1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# ignore-tidy-linelength
5from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
6import sys
7import os
8rust_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
9rust_dir = os.path.dirname(rust_dir)
10rust_dir = os.path.dirname(rust_dir)
11sys.path.append(os.path.join(rust_dir, "src", "bootstrap"))
12import bootstrap
15class Option(object):
16    def __init__(self, name, rustbuild, desc, value):
17        self.name = name
18        self.rustbuild = rustbuild
19        self.desc = desc
20        self.value = value
23options = []
26def o(*args):
27    options.append(Option(*args, value=False))
30def v(*args):
31    options.append(Option(*args, value=True))
34o("debug", "rust.debug", "enables debugging environment; does not affect optimization of bootstrapped code (use `--disable-optimize` for that)")
35o("docs", "build.docs", "build standard library documentation")
36o("compiler-docs", "build.compiler-docs", "build compiler documentation")
37o("optimize-tests", "rust.optimize-tests", "build tests with optimizations")
38o("parallel-compiler", "rust.parallel-compiler", "build a multi-threaded rustc")
39o("verbose-tests", "rust.verbose-tests", "enable verbose output when running tests")
40o("ccache", "llvm.ccache", "invoke gcc/clang via ccache to reuse object files between builds")
41o("sccache", None, "invoke gcc/clang via sccache to reuse object files between builds")
42o("local-rust", None, "use an installed rustc rather than downloading a snapshot")
43v("local-rust-root", None, "set prefix for local rust binary")
44o("local-rebuild", "build.local-rebuild", "assume local-rust matches the current version, for rebuilds; implies local-rust, and is implied if local-rust already matches the current version")
45o("llvm-static-stdcpp", "llvm.static-libstdcpp", "statically link to libstdc++ for LLVM")
46o("llvm-link-shared", "llvm.link-shared", "prefer shared linking to LLVM (llvm-config --link-shared)")
47o("rpath", "rust.rpath", "build rpaths into rustc itself")
48o("llvm-version-check", "llvm.version-check", "check if the LLVM version is supported, build anyway")
49o("codegen-tests", "rust.codegen-tests", "run the src/test/codegen tests")
50o("option-checking", None, "complain about unrecognized options in this configure script")
51o("ninja", "llvm.ninja", "build LLVM using the Ninja generator (for MSVC, requires building in the correct environment)")
52o("locked-deps", "build.locked-deps", "force Cargo.lock to be up to date")
53o("vendor", "build.vendor", "enable usage of vendored Rust crates")
54o("sanitizers", "build.sanitizers", "build the sanitizer runtimes (asan, lsan, msan, tsan, hwasan)")
55o("dist-src", "rust.dist-src", "when building tarballs enables building a source tarball")
56o("cargo-native-static", "build.cargo-native-static", "static native libraries in cargo")
57o("profiler", "build.profiler", "build the profiler runtime")
58o("full-tools", None, "enable all tools")
59o("lld", "rust.lld", "build lld")
60o("clang", "llvm.clang", "build clang")
61o("missing-tools", "dist.missing-tools", "allow failures when building tools")
62o("use-libcxx", "llvm.use-libcxx", "build LLVM with libc++")
63o("control-flow-guard", "rust.control-flow-guard", "Enable Control Flow Guard")
65v("llvm-cflags", "llvm.cflags", "build LLVM with these extra compiler flags")
66v("llvm-cxxflags", "llvm.cxxflags", "build LLVM with these extra compiler flags")
67v("llvm-ldflags", "llvm.ldflags", "build LLVM with these extra linker flags")
69v("llvm-libunwind", "rust.llvm-libunwind", "use LLVM libunwind")
71# Optimization and debugging options. These may be overridden by the release
72# channel, etc.
73o("optimize", "rust.optimize", "build optimized rust code")
74o("optimize-llvm", "llvm.optimize", "build optimized LLVM")
75o("llvm-assertions", "llvm.assertions", "build LLVM with assertions")
76o("llvm-plugins", "llvm.plugins", "build LLVM with plugin interface")
77o("debug-assertions", "rust.debug-assertions", "build with debugging assertions")
78o("debug-assertions-std", "rust.debug-assertions-std", "build the standard library with debugging assertions")
79o("overflow-checks", "rust.overflow-checks", "build with overflow checks")
80o("overflow-checks-std", "rust.overflow-checks-std", "build the standard library with overflow checks")
81o("llvm-release-debuginfo", "llvm.release-debuginfo", "build LLVM with debugger metadata")
82v("debuginfo-level", "rust.debuginfo-level", "debuginfo level for Rust code")
83v("debuginfo-level-rustc", "rust.debuginfo-level-rustc", "debuginfo level for the compiler")
84v("debuginfo-level-std", "rust.debuginfo-level-std", "debuginfo level for the standard library")
85v("debuginfo-level-tools", "rust.debuginfo-level-tools", "debuginfo level for the tools")
86v("debuginfo-level-tests", "rust.debuginfo-level-tests", "debuginfo level for the test suites run with compiletest")
87v("save-toolstates", "rust.save-toolstates", "save build and test status of external tools into this file")
89v("prefix", "install.prefix", "set installation prefix")
90v("localstatedir", "install.localstatedir", "local state directory")
91v("datadir", "install.datadir", "install data")
92v("sysconfdir", "install.sysconfdir", "install system configuration files")
93v("infodir", "install.infodir", "install additional info")
94v("libdir", "install.libdir", "install libraries")
95v("mandir", "install.mandir", "install man pages in PATH")
96v("docdir", "install.docdir", "install documentation in PATH")
97v("bindir", "install.bindir", "install binaries")
99v("llvm-root", None, "set LLVM root")
100v("llvm-config", None, "set path to llvm-config")
101v("llvm-filecheck", None, "set path to LLVM's FileCheck utility")
102v("python", "build.python", "set path to python")
103v("android-cross-path", "target.arm-linux-androideabi.android-ndk",
104  "Android NDK standalone path (deprecated)")
105v("i686-linux-android-ndk", "target.i686-linux-android.android-ndk",
106  "i686-linux-android NDK standalone path")
107v("arm-linux-androideabi-ndk", "target.arm-linux-androideabi.android-ndk",
108  "arm-linux-androideabi NDK standalone path")
109v("armv7-linux-androideabi-ndk", "target.armv7-linux-androideabi.android-ndk",
110  "armv7-linux-androideabi NDK standalone path")
111v("thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi-ndk", "target.thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi.android-ndk",
112  "thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi NDK standalone path")
113v("aarch64-linux-android-ndk", "target.aarch64-linux-android.android-ndk",
114  "aarch64-linux-android NDK standalone path")
115v("x86_64-linux-android-ndk", "target.x86_64-linux-android.android-ndk",
116  "x86_64-linux-android NDK standalone path")
117v("musl-root", "target.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.musl-root",
118  "MUSL root installation directory (deprecated)")
119v("musl-root-x86_64", "target.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.musl-root",
120  "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl install directory")
121v("musl-root-i586", "target.i586-unknown-linux-musl.musl-root",
122  "i586-unknown-linux-musl install directory")
123v("musl-root-i686", "target.i686-unknown-linux-musl.musl-root",
124  "i686-unknown-linux-musl install directory")
125v("musl-root-arm", "target.arm-unknown-linux-musleabi.musl-root",
126  "arm-unknown-linux-musleabi install directory")
127v("musl-root-armhf", "target.arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf.musl-root",
128  "arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf install directory")
129v("musl-root-armv5te", "target.armv5te-unknown-linux-musleabi.musl-root",
130  "armv5te-unknown-linux-musleabi install directory")
131v("musl-root-armv7", "target.armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi.musl-root",
132  "armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi install directory")
133v("musl-root-armv7hf", "target.armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf.musl-root",
134  "armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf install directory")
135v("musl-root-aarch64", "target.aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.musl-root",
136  "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl install directory")
137v("musl-root-mips", "target.mips-unknown-linux-musl.musl-root",
138  "mips-unknown-linux-musl install directory")
139v("musl-root-mipsel", "target.mipsel-unknown-linux-musl.musl-root",
140  "mipsel-unknown-linux-musl install directory")
141v("musl-root-mips64", "target.mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64.musl-root",
142  "mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64 install directory")
143v("musl-root-mips64el", "target.mips64el-unknown-linux-muslabi64.musl-root",
144  "mips64el-unknown-linux-muslabi64 install directory")
145v("qemu-armhf-rootfs", "target.arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.qemu-rootfs",
146  "rootfs in qemu testing, you probably don't want to use this")
147v("qemu-aarch64-rootfs", "target.aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.qemu-rootfs",
148  "rootfs in qemu testing, you probably don't want to use this")
149v("qemu-riscv64-rootfs", "target.riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu.qemu-rootfs",
150  "rootfs in qemu testing, you probably don't want to use this")
151v("experimental-targets", "llvm.experimental-targets",
152  "experimental LLVM targets to build")
153v("release-channel", "rust.channel", "the name of the release channel to build")
154v("release-description", "rust.description", "optional descriptive string for version output")
155v("dist-compression-formats", None,
156  "comma-separated list of compression formats to use")
158# Used on systems where "cc" is unavailable
159v("default-linker", "rust.default-linker", "the default linker")
161# Many of these are saved below during the "writing configuration" step
162# (others are conditionally saved).
163o("manage-submodules", "build.submodules", "let the build manage the git submodules")
164o("full-bootstrap", "build.full-bootstrap", "build three compilers instead of two")
165o("extended", "build.extended", "build an extended rust tool set")
167v("tools", None, "List of extended tools will be installed")
168v("codegen-backends", None, "List of codegen backends to build")
169v("build", "build.build", "GNUs ./configure syntax LLVM build triple")
170v("host", None, "GNUs ./configure syntax LLVM host triples")
171v("target", None, "GNUs ./configure syntax LLVM target triples")
173v("set", None, "set arbitrary key/value pairs in TOML configuration")
176def p(msg):
177    print("configure: " + msg)
180def err(msg):
181    print("configure: error: " + msg)
182    sys.exit(1)
185if '--help' in sys.argv or '-h' in sys.argv:
186    print('Usage: ./configure [options]')
187    print('')
188    print('Options')
189    for option in options:
190        if 'android' in option.name:
191            # no one needs to know about these obscure options
192            continue
193        if option.value:
194            print('\t{:30} {}'.format('--{}=VAL'.format(option.name), option.desc))
195        else:
196            print('\t{:30} {}'.format('--enable-{}'.format(option.name), option.desc))
197    print('')
198    print('This configure script is a thin configuration shim over the true')
199    print('configuration system, `config.toml`. You can explore the comments')
200    print('in `config.toml.example` next to this configure script to see')
201    print('more information about what each option is. Additionally you can')
202    print('pass `--set` as an argument to set arbitrary key/value pairs')
203    print('in the TOML configuration if desired')
204    print('')
205    print('Also note that all options which take `--enable` can similarly')
206    print('be passed with `--disable-foo` to forcibly disable the option')
207    sys.exit(0)
209# Parse all command line arguments into one of these three lists, handling
210# boolean and value-based options separately
211unknown_args = []
212need_value_args = []
213known_args = {}
215p("processing command line")
216i = 1
217while i < len(sys.argv):
218    arg = sys.argv[i]
219    i += 1
220    if not arg.startswith('--'):
221        unknown_args.append(arg)
222        continue
224    found = False
225    for option in options:
226        value = None
227        if option.value:
228            keyval = arg[2:].split('=', 1)
229            key = keyval[0]
230            if option.name != key:
231                continue
233            if len(keyval) > 1:
234                value = keyval[1]
235            elif i < len(sys.argv):
236                value = sys.argv[i]
237                i += 1
238            else:
239                need_value_args.append(arg)
240                continue
241        else:
242            if arg[2:] == 'enable-' + option.name:
243                value = True
244            elif arg[2:] == 'disable-' + option.name:
245                value = False
246            else:
247                continue
249        found = True
250        if option.name not in known_args:
251            known_args[option.name] = []
252        known_args[option.name].append((option, value))
253        break
255    if not found:
256        unknown_args.append(arg)
259# Note: here and a few other places, we use [-1] to apply the *last* value
260# passed.  But if option-checking is enabled, then the known_args loop will
261# also assert that options are only passed once.
262option_checking = ('option-checking' not in known_args
263                   or known_args['option-checking'][-1][1])
264if option_checking:
265    if len(unknown_args) > 0:
266        err("Option '" + unknown_args[0] + "' is not recognized")
267    if len(need_value_args) > 0:
268        err("Option '{0}' needs a value ({0}=val)".format(need_value_args[0]))
270# Parse all known arguments into a configuration structure that reflects the
271# TOML we're going to write out
272config = {}
275def build():
276    if 'build' in known_args:
277        return known_args['build'][-1][1]
278    return bootstrap.default_build_triple(verbose=False)
281def set(key, value):
282    s = "{:20} := {}".format(key, value)
283    if len(s) < 70:
284        p(s)
285    else:
286        p(s[:70] + " ...")
288    arr = config
289    parts = key.split('.')
290    for i, part in enumerate(parts):
291        if i == len(parts) - 1:
292            arr[part] = value
293        else:
294            if part not in arr:
295                arr[part] = {}
296            arr = arr[part]
299for key in known_args:
300    # The `set` option is special and can be passed a bunch of times
301    if key == 'set':
302        for option, value in known_args[key]:
303            keyval = value.split('=', 1)
304            if len(keyval) == 1 or keyval[1] == "true":
305                value = True
306            elif keyval[1] == "false":
307                value = False
308            else:
309                value = keyval[1]
310            set(keyval[0], value)
311        continue
313    # Ensure each option is only passed once
314    arr = known_args[key]
315    if option_checking and len(arr) > 1:
316        err("Option '{}' provided more than once".format(key))
317    option, value = arr[-1]
319    # If we have a clear avenue to set our value in rustbuild, do so
320    if option.rustbuild is not None:
321        set(option.rustbuild, value)
322        continue
324    # Otherwise we're a "special" option and need some extra handling, so do
325    # that here.
326    if option.name == 'sccache':
327        set('llvm.ccache', 'sccache')
328    elif option.name == 'local-rust':
329        for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
330            if os.path.exists(path + '/rustc'):
331                set('build.rustc', path + '/rustc')
332                break
333        for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
334            if os.path.exists(path + '/cargo'):
335                set('build.cargo', path + '/cargo')
336                break
337    elif option.name == 'local-rust-root':
338        set('build.rustc', value + '/bin/rustc')
339        set('build.cargo', value + '/bin/cargo')
340    elif option.name == 'llvm-root':
341        set('target.{}.llvm-config'.format(build()), value + '/bin/llvm-config')
342    elif option.name == 'llvm-config':
343        set('target.{}.llvm-config'.format(build()), value)
344    elif option.name == 'llvm-filecheck':
345        set('target.{}.llvm-filecheck'.format(build()), value)
346    elif option.name == 'tools':
347        set('build.tools', value.split(','))
348    elif option.name == 'codegen-backends':
349        set('rust.codegen-backends', value.split(','))
350    elif option.name == 'host':
351        set('build.host', value.split(','))
352    elif option.name == 'target':
353        set('build.target', value.split(','))
354    elif option.name == 'full-tools':
355        set('rust.codegen-backends', ['llvm'])
356        set('rust.lld', True)
357        set('rust.llvm-tools', True)
358        set('build.extended', True)
359    elif option.name == 'option-checking':
360        # this was handled above
361        pass
362    elif option.name == 'dist-compression-formats':
363        set('dist.compression-formats', value.split(','))
364    else:
365        raise RuntimeError("unhandled option {}".format(option.name))
367set('build.configure-args', sys.argv[1:])
369# "Parse" the `config.toml.example` file into the various sections, and we'll
370# use this as a template of a `config.toml` to write out which preserves
371# all the various comments and whatnot.
373# Note that the `target` section is handled separately as we'll duplicate it
374# per configured target, so there's a bit of special handling for that here.
375sections = {}
376cur_section = None
377sections[None] = []
378section_order = [None]
379targets = {}
381for line in open(rust_dir + '/config.toml.example').read().split("\n"):
382    if line.startswith('['):
383        cur_section = line[1:-1]
384        if cur_section.startswith('target'):
385            cur_section = 'target'
386        elif '.' in cur_section:
387            raise RuntimeError("don't know how to deal with section: {}".format(cur_section))
388        sections[cur_section] = [line]
389        section_order.append(cur_section)
390    else:
391        sections[cur_section].append(line)
393# Fill out the `targets` array by giving all configured targets a copy of the
394# `target` section we just loaded from the example config
395configured_targets = [build()]
396if 'build' in config:
397    if 'host' in config['build']:
398        configured_targets += config['build']['host']
399    if 'target' in config['build']:
400        configured_targets += config['build']['target']
401if 'target' in config:
402    for target in config['target']:
403        configured_targets.append(target)
404for target in configured_targets:
405    targets[target] = sections['target'][:]
406    targets[target][0] = targets[target][0].replace("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", target)
409def is_number(value):
410    try:
411        float(value)
412        return True
413    except ValueError:
414        return False
417# Here we walk through the constructed configuration we have from the parsed
418# command line arguments. We then apply each piece of configuration by
419# basically just doing a `sed` to change the various configuration line to what
420# we've got configure.
421def to_toml(value):
422    if isinstance(value, bool):
423        if value:
424            return "true"
425        else:
426            return "false"
427    elif isinstance(value, list):
428        return '[' + ', '.join(map(to_toml, value)) + ']'
429    elif isinstance(value, str):
430        # Don't put quotes around numeric values
431        if is_number(value):
432            return value
433        else:
434            return "'" + value + "'"
435    else:
436        raise RuntimeError('no toml')
439def configure_section(lines, config):
440    for key in config:
441        value = config[key]
442        found = False
443        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
444            if not line.startswith('#' + key + ' = '):
445                continue
446            found = True
447            lines[i] = "{} = {}".format(key, to_toml(value))
448            break
449        if not found:
450            # These are used by rpm, but aren't accepted by x.py.
451            # Give a warning that they're ignored, but not a hard error.
452            if key in ["infodir", "localstatedir"]:
453                print("warning: {} will be ignored".format(key))
454            else:
455                raise RuntimeError("failed to find config line for {}".format(key))
458for section_key in config:
459    section_config = config[section_key]
460    if section_key not in sections:
461        raise RuntimeError("config key {} not in sections".format(section_key))
463    if section_key == 'target':
464        for target in section_config:
465            configure_section(targets[target], section_config[target])
466    else:
467        configure_section(sections[section_key], section_config)
469# Now that we've built up our `config.toml`, write it all out in the same
470# order that we read it in.
472p("writing `config.toml` in current directory")
473with bootstrap.output('config.toml') as f:
474    for section in section_order:
475        if section == 'target':
476            for target in targets:
477                for line in targets[target]:
478                    f.write(line + "\n")
479        else:
480            for line in sections[section]:
481                f.write(line + "\n")
483with bootstrap.output('Makefile') as f:
484    contents = os.path.join(rust_dir, 'src', 'bootstrap', 'mk', 'Makefile.in')
485    contents = open(contents).read()
486    contents = contents.replace("$(CFG_SRC_DIR)", rust_dir + '/')
487    contents = contents.replace("$(CFG_PYTHON)", sys.executable)
488    f.write(contents)
491p("run `python {}/x.py --help`".format(rust_dir))