1;;; oop
2;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
8;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14;;; limitations under the License.
16(mat oop
17  (begin
18    (import (oop))
19    (define-syntax seq-list
20      (lambda (x)
21        (import (only scheme list))
22        (syntax-case x ()
23          [(_ e ...)
24           (with-syntax ([(t ...) (generate-temporaries #'(e ...))])
25             #'(let* ([t e] ...) (list t ...)))])))
26    (define true? (lambda (x) (eq? x #t)))
27    #t)
28  (begin
29    (define-class (<a> a1) (<root>)
30      (ivars [x1 a1])
31      (methods
32        [m1 (q) (list self x1 q)]
33        [m2 () x1]))
34     #t)
35  (error? ; incorrect argument count
36    (make-<a>))
37  (error? ; incorrect argument count
38    (make-<a> 1 2))
39  (begin
40    (define i1 (make-<a> 3))
41    #t)
42  (equal? (cdr (m1 i1 4)) '(3 4))
43  (eq? (car (m1 i1 4)) i1)
44  (error? ; incorrect argument count
45    (m1 i1))
46  (error? ; incorrect argument count
47    (m1 i1 4 5))
48  (error? ; m1 not applicable to 17
49    (m1 17 4))
50  (error? ; not bound
51    (<a>-x1 i1))
52  (error? ; not bound
53    (<a>-x1-set! i1 17))
55  ; no longer an error to duplicate x1
56  (begin
57    (define x1 'outer-x1)
58    (define x3 'outer-x3)
59    (define-class (<b> b1 b2) (<a> (+ b1 b2))
60      (ivars [x1 b1] [x2 b2])
61      (methods
62        [m1 (q) (vector self x1 q)]
63        [m3 (s t) (list s t x1 x2)]
64        [m4 () x3]))
65    (define i2 (make-<b> 10 4))
66    #t
67  )
68  (equal? (m2 i2) 14)
69  (equal? (m3 i2 'kurds 'weigh) '(kurds weigh 10 4))
70  (eq? (m4 i2) 'outer-x3)
72  (begin
73    (define-class (<b> b1 b2) (<a> (+ b1 b2))
74      (ivars [x2 b1] [x3 b2])
75      (methods
76        [m1 (q) (vector self x2 q)]
77        [m4 () x1]
78        [m3 (s t) (list s t x1 x2 x3)]))
79    (define i2 (make-<b> 4 5))
80    #t)
81  (eq? (m4 i2) 'outer-x1)
82  (eq? (vector-ref (m1 i2 6) 0) i2)
83  (equal? (vector-ref (m1 i2 6) 1) 4)
84  (equal? (vector-ref (m1 i2 6) 2) 6)
86  (begin
87    (define-class (<c> x) (<root>)
88      (ivars [x x])
89      (methods [c1 (a) (make-<c> a)]))
90    #t)
91  ((lambda (x) (<c>? x)) (c1 (make-<c> 4) 5))
93  (eq?
94    (let ()
95      (define-class (<c> x) (<root>)
96        (ivars [x x])
97        (methods
98          [c1 (a) (make-<c> a)]
99          [c2 () x]))
100      (c2 (c1 (make-<c> 44) 87)))
101    87)
103  (begin
104    (define-class (foo x) (<root>)
105      (ivars [x x])
106      (methods
107        [hit () x]
108        [hit (y) (set! x (+ x y))]))
109    #t)
111  (equal?
112    (let ([a (make-foo 1)])
113      (let ((b (hit a)))
114        (hit a 17)
115        (list b (hit a))))
116    '(1 18))
118  (error? ; invalid arity for hit
119    (define-class (bar) (foo 1) (methods [hit (y z) (list y z)])))
121  ; test variable arity methods
123  (equal?
124    (let ()
125      (define-class (foo) (<root>) (methods [test (a . b) (list 'test a b)]))
126      (test (make-foo) 1 2 3 4 5))
127    '(test 1 (2 3 4 5)))
129  (equal?
130    (let ()
131      (define-class (foo) (<root>) (methods [test (a . b) (list 'test a b)]))
132      (define-class (bar) (foo) (methods [test (x . y) (list 'bar x y (super 'p 'd 'q 'r 's 't 'u))]))
133      (test (make-bar) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
134    '(bar 1 (2 3 4 5 6 7) (test p (d q r s t u))))
136  (equal?
137    (let ()
138      (define-class (foo x) (<root>)
139        (ivars [x x])
140        (methods
141          [ping () x]
142          [ping (v) (set! x v)]))
143      (define-class (bar x) (foo x)
144        (methods
145          [ping () super]                             ; return super method
146          [ping (v) (super (+ (super) v))]))
147      (let ([x (make-foo 1)] [y (make-bar 10)])
148        (let ([before-x (ping x)] [before-y ((ping y))])
149          (ping x 100)
150          (ping y 100)
151          (let ([after-x (ping x)] [after-y ((ping y))])
152            ((ping y) 76)
153            (list before-x before-y after-x after-y ((ping y)))))))
154    '(1 10 100 110 76))
156  (equal?
157    (let ()
158      (define-class (foo) (<root>) (methods [chow x (cons 'foo x)]))
159      (define-class (bar) (foo) (methods [chow x (apply super 'bar x)]))
160      (list (chow (make-foo) 1 2 3)
161            (chow (make-bar) 4 5 6)))
162    '((foo 1 2 3) (foo bar 4 5 6)))
164  ; Verify that first-class super knows all arities of corresponding method.
165  (equal?
166    (let ()
167      (define-class (foo) (<root>)
168        (methods
169          [chow (mein) (list 'foo 'chow-1 mein)]
170          [chow (a b) (list 'foo 'chow-2 a b)]))
171      (define-class (bar) (foo) (methods [chow (a b) super]))
172      (let ([sup (chow (make-bar) 'ignore1 'ignore2)])
173        (list (sup 'mane) (sup "ay" "bee"))))
174    '((foo chow-1 mane) (foo chow-2 "ay" "bee")))
176  ; Verify that we don't override method unless its generic is visible,
177  ; i.e., we get a new method of the same name
178  (equal?
179    (let ()
180      (module (foo (alpha bar))
181        (define-class (foo) (<root>) (methods [bar () 'foobar]))
182        (define-syntax alpha (identifier-syntax bar)))
183      (define-class (baz) (foo) (methods [bar () 'bazbar]))
184      (let ([x (make-baz)]) (list (alpha x) (bar x))))
185    '(foobar bazbar))
187  ; Verify that we can't send super unless method's generic is visible.
188  (error? ; no inherited bar method (super)
189    (let ()
190      (module (foo (alpha bar))
191        (define-class (foo) (<root>) (methods [bar () 'foobar]))
192        (define-syntax alpha (identifier-syntax bar)))
193      (define-class (baz) (foo) (methods [bar () (super)]))
194      (make-baz)))
196  ; Verify that we can't define a generic for a method with the same name
197  ; as an interface method, i.e., supply an implementation of an
198  ; interface-inherited method with the wrong arity
199  (begin
200    (define-interface bonk [whack (a mole)])
201    #t)
202  (error? ; invalid arity for whack
203    (define-class (pewter) (<root>) (implements bonk)
204      (methods
205        [whack (e) "method w/ same name as interface method, but diff arity"]
206        [whack (o no) "method matches interface method"])))
208  ; more elaborate verification that we can't define a generic for a method
209  ; with the same name as an interface method, i.e., supply an implementation
210  ; of an interface-inherited method with the wrong arity
211  (begin
212    (define-interface bark [ham ()] [spam (y)])
213    #t)
214  (error? ; invalid arity for whack (or spam)
215    (define-class (platinum) (<root>) (implements bark bonk)
216      (methods
217        [ham () "and cheese"]
218        [spam () "spam"]
219        [spam (y) "spam"]
220        [xspam (x) "xspam"]
221        [whack (e) "method w/ same name as interface method, but diff arity"]
222        [whack (o no) "method matches interface method"])))
223  (error? ; invalid arity for whack (or spam)
224    (define-class (platinum) (<root>) (implements bonk bark)
225      (methods
226        [ham () "and cheese"]
227        [spam () "spam"]
228        [spam (y) "spam"]
229        [xspam (x) "xspam"]
230        [whack (e) "method w/ same name as interface method, but diff arity"]
231        [whack (o no) "method matches interface method"])))
232  (error? ; invalid arity for spam (or whack)
233    (define-class (platinum) (<root>) (implements bark bonk)
234      (methods
235        [whack (e) "method w/ same name as interface method, but diff arity"]
236        [whack (o no) "method matches interface method"]
237        [ham () "and cheese"]
238        [spam () "spam"]
239        [spam (y) "spam"]
240        [xspam (x) "xspam"])))
241  (error? ; invalid arity for spam (or whack)
242    (define-class (platinum) (<root>) (implements bonk bark)
243      (methods
244        [whack (e) "method w/ same name as interface method, but diff arity"]
245        [whack (o no) "method matches interface method"]
246        [ham () "and cheese"]
247        [spam () "spam"]
248        [spam (y) "spam"]
249        [xspam (x) "xspam"])))
252  (begin
253    (define-interface i1 [fish (fry)])
254    (define-interface i2 [rats (around)])
255    #t)
257  (error? ; fish not applicable to 3
258    (fish 3 4))
259  (error? ; rats not applicable to 3
260    (rats 3 4))
261  (error? ; fish not applicable to #<frob>
262    (let ()
263      (define-record frob ())
264      (record-writer (type-descriptor frob)
265        (lambda (x p wr)
266          (display "#<frob>" p)))
267      (fish (make-frob) 4)))
269  (error? ; no implementation of interface method rats
270    (define-class (<d> x) (<root>) (implements i1 i2)
271      (ivars [x (* x x)])
272      (methods
273        [fish (fry) (list fry x)]
274        [run (around) (cons around x)]
275        [x! (v) (set! x (* v v))])))
277  (equal?
278    (let ()
279      (define-class (<d> x) (<root>) (implements i1 i2)
280        (ivars [x (* x x)])
281        (methods
282          [fish (fry) (list fry x)]
283          [rats (around) (cons around x)]
284          [x? () x]
285          [x! (v) (set! x (* v v))]))
286      (define d (make-<d> 3))
287      (x! d 7)
288      (list (x? d) (fish d "hi") (rats d "ih")))
289    '(49 ("hi" 49) ("ih" . 49)))
291  (begin
292    (define-class (<e>) (<root>)
293      (methods
294        [m1 () (define-class (<f>) (<e>) (methods [m2 () 14])) (* (m2 (make-<f>)) 2)]))
295    #t)
296  (eqv? (m1 (make-<e>)) 28)
298  (equal?
299    (let ()
300      (define (m2 x) "undefined")
301      (module (c1 make-c1 m1 c1-friends)
302        (module all (c1 make-c1 m1 m2)
303          (define-class (c1) (<root>)
304            (methods
305              [m1 () "public"]
306              [m2 () "protected"])))
307        (module c1-friends (m2) (import all))
308        (import all))
309      (module (make-c2 m3)
310        (import c1-friends)
311        (define-class (c2) (c1)
312          (methods [m3 () (m2 self)])))
313      (module (make-c3 m4)
314        (import c1-friends)
315        (define-class (c3) (<root>)
316          (methods [m4 (x) (m2 x)])))
317      (let ([x (make-c2)] [y (make-c3)])
318        (list (m1 x) (m2 x) (m3 x) (m4 y x))))
319    '("public" "undefined" "protected" "protected"))
321  (equal?
322    (let ()
323      (define (m2 x) "undefined")
324      (module (c1 make-c1 m1 c2 make-c2 m3 make-c3 m4)
325        (define-class (c1) (<root>)
326          (methods
327            [m1 () "public"]
328            [m2 () "protected"]))
329        (define-class (c2) (c1)
330          (methods [m3 () (m2 self)]))
331        (define-class (c3) (<root>)
332          (methods [m4 (x) (m2 x)])))
333      (let ([x (make-c2)] [y (make-c3)])
334        (list (m1 x) (m2 x) (m3 x) (m4 y x))))
335    '("public" "undefined" "protected" "protected"))
337  (true?
338    (let ([f (lambda ()
339               (define-class (frap) (<root>))
340               (cons make-frap frap?))])
341      ((cdr (f)) ((car (f))))))
343  (true?
344    (let ([f (lambda ()
345               (define-class (frap) (<root>) (methods [m () 5]))
346               (cons make-frap frap?))])
347      (not ((cdr (f)) ((car (f)))))))
349  (true?
350    (let ([f (lambda ()
351               (define-class (frap) (<root>))
352               (cons make-frap frap?))]
353          [g (lambda ()
354               (define-class (frap) (<root>))
355               (cons make-frap frap?))])
356      (and (not ((cdr (f)) ((car (g)))))
357           (not ((cdr (g)) ((car (f))))))))
359  (true?
360    (let ([f (lambda ()
361               (define-class (#{frap |.O7*%gC?Sxs~2\\%|}) (<root>))
362               (cons make-frap frap?))]
363          [g (lambda ()
364               (define-class (#{frap |.O7*%gC?Sxs~2\\%|}) (<root>))
365               (cons make-frap frap?))])
366      (and ((cdr (f)) ((car (g))))
367           ((cdr (g)) ((car (f)))))))
369  (true?
370    (let ([f (lambda ()
371               (define-class (#{frap |.TfvA+Ml1*u&?\\%|}) (<root>) (ivars [x 0]))
372               (cons make-frap frap?))]
373          [g (lambda ()
374               (define-class (#{frap |.TfvA+Ml1*u&?\\%|}) (<root>) (ivars [x 0]))
375               (cons make-frap frap?))])
376      (and ((cdr (f)) ((car (g))))
377           ((cdr (g)) ((car (f)))))))
379  (error? ; incompatible record type
380    (let ([f (lambda ()
381               (define-class (#{frap |.Uo3>P+Wu9o=u\\%|}) (<root>) (ivars [x 0]))
382               (cons make-frap frap?))]
383          [g (lambda ()
384               (define-class (#{frap |.Uo3>P+Wu9o=u\\%|}) (<root>) (ivars [y 0]))
385               (cons make-frap frap?))])
386      (and ((cdr (f)) ((car (g))))
387           ((cdr (g)) ((car (f)))))))
389  (error? ; cannot specify gensym class-name with methods or interfaces
390    (let ([f (lambda ()
391               (define-class (frap) (<root>) (methods [m1 () 5]))
392               (cons make-frap frap?))]
393          [g (lambda ()
394               (define-class (#{frap |.R@iB9FE~OXVz\\%|}) (<root>) (methods [m1 () 5]))
395               (cons make-frap frap?))])
396      (and ((cdr (f)) ((car (g))))
397           ((cdr (g)) ((car (f)))))))
399  (equal?
400    (let ()
401      (define-class (<frozwell> x) (<root>)
402        (constructor frozwell-make)
403        (predicate is-frozwell?))
404        (let ([frzwl (frozwell-make 3)])
405          (list (is-frozwell? frzwl)
406                (is-frozwell? 17))))
407    '(#t #f))
409  (begin
410    (define-class (<frozwell> x) (<root>)
411      (constructor frozwell-make)
412      (predicate is-frozwell?))
413    #t)
414  (equal?
415    (let ([frzwl (frozwell-make 3)])
416      (list (is-frozwell? frzwl)
417            (is-frozwell? 17)))
418    '(#t #f))
420  (begin
421    (library (L1)
422      (export <frozwell> frozwell-make is-frozwell?)
423      (import (chezscheme) (oop))
424      (define-class (<frozwell> x) (<root>)
425        (constructor frozwell-make)
426        (predicate is-frozwell?)))
427    #t)
429  (equal?
430    (let ()
431      (import (L1))
432      (let ([frzwl (frozwell-make 3)])
433        (list (is-frozwell? frzwl)
434              (is-frozwell? 17))))
435    '(#t #f))
437  (error? ; invalid syntax <frozwell>
438    (let ()
439      (import (L1))
440      <frozwell>))
442  (error? ; extra ivars clause
443    (define-class (foo) (<root>)
444      (ivars [x 0])
445      (ivars [y 1])
446      (methods [show () (values x y)])))
448  (error? ; extra methods clause
449    (define-class (foo) (<root>)
450      (ivars [x 0] [y 1])
451      (methods [show () (values x y)])
452      (methods [get-x () x])))
454  (begin
455    (define-interface istud [cram (z)])
456    (define-class (fritz q) (<root>)
457      (methods [fritz-x+ (y) (+ x y)] [cram (n) (set! x (+ x n))])
458      (predicate ?fritzy)
459      (ivars [x (* q q)])
460      (constructor fritzit)
461      (implements istud))
462    #t)
463  (equal?
464    (let ([w (fritzit 10)])
465      (cram w 50)
466      (list (?fritzy w)
467            (?fritzy 'fritzy)
468            (fritz-x+ w 7)))
469    '(#t #f 157))
472  (error? ; invalid assignment of immutable ivar x
473    (define-class (blast x) (<root>) (ivars [immutable x x] [mutable y x])
474      (init (set! x (* x x)))))
476  (error? ; invalid assignment of immutable ivar x
477    (define-class (blast x) (<root>) (ivars [immutable x x] [mutable y x])
478      (methods
479        [m (v) (set! x v)])))
481  (error? ; blast-x-set! not bound
482    (let ()
483      (define-class (blast x) (<root>) (ivars [public immutable x x] [public mutable y x]))
484      (define b (make-blast 17))
485      (blast-x-set! b (* (blast-x b) (blast-x b)))
486      (blast-x b)))
488  (equal?
489    (let ()
490      (define-class (blast x) (<root>) (ivars [public immutable x x] [public mutable y x])
491        (init (set! y (* y y))))
492      (define b (make-blast 9))
493      (list (blast-x b) (blast-y b)))
494    '(9 81))
496  (equal?
497    (let ()
498      (define-class (blast x) (<root>)
499        (ivars [public immutable x x] [public mutable y x])
500        (methods
501          [m (v) (set! y v)]))
502      (define b (make-blast 9))
503      (m b 35)
504      (list (blast-x b) (blast-y b)))
505    '(9 35))
507  (equal?
508    (let ()
509      (define-class (blast x) (<root>)
510        (ivars [public immutable x x] [public mutable y x]))
511      (define b (make-blast 17))
512      (blast-y-set! b (* (blast-x b) (blast-x b)))
513      (list (blast-x b) (blast-y b)))
514    '(17 289))
516  (begin
517    (define-class (<q> a1) (<root>)
518      (ivars [public mupu1 (+ a1 1)]
519             [public mutable mupu2 (+ a1 2)]
520             [public immutable impu3 (+ a1 3)]
522             [private mupr4 (+ a1 4)]
523             [private mutable mupr5 (+ a1 5)]
524             [private immutable impr6 (+ a1 6)]
526             [private mupr7 (+ a1 7)]
527             [private mutable mupr8 (+ a1 8)]
528             [private immutable impr9 (+ a1 9)]))
529    (define i1 (make-<q> 10))
530    #t)
531  (equal?
532    (list (<q>-mupu1 i1) (<q>-mupu2 i1) (<q>-impu3 i1))
533    '(11 12 13))
534  (equal?
535    (begin
536      (<q>-mupu1-set! i1 'a)
537      (<q>-mupu2-set! i1 'b)
538      (list (<q>-mupu1 i1) (<q>-mupu2 i1) (<q>-impu3 i1)))
539    '(a b 13))
540  (error? ; not bound
541    <q>-mupr4)
542  (error? ; not bound
543    <q>-mupr5)
544  (error? ; not bound
545    <q>-impr6)
546  (error? ; not bound
547    <q>-mupr7)
548  (error? ; not bound
549    <q>-mupr8)
550  (error? ; not bound
551    <q>-impr9)
552  (error? ; not bound
553    <q>-impu3-set!)
554  (error? ; not bound
555    <q>-mupr4-set!)
556  (error? ; not bound
557    <q>-mupr5-set!)
558  (error? ; not bound
559    <q>-impr6-set!)
560  (error? ; not bound
561    <q>-mupr7-set!)
562  (error? ; not bound
563    <q>-mupr8-set!)
564  (error? ; not bound
565    <q>-impr9-set!)
567  (begin
568    (define-class (<r> a1) (<q> (+ a1 10))
569      (ivars [public mupu1 (+ a1 1)]
570             [mutable public mupu2 (+ a1 2)]
571             [immutable public impu3 (+ a1 3)]))
572    (define i2 (make-<r> 10))
573    #t)
574  (equal?
575    (list (<q>-mupu1 i2) (<q>-mupu2 i2) (<q>-impu3 i2)
576          (<r>-mupu1 i2) (<r>-mupu2 i2) (<r>-impu3 i2))
577    '(21 22 23 11 12 13))
578  (equal?
579    (begin
580      (<q>-mupu1-set! i2 "hi")
581      (<q>-mupu2-set! i2 "there")
582      (<r>-mupu1-set! i2 "ye")
583      (<r>-mupu2-set! i2 "matey")
584      (list (<q>-mupu1 i2) (<q>-mupu2 i2) (<q>-impu3 i2)
585            (<r>-mupu1 i2) (<r>-mupu2 i2) (<r>-impu3 i2)))
586    '("hi" "there" 23 "ye" "matey" 13))
587  (error? ; not bound
588    <r>-impu3-set!)
589  (error? ; not applicable
590    (<r>-mupu1 i1))
591  (error? ; not applicable
592    (<r>-mupu1-set! i1 55))
594  (begin
595    (define-class (<s> a1) (<r> (+ a1 10))
596      (ivars [public mupu1 (+ a1 1)]
597             [public mutable mupu2 (+ a1 2)]
598             [public immutable impu3 (+ a1 3)])
599      (prefix "s$"))
600    (define i3 (make-<s> 10))
601    #t)
602  (equal?
603    (list (<q>-mupu1 i3) (<q>-mupu2 i3) (<q>-impu3 i3)
604          (<r>-mupu1 i3) (<r>-mupu2 i3) (<r>-impu3 i3)
605          (s$mupu1 i3) (s$mupu2 i3) (s$impu3 i3))
606    '(31 32 33 21 22 23 11 12 13))
607  (equal?
608    (begin
609      (<q>-mupu1-set! i3 'hi)
610      (<q>-mupu2-set! i3 'there)
611      (<r>-mupu1-set! i3 'ye)
612      (<r>-mupu2-set! i3 'matey)
613      (s$mupu1-set! i3 'scaliwag)
614      (s$mupu2-set! i3 'pirate)
615      (list (<q>-mupu1 i3) (<q>-mupu2 i3) (<q>-impu3 i3)
616            (<r>-mupu1 i3) (<r>-mupu2 i3) (<r>-impu3 i3)
617            (s$mupu1 i3) (s$mupu2 i3) (s$impu3 i3)))
618    '(hi there 33 ye matey 23 scaliwag pirate 13))
619  (error? ; not bound
620    <s>-impu1)
621  (error? ; not bound
622    s$impu3-set!)
623  (error? ; not applicable
624    (s$mupu1 i1))
625  (error? ; not applicable
626    (s$mupu1-set! i1 55))
627  (error? ; not applicable
628    (s$mupu1 i2))
629  (error? ; not applicable
630    (s$mupu1-set! i2 55))
632  ;;; tests from Michael Lenaghan of frogware, Inc.
634  (begin
635    ;; simple init expression
636    (define-class (<test-1> x y) (<root>)
637      (ivars [x x] [y y] [z (* x y)])
638      (methods [method-1 () z]))
640    ;; simple init expressions that depend
641    ;; on previously computed values
642    (define-class (<test-2> x y) (<root>)
643      (ivars [x x] [y y] [z1 (* x y)] [z2 (* 2 z1)])
644      (methods [method-2 () z2]))
646    ;; simple init proc
647    (define-class (<test-3> x y) (<root>)
648      (ivars [x x] [y y] [z 0])
649      (init
650       (set! z (* x y)))
651      (methods [method-3 () z]))
653    ;; class and base class initialization can have
654    ;; different arity
655    (define-class (<test-4> x) (<test-1> x x))
657    ;; class and base class initialization can have
658    ;; different arity and base class can use expressions
659    (define-class (<test-5> x) (<test-1> x (* 2 x)))
660    #t)
662  (eqv?
663    (let ([test (make-<test-1> 5 10)])
664      (method-1 test))
665    50)
667  (eqv?
668    (let ([test (make-<test-2> 5 10)])
669      (method-2 test))
670    100)
672  (eqv?
673    (let ([test (make-<test-3> 5 10)])
674      (method-3 test))
675    50)
677  (eqv?
678    (let ([test (make-<test-4> 5)])
679      (method-1 test))
680    25)
682  (eqv?
683    (let ([test (make-<test-5> 5)])
684      (method-1 test))
685    50)
687  (begin
688    ;; base class
689    (define-class (<test-1> init-1) (<root>)
690      (ivars [fld-1 init-1])
691      (methods
692        [whoami () self]
693        [method-1 () fld-1]
694        [method-2 (x) (set! fld-1 x)]))
696    ;; sub-class
697    (define-class (<test-2> init-1 init-2) (<test-1> init-1)
698      (ivars [fld-2 init-2])
699      (methods
700        [method-3 () fld-2]
701        [method-4 (x) (set! fld-2 x)]))
703    ;; Note: The class <test-3> can't use the method names
704    ;; "method-3" and "method-4" because they're used by
705    ;; <test-2>. Chez OOP produces a "generic function"
706    ;; for each method, and it looks like those functions
707    ;; all have to belong to one line of the class inheritence
708    ;; tree.
710    ;; sub-class w/ overload
711    (define-class (<test-3> init-1 init-2) (<test-1> init-1)
712      (ivars [fld-2 init-2])
713      (methods
714        [method-1 () (method-3a self)]
715        [method-2 (x) (method-4a self x)]
716        [method-3a () fld-2]
717        [method-4a (x) (set! fld-2 x)]))
719    ;; sub-class w/ overload & fields
720    ;; if this is uncommented, uncomment <test-4> test below
721    #;
722      (define-class (<test-4> init-1) (<test-1> init-1)
723      (methods
724        [method-3b ()
725                   ;; this provides access to super-class fields
726                   (open-instance <test-1> "" self)
727                   fld-1]
728        [method-4b (x)
729                   ;; this provides access to super-class fields
730                   (open-instance <test-1> "" self)
731                   (set! fld-1 x)]))
733    ;; sub-class w/ overload & super
734    (define-class (<test-5> init-1) (<test-1> init-1)
735      (methods
736        [method-1 () (string->symbol
737                       (string-append (symbol->string (super)) "!!!"))]
738        [method-2 (x) (super
739                        (string->symbol
740                          (string-append (symbol->string x) "!!!")))]))
742    ;; sub-class w/ variable arity
743    (define-class (<test-6> init-1) (<test-1> init-1)
744      (methods
745        [method-5 () (method-1 self)]
746        [method-5 (x) (method-2 self x)]))
747    #t)
749  (equal?
750    (let ((test (make-<test-1> 'hello)))
751      (seq-list
752        (eq? test (whoami test))
753        (method-1 test)
754        (method-2 test 'goodbye)
755        (method-1 test)))
756    `(#t hello ,(void) goodbye))
758  (equal?
759    (let ((test (make-<test-2> 'hello 'hello-again)))
760      (seq-list
761        (method-1 test)
762        (method-2 test 'goodbye)
763        (method-1 test)
764        (method-3 test)
765        (method-4 test 'goodbye-again)
766        (method-3 test)))
767    `(hello ,(void) goodbye hello-again ,(void) goodbye-again))
769  (equal?
770    (let ((test (make-<test-3> 'hello 'hello-again)))
771      (seq-list
772        (method-1 test)
773        (method-2 test 'goodbye-again)
774        (method-1 test)
775        (method-3a test)
776        (method-4a test 'hello-again)
777        (method-3a test)))
778    `(hello-again ,(void) goodbye-again goodbye-again ,(void) hello-again))
780  #;
781  (equal?
782    (let ((test (make-<test-4> 'hello)))
783      (seq-list
784        (method-1 test)
785        (method-2 test 'goodbye)
786        (method-1 test)
788        (method-3b test)
789        (method-4b test 'hello)
790        (method-3b test)))
791    `(hello ,(void) goodbye goodbye ,(void) hello))
793  (equal?
794    (let ((test (make-<test-5> 'hello)))
795      (seq-list
796        (method-1 test)
797        (method-2 test 'goodbye)
798        (method-1 test)))
799    `(hello!!! ,(void) goodbye!!!!!!))
801  (equal?
802    (let ((test (make-<test-6> 'hello)))
803      (seq-list
804        (method-5 test)
805        (method-5 test 'goodbye)
806        (method-5 test)))
807    `(hello ,(void) goodbye))
809  (begin
810    ;; use class exported from module
811    (module test-1 (<test-1> make-<test-1> method-1)
812      (define-class (<test-1> x) (<root>)
813        (ivars [x x])
814        (methods [method-1 () x])))
815    #t)
817  (eqv? (let () (import test-1) (method-1 (make-<test-1> 3))) 3)
818  (eqv?
819    (let ()
820      (import test-1)
821      (define-class (<frob> x) (<test-1> x))
822      (method-1 (make-<test-1> 3)))
823    3)
825  (begin
826    ;; use sub-class exported from module
827    (module test-2 (<test-2> make-<test-2> method-1)
828      (import test-1)
829      (define-class (<test-2> x) (<test-1> x)))
830    #t)
832  (eqv? (let () (import test-2) (method-1 (make-<test-2> 3))) 3)
834  (begin
835    ;; use sub-class w/ overload exported from module
836    (module test-3 (make-<test-3> method-1)
837      (import test-2)
838      (define-class (<test-3> x) (<test-2> x)
839        (ivars [x x])
840        (methods [method-1 () (* x x)])))
841    #t)
843  (eqv?
844    (let ()
845      (import test-1)
846      (let ([test (make-<test-1> 10)])
847        (method-1 test)))
848    10)
850  (eqv?
851    (let ()
852      (import test-2)
853      (let ([test (make-<test-2> 10)])
854        (method-1 test)))
855    10)
857  (eqv?
858    (let ()
859      (import test-3)
860      (let ([test (make-<test-3> 10)])
861        (method-1 test)))
862    100)
864  (begin
865    ;; base interface
866    (define-interface <<interface-1>>
867      [imethod-1 ()]
868      [imethod-2 (x)])
870    ;; sub-interface
871    (define-interface <<interface-2>> <<interface-1>>
872      [imethod-3 ()]
873      [imethod-4 (x)])
875    ;; base interface
876    (define-interface <<interface-3>>
877      [imethod-5 ()]
878      [imethod-6 (x)])
880    ;; base class w/ base interface
881    (define-class (<itest-1> init-1) (<root>)
882      (implements <<interface-1>>)
883      (ivars [fld-1 init-1])
884      (methods
885        [method-1 () 'method-1]
886        [imethod-1 () fld-1]
887        [imethod-2 (x) (set! fld-1 x)]))
889    ;; sub-class w/ sub-interface
890    (define-class (<itest-2> init-1 init-2) (<itest-1> init-1)
891      (implements <<interface-2>>)
892      (ivars [fld-2 init-2])
893      (methods
894        [method-2 () 'method-2]
895        [imethod-3 () fld-2]
896        [imethod-4 (x) (set! fld-2 x)]))
898    ;; sub-class w/ new method
899    (define-class (<itest-3> init-1 init-2) (<itest-2> init-1 init-2)
900      (ivars [fld-3 (+ init-1 init-2)])
901      (methods
902        [method-3 () fld-3]))
904    ;; base class w/ interfaces & new method
905    (define-class (<itest-4> init-1) (<root>)
906      (implements <<interface-1>> <<interface-3>>)
907      (ivars [fld-1 init-1])
908      (methods
909        [imethod-1 () (* 2 fld-1)]
910        [imethod-2 (x) (set! fld-1 x)]
911        [imethod-5 () (* 4 fld-1)]
912        [imethod-6 (x) (set! fld-1 x)]
913        [method-4 () fld-1]
914        [method-4! (x) (set! fld-1 x)]))
915    #t)
917  (equal?
918    (let ((itest (make-<itest-1> 'hello)))
919      (seq-list
920        (method-1 itest)
921        (imethod-1 itest)
922        (imethod-2 itest 'goodbye)
923        (imethod-1 itest)))
924    `(method-1 hello ,(void) goodbye))
926  (eqv?
927    (let ((itest (make-<itest-2> 'hello 'hello-again)))
928      (method-2 itest))
929    'method-2)
931  (equal?
932    (let ((itest (make-<itest-2> 'hello 'hello-again)))
933      (seq-list
934        (imethod-1 itest)
935        (imethod-2 itest 'goodbye)
936        (imethod-1 itest)
938        (imethod-3 itest)
939        (imethod-4 itest 'goodbye-again)
940        (imethod-3 itest)))
941    `(hello ,(void) goodbye hello-again ,(void) goodbye-again))
943  (eqv?
944    (let ((itest (make-<itest-3> 5 10)))
945      (method-3 itest))
946    15)
948  (equal?
949    (let ((itest (make-<itest-4> 10)))
950      (seq-list
951        (imethod-1 itest)
952        (imethod-5 itest)
953        (method-4 itest)
954        (method-4! itest 20)
955        (imethod-1 itest)
956        (imethod-5 itest)
957        (method-4 itest)))
958    `(20 40 10 ,(void) 40 80 20))
960  (begin
961    ;; export interface from module
962    (module test-1 (<<interface-1>> imethod-1 imethod-2)
963      (define-interface <<interface-1>>
964        [imethod-1 ()]
965        [imethod-2 (v)]))
967    ;; export sub-interface from module
968    (module test-2 (<<interface-2>> imethod-3 imethod-4)
969      (import test-1)
970      (define-interface <<interface-2>> <<interface-1>>
971        [imethod-3 ()]
972        [imethod-4 (v)]))
974    ;; use class w/ interface exported from module
975    (module test-3 (<itest-3> make-<itest-3> imethod-1 imethod-2)
976      (import test-1)
977      (define-class (<itest-3> x) (<root>)
978        (implements <<interface-1>>)
979        (ivars [x x])
980        (methods
981          [imethod-1 () x]
982          [imethod-2 (v) (set! x v)])))
984    ;; use sub-class w/ interface exported from module
985    (module test-4 (<itest-4> make-<itest-4> imethod-1 imethod-2 imethod-3 imethod-4)
986      (import test-2)
987      (import test-3)
988      (define-class (<itest-4> x) (<itest-3> x)
989        (implements <<interface-2>>)
990        (methods
991          [imethod-3 () (* 2 (imethod-1 self))]
992          [imethod-4 (v) (imethod-2 self (* 2 v))])))
994    ;; use sub-class w/ overload of interface methods exported from module
995    (module test-5 (make-<itest-5> imethod-1 imethod-2 imethod-3 imethod-4)
996      (import test-4)
997      (define-class (<itest-5> x) (<itest-4> x)
998        (methods
999          [imethod-1 () (* 2 (super))]
1000          [imethod-3 () (* 2 (super))])))
1002    ;; use sub-class w/ new methods exported from module
1003    (module test-6 (make-<itest-6> method-1)
1004      (import test-4)
1005      (define-class (<itest-6> x) (<itest-4> x)
1006        (ivars [x x])
1007        (methods
1008          [method-1 () (* x x)])))
1009    #t)
1011  (equal?
1012    (let ()
1013      (import test-3)
1014      (let ([test (make-<itest-3> 10)])
1015        (seq-list
1016          (imethod-1 test)
1017          (imethod-2 test 20)
1018          (imethod-1 test))))
1019    `(10 ,(void) 20))
1021  (equal?
1022    (let ()
1023      (import test-4)
1024      (let ([test (make-<itest-4> 10)])
1025        (seq-list
1026          (imethod-1 test)
1027          (imethod-2 test 20)
1028          (imethod-1 test)
1029          (imethod-3 test)
1030          (imethod-4 test 20)
1031          (imethod-3 test))))
1032    `(10 ,(void) 20 40 ,(void) 80))
1034  (equal?
1035    (let ()
1036      (import test-5)
1037      (let ([test (make-<itest-5> 10)])
1038        (seq-list
1039          (imethod-1 test)
1040          (imethod-2 test 20)
1041          (imethod-1 test)
1042          (imethod-3 test)
1043          (imethod-4 test 20)
1044          (imethod-3 test))))
1045    `(20 ,(void) 40 160 ,(void) 320))
1047  (eqv?
1048    (let ()
1049      (import test-6)
1050      (let ([test (make-<itest-6> 10)])
1051        (method-1 test)))
1052    100)
1054  ;;; end of tests from Michael Lenaghan of frogware, Inc.
1056  ;;; letrec-classes tests from seminar
1058  (begin
1059    (define-syntax letrec-classes
1060      (syntax-rules ()
1061        [(_ ([class-name (class-formal ...) (base-name base-arg ...)
1062               ([ivar ivar-init] ...)
1063               [method-name (method-formal ...) method-b1 method-b2 ...] ...]
1064             ...)
1065            b1 b2 ...)
1066         (let ()
1067           (define-class (class-name class-formal ...) (base-name base-arg ...)
1068             (ivars [ivar ivar-init] ...)
1069             (methods [method-name (method-formal ...) method-b1 method-b2 ...] ...))
1070           ...
1071           b1 b2 ...)]))
1072    #t)
1074  (error? ; wrong number of base-class arguments
1075    (letrec-classes ([<a> (x) (<root>) ()])
1076      (letrec-classes ([<b> () (<a>) ()])
1077        (make-<b>))))
1079  (error? ; no inherited foo method for (super)
1080    (letrec-classes ([<a> () (<root>) () [foo () (super)]])
1081      (foo (make-<a>))))
1083  (eq?
1084    (let ()
1085      (letrec-classes ([<c> (x) (<root>)
1086                        ([x x])
1087                        [c1 (a) (make-<c> a)]
1088                        [c2 () x]])
1089        (c2 (c1 (make-<c> 44) 87))))
1090    87)
1092  (eq?
1093    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ()))
1094      (letrec-classes
1095        ((<root> () (A) ()
1096          (foo (<root>) 77)))
1097        (foo (make-<root>) 88)))
1098    77)
1100  ; Ronald Garcia
1102  ; Here are some INVALID test cases that I use to exercise what errors my
1103  ; compiler will catch.  A few might not fail given the proper compiler
1104  ; extension (i.e. do classes and variables share the same namespace...)
1106  (error? ; duplicate definition repeat, repeat?, and make-repeate
1107    (letrec-classes ([Repeat () (<root>) ()]
1108                     [Repeat () (<root>) ()])
1109      0))
1111  (error? ; duplicate ivar i
1112    (letrec-classes ([Vars () (<root>) ((i 1) (i 1))])
1113      0))
1115  (error? ; unrecognized base class aaaaa
1116    (letrec-classes ([Empty () (aaaaa) ()])
1117      (let ([mt (make-Empty)])
1118        0)))
1120  ;;; Chez Scheme allows this:
1121  (eqv?
1122    (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) ()]
1123                     [Two  () (One) ()])
1124      0)
1125    0)
1127  (error? ; unrecognized base class aaaaa
1128    (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) ()])
1129      (letrec-classes ([Two  () (aaaaa) ()])
1130      0)))
1132  (error? ; duplicate same-arity method definition
1133    (letrec-classes ([Vars () (<root>) ()
1134                           (M1 () 0)
1135                           (M1 () 1)])
1136      0))
1138  (error? ; incorrect base argument count
1139    (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root> unbound) ()])
1140      0))
1142  (error? ; unbound is not bound
1143    (letrec-classes ([c1 (x) (<root>) ()])
1144      (letrec-classes ([c2 () (c1 unbound) ()])
1145        (make-c2))))
1147  (error? ; unbound is not bound
1148    (letrec-classes ([c () (<root>) ((i unbound))])
1149      (make-c)))
1151  (error? ; j is unbound
1152    (letrec-classes ([c () (<root>) ((i j) (j 0))])
1153      (make-c)
1154      0))
1156  (eqv?
1157    (letrec-classes ([c () (<root>) ((i 1) (j (+ i 2))) (m () j)])
1158      (m (make-c)))
1159    3)
1161  (error? ; unbound is not bound
1162    (letrec-classes ([c (i j) (<root>) ()])
1163      (make-c 1 unbound)))
1165  (error? ; unbound is not bound
1166    (letrec-classes ([c (i j) (<root>) ()])
1167      (c? unbound)))
1169  (error? ; unbound is not bound
1170    (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) () (M1 (i) unbound)])
1171      (M1 (make-Class) 6)))
1173  (error? ; duplicate definition of M1
1174    (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) () (M1 () 0)]
1175                     [Two () (<root>) () (M1 () 0)])
1176      0))
1178  (eqv?
1179    (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) () (M1 () 0)])
1180      (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) () (M1 () 1)]
1181                       [Two () (<root>) () (M1 () 2)])
1182        (M1 (make-Two))))
1183    2)
1185  (error? ; duplicate definition of M2
1186    (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>)  () (M1 () 0)])
1187      (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) () (M1 () 1) (M2 () 2)]
1188                       [Two () (Pop) () (M2 () 2)])
1189          0)))
1191  (equal?
1192    (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>)  () (M1 () 0)])
1193      (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) () (M1 () 1)]
1194                       [Two () (Pop) () (M2 () 2)])
1195        (let ([M2* M2])
1196          (letrec-classes ([Three () (One) () (M1 () 3) (M2 () 4)])
1197            (list (M1 (make-Pop))
1198                  (M1 (make-One))
1199                  (M1 (make-Two))
1200                  (M2* (make-Two))
1201                  (M1 (make-Three))
1202                  (M2 (make-Three)))))))
1203    '(0 1 0 2 3 4))
1205  (error? ; variable ingnacious is unbound
1206    (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) ([ingnacious 1])])
1207      (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) () (M1 () ingnacious)])
1208        (M1 (make-One)))))
1210  (equal?
1211    (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) ([i 1]) [get () i]])
1212      (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) ([i 2]) [get () (list (super) i)]])
1213        (get (make-One))))
1214    '(1 2))
1216  (error? ; invalid syntax class
1217    (let ([Class #f])
1218      (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()])
1219        (let ([Class Class])
1220          0))))
1222  (eqv?
1223    (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()])
1224      (let ([Class #f]
1225            [foo (make-Class)])
1226        (Class? foo)))
1227    #t)
1229  ; Here are some pretty trivial (i.e. relatively easy to follow by hand) test cases.
1230  ; They cover some pretty basic functionality (specifying classes without making them, etc.)
1232  (eq?
1233  ;; simplest example...
1234  (letrec-classes ([Empty () (<root>)
1235                          ()])
1236    0)
1237  0)
1239  (eq?
1240  ;; It's okay for ivars in separate classes to have the same name.
1241  (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) ((var 0))]
1242                   [Two  () (<root>) ((var 0))])
1243    0)
1244  0)
1246  (eq?
1247  ;; naive inheritence example
1248  (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) ()])
1249    (letrec-classes ([Two  () (One) ()])
1250    0))
1251  0)
1253  (eq?
1254  ;; Actually make a class
1255  (letrec-classes ([Empty () (<root>)
1256                          ()])
1257    (let ([mt (make-Empty)])
1258      0))
1259  0)
1261  (eq?
1262  ;; simple example of using class formals in base-init
1263  (letrec-classes ([One (i) (<root>) ()])
1264    (letrec-classes ([Two (j) (One j) ()])
1265    0))
1266  0)
1268  (eq?
1269  ;; simple example of using class formal in ivar-init.
1270  (letrec-classes ([Class (i) (<root>)
1271                          ((var i))])
1272    0)
1273  0)
1275  (eq?
1276  ;; ivar-init's can see the previous ivar.
1277  (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>)
1278                          ((var1 0)
1279                           (var2 var1))])
1280    0)
1281  0)
1284  (eq?
1285  ;; parameters to methods are visible in methods
1286  (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()
1287                          (M1 (i) i)])
1288    0)
1289  0)
1291  (eq?
1292  ;; "self" is implicitly added to method environments.
1293  (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()
1294                          (M1 () self)])
1295    0)
1296  0)
1298  (eq?
1299  ;; inheritance hierarchy can share methods
1300  (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) ()
1301                        (M1 () 0)])
1302    (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) ()
1303                          (M1 () 1)]
1304                     [Two () (Pop) ()
1305                          (M1 () 2)])
1306      0))
1307  0)
1309  (eq?
1310  ;; more windy inheritance hierarchy
1311  (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) () (M1 () 0)])
1312    (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) () (M1 () 1)]
1313                     [Two () (Pop) () (M2 () 2)])
1314      (letrec-classes ([Three () (One) ()
1315                              (M1 () 1)
1316                              (M3 () 2)]
1317                       [Four () (Two) ()
1318                              (M2 () 1)
1319                              (M4 () 2)])
1320        0)))
1321  0)
1323  (eq?
1324  ;; Skip a generation before overloading...
1325  (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) () (M1 () 0)])
1326    (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) ()])
1327      (letrec-classes ([Three () (One) ()
1328                              (M1 () 1)
1329                              (M3 () 2)])
1330        0)))
1331  0)
1333  (eq?
1334  ;; classes in the same block can see each other.
1335  (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) () (M1 () (make-Two))]
1336                   [Two () (<root>) ()])
1337    0)
1338  0)
1340  (eq?
1341  ;; classes in the same block can call each other's methods.
1342  (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) () (M1 (obj) (M2 obj))]
1343                   [Two () (<root>) () (M2 () 3)])
1344    0)
1345  0)
1347  (eq?
1348  ;; class methods in the same block can be seen in base inits
1349  (letrec-classes ([Pop (i j) (<root>) ()])
1350    (letrec-classes ([One () (<root>) () (M1 (obj) (M2 obj))]
1351                     [Two () (Pop (M1 (make-One)) 5) () (M2 () 3)])
1352      0))
1353  0)
1355  (eq?
1356  ;; subclass methods can see superclass instance vars
1357  (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) ([i 1])])
1358    (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) () (M1 () i)])
1359      0))
1360  0)
1363  (eq?
1364  ;; class names should become unique
1365  (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()])
1366    (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()])
1367      0))
1368  0)
1370  (eq?
1371  ;; class names should not clash with variables either
1372  (let ([Class #f])
1373    (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()])
1374      (letrec-classes ([Class () (<root>) ()])
1375        0)))
1376  0)
1379  (eq?
1380  ;; Variables bound outside letrec-classes should be visible
1381  (let ([bound-var #f])
1382    (letrec-classes ([Super (i) (<root>) ()])
1383      (letrec-classes ([Class () (Super bound-var) ([i bound-var])
1384                            (M1 () bound-var)])
1385        0)))
1386  0)
1388  (eq?
1389  ;; Number has one instance variable that holds a number and one method
1390  ;; that returns the number.
1391  (letrec-classes ([Number (num^) (<root>)
1392                           ((num num^))
1393                           (Val () num)])
1394    (let ([nb1 (make-Number 1)]
1395          [nb2 (make-Number 2)])
1396      (+ (Val nb1) (Val nb2))))
1397  ;; result: 3
1398  3)
1400  (eq?
1401  ;; test out method binding
1402  (letrec-classes ([Pop () (<root>) () (MP1 () 0) (MP2 (i) 0)])
1403    (letrec-classes ([One () (Pop) () (M1 () 1)])
1404      (letrec-classes ([Two () (One) () (M2 (i j) 2) (MP1 () 2)])
1405        (letrec-classes ([Three () (Two) () (MP2 (i) 3) (M3 () 3)])
1406          0))))
1407  0)
1409  ; Mark Meiss
1411  (eq?
1412  (let ([object (letrec-classes
1413                  ([duo (n) (<root>)
1414                     ([n n])
1415                     (plus  () (+ n 2))
1416                     (times () (* n 2))
1417                     (expt  () (* n n))
1418                     (export ()
1419                       (let ([vec (make-vector 4)])
1420                         (vector-set! vec 0 self)
1421                         (vector-set! vec 1 plus)
1422                         (vector-set! vec 2 times)
1423                         (vector-set! vec 3 expt)
1424                         vec))])
1425                  (export (make-duo 6)))])
1426    (* ((vector-ref object 1) (vector-ref object 0))
1427       (+ ((vector-ref object 2) (vector-ref object 0))
1428          ((vector-ref object 3) (vector-ref object 0)))))
1430  ; should evaluate to 384
1431  384)
1433  ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
1435  (eq?
1436  (letrec ([class-maker (lambda (n)
1437                          (if (zero? n)
1438                              (letrec-classes
1439                                ([zero () (<root>)
1440                                   ()
1441                                   (get-n () 0)])
1442                                (cons (make-zero) get-n))
1443                              (letrec-classes
1444                                ([succ () (<root>)
1445                                   ()
1446                                   (get-n () (let ([prev (class-maker (sub1 n))])
1447                                               (add1 ((cdr prev) (car prev)))))])
1448                                (cons (make-succ) get-n))))]
1449           [fib (lambda (n)
1450                  (if (< ((cdr n) (car n)) 2)
1451                      ((cdr n) (car n))
1452                      (+ (fib (class-maker (sub1 ((cdr n) (car n)))))
1453                         (fib (class-maker (sub1 (sub1 ((cdr n) (car n)))))))))])
1454    (fib (class-maker 7)))
1456  ; should evaluate to 13
1457  13)
1459  ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
1461  (eq?
1462  (letrec-classes ([<route> (a b c) (<root>)
1463                     ([a (+ a a)]
1464                      [b (+ a b)]
1465                      [c (+ b c)])
1466                     (get-b () b)
1467                     (sum (a) (+ a (+ (get-b self) c)))])
1468    (sum (make-<route> 1 2 3) 4))
1470  ; should evaluate to 15
1471  15)
1473  ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
1475  (equal?
1476  (letrec-classes ([A (x y) (<root>)
1477                      ([x x] [y y])
1478                      (get-x () x)
1479                      (get-y () y)
1480                      (test (object)
1481                        (if (A? object)
1482                            (+ (- (get-x self) (get-x object))
1483                               (- (get-y self) (get-y object)))
1484                            (* (get-x self) (get-y self))))])
1485    (letrec-classes ([B () (A 2 3)
1486                      ()
1487                        (become-if-not-A (object)
1488                          (if (A? object) self object))]
1489                     [C (x y) (A x y)
1490                        (#;
1491                         [x x]
1492                         #;
1493                         [y y])])
1494      (let ([a-var (make-A 3 4)]
1495            [b-var (make-B)]
1496            [c-var (make-C 2 1)]
1497            [vec (make-vector 4)])
1498        (vector-set! vec 0 (test a-var b-var))
1499        (vector-set! vec 1 (test a-var c-var))
1500        (set! b-var (become-if-not-A b-var b-var))
1501        (vector-set! vec 2 (test a-var b-var))
1502        (set! b-var (become-if-not-A b-var c-var))
1503        (vector-set! vec 3 (test a-var b-var))
1504        vec)))
1506  ; should evaluate to #(2 4 2 2)
1507  '#(2 4 2 2))
1509  ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
1511  #;
1512  (equal?
1513    (letrec-classes ([fish (head tail) (<root>)
1514                       ([head head] [tail tail])
1515                       (behead () (set! head tail))
1516                       (betail () (set! tail head))
1517                       (get-head () head)
1518                       (get-tail () tail)])
1519      (letrec-classes ([guppy (head tail) (fish head tail)
1520                         ()
1521                         (behead () (open-instance fish "" self) (set! head (cons tail tail)))
1522                         (betail () (open-instance fish "" self) (set! tail (cons head head)))])
1523        (letrec-classes ([minnow (head tail) (guppy head tail)
1524                           ()
1525                           (behead () (begin (super) (set! betail behead)))
1526                           (betail () (begin (super) (set! behead betail)))])
1527          (let ([fishy-1 (make-fish 4 8)]
1528                [fishy-2 (make-guppy 5 9)])
1529            (let ([fishy-red (make-minnow fishy-1 fishy-2)])
1530              (behead fishy-1)
1531              (betail fishy-2)
1532              (behead fishy-red)
1533              (betail fishy-red)
1534              (get-tail (cdr (get-head fishy-red))))))))
1536  ; should evaluate to (5 . 5)
1537  '(5 . 5))
1539  ; Brooke Chenoweth
1541  (equal?
1542  ;; objects shouldn't be identifiable as vectors or procedures
1543  (letrec-classes ([foo () (<root>) ()])
1544    (let ([obj (make-foo)])
1545      (cons (foo? obj)
1546        (cons (procedure? obj)
1547          (cons (vector? obj) '())))))
1548  ; should return '(#t #f #f)
1549  '(#t #f #f))
1551  (eq?
1552  ;; We should be able to package up methods for outside use
1553  (let ([foo-package
1554          (letrec-classes ([foo (x) (<root>)
1555                             ((x x))
1556                             (get-x () x)])
1557            (let ([v (make-vector 3)])
1558              (vector-set! v 0
1559                (lambda (x) (make-foo x))) ; foo-maker
1560              (vector-set! v 1
1561                (lambda (x) (foo? x))) ; foo?
1562              (vector-set! v 2
1563                (lambda (inst) (get-x inst))) ; get-x
1564              v))])
1565    (let ([make-foo (vector-ref foo-package 0)]
1566          [foo? (vector-ref foo-package 1)]
1567          [foo-get-x (vector-ref foo-package 2)])
1568      (let ([r (letrec-classes ([R () (<root>) ()]) (make-R))]
1569            [f (make-foo 4)])
1570        (if (foo? r)
1571            (foo-get-x r)
1572            (if (foo? f)
1573                (foo-get-x f)
1574                -100)))))
1575  ; should return 4
1576  4)
1578  (equal?
1579  (letrec-classes ([A (x y) (<root>)
1580                     ((s (+ x y))
1581                      (d (- x y)))
1582                     (m1 () (- s d))
1583                     (m2 () (+ s d))]
1584                   [R () (<root>) ()])
1585    (letrec-classes ([B (x y z) (A y z)
1586                       ((p (* x y)))
1587                       (m1 () (+ (super) p))
1588                       (m3 () (- (m2 self) p))])
1589      (let ([robj (make-R)]
1590            [aobj (make-A 1 2)] ; s = 3, d = -1
1591            [bobj (make-B 3 4 5)] ; s = 9, d = -1, p = 12
1592            [gather-results
1593              (lambda (obj)
1594                (and (A? obj)
1595                     (cons (m1 obj)
1596                       (cons (m2 obj)
1597                         (cons (if (B? obj)
1598                                   (m3 obj)
1599                                   #f)
1600                           '())))))]
1601            [v (make-vector 3)])
1602        (vector-set! v 0 (gather-results robj))
1603        (vector-set! v 1 (gather-results aobj))
1604        (vector-set! v 2 (gather-results bobj))
1605        v)))
1606  ; should return #( #f (4 2 #f) (22 8 -4))
1607  '#(#f (4 2 #f) (22 8 -4)))
1610  ;; Allen Lee
1612  (equal?
1613  (letrec-classes ([superguy (x y) (<root>)
1614                     ([x (* x x)]
1615                      [y (let ([x 3])
1616                           (+ x (- y y)))]
1617                      [z (lambda (x) (+ x x))])
1618                      (getX () x)
1619                      (getY () y)])
1620    (letrec-classes ([subguy (x y) (superguy (+ x x) (+ y y))
1621                       ([new-x x])
1622                       (plus (y) (+ new-x y))])
1623      (letrec-classes ([subsubguy (x y z) (subguy
1624                                            (+ (+ x y) z)
1625                                            (getY (make-subguy x (* y z))))
1626                         ()
1627                         (minus (y) (- new-x y))])
1628        (let ([supe (make-superguy 2 1)]
1629              [sub (make-subguy 3 4)]
1630              [subsub (make-subsubguy 1 2 3)])
1631          (letrec ([map (lambda (p ls)
1632                          (if (null? ls)
1633                              '()
1634                              (cons (p (car ls))
1635                                (map p (cdr ls)))))])
1636            (let ([true (if (superguy? supe)
1637                            (if (superguy? sub)
1638                                (if (superguy? subsub)
1639                                    (if (subguy? sub)
1640                                        (if (subguy? subsub)
1641                                            (if (subsubguy? subsub)
1642                                                (if (not (subsubguy? sub))
1643                                                    (if (not (subsubguy? supe))
1644                                                        (not (subguy? supe))
1645                                                        #f)
1646                                                    #f)
1647                                                #f)
1648                                            #f)
1649                                        #f)
1650                                    #f)
1651                                #f)
1652                            #f)]
1653                  [x-es (map (lambda (obj)
1654                               (getX obj))
1655                          (cons supe (cons sub (cons subsub '()))))]
1656                  [y-es (map (lambda (obj)
1657                               (getY obj))
1658                          (cons supe (cons sub (cons subsub '()))))])
1659              (cons true (cons x-es y-es))))))))
1660  '(#t (4 36 144) 3 3 3))
1662  (equal?
1663    (letrec-classes ([NullEntity () (<root>)
1664                       ()
1665                       (notifyme (evt) (if #f #f))])
1666      (letrec-classes ([SchmentityEntity (int) (NullEntity)
1667                         ([value int])
1668                         (notifyme (evt)
1669                           (evt value))]
1670                       [Pool (size) (<root>)
1671                         ([numElements 0]
1672                          [pool (make-vector size)]
1673                          [observers (cons (make-NullEntity) '())])
1674                         (add (item)
1675                           (begin
1676                             (incrementElements self)
1677                             (if (not (< (getCurrentIndex self) (vector-length pool)))
1678                                 ;; need to re-expand the pool
1679                                 (let ([newPool (make-vector
1680                                                  (* (getSize self)
1681                                                    (getLoadFactor self)))])
1682                                   (letrec ([loop
1683                                              (lambda (n)
1684                                                (if (= n (getCurrentIndex self))
1685                                                    (begin
1686                                                      (vector-set! newPool n item)
1687                                                      newPool)
1688                                                    (begin
1689                                                      (vector-set! newPool n
1690                                                        (vector-ref pool n))
1691                                                      (loop (add1 n)))))])
1692                                     (setPool self (loop 0))))
1693                                 (vector-set! pool (getCurrentIndex self) item))))
1694                         (remove (item)
1695                           (letrec ([loop
1696                                      (lambda (n)
1697                                        (if (not (= n (getNumElements self)))
1698                                            (if (= (vector-ref pool n) item)
1699                                                (letrec
1700                                                    ([shift
1701                                                       (lambda (start)
1702                                                         (if (= start (getCurrentIndex self))
1703                                                             (vector-set! pool
1704                                                               start (void))
1705                                                             (begin
1706                                                               (vector-set! pool start
1707                                                                 (vector-ref pool (+ start 1)))
1708                                                               (shift (+ n 1)))))])
1709                                                  (shift n))
1710                                                (decrementElements self))
1711                                            (loop (+ n 1))))])
1712                             (loop 0)))
1713                         (isEmpty () (= (getNumElements self) 0))
1714                         (getCurrentIndex () (- (getNumElements self) 1))
1715                         (getSize () (vector-length pool))
1716                         (getNumElements () numElements)
1717                         (incrementElements ()
1718                           (set! numElements (+ numElements 1)))
1719                         (decrementElements ()
1720                           (if (not (= (getNumElements self) 0))
1721                               (set! numElements (- numElements 1))))
1722                         (getPool () pool)
1723                         (setPool (newPool)
1724                           (set! pool newPool))
1725                         (notify (evt)
1726                           (letrec ([loop
1727                                      (lambda (ls)
1728                                        (if (null? ls)
1729                                            '()
1730                                            (cons (notifyme (car ls) evt)
1731                                              (loop (cdr ls)))))])
1732                             (loop observers)))
1733                         (subscribe (obj)
1734                           (set! observers (cons obj observers)))
1735                         (purgeObservers ()
1736                           (set! observers (cons (make-NullEntity) '())))
1737                         (getLoadFactor () 2)
1738                         (contains (item)
1739                           (letrec ([loop
1740                                      (lambda (n)
1741                                        (if (< n (getNumElements self))
1742                                            (if (= item (vector-ref pool n))
1743                                                #t
1744                                                (loop (+ n 1)))
1745                                            #f))])
1746                             (loop 0)))])
1747        (let ([pool (make-Pool 37)])
1748          (letrec ([addToPool (lambda (n)
1749                                (if (= n 0)
1750                                    (isEmpty pool)
1751                                    (begin
1752                                      (add pool n)
1753                                      (addToPool (sub1 n)))))])
1754            (addToPool 42)
1755            (addToPool 23)
1756            (remove pool 14)
1757            (subscribe pool (make-SchmentityEntity 23))
1758            (subscribe pool (make-SchmentityEntity 14))
1759            (let ([notified (notify pool (lambda (x) (* x 3)))])
1760              (cons (isEmpty pool)
1761                (cons (getCurrentIndex pool)
1762                  (cons (getPool pool)
1763                    (cons (getNumElements pool)
1764                      (cons (contains pool 23)
1765                        (cons (contains pool 15)
1766                          notified)))))))))))
1767  ; should evaluate to (#f 63 #74(some-huge-vector-with-65-elements) 64 #t #t 42 69 #<void>)
1768    `(#f 63 #74(42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) 64 #t #t 42 69 ,(void)))
1770  (equal?
1771    (letrec-classes ([broken () (<root>)
1772                       ([vec (make-vector 5)])
1773                       (object-or-vector (n)
1774                         (if (< n 7)
1775                             (begin
1776                               (vector-set! vec 0 14)
1777                               (vector-set! vec 1 15)
1778                               (vector-set! vec 2 16)
1779                               vec)
1780                             self))])
1781      (letrec-classes ([fixed-broken (num) (broken)
1782                         ()
1783                         (object-or-vector (n)
1784                           (* n n))])
1785        (let ([all-k (make-broken)])
1786          (let ([still-valid1 (if (vector? (object-or-vector all-k 4))
1787                                  (vector-ref (object-or-vector all-k 4) 0)
1788                                  #f)]
1789                [still-valid2 (if (vector? (object-or-vector all-k 5))
1790                                  (vector-ref (object-or-vector all-k 5) 1)
1791                                  #f)]
1792                [still-valid3 (if (vector? (object-or-vector all-k 6))
1793                                  (vector-ref (object-or-vector all-k 6) 2)
1794                                  #f)]
1795                [is-vector? (vector? (object-or-vector all-k 7))]
1796                [fixed (make-fixed-broken 37)])
1797            (cons (object-or-vector fixed 37)
1798              (cons still-valid1
1799                (cons still-valid2
1800                  (cons still-valid3
1801                    (cons is-vector? '())))))))))
1802    ;; should return the list (14 15 16 #t)
1803    '(1369 14 15 16 #f))
1806  ;; Matthew Garrett
1808  ;;; eopl-tests.ss
1810  ;;; These test cases are translated as directly as possible from "Essentials
1811  ;;; of Programming Languages", 2nd Ed. by Friedman, Wand, and Haynes, Chapter
1812  ;;; 5, Objects and Classes.
1814  (equal?
1815    ;;; Figure 5.1, A simple object-oriented program
1816    (letrec-classes
1817      ([c1 (x) (<root>)
1818        ([i x] [j (- 0 x)])
1819        (countup (d)
1820          (set! i (+ i d))
1821          (set! j (- j d)))
1822        (getstate () (list i j))])
1823      (let ([t1 0] [t2 0] [o1 (make-c1 3)])
1824        (set! t1 (getstate o1))
1825        (countup o1 2)
1826        (set! t2 (getstate o1))
1827        (list t1 t2)))
1828  '((3 -3) (5 -5)))
1830  (eq?
1831    ;;; page 172, odd-even
1832    (letrec-classes
1833      ([oddeven () (<root>)
1834        ()
1835        (even (n)
1836          (if (zero? n)
1837              1
1838              (odd self (sub1 n))))
1839        (odd (n)
1840          (if (zero? n)
1841              0
1842              (even self (sub1 n))))])
1843      (let ([o1 (make-oddeven)])
1844        (odd o1 13)))
1845  1)
1847  (eq?
1848    ;;; Figure 5.2 Object-oriented program for summing the leaves of a tree
1849    (letrec-classes ([<newroot> () (<root>) () [sum () (void)]])
1850      (letrec-classes
1851        ([interior_node (l r) (<newroot>)
1852          ([left l] [right r])
1853          (sum ()
1854            (+ (sum left) (sum right)))]
1855         [leaf_node (v) (<newroot>)
1856          ([value v])
1857          (sum () value)])
1858        (let ([o1 (make-interior_node
1859                    (make-interior_node
1860                      (make-leaf_node 3)
1861                      (make-leaf_node 4))
1862                    (make-leaf_node 5))])
1863          (sum o1))))
1864  12)
1866  (equal?
1867    ;;; Figure 5.3 Classic example of inheritance: colorpoint
1868    (letrec-classes
1869      ([point (initx inity) (<root>)
1870        ([x initx] [y inity])
1871        (move (dx dy)
1872          (set! x (+ x dx))
1873          (set! y (+ y dy)))
1874        (get_location () (list x y))]
1875       [colorpoint (initx inity) (point initx inity)
1876        ([color 0])
1877        (set_color (c) (set! color c))
1878        (get_color () color)])
1879      (let ([p  (make-point       3  4)]
1880            [cp (make-colorpoint 10 20)])
1881        (move p 3 4)
1882        (set_color cp 87)
1883        (move cp 10 20)
1884        (list (get_location p) (get_location cp) (get_color cp))))
1885        ;;; should return '((6 8) (20 40) 87)
1886  '((6 8) (20 40) 87))
1888  #;
1889    (equal?
1890      ;;; page 175, shadowing
1891      (letrec-classes
1892        ([c1 () (<root>)
1893          ([x 0] [y 0])
1894          (setx1 (v) (set! x v))
1895          (sety1 (v) (set! y v))
1896          (getx1 () x)
1897          (gety1 () y)])
1898        (letrec-classes
1899          ([c2 () (c1)
1900            ([y2 0])
1901            (sety2 (v) (set! y2 v))
1902            (getx2 () (open-instance c1 "" self) x)
1903            (gety2 () y2)])
1904          (let ([o2 (make-c2)])
1905            (setx1 o2 101)
1906            (sety1 o2 102)
1907            (sety2 o2 999)
1908            (list (getx1 o2) (gety1 o2) (getx2 o2) (gety2 o2)))))
1909          ;;; should return '(101 102 101 999)
1910  '(101 102 101 999))
1912  (equal?
1913    ;;; page 176, redefining methods
1914    (letrec-classes
1915      ([c1 () (<root>)
1916        ()
1917        (m1 () 1)
1918        (m2 () (m1 self))]
1919       [c2 () (c1)
1920        ()
1921        (m1 () 2)])
1922      (let ([o1 (make-c1)] [o2 (make-c2)])
1923        (list (m1 o1) (m1 o2) (m2 o2))))
1924  '(1 2 2))
1926  (equal?
1927    ;;; Figure 5.4 Example illustrating interaction of self and inheritance
1928    (letrec-classes
1929      ([c1 () (<root>)
1930        ()
1931        (m1 () 1)
1932        (m2 () 100)
1933        (m3 () (m2 self))]
1934       [c2 () (c1)
1935        ()
1936        (m2 () 2)])
1937      (let ([o1 (make-c1)] [o2 (make-c2)])
1938        (list (m1 o1)     ; 1
1939              (m2 o1)     ; 100
1940              (m3 o1)     ; 100
1941              (m1 o2)     ; 1 (from c1)
1942              (m2 o2)     ; 2 (from c2)
1943              (m3 o2))))  ; 2 (c1's m3 calls c2's m2)
1944  '(1 100 100 1 2 2))
1946  (eq?
1947    ;;; Figure 5.5 Example demonstrating a need for static method dispatch
1948    (letrec-classes
1949      ([point (initx inity) (<root>)
1950        ([x initx] [y initx])
1951        (move (dx dy)
1952          (set! x (+ x dx))
1953          (set! y (+ y dy)))
1954        (getlocation ()
1955          (list x y))]
1956       [colorpoint (initx inity initcolor) (point 0 0)
1957        ([color initcolor])
1958        (set_color (c) (set! color c))
1959        (get_color () color)])
1960      (let ([o1 (make-colorpoint 3 4 172)])
1961        (get_color o1)))
1962  172)
1964  (eq?
1965    ;;; Figure 5.6 Example illustrating interaction of super call with self
1966    (letrec-classes
1967      ([c1 () (<root>)
1968        ()
1969        (m1 () (m2 self))
1970        (m2 () 13)])
1971      (letrec-classes
1972        ([c2 () (c1)
1973          ()
1974          (m1 () (super))
1975          (m2 () 23)
1976          (m3 () (m1 self))])
1977        (letrec-classes
1978          ([c3 () (c2)
1979            ()
1980            (m1 () (super))
1981            (m2 () 33)])
1982          (let ([o3 (make-c3)])
1983            (m3 o3)))))
1984  33)
1986  ; Jeremiah Willcock
1988  (eq?
1989  (let ()
1990    (define-class (A n) (<root>)
1991      (ivars [next (foo n)])
1992      (methods
1993        [get-next () next]
1994        [get-length ()
1995          (if (null? next) 0 (+ 1 (get-length (get-next self))))]))
1996    (define (foo n) (if (zero? n) '() (make-A (- n 1))))
1997    (let ((a (make-A 10)))
1998      (get-length a)))
1999  10)
2001  (eq?
2002  (letrec-classes ((A (n) (<root>) ((next
2003                                        (if (zero? n) '()
2004                                          (make-A (- n 1)))))
2005                                       (get-next () next)
2006                                       (get-length ()
2007                                        (if (null? next) 0
2008                                          (+ 1 (get-length (get-next self)))))))
2009        (let ((a (make-A 10)))
2010          (get-length a)))
2011  10)
2013  ; should this really be an error?  It's not clear how to make base ivars
2014  ; visible in ivar inits efficiently if we want to do so.
2015  (error? ; variable oop-x1 is not bound
2016    (let ()
2017      (define-class (<a> oop-x) (<root>) (ivars [oop-x1 oop-x]))
2018      (define-class (<b> oop-x) (<a> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x2 (+ oop-x1 oop-x1)]))
2019      (define-class (<c> oop-x) (<b> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x3 (+ oop-x2 oop-x2)]))
2020      (define-class (<d> oop-x) (<c> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x4 (+ oop-x3 oop-x3)]))
2021      (define-class (<e> oop-x) (<d> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x5 (+ oop-x4 oop-x4)]))
2022      (define-class (<f> oop-x) (<e> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x6 (+ oop-x5 oop-x5)]))
2023      (define-class (<g> oop-x) (<f> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x7 (+ oop-x6 oop-x6)]))
2024      (define-class (<h> oop-x) (<g> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x8 (+ oop-x7 oop-x7)]))
2025      (define-class (<i> oop-x) (<h> oop-x) (ivars [oop-x9 (+ oop-x8 oop-x8)]) (methods [m () oop-x9]))
2026      (m (make-<i> 1))))
2028  (eq?
2029    (let ()
2030      (define-class (<a> x0) (<root>)
2031        (ivars [x1 (+ x0 x0)]
2032               [x2 (+ x1 x1)]
2033               [x3 (+ x2 x2)]
2034               [x4 (+ x3 x3)]
2035               [x5 (+ x4 x4)]
2036               [x6 (+ x5 x5)]
2037               [x7 (+ x6 x6)]
2038               [x8 (+ x7 x7)]
2039               [x9 (+ x8 x8)])
2040        (methods [m () x9]))
2041      (m (make-<a> 1)))
2042  512)
2045  ; Abdulaziz Ghuloum
2047  (begin
2048    (define-class (R) (<root>))
2049    #t)
2050  (eq?  (R? 0) #f)
2052  (eq?  (R? (cons 1 2)) #f)
2054  (eq?  (R? (make-vector 2)) #f)
2056  (eq?  (R? (lambda () 4)) #f)
2058  (eq?  (R? #f) #f)
2060  (eq?  (R? #t) #f)
2062  (eq?  (R? '()) #f)
2064  (equal?
2065    (letrec-classes
2066      ([AA () (<root>)
2067        ([x 0][y 0])
2068            (get-x () x)
2069            (get-y () y)
2070            (set-x (a)
2071              (letrec-classes
2072                ([AA () (<root>)
2073                      ()
2074                      (set-x (a) (set! x a))])
2075                    (set-x (make-AA) a)))
2076            (set-y (a)
2077              (letrec-classes
2078                ([AA () (<root>)
2079                      ([y 0])
2080                      (set-y (a) (set! y a))])
2081                    (set-y (make-AA) a)))])
2082      (let ([a (make-AA)])
2083        (set-x a 5)
2084            (set-y a 0)
2085            (cons (get-x a) (get-y a))))
2086    '(5 . 0))
2088  (eq?
2089    (letrec-classes
2090      ([<pair> (a b) (<root>)
2091        ([a a][b b])
2092            (car () a)
2093            (cdr () b)
2094            (set-car! (x) (set! a x))
2095            (set-cdr! (x) (set! b x))])
2096      (let ([cons (lambda (a b) (make-<pair> a b))]
2097            [pair? (lambda (x) (<pair>? x))])
2098            (let ([x (cons 4 5)])
2099              (let ([y (cons 3 4)])
2100            (set-car! y 12)
2101                (set-cdr! x y)
2102                (let ([cdr (cdr x)])
2103                  (if (pair? cdr)
2104                    (let ([car (car cdr)])
2105                          (if (pair? car) #f car))))))))
2106    12)
2108  ; this doesn't test the oop system at all:
2109  #;
2110  (equal?
2111    (let
2112      ([letrec-classes
2113        (lambda (x y) (cons x y))]
2114       [<root> (lambda () 7)]
2115       [y (lambda () 3)]
2116       [x (lambda (y) y)]
2117       [self (cons 12 (cons 34 45))]
2118       [A (lambda (a b c d)
2119            (lambda ()
2120                      (let ([v (make-vector 4)])
2121                        (vector-set! v 0 a)
2122                        (vector-set! v 1 b)
2123                        (vector-set! v 2 c)
2124                        (vector-set! v 3 d)
2125                            v)))]
2126       [make (lambda (a b) b)]
2127       [inc-x (lambda (a b) (cons a b))]
2128       [s (lambda () 87)])
2129      (letrec-classes
2130        ([A (y) (<root>)
2131              ([x y])
2132              (inc-x (s) (begin self))])
2133            (inc-x (make-A 3) 3)))
2134  '(#4(3 7 3 (87 12 34 . 45)) 3 . 3))
2136  (eq?
2137    (let ([let 0][lambda 1][letrec 2][if 5])
2138      (letrec-classes
2139        ([A (x) (<root>)
2140              ([x x])
2141              (inc-x (s) (begin (set! x (+ x s)) self))
2142              (get-x () x)])
2143            (get-x (inc-x (make-A 4) 3))))
2144    7)
2146  ; Jeremiah Willcock
2148  (eq?
2149    (letrec-classes () #f)
2150    #f)
2152  (eq?
2153    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ()))
2154      (letrec-classes ((B () (A) ()))
2155        (make-B)
2156        #f))
2157    #f)
2159  (eq?
2160    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) () (foo () 5)))
2161      (letrec-classes ((B () (A) () (foo () 7) (bar () 8)))
2162        (foo (make-B))))
2163    7)
2165  (equal?
2166    (letrec-classes
2167      ((A (x y) (<root>) ((x x) (y y))
2168        (get-x () x)
2169        (get-y () y)
2170        (set-x (value) (set! x value))))
2171      (let ((A (make-A 1 2)))
2172        (cons (get-x A) (get-y A))))
2173    '(1 . 2))
2175  (eq?
2176    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ()))
2177      (letrec-classes ((<root> () (A) () (foo () 5)))
2178        (foo (make-<root>))))
2179    5)
2181  #;
2182  (equal?
2183    (letrec-classes
2184      ((A (x y) (<root>) ((x (* 2 x)) (y (+ 7 y)))
2185        (get-x () (- x 3))
2186        (get-y () (* 2 y))))
2187      (letrec-classes
2188        ((<xroot> (z w) (A (* w z) (- w z)) ()
2189          (get-x () (open-instance A "" self) x)
2190          (set-x! (<yroot>) (open-instance A "" self) (set! x <yroot>))
2191          (call-get-x (set-x!) (get-x set-x!))
2192          (call-set-x! (A) (set-x! self A))))
2193        (let ((<zroot> (make-<xroot> 4 9)))
2194          (let ((x (get-x <zroot>))
2195                (y (get-y <zroot>))
2196                (x2 (call-get-x <zroot> <zroot>)))
2197            (cons x
2198              (cons y
2199                (cons x2
2200                  (let ((foo (set-x! <zroot> 7)))
2201                    (cons (get-x <zroot>) '())))))))))
2202    '(72 24 72 7))
2204  #;
2205  (equal?
2206    (letrec-classes
2207      ((A (x y) (<root>) ((x (* 2 x)) (y (+ 7 y)))
2208        (get-x () (- x 3))
2209        (get-y () (* 2 y))))
2210      (letrec-classes
2211        ((<xroot> (z w) (A (* w z) (- w z)) ()
2212          (get-x () (open-instance A "" self) x)
2213          (set-x! (<yroot>) (open-instance A "" self) (set! x <yroot>))
2214          (call-get-x (set-x!) (get-x set-x!))
2215          (call-set-x! (A) (set-x! self A))))
2216        (let ((<root> (make-<xroot> 4 9)))
2217          (let ((x (get-x <root>))
2218                (y (get-y <root>))
2219                (x2 (call-get-x <root> <root>)))
2220            (cons x
2221              (cons y
2222                (cons x2
2223                  (let ((foo (set-x! <root> 7)))
2224                    (cons (get-x <root>) '())))))))))
2225    '(72 24 72 7))
2227  #;
2228  (equal?
2229    (letrec-classes
2230      ((A (x y) (<root>) ((x (* 2 x)) (y (+ 7 y)))
2231        (get-x () (- x 3))
2232        (get-y () (* 2 y))))
2233      (letrec-classes
2234        ((<xroot> (z w) (A (* w z) (- w z)) ()
2235          (get-x () (open-instance A "" self) x)
2236          (set-x! (<root>) (open-instance A "" self) (set! x <root>))
2237          (call-get-x (set-x!) (get-x set-x!))
2238          (call-set-x! (A) (set-x! self A))))
2239        (let ((<root> (make-<xroot> 4 9)))
2240          (let ((x (get-x <root>))
2241                (y (get-y <root>))
2242                (x2 (call-get-x <root> <root>)))
2243            (cons x
2244              (cons y
2245                (cons x2
2246                  (let ((foo (set-x! <root> 7)))
2247                    (cons (get-x <root>) '())))))))))
2248    '(72 24 72 7))
2250  (eq?
2251    (letrec-classes ((A (x y) (<root>) ((x (* 2 x)) (y (+ 7 y)))
2252                      (get-x () x)))
2253      (letrec-classes
2254        ((<root> (z w) (A (* w z) (- w z)) ()
2255          (get-x () 7)
2256          (call-get-x (set-x!) (get-x set-x!))))
2257        (let ((<root> (make-<root> 4 9)))
2258          (call-get-x <root> <root>))))
2259    7)
2261  (eq?
2262    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ()))
2263      (letrec-classes
2264        ((<root> () (A) ()
2265          (set-x! (<root>) #f)))
2266        #f))
2267    #f)
2269  #;
2270  (equal?
2271    (letrec-classes
2272      ((A (x y) (<root>) ((x (* 2 x)) (y (+ 7 y)))
2273        (get-x () (- x 3))
2274        (get-y () (* 2 y))))
2275      (letrec-classes
2276        ((<root> (z w) (A (* w z) (- w z)) ()
2277          (get-x () (open-instance A "" self) x)
2278          (set-x! (<root>) (open-instance A "" self) (set! x <root>))
2279          (call-get-x (set-x!) (get-x set-x!))
2280          (call-set-x! (A) (set-x! self A))))
2281        (let ((<root> (make-<root> 4 9)))
2282          (let ((x (get-x <root>))
2283                (y (get-y <root>))
2284                (x2 (call-get-x <root> <root>)))
2285            (cons x
2286              (cons y
2287                (cons x2
2288                  (let ((foo (set-x! <root> 7)))
2289                    (cons (get-x <root>) '())))))))))
2290    '(72 24 72 7))
2292  (equal?
2293    (letrec-classes
2294      ((xself () (<root>) ((x 7))
2295        (xisa-vtable? () (let ((self 5)) (+ x self)))))
2296      (cons
2297        (xisa-vtable? (make-xself))
2298        (xself? (make-xself))))
2299    '(12 . #t))
2301  (equal?
2302    (letrec-classes
2303      ((xself () (<root>) ((x 7))
2304        (isa-vtable? () (let ((self 5)) (+ x self)))))
2305      (cons
2306        (isa-vtable? (make-xself))
2307        (xself? (make-xself))))
2308    '(12 . #t))
2310  (equal?
2311    (letrec-classes ; Cannot have class named "self"
2312      ((self () (<root>) ((x 7))
2313        (isa-vtable? () (let ((self 5)) (+ x self)))))
2314      (cons
2315        (isa-vtable? (make-self))
2316        (self? (make-self))))
2317    '(12 . #t))
2319  (eq?
2320    (let ((self 5))
2321      (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ()
2322                        (foo () self)
2323                        (bar () 5)))
2324        (let ((self 7))
2325          (bar (foo (make-A))))))
2326    5)
2328  (equal?
2329    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ())
2330                     (B () (<root>) ()))
2331      (letrec-classes ((C () (A) ()))
2332        (letrec-classes ((D () (C) ()))
2333          (let ((isa-grid-entry (lambda (obj)
2334                    (cons (A? obj)
2335                    (cons (B? obj)
2336                    (cons (C? obj)
2337                    (cons (D? obj) '())))))))
2338            (letrec ((map (lambda (f l)
2339                      (if (null? l) '()
2340                        (cons (f (car l))
2341                              (map f (cdr l)))))))
2342              (map isa-grid-entry
2343                (cons 5
2344                (cons (make-A)
2345                (cons (make-B)
2346                (cons (make-C)
2347                (cons (make-D) '())))))))))))
2348    '((#f #f #f #f)
2349      (#t #f #f #f)
2350      (#f #t #f #f)
2351      (#t #f #t #f)
2352      (#t #f #t #t)))
2354  (equal?
2355    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ()))
2356      (let ((z (make-A)))
2357        (cons (pair? z)
2358        (cons (vector? z)
2359        (cons (null? z)
2360        (cons (procedure? z)
2361        (cons (boolean? z)
2362        '())))))))
2363    '(#f #f #f #f #f))
2365  #;
2366  (equal?
2367    (let ((x 7))
2368      (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) ((y x))))
2369        (letrec-classes ((B () (A) () (set-x (value) (set! x value))
2370                                      (get-y () (open-instance A "" self) y)))
2371          (let ((w (make-B)))
2372            (set-x w 9)
2373            (cons (get-y w) x)))))
2374    '(7 . 9))
2376  (equal?
2377    (letrec-classes ((A () (<root>) () (x () 1) (y () 2)))
2378      (letrec-classes ((B () (A) () (x () (- 0 (super))) (z () 3)))
2379        (letrec-classes ((C () (B) () (y () (+ 10 (super)))
2380                                      (z () (- 0 (super)))))
2381          (let ((a (make-A)) (b (make-B)) (c (make-C)))
2382            (cons
2383              (cons (x a) (y a))
2384            (cons
2385              (cons (x b) (cons (y b) (z b)))
2386            (cons
2387              (cons (x c) (cons (y c) (z c))) '())))))))
2388    '((1 . 2) (-1 2 . 3) (-1 12 . -3)))
2390  (eq?
2391    ; Based on suggestion in class about constructors making the same class
2392    (letrec-classes ((A (n) (<root>) ((next
2393                                      (if (zero? n) '()
2394                                        (make-A (- n 1)))))
2395                                     (get-next () next)
2396                                     (get-length ()
2397                                      (if (null? next) 0
2398                                        (+ 1 (get-length (get-next self)))))))
2399      (let ((a (make-A 10)))
2400        (get-length a)))
2401    10)
2403  (equal?
2404    ; Automatic differentiator -- expressions of one variable w/ int constants
2405    (letrec-classes ((Differentiable () (<root>) () (compute () #f)
2406                                                    (diff () #f)))
2407      (letrec-classes (
2408        (sum (a b) (Differentiable) ((a a) (b b))
2409                                    (compute ()
2410                                      (lambda (x)
2411                                        (+ ((compute a) x)
2412                                           ((compute b) x))))
2413                                    (diff () (make-sum (diff a) (diff b))))
2414        (prod (a b) (Differentiable) ((a a) (b b))
2415                                     (compute ()
2416                                      (lambda (x)
2417                                        (* ((compute a) x)
2418                                           ((compute b) x))))
2419                                     (diff () (make-sum
2420                                      (make-prod a (diff b))
2421                                      (make-prod b (diff a)))))
2422        (pow (a b) (Differentiable) ((a a) (b b)) ; Constant exponent
2423                                    (compute ()
2424                                      (letrec ((real-pow
2425                                        (lambda (base power)
2426                                          (if (zero? power)
2427                                            1
2428                                            (* base
2429                                               (real-pow base (- power 1)))))))
2430                                        (lambda (x)
2431                                          (real-pow ((compute a) x) b))))
2432                                    (diff ()
2433                                      (if (zero? b)
2434                                        (make-constant 0)
2435                                        (make-prod (make-constant b)
2436                                          (make-prod
2437                                           (make-pow a (- b 1))
2438                                           (diff a))))))
2439        (constant (x) (Differentiable) ((x x))
2440                                       (compute ()
2441                                        (lambda (z) x))
2442                                       (diff () (make-constant 0)))
2443        (variable () (Differentiable) ()
2444                                      (compute ()
2445                                        (lambda (x) x))
2446                                      (diff () (make-constant 1))))
2447      (let ((+ (lambda (a b) (make-sum a b)))
2448            (- (lambda (a b) (make-sum a (make-prod b (make-constant -1)))))
2449            (* (lambda (a b) (make-prod a b)))
2450            (^ (lambda (a b) (make-pow a b)))
2451            (! (lambda (x) (make-constant x)))
2452            (x (make-variable)))
2453        (let ((fun (+ (^ (- x (! 1)) 9) (* x (! 7)))))
2454          (letrec ((diff-at-values (lambda (fun ndiffs vals)
2455                    (if (zero? ndiffs)
2456                      '()
2457                      (cons
2458                        (letrec ((map (lambda (f l)
2459                                  (if (null? l) '()
2460                                    (cons (f (car l))
2461                                          (map f (cdr l)))))))
2462                          (map (compute fun) vals))
2463                        (diff-at-values (diff fun) (sub1 ndiffs) vals))))))
2464            (diff-at-values fun 4 '(-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5)))))))
2465    '((-10077731 -1953153 -262165 -19697 -519 -1 7 15 533 19711 262179)
2466      (15116551 3515632 589831 59056 2311 16 7 16 2311 59056 589831)
2467      (-20155392 -5625000 -1179648 -157464 -9216 -72 0 72 9216 157464 1179648)
2468      (23514624 7875000 2064384 367416 32256 504 0 504 32256 367416 2064384)))
2470  ; Robert George
2472  (eq?
2473    (letrec-classes ([A () (<root>)
2474                       ([x 1]
2475                        [y (letrec-classes ([B () (<root>)
2476                                              ([x2 2])
2477                                              (get-x () (if x2 x2 (letrec-classes ([C () (<root>)
2478                                                                                     ([x3 3])
2479                                                                                     (get-x () x3)])
2480                                                                    (let ([obj (make-C)])
2481                                                                      (get-x obj)))))])
2482                             (let ([obj (make-B)])
2483                               (get-x obj)))])
2484                       (get-x () x)])
2485      (get-x (make-A)))
2486    1)
2488  (equal?
2489    (letrec ([map (lambda (proc ls)
2490                    (if (null? ls)
2491                        '()
2492                        (cons (proc (car ls)) (map proc (cdr ls)))))])
2493      (letrec-classes ([A () (<root>)
2494                         ([x 0])
2495                         (square-and-set (y) (let ([val (* y y)])
2496                                               (set! x (+ x val))
2497                                               val))
2498                         (get-x () x)])
2499        (let ([obj (make-A)])
2500          (let ([ls (map (lambda (x) (square-and-set obj x)) '(1 2 3 4 5))])
2501            (cons ls (get-x obj))))))
2502    '((1 4 9 16 25) . 55))
2504  #;
2505  (eq?
2506    (let ([x 5])
2507      (letrec-classes ([A () (<root>)
2508                         ([x 3])
2509                         (get-x () x)])
2510        (letrec-classes ([B () (A)
2511                          ([y 4])
2512                          (get-x () (open-instance A "" self) x)])
2513          (+ x (get-x (make-B)) (get-x (make-A))))))
2514    11)
2516  (eq?
2517    (letrec-classes ([A () (<root>)
2518                       ([x 1] [y (+ x x)])
2519                       (get-x () x)
2520                       (get-y () y)])
2521      (letrec-classes ([B () (A)
2522                        ([z 3])
2523                        (add-em () (+ (get-x (make-A)) (get-x (make-B)) z))])
2524        (add-em (make-B))))
2525    5)
2527  (eq?
2528    (letrec-classes ([A () (<root>)
2529                       ([x 1])
2530                       (get-x () x)])
2531      (letrec-classes ([B () (A)
2532                        ([y 3])
2533                        (get-x () (super))])
2534        (get-x (make-B))))
2535    1)
2537  (eq?
2538    (letrec-classes ([A () (<root>)
2539                       ([x 1])
2540                       (create-A () (make-A))])
2541      (letrec-classes ([B () (A)
2542                        ([y 2])
2543                        (do-it () (A? (create-A (make-B))))])
2544        (do-it (make-B))))
2545    #t)
2547  (eq?
2548    (let ()
2549      (define-syntax albatross
2550        (syntax-rules ()
2551          [(_ f m)
2552           (begin
2553             (define-class (fowl) (<root>) (ivars [x 77]) (methods [m () x]))
2554             (define f (lambda () (make-fowl))))]))
2555      (albatross alcatraz pelican)
2556      (pelican (alcatraz)))
2557    77)
2559  (error? ; variable make-fowl is not bound
2560    (make-fowl))
2562  ; Jeremy Siek
2564  (eq?
2565    (letrec-classes ((shape () (<root>) () (foo (s) s)))
2566      (letrec-classes ((rect () (shape) () (get-h () 0) (foo (s) s)))
2567        (let ([r (make-rect)]) (get-h r))))
2568    0)