1{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
3module CrossCodegen where
6A special cross-compilation mode for hsc2hs, which generates a .hs
7file without needing to run the executables that the C compiler
10Instead, it uses the output of compilations only -- specifically,
11whether compilation fails.  This is the same trick that autoconf uses
12when cross compiling; if you want to know if sizeof(int) <= 4, then try
15> int x() {
16>   static int ary[1 - 2*(sizeof(int) <= 4)];
17> }
19and see if it fails. If you want to know sizeof(int), then
20repeatedly apply this kind of test with differing values, using
21binary search.
24import Prelude hiding (concatMap)
25import System.IO (hPutStr, openFile, IOMode(..), hClose)
26import System.Directory (removeFile)
27import Data.Char (toLower,toUpper,isSpace)
28import Control.Exception (assert, onException)
29import Control.Monad (when, liftM, forM, ap)
30import Control.Applicative as AP (Applicative(..))
31import Data.Foldable (concatMap)
32import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
33import qualified Data.Sequence as S
34import Data.Sequence ((|>),ViewL(..))
35import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
36import System.Process
38import C
39import Common
40import Flags
41import HSCParser
43import qualified ATTParser as ATT
45-- A monad over IO for performing tests; keeps the commandline flags
46-- and a state counter for unique filename generation.
47-- equivalent to ErrorT String (StateT Int (ReaderT TestMonadEnv IO))
48newtype TestMonad a = TestMonad { runTest :: TestMonadEnv -> Int -> IO (Either String a, Int) }
50instance Functor TestMonad where
51    fmap = liftM
53instance Applicative TestMonad where
54    pure a = TestMonad (\_ c -> pure (Right a, c))
55    (<*>) = ap
57instance Monad TestMonad where
58    return = AP.pure
59    x >>= fn = TestMonad (\e c -> (runTest x e c) >>=
60                                      (\(a,c') -> either (\err -> return (Left err, c'))
61                                                         (\result -> runTest (fn result) e c')
62                                                         a))
64data TestMonadEnv = TestMonadEnv {
65    testIsVerbose_ :: Bool,
66    testLogNestCount_ :: Int,
67    testKeepFiles_ :: Bool,
68    testGetBaseName_ :: FilePath,
69    testGetFlags_ :: [Flag],
70    testGetConfig_ :: Config,
71    testGetCompiler_ :: FilePath
74testAsk :: TestMonad TestMonadEnv
75testAsk = TestMonad (\e c -> return (Right e, c))
77testIsVerbose :: TestMonad Bool
78testIsVerbose = testIsVerbose_ `fmap` testAsk
80testGetCompiler :: TestMonad FilePath
81testGetCompiler = testGetCompiler_ `fmap` testAsk
83testKeepFiles :: TestMonad Bool
84testKeepFiles = testKeepFiles_ `fmap` testAsk
86testGetFlags :: TestMonad [Flag]
87testGetFlags = testGetFlags_ `fmap` testAsk
89testGetConfig :: TestMonad Config
90testGetConfig = testGetConfig_ `fmap` testAsk
92testGetBaseName :: TestMonad FilePath
93testGetBaseName = testGetBaseName_ `fmap` testAsk
95testIncCount :: TestMonad Int
96testIncCount = TestMonad (\_ c -> let next=succ c
97                                  in next `seq` return (Right c, next))
98testFail' :: String -> TestMonad a
99testFail' s = TestMonad (\_ c -> return (Left s, c))
101testFail :: SourcePos -> String -> TestMonad a
102testFail (SourcePos file line _) s = testFail' (file ++ ":" ++ show line ++ " " ++ s)
104-- liftIO for TestMonad
105liftTestIO :: IO a -> TestMonad a
106liftTestIO x = TestMonad (\_ c -> x >>= \r -> return (Right r, c))
108-- finally for TestMonad
109testFinally :: TestMonad a -> TestMonad b -> TestMonad a
110testFinally action cleanup = do r <- action `testOnException` cleanup
111                                _ <- cleanup
112                                return r
114-- onException for TestMonad. This rolls back the state on an
115-- IO exception, which isn't great but shouldn't matter for now
116-- since only the test count is stored there.
117testOnException :: TestMonad a -> TestMonad b -> TestMonad a
118testOnException action cleanup = TestMonad (\e c -> runTest action e c
119                                                        `onException` runTest cleanup e c >>= \(actionResult,c') ->
120                                                        case actionResult of
121                                                           Left _ -> do (_,c'') <- runTest cleanup e c'
122                                                                        return (actionResult,c'')
123                                                           Right _ -> return (actionResult,c'))
125-- prints the string to stdout if verbose mode is enabled.
126-- Maintains a nesting count and pads with spaces so that:
127-- testLog "a" $
128--    testLog "b" $ return ()
129-- will print
130-- a
131--     b
132testLog :: String -> TestMonad a -> TestMonad a
133testLog s a = TestMonad (\e c -> do let verbose = testIsVerbose_ e
134                                        nestCount = testLogNestCount_ e
135                                    when verbose $ putStrLn $ (concat $ replicate nestCount "    ") ++ s
136                                    runTest a (e { testLogNestCount_ = nestCount+1 }) c)
138testLog' :: String -> TestMonad ()
139testLog' s = testLog s (return ())
141testLogAtPos :: SourcePos -> String -> TestMonad a -> TestMonad a
142testLogAtPos (SourcePos file line _) s a = testLog (file ++ ":" ++ show line ++ " " ++ s) a
144-- Given a list of file suffixes, will generate a list of filenames
145-- which are all unique and have the given suffixes. On exit from this
146-- action, all those files will be removed (unless keepFiles is active)
147makeTest :: [String] -> ([String] -> TestMonad a) -> TestMonad a
148makeTest fileSuffixes fn = do
149    c <- testIncCount
150    fileBase <- testGetBaseName
151    keepFiles <- testKeepFiles
152    let files = zipWith (++) (repeat (fileBase ++ show c)) fileSuffixes
153    testFinally (fn files)
154                (when (not keepFiles)
155                      (mapM_ removeOrIgnore files))
156    where
157     removeOrIgnore f = liftTestIO (catchIO (removeFile f) (const $ return ()))
158-- Convert from lists to tuples (to avoid "incomplete pattern" warnings in the callers)
159makeTest2 :: (String,String) -> ((String,String) -> TestMonad a) -> TestMonad a
160makeTest2 (a,b) fn = makeTest [a,b] helper
161    where helper [a',b'] = fn (a',b')
162          helper _ = error "makeTest: internal error"
163makeTest3 :: (String,String,String) -> ((String,String,String) -> TestMonad a) -> TestMonad a
164makeTest3 (a,b,c) fn = makeTest [a,b,c] helper
165    where helper [a',b',c'] = fn (a',b',c')
166          helper _ = error "makeTest: internal error"
168-- A Zipper over lists. Unlike ListZipper, this separates at the type level
169-- a list which may have a currently focused item (Zipper a) from
170-- a list which _definitely_ has a focused item (ZCursor a), so
171-- that zNext can be total.
172data Zipper a = End { zEnd :: S.Seq a }
173              | Zipper (ZCursor a)
175data ZCursor a = ZCursor { zCursor :: a,
176                           zAbove :: S.Seq a, -- elements prior to the cursor
177                                              -- in regular order (not reversed!)
178                           zBelow :: S.Seq a -- elements after the cursor
179                         }
181zipFromList :: [a] -> Zipper a
182zipFromList [] = End S.empty
183zipFromList (l:ls) = Zipper (ZCursor l S.empty (S.fromList ls))
185zNext :: ZCursor a -> Zipper a
186zNext (ZCursor c above below) =
187    case S.viewl below of
188      S.EmptyL -> End (above |> c)
189      c' :< below' -> Zipper (ZCursor c' (above |> c) below')
191-- Generates the .hs file from the .hsc file, by looping over each
192-- Special element and calling outputSpecial to find out what it needs.
193diagnose :: String -> (String -> TestMonad ()) -> [Token] -> TestMonad ()
194diagnose inputFilename output input = do
195    checkValidity input
196    output ("{-# LINE 1 \"" ++ inputFilename ++ "\" #-}\n")
197    loop (True, True) (zipFromList input)
199    where
200    loop _ (End _) = return ()
201    loop state@(lineSync, colSync)
202         (Zipper z@ZCursor {zCursor=Special _ key _}) =
203        case key of
204            _ | key `elem` ["if","ifdef","ifndef","elif","else"] -> do
205                condHolds <- checkConditional z
206                if condHolds
207                    then loop state (zNext z)
208                    else loop state =<< either testFail' return
209                                               (skipFalseConditional (zNext z))
210            "endif" -> loop state (zNext z)
211            _ -> do
212                sync <- outputSpecial output z
213                loop (lineSync && sync, colSync && sync) (zNext z)
214    loop state (Zipper z@ZCursor {zCursor=Text pos txt}) = do
215        state' <- outputText state output pos txt
216        loop state' (zNext z)
218outputSpecial :: (String -> TestMonad ()) -> ZCursor Token -> TestMonad Bool
219outputSpecial output (z@ZCursor {zCursor=Special pos@(SourcePos file line _)  key value}) =
220    case key of
221       "const" -> outputConst value show >> return False
222       "offset" -> outputConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")") (\i -> "(" ++ show i ++ ")") >> return False
223       "size" -> outputConst ("sizeof(" ++ value ++ ")") (\i -> "(" ++ show i ++ ")") >> return False
224       "alignment" -> outputConst (alignment value) show >> return False
225       "peek" -> outputConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")")
226                             (\i -> "(\\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr " ++ show i ++ ")") >> return False
227       "poke" -> outputConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")")
228                             (\i -> "(\\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr " ++ show i ++ ")") >> return False
229       "ptr" -> outputConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")")
230                            (\i -> "(\\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` " ++ show i ++ ")") >> return False
231       "type" -> computeType z >>= output >> return False
232       "enum" -> computeEnum z >>= output >> return False
233       "error" -> testFail pos ("#error " ++ value)
234       "warning" -> liftTestIO $ putStrLn (file ++ ":" ++ show line ++ " warning: " ++ value) >> return True
235       "include" -> return True
236       "define" -> return True
237       "undef" -> return True
238       _ -> testFail pos ("directive " ++ key ++ " cannot be handled in cross-compilation mode")
239    where outputConst value' formatter = computeConst z value' >>= (output . formatter)
240outputSpecial _ _ = error "outputSpecial's argument isn't a Special"
242outputText :: (Bool, Bool) -> (String -> TestMonad ()) -> SourcePos -> String
243           -> TestMonad (Bool, Bool)
244outputText state output pos txt = do
245    enableCol <- fmap cColumn testGetConfig
246    let outCol col | enableCol = "{-# COLUMN " ++ show col ++ " #-}"
247                   | otherwise = ""
248    let outLine (SourcePos file line _) = "{-# LINE " ++ show (line + 1) ++
249                                          " \"" ++ file ++ "\" #-}\n"
250    let (s, state') = outTextHs state pos txt id outLine outCol
251    output s
252    return state'
254-- Bleh, messy. For each test we're compiling, we have a specific line of
255-- code that may cause compiler errors -- that's the test we want to perform.
256-- However, we *really* don't want any other kinds of compiler errors sneaking
257-- in (which might be e.g. due to the user's syntax errors) or we'll make the
258-- wrong conclusions on our tests.
260-- So before we compile any of the tests, take a pass over the whole file and
261-- generate a .c file which should fail if there are any syntax errors in what
262-- the user gaves us. Hopefully, then the only reason our later compilations
263-- might fail is the particular reason we want.
265-- Another approach would be to try to parse the stdout of GCC and diagnose
266-- whether the error is the one we want. That's tricky because of localization
267-- etc. etc., though it would be less nerve-wracking. FYI it's not the approach
268-- that autoconf went with.
269checkValidity :: [Token] -> TestMonad ()
270checkValidity input = do
271    config <- testGetConfig
272    flags <- testGetFlags
273    let test = outTemplateHeaderCProg (cTemplate config) ++
274               concatMap outFlagHeaderCProg flags ++
275               concatMap (uncurry (outValidityCheck (cViaAsm config))) (zip input [0..])
276    testLog ("checking for compilation errors") $ do
277        success <- makeTest2 (".c",".o") $ \(cFile,oFile) -> do
278            liftTestIO $ writeBinaryFile cFile test
279            compiler <- testGetCompiler
280            runCompiler compiler
281                        (["-S" | cViaAsm config ]++
282                         ["-c",cFile,"-o",oFile]++
283                         [f | CompFlag f <- flags])
284                        Nothing
285        when (not success) $ testFail' "compilation failed"
286    testLog' "compilation is error-free"
288outValidityCheck :: Bool -> Token -> Int -> String
289outValidityCheck viaAsm s@(Special pos key value) uniq =
290    case key of
291       "const" -> checkValidConst value
292       "offset" -> checkValidConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")")
293       "size" -> checkValidConst ("sizeof(" ++ value ++ ")")
294       "alignment" -> checkValidConst (alignment value)
295       "peek" -> checkValidConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")")
296       "poke" -> checkValidConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")")
297       "ptr" -> checkValidConst ("offsetof(" ++ value ++ ")")
298       "type" -> checkValidType
299       "enum" -> checkValidEnum
300       _ -> outHeaderCProg' s
301    where
302    checkValidConst value' = if viaAsm
303                             then validConstTestViaAsm (show uniq) value' ++ "\n"
304                             else "void _hsc2hs_test" ++ show uniq ++ "()\n{\n" ++ validConstTest value' ++ "}\n"
305    checkValidType = "void _hsc2hs_test" ++ show uniq ++ "()\n{\n" ++ outCLine pos ++ "    (void)(" ++ value ++ ")1;\n}\n";
306    checkValidEnum =
307        case parseEnum value of
308            Nothing -> ""
309            Just (_,_,enums) | viaAsm ->
310                concatMap (\(hName,cName) -> validConstTestViaAsm (fromMaybe "noKey" (ATT.trim `fmap` hName) ++ show uniq) cName) enums
311            Just (_,_,enums) ->
312                "void _hsc2hs_test" ++ show uniq ++ "()\n{\n" ++
313                concatMap (\(_,cName) -> validConstTest cName) enums ++
314                "}\n"
316    -- we want this to fail if the value is syntactically invalid or isn't a constant
317    validConstTest value' = outCLine pos ++ "    {\n        static int test_array[(" ++ value' ++ ") > 0 ? 2 : 1];\n        (void)test_array;\n    }\n"
318    validConstTestViaAsm name value' = outCLine pos ++ "\nextern long long _hsc2hs_test_" ++ name ++";\n"
319                                                    ++ "long long _hsc2hs_test_" ++ name ++ " = (" ++ value' ++ ");\n"
321outValidityCheck _ (Text _ _) _ = ""
323-- Skips over some #if or other conditional that we found to be false.
324-- I.e. the argument should be a zipper whose cursor is one past the #if,
325-- and returns a zipper whose cursor points at the next item which
326-- could possibly be compiled.
327skipFalseConditional :: Zipper Token -> Either String (Zipper Token)
328skipFalseConditional (End _) = Left "unterminated endif"
329skipFalseConditional (Zipper z@(ZCursor {zCursor=Special _ key _})) =
330    case key of
331      "if" -> either Left skipFalseConditional $ skipFullConditional 0 (zNext z)
332      "ifdef" -> either Left skipFalseConditional $ skipFullConditional 0 (zNext z)
333      "ifndef" -> either Left skipFalseConditional $ skipFullConditional 0 (zNext z)
334      "elif" -> Right $ Zipper z
335      "else" -> Right $ Zipper z
336      "endif" -> Right $ zNext z
337      _ -> skipFalseConditional (zNext z)
338skipFalseConditional (Zipper z) = skipFalseConditional (zNext z)
340-- Skips over an #if all the way to the #endif
341skipFullConditional :: Int -> Zipper Token -> Either String (Zipper Token)
342skipFullConditional _ (End _) = Left "unterminated endif"
343skipFullConditional nest (Zipper z@(ZCursor {zCursor=Special _ key _})) =
344    case key of
345      "if" -> skipFullConditional (nest+1) (zNext z)
346      "ifdef" -> skipFullConditional (nest+1) (zNext z)
347      "ifndef" -> skipFullConditional (nest+1) (zNext z)
348      "endif" | nest > 0 -> skipFullConditional (nest-1) (zNext z)
349      "endif" | otherwise -> Right $ zNext z
350      _ -> skipFullConditional nest (zNext z)
351skipFullConditional nest (Zipper z) = skipFullConditional nest (zNext z)
353data IntegerConstant = Signed Integer |
354                       Unsigned Integer deriving (Show)
355-- Prints an syntatically valid integer in C
356cShowInteger :: IntegerConstant -> String
357cShowInteger (Signed x) | x < 0 = "(" ++ show (x+1) ++ "-1)"
358                                  -- Trick to avoid overflowing large integer constants
359                                  -- http://www.hardtoc.com/archives/119
360cShowInteger (Signed x) = show x
361cShowInteger (Unsigned x) = show x ++ "u"
363data IntegerComparison = GreaterOrEqual IntegerConstant |
364                         LessOrEqual IntegerConstant
365instance Show IntegerComparison where
366    showsPrec _ (GreaterOrEqual c) = showString "`GreaterOrEqual` " . shows c
367    showsPrec _ (LessOrEqual c) = showString "`LessOrEqual` " . shows c
369cShowCmpTest :: IntegerComparison -> String
370cShowCmpTest (GreaterOrEqual x) = ">=" ++ cShowInteger x
371cShowCmpTest (LessOrEqual x) = "<=" ++ cShowInteger x
373-- The cursor should point at #{const SOME_VALUE} or something like that.
374-- Determines the value of SOME_VALUE using binary search; this
375-- is a trick which is cribbed from autoconf's AC_COMPUTE_INT.
376computeConst :: ZCursor Token -> String -> TestMonad Integer
377computeConst zOrig@(ZCursor (Special pos _ _) _ _) value =
378    testLogAtPos pos ("computing " ++ value) $ do
379        config <- testGetConfig
380        int <- case cViaAsm config of
381                 True -> runCompileAsmIntegerTest z
382                 False -> do nonNegative <- compareConst z (GreaterOrEqual (Signed 0))
383                             integral <- checkValueIsIntegral z nonNegative
384                             when (not integral) $ testFail pos $ value ++ " is not an integer"
385                             (lower,upper) <- bracketBounds z nonNegative
386                             binarySearch z nonNegative lower upper
387        testLog' $ "result: " ++ show int
388        return int
389    where -- replace the Special's value with the provided value; e.g. the special
390          -- is #{size SOMETHING} and we might replace value with "sizeof(SOMETHING)".
391          z = zOrig {zCursor=specialSetValue value (zCursor zOrig)}
392          specialSetValue v (Special p k _) = Special p k v
393          specialSetValue _ _ = error "computeConst argument isn't a Special"
394computeConst _ _ = error "computeConst argument isn't a Special"
396-- Binary search, once we've bracketed the integer.
397binarySearch :: ZCursor Token -> Bool -> Integer -> Integer -> TestMonad Integer
398binarySearch _ _ l u | l == u = return l
399binarySearch z nonNegative l u = do
400    let mid :: Integer
401        mid = (l+u+1) `div` 2
402    inTopHalf <- compareConst z (GreaterOrEqual $ (if nonNegative then Unsigned else Signed) mid)
403    let (l',u') = if inTopHalf then (mid,u) else (l,(mid-1))
404    assert (l < mid && mid <= u &&             -- @l < mid <= u@
405            l <= l' && l' <= u' && u' <= u &&  -- @l <= l' <= u' <= u@
406            u'-l' < u-l)                       -- @|u' - l'| < |u - l|@
407           (binarySearch z nonNegative l' u')
409-- Establishes bounds on the unknown integer. By searching increasingly
410-- large powers of 2, it'll bracket an integer x by lower & upper
411-- such that lower <= x <= upper.
413-- Assumes 2's complement integers.
414bracketBounds :: ZCursor Token -> Bool -> TestMonad (Integer, Integer)
415bracketBounds z nonNegative = do
416    let -- test against integers 2**x-1 when positive, and 2**x when negative,
417        -- to avoid generating constants that'd overflow the machine's integers.
418        -- I.e. suppose we're searching for #{const INT_MAX} (e.g. 2^32-1).
419        -- If we're comparing against all 2**x-1, we'll stop our search
420        -- before we ever overflow int.
421        powersOfTwo = iterate (\a -> 2*a) 1
422        positiveBounds = map pred powersOfTwo
423        negativeBounds = map negate powersOfTwo
425        -- Test each element of the bounds list until we find one that exceeds
426        -- the integer.
427        loop cmp inner (maybeOuter:bounds') = do
428          outerBounded <- compareConst z (cmp maybeOuter)
429          if outerBounded
430            then return (inner,maybeOuter)
431            else loop cmp maybeOuter bounds'
432        loop _ _ _ = error "bracketBounds: infinite list exhausted"
434    if nonNegative
435      then do (inner,outer) <- loop (LessOrEqual . Unsigned) (-1) positiveBounds
436              return (inner+1,outer)
437      else do (inner,outer) <- loop (GreaterOrEqual . Signed) 0 negativeBounds
438              return (outer,inner-1)
440-- For #{enum} codegen; mimics template-hsc.h's hsc_haskellize
441haskellize :: String -> String
442haskellize [] = []
443haskellize (firstLetter:next) = toLower firstLetter : loop False next
444    where loop _ [] = []
445          loop _ ('_':as) = loop True as
446          loop upper (a:as) = (if upper then toUpper a else toLower a) : loop False as
448-- For #{enum} codegen; in normal hsc2hs, any whitespace in the enum types &
449-- constructors will be mangled by the C preprocessor. This mimics the same
450-- mangling.
451stringify :: String -> String
452-- Spec: stringify = unwords . words
453stringify = go False . dropWhile isSpace
454  where
455    go _haveSpace [] = []
456    go  haveSpace (x:xs)
457      | isSpace x = go True xs
458      | otherwise = if haveSpace
459                    then ' ' : x : go False xs
460                    else x : go False xs
462-- For #{alignment} codegen; mimic's template-hsc.h's hsc_alignment
463alignment :: String -> String
464alignment t = "offsetof(struct {char x__; " ++ t ++ " (y__); }, y__)"
466computeEnum :: ZCursor Token -> TestMonad String
467computeEnum z@(ZCursor (Special _ _ enumText) _ _) =
468    case parseEnum enumText of
469        Nothing -> return ""
470        Just (enumType,constructor,enums) ->
471            concatM enums $ \(maybeHsName, cName) -> do
472                constValue <- computeConst z cName
473                let hsName = fromMaybe (haskellize cName) maybeHsName
474                return $
475                    hsName ++ " :: " ++ stringify enumType ++ "\n" ++
476                    hsName ++ " = " ++ stringify constructor ++ " " ++ showsPrec 11 constValue "\n"
477    where concatM l = liftM concat . forM l
478computeEnum _ = error "computeEnum argument isn't a Special"
480-- Implementation of #{type}, using computeConst
481computeType :: ZCursor Token -> TestMonad String
482computeType z@(ZCursor (Special pos _ value) _ _) = do
483    testLogAtPos pos ("computing type of " ++ value) $ do
484        integral <- testLog ("checking if type " ++ value ++ " is an integer") $ do
485            success <- runCompileBooleanTest z $ "(" ++ value ++ ")(int)(" ++ value ++ ")1.4 == (" ++ value ++ ")1.4"
486            testLog' $ "result: " ++ (if success then "integer" else "floating")
487            return success
488        typeRet <- if integral
489         then do
490            signed <- testLog ("checking if type " ++ value ++ " is signed") $ do
491                success <- runCompileBooleanTest z $ "(" ++ value ++ ")(-1) < (" ++ value ++ ")0"
492                testLog' $ "result: " ++ (if success then "signed" else "unsigned")
493                return success
494            size <- computeConst z ("sizeof(" ++ value ++ ")")
495            return $ (if signed then "Int" else "Word") ++ (show (size * 8))
496         else do
497            let checkSize test = testLog ("checking if " ++ test) $ do
498                    success <- runCompileBooleanTest z test
499                    testLog' $ "result: " ++ show success
500                    return success
501            ldouble <- checkSize ("sizeof(" ++ value ++ ") > sizeof(double)")
502            if ldouble
503             then return "LDouble"
504             else do
505                double <- checkSize ("sizeof(" ++ value ++ ") == sizeof(double)")
506                if double
507                 then return "Double"
508                 else return "Float"
509        testLog' $ "result: " ++ typeRet
510        return typeRet
511computeType _ = error "computeType argument isn't a Special"
513outHeaderCProg' :: Token -> String
514outHeaderCProg' (Special pos key value) = outHeaderCProg (pos,key,value)
515outHeaderCProg' _ = ""
517-- Checks if an #if/#ifdef etc. etc. is true by inserting a #error
518-- and seeing if the compile fails.
519checkConditional :: ZCursor Token -> TestMonad Bool
520checkConditional (ZCursor s@(Special pos key value) above below) = do
521    config <- testGetConfig
522    flags <- testGetFlags
523    let test = outTemplateHeaderCProg (cTemplate config) ++
524               (concatMap outFlagHeaderCProg flags) ++
525               (concatMap outHeaderCProg' above) ++
526               outHeaderCProg' s ++ "#error T\n" ++
527               (concatMap outHeaderCProg' below)
528    testLogAtPos pos ("checking #" ++ key ++ " " ++ value) $ do
529        condTrue <- not `fmap` runCompileTest test
530        testLog' $ "result: " ++ show condTrue
531        return condTrue
532checkConditional _ = error "checkConditional argument isn't a Special"
534-- Make sure the value we're trying to binary search isn't floating point.
535checkValueIsIntegral :: ZCursor Token -> Bool -> TestMonad Bool
536checkValueIsIntegral z@(ZCursor (Special _ _ value) _ _) nonNegative = do
537    let intType = if nonNegative then "unsigned long long" else "long long"
538    testLog ("checking if " ++ value ++ " is an integer") $ do
539        success <- runCompileBooleanTest z $ "(" ++ intType ++ ")(" ++ value ++ ") == (" ++ value ++ ")"
540        testLog' $ "result: " ++ (if success then "integer" else "floating")
541        return success
542checkValueIsIntegral _ _ = error "checkConditional argument isn't a Special"
544compareConst :: ZCursor Token -> IntegerComparison -> TestMonad Bool
545compareConst z@(ZCursor (Special _ _ value) _ _) cmpTest = do
546    testLog ("checking " ++ value ++ " " ++ show cmpTest) $ do
547        success <- runCompileBooleanTest z $ "(" ++ value ++ ") " ++ cShowCmpTest cmpTest
548        testLog' $ "result: " ++ show success
549        return success
550compareConst _ _ = error "compareConst argument isn't a Special"
552-- Given a compile-time constant with boolean type, this extracts the
553-- value of the constant by compiling a .c file only.
555-- The trick comes from autoconf: use the fact that the compiler must
556-- perform constant arithmetic for computation of array dimensions, and
557-- will generate an error if the array has negative size.
558runCompileBooleanTest :: ZCursor Token -> String -> TestMonad Bool
559runCompileBooleanTest (ZCursor s above below) booleanTest = do
560    config <- testGetConfig
561    flags <- testGetFlags
562    let test = -- all the surrounding code
563               outTemplateHeaderCProg (cTemplate config) ++
564               (concatMap outFlagHeaderCProg flags) ++
565               (concatMap outHeaderCProg' above) ++
566               outHeaderCProg' s ++
567               -- the test
568               "int _hsc2hs_test() {\n" ++
569               "  static int test_array[1 - 2 * !(" ++ booleanTest ++ ")];\n" ++
570               "  return test_array[0];\n" ++
571               "}\n" ++
572               (concatMap outHeaderCProg' below)
573    runCompileTest test
575runCompileAsmIntegerTest :: ZCursor Token -> TestMonad Integer
576runCompileAsmIntegerTest (ZCursor s@(Special _ _ value) above below) = do
577    config <- testGetConfig
578    flags <- testGetFlags
579    let key = "___hsc2hs_int_test"
580    let test = -- all the surrounding code
581               outTemplateHeaderCProg (cTemplate config) ++
582               (concatMap outFlagHeaderCProg flags) ++
583               (concatMap outHeaderCProg' above) ++
584               outHeaderCProg' s ++
585               -- the test
586               "extern unsigned long long ___hsc2hs_BOM___;\n" ++
587               "unsigned long long ___hsc2hs_BOM___ = 0x100000000;\n" ++
588               "extern unsigned long long " ++ key ++ "___hsc2hs_sign___;\n" ++
589               "unsigned long long " ++ key ++ "___hsc2hs_sign___ = (" ++ value ++ ") < 0;\n" ++
590               "extern unsigned long long " ++ key ++ ";\n" ++
591               "unsigned long long " ++ key ++ " = (" ++ value ++ ");\n"++
592               (concatMap outHeaderCProg' below)
593    runCompileExtract key test
594runCompileAsmIntegerTest _ = error "runCompileAsmIntegerTestargument isn't a Special"
596runCompileExtract :: String -> String -> TestMonad Integer
597runCompileExtract k testStr = do
598    makeTest3 (".c", ".s", ".txt") $ \(cFile, sFile, stdout) -> do
599      liftTestIO $ writeBinaryFile cFile testStr
600      flags <- testGetFlags
601      compiler <- testGetCompiler
602      _ <- runCompiler compiler
603                  (["-S", "-c", cFile, "-o", sFile] ++ [f | CompFlag f <- flags])
604                  (Just stdout)
605      asm <- liftTestIO $ ATT.parse sFile
606      return $ fromMaybe (error "Failed to extract integer") (ATT.lookupInteger k asm)
608runCompileTest :: String -> TestMonad Bool
609runCompileTest testStr = do
610    makeTest3 (".c", ".o",".txt") $ \(cFile,oFile,stdout) -> do
611      liftTestIO $ writeBinaryFile cFile testStr
612      flags <- testGetFlags
613      compiler <- testGetCompiler
614      runCompiler compiler
615                  (["-c",cFile,"-o",oFile]++[f | CompFlag f <- flags])
616                  (Just stdout)
618runCompiler :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe FilePath -> TestMonad Bool
619runCompiler prog args mStdoutFile = do
620  let cmdLine = showCommandForUser prog args
621  testLog ("executing: " ++ cmdLine) $ liftTestIO $ do
622      mHOut <- case mStdoutFile of
623               Nothing -> return Nothing
624               Just stdoutFile -> liftM Just $ openFile stdoutFile WriteMode
625      process <- runProcess prog args Nothing Nothing Nothing mHOut mHOut
626      case mHOut of
627          Just hOut -> hClose hOut
628          Nothing -> return ()
629      exitStatus <- waitForProcess process
630      return $ case exitStatus of
631                 ExitSuccess -> True
632                 ExitFailure _ -> False
634-- The main driver for cross-compilation mode
635outputCross :: Config -> String -> String -> String -> String -> [Token] -> IO ()
636outputCross config outName outDir outBase inName toks =
637    runTestMonad $ do
638        file <- liftTestIO $ openFile outName WriteMode
639        (diagnose inName (liftTestIO . hPutStr file) toks
640           `testFinally` (liftTestIO $ hClose file))
641           `testOnException` (liftTestIO $ removeFile outName) -- cleanup on errors
642    where
643    tmenv = TestMonadEnv (cVerbose config) 0 (cKeepFiles config) (outDir++outBase++"_hsc_test") (cFlags config) config (cCompiler config)
644    runTestMonad x = runTest x tmenv 0 >>= (handleError . fst)
646    handleError (Left e) = die (e++"\n")
647    handleError (Right ()) = return ()