1(define (check pat str)
2  (write
3   (time
4    (let ([rx (byte-regexp (string->bytes/utf-8 pat))]
5          [in (string->bytes/utf-8 str)])
6      (let loop ([v #f] [n 100000])
7        (if (zero? n)
8            v
9            (loop (regexp-match rx in)
10                  (sub1 n)))))))
11  (newline))
13;; A smallish backtracking test, more or less:
14(check "ab(?:a*c)*d" "abaacacaaacacaaacd")
16;; Relatively realitic workload:
17(define ipv6-hex "[0-9a-fA-F:]*:[0-9a-fA-F:]*")
18(define url-s
19  (string-append
20   "^"
21   "(?:"              ; / scheme-colon-opt
22   "([^:/?#]*)"       ; | #1 = scheme-opt
23   ":)?"              ; \
24   "(?://"            ; / slash-slash-authority-opt
25   "(?:"              ; | / user-at-opt
26   "([^/?#@]*)"       ; | | #2 = user-opt
27   "@)?"              ; | \
28   "(?:"              ;
29   "(?:\\["           ; | / #3 = ipv6-host-opt
30   "(" ipv6-hex ")"   ; | | hex-addresses
31   "\\])|"            ; | \
32   "([^/?#:]*)"       ; | #4 = host-opt
33   ")?"               ;
34   "(?::"             ; | / colon-port-opt
35   "([0-9]*)"         ; | | #5 = port-opt
36   ")?"               ; | \
37   ")?"               ; \
38   "([^?#]*)"         ; #6 = path
39   "(?:\\?"           ; / question-query-opt
40   "([^#]*)"          ; | #7 = query-opt
41   ")?"               ; \
42   "(?:#"             ; / hash-fragment-opt
43   "(.*)"             ; | #8 = fragment-opt
44   ")?"               ; \
45   "$"))
46(define rlo "https://racket-lang.org:80x/people.html?check=ok#end")
47(check url-s rlo)
49;; A test of scanning a byte string to look for the letter "b"
50;; (where a tight loop in C is likely to win):
51(check "a*b" (make-string 1024 #\a))