1 /*
2  * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
9 #ifndef GrGLCaps_DEFINED
10 #define GrGLCaps_DEFINED
12 #include <functional>
13 #include "include/private/GrGLTypesPriv.h"
14 #include "include/private/SkChecksum.h"
15 #include "include/private/SkTArray.h"
16 #include "include/private/SkTHash.h"
17 #include "src/gpu/GrCaps.h"
18 #include "src/gpu/GrSwizzle.h"
19 #include "src/gpu/gl/GrGLStencilAttachment.h"
20 #include "src/gpu/gl/GrGLUtil.h"
22 class GrGLContextInfo;
23 class GrGLRenderTarget;
25 /**
26  * Stores some capabilities of a GL context. Most are determined by the GL
27  * version and the extensions string. It also tracks formats that have passed
28  * the FBO completeness test.
29  */
30 class GrGLCaps : public GrCaps {
31 public:
32     typedef GrGLStencilAttachment::Format StencilFormat;
34     /**
35      * The type of MSAA for FBOs supported. Different extensions have different
36      * semantics of how / when a resolve is performed.
37      */
38     enum MSFBOType {
39         /**
40          * no support for MSAA FBOs
41          */
42         kNone_MSFBOType = 0,
43         /**
44          * OpenGL 3.0+, OpenGL ES 3.0+, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object,
45          * GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_multisample, GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample,
46          * or GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
47          */
48         kStandard_MSFBOType,
49         /**
50          * GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample ES extension
51          */
52         kES_Apple_MSFBOType,
53         /**
54          * GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture. This variation does not have MSAA renderbuffers.
55          * Instead the texture is multisampled when bound to the FBO and then resolved automatically
56          * when read. It also defines an alternate value for GL_MAX_SAMPLES (which we call
57          * GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES_IMG).
58          */
59         kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType,
60         /**
61          * GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture. Same as the IMG one above but uses the standard
62          * GL_MAX_SAMPLES value.
63          */
64         kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType,
66         kLast_MSFBOType = kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType
67     };
69     enum BlitFramebufferFlags {
70         kNoSupport_BlitFramebufferFlag                    = 1 << 0,
71         kNoScalingOrMirroring_BlitFramebufferFlag         = 1 << 1,
72         kResolveMustBeFull_BlitFrambufferFlag             = 1 << 2,
73         kNoMSAADst_BlitFramebufferFlag                    = 1 << 3,
74         kNoFormatConversion_BlitFramebufferFlag           = 1 << 4,
75         kNoFormatConversionForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag = 1 << 5,
76         kRectsMustMatchForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag     = 1 << 6,
77     };
79     enum InvalidateFBType {
80         kNone_InvalidateFBType,
81         kDiscard_InvalidateFBType,       //<! glDiscardFramebuffer()
82         kInvalidate_InvalidateFBType,    //<! glInvalidateFramebuffer()
84         kLast_InvalidateFBType = kInvalidate_InvalidateFBType
85     };
87     enum MapBufferType {
88         kNone_MapBufferType,
89         kMapBuffer_MapBufferType,         // glMapBuffer()
90         kMapBufferRange_MapBufferType,    // glMapBufferRange()
91         kChromium_MapBufferType,          // GL_CHROMIUM_map_sub
93         kLast_MapBufferType = kChromium_MapBufferType,
94     };
96     enum TransferBufferType {
97         kNone_TransferBufferType,
98         kPBO_TransferBufferType,          // ARB_pixel_buffer_object
99         kChromium_TransferBufferType,     // CHROMIUM_pixel_transfer_buffer_object
101         kLast_TransferBufferType = kChromium_TransferBufferType,
102     };
104     /**
105      * Initializes the GrGLCaps to the set of features supported in the current
106      * OpenGL context accessible via ctxInfo.
107      */
108     GrGLCaps(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo,
109              const GrGLInterface* glInterface);
111     bool isFormatSRGB(const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
112     bool isFormatCompressed(const GrBackendFormat&,
113                             SkImage::CompressionType* compressionType = nullptr) const override;
115     bool isFormatTexturableAndUploadable(GrColorType, const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
116     bool isFormatTexturable(const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
117     bool isFormatTexturable(GrGLFormat) const;
119     bool isFormatAsColorTypeRenderable(GrColorType ct, const GrBackendFormat& format,
120                                        int sampleCount = 1) const override;
121     bool isFormatRenderable(const GrBackendFormat& format, int sampleCount) const override;
isFormatRenderable(GrGLFormat format,int sampleCount)122     bool isFormatRenderable(GrGLFormat format, int sampleCount) const {
123         return sampleCount <= this->maxRenderTargetSampleCount(format);
124     }
getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount,const GrBackendFormat & format)126     int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount,
127                                    const GrBackendFormat& format) const override {
128         return this->getRenderTargetSampleCount(requestedCount, format.asGLFormat());
129     }
130     int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount, GrGLFormat) const;
maxRenderTargetSampleCount(const GrBackendFormat & format)132     int maxRenderTargetSampleCount(const GrBackendFormat& format) const override {
133         return this->maxRenderTargetSampleCount(format.asGLFormat());
134     }
135     int maxRenderTargetSampleCount(GrGLFormat) const;
137     size_t bytesPerPixel(GrGLFormat) const;
138     size_t bytesPerPixel(const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
140     bool isFormatCopyable(const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
142     bool canFormatBeFBOColorAttachment(GrGLFormat) const;
getFormatFromColorType(GrColorType colorType)144     GrGLFormat getFormatFromColorType(GrColorType colorType) const {
145         int idx = static_cast<int>(colorType);
146         return fColorTypeToFormatTable[idx];
147     }
149     /**
150      * Gets the internal format to use with glTexImage...() and glTexStorage...(). May be sized or
151      * base depending upon the GL. Not applicable to compressed textures.
152      */
getTexImageOrStorageInternalFormat(GrGLFormat format)153     GrGLenum getTexImageOrStorageInternalFormat(GrGLFormat format) const {
154         return this->getFormatInfo(format).fInternalFormatForTexImageOrStorage;
155     }
157     /**
158      * Gets the external format and type to pass to glTexImage2D with nullptr to create an
159      * uninitialized texture. See getTexImageOrStorageInternalFormat() for the internal format.
160      */
161     void getTexImageExternalFormatAndType(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrGLenum* externalFormat,
162                                           GrGLenum* externalType) const;
164     /**
165      * Given a src data color type and a color type interpretation for a texture of a given format
166      * this provides the external GL format and type to use with glTexSubImage2d. The color types
167      * should originate from supportedWritePixelsColorType().
168      */
169     void getTexSubImageExternalFormatAndType(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType,
170                                              GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum* externalFormat,
171                                              GrGLenum* externalType) const;
173     /**
174      * Gets the external format, type, and bytes per pixel to use when uploading zeros via
175      * glTexSubImage...() to clear the texture at creation.
176      */
177     void getTexSubImageZeroFormatTypeAndBpp(GrGLFormat format, GrGLenum* externalFormat,
178                                             GrGLenum* externalType, size_t* bpp) const;
180     void getReadPixelsFormat(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType,
181                              GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum* externalFormat,
182                              GrGLenum* externalType) const;
184     /**
185     * Gets an array of legal stencil formats. These formats are not guaranteed
186     * to be supported by the driver but are legal GLenum names given the GL
187     * version and extensions supported.
188     */
stencilFormats()189     const SkTArray<StencilFormat, true>& stencilFormats() const {
190         return fStencilFormats;
191     }
193     bool formatSupportsTexStorage(GrGLFormat) const;
195     /**
196      * Gets the internal format to use with glRenderbufferStorageMultisample...(). May be sized or
197      * base depending upon the GL. Not applicable to compressed textures.
198      */
getRenderbufferInternalFormat(GrGLFormat format)199     GrGLenum getRenderbufferInternalFormat(GrGLFormat format) const {
200         return this->getFormatInfo(format).fInternalFormatForRenderbuffer;
201     }
203     /**
204      * Gets the default external type to use with glTex[Sub]Image... when the data pointer is null.
205      */
getFormatDefaultExternalType(GrGLFormat format)206     GrGLenum getFormatDefaultExternalType(GrGLFormat format) const {
207         return this->getFormatInfo(format).fDefaultExternalType;
208     }
210     /**
211      * Has a stencil format index been found for the format (or we've found that no format works).
212      */
hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForFormat(GrGLFormat format)213     bool hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForFormat(GrGLFormat format) const {
214         return this->getFormatInfo(format).fStencilFormatIndex != FormatInfo::kUnknown_StencilIndex;
215     }
217     /**
218      * Gets the stencil format index for the format. This assumes
219      * hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForFormat has already been checked. Returns a value < 0 if
220      * no stencil format is supported with the format. Otherwise, returned index refers to the array
221      * returned by stencilFormats().
222      */
getStencilFormatIndexForFormat(GrGLFormat format)223     int getStencilFormatIndexForFormat(GrGLFormat format) const {
224         SkASSERT(this->hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForFormat(format));
225         return this->getFormatInfo(format).fStencilFormatIndex;
226     }
228     /**
229      * If index is >= 0 this records an index into stencilFormats() as the best stencil format for
230      * the format. If < 0 it records that the format has no supported stencil format index.
231      */
232     void setStencilFormatIndexForFormat(GrGLFormat, int index);
234     /**
235      * Reports the type of MSAA FBO support.
236      */
msFBOType()237     MSFBOType msFBOType() const { return fMSFBOType; }
239     /**
240      * Does the preferred MSAA FBO extension have MSAA renderbuffers?
241      */
usesMSAARenderBuffers()242     bool usesMSAARenderBuffers() const {
243         return kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType &&
244                kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType &&
245                kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType;
246     }
248     /**
249      * What functionality is supported by glBlitFramebuffer.
250      */
blitFramebufferSupportFlags()251     uint32_t blitFramebufferSupportFlags() const { return fBlitFramebufferFlags; }
253     /**
254      * Is the MSAA FBO extension one where the texture is multisampled when bound to an FBO and
255      * then implicitly resolved when read.
256      */
usesImplicitMSAAResolve()257     bool usesImplicitMSAAResolve() const {
258         return kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType ||
259                kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType;
260     }
invalidateFBType()262     InvalidateFBType invalidateFBType() const { return fInvalidateFBType; }
264     /// What type of buffer mapping is supported?
mapBufferType()265     MapBufferType mapBufferType() const { return fMapBufferType; }
267     /// What type of transfer buffer is supported?
transferBufferType()268     TransferBufferType transferBufferType() const { return fTransferBufferType; }
270     /// The maximum number of fragment uniform vectors (GLES has min. 16).
maxFragmentUniformVectors()271     int maxFragmentUniformVectors() const { return fMaxFragmentUniformVectors; }
273     /// Is there support for GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER
packFlipYSupport()274     bool packFlipYSupport() const { return fPackFlipYSupport; }
276     /// Is there support for texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_USAGE
textureUsageSupport()277     bool textureUsageSupport() const { return fTextureUsageSupport; }
279     /// Is GL_ARB_IMAGING supported
imagingSupport()280     bool imagingSupport() const { return fImagingSupport; }
282     /// Is there support for Vertex Array Objects?
vertexArrayObjectSupport()283     bool vertexArrayObjectSupport() const { return fVertexArrayObjectSupport; }
285     /// Is there support for GL_KHR_debug?
debugSupport()286     bool debugSupport() const { return fDebugSupport; }
288     /// Is there support for ES2 compatability?
ES2CompatibilitySupport()289     bool ES2CompatibilitySupport() const { return fES2CompatibilitySupport; }
291     /// Is there support for glDraw*Instanced?
drawInstancedSupport()292     bool drawInstancedSupport() const { return fDrawInstancedSupport; }
294     /// Is there support for glDraw*Indirect? Note that the baseInstance fields of indirect draw
295     /// commands cannot be used unless we have base instance support.
drawIndirectSupport()296     bool drawIndirectSupport() const { return fDrawIndirectSupport; }
298     /// Is there support for glMultiDraw*Indirect? Note that the baseInstance fields of indirect
299     /// draw commands cannot be used unless we have base instance support.
multiDrawIndirectSupport()300     bool multiDrawIndirectSupport() const { return fMultiDrawIndirectSupport; }
302     /// Is there support for glDrawRangeElements?
drawRangeElementsSupport()303     bool drawRangeElementsSupport() const { return fDrawRangeElementsSupport; }
305     /// Are the baseInstance fields supported in indirect draw commands?
baseInstanceSupport()306     bool baseInstanceSupport() const { return fBaseInstanceSupport; }
308     /// Use indices or vertices in CPU arrays rather than VBOs for dynamic content.
useNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData()309     bool useNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData() const { return fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData; }
311     SurfaceReadPixelsSupport surfaceSupportsReadPixels(const GrSurface*) const override;
313     SupportedWrite supportedWritePixelsColorType(GrColorType surfaceColorType,
314                                                  const GrBackendFormat& surfaceFormat,
315                                                  GrColorType srcColorType) const override;
isCoreProfile()317     bool isCoreProfile() const { return fIsCoreProfile; }
bindFragDataLocationSupport()319     bool bindFragDataLocationSupport() const { return fBindFragDataLocationSupport; }
bindUniformLocationSupport()321     bool bindUniformLocationSupport() const { return fBindUniformLocationSupport; }
323     /// Are textures with GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE type supported.
rectangleTextureSupport()324     bool rectangleTextureSupport() const { return fRectangleTextureSupport; }
mipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport()326     bool mipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport() const { return fMipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport; }
doManualMipmapping()328     bool doManualMipmapping() const { return fDoManualMipmapping; }
330     void onDumpJSON(SkJSONWriter*) const override;
rgba8888PixelsOpsAreSlow()332     bool rgba8888PixelsOpsAreSlow() const { return fRGBA8888PixelsOpsAreSlow; }
partialFBOReadIsSlow()333     bool partialFBOReadIsSlow() const { return fPartialFBOReadIsSlow; }
rgbaToBgraReadbackConversionsAreSlow()334     bool rgbaToBgraReadbackConversionsAreSlow() const {
335         return fRGBAToBGRAReadbackConversionsAreSlow;
336     }
useBufferDataNullHint()338     bool useBufferDataNullHint() const { return fUseBufferDataNullHint; }
340     // Certain Intel GPUs on Mac fail to clear if the glClearColor is made up of only 1s and 0s.
clearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken()341     bool clearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken() const { return fClearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken; }
343     /// glClearTex(Sub)Image support
clearTextureSupport()344     bool clearTextureSupport() const { return fClearTextureSupport; }
346     // Adreno/MSAA drops a draw on the imagefiltersbase GM if the base vertex param to
347     // glDrawArrays is nonzero.
348     // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/skia/issues/detail?id=6650
drawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken()349     bool drawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken() const { return fDrawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken; }
351     // If true then we must use an intermediate surface to perform partial updates to unorm textures
352     // that have ever been bound to a FBO.
disallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO()353     bool disallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO() const {
354         return fDisallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO;
355     }
357     // Use an intermediate surface to write pixels (full or partial overwrite) to into a texture
358     // that is bound to an FBO.
useDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites()359     bool useDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites() const {
360         return fUseDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites;
361     }
363     // At least some Adreno 3xx drivers draw lines incorrectly after drawing non-lines. Toggling
364     // face culling on and off seems to resolve this.
requiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines()365     bool requiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines() const {
366         return fRequiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines;
367     }
369     // Some Adreno drivers refuse to ReadPixels from an MSAA buffer that has stencil attached.
detachStencilFromMSAABuffersBeforeReadPixels()370     bool detachStencilFromMSAABuffersBeforeReadPixels() const {
371         return fDetachStencilFromMSAABuffersBeforeReadPixels;
372     }
374     // Older Android versions seem to have an issue with setting GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL or
dontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures()376     bool dontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures() const {
377         return fDontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures;
378     }
380     // PowerVRGX6250 drops every pixel if we modify the sample mask while color writes are disabled.
neverDisableColorWrites()381     bool neverDisableColorWrites() const { return fNeverDisableColorWrites; }
383     // Returns the observed maximum number of instances the driver can handle in a single draw call
384     // without crashing, or 'pendingInstanceCount' if this workaround is not necessary.
385     // NOTE: the return value may be larger than pendingInstanceCount.
maxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing(int pendingInstanceCount)386     int maxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing(int pendingInstanceCount) const {
387         return (fMaxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing)
388                 ? fMaxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing : pendingInstanceCount;
389     }
391     bool canCopyTexSubImage(GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool dstHasMSAARenderBuffer,
392                             const GrTextureType* dstTypeIfTexture,
393                             GrGLFormat srcFormat, bool srcHasMSAARenderBuffer,
394                             const GrTextureType* srcTypeIfTexture) const;
395     bool canCopyAsBlit(GrGLFormat dstFormat, int dstSampleCnt,
396                        const GrTextureType* dstTypeIfTexture,
397                        GrGLFormat srcFormat, int srcSampleCnt,
398                        const GrTextureType* srcTypeIfTexture,
399                        const SkRect& srcBounds, bool srcBoundsExact,
400                        const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint) const;
401     bool canCopyAsDraw(GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool srcIsTexturable) const;
403     DstCopyRestrictions getDstCopyRestrictions(const GrRenderTargetProxy* src,
404                                                GrColorType) const override;
programBinarySupport()406     bool programBinarySupport() const { return fProgramBinarySupport; }
programParameterSupport()407     bool programParameterSupport() const { return fProgramParameterSupport; }
samplerObjectSupport()409     bool samplerObjectSupport() const { return fSamplerObjectSupport; }
tiledRenderingSupport()411     bool tiledRenderingSupport() const { return fTiledRenderingSupport; }
fbFetchRequiresEnablePerSample()413     bool fbFetchRequiresEnablePerSample() const { return fFBFetchRequiresEnablePerSample; }
415     /* Is there support for enabling/disabling sRGB writes for sRGB-capable color buffers? */
srgbWriteControl()416     bool srgbWriteControl() const { return fSRGBWriteControl; }
418     GrColorType getYUVAColorTypeFromBackendFormat(const GrBackendFormat&,
419                                                   bool isAlphaChannel) const override;
421     GrBackendFormat getBackendFormatFromCompressionType(SkImage::CompressionType) const override;
423     GrSwizzle getTextureSwizzle(const GrBackendFormat&, GrColorType) const override;
424     GrSwizzle getOutputSwizzle(const GrBackendFormat&, GrColorType) const override;
standard()427     GrGLStandard standard() const { return fStandard; }
429     std::vector<TestFormatColorTypeCombination> getTestingCombinations() const override;
430 #endif
432 private:
433     enum ExternalFormatUsage {
434         kTexImage_ExternalFormatUsage,
435         kReadPixels_ExternalFormatUsage,
436     };
437     void getExternalFormat(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType,
438                            GrColorType memoryColorType, ExternalFormatUsage usage,
439                            GrGLenum* externalFormat, GrGLenum* externalType) const;
441     void init(const GrContextOptions&, const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*);
442     void initGLSL(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*);
443     bool hasPathRenderingSupport(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*);
445     struct FormatWorkarounds {
446         bool fDisableSRGBRenderWithMSAAForMacAMD = false;
447         bool fDisableRGBA16FTexStorageForCrBug1008003 = false;
448         bool fDisableBGRATextureStorageForIntelWindowsES = false;
449         bool fDisableRGB8ForMali400 = false;
450         bool fDisableLuminance16F = false;
451         bool fDontDisableTexStorageOnAndroid = false;
452     };
454     void applyDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrContextOptions&,
455                                            GrShaderCaps*, FormatWorkarounds*);
457     void onApplyOptionsOverrides(const GrContextOptions& options) override;
459     bool onIsWindowRectanglesSupportedForRT(const GrBackendRenderTarget&) const override;
461     void initFSAASupport(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, const GrGLContextInfo&,
462                          const GrGLInterface*);
463     void initBlendEqationSupport(const GrGLContextInfo&);
464     void initStencilSupport(const GrGLContextInfo&);
465     // This must be called after initFSAASupport().
466     void initFormatTable(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*, const FormatWorkarounds&);
467     void setupSampleCounts(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*);
468     bool onSurfaceSupportsWritePixels(const GrSurface*) const override;
469     bool onCanCopySurface(const GrSurfaceProxy* dst, const GrSurfaceProxy* src,
470                           const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint) const override;
471     GrBackendFormat onGetDefaultBackendFormat(GrColorType, GrRenderable) const override;
472     GrPixelConfig onGetConfigFromBackendFormat(const GrBackendFormat&, GrColorType) const override;
473     bool onAreColorTypeAndFormatCompatible(GrColorType, const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
475     SupportedRead onSupportedReadPixelsColorType(GrColorType, const GrBackendFormat&,
476                                                  GrColorType) const override;
478     GrGLStandard fStandard;
480     SkTArray<StencilFormat, true> fStencilFormats;
482     int fMaxFragmentUniformVectors;
484     MSFBOType           fMSFBOType;
485     InvalidateFBType    fInvalidateFBType;
486     MapBufferType       fMapBufferType;
487     TransferBufferType  fTransferBufferType;
489     bool fPackFlipYSupport : 1;
490     bool fTextureUsageSupport : 1;
491     bool fImagingSupport  : 1;
492     bool fVertexArrayObjectSupport : 1;
493     bool fDebugSupport : 1;
494     bool fES2CompatibilitySupport : 1;
495     bool fDrawInstancedSupport : 1;
496     bool fDrawIndirectSupport : 1;
497     bool fDrawRangeElementsSupport : 1;
498     bool fMultiDrawIndirectSupport : 1;
499     bool fBaseInstanceSupport : 1;
500     bool fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData : 1;
501     bool fIsCoreProfile : 1;
502     bool fBindFragDataLocationSupport : 1;
503     bool fRGBA8888PixelsOpsAreSlow : 1;
504     bool fPartialFBOReadIsSlow : 1;
505     bool fBindUniformLocationSupport : 1;
506     bool fRectangleTextureSupport : 1;
507     bool fMipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport : 1;
508     bool fRGBAToBGRAReadbackConversionsAreSlow : 1;
509     bool fUseBufferDataNullHint                : 1;
510     bool fClearTextureSupport : 1;
511     bool fProgramBinarySupport : 1;
512     bool fProgramParameterSupport : 1;
513     bool fSamplerObjectSupport : 1;
514     bool fTiledRenderingSupport : 1;
515     bool fFBFetchRequiresEnablePerSample : 1;
516     bool fSRGBWriteControl : 1;
518     // Driver workarounds
519     bool fDoManualMipmapping : 1;
520     bool fClearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken : 1;
521     bool fDrawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken : 1;
522     bool fDisallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO : 1;
523     bool fUseDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites : 1;
524     bool fRequiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines : 1;
525     bool fDetachStencilFromMSAABuffersBeforeReadPixels : 1;
526     bool fDontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures : 1;
527     bool fNeverDisableColorWrites : 1;
528     int fMaxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing;
530     uint32_t fBlitFramebufferFlags;
532     struct ReadPixelsFormat {
ReadPixelsFormatReadPixelsFormat533         ReadPixelsFormat() : fFormat(0), fType(0) {}
534         GrGLenum fFormat;
535         GrGLenum fType;
536     };
538     /** Number type of the components (with out considering number of bits.) */
539     enum class FormatType {
540         kUnknown,
541         kNormalizedFixedPoint,
542         kFloat,
543     };
545     // ColorTypeInfo for a specific format
546     struct ColorTypeInfo {
547         GrColorType fColorType = GrColorType::kUnknown;
548         enum {
549             kUploadData_Flag = 0x1,
550             // Does Ganesh itself support rendering to this colorType & format pair. Renderability
551             // still additionally depends on if the format can be an FBO color attachment.
552             kRenderable_Flag = 0x2,
553         };
554         uint32_t fFlags = 0;
556         GrSwizzle fTextureSwizzle;
557         GrSwizzle fOutputSwizzle;
559         struct ExternalIOFormats {
560             GrColorType fColorType = GrColorType::kUnknown;
562             /** The external format and type are to be used when uploading/downloading data using
563                 data of fColorType and uploading to a texture of a given GrGLFormat and its
564                 intended GrColorType. The fExternalTexImageFormat is the format to use for TexImage
565                 calls. The fExternalReadFormat is used when calling ReadPixels. If either is zero
566                 that signals that either TexImage or ReadPixels is not supported for the combination
567                 of format and color types. */
568             GrGLenum fExternalType = 0;
569             GrGLenum fExternalTexImageFormat = 0;
570             GrGLenum fExternalReadFormat = 0;
571         };
externalFormatColorTypeInfo573         GrGLenum externalFormat(GrColorType externalColorType, ExternalFormatUsage usage) const {
574             for (int i = 0; i < fExternalIOFormatCount; ++i) {
575                 if (fExternalIOFormats[i].fColorType == externalColorType) {
576                     if (usage == kTexImage_ExternalFormatUsage) {
577                         return fExternalIOFormats[i].fExternalTexImageFormat;
578                     } else {
579                         SkASSERT(usage == kReadPixels_ExternalFormatUsage);
580                         return fExternalIOFormats[i].fExternalReadFormat;
581                     }
582                 }
583             }
584             return 0;
585         }
externalTypeColorTypeInfo587         GrGLenum externalType(GrColorType externalColorType) const {
588             for (int i = 0; i < fExternalIOFormatCount; ++i) {
589                 if (fExternalIOFormats[i].fColorType == externalColorType) {
590                     return fExternalIOFormats[i].fExternalType;
591                 }
592             }
593             return 0;
594         }
596         std::unique_ptr<ExternalIOFormats[]> fExternalIOFormats;
597         int fExternalIOFormatCount = 0;
598     };
600     struct FormatInfo {
colorTypeFlagsFormatInfo601         uint32_t colorTypeFlags(GrColorType colorType) const {
602             for (int i = 0; i < fColorTypeInfoCount; ++i) {
603                 if (fColorTypeInfos[i].fColorType == colorType) {
604                     return fColorTypeInfos[i].fFlags;
605                 }
606             }
607             return 0;
608         }
externalFormatFormatInfo610         GrGLenum externalFormat(GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType externalColorType,
611                                 ExternalFormatUsage usage) const {
612             for (int i = 0; i < fColorTypeInfoCount; ++i) {
613                 if (fColorTypeInfos[i].fColorType == surfaceColorType) {
614                     return fColorTypeInfos[i].externalFormat(externalColorType, usage);
615                 }
616             }
617             return 0;
618         }
externalTypeFormatInfo620         GrGLenum externalType(GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType externalColorType) const {
621             for (int i = 0; i < fColorTypeInfoCount; ++i) {
622                 if (fColorTypeInfos[i].fColorType == surfaceColorType) {
623                     return fColorTypeInfos[i].externalType(externalColorType);
624                 }
625             }
626             return 0;
627         }
629         enum {
630             kTexturable_Flag                 = 0x1,
631             /** kFBOColorAttachment means that even if the format cannot be a GrRenderTarget, we can
632                 still attach it to a FBO for blitting or reading pixels. */
633             kFBOColorAttachment_Flag         = 0x2,
634             kFBOColorAttachmentWithMSAA_Flag = 0x4,
635             kUseTexStorage_Flag              = 0x8,
636         };
637         uint32_t fFlags = 0;
639         FormatType fFormatType = FormatType::kUnknown;
641         // Not defined for uncompressed formats. Passed to glCompressedTexImage...
642         GrGLenum fCompressedInternalFormat = 0;
644         // Value to uses as the "internalformat" argument to glTexImage or glTexStorage. It is
645         // initialized in coordination with the presence/absence of the kUseTexStorage flag. In
646         // other words, it is only guaranteed to be compatible with glTexImage if the flag is not
647         // set and or with glTexStorage if the flag is set.
648         GrGLenum fInternalFormatForTexImageOrStorage = 0;
650         // Value to uses as the "internalformat" argument to glRenderbufferStorageMultisample...
651         GrGLenum fInternalFormatForRenderbuffer = 0;
653         // Default values to use along with fInternalFormatForTexImageOrStorage for function
654         // glTexImage2D when not input providing data (passing nullptr). Not defined for compressed
655         // formats. Also used to upload zeros to initially clear a texture.
656         GrGLenum fDefaultExternalFormat = 0;
657         GrGLenum fDefaultExternalType = 0;
659         // This value is only valid for regular formats. Compressed formats will be 0.
660         GrGLenum fBytesPerPixel = 0;
662         enum {
663             // This indicates that a stencil format has not yet been determined for the config.
664             kUnknown_StencilIndex = -1,
665             // This indicates that there is no supported stencil format for the config.
666             kUnsupported_StencilFormatIndex = -2
667         };
669         // Index fStencilFormats.
670         int fStencilFormatIndex = kUnknown_StencilIndex;
672         SkTDArray<int> fColorSampleCounts;
674         std::unique_ptr<ColorTypeInfo[]> fColorTypeInfos;
675         int fColorTypeInfoCount = 0;
676     };
678     FormatInfo fFormatTable[kGrGLFormatCount];
getFormatInfo(GrGLFormat format)680     FormatInfo& getFormatInfo(GrGLFormat format) { return fFormatTable[static_cast<int>(format)]; }
getFormatInfo(GrGLFormat format)681     const FormatInfo& getFormatInfo(GrGLFormat format) const {
682         return fFormatTable[static_cast<int>(format)];
683     }
685     GrGLFormat fColorTypeToFormatTable[kGrColorTypeCnt];
686     void setColorTypeFormat(GrColorType, GrGLFormat);
688     typedef GrCaps INHERITED;
689 };
691 #endif