1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/delay_based_bwe.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <cmath>
15 #include <string>
17 #include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
18 #include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
19 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
20 #include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
21 #include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/include/congestion_controller.h"
22 #include "webrtc/modules/pacing/paced_sender.h"
23 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/remote_bitrate_estimator.h"
24 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_logging.h"
25 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
26 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
27 #include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
29 namespace {
30 constexpr int kTimestampGroupLengthMs = 5;
31 constexpr int kAbsSendTimeFraction = 18;
32 constexpr int kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift = 8;
33 constexpr int kInterArrivalShift =
34     kAbsSendTimeFraction + kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
35 constexpr double kTimestampToMs =
36     1000.0 / static_cast<double>(1 << kInterArrivalShift);
37 // This ssrc is used to fulfill the current API but will be removed
38 // after the API has been changed.
39 constexpr uint32_t kFixedSsrc = 0;
40 constexpr int kInitialRateWindowMs = 500;
41 constexpr int kRateWindowMs = 150;
43 // Parameters for linear least squares fit of regression line to noisy data.
44 constexpr size_t kDefaultTrendlineWindowSize = 15;
45 constexpr double kDefaultTrendlineSmoothingCoeff = 0.9;
46 constexpr double kDefaultTrendlineThresholdGain = 4.0;
48 // Parameters for Theil-Sen robust fitting of line to noisy data.
49 constexpr size_t kDefaultMedianSlopeWindowSize = 20;
50 constexpr double kDefaultMedianSlopeThresholdGain = 4.0;
52 const char kBitrateEstimateExperiment[] = "WebRTC-ImprovedBitrateEstimate";
53 const char kBweTrendlineFilterExperiment[] = "WebRTC-BweTrendlineFilter";
54 const char kBweMedianSlopeFilterExperiment[] = "WebRTC-BweMedianSlopeFilter";
BitrateEstimateExperimentIsEnabled()56 bool BitrateEstimateExperimentIsEnabled() {
57   return webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName(kBitrateEstimateExperiment) ==
58          "Enabled";
59 }
TrendlineFilterExperimentIsEnabled()61 bool TrendlineFilterExperimentIsEnabled() {
62   std::string experiment_string =
63       webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName(kBweTrendlineFilterExperiment);
64   // The experiment is enabled iff the field trial string begins with "Enabled".
65   return experiment_string.find("Enabled") == 0;
66 }
MedianSlopeFilterExperimentIsEnabled()68 bool MedianSlopeFilterExperimentIsEnabled() {
69   std::string experiment_string =
70       webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName(kBweMedianSlopeFilterExperiment);
71   // The experiment is enabled iff the field trial string begins with "Enabled".
72   return experiment_string.find("Enabled") == 0;
73 }
ReadTrendlineFilterExperimentParameters(size_t * window_size,double * smoothing_coef,double * threshold_gain)75 bool ReadTrendlineFilterExperimentParameters(size_t* window_size,
76                                              double* smoothing_coef,
77                                              double* threshold_gain) {
78   RTC_DCHECK(TrendlineFilterExperimentIsEnabled());
79   RTC_DCHECK(!MedianSlopeFilterExperimentIsEnabled());
80   RTC_DCHECK(window_size != nullptr);
81   RTC_DCHECK(smoothing_coef != nullptr);
82   RTC_DCHECK(threshold_gain != nullptr);
83   std::string experiment_string =
84       webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName(kBweTrendlineFilterExperiment);
85   int parsed_values = sscanf(experiment_string.c_str(), "Enabled-%zu,%lf,%lf",
86                              window_size, smoothing_coef, threshold_gain);
87   if (parsed_values == 3) {
88     RTC_CHECK_GT(*window_size, 1) << "Need at least 2 points to fit a line.";
89     RTC_CHECK(0 <= *smoothing_coef && *smoothing_coef <= 1)
90         << "Coefficient needs to be between 0 and 1 for weighted average.";
91     RTC_CHECK_GT(*threshold_gain, 0) << "Threshold gain needs to be positive.";
92     return true;
93   }
94   LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to parse parameters for BweTrendlineFilter "
95                      "experiment from field trial string. Using default.";
96   *window_size = kDefaultTrendlineWindowSize;
97   *smoothing_coef = kDefaultTrendlineSmoothingCoeff;
98   *threshold_gain = kDefaultTrendlineThresholdGain;
99   return false;
100 }
ReadMedianSlopeFilterExperimentParameters(size_t * window_size,double * threshold_gain)102 bool ReadMedianSlopeFilterExperimentParameters(size_t* window_size,
103                                                double* threshold_gain) {
104   RTC_DCHECK(!TrendlineFilterExperimentIsEnabled());
105   RTC_DCHECK(MedianSlopeFilterExperimentIsEnabled());
106   RTC_DCHECK(window_size != nullptr);
107   RTC_DCHECK(threshold_gain != nullptr);
108   std::string experiment_string =
109       webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName(kBweMedianSlopeFilterExperiment);
110   int parsed_values = sscanf(experiment_string.c_str(), "Enabled-%zu,%lf",
111                              window_size, threshold_gain);
112   if (parsed_values == 2) {
113     RTC_CHECK_GT(*window_size, 1) << "Need at least 2 points to fit a line.";
114     RTC_CHECK_GT(*threshold_gain, 0) << "Threshold gain needs to be positive.";
115     return true;
116   }
117   LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to parse parameters for BweMedianSlopeFilter "
118                      "experiment from field trial string. Using default.";
119   *window_size = kDefaultMedianSlopeWindowSize;
120   *threshold_gain = kDefaultMedianSlopeThresholdGain;
121   return false;
122 }
123 }  // namespace
125 namespace webrtc {
BitrateEstimator()127 DelayBasedBwe::BitrateEstimator::BitrateEstimator()
128     : sum_(0),
129       current_win_ms_(0),
130       prev_time_ms_(-1),
131       bitrate_estimate_(-1.0f),
132       bitrate_estimate_var_(50.0f),
133       old_estimator_(kBitrateWindowMs, 8000),
134       in_experiment_(BitrateEstimateExperimentIsEnabled()) {}
Update(int64_t now_ms,int bytes)136 void DelayBasedBwe::BitrateEstimator::Update(int64_t now_ms, int bytes) {
137   if (!in_experiment_) {
138     old_estimator_.Update(bytes, now_ms);
139     rtc::Optional<uint32_t> rate = old_estimator_.Rate(now_ms);
140     bitrate_estimate_ = -1.0f;
141     if (rate)
142       bitrate_estimate_ = *rate / 1000.0f;
143     return;
144   }
145   int rate_window_ms = kRateWindowMs;
146   // We use a larger window at the beginning to get a more stable sample that
147   // we can use to initialize the estimate.
148   if (bitrate_estimate_ < 0.f)
149     rate_window_ms = kInitialRateWindowMs;
150   float bitrate_sample = UpdateWindow(now_ms, bytes, rate_window_ms);
151   if (bitrate_sample < 0.0f)
152     return;
153   if (bitrate_estimate_ < 0.0f) {
154     // This is the very first sample we get. Use it to initialize the estimate.
155     bitrate_estimate_ = bitrate_sample;
156     return;
157   }
158   // Define the sample uncertainty as a function of how far away it is from the
159   // current estimate.
160   float sample_uncertainty =
161       10.0f * std::abs(bitrate_estimate_ - bitrate_sample) / bitrate_estimate_;
162   float sample_var = sample_uncertainty * sample_uncertainty;
163   // Update a bayesian estimate of the rate, weighting it lower if the sample
164   // uncertainty is large.
165   // The bitrate estimate uncertainty is increased with each update to model
166   // that the bitrate changes over time.
167   float pred_bitrate_estimate_var = bitrate_estimate_var_ + 5.f;
168   bitrate_estimate_ = (sample_var * bitrate_estimate_ +
169                        pred_bitrate_estimate_var * bitrate_sample) /
170                       (sample_var + pred_bitrate_estimate_var);
171   bitrate_estimate_var_ = sample_var * pred_bitrate_estimate_var /
172                           (sample_var + pred_bitrate_estimate_var);
173 }
UpdateWindow(int64_t now_ms,int bytes,int rate_window_ms)175 float DelayBasedBwe::BitrateEstimator::UpdateWindow(int64_t now_ms,
176                                                     int bytes,
177                                                     int rate_window_ms) {
178   // Reset if time moves backwards.
179   if (now_ms < prev_time_ms_) {
180     prev_time_ms_ = -1;
181     sum_ = 0;
182     current_win_ms_ = 0;
183   }
184   if (prev_time_ms_ >= 0) {
185     current_win_ms_ += now_ms - prev_time_ms_;
186     // Reset if nothing has been received for more than a full window.
187     if (now_ms - prev_time_ms_ > rate_window_ms) {
188       sum_ = 0;
189       current_win_ms_ %= rate_window_ms;
190     }
191   }
192   prev_time_ms_ = now_ms;
193   float bitrate_sample = -1.0f;
194   if (current_win_ms_ >= rate_window_ms) {
195     bitrate_sample = 8.0f * sum_ / static_cast<float>(rate_window_ms);
196     current_win_ms_ -= rate_window_ms;
197     sum_ = 0;
198   }
199   sum_ += bytes;
200   return bitrate_sample;
201 }
bitrate_bps() const203 rtc::Optional<uint32_t> DelayBasedBwe::BitrateEstimator::bitrate_bps() const {
204   if (bitrate_estimate_ < 0.f)
205     return rtc::Optional<uint32_t>();
206   return rtc::Optional<uint32_t>(bitrate_estimate_ * 1000);
207 }
DelayBasedBwe(Clock * clock)209 DelayBasedBwe::DelayBasedBwe(Clock* clock)
210     : in_trendline_experiment_(TrendlineFilterExperimentIsEnabled()),
211       in_median_slope_experiment_(MedianSlopeFilterExperimentIsEnabled()),
212       clock_(clock),
213       inter_arrival_(),
214       kalman_estimator_(),
215       trendline_estimator_(),
216       detector_(),
217       receiver_incoming_bitrate_(),
218       last_update_ms_(-1),
219       last_seen_packet_ms_(-1),
220       uma_recorded_(false),
221       trendline_window_size_(kDefaultTrendlineWindowSize),
222       trendline_smoothing_coeff_(kDefaultTrendlineSmoothingCoeff),
223       trendline_threshold_gain_(kDefaultTrendlineThresholdGain),
224       probing_interval_estimator_(&rate_control_),
225       median_slope_window_size_(kDefaultMedianSlopeWindowSize),
226       median_slope_threshold_gain_(kDefaultMedianSlopeThresholdGain) {
227   if (in_trendline_experiment_) {
228     ReadTrendlineFilterExperimentParameters(&trendline_window_size_,
229                                             &trendline_smoothing_coeff_,
230                                             &trendline_threshold_gain_);
231   }
232   if (in_median_slope_experiment_) {
233     ReadMedianSlopeFilterExperimentParameters(&median_slope_window_size_,
234                                               &median_slope_threshold_gain_);
235   }
237   network_thread_.DetachFromThread();
238 }
IncomingPacketFeedbackVector(const std::vector<PacketInfo> & packet_feedback_vector)240 DelayBasedBwe::Result DelayBasedBwe::IncomingPacketFeedbackVector(
241     const std::vector<PacketInfo>& packet_feedback_vector) {
242   RTC_DCHECK(network_thread_.CalledOnValidThread());
243   if (!uma_recorded_) {
244     RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kBweTypeHistogram,
245                               BweNames::kSendSideTransportSeqNum,
246                               BweNames::kBweNamesMax);
247     uma_recorded_ = true;
248   }
249   Result aggregated_result;
250   for (const auto& packet_info : packet_feedback_vector) {
251     Result result = IncomingPacketInfo(packet_info);
252     if (result.updated)
253       aggregated_result = result;
254   }
255   return aggregated_result;
256 }
IncomingPacketInfo(const PacketInfo & info)258 DelayBasedBwe::Result DelayBasedBwe::IncomingPacketInfo(
259     const PacketInfo& info) {
260   int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
262   receiver_incoming_bitrate_.Update(info.arrival_time_ms, info.payload_size);
263   Result result;
264   // Reset if the stream has timed out.
265   if (last_seen_packet_ms_ == -1 ||
266       now_ms - last_seen_packet_ms_ > kStreamTimeOutMs) {
267     inter_arrival_.reset(
268         new InterArrival((kTimestampGroupLengthMs << kInterArrivalShift) / 1000,
269                          kTimestampToMs, true));
270     kalman_estimator_.reset(new OveruseEstimator(OverUseDetectorOptions()));
271     trendline_estimator_.reset(new TrendlineEstimator(
272         trendline_window_size_, trendline_smoothing_coeff_,
273         trendline_threshold_gain_));
274     median_slope_estimator_.reset(new MedianSlopeEstimator(
275         median_slope_window_size_, median_slope_threshold_gain_));
276   }
277   last_seen_packet_ms_ = now_ms;
279   uint32_t send_time_24bits =
280       static_cast<uint32_t>(
281           ((static_cast<uint64_t>(info.send_time_ms) << kAbsSendTimeFraction) +
282            500) /
283           1000) &
284       0x00FFFFFF;
285   // Shift up send time to use the full 32 bits that inter_arrival works with,
286   // so wrapping works properly.
287   uint32_t timestamp = send_time_24bits << kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
289   uint32_t ts_delta = 0;
290   int64_t t_delta = 0;
291   int size_delta = 0;
292   if (inter_arrival_->ComputeDeltas(timestamp, info.arrival_time_ms, now_ms,
293                                     info.payload_size, &ts_delta, &t_delta,
294                                     &size_delta)) {
295     double ts_delta_ms = (1000.0 * ts_delta) / (1 << kInterArrivalShift);
296     if (in_trendline_experiment_) {
297       trendline_estimator_->Update(t_delta, ts_delta_ms, info.arrival_time_ms);
298       detector_.Detect(trendline_estimator_->trendline_slope(), ts_delta_ms,
299                        trendline_estimator_->num_of_deltas(),
300                        info.arrival_time_ms);
301     } else if (in_median_slope_experiment_) {
302       median_slope_estimator_->Update(t_delta, ts_delta_ms,
303                                       info.arrival_time_ms);
304       detector_.Detect(median_slope_estimator_->trendline_slope(), ts_delta_ms,
305                        median_slope_estimator_->num_of_deltas(),
306                        info.arrival_time_ms);
307     } else {
308       kalman_estimator_->Update(t_delta, ts_delta_ms, size_delta,
309                                 detector_.State(), info.arrival_time_ms);
310       detector_.Detect(kalman_estimator_->offset(), ts_delta_ms,
311                        kalman_estimator_->num_of_deltas(),
312                        info.arrival_time_ms);
313     }
314   }
316   int probing_bps = 0;
317   if (info.probe_cluster_id != PacketInfo::kNotAProbe) {
318     probing_bps = probe_bitrate_estimator_.HandleProbeAndEstimateBitrate(info);
319   }
320   rtc::Optional<uint32_t> acked_bitrate_bps =
321       receiver_incoming_bitrate_.bitrate_bps();
322   // Currently overusing the bandwidth.
323   if (detector_.State() == kBwOverusing) {
324     if (acked_bitrate_bps &&
325         rate_control_.TimeToReduceFurther(now_ms, *acked_bitrate_bps)) {
326       result.updated =
327           UpdateEstimate(info.arrival_time_ms, now_ms, acked_bitrate_bps,
328                          &result.target_bitrate_bps);
329     }
330   } else if (probing_bps > 0) {
331     // No overuse, but probing measured a bitrate.
332     rate_control_.SetEstimate(probing_bps, info.arrival_time_ms);
333     result.probe = true;
334     result.updated =
335         UpdateEstimate(info.arrival_time_ms, now_ms, acked_bitrate_bps,
336                        &result.target_bitrate_bps);
337   }
338   if (!result.updated &&
339       (last_update_ms_ == -1 ||
340        now_ms - last_update_ms_ > rate_control_.GetFeedbackInterval())) {
341     result.updated =
342         UpdateEstimate(info.arrival_time_ms, now_ms, acked_bitrate_bps,
343                        &result.target_bitrate_bps);
344   }
345   if (result.updated) {
346     last_update_ms_ = now_ms;
347     BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT(1, "target_bitrate_bps", now_ms,
348                           result.target_bitrate_bps);
349   }
351   return result;
352 }
UpdateEstimate(int64_t arrival_time_ms,int64_t now_ms,rtc::Optional<uint32_t> acked_bitrate_bps,uint32_t * target_bitrate_bps)354 bool DelayBasedBwe::UpdateEstimate(int64_t arrival_time_ms,
355                                    int64_t now_ms,
356                                    rtc::Optional<uint32_t> acked_bitrate_bps,
357                                    uint32_t* target_bitrate_bps) {
358   // TODO(terelius): RateControlInput::noise_var is deprecated and will be
359   // removed. In the meantime, we set it to zero.
360   const RateControlInput input(detector_.State(), acked_bitrate_bps, 0);
361   rate_control_.Update(&input, now_ms);
362   *target_bitrate_bps = rate_control_.UpdateBandwidthEstimate(now_ms);
363   return rate_control_.ValidEstimate();
364 }
OnRttUpdate(int64_t avg_rtt_ms,int64_t max_rtt_ms)366 void DelayBasedBwe::OnRttUpdate(int64_t avg_rtt_ms, int64_t max_rtt_ms) {
367   rate_control_.SetRtt(avg_rtt_ms);
368 }
LatestEstimate(std::vector<uint32_t> * ssrcs,uint32_t * bitrate_bps) const370 bool DelayBasedBwe::LatestEstimate(std::vector<uint32_t>* ssrcs,
371                                    uint32_t* bitrate_bps) const {
372   // Currently accessed from both the process thread (see
373   // ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::Process()) and the configuration thread (see
374   // Call::GetStats()). Should in the future only be accessed from a single
375   // thread.
376   RTC_DCHECK(ssrcs);
377   RTC_DCHECK(bitrate_bps);
378   if (!rate_control_.ValidEstimate())
379     return false;
381   *ssrcs = {kFixedSsrc};
382   *bitrate_bps = rate_control_.LatestEstimate();
383   return true;
384 }
SetMinBitrate(int min_bitrate_bps)386 void DelayBasedBwe::SetMinBitrate(int min_bitrate_bps) {
387   // Called from both the configuration thread and the network thread. Shouldn't
388   // be called from the network thread in the future.
389   rate_control_.SetMinBitrate(min_bitrate_bps);
390 }
GetProbingIntervalMs() const392 int64_t DelayBasedBwe::GetProbingIntervalMs() const {
393   return probing_interval_estimator_.GetIntervalMs();
394 }
395 }  // namespace webrtc