1 // x11-rs: Rust bindings for X11 libraries
2 // The X11 libraries are available under the MIT license.
3 // These bindings are public domain.
5 use std::os::raw::*;
7 use xlib::{Display, Region, Visual, XRectangle};
8 use xrender::{XGlyphInfo, XRenderColor};
11 //
12 // external types
13 //
16 // freetype
17 pub enum FT_FaceRec {}
18 pub type FT_UInt = c_uint;
20 // fontconfig
21 pub type FcChar32 = c_uint;
22 pub enum FcCharSet {}
23 pub enum FcPattern {}
25 #[repr(C)]
26 pub enum FcEndian { Big, Little }
28 #[repr(C)]
29 pub enum FcResult { Match, NoMatch, TypeMismatch, NoId, OutOfMemory }
32 //
33 // functions
34 //
37 x11_link! { Xft, xft, ["libXft.so.2", "libXft.so"], 77,
38     pub fn XftCharExists (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XftFont, _0: c_uint) -> c_int,
39     pub fn XftCharFontSpecRender (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_int, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const XftCharFontSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
40     pub fn XftCharIndex (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XftFont, _0: c_uint) -> c_uint,
41     pub fn XftCharSpecRender (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_int, _6: c_ulong, _5: *mut XftFont, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const XftCharSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
42     pub fn XftColorAllocName (_4: *mut Display, _3: *const Visual, _2: c_ulong, _1: *const c_char, _0: *mut XftColor) -> c_int,
43     pub fn XftColorAllocValue (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut Visual, _2: c_ulong, _1: *const XRenderColor, _0: *mut XftColor) -> c_int,
44     pub fn XftColorFree (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut Visual, _1: c_ulong, _0: *mut XftColor) -> (),
45     pub fn XftDefaultHasRender (_0: *mut Display) -> c_int,
46     pub fn XftDefaultSet (_1: *mut Display, _0: *mut FcPattern) -> c_int,
47     pub fn XftDefaultSubstitute (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int, _0: *mut FcPattern) -> (),
48     pub fn XftDrawChange (_1: *mut XftDraw, _0: c_ulong) -> (),
49     pub fn XftDrawCharFontSpec (_3: *mut XftDraw, _2: *const XftColor, _1: *const XftCharFontSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
50     pub fn XftDrawCharSpec (_4: *mut XftDraw, _3: *const XftColor, _2: *mut XftFont, _1: *const XftCharSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
51     pub fn XftDrawColormap (_0: *mut XftDraw) -> c_ulong,
52     pub fn XftDrawCreate (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut Visual, _0: c_ulong) -> *mut XftDraw,
53     pub fn XftDrawCreateAlpha (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong, _0: c_int) -> *mut XftDraw,
54     pub fn XftDrawCreateBitmap (_1: *mut Display, _0: c_ulong) -> *mut XftDraw,
55     pub fn XftDrawDestroy (_0: *mut XftDraw) -> (),
56     pub fn XftDrawDisplay (_0: *mut XftDraw) -> *mut Display,
57     pub fn XftDrawDrawable (_0: *mut XftDraw) -> c_ulong,
58     pub fn XftDrawGlyphFontSpec (_3: *mut XftDraw, _2: *const XftColor, _1: *const XftGlyphFontSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
59     pub fn XftDrawGlyphs (_6: *mut XftDraw, _5: *const XftColor, _4: *mut XftFont, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uint, _0: c_int) -> (),
60     pub fn XftDrawGlyphSpec (_4: *mut XftDraw, _3: *const XftColor, _2: *mut XftFont, _1: *const XftGlyphSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
61     pub fn XftDrawPicture (_0: *mut XftDraw) -> c_ulong,
62     pub fn XftDrawRect (_5: *mut XftDraw, _4: *const XftColor, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_uint, _0: c_uint) -> (),
63     pub fn XftDrawSetClip (_1: *mut XftDraw, _0: Region) -> c_int,
64     pub fn XftDrawSetClipRectangles (_4: *mut XftDraw, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const XRectangle, _0: c_int) -> c_int,
65     pub fn XftDrawSetSubwindowMode (_1: *mut XftDraw, _0: c_int) -> (),
66     pub fn XftDrawSrcPicture (_1: *mut XftDraw, _0: *const XftColor) -> c_ulong,
67     pub fn XftDrawString16 (_6: *mut XftDraw, _5: *const XftColor, _4: *mut XftFont, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_ushort, _0: c_int) -> (),
68     pub fn XftDrawString32 (_6: *mut XftDraw, _5: *const XftColor, _4: *mut XftFont, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uint, _0: c_int) -> (),
69     pub fn XftDrawString8 (_6: *mut XftDraw, _5: *const XftColor, _4: *mut XftFont, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
70     pub fn XftDrawStringUtf16 (_7: *mut XftDraw, _6: *const XftColor, _5: *mut XftFont, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: FcEndian, _0: c_int) -> (),
71     pub fn XftDrawStringUtf8 (_6: *mut XftDraw, _5: *const XftColor, _4: *mut XftFont, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
72     pub fn XftDrawVisual (_0: *mut XftDraw) -> *mut Visual,
73     pub fn XftFontCheckGlyph (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut XftFont, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: *mut c_uint, _0: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
74     pub fn XftFontClose (_1: *mut Display, _0: *mut XftFont) -> (),
75     pub fn XftFontCopy (_1: *mut Display, _0: *mut XftFont) -> *mut XftFont,
76     pub fn XftFontInfoCreate (_1: *mut Display, _0: *const FcPattern) -> *mut XftFontInfo,
77     pub fn XftFontInfoDestroy (_1: *mut Display, _0: *mut XftFontInfo) -> (),
78     pub fn XftFontInfoEqual (_1: *const XftFontInfo, _0: *const XftFontInfo) -> c_int,
79     pub fn XftFontInfoHash (_0: *const XftFontInfo) -> c_uint,
80     pub fn XftFontLoadGlyphs (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XftFont, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uint, _0: c_int) -> (),
81     pub fn XftFontMatch (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: *const FcPattern, _0: *mut FcResult) -> *mut FcPattern,
82     pub fn XftFontOpenInfo (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut FcPattern, _0: *mut XftFontInfo) -> *mut XftFont,
83     pub fn XftFontOpenName (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int, _0: *const c_char) -> *mut XftFont,
84     pub fn XftFontOpenPattern (_1: *mut Display, _0: *mut FcPattern) -> *mut XftFont,
85     pub fn XftFontOpenXlfd (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int, _0: *const c_char) -> *mut XftFont,
86     pub fn XftFontUnloadGlyphs (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XftFont, _1: *const c_uint, _0: c_int) -> (),
87     pub fn XftGetVersion () -> c_int,
88     pub fn XftGlyphExtents (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XftFont, _2: *const c_uint, _1: c_int, _0: *mut XGlyphInfo) -> (),
89     pub fn XftGlyphFontSpecRender (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_int, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const XftGlyphFontSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
90     pub fn XftGlyphRender (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uint, _0: c_int) -> (),
91     pub fn XftGlyphSpecRender (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_int, _6: c_ulong, _5: *mut XftFont, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const XftGlyphSpec, _0: c_int) -> (),
92     pub fn XftInit (_0: *const c_char) -> c_int,
93     pub fn XftInitFtLibrary () -> c_int,
94     pub fn XftLockFace (_0: *mut XftFont) -> *mut FT_FaceRec,
95     pub fn XftNameParse (_0: *const c_char) -> *mut FcPattern,
96     pub fn XftNameUnparse (_2: *mut FcPattern, _1: *mut c_char, _0: c_int) -> c_int,
97     pub fn XftTextExtents16 (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XftFont, _2: *const c_ushort, _1: c_int, _0: *mut XGlyphInfo) -> (),
98     pub fn XftTextExtents32 (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XftFont, _2: *const c_uint, _1: c_int, _0: *mut XGlyphInfo) -> (),
99     pub fn XftTextExtents8 (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XftFont, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: c_int, _0: *mut XGlyphInfo) -> (),
100     pub fn XftTextExtentsUtf16 (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut XftFont, _3: *const c_uchar, _2: FcEndian, _1: c_int, _0: *mut XGlyphInfo) -> (),
101     pub fn XftTextExtentsUtf8 (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XftFont, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: c_int, _0: *mut XGlyphInfo) -> (),
102     pub fn XftTextRender16 (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_ushort, _0: c_int) -> (),
103     pub fn XftTextRender16BE (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
104     pub fn XftTextRender16LE (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
105     pub fn XftTextRender32 (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uint, _0: c_int) -> (),
106     pub fn XftTextRender32BE (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
107     pub fn XftTextRender32LE (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
108     pub fn XftTextRender8 (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
109     pub fn XftTextRenderUtf16 (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_int, _9: c_ulong, _8: *mut XftFont, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: FcEndian, _0: c_int) -> (),
110     pub fn XftTextRenderUtf8 (_10: *mut Display, _9: c_int, _8: c_ulong, _7: *mut XftFont, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: *const c_uchar, _0: c_int) -> (),
111     pub fn XftUnlockFace (_0: *mut XftFont) -> (),
112     pub fn XftXlfdParse (_2: *const c_char, _1: c_int, _0: c_int) -> *mut FcPattern,
113 variadic:
114     pub fn XftFontOpen (_1: *mut Display, _0: c_int) -> *mut XftFont,
115     pub fn XftListFonts (_1: *mut Display, _0: c_int) -> *mut XftFontSet,
116 globals:
117 }
120 //
121 // types
122 //
125 pub enum XftFontInfo {}
127 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
128 #[repr(C)]
129 pub struct XftFont {
130     pub ascent: c_int,
131     pub descent: c_int,
132     pub height: c_int,
133     pub max_advance_width: c_int,
134     pub charset: *mut FcCharSet,
135     pub pattern: *mut FcPattern,
136 }
138 pub enum XftDraw {}
140 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
141 #[repr(C)]
142 pub struct XftColor {
143     pub pixel: c_ulong,
144     pub color: XRenderColor,
145 }
147 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
148 #[repr(C)]
149 pub struct XftCharSpec {
150     pub ucs4: FcChar32,
151     pub x: c_short,
152     pub y: c_short,
153 }
155 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
156 #[repr(C)]
157 pub struct XftCharFontSpec {
158     pub font: *mut XftFont,
159     pub ucs4: FcChar32,
160     pub x: c_short,
161     pub y: c_short,
162 }
164 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
165 #[repr(C)]
166 pub struct XftFontSet {
167     pub nfont: c_int,
168     pub sfont: c_int,
169     pub fonts: *mut *mut XftPattern,
170 }
172 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
173 #[repr(C)]
174 pub struct XftGlyphSpec {
175     pub glyph: FT_UInt,
176     pub x: c_short,
177     pub y: c_short,
178 }
180 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
181 #[repr(C)]
182 pub struct XftGlyphFontSpec {
183     pub font: *mut XftFont,
184     pub glyph: FT_UInt,
185     pub x: c_short,
186     pub y: c_short,
187 }
189 pub enum XftPattern {}
192 //
193 // constants
194 //
197 // font attributes
198 pub const XFT_FAMILY: &'static str = "family";
199 pub const XFT_STYLE: &'static str = "style";
200 pub const XFT_SLANT: &'static str = "slant";
201 pub const XFT_WEIGHT: &'static str = "weight";
202 pub const XFT_SIZE: &'static str = "size";
203 pub const XFT_PIXEL_SIZE: &'static str = "pixelsize";
204 pub const XFT_SPACING: &'static str = "spacing";
205 pub const XFT_FOUNDRY: &'static str = "foundry";
206 pub const XFT_ANTIALIAS: &'static str = "antialias";
208 // slant values
209 pub const XFT_SLANT_ROMAN: c_int = 0;
210 pub const XFT_SLANT_ITALIC: c_int = 100;
211 pub const XFT_SLANT_OBLIQUE: c_int = 110;
213 // attribute types
214 pub const XftTypeVoid: c_int = 0;
215 pub const XftTypeInteger: c_int = 1;
216 pub const XftTypeDouble: c_int = 2;
217 pub const XftTypeString: c_int = 3;
218 pub const XftTypeBool: c_int = 4;
219 pub const XftTypeMatrix: c_int = 5;