1#lang racket/base
2(require "out.rkt"
3         "id.rkt"
4         "ref.rkt"
5         "state.rkt"
6         "union.rkt"
7         "sort.rkt"
8         "debug.rkt")
10(provide make-runstack
11         runstack-push!
12         runstack-pop!
13         runstack-ref
14         runstack-ref-use!
15         runstack-assign
16         make-runstack-assign
17         runstack-stack-ref
18         runstack-ref-pos
19         runstack-sync!
20         runstack-synced!
21         runstack-max-depth
22         runstack-ever-synced?
24         runstack-branch-before!
25         runstack-branch-other!
26         runstack-branch-merge!
27         runstack-branch-refs
28         runstack-stage-clear-unused!
29         runstack-stage-clear!)
31(struct runstack (rs-state    ; shared state table
32                  depth       ; current stack depth
33                  max-depth   ; max reached stack depth
34                  sync-depth  ; depth that MZ_RUNSTACK currently has, `#f` if unknown
35                  vars        ; list of pushed vars, newest first
36                  var-depths  ; pushed var -> 'local or distance from stack start
37                  need-inits  ; set of pushed vars that are not yet initialized
38                  unsynced    ; pushed vars that haven't yet lived through a GC boundary
39                  unsynced-refs ; per-var refs that haven't yet lived through a GC boundary
40                  all-refs    ; per-var, all references encountered
41                  staged-clears ; clears staged by branching
42                  ever-synced?) ; whether the runstack is ever synced
43  #:mutable)
45(define (make-runstack state)
46  (define rs-state (or (hash-ref state '#:runstack #f)
47                       (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
48                         (hash-set! state '#:runstack ht)
49                         ht)))
50  (runstack rs-state
51            0             ; depth
52            0             ; max-depth
53            #f            ; sync-depth
54            '()           ; vars
55            (make-hasheq) ; var-depths
56            (make-hasheq) ; need-inits
57            (make-hasheq) ; unsyned
58            (make-hasheq) ; unsynced-refs
59            #hasheq()     ; all-refs
60            #hasheq()     ; staged-clears
61            #f))          ; ever-synced?
63(define (runstack-push! rs id
64                        #:referenced? [referenced? #t]
65                        #:local? [local? #f]
66                        #:track-local? [track-local? #f])
67  (set-runstack-vars! rs (cons id (runstack-vars rs)))
68  (cond
69    [(or local?
70         (and track-local?
71              referenced?
72              (eq? 'local (hash-ref (runstack-rs-state rs) id #f))))
73     ;; A previous pass determined that this variable will not
74     ;; live across a GC boundary, so it can be stored in a C local.
75     ;; Note that we're sharing a global table, even though an id
76     ;; can have different extents due to closures; but only `let`
77     ;; bindings are "tracked", and each of those is unique.
78     (hash-set! (runstack-var-depths rs) id 'local)
79     (out "Scheme_Object *~a;" (cify id))]
80    [else
81     (define depth (add1 (runstack-depth rs)))
82     (set-runstack-depth! rs depth)
83     (set-runstack-max-depth! rs (max depth (runstack-max-depth rs)))
84     (hash-set! (runstack-var-depths rs) id depth)
85     (hash-set! (runstack-need-inits rs) id #t)
86     (hash-set! (runstack-unsynced rs) id #t)
87     (out "~aconst int ~a = -~a;~a"
88          (if referenced? "" "/* ")
89          (cify id) depth
90          (if referenced? "" " */"))]))
92(define (runstack-pop! rs [n 1]
93                       #:track-local? [track-local? #f])
94  (define var-depths (runstack-var-depths rs))
95  (let loop ([n n])
96    (unless (zero? n)
97      (define var (car (runstack-vars rs)))
98      (unless (eq? 'local (hash-ref var-depths var #f))
99        (set-runstack-depth! rs (- (runstack-depth rs) 1))
100        (hash-remove! (runstack-need-inits rs) var)
101        (when (hash-ref (runstack-unsynced rs) var #f)
102          (hash-remove! (runstack-unsynced rs) var))
103        (when (and track-local?
104                   ;; If all references were pre-sync, it can be local
105                   (for/and ([state (in-hash-values (hash-ref (runstack-all-refs rs) var '#hasheq()))])
106                     (eq? state 'pre-sync)))
107          (hash-set! (runstack-rs-state rs) var 'local))
108        (let ([refs (hash-ref (runstack-unsynced-refs rs) var '())])
109          (hash-remove! (runstack-unsynced-refs rs) var)
110          (for ([ref (in-list refs)])
111            (set-ref-last-use?! ref #f))))
112      (set-runstack-vars! rs (cdr (runstack-vars rs)))
113      (set-runstack-all-refs! rs (hash-remove (runstack-all-refs rs) var))
114      (hash-remove! var-depths var)
115      (set-runstack-staged-clears! rs (hash-remove (runstack-staged-clears rs) var))
116      (loop (sub1 n)))))
118(define (runstack-ref rs id #:assign? [assign? #f] #:ref [ref #f] #:values-ok? [values-ok? #f])
119  (when ref
120    (runstack-ref-use! rs ref)
121    ;; Remember the ref, so we can clear its `last-use?` if no sync
122    ;; happens before the variable is popped
123    (hash-set! (runstack-unsynced-refs rs) id
124               (cons ref (hash-ref (runstack-unsynced-refs rs) id '()))))
125  (define s
126    (cond
127      [(eq? 'local (hash-ref (runstack-var-depths rs) id #f))
128       (format "~a" (cify id))]
129      [(and ref (ref-last-use? ref))
130       (format "c_last_use(c_runbase, ~a)" (cify id))]
131      [else
132       (format "c_runbase[~a]"  (cify id))]))
133  (if (and (current-debug) (not values-ok?) (not assign?))
134      (format "c_validate(~a)" s)
135      s))
137(define (runstack-ref-use! rs ref)
138  (set-runstack-all-refs! rs (hash-set2 (runstack-all-refs rs) (ref-id ref) ref
139                                        (if (hash-ref (runstack-unsynced rs) (ref-id ref) #f)
140                                            'pre-sync
141                                            'post-sync))))
143(define (runstack-assign rs id)
144  (hash-remove! (runstack-need-inits rs) id)
145  (runstack-ref rs id #:assign? #t))
147(define (make-runstack-assign rs id)
148  (lambda (s) (out "~a = ~a;" (runstack-assign rs id) s)))
150(define (runstack-stack-ref rs)
151  (format "(c_runbase-~a)" (runstack-depth rs)))
153(define (runstack-ref-pos rs id)
154  (hash-ref (runstack-var-depths rs) id #f))
156(define (runstack-sync! rs)
157  (set-runstack-ever-synced?! rs #t)
158  (hash-clear! (runstack-unsynced rs))
159  (hash-clear! (runstack-unsynced-refs rs))
160  (runstack-generate-staged-clears! rs)
161  (define vars (sort (hash-keys (runstack-need-inits rs)) symbol<?))
162  (for ([var (in-list vars)])
163    (out "~a = c_RUNSTACK_INIT_VAL;" (runstack-assign rs var)))
164  (unless (eqv? (runstack-depth rs) (runstack-sync-depth rs))
165    (out "c_current_runstack = ~a;" (runstack-stack-ref rs))
166    (set-runstack-sync-depth! rs (runstack-depth rs))))
168(define (runstack-synced! rs)
169  (hash-clear! (runstack-need-inits rs))
170  (hash-clear! (runstack-unsynced rs))
171  (hash-clear! (runstack-unsynced-refs rs)))
173(struct runstack-branch-state (need-inits sync-depth unsynced-refs all-refs staged-clears))
175(define (runstack-branch-before! rs)
176  (define unsynced-refs (runstack-unsynced-refs rs))
177  (define all-refs (runstack-all-refs rs))
178  (set-runstack-unsynced-refs! rs (make-hasheq))
179  (set-runstack-all-refs! rs #hasheq())
180  (runstack-branch-state (hash-copy (runstack-need-inits rs))
181                         (runstack-sync-depth rs)
182                         unsynced-refs
183                         all-refs
184                         (runstack-staged-clears rs)))
186(define (runstack-branch-other! rs pre)
187  (begin0
188    (runstack-branch-state (hash-copy (runstack-need-inits rs))
189                           (runstack-sync-depth rs)
190                           (runstack-unsynced-refs rs)
191                           (runstack-all-refs rs)
192                           (runstack-staged-clears rs))
193    (set-runstack-need-inits! rs (runstack-branch-state-need-inits pre))
194    (set-runstack-sync-depth! rs (runstack-branch-state-sync-depth pre))
195    (set-runstack-unsynced-refs! rs (make-hasheq))
196    (set-runstack-all-refs! rs #hasheq())
197    (set-runstack-staged-clears! rs (runstack-branch-state-staged-clears pre))))
199;; Called after "then" branch, before merge:
200(define (runstack-branch-refs runstack pre post)
201  (values (runstack-branch-state-all-refs post)
202          (runstack-all-refs runstack)))
204(define (runstack-branch-merge! rs pre post)
205  (for ([(k v) (in-hash (runstack-branch-state-need-inits post))])
206    (hash-set! (runstack-need-inits rs) k v))
207  (unless (eqv? (runstack-branch-state-sync-depth post) (runstack-sync-depth rs))
208    (set-runstack-sync-depth! rs #f))
209  (set-runstack-unsynced-refs! rs (union-unsynced-refs! (runstack-unsynced-refs rs)
210                                                        (runstack-branch-state-unsynced-refs pre)
211                                                        (runstack-branch-state-unsynced-refs post)))
212  (set-runstack-all-refs! rs (union-all-refs (runstack-all-refs rs)
213                                             (runstack-branch-state-all-refs pre)
214                                             (runstack-branch-state-all-refs post)))
215  (set-runstack-staged-clears! rs (hash-union (runstack-staged-clears rs)
216                                              (runstack-branch-state-staged-clears post))))
218(define union-unsynced-refs!
219  (case-lambda
220    [(a b c)
221     (cond
222       [((hash-count b) . > . (hash-count a))
223        (union-unsynced-refs! b a c)]
224       [((hash-count c) . > . (hash-count b))
225        (union-unsynced-refs! a c b)]
226       [else
227        (union-unsynced-refs! a b)
228        (union-unsynced-refs! a c)])]
229    [(a b)
230     (for ([(id l) (in-hash b)])
231       (hash-set! a id (append l (hash-ref a id '()))))
232     a]))
234(define union-all-refs
235  (case-lambda
236    [(a b c)
237     (cond
238       [((hash-count b) . > . (hash-count a))
239        (union-all-refs b a c)]
240       [((hash-count c) . > . (hash-count b))
241        (union-all-refs a c b)]
242       [else
243        (union-all-refs (union-all-refs a b) c)])]
244    [(a b)
245     (for/fold ([a a]) ([(id b-refs) (in-hash b)])
246       (define a-refs (hash-ref a id #hasheq()))
247       (hash-set a id (hash-union a-refs b-refs)))]))
249(define (hash-set2 ht key key2 val)
250  (hash-set ht key
251            (hash-set (hash-ref ht key #hasheq())
252                      key2
253                      val)))
255;; ----------------------------------------
257;; If `other-refs` includes a last use of a variable that
258;; is not referenced in `my-refs`, then stage a clear
259;; operation for space safety. The clear operation is emitted
260;; only if the variable is still live by the time the runstack
261;; is synced.
262(define (runstack-stage-clear-unused! rs my-refs other-refs state)
263  (for* ([refs (in-hash-values other-refs)]
264         [ref (in-hash-keys refs)])
265    (define id (ref-id ref))
266    (when (and (ref-last-use? ref)
267               (not (hash-ref my-refs id #f)))
268      (runstack-stage-clear! rs id state))))
270;; A danger of lazy clearing is that we might push the same
271;; clearing operation to two different branches. It would be
272;; better to clear eagerly at the start of a branch if there
273;; will definitely by a sync point later, but we don't currently
274;; have the "sync point later?" information.
275(define (runstack-stage-clear! rs id state)
276  (set-runstack-staged-clears!
277   rs
278   (hash-set (runstack-staged-clears rs)
279             id
280             ;; the `get-pos` thunk:
281             (lambda ()
282               (cond
283                 [(not (referenced? (hash-ref state id #f)))
284                  ;; This can happen in we need to clear a variable that is
285                  ;; otherwise only implicitly passed in a tail call:
286                  (format "-~a /* ~a */" (runstack-ref-pos rs id) (cify id))]
287                 [else
288                  (cify id)])))))
290(define (runstack-generate-staged-clears! rs)
291  (for ([(id get-pos) (in-sorted-hash (runstack-staged-clears rs) symbol<?)])
292    (unless (eq? (hash-ref (runstack-var-depths rs) id) 'local)
293      (out "c_no_use(c_runbase, ~a);" (get-pos))))
294  (set-runstack-staged-clears! rs #hasheq()))