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ANNOUNCEMENTH A D12-Aug-20053.7 KiB9174

AUTOFILESH A D12-Aug-200594 1110

BINH A D12-Aug-200523 21

COPYINGH A D12-Aug-200517.6 KiB341281

ChangeLogH A D12-Aug-200521.5 KiB677509

FILESH A D12-Aug-2005328 2928

MANH A D12-Aug-200542 32

MakefileH A D03-May-20221.3 KiB5536

NEWSH A D12-Aug-20052.9 KiB6752

READMEH A D12-Aug-20053.2 KiB8065

SRCFILESH A D12-Aug-200540 54

TARGETSH A D12-Aug-2005117 1312

TODOH A D12-Aug-200592 42

VERSIONH A D12-Aug-200518 21

conf-bgincsH A D12-Aug-200526 21

conf-bglibsH A D12-Aug-200522 21

conf-binH A D12-Aug-200562 42

conf-ccH A D12-Aug-200589 42

conf-ldH A D12-Aug-200587 42

conf-manH A D12-Aug-2005140 53

qmail-qfilter-2.1.specH A D12-Aug-2005866 4033

qmail-qfilter.1H A D12-Aug-20053.2 KiB112111

qmail-qfilter.cH A D03-May-20227.2 KiB347278


2qmail-queue multi-filter front end
3Bruce Guenter <bruceg@em.ca>
4Version 2.1
7This program allows the body and/or envelope of a message to be filtered
8through a series of filters before being passed to the real qmail-queue
9program, and injected into the qmail queue.
11A mailing list has been set up to discuss this and other packages.
12To subscribe, send an email to:
13	bgware-subscribe@lists.untroubled.org
14A mailing list archive is available at:
15	http://lists.untroubled.org/?list=bgware
17Development versions of qmail-qfilter are available via Subversion at:
18	svn://bruce-guenter.dyndns.org/qmail-qfilter/trunk
22- bglibs is required for system dependancies.
24- This program is designed to take advantage of my QMAILQUEUE patch,
25  which causes programs that would execute qmail-queue (such as
26  qmail-smtpd etc.) to execute an alternative program.
28How to install:
30- Check the definitions at the top of qmail-qfilter.c, especially the
31  value of TMPDIR.  This should be set to a temporary directory that
32  only the executor of qmail-qfilter has write access to.
33- Check the conf-* files for appropriate values for your compiler and
34  linker, and installation paths.
35- Run "make"
36- As root, run "make install"
38How to use, with the QMAILQUEUE patch applied to qmail:
40- Create a script containing an invocation of qmail-qfilter.  For
41  example, a script that uses qmail-inject as a front end to qmail-queue
42  would contain:
43	#!/bin/sh
44	exec /path/to/qmail-qfilter /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -n
45- Set the environment variable QMAILQUEUE to the location of this
46  script.  For example, in a SMTP rules files, put:
47	A.B.C.D:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",QMAILQUEUE="/usr/local/bin/qmail-qftest"
48  and rebuild the SMTP CDB file.
49- You're all set!  In our example, all messages sent from the IP A.B.C.D
50  will have their content filtered through qmail-inject, which will add
51  missing "From:", "Date:", and "Message-Id:" headers.
53How to use, without the QMAILQUEUE patch:
54- Change the definition of QMAIL_QUEUE in qmail-qfilter.c to a different
55  value, either by editing the source file or by modifying the DEFINES
56  line in the Makefile to read:
57	-DQMAIL_QUEUE=\"/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-old\"
58- Compile qmail-qfilter.
59- Rename qmail-queue to the new filename specified above.
60- Create a script to replace qmail-queue that contains an invocation of
61  qmail-qfilter, as described in the previous example.
62- You're all set!  All mail entering the queue will be filtered by your
63  filter.
65Notes on writing a filter program:
66- If you want to block an email, exit from the filter with code 31.
67  This will cause qmail-qfilter to exit with the same error code, and
68  qmail-smtpd (for example) to send an error code to the client.
69- If you want to silently drop an email, exit with code 99.
70- The filter script that executes qmail-queue MUST NOT be setuid, and
71  MUST BE readable.  Only the real qmail-queue binary needs to be
72  setuid.
74See the scripts in the "samples" directory for example scripts.
76This program is Copyright(C) 2001,2004-2005 Bruce Guenter, and may be
77copied according to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) Version 2 or a
78later version.  A copy of this license is included with this package.
79This package comes with no warranty of any kind.