1 /************************************************************************
2  *	Some routines common to procmail and formail			*
3  *									*
4  *	Copyright (c) 1990-1999, S.R. van den Berg, The Netherlands	*
5  *	#include "../README"						*
6  ************************************************************************/
7 #ifdef RCS
8 static /*const*/char rcsid[]=
9  "$Id: common.c,v 1.28 2001/06/23 08:18:39 guenther Exp $";
10 #endif
11 #include "procmail.h"
12 #include "sublib.h"
13 #include "robust.h"
14 #include "shell.h"
15 #include "misc.h"
16 #include "common.h"
shexec(argv)18 void shexec(argv)const char*const*argv;
19 { int i;char**newargv;const char**p;
20 #ifdef SIGXCPU
21   signal(SIGXCPU,SIG_DFL);signal(SIGXFSZ,SIG_DFL);
22 #endif
23 #ifdef SIGLOST
24   signal(SIGLOST,SIG_DFL);
25 #endif						/* or is it a shell script ? */
26   signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_DFL);execvp(*argv,(char*const*)argv);
27   for(p=(const char**)argv,i=1;i++,*p++;);	      /* count the arguments */
28   newargv=malloc(i*sizeof*p);		      /* no shell script? -> trouble */
29   for(*(p=(const char**)newargv)=binsh;*++p= *argv++;);
30   execv(*newargv,newargv);free(newargv);nlog("Failed to execute");
31   logqnl(*argv);
32   exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE);
33 }
detab(p)35 void detab(p)char*p;
36 { while(p=strpbrk(p,"\t\n\v\f\r"))
37      *p=' ';			     /* take out all tabs and other specials */
38 }
skpspace(chp)40 char*skpspace(chp)const char*chp;
41 { for(;;chp++)
42      switch(*chp)
43       { case ' ':case '\t':
44 	   continue;
45 	default:
46 	   return (char*)chp;
47       }
48 }
50 #ifdef NOstrcspn
strcspn(whole,sub)51 int strcspn(whole,sub)const char*const whole,*const sub;
52 { const register char*p;
53   p=whole;
54   while(*p&&!strchr(sub,*p))
55      p++;
56   return p-whole;
57 }
58 #endif
waitfor(pid)60 int waitfor(pid)const pid_t pid;	      /* wait for a specific process */
61 { int i;pid_t j;
62   while(pid!=(j=wait(&i))||WIFSTOPPED(i))
63      if(-1==j)
64 	return NO_PROCESS;
65      else if(!pid)
66 	break;
67   return lexitcode=WIFEXITED(i)?WEXITSTATUS(i):-WTERMSIG(i);
68 }
70 #ifdef NOstrncasecmp
strncasecmp(a,b,l)71 int strncasecmp(a,b,l)register const char*a,*b;register size_t l;
72 { unsigned i,j;
73   if(l)						 /* case insensitive strncmp */
74      do
75       { while(*a&&*a==*b&&--l)
76 	   a++,b++;
77 	if(!l)
78 	   break;
79 	if((i= *a++)-'A'<='Z'-'A')
80 	   i+='a'-'A';
81 	if((j= *b++)-'A'<='Z'-'A')
82 	   j+='a'-'A';
83 	if(j!=i)
84 	   return i>j?1:-1;
85       }
86      while(i&&j&&--l);
87   return 0;
88 }
89 #endif