1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
3# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
7import glob
8import os
9import re
10import shutil
11import signal
12import subprocess
13import sys
14import tempfile
15import urllib2
16import zipfile
17from collections import namedtuple
19import mozfile
20import mozinfo
21import mozlog
23__all__ = [
24    'check_for_crashes',
25    'check_for_java_exception',
26    'kill_and_get_minidump',
27    'log_crashes',
28    'cleanup_pending_crash_reports',
32StackInfo = namedtuple("StackInfo",
33                       ["minidump_path",
34                        "signature",
35                        "stackwalk_stdout",
36                        "stackwalk_stderr",
37                        "stackwalk_retcode",
38                        "stackwalk_errors",
39                        "extra"])
42def get_logger():
43    structured_logger = mozlog.get_default_logger("mozcrash")
44    if structured_logger is None:
45        return mozlog.unstructured.getLogger('mozcrash')
46    return structured_logger
49def check_for_crashes(dump_directory,
50                      symbols_path=None,
51                      stackwalk_binary=None,
52                      dump_save_path=None,
53                      test_name=None,
54                      quiet=False):
55    """
56    Print a stack trace for minidump files left behind by a crashing program.
58    `dump_directory` will be searched for minidump files. Any minidump files found will
59    have `stackwalk_binary` executed on them, with `symbols_path` passed as an extra
60    argument.
62    `stackwalk_binary` should be a path to the minidump_stackwalk binary.
63    If `stackwalk_binary` is not set, the MINIDUMP_STACKWALK environment variable
64    will be checked and its value used if it is not empty.
66    `symbols_path` should be a path to a directory containing symbols to use for
67    dump processing. This can either be a path to a directory containing Breakpad-format
68    symbols, or a URL to a zip file containing a set of symbols.
70    If `dump_save_path` is set, it should be a path to a directory in which to copy minidump
71    files for safekeeping after a stack trace has been printed. If not set, the environment
72    variable MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH will be checked and its value used if it is not empty.
74    If `test_name` is set it will be used as the test name in log output. If not set the
75    filename of the calling function will be used.
77    If `quiet` is set, no PROCESS-CRASH message will be printed to stdout if a
78    crash is detected.
80    Returns number of minidump files found.
81    """
83    # try to get the caller's filename if no test name is given
84    if test_name is None:
85        try:
86            test_name = os.path.basename(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_filename)
87        except Exception:
88            test_name = "unknown"
90    crash_info = CrashInfo(dump_directory, symbols_path, dump_save_path=dump_save_path,
91                           stackwalk_binary=stackwalk_binary)
93    if not crash_info.has_dumps:
94        return False
96    crash_count = 0
97    for info in crash_info:
98        crash_count += 1
99        if not quiet:
100            stackwalk_output = ["Crash dump filename: %s" % info.minidump_path]
101            if info.stackwalk_stderr:
102                stackwalk_output.append("stderr from minidump_stackwalk:")
103                stackwalk_output.append(info.stackwalk_stderr)
104            elif info.stackwalk_stdout is not None:
105                stackwalk_output.append(info.stackwalk_stdout)
106            if info.stackwalk_retcode is not None and info.stackwalk_retcode != 0:
107                stackwalk_output.append("minidump_stackwalk exited with return code %d" %
108                                        info.stackwalk_retcode)
109            signature = info.signature if info.signature else "unknown top frame"
110            print("PROCESS-CRASH | %s | application crashed [%s]" % (test_name,
111                                                                     signature))
112            print('\n'.join(stackwalk_output))
113            print('\n'.join(info.stackwalk_errors))
115    return crash_count
118def log_crashes(logger,
119                dump_directory,
120                symbols_path,
121                process=None,
122                test=None,
123                stackwalk_binary=None,
124                dump_save_path=None):
125    """Log crashes using a structured logger"""
126    crash_count = 0
127    for info in CrashInfo(dump_directory, symbols_path, dump_save_path=dump_save_path,
128                          stackwalk_binary=stackwalk_binary):
129        crash_count += 1
130        kwargs = info._asdict()
131        kwargs.pop("extra")
132        logger.crash(process=process, test=test, **kwargs)
133    return crash_count
136class CrashInfo(object):
137    """Get information about a crash based on dump files.
139    Typical usage is to iterate over the CrashInfo object. This returns StackInfo
140    objects, one for each crash dump file that is found in the dump_directory.
142    :param dump_directory: Path to search for minidump files
143    :param symbols_path: Path to a path to a directory containing symbols to use for
144                         dump processing. This can either be a path to a directory
145                         containing Breakpad-format symbols, or a URL to a zip file
146                         containing a set of symbols.
147    :param dump_save_path: Path to which to save the dump files. If this is None,
148                           the MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH environment variable will be used.
149    :param stackwalk_binary: Path to the minidump_stackwalk binary. If this is None,
150                             the MINIDUMP_STACKWALK environment variable will be used
151                             as the path to the minidump binary."""
153    def __init__(self, dump_directory, symbols_path, dump_save_path=None,
154                 stackwalk_binary=None):
155        self.dump_directory = dump_directory
156        self.symbols_path = symbols_path
157        self.remove_symbols = False
159        if dump_save_path is None:
160            dump_save_path = os.environ.get('MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH', None)
161        self.dump_save_path = dump_save_path
163        if stackwalk_binary is None:
164            stackwalk_binary = os.environ.get('MINIDUMP_STACKWALK', None)
165        self.stackwalk_binary = stackwalk_binary
167        self.logger = get_logger()
168        self._dump_files = None
170    def _get_symbols(self):
171        # If no symbols path has been set create a temporary folder to let the
172        # minidump stackwalk download the symbols.
173        if not self.symbols_path:
174            self.symbols_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
175            self.remove_symbols = True
177        # This updates self.symbols_path so we only download once.
178        if mozfile.is_url(self.symbols_path):
179            self.remove_symbols = True
180            self.logger.info("Downloading symbols from: %s" % self.symbols_path)
181            # Get the symbols and write them to a temporary zipfile
182            data = urllib2.urlopen(self.symbols_path)
183            with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as symbols_file:
184                symbols_file.write(data.read())
185                # extract symbols to a temporary directory (which we'll delete after
186                # processing all crashes)
187                self.symbols_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
188                with zipfile.ZipFile(symbols_file, 'r') as zfile:
189                    mozfile.extract_zip(zfile, self.symbols_path)
191    @property
192    def dump_files(self):
193        """List of tuple (path_to_dump_file, path_to_extra_file) for each dump
194           file in self.dump_directory. The extra files may not exist."""
195        if self._dump_files is None:
196            self._dump_files = [(path, os.path.splitext(path)[0] + '.extra') for path in
197                                glob.glob(os.path.join(self.dump_directory, '*.dmp'))]
198            max_dumps = 10
199            if len(self._dump_files) > max_dumps:
200                self.logger.warning("Found %d dump files -- limited to %d!" %
201                                    (len(self._dump_files), max_dumps))
202                del self._dump_files[max_dumps:]
204        return self._dump_files
206    @property
207    def has_dumps(self):
208        """Boolean indicating whether any crash dump files were found in the
209        current directory"""
210        return len(self.dump_files) > 0
212    def __iter__(self):
213        for path, extra in self.dump_files:
214            rv = self._process_dump_file(path, extra)
215            yield rv
217        if self.remove_symbols:
218            mozfile.remove(self.symbols_path)
220    def _process_dump_file(self, path, extra):
221        """Process a single dump file using self.stackwalk_binary, and return a
222        tuple containing properties of the crash dump.
224        :param path: Path to the minidump file to analyse
225        :return: A StackInfo tuple with the fields::
226                   minidump_path: Path of the dump file
227                   signature: The top frame of the stack trace, or None if it
228                              could not be determined.
229                   stackwalk_stdout: String of stdout data from stackwalk
230                   stackwalk_stderr: String of stderr data from stackwalk or
231                                     None if it succeeded
232                   stackwalk_retcode: Return code from stackwalk
233                   stackwalk_errors: List of errors in human-readable form that prevented
234                                     stackwalk being launched.
235        """
236        self._get_symbols()
238        errors = []
239        signature = None
240        include_stderr = False
241        out = None
242        err = None
243        retcode = None
244        if (self.symbols_path and self.stackwalk_binary and
245            os.path.exists(self.stackwalk_binary) and
246                os.access(self.stackwalk_binary, os.X_OK)):
248            command = [
249                self.stackwalk_binary,
250                path,
251                self.symbols_path
252            ]
253            self.logger.info('Copy/paste: ' + ' '.join(command))
254            # run minidump_stackwalk
255            p = subprocess.Popen(
256                command,
257                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
258                stderr=subprocess.PIPE
259            )
260            (out, err) = p.communicate()
261            retcode = p.returncode
263            if len(out) > 3:
264                # minidump_stackwalk is chatty,
265                # so ignore stderr when it succeeds.
266                # The top frame of the crash is always the line after "Thread N (crashed)"
267                # Examples:
268                #  0  libc.so + 0xa888
269                #  0  libnss3.so!nssCertificate_Destroy [certificate.c : 102 + 0x0]
270                #  0  mozjs.dll!js::GlobalObject::getDebuggers() [GlobalObject.cpp:89df18f9b6da : 580 + 0x0] # noqa
271                # 0  libxul.so!void js::gc::MarkInternal<JSObject>(JSTracer*, JSObject**)
272                # [Marking.cpp : 92 + 0x28]
273                lines = out.splitlines()
274                for i, line in enumerate(lines):
275                    if "(crashed)" in line:
276                        match = re.search(r"^ 0  (?:.*!)?(?:void )?([^\[]+)", lines[i + 1])
277                        if match:
278                            signature = "@ %s" % match.group(1).strip()
279                        break
280            else:
281                include_stderr = True
283        else:
284            if not self.symbols_path:
285                errors.append("No symbols path given, can't process dump.")
286            if not self.stackwalk_binary:
287                errors.append("MINIDUMP_STACKWALK not set, can't process dump.")
288            elif self.stackwalk_binary and not os.path.exists(self.stackwalk_binary):
289                errors.append("MINIDUMP_STACKWALK binary not found: %s" % self.stackwalk_binary)
290            elif not os.access(self.stackwalk_binary, os.X_OK):
291                errors.append('This user cannot execute the MINIDUMP_STACKWALK binary.')
293        if self.dump_save_path:
294            self._save_dump_file(path, extra)
296        if os.path.exists(path):
297            mozfile.remove(path)
298        if os.path.exists(extra):
299            mozfile.remove(extra)
301        return StackInfo(path,
302                         signature,
303                         out,
304                         err if include_stderr else None,
305                         retcode,
306                         errors,
307                         extra)
309    def _save_dump_file(self, path, extra):
310        if os.path.isfile(self.dump_save_path):
311            os.unlink(self.dump_save_path)
312        if not os.path.isdir(self.dump_save_path):
313            try:
314                os.makedirs(self.dump_save_path)
315            except OSError:
316                pass
318        shutil.move(path, self.dump_save_path)
319        self.logger.info("Saved minidump as %s" %
320                         os.path.join(self.dump_save_path, os.path.basename(path)))
322        if os.path.isfile(extra):
323            shutil.move(extra, self.dump_save_path)
324            self.logger.info("Saved app info as %s" %
325                             os.path.join(self.dump_save_path, os.path.basename(extra)))
328def check_for_java_exception(logcat, test_name=None, quiet=False):
329    """
330    Print a summary of a fatal Java exception, if present in the provided
331    logcat output.
333    Example:
334    PROCESS-CRASH | <test-name> | java-exception java.lang.NullPointerException at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoApp$21.run(GeckoApp.java:1833) # noqa
336    `logcat` should be a list of strings.
338    If `test_name` is set it will be used as the test name in log output. If not set the
339    filename of the calling function will be used.
341    If `quiet` is set, no PROCESS-CRASH message will be printed to stdout if a
342    crash is detected.
344    Returns True if a fatal Java exception was found, False otherwise.
345    """
347    # try to get the caller's filename if no test name is given
348    if test_name is None:
349        try:
350            test_name = os.path.basename(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_filename)
351        except Exception:
352            test_name = "unknown"
354    found_exception = False
356    for i, line in enumerate(logcat):
357        # Logs will be of form:
358        #
359        # 01-30 20:15:41.937 E/GeckoAppShell( 1703): >>> REPORTING UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION FROM THREAD 9 ("GeckoBackgroundThread") # noqa
360        # 01-30 20:15:41.937 E/GeckoAppShell( 1703): java.lang.NullPointerException
361        # 01-30 20:15:41.937 E/GeckoAppShell( 1703): at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoApp$21.run(GeckoApp.java:1833) # noqa
362        # 01-30 20:15:41.937 E/GeckoAppShell( 1703): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587) # noqa
363        if "REPORTING UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION" in line:
364            # Strip away the date, time, logcat tag and pid from the next two lines and
365            # concatenate the remainder to form a concise summary of the exception.
366            found_exception = True
367            if len(logcat) >= i + 3:
368                logre = re.compile(r".*\): \t?(.*)")
369                m = logre.search(logcat[i + 1])
370                if m and m.group(1):
371                    exception_type = m.group(1)
372                m = logre.search(logcat[i + 2])
373                if m and m.group(1):
374                    exception_location = m.group(1)
375                if not quiet:
376                    print("PROCESS-CRASH | %s | java-exception %s %s" % (test_name,
377                                                                         exception_type,
378                                                                         exception_location))
379            else:
380                print("Automation Error: java exception in logcat at line "
381                      "%d of %d: %s" % (i, len(logcat), line))
382            break
384    return found_exception
387if mozinfo.isWin:
388    import ctypes
389    import uuid
391    kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
392    OpenProcess = kernel32.OpenProcess
393    CloseHandle = kernel32.CloseHandle
395    def write_minidump(pid, dump_directory, utility_path):
396        """
397        Write a minidump for a process.
399        :param pid: PID of the process to write a minidump for.
400        :param dump_directory: Directory in which to write the minidump.
401        """
403        PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010
404        GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
405        GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000
406        CREATE_ALWAYS = 2
407        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x80
408        INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1
410        file_name = os.path.join(dump_directory,
411                                 str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".dmp")
413        if (mozinfo.info['bits'] != ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_voidp) * 8 and
414                utility_path):
415            # We're not going to be able to write a minidump with ctypes if our
416            # python process was compiled for a different architecture than
417            # firefox, so we invoke the minidumpwriter utility program.
419            log = get_logger()
420            minidumpwriter = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(utility_path,
421                                                           "minidumpwriter.exe"))
422            log.info("Using %s to write a dump to %s for [%d]" %
423                     (minidumpwriter, file_name, pid))
424            if not os.path.exists(minidumpwriter):
425                log.error("minidumpwriter not found in %s" % utility_path)
426                return
428            if isinstance(file_name, unicode):
429                # Convert to a byte string before sending to the shell.
430                file_name = file_name.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
432            status = subprocess.Popen([minidumpwriter, str(pid), file_name]).wait()
433            if status:
434                log.error("minidumpwriter exited with status: %d" % status)
435            return
437        proc_handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ,
438                                  0, pid)
439        if not proc_handle:
440            return
442        if not isinstance(file_name, unicode):
443            # Convert to unicode explicitly so our path will be valid as input
444            # to CreateFileW
445            file_name = unicode(file_name, sys.getfilesystemencoding())
447        file_handle = kernel32.CreateFileW(file_name,
448                                           GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
449                                           0,
450                                           None,
451                                           CREATE_ALWAYS,
452                                           FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
453                                           None)
454        if file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE:
455            ctypes.windll.dbghelp.MiniDumpWriteDump(proc_handle,
456                                                    pid,
457                                                    file_handle,
458                                                    # Dump type - MiniDumpNormal
459                                                    0,
460                                                    # Exception parameter
461                                                    None,
462                                                    # User stream parameter
463                                                    None,
464                                                    # Callback parameter
465                                                    None)
466            CloseHandle(file_handle)
467        CloseHandle(proc_handle)
469    def kill_pid(pid):
470        """
471        Terminate a process with extreme prejudice.
473        :param pid: PID of the process to terminate.
474        """
475        PROCESS_TERMINATE = 0x0001
476        WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0x0
477        WAIT_FAILED = -1
478        logger = get_logger()
479        handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, pid)
480        if handle:
481            if kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, 1):
482                # TerminateProcess is async; wait up to 30 seconds for process to
483                # actually terminate, then give up so that clients are not kept
484                # waiting indefinitely for hung processes.
485                status = kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(handle, 30000)
486                if status == WAIT_FAILED:
487                    err = kernel32.GetLastError()
488                    logger.warning("kill_pid(): wait failed (%d) terminating pid %d: error %d" %
489                                   (status, pid, err))
490                elif status != WAIT_OBJECT_0:
491                    logger.warning("kill_pid(): wait failed (%d) terminating pid %d" %
492                                   (status, pid))
493            else:
494                err = kernel32.GetLastError()
495                logger.warning("kill_pid(): unable to terminate pid %d: %d" %
496                               (pid, err))
497            CloseHandle(handle)
498        else:
499            err = kernel32.GetLastError()
500            logger.warning("kill_pid(): unable to get handle for pid %d: %d" %
501                           (pid, err))
503    def kill_pid(pid):
504        """
505        Terminate a process with extreme prejudice.
507        :param pid: PID of the process to terminate.
508        """
509        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
512def kill_and_get_minidump(pid, dump_directory, utility_path=None):
513    """
514    Attempt to kill a process and leave behind a minidump describing its
515    execution state.
517    :param pid: The PID of the process to kill.
518    :param dump_directory: The directory where a minidump should be written on
519    Windows, where the dump will be written from outside the process.
521    On Windows a dump will be written using the MiniDumpWriteDump function
522    from DbgHelp.dll. On Linux and OS X the process will be sent a SIGABRT
523    signal to trigger minidump writing via a Breakpad signal handler. On other
524    platforms the process will simply be killed via SIGKILL.
526    If the process is hung in such a way that it cannot respond to SIGABRT
527    it may still be running after this function returns. In that case it
528    is the caller's responsibility to deal with killing it.
529    """
530    needs_killing = True
531    if mozinfo.isWin:
532        write_minidump(pid, dump_directory, utility_path)
533    elif mozinfo.isLinux or mozinfo.isMac:
534        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGABRT)
535        needs_killing = False
536    if needs_killing:
537        kill_pid(pid)
540def cleanup_pending_crash_reports():
541    """
542    Delete any pending crash reports.
544    The presence of pending crash reports may be reported by the browser,
545    affecting test results; it is best to ensure that these are removed
546    before starting any browser tests.
548    Firefox stores pending crash reports in "<UAppData>/Crash Reports".
549    If the browser is not running, it cannot provide <UAppData>, so this
550    code tries to anticipate its value.
552    See dom/system/OSFileConstants.cpp for platform variations of <UAppData>.
553    """
554    if mozinfo.isWin:
555        location = os.path.expanduser("~\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Crash Reports")
556    elif mozinfo.isMac:
557        location = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/firefox/Crash Reports")
558    else:
559        location = os.path.expanduser("~/.mozilla/firefox/Crash Reports")
560    logger = get_logger()
561    if os.path.exists(location):
562        try:
563            mozfile.remove(location)
564            logger.info("Removed pending crash reports at '%s'" % location)
565        except Exception:
566            pass
569if __name__ == '__main__':
570    import argparse
571    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
572    parser.add_argument('--stackwalk-binary', '-b')
573    parser.add_argument('--dump-save-path', '-o')
574    parser.add_argument('--test-name', '-n')
575    parser.add_argument('dump_directory')
576    parser.add_argument('symbols_path')
577    args = parser.parse_args()
579    check_for_crashes(args.dump_directory, args.symbols_path,
580                      stackwalk_binary=args.stackwalk_binary,
581                      dump_save_path=args.dump_save_path,
582                      test_name=args.test_name)