web.UI.WebControls[Windows.Forms].Charting
11 //				System.Web.UI.WebControls[Windows.Forms].Charting.Utilities
12 //
13 //	Classes:	ChartPaletteColors
14 //
15 //  Purpose:	A utility class which defines chart palette colors.
16 //              These palettes are used to assign unique colors to
17 //              different chart series. For some chart types, like
18 //              Pie, different colors are applied on the data point
19 //              level.
20 //
21 //              Selected chart series/points palette is exposed
22 //              through Chart.Palette property. Series.Palette
23 //              property should be used to set different palette
24 //              color for each point of the series.
25 //
26 //	Reviewed:	AG - August 7, 2002
27 //              AG - Microsoft 5, 2007
28 //
29 //===================================================================
31 #region Used Namespaces
33 using System;
34 using System.Drawing;
36 #if Microsoft_CONTROL
37 	using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
38 #else
39 	using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting;
40 #endif
41 #endregion
43 #if Microsoft_CONTROL
44 	namespace System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
45 #else
46 namespace System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting
48 #endif
49 {
50 	#region Color palettes enumeration
52 	/// <summary>
53 	/// Chart color palettes enumeration
54 	/// </summary>
55 	public enum ChartColorPalette
56 	{
57 		/// <summary>
58 		/// Palette not set.
59 		/// </summary>
60 		None,
62 		/// <summary>
63         /// Bright palette.
64 		/// </summary>
65 		Bright,
67 		/// <summary>
68 		/// Palette with gray scale colors.
69 		/// </summary>
70 		Grayscale,
72 		/// <summary>
73 		/// Palette with Excel style colors.
74 		/// </summary>
75 		Excel,
77 		/// <summary>
78 		/// Palette with LightStyle style colors.
79 		/// </summary>
80 		Light,
82 		/// <summary>
83 		/// Palette with Pastel style colors.
84 		/// </summary>
85 		Pastel,
87 		/// <summary>
88 		/// Palette with Earth Tones style colors.
89 		/// </summary>
90 		EarthTones,
92 		/// <summary>
93 		/// Palette with SemiTransparent style colors.
94 		/// </summary>
95 		SemiTransparent,
97 		/// <summary>
98 		/// Palette with Berry style colors.
99 		/// </summary>
100 		Berry,
102 		/// <summary>
103 		/// Palette with Chocolate style colors.
104 		/// </summary>
105 		Chocolate,
107 		/// <summary>
108 		/// Palette with Fire style colors.
109 		/// </summary>
110 		Fire,
112 		/// <summary>
113 		/// Palette with SeaGreen style colors.
114 		/// </summary>
115 		SeaGreen,
117 		/// <summary>
118 		/// Bright pastel palette.
119 		/// </summary>
120 		BrightPastel
121 	};
123 	#endregion
124 }
126 #if Microsoft_CONTROL
127 	namespace System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities
128 #else
129 	namespace System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities
130 #endif
131 {
132 	/// <summary>
133 	/// ChartPaletteColors is a utility class which provides access
134     /// to the predefined chart color palettes. These palettes are
135     /// used to assign unique colors to different chart series.
136     /// For some chart types, like Pie, different colors are applied
137     /// on the data point level.
138     ///
139     /// GetPaletteColors method takes a ChartColorPalette enumeration
140     /// as a parameter and returns back an array of Colors. Each
141     /// palette contains different number of colors but it is a
142     /// good practice to keep this number around 15.
143 	/// </summary>
144 	internal static class ChartPaletteColors
145 	{
146 		#region Fields
148 		// Fields which store the palette color values
149         private static Color[] _colorsGrayScale = InitializeGrayScaleColors();
150 		private static	Color[] _colorsDefault = {
151 			Color.Green,
152 			Color.Blue,
153 			Color.Purple,
154 			Color.Lime,
155 			Color.Fuchsia,
156 			Color.Teal,
157 			Color.Yellow,
158 			Color.Gray,
159 			Color.Aqua,
160 			Color.Navy,
161 			Color.Maroon,
162 			Color.Red,
163 			Color.Olive,
164 			Color.Silver,
165 			Color.Tomato,
166 			Color.Moccasin
167 			};
169 		private static	Color[] _colorsPastel = {
170 													Color.SkyBlue,
171 													Color.LimeGreen,
172 													Color.MediumOrchid,
173 													Color.LightCoral,
174 													Color.SteelBlue,
175 													Color.YellowGreen,
176 													Color.Turquoise,
177 													Color.HotPink,
178 													Color.Khaki,
179 													Color.Tan,
180 													Color.DarkSeaGreen,
181 													Color.CornflowerBlue,
182 													Color.Plum,
183 													Color.CadetBlue,
184 													Color.PeachPuff,
185 													Color.LightSalmon
186 												};
188 		private static	Color[] _colorsEarth = {
189 												   Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 0),
190 												   Color.DarkGoldenrod,
191 												   Color.FromArgb(192, 64, 0),
192 												   Color.OliveDrab,
193 												   Color.Peru,
194 												   Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 0),
195 												   Color.ForestGreen,
196 												   Color.Chocolate,
197 												   Color.Olive,
198 												   Color.LightSeaGreen,
199 												   Color.SandyBrown,
200 												   Color.FromArgb(0, 192, 0),
201 												   Color.DarkSeaGreen,
202 												   Color.Firebrick,
203 												   Color.SaddleBrown,
204 												   Color.FromArgb(192, 0, 0)
205 											   };
207 		private static	Color[] _colorsSemiTransparent = {
208 													Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 0, 0),
209 													Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 255, 0),
210 													Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 255),
211 													Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 0),
212 													Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 255, 255),
213 													Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 0, 255),
214 													Color.FromArgb(150, 170, 120, 20),
215 													Color.FromArgb(80, 255, 0, 0),
216 													Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 255, 0),
217 													Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 255),
218 													Color.FromArgb(80, 255, 255, 0),
219 													Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 255, 255),
220 													Color.FromArgb(80, 255, 0, 255),
221 													Color.FromArgb(80, 170, 120, 20),
222 													Color.FromArgb(150, 100, 120, 50),
223 													Color.FromArgb(150, 40, 90, 150)
224 											  };
226 		private static	Color[] _colorsLight = {
227 												   Color.Lavender,
228 												   Color.LavenderBlush,
229 												   Color.PeachPuff,
230 												   Color.LemonChiffon,
231 												   Color.MistyRose,
232 												   Color.Honeydew,
233 												   Color.AliceBlue,
234 												   Color.WhiteSmoke,
235 												   Color.AntiqueWhite,
236 												   Color.LightCyan
237 											   };
239 		private static	Color[] _colorsExcel = {
240 			Color.FromArgb(153,153,255),
241 			Color.FromArgb(153,51,102),
242 			Color.FromArgb(255,255,204),
243 			Color.FromArgb(204,255,255),
244 			Color.FromArgb(102,0,102),
245 			Color.FromArgb(255,128,128),
246 			Color.FromArgb(0,102,204),
247 			Color.FromArgb(204,204,255),
248 			Color.FromArgb(0,0,128),
249 			Color.FromArgb(255,0,255),
250 			Color.FromArgb(255,255,0),
251 			Color.FromArgb(0,255,255),
252 			Color.FromArgb(128,0,128),
253 			Color.FromArgb(128,0,0),
254 			Color.FromArgb(0,128,128),
255 			Color.FromArgb(0,0,255)};
257 		private static	Color[] _colorsBerry = {
258 												  Color.BlueViolet,
259 												  Color.MediumOrchid,
260 												  Color.RoyalBlue,
261 												  Color.MediumVioletRed,
262 												  Color.Blue,
263 												  Color.BlueViolet,
264 												  Color.Orchid,
265 												  Color.MediumSlateBlue,
266 												  Color.FromArgb(192, 0, 192),
267 												  Color.MediumBlue,
268 												  Color.Purple
269 											  };
271 		private static	Color[] _colorsChocolate = {
272 												  Color.Sienna,
273 												  Color.Chocolate,
274 												  Color.DarkRed,
275 												  Color.Peru,
276 												  Color.Brown,
277 												  Color.SandyBrown,
278 												  Color.SaddleBrown,
279 												  Color.FromArgb(192, 64, 0),
280 												  Color.Firebrick,
281 												  Color.FromArgb(182, 92, 58)
282 											  };
284 		private static	Color[] _colorsFire = {
285 													  Color.Gold,
286 													  Color.Red,
287 													  Color.DeepPink,
288 													  Color.Crimson,
289 													  Color.DarkOrange,
290 													  Color.Magenta,
291 													  Color.Yellow,
292 													  Color.OrangeRed,
293 													  Color.MediumVioletRed,
294 													  Color.FromArgb(221, 226, 33)
295 												  };
297 		private static	Color[] _colorsSeaGreen = {
298 												 Color.SeaGreen,
299 												 Color.MediumAquamarine,
300 												 Color.SteelBlue,
301 												 Color.DarkCyan,
302 												 Color.CadetBlue,
303 												 Color.MediumSeaGreen,
304 												 Color.MediumTurquoise,
305 												 Color.LightSteelBlue,
306 												 Color.DarkSeaGreen,
307 												 Color.SkyBlue
308 											 };
310         private static Color[] _colorsBrightPastel = {
311 												   Color.FromArgb(65, 140, 240),
312 												   Color.FromArgb(252, 180, 65),
313 												   Color.FromArgb(224, 64, 10),
314 												   Color.FromArgb(5, 100, 146),
315 												   Color.FromArgb(191, 191, 191),
316 												   Color.FromArgb(26, 59, 105),
317 												   Color.FromArgb(255, 227, 130),
318 												   Color.FromArgb(18, 156, 221),
319 												   Color.FromArgb(202, 107, 75),
320 												   Color.FromArgb(0, 92, 219),
321 												   Color.FromArgb(243, 210, 136),
322 												   Color.FromArgb(80, 99, 129),
323 												   Color.FromArgb(241, 185, 168),
324 												   Color.FromArgb(224, 131, 10),
325 												   Color.FromArgb(120, 147, 190)
326 											   };
328 		#endregion
330 		#region Constructor
332 		/// <summary>
333 		/// Initializes the GrayScale color array
334 		/// </summary>
InitializeGrayScaleColors()335 		private static Color[] InitializeGrayScaleColors()
336 		{
337 			// Define gray scale colors
338 			Color[] grayScale = new Color[16];
339 			for(int i = 0; i < grayScale.Length; i++)
340 			{
341 				int colorValue = 200 - i * (180/16);
342 				grayScale[i] = Color.FromArgb(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue);
343 			}
345             return grayScale;
346 		}
348 		#endregion
350 		#region Methods
352         /// <summary>
353         /// Return array of colors for the specified palette. Number of
354         /// colors returned varies depending on the palette selected.
355         /// </summary>
356         /// <param name="palette">Palette to get the colors for.</param>
357         /// <returns>Array of colors.</returns>
GetPaletteColors(ChartColorPalette palette)358 		public static Color[] GetPaletteColors(ChartColorPalette palette)
359 		{
360 			switch(palette)
361 			{
362 				case(ChartColorPalette.None):
363 				{
364                     throw (new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionPaletteIsEmpty));
365 				}
366 				case(ChartColorPalette.Bright):
367 					return _colorsDefault;
368 				case(ChartColorPalette.Grayscale):
369                     return _colorsGrayScale;
370 				case(ChartColorPalette.Excel):
371 					return _colorsExcel;
372 				case(ChartColorPalette.Pastel):
373 					return _colorsPastel;
374 				case(ChartColorPalette.Light):
375 					return _colorsLight;
376 				case(ChartColorPalette.EarthTones):
377 					return _colorsEarth;
378 				case(ChartColorPalette.SemiTransparent):
379 					return _colorsSemiTransparent;
380 				case(ChartColorPalette.Berry):
381 					return _colorsBerry;
382 				case(ChartColorPalette.Chocolate):
383 					return _colorsChocolate;
384 				case(ChartColorPalette.Fire):
385 					return _colorsFire;
386 				case(ChartColorPalette.SeaGreen):
387 					return _colorsSeaGreen;
388 				case(ChartColorPalette.BrightPastel):
389                     return _colorsBrightPastel;
390 			}
391 			return null;
392 		}
394 		#endregion
395 	}
396 }