1warning: prefix `z` is unknown
2  --> $DIR/reserved-prefixes-migration.rs:16:9
3   |
4LL |     m2!(z"hey");
5   |         ^ unknown prefix
6   |
7note: the lint level is defined here
8  --> $DIR/reserved-prefixes-migration.rs:5:9
9   |
10LL | #![warn(rust_2021_prefixes_incompatible_syntax)]
11   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
12   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2018) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
13   = note: for more information, see <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/edition-guide/rust-2021/reserving-syntax.html>
14help: insert whitespace here to avoid this being parsed as a prefix in Rust 2021
15   |
16LL -     m2!(z"hey");
17LL +     m2!(z "hey");
18   |
20warning: prefix `prefix` is unknown
21  --> $DIR/reserved-prefixes-migration.rs:19:9
22   |
23LL |     m2!(prefix"hey");
24   |         ^^^^^^ unknown prefix
25   |
26   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2018) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
27   = note: for more information, see <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/edition-guide/rust-2021/reserving-syntax.html>
28help: insert whitespace here to avoid this being parsed as a prefix in Rust 2021
29   |
30LL -     m2!(prefix"hey");
31LL +     m2!(prefix "hey");
32   |
34warning: prefix `hey` is unknown
35  --> $DIR/reserved-prefixes-migration.rs:22:9
36   |
37LL |     m3!(hey#123);
38   |         ^^^ unknown prefix
39   |
40   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2018) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
41   = note: for more information, see <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/edition-guide/rust-2021/reserving-syntax.html>
42help: insert whitespace here to avoid this being parsed as a prefix in Rust 2021
43   |
44LL -     m3!(hey#123);
45LL +     m3!(hey #123);
46   |
48warning: prefix `hey` is unknown
49  --> $DIR/reserved-prefixes-migration.rs:25:9
50   |
51LL |     m3!(hey#hey);
52   |         ^^^ unknown prefix
53   |
54   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2018) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
55   = note: for more information, see <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/edition-guide/rust-2021/reserving-syntax.html>
56help: insert whitespace here to avoid this being parsed as a prefix in Rust 2021
57   |
58LL -     m3!(hey#hey);
59LL +     m3!(hey #hey);
60   |
62warning: prefix `kind` is unknown
63  --> $DIR/reserved-prefixes-migration.rs:35:14
64   |
65LL |     #name = #kind#value
66   |              ^^^^ unknown prefix
67   |
68   = warning: this is accepted in the current edition (Rust 2018) but is a hard error in Rust 2021!
69   = note: for more information, see <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/edition-guide/rust-2021/reserving-syntax.html>
70help: insert whitespace here to avoid this being parsed as a prefix in Rust 2021
71   |
72LL -     #name = #kind#value
73LL +     #name = #kind #value
74   |
76warning: 5 warnings emitted