1 /*
2     Title:      Multi-Threaded Garbage Collector - Mark phase
4     Copyright (c) 2010-12, 2015-16, 2019 David C. J. Matthews
6     Based on the original garbage collector code
7         Copyright 2000-2008
8         Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
10     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
12     License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17     Lesser General Public License for more details.
19     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
23 */
24 /*
25 This is the first, mark, phase of the garbage collector.  It detects all
26 reachable cells in the area being collected.  At the end of the phase the
27 bit-maps associated with the areas will have ones for words belonging to cells
28 that must be retained and zeros for words that can be reused.
30 This is now multi-threaded.  The mark phase involves setting a bit in the header
31 of each live cell and then a pass over the memory building the bitmaps and clearing
32 this bit.  It is unfortunate that we cannot use the GC-bit that is used in
33 forwarding pointers but we may well have forwarded pointers left over from a
34 partially completed minor GC.  Using a bit in the header avoids the need for
35 locking since at worst it may involve two threads duplicating some marking.
37 The code ensures that each reachable cell is marked at least once but with
38 multiple threads a cell may be marked by more than once cell if the
39 memory is not fully up to date.  Each thread has a stack on which it
40 remembers cells that have been marked but not fully scanned.  If a
41 thread runs out of cells of its own to scan it can pick a pointer off
42 the stack of another thread and scan that.  The original thread will
43 still scan it some time later but it should find that the addresses
44 in it have all been marked and it can simply pop this off.  This is
45 all done without locking.  Stacks are only modified by the owning
46 thread and when they pop anything they write zero in its place.
47 Other threads only need to search for a zero to find if they are
48 at the top and if they get a pointer that has already been scanned
49 then this is safe.  The only assumption made about the memory is
50 that all the bits of a word are updated together so that a thread
51 will always read a value that is a valid pointer.
53 Many of the ideas are drawn from Flood, Detlefs, Shavit and Zhang 2001
54 "Parallel Garbage Collection for Shared Memory Multiprocessors".
55 */
56 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
57 #include "config.h"
58 #elif defined(_WIN32)
59 #include "winconfig.h"
60 #else
61 #error "No configuration file"
62 #endif
64 #ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
65 #include <assert.h>
66 #define ASSERT(x)   assert(x)
67 #else
68 #define ASSERT(x)
69 #endif
71 #include "globals.h"
72 #include "processes.h"
73 #include "gc.h"
74 #include "scanaddrs.h"
75 #include "check_objects.h"
76 #include "bitmap.h"
77 #include "memmgr.h"
78 #include "diagnostics.h"
79 #include "gctaskfarm.h"
80 #include "profiling.h"
81 #include "heapsizing.h"
83 #define MARK_STACK_SIZE 3000
84 #define LARGECACHE_SIZE 20
86 class MTGCProcessMarkPointers: public ScanAddress
87 {
88 public:
89     MTGCProcessMarkPointers();
91     virtual void ScanRuntimeAddress(PolyObject **pt, RtsStrength weak);
92     virtual PolyObject *ScanObjectAddress(PolyObject *base);
94     virtual void ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject *base, POLYUNSIGNED lengthWord);
95     // Have to redefine this for some reason.
ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject * base)96     void ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject *base)
97         { ScanAddressesInObject(base, base->LengthWord()); }
99     virtual void ScanConstant(PolyObject *base, byte *addressOfConstant, ScanRelocationKind code);
100     // ScanCodeAddressAt should never be called.
ScanCodeAddressAt(PolyObject ** pt)101     POLYUNSIGNED ScanCodeAddressAt(PolyObject **pt) { ASSERT(0); return 0; }
103     static void MarkPointersTask(GCTaskId *, void *arg1, void *arg2);
InitStatics(unsigned threads)105     static void InitStatics(unsigned threads)
106     {
107         markStacks = new MTGCProcessMarkPointers[threads];
108         nInUse = 0;
109         nThreads = threads;
110     }
112     static void MarkRoots(void);
113     static bool RescanForStackOverflow();
115 private:
116     bool TestForScan(PolyWord *pt);
117     void MarkAndTestForScan(PolyWord *pt);
118     void Reset();
PushToStack(PolyObject * obj,PolyWord * currentPtr=0)120     void PushToStack(PolyObject *obj, PolyWord *currentPtr = 0)
121     {
122         // If we don't have all the threads running we start a new one but
123         // only once we have several items on the stack.  Otherwise we
124         // can end up creating a task that terminates almost immediately.
125         if (nInUse >= nThreads || msp < 2 || ! ForkNew(obj))
126         {
127             if (msp < MARK_STACK_SIZE)
128             {
129                 markStack[msp++] = obj;
130                 if (currentPtr != 0)
131                 {
132                     locPtr++;
133                     if (locPtr == LARGECACHE_SIZE) locPtr = 0;
134                     largeObjectCache[locPtr].base = obj;
135                     largeObjectCache[locPtr].current = currentPtr;
136                 }
137             }
138             else StackOverflow(obj);
139         }
140         // else the new task is processing it.
141     }
143     static void StackOverflow(PolyObject *obj);
144     static bool ForkNew(PolyObject *obj);
146     PolyObject *markStack[MARK_STACK_SIZE];
147     unsigned msp;
148     bool active;
150     // For the typical small cell it's easier just to rescan from the start
151     // but that can be expensive for large cells.  This caches the offset for
152     // large cells.
153     static const POLYUNSIGNED largeObjectSize = 50;
154     struct { PolyObject *base; PolyWord *current; } largeObjectCache[LARGECACHE_SIZE];
155     unsigned locPtr;
157     static MTGCProcessMarkPointers *markStacks;
158 protected:
159     static unsigned nThreads, nInUse;
160     static PLock stackLock;
161 };
163 // There is one mark-stack for each GC thread.  markStacks[0] is used by the
164 // main thread when marking the roots and rescanning after mark-stack overflow.
165 // Once that work is done markStacks[0] is released and is available for a
166 // worker thread.
167 MTGCProcessMarkPointers *MTGCProcessMarkPointers::markStacks;
168 unsigned MTGCProcessMarkPointers::nThreads, MTGCProcessMarkPointers::nInUse;
169 PLock MTGCProcessMarkPointers::stackLock("GC mark stack");
171 // It is possible to have two levels of forwarding because
172 // we could have a cell in the allocation area that has been moved
173 // to the immutable area and then shared with another cell.
FollowForwarding(PolyObject * obj)174 inline PolyObject *FollowForwarding(PolyObject *obj)
175 {
176     while (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())
177         obj = obj->GetForwardingPtr();
178     return obj;
179 }
MTGCProcessMarkPointers()181 MTGCProcessMarkPointers::MTGCProcessMarkPointers(): msp(0), active(false), locPtr(0)
182 {
183     // Clear the mark stack
184     for (unsigned i = 0; i < MARK_STACK_SIZE; i++)
185         markStack[i] = 0;
186     // Clear the large object cache just to be sure.
187     for (unsigned j = 0; j < LARGECACHE_SIZE; j++)
188     {
189         largeObjectCache[j].base = 0;
190         largeObjectCache[j].current = 0;
191     }
192 }
194 // Clear the state at the beginning of a new GC pass.
Reset()195 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::Reset()
196 {
197     locPtr = 0;
198     //largeObjectCache[locPtr].base = 0;
199     // Clear the cache completely just to be safe
200     for (unsigned j = 0; j < LARGECACHE_SIZE; j++)
201     {
202         largeObjectCache[j].base = 0;
203         largeObjectCache[j].current = 0;
204     }
206 }
208 // Called when the stack has overflowed.  We need to include this
209 // in the range to be rescanned.
StackOverflow(PolyObject * obj)210 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::StackOverflow(PolyObject *obj)
211 {
212     MarkableSpace *space = (MarkableSpace*)gMem.SpaceForObjectAddress(obj);
213     ASSERT(space != 0 && (space->spaceType == ST_LOCAL || space->spaceType == ST_CODE));
214     PLocker lock(&space->spaceLock);
215     // Have to include this in the range to rescan.
216     if (space->fullGCRescanStart > ((PolyWord*)obj) - 1)
217         space->fullGCRescanStart = ((PolyWord*)obj) - 1;
218     POLYUNSIGNED n = obj->Length();
219     if (space->fullGCRescanEnd < ((PolyWord*)obj) + n)
220         space->fullGCRescanEnd = ((PolyWord*)obj) + n;
221     ASSERT(obj->LengthWord() & _OBJ_GC_MARK); // Should have been marked.
222     if (debugOptions & DEBUG_GC_ENHANCED)
223         Log("GC: Mark: Stack overflow.  Rescan for %p\n", obj);
224 }
226 // Fork a new task.  Because we've checked nInUse without taking the lock
227 // we may find that we can no longer create a new task.
ForkNew(PolyObject * obj)228 bool MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ForkNew(PolyObject *obj)
229 {
230     MTGCProcessMarkPointers *marker = 0;
231     {
232         PLocker lock(&stackLock);
233         if (nInUse == nThreads)
234             return false;
235         for (unsigned i = 0; i < nThreads; i++)
236         {
237             if (! markStacks[i].active)
238             {
239                 marker = &markStacks[i];
240                 break;
241             }
242         }
243         ASSERT(marker != 0);
244         marker->active = true;
245         nInUse++;
246     }
247     bool test = gpTaskFarm->AddWork(&MTGCProcessMarkPointers::MarkPointersTask, marker, obj);
248     ASSERT(test);
249     return true;
250 }
252 // Main marking task.  This is forked off initially to scan a specific object and
253 // anything reachable from it but once that has finished it tries to find objects
254 // on other stacks to scan.
MarkPointersTask(GCTaskId *,void * arg1,void * arg2)255 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::MarkPointersTask(GCTaskId *, void *arg1, void *arg2)
256 {
257     MTGCProcessMarkPointers *marker = (MTGCProcessMarkPointers*)arg1;
258     marker->Reset();
260     marker->ScanAddressesInObject((PolyObject*)arg2);
262     while (true)
263     {
264         // Look for a stack that has at least one item on it.
265         MTGCProcessMarkPointers *steal = 0;
266         for (unsigned i = 0; i < nThreads && steal == 0; i++)
267         {
268             if (markStacks[i].markStack[0] != 0)
269                 steal = &markStacks[i];
270         }
271         // We're finished if they're all done.
272         if (steal == 0)
273             break;
274         // Look for items on this stack
275         for (unsigned j = 0; j < MARK_STACK_SIZE; j++)
276         {
277             // Pick the item off the stack.
278             // N.B. The owning thread may update this to zero
279             // at any time.
280             PolyObject *toSteal = steal->markStack[j];
281             if (toSteal == 0) break; // Nothing more on the stack
282             // The idea here is that the original thread pushed this
283             // because there were at least two addresses it needed to
284             // process.  It started down one branch but left the other.
285             // Since it will have marked cells in the branch it has
286             // followed this thread will start on the unprocessed
287             // address(es).
288             marker->ScanAddressesInObject(toSteal);
289         }
290     }
292     PLocker lock(&stackLock);
293     marker->active = false; // It's finished
294     nInUse--;
295     ASSERT(marker->markStack[0] == 0);
296 }
298 // Tests if this needs to be scanned.  It marks it if it has not been marked
299 // unless it has to be scanned.
TestForScan(PolyWord * pt)300 bool MTGCProcessMarkPointers::TestForScan(PolyWord *pt)
301 {
302     if ((*pt).IsTagged())
303         return false;
305     // This could contain a forwarding pointer if it points into an
306     // allocation area and has been moved by the minor GC.
307     // We have to be a little careful.  Another thread could also
308     // be following any forwarding pointers here.  However it's safe
309     // because they will update it with the same value.
310     PolyObject *obj = (*pt).AsObjPtr();
311     if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())
312     {
313         obj = FollowForwarding(obj);
314         *pt = obj;
315     }
317     MemSpace *sp = gMem.SpaceForObjectAddress(obj);
318     if (sp == 0 || (sp->spaceType != ST_LOCAL && sp->spaceType != ST_CODE))
319         return false; // Ignore it if it points to a permanent area
321     POLYUNSIGNED L = obj->LengthWord();
322     if (L & _OBJ_GC_MARK)
323         return false; // Already marked
325     if (debugOptions & DEBUG_GC_DETAIL)
326         Log("GC: Mark: %p %" POLYUFMT " %u\n", obj, OBJ_OBJECT_LENGTH(L), GetTypeBits(L));
328     if (OBJ_IS_BYTE_OBJECT(L))
329     {
330         obj->SetLengthWord(L | _OBJ_GC_MARK); // Mark it
331         return false; // We've done as much as we need
332     }
333     return true;
334 }
MarkAndTestForScan(PolyWord * pt)336 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::MarkAndTestForScan(PolyWord *pt)
337 {
338     if (TestForScan(pt))
339     {
340         PolyObject *obj = (*pt).AsObjPtr();
341         obj->SetLengthWord(obj->LengthWord() | _OBJ_GC_MARK);
342     }
343 }
345 // The initial entry to process the roots.  These may be RTS addresses or addresses in
346 // a thread stack.  Also called recursively to process the addresses of constants in
347 // code segments.  This is used in situations where a scanner may return the
348 // updated address of an object.
ScanObjectAddress(PolyObject * obj)349 PolyObject *MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanObjectAddress(PolyObject *obj)
350 {
351     MemSpace *sp = gMem.SpaceForAddress((PolyWord*)obj-1);
353     if (!(sp->spaceType == ST_LOCAL || sp->spaceType == ST_CODE))
354         return obj; // Ignore it if it points to a permanent area
356     // We may have a forwarding pointer if this has been moved by the
357     // minor GC.
358     if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())
359     {
360         obj = FollowForwarding(obj);
361         sp = gMem.SpaceForAddress((PolyWord*)obj - 1);
362     }
364     ASSERT(obj->ContainsNormalLengthWord());
366     POLYUNSIGNED L = obj->LengthWord();
367     if (L & _OBJ_GC_MARK)
368         return obj; // Already marked
369     sp->writeAble(obj)->SetLengthWord(L | _OBJ_GC_MARK); // Mark it
371     if (profileMode == kProfileLiveData || (profileMode == kProfileLiveMutables && obj->IsMutable()))
372         AddObjectProfile(obj);
375     if (debugOptions & DEBUG_GC_DETAIL)
376         Log("GC: Mark: %p %" POLYUFMT " %u\n", obj, n, GetTypeBits(L));
378     if (OBJ_IS_BYTE_OBJECT(L))
379         return obj;
381     // If we already have something on the stack we must being called
382     // recursively to process a constant in a code segment.  Just push
383     // it on the stack and let the caller deal with it.
384     if (msp != 0)
385         PushToStack(obj); // Can't check this because it may have forwarding ptrs.
386     else
387     {
388         // Normally a root but this can happen if we're following constants in code.
389         // In that case we want to make sure that we don't recurse too deeply and
390         // overflow the C stack.  Push the address to the stack before calling
391         // ScanAddressesInObject so that if we come back here msp will be non-zero.
392         // ScanAddressesInObject will empty the stack.
393         PushToStack(obj);
394         MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanAddressesInObject(obj, L);
395         // We can only check after we've processed it because if we
396         // have addresses left over from an incomplete partial GC they
397         // may need to forwarded.
398         CheckObject (obj);
399     }
401     return obj;
402 }
404 // These functions are only called with pointers held by the runtime system.
405 // Weak references can occur in the runtime system, eg. streams and windows.
406 // Weak references are not marked and so unreferenced streams and windows
407 // can be detected and closed.
ScanRuntimeAddress(PolyObject ** pt,RtsStrength weak)408 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanRuntimeAddress(PolyObject **pt, RtsStrength weak)
409 {
410     if (weak == STRENGTH_WEAK) return;
411     *pt = ScanObjectAddress(*pt);
412     CheckPointer (*pt); // Check it after any forwarding pointers have been followed.
413 }
415 // This is called via ScanAddressesInRegion to process the permanent mutables.  It is
416 // also called from ScanObjectAddress to process root addresses.
417 // It processes all the addresses reachable from the object.
418 // This is almost the same as RecursiveScan::ScanAddressesInObject.
ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject * obj,POLYUNSIGNED lengthWord)419 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject *obj, POLYUNSIGNED lengthWord)
420 {
421     if (OBJ_IS_BYTE_OBJECT(lengthWord))
422         return;
424     while (true)
425     {
426         ASSERT (OBJ_IS_LENGTH(lengthWord));
428         POLYUNSIGNED length = OBJ_OBJECT_LENGTH(lengthWord);
429         PolyWord *baseAddr = (PolyWord*)obj;
430         PolyWord *endWord = baseAddr + length;
432         if (OBJ_IS_WEAKREF_OBJECT(lengthWord))
433         {
434             // Special case.
435             ASSERT(OBJ_IS_MUTABLE_OBJECT(lengthWord)); // Should be a mutable.
436             ASSERT(OBJ_IS_WORD_OBJECT(lengthWord)); // Should be a plain object.
437             // We need to mark the "SOME" values in this object but we don't mark
438             // the references contained within the "SOME".
439             // Mark every word but ignore the result.
440             for (POLYUNSIGNED i = 0; i < length; i++)
441                 (void)MarkAndTestForScan(baseAddr+i);
442             // We've finished with this.
443             endWord = baseAddr;
444         }
446         else if (OBJ_IS_CODE_OBJECT(lengthWord))
447         {
448             // Code addresses in the native code versions.
449             // Closure cells are normal (word) objects and code addresses are normal addresses.
450             // It's better to process the whole code object in one go.
451             ScanAddress::ScanAddressesInObject(obj, lengthWord);
452             endWord = baseAddr; // Finished
453         }
455         else if (OBJ_IS_CLOSURE_OBJECT(lengthWord))
456         {
457             // Closure cells in 32-in-64.
458             // The first word is the absolute address of the code ...
459             PolyObject *codeAddr = *(PolyObject**)obj;
460             // except that it is possible we haven't yet set it.
461             if (((uintptr_t)codeAddr & 1) == 0)
462                 ScanObjectAddress(codeAddr);
463             // The rest is a normal tuple.
464             baseAddr += sizeof(PolyObject*) / sizeof(PolyWord);
465         }
467         // If there are only two addresses in this cell that need to be
468         // followed we follow them immediately and treat this cell as done.
469         // If there are more than two we push the address of this cell on
470         // the stack, follow the first address and then rescan it.  That way
471         // list cells are processed once only but we don't overflow the
472         // stack by pushing all the addresses in a very large vector.
473         PolyObject *firstWord = 0;
474         PolyObject *secondWord = 0;
475         PolyWord *restartAddr = 0;
477         if (obj == largeObjectCache[locPtr].base)
478         {
479             baseAddr = largeObjectCache[locPtr].current;
480             ASSERT(baseAddr > (PolyWord*)obj && baseAddr < endWord);
481             if (locPtr == 0) locPtr = LARGECACHE_SIZE - 1; else locPtr--;
482         }
484         while (baseAddr != endWord)
485         {
486             PolyWord wordAt = *baseAddr;
488             if (wordAt.IsDataPtr() && wordAt != PolyWord::FromUnsigned(0))
489             {
490                 // Normal address.  We can have words of all zeros at least in the
491                 // situation where we have a partially constructed code segment where
492                 // the constants at the end of the code have not yet been filled in.
493                 if (TestForScan(baseAddr))
494                 {
495                     if (firstWord == 0)
496                         firstWord = baseAddr->AsObjPtr();
497                     else if (secondWord == 0)
498                     {
499                         // If we need to rescan because there are three or more words to do
500                         // this is the place we need to restart (or the start of the cell if it's
501                         // small).
502                         restartAddr = baseAddr;
503                         secondWord = baseAddr->AsObjPtr();
504                     }
505                     else break;  // More than two words.
506                 }
507             }
508             baseAddr++;
509         }
511         if (baseAddr != endWord)
512             // Put this back on the stack while we process the first word
513             PushToStack(obj, length < largeObjectSize ? 0 : restartAddr);
514         else if (secondWord != 0)
515         {
516             // Mark it now because we will process it.
517             PolyObject* writeAble = secondWord;
518             if (secondWord->IsCodeObject())
519                 writeAble = gMem.SpaceForObjectAddress(secondWord)->writeAble(secondWord);
520             writeAble->SetLengthWord(secondWord->LengthWord() | _OBJ_GC_MARK);
521             // Put this on the stack.  If this is a list node we will be
522             // pushing the tail.
523             PushToStack(secondWord);
524         }
526         if (firstWord != 0)
527         {
528             // Mark it and process it immediately.
529             PolyObject* writeAble = firstWord;
530             if (firstWord->IsCodeObject())
531                 writeAble = gMem.SpaceForObjectAddress(firstWord)->writeAble(firstWord);
532             writeAble->SetLengthWord(firstWord->LengthWord() | _OBJ_GC_MARK);
533             obj = firstWord;
534         }
535         else if (msp == 0)
536         {
537             markStack[msp] = 0; // Really finished
538             return;
539         }
540         else
541         {
542             // Clear the item above the top.  This really is finished.
543             if (msp < MARK_STACK_SIZE) markStack[msp] = 0;
544             // Pop the item from the stack but don't overwrite it yet.
545             // This allows another thread to steal it if there really
546             // is nothing else to do.  This is only really important
547             // for large objects.
548             obj = markStack[--msp]; // Pop something.
549         }
551         lengthWord = obj->LengthWord();
552     }
553 }
555 // Process a constant within the code.  This is a direct copy of ScanAddress::ScanConstant
556 // with the addition of the locking.
ScanConstant(PolyObject * base,byte * addressOfConstant,ScanRelocationKind code)557 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanConstant(PolyObject *base, byte *addressOfConstant, ScanRelocationKind code)
558 {
559     // If we have newly compiled code the constants may be in the
560     // local heap.  MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanObjectAddress can
561     // return an updated address for a local address if there is a
562     // forwarding pointer.
563     // Constants can be aligned on any byte offset so another thread
564     // scanning the same code could see an invalid address if it read
565     // the constant while it was being updated.  We put a lock round
566     // this just in case.
567     MemSpace *space = gMem.SpaceForAddress(addressOfConstant);
568     PLock *lock = 0;
569     if (space->spaceType == ST_CODE)
570         lock = &((CodeSpace*)space)->spaceLock;
572     if (lock != 0)
573         lock->Lock();
574     PolyObject *p = GetConstantValue(addressOfConstant, code);
575     if (lock != 0)
576         lock->Unlock();
578     if (p != 0)
579     {
580         PolyObject *newVal = ScanObjectAddress(p);
581         if (newVal != p) // Update it if it has changed.
582         {
583             if (lock != 0)
584                 lock->Lock();
585             SetConstantValue(addressOfConstant, newVal, code);
586             if (lock != 0)
587                 lock->Unlock();
588         }
589     }
590 }
592 // Mark all the roots.  This is run in the main thread and has the effect
593 // of starting new tasks as the scanning runs.
MarkRoots(void)594 void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::MarkRoots(void)
595 {
596     ASSERT(nThreads >= 1);
597     ASSERT(nInUse == 0);
598     MTGCProcessMarkPointers *marker = &markStacks[0];
599     marker->Reset();
600     marker->active = true;
601     nInUse = 1;
603     // Scan the permanent mutable areas.
604     for (std::vector<PermanentMemSpace*>::iterator i = gMem.pSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.pSpaces.end(); i++)
605     {
606         PermanentMemSpace *space = *i;
607         if (space->isMutable && ! space->byteOnly)
608             marker->ScanAddressesInRegion(space->bottom, space->top);
609     }
611     // Scan the RTS roots.
612     GCModules(marker);
614     ASSERT(marker->markStack[0] == 0);
616     // When this has finished there may well be other tasks running.
617     PLocker lock(&stackLock);
618     marker->active = false;
619     nInUse--;
620 }
622 // This class just allows us to use ScanAddress::ScanAddressesInRegion to call
623 // ScanAddressesInObject for each object in the region.
624 class Rescanner: public ScanAddress
625 {
626 public:
Rescanner(MTGCProcessMarkPointers * marker)627     Rescanner(MTGCProcessMarkPointers *marker): m_marker(marker) {}
ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject * obj,POLYUNSIGNED lengthWord)629     virtual void ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject *obj, POLYUNSIGNED lengthWord)
630     {
631         // If it has previously been marked it is known to be reachable but
632         // the contents may not have been scanned if the stack overflowed.
633         if (lengthWord &_OBJ_GC_MARK)
634             m_marker->ScanAddressesInObject(obj, lengthWord);
635     }
637     // Have to define this.
ScanObjectAddress(PolyObject * base)638     virtual PolyObject *ScanObjectAddress(PolyObject *base) { ASSERT(false); return 0; }
ScanCodeAddressAt(PolyObject ** pt)639     virtual POLYUNSIGNED ScanCodeAddressAt(PolyObject **pt) { ASSERT(false); return 0; }
641     bool ScanSpace(MarkableSpace *space);
642 private:
643     MTGCProcessMarkPointers *m_marker;
644 };
646 // Rescan any marked objects in the area between fullGCRescanStart and fullGCRescanEnd.
647 // N.B.  We may have threads already processing other areas and they could overflow
648 // their stacks and change fullGCRescanStart or fullGCRescanEnd.
ScanSpace(MarkableSpace * space)649 bool Rescanner::ScanSpace(MarkableSpace *space)
650 {
651     PolyWord *start, *end;
652     {
653         PLocker lock(&space->spaceLock);
654         start = space->fullGCRescanStart;
655         end = space->fullGCRescanEnd;
656         space->fullGCRescanStart = space->top;
657         space->fullGCRescanEnd = space->bottom;
658     }
659     if (start < end)
660     {
661         if (debugOptions & DEBUG_GC_ENHANCED)
662             Log("GC: Mark: Rescanning from %p to %p\n", start, end);
663         ScanAddressesInRegion(start, end);
664         return true; // Require rescan
665     }
666     else return false;
667 }
669 // When the threads created by marking the roots have completed we need to check that
670 // the mark stack has not overflowed.  If it has we need to rescan.  This rescanning
671 // pass may result in a further overflow so if we find we have to rescan we repeat.
RescanForStackOverflow()672 bool MTGCProcessMarkPointers::RescanForStackOverflow()
673 {
674     ASSERT(nThreads >= 1);
675     ASSERT(nInUse == 0);
676     MTGCProcessMarkPointers *marker = &markStacks[0];
677     marker->Reset();
678     marker->active = true;
679     nInUse = 1;
680     bool rescan = false;
681     Rescanner rescanner(marker);
683     for (std::vector<LocalMemSpace*>::iterator i = gMem.lSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.lSpaces.end(); i++)
684     {
685         if (rescanner.ScanSpace(*i))
686             rescan = true;
687     }
688     for (std::vector<CodeSpace *>::iterator i = gMem.cSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.cSpaces.end(); i++)
689     {
690         if (rescanner.ScanSpace(*i))
691             rescan = true;
692     }
693     {
694         PLocker lock(&stackLock);
695         nInUse--;
696         marker->active = false;
697     }
698     return rescan;
699 }
SetBitmaps(LocalMemSpace * space,PolyWord * pt,PolyWord * top)701 static void SetBitmaps(LocalMemSpace *space, PolyWord *pt, PolyWord *top)
702 {
703     while (pt < top)
704     {
705 #ifdef POLYML32IN64
706         if ((((uintptr_t)pt) & 4) == 0)
707         {
708             pt++;
709             continue;
710         }
711 #endif
712         PolyObject *obj = (PolyObject*)++pt;
713         // If it has been copied by a minor collection skip it
714         if (obj->ContainsForwardingPtr())
715         {
716             obj = FollowForwarding(obj);
717             ASSERT(obj->ContainsNormalLengthWord());
718             pt += obj->Length();
719         }
720         else
721         {
722             POLYUNSIGNED L = obj->LengthWord();
724             if (L & _OBJ_GC_MARK)
725             {
726                 obj->SetLengthWord(L & ~(_OBJ_GC_MARK));
727                 uintptr_t bitno = space->wordNo(pt);
728                 space->bitmap.SetBits(bitno - 1, n + 1);
730                 if (OBJ_IS_MUTABLE_OBJECT(L))
731                     space->m_marked += n + 1;
732                 else
733                     space->i_marked += n + 1;
735                 if ((PolyWord*)obj <= space->fullGCLowerLimit)
736                     space->fullGCLowerLimit = (PolyWord*)obj-1;
738                 if (OBJ_IS_WEAKREF_OBJECT(L))
739                 {
740                     // Add this to the limits for the containing area.
741                     PolyWord *baseAddr = (PolyWord*)obj;
742                     PolyWord *startAddr = baseAddr-1; // Must point AT length word.
743                     PolyWord *endObject = baseAddr + n;
744                     if (startAddr < space->lowestWeak) space->lowestWeak = startAddr;
745                     if (endObject > space->highestWeak) space->highestWeak = endObject;
746                 }
747             }
748             pt += n;
749         }
750     }
751 }
CreateBitmapsTask(GCTaskId *,void * arg1,void * arg2)753 static void CreateBitmapsTask(GCTaskId *, void *arg1, void *arg2)
754 {
755     LocalMemSpace *lSpace = (LocalMemSpace *)arg1;
756     lSpace->bitmap.ClearBits(0, lSpace->spaceSize());
757     SetBitmaps(lSpace, lSpace->bottom, lSpace->top);
758 }
760 // Parallel task to check the marks on cells in the code area and
761 // turn them into byte areas if they are free.
CheckMarksOnCodeTask(GCTaskId *,void * arg1,void * arg2)762 static void CheckMarksOnCodeTask(GCTaskId *, void *arg1, void *arg2)
763 {
764     CodeSpace *space = (CodeSpace*)arg1;
765 #ifdef POLYML32IN64
766     PolyWord *pt = space->bottom+1;
767 #else
768     PolyWord *pt = space->bottom;
769 #endif
770     PolyWord *lastFree = 0;
771     POLYUNSIGNED lastFreeSpace = 0;
772     space->largestFree = 0;
773     space->firstFree = 0;
774     while (pt < space->top)
775     {
776         PolyObject *obj = (PolyObject*)(pt+1);
777         // There should not be forwarding pointers
778         ASSERT(obj->ContainsNormalLengthWord());
779         POLYUNSIGNED L = obj->LengthWord();
781         if (L & _OBJ_GC_MARK)
782         {
783             // It's marked - retain it.
784             ASSERT(L & _OBJ_CODE_OBJ);
785             space->writeAble(obj)->SetLengthWord(L & ~(_OBJ_GC_MARK)); // Clear the mark bit
786             lastFree = 0;
787             lastFreeSpace = 0;
788         }
789 #ifdef POLYML32IN64
790         else if (length == 0)
791         {
792             // We may have zero filler words to set the correct alignment.
793             // Merge them into a previously free area otherwise leave
794             // them if they're after something allocated.
795             if (lastFree + lastFreeSpace == pt)
796             {
797                 lastFreeSpace += length + 1;
798                 PolyObject *freeSpace = (PolyObject*)(lastFree + 1);
799                 space->writeAble(freeSpace)->SetLengthWord(lastFreeSpace - 1, F_BYTE_OBJ);
800             }
801         }
802 #endif
803         else { // Turn it into a byte area i.e. free.  It may already be free.
804             if (space->firstFree == 0) space->firstFree = pt;
805             space->headerMap.ClearBit(pt-space->bottom); // Remove the "header" bit
806             if (lastFree + lastFreeSpace == pt)
807                 // Merge free spaces.  Speeds up subsequent scans.
808                 lastFreeSpace += length + 1;
809             else
810             {
811                 lastFree = pt;
812                 lastFreeSpace = length + 1;
813             }
814             PolyObject *freeSpace = (PolyObject*)(lastFree+1);
815             space->writeAble(freeSpace)->SetLengthWord(lastFreeSpace-1, F_BYTE_OBJ);
816             if (lastFreeSpace > space->largestFree) space->largestFree = lastFreeSpace;
817         }
818         pt += length+1;
819     }
820 }
GCMarkPhase(void)822 void GCMarkPhase(void)
823 {
824     mainThreadPhase = MTP_GCPHASEMARK;
826     // Clear the mark counters and set the rescan limits.
827     for(std::vector<LocalMemSpace*>::iterator i = gMem.lSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.lSpaces.end(); i++)
828     {
829         LocalMemSpace *lSpace = *i;
830         lSpace->i_marked = lSpace->m_marked = 0;
831         lSpace->fullGCRescanStart = lSpace->top;
832         lSpace->fullGCRescanEnd = lSpace->bottom;
833     }
834     for (std::vector<CodeSpace *>::iterator i = gMem.cSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.cSpaces.end(); i++)
835     {
836         CodeSpace *space = *i;
837         space->fullGCRescanStart = space->top;
838         space->fullGCRescanEnd = space->bottom;
839     }
841     MTGCProcessMarkPointers::MarkRoots();
842     gpTaskFarm->WaitForCompletion();
844     // Do we have to rescan because the mark stack overflowed?
845     bool rescan;
846     do {
847         rescan = MTGCProcessMarkPointers::RescanForStackOverflow();
848         gpTaskFarm->WaitForCompletion();
849     } while(rescan);
851     gHeapSizeParameters.RecordGCTime(HeapSizeParameters::GCTimeIntermediate, "Mark");
853     // Turn the marks into bitmap entries.
854     for (std::vector<LocalMemSpace*>::iterator i = gMem.lSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.lSpaces.end(); i++)
855         gpTaskFarm->AddWorkOrRunNow(&CreateBitmapsTask, *i, 0);
857     // Process the code areas.
858     for (std::vector<CodeSpace *>::iterator i = gMem.cSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.cSpaces.end(); i++)
859         gpTaskFarm->AddWorkOrRunNow(&CheckMarksOnCodeTask, *i, 0);
861     gpTaskFarm->WaitForCompletion(); // Wait for completion of the bitmaps
863     gMem.RemoveEmptyCodeAreas();
865     gHeapSizeParameters.RecordGCTime(HeapSizeParameters::GCTimeIntermediate, "Bitmap");
867     uintptr_t totalLive = 0;
868     for(std::vector<LocalMemSpace*>::iterator i = gMem.lSpaces.begin(); i < gMem.lSpaces.end(); i++)
869     {
870         LocalMemSpace *lSpace = *i;
871         if (! lSpace->isMutable) ASSERT(lSpace->m_marked == 0);
872         totalLive += lSpace->m_marked + lSpace->i_marked;
873         if (debugOptions & DEBUG_GC_ENHANCED)
874             Log("GC: Mark: %s space %p: %" POLYUFMT " immutable words marked, %" POLYUFMT " mutable words marked\n",
875                                 lSpace->spaceTypeString(), lSpace,
876                                 lSpace->i_marked, lSpace->m_marked);
877     }
878     if (debugOptions & DEBUG_GC)
879         Log("GC: Mark: Total live data %" POLYUFMT " words\n", totalLive);
880 }
882 // Set up the stacks.
initialiseMarkerTables()883 void initialiseMarkerTables()
884 {
885     unsigned threads = gpTaskFarm->ThreadCount();
886     if (threads == 0) threads = 1;
887     MTGCProcessMarkPointers::InitStatics(threads);
888 }