1error[E0606]: casting `*const U` as `*const V` is invalid
2  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:3:5
3   |
4LL |     u as *const V
5   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6   |
7   = note: vtable kinds may not match
9error[E0606]: casting `*const U` as `*const str` is invalid
10  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:8:5
11   |
12LL |     u as *const str
13   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
14   |
15   = note: vtable kinds may not match
17error[E0609]: no field `f` on type `fn() {main}`
18  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:65:18
19   |
20LL |     let _ = main.f as *const u32;
21   |                  ^
23error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `*const u8` as `&u8`
24  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:29:13
25   |
26LL |     let _ = v as &u8;
27   |             ^^^^^^^^ invalid cast
28   |
29help: consider borrowing the value
30   |
31LL -     let _ = v as &u8;
32LL +     let _ = &*v;
33   |
35error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `*const u8` as `E`
36  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:30:13
37   |
38LL |     let _ = v as E;
39   |             ^^^^^^ an `as` expression can only be used to convert between primitive types or to coerce to a specific trait object
41error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `*const u8` as `fn()`
42  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:31:13
43   |
44LL |     let _ = v as fn();
45   |             ^^^^^^^^^ invalid cast
47error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `*const u8` as `(u32,)`
48  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:32:13
49   |
50LL |     let _ = v as (u32,);
51   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^ an `as` expression can only be used to convert between primitive types or to coerce to a specific trait object
53error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `Option<&*const u8>` as `*const u8`
54  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:33:13
55   |
56LL |     let _ = Some(&v) as *const u8;
57   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ an `as` expression can only be used to convert between primitive types or to coerce to a specific trait object
59error[E0606]: casting `*const u8` as `f32` is invalid
60  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:35:13
61   |
62LL |     let _ = v as f32;
63   |             ^^^^^^^^
65error[E0606]: casting `fn() {main}` as `f64` is invalid
66  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:36:13
67   |
68LL |     let _ = main as f64;
69   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^
71error[E0606]: casting `&*const u8` as `usize` is invalid
72  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:37:13
73   |
74LL |     let _ = &v as usize;
75   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^
76   |
77   = help: cast through a raw pointer first
79error[E0606]: casting `f32` as `*const u8` is invalid
80  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:38:13
81   |
82LL |     let _ = f as *const u8;
83   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
85error[E0054]: cannot cast as `bool`
86  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:39:13
87   |
88LL |     let _ = 3_i32 as bool;
89   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: compare with zero instead: `3_i32 != 0`
91error[E0054]: cannot cast as `bool`
92  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:40:13
93   |
94LL |     let _ = E::A as bool;
95   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ unsupported cast
97error[E0604]: only `u8` can be cast as `char`, not `u32`
98  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:41:13
99   |
100LL |     let _ = 0x61u32 as char;
101   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ invalid cast
103error[E0606]: casting `bool` as `f32` is invalid
104  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:43:13
105   |
106LL |     let _ = false as f32;
107   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
108   |
109   = help: cast through an integer first
111error[E0606]: casting `E` as `f32` is invalid
112  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:44:13
113   |
114LL |     let _ = E::A as f32;
115   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^
116   |
117   = help: cast through an integer first
119error[E0606]: casting `char` as `f32` is invalid
120  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:45:13
121   |
122LL |     let _ = 'a' as f32;
123   |             ^^^^^^^^^^
124   |
125   = help: cast through an integer first
127error[E0606]: casting `bool` as `*const u8` is invalid
128  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:47:13
129   |
130LL |     let _ = false as *const u8;
131   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
133error[E0606]: casting `E` as `*const u8` is invalid
134  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:48:13
135   |
136LL |     let _ = E::A as *const u8;
137   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
139error[E0606]: casting `char` as `*const u8` is invalid
140  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:49:13
141   |
142LL |     let _ = 'a' as *const u8;
143   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
145error[E0606]: casting `usize` as `*const [u8]` is invalid
146  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:51:13
147   |
148LL |     let _ = 42usize as *const [u8];
149   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
151error[E0607]: cannot cast thin pointer `*const u8` to fat pointer `*const [u8]`
152  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:52:13
153   |
154LL |     let _ = v as *const [u8];
155   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
157error[E0606]: casting `&dyn Foo` as `*const str` is invalid
158  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:54:13
159   |
160LL |     let _ = foo as *const str;
161   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
163error[E0606]: casting `&dyn Foo` as `*mut str` is invalid
164  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:55:13
165   |
166LL |     let _ = foo as *mut str;
167   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
169error[E0606]: casting `fn() {main}` as `*mut str` is invalid
170  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:56:13
171   |
172LL |     let _ = main as *mut str;
173   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
175error[E0606]: casting `&f32` as `*mut f32` is invalid
176  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:57:13
177   |
178LL |     let _ = &f as *mut f32;
179   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
181error[E0606]: casting `&f32` as `*const f64` is invalid
182  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:58:13
183   |
184LL |     let _ = &f as *const f64;
185   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
187error[E0606]: casting `*const [i8]` as `usize` is invalid
188  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:59:13
189   |
190LL |     let _ = fat_sv as usize;
191   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
192   |
193   = help: cast through a thin pointer first
195error[E0606]: casting `*const dyn Foo` as `*const [u16]` is invalid
196  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:68:13
197   |
198LL |     let _ = cf as *const [u16];
199   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
200   |
201   = note: vtable kinds may not match
203error[E0606]: casting `*const dyn Foo` as `*const dyn Bar` is invalid
204  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:69:13
205   |
206LL |     let _ = cf as *const dyn Bar;
207   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
208   |
209   = note: vtable kinds may not match
211error[E0277]: the size for values of type `[u8]` cannot be known at compilation time
212  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:53:13
213   |
214LL |     let _ = fat_v as *const dyn Foo;
215   |             ^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
216   |
217   = help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `[u8]`
218   = note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn Foo`
220error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
221  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:62:13
222   |
223LL |     let _ = a as *const dyn Foo;
224   |             ^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
225   |
226   = help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str`
227   = note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn Foo`
229error[E0606]: casting `&{float}` as `f32` is invalid
230  --> $DIR/cast-rfc0401.rs:71:30
231   |
232LL |     vec![0.0].iter().map(|s| s as f32).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
233   |                              -^^^^^^^
234   |                              |
235   |                              cannot cast `&{float}` as `f32`
236   |                              help: dereference the expression: `*s`
238error: aborting due to 34 previous errors
240Some errors have detailed explanations: E0054, E0277, E0604, E0605, E0606, E0607, E0609.
241For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0054`.