1error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'b`
2  --> $DIR/generic_associated_type_undeclared_lifetimes.rs:8:37
3   |
4LL |         + Deref<Target = Self::Item<'b>>;
5   |                                     ^^ undeclared lifetime
6   |
7   = help: if you want to experiment with in-band lifetime bindings, add `#![feature(in_band_lifetimes)]` to the crate attributes
8help: consider introducing lifetime `'b` here
9   |
10LL | trait Iterable<'b> {
11   |               ++++
12help: consider introducing lifetime `'b` here
13   |
14LL |     type Iter<'b, 'a>: Iterator<Item = Self::Item<'a>>
15   |               +++
17error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'undeclared`
18  --> $DIR/generic_associated_type_undeclared_lifetimes.rs:11:41
19   |
20LL |     fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Iter<'undeclared>;
21   |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^ undeclared lifetime
22   |
23   = help: if you want to experiment with in-band lifetime bindings, add `#![feature(in_band_lifetimes)]` to the crate attributes
24help: consider introducing lifetime `'undeclared` here
25   |
26LL | trait Iterable<'undeclared> {
27   |               +++++++++++++
28help: consider introducing lifetime `'undeclared` here
29   |
30LL |     fn iter<'undeclared, 'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Iter<'undeclared>;
31   |             ++++++++++++
33error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
35For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0261`.