1module openssl
3// On linux, prefer a localy build openssl, because it is
4// much more likely for it to be newer, than the system
5// openssl from libssl-dev. If there is no local openssl,
6// the next flag is harmless, since it will still use the
7// (older) system openssl.
8#flag linux -I/usr/local/include/openssl -L/usr/local/lib
9#flag -l ssl -l crypto
10// MacPorts
11#flag darwin -I/opt/local/include
12#flag darwin -L/opt/local/lib
13// Brew
14#flag darwin -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
15#flag darwin -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
16#include <openssl/rand.h>
17#include <openssl/ssl.h>
18#include <openssl/err.h>
20pub struct C.SSL {}
21pub struct SSL_CTX {}
22pub struct SSL {}
23pub struct SSL_METHOD {}
25fn C.BIO_new_ssl_connect() voidptr
26fn C.BIO_set_conn_hostname() int
27fn C.BIO_get_ssl()
28fn C.BIO_do_connect() int
29fn C.BIO_do_handshake() int
30fn C.BIO_puts()
31fn C.BIO_read() int
32fn C.BIO_free_all()
33fn C.SSL_CTX_new() &C.SSL_CTX
34fn C.SSL_CTX_set_options()
35fn C.SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth()
36fn C.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() int
37fn C.SSL_CTX_free()
38fn C.SSL_new() &C.SSL
39fn C.SSL_set_fd() int
40fn C.SSL_connect() int
41fn C.SSL_set_cipher_list() int
42fn C.SSL_get_peer_certificate() int
43fn C.SSL_get_verify_result() int
44fn C.SSL_set_tlsext_host_name() int
45fn C.SSL_shutdown()
46fn C.SSL_free()
47fn C.SSL_write() int
48fn C.SSL_read() int
49fn C.SSL_load_error_strings()
50fn C.SSL_library_init()
51fn C.SSLv23_client_method() &C.SSL_METHOD
52fn C.TLSv1_2_method() voidptr
54fn init() {
55	C.SSL_library_init()
58pub const (
59	is_used = 1