1error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'test`
2  --> $DIR/no_introducing_in_band_in_locals.rs:5:13
3   |
4LL | fn foo(x: &u32) {
5   |       - help: consider introducing lifetime `'test` here: `<'test>`
6LL |     let y: &'test u32 = x;
7   |             ^^^^^ undeclared lifetime
9error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'test`
10  --> $DIR/no_introducing_in_band_in_locals.rs:10:16
11   |
12LL |     let y: fn(&'test u32) = foo2;
13   |                ^^^^^ undeclared lifetime
14   |
15   = note: for more information on higher-ranked polymorphism, visit https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/hrtb.html
16help: consider introducing lifetime `'test` here
17   |
18LL | fn bar<'test>() {
19   |       +++++++
20help: consider making the type lifetime-generic with a new `'test` lifetime
21   |
22LL |     let y: for<'test> fn(&'test u32) = foo2;
23   |            ++++++++++
25error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
27For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0261`.