1 // Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Karatsuba multiplication. This is loosely based on Go's implementation
6 // found at https://golang.org/src/math/big/nat.go, licensed as follows:
7 //
8 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
9 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
10 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file [1].
11 //
12 // [1] https://golang.org/LICENSE
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <utility>
17 #include "src/bigint/bigint-internal.h"
18 #include "src/bigint/digit-arithmetic.h"
19 #include "src/bigint/util.h"
20 #include "src/bigint/vector-arithmetic.h"
22 namespace v8 {
23 namespace bigint {
25 // If Karatsuba is the best supported algorithm, then it must check for
26 // termination requests. If there are more advanced algorithms available
27 // for larger inputs, then Karatsuba will only be used for sufficiently
28 // small chunks that checking for termination requests is not necessary.
31 #else
32 #define MAYBE_TERMINATE \
33   if (should_terminate()) return;
34 #endif
36 namespace {
38 // The Karatsuba algorithm sometimes finishes more quickly when the
39 // input length is rounded up a bit. This method encodes some heuristics
40 // to accomplish this. The details have been determined experimentally.
RoundUpLen(int len)41 int RoundUpLen(int len) {
42   if (len <= 36) return RoundUp(len, 2);
43   // Keep the 4 or 5 most significant non-zero bits.
44   int shift = BitLength(len) - 5;
45   if ((len >> shift) >= 0x18) {
46     shift++;
47   }
48   // Round up, unless we're only just above the threshold. This smoothes
49   // the steps by which time goes up as input size increases.
50   int additive = ((1 << shift) - 1);
51   if (shift >= 2 && (len & additive) < (1 << (shift - 2))) {
52     return len;
53   }
54   return ((len + additive) >> shift) << shift;
55 }
57 // This method makes the final decision how much to bump up the input size.
KaratsubaLength(int n)58 int KaratsubaLength(int n) {
59   n = RoundUpLen(n);
60   int i = 0;
61   while (n > kKaratsubaThreshold) {
62     n >>= 1;
63     i++;
64   }
65   return n << i;
66 }
68 // Performs the specific subtraction required by {KaratsubaMain} below.
KaratsubaSubtractionHelper(RWDigits result,Digits X,Digits Y,int * sign)69 void KaratsubaSubtractionHelper(RWDigits result, Digits X, Digits Y,
70                                 int* sign) {
71   X.Normalize();
72   Y.Normalize();
73   digit_t borrow = 0;
74   int i = 0;
75   if (!GreaterThanOrEqual(X, Y)) {
76     *sign = -(*sign);
77     std::swap(X, Y);
78   }
79   for (; i < Y.len(); i++) {
80     result[i] = digit_sub2(X[i], Y[i], borrow, &borrow);
81   }
82   for (; i < X.len(); i++) {
83     result[i] = digit_sub(X[i], borrow, &borrow);
84   }
85   DCHECK(borrow == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
86   for (; i < result.len(); i++) result[i] = 0;
87 }
89 }  // namespace
MultiplyKaratsuba(RWDigits Z,Digits X,Digits Y)91 void ProcessorImpl::MultiplyKaratsuba(RWDigits Z, Digits X, Digits Y) {
92   DCHECK(X.len() >= Y.len());
93   DCHECK(Y.len() >= kKaratsubaThreshold);
94   DCHECK(Z.len() >= X.len() + Y.len());
95   int k = KaratsubaLength(Y.len());
96   int scratch_len = 4 * k;
97   ScratchDigits scratch(scratch_len);
98   KaratsubaStart(Z, X, Y, scratch, k);
99 }
101 // Entry point for Karatsuba-based multiplication, takes care of inputs
102 // with unequal lengths by chopping the larger into chunks.
KaratsubaStart(RWDigits Z,Digits X,Digits Y,RWDigits scratch,int k)103 void ProcessorImpl::KaratsubaStart(RWDigits Z, Digits X, Digits Y,
104                                    RWDigits scratch, int k) {
105   KaratsubaMain(Z, X, Y, scratch, k);
107   for (int i = 2 * k; i < Z.len(); i++) Z[i] = 0;
108   if (k < Y.len() || X.len() != Y.len()) {
109     ScratchDigits T(2 * k);
110     // Add X0 * Y1 * b.
111     Digits X0(X, 0, k);
112     Digits Y1 = Y + std::min(k, Y.len());
113     if (Y1.len() > 0) {
114       KaratsubaChunk(T, X0, Y1, scratch);
116       AddAndReturnOverflow(Z + k, T);  // Can't overflow.
117     }
119     // Add Xi * Y0 << i and Xi * Y1 * b << (i + k).
120     Digits Y0(Y, 0, k);
121     for (int i = k; i < X.len(); i += k) {
122       Digits Xi(X, i, k);
123       KaratsubaChunk(T, Xi, Y0, scratch);
125       AddAndReturnOverflow(Z + i, T);  // Can't overflow.
126       if (Y1.len() > 0) {
127         KaratsubaChunk(T, Xi, Y1, scratch);
129         AddAndReturnOverflow(Z + (i + k), T);  // Can't overflow.
130       }
131     }
132   }
133 }
135 // Entry point for chunk-wise multiplications, selects an appropriate
136 // algorithm for the inputs based on their sizes.
KaratsubaChunk(RWDigits Z,Digits X,Digits Y,RWDigits scratch)137 void ProcessorImpl::KaratsubaChunk(RWDigits Z, Digits X, Digits Y,
138                                    RWDigits scratch) {
139   X.Normalize();
140   Y.Normalize();
141   if (X.len() == 0 || Y.len() == 0) return Z.Clear();
142   if (X.len() < Y.len()) std::swap(X, Y);
143   if (Y.len() == 1) return MultiplySingle(Z, X, Y[0]);
144   if (Y.len() < kKaratsubaThreshold) return MultiplySchoolbook(Z, X, Y);
145   int k = KaratsubaLength(Y.len());
146   DCHECK(scratch.len() >= 4 * k);
147   return KaratsubaStart(Z, X, Y, scratch, k);
148 }
150 // The main recursive Karatsuba method.
KaratsubaMain(RWDigits Z,Digits X,Digits Y,RWDigits scratch,int n)151 void ProcessorImpl::KaratsubaMain(RWDigits Z, Digits X, Digits Y,
152                                   RWDigits scratch, int n) {
153   if (n < kKaratsubaThreshold) {
154     X.Normalize();
155     Y.Normalize();
156     if (X.len() >= Y.len()) {
157       return MultiplySchoolbook(RWDigits(Z, 0, 2 * n), X, Y);
158     } else {
159       return MultiplySchoolbook(RWDigits(Z, 0, 2 * n), Y, X);
160     }
161   }
162   DCHECK(scratch.len() >= 4 * n);
163   DCHECK((n & 1) == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
164   int n2 = n >> 1;
165   Digits X0(X, 0, n2);
166   Digits X1(X, n2, n2);
167   Digits Y0(Y, 0, n2);
168   Digits Y1(Y, n2, n2);
169   RWDigits scratch_for_recursion(scratch, 2 * n, 2 * n);
170   RWDigits P0(scratch, 0, n);
171   KaratsubaMain(P0, X0, Y0, scratch_for_recursion, n2);
173   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) Z[i] = P0[i];
174   RWDigits P2(scratch, n, n);
175   KaratsubaMain(P2, X1, Y1, scratch_for_recursion, n2);
177   RWDigits Z2 = Z + n;
178   int end = std::min(Z2.len(), P2.len());
179   for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) Z2[i] = P2[i];
180   for (int i = end; i < n; i++) {
181     DCHECK(P2[i] == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
182   }
183   // The intermediate result can be one digit too large; the subtraction
184   // below will fix this.
185   digit_t overflow = AddAndReturnOverflow(Z + n2, P0);
186   overflow += AddAndReturnOverflow(Z + n2, P2);
187   RWDigits X_diff(scratch, 0, n2);
188   RWDigits Y_diff(scratch, n2, n2);
189   int sign = 1;
190   KaratsubaSubtractionHelper(X_diff, X1, X0, &sign);
191   KaratsubaSubtractionHelper(Y_diff, Y0, Y1, &sign);
192   RWDigits P1(scratch, n, n);
193   KaratsubaMain(P1, X_diff, Y_diff, scratch_for_recursion, n2);
194   if (sign > 0) {
195     overflow += AddAndReturnOverflow(Z + n2, P1);
196   } else {
197     overflow -= SubAndReturnBorrow(Z + n2, P1);
198   }
199   // The intermediate result may have been bigger, but the final result fits.
200   DCHECK(overflow == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
201   USE(overflow);
202 }
206 }  // namespace bigint
207 }  // namespace v8