1 //! The JIT driver uses [`cranelift_jit`] to JIT execute programs without writing any object
2 //! files.
4 use std::cell::RefCell;
5 use std::ffi::CString;
6 use std::lazy::{Lazy, SyncOnceCell};
7 use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int};
8 use std::sync::{mpsc, Mutex};
10 use cranelift_codegen::binemit::{NullStackMapSink, NullTrapSink};
11 use rustc_codegen_ssa::CrateInfo;
12 use rustc_middle::mir::mono::MonoItem;
13 use rustc_session::Session;
15 use cranelift_jit::{JITBuilder, JITModule};
17 use crate::{prelude::*, BackendConfig};
18 use crate::{CodegenCx, CodegenMode};
20 struct JitState {
21     backend_config: BackendConfig,
22     jit_module: JITModule,
23 }
25 thread_local! {
26     static LAZY_JIT_STATE: RefCell<Option<JitState>> = RefCell::new(None);
27 }
29 /// The Sender owned by the rustc thread
30 static GLOBAL_MESSAGE_SENDER: SyncOnceCell<Mutex<mpsc::Sender<UnsafeMessage>>> =
31     SyncOnceCell::new();
33 /// A message that is sent from the jitted runtime to the rustc thread.
34 /// Senders are responsible for upholding `Send` semantics.
35 enum UnsafeMessage {
36     /// Request that the specified `Instance` be lazily jitted.
37     ///
38     /// Nothing accessible through `instance_ptr` may be moved or mutated by the sender after
39     /// this message is sent.
40     JitFn {
41         instance_ptr: *const Instance<'static>,
42         trampoline_ptr: *const u8,
43         tx: mpsc::Sender<*const u8>,
44     },
45 }
46 unsafe impl Send for UnsafeMessage {}
48 impl UnsafeMessage {
49     /// Send the message.
send(self) -> Result<(), mpsc::SendError<UnsafeMessage>>50     fn send(self) -> Result<(), mpsc::SendError<UnsafeMessage>> {
51         thread_local! {
52             /// The Sender owned by the local thread
53             static LOCAL_MESSAGE_SENDER: Lazy<mpsc::Sender<UnsafeMessage>> = Lazy::new(||
54                 GLOBAL_MESSAGE_SENDER
55                     .get().unwrap()
56                     .lock().unwrap()
57                     .clone()
58             );
59         }
60         LOCAL_MESSAGE_SENDER.with(|sender| sender.send(self))
61     }
62 }
create_jit_module<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, backend_config: &BackendConfig, hotswap: bool, ) -> (JITModule, CodegenCx<'tcx>)64 fn create_jit_module<'tcx>(
65     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
66     backend_config: &BackendConfig,
67     hotswap: bool,
68 ) -> (JITModule, CodegenCx<'tcx>) {
69     let crate_info = CrateInfo::new(tcx, "dummy_target_cpu".to_string());
70     let imported_symbols = load_imported_symbols_for_jit(tcx.sess, crate_info);
72     let isa = crate::build_isa(tcx.sess, backend_config);
73     let mut jit_builder = JITBuilder::with_isa(isa, cranelift_module::default_libcall_names());
74     jit_builder.hotswap(hotswap);
75     crate::compiler_builtins::register_functions_for_jit(&mut jit_builder);
76     jit_builder.symbols(imported_symbols);
77     let mut jit_module = JITModule::new(jit_builder);
79     let mut cx = crate::CodegenCx::new(tcx, backend_config.clone(), jit_module.isa(), false);
81     crate::allocator::codegen(tcx, &mut jit_module, &mut cx.unwind_context);
82     crate::main_shim::maybe_create_entry_wrapper(
83         tcx,
84         &mut jit_module,
85         &mut cx.unwind_context,
86         true,
87         true,
88     );
90     (jit_module, cx)
91 }
run_jit(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, backend_config: BackendConfig) -> !93 pub(crate) fn run_jit(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, backend_config: BackendConfig) -> ! {
94     if !tcx.sess.opts.output_types.should_codegen() {
95         tcx.sess.fatal("JIT mode doesn't work with `cargo check`");
96     }
98     if !tcx.sess.crate_types().contains(&rustc_session::config::CrateType::Executable) {
99         tcx.sess.fatal("can't jit non-executable crate");
100     }
102     let (mut jit_module, mut cx) = create_jit_module(
103         tcx,
104         &backend_config,
105         matches!(backend_config.codegen_mode, CodegenMode::JitLazy),
106     );
108     let (_, cgus) = tcx.collect_and_partition_mono_items(());
109     let mono_items = cgus
110         .iter()
111         .map(|cgu| cgu.items_in_deterministic_order(tcx).into_iter())
112         .flatten()
113         .collect::<FxHashMap<_, (_, _)>>()
114         .into_iter()
115         .collect::<Vec<(_, (_, _))>>();
117     super::time(tcx, backend_config.display_cg_time, "codegen mono items", || {
118         super::predefine_mono_items(tcx, &mut jit_module, &mono_items);
119         for (mono_item, _) in mono_items {
120             match mono_item {
121                 MonoItem::Fn(inst) => match backend_config.codegen_mode {
122                     CodegenMode::Aot => unreachable!(),
123                     CodegenMode::Jit => {
124                         cx.tcx.sess.time("codegen fn", || {
125                             crate::base::codegen_fn(&mut cx, &mut jit_module, inst)
126                         });
127                     }
128                     CodegenMode::JitLazy => codegen_shim(&mut cx, &mut jit_module, inst),
129                 },
130                 MonoItem::Static(def_id) => {
131                     crate::constant::codegen_static(tcx, &mut jit_module, def_id);
132                 }
133                 MonoItem::GlobalAsm(item_id) => {
134                     let item = tcx.hir().item(item_id);
135                     tcx.sess.span_fatal(item.span, "Global asm is not supported in JIT mode");
136                 }
137             }
138         }
139     });
141     if !cx.global_asm.is_empty() {
142         tcx.sess.fatal("Inline asm is not supported in JIT mode");
143     }
145     tcx.sess.abort_if_errors();
147     jit_module.finalize_definitions();
148     unsafe { cx.unwind_context.register_jit(&jit_module) };
150     println!(
151         "Rustc codegen cranelift will JIT run the executable, because -Cllvm-args=mode=jit was passed"
152     );
154     let args = std::iter::once(&*tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE).as_str().to_string())
155         .chain(backend_config.jit_args.iter().map(|arg| &**arg))
156         .map(|arg| CString::new(arg).unwrap())
157         .collect::<Vec<_>>();
159     let start_sig = Signature {
160         params: vec![
161             AbiParam::new(jit_module.target_config().pointer_type()),
162             AbiParam::new(jit_module.target_config().pointer_type()),
163         ],
164         returns: vec![AbiParam::new(jit_module.target_config().pointer_type() /*isize*/)],
165         call_conv: jit_module.target_config().default_call_conv,
166     };
167     let start_func_id = jit_module.declare_function("main", Linkage::Import, &start_sig).unwrap();
168     let finalized_start: *const u8 = jit_module.get_finalized_function(start_func_id);
170     LAZY_JIT_STATE.with(|lazy_jit_state| {
171         let mut lazy_jit_state = lazy_jit_state.borrow_mut();
172         assert!(lazy_jit_state.is_none());
173         *lazy_jit_state = Some(JitState { backend_config, jit_module });
174     });
176     let f: extern "C" fn(c_int, *const *const c_char) -> c_int =
177         unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(finalized_start) };
179     let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
180     GLOBAL_MESSAGE_SENDER.set(Mutex::new(tx)).unwrap();
182     // Spawn the jitted runtime in a new thread so that this rustc thread can handle messages
183     // (eg to lazily JIT further functions as required)
184     std::thread::spawn(move || {
185         let mut argv = args.iter().map(|arg| arg.as_ptr()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
187         // Push a null pointer as a terminating argument. This is required by POSIX and
188         // useful as some dynamic linkers use it as a marker to jump over.
189         argv.push(std::ptr::null());
191         let ret = f(args.len() as c_int, argv.as_ptr());
192         std::process::exit(ret);
193     });
195     // Handle messages
196     loop {
197         match rx.recv().unwrap() {
198             // lazy JIT compilation request - compile requested instance and return pointer to result
199             UnsafeMessage::JitFn { instance_ptr, trampoline_ptr, tx } => {
200                 tx.send(jit_fn(instance_ptr, trampoline_ptr))
201                     .expect("jitted runtime hung up before response to lazy JIT request was sent");
202             }
203         }
204     }
205 }
207 #[no_mangle]
__clif_jit_fn( instance_ptr: *const Instance<'static>, trampoline_ptr: *const u8, ) -> *const u8208 extern "C" fn __clif_jit_fn(
209     instance_ptr: *const Instance<'static>,
210     trampoline_ptr: *const u8,
211 ) -> *const u8 {
212     // send the JIT request to the rustc thread, with a channel for the response
213     let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
214     UnsafeMessage::JitFn { instance_ptr, trampoline_ptr, tx }
215         .send()
216         .expect("rustc thread hung up before lazy JIT request was sent");
218     // block on JIT compilation result
219     rx.recv().expect("rustc thread hung up before responding to sent lazy JIT request")
220 }
jit_fn(instance_ptr: *const Instance<'static>, trampoline_ptr: *const u8) -> *const u8222 fn jit_fn(instance_ptr: *const Instance<'static>, trampoline_ptr: *const u8) -> *const u8 {
223     rustc_middle::ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
224         // lift is used to ensure the correct lifetime for instance.
225         let instance = tcx.lift(unsafe { *instance_ptr }).unwrap();
227         LAZY_JIT_STATE.with(|lazy_jit_state| {
228             let mut lazy_jit_state = lazy_jit_state.borrow_mut();
229             let lazy_jit_state = lazy_jit_state.as_mut().unwrap();
230             let jit_module = &mut lazy_jit_state.jit_module;
231             let backend_config = lazy_jit_state.backend_config.clone();
233             let name = tcx.symbol_name(instance).name;
234             let sig = crate::abi::get_function_sig(tcx, jit_module.isa().triple(), instance);
235             let func_id = jit_module.declare_function(name, Linkage::Export, &sig).unwrap();
237             let current_ptr = jit_module.read_got_entry(func_id);
239             // If the function's GOT entry has already been updated to point at something other
240             // than the shim trampoline, don't re-jit but just return the new pointer instead.
241             // This does not need synchronization as this code is executed only by a sole rustc
242             // thread.
243             if current_ptr != trampoline_ptr {
244                 return current_ptr;
245             }
247             jit_module.prepare_for_function_redefine(func_id).unwrap();
249             let mut cx = crate::CodegenCx::new(tcx, backend_config, jit_module.isa(), false);
250             tcx.sess.time("codegen fn", || crate::base::codegen_fn(&mut cx, jit_module, instance));
252             assert!(cx.global_asm.is_empty());
253             jit_module.finalize_definitions();
254             unsafe { cx.unwind_context.register_jit(&jit_module) };
255             jit_module.get_finalized_function(func_id)
256         })
257     })
258 }
load_imported_symbols_for_jit( sess: &Session, crate_info: CrateInfo, ) -> Vec<(String, *const u8)>260 fn load_imported_symbols_for_jit(
261     sess: &Session,
262     crate_info: CrateInfo,
263 ) -> Vec<(String, *const u8)> {
264     use rustc_middle::middle::dependency_format::Linkage;
266     let mut dylib_paths = Vec::new();
268     let data = &crate_info
269         .dependency_formats
270         .iter()
271         .find(|(crate_type, _data)| *crate_type == rustc_session::config::CrateType::Executable)
272         .unwrap()
273         .1;
274     for &cnum in &crate_info.used_crates {
275         let src = &crate_info.used_crate_source[&cnum];
276         match data[cnum.as_usize() - 1] {
277             Linkage::NotLinked | Linkage::IncludedFromDylib => {}
278             Linkage::Static => {
279                 let name = &crate_info.crate_name[&cnum];
280                 let mut err = sess.struct_err(&format!("Can't load static lib {}", name.as_str()));
281                 err.note("rustc_codegen_cranelift can only load dylibs in JIT mode.");
282                 err.emit();
283             }
284             Linkage::Dynamic => {
285                 dylib_paths.push(src.dylib.as_ref().unwrap().0.clone());
286             }
287         }
288     }
290     let mut imported_symbols = Vec::new();
291     for path in dylib_paths {
292         use object::{Object, ObjectSymbol};
293         let lib = libloading::Library::new(&path).unwrap();
294         let obj = std::fs::read(path).unwrap();
295         let obj = object::File::parse(&*obj).unwrap();
296         imported_symbols.extend(obj.dynamic_symbols().filter_map(|symbol| {
297             let name = symbol.name().unwrap().to_string();
298             if name.is_empty() || !symbol.is_global() || symbol.is_undefined() {
299                 return None;
300             }
301             if name.starts_with("rust_metadata_") {
302                 // The metadata is part of a section that is not loaded by the dynamic linker in
303                 // case of cg_llvm.
304                 return None;
305             }
306             let dlsym_name = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
307                 // On macOS `dlsym` expects the name without leading `_`.
308                 assert!(name.starts_with('_'), "{:?}", name);
309                 &name[1..]
310             } else {
311                 &name
312             };
313             let symbol: libloading::Symbol<'_, *const u8> =
314                 unsafe { lib.get(dlsym_name.as_bytes()) }.unwrap();
315             Some((name, *symbol))
316         }));
317         std::mem::forget(lib)
318     }
320     sess.abort_if_errors();
322     imported_symbols
323 }
codegen_shim<'tcx>(cx: &mut CodegenCx<'tcx>, module: &mut JITModule, inst: Instance<'tcx>)325 fn codegen_shim<'tcx>(cx: &mut CodegenCx<'tcx>, module: &mut JITModule, inst: Instance<'tcx>) {
326     let tcx = cx.tcx;
328     let pointer_type = module.target_config().pointer_type();
330     let name = tcx.symbol_name(inst).name;
331     let sig = crate::abi::get_function_sig(tcx, module.isa().triple(), inst);
332     let func_id = module.declare_function(name, Linkage::Export, &sig).unwrap();
334     let instance_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(inst));
336     let jit_fn = module
337         .declare_function(
338             "__clif_jit_fn",
339             Linkage::Import,
340             &Signature {
341                 call_conv: module.target_config().default_call_conv,
342                 params: vec![AbiParam::new(pointer_type), AbiParam::new(pointer_type)],
343                 returns: vec![AbiParam::new(pointer_type)],
344             },
345         )
346         .unwrap();
348     cx.cached_context.clear();
349     let trampoline = &mut cx.cached_context.func;
350     trampoline.signature = sig.clone();
352     let mut builder_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
353     let mut trampoline_builder = FunctionBuilder::new(trampoline, &mut builder_ctx);
355     let trampoline_fn = module.declare_func_in_func(func_id, trampoline_builder.func);
356     let jit_fn = module.declare_func_in_func(jit_fn, trampoline_builder.func);
357     let sig_ref = trampoline_builder.func.import_signature(sig);
359     let entry_block = trampoline_builder.create_block();
360     trampoline_builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(entry_block);
361     let fn_args = trampoline_builder.func.dfg.block_params(entry_block).to_vec();
363     trampoline_builder.switch_to_block(entry_block);
364     let instance_ptr = trampoline_builder.ins().iconst(pointer_type, instance_ptr as u64 as i64);
365     let trampoline_ptr = trampoline_builder.ins().func_addr(pointer_type, trampoline_fn);
366     let jitted_fn = trampoline_builder.ins().call(jit_fn, &[instance_ptr, trampoline_ptr]);
367     let jitted_fn = trampoline_builder.func.dfg.inst_results(jitted_fn)[0];
368     let call_inst = trampoline_builder.ins().call_indirect(sig_ref, jitted_fn, &fn_args);
369     let ret_vals = trampoline_builder.func.dfg.inst_results(call_inst).to_vec();
370     trampoline_builder.ins().return_(&ret_vals);
372     module
373         .define_function(
374             func_id,
375             &mut cx.cached_context,
376             &mut NullTrapSink {},
377             &mut NullStackMapSink {},
378         )
379         .unwrap();
380 }