1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/median_slope_estimator.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <vector>
16 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
17 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/bwe_defines.h"
18 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_logging.h"
20 namespace webrtc {
22 constexpr unsigned int kDeltaCounterMax = 1000;
MedianSlopeEstimator(size_t window_size,double threshold_gain)24 MedianSlopeEstimator::MedianSlopeEstimator(size_t window_size,
25                                            double threshold_gain)
26     : window_size_(window_size),
27       threshold_gain_(threshold_gain),
28       num_of_deltas_(0),
29       accumulated_delay_(0),
30       delay_hist_(),
31       median_filter_(0.5),
32       trendline_(0) {}
~MedianSlopeEstimator()34 MedianSlopeEstimator::~MedianSlopeEstimator() {}
Update(double recv_delta_ms,double send_delta_ms,int64_t arrival_time_ms)36 void MedianSlopeEstimator::Update(double recv_delta_ms,
37                                   double send_delta_ms,
38                                   int64_t arrival_time_ms) {
39   const double delta_ms = recv_delta_ms - send_delta_ms;
40   ++num_of_deltas_;
41   if (num_of_deltas_ > kDeltaCounterMax)
42     num_of_deltas_ = kDeltaCounterMax;
44   accumulated_delay_ += delta_ms;
45   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT(1, "accumulated_delay_ms", arrival_time_ms,
46                         accumulated_delay_);
48   // If the window is full, remove the |window_size_| - 1 slopes that belong to
49   // the oldest point.
50   if (delay_hist_.size() == window_size_) {
51     for (double slope : delay_hist_.front().slopes) {
52       const bool success = median_filter_.Erase(slope);
53       RTC_CHECK(success);
54     }
55     delay_hist_.pop_front();
56   }
57   // Add |window_size_| - 1 new slopes.
58   for (auto& old_delay : delay_hist_) {
59     if (arrival_time_ms - old_delay.time != 0) {
60       // The C99 standard explicitly states that casts and assignments must
61       // perform the associated conversions. This means that |slope| will be
62       // a 64-bit double even if the division is computed using, e.g., 80-bit
63       // extended precision. I believe this also holds in C++ even though the
64       // C++11 standard isn't as explicit. Furthermore, there are good reasons
65       // to believe that compilers couldn't perform optimizations that break
66       // this assumption even if they wanted to.
67       double slope = (accumulated_delay_ - old_delay.delay) /
68                      static_cast<double>(arrival_time_ms - old_delay.time);
69       median_filter_.Insert(slope);
70       // We want to avoid issues with different rounding mode / precision
71       // which we might get if we recomputed the slope when we remove it.
72       old_delay.slopes.push_back(slope);
73     }
74   }
75   delay_hist_.emplace_back(arrival_time_ms, accumulated_delay_,
76                            window_size_ - 1);
77   // Recompute the median slope.
78   if (delay_hist_.size() == window_size_)
79     trendline_ = median_filter_.GetPercentileValue();
81   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT(1, "trendline_slope", arrival_time_ms, trendline_);
82 }
84 }  // namespace webrtc