1;;; hash.ms
2;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
8;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14;;; limitations under the License.
16(mat old-hash-table
17  (error? (get-hash-table '((a . b)) 'a #f))
18  (error? (put-hash-table! (list (cons 'a 'b)) 'a 'b))
19  (error? (remove-hash-table! (list (cons 'a 'b)) 'a))
20  (error? (hash-table-map '((a . b)) cons))
21  (error? (hash-table-for-each '((a . b)) cons))
22  (begin
23    (define $h-ht (make-hash-table))
24    (hash-table? $h-ht))
25  (not (hash-table? 3))
26  (not (hash-table? '$h-ht))
27  (null? (hash-table-map $h-ht list))
28  (eq? (let ([n 0])
29         (hash-table-for-each $h-ht (lambda (x y) (set! n (+ n 1))))
30         n)
31       0)
32  (equal?
33    (begin
34      (put-hash-table! $h-ht 'ham 'spam)
35      (hash-table-map $h-ht list))
36    '((ham spam)))
37  (error? ; wrong number of args
38    (hash-table-map $h-ht (lambda (x) x)))
39  (error? ; wrong number of args
40    (hash-table-for-each $h-ht (lambda (x) x)))
41  ((lambda (x y) (or (equal? x y) (equal? x (reverse y))))
42    (begin
43      (put-hash-table! $h-ht 'cram 'sham)
44      (hash-table-map $h-ht list))
45    '((ham spam) (cram sham)))
46  ((lambda (x y) (or (equal? x y) (equal? x (reverse y))))
47    (begin
48      (put-hash-table! $h-ht 'ham 'jam)
49      (hash-table-map $h-ht list))
50    '((ham jam) (cram sham)))
51  (eq? (get-hash-table $h-ht 'ham #f) 'jam)
52  (eq? (get-hash-table $h-ht 'cram #f) 'sham)
53  (eq? (get-hash-table $h-ht 'sham #f) #f)
54  (equal? (get-hash-table $h-ht 'jam "rats") "rats")
55  (eq? (let ([n 0])
56         (hash-table-for-each $h-ht (lambda (x y) (set! n (+ n 1))))
57         n)
58       2)
59  ((lambda (x y) (or (equal? x y) (equal? x (reverse y))))
60   (let ([keys '()] [vals '()])
61     (hash-table-for-each $h-ht
62       (lambda (k v)
63         (set! keys (cons k keys))
64         (set! vals (cons v vals))))
65     (map cons vals keys))
66   '((jam . ham) (sham . cram)))
67  (eq? (collect (collect-maximum-generation)) (void))
68  ((lambda (x y) (or (equal? x y) (equal? x (reverse y))))
69   (let ([keys '()] [vals '()])
70     (hash-table-for-each $h-ht
71       (lambda (k v)
72         (set! keys (cons k keys))
73         (set! vals (cons v vals))))
74     (map cons vals keys))
75   '((jam . ham) (sham . cram)))
76  (eq? (begin
77         (remove-hash-table! $h-ht 'ham)
78         (get-hash-table $h-ht 'ham 'gone!))
79       'gone!)
80  (equal?
81    (hash-table-map $h-ht list)
82    '((cram sham)))
83  (eq? (collect (collect-maximum-generation)) (void))
84  (equal?
85    (hash-table-map $h-ht list)
86    '((cram sham)))
87  (eq? (begin
88         (remove-hash-table! $h-ht 'ham)
89         (get-hash-table $h-ht 'ham 'gone!))
90       'gone!)
91  (equal?
92    (hash-table-map $h-ht list)
93    '((cram sham)))
94  (eq? (begin
95         (remove-hash-table! $h-ht 'sham)
96         (get-hash-table $h-ht 'ham 'never-there!))
97       'never-there!)
98  (equal?
99    (hash-table-map $h-ht list)
100    '((cram sham)))
101  (eq? (begin
102         (remove-hash-table! $h-ht 'cram)
103         (get-hash-table $h-ht 'cram 'gone-too!))
104       'gone-too!)
105  (null? (hash-table-map $h-ht list))
107 ; fasling out eq hash tables
108  (equal?
109    (let ([x (cons 'y '!)])
110      (define ht (make-hash-table))
111      (put-hash-table! ht x 'because)
112      (put-hash-table! ht 'foo "foo")
113      (let ([p (open-file-output-port "testfile.ss" (file-options replace))])
114        (fasl-write (list x ht) p)
115        (close-port p))
116      (let-values ([(x2 ht2)
117                    (apply values
118                      (call-with-port
119                        (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")
120                        fasl-read))])
121        (list
122          (get-hash-table ht2 x2 #f)
123          (get-hash-table ht2 'foo #f))))
124    '(because "foo"))
126 ; weak hash table tests
127  (begin
128    (define $h-ht (make-hash-table #t))
129    (hash-table? $h-ht))
130  (null?
131    (begin
132      (put-hash-table! $h-ht (string #\a) 'yea!)
133      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
134      (hash-table-map $h-ht cons)))
135  (eq? (let ([n 0])
136         (hash-table-for-each $h-ht (lambda (x y) (set! n (+ n 1))))
137         n)
138       0)
139  (let ([s (string #\a)])
140    (put-hash-table! $h-ht s 666)
141    (equal? (get-hash-table $h-ht s #f) 666))
142  (null?
143    (begin
144      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
145      (hash-table-map $h-ht cons)))
147 ; make sure that nonweak hash tables are nonweak (explicit #f arg)
148  (begin
149    (define $h-ht (make-hash-table #f))
150    (hash-table? $h-ht))
151  (equal?
152    (begin
153      (put-hash-table! $h-ht (string #\a) "bc")
154      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
155      (hash-table-map $h-ht string-append))
156    '("abc"))
158 ; make sure that nonweak hash tables are nonweak (implicit #f arg)
159  (begin
160    (define $h-ht (make-hash-table))
161    (hash-table? $h-ht))
162  (equal?
163    (begin
164      (put-hash-table! $h-ht (string #\a) "bc")
165      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
166      (hash-table-map $h-ht string-append))
167    '("abc"))
169 ; stress tests
170  (let () ; nonweak
171    (define pick
172      (lambda (ls)
173        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
174    (define ht (make-hash-table))
175    (let* ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
176      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
177        (if (= i n)
178            (and (= (length (hash-table-map ht (lambda (x y) x)))
179                    (- n (length drop)))
180                 (andmap (lambda (k)
181                           (string=?
182                             (symbol->string (get-hash-table ht k #f))
183                             (cond
184                               [(string? k) k]
185                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
186                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
187                         keep)
188                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eq? (get-hash-table ht k 'no) 'no))
189                         drop))
190            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
191              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
192                         [(string) s]
193                         [(pair) (list s)]
194                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
195                (put-hash-table! ht k x)
196                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
197                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
198                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
199                        (remove-hash-table! ht k)
200                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
201                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
202                            (remove-hash-table! ht (pick drop)))
203                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
204                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
206  (let () ; weak
207    (define pick
208      (lambda (ls)
209        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
210    (define ht (make-hash-table #t))
211    (let* ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
212      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
213        (if (= i n)
214            (and (<= (length (hash-table-map ht (lambda (x y) x)))
215                     (- n (length drop)))
216                 (begin
217                   (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
218                   (= (length (hash-table-map ht (lambda (x y) x)))
219                      (length keep)))
220                 (andmap (lambda (k)
221                           (string=?
222                             (symbol->string (get-hash-table ht k #f))
223                             (cond
224                               [(string? k) k]
225                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
226                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
227                         keep)
228                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eq? (get-hash-table ht k 'no) 'no))
229                         drop))
230            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
231              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
232                         [(string) s]
233                         [(pair) (list s)]
234                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
235                (put-hash-table! ht k x)
236                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
237                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
238                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
239                        (remove-hash-table! ht k)
240                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
241                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
242                            (remove-hash-table! ht (pick drop)))
243                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
244                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
247(mat tlc
248  (critical-section
249    (let ()
250      (define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
251      (define keyval '(a . b))
252      (define next 0)
253      (define tlc (#%$make-tlc ht keyval next))
254      (define tlc2 (#%$make-tlc ht keyval next))
255      (and
256        (#%$tlc? tlc)
257        (not (#%$tlc? keyval))
258        (eq? (#%$tlc-ht tlc) ht)
259        (eq? (#%$tlc-keyval tlc) keyval)
260        (eqv? (#%$tlc-next tlc) next)
261        (begin
262          (#%$set-tlc-next! tlc tlc2)
263          (eq? (#%$tlc-next tlc) tlc2)))))
266(define $vector-andmap
267  (lambda (p . v*)
268    (apply andmap p (map vector->list v*))))
270(define $vector-append
271  (lambda v*
272    (list->vector (apply append (map vector->list v*)))))
274(define $vector-member?
275  (lambda (x v)
276    (let ([n (vector-length v)])
277      (let f ([i 0])
278        (and (not (fx= i n))
279          (or (equal? (vector-ref v i) x)
280              (f (fx+ i 1))))))))
282(define same-elements?
283  (lambda (v1 v2)
284    (let ([n (vector-length v1)])
285      (define (each-in? v1 v2)
286        (let f ([i 0])
287          (or (fx= i n)
288              (and ($vector-member? (vector-ref v1 i) v2)
289                   (f (fx+ i 1))))))
290      (and (fx= (vector-length v2) n)
291           (each-in? v1 v2)
292           (each-in? v2 v1)))))
294(define equal-entries?
295  (lambda (ht keys vals)
296    (define-syntax same-entries?
297      (syntax-rules ()
298        [(_ e1 keys2 vals2)
299         (let-values ([(keys1 vals1) e1])
300           (and
301            (same-elements? keys1 keys2)
302            (same-elements? vals1 vals2)))]))
304    (and
305     (same-elements? (hashtable-keys ht) keys)
306     (same-elements? (hashtable-values ht) vals)
307     (same-entries? (hashtable-entries ht) keys vals)
308     (same-elements? (hashtable-cells ht) (vector-map cons keys vals))
310     (same-elements? (r6rs:hashtable-keys ht) keys)
311     (same-entries? (r6rs:hashtable-entries ht) keys vals)
313     ;; Check requested sizes > hash table size
314     (andmap (lambda (size)
315               (and
316                (same-elements? (hashtable-keys ht size) keys)
317                (same-elements? (hashtable-values ht size) vals)
318                (same-entries? (hashtable-entries ht size) keys vals)
319                (same-elements? (hashtable-cells ht size) (vector-map cons keys vals))))
320             (list (add1 (hashtable-size ht))
321                   (expt 2 1000)))
323     ;; Make sure request of 0 always works:
324     (same-elements? (hashtable-keys ht 0) '#())
325     (same-elements? (hashtable-values ht 0) '#())
326     (same-entries? (hashtable-entries ht 0) '#() '#())
327     (same-elements? (hashtable-cells ht 0) '#())
329     (or
330      (< (hashtable-size ht) 2)
331      ;; Check request of size 2:
332      (let ([twos (lambda (v)
333                     (let i-loop ([i 0])
334                       (cond
335                        [(= i (vector-length v))
336                         '()]
337                        [else
338                         (let j-loop ([j (add1 i)])
339                           (cond
340                            [(= j (vector-length v))
341                             (i-loop (add1 i))]
342                            [else
343                             (cons (vector (vector-ref v i) (vector-ref v j))
344                                   (j-loop (add1 j)))]))])))])
345        (let ([keyss (twos keys)]
346              [valss (twos vals)])
347          (and
348           (let ([got-keys (hashtable-keys ht 2)])
349             (ormap (lambda (keys)
350                      (same-elements? got-keys keys))
351                    keyss))
352           (let ([got-vals (hashtable-values ht 2)])
353             (ormap (lambda (vals)
354                      (same-elements? got-vals vals))
355                    valss))
356           (let-values ([(got-keys got-vals) (hashtable-entries ht 2)])
357             (ormap (lambda (keys vals)
358                      (and (same-elements? got-keys keys)
359                           (same-elements? got-vals vals)))
360                    keyss valss))
361           (let ([got-cells (hashtable-cells ht 2)])
362             (ormap (lambda (keys vals)
363                      (same-elements? got-cells (vector-map cons keys vals)))
364                    keyss valss)))))))))
366(mat hashtable-arguments
367 ; make-eq-hashtable
368  (error? ; wrong argument count
369    (make-eq-hashtable 3 #t))
370  (error? ; invalid size
371    (make-eq-hashtable -1))
372  (error? ; invalid size
373    (make-eq-hashtable #t))
374  (error? ; invalid size
375    (make-eq-hashtable #f))
376 ; make-hashtable
377  (error? ; wrong argument count
378    (make-hashtable))
379  (error? ; wrong argument count
380    (make-hashtable equal-hash))
381  (error? ; wrong argument count
382    (make-hashtable equal-hash equal? 45 53))
383  (error? ; not a procedure
384    (make-hashtable 'a equal? 45))
385  (error? ; not a procedure
386    (make-hashtable equal-hash 'a 45))
387  (error? ; invalid size
388    (make-hashtable equal-hash equal? 'a))
389  (error? ; invalid size
390    (make-hashtable equal-hash equal? -45))
391  (error? ; invalid size
392    (make-hashtable equal-hash equal? 45.0))
393 ; make-eqv-hashtable
394  (error? ; wrong argument count
395    (make-eqv-hashtable 3 #t))
396  (error? ; invalid size
397    (make-eqv-hashtable -1))
398  (error? ; invalid size
399    (make-eqv-hashtable #t))
400  (error? ; invalid size
401    (make-eqv-hashtable #f))
402  (begin
403    (define $ht (make-eq-hashtable))
404    (define $imht (hashtable-copy $ht))
405    (define $ht2 (make-eq-hashtable 50))
406    (and (hashtable? $ht)
407         (eq-hashtable? $ht)
408         (hashtable-mutable? $ht)
409         (not (hashtable-weak? $ht))
410         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? $ht))
411         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $ht))
412         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $ht))
413         (hashtable? $imht)
414         (eq-hashtable? $imht)
415         (not (hashtable-mutable? $imht))
416         (not (hashtable-weak? $imht))
417         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? $imht))
418         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $imht))
419         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $imht))
420         (hashtable? $ht2)
421         (eq-hashtable? $ht2)
422         (hashtable-mutable? $ht2)
423         (not (hashtable-weak? $ht2))
424         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? $ht2))
425         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $ht2))
426         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $ht2))))
427  (not (hashtable? 3))
428  (not (hashtable? (make-vector 3)))
429  (not (eq-hashtable? 3))
430  (not (eq-hashtable? (make-vector 3)))
431 ; hashtable?
432  (error? ; wrong argument count
433    (hashtable?))
434  (error? ; wrong argument count
435    (hashtable? $ht 3))
436  (error? ; wrong argument count
437    (eq-hashtable?))
438  (error? ; wrong argument count
439    (eq-hashtable? $ht 3))
440 ; hashtable-mutable?
441  (error? ; not a hashtable
442    (hashtable-mutable? (make-vector 3)))
443  (error? ; wrong argument count
444    (hashtable-mutable?))
445  (error? ; wrong argument count
446    (hashtable-mutable? $ht 3))
447 ; hashtable-size
448  (error? ; wrong argument count
449    (hashtable-size))
450  (error? ; wrong argument count
451    (hashtable-size $ht 3))
452  (error? ; not a hashtable
453    (hashtable-size 'hello))
454 ; hashtable-ref
455  (error? ; wrong argument count
456    (hashtable-ref))
457  (error? ; wrong argument count
458    (hashtable-ref $ht))
459  (error? ; wrong argument count
460    (hashtable-ref $ht 'a))
461  (error? ; wrong argument count
462    (hashtable-ref $ht 'a 'b 'c))
463  (error? ; not a hashtable
464    (hashtable-ref '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
465 ; hashtable-contains?
466  (error? ; wrong argument count
467    (hashtable-contains?))
468  (error? ; wrong argument count
469    (hashtable-contains? $ht))
470  (error? ; wrong argument count
471    (hashtable-contains? $ht 'a 'b))
472  (error? ; not a hashtable
473    (hashtable-contains? '(hash . table) 'a))
474 ; hashtable-set!
475  (error? ; wrong argument count
476    (hashtable-set!))
477  (error? ; wrong argument count
478    (hashtable-set! $ht))
479  (error? ; wrong argument count
480    (hashtable-set! $ht 'a))
481  (error? ; wrong argument count
482    (hashtable-set! $ht 'a 'b 'c))
483  (error? ; not a hashtable
484    (hashtable-set! '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
485  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
486    (hashtable-set! $imht 'a 'b))
487 ; hashtable-update!
488  (error? ; wrong argument count
489    (hashtable-update!))
490  (error? ; wrong argument count
491    (hashtable-update! $ht))
492  (error? ; wrong argument count
493    (hashtable-update! $ht 'a values))
494  (error? ; wrong argument count
495    (hashtable-update! $ht 'a values 'c 'd))
496  (error? ; not a hashtable
497    (hashtable-update! '(hash . table) 'a values 'b))
498  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
499    (hashtable-update! $imht 'a values 'b))
500  (error? ; not a procedure
501    (hashtable-update! $ht 'a "not a procedure" 'b))
502 ; hashtable-cell
503  (error? ; wrong argument count
504    (hashtable-cell))
505  (error? ; wrong argument count
506    (hashtable-cell $ht))
507  (error? ; wrong argument count
508    (hashtable-cell $ht 'a))
509  (error? ; wrong argument count
510    (hashtable-cell $ht 'a 'b 'c))
511  (error? ; not a hashtable
512    (hashtable-cell '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
513 ; hashtable-ref-cell
514  (error? ; wrong argument count
515    (hashtable-ref-cell))
516  (error? ; wrong argument count
517   (hashtable-ref-cell $ht))
518  (error? ; wrong argument count
519    (hashtable-ref-cell $ht 'a 'b))
520  (error? ; not a hashtable
521    (hashtable-ref-cell '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
522 ; hashtable-delete!
523  (error? ; wrong argument count
524    (hashtable-delete!))
525  (error? ; wrong argument count
526    (hashtable-delete! $ht))
527  (error? ; wrong argument count
528    (hashtable-delete! $ht 'a 'b))
529  (error? ; not a hashtable
530    (hashtable-delete! '(hash . table) 'a))
531  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
532    (hashtable-delete! $imht 'a))
533 ; hashtable-copy
534  (error? ; wrong argument count
535    (hashtable-copy))
536  (error? ; wrong argument count
537    (hashtable-copy $ht #t 17))
538  (error? ; not a hashtable
539    (hashtable-copy '(hash . table) #t))
540 ; hashtable-clear!
541  (error? ; wrong argument count
542    (hashtable-clear!))
543  (error? ; wrong argument count
544    (hashtable-clear! $ht 17 'foo))
545  (error? ; not a hashtable
546    (hashtable-clear! '(hash . table)))
547  (error? ; not a hashtable
548    (hashtable-clear! '(hash . table) 17))
549  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
550    (hashtable-clear! $imht))
551  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
552    (hashtable-clear! $imht 32))
553  (error? ; invalid size
554    (hashtable-clear! $ht #t))
555 ; hashtable-keys
556  (error? ; wrong argument count
557    (hashtable-keys))
558  (error? ; wrong argument count
559    (hashtable-keys $ht 72 43))
560  (error? ; not a hashtable
561    (hashtable-keys '(hash . table)))
562  (error? ; bad size
563    (hashtable-keys $ht -79))
564  (error? ; bad size
565    (hashtable-keys $ht 'not-an-unsigned-integer))
566  (error? ; wrong argument count
567    (r6rs:hashtable-keys))
568  (error? ; wrong argument count
569    (r6rs:hashtable-keys $ht 72))
570  (error? ; not a hashtable
571    (r6rs:hashtable-keys '(hash . table)))
572 ; hashtable-values
573  (error? ; wrong argument count
574    (hashtable-values))
575  (error? ; wrong argument count
576    (hashtable-values $ht 72 43))
577  (error? ; not a hashtable
578    (hashtable-values '(hash . table)))
579  (error? ; bad size
580    (hashtable-values $ht -79))
581  (error? ; bad size
582    (hashtable-values $ht 'not-an-unsigned-integer))
583 ; hashtable-entries
584  (error? ; wrong argument count
585    (hashtable-entries))
586  (error? ; wrong argument count
587    (hashtable-entries $ht 72 43))
588  (error? ; not a hashtable
589    (hashtable-entries '(hash . table)))
590  (error? ; bad size
591    (hashtable-entries $ht -79))
592  (error? ; bad size
593    (hashtable-entries $ht 'not-an-unsigned-integer))
594  (error? ; wrong argument count
595    (r6rs:hashtable-entries))
596  (error? ; wrong argument count
597    (r6rs:hashtable-entries $ht 72))
598  (error? ; not a hashtable
599    (r6rs:hashtable-entries '(hash . table)))
600 ; hashtable-cells
601  (error? ; wrong argument count
602    (hashtable-cells))
603  (error? ; wrong argument count
604    (hashtable-cells $ht 72 43))
605  (error? ; not a hashtable
606    (hashtable-cells '(hash . table)))
607  (error? ; bad size
608    (hashtable-cells $ht -79))
609  (error? ; bad size
610    (hashtable-cells $ht 'not-an-unsigned-integer))
611 ; hashtable-hash-function
612  (error? ; wrong argument count
613    (hashtable-hash-function))
614  (error? ; wrong argument count
615    (hashtable-hash-function $ht $ht))
616  (error? ; not a hsshtable
617    (hashtable-hash-function '(hash . table)))
618 ; hashtable-equivalence-function
619  (error? ; wrong argument count
620    (hashtable-equivalence-function))
621  (error? ; wrong argument count
622    (hashtable-equivalence-function $ht $ht))
623  (error? ; not a hsshtable
624    (hashtable-equivalence-function '(hash . table)))
625 ; hashtable-weak?
626  (error? ; wrong argument count
627    (hashtable-weak?))
628  (error? ; wrong argument count
629    (hashtable-weak? $ht 3))
630  (error? ; not a hashtable
631    (hashtable-weak? '(hash . table)))
632 ; hashtable-ephemeron?
633  (error? ; wrong argument count
634    (hashtable-ephemeron?))
635  (error? ; wrong argument count
636    (hashtable-ephemeron? $ht 3))
637  (error? ; not a hashtable
638    (hashtable-ephemeron? '(hash . table)))
641(mat hash-return-value
642  ; hashtable-ref
643  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
644    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) "oops") equal?)])
645      (hashtable-ref ht 'any #f)))
646  #;(error? ; invalid hash-function return value
647    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) -7) equal?)])
648      (hashtable-ref ht 'any #f)))
649  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
650    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 3.5) equal?)])
651      (hashtable-ref ht 'any #f)))
652  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
653    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 1+2i) equal?)])
654      (hashtable-ref ht 'any #f)))
655  ; hashtable-contains?
656  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
657    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) "oops") equal?)])
658      (hashtable-contains? ht 'any)))
659  #;(error? ; invalid hash-function return value
660    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) -7) equal?)])
661      (hashtable-contains? ht 'any)))
662  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
663    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 3.5) equal?)])
664      (hashtable-contains? ht 'any)))
665  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
666    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 1+2i) equal?)])
667      (hashtable-contains? ht 'any)))
668  ; hashtable-set!
669  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
670    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) "oops") equal?)])
671      (hashtable-set! ht 'any 'spam)))
672  #;(error? ; invalid hash-function return value
673    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) -7) equal?)])
674      (hashtable-set! ht 'any 'spam)))
675  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
676    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 3.5) equal?)])
677      (hashtable-set! ht 'any 'spam)))
678  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
679    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 1+2i) equal?)])
680      (hashtable-set! ht 'any 'spam)))
681  ; hashtable-update!
682  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
683    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) "oops") equal?)])
684      (hashtable-update! ht 'any values 'spam)))
685  #;(error? ; invalid hash-function return value
686    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) -7) equal?)])
687      (hashtable-update! ht 'any values 'spam)))
688  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
689    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 3.5) equal?)])
690      (hashtable-update! ht 'any values 'spam)))
691  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
692    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 1+2i) equal?)])
693      (hashtable-update! ht 'any values 'spam)))
694  ; hashtable-cell
695  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
696    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) "oops") equal?)])
697      (hashtable-cell ht 'any 0)))
698  #;(error? ; invalid hash-function return value
699    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) -7) equal?)])
700      (hashtable-cell ht 'any 0)))
701  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
702    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 3.5) equal?)])
703      (hashtable-cell ht 'any 0)))
704  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
705    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 1+2i) equal?)])
706      (hashtable-cell ht 'any 0)))
707  ; hashtable-ref-cell
708  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
709    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) "oops") equal?)])
710      (hashtable-ref-cell ht 'any)))
711  #;(error? ; invalid hash-function return value
712    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) -7) equal?)])
713      (hashtable-ref-cell ht 'any)))
714  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
715    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 3.5) equal?)])
716      (hashtable-ref-cell ht 'any)))
717  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
718    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 1+2i) equal?)])
719      (hashtable-ref-cell ht 'any)))
720  ; hashtable-delete!
721  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
722    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) "oops") equal?)])
723      (hashtable-delete! ht 'any)))
724  #;(error? ; invalid hash-function return value
725    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) -7) equal?)])
726      (hashtable-delete! ht 'any)))
727  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
728    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 3.5) equal?)])
729      (hashtable-delete! ht 'any)))
730  (error? ; invalid hash-function return value
731    (let ([ht (make-hashtable (lambda (x) 1+2i) equal?)])
732      (hashtable-delete! ht 'any)))
735(mat eq-hashtable-arguments
736 ; make-weak-eq-hashtable
737  (error? ; wrong argument count
738    (make-weak-eq-hashtable 3 #t))
739  (error? ; invalid size
740    (make-weak-eq-hashtable -1))
741  (error? ; invalid size
742    (make-weak-eq-hashtable #t))
743  (error? ; invalid size
744    (make-weak-eq-hashtable #f))
745 ; make-weak-eq-hashtable
746  (error? ; wrong argument count
747    (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 3 #t))
748  (error? ; invalid size
749    (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable -1))
750  (error? ; invalid size
751    (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable #t))
752  (error? ; invalid size
753    (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable #f))
754  (begin
755    (define $wht (make-weak-eq-hashtable 50))
756    (define $eht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 50))
757    (define $imht (hashtable-copy $wht))
758    (define $imeht (hashtable-copy $eht))
759    (define $wht2 (make-weak-eq-hashtable))
760    (define $eht2 (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable))
761    (and (hashtable? $wht)
762         (hashtable? $eht)
763         (eq-hashtable? $wht)
764         (eq-hashtable? $eht)
765         (hashtable-weak? $wht)
766         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $wht))
767         (hashtable-ephemeron? $eht)
768         (not (hashtable-weak? $eht))
769         (eq-hashtable-weak? $wht)
770         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $wht))
771         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $eht)
772         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? $eht))
773         (hashtable-mutable? $wht)
774         (hashtable-mutable? $eht)
775         (hashtable? $imht)
776         (hashtable? $imeht)
777         (eq-hashtable? $imht)
778         (eq-hashtable? $imeht)
779         (hashtable-weak? $imht)
780         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $imht))
781         (hashtable-ephemeron? $imeht)
782         (not (hashtable-weak? $imeht))
783         (eq-hashtable-weak? $imht)
784         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $imht))
785         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $imeht)
786         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? $imeht))
787         (not (hashtable-mutable? $imht))
788         (not (hashtable-mutable? $imeht))
789         (hashtable? $wht2)
790         (hashtable? $eht2)
791         (eq-hashtable? $wht2)
792         (eq-hashtable? $eht2)
793         (hashtable-weak? $wht2)
794         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $wht2))
795         (hashtable-ephemeron? $eht2)
796         (not (hashtable-weak? $eht2))
797         (eq-hashtable-weak? $wht2)
798         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $ht2))
799         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $eht2)
800         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? $eht2))
801         (hashtable-mutable? $wht2)
802         (hashtable-mutable? $eht2)))
803 ; eq-hashtable-ref
804  (error? ; wrong argument count
805    (eq-hashtable-ref))
806  (error? ; wrong argument count
807    (eq-hashtable-ref $wht))
808  (error? ; wrong argument count
809    (eq-hashtable-ref $wht 'a))
810  (error? ; wrong argument count
811    (eq-hashtable-ref $wht 'a 'b 'c))
812  (error? ; not a hashtable
813    (eq-hashtable-ref '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
814 ; eq-hashtable-contains?
815  (error? ; wrong argument count
816    (eq-hashtable-contains?))
817  (error? ; wrong argument count
818    (eq-hashtable-contains? $wht))
819  (error? ; wrong argument count
820    (eq-hashtable-contains? $wht 'a 'b))
821  (error? ; not a hashtable
822    (eq-hashtable-contains? '(hash . table) 'a))
823 ; eq-hashtable-set!
824  (error? ; wrong argument count
825    (eq-hashtable-set!))
826  (error? ; wrong argument count
827    (eq-hashtable-set! $wht))
828  (error? ; wrong argument count
829    (eq-hashtable-set! $wht 'a))
830  (error? ; wrong argument count
831    (eq-hashtable-set! $wht 'a 'b 'c))
832  (error? ; not a hashtable
833    (eq-hashtable-set! '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
834  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
835    (eq-hashtable-set! $imht 'a 'b))
836 ; eq-hashtable-update!
837  (error? ; wrong argument count
838    (eq-hashtable-update!))
839  (error? ; wrong argument count
840    (eq-hashtable-update! $wht))
841  (error? ; wrong argument count
842    (eq-hashtable-update! $wht 'a values))
843  (error? ; wrong argument count
844    (eq-hashtable-update! $wht 'a values 'c 'd))
845  (error? ; not a hashtable
846    (eq-hashtable-update! '(hash . table) 'a values 'b))
847  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
848    (eq-hashtable-update! $imht 'a values 'b))
849  (error? ; not a procedure
850    (eq-hashtable-update! $wht 'a "not a procedure" 'b))
851 ; eq-hashtable-delete!
852  (error? ; wrong argument count
853    (eq-hashtable-delete!))
854  (error? ; wrong argument count
855    (eq-hashtable-delete! $wht))
856  (error? ; wrong argument count
857    (eq-hashtable-delete! $wht 'a 'b))
858  (error? ; not a hashtable
859    (eq-hashtable-delete! '(hash . table) 'a))
860  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
861    (eq-hashtable-delete! $imht 'a))
862 ; eq-hashtable-cell
863  (error? ; wrong argument count
864    (eq-hashtable-cell))
865  (error? ; wrong argument count
866    (eq-hashtable-cell $wht))
867  (error? ; wrong argument count
868    (eq-hashtable-cell $wht 'a))
869  (error? ; wrong argument count
870    (eq-hashtable-cell $wht 'a 'b 'c))
871  (error? ; not a hashtable
872    (eq-hashtable-cell '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
873 ; eq-hashtable-ref-cell
874  (error? ; wrong argument count
875    (eq-hashtable-ref-cell))
876  (error? ; wrong argument count
877    (eq-hashtable-ref-cell $wht))
878  (error? ; wrong argument count
879    (eq-hashtable-ref-cell $wht 'a 'b))
880  (error? ; not a hashtable
881    (eq-hashtable-ref-cell '(hash . table) 'a))
882 ; eq-hashtable-try-atomic-cell
883  (error? ; wrong argument count
884    (eq-hashtable-try-atomic-cell))
885  (error? ; wrong argument count
886    (eq-hashtable-try-atomic-cell $wht))
887  (error? ; wrong argument count
888    (eq-hashtable-try-atomic-cell $wht 'a))
889  (error? ; wrong argument count
890    (eq-hashtable-try-atomic-cell $wht 'a 'b 'c))
891  (error? ; not a hashtable
892    (eq-hashtable-try-atomic-cell '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
893 ; eq-hashtable-weak?
894  (error? ; wrong argument count
895    (eq-hashtable-weak?))
896  (error? ; wrong argument count
897    (eq-hashtable-weak? $ht 3))
898  (error? ; not a hashtable
899    (eq-hashtable-weak? '(hash . table)))
900 ; eq-hashtable-ephemeron?
901  (error? ; wrong argument count
902    (eq-hashtable-ephemeron?))
903  (error? ; wrong argument count
904    (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? $ht 3))
905  (error? ; not a hashtable
906    (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? '(hash . table)))
909(mat symbol-hashtable-arguments
910  (begin
911    (define $symht (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq? 50))
912    (define $imsymht (hashtable-copy $symht))
913    #t)
914 ; symbol-hashtable-ref
915  (error? ; wrong argument count
916    (symbol-hashtable-ref))
917  (error? ; wrong argument count
918    (symbol-hashtable-ref $symht))
919  (error? ; wrong argument count
920    (symbol-hashtable-ref $symht 'a))
921  (error? ; wrong argument count
922    (symbol-hashtable-ref $symht 'a 'b 'c))
923  (error? ; not a hashtable
924    (symbol-hashtable-ref '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
925  (error? ; not a symbol hashtable
926    (symbol-hashtable-ref $ht 'a 'b))
927  (error? ; not a symbol
928    (symbol-hashtable-ref $symht '(a) 'b))
929  (error? ; not a symbol
930    (hashtable-ref $symht '(a) 'b))
931 ; symbol-hashtable-contains?
932  (error? ; wrong argument count
933    (symbol-hashtable-contains?))
934  (error? ; wrong argument count
935    (symbol-hashtable-contains? $symht))
936  (error? ; wrong argument count
937    (symbol-hashtable-contains? $symht 'a 'b))
938  (error? ; not a hashtable
939    (symbol-hashtable-contains? '(hash . table) 'a))
940  (error? ; not a symbol hashtable
941    (symbol-hashtable-contains? $ht 'a))
942  (error? ; not a symbol
943    (symbol-hashtable-contains? $symht '(a)))
944  (error? ; not a symbol
945    (hashtable-contains? $symht '(a)))
946 ; symbol-hashtable-set!
947  (error? ; wrong argument count
948    (symbol-hashtable-set!))
949  (error? ; wrong argument count
950    (symbol-hashtable-set! $symht))
951  (error? ; wrong argument count
952    (symbol-hashtable-set! $symht 'a))
953  (error? ; wrong argument count
954    (symbol-hashtable-set! $symht 'a 'b 'c))
955  (error? ; not a hashtable
956    (symbol-hashtable-set! '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
957  (error? ; not a symbol hashtable
958    (symbol-hashtable-set! $ht 'a 'b))
959  (error? ; not a symbol
960    (symbol-hashtable-set! $symht '(a) 'b))
961  (error? ; not a symbol
962    (hashtable-set! $symht '(a) 'b))
963  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
964    (symbol-hashtable-set! $imsymht 'a 'b))
965 ; symbol-hashtable-update!
966  (error? ; wrong argument count
967    (symbol-hashtable-update!))
968  (error? ; wrong argument count
969    (symbol-hashtable-update! $symht))
970  (error? ; wrong argument count
971    (symbol-hashtable-update! $symht 'a values))
972  (error? ; wrong argument count
973    (symbol-hashtable-update! $symht 'a values 'c 'd))
974  (error? ; not a hashtable
975    (symbol-hashtable-update! '(hash . table) 'a values 'b))
976  (error? ; not a symbol hashtable
977    (symbol-hashtable-update! $ht 'a values 'b))
978  (error? ; not a symbol
979    (symbol-hashtable-update! $symht '(a) values 'b))
980  (error? ; not a symbol
981    (hashtable-update! $symht '(a) values 'b))
982  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
983    (symbol-hashtable-update! $imsymht 'a values 'b))
984  (error? ; not a procedure
985    (symbol-hashtable-update! $symht 'a "not a procedure" 'b))
986 ; symbol-hashtable-delete!
987  (error? ; wrong argument count
988    (symbol-hashtable-delete!))
989  (error? ; wrong argument count
990    (symbol-hashtable-delete! $symht))
991  (error? ; wrong argument count
992    (symbol-hashtable-delete! $symht 'a 'b))
993  (error? ; not a hashtable
994    (symbol-hashtable-delete! '(hash . table) 'a))
995  (error? ; not a symbol hashtable
996    (symbol-hashtable-delete! $ht 'a))
997  (error? ; not a symbol
998    (symbol-hashtable-delete! $symht '(a)))
999  (error? ; not a symbol
1000    (hashtable-delete! $symht '(a)))
1001  (error? ; hashtable not mutable
1002    (symbol-hashtable-delete! $imsymht 'a))
1003 ; symbol-hashtable-cell
1004  (error? ; wrong argument count
1005    (symbol-hashtable-cell))
1006  (error? ; wrong argument count
1007    (symbol-hashtable-cell $symht))
1008  (error? ; wrong argument count
1009    (symbol-hashtable-cell $symht 'a))
1010  (error? ; wrong argument count
1011    (symbol-hashtable-cell $symht 'a 'b 'c))
1012  (error? ; not a hashtable
1013    (symbol-hashtable-cell '(hash . table) 'a 'b))
1014  (error? ; not a symbol hashtable
1015    (symbol-hashtable-cell $ht 'a 'b))
1016  (error? ; not a symbol
1017    (symbol-hashtable-cell $symht '(a) 'b))
1018  (error? ; not a symbol
1019    (hashtable-cell $symht '(a) 'b))
1020 ; symbol-hashtable-ref-cell
1021  (error? ; wrong argument count
1022    (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell))
1023  (error? ; wrong argument count
1024    (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell $symht))
1025  (error? ; wrong argument count
1026    (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell $symht 'a 'b))
1027  (error? ; not a hashtable
1028    (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell '(hash . table) 'a))
1029  (error? ; not a symbol hashtable
1030    (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell $ht 'a))
1031  (error? ; not a symbol
1032    (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell $symht '(a)))
1033  (error? ; not a symbol
1034    (hashtable-ref-cell $symht '(a)))
1037(mat eqv-hashtable-arguments
1038 ; make-weak-eqv-hashtable
1039  (error? ; wrong argument count
1040    (make-weak-eqv-hashtable 3 #t))
1041  (error? ; invalid size
1042    (make-weak-eqv-hashtable -1))
1043  (error? ; invalid size
1044    (make-weak-eqv-hashtable #t))
1045  (error? ; invalid size
1046    (make-weak-eqv-hashtable #f))
1047 ; make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable
1048  (error? ; wrong argument count
1049    (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable 3 #t))
1050  (error? ; invalid size
1051    (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable -1))
1052  (error? ; invalid size
1053    (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable #t))
1054  (error? ; invalid size
1055    (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable #f))
1058(mat nonweak-eq-hashtable
1059  (begin
1060    (define h (make-eq-hashtable 32))
1061    (and (hashtable? h)
1062         (eq-hashtable? h)
1063         (hashtable-mutable? h)
1064         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? h))
1065         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h))
1066         (not (hashtable-weak? h))
1067         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h))))
1068  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
1069  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
1070  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
1071  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
1072  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
1073  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1074  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
1075  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
1076  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
1077  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'a 'aval) (void))
1078  (equal?
1079    (list
1080       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
1081       (hashtable-contains? h 'b)
1082       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
1083    '(#t #f #f))
1084  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'b 'bval) (void))
1085  (equal?
1086    (list
1087       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
1088       (hashtable-contains? h 'b)
1089       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
1090    '(#t #t #f))
1091  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'c 'cval) (void))
1092  (equal?
1093    (list
1094       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
1095       (hashtable-contains? h 'b)
1096       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
1097    '(#t #t #t))
1098  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
1099  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#(a b c))
1100  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#(bval cval aval))
1101  (equal-entries? h '#(b c a) '#(bval cval aval))
1102  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#((b . bval) (c . cval) (a . aval)))
1103  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h (expt 2 100)) '#((b . bval) (c . cval) (a . aval)))
1104  (let ([cells (hashtable-cells h 2)])
1105    (or (same-elements? cells '#((b . bval) (c . cval)))
1106        (same-elements? cells '#((b . bval) (a . aval)))
1107        (same-elements? cells '#((c . cval) (a . aval)))))
1108  #;(same-elements? (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons)) '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
1109  #;(same-elements?
1110    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
1111      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
1112      v)
1113    '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
1114  #;(same-elements?
1115    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
1116      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
1117      v)
1118    '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
1119  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'a 1) 'aval)
1120  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'b #f) 'bval)
1121  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope) 'cval)
1122  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h 'b) (void))
1123  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
1124  (equal-entries? h '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
1125  (begin
1126    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
1127    (and (hashtable? h2)
1128         (eq-hashtable? h2)
1129         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
1130         (not (hashtable-weak? h2))
1131         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? h2))
1132         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h2))
1133         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h2))))
1134  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) #f)
1135  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eq?)
1136  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
1137  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
1138  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
1139  (equal?
1140    (list
1141      (hashtable-size h)
1142      (hashtable-ref h 'a 1)
1143      (hashtable-ref h 'b #f)
1144      (hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope))
1145   '(0 1 #f nope))
1146  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1147  (equal?
1148    (list
1149      (hashtable-size h2)
1150      (hashtable-ref h2 'a 1)
1151      (hashtable-ref h2 'b #f)
1152      (hashtable-ref h2 'c 'nope))
1153    '(2 aval #f cval))
1154  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
1155  (eqv?
1156    (hashtable-update! h 'q
1157      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1158      17)
1159    (void))
1160  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 18)
1161  (eqv?
1162    (hashtable-update! h 'q
1163      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1164      17)
1165    (void))
1166  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 19)
1167  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
1168 ; test hashtable-copy when some keys may have moved
1169  (let ([t (parameterize ([collect-request-handler void])
1170             (let ([h4a (make-eq-hashtable 32)]
1171                   [k* (map list (make-list 100))])
1172               (for-each (lambda (x) (hashtable-set! h4a x x)) k*)
1173               (collect)
1174              ; create copy after collection but before otherwise touching h4a
1175               (let ([h4b (hashtable-copy h4a #t)])
1176                 (andmap
1177                   (lambda (k) (eq? (hashtable-ref h4b k #f) k))
1178                   k*))))])
1179    (collect)
1180    t)
1182 ; test for proper shrinkage
1183  (eqv?
1184    (let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable 32)])
1185      (for-each
1186        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
1187        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
1188                        (make-list 100))])
1189          (for-each
1190            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
1191            k**)
1192          k**))
1193      (#%$hashtable-veclen ht))
1194    32)
1197(mat weak-eq-hashtable
1198  (begin
1199    (define ka (list 'a))
1200    (define kb (list 'b))
1201    (define kc (list 'c))
1202    (define kq (list 'q))
1203    (define ky (list 'y))
1204    (define kz (list 'z))
1205    #t)
1206  (begin
1207    (define h (make-weak-eq-hashtable 32))
1208    (and (hashtable? h)
1209         (eq-hashtable? h)
1210         (hashtable-mutable? h)
1211         (hashtable-weak? h)
1212         (eq-hashtable-weak? h)))
1213  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
1214  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
1215  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
1216  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
1217  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
1218  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1219  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
1220  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
1221  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
1222  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ka 'aval) (void))
1223  (equal?
1224    (list
1225       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
1226       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
1227       (hashtable-contains? h kc))
1228    '(#t #f #f))
1229  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kb 'bval) (void))
1230  (equal?
1231    (list
1232       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
1233       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
1234       (hashtable-contains? h kc))
1235    '(#t #t #f))
1236  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kc 'cval) (void))
1237  (equal?
1238    (list
1239       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
1240       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
1241       (hashtable-contains? h kc))
1242    '(#t #t #t))
1243  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
1244  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#((a) (b) (c)))
1245  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#(bval cval aval))
1246  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (b) (c)) '#(aval bval cval))
1247  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))
1248  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h (expt 2 100)) (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))
1249  (let ([cells (hashtable-cells h 2)])
1250    (or (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval)))
1251        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kc 'cval)))
1252        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))))
1253  (andmap weak-pair? (vector->list (hashtable-cells h)))
1254  #;(same-elements? (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons)) '#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval)))
1255  #;(same-elements?
1256    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
1257      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
1258      v)
1259    '#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval)))
1260  #;(same-elements?
1261    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
1262      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
1263      v)
1264    '#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval)))
1265  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ka 1) 'aval)
1266  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kb #f) 'bval)
1267  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) 'cval)
1268  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
1269  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
1270  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1271  (begin
1272    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
1273    (and (hashtable? h2)
1274         (eq-hashtable? h2)
1275         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
1276         (eq-hashtable-weak? h2)
1277         (hashtable-weak? h2)))
1278  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) #f)
1279  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eq?)
1280  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
1281  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1282  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
1283  (equal?
1284    (list
1285      (hashtable-size h)
1286      (hashtable-ref h ka 1)
1287      (hashtable-ref h kb #f)
1288      (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope))
1289   '(0 1 #f nope))
1290  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1291  (equal?
1292    (list
1293      (hashtable-size h2)
1294      (hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
1295      (hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
1296      (hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope))
1297    '(2 aval #f cval))
1298  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1299  (eqv?
1300    (hashtable-update! h kq
1301      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1302      17)
1303    (void))
1304  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
1305  (eqv?
1306    (hashtable-update! h kq
1307      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1308      17)
1309    (void))
1310  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
1311  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
1312  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
1313  (eqv?
1314    (begin
1315      (set! kq (void))
1316      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1317      (hashtable-size h))
1318    0)
1319  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
1320  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
1321  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1322  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
1323  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
1324  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
1325  #;(eqv? (hashtable-map h (lambda args (error #f "oops"))) '())
1326  #;(eqv? (hashtable-for-each h (lambda args (error #f "oops"))) (void))
1327  #;(eqv? (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda args (error #f "oops"))) (void))
1328  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
1329  (eqv?
1330    (hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
1331    (void))
1332  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
1333  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
1334  (eqv?
1335    (hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
1336    (void))
1337  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
1338  (equal-entries?
1339    h
1340    (vector kz ky)
1341    (vector (hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
1342  (eqv? (hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
1343  (begin
1344    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
1345    (and (hashtable? h3)
1346         (eq-hashtable? h3)
1347         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
1348         (eq-hashtable-weak? h3)
1349         (hashtable-weak? h3)))
1350  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1351  (equal-entries? h3 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1352  (equal?
1353    (begin
1354      (set! ka (void))
1355      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1356      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
1357    '(1 1))
1358  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#(cval))
1359  (equal-entries? h3 '#((c)) '#(cval))
1360  (eqv?
1361    (begin
1362      (set! h3 (void))
1363      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1364      (hashtable-size h2))
1365    1)
1366  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#(cval))
1368 ; test for proper shrinkage
1369  (eqv?
1370    (let ([ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable 32)])
1371      (for-each
1372        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
1373        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
1374                        (make-list 100))])
1375          (for-each
1376            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
1377            k**)
1378          k**))
1379      (#%$hashtable-veclen ht))
1380    32)
1382 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
1383 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
1384  (equal?
1385    (let* ([ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable 32)]
1386           [len (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
1387      (hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
1388      (for-each
1389        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
1390        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
1391      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1392      (hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
1393      (list (hashtable-size ht) (= (#%$hashtable-veclen ht) len)))
1394    '(0 #t))
1396  ; test that weak-hashtable values *do* make keys reachable
1397  (let ([wk1 (list 1)]
1398        [wk2 (list 2)]
1399        [wk3 (list 3)]
1400        [wk4 (list 4)]
1401        [ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable)])
1402    (hashtable-set! ht wk1 wk1)
1403    (hashtable-set! ht wk2 wk1)
1404    (hashtable-set! ht wk3 wk3)
1405    (hashtable-set! ht wk4 wk2)
1406    (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1407    (and
1408     (equal-entries? ht '#((1) (2) (3) (4)) '#((1) (1) (3) (2)))
1409     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk1 #f) wk1)
1410     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk2 #f) wk1)
1411     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk3 #f) wk3)
1412     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk4 #f) wk2)
1413     (begin
1414       (set! wk1 #f)
1415       (set! wk2 #f)
1416       (set! wk3 #f)
1417       (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1418       (and
1419        (equal-entries? ht '#((1) (2) (3) (4)) '#((1) (1) (3) (2)))
1420        (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk4 #f) '(2))
1421        (begin
1422          (set! wk4 #f)
1423          (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1424          (equal-entries? ht '#((1) (2) (3)) '#((1) (1) (3))))))))
1427(mat ephemeron-eq-hashtable
1428  (begin
1429    (define ka (list 'a)) ; will map to self  \ Doesn't do anything to check
1430    (define kb (list 'b)) ; will map to kc \  | ephemeronness, but just in
1431    (define kc (list 'c)) ; will map to kb /  / case.
1432    (define kq (list 'q))
1433    (define ky (list 'y))
1434    (define kz (list 'z))
1435    #t)
1436  (begin
1437    (define h (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 32))
1438    (and (hashtable? h)
1439         (eq-hashtable? h)
1440         (hashtable-mutable? h)
1441         (hashtable-ephemeron? h)
1442         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h)))
1443  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
1444  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
1445  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
1446  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
1447  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
1448  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1449  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
1450  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
1451  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
1452  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ka ka) (void))
1453  (equal?
1454    (list
1455       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
1456       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
1457       (hashtable-contains? h kc))
1458    '(#t #f #f))
1459  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kb kc) (void))
1460  (equal?
1461    (list
1462       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
1463       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
1464       (hashtable-contains? h kc))
1465    '(#t #t #f))
1466  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kc kb) (void))
1467  (equal?
1468    (list
1469       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
1470       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
1471       (hashtable-contains? h kc))
1472    '(#t #t #t))
1473  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
1474  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#((a) (b) (c)))
1475  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#((a) (b) (c)))
1476  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (b) (c)) '#((a) (c) (b)))
1477  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) (vector (cons ka ka) (cons kb kc) (cons kc kb)))
1478  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h (expt 2 100)) (vector (cons ka ka) (cons kb kc) (cons kc kb)))
1479  (let ([cells (hashtable-cells h 2)])
1480    (or (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka ka) (cons kb kc)))
1481        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka ka) (cons kc kb)))
1482        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons kb kc) (cons kc kb)))))
1483  (andmap ephemeron-pair? (vector->list (hashtable-cells h)))
1484  #;(same-elements? (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons)) '#(((a) . a) ((b) . c) ((c) . b)))
1485  #;(same-elements?
1486    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
1487      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
1488      v)
1489    '#(((a) . a) ((b) . c) ((c) . b)))
1490  #;(same-elements?
1491    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
1492      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
1493      v)
1494    '#(((a) . a) ((b) . c) ((c) . b)))
1495  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ka 1) '(a))
1496  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kb #f) '(c))
1497  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) '(b))
1498  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
1499  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
1500  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (c)) '#((a) (b)))
1501  (begin
1502    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
1503    (and (hashtable? h2)
1504         (eq-hashtable? h2)
1505         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
1506         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h2)
1507         (hashtable-ephemeron? h2)))
1508  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) #f)
1509  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eq?)
1510  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
1511  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#((a) (b)))
1512  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
1513  (equal?
1514    (list
1515      (hashtable-size h)
1516      (hashtable-ref h ka 1)
1517      (hashtable-ref h kb #f)
1518      (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope))
1519   '(0 1 #f nope))
1520  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1521  (equal?
1522    (list
1523      (hashtable-size h2)
1524      (hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
1525      (hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
1526      (hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope))
1527    '(2 (a) #f (b)))
1528  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#((a) (b)))
1529  (eqv?
1530    (hashtable-update! h kq
1531      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1532      17)
1533    (void))
1534  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
1535  (eqv?
1536    (hashtable-update! h kq
1537      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1538      17)
1539    (void))
1540  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
1541  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
1542  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
1543  (eqv?
1544    (begin
1545      (set! kq (void))
1546      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1547      (hashtable-size h))
1548    0)
1549  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1550  #;(eqv? (hashtable-map h (lambda args (error #f "oops"))) '())
1551  #;(eqv? (hashtable-for-each h (lambda args (error #f "oops"))) (void))
1552  #;(eqv? (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda args (error #f "oops"))) (void))
1553  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
1554  (eqv?
1555    (hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
1556    (void))
1557  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
1558  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
1559  (eqv?
1560    (hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
1561    (void))
1562  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
1563  (equal-entries?
1564    h
1565    (vector kz ky)
1566    (vector (hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
1567  (eqv? (hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
1568  (begin
1569    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
1570    (and (hashtable? h3)
1571         (eq-hashtable? h3)
1572         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
1573         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h3)
1574         (hashtable-ephemeron? h3)))
1575  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#((a) (b)))
1576  (equal-entries? h3 '#((a) (c)) '#((a) (b)))
1577  (equal?
1578    (begin
1579      (set! ka (void))
1580      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1581      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
1582    '(1 1))
1583  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#((b)))
1584  (equal-entries? h3 '#((c)) '#((b)))
1585  (eqv?
1586    (begin
1587      (set! h3 (void))
1588      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1589      (hashtable-size h2))
1590    1)
1591  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#((b)))
1593 ; test for proper shrinkage
1594  (eqv?
1595    (let ([ht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 32)])
1596      (for-each
1597        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
1598        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
1599                        (make-list 100))])
1600          (for-each
1601            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
1602            k**)
1603          k**))
1604      (#%$hashtable-veclen ht))
1605    32)
1607 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
1608 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
1609  (equal?
1610    (let* ([ht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 32)]
1611           [len (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
1612      (hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
1613      (for-each
1614        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
1615        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
1616      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1617      (hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
1618      (list (hashtable-size ht) (= (#%$hashtable-veclen ht) len)))
1619    '(0 #t))
1621  ; test that ephemeron-hashtable values don't make keys reachable
1622  (let ([wk1 (list 1)]
1623        [wk2 (list 2)]
1624        [wk3 (list 3)]
1625        [wk4 (list 4)]
1626        [ht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable)])
1627    (hashtable-set! ht wk1 wk1)
1628    (hashtable-set! ht wk2 wk1)
1629    (hashtable-set! ht wk3 wk3)
1630    (hashtable-set! ht wk4 wk2)
1631    (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1632    (and
1633     (equal-entries? ht '#((1) (2) (3) (4)) '#((1) (1) (3) (2)))
1634     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk1 #f) wk1)
1635     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk2 #f) wk1)
1636     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk3 #f) wk3)
1637     (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk4 #f) wk2)
1638     (begin
1639       (set! wk1 #f)
1640       (set! wk2 #f)
1641       (set! wk3 #f)
1642       (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1643       (and
1644        (equal-entries? ht '#((1) (2) (4)) '#((1) (1) (2)))
1645        (equal? (hashtable-ref ht wk4 #f) '(2))
1646        (begin
1647          (set! wk4 #f)
1648          (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1649          (equal-entries? ht '#() '#()))))))
1652(mat eq-hashtable-cell
1653  (let ()
1654    (define-record fribble (x))
1655    (define random-object
1656      (lambda (x)
1657        (case (random 9)
1658          [(0) (cons 'a 'b)]
1659          [(1) (vector 'c)]
1660          [(2) (string #\a #\b)]
1661          [(3) (make-fribble 'q)]
1662          [(4) (gensym)]
1663          [(5) (open-output-string)]
1664          [(6) (fxvector 15 55)]
1665          [(7) (lambda () x)]
1666          [(8) (flvector 15.0 55.0)]
1667          [else (box 'top)])))
1668    (let ([ls1 (let f ([n 10000])
1669                 (if (fx= n 0)
1670                     '()
1671                     (cons
1672                       (cons (random-object 4) (random-object 7))
1673                       (f (fx- n 1)))))]
1674          [ht (make-eq-hashtable)]
1675          [wht (make-weak-eq-hashtable)]
1676          [eht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable)])
1677      (let ([ls2 (map (lambda (a1) (eq-hashtable-cell ht (car a1) (cdr a1))) ls1)]
1678            [ls2-2 (map (lambda (a1) (let loop ()
1679                                       (define c (eq-hashtable-try-atomic-cell ht (car a1) (cdr a1)))
1680                                       (or c (loop))))
1681                        ls1)]
1682            [ls3 (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-cell wht (car a1) (cdr a1))) ls1)]
1683            [ls4 (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-cell eht (car a1) (cdr a1))) ls1)])
1684        (let ([ls2* (map (lambda (a1) (eq-hashtable-ref-cell ht (car a1))) ls1)]
1685              [ls3* (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-ref-cell wht (car a1))) ls1)]
1686              [ls4* (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-ref-cell eht (car a1))) ls1)])
1687          (unless (andmap (lambda (a2 a2* a3 a3* a4 a4*)
1688                            (and (eq? a2 a2*)
1689                                 (eq? a3 a3*)
1690                                 (eq? a4 a4*)))
1691                          ls2 ls2* ls3 ls3* ls4 ls4*)
1692            (errorf #f "hashtable-ref-cell and hashtable-cell do not retrieve the same cells")))
1693        (unless (andmap (lambda (a1 a2 a2-2 a3 a4)
1694                          (and (eq? (car a1) (car a2))
1695                               (eq? a2 a2-2)
1696                               (eq? (car a2) (car a3))
1697                               (eq? (car a2) (car a4))))
1698                        ls1 ls2 ls2-2 ls3 ls4)
1699          (errorf #f "keys are not eq"))
1700        (unless (andmap (lambda (a1 a2 a3 a4)
1701                          (and (eq? (cdr a1) (cdr a2))
1702                               (eq? (cdr a2) (cdr a3))
1703                               (eq? (cdr a2) (cdr a4))))
1704                        ls1 ls2 ls3 ls4)
1705          (errorf #f "values are not eq"))
1706        (for-each (lambda (a1)
1707                    (let ([o (random-object 3)])
1708                      ;; Value refers to key:
1709                      (hashtable-set! eht o (list o (car a1)))))
1710                  ls1)
1711        (for-each
1712          (lambda (a1)
1713            (when (fx< (random 10) 5)
1714              (set-car! a1 #f)))
1715          ls1)
1716        (let loop ([i (min (expt (collect-generation-radix) (collect-maximum-generation)) 1000)])
1717          (unless (fx= i 0)
1718            (collect)
1719            (unless (andmap (lambda (a2 a3 a4) (and (eq? (car a2) (car a3)) (eq? (car a2) (car a4))))
1720                            ls2 ls3 ls4)
1721              (errorf #f "a2/a3/a4 keys not eq after collection"))
1722            (unless (and (andmap (lambda (a3) (not (bwp-object? (car a3)))) ls3)
1723                         (andmap (lambda (a4) (not (bwp-object? (car a4)))) ls4))
1724              (errorf #f "keys have been bwp'd"))
1725            (loop (fx- i 1))))
1726        (for-each
1727          (lambda (a2)
1728            (hashtable-delete! ht (car a2))
1729            (set-car! a2 #f))
1730          ls2)
1731        (unless (and (equal? (hashtable-keys ht) '#())
1732                     (equal? (hashtable-values ht) '#())
1733                     (zero? (hashtable-size ht)))
1734          (errorf #f "ht has not been cleared out"))
1735        (let loop ([i (min (expt (collect-generation-radix) (collect-maximum-generation)) 1000)])
1736          (unless (fx= i 0)
1737            (collect)
1738            (unless (andmap (lambda (a1 a3 a4)
1739                              (or (not (car a1))
1740                                  (and (eq? (car a1) (car a3))
1741                                       (eq? (car a1) (car a4)))))
1742                            ls1 ls3 ls4)
1743              (errorf #f "a1/a3/a4 keys not eq after collection"))
1744            (loop (fx- i 1))))
1745        (for-each
1746          (lambda (a1 a3 a4)
1747            (unless (or (car a1)
1748                        (and (bwp-object? (car a3))
1749                             (bwp-object? (car a4))))
1750              (errorf #f "~s has not been bwp'd I" (car a3))))
1751          ls1 ls3 ls4)
1752        (for-each (lambda (a1) (set-car! a1 #f)) ls1)
1753        (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
1754        (unless (and (andmap (lambda (a3) (bwp-object? (car a3))) ls3)
1755                     (andmap (lambda (a4) (bwp-object? (car a4))) ls4))
1756          (errorf #f "keys have not been bwp'd II"))
1757        (unless (and (equal? (hashtable-keys wht) '#())
1758                     (equal? (hashtable-values wht) '#())
1759                     (zero? (hashtable-size wht)))
1760          (errorf #f "wht has not been cleared out"))
1761        (unless (and (equal? (hashtable-keys eht) '#())
1762                     (equal? (hashtable-values eht) '#())
1763                     (zero? (hashtable-size eht)))
1764          (errorf #f "eht has not been cleared out"))))
1765    #t)
1768(mat $nonweak-eq-hashtable
1769  (begin
1770    (define h (make-eq-hashtable 32))
1771    (and (hashtable? h)
1772         (eq-hashtable? h)
1773         (hashtable-mutable? h)
1774         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? h))
1775         (not (hashtable-weak? h))
1776         (not (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h))
1777         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h))))
1778  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
1779  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
1780  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
1781  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
1782  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
1783  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1784  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
1785  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
1786  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
1787  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h 'a 'aval) (void))
1788  (equal?
1789    (list
1790       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'a)
1791       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'b)
1792       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'c))
1793    '(#t #f #f))
1794  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h 'b 'bval) (void))
1795  (equal?
1796    (list
1797       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'a)
1798       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'b)
1799       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'c))
1800    '(#t #t #f))
1801  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h 'c 'cval) (void))
1802  (equal?
1803    (list
1804       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'a)
1805       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'b)
1806       (eq-hashtable-contains? h 'c))
1807    '(#t #t #t))
1808  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
1809  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#(a b c))
1810  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#(bval cval aval))
1811  (equal-entries? h '#(b c a) '#(bval cval aval))
1812  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
1813  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h (expt 2 100)) '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
1814  (let ([cells (hashtable-cells h 2)])
1815    (or (same-elements? cells '#((a . aval) (b . bval)))
1816        (same-elements? cells '#((a . aval) (c . cval)))
1817        (same-elements? cells '#((b . bval) (c . cval)))))
1818  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h 'a 1) 'aval)
1819  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h 'b #f) 'bval)
1820  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope) 'cval)
1821  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-delete! h 'b) (void))
1822  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
1823  (equal-entries? h '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
1824  (begin
1825    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
1826    (and (hashtable? h2)
1827         (eq-hashtable? h2)
1828         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
1829         (not (eq-hashtable-weak? h2))
1830         (not (hashtable-weak? h2))))
1831  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
1832  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
1833  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
1834  (equal?
1835    (list
1836      (hashtable-size h)
1837      (eq-hashtable-ref h 'a 1)
1838      (eq-hashtable-ref h 'b #f)
1839      (eq-hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope))
1840   '(0 1 #f nope))
1841  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1842  (equal?
1843    (list
1844      (hashtable-size h2)
1845      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 'a 1)
1846      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 'b #f)
1847      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 'c 'nope))
1848    '(2 aval #f cval))
1849  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
1850  (eqv?
1851    (eq-hashtable-update! h 'q
1852      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1853      17)
1854    (void))
1855  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 18)
1856  (eqv?
1857    (eq-hashtable-update! h 'q
1858      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1859      17)
1860    (void))
1861  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 19)
1862  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
1863 ; test hashtable-copy when some keys may have moved
1864  (let ([t (parameterize ([collect-request-handler void])
1865             (let ([h4a (make-eq-hashtable 32)]
1866                   [k* (map list (make-list 100))])
1867               (for-each (lambda (x) (eq-hashtable-set! h4a x x)) k*)
1868               (collect)
1869              ; create copy after collection but before otherwise touching h4a
1870               (let ([h4b (hashtable-copy h4a #t)])
1871                 (andmap
1872                   (lambda (k) (eq? (eq-hashtable-ref h4b k #f) k))
1873                   k*))))])
1874    (collect)
1875    t)
1877 ; test for proper shrinkage, etc.
1878  (equal?
1879    (let* ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)] [minlen (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
1880      (define power-of-two? (lambda (n) (fx= (fxbit-count n) 1)))
1881      (let f ([i 0])
1882        (unless (fx= i (expt 2 17))
1883          (let ([k (fx* i 2)])
1884            (eq-hashtable-set! ht k i)
1885            (f (fx+ i 1))
1886            (assert (eq-hashtable-contains? ht k))
1887            (assert (power-of-two? (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)))
1888            (eq-hashtable-delete! ht k))))
1889      (list (hashtable-size ht) (fx= (#%$hashtable-veclen ht) minlen)))
1890    '(0 #t))
1892  (equal?
1893    (let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable 32)])
1894      (define power-of-two? (lambda (n) (fx= (fxbit-count n) 1)))
1895      (let f ([i 0])
1896        (unless (fx= i (expt 2 17))
1897          (let ([k (fx* i 2)])
1898            (eq-hashtable-set! ht k i)
1899            (f (fx+ i 1))
1900            (assert (eq-hashtable-contains? ht k))
1901            (assert (power-of-two? (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)))
1902            (eq-hashtable-delete! ht k))))
1903      (list (hashtable-size ht) (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)))
1904    '(0 32))
1907(mat $weak-eq-hashtable
1908  (begin
1909    (define ka (list 'a))
1910    (define kb (list 'b))
1911    (define kc (list 'c))
1912    (define kq (list 'q))
1913    (define ky (list 'y))
1914    (define kz (list 'z))
1915    #t)
1916  (begin
1917    (define h (make-weak-eq-hashtable 32))
1918    (and (hashtable? h)
1919         (eq-hashtable? h)
1920         (hashtable-mutable? h)
1921         (eq-hashtable-weak? h)
1922         (hashtable-weak? h)))
1923  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
1924  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
1925  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
1926  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
1927  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
1928  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1929  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
1930  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
1931  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
1932  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h ka 'aval) (void))
1933  (equal?
1934    (list
1935       (eq-hashtable-contains? h ka)
1936       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kb)
1937       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kc))
1938    '(#t #f #f))
1939  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h kb 'bval) (void))
1940  (equal?
1941    (list
1942       (eq-hashtable-contains? h ka)
1943       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kb)
1944       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kc))
1945    '(#t #t #f))
1946  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h kc 'cval) (void))
1947  (equal?
1948    (list
1949       (eq-hashtable-contains? h ka)
1950       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kb)
1951       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kc))
1952    '(#t #t #t))
1953  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
1954  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#((a) (b) (c)))
1955  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#(aval bval cval))
1956  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (b) (c)) '#(aval bval cval))
1957  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))
1958  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h (expt 2 100)) (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))
1959  (let ([cells (hashtable-cells h 2)])
1960    (or (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval)))
1961        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kc 'cval)))
1962        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))))
1963  (andmap weak-pair? (vector->list (hashtable-cells h)))
1964  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h ka 1) 'aval)
1965  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kb #f) 'bval)
1966  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) 'cval)
1967  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
1968  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
1969  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1970  (begin
1971    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
1972    (and (hashtable? h2)
1973         (eq-hashtable? h2)
1974         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
1975         (hashtable-weak? h2)
1976         (eq-hashtable-weak? h2)))
1977  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
1978  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1979  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
1980  (equal?
1981    (list
1982      (hashtable-size h)
1983      (eq-hashtable-ref h ka 1)
1984      (eq-hashtable-ref h kb #f)
1985      (eq-hashtable-ref h kc 'nope))
1986   '(0 1 #f nope))
1987  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
1988  (equal?
1989    (list
1990      (hashtable-size h2)
1991      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
1992      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
1993      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope))
1994    '(2 aval #f cval))
1995  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
1996  (eqv?
1997    (eq-hashtable-update! h kq
1998      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
1999      17)
2000    (void))
2001  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
2002  (eqv?
2003    (eq-hashtable-update! h kq
2004      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2005      17)
2006    (void))
2007  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
2008  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
2009  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
2010  (eqv?
2011    (begin
2012      (set! kq (void))
2013      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2014      (hashtable-size h))
2015    0)
2016  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2017  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
2018  (eqv?
2019    (eq-hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
2020    (void))
2021  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
2022  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
2023  (eqv?
2024    (eq-hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
2025    (void))
2026  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
2027  (equal-entries?
2028    h
2029    (vector kz ky)
2030    (vector (eq-hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
2031  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
2032  (begin
2033    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
2034    (and (hashtable? h3)
2035         (eq-hashtable? h3)
2036         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
2037         (eq-hashtable-weak? h3)
2038         (hashtable-weak? h3)))
2039  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
2040  (equal-entries? h3 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
2041  (equal?
2042    (begin
2043      (set! ka (void))
2044      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2045      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
2046    '(1 1))
2047  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#(cval))
2048  (equal-entries? h3 '#((c)) '#(cval))
2049  (eqv?
2050    (begin
2051      (set! h3 (void))
2052      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2053      (hashtable-size h2))
2054    1)
2055  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#(cval))
2057 ; test for proper shrinkage
2058  (eqv?
2059    (let ([ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable 32)])
2060      (for-each
2061        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (eq-hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
2062        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
2063                        (make-list 100))])
2064          (for-each
2065            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (eq-hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
2066            k**)
2067          k**))
2068      (#%$hashtable-veclen ht))
2069    32)
2071 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
2072 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
2073  (equal?
2074    (let* ([ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable 32)]
2075           [len (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
2076      (eq-hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
2077      (for-each
2078        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (eq-hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
2079        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
2080      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2081      (eq-hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
2082      (list (hashtable-size ht) (= (#%$hashtable-veclen ht) len)))
2083    '(0 #t))
2084  )
2086(mat $ephemeron-eq-hashtable
2087  (begin
2088    (define ka (list 'a))
2089    (define kb (list 'b))
2090    (define kc (list 'c))
2091    (define kq (list 'q))
2092    (define ky (list 'y))
2093    (define kz (list 'z))
2094    #t)
2095  (begin
2096    (define h (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 32))
2097    (and (hashtable? h)
2098         (eq-hashtable? h)
2099         (hashtable-mutable? h)
2100         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h)
2101         (hashtable-ephemeron? h)))
2102  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
2103  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
2104  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
2105  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
2106  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
2107  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2108  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
2109  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
2110  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
2111  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h ka 'aval) (void))
2112  (equal?
2113    (list
2114       (eq-hashtable-contains? h ka)
2115       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kb)
2116       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kc))
2117    '(#t #f #f))
2118  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h kb 'bval) (void))
2119  (equal?
2120    (list
2121       (eq-hashtable-contains? h ka)
2122       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kb)
2123       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kc))
2124    '(#t #t #f))
2125  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-set! h kc 'cval) (void))
2126  (equal?
2127    (list
2128       (eq-hashtable-contains? h ka)
2129       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kb)
2130       (eq-hashtable-contains? h kc))
2131    '(#t #t #t))
2132  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
2133  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#((a) (b) (c)))
2134  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#(aval bval cval))
2135  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (b) (c)) '#(aval bval cval))
2136  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))
2137  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h (expt 2 100)) (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))
2138  (let ([cells (hashtable-cells h 2)])
2139    (or (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kb 'bval)))
2140        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons ka 'aval) (cons kc 'cval)))
2141        (same-elements? cells (vector (cons kb 'bval) (cons kc 'cval)))))
2142  (andmap ephemeron-pair? (vector->list (hashtable-cells h)))
2143  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h ka 1) 'aval)
2144  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kb #f) 'bval)
2145  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) 'cval)
2146  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
2147  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
2148  (equal-entries? h '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
2149  (begin
2150    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
2151    (and (hashtable? h2)
2152         (eq-hashtable? h2)
2153         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
2154         (hashtable-ephemeron? h2)
2155         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h2)))
2156  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
2157  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
2158  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
2159  (equal?
2160    (list
2161      (hashtable-size h)
2162      (eq-hashtable-ref h ka 1)
2163      (eq-hashtable-ref h kb #f)
2164      (eq-hashtable-ref h kc 'nope))
2165   '(0 1 #f nope))
2166  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2167  (equal?
2168    (list
2169      (hashtable-size h2)
2170      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
2171      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
2172      (eq-hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope))
2173    '(2 aval #f cval))
2174  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
2175  (eqv?
2176    (eq-hashtable-update! h kq
2177      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2178      17)
2179    (void))
2180  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
2181  (eqv?
2182    (eq-hashtable-update! h kq
2183      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2184      17)
2185    (void))
2186  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
2187  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
2188  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
2189  (eqv?
2190    (begin
2191      (set! kq (void))
2192      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2193      (hashtable-size h))
2194    0)
2195  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2196  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
2197  (eqv?
2198    (eq-hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
2199    (void))
2200  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
2201  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
2202  (eqv?
2203    (eq-hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
2204    (void))
2205  (equal? (eq-hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
2206  (equal-entries?
2207    h
2208    (vector kz ky)
2209    (vector (eq-hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
2210  (eqv? (eq-hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
2211  (begin
2212    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
2213    (and (hashtable? h3)
2214         (eq-hashtable? h3)
2215         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
2216         (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? h3)
2217         (hashtable-ephemeron? h3)))
2218  (equal-entries? h2 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
2219  (equal-entries? h3 '#((a) (c)) '#(aval cval))
2220  (equal?
2221    (begin
2222      (set! ka (void))
2223      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2224      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
2225    '(1 1))
2226  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#(cval))
2227  (equal-entries? h3 '#((c)) '#(cval))
2228  (eqv?
2229    (begin
2230      (set! h3 (void))
2231      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2232      (hashtable-size h2))
2233    1)
2234  (equal-entries? h2 '#((c)) '#(cval))
2236 ; test for proper shrinkage
2237  (eqv?
2238    (let ([ht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 32)])
2239      (for-each
2240        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (eq-hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
2241        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
2242                        (make-list 100))])
2243          (for-each
2244            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (eq-hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
2245            k**)
2246          k**))
2247      (#%$hashtable-veclen ht))
2248    32)
2250 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
2251 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
2252  (equal?
2253    (let* ([ht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 32)]
2254           [len (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
2255      (eq-hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
2256      (for-each
2257        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (eq-hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
2258        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
2259      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2260      (eq-hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
2261      (list (hashtable-size ht) (= (#%$hashtable-veclen ht) len)))
2262    '(0 #t))
2265(mat eq-strange
2266  (begin
2267    (define $ht (make-eq-hashtable))
2268    (define $wht (make-weak-eq-hashtable))
2269    (define $eht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable))
2270    (and (hashtable? $ht)
2271         (eq-hashtable? $ht)
2272         (hashtable? $wht)
2273         (eq-hashtable? $wht)
2274         (hashtable? $eht)
2275         (eq-hashtable? $eht)))
2276  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $ht #f 75) (void))
2277  (eqv? (hashtable-ref $ht #f 80) 75)
2278  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $wht #f 75) (void))
2279  (eqv? (hashtable-ref $wht #f 80) 75)
2280  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $eht #f 75) (void))
2281  (eqv? (hashtable-ref $eht #f 80) 75)
2282  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $ht #!bwp "hello") (void))
2283  (equal? (hashtable-ref $ht #!bwp "goodbye") "hello")
2284  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $wht #!bwp "hello") (void))
2285  (and (member (hashtable-ref $wht #!bwp "goodbye") '("hello" "goodbye")) #t)
2286  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $eht #!bwp "hello") (void))
2287  (and (member (hashtable-ref $eht #!bwp "goodbye") '("hello" "goodbye")) #t)
2288 ; make sure that association isn't added before procedure is called
2289  (equal?
2290    (begin
2291      (hashtable-update! $ht 'cupie
2292        (lambda (x) (hashtable-ref $ht 'cupie (cons 'barbie x)))
2293        'doll)
2294      (hashtable-ref $ht 'cupie 'oops))
2295   '(barbie . doll))
2296  (equal?
2297    (begin
2298      (hashtable-update! $wht 'cupie
2299        (lambda (x) (hashtable-ref $wht 'cupie (cons 'barbie x)))
2300        'doll)
2301      (hashtable-ref $wht 'cupie 'oops))
2302   '(barbie . doll))
2303  (equal?
2304    (begin
2305      (hashtable-update! $eht 'cupie
2306        (lambda (x) (hashtable-ref $eht 'cupie (cons 'barbie x)))
2307        'doll)
2308      (hashtable-ref $eht 'cupie 'oops))
2309   '(barbie . doll))
2312(mat eq-hashtable-stress
2313 ; stress tests
2314  (let () ; nonweak
2315    (define pick
2316      (lambda (ls)
2317        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
2318    (define ht (make-eq-hashtable 4))
2319    (let ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
2320      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
2321        (if (= i n)
2322            (and (= (hashtable-size ht) (- n (length drop)))
2323                 (andmap (lambda (k)
2324                           (string=?
2325                             (symbol->string (hashtable-ref ht k #f))
2326                             (cond
2327                               [(string? k) k]
2328                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
2329                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
2330                         keep)
2331                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eq? (hashtable-ref ht k 'no) 'no))
2332                         drop))
2333            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
2334              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
2335                         [(string) s]
2336                         [(pair) (list s)]
2337                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
2338                (hashtable-set! ht k x)
2339                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
2340                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
2341                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
2342                        (hashtable-delete! ht k)
2343                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
2344                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
2345                            (hashtable-delete! ht (pick drop)))
2346                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
2347                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
2349  (let () ; weak
2350    (define pick
2351      (lambda (ls)
2352        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
2353    (define ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable 4))
2354    (let ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
2355      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
2356        (if (= i n)
2357            (and (<= (hashtable-size ht) (- n (length drop)))
2358                 (begin
2359                   (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2360                   (= (hashtable-size ht) (length keep)))
2361                 (andmap (lambda (k)
2362                           (string=?
2363                             (symbol->string (hashtable-ref ht k #f))
2364                             (cond
2365                               [(string? k) k]
2366                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
2367                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
2368                         keep)
2369                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eq? (hashtable-ref ht k 'no) 'no))
2370                         drop))
2371            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
2372              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
2373                         [(string) s]
2374                         [(pair) (list s)]
2375                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
2376                (hashtable-set! ht k x)
2377                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
2378                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
2379                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
2380                        (hashtable-delete! ht k)
2381                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
2382                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
2383                            (hashtable-delete! ht (pick drop)))
2384                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
2385                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
2387  (let () ; ephemeron
2388    (define pick
2389      (lambda (ls)
2390        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
2391    (define ht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable 4))
2392    (let ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
2393      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
2394        (if (= i n)
2395            (and (<= (hashtable-size ht) (- n (length drop)))
2396                 (begin
2397                   (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2398                   (= (hashtable-size ht) (length keep)))
2399                 (andmap (lambda (k)
2400                           (string=?
2401                             (symbol->string (hashtable-ref ht k #f))
2402                             (cond
2403                               [(string? k) k]
2404                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
2405                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
2406                         keep)
2407                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eq? (hashtable-ref ht k 'no) 'no))
2408                         drop))
2409            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
2410              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
2411                         [(string) s]
2412                         [(pair) (list s)]
2413                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
2414                (hashtable-set! ht k x)
2415                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
2416                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
2417                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
2418                        (hashtable-delete! ht k)
2419                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
2420                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
2421                            (hashtable-delete! ht (pick drop)))
2422                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
2423                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
2427(mat nonweak-eqv-hashtable
2428  (begin
2429    (define h (make-eqv-hashtable 32))
2430    (and (hashtable? h)
2431         (not (eq-hashtable? h))
2432         (hashtable-mutable? h)
2433         (not (hashtable-weak? h))
2434         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h))))
2435  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
2436  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eqv?)
2437  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
2438  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
2439  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
2440  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2441  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
2442  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
2443  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
2444  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'a 'aval) (void))
2445  (equal?
2446    (list
2447       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
2448       (hashtable-contains? h 3.4)
2449       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
2450    '(#t #f #f))
2451  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 3.4 'bval) (void))
2452  (equal?
2453    (list
2454       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
2455       (hashtable-contains? h 3.4)
2456       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
2457    '(#t #t #f))
2458  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'c 'cval) (void))
2459  (equal?
2460    (list
2461       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
2462       (hashtable-contains? h 3.4)
2463       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
2464    '(#t #t #t))
2465  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
2466  (equal-entries? h '#(3.4 c a) '#(bval cval aval))
2467  #;(same-elements? (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons)) '#((a . aval) (3.4 . bval) (c . cval)))
2468  #;(same-elements?
2469    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
2470      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
2471      v)
2472    '#((a . aval) (3.4 . bval) (c . cval)))
2473  #;(same-elements?
2474    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
2475      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
2476      v)
2477    '#((a . aval) (3.4 . bval) (c . cval)))
2478  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'a 1) 'aval)
2479  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 3.4 #f) 'bval)
2480  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope) 'cval)
2481  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h 3.4) (void))
2482  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
2483  (equal-entries? h '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
2484  (begin
2485    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
2486    (and (hashtable? h2)
2487         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
2488         (not (hashtable-weak? h2))
2489         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h2))))
2490  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) #f)
2491  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eqv?)
2492  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
2493  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
2494  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
2495  (equal?
2496    (list
2497      (hashtable-size h)
2498      (hashtable-ref h 'a 1)
2499      (hashtable-ref h 3.4 #f)
2500      (hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope))
2501   '(0 1 #f nope))
2502  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2503  (equal?
2504    (list
2505      (hashtable-size h2)
2506      (hashtable-ref h2 'a 1)
2507      (hashtable-ref h2 3.4 #f)
2508      (hashtable-ref h2 'c 'nope))
2509    '(2 aval #f cval))
2510  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
2511  (eqv?
2512    (hashtable-update! h 'q
2513      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2514      17)
2515    (void))
2516  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 18)
2517  (eqv?
2518    (hashtable-update! h 'q
2519      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2520      17)
2521    (void))
2522  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 19)
2523  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
2524 ; test hashtable-copy when some keys may have moved
2525  (let ([t (parameterize ([collect-request-handler void])
2526             (let ([h4a (make-eqv-hashtable 32)]
2527                   [k* (map list (make-list 100))])
2528               (for-each (lambda (x) (hashtable-set! h4a x x)) k*)
2529               (collect)
2530              ; create copy after collection but before otherwise touching h4a
2531               (let ([h4b (hashtable-copy h4a #t)])
2532                 (andmap
2533                   (lambda (k) (eqv? (hashtable-ref h4b k #f) k))
2534                   k*))))])
2535    (collect)
2536    t)
2538 ; test for proper shrinkage
2539  (equal?
2540    (let ([ht (make-eqv-hashtable 32)])
2541      (for-each
2542        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
2543        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
2544                        (make-list 100))])
2545          (for-each
2546            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
2547            k**)
2548          k**))
2549      (call-with-values (lambda () (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)) cons))
2550    '(32 . 32))
2552 (begin
2553  (hashtable-set! h +nan.0 'nan)
2554  #t)
2555 (eq? 'nan (hashtable-ref h (abs +nan.0) #f))
2558(mat weak-eqv-hashtable
2559  (begin
2560    (define ka (list 'a))
2561    (define kb (list 'b))
2562    (define kc (list 'c))
2563    (define kq (list 'q))
2564    (define ky (list 'y))
2565    (define kz (list 'z))
2566    (define km -5.75)
2567    (define kn 17)
2568    (define ko (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 5))
2569    #t)
2570  (begin
2571    (define h (make-weak-eqv-hashtable 32))
2572    (and (hashtable? h)
2573         (not (eq-hashtable? h))
2574         (hashtable-mutable? h)
2575         (hashtable-weak? h)))
2576  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
2577  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eqv?)
2578  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
2579  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
2580  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
2581  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2582  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
2583  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
2584  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
2585  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ka 'aval) (void))
2586  (equal?
2587    (list
2588       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2589       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2590       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2591       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2592       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2593       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2594    '(#t #f #f #f #f #f))
2595  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kb 'bval) (void))
2596  (equal?
2597    (list
2598       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2599       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2600       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2601       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2602       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2603       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2604    '(#t #t #f #f #f #f))
2605  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kc 'cval) (void))
2606  (equal?
2607    (list
2608       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2609       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2610       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2611       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2612       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2613       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2614    '(#t #t #t #f #f #f))
2615  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h km 'mval) (void))
2616  (equal?
2617    (list
2618       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2619       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2620       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2621       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2622       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2623       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2624    '(#t #t #t #t #f #f))
2625  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kn 'nval) (void))
2626  (equal?
2627    (list
2628       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2629       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2630       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2631       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2632       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2633       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2634    '(#t #t #t #t #t #f))
2635  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ko 'oval) (void))
2636  (equal?
2637    (list
2638       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2639       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2640       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2641       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2642       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2643       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2644    '(#t #t #t #t #t #t))
2645  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 6)
2646  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (b) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval bval cval mval nval oval))
2647  #;(same-elements?
2648    (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons))
2649    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
2650  #;(same-elements?
2651    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
2652      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
2653      v)
2654    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
2655  #;(same-elements?
2656    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
2657      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
2658      v)
2659    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
2660  (eq? (hashtable-ref h ka 1) 'aval)
2661  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kb #f) 'bval)
2662  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) 'cval)
2663  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ 2 -7.75) 'ugh) 'mval)
2664  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (/ 34 2) 'ugh) 'nval)
2665  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 7 -2) 'ugh) 'oval)
2666  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
2667  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 5)
2668  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2669  (begin
2670    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
2671    (and (hashtable? h2)
2672         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
2673         (hashtable-weak? h2)))
2674  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) #f)
2675  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eqv?)
2676  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 5)
2677  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2678  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
2679  (equal?
2680    (list
2681      (hashtable-size h)
2682      (hashtable-ref h ka 1)
2683      (hashtable-ref h kb #f)
2684      (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope)
2685      (hashtable-ref h km 'nope)
2686      (hashtable-ref h kn 'nope)
2687      (hashtable-ref h ko 'nope))
2688   '(0 1 #f nope nope nope nope))
2689  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2690  (equal?
2691    (list
2692      (hashtable-size h2)
2693      (hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
2694      (hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
2695      (hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope)
2696      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ km 1) 1) 'nope)
2697      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ kn 1) 1) 'nope)
2698      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ ko 1) 1) 'nope))
2699    '(5 aval #f cval mval nval oval))
2700  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2701  (eqv?
2702    (hashtable-update! h kq
2703      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2704      17)
2705    (void))
2706  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
2707  (eqv?
2708    (hashtable-update! h kq
2709      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2710      17)
2711    (void))
2712  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
2713  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
2714  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
2715  (eqv?
2716    (begin
2717      (set! kq (void))
2718      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2719      (hashtable-size h))
2720    0)
2721  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2722  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
2723  (eqv?
2724    (hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
2725    (void))
2726  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
2727  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
2728  (eqv?
2729    (hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
2730    (void))
2731  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
2732  (equal-entries?
2733    h
2734    (vector kz ky)
2735    (vector (hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
2736  (eqv? (hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
2737  (begin
2738    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
2739    (and (hashtable? h3)
2740         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
2741         (hashtable-weak? h3)))
2742  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2743  (equal-entries? h3 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2744  (equal?
2745    (begin
2746      (set! ka (void))
2747      (set! km (void))
2748      (set! kn (void))
2749      (set! ko (void))
2750      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2751      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
2752    '(2 2))
2753  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
2754  (equal-entries? h3 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
2755  (eqv?
2756    (begin
2757      (set! h3 (void))
2758      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2759      (hashtable-size h2))
2760    2)
2761  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
2763 ; test for proper shrinkage
2764  (equal?
2765    (let ([ht (make-weak-eqv-hashtable 32)])
2766      (for-each
2767        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
2768        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
2769                        (make-list 100))])
2770          (for-each
2771            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
2772            k**)
2773          k**))
2774      (call-with-values (lambda () (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)) cons))
2775    '(32 . 32))
2777 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
2778 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
2779  (equal?
2780    (let ([ht (make-weak-eqv-hashtable 32)])
2781      (hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
2782      (for-each
2783        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
2784        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
2785      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2786      (hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
2787      (list (hashtable-size ht)
2788            (let-values ([(n1 n2) (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
2789              (= n1 n2 32))))
2790    '(0 #t))
2791  )
2793(mat ephemeron-eqv-hashtable
2794  (begin
2795    (define ka (list 'a))
2796    (define kb (list 'b))
2797    (define kc (list 'c))
2798    (define kq (list 'q))
2799    (define ky (list 'y))
2800    (define kz (list 'z))
2801    (define km -5.75)
2802    (define kn 17)
2803    (define ko (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 5))
2804    #t)
2805  (begin
2806    (define h (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable 32))
2807    (and (hashtable? h)
2808         (not (eq-hashtable? h))
2809         (hashtable-mutable? h)
2810         (hashtable-ephemeron? h)))
2811  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) #f)
2812  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eqv?)
2813  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
2814  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
2815  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
2816  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2817  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
2818  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
2819  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
2820  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ka 'aval) (void))
2821  (equal?
2822    (list
2823       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2824       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2825       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2826       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2827       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2828       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2829    '(#t #f #f #f #f #f))
2830  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kb 'bval) (void))
2831  (equal?
2832    (list
2833       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2834       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2835       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2836       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2837       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2838       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2839    '(#t #t #f #f #f #f))
2840  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kc 'cval) (void))
2841  (equal?
2842    (list
2843       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2844       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2845       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2846       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2847       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2848       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2849    '(#t #t #t #f #f #f))
2850  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h km 'mval) (void))
2851  (equal?
2852    (list
2853       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2854       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2855       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2856       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2857       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2858       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2859    '(#t #t #t #t #f #f))
2860  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kn 'nval) (void))
2861  (equal?
2862    (list
2863       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2864       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2865       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2866       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2867       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2868       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2869    '(#t #t #t #t #t #f))
2870  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ko 'oval) (void))
2871  (equal?
2872    (list
2873       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
2874       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
2875       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
2876       (hashtable-contains? h km)
2877       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
2878       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
2879    '(#t #t #t #t #t #t))
2880  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 6)
2881  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (b) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval bval cval mval nval oval))
2882  #;(same-elements?
2883    (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons))
2884    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
2885  #;(same-elements?
2886    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
2887      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
2888      v)
2889    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
2890  #;(same-elements?
2891    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
2892      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
2893      v)
2894    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
2895  (eq? (hashtable-ref h ka 1) 'aval)
2896  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kb #f) 'bval)
2897  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) 'cval)
2898  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ 2 -7.75) 'ugh) 'mval)
2899  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (/ 34 2) 'ugh) 'nval)
2900  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 7 -2) 'ugh) 'oval)
2901  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
2902  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 5)
2903  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2904  (begin
2905    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
2906    (and (hashtable? h2)
2907         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
2908         (hashtable-ephemeron? h2)))
2909  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) #f)
2910  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eqv?)
2911  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 5)
2912  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2913  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
2914  (equal?
2915    (list
2916      (hashtable-size h)
2917      (hashtable-ref h ka 1)
2918      (hashtable-ref h kb #f)
2919      (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope)
2920      (hashtable-ref h km 'nope)
2921      (hashtable-ref h kn 'nope)
2922      (hashtable-ref h ko 'nope))
2923   '(0 1 #f nope nope nope nope))
2924  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2925  (equal?
2926    (list
2927      (hashtable-size h2)
2928      (hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
2929      (hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
2930      (hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope)
2931      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ km 1) 1) 'nope)
2932      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ kn 1) 1) 'nope)
2933      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ ko 1) 1) 'nope))
2934    '(5 aval #f cval mval nval oval))
2935  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2936  (eqv?
2937    (hashtable-update! h kq
2938      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2939      17)
2940    (void))
2941  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
2942  (eqv?
2943    (hashtable-update! h kq
2944      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
2945      17)
2946    (void))
2947  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
2948  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
2949  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
2950  (eqv?
2951    (begin
2952      (set! kq (void))
2953      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2954      (hashtable-size h))
2955    0)
2956  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
2957  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
2958  (eqv?
2959    (hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
2960    (void))
2961  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
2962  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
2963  (eqv?
2964    (hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
2965    (void))
2966  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
2967  (equal-entries?
2968    h
2969    (vector kz ky)
2970    (vector (hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
2971  (eqv? (hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
2972  (begin
2973    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
2974    (and (hashtable? h3)
2975         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
2976         (hashtable-ephemeron? h3)))
2977  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2978  (equal-entries? h3 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
2979  (equal?
2980    (begin
2981      (set! ka (void))
2982      (set! km (void))
2983      (set! kn (void))
2984      (set! ko (void))
2985      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2986      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
2987    '(2 2))
2988  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
2989  (equal-entries? h3 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
2990  (eqv?
2991    (begin
2992      (set! h3 (void))
2993      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2994      (hashtable-size h2))
2995    2)
2996  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
2998 ; test for proper shrinkage
2999  (equal?
3000    (let ([ht (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable 32)])
3001      (for-each
3002        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
3003        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
3004                        (make-list 100))])
3005          (for-each
3006            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
3007            k**)
3008          k**))
3009      (call-with-values (lambda () (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)) cons))
3010    '(32 . 32))
3012 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
3013 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
3014  (equal?
3015    (let ([ht (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable 32)])
3016      (hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
3017      (for-each
3018        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
3019        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
3020      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
3021      (hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
3022      (list (hashtable-size ht)
3023            (let-values ([(n1 n2) (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
3024              (= n1 n2 32))))
3025    '(0 #t))
3028(mat eqv-hashtable-cell
3029  (let ()
3030    (define-record fribble (x))
3031    (define random-object
3032      (lambda (x)
3033        (case (random 9)
3034          [(0) (cons 'a 3.4)]
3035          [(1) (vector 'c)]
3036          [(2) (string #\a #\b)]
3037          [(3) (make-fribble 'q)]
3038          [(4) (gensym)]
3039          [(5) (open-output-string)]
3040          [(6) (fxvector 15 55)]
3041          [(7) (lambda () x)]
3042          [(8) (flvector 15.0 55.0)]
3043          [else (box 'top)])))
3044    (let ([ls1 (let f ([n 10000])
3045                 (if (fx= n 0)
3046                     '()
3047                     (cons
3048                       (cons (random-object 4) (random-object 7))
3049                       (f (fx- n 1)))))]
3050          [ht (make-eqv-hashtable)]
3051          [wht (make-weak-eqv-hashtable)]
3052          [eht (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable)])
3053      (let ([ls2 (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-cell ht (car a1) (cdr a1))) ls1)]
3054            [ls3 (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-cell wht (car a1) (cdr a1))) ls1)]
3055            [ls4 (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-cell eht (car a1) (cdr a1))) ls1)])
3056        (let ([ls2* (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-ref-cell ht (car a1))) ls1)]
3057              [ls3* (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-ref-cell wht (car a1))) ls1)]
3058              [ls4* (map (lambda (a1) (hashtable-ref-cell eht (car a1))) ls1)])
3059          (unless (andmap (lambda (a2 a2* a3 a3* a4 a4*)
3060                            (and (eq? a2 a2*)
3061                                 (eq? a3 a3*)
3062                                 (eq? a4 a4*)))
3063                          ls2 ls2* ls3 ls3* ls4 ls4*)
3064            (errorf #f "hashtable-ref-cell and hashtable-cell do not retrieve the same cells")))
3065        (unless (andmap (lambda (a1 a2 a3 a4)
3066                          (and (eqv? (car a1) (car a2))
3067                               (eqv? (car a2) (car a3))
3068                               (eqv? (car a2) (car a4))))
3069                        ls1 ls2 ls3 ls4)
3070          (errorf #f "keys are not eqv"))
3071        (unless (andmap (lambda (a1 a2 a3 a4)
3072                          (and (eqv? (cdr a1) (cdr a2))
3073                               (eqv? (cdr a2) (cdr a3))
3074                               (eqv? (cdr a2) (cdr a4))))
3075                        ls1 ls2 ls3 ls4)
3076          (errorf #f "values are not eqv"))
3077        (for-each (lambda (a1)
3078                    (let ([o (random-object 3)])
3079                      ;; Value refers to key:
3080                      (hashtable-set! eht o (list o (car a1)))))
3081                  ls1)
3082        (for-each
3083          (lambda (a1)
3084            (when (fx< (random 10) 5)
3085              (set-car! a1 #f)))
3086          ls1)
3087        (let loop ([i (min (expt (collect-generation-radix) (collect-maximum-generation)) 1000)])
3088          (unless (fx= i 0)
3089            (collect)
3090            (unless (andmap (lambda (a2 a3 a4) (and (eqv? (car a2) (car a3)) (eqv? (car a2) (car a4))))
3091                            ls2 ls3 ls4)
3092              (errorf #f "a2/a3/a4 keys not eqv after collection"))
3093            (unless (and (andmap (lambda (a3) (not (bwp-object? (car a3)))) ls3)
3094                         (andmap (lambda (a4) (not (bwp-object? (car a4)))) ls4))
3095              (errorf #f "keys have been bwp'd"))
3096            (loop (fx- i 1))))
3097        (for-each
3098          (lambda (a2)
3099            (hashtable-delete! ht (car a2))
3100            (set-car! a2 #f))
3101          ls2)
3102        (unless (and (equal? (hashtable-keys ht) '#())
3103                     (equal? (hashtable-values ht) '#())
3104                     (zero? (hashtable-size ht)))
3105          (errorf #f "ht has not been cleared out"))
3106        (let loop ([i (min (expt (collect-generation-radix) (collect-maximum-generation)) 1000)])
3107          (unless (fx= i 0)
3108            (collect)
3109            (unless (andmap (lambda (a1 a3 a4)
3110                              (or (not (car a1))
3111                                  (and (eqv? (car a1) (car a3))
3112                                       (eqv? (car a1) (car a4)))))
3113                            ls1 ls3 ls4)
3114              (errorf #f "a1/a3/a4 keys not eqv after collection"))
3115            (loop (fx- i 1))))
3116        (for-each
3117          (lambda (a1 a3 a4)
3118            (unless (or (car a1)
3119                        (and (bwp-object? (car a3))
3120                             (bwp-object? (car a4))))
3121              (errorf #f "~s has not been bwp'd I" (car a3))))
3122          ls1 ls3 ls4)
3123        (for-each (lambda (a1) (set-car! a1 #f)) ls1)
3124        (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
3125        (unless (and (andmap (lambda (a3) (bwp-object? (car a3))) ls3)
3126                     (andmap (lambda (a4) (bwp-object? (car a4))) ls4))
3127          (errorf #f "keys have not been bwp'd II"))
3128        (unless (and (equal? (hashtable-keys wht) '#())
3129                     (equal? (hashtable-values wht) '#())
3130                     (zero? (hashtable-size wht)))
3131          (errorf #f "wht has not been cleared out"))
3132        (unless (and (equal? (hashtable-keys eht) '#())
3133                     (equal? (hashtable-values eht) '#())
3134                     (zero? (hashtable-size eht)))
3135          (errorf #f "eht has not been cleared out"))))
3136    #t)
3137  )
3139(mat eqv-strange
3140  (begin
3141    (define $ht (make-eqv-hashtable))
3142    (define $wht (make-weak-eqv-hashtable))
3143    (define $eht (make-weak-eqv-hashtable))
3144    (and (hashtable? $ht)
3145         (hashtable? $wht)
3146         (hashtable? $eht)))
3147  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $ht #f 75) (void))
3148  (eqv? (hashtable-ref $ht #f 80) 75)
3149  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $wht #f 75) (void))
3150  (eqv? (hashtable-ref $wht #f 80) 75)
3151  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $eht #f 75) (void))
3152  (eqv? (hashtable-ref $eht #f 80) 75)
3153  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $ht #!bwp "hello") (void))
3154  (equal? (hashtable-ref $ht #!bwp "goodbye") "hello")
3155  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $wht #!bwp "hello") (void))
3156  (eqv? (hashtable-set! $eht #!bwp "hello") (void))
3157  (and (member (hashtable-ref $wht #!bwp "goodbye") '("hello" "goodbye")) #t)
3158  (and (member (hashtable-ref $eht #!bwp "goodbye") '("hello" "goodbye")) #t)
3159 ; make sure that association isn't added before procedure is called
3160  (equal?
3161    (begin
3162      (hashtable-update! $ht 'cupie
3163        (lambda (x) (hashtable-ref $ht 'cupie (cons 'barbie x)))
3164        'doll)
3165      (hashtable-ref $ht 'cupie 'oops))
3166   '(barbie . doll))
3167  (equal?
3168    (begin
3169      (hashtable-update! $wht 'cupie
3170        (lambda (x) (hashtable-ref $wht 'cupie (cons 'barbie x)))
3171        'doll)
3172      (hashtable-ref $wht 'cupie 'oops))
3173   '(barbie . doll))
3174  (equal?
3175    (begin
3176      (hashtable-update! $eht 'cupie
3177        (lambda (x) (hashtable-ref $eht 'cupie (cons 'barbie x)))
3178        'doll)
3179      (hashtable-ref $eht 'cupie 'oops))
3180   '(barbie . doll))
3183(mat eqv-hashtable-stress
3184 ; stress tests
3185  (let () ; nonweak
3186    (define pick
3187      (lambda (ls)
3188        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
3189    (define ht (make-eqv-hashtable 4))
3190    (let ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
3191      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
3192        (if (= i n)
3193            (and (= (hashtable-size ht) (- n (length drop)))
3194                 (andmap (lambda (k)
3195                           (string=?
3196                             (symbol->string (hashtable-ref ht k #f))
3197                             (cond
3198                               [(string? k) k]
3199                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
3200                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
3201                         keep)
3202                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eqv? (hashtable-ref ht k 'no) 'no))
3203                         drop))
3204            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
3205              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
3206                         [(string) s]
3207                         [(pair) (list s)]
3208                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
3209                (hashtable-set! ht k x)
3210                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
3211                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
3212                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
3213                        (hashtable-delete! ht k)
3214                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
3215                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
3216                            (hashtable-delete! ht (pick drop)))
3217                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
3218                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
3220  (let () ; weak
3221    (define pick
3222      (lambda (ls)
3223        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
3224    (define ht (make-weak-eqv-hashtable 4))
3225    (let ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
3226      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
3227        (if (= i n)
3228            (and (<= (hashtable-size ht) (- n (length drop)))
3229                 (begin
3230                   (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
3231                   (= (hashtable-size ht) (length keep)))
3232                 (andmap (lambda (k)
3233                           (string=?
3234                             (symbol->string (hashtable-ref ht k #f))
3235                             (cond
3236                               [(string? k) k]
3237                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
3238                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
3239                         keep)
3240                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eqv? (hashtable-ref ht k 'no) 'no))
3241                         drop))
3242            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
3243              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
3244                         [(string) s]
3245                         [(pair) (list s)]
3246                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
3247                (hashtable-set! ht k x)
3248                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
3249                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
3250                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
3251                        (hashtable-delete! ht k)
3252                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
3253                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
3254                            (hashtable-delete! ht (pick drop)))
3255                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
3256                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
3258  (let () ; ephemeron
3259    (define pick
3260      (lambda (ls)
3261        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
3262    (define ht (make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable 4))
3263    (let ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
3264      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
3265        (if (= i n)
3266            (and (<= (hashtable-size ht) (- n (length drop)))
3267                 (begin
3268                   (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
3269                   (= (hashtable-size ht) (length keep)))
3270                 (andmap (lambda (k)
3271                           (string=?
3272                             (symbol->string (hashtable-ref ht k #f))
3273                             (cond
3274                               [(string? k) k]
3275                               [(pair? k) (car k)]
3276                               [(vector? k) (vector-ref k 0)])))
3277                         keep)
3278                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eqv? (hashtable-ref ht k 'no) 'no))
3279                         drop))
3280            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
3281              (let ([k (case (pick '(string pair vector))
3282                         [(string) s]
3283                         [(pair) (list s)]
3284                         [(vector) (vector s)])])
3285                (hashtable-set! ht k x)
3286                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
3287                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
3288                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
3289                        (hashtable-delete! ht k)
3290                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
3291                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
3292                            (hashtable-delete! ht (pick drop)))
3293                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
3294                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
3298(mat symbol-hashtable
3299  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq?)])
3300    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) eq?)))
3301  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash eqv?)])
3302    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) eqv?)))
3303  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash equal?)])
3304    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) equal?)))
3305  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash symbol=?)])
3306    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) symbol=?)))
3307  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq? 17)])
3308    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) eq?)))
3309  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash eqv? 17)])
3310    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) eqv?)))
3311  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash equal? 17)])
3312    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) equal?)))
3313  (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash symbol=? 17)])
3314    (and (symbol-hashtable? ht) (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) symbol=?)))
3315  (begin
3316    (define h (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq? 32))
3317    (and (hashtable? h)
3318         (symbol-hashtable? h)
3319         (hashtable-mutable? h)
3320         (not (eq-hashtable? h))
3321         (not (hashtable-weak? h))
3322         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h))))
3323  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) symbol-hash)
3324  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
3325  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
3326  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
3327  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
3328  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
3329  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
3330  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
3331  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
3332  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'a 'aval) (void))
3333  (equal?
3334    (list
3335       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
3336       (hashtable-contains? h 'b)
3337       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
3338    '(#t #f #f))
3339  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'b 'bval) (void))
3340  (equal?
3341    (list
3342       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
3343       (hashtable-contains? h 'b)
3344       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
3345    '(#t #t #f))
3346  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h 'c 'cval) (void))
3347  (equal?
3348    (list
3349       (hashtable-contains? h 'a)
3350       (hashtable-contains? h 'b)
3351       (hashtable-contains? h 'c))
3352    '(#t #t #t))
3353  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
3354  (equal-entries? h '#(b c a) '#(bval cval aval))
3355  #;(same-elements? (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons)) '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
3356  #;(same-elements?
3357    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
3358      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3359      v)
3360    '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
3361  #;(same-elements?
3362    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
3363      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3364      v)
3365    '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
3366  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'a 1) 'aval)
3367  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'b #f) 'bval)
3368  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope) 'cval)
3369  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h 'b) (void))
3370  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
3371  (equal-entries? h '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
3372  (begin
3373    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
3374    (and (hashtable? h2)
3375         (symbol-hashtable? h2)
3376         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
3377         (not (hashtable-weak? h2))
3378         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h2))
3379         (not (eq-hashtable? h2))))
3380  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) symbol-hash)
3381  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eq?)
3382  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
3383  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
3384  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
3385  (equal?
3386    (list
3387      (hashtable-size h)
3388      (hashtable-ref h 'a 1)
3389      (hashtable-ref h 'b #f)
3390      (hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope))
3391   '(0 1 #f nope))
3392  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
3393  (equal?
3394    (list
3395      (hashtable-size h2)
3396      (hashtable-ref h2 'a 1)
3397      (hashtable-ref h2 'b #f)
3398      (hashtable-ref h2 'c 'nope))
3399    '(2 aval #f cval))
3400  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
3401  (eqv?
3402    (hashtable-update! h 'q
3403      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
3404      17)
3405    (void))
3406  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 18)
3407  (eqv?
3408    (hashtable-update! h 'q
3409      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
3410      17)
3411    (void))
3412  (equal? (hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 19)
3413  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
3414 ; test hashtable-copy when some keys may have moved
3415 ; symbol hashes don't change, but keeping test adapted from eq-hashtable mats anyway
3416  (let ([t (parameterize ([collect-request-handler void])
3417             (let ([h4a (make-hashtable symbol-hash eqv? 32)]
3418                   [k* (list-head (oblist) 100)])
3419               (for-each (lambda (x) (hashtable-set! h4a x x)) k*)
3420               (collect)
3421              ; create copy after collection but before otherwise touching h4a
3422               (let ([h4b (hashtable-copy h4a #t)])
3423                 (andmap
3424                   (lambda (k) (eq? (hashtable-ref h4b k #f) k))
3425                   k*))))])
3426    (collect)
3427    t)
3428 ; test for proper shrinkage
3429  (eqv?
3430    (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash equal? 32)])
3431      (for-each
3432        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
3433        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (list-head (oblist) 1000)) (make-list 100))])
3434          (for-each
3435            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
3436            k**)
3437          k**))
3438      (#%$hashtable-veclen ht))
3439    32)
3442(mat $symbol-hashtable
3443  (begin
3444    (define h (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq? 32))
3445    (and (hashtable? h)
3446         (symbol-hashtable? h)
3447         (hashtable-mutable? h)
3448         (not (eq-hashtable? h))
3449         (not (hashtable-weak? h))
3450         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h))))
3451  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) symbol-hash)
3452  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) eq?)
3453  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
3454  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
3455  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
3456  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
3457  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
3458  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
3459  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
3460  (eqv? (symbol-hashtable-set! h 'a 'aval) (void))
3461  (equal?
3462    (list
3463       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'a)
3464       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'b)
3465       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'c))
3466    '(#t #f #f))
3467  (eqv? (symbol-hashtable-set! h 'b 'bval) (void))
3468  (equal?
3469    (list
3470       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'a)
3471       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'b)
3472       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'c))
3473    '(#t #t #f))
3474  (eqv? (symbol-hashtable-set! h 'c 'cval) (void))
3475  (equal?
3476    (list
3477       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'a)
3478       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'b)
3479       (symbol-hashtable-contains? h 'c))
3480    '(#t #t #t))
3481  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 3)
3482  (equal-entries? h '#(b c a) '#(bval cval aval))
3483  #;(same-elements? (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons)) '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
3484  #;(same-elements?
3485    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
3486      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3487      v)
3488    '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
3489  #;(same-elements?
3490    (let ([v (make-vector 3)] [i 0])
3491      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3492      v)
3493    '#((a . aval) (b . bval) (c . cval)))
3494  (equal? (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'a 1) 'aval)
3495  (equal? (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'b #f) 'bval)
3496  (equal? (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope) 'cval)
3497  (eqv? (symbol-hashtable-delete! h 'b) (void))
3498  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 2)
3499  (equal-entries? h '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
3500  (begin
3501    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
3502    (and (hashtable? h2)
3503         (symbol-hashtable? h2)
3504         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
3505         (not (hashtable-weak? h2))
3506         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? h2))
3507         (not (eq-hashtable? h2))))
3508  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) symbol-hash)
3509  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) eq?)
3510  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 2)
3511  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
3512  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
3513  (equal?
3514    (list
3515      (hashtable-size h)
3516      (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'a 1)
3517      (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'b #f)
3518      (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'c 'nope))
3519   '(0 1 #f nope))
3520  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
3521  (equal?
3522    (list
3523      (hashtable-size h2)
3524      (symbol-hashtable-ref h2 'a 1)
3525      (symbol-hashtable-ref h2 'b #f)
3526      (symbol-hashtable-ref h2 'c 'nope))
3527    '(2 aval #f cval))
3528  (equal-entries? h2 '#(a c) '#(aval cval))
3529  (eqv?
3530    (symbol-hashtable-update! h 'q
3531      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
3532      17)
3533    (void))
3534  (equal? (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 18)
3535  (eqv?
3536    (symbol-hashtable-update! h 'q
3537      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
3538      17)
3539    (void))
3540  (equal? (symbol-hashtable-ref h 'q #f) 19)
3541  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
3542  (let ([g (gensym)] [s "feisty"])
3543    (let ([a (symbol-hashtable-cell h g s)])
3544      (and (pair? a)
3545           (eq? (car a) g)
3546           (eq? (cdr a) s)
3547           (eq? a (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell h g))
3548           (begin
3549             (hashtable-set! h g 'feisty)
3550             (eq? (cdr a) 'feisty))
3551           (begin
3552             (set-cdr! a (list "feisty"))
3553             (equal? (hashtable-ref h g #f) '("feisty"))))))
3554  (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref-cell h (gensym)) #f)
3555 ; test hashtable-copy when some keys may have moved
3556 ; symbol hashes don't change, but keeping test adapted from eq-hashtable mats anyway
3557  (let ([t (parameterize ([collect-request-handler void])
3558             (let ([h4a (make-hashtable symbol-hash eqv? 32)]
3559                   [k* (list-head (oblist) 100)])
3560               (for-each (lambda (x) (symbol-hashtable-set! h4a x x)) k*)
3561               (collect)
3562              ; create copy after collection but before otherwise touching h4a
3563               (let ([h4b (hashtable-copy h4a #t)])
3564                 (andmap
3565                   (lambda (k) (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref h4b k #f) k))
3566                   k*))))])
3567    (collect)
3568    t)
3569 ; test for proper shrinkage
3570  (eqv?
3571    (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash equal? 32)])
3572      (for-each
3573        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (symbol-hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
3574        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (list-head (oblist) 1000)) (make-list 100))])
3575          (for-each
3576            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (symbol-hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
3577            k**)
3578          k**))
3579      (#%$hashtable-veclen ht))
3580    32)
3583(mat symbol-hashtable-stress
3584 ; stress tests
3585  (let () ; nonweak
3586    (define pick
3587      (lambda (ls)
3588        (list-ref ls (random (length ls)))))
3589    (define ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq? 4))
3590    (let ([ls (remq '|| (oblist))] [n 50000])
3591      (let f ([i 0] [keep '()] [drop '()])
3592        (if (= i n)
3593            (and (= (hashtable-size ht) (- n (length drop)))
3594                 (andmap (lambda (k)
3595                           (string=?
3596                             (symbol->string (hashtable-ref ht k #f))
3597                             (symbol->string k)))
3598                         keep)
3599                 (andmap (lambda (k) (eq? (hashtable-ref ht k 'no) 'no))
3600                         drop))
3601            (let* ([x (pick ls)] [s (string-copy (symbol->string x))])
3602              (let ([k (gensym s)])
3603                (hashtable-set! ht k x)
3604                (let ([keep (if (= (modulo i 5) 0) (cons k keep) keep)])
3605                  (if (= (modulo i 17) 5)
3606                      (let ([k (pick keep)])
3607                        (hashtable-delete! ht k)
3608                        (let ([drop (cons k drop)])
3609                          (when (= (random 5) 3)
3610                            (hashtable-delete! ht (pick drop)))
3611                          (f (+ i 1) (remq k keep) drop)))
3612                      (f (+ i 1) keep drop)))))))))
3615(mat generic-hashtable
3616  (begin
3617    (define $ght-keys1 '#(a b c d e f g))
3618    (define $ght-vals1 '#(1 3 5 7 9 11 13))
3619    (define $ght (make-hashtable equal-hash equal? 8))
3620    (vector-for-each
3621      (lambda (x i) (hashtable-set! $ght x i))
3622      $ght-keys1
3623      $ght-vals1)
3624    (hashtable? $ght))
3625  (not (eq-hashtable? $ght))
3626  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function $ght) equal-hash)
3627  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function $ght) equal?)
3628  (eq? (hashtable-mutable? $ght) #t)
3629  (not (hashtable-weak? $ght))
3630  (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $ght))
3631  (eqv? (hashtable-size $ght) (vector-length $ght-keys1))
3632  (eqv? (#%$hashtable-veclen $ght) 8)
3633  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys $ght) $ght-keys1)
3634  (same-elements? (hashtable-values $ght) $ght-vals1)
3635  (equal-entries? $ght $ght-keys1 $ght-vals1)
3636  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells $ght) (vector-map cons $ght-keys1 $ght-vals1))
3637  (begin
3638    (define $ght-keys2 '#((a . b) (1 . 2) 3/4 3.4 3.5 1e23 #e1e50 1+1i 3+3.2i -15 #e1e-50 #1=(a . #1#) (#2=(#2# b c))))
3639    (define $ght-vals2 '#(a b c d e f g h i j k l m))
3640    (vector-for-each
3641      (lambda (x i) (hashtable-set! $ght x i))
3642      $ght-keys2
3643      $ght-vals2)
3644    (eq? (hashtable-size $ght) (+ (vector-length $ght-keys1) (vector-length $ght-keys2))))
3645  (> (#%$hashtable-veclen $ght) 8)
3646  (equal-entries? $ght ($vector-append $ght-keys1 $ght-keys2) ($vector-append $ght-vals1 $ght-vals2))
3647  #;(same-elements?
3648    (list->vector (hashtable-map $ght cons))
3649    (vector-map cons ($vector-append $ght-keys1 $ght-keys2) ($vector-append $ght-vals1 $ght-vals2)))
3650  #;(same-elements?
3651    (let ([v (make-vector (+ (vector-length $ght-keys1) (vector-length $ght-keys2)))] [i 0])
3652      (hashtable-for-each $ght (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3653      v)
3654    (vector-map cons ($vector-append $ght-keys1 $ght-keys2) ($vector-append $ght-vals1 $ght-vals2)))
3655  #;(same-elements?
3656    (let ([v (make-vector (+ (vector-length $ght-keys1) (vector-length $ght-keys2)))] [i 0])
3657      (hashtable-for-each-cell $ght (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3658      v)
3659    (vector-map cons ($vector-append $ght-keys1 $ght-keys2) ($vector-append $ght-vals1 $ght-vals2)))
3660  ($vector-andmap
3661    (lambda (k v) (equal? (hashtable-ref $ght k #f) v))
3662    $ght-keys1
3663    $ght-vals1)
3664  ($vector-andmap
3665    (lambda (k v) (equal? (hashtable-ref $ght k #f) v))
3666    $ght-keys2
3667    $ght-vals2)
3668  ($vector-andmap
3669    (lambda (k v) (equal? (hashtable-ref $ght k #f) v))
3670    '#((a . b) (1 . 2) 3/4 3.4 3.5 1e23 #e1e50 1+1i 3+3.2i -15 #e1e-50 #3=(a . #3#) (#4=(#4# b c)))
3671    $ght-vals2)
3672  ($vector-andmap
3673    (lambda (k) (hashtable-contains? $ght k))
3674    $ght-keys1)
3675  ($vector-andmap
3676    (lambda (k) (hashtable-contains? $ght k))
3677    $ght-keys2)
3678  (not (hashtable-contains? $ght '(not a key)))
3679  (eq? (hashtable-ref $ght '(not a key) 'not-a-key) 'not-a-key)
3680  (begin
3681    (define $ght2 (hashtable-copy $ght))
3682    (and (hashtable? $ght2)
3683         (not (hashtable-mutable? $ght2))
3684         (not (hashtable-weak? $ght2))
3685         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $ght2))))
3686  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function $ght) equal-hash)
3687  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function $ght) equal?)
3688  (begin
3689    (define $ght3 (hashtable-copy $ght #t))
3690    (and (hashtable? $ght3)
3691         (hashtable-mutable? $ght3)
3692         (not (hashtable-weak? $ght3))
3693         (not (hashtable-ephemeron? $ght3))))
3694  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function $ght) equal-hash)
3695  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function $ght) equal?)
3696  (begin
3697    (vector-for-each
3698      (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! $ght k))
3699      $ght-keys1)
3700    #t)
3701  (equal-entries? $ght $ght-keys2 $ght-vals2)
3702  (eqv? (hashtable-size $ght) (vector-length $ght-keys2))
3703  (begin
3704    (vector-for-each
3705      (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! $ght k))
3706      $ght-keys2)
3707    #t)
3708  (equal-entries? $ght '#() '#())
3709  (eqv? (hashtable-size $ght) 0)
3710  (eqv? (#%$hashtable-veclen $ght) 8)
3711 ; make sure copies are unaffected by deletions
3712  (eq? (hashtable-size $ght2) (+ (vector-length $ght-keys1) (vector-length $ght-keys2)))
3713  (equal-entries? $ght2 ($vector-append $ght-keys1 $ght-keys2) ($vector-append $ght-vals1 $ght-vals2))
3714  (eq? (hashtable-size $ght3) (+ (vector-length $ght-keys1) (vector-length $ght-keys2)))
3715  (equal-entries? $ght3 ($vector-append $ght-keys1 $ght-keys2) ($vector-append $ght-vals1 $ght-vals2))
3716  (begin
3717    (hashtable-clear! $ght3)
3718    (and
3719      (eqv? (hashtable-size $ght3) 0)
3720      (eqv? (hashtable-size $ght2) (+ (vector-length $ght-keys1) (vector-length $ght-keys2)))))
3721  (error? ; not mutable
3722    (hashtable-clear! $ght2))
3723  (error? ; not mutable
3724    (hashtable-delete! $ght2 (vector-ref $ght-keys2 0)))
3725  (error? ; not mutable
3726    (hashtable-update! $ght2 (vector-ref $ght-keys2 0)
3727      (lambda (x) (cons x x))
3728      'oops))
3729  (error? ; not mutable
3730    (hashtable-update! $ght2 '(not a key)
3731      (lambda (x) (cons x x))
3732      'oops))
3733  (eqv?
3734    (hashtable-update! $ght3 '(a . b)
3735      (lambda (x) (+ x 15))
3736      17)
3737    (void))
3738  (eqv?
3739    (hashtable-update! $ght3 '(a . b)
3740      (lambda (x) (+ x 29))
3741      17)
3742    (void))
3743  (eqv?
3744    (hashtable-update! $ght3 1e23
3745      (lambda (x) (- x 5))
3746      19)
3747    (void))
3748  (equal?
3749    (let ([a (hashtable-cell $ght3 '(a . b) 17)])
3750      (set-cdr! a (+ (cdr a) 100))
3751      a)
3752    '((a . b) . 161))
3753  (equal?
3754    (let ([a (hashtable-cell $ght3 #vu8(1 2 3) 'bv)])
3755      (set-cdr! a (cons (cdr a) 'vb))
3756      a)
3757    '(#vu8(1 2 3) . (bv . vb)))
3758  (eq? (hashtable-cell $ght3 #vu8(1 2 3) 'bv)
3759       (hashtable-ref-cell $ght3 #vu8(1 2 3)))
3760  (eq? (hashtable-ref-cell $ght3 (gensym)) #f)
3761  (equal-entries? $ght3 '#((a . b) 1e23 #vu8(1 2 3)) '#(161 14 (bv . vb)))
3762  (let () ; carl's test program, with a few additions
3763    (define cov:prof-hash
3764      (lambda (V)
3765        (* (vector-ref V 0) (vector-ref V 1) (vector-ref V 2))))
3766    (define cov:prof-equal?
3767      (lambda (V W)
3768        (let ((rv (and (= (vector-ref V 0) (vector-ref W 0))
3769                       (= (vector-ref V 1) (vector-ref W 1))
3770                       (= (vector-ref V 2) (vector-ref W 2)))))
3771          rv)))
3772    (define make-random-vector-key
3773      (lambda ()
3774        (vector (random 20000) (random 100) (random 1000))))
3775    (define test-hash
3776      (lambda (n)
3777        (let ([ht (make-hashtable cov:prof-hash cov:prof-equal?)])
3778          (let loop ([i 0])
3779            (let ([str (make-random-vector-key)])
3780              (hashtable-set! ht str i)
3781              (hashtable-update! ht str (lambda (x) (* x 2)) -1)
3782              (let ([a (hashtable-cell ht str 'a)]) (set-cdr! a (- (cdr a))))
3783              (cond
3784                [(= i n) (= (hashtable-size ht) 1000)]
3785                [(and (hashtable-contains? ht str)
3786                      (= (hashtable-ref ht str #f) (* i -2)))
3787                 (when (= (hashtable-size ht) 1000)
3788                   (hashtable-delete! ht str))
3789                 (loop (+ i 1))]
3790                [else (errorf 'test-hash "hashtable failure for key ~s" str)]))))))
3791    (test-hash 100000))
3794(mat generic-hashtable-arguments
3795  (error? ; wrong argument count
3796    (make-weak-hashtable))
3797  (error? ; wrong argument count
3798    (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash))
3799  (error? ; wrong argument count
3800    (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash equal? 45 53))
3801  (error? ; not a procedure
3802    (make-weak-hashtable 'a equal? 45))
3803  (error? ; not a procedure
3804    (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash 'a 45))
3805  (error? ; invalid size
3806    (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash equal? 'a))
3807  (error? ; invalid size
3808    (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash equal? -45))
3809  (error? ; invalid size
3810    (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash equal? 45.0))
3811  (error? ; wrong argument count
3812    (make-ephemeron-hashtable))
3813  (error? ; wrong argument count
3814    (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash))
3815  (error? ; wrong argument count
3816    (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash equal? 45 53))
3817  (error? ; not a procedure
3818    (make-ephemeron-hashtable 'a equal? 45))
3819  (error? ; not a procedure
3820    (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash 'a 45))
3821  (error? ; invalid size
3822    (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash equal? 'a))
3823  (error? ; invalid size
3824    (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash equal? -45))
3825  (error? ; invalid size
3826    (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash equal? 45.0)))
3828(mat weak-equal-hashtable
3829  (begin
3830    (define ka (list 'a))
3831    (define kb (list 'b))
3832    (define kc (list 'c))
3833    (define kq (list 'q))
3834    (define ky (list 'y))
3835    (define kz (list 'z))
3836    (define km -5.75)
3837    (define kn 17)
3838    (define ko (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 5))
3839    #t)
3840  (begin
3841    (define h (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash equal? 32))
3842    (and (hashtable? h)
3843         (not (eq-hashtable? h))
3844         (hashtable-mutable? h)
3845         (hashtable-weak? h)))
3846  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) equal-hash)
3847  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) equal?)
3848  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
3849  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
3850  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
3851  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
3852  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
3853  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
3854  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
3855  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ka 'aval) (void))
3856  (equal?
3857    (list
3858       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
3859       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
3860       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
3861       (hashtable-contains? h km)
3862       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
3863       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
3864    '(#t #f #f #f #f #f))
3865  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kb 'bval) (void))
3866  (equal?
3867    (list
3868       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
3869       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
3870       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
3871       (hashtable-contains? h km)
3872       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
3873       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
3874    '(#t #t #f #f #f #f))
3875  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kc 'cval) (void))
3876  (equal?
3877    (list
3878       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
3879       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
3880       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
3881       (hashtable-contains? h km)
3882       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
3883       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
3884    '(#t #t #t #f #f #f))
3885  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h km 'mval) (void))
3886  (equal?
3887    (list
3888       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
3889       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
3890       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
3891       (hashtable-contains? h km)
3892       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
3893       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
3894    '(#t #t #t #t #f #f))
3895  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kn 'nval) (void))
3896  (equal?
3897    (list
3898       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
3899       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
3900       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
3901       (hashtable-contains? h km)
3902       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
3903       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
3904    '(#t #t #t #t #t #f))
3905  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ko 'oval) (void))
3906  (equal?
3907    (list
3908       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
3909       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
3910       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
3911       (hashtable-contains? h km)
3912       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
3913       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
3914    '(#t #t #t #t #t #t))
3915  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 6)
3916  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (b) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval bval cval mval nval oval))
3917  #;(same-elements?
3918    (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons))
3919    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
3920  #;(same-elements?
3921    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
3922      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3923      v)
3924    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
3925  #;(same-elements?
3926    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
3927      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
3928      v)
3929    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
3930  (eq? (hashtable-ref h ka 1) 'aval)
3931  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kb #f) 'bval)
3932  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) 'cval)
3933  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ 2 -7.75) 'ugh) 'mval)
3934  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (/ 34 2) 'ugh) 'nval)
3935  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 7 -2) 'ugh) 'oval)
3936  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
3937  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 5)
3938  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
3939  (begin
3940    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
3941    (and (hashtable? h2)
3942         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
3943         (hashtable-weak? h2)))
3944  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) equal-hash)
3945  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) equal?)
3946  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 5)
3947  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
3948  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
3949  (equal?
3950    (list
3951      (hashtable-size h)
3952      (hashtable-ref h ka 1)
3953      (hashtable-ref h kb #f)
3954      (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope)
3955      (hashtable-ref h km 'nope)
3956      (hashtable-ref h kn 'nope)
3957      (hashtable-ref h ko 'nope))
3958   '(0 1 #f nope nope nope nope))
3959  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
3960  (equal?
3961    (list
3962      (hashtable-size h2)
3963      (hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
3964      (hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
3965      (hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope)
3966      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ km 1) 1) 'nope)
3967      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ kn 1) 1) 'nope)
3968      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ ko 1) 1) 'nope))
3969    '(5 aval #f cval mval nval oval))
3970  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
3971  (eqv?
3972    (hashtable-update! h kq
3973      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
3974      17)
3975    (void))
3976  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
3977  (eqv?
3978    (hashtable-update! h kq
3979      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
3980      17)
3981    (void))
3982  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
3983  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
3984  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
3985  (eqv?
3986    (begin
3987      (set! kq (void))
3988      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
3989      (hashtable-size h))
3990    0)
3991  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
3992  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
3993  (eqv?
3994    (hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
3995    (void))
3996  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
3997  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
3998  (eqv?
3999    (hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
4000    (void))
4001  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
4002  (equal-entries?
4003    h
4004    (vector kz ky)
4005    (vector (hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
4006  (eqv? (hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
4007  (begin
4008    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
4009    (and (hashtable? h3)
4010         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
4011         (hashtable-weak? h3)))
4012  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
4013  (equal-entries? h3 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
4014  (equal?
4015    (begin
4016      (set! ka (void))
4017      (set! km (void))
4018      (set! kn (void))
4019      (set! ko (void))
4020      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4021      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
4022    '(2 2))
4023  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
4024  (equal-entries? h3 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
4025  (eqv?
4026    (begin
4027      (set! h3 (void))
4028      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4029      (hashtable-size h2))
4030    2)
4031  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
4033 ; test for proper shrinkage
4034  (equal?
4035    (let ([ht (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash equal? 32)])
4036      (for-each
4037        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
4038        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
4039                        (make-list 100))])
4040          (for-each
4041            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
4042            k**)
4043          k**))
4044      (call-with-values (lambda () (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)) cons))
4045    '(32 . 32))
4047 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
4048 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
4049  (equal?
4050    (let ([ht (make-weak-hashtable equal-hash equal? 32)])
4051      (hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
4052      (for-each
4053        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
4054        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
4055      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4056      (hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
4057      (list (hashtable-size ht)
4058            (let-values ([(n1 n2) (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
4059              (= n1 n2 32))))
4060    '(0 #t))
4061  )
4063(mat ephemeron-equal-hashtable
4064  (begin
4065    (define ka (list 'a))
4066    (define kb (list 'b))
4067    (define kc (list 'c))
4068    (define kq (list 'q))
4069    (define ky (list 'y))
4070    (define kz (list 'z))
4071    (define km -5.75)
4072    (define kn 17)
4073    (define ko (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 5))
4074    #t)
4075  (begin
4076    (define h (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash equal? 32))
4077    (and (hashtable? h)
4078         (not (eq-hashtable? h))
4079         (hashtable-mutable? h)
4080         (hashtable-ephemeron? h)))
4081  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h) equal-hash)
4082  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h) equal?)
4083  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 0)
4084  (same-elements? (hashtable-keys h) '#())
4085  (same-elements? (hashtable-values h) '#())
4086  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
4087  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h) '#())
4088  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 0) '#())
4089  (same-elements? (hashtable-cells h 10) '#())
4090  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ka 'aval) (void))
4091  (equal?
4092    (list
4093       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
4094       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
4095       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
4096       (hashtable-contains? h km)
4097       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
4098       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
4099    '(#t #f #f #f #f #f))
4100  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kb 'bval) (void))
4101  (equal?
4102    (list
4103       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
4104       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
4105       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
4106       (hashtable-contains? h km)
4107       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
4108       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
4109    '(#t #t #f #f #f #f))
4110  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kc 'cval) (void))
4111  (equal?
4112    (list
4113       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
4114       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
4115       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
4116       (hashtable-contains? h km)
4117       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
4118       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
4119    '(#t #t #t #f #f #f))
4120  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h km 'mval) (void))
4121  (equal?
4122    (list
4123       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
4124       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
4125       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
4126       (hashtable-contains? h km)
4127       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
4128       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
4129    '(#t #t #t #t #f #f))
4130  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h kn 'nval) (void))
4131  (equal?
4132    (list
4133       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
4134       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
4135       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
4136       (hashtable-contains? h km)
4137       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
4138       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
4139    '(#t #t #t #t #t #f))
4140  (eqv? (hashtable-set! h ko 'oval) (void))
4141  (equal?
4142    (list
4143       (hashtable-contains? h ka)
4144       (hashtable-contains? h kb)
4145       (hashtable-contains? h kc)
4146       (hashtable-contains? h km)
4147       (hashtable-contains? h kn)
4148       (hashtable-contains? h ko))
4149    '(#t #t #t #t #t #t))
4150  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 6)
4151  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (b) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval bval cval mval nval oval))
4152  #;(same-elements?
4153    (list->vector (hashtable-map h cons))
4154    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
4155  #;(same-elements?
4156    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
4157      (hashtable-for-each h (lambda (key val) (vector-set! v i (cons key val)) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
4158      v)
4159    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
4160  #;(same-elements?
4161    (let ([v (make-vector 6)] [i 0])
4162      (hashtable-for-each-cell h (lambda (a) (vector-set! v i a) (set! i (fx+ i 1))))
4163      v)
4164    `#(((a) . aval) ((b) . bval) ((c) . cval) (-5.75 . mval) (17 . nval) (,ko . oval)))
4165  (eq? (hashtable-ref h ka 1) 'aval)
4166  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kb #f) 'bval)
4167  (eq? (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope) 'cval)
4168  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ 2 -7.75) 'ugh) 'mval)
4169  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (/ 34 2) 'ugh) 'nval)
4170  (eq? (hashtable-ref h (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 7 -2) 'ugh) 'oval)
4171  (eqv? (hashtable-delete! h kb) (void))
4172  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 5)
4173  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
4174  (begin
4175    (define h2 (hashtable-copy h #t))
4176    (and (hashtable? h2)
4177         (hashtable-mutable? h2)
4178         (hashtable-ephemeron? h2)))
4179  (eq? (hashtable-hash-function h2) equal-hash)
4180  (eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function h2) equal?)
4181  (equal? (hashtable-size h2) 5)
4182  (equal-entries? h `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
4183  (eqv? (hashtable-clear! h 4) (void))
4184  (equal?
4185    (list
4186      (hashtable-size h)
4187      (hashtable-ref h ka 1)
4188      (hashtable-ref h kb #f)
4189      (hashtable-ref h kc 'nope)
4190      (hashtable-ref h km 'nope)
4191      (hashtable-ref h kn 'nope)
4192      (hashtable-ref h ko 'nope))
4193   '(0 1 #f nope nope nope nope))
4194  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
4195  (equal?
4196    (list
4197      (hashtable-size h2)
4198      (hashtable-ref h2 ka 1)
4199      (hashtable-ref h2 kb #f)
4200      (hashtable-ref h2 kc 'nope)
4201      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ km 1) 1) 'nope)
4202      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ kn 1) 1) 'nope)
4203      (hashtable-ref h2 (- (+ ko 1) 1) 'nope))
4204    '(5 aval #f cval mval nval oval))
4205  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
4206  (eqv?
4207    (hashtable-update! h kq
4208      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
4209      17)
4210    (void))
4211  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 18)
4212  (eqv?
4213    (hashtable-update! h kq
4214      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
4215      17)
4216    (void))
4217  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kq #f) 19)
4218  (equal? (hashtable-size h) 1)
4219  (equal-entries? h '#((q)) '#(19))
4220  (eqv?
4221    (begin
4222      (set! kq (void))
4223      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4224      (hashtable-size h))
4225    0)
4226  (equal-entries? h '#() '#())
4227  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) #f)
4228  (eqv?
4229    (hashtable-set! h ky 'toad)
4230    (void))
4231  (equal? (hashtable-ref h ky #f) 'toad)
4232  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) #f)
4233  (eqv?
4234    (hashtable-update! h kz list 'frog)
4235    (void))
4236  (equal? (hashtable-ref h kz #f) '(frog))
4237  (equal-entries?
4238    h
4239    (vector kz ky)
4240    (vector (hashtable-ref h kz #f) 'toad))
4241  (eqv? (hashtable-ref h '(zippo) 'nil) 'nil)
4242  (begin
4243    (define h3 (hashtable-copy h2 #f))
4244    (and (hashtable? h3)
4245         (not (hashtable-mutable? h3))
4246         (hashtable-ephemeron? h3)))
4247  (equal-entries? h2 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
4248  (equal-entries? h3 `#((a) (c) -5.75 17 ,ko) '#(aval cval mval nval oval))
4249  (equal?
4250    (begin
4251      (set! ka (void))
4252      (set! km (void))
4253      (set! kn (void))
4254      (set! ko (void))
4255      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4256      (list (hashtable-size h2) (hashtable-size h3)))
4257    '(2 2))
4258  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
4259  (equal-entries? h3 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
4260  (eqv?
4261    (begin
4262      (set! h3 (void))
4263      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4264      (hashtable-size h2))
4265    2)
4266  (equal-entries? h2 `#((c) 17) '#(cval nval))
4268 ; test for proper shrinkage
4269  (equal?
4270    (let ([ht (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash equal? 32)])
4271      (for-each
4272        (lambda (k*) (for-each (lambda (k) (hashtable-delete! ht k)) k*))
4273        (let ([k** (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000)))
4274                        (make-list 100))])
4275          (for-each
4276            (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
4277            k**)
4278          k**))
4279      (call-with-values (lambda () (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)) cons))
4280    '(32 . 32))
4282 ; test for proper shrinkage as objects are bwp'd
4283 ; uses delete to trigger final shrinkage
4284  (equal?
4285    (let ([ht (make-ephemeron-hashtable equal-hash equal? 32)])
4286      (hashtable-set! ht 'a 'b)
4287      (for-each
4288        (lambda (k*) (map (lambda (k) (hashtable-set! ht k 75)) k*))
4289        (map (lambda (x) (map list (make-list 1000))) (make-list 100)))
4290      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4291      (hashtable-delete! ht 'a)
4292      (list (hashtable-size ht)
4293            (let-values ([(n1 n2) (#%$hashtable-veclen ht)])
4294              (= n1 n2 32))))
4295    '(0 #t))
4298(mat hash-functions
4299 ; equal-hash
4300  (error? ; wrong argument count
4301    (equal-hash))
4302  (error? ; wrong argument count
4303    (equal-hash 0 0))
4304 ; symbol-hash
4305  (error? ; wrong argument count
4306    (symbol-hash))
4307  (error? ; wrong argument count
4308    (symbol-hash 'a 'a))
4309  (error? ; not a symbol
4310    (symbol-hash "hello"))
4311 ; string-hash
4312  (error? ; wrong argument count
4313    (string-hash))
4314  (error? ; wrong argument count
4315    (string-hash 'a 'a))
4316  (error? ; not a string
4317    (string-hash 'hello))
4318 ; string-ci-hash
4319  (error? ; wrong argument count
4320    (string-ci-hash))
4321  (error? ; wrong argument count
4322    (string-ci-hash 'a 'a))
4323  (error? ; not a string
4324    (string-ci-hash 'hello))
4325  (let ([hc (equal-hash '(a b c))])
4326    (and (integer? hc)
4327         (exact? hc)
4328         (>= hc 0)
4329         (= (equal-hash '(a b c)) hc)))
4330  (let ([hc (string-hash "hello")])
4331    (and (integer? hc)
4332         (exact? hc)
4333         (>= hc 0)
4334         (= (string-hash "hello") hc)))
4335  (let ([hc (string-ci-hash "hello")])
4336    (and (integer? hc)
4337         (exact? hc)
4338         (>= hc 0)
4339         (= (string-ci-hash "HelLo") hc)))
4340  (let ([hc (equal-hash (stencil-vector 3 'one 'two))])
4341    (and (integer? hc)
4342         (exact? hc)
4343         (>= hc 0)
4344         (= (equal-hash (stencil-vector 3 'one 'two)) hc)))
4345  (let f ([ls (oblist)])
4346    (define okay?
4347      (lambda (x)
4348        (let ([hc (symbol-hash x)])
4349          (and (integer? hc)
4350               (exact? hc)
4351               (>= hc 0)
4352               (= (symbol-hash x) hc)))))
4353    (and (okay? (car ls))
4354         (let g ([ls ls] [n 10])
4355           (or (null? ls)
4356               (if (= n 0)
4357                   (f ls)
4358                   (g (cdr ls) (- n 1)))))))
4359 ; adapted from Flatt's r6rs tests for string-ci=?
4360  (eqv? (string-ci-hash "z") (string-ci-hash "Z"))
4361  (not (eqv? (string-ci-hash "z") (string-ci-hash "a")))
4362  (eqv? (string-ci-hash "Stra\xDF;e") (string-ci-hash "Strasse"))
4363  (eqv? (string-ci-hash "Stra\xDF;e") (string-ci-hash "STRASSE"))
4364  (eqv? (string-ci-hash "\x39E;\x391;\x39F;\x3A3;") (string-ci-hash "\x3BE;\x3B1;\x3BF;\x3C2;"))
4365  (eqv? (string-ci-hash "\x39E;\x391;\x39F;\x3A3;") (string-ci-hash "\x3BE;\x3B1;\x3BF;\x3C3;"))
4368(mat fasl-eq-hashtable
4369 ; fasling out eq hash tables
4370  (equal?
4371    (let ([x (cons 'y '!)])
4372      (define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
4373      (eq-hashtable-set! ht x 'because)
4374      (eq-hashtable-set! ht 'foo "foo")
4375      (let ([p (open-file-output-port "testfile.ss" (file-options replace))])
4376        (fasl-write (list x ht) p)
4377        (close-port p))
4378      (let-values ([(x2 ht2)
4379                    (apply values
4380                      (call-with-port
4381                        (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")
4382                        fasl-read))])
4383        (list
4384          (eq-hashtable-weak? ht2)
4385          (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? ht2)
4386          (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 x2 #f)
4387          (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 'foo #f))))
4388    '(#f #f because "foo"))
4389 ; fasling out weak eq hash table
4390  (equal?
4391    (with-interrupts-disabled
4392      (let ([x (cons 'y '!)])
4393        (define ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable))
4394        (eq-hashtable-set! ht x 'because)
4395        (eq-hashtable-set! ht 'foo "foo")
4396        (let ([p (open-file-output-port "testfile.ss" (file-options replace))])
4397          (fasl-write (list x ht) p)
4398          (close-port p))
4399        (let-values ([(x2 ht2)
4400                      (apply values
4401                        (call-with-port
4402                          (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")
4403                          fasl-read))])
4404          (list
4405            (eq-hashtable-weak? ht2)
4406            (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? ht2)
4407            (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 x2 #f)
4408            (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 'foo #f)))))
4409    '(#t #f because "foo"))
4410  (equal?
4411    (let ([ht2 (cadr (call-with-port
4412                       (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")
4413                       fasl-read))])
4414      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4415      (list
4416        (hashtable-keys ht2)
4417        (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 'foo #f)))
4418    '(#(foo) "foo"))
4419 ; fasling out ephemeron eq hash table
4420  (equal?
4421    (with-interrupts-disabled
4422      (let ([x (cons 'y '!)])
4423        (define ht (make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable))
4424        (eq-hashtable-set! ht x 'because)
4425        (eq-hashtable-set! ht 'foo "foo")
4426        (let ([p (open-file-output-port "testfile.ss" (file-options replace))])
4427          (fasl-write (list x ht) p)
4428          (close-port p))
4429        (let-values ([(x2 ht2)
4430                      (apply values
4431                        (call-with-port
4432                          (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")
4433                          fasl-read))])
4434          (list
4435            (eq-hashtable-weak? ht2)
4436            (eq-hashtable-ephemeron? ht2)
4437            (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 x2 #f)
4438            (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 'foo #f)))))
4439    '(#f #t because "foo"))
4440  (equal?
4441    (let ([ht2 (cadr (call-with-port
4442                       (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")
4443                       fasl-read))])
4444      (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
4445      (list
4446        (hashtable-keys ht2)
4447        (eq-hashtable-ref ht2 'foo #f)))
4448    '(#(foo) "foo"))
4449 ; fasling eq hash tables via compile-file
4450  (begin
4451    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
4452      (lambda ()
4453        (pretty-print
4454          '(module ($feh-ls $feh-ht)
4455             (define-syntax ls
4456               (let ([ls '(1 2 3)])
4457                 (lambda (x)
4458                   #`(quote #,(datum->syntax #'* ls)))))
4459             (define $feh-ls ls)
4460             (define $feh-ht
4461               (let ()
4462                 (define-syntax a
4463                   (let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)])
4464                     (eq-hashtable-set! ht 'q 'p)
4465                     (eq-hashtable-set! ht ls (cdr ls))
4466                     (eq-hashtable-set! ht (cdr ls) (cddr ls))
4467                     (eq-hashtable-set! ht (cddr ls) ls)
4468                     (lambda (x) #`(quote #,(datum->syntax #'* ht)))))
4469                 a)))))
4470      'replace)
4471    (compile-file "testfile")
4472    (load "testfile.so")
4473    #t)
4474  (eq? (eq-hashtable-ref $feh-ht 'q #f) 'p)
4475  (eq? (eq-hashtable-ref $feh-ht $feh-ls #f) (cdr $feh-ls))
4476  (eq? (eq-hashtable-ref $feh-ht (cdr $feh-ls) #f) (cddr $feh-ls))
4477  (eq? (eq-hashtable-ref $feh-ht (cddr $feh-ls) #f) $feh-ls)
4478  (begin
4479    (eq-hashtable-set! $feh-ht 'p 'r)
4480    #t)
4481  (eq? (eq-hashtable-ref $feh-ht 'p #f) 'r)
4482  (begin
4483    (eq-hashtable-set! $feh-ht 'q 'not-p)
4484    #t)
4485  (eq? (eq-hashtable-ref $feh-ht 'q #f) 'not-p)
4488(mat fasl-symbol-hashtable
4489 ; fasling out symbol hash tables
4490  (equal?
4491    (let ()
4492      (define ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq?))
4493      (symbol-hashtable-set! ht 'why? 'because)
4494      (symbol-hashtable-set! ht 'foo "foo")
4495      (let ([p (open-file-output-port "testfile.ss" (file-options replace))])
4496        (fasl-write ht p)
4497        (close-port p))
4498      (let ([ht2 (call-with-port (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss") fasl-read)])
4499        (list
4500          (symbol-hashtable-ref ht2 'why? #f)
4501          (symbol-hashtable-ref ht2 'foo #f))))
4502    '(because "foo"))
4503  (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile.ss" "testfile.ss")
4504  (eqv? (strip-fasl-file "testfile.ss" "testfile1.ss" (fasl-strip-options)) (void))
4505  (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile.ss" "testfile1.ss")
4506  (equal?
4507    (let ([ht2 (call-with-port (open-file-input-port "testfile1.ss" (file-options compressed)) fasl-read)])
4508      (list
4509        (symbol-hashtable-ref ht2 'why? #f)
4510        (symbol-hashtable-ref ht2 'foo #f)))
4511    '(because "foo"))
4512  (begin
4513    (call-with-port (open-file-output-port "testfile1.ss" (file-options replace))
4514      (lambda (p)
4515        (fasl-write (call-with-port (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss") fasl-read) p)))
4516    #t)
4517  (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile.ss" "testfile1.ss")
4518  (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile1.ss" "testfile.ss")
4519  (begin
4520    (call-with-port (open-file-output-port "testfile1.ss" (file-options replace))
4521      (lambda (p)
4522        (let ([ht (call-with-port (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss") fasl-read)])
4523          (symbol-hashtable-set! ht 'why? 'why-not?)
4524          (fasl-write ht p))))
4525    #t)
4526  (not (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile.ss" "testfile1.ss"))
4527  (not (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile1.ss" "testfile.ss"))
4528  (begin
4529    (call-with-port (open-file-output-port "testfile1.ss" (file-options replace))
4530      (lambda (p)
4531        (let ([ht (call-with-port (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss") fasl-read)])
4532          (symbol-hashtable-set! ht (gensym) 'foiled)
4533          (fasl-write ht p))))
4534    #t)
4535  (not (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile.ss" "testfile1.ss"))
4536  (not (#%$fasl-file-equal? "testfile1.ss" "testfile.ss"))
4538 ; fasling symbol hash tables via compile-file
4539  (begin
4540    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
4541      (lambda ()
4542        (pretty-print
4543          '(define $fsh-ht
4544             (let ()
4545               (define-syntax a
4546                 (let ([ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash symbol=?)])
4547                   (symbol-hashtable-set! ht 'q 'p)
4548                   (symbol-hashtable-set! ht 'p 's)
4549                   (let ([g (gensym "hello")])
4550                     (symbol-hashtable-set! ht g g)
4551                     (symbol-hashtable-set! ht 'g g))
4552                   (lambda (x) #`(quote #,(datum->syntax #'* ht)))))
4553               a))))
4554      'replace)
4555    (compile-file "testfile")
4556    (load "testfile.so")
4557    #t)
4558  (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref $fsh-ht 'q #f) 'p)
4559  (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref $fsh-ht 'p #f) 's)
4560  (let ([g (symbol-hashtable-ref $fsh-ht 'g #f)])
4561    (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref $fsh-ht g #f) g))
4562  (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref $fsh-ht 'spam #f) #f)
4563  (begin
4564    (symbol-hashtable-set! $fsh-ht 'p 'r)
4565    #t)
4566  (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref $fsh-ht 'p #f) 'r)
4567  (begin
4568    (symbol-hashtable-set! $fsh-ht 'q 'not-p)
4569    #t)
4570  (eq? (symbol-hashtable-ref $fsh-ht 'q #f) 'not-p)
4573(mat fasl-other-hashtable
4574 ; can't fasl out other kinds of hashtables
4575  (error?
4576    (let ([x (cons 'y '!)])
4577      (define ht (make-eqv-hashtable))
4578      (hashtable-set! ht x 'because)
4579      (hashtable-set! ht 'foo "foo")
4580      (hashtable-set! ht 3.1415 "pi")
4581      (let ([p (open-file-output-port "testfile.ss" (file-options replace))])
4582        (with-exception-handler
4583          (lambda (c) (close-port p) (raise-continuable c))
4584          (lambda () (fasl-write (list x ht) p))))))
4585  (error?
4586    (let ([x (cons 'y '!)])
4587      (define ht (make-hashtable string-hash string=?))
4588      (hashtable-set! ht "hello" 'goodbye)
4589      (let ([p (open-file-output-port "testfile.ss" (file-options replace))])
4590        (with-exception-handler
4591          (lambda (c) (close-port p) (raise-continuable c))
4592          (lambda () (fasl-write (list x ht) p))))))
4595(mat ht
4596  (begin
4597    (display-string (separate-eval `(parameterize ([source-directories
4598                                                     (list
4599                                                       ,*mats-dir*
4600                                                       ,(format "~a/../s" *mats-dir*)
4601                                                       ,(format "~a/../../s" *mats-dir*))])
4602                                      (load "ht.ss"))))
4603    #t)