2(*                                                                        *)
3(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
4(*                                                                        *)
5(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
6(*                                                                        *)
7(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
8(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
9(*                                                                        *)
10(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
11(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
12(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
13(*                                                                        *)
16(* Substitutions *)
18open Misc
19open Path
20open Types
21open Btype
23type t =
24  { types: (Ident.t, Path.t) Tbl.t;
25    modules: (Ident.t, Path.t) Tbl.t;
26    modtypes: (Ident.t, module_type) Tbl.t;
27    for_saving: bool }
29let identity =
30  { types = Tbl.empty; modules = Tbl.empty; modtypes = Tbl.empty;
31    for_saving = false }
33let add_type id p s = { s with types = Tbl.add id p s.types }
35let add_module id p s = { s with modules = Tbl.add id p s.modules }
37let add_modtype id ty s = { s with modtypes = Tbl.add id ty s.modtypes }
39let for_saving s = { s with for_saving = true }
41let loc s x =
42  if s.for_saving && not !Clflags.keep_locs then Location.none else x
44let remove_loc =
45  let open Ast_mapper in
46  {default_mapper with location = (fun _this _loc -> Location.none)}
48let is_not_doc = function
49  | ({Location.txt = "ocaml.doc"}, _) -> false
50  | ({Location.txt = "ocaml.text"}, _) -> false
51  | ({Location.txt = "doc"}, _) -> false
52  | ({Location.txt = "text"}, _) -> false
53  | _ -> true
55let attrs s x =
56  let x =
57    if s.for_saving && not !Clflags.keep_docs then
58      List.filter is_not_doc x
59    else x
60  in
61    if s.for_saving && not !Clflags.keep_locs
62    then remove_loc.Ast_mapper.attributes remove_loc x
63    else x
65let rec module_path s = function
66    Pident id as p ->
67      begin try Tbl.find id s.modules with Not_found -> p end
68  | Pdot(p, n, pos) ->
69      Pdot(module_path s p, n, pos)
70  | Papply(p1, p2) ->
71      Papply(module_path s p1, module_path s p2)
73let modtype_path s = function
74    Pident id as p ->
75      begin try
76        match Tbl.find id s.modtypes with
77          | Mty_ident p -> p
78          | _ -> fatal_error "Subst.modtype_path"
79      with Not_found -> p end
80  | Pdot(p, n, pos) ->
81      Pdot(module_path s p, n, pos)
82  | Papply _ ->
83      fatal_error "Subst.modtype_path"
85let type_path s = function
86    Pident id as p ->
87      begin try Tbl.find id s.types with Not_found -> p end
88  | Pdot(p, n, pos) ->
89      Pdot(module_path s p, n, pos)
90  | Papply _ ->
91      fatal_error "Subst.type_path"
93let type_path s p =
94  match Path.constructor_typath p with
95  | Regular p -> type_path s p
96  | Cstr (ty_path, cstr) -> Pdot(type_path s ty_path, cstr, nopos)
97  | LocalExt _ -> type_path s p
98  | Ext (p, cstr) -> Pdot(module_path s p, cstr, nopos)
100(* Special type ids for saved signatures *)
102let new_id = ref (-1)
103let reset_for_saving () = new_id := -1
105let newpersty desc =
106  decr new_id;
107  { desc = desc; level = generic_level; id = !new_id }
109(* ensure that all occurrences of 'Tvar None' are physically shared *)
110let tvar_none = Tvar None
111let tunivar_none = Tunivar None
112let norm = function
113  | Tvar None -> tvar_none
114  | Tunivar None -> tunivar_none
115  | d -> d
117(* Similar to [Ctype.nondep_type_rec]. *)
118let rec typexp s ty =
119  let ty = repr ty in
120  match ty.desc with
121    Tvar _ | Tunivar _ as desc ->
122      if s.for_saving || ty.id < 0 then
123        let ty' =
124          if s.for_saving then newpersty (norm desc)
125          else newty2 ty.level desc
126        in
127        save_desc ty desc; ty.desc <- Tsubst ty'; ty'
128      else ty
129  | Tsubst ty ->
130      ty
131  | Tfield (m, k, _t1, _t2) when not s.for_saving && m = dummy_method
132      && field_kind_repr k <> Fabsent && (repr ty).level < generic_level ->
133      (* do not copy the type of self when it is not generalized *)
134      ty
135(* cannot do it, since it would omit subsitution
136  | Tvariant row when not (static_row row) ->
137      ty
139  | _ ->
140    let desc = ty.desc in
141    save_desc ty desc;
142    let tm = row_of_type ty in
143    let has_fixed_row =
144      not (is_Tconstr ty) && is_constr_row ~allow_ident:false tm in
145    (* Make a stub *)
146    let ty' = if s.for_saving then newpersty (Tvar None) else newgenvar () in
147    ty.desc <- Tsubst ty';
148    ty'.desc <-
149      begin if has_fixed_row then
150        match tm.desc with (* PR#7348 *)
151          Tconstr (Pdot(m,i,pos), tl, _abbrev) ->
152            let i' = String.sub i 0 (String.length i - 4) in
153            Tconstr(type_path s (Pdot(m,i',pos)), tl, ref Mnil)
154        | _ -> assert false
155      else match desc with
156      | Tconstr(p, tl, _abbrev) ->
157          Tconstr(type_path s p, List.map (typexp s) tl, ref Mnil)
158      | Tpackage(p, n, tl) ->
159          Tpackage(modtype_path s p, n, List.map (typexp s) tl)
160      | Tobject (t1, name) ->
161          Tobject (typexp s t1,
162                 ref (match !name with
163                        None -> None
164                      | Some (p, tl) ->
165                          Some (type_path s p, List.map (typexp s) tl)))
166      | Tvariant row ->
167          let row = row_repr row in
168          let more = repr row.row_more in
169          (* We must substitute in a subtle way *)
170          (* Tsubst takes a tuple containing the row var and the variant *)
171          begin match more.desc with
172            Tsubst {desc = Ttuple [_;ty2]} ->
173              (* This variant type has been already copied *)
174              ty.desc <- Tsubst ty2; (* avoid Tlink in the new type *)
175              Tlink ty2
176          | _ ->
177              let dup =
178                s.for_saving || more.level = generic_level || static_row row ||
179                match more.desc with Tconstr _ -> true | _ -> false in
180              (* Various cases for the row variable *)
181              let more' =
182                match more.desc with
183                  Tsubst ty -> ty
184                | Tconstr _ | Tnil -> typexp s more
185                | Tunivar _ | Tvar _ ->
186                    save_desc more more.desc;
187                    if s.for_saving then newpersty (norm more.desc) else
188                    if dup && is_Tvar more then newgenty more.desc else more
189                | _ -> assert false
190              in
191              (* Register new type first for recursion *)
192              more.desc <- Tsubst(newgenty(Ttuple[more';ty']));
193              (* Return a new copy *)
194              let row =
195                copy_row (typexp s) true row (not dup) more' in
196              match row.row_name with
197                Some (p, tl) ->
198                  Tvariant {row with row_name = Some (type_path s p, tl)}
199              | None ->
200                  Tvariant row
201          end
202      | Tfield(_label, kind, _t1, t2) when field_kind_repr kind = Fabsent ->
203          Tlink (typexp s t2)
204      | _ -> copy_type_desc (typexp s) desc
205      end;
206    ty'
209   Always make a copy of the type. If this is not done, type levels
210   might not be correct.
212let type_expr s ty =
213  let ty' = typexp s ty in
214  cleanup_types ();
215  ty'
217let label_declaration s l =
218  {
219    ld_id = l.ld_id;
220    ld_mutable = l.ld_mutable;
221    ld_type = typexp s l.ld_type;
222    ld_loc = loc s l.ld_loc;
223    ld_attributes = attrs s l.ld_attributes;
224  }
226let constructor_arguments s = function
227  | Cstr_tuple l ->
228      Cstr_tuple (List.map (typexp s) l)
229  | Cstr_record l ->
230      Cstr_record (List.map (label_declaration s) l)
232let constructor_declaration s c =
233  {
234    cd_id = c.cd_id;
235    cd_args = constructor_arguments s c.cd_args;
236    cd_res = may_map (typexp s) c.cd_res;
237    cd_loc = loc s c.cd_loc;
238    cd_attributes = attrs s c.cd_attributes;
239  }
241let type_declaration s decl =
242  let decl =
243    { type_params = List.map (typexp s) decl.type_params;
244      type_arity = decl.type_arity;
245      type_kind =
246        begin match decl.type_kind with
247          Type_abstract -> Type_abstract
248        | Type_variant cstrs ->
249            Type_variant (List.map (constructor_declaration s) cstrs)
250        | Type_record(lbls, rep) ->
251            Type_record (List.map (label_declaration s) lbls, rep)
252        | Type_open -> Type_open
253        end;
254      type_manifest =
255        begin
256          match decl.type_manifest with
257            None -> None
258          | Some ty -> Some(typexp s ty)
259        end;
260      type_private = decl.type_private;
261      type_variance = decl.type_variance;
262      type_newtype_level = None;
263      type_loc = loc s decl.type_loc;
264      type_attributes = attrs s decl.type_attributes;
265      type_immediate = decl.type_immediate;
266      type_unboxed = decl.type_unboxed;
267    }
268  in
269  cleanup_types ();
270  decl
272let class_signature s sign =
273  { csig_self = typexp s sign.csig_self;
274    csig_vars =
275      Vars.map (function (m, v, t) -> (m, v, typexp s t)) sign.csig_vars;
276    csig_concr = sign.csig_concr;
277    csig_inher =
278      List.map (fun (p, tl) -> (type_path s p, List.map (typexp s) tl))
279        sign.csig_inher;
280  }
282let rec class_type s =
283  function
284    Cty_constr (p, tyl, cty) ->
285      Cty_constr (type_path s p, List.map (typexp s) tyl, class_type s cty)
286  | Cty_signature sign ->
287      Cty_signature (class_signature s sign)
288  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
289      Cty_arrow (l, typexp s ty, class_type s cty)
291let class_declaration s decl =
292  let decl =
293    { cty_params = List.map (typexp s) decl.cty_params;
294      cty_variance = decl.cty_variance;
295      cty_type = class_type s decl.cty_type;
296      cty_path = type_path s decl.cty_path;
297      cty_new =
298        begin match decl.cty_new with
299          None    -> None
300        | Some ty -> Some (typexp s ty)
301        end;
302      cty_loc = loc s decl.cty_loc;
303      cty_attributes = attrs s decl.cty_attributes;
304    }
305  in
306  (* Do not clean up if saving: next is cltype_declaration *)
307  if not s.for_saving then cleanup_types ();
308  decl
310let cltype_declaration s decl =
311  let decl =
312    { clty_params = List.map (typexp s) decl.clty_params;
313      clty_variance = decl.clty_variance;
314      clty_type = class_type s decl.clty_type;
315      clty_path = type_path s decl.clty_path;
316      clty_loc = loc s decl.clty_loc;
317      clty_attributes = attrs s decl.clty_attributes;
318    }
319  in
320  (* Do clean up even if saving: type_declaration may be recursive *)
321  cleanup_types ();
322  decl
324let class_type s cty =
325  let cty = class_type s cty in
326  cleanup_types ();
327  cty
329let value_description s descr =
330  { val_type = type_expr s descr.val_type;
331    val_kind = descr.val_kind;
332    val_loc = loc s descr.val_loc;
333    val_attributes = attrs s descr.val_attributes;
334   }
336let extension_constructor s ext =
337  let ext =
338    { ext_type_path = type_path s ext.ext_type_path;
339      ext_type_params = List.map (typexp s) ext.ext_type_params;
340      ext_args = constructor_arguments s ext.ext_args;
341      ext_ret_type = may_map (typexp s) ext.ext_ret_type;
342      ext_private = ext.ext_private;
343      ext_attributes = attrs s ext.ext_attributes;
344      ext_loc = if s.for_saving then Location.none else ext.ext_loc; }
345  in
346    cleanup_types ();
347    ext
349let rec rename_bound_idents s idents = function
350    [] -> (List.rev idents, s)
351  | Sig_type(id, _, _) :: sg ->
352      let id' = Ident.rename id in
353      rename_bound_idents (add_type id (Pident id') s) (id' :: idents) sg
354  | Sig_module(id, _, _) :: sg ->
355      let id' = Ident.rename id in
356      rename_bound_idents (add_module id (Pident id') s) (id' :: idents) sg
357  | Sig_modtype(id, _) :: sg ->
358      let id' = Ident.rename id in
359      rename_bound_idents (add_modtype id (Mty_ident(Pident id')) s)
360                          (id' :: idents) sg
361  | (Sig_class(id, _, _) | Sig_class_type(id, _, _)) :: sg ->
362      (* cheat and pretend they are types cf. PR#6650 *)
363      let id' = Ident.rename id in
364      rename_bound_idents (add_type id (Pident id') s) (id' :: idents) sg
365  | (Sig_value(id, _) | Sig_typext(id, _, _)) :: sg ->
366      let id' = Ident.rename id in
367      rename_bound_idents s (id' :: idents) sg
369let rec modtype s = function
370    Mty_ident p as mty ->
371      begin match p with
372        Pident id ->
373          begin try Tbl.find id s.modtypes with Not_found -> mty end
374      | Pdot(p, n, pos) ->
375          Mty_ident(Pdot(module_path s p, n, pos))
376      | Papply _ ->
377          fatal_error "Subst.modtype"
378      end
379  | Mty_signature sg ->
380      Mty_signature(signature s sg)
381  | Mty_functor(id, arg, res) ->
382      let id' = Ident.rename id in
383      Mty_functor(id', may_map (modtype s) arg,
384                       modtype (add_module id (Pident id') s) res)
385  | Mty_alias(pres, p) ->
386      Mty_alias(pres, module_path s p)
388and signature s sg =
389  (* Components of signature may be mutually recursive (e.g. type declarations
390     or class and type declarations), so first build global renaming
391     substitution... *)
392  let (new_idents, s') = rename_bound_idents s [] sg in
393  (* ... then apply it to each signature component in turn *)
394  List.map2 (signature_component s') sg new_idents
396and signature_component s comp newid =
397  match comp with
398    Sig_value(_id, d) ->
399      Sig_value(newid, value_description s d)
400  | Sig_type(_id, d, rs) ->
401      Sig_type(newid, type_declaration s d, rs)
402  | Sig_typext(_id, ext, es) ->
403      Sig_typext(newid, extension_constructor s ext, es)
404  | Sig_module(_id, d, rs) ->
405      Sig_module(newid, module_declaration s d, rs)
406  | Sig_modtype(_id, d) ->
407      Sig_modtype(newid, modtype_declaration s d)
408  | Sig_class(_id, d, rs) ->
409      Sig_class(newid, class_declaration s d, rs)
410  | Sig_class_type(_id, d, rs) ->
411      Sig_class_type(newid, cltype_declaration s d, rs)
413and module_declaration s decl =
414  {
415    md_type = modtype s decl.md_type;
416    md_attributes = attrs s decl.md_attributes;
417    md_loc = loc s decl.md_loc;
418  }
420and modtype_declaration s decl  =
421  {
422    mtd_type = may_map (modtype s) decl.mtd_type;
423    mtd_attributes = attrs s decl.mtd_attributes;
424    mtd_loc = loc s decl.mtd_loc;
425  }
427(* For every binding k |-> d of m1, add k |-> f d to m2
428   and return resulting merged map. *)
430let merge_tbls f m1 m2 =
431  Tbl.fold (fun k d accu -> Tbl.add k (f d) accu) m1 m2
433(* Composition of substitutions:
434     apply (compose s1 s2) x = apply s2 (apply s1 x) *)
436let compose s1 s2 =
437  { types = merge_tbls (type_path s2) s1.types s2.types;
438    modules = merge_tbls (module_path s2) s1.modules s2.modules;
439    modtypes = merge_tbls (modtype s2) s1.modtypes s2.modtypes;
440    for_saving = s1.for_saving || s2.for_saving }