1<!-- help_introduction-features.tt2 -->
2<h2><a name="features"></a>[%|helploc%]Features[%END%]</h2>
4    [%|helploc%]Once subscribed to a mailing list service, you can:[%END%]
7    <li>
8        [%|helploc%]<strong>search for mailing lists</strong> matching your main interests or your particular situation;[%END%]
9    </li>
10    <li>
11        [%|helploc%]<strong>manage your subscriptions</strong>:[%END%]
12        <ul>
13            <li>
14                [%|helploc%]<a href="user-subscribe.html">subscribe</a> to lists,[%END%]
15            </li>
16            <li>
17                [%|helploc%]<a href="user-signoff.html">unsubscribe</a> from lists to which you are subscribed,[%END%]
18            </li>
19            <li>
20                [%|helploc%]change your <a href="user-suboptions.html">subscriber options</a> list by list,[%END%]
21            </li>
22            <li>
23                [%|helploc%]change your <a href="user-pref.html">general preferences</a>, which apply to the whole mailing list environment (name, password, language of the mailing list web interface, etc.);[%END%]
24            </li>
25        </ul>
26    </li>
27    <li>
28        <strong>[%|helploc%]use mailing lists[%END%]</strong>:
29        <ul>
30            <li>
31                [%|helploc%]read the <a href="arc.html">online message archive of lists to which you are not subscribed</a> if that archive is public and if your personal rights allow you to access those lists,[%END%]
32            </li>
33            <li>
34                [%|helploc%]read the <a href="arc.html">archive of lists to which you are subscribed</a>,[%END%]
35            </li>
36            <li>
37                [%|helploc%]perform <a href="arc-search.html">searches in the list archive</a>,[%END%]
38            </li>
39            <li>
40                [%|helploc%]<a href="user-sendmsg.html">send messages</a> to lists to which you are subscribed,[%END%]
41            </li>
42            <li>
43                [%|helploc%]<a href="shared-read.html">download documents</a> from the shared document web space,[%END%]
44            </li>
45            <li>
46                [%|helploc%]<a href="shared-upload.html">upload documents</a> in the shared document web space;[%END%]
47            </li>
48        </ul>
49    </li>
50    <li>
51        <strong>[%|helploc%]manage mailing lists[%END%]</strong>:
52        <ul>
53            <li>
54                [%|helploc%]<a href="admin-createlist.html">create new lists</a> (restricted access) - subject to authorization,[%END%]
55            </li>
56            <li>
57                [%|helploc%]<a href="admin-editlist.html">configure lists</a> you own,[%END%]
58            </li>
59            <li>
60                [%|helploc%]<a href="admin-members.html">manage subscriptions</a>,[%END%]
61            </li>
62            <li>
63                [%|helploc%]<a href="admin-shared.html">manage the shared document web space</a>,[%END%]
64            </li>
65            <li>
66                [%|helploc%]<a href="admin-moderate.html">moderate lists</a> for which you are a moderator.[%END%]
67            </li>
68        </ul>
69    </li>
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