1error: incompatible lifetime on type
2  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:17:5
3   |
4LL |     type T<'a> = Box<dyn A + 'a>;
5   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6   |
7note: because this has an unmet lifetime requirement
8  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:12:17
9   |
10LL |     type T<'a>: A;
11   |                 ^ introduces a `'static` lifetime requirement
12note: the lifetime `'a` as defined here...
13  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:17:12
14   |
15LL |     type T<'a> = Box<dyn A + 'a>;
16   |            ^^
17   = note: ...does not necessarily outlive the static lifetime introduced by the compatible `impl`
18note: this has an implicit `'static` lifetime requirement
19  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:9:20
20   |
21LL | impl A for Box<dyn A> {}
22   |                    ^
23help: consider relaxing the implicit `'static` requirement
24   |
25LL | impl A for Box<dyn A + '_> {}
26   |                      ++++
28error: incompatible lifetime on type
29  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:27:5
30   |
31LL |     type T<'a> = Box<dyn A + 'a>;
32   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
33   |
34note: because this has an unmet lifetime requirement
35  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:23:17
36   |
37LL |     type T<'a>: C;
38   |                 ^ introduces a `'static` lifetime requirement
39note: the lifetime `'a` as defined here...
40  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:27:12
41   |
42LL |     type T<'a> = Box<dyn A + 'a>;
43   |            ^^
44note: ...does not necessarily outlive the static lifetime introduced by the compatible `impl`
45  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:21:1
46   |
47LL | impl C for Box<dyn A + 'static> {}
48   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
50error: incompatible lifetime on type
51  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:37:5
52   |
53LL |     type T<'a> = (Box<dyn A + 'a>, Box<dyn A + 'a>);
54   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
55   |
56note: because this has an unmet lifetime requirement
57  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:33:17
58   |
59LL |     type T<'a>: E;
60   |                 ^ introduces a `'static` lifetime requirement
61note: the lifetime `'a` as defined here...
62  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:37:12
63   |
64LL |     type T<'a> = (Box<dyn A + 'a>, Box<dyn A + 'a>);
65   |            ^^
66   = note: ...does not necessarily outlive the static lifetime introduced by the compatible `impl`
67note: this has an implicit `'static` lifetime requirement
68  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:31:21
69   |
70LL | impl E for (Box<dyn A>, Box<dyn A>) {}
71   |                     ^
72note: this has an implicit `'static` lifetime requirement
73  --> $DIR/issue-78113-lifetime-mismatch-dyn-trait-box.rs:31:33
74   |
75LL | impl E for (Box<dyn A>, Box<dyn A>) {}
76   |                                 ^
77help: consider relaxing the implicit `'static` requirement
78   |
79LL | impl E for (Box<dyn A + '_>, Box<dyn A>) {}
80   |                       ++++
81help: consider relaxing the implicit `'static` requirement
82   |
83LL | impl E for (Box<dyn A>, Box<dyn A + '_>) {}
84   |                                   ++++
86error: aborting due to 3 previous errors