1 #include <sys/types.h>
2 #include <ctype.h>
3 #include <stdio.h>
4 // added by nhatier for compilation under MSVC
5 #ifdef _MSC_VER
6 #include <string.h>
7   #define strncasecmp strnicmp
8   #define strcasecmp stricmp
9   #define snprintf _snprintf
10 #else
11   #ifndef _STRINGS_H
12     #include <strings.h>
13   #endif
14   #ifndef _STRING_H
15     #include <string.h>
16   #endif
17 #endif
18 // end added by nhatier
19 extern char *dns_text(char *);
21 /* STARTHEAD */
22 /* This is libdomainkeys.  It's Copyright (c) 2004 Yahoo, Inc.
23  * This code incorporates intellectual property owned by
24  * Yahoo! and licensed pursuant to the Yahoo! DomainKeys Public License
25  * Agreement: http://domainkeys.sourceforge.net/license/softwarelicense1-0.html
26  */
27 #include <openssl/evp.h>
28 #include <openssl/pem.h>
29 #include <openssl/err.h>
31 #ifdef SWIG
32 %module domainkeys
33 %{
34 #include "domainkeys.h"
35 %}
36 #endif
38 #include "dktrace.h"
40 /* Performance/Debug options.
41  * Uncomment below or use -D switch in gcc
42  * DK_DEBUG Dumps whatever dkhash() hashes in to stderr and turns on
43  *  some debug warnings that should never happen
44  * DK_HASH_BUFF Enables code that uses a buffer when processing the
45  *  canocalized message, reducing calls to the crypto library (from dkhash()),
46  *  but can use up slightly more memory
47 */
48 //#define DK_DEBUG 1
49 #define DK_HASH_BUFF 1
52 #define DKMARK ('D' | 'K'<<8 | 'E'<<16 | 'Y'<<24)
53 #define DK_SIGNING_SIGN 0
54 #define DK_SIGNING_VERIFY 1
55 #define DK_SIGNING_NOSIGN 2
57 #define DK_MALLOC(s)  OPENSSL_malloc(s)
58 #define DK_MFREE(s)   OPENSSL_free(s); s = NULL;
59 #define DKERR(x) ((dk->errline=__LINE__),(dk->errfile=__FILE__),(x))
60 #define DK_BLOCK 1024 //default size of malloc'd block
62 /*
63  * Option Flags for dk_setopts
64  * OR together or run dk_setopts several times
65  * All option flags are OFF by default
66 */
67 #define DKOPT_TRACE_h 0x01 //enables tracking character count in pre-canon header
68 #define DKOPT_TRACE_H 0x02 //enables tracking character count in post-canon header
69 #define DKOPT_TRACE_b 0x04 //enables tracking character count in pre-canon body
70 #define DKOPT_TRACE_B 0x08 //enables tracking character count in post-canon header
71 #define DKOPT_RDUPE 0x10 //enables skipping duplicate headers when generateing a signature
73 typedef enum
74 {
75   DK_STAT_OK, /* Function completed successfully */
76   DK_STAT_BADSIG, /* Signature was available but failed to verify against domain specified key */
77   DK_STAT_NOSIG, /* No signature available in message */
78   DK_STAT_NOKEY, /* No public key available (permanent failure) */
79   DK_STAT_BADKEY, /* Unusable key, public if verifying, private if signing */
80   DK_STAT_CANTVRFY, /* Cannot get domain key to verify signature (temporary failure) */
81   DK_STAT_SYNTAX, /* Message is not valid syntax. Signature could not be created/checked */
82   DK_STAT_NORESOURCE, /* Could not get critical resource (temporary failure) */
83   DK_STAT_ARGS, /* Arguments are not usable. */
84   DK_STAT_REVOKED,    /* Key has been revoked. */
85   DK_STAT_INTERNAL, /* cannot call this routine in this context.  Internal error. */
86   DK_STAT_GRANULARITY, /* Granularity mismatch: sender doesn't match g= option. */
87 } DK_STAT;
89 typedef enum
90 {
91   DK_FLAG_TESTING = 1,    /* set when in testing mode. */
92   DK_FLAG_SIGNSALL = 2,   /* domain signs all outgoing email. */
93   DK_FLAG_SET = 4,    /* flags set from a successful DNS query */
94   DK_FLAG_G = 8,    /* g tag was present in the selector. */
95 } DK_FLAGS;
96 typedef enum
97 {
98   DK_TXT_KEY = 0,
100 } DK_TXT;
102 typedef enum
103 {
104   DK_CANON_SIMPLE = 0,
105   DK_CANON_NOFWS = 1,
106 } DK_CANON;
108 typedef struct
109 {
110 /* STARTPRIV */
111   const EVP_MD *md;
112 /* STOPPRIV */
114 } DK_LIB;
115 /* STOPSTRUCT */
117 //UnixWare Fix -Tim
119 typedef struct
120 {
121 /* STARTPRIV */
122   int dkmarker;     /* in case somebody casts in */
123 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
124   EVP_MD_CTX mdctx;   /* the hash */
125 #else
126   EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx;  /* the hash */
127 #endif
128   int signing;      /* our current signing/verifying state */
129   int in_headers;   /* true if we're still processing headers */
130   char *header;     /* points to a malloc'ed block for header. */
131   int headerlen;    /* total length of the header. */
132   int headermax;    /* length of malloc'ed block */
133   int headerlinelen;    /* current column of the header */
134   int start_signed;   /* offset into header of the start of the headers. */
135   char *from;     /* saved copy of From: header */
136   char *sender;     /* saved copy of Sender: header */
137   char *dksign;     /* saved copy of DK-Sig: header */
138   char *dktrace;  /* saved copy of DK-Trace: header */
139   char *domain;     /* d= */
140   char *selector;   /* s= */
141   char *signature;    /* b= */
142   char *granularity;    /* g= */
143   char *keyrec; /* caller supplied TXT key record */
144   char *policyrec; /* caller supplied TXT policy record */
145   int canon;      /* c= canonicalization being applied. */
146   int state;      /* state variable for canonicalization */
147   char *headers;    /* h= */
148   int errline;      /* source line of most recent error */
149   char *errfile;    /* source file of most recent error */
150   char *sender_beforesign; /* saved copy of Sender: header */
151   int opts;  /* trace and rdupe flags */
152   char last_char; /* the last character processed by dk_message() */
153 #ifdef DK_HASH_BUFF
154   char *hash_buff; /* buffer for hashing */
155   int hash_buff_len; /* length of hashing buffer */
156 #endif
157   DK_TRACE *trace; /* pointer to trace count table */
158   DK_TRACE *traceheader; /* pointer to trace count table from DK-Trace:*/
159 /* STOPPRIV */
160 } DK;
161 /* STOPSTRUCT */
164 /* STARTPRIV */
165 static char *errors[] =
166 {
167   "DK_STAT_OK: Function completed successfully",
168   "DK_STAT_BADSIG: Signature was available but failed to verify against domain specified key",
169   "DK_STAT_NOSIG: No signature available in message",
170   "DK_STAT_NOKEY: No public key available (permanent failure)",
171   "DK_STAT_BADKEY: Unusable key, public if verifying, private if signing.",
172   "DK_STAT_CANTVRFY: Cannot get domain key to verify signature (temporary failure)",
173   "DK_STAT_SYNTAX: Message is not valid syntax. Signature could not be created/checked",
174   "DK_STAT_NORESOURCE: Could not get critical resource (temporary failure)",
175   "DK_STAT_ARGS: Arguments are not usable.",
176   "DK_STAT_REVOKED: Key has been revoked.",
177   "DK_STAT_INTERNAL: cannot call this routine in this context.  Internal error.",
178   "DK_STAT_GRANULARITY: Granularity mismatch: sender doesn't match g= option."
179 };
180 /* STOPPRIV */
181 /* STOPHEAD */
182 //prototype for dk_from
183 char* dk_from(DK *);
184 int dk_headers(DK *, char *);
dk_strdup(const char * s)186 char* dk_strdup(const char* s)
187 {
188   char* new = DK_MALLOC(strlen(s)+1);
189   if (new != 0)
190   {
191     strcpy(new, s);
192   }
193   return new;
194 }
196 /* HEADER */
197 /* returns the source file from which an error was returned. */
dk_errfile(DK * dk)198 char * dk_errfile(DK *dk)
199 {
200   return dk->errfile;
201 }
203 /* HEADER */
204 /* returns the source line number from which an error was returned. */
dk_errline(DK * dk)205 int dk_errline(DK *dk)
206 {
207   return dk->errline;
208 }
210 /* HEADER */
211 /* Per-process, one-time initialization
212  * Returns library structure for subsequent dk_sign or dk_verify calls.
213  * Consult statp before using.
214  *
215  * When terminating the PROCESS its a good idea to call dk_shutdown()
216  * When terminating a THREAD it's a good idea to call ERR_remove_state(0); defined in <openssl/err.h>
217  * NOTE: DK_LIB pointers are safe to use over multiple threads
218  *       DK pointers are NOT safe to use over multiple threads
219  */
dk_init(DK_STAT * statp)220 DK_LIB *dk_init(DK_STAT *statp)
221 {
222   DK_LIB *dklib;
224   dklib = DK_MALLOC(sizeof(DK_LIB));
225   if (!dklib)
226   {
227     if (statp)
228     {
229       *statp = DK_STAT_NORESOURCE;
230     }
231     return NULL;
232   }
233   dklib->md = EVP_sha1();
234   if (!dklib->md)
235   {
236     if (statp)
237     {
238       *statp = DK_STAT_INTERNAL;
239     }
240     DK_MFREE(dklib);
241     return NULL;
242   }
243   if (statp)
244   {
245     *statp = DK_STAT_OK;
246   }
247   return dklib;
248 }
250 /* HEADER */
251 /* Per-process, one-time cleanup
252  * Should be called just before the application ends.
253  * the dklib pointer is not valid anymore after this call
254  * This function should be called even if dk_init failed.
255  * It's safe to call dk_shutdown with a NULL pointer
256  */
dk_shutdown(DK_LIB * dklib)257 void dk_shutdown(DK_LIB * dklib)
258 {
259    if (dklib)
260    {
261       DK_MFREE(dklib);
262    }
263    CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data();
264 }
266 /* start a new header */
dkinit_new_header(DK * dk)267 static DK_STAT dkinit_new_header(DK *dk)
268 {
269   dk->headermax = DK_BLOCK;
270   dk->header = DK_MALLOC(DK_BLOCK);
271   if (!dk->header)
272   {
274   }
275   memset(dk->header,0,DK_BLOCK);
276   dk->headerlen = 0;
277   dk->headerlinelen = 1;  /* always store the first char. */
278   dk->in_headers = 1;
279   dk->start_signed = 0;
280   dk->from = NULL;
281   dk->sender = NULL;
282   dk->dksign = NULL;
283   dk->dktrace = NULL;
284   dk->domain = NULL;
285   dk->selector = NULL;
286   dk->signature = NULL;
287   dk->canon = DK_CANON_SIMPLE;
288   dk->state = 0;
289   dk->headers = 0;
290   dk->sender_beforesign = NULL;
291   dk->opts = 0;
292   dk->last_char = '\0';
293   dk->trace = NULL;
294   dk->traceheader = NULL;
295   dk->granularity = NULL;
296   dk->keyrec = NULL;
297   dk->policyrec = NULL;
298 #ifdef DK_HASH_BUFF
299   dk->hash_buff = DK_MALLOC(DK_BLOCK);
300   if (!dk->hash_buff)
301   {
303   }
304   memset(dk->hash_buff,0,DK_BLOCK);
305   dk->hash_buff_len = 0;
306 #endif
307   return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
308 }
310 /* HEADER */
311 /* Set dk options, use instead of dk_remdupe and dk_enable_trace
312  * Can be called multiple times.
313  * use after dk_sign()/dk_verify()
314  *
315  * the bits field can be an OR of any of the following
316  *DKOPT_TRACE_h Trace pre-canon header
317  *DKOPT_TRACE_H Trace post-canon header
318  *DKOPT_TRACE_b Trace pre-canon body
319  *DKOPT_TRACE_B Trace post-canon body
320  *DKOPT_RDUPE   Exclude duplicate headers from hash (Signing only)
321  */
dk_setopts(DK * dk,int bits)322 DK_STAT dk_setopts(DK *dk, int bits)
323 {
324   if (!dk)
325     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
326   if ((dk->headerlen == 0)&&((dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY)||(dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_SIGN)))
327   {
328     dk->opts |= bits;
329     if ((bits & (DKOPT_TRACE_h|DKOPT_TRACE_H|DKOPT_TRACE_b|DKOPT_TRACE_B)) && !dk->trace)
330     {
331       dk->trace = DK_MALLOC(sizeof(DK_TRACE));
332       if (!dk->trace)
333         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
334       dkt_init(dk->trace);
335     }
336     if ((dk->signing != DK_SIGNING_SIGN) && (bits & DKOPT_RDUPE))
337     {
338       return DKERR(DK_STAT_INTERNAL); //cant do rdupe in verify mode
339     }
340     return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
341   }
343 }
344 /* HEADER */
345 /* returns the int holding the options set
346  * See dk_setopts for bit flags
347  */
dk_getopts(DK * dk)348 int dk_getopts(DK *dk)
349 {
350   if (!dk)
351     return 0;
352   return (dk->opts);
353 }
355 /* HEADER */
356 /* DEPRECATED in favor of calling dk_setopts().
357  * Enables character trace tracking
358  *
359  * use after dk_sign()/dk_verify()
360  */
dk_enable_trace(DK * dk)361 DK_STAT dk_enable_trace(DK *dk)
362 {
363   return dk_setopts(dk,(DKOPT_TRACE_h|DKOPT_TRACE_H|DKOPT_TRACE_b|DKOPT_TRACE_B));
364 }
365 /* HEADER */
366 /* Prints trace table to *store variable (char string)
367  * *dk is the container for the table
368  * *store is a pointer to a character array to output to
369  * store_size is the size of the character array *store
370  *
371  */
dk_get_trace(DK * dk,DK_TRACE_TYPE type,char * store,int store_size)372 DK_STAT dk_get_trace(DK *dk, DK_TRACE_TYPE type, char *store, int store_size)
373 {
374   if (!dk)
375     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
376   if (dk->trace)
377   {
378     if (!dkt_generate(dk->trace, type, store, store_size))
379     {
380       return DK_STAT_NORESOURCE; //not enough buffer space
381     }
382     return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
383   }
385 }
387 /* HEADER */
388 /* Prints difference trace table to *store variable (char string)
389  * *dk is the container for the table
390  * *store is a pointer to a character array to output to
391  * store_size is the size of the character array *store
392  * return DK_STAT_NOSIG if no DK-Trace header was found
393  */
dk_compare_trace(DK * dk,DK_TRACE_TYPE type,char * store,int store_size)394 DK_STAT dk_compare_trace(DK *dk, DK_TRACE_TYPE type, char *store, int store_size)
395 {
396   DK_TRACE table;
397   if (!dk)
398     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
399   if (!dk->dktrace || !dk->trace)
400     return DK_STAT_NOSIG;
401   dkt_init(&table);
402   if (!dk->traceheader) //make DK_TRACE from header
403   {
404     dk->traceheader = DK_MALLOC(sizeof(DK_TRACE));
405     if (!dk->traceheader)
406       return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
407     dkt_init(dk->traceheader);
409     if (!dkt_hdrtotrace(dk->dktrace,dk->traceheader))
410     {
411       return DK_STAT_NORESOURCE;
412     }
413   }
414   dkt_diff(dk->traceheader, dk->trace, type, &table);
415   if (!dkt_generate(&table, type, store, store_size))
416   {
417     return DK_STAT_NORESOURCE; //not enough buffer space
418   }
419   return DK_STAT_OK;
420 }
423 /* HEADER */
424 /* Sets the DNS key/policy record manually (no DNS lookup)
425  * txtrecord needs to be set to "e=perm;" to force a permanent DNS failure
426  * txtrecord needs to be set to "e=temp;" to force a temporary DNS failure
427  * Valid DK_TXT types are:
428  * DK_TXT_KEY (normal selector record; for <selctor>._domainkey.<domain>)
429  * DK_TXT_POLICY (domain policy record; for _domainkey.<domain>)
430  */
dk_settxt(DK * dk,DK_TXT recordtype,const char * txtrecord)431 DK_STAT dk_settxt(DK *dk, DK_TXT recordtype, const char *txtrecord)
432 {
433   char **ptr; //pointer to keyrecord/policyrecord pointer
434   if (!dk|| !txtrecord)
435     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
436   switch (recordtype)
437   {
438     case DK_TXT_KEY:
439       ptr = &dk->keyrec;
440       break;
441     case DK_TXT_POLICY:
442       ptr = &dk->policyrec;
443       break;
444     default:
445       return DK_STAT_ARGS;
446   }
447   // Free the value iff it is currently set.
448   if (*ptr)
449   {
450     DK_MFREE(*ptr);
451   }
452   *ptr = dk_strdup(txtrecord);
453   return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
454 }
dkstore_char(DK * dk,char ch)456 static DK_STAT dkstore_char(DK *dk, char ch)
457 {
458   if (dk->headerlen >= dk->headermax)
459   {
460     char *hp;
461     hp = DK_MALLOC(dk->headermax * 2 + 1024 + 1); /* leave room for null */
462     if (!hp)
463     {
464       return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
465     }
466     if (dk->headermax)
467     {
468       memcpy(hp, dk->header, dk->headerlen);
469       DK_MFREE(dk->header);
470     }
471     dk->header = hp;
472     dk->headermax = dk->headermax * 2 + 1024;
473   }
474   dk->header[dk->headerlen++] = ch;
475   dk->headerlinelen++;
476   return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
477 }
479 /* HEADER */
480 /* Per-message, may be threaded.
481  * canon is one of DK_CANON_*.
482  * Returns state structure for operation.  Consult statp before using.
483  */
dk_sign(DK_LIB * dklib,DK_STAT * statp,int canon)484 DK *dk_sign(DK_LIB *dklib, DK_STAT *statp, int canon)
485 {
486   DK *dk;
488   dk = DK_MALLOC(sizeof(DK));
489   if (!dk)
490   {
491     if (statp)
492     {
493       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
494     }
495     return NULL;
496   }
497   dk->dkmarker = DKMARK;
498   dk->signing = DK_SIGNING_SIGN;
499   if (dkinit_new_header(dk) != DK_STAT_OK)
500   {
501     /* couldn't malloc a header. */
502     DK_MFREE(dk);
503     if (statp)
504     {
505       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
506     }
507     return NULL;
508   }
509   dk->canon = canon; /* TC13-simple, TC13-nofws */
510 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
511   if (!EVP_SignInit(&dk->mdctx, dklib->md)) {
512     if (statp)
513     {
514       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
515     }
516     return NULL;
517   }
518 #else
519   dk->mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();
520   if (!dk->mdctx || !EVP_SignInit(dk->mdctx, dklib->md)) {
521     if (statp)
522     {
523       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
524     }
525     return NULL;
526   }
527 #endif
529   if (statp)
530   {
531     *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
532   }
533   return dk;
534 }
536 /* HEADER */
537 /* Per-message, may be threaded.
538  * Returns state structure for operation.  Consult statp before using.
539  */
dk_verify(DK_LIB * dklib,DK_STAT * statp)540 DK *dk_verify(DK_LIB *dklib, DK_STAT *statp)
541 {
542   DK *dk;
544   dk = DK_MALLOC(sizeof(DK));
545   if (!dk)
546   {
547     if (statp)
548     {
549       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
550     }
551     return NULL;
552   }
553   dk->dkmarker = DKMARK;
554   dk->signing = DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY; /* wait to verify until we see DK-Signature. */
555   if (dkinit_new_header(dk) != DK_STAT_OK)
556   {
557     /* couldn't malloc a header. */
558     DK_MFREE(dk);
559     if (statp)
560     {
561       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
562     }
563     return NULL;
564   }
565 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
566   if (!EVP_VerifyInit(&dk->mdctx, dklib->md)) {
567     if (statp)
568     {
569       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
570     }
571     return NULL;
572   }
573 #else
574   dk->mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();
575   if (!dk->mdctx || !EVP_VerifyInit(dk->mdctx, dklib->md)) {
576     if (statp)
577     {
578       *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
579     }
580     return NULL;
581   }
582 #endif
584   if (statp)
585   {
586     *statp = DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
587   }
588   return dk;
589 }
591 /* parse an rfc822 address */
592 /* leave it in the dk_address() format; that is, with the existing
593  * first letter, followed by the address */
dkparse822(char * address,unsigned int offset)594 static DK_STAT dkparse822(char *address, unsigned int offset)
595 {
596   int foundangle = 0;   /* true if it's in angle brackets */
597   int foundat = 0;
598   char *from, *to;
599   int level = 1;
601   to = address + 1;
602   from = address + offset;
603   while (*from)
604   {   /* nuke comments. */
605     if (*from == ')')
606     {
607       return DK_STAT_SYNTAX;
608     }
609     else if (*from == '\\' && from[1])
610     {
611       /* skip backslash-quoted characters */
612       *to++ = *from++;
613       *to++ = *from++;
614     }
615     else if (*from == '"')
616     {
617       /* we have to ignore parenthesis inside quotes. */
618       from++;
619       for (;;)
620       {
621         if (*from == '\0')
622         {
623           return DK_STAT_SYNTAX;
624         }
625         else if (*from == '"')
626         {
627           from++;
628           break;
629         }
630         else if (*from == '\\' && from[1])
631         {
632           *to++ = *from++;
633         }
634         *to++ = *from++;
635       }
636     }
637     else if (*from == '(')
638     {
639       level = 1;
640       from++;
641       while (level)
642       {
643         if (*from == '\0')
644         {
645           return DK_STAT_SYNTAX;
646         }
647         else if (*from == '(')
648         {
649           ++level;
650         }
651         else if (*from == ')')
652         {
653           --level;
654         }
655         else if (*from == '\\' && from[1])
656         {
657           ++from;
658         }
659         ++from;
660       }
661     }
662     else if (*from == ' ')
663     {
664       ++from;
665     }
666     else if (*from == '\t')
667     {
668       ++from;
669     }
670     else
671     {
672       *to++ = *from++;
673     }
674   } //end while(*from)
675   *to = '\0';
676   from = address + 1;
677   to = address + 1;
678   while (*from)
679   {
680     if (*from == '@')
681     {
682       foundat = 1;
683     }
684     if (*from == '\\' && from[1])
685     {
686       *to++ = *from++;
687       *to++ = *from++;
688     }
689     else if (*from == '<')
690     {
691       from++;
692       to = address + 1;
693       foundangle = 1;
694       foundat = 0;
695     }
696     else if (*from == ',' || *from == ':' )
697     {
698       from++;
699       to = address + 1;
700       foundat = 0;
701     }
702     else if (foundangle && *from == '>')
703     {
704       break;
705     }
706     else if (*from == ';')
707     {
708       break;
709     }
710     else
711     {
712       *to++ = *from++;
713     }
714   }
715   *to = '\0';
716   if (foundat)
717   {
718     return DK_STAT_OK;
719   }
720   else if (!address[1])
721   {
722     return DK_STAT_OK;
723   }
724   else
725   {
726     return DK_STAT_SYNTAX;  /* no @ in the address */
727   }
728 }
730 /* Given a list of key=value; pairs, find all the keys found in letters.
731  * Store the value in the corresponding entry in values[].
732  * Modifies list to insert nulls in the place of the semicolons which terminate
733  * each of the values except possibly the last.
734  * You can only call dkparselist() once on a given list.
735  * Caller must ensure that values[] is as large as strlen(letters)
736  * According to the spec, a value can have embedded spaces in it, however none
737  * of the existing values need spaces, so we always remove them.
738  */
dkparselist(char * list,char * letters,char * values[])740 static DK_STAT dkparselist(char *list, char *letters, char *values[])
741 {
742   char key;
743   int i;
744   char *value;
746   /* start with all args unset */
747   for (i = 0; letters[i]; i++)
748   {
749     values[i] = NULL;
750   }
751   key = 0;
752   while (*list)
753   {
754     if ((*list == ' ')||(*list == '\t')||(*list == '\r')||(*list == '\n'))
755     {
756       list++;
757     }
758     else if (*list == '=')
759     {
760       char *ws;
762       ++list;
763       value = list;
764       ws = list;
765       while (1)
766       {
767         /* copy up to null or semicolon, deleting whitespace as we go */
768         *ws = *list;
769         if ((*list == ' ')||(*list == '\t')||(*list == '\r')||(*list == '\n'))
770         {
771           /* ignore */
772         }
773         else if (!*list)
774         {
775           break;
776         }
777         else if (*list == ';')
778         {
779           *ws = '\0';
780           list++;
781           break;
782         }
783         else
784         {
785           ws++;
786         }
787         list++;
788       }
789       if (!key)
790       {
791         return DK_STAT_SYNTAX; /* we didn't get a key. TC22 */
792       }
793       /* if we find a matching letter, remember the value */
794       for (i = 0; letters[i]; i++)
795       {
796         if (key == letters[i])
797         {
798           if (values[i])
799           {
800             return DK_STAT_SYNTAX; /* no duplicate keys. TC23 */
801           }
802           values[i] = value;
803         }
804       }
805       key = 0;
806     }
807     else
808     {
809       if (key)
810       {
811         return DK_STAT_SYNTAX; /* they already gave us a key. TC24 */
812       }
813       key = *list++;
814       if (!islower((int)key))
815       {
816         return DK_STAT_SYNTAX; /* must be lowercase letter. TC25 */
817       }
818     }
819   }
820   if (key)
821   {
822     return DK_STAT_SYNTAX; /* we ended up with an extra key. TC25-1 */
823   }
824   return DK_STAT_OK;
825 }
827 /* HEADER */
828 /* DEPRECATED in favor of calling dk_setopts()
829  * set option to remove dupe headers
830  * should be called after dk_sign();
831  * any int NOT 0 turns dupe removal on
832  */
dk_remdupe(DK * dk,int i)833 DK_STAT dk_remdupe(DK *dk,int i)
834 {
835   if (i != 0)
836     return dk_setopts(dk,DKOPT_RDUPE);
837   return DK_STAT_OK;
838 }
841 /* HEADER */
842 /* Returns the policy flags belonging to the signing domain.
843  * Sender: overrides From:, and the d= entry in the DK-Sig overrides both.
844  * If the policy flags were not successfully fetched, DK_FLAG_SET will not
845  * be set.
846  */
dk_policy(DK * dk)847 DK_FLAGS dk_policy(DK *dk)
848 {
849   char *query, *results, *flags[2];
850   char *domain;
851   int dkf = 0;
853   if (!dk)
854     return 0;
855   domain = NULL;
856   if (dk->dksign)
857   {
858     domain = dk->domain;
859   }
860   if (!domain)
861   {
862     domain = dk_from(dk);
863   }
864   if (!domain)
865   {
866     return 0;
867   }
869   query = DK_MALLOC(strlen("_domainkey.") + strlen(domain) + 1);
870   if (query)
871   {
872      /* allow user to supply the DNS TXT policy record */
873     if (!dk->policyrec)
874     {
875       sprintf(query, "_domainkey.%s", domain);
876       results = dns_text(query);
877       DK_MFREE(query);
878     }
879     else
880     {
881       results = dk_strdup(dk->policyrec);
882     }
884     if (!strcmp(results,"e=perm;"))
885     {
886     }
887     else if (!strcmp(results,"e=temp;"))
888     {
889     }
890     else
891     {
892       dkparselist(results, "ot", flags);
894       if (flags[0] && *flags[0] == '-')  /* TC36 */
895       {
896         dkf |= DK_FLAG_SIGNSALL;
897       }
898       if (flags[1] && *flags[1] == 'y')  /* TC36-1 */
899       {
900         dkf |= DK_FLAG_TESTING;
901       }
902       dkf |= DK_FLAG_SET;
903     }
904     DK_MFREE(results);
905   }
906   return dkf;
907 }
909 /*
910 dkhash
911 Internal function. Hashes in a single character, Will NOT has in ' ' or '\t'
912 if in NOFWS canon. Otherwise tracks \r and \r\n and hashes
913 them accordingly with the rest of the message.
914 Should ONLY be called when
916 otherwise its pointless
917 */
dkhash(DK * dk,const unsigned char * ptr)918 static void dkhash(DK *dk, const unsigned char *ptr)
919 {
920 #ifdef DK_DEBUG
921   if ((dk->signing != DK_SIGNING_SIGN)&&(dk->signing != DK_SIGNING_VERIFY))
922   {
923     //called when we shouldnt of, this will break the sig
924     fprintf(stderr,"\nDKHASH() called for \'%c\' in mode: %i\n",*ptr,dk->signing);
925   }
926 #endif
927   if (dk->canon == DK_CANON_NOFWS && (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t'))
928   {
929     return;
930   }
932   if ((dk->in_headers && dk->trace) && (dk->opts & DKOPT_TRACE_H))
933   {
934     if (dk->canon == DK_CANON_NOFWS)
935     {
936       if (*ptr != '\r')
937       {
938         if (*ptr == '\n')
939         {
940           dk->trace->ccounts_H[10]++;
941           dk->trace->ccounts_H[13]++;
942         }
943         else
944         {
945           dk->trace->ccounts_H[(int) *ptr]++;
946         }
947       }
948     }
949     else
950     {
951       dk->trace->ccounts_H[(int) *ptr]++;
952     }
953   }
955   if (*ptr == '\r' && ((dk->state & 1) == 0))
956   {
957     dk->state++;
958   }
959   else if (*ptr == '\n' && ((dk->state & 1) == 1))
960   {
961     dk->state++;
962   }
963   else
964   {
965     while (dk->state >= 2)
966     {
968 #ifndef DK_HASH_BUFF
969 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
970       EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, "\r\n", 2);
971 #else
972       EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, "\r\n", 2);
973 #endif
974 #else
975       /* buffer hack */
976       dk->hash_buff[dk->hash_buff_len++] = '\r';
977       dk->hash_buff[dk->hash_buff_len++] = '\n';
978       if (dk->hash_buff_len >= (DK_BLOCK - 1))
979       {
980 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
981         EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
982 #else
983         EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
984 #endif
985         dk->hash_buff_len = 0;
986       }
987       /* buffer hack */
988 #endif
989       if ((!dk->in_headers && dk->trace) && (dk->opts & DKOPT_TRACE_B))
990       {
991         dk->trace->ccounts_B[10]++;
992         dk->trace->ccounts_B[13]++;
993       }
994 #ifdef DK_DEBUG
995       fprintf(stderr,"\r\n");
996 #endif
997       dk->state -= 2;
998     }
999     if (dk->state)
1000     {
1001       if (dk->canon == DK_CANON_SIMPLE)//if nofws we ignore \r
1002       {
1003 #ifndef DK_HASH_BUFF
1004 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
1005         EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, "\r", 1);
1006 #else
1007         EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, "\r", 1);
1008 #endif
1009 #else
1010         /* buffer hack */
1011         dk->hash_buff[dk->hash_buff_len++] = '\r';
1012         if (dk->hash_buff_len >= (DK_BLOCK - 1))
1013         {
1014 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
1015           EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
1016 #else
1017           EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
1018 #endif
1019           dk->hash_buff_len = 0;
1020         }
1021         /* buffer hack */
1022 #endif
1023         if ((!dk->in_headers && dk->trace) && (dk->opts & DKOPT_TRACE_B))
1024         {
1025           dk->trace->ccounts_B[13]++;
1026         }
1027 #ifdef DK_DEBUG
1028         fprintf(stderr,"\r");
1029 #endif
1030       }
1031       dk->state --;
1032     }
1033 #ifndef DK_HASH_BUFF
1034 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
1035     EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, ptr, 1);
1036 #else
1037     EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, ptr, 1);
1038 #endif
1039 #else
1040     /* buffer hack */
1041     dk->hash_buff[dk->hash_buff_len++] = *ptr;
1042     if (dk->hash_buff_len >= (DK_BLOCK - 1))
1043     {
1044 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
1045       EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
1046 #else
1047       EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
1048 #endif
1049       dk->hash_buff_len = 0;
1050     }
1051     /* buffer hack */
1052 #endif
1054     if ((!dk->in_headers && dk->trace) && (dk->opts & DKOPT_TRACE_B))
1055     {
1056       dk->trace->ccounts_B[(int) *ptr]++;
1057     }
1059 #ifdef DK_DEBUG
1060     fprintf(stderr,"%c", *ptr);
1061 #endif
1062   }
1063 }
1065 /* process headers if there's a h=*/
1066 /* dk->start_signed + 1 is the offset into headers pointing at the first header after DK-Sig */
1067 /* Changed to fix h= handling, checks if header is listed in h=
1068  *  handles duplicate Header items properly. (see section 3.3 h= draft-02)
1069  * We don't "look" for missing headers, maybe later.... -Tim
1070  */
dkheaders_header(DK * dk)1071 static DK_STAT dkheaders_header(DK *dk)
1072 {
1073   char *header_line_start,*header_label_end;
1074   char header_list[1024];
1075   char header_label[1024];
1077   char *p;
1078   //search hack redo later? -tim
1079   if (snprintf(header_list,sizeof(header_list),":%s:",dk->headers) >= sizeof(header_list))
1080   {
1081     //header list is too large for buffer
1082     return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1083   }
1085   /*convert to all lowercase*/
1086   for (p = header_list; p[0] != '\0'; ++p)
1087   {
1088     p[0] = tolower(p[0]);
1089   }
1091   header_label[0] = ':';
1092   //first char in header_line_start is '\0' unless signing
1093   header_line_start = dk->header + dk->start_signed;
1094   if (dk->signing != DK_SIGNING_SIGN)
1095   {
1096     ++header_line_start;
1097   }
1098   while (1)
1099   {
1100     if (header_line_start >= (dk->header + dk->headerlen))
1101     {
1102       return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);  //done reading headers
1103     }
1104     header_label_end = header_line_start;
1105     p = &header_label[1];
1106     while (p < (header_label + sizeof(header_label) - 2))
1107     {
1108       if (header_label_end[0] != ':')
1109       {
1110         p[0] = tolower(header_label_end[0]);
1111         ++p;
1112         ++header_label_end;
1113       }
1114       else
1115       {
1116         break;
1117       }
1118     }
1119     p[0] = ':';
1120     p[1] = '\0';
1121     //fprintf(stderr,"searching for: %s in %s\n",header_label, header_list);
1122     //if the header is found in the h= list
1123     if (strstr(header_list, header_label) != NULL)
1124     {
1125       //Found listed header, hash it in
1126       while(header_line_start[0] != '\0')
1127       {
1128         //we kept folded headers \r\n as markers -Tim
1129         if ((header_line_start[0] == '\n')||(header_line_start[0] == '\r'))
1130         {
1131           //if simple we keep the folded lines
1132           //if nofws we ignore it to unwrap it
1133           if (dk->canon == DK_CANON_NOFWS)
1134           {
1135             ++header_line_start;
1136             continue;
1137           }
1138         }
1139         dkhash(dk,&header_line_start[0]);
1140         ++header_line_start;
1141       }
1142       dkhash(dk, "\r");
1143       dkhash(dk, "\n");
1144     }
1145     else //skip hashing this header
1146     {
1147       while(header_line_start[0] != '\0')
1148       {
1149         ++header_line_start;
1150       }
1151     }
1152     //goto next header
1153     ++header_line_start;
1155   }//end while
1156 }
1157 /* dkheaders
1158   When Signing (DK_SIGNING_SIGN), Hashes in ALL headers and Greps out Sender:/From: headers
1160   When Verifying, reads headers until DK-Sig is found
1161   then
1162   If an h= tag is found, Greps out Sender:/From: headers, then calls dkheaders_header
1163     to hash in the listed headers
1164   If NO h= tag is present, it Greps out Sender:/From: headers as well as hashes in the
1165     headers that follow the DK-Sig header.
1166 */
dkheaders(DK * dk)1167 static DK_STAT dkheaders(DK *dk)
1168 {
1169   int i;
1171   for (i = 0; i < dk->headerlen; i++)
1172   {
1173     if (dk->headers && dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_VERIFY) //if h= wait till after parsing
1174     {
1175       //NOOP
1176     }
1177     else if (dk->canon == DK_CANON_NOFWS && (dk->header[i] == '\r' || dk->header[i] == '\n'))
1178     {
1179       //NOOP
1180     }
1181     /* Newcode */
1182     else if ((dk->opts & DKOPT_RDUPE)&&(dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_SIGN))
1183     {
1184       //NOOP
1185     }
1186     else if ((dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_SIGN)||(dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_VERIFY))
1187     {
1188       //we wont bother calling dkhash unless we are signing or verifying -Tim
1189       if (dk->header[i])
1190       {
1191         dkhash(dk, dk->header + i);
1192       }
1193       else //terminate end of header line
1194       {
1195         dkhash(dk, "\r");
1196         dkhash(dk, "\n");
1197       }
1198     }
1199     /* Newcode end */
1201     if (i==0 || dk->header[i-1] == '\0')
1202     {
1203       if (!strncasecmp(dk->header + i, "From:", 5))
1204       {
1205         /* Remember the From: and forget the current. */
1206         if (dk->from)
1207         {
1208           /* if we already got a From: header, fuhgeddabout it. */
1209           return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1210         }
1211         dk->from = dk_strdup(dk->header + i);
1212         if (dkparse822(dk->from, 5) != DK_STAT_OK)
1213         {
1214           DK_MFREE(dk->from);
1215           dk->from = 0;
1216           return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1217         }
1218       }
1219       else if (!strncasecmp(dk->header + i, "Sender:", 7))
1220       {
1221         if (dk->sender)
1222         {
1223           /* if we already got a Sender: header, fuhgeddabout it. */
1224           return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1225         }
1226         if (dk->signing != DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY)
1227         {
1228           /* only remember the Sender if we're verifying already. */
1229           dk->sender = dk_strdup(dk->header + i);
1230           if (dkparse822(dk->sender, 7) != DK_STAT_OK)
1231           {
1232             DK_MFREE(dk->sender);
1233             dk->sender = 0;
1234             return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1235           }
1236         }
1237         else if (!dk->sender_beforesign)
1238         {
1239           dk->sender_beforesign = dk_strdup(dk->header + i);
1240           if (dkparse822(dk->sender_beforesign, 7) != DK_STAT_OK)
1241           {
1242             DK_MFREE(dk->sender_beforesign);
1243             dk->sender_beforesign = 0;
1244             return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1245           }
1246         }
1247       }
1248       else if (!strncasecmp(dk->header + i, "DomainKey-Trace:", 16))
1249       {
1250         if (dk->trace && !dk->dktrace)//only set this once
1251         {
1252           dk->dktrace = dk->header + i;
1253         }
1254       }
1255       else if (!strncasecmp(dk->header + i, "DomainKey-Signature:", 20))
1256       {
1257         int thisheaderlen = strlen(dk->header + i);
1259         /* Do not sign email that already has a dksign unless the Sender was found first, 3.5.2 TC41, TC41-1*/
1260         if (dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_SIGN && !dk->sender)
1261         {
1262           return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1263         }
1264         /* check the outermost (first encountered) signature (need to fix when multiple sigs are present)
1265         * ONLY if we are verifying, if we are signing then ignore it (sender before dk-sig) -Tim
1266         */
1267         if ((!dk->dksign)&&(dk->signing != DK_SIGNING_SIGN))
1268         {
1269           char *values[7];  /* dsbchqa */
1270           dk->dksign = dk->header + i;
1271           /* parse the dksign header .*/
1272           if (dkparselist(dk->dksign + 20,"dsbchqa", values) != DK_STAT_OK)
1273           {
1274             return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1275           }
1277           dk->domain = values[0];
1278           dk->selector = values[1];
1279           dk->signature = values[2];
1280           if (!dk->selector || !dk->domain || !dk->signature)
1281           {
1282             /* we really do need to have a domain, selector and key. TC21 TC40 */
1283             return DKERR(DK_STAT_NOSIG);
1284           }
1286           if (!values[3])
1287           {
1288             dk->canon = DK_CANON_SIMPLE;
1289           }
1290           else if (!strcasecmp(values[3], "simple"))
1291           {
1292             dk->canon = DK_CANON_SIMPLE;
1293           }
1294           else if (!strcasecmp(values[3], "nofws"))
1295           {
1296             dk->canon = DK_CANON_NOFWS;
1297           }
1298           else
1299           {
1300             return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX); /* TC42 */
1301           }
1303           dk->headers = values[4];
1305           if (values[5] && strcasecmp(values[5], "dns")) /* TC42-2 */
1306           {
1307             return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1308           }
1309           if (values[6] && strcasecmp(values[6], "rsa-sha1")) /* TC42-3 */
1310           {
1311             return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1312           }
1314         }
1315         /* if we're waiting to verify, start now. */
1316         if (dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY)
1317         {
1318           dk->signing = DK_SIGNING_VERIFY; /* the signature starts here */
1319           i += thisheaderlen;
1320           if (dk->start_signed == 0) //we should set it only once right?
1321           {
1322             dk->start_signed = i;
1323           }
1324         }
1325       }
1326       //end trace
1327     }
1328   }
1329   if ((!dk->from)||(!dk_from(dk)))
1330   {
1331     /* No From:, 3.1 says that it's no good..  TC11/TC16 */
1332     return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1333   }
1334   if (dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY)
1335   {
1336     /* No DK-Sig: should return No Signature. */
1337     return DKERR(DK_STAT_NOSIG);
1338   }
1339   if (dk->headers && dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_VERIFY)
1340   {
1341     return dkheaders_header(dk);
1342   }
1343   if ((dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_SIGN)&&(dk->opts & DKOPT_RDUPE)) //remove dupe headers for sig
1344   {
1345     DK_STAT ret;
1346     dk->headers = DK_MALLOC(dk->headermax);
1347     (void *)dk_headers(dk, dk->headers);
1348     ret = dkheaders_header(dk);
1349     DK_MFREE(dk->headers);
1350     return ret;
1351   }
1352   return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
1353 }
1355 /* HEADER */
1356 /* Copies the header names that were signed into the pointer.
1357  * Returns the number of bytes copied.
1358  * ptr may be NULL, in which case the bytes are just counted, not copied.
1359  * Feel free to call this twice; once to get the length, and again to
1360  * copy the data.
1361  * NOTE: If the return value is 0 then an error occured.
1362  *	It's a good idea to check for this
1363  */
dk_headers(DK * dk,char * ptr)1364 int dk_headers(DK *dk, char *ptr)
1365 {
1366   register int len = 0;
1367   register int label_len = 0;
1368   int list_size;
1369   char *header_start = NULL;
1370   char *header_end = NULL;
1371   char *h_label = NULL;
1372   char *h_list = NULL;
1374   char *dupe_list = NULL;
1377   if (ptr) //if you dont check if return is 0, ptr can be anything
1378   	ptr[0] = 0;
1380   if ((!dk)||(dk->dkmarker != DKMARK))
1381   {
1382     return 0;
1383   }
1384   list_size = dk->headermax;
1386   h_list = (char *) DK_MALLOC(list_size);
1387   if (!h_list)
1388     return 0;
1389   memset(h_list,0,list_size);
1390   h_list[len++] = ':';
1392   header_start = dk->header + dk->start_signed;
1394   for (header_end = header_start; header_end < (dk->header + dk->headerlen); header_end++)
1395   {
1396     if (*header_end == '\0')
1397     {
1398       header_start = header_end+1;//point to start of next line
1399     }
1400     else if (*header_end == ':' && header_start)
1401     {
1402       label_len = (header_end - header_start) + 1;
1403 	  //grow list array
1404 	  if ((len+label_len) >= list_size)
1405 	  {
1406 	  	char *temp = NULL;
1407 		list_size += dk->headermax;
1408 		temp = DK_MALLOC(list_size);
1409 		if (!temp)
1410 		{
1411 			len = 1; //out of memory?
1412 			goto END;
1413 		}
1414 		memset(temp,0,list_size);
1415 		memcpy(temp,h_list,len);
1416 		DK_MFREE(h_list);
1417 		h_list = temp;
1418 	  }
1420       memcpy(h_list + len, header_start, label_len);
1421       len += label_len;
1422       header_start = NULL;
1423     }
1424   }
1426   if (dk->opts & DKOPT_RDUPE)
1427   {
1429     h_label = (char *) DK_MALLOC(list_size);
1430 	dupe_list = (char *) DK_MALLOC(list_size);
1432     if (!h_label || !dupe_list)
1433 	{
1434       len = 1;
1435 	  goto END;
1436 	}
1437     memset(h_label,0,list_size);
1438     memset(dupe_list,0,list_size);
1440     len = 0;
1441   	header_start = h_list;
1442 	for (header_end = header_start + 1; *header_end != '\0'; header_end++)
1443 	{
1444 		if (*header_end == ':')
1445 		{
1446 			label_len = (header_end - header_start)+1;
1447 	        memcpy(h_label, header_start, label_len);
1448     	    h_label[label_len] = 0;
1449 			if ((strstr(h_list,h_label) == header_start)  && (strstr(header_start + 1,h_label) == NULL) )
1450 			{
1451 				memcpy(dupe_list + len ,h_label,label_len);
1452 				len += label_len -1;
1453 			}
1454 			header_start = header_end;
1455 		}
1456 	}
1457 	len++;
1458 	if (ptr)
1459 		memcpy(h_list, dupe_list, len);
1460   }
1462   if ((ptr != NULL)&&(len > 1))
1463   {
1464     memcpy(ptr,h_list+1,(len-2));//dont count the prefix and postfix'd ":"
1465     ptr[len-2] = 0;
1466   }
1467   END:
1468   if (h_label)
1469     DK_MFREE(h_label);
1470   if (h_list)
1471     DK_MFREE(h_list);
1472   if (dupe_list)
1473     DK_MFREE(dupe_list);
1475   return --len;
1477 }
1479 /* HEADER */
1480 /* Must NOT include dots inserted for SMTP encapsulation.
1481  * Must NOT include CRLF.CRLF which terminates the message.
1482  * Otherwise must be exactly that which is sent or received over the SMTP session.
1483  * May be called multiple times (not necessary to read an entire message into memory).
1484  */
dk_message(DK * dk,const unsigned char * ptr,size_t len)1485 DK_STAT dk_message(DK *dk, const unsigned char *ptr, size_t len)
1486 {
1487   DK_STAT st;
1488   int tb=0,th=0;
1489   if (!dk)
1490   {
1491     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
1492   }
1493   if (dk->dkmarker != DKMARK)
1494   {
1495     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
1496   }
1497   if (len && !ptr)
1498   {
1499     return DKERR(DK_STAT_ARGS);
1500   }
1501   if (dk->trace && (dk->opts & DKOPT_TRACE_b))
1502     tb = 1;
1503   if (dk->trace && (dk->opts & DKOPT_TRACE_h))
1504     th = 1;
1506   while (len--)
1507   {
1508     if ((*ptr == '\n') && (dk->last_char != '\r'))
1509     {
1510       //input not formatted correctly
1511       //CR should preceed LF
1512       return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1513     }
1514     /* parse headers */
1515     if (!dk->in_headers)
1516     {
1517       dkhash(dk, ptr); //hash body of message
1518       //precanon probably wont be accurate as dk_message() only takes in SMTP format -Tim
1519       if (tb)
1520         dk->trace->ccounts_b[(int) *ptr]++;
1521     }
1522     else if (*ptr == '\n' && dk->headerlinelen != 0)
1523     {
1524       /* beginning a new line, but we can't do anything until we get a char. */
1525       dk->headerlinelen = 0;
1526     }
1527     else if (*ptr == '\r')
1528     {
1529       /* ignore carriage-returns, even bare ones.  We'll add them back in later.*/
1530       if (dk->last_char == '\r') //keep embedded CR
1531       {
1532         if (dkstore_char(dk, '\r') != DK_STAT_OK)
1533         {
1534           return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1535         }
1536         if (th)
1537           dk->trace->ccounts_h[13]++;
1538       }
1539     }
1540     else if (dk->headerlinelen)
1541     {
1543       if (dk->last_char == '\r') //keep embedded CR
1544       {
1545         if (dkstore_char(dk, '\r') != DK_STAT_OK)
1546         {
1547           return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1548         }
1549         if (th)
1550           dk->trace->ccounts_h[13]++;
1551       }
1553       /* if we're not starting a new header, just store it */
1554       if (dkstore_char(dk, *ptr) != DK_STAT_OK)
1555       {
1556         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1557       }
1558       if (th)
1559         dk->trace->ccounts_h[(int) *ptr]++;
1560     }
1561     else if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t')
1562     {
1563       /* a new header ... starting with whitespace.  Must be continuation */
1564       /* just remember the whitespace */
1565       //preserv folded headers for simple canon -Tim
1566       if (dkstore_char(dk, '\r') != DK_STAT_OK)
1567       {
1568         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1569       }
1570       if (dkstore_char(dk, '\n') != DK_STAT_OK)
1571       {
1572         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1573       }
1574       if (dkstore_char(dk, *ptr) != DK_STAT_OK)
1575       {
1576         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1577       }
1578       if (th)
1579       {
1580         dk->trace->ccounts_h[10]++;
1581         dk->trace->ccounts_h[13]++;
1582         dk->trace->ccounts_h[(int) *ptr]++;
1583       }
1585     }
1586     else if (*ptr == '\n')
1587     {
1588       /* an empty line terminates header processing */
1589       /* terminate the previous header */
1590       if (dkstore_char(dk, '\0') != DK_STAT_OK)
1591       {
1592         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1593       }
1594       if (th)
1595       {
1596         dk->trace->ccounts_h[10]++;
1597         dk->trace->ccounts_h[13]++;
1598       }
1599       if (tb)
1600       {
1601         dk->trace->ccounts_b[10]++;
1602         dk->trace->ccounts_b[13]++;
1603       }
1604       st = dkheaders(dk);
1605       dk->in_headers = 0;
1606       dkhash(dk, "\r");
1607       dkhash(dk, "\n");
1609       if (st != DK_STAT_OK)
1610       {
1611         return st;
1612       }
1613     }
1614     else
1615     {
1616       /* we're starting a new header.  Terminate the previous one. */
1617       if (dkstore_char(dk, '\0') != DK_STAT_OK)
1618       {
1619         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1620       }
1621       /* remember the first character of a new header. */
1622       if (dkstore_char(dk, *ptr) != DK_STAT_OK)
1623       {
1624         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1625       }
1626       if (th)
1627       {
1628         dk->trace->ccounts_h[10]++;
1629         dk->trace->ccounts_h[13]++;
1630         dk->trace->ccounts_h[(int) *ptr]++;
1631       }
1632     }
1633     dk->last_char = *ptr; //remember last character processed
1634     ptr++;
1635   }
1636   return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
1637 }
1639 /* HEADER */
1640 /* DEPRECATED in favor of calling dk_address().
1641  * Returns a pointer to a null-terminated domain name portion of an RFC 2822 address.
1642  * If a Sender: was encountered, it returns that domain.  Otherwise,
1643  * if a From: was encountered, it returns that domain.  Otherwise,
1644  * return NULL.
1645  * return NULL if no domain name found in the address.
1646  * return NULL if the dk is unusable for any reason.
1647  * return NULL if the address is unusable for any reason.
1648  */
dk_from(DK * dk)1649 char *dk_from(DK *dk)
1650 {
1651   char *s;
1653   if (!dk)
1654   {
1655     return NULL;
1656   }
1657   if (dk->dkmarker != DKMARK)
1658   {
1659     return NULL;
1660   }
1662   s = NULL;
1663   if (dk->sender)
1664   {
1665     s = dk->sender; /* TC14-1 */
1666   }
1667   else if (dk->sender_beforesign && (dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY))
1668   {
1669     s = dk->sender_beforesign;
1670   }
1671   else if (dk->from)
1672   {
1673     s = dk->from; /* TC14-2 */
1674   }
1675   if (s && *s && s[1] && s[1] != '@')
1676   {
1677     s = strchr(s, '@') + 1;
1678     if (*s == '\0')
1679     {
1680       //make sure we have an actual domain after @
1681       s = NULL;
1682     }
1683   }
1684   else
1685   {
1686     s = NULL;
1687   }
1688   return s;
1689 }
1691 /* HEADER */
1692 /* Returns a pointer to the selector name used or NULL if there isn't one
1693  * Added by rjp
1694  */
dk_selector(DK * dk)1695 const char *dk_selector(DK *dk)
1696 {
1697   if (!dk) return NULL;
1698   return (dk->selector);
1699 }
1701 /* HEADER */
1702 /* Returns a pointer to the domain name used or NULL if there isn't one
1703  */
dk_domain(DK * dk)1704 const char *dk_domain(DK *dk)
1705 {
1706   if (!dk) return NULL;
1707   return (dk->domain);
1708 }
1710 /* HEADER */
1711 /*
1712  * Returns a pointer to a string which begins with "N", "S", or "F",
1713  * corresponding to None, Sender: and From:, respectively.
1714  * This single character is followed by a null-terminated RFC 2822 address.
1715  * The first character is "N" if no valid address has been seen yet,
1716  * "S" if the address came from the Sender: field, and "F" if the
1717  * address came from the From: field.
1718  */
dk_address(DK * dk)1719 char *dk_address(DK *dk)
1720 {
1721   if ((!dk)||(dk->dkmarker != DKMARK))
1722   {
1723     return "N";
1724   }
1725   if (dk->sender)
1726   {
1727     return dk->sender; /* TC14-3 */
1728   }
1729   if (dk->from)
1730   {
1731     return dk->from; /* TC14-4 */
1732   }
1733   return "N";     /* TC14-5 */
1734 }
1736 /* HEADER */
1737 /*
1738  * Returns a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the granularity
1739  * value found in the selector DNS record, if any, but only after dk_end
1740  * has been called. Otherwise returns NULL.
1741  */
dk_granularity(DK * dk)1742 char *dk_granularity(DK *dk)
1743 {
1744   if (!dk)
1745   {
1746     return NULL;
1747   }
1748   if (dk->dkmarker != DKMARK)
1749   {
1750     return NULL;
1751   }
1752   return dk->granularity;
1753 }
1755 /* HEADER */
1756 /*
1757  * Called at end-of-message (before response to DATA-dot, if synchronous with SMTP session).
1758  * If verifying, returns signature validity.
1759  * This does not calculate the signature.  Call dk_getsig() for that.
1760  * Flags are returned indirectly through dkf.
1761  * If you pass in NULL for dkf, the flags will not be fetched.
1762  * If there is a DK-Sig line, the d= entry will be used to fetch the flags.
1763  * Otherwise the Sender: domain will be used to fetch the flags.
1764  * Otherwise the From: domain will be used to fetch the flags.
1765  *
1766  * NOTE: If for some reason dk_end() returns an error (!DK_STAT_OK) dk_policy() should be called
1767  * to get the domain signing policy (o=) and handle accordingly.
1768  * dkf (selector flags) wont be set if dk_end() returns
1775  */
dk_end(DK * dk,DK_FLAGS * dkf)1776 DK_STAT dk_end(DK *dk, DK_FLAGS *dkf)
1777 {
1778   if ((!dk)||(dk->dkmarker != DKMARK))
1779   {
1780     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
1781   }
1783   /* yes, the only way we can still be in the headers at the end of
1784      the message is if they supplied us with a message that not only
1785      has no body, but also lacks the blank line terminating the
1786      headers.  Still, we have to handle it correctly.  TC13-nobody */
1787   if (dk->in_headers)
1788   {
1789     DK_STAT st;
1791     if (dkstore_char(dk, '\0') != DK_STAT_OK)
1792     {
1793       return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1794     }
1795     st = dkheaders(dk);
1796     if (st != DK_STAT_OK)
1797     {
1798       return st;
1799     }
1800   }
1802   switch (dk->signing)
1803   {
1804   case DK_SIGNING_SIGN:
1805   case DK_SIGNING_VERIFY:
1806     //force hash final CRLF to terminate email
1807 #ifdef DK_HASH_BUFF
1808     //clean out hash buffer
1809     dk->hash_buff[dk->hash_buff_len++] = '\r';
1810     dk->hash_buff[dk->hash_buff_len++] = '\n';
1811 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
1812     EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
1813 #else
1814     EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, dk->hash_buff, dk->hash_buff_len);
1815 #endif
1816     dk->hash_buff_len = 0;
1817 #else
1818 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
1819     EVP_DigestUpdate(&dk->mdctx, "\r\n", 2);
1820 #else
1821     EVP_DigestUpdate(dk->mdctx, "\r\n", 2);
1822 #endif
1823 #endif
1824 #ifdef DK_DEBUG
1825     fprintf(stderr,"\r\n");
1826 #endif
1828   }
1830   switch (dk->signing)
1831   {
1832   case DK_SIGNING_SIGN:
1833   case DK_SIGNING_NOSIGN:
1834     if (!dk->from)
1835     {
1836       return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1837     }
1838     return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
1839   case DK_SIGNING_VERIFY:
1841     {
1842       unsigned char md_value[1024];
1843       int md_len=0;
1844       char *s = NULL; //pointer to domain portion of email addy
1845       char *sndr = NULL;
1846       char *domainkeys; /* malloc'ed */
1847       char *txtrec; /* malloc'ed */
1848       char *pubkeyvals[4];
1849       int i;
1850       DK_STAT st;
1852       BIO *bio, *b64;
1853       EVP_PKEY *publickey;
1855       /* make sure that we got a header */
1856       if (!dk->dksign)
1857       {
1858         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NOSIG); /* TC11 */
1859       }
1861       /* make sure that domain on the From: matches the d data. TC26 */
1862       /* Or is a subdomain of the d data.  TC26-1, etc. */
1863       if (dk->sender)
1864       {
1865         sndr = dk->sender;
1866       }
1867       else if (dk->sender_beforesign && (dk->signing == DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY))
1868       {
1869         sndr = dk->sender_beforesign;
1870       }
1871       else
1872       {
1873         sndr = dk->from;
1874       }
1876       if (!sndr)
1877       {
1878         return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1879       }
1880       /* we already know that sndr has an '@' in it; otherwise it would not
1881       * have passed dkparse822. */
1883       /* sndr can also be a one-character string if the from/sender header
1884       * was there but empty */
1885       if (!(s = strchr(sndr, '@')))
1886       {
1887         return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1888       }
1889       s++; // we skip the tag
1891       i = (int)strlen(s);
1892       if (strcasecmp(dk->domain, s))
1893       {
1894         for (; md_len < i; md_len++)
1895         {
1896           if (s[md_len] == '.')
1897           {
1898             if (!strcasecmp(dk->domain, s + md_len + 1))
1899             {
1900               break;
1901             }
1902           }
1903         }
1904       }
1905       if (md_len == i)
1906       {
1907         return DKERR(DK_STAT_SYNTAX);
1908       }
1910       /* convert their signature from base64 into binary */
1911       bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(dk->signature, -1);
1912       b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
1913       BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
1914       BIO_push(b64, bio);
1915       md_len = BIO_read(b64, md_value, sizeof(md_value));
1916       BIO_free_all(b64);
1917       if (md_len >= sizeof(md_value))
1918       {
1919         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1920       }
1922       /* allow user to supply the DNS TXT key record */
1923       if (!dk->keyrec )
1924       {
1925         /* get the s data and the d data and lookup s._domainkey.d */
1926         domainkeys = DK_MALLOC(strlen(dk->selector) + strlen(dk->domain) + strlen("._domainkey.") + 1);
1927         if (!domainkeys)
1928         {
1929           return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
1930         }
1931         sprintf(domainkeys, "%s._domainkey.%s", dk->selector, dk->domain);
1932         txtrec = dns_text(domainkeys);
1933         DK_MFREE(domainkeys);
1934       }
1935       else
1936       {
1937         txtrec = dk_strdup(dk->keyrec);
1938       }
1940       if (!strcmp(txtrec,"e=perm;")) /* TC31 */
1941       {
1942         DK_MFREE(txtrec);
1943         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NOKEY);
1944       }
1946       if (!strcmp(txtrec,"e=temp;")) /* TC30 */
1947       {
1948         DK_MFREE(txtrec);
1949         return DKERR(DK_STAT_CANTVRFY);
1950       }
1952       if (dkparselist(txtrec, "ptog", pubkeyvals) != DK_STAT_OK)
1953       {
1954         DK_MFREE(txtrec);
1955         return DKERR(DK_STAT_BADKEY);
1956       }
1957       if (dkf) //set this asap
1958       {
1959         /* TC35 and TC37 */
1960         if (pubkeyvals[1] && *pubkeyvals[1] == 'y')
1961         {
1962           *dkf |= DK_FLAG_TESTING;
1963         }
1964         /* tell them that we got the g= flag.  This means that the entire
1965          * address matches, not just the domain name */
1966         if (pubkeyvals[3] && *pubkeyvals[3])
1967         {
1968           *dkf |= DK_FLAG_G;
1969         }
1970         *dkf |= DK_FLAG_SET;
1971       }
1972       /* Store the granularity, if any, and check it against the local part
1973        * of the sending address */
1975       if (pubkeyvals[3] && *pubkeyvals[3])
1976       {
1977         dk->granularity = dk_strdup(pubkeyvals[3]);
1978 		// Note that sndr has a leading 'F' or 'S'
1979         if (strncasecmp(dk->granularity, sndr+1, strcspn(sndr+1,"@")))
1980 		{
1981 	        DK_MFREE(txtrec);
1982 	  		return DKERR(DK_STAT_GRANULARITY);
1983 		}
1984       }
1985       if (!pubkeyvals[0])
1986       {
1987         DK_MFREE(txtrec);
1988         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NOKEY); /* TC27 */
1989       }
1991       if (!*pubkeyvals[0])
1992       {
1993         DK_MFREE(txtrec);
1994         return DKERR(DK_STAT_REVOKED); /* TC27 */
1995       }
1997       /* convert their public key from base64 into binary */
1998       bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(pubkeyvals[0], -1);
1999       if (!bio)
2000       {
2001         DK_MFREE(txtrec);
2002         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
2003       }
2004       b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
2005       if (!b64)
2006       {
2007         DK_MFREE(txtrec);
2008         BIO_free(bio);
2009         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
2010       }
2011       BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
2012       BIO_push(b64, bio);
2013       publickey = d2i_PUBKEY_bio(b64, NULL);
2014       BIO_free_all(b64);
2015       DK_MFREE(txtrec);
2016       if (!publickey)
2017       {
2018         return DKERR(DK_STAT_BADKEY);
2019       }
2021       /* using that key, verify that the digest is properly signed */
2022 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
2023       i = EVP_VerifyFinal(&dk->mdctx, md_value, md_len, publickey);
2024 #else
2025       i = EVP_VerifyFinal(dk->mdctx, md_value, md_len, publickey);
2026 #endif
2028       if (i > 0)
2029       {
2030         st = DK_STAT_OK;
2031       }
2032       else
2033       {
2034         st = DK_STAT_BADSIG;
2035       }
2036       EVP_PKEY_free(publickey);
2037       return DKERR(st);
2038     }
2039   }//End switch
2040   return DK_STAT_ARGS;
2041 }
2044 /* HEADER */
2045 /*
2046  * DEPRECATED in favor of calling dk_end and dk_policy() directly.
2047  * If you pass in NULL for dkf, the policy flags will not be fetched.
2048  * If the message verified okay, the policy flags will not be fetched.
2049  */
dk_eom(DK * dk,DK_FLAGS * dkf)2050 DK_STAT dk_eom(DK *dk, DK_FLAGS *dkf)
2051 {
2052   DK_STAT dkstat;
2054   dkstat = dk_end(dk, dkf);  /* TC36* */
2055   if (dkf && dkstat != DK_STAT_OK)
2056   {
2057     *dkf |= dk_policy(dk);
2058   }
2059   return dkstat;
2060 }
2063 /* HEADER */
2064 /*
2065  *
2066  * privatekey is the private key used to create the signature; It should contain
2067  * the entire contents of a PEM-format private key file, thusly it will begin with
2068  * -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.  It should be null-terminated.
2069  */
dk_siglen(void * privatekey)2070 size_t dk_siglen(void *privatekey)
2071 {
2072   BIO *bio;
2073   EVP_PKEY *pkey;
2074   size_t len;
2076   if (!privatekey)
2077   {
2078     return 0;
2079   }
2081   bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(privatekey, -1);
2082   pkey = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL);
2083   BIO_free(bio);
2085   len = (EVP_PKEY_size(pkey) + 2) / 3 * 4;
2086   EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
2087   return len;
2088 }
2091 /* HEADER */
2092 /*
2093  * Sets buf to a null-terminated string.
2094  * If the message is being signed, signature is stored in the buffer.
2095  * If the message is being verified, returns DK_STAT_INTERNAL.
2096  * privatekey is the private key used to create the signature; It should contain
2097  * the entire contents of a PEM-format private key file, thus it will begin with
2098  * -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.  It should be null-terminated.
2099  * If you pass in NULL for buf, you'll get back DK_STAT_NORESOURCE.
2100  * If len is not big enough, you'll get back DK_STAT_NORESOURCE.
2101  */
dk_getsig(DK * dk,void * privatekey,unsigned char buf[],size_t len)2102 DK_STAT dk_getsig(DK *dk, void *privatekey, unsigned char buf[], size_t len)
2103 {
2104   if ((!dk)||(dk->dkmarker != DKMARK)||(!privatekey))
2105   {
2106     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
2107   }
2108   if (!buf)
2109   {
2110     return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
2111   }
2112   switch (dk->signing)
2113   {
2114     case DK_SIGNING_SIGN:
2115     case DK_SIGNING_NOSIGN:
2116     {
2117       unsigned int siglen;
2118       unsigned char *sig;
2119       int size;
2120       BIO *bio, *b64;
2121       EVP_PKEY *pkey;
2123       bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(privatekey, -1);
2124       pkey = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL);
2125       BIO_free(bio);
2127       if (!pkey)
2128       {
2129         /* their private key is no good TC33 */
2130         return DKERR(DK_STAT_BADKEY);
2131       }
2133       siglen = EVP_PKEY_size(pkey);
2134       sig = (unsigned char*) OPENSSL_malloc(siglen);
2135 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
2136       EVP_SignFinal(&dk->mdctx, sig, &siglen, pkey);
2137 #else
2138       EVP_SignFinal(dk->mdctx, sig, &siglen, pkey);
2139 #endif
2140       EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
2142       bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
2143       if (!bio)
2144       {
2145         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
2146       }
2147       b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
2148       if (!b64)
2149       {
2150         BIO_free(bio);
2151         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
2152       }
2153       BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
2154       BIO_push(b64, bio);
2155       if ((size_t)BIO_write(b64, sig, siglen) < siglen)
2156       {
2157         OPENSSL_free(sig);
2158         BIO_free_all(b64);
2159         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE);
2160       }
2161       BIO_flush(b64);
2162       OPENSSL_free(sig);
2164       size = BIO_read(bio, buf, len);
2165       BIO_free_all(b64);
2167       if ((size_t)size >= len)
2168       {
2169         return DKERR(DK_STAT_NORESOURCE); /* TC28 */
2170       }
2172       buf[size] = '\0';
2173       return DKERR(DK_STAT_OK);
2174     }
2175     case DK_SIGNING_VERIFY:
2176     case DK_SIGNING_NOVERIFY:
2177       return DKERR(DK_STAT_INTERNAL);
2178   }//end switch
2179   return DK_STAT_ARGS;
2180 }
2183 /* HEADER */
2184 /*
2185  * Free all resources associated with this message.
2186  * dk is no longer usable.
2187  * if doClearErrState != 0, the OpenSSL ErrorState is freed.
2188  * Set clearErrState=0 if you use other openssl functions and
2189  * want to call openssl's ERR_remove_state(0) by yourself
2190  * ERR_remove_state(0) is declared in <openssl/err.h>
2191  */
dk_free(DK * dk,int doClearErrState)2192 DK_STAT dk_free(DK *dk, int doClearErrState)
2193 {
2194   if ((!dk)||(dk->dkmarker != DKMARK))
2195   {
2196     return DK_STAT_ARGS;
2197   }
2198   if (dk->from)
2199   {
2200     DK_MFREE(dk->from);
2201   }
2202   if (dk->sender)
2203   {
2204     DK_MFREE(dk->sender);
2205   }
2206   if (dk->sender_beforesign)
2207   {
2208     DK_MFREE(dk->sender_beforesign);
2209   }
2210   if (dk->trace)
2211   {
2212     DK_MFREE(dk->trace);
2213   }
2214   if (dk->traceheader)
2215   {
2216     DK_MFREE(dk->trace);
2217   }
2218   if (dk->keyrec)
2219   {
2220     DK_MFREE(dk->keyrec);
2221   }
2222   if (dk->policyrec)
2223   {
2224     DK_MFREE(dk->policyrec);
2225   }
2226   if (dk->granularity)
2227   {
2228     DK_MFREE(dk->granularity);
2229   }
2230 #ifdef DK_HASH_BUFF
2231   DK_MFREE(dk->hash_buff);
2232 #endif
2233 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100001L
2234   EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&dk->mdctx);
2235 #else
2236   EVP_MD_CTX_free(dk->mdctx);
2237 #endif
2238   DK_MFREE(dk->header);   /* alloc'ing dk->header is not optional. */
2239   dk->dkmarker = ~DKMARK;
2240   DK_MFREE(dk);
2242   if (doClearErrState)
2243   {
2244      ERR_remove_state(0);
2245   }
2246   return DK_STAT_OK;
2247 }
2249 /* HEADER */
2250 /*
2251  * return a pointer to a string which describes st.
2252  * The string is structured.  All the characters up to the first colon
2253  * contain the name of the DK_STAT constant.  From there to the end of
2254  * string is a human-readable description of the error.
2255  */
DK_STAT_to_string(DK_STAT st)2256 const char *DK_STAT_to_string(DK_STAT st)
2257 {
2258   /* TC53 */
2259   if (st >= (sizeof errors) / (sizeof errors[0]))
2260   {
2261     return "DK_STAT_UNKNOWN: unknown status";
2262   }
2263   else
2264   {
2265     return errors[st];
2266   }
2267 }