1<!-- stats.tt2 -->
2<h3>[%|loc(listname)%]List %1 statistics[%END%]</h3>
4<p>[%|loc%]This page displays overall information regarding the list activity[%END%]</p>
7    <strong>[%|loc(shared_size)%]Shared document directory size: %1 kB[%END%]</strong><br />
8    <strong>[%|loc(arc_size)%]Web archives size: %1 kB[%END%]</strong>
11[% FOREACH stat_id IN [ 'send_mail', 'add_or_subscribe', 'signoff', 'del', 'auto_del' ] ~%]
12    [% SET o = stats.$stat_id ~%]
13    [% SET chartid = "chartdiv" _ stat_id ~%]
14    [% SET chartcontainerid = "chartcontainer" _ stat_id ~%]
15    <div id="[% chartcontainerid %]">
16        <h4>[% o.title %]</h4>
17        [% IF o.defined('stats_values') %]
18            <div id="[% chartid %]" style="height:400px;">
19                <script>
20                    <!--
21                    var line = [% o.stats_values %];
22                    $.jqplot('[% chartid %]', [line], {
23                        title: '[% o.title | escape_cstr %]',
24                        axesDefaults: {
25                            min: 0,
26                            tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
27                            tickOptions: {
28                                angle: -60,
29                                fontSize: '10pt'
30                            }
31                        },
32                        axes: {
33                            xaxis: {
34                                renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
35                                tickOptions: {
36                                    showGridline: false
37                                }
38                            },
39                            yaxis: {
40                                tickOptions: {
41                                    angle: 0,
42                                    formatString: '%d'
43                                }
44                            }
45                        },
46                        series: [{renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer}]
47                    });
48                    //-->
49                </script>
50            </div>
51        [% ELSE %]
52            <p>[%|loc%]No operation recorded in this field yet.[%END%]</p>
53        [% END %]
54    </div>
55[% END %]
57[%# FIXME: "New files in shared" section should be shown. #%]
58<!-- end stats.tt2 -->