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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


LICENSEH A D10-Jul-20211.5 KiB2522

Makefile.amH A D10-Jul-20211.6 KiB6655

Makefile.inH A D10-Jul-202174.3 KiB1,2361,104

README.mdH A D10-Jul-20213.3 KiB4323

attributes.hH A D10-Jul-2021482 3631

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background.hH A D10-Jul-20211.1 KiB5951

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box.cppH A D10-Jul-20218 KiB435373

box.hH A D10-Jul-20213.2 KiB121105

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css_length.cppH A D10-Jul-20211 KiB5549

css_length.hH A D10-Jul-20212.3 KiB136118

css_margins.hH A D10-Jul-2021551 4032

css_offsets.hH A D10-Jul-2021551 4032

css_position.hH A D10-Jul-2021537 4032

css_selector.cppH A D10-Jul-20216 KiB267245

css_selector.hH A D10-Jul-20215.1 KiB279230

document.cppH A D10-Jul-202121.3 KiB931825

document.hH A D10-Jul-20214.4 KiB134117

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el_cdata.hH A D10-Jul-2021372 2116

el_comment.cppH A D10-Jul-2021384 2620

el_comment.hH A D10-Jul-2021384 2116

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el_link.cppH A D10-Jul-2021845 4535

el_link.hH A D10-Jul-2021301 2015

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el_para.hH A D10-Jul-2021290 2014

el_script.cppH A D10-Jul-2021500 3121

el_script.hH A D10-Jul-2021429 2217

el_space.cppH A D10-Jul-2021691 4034

el_space.hH A D10-Jul-2021382 2116

el_style.cppH A D10-Jul-2021594 3727

el_style.hH A D10-Jul-2021436 2217

el_table.cppH A D10-Jul-20212.7 KiB10992

el_table.hH A D10-Jul-2021485 2821

el_td.cppH A D10-Jul-2021858 5040

el_td.hH A D10-Jul-2021277 1914

el_text.cppH A D10-Jul-20213.9 KiB189168

el_text.hH A D10-Jul-20211.2 KiB3933

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el_title.hH A D10-Jul-2021307 2015

el_tr.cppH A D10-Jul-20211 KiB5242

el_tr.hH A D10-Jul-2021344 2015

element.cppH A D10-Jul-202116.1 KiB410380

element.hH A D10-Jul-202112.7 KiB404339

html.cppH A D10-Jul-20213.7 KiB170155

html.hH A D10-Jul-20214.1 KiB9786

html_tag.cppH A D10-Jul-2021110.6 KiB4,6644,132

html_tag.hH A D10-Jul-202110.5 KiB249212

iterators.cppH A D10-Jul-20211.8 KiB9582

iterators.hH A D10-Jul-20211.4 KiB9174

litehtml.hH A D10-Jul-2021278 1310

media_query.cppH A D10-Jul-20219 KiB433402

media_query.hH A D10-Jul-20211.7 KiB7865

os_types.hH A D10-Jul-20211.9 KiB8863

style.cppH A D10-Jul-202122.1 KiB657597

style.hH A D10-Jul-20212 KiB9682

stylesheet.cppH A D10-Jul-20215.1 KiB220198

stylesheet.hH A D10-Jul-20211.1 KiB5540

table.cppH A D10-Jul-202112.9 KiB567502

table.hH A D10-Jul-20214.9 KiB242216

types.hH A D10-Jul-202115.4 KiB737620

utf8_strings.cppH A D10-Jul-20211.9 KiB9879

utf8_strings.hH A D10-Jul-2021922 5247

web_color.cppH A D10-Jul-20217.3 KiB257246

web_color.hH A D10-Jul-20211.1 KiB6252


1#What is litehtml?
3**litehtml** is the lightweight HTML rendering engine with CSS2/CSS3 support. Note, **litehtml** itself does not draw any text, pictures or other graphics and **litehtml** does not depend of any image/draw/font library. You are free to use any library to draw images, fonts and any other graphics. **litehtml** just parses HTML/CSS and places the HTML elements into right position (renders HTML). To draw the html elemens you have to implement the simple callback interface [document_container](https://github.com/litehtml/litehtml/wiki/document_container). This interface is really simple, check it! Note, the [document_container](https://github.com/litehtml/litehtml/wiki/document_container) implementation is required to render HTML correctly.
5#Where litehtml can be used
7**litehtml** can be used when you need to show the html-formated texts or even to create a mini-browser, but the using full-featured html engine is not possible. Usually you don't need something like WebKit to show some html tooltips or html-formated text, **litehtml** is much better for these.
9##HTML Parser
11**litehtml** uses the [gumbo-parser](https://github.com/google/gumbo-parser) to parse HTML. Gumbo is an implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as a pure C99 library with no outside dependencies. It's designed to serve as a building block for other tools and libraries such as linters, validators, templating languages, and refactoring and analysis tools.
15**litehtml** is compatible with any platform suported C++ and STL. For Windows the MS Visual Studio 2013 is recommended. **litehtml** supports both utf-8 and unicode strings on Windows and utf-8 strings on Linux.
17##Support for HTML and CSS standards
19Unfortunately **litehtml** is not fully compatible with HTML/CSS standards. There are lots of work to do to make **litehtml** as well as modern browsers. But **litehtml** supports most HTML tags and CSS properties. You can find the list of supported CSS properties in  [this table](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHXl5n24PuhdHdELUdhaUl4OGlncXhDcDJuM1JpMnc&usp=sharing). In the most cases the html/css features supported by **litehtml** are enough. Right now **litehtml** supports the pages with very complex html/css designs. As example the pages created with [bootstrap framework](http://getbootstrap.com/) are usually well formated by **litehtml**.
21##Testing litehtml
23You can [download the simple browser](http://www.litehtml.com/download.html) (**litebrowser**) to test the **litehtml** rendering engine.
25The litebrowser source codes are available on GitHub:
26  * [For Windows](https://github.com/tordex/litebrowser)
27  * [For Linux](https://github.com/tordex/litebrowser-linux)
31**litehtml** is distributed under [New BSD License](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause).
32The **gumbo-parser** is disributed under [Apache License, Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
34##Support litehtml project
36If you think litehtml is amazing please consider a small donation:
38[ ![PayPal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif) ](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UHBQG6EAFCRBA)
40Bitcoin: **1CS1174GVSLbP33TBp8RFwqPS6KmQK6kLY**