2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: Time Signature and structure.
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright   David Matthews 2000, 2005, 2017, 2019
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21signature TIME =
23     eqtype time
24     exception Time
25     val zeroTime : time
26     val fromReal : LargeReal.real -> time
27     val toReal : time -> LargeReal.real
28     val toSeconds      : time -> LargeInt.int
29     val toMilliseconds : time -> LargeInt.int
30     val toMicroseconds : time -> LargeInt.int
31     val toNanoseconds  : time -> LargeInt.int
32     val fromSeconds      : LargeInt.int -> time
33     val fromMilliseconds : LargeInt.int -> time
34     val fromMicroseconds : LargeInt.int -> time
35     val fromNanoseconds  : LargeInt.int -> time
36     val + : time * time -> time
37     val - : time * time -> time
38     val compare : time * time -> General.order
39     val <  : time * time -> bool
40     val <= : time * time -> bool
41     val >  : time * time -> bool
42     val >= : time * time -> bool
43     val now : unit -> time
44     val fmt : int -> time -> string
45     val toString : time -> string
46     val fromString : string -> time option
47     val scan       : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (time, 'a) StringCvt.reader
50structure Time :> TIME =
52    (* Unix and Windows both use 64 bit quantities for times.  Windows
53       uses a 64-bit number of 100ns ticks, Unix uses one word of seconds
54       and another of microseconds.  To handle both easily we use a single
55       arbitrary precision number for times with the actual resolution
56       returned as an RTS call.  The intention is retain as much precision
57       as possible. *)
58    type time = LargeInt.int (* Becomes abstract *)
59    exception Time
61    (* Get the number of ticks per microsecond and compute the corresponding
62       values for milliseconds and seconds. *)
63    val ticksPerMicrosecond = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyTimingTicksPerMicroSec" ()
64    val ticksPerMillisecond = ticksPerMicrosecond * 1000
65    val ticksPerSecond = ticksPerMillisecond * 1000
67    (* Check for very large time values.  These cause problems if
68       converted to dates. *)
69    local
70        val Years100000 = ticksPerSecond*60*60*24*365*100000
71    in
72        fun checkTimeValue t =
73            if t <  ~ Years100000 orelse t > Years100000
74            then raise Time else t
75    end;
77    (* The real representation is as a number of seconds. *)
78    local
79        val realTicks = Real.fromLargeInt ticksPerSecond
80    in
81        fun fromReal (x: real): time =
82            checkTimeValue(Real.toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST (x * realTicks))
83        and toReal (t: time): real = Real.fromLargeInt t / realTicks
84    end
86    val zeroTime = fromReal 0.0
88    (* Convert to seconds, etc.*)
89    fun toSeconds x = x div ticksPerSecond
90    and toMilliseconds x = x div ticksPerMillisecond
91    and toMicroseconds x = x div ticksPerMicrosecond
92    and toNanoseconds x = x * 1000 div ticksPerMicrosecond
94    (* Convert from the integer representations. *)
95    fun fromSeconds i = checkTimeValue(i * ticksPerSecond)
96    and fromMilliseconds i = checkTimeValue(i * ticksPerMillisecond)
97    and fromMicroseconds i = checkTimeValue(i * ticksPerMicrosecond)
98    and fromNanoseconds i = checkTimeValue(i * ticksPerMicrosecond div 1000)
100    (* Format as a fixed precision number.  if n < 0 treat as n = 0. *)
101    fun fmt n r = Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX(SOME(Int.max(n, 0)))) (toReal r)
102    val toString = fmt 3
104    (* The scanned string is a subset of the format of a real number.
105       It does not have an exponent.  At present we convert it as a real
106       number but it would probably be better to treat it as an integer. *)
107    fun scan getc src =
108    let
109        (* Return a list of digits. *)
110        fun getdigits inp src =
111            case getc src of
112                NONE => (List.rev inp, src)
113              | SOME(ch, src') =>
114                    if ch >= #"0" andalso ch <= #"9"
115                    then getdigits ((Char.ord ch - Char.ord #"0") :: inp) src'
116                    else (List.rev inp, src)
118        fun read_number sign src =
119            case getc src of
120                NONE => NONE
121              | SOME(ch, _) =>
122                    if not (ch >= #"0" andalso ch <= #"9" orelse ch = #".")
123                    then NONE (* Bad "*)
124                    else (* Digits or decimal. *)
125                    let
126                        (* Get the digits before the decimal point (if any) *)
127                        val (intPart, src'') = getdigits [] src
128                        (* Get the digits after the decimal point (if any).
129                           If there is a decimal point we swallow the decimal only
130                           if there is at least one digit after it. *)
131                        val (decPart, srcAfterMant) =
132                            case getc src'' of
133                                SOME (#".", src''') =>
134                                    ( (* Check that the next character is a digit. *)
135                                    case getc src''' of
136                                        NONE => ([], src'')
137                                      | SOME(ch, _) =>
138                                            if ch >= #"0" andalso ch <= #"9"
139                                            then getdigits [] src'''
140                                            else ([], src'')
141                                    )
142                             |  _ => ([], src'')
143                    in
144                        case (intPart, decPart) of
145                            ([], []) => NONE (* Must have a digit either before or after the dp. *)
146                        |   _ =>
147                        let
148                            (* Get exactly 9 digits after the decimal point. *)
149                            val decs = intPart @ (List.take(decPart @ [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], 9));
150                            (* It's now in nanoseconds. *)
151                            val toInt = List.foldl (fn (i, j) => LargeInt.fromInt i + j*10) (0: time) decs
152                        in
153                            SOME(fromNanoseconds(if sign then ~toInt else toInt), srcAfterMant)
154                        end
155                    end
156    in
157        case getc src of
158            NONE => NONE
159         |  SOME(ch, src') =>
160            if Char.isSpace ch (* Skip white space. *)
161            then scan getc src' (* Recurse *)
162            else if ch = #"+" (* Remove the + sign *)
163            then read_number false src'
164            else if ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"~"
165            then read_number true src'
166            else  (* See if it's a valid digit or decimal point. *)
167                read_number false src
168    end
170    val fromString = StringCvt.scanString scan
172    (* Use the integer operations for these. *)
173    val op < : (time * time) -> bool = LargeInt.<
174    val op <= : (time * time) -> bool = LargeInt.<=
175    val op > : (time * time) -> bool = LargeInt.>
176    val op >= : (time * time) -> bool = LargeInt.>=;
178    val compare = LargeInt.compare
180    val op + : (time * time) -> time = LargeInt.+
181    val op - : (time * time) -> time = LargeInt.-
183    local
184        val getNow: unit -> time = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyTimingGetNow"
185    in
186        fun now () = getNow() handle RunCall.SysErr _ => raise Time
187    end
193    (* Install the pretty printer for Time.time.  This has to be
194       done outside the structure because of the opaque matching. *)
195    fun pretty _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(Time.toString x)
197    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter pretty
198    (* Add overloads for +, -, <= etc *)
199    (* This is actually non-standard.  The basis library documentation does
200       not include Time.time among the types for which these operators are
201       overloaded. *)
202    val () = RunCall.addOverload Time.+ "+";
203    val () = RunCall.addOverload Time.- "-";
204    val () = RunCall.addOverload Time.< "<";
205    val () = RunCall.addOverload Time.> ">";
206    val () = RunCall.addOverload Time.<= "<=";
207    val () = RunCall.addOverload Time.>= ">=";