1 use rustc_middle::ty::fold::{TypeFoldable, TypeFolder};
2 use rustc_middle::ty::{self, ConstVid, FloatVid, IntVid, RegionVid, Ty, TyCtxt, TyVid};
4 use super::type_variable::TypeVariableOrigin;
5 use super::InferCtxt;
6 use super::{ConstVariableOrigin, RegionVariableOrigin, UnificationTable};
8 use rustc_data_structures::snapshot_vec as sv;
9 use rustc_data_structures::unify as ut;
10 use ut::UnifyKey;
12 use std::ops::Range;
vars_since_snapshot<'tcx, T>( table: &mut UnificationTable<'_, 'tcx, T>, snapshot_var_len: usize, ) -> Range<T> where T: UnifyKey, super::UndoLog<'tcx>: From<sv::UndoLog<ut::Delegate<T>>>,14 fn vars_since_snapshot<'tcx, T>(
15     table: &mut UnificationTable<'_, 'tcx, T>,
16     snapshot_var_len: usize,
17 ) -> Range<T>
18 where
19     T: UnifyKey,
20     super::UndoLog<'tcx>: From<sv::UndoLog<ut::Delegate<T>>>,
21 {
22     T::from_index(snapshot_var_len as u32)..T::from_index(table.len() as u32)
23 }
const_vars_since_snapshot<'tcx>( table: &mut UnificationTable<'_, 'tcx, ConstVid<'tcx>>, snapshot_var_len: usize, ) -> (Range<ConstVid<'tcx>>, Vec<ConstVariableOrigin>)25 fn const_vars_since_snapshot<'tcx>(
26     table: &mut UnificationTable<'_, 'tcx, ConstVid<'tcx>>,
27     snapshot_var_len: usize,
28 ) -> (Range<ConstVid<'tcx>>, Vec<ConstVariableOrigin>) {
29     let range = vars_since_snapshot(table, snapshot_var_len);
30     (
31         range.start..range.end,
32         (range.start.index..range.end.index)
33             .map(|index| table.probe_value(ConstVid::from_index(index)).origin)
34             .collect(),
35     )
36 }
38 struct VariableLengths {
39     type_var_len: usize,
40     const_var_len: usize,
41     int_var_len: usize,
42     float_var_len: usize,
43     region_constraints_len: usize,
44 }
46 impl<'a, 'tcx> InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
variable_lengths(&self) -> VariableLengths47     fn variable_lengths(&self) -> VariableLengths {
48         let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
49         VariableLengths {
50             type_var_len: inner.type_variables().num_vars(),
51             const_var_len: inner.const_unification_table().len(),
52             int_var_len: inner.int_unification_table().len(),
53             float_var_len: inner.float_unification_table().len(),
54             region_constraints_len: inner.unwrap_region_constraints().num_region_vars(),
55         }
56     }
58     /// This rather funky routine is used while processing expected
59     /// types. What happens here is that we want to propagate a
60     /// coercion through the return type of a fn to its
61     /// argument. Consider the type of `Option::Some`, which is
62     /// basically `for<T> fn(T) -> Option<T>`. So if we have an
63     /// expression `Some(&[1, 2, 3])`, and that has the expected type
64     /// `Option<&[u32]>`, we would like to type check `&[1, 2, 3]`
65     /// with the expectation of `&[u32]`. This will cause us to coerce
66     /// from `&[u32; 3]` to `&[u32]` and make the users life more
67     /// pleasant.
68     ///
69     /// The way we do this is using `fudge_inference_if_ok`. What the
70     /// routine actually does is to start a snapshot and execute the
71     /// closure `f`. In our example above, what this closure will do
72     /// is to unify the expectation (`Option<&[u32]>`) with the actual
73     /// return type (`Option<?T>`, where `?T` represents the variable
74     /// instantiated for `T`). This will cause `?T` to be unified
75     /// with `&?a [u32]`, where `?a` is a fresh lifetime variable. The
76     /// input type (`?T`) is then returned by `f()`.
77     ///
78     /// At this point, `fudge_inference_if_ok` will normalize all type
79     /// variables, converting `?T` to `&?a [u32]` and end the
80     /// snapshot. The problem is that we can't just return this type
81     /// out, because it references the region variable `?a`, and that
82     /// region variable was popped when we popped the snapshot.
83     ///
84     /// So what we do is to keep a list (`region_vars`, in the code below)
85     /// of region variables created during the snapshot (here, `?a`). We
86     /// fold the return value and replace any such regions with a *new*
87     /// region variable (e.g., `?b`) and return the result (`&?b [u32]`).
88     /// This can then be used as the expectation for the fn argument.
89     ///
90     /// The important point here is that, for soundness purposes, the
91     /// regions in question are not particularly important. We will
92     /// use the expected types to guide coercions, but we will still
93     /// type-check the resulting types from those coercions against
94     /// the actual types (`?T`, `Option<?T>`) -- and remember that
95     /// after the snapshot is popped, the variable `?T` is no longer
96     /// unified.
97     #[instrument(skip(self, f), level = "debug")]
fudge_inference_if_ok<T, E, F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<T, E> where F: FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>, T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>,98     pub fn fudge_inference_if_ok<T, E, F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<T, E>
99     where
100         F: FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>,
101         T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>,
102     {
103         let variable_lengths = self.variable_lengths();
104         let (mut fudger, value) = self.probe(|_| {
105             match f() {
106                 Ok(value) => {
107                     let value = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(value);
109                     // At this point, `value` could in principle refer
110                     // to inference variables that have been created during
111                     // the snapshot. Once we exit `probe()`, those are
112                     // going to be popped, so we will have to
113                     // eliminate any references to them.
115                     let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
116                     let type_vars =
117                         inner.type_variables().vars_since_snapshot(variable_lengths.type_var_len);
118                     let int_vars = vars_since_snapshot(
119                         &mut inner.int_unification_table(),
120                         variable_lengths.int_var_len,
121                     );
122                     let float_vars = vars_since_snapshot(
123                         &mut inner.float_unification_table(),
124                         variable_lengths.float_var_len,
125                     );
126                     let region_vars = inner
127                         .unwrap_region_constraints()
128                         .vars_since_snapshot(variable_lengths.region_constraints_len);
129                     let const_vars = const_vars_since_snapshot(
130                         &mut inner.const_unification_table(),
131                         variable_lengths.const_var_len,
132                     );
134                     let fudger = InferenceFudger {
135                         infcx: self,
136                         type_vars,
137                         int_vars,
138                         float_vars,
139                         region_vars,
140                         const_vars,
141                     };
143                     Ok((fudger, value))
144                 }
145                 Err(e) => Err(e),
146             }
147         })?;
149         // At this point, we need to replace any of the now-popped
150         // type/region variables that appear in `value` with a fresh
151         // variable of the appropriate kind. We can't do this during
152         // the probe because they would just get popped then too. =)
154         // Micro-optimization: if no variables have been created, then
155         // `value` can't refer to any of them. =) So we can just return it.
156         if fudger.type_vars.0.is_empty()
157             && fudger.int_vars.is_empty()
158             && fudger.float_vars.is_empty()
159             && fudger.region_vars.0.is_empty()
160             && fudger.const_vars.0.is_empty()
161         {
162             Ok(value)
163         } else {
164             Ok(value.fold_with(&mut fudger))
165         }
166     }
167 }
169 pub struct InferenceFudger<'a, 'tcx> {
170     infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
171     type_vars: (Range<TyVid>, Vec<TypeVariableOrigin>),
172     int_vars: Range<IntVid>,
173     float_vars: Range<FloatVid>,
174     region_vars: (Range<RegionVid>, Vec<RegionVariableOrigin>),
175     const_vars: (Range<ConstVid<'tcx>>, Vec<ConstVariableOrigin>),
176 }
178 impl<'a, 'tcx> TypeFolder<'tcx> for InferenceFudger<'a, 'tcx> {
tcx<'b>(&'b self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx>179     fn tcx<'b>(&'b self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
180         self.infcx.tcx
181     }
fold_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>183     fn fold_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
184         match *ty.kind() {
185             ty::Infer(ty::InferTy::TyVar(vid)) => {
186                 if self.type_vars.0.contains(&vid) {
187                     // This variable was created during the fudging.
188                     // Recreate it with a fresh variable here.
189                     let idx = (vid.as_usize() - self.type_vars.0.start.as_usize()) as usize;
190                     let origin = self.type_vars.1[idx];
191                     self.infcx.next_ty_var(origin)
192                 } else {
193                     // This variable was created before the
194                     // "fudging". Since we refresh all type
195                     // variables to their binding anyhow, we know
196                     // that it is unbound, so we can just return
197                     // it.
198                     debug_assert!(
199                         self.infcx.inner.borrow_mut().type_variables().probe(vid).is_unknown()
200                     );
201                     ty
202                 }
203             }
204             ty::Infer(ty::InferTy::IntVar(vid)) => {
205                 if self.int_vars.contains(&vid) {
206                     self.infcx.next_int_var()
207                 } else {
208                     ty
209                 }
210             }
211             ty::Infer(ty::InferTy::FloatVar(vid)) => {
212                 if self.float_vars.contains(&vid) {
213                     self.infcx.next_float_var()
214                 } else {
215                     ty
216                 }
217             }
218             _ => ty.super_fold_with(self),
219         }
220     }
fold_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx>222     fn fold_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
223         if let ty::ReVar(vid) = *r {
224             if self.region_vars.0.contains(&vid) {
225                 let idx = vid.index() - self.region_vars.0.start.index();
226                 let origin = self.region_vars.1[idx];
227                 return self.infcx.next_region_var(origin);
228             }
229         }
230         r
231     }
fold_const(&mut self, ct: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>) -> &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>233     fn fold_const(&mut self, ct: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>) -> &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx> {
234         if let ty::Const { val: ty::ConstKind::Infer(ty::InferConst::Var(vid)), ty } = ct {
235             if self.const_vars.0.contains(&vid) {
236                 // This variable was created during the fudging.
237                 // Recreate it with a fresh variable here.
238                 let idx = (vid.index - self.const_vars.0.start.index) as usize;
239                 let origin = self.const_vars.1[idx];
240                 self.infcx.next_const_var(ty, origin)
241             } else {
242                 ct
243             }
244         } else {
245             ct.super_fold_with(self)
246         }
247     }
248 }