1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 #[cfg(all(test, target_pointer_width = "64"))]
6 #[test]
size_of_specified_values()7 fn size_of_specified_values() {
8     use std::mem::size_of;
9     use style;
11     let threshold = 24;
13     let mut bad_properties = vec![];
15     macro_rules! check_property {
16         ( $( { $name: ident, $boxed: expr } )+ ) => {
17             $(
18                 let size = size_of::<style::properties::longhands::$name::SpecifiedValue>();
19                 let is_boxed = $boxed;
20                 if (!is_boxed && size > threshold) || (is_boxed && size <= threshold) {
21                     bad_properties.push((stringify!($name), size, is_boxed));
22                 }
23             )+
24         }
25     }
27     longhand_properties_idents!(check_property);
29     let mut failing_messages = vec![];
31     for bad_prop in bad_properties {
32         if !bad_prop.2 {
33             failing_messages.push(
34                 format!("Your changes have increased the size of {} SpecifiedValue to {}. The threshold is \
35                         currently {}. SpecifiedValues affect size of PropertyDeclaration enum and \
36                         increasing the size may negative affect style system performance. Please consider \
37                         using `boxed=\"True\"` in this longhand.",
38                         bad_prop.0, bad_prop.1, threshold));
39         } else if bad_prop.2 {
40             failing_messages.push(
41                 format!("Your changes have decreased the size of {} SpecifiedValue to {}. Good work! \
42                         The threshold is currently {}. Please consider removing `boxed=\"True\"` from this longhand.",
43                         bad_prop.0, bad_prop.1, threshold));
44         }
45     }
47     if !failing_messages.is_empty() {
48         panic!("{}", failing_messages.join("\n\n"));
49     }
50 }