1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
4 /*
5  * certi.h - private data structures for the certificate library
6  */
7 #ifndef _CERTI_H_
8 #define _CERTI_H_
10 #include "certt.h"
11 #include "nssrwlkt.h"
13 /*
14 #define GLOBAL_RWLOCK 1
15 */
17 #define DPC_RWLOCK 1
19 /* all definitions in this file are subject to change */
21 typedef struct OpaqueCRLFieldsStr OpaqueCRLFields;
22 typedef struct CRLEntryCacheStr CRLEntryCache;
23 typedef struct CRLDPCacheStr CRLDPCache;
24 typedef struct CRLIssuerCacheStr CRLIssuerCache;
25 typedef struct CRLCacheStr CRLCache;
26 typedef struct CachedCrlStr CachedCrl;
27 typedef struct NamedCRLCacheStr NamedCRLCache;
28 typedef struct NamedCRLCacheEntryStr NamedCRLCacheEntry;
30 struct OpaqueCRLFieldsStr {
31     PRBool partial;
32     PRBool decodingError;
33     PRBool badEntries;
34     PRBool badDER;
35     PRBool badExtensions;
36     PRBool heapDER;
37 };
39 typedef struct PreAllocatorStr PreAllocator;
41 struct PreAllocatorStr {
42     PRSize len;
43     void* data;
44     PRSize used;
45     PLArenaPool* arena;
46     PRSize extra;
47 };
49 /*  CRL entry cache.
50     This is the same as an entry plus the next/prev pointers for the hash table
51 */
53 struct CRLEntryCacheStr {
54     CERTCrlEntry entry;
55     CRLEntryCache *prev, *next;
56 };
58 #define CRL_CACHE_INVALID_CRLS 0x0001      /* this state will be set             \
59                  if we have CRL objects with an invalid DER or signature. Can be \
60                  cleared if the invalid objects are deleted from the token */
61 #define CRL_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_FAILED 0x0002 /* this state will be set        \
62             if the last CRL fetch encountered an error. Can be cleared if a \
63             new fetch succeeds */
65 #define CRL_CACHE_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x0004 /* this state will be set \
66             if we don't have enough memory to build the hash table of entries */
68 typedef enum {
69     CRL_OriginToken = 0,   /* CRL came from PKCS#11 token */
70     CRL_OriginExplicit = 1 /* CRL was explicitly added to the cache, from RAM */
71 } CRLOrigin;
73 typedef enum {
74     dpcacheNoEntry = 0,           /* no entry found for this SN */
75     dpcacheFoundEntry = 1,        /* entry found for this SN */
76     dpcacheCallerError = 2,       /* invalid args */
77     dpcacheInvalidCacheError = 3, /* CRL in cache may be bad DER */
78                                   /* or unverified */
79     dpcacheEmpty = 4,             /* no CRL in cache */
80     dpcacheLookupError = 5        /* internal error */
81 } dpcacheStatus;
83 struct CachedCrlStr {
84     CERTSignedCrl* crl;
85     CRLOrigin origin;
86     /* hash table of entries. We use a PLHashTable and pre-allocate the
87        required amount of memory in one shot, so that our allocator can
88        simply pass offsets into it when hashing.
90        This won't work anymore when we support delta CRLs and iCRLs, because
91        the size of the hash table will vary over time. At that point, the best
92        solution will be to allocate large CRLEntry structures by modifying
93        the DER decoding template. The extra space would be for next/prev
94        pointers. This would allow entries from different CRLs to be mixed in
95        the same hash table.
96     */
97     PLHashTable* entries;
98     PreAllocator* prebuffer; /* big pre-allocated buffer mentioned above */
99     PRBool sigChecked;       /* this CRL signature has already been checked */
100     PRBool sigValid;         /* signature verification status .
101                                 Only meaningful if checked is PR_TRUE . */
102     PRBool unbuildable;      /* Avoid using assosiated CRL is it fails
103                               * a decoding step */
104 };
106 /*  CRL distribution point cache object
107     This is a cache of CRL entries for a given distribution point of an issuer
108     It is built from a collection of one full and 0 or more delta CRLs.
109 */
111 struct CRLDPCacheStr {
112 #ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
113     NSSRWLock* lock;
114 #else
115     PRLock* lock;
116 #endif
117     SECItem* issuerDERCert; /* issuer DER cert. Don't hold a reference
118                                to the actual cert so the trust can be
119                                updated on the cert automatically.
120                                XXX there may be multiple issuer certs,
121                                with different validity dates. Also
122                                need to deal with SKID/AKID . See
123                                bugzilla 217387, 233118 */
125     CERTCertDBHandle* dbHandle;
127     SECItem* subject;           /* DER of issuer subject */
128     SECItem* distributionPoint; /* DER of distribution point. This may be
129                                    NULL when distribution points aren't
130                                    in use (ie. the CA has a single CRL).
131                                    Currently not used. */
133     /* array of full CRLs matching this distribution point */
134     PRUint32 ncrls;   /* total number of CRLs in crls */
135     CachedCrl** crls; /* array of all matching CRLs */
136     /* XCRL With iCRLs and multiple DPs, the CRL can be shared accross several
137        issuers. In the future, we'll need to globally recycle the CRL in a
138        separate list in order to avoid extra lookups, decodes, and copies */
140     /* pointers to good decoded CRLs used to build the cache */
141     CachedCrl* selected; /* full CRL selected for use in the cache */
142 #if 0
143     /* for future use */
144     PRInt32 numdeltas;      /* number of delta CRLs used for the cache */
145     CachedCrl** deltas;     /* delta CRLs used for the cache */
146 #endif
147     /* cache invalidity bitflag */
148     PRUint16 invalid;  /* this state will be set if either
150         In those cases, all certs are considered to have unknown status.
151         The invalid state can only be cleared during an update if all
152         error states are cleared */
153     PRBool refresh;    /* manual refresh from tokens has been forced */
154     PRBool mustchoose; /* trigger reselection algorithm, for case when
155                           RAM CRL objects are dropped from the cache */
156     PRTime lastfetch;  /* time a CRL token fetch was last performed */
157     PRTime lastcheck;  /* time CRL token objects were last checked for
158                           existence */
159 };
161 /*  CRL issuer cache object
162     This object tracks all the distribution point caches for a given issuer.
163     XCRL once we support multiple issuing distribution points, this object
164     will be a hash table. For now, it just holds the single CRL distribution
165     point cache structure.
166 */
168 struct CRLIssuerCacheStr {
169     SECItem* subject; /* DER of issuer subject */
170     CRLDPCache* dpp;
171 };
173 /*  CRL revocation cache object
174     This object tracks all the issuer caches
175 */
177 struct CRLCacheStr {
178 #ifdef GLOBAL_RWLOCK
179     NSSRWLock* lock;
180 #else
181     PRLock* lock;
182 #endif
183     /* hash table of issuer to CRLIssuerCacheStr,
184        indexed by issuer DER subject */
185     PLHashTable* issuers;
186 };
188 SECStatus InitCRLCache(void);
189 SECStatus ShutdownCRLCache(void);
191 /* Returns a pointer to an environment-like string, a series of
192 ** null-terminated strings, terminated by a zero-length string.
193 ** This function is intended to be internal to NSS.
194 */
195 extern char* cert_GetCertificateEmailAddresses(CERTCertificate* cert);
197 /*
198  * These functions are used to map subjectKeyID extension values to certs
199  * and to keep track of the checks for user certificates in each slot
200  */
201 SECStatus cert_CreateSubjectKeyIDHashTable(void);
203 SECStatus cert_AddSubjectKeyIDMapping(SECItem* subjKeyID,
204                                       CERTCertificate* cert);
206 SECStatus cert_UpdateSubjectKeyIDSlotCheck(SECItem* slotid, int series);
208 int cert_SubjectKeyIDSlotCheckSeries(SECItem* slotid);
210 /*
211  * Call this function to remove an entry from the mapping table.
212  */
213 SECStatus cert_RemoveSubjectKeyIDMapping(SECItem* subjKeyID);
215 SECStatus cert_DestroySubjectKeyIDHashTable(void);
217 SECItem* cert_FindDERCertBySubjectKeyID(SECItem* subjKeyID);
219 /* return maximum length of AVA value based on its type OID tag. */
220 extern int cert_AVAOidTagToMaxLen(SECOidTag tag);
222 /* Make an AVA, allocated from pool, from OID and DER encoded value */
223 extern CERTAVA* CERT_CreateAVAFromRaw(PLArenaPool* pool, const SECItem* OID,
224                                       const SECItem* value);
226 /* Make an AVA from binary input specified by SECItem */
227 extern CERTAVA* CERT_CreateAVAFromSECItem(PLArenaPool* arena, SECOidTag kind,
228                                           int valueType, SECItem* value);
230 /*
231  * get a DPCache object for the given issuer subject and dp
232  * Automatically creates the cache object if it doesn't exist yet.
233  */
234 SECStatus AcquireDPCache(CERTCertificate* issuer, const SECItem* subject,
235                          const SECItem* dp, PRTime t, void* wincx,
236                          CRLDPCache** dpcache, PRBool* writeLocked);
238 /* check if a particular SN is in the CRL cache and return its entry */
239 dpcacheStatus DPCache_Lookup(CRLDPCache* cache, const SECItem* sn,
240                              CERTCrlEntry** returned);
242 /* release a DPCache object that was previously acquired */
243 void ReleaseDPCache(CRLDPCache* dpcache, PRBool writeLocked);
245 /*
246  * map Stan errors into NSS errors
247  * This function examines the stan error stack and automatically sets
248  * PORT_SetError(); to the appropriate SEC_ERROR value.
249  */
250 void CERT_MapStanError();
252 /* Like CERT_VerifyCert, except with an additional argument, flags. The
253  * flags are defined immediately below.
254  */
255 SECStatus cert_VerifyCertWithFlags(CERTCertDBHandle* handle,
256                                    CERTCertificate* cert, PRBool checkSig,
257                                    SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t,
258                                    PRUint32 flags, void* wincx,
259                                    CERTVerifyLog* log);
261 /* Use the default settings.
262  * cert_VerifyCertWithFlags(..., CERT_VERIFYCERT_USE_DEFAULTS, ...) is
263  * equivalent to CERT_VerifyCert(...);
264  */
267 /* Skip all the OCSP checks during certificate verification, regardless of
268  * the global OCSP settings. By default, certificate |cert| will have its
269  * revocation status checked via OCSP according to the global OCSP settings.
270  *
271  * OCSP checking is always skipped when certUsage is certUsageStatusResponder.
272  */
275 /* Interface function for libpkix cert validation engine:
276  * cert_verify wrapper. */
277 SECStatus cert_VerifyCertChainPkix(CERTCertificate* cert, PRBool checkSig,
278                                    SECCertUsage requiredUsage, PRTime time,
279                                    void* wincx, CERTVerifyLog* log,
280                                    PRBool* sigError, PRBool* revoked);
282 SECStatus cert_InitLocks(void);
284 SECStatus cert_DestroyLocks(void);
286 /*
287  * fill in nsCertType field of the cert based on the cert extension
288  */
289 extern SECStatus cert_GetCertType(CERTCertificate* cert);
291 /*
292  * compute and return the value of nsCertType for cert, but do not
293  * update the CERTCertificate.
294  */
295 extern PRUint32 cert_ComputeCertType(CERTCertificate* cert);
297 void cert_AddToVerifyLog(CERTVerifyLog* log, CERTCertificate* cert,
298                          long errorCode, unsigned int depth, void* arg);
300 /* Insert a DER CRL into the CRL cache, and take ownership of it.
301  *
302  * cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName takes ownership of the memory in crl argument
303  * completely.  crl must be freeable by SECITEM_FreeItem. It will be freed
304  * immediately if it is rejected from the CRL cache, or later during cache
305  * updates when a new crl is available, or at shutdown time.
306  *
307  * canonicalizedName represents the source of the CRL, a GeneralName.
308  * The format of the encoding is not restricted, but all callers of
309  * cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName and cert_FindCRLByGeneralName must use
310  * the same encoding. To facilitate X.500 name matching, a canonicalized
311  * encoding of the GeneralName should be used, if available.
312  */
314 SECStatus cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName(CERTCertDBHandle* dbhandle, SECItem* crl,
315                                      const SECItem* canonicalizedName);
317 struct NamedCRLCacheStr {
318     PRLock* lock;
319     PLHashTable* entries;
320 };
322 /* NamedCRLCacheEntryStr is filled in by cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName,
323  * and read by cert_FindCRLByGeneralName */
324 struct NamedCRLCacheEntryStr {
325     SECItem* canonicalizedName;
326     SECItem* crl; /* DER, kept only if CRL
327                    * is successfully cached */
328     PRBool inCRLCache;
329     PRTime successfulInsertionTime; /* insertion time */
330     PRTime lastAttemptTime;         /* time of last call to
331                               cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName with this name */
332     PRBool badDER;                  /* ASN.1 error */
333     PRBool dupe;                    /* matching DER CRL already in CRL cache */
334     PRBool unsupported;             /* IDP, delta, any other reason */
335 };
337 typedef enum {
338     certRevocationStatusRevoked = 0,
339     certRevocationStatusValid = 1,
340     certRevocationStatusUnknown = 2
341 } CERTRevocationStatus;
343 /* Returns detailed status of the cert(revStatus variable). Tells if
344  * issuer cache has OriginFetchedWithTimeout crl in it. */
345 SECStatus cert_CheckCertRevocationStatus(CERTCertificate* cert,
346                                          CERTCertificate* issuer,
347                                          const SECItem* dp, PRTime t,
348                                          void* wincx,
349                                          CERTRevocationStatus* revStatus,
350                                          CERTCRLEntryReasonCode* revReason);
352 SECStatus cert_AcquireNamedCRLCache(NamedCRLCache** returned);
354 /* cert_FindCRLByGeneralName must be called only while the named cache is
355  * acquired, and the entry is only valid until cache is released.
356  */
357 SECStatus cert_FindCRLByGeneralName(NamedCRLCache* ncc,
358                                     const SECItem* canonicalizedName,
359                                     NamedCRLCacheEntry** retEntry);
361 SECStatus cert_ReleaseNamedCRLCache(NamedCRLCache* ncc);
363 /* This is private for now.  Maybe shoule be public. */
364 CERTGeneralName* cert_GetSubjectAltNameList(const CERTCertificate* cert,
365                                             PLArenaPool* arena);
367 /* Count DNS names and IP addresses in a list of GeneralNames */
368 PRUint32 cert_CountDNSPatterns(CERTGeneralName* firstName);
370 /*
371  * returns the trust status of the leaf certificate based on usage.
372  * If the leaf is explicitly untrusted, this function will fail and
373  * failedFlags will be set to the trust bit value that lead to the failure.
374  * If the leaf is trusted, isTrusted is set to true and the function returns
375  * SECSuccess. This function does not check if the cert is fit for a
376  * particular usage.
377  */
378 SECStatus cert_CheckLeafTrust(CERTCertificate* cert, SECCertUsage usage,
379                               unsigned int* failedFlags, PRBool* isTrusted);
381 /*
382  * Acquire the cert temp/perm lock
383  */
384 void CERT_LockCertTempPerm(const CERTCertificate* cert);
386 /*
387  * Release the temp/perm lock
388  */
389 void CERT_UnlockCertTempPerm(const CERTCertificate* cert);
391 /*
392  * Acquire the cert trust lock
393  * There is currently one global lock for all certs, but I'm putting a cert
394  * arg here so that it will be easy to make it per-cert in the future if
395  * that turns out to be necessary.
396  */
397 void CERT_LockCertTrust(const CERTCertificate* cert);
399 /*
400  * Release the cert trust lock
401  */
402 void CERT_UnlockCertTrust(const CERTCertificate* cert);
404 #endif /* _CERTI_H_ */