1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-*/
2 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
4  * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
9 #include "MediaTrackGraph.h"
11 #include "AudioMixer.h"
12 #include "GraphDriver.h"
13 #include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
14 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
15 #include "mozilla/Monitor.h"
16 #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
17 #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
18 #include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
19 #include "nsClassHashtable.h"
20 #include "nsIMemoryReporter.h"
21 #include "nsINamed.h"
22 #include "nsIRunnable.h"
23 #include "nsIThreadInternal.h"
24 #include "nsITimer.h"
25 #include "AsyncLogger.h"
27 namespace mozilla {
29 namespace media {
30 class ShutdownBlocker;
31 }
33 class AudioContextOperationControlMessage;
34 template <typename T>
35 class LinkedList;
36 class GraphRunner;
38 // MediaTrack subclass storing the raw audio data from microphone.
39 class NativeInputTrack : public ProcessedMediaTrack {
40   ~NativeInputTrack() = default;
NativeInputTrack(TrackRate aSampleRate)41   explicit NativeInputTrack(TrackRate aSampleRate)
42       : ProcessedMediaTrack(aSampleRate, MediaSegment::AUDIO,
43                             new AudioSegment()) {}
45  public:
46   // Main Thread API
47   static NativeInputTrack* Create(MediaTrackGraphImpl* aGraph);
49   size_t AddUser();
50   size_t RemoveUser();
52   // Graph Thread APIs, for ProcessedMediaTrack
53   void DestroyImpl() override;
54   void ProcessInput(GraphTime aFrom, GraphTime aTo, uint32_t aFlags) override;
55   uint32_t NumberOfChannels() const override;
57   // Graph thread APIs: Redirect calls from GraphDriver to mDataUsers
58   void NotifyOutputData(MediaTrackGraphImpl* aGraph, AudioDataValue* aBuffer,
59                         size_t aFrames, TrackRate aRate, uint32_t aChannels);
60   void NotifyInputStopped(MediaTrackGraphImpl* aGraph);
61   void NotifyInputData(MediaTrackGraphImpl* aGraph,
62                        const AudioDataValue* aBuffer, size_t aFrames,
63                        TrackRate aRate, uint32_t aChannels,
64                        uint32_t aAlreadyBuffered);
65   void DeviceChanged(MediaTrackGraphImpl* aGraph);
67   // Other Graph Thread APIs
68   void InitDataHolderIfNeeded();
70   // Any thread
AsNativeInputTrack()71   NativeInputTrack* AsNativeInputTrack() override { return this; }
73  public:
74   // Only accessed on the graph thread.
75   nsTArray<RefPtr<AudioDataListener>> mDataUsers;
77  private:
78   class AudioDataBuffers {
79    public:
80     AudioDataBuffers() = default;
81     void SetOutputData(AudioDataValue* aBuffer, size_t aFrames,
82                        uint32_t aChannels, TrackRate aRate);
83     void SetInputData(AudioDataValue* aBuffer, size_t aFrames,
84                       uint32_t aChannels, TrackRate aRate);
86     enum Scope : unsigned char {
87       Input = 0x01,
88       Output = 0x02,
89     };
90     void Clear(Scope aScope);
92     typedef AudioDataListenerInterface::BufferInfo BufferInfo;
93     // Storing the audio output data coming from NotifyOutputData
94     Maybe<BufferInfo> mOutputData;
95     // Storing the audio input data coming from NotifyInputData
96     Maybe<BufferInfo> mInputData;
97   };
99   // Only accessed on the graph thread.
100   // Storing the audio data coming from GraphDriver directly.
101   Maybe<AudioDataBuffers> mDataHolder;
103   // Only accessed on the graph thread.
104   uint32_t mInputChannels = 0;
106   // Only accessed on the main thread.
107   // When this becomes zero, this NativeInputTrack is no longer needed.
108   int32_t mUserCount = 0;
109 };
111 /**
112  * A per-track update message passed from the media graph thread to the
113  * main thread.
114  */
115 struct TrackUpdate {
116   RefPtr<MediaTrack> mTrack;
117   TrackTime mNextMainThreadCurrentTime;
118   bool mNextMainThreadEnded;
119 };
121 /**
122  * This represents a message run on the graph thread to modify track or graph
123  * state.  These are passed from main thread to graph thread through
124  * AppendMessage(), or scheduled on the graph thread with
125  * RunMessageAfterProcessing().  A ControlMessage
126  * always has a weak reference to a particular affected track.
127  */
128 class ControlMessage {
129  public:
ControlMessage(MediaTrack * aTrack)130   explicit ControlMessage(MediaTrack* aTrack) : mTrack(aTrack) {
131     MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(ControlMessage);
132   }
133   // All these run on the graph thread
134   MOZ_COUNTED_DTOR_VIRTUAL(ControlMessage)
135   // Do the action of this message on the MediaTrackGraph thread. Any actions
136   // affecting graph processing should take effect at mProcessedTime.
137   // All track data for times < mProcessedTime has already been
138   // computed.
139   virtual void Run() = 0;
140   // RunDuringShutdown() is only relevant to messages generated on the main
141   // thread (for AppendMessage()).
142   // When we're shutting down the application, most messages are ignored but
143   // some cleanup messages should still be processed (on the main thread).
144   // This must not add new control messages to the graph.
RunDuringShutdown()145   virtual void RunDuringShutdown() {}
GetTrack()146   MediaTrack* GetTrack() { return mTrack; }
148  protected:
149   // We do not hold a reference to mTrack. The graph will be holding a reference
150   // to the track until the Destroy message is processed. The last message
151   // referencing a track is the Destroy message for that track.
152   MediaTrack* mTrack;
153 };
155 class MessageBlock {
156  public:
157   nsTArray<UniquePtr<ControlMessage>> mMessages;
158 };
160 /**
161  * The implementation of a media track graph. This class is private to this
162  * file. It's not in the anonymous namespace because MediaTrack needs to
163  * be able to friend it.
164  *
165  * There can be multiple MediaTrackGraph per process: one per document.
166  * Additionaly, each OfflineAudioContext object creates its own MediaTrackGraph
167  * object too.
168  */
169 class MediaTrackGraphImpl : public MediaTrackGraph,
170                             public GraphInterface,
171                             public nsIMemoryReporter,
172                             public nsIThreadObserver,
173                             public nsITimerCallback,
174                             public nsINamed {
175  public:
182   /**
183    * Use aGraphDriverRequested with SYSTEM_THREAD_DRIVER or AUDIO_THREAD_DRIVER
184    * to create a MediaTrackGraph which provides support for real-time audio
185    * and/or video.  Set it to OFFLINE_THREAD_DRIVER in order to create a
186    * non-realtime instance which just churns through its inputs and produces
187    * output.  Those objects currently only support audio, and are used to
188    * implement OfflineAudioContext.  They do not support MediaTrack inputs.
189    */
190   explicit MediaTrackGraphImpl(GraphDriverType aGraphDriverRequested,
191                                GraphRunType aRunTypeRequested,
192                                TrackRate aSampleRate, uint32_t aChannelCount,
193                                CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aOutputDeviceID,
194                                nsISerialEventTarget* aWindow);
196   // Intended only for assertions, either on graph thread or not running (in
197   // which case we must be on the main thread).
198   bool OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning() const override;
199   bool OnGraphThread() const override;
201   bool Destroyed() const override;
203 #ifdef DEBUG
204   /**
205    * True if we're on aDriver's thread, or if we're on mGraphRunner's thread
206    * and mGraphRunner is currently run by aDriver.
207    */
208   bool InDriverIteration(const GraphDriver* aDriver) const override;
209 #endif
211   /**
212    * Unregisters memory reporting and deletes this instance. This should be
213    * called instead of calling the destructor directly.
214    */
215   void Destroy();
217   // Main thread only.
218   /**
219    * This runs every time we need to sync state from the media graph thread
220    * to the main thread while the main thread is not in the middle
221    * of a script. It runs during a "stable state" (per HTML5) or during
222    * an event posted to the main thread.
223    * The boolean affects which boolean controlling runnable dispatch is cleared
224    */
225   void RunInStableState(bool aSourceIsMTG);
226   /**
227    * Ensure a runnable to run RunInStableState is posted to the appshell to
228    * run at the next stable state (per HTML5).
229    * See EnsureStableStateEventPosted.
230    */
231   void EnsureRunInStableState();
232   /**
233    * Called to apply a TrackUpdate to its track.
234    */
235   void ApplyTrackUpdate(TrackUpdate* aUpdate);
236   /**
237    * Append a ControlMessage to the message queue. This queue is drained
238    * during RunInStableState; the messages will run on the graph thread.
239    */
240   virtual void AppendMessage(UniquePtr<ControlMessage> aMessage);
242   /**
243    * Dispatches a runnable from any thread to the correct main thread for this
244    * MediaTrackGraph.
245    */
246   void Dispatch(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable>&& aRunnable);
248   /**
249    * Make this MediaTrackGraph enter forced-shutdown state. This state
250    * will be noticed by the media graph thread, which will shut down all tracks
251    * and other state controlled by the media graph thread.
252    * This is called during application shutdown, and on document unload if an
253    * AudioContext is using the graph.
254    */
255   void ForceShutDown();
257   /**
258    * Sets mShutdownBlocker and makes it block shutdown.
259    * Main thread only. Not idempotent.
260    */
261   void AddShutdownBlocker();
263   /**
264    * Removes mShutdownBlocker and unblocks shutdown.
265    * Main thread only. Idempotent.
266    */
267   void RemoveShutdownBlocker();
269   /**
270    * Called before the thread runs.
271    */
272   void Init();
274   /**
275    * Respond to CollectReports with sizes collected on the graph thread.
276    */
277   static void FinishCollectReports(
278       nsIHandleReportCallback* aHandleReport, nsISupports* aData,
279       const nsTArray<AudioNodeSizes>& aAudioTrackSizes);
281   // The following methods run on the graph thread (or possibly the main thread
282   // if mLifecycleState > LIFECYCLE_RUNNING)
283   void CollectSizesForMemoryReport(
284       already_AddRefed<nsIHandleReportCallback> aHandleReport,
285       already_AddRefed<nsISupports> aHandlerData);
287   /**
288    * Returns true if this MediaTrackGraph should keep running
289    */
290   bool UpdateMainThreadState();
292   /**
293    * Proxy method called by GraphDriver to iterate the graph.
294    * If this graph was created with GraphRunType SINGLE_THREAD, mGraphRunner
295    * will take care of calling OneIterationImpl from its thread. Otherwise,
296    * OneIterationImpl is called directly. Output from the graph gets mixed into
297    * aMixer, if it is non-null.
298    */
299   IterationResult OneIteration(GraphTime aStateTime, GraphTime aIterationEnd,
300                                AudioMixer* aMixer) override;
302   /**
303    * Returns true if this MediaTrackGraph should keep running
304    */
305   IterationResult OneIterationImpl(GraphTime aStateTime,
306                                    GraphTime aIterationEnd, AudioMixer* aMixer);
308   /**
309    * Called from the driver, when the graph thread is about to stop, to tell
310    * the main thread to attempt to begin cleanup.  The main thread may either
311    * shutdown or revive the graph depending on whether it receives new
312    * messages.
313    */
314   void SignalMainThreadCleanup();
316   /* This is the end of the current iteration, that is, the current time of the
317    * graph. */
318   GraphTime IterationEnd() const;
320   /**
321    * Ensure there is an event posted to the main thread to run RunInStableState.
322    * mMonitor must be held.
323    * See EnsureRunInStableState
324    */
325   void EnsureStableStateEventPosted();
326   /**
327    * Generate messages to the main thread to update it for all state changes.
328    * mMonitor must be held.
329    */
330   void PrepareUpdatesToMainThreadState(bool aFinalUpdate);
331   /**
332    * If we are rendering in non-realtime mode, we don't want to send messages to
333    * the main thread at each iteration for performance reasons. We instead
334    * notify the main thread at the same rate
335    */
336   bool ShouldUpdateMainThread();
337   // The following methods are the various stages of RunThread processing.
338   /**
339    * Advance all track state to mStateComputedTime.
340    */
341   void UpdateCurrentTimeForTracks(GraphTime aPrevCurrentTime);
342   /**
343    * Process chunks for all tracks and raise events for properties that have
344    * changed, such as principalId.
345    */
346   void ProcessChunkMetadata(GraphTime aPrevCurrentTime);
347   /**
348    * Process chunks for the given track and interval, and raise events for
349    * properties that have changed, such as principalHandle.
350    */
351   template <typename C, typename Chunk>
352   void ProcessChunkMetadataForInterval(MediaTrack* aTrack, C& aSegment,
353                                        TrackTime aStart, TrackTime aEnd);
354   /**
355    * Process graph messages in mFrontMessageQueue.
356    */
357   void RunMessagesInQueue();
358   /**
359    * Update track processing order and recompute track blocking until
360    * aEndBlockingDecisions.
361    */
362   void UpdateGraph(GraphTime aEndBlockingDecisions);
SwapMessageQueues()364   void SwapMessageQueues() {
365     MOZ_ASSERT(OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning());
366     mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
367     MOZ_ASSERT(mFrontMessageQueue.IsEmpty());
368     mFrontMessageQueue.SwapElements(mBackMessageQueue);
369     if (!mFrontMessageQueue.IsEmpty()) {
370       EnsureNextIteration();
371     }
372   }
373   /**
374    * Do all the processing and play the audio and video, from
375    * mProcessedTime to mStateComputedTime.
376    */
377   void Process(AudioMixer* aMixer);
379   /**
380    * For use during ProcessedMediaTrack::ProcessInput() or
381    * MediaTrackListener callbacks, when graph state cannot be changed.
382    * Schedules |aMessage| to run after processing, at a time when graph state
383    * can be changed.  Graph thread.
384    */
385   void RunMessageAfterProcessing(UniquePtr<ControlMessage> aMessage);
387   /**
388    * Resolve the GraphStartedPromise when the driver has started processing on
389    * the audio thread after the device has started.
390    */
391   void NotifyWhenGraphStarted(RefPtr<MediaTrack> aTrack,
392                               MozPromiseHolder<GraphStartedPromise>&& aHolder);
394   /**
395    * Apply an AudioContext operation (suspend/resume/close), on the graph
396    * thread.
397    */
398   void ApplyAudioContextOperationImpl(
399       AudioContextOperationControlMessage* aMessage);
401   /**
402    * Determine if we have any audio tracks, or are about to add any audiotracks.
403    */
404   bool AudioTrackPresent();
406   /**
407    * Schedules a replacement GraphDriver in mNextDriver, if necessary.
408    */
409   void CheckDriver();
411   /**
412    * Sort mTracks so that every track not in a cycle is after any tracks
413    * it depends on, and every track in a cycle is marked as being in a cycle.
414    */
415   void UpdateTrackOrder();
417   /**
418    * Returns smallest value of t such that t is a multiple of
419    * WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE and t >= aTime.
420    */
421   static GraphTime RoundUpToEndOfAudioBlock(GraphTime aTime);
422   /**
423    * Returns smallest value of t such that t is a multiple of
424    * WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE and t > aTime.
425    */
426   static GraphTime RoundUpToNextAudioBlock(GraphTime aTime);
427   /**
428    * Produce data for all tracks >= aTrackIndex for the current time interval.
429    * Advances block by block, each iteration producing data for all tracks
430    * for a single block.
431    * This is called whenever we have an AudioNodeTrack in the graph.
432    */
433   void ProduceDataForTracksBlockByBlock(uint32_t aTrackIndex,
434                                         TrackRate aSampleRate);
435   /**
436    * If aTrack will underrun between aTime, and aEndBlockingDecisions, returns
437    * the time at which the underrun will start. Otherwise return
438    * aEndBlockingDecisions.
439    */
440   GraphTime WillUnderrun(MediaTrack* aTrack, GraphTime aEndBlockingDecisions);
442   /**
443    * Given a graph time aTime, convert it to a track time taking into
444    * account the time during which aTrack is scheduled to be blocked.
445    */
446   TrackTime GraphTimeToTrackTimeWithBlocking(const MediaTrack* aTrack,
447                                              GraphTime aTime) const;
449   /**
450    * If aTrack needs an audio track but doesn't have one, create it.
451    * If aTrack doesn't need an audio track but has one, destroy it.
452    */
453   void CreateOrDestroyAudioTracks(MediaTrack* aTrack);
454   /**
455    * Queue audio (mix of track audio and silence for blocked intervals)
456    * to the audio output track. Returns the number of frames played.
457    */
458   struct TrackKeyAndVolume {
459     MediaTrack* mTrack;
460     void* mKey;
461     float mVolume;
462   };
463   TrackTime PlayAudio(AudioMixer* aMixer, const TrackKeyAndVolume& aTkv,
464                       GraphTime aPlayedTime);
466   /* Called on the main thread when AudioInputTrack requests audio data from an
467    * input device aID. */
468   ProcessedMediaTrack* GetDeviceTrack(CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aID);
470   /* Runs off a message on the graph thread when something requests audio from
471    * an input audio device of ID aID, and delivers the input audio frames to
472    * aListener. */
473   void OpenAudioInputImpl(CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aID,
474                           AudioDataListener* aListener,
475                           NativeInputTrack* aInputTrack);
476   /* Called on the main thread when something requests audio from an input
477    * audio device aID. */
478   virtual nsresult OpenAudioInput(CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aID,
479                                   AudioDataListener* aListener) override;
481   /* Runs off a message on the graph when input audio from aID is not needed
482    * anymore, for a particular track. It can be that other tracks still need
483    * audio from this audio input device. */
484   void CloseAudioInputImpl(CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aID,
485                            AudioDataListener* aListener,
486                            NativeInputTrack* aInputTrack);
487   /* Called on the main thread when input audio from aID is not needed
488    * anymore, for a particular track. It can be that other tracks still need
489    * audio from this audio input device. */
490   virtual void CloseAudioInput(CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID aID,
491                                AudioDataListener* aListener) override;
493   /* Add or remove an audio output for this track. All tracks that have an
494    * audio output are mixed and written to a single audio output stream. */
495   void RegisterAudioOutput(MediaTrack* aTrack, void* aKey);
496   void UnregisterAudioOutput(MediaTrack* aTrack, void* aKey);
497   void UnregisterAllAudioOutputs(MediaTrack* aTrack);
498   void SetAudioOutputVolume(MediaTrack* aTrack, void* aKey, float aVolume);
500   /* Called on the graph thread when the input device settings should be
501    * reevaluated, for example, if the channel count of the input track should
502    * be changed. */
503   void ReevaluateInputDevice();
505   /* Called on the graph thread when there is new output data for listeners.
506    * This is the mixed audio output of this MediaTrackGraph. */
507   void NotifyOutputData(AudioDataValue* aBuffer, size_t aFrames,
508                         TrackRate aRate, uint32_t aChannels) override;
509   /* Called on the graph thread after an AudioCallbackDriver with an input
510    * stream has stopped. */
511   void NotifyInputStopped() override;
512   /* Called on the graph thread when there is new input data for listeners. This
513    * is the raw audio input for this MediaTrackGraph. */
514   void NotifyInputData(const AudioDataValue* aBuffer, size_t aFrames,
515                        TrackRate aRate, uint32_t aChannels,
516                        uint32_t aAlreadyBuffered) override;
517   /* Called every time there are changes to input/output audio devices like
518    * plug/unplug etc. This can be called on any thread, and posts a message to
519    * the main thread so that it can post a message to the graph thread. */
520   void DeviceChanged() override;
521   /* Called every time there are changes to input/output audio devices. This is
522    * called on the graph thread. */
523   void DeviceChangedImpl();
525   /**
526    * Compute how much track data we would like to buffer for aTrack.
527    */
528   TrackTime GetDesiredBufferEnd(MediaTrack* aTrack);
529   /**
530    * Returns true when there are no active tracks.
531    */
IsEmpty()532   bool IsEmpty() const {
533     MOZ_ASSERT(
534         OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning() ||
535         (NS_IsMainThread() &&
536          LifecycleStateRef() >= LIFECYCLE_WAITING_FOR_MAIN_THREAD_CLEANUP));
537     return mTracks.IsEmpty() && mSuspendedTracks.IsEmpty() && mPortCount == 0;
538   }
540   /**
541    * Add aTrack to the graph and initializes its graph-specific state.
542    */
543   void AddTrackGraphThread(MediaTrack* aTrack);
544   /**
545    * Remove aTrack from the graph. Ensures that pending messages about the
546    * track back to the main thread are flushed.
547    */
548   void RemoveTrackGraphThread(MediaTrack* aTrack);
549   /**
550    * Remove a track from the graph. Main thread.
551    */
552   void RemoveTrack(MediaTrack* aTrack);
553   /**
554    * Remove aPort from the graph and release it.
555    */
556   void DestroyPort(MediaInputPort* aPort);
557   /**
558    * Mark the media track order as dirty.
559    */
SetTrackOrderDirty()560   void SetTrackOrderDirty() {
561     MOZ_ASSERT(OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning());
562     mTrackOrderDirty = true;
563   }
565   // Get the current maximum channel count. Graph thread only.
566   uint32_t AudioOutputChannelCount() const;
567   // Set a new maximum channel count. Graph thread only.
568   void SetMaxOutputChannelCount(uint32_t aMaxChannelCount);
570   double AudioOutputLatency();
572   /**
573    * The audio input channel count for a MediaTrackGraph is the max of all the
574    * channel counts requested by the listeners. The max channel count is
575    * delivered to the listeners themselves, and they take care of downmixing.
576    */
AudioInputChannelCount()577   uint32_t AudioInputChannelCount() {
578     MOZ_ASSERT(OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning());
580 #ifdef ANDROID
581     if (!mDeviceTrackMap.Contains(mInputDeviceID)) {
582       return 0;
583     }
584 #else
585     if (!mInputDeviceID) {
586       MOZ_ASSERT(mDeviceTrackMap.Count() == 0,
587                  "If running on a platform other than android,"
588                  "an explicit device id should be present");
589       return 0;
590     }
591 #endif
592     uint32_t maxInputChannels = 0;
593     // When/if we decide to support multiple input device per graph, this needs
594     // loop over them.
595     auto result = mDeviceTrackMap.Lookup(mInputDeviceID);
596     MOZ_ASSERT(result);
597     if (!result) {
598       return maxInputChannels;
599     }
600     for (const auto& listener : result.Data()->mDataUsers) {
601       maxInputChannels = std::max(maxInputChannels,
602                                   listener->RequestedInputChannelCount(this));
603     }
604     return maxInputChannels;
605   }
AudioInputDevicePreference()607   AudioInputType AudioInputDevicePreference() {
608     MOZ_ASSERT(OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning());
610     auto result = mDeviceTrackMap.Lookup(mInputDeviceID);
611     if (!result) {
612       return AudioInputType::Unknown;
613     }
614     bool voiceInput = false;
615     // When/if we decide to support multiple input device per graph, this needs
616     // loop over them.
618     // If at least one track is considered to be voice,
619     // XXX This could use short-circuit evaluation resp. std::any_of.
620     for (const auto& listener : result.Data()->mDataUsers) {
621       voiceInput |= listener->IsVoiceInput(this);
622     }
623     if (voiceInput) {
624       return AudioInputType::Voice;
625     }
626     return AudioInputType::Unknown;
627   }
InputDeviceID()629   CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID InputDeviceID() { return mInputDeviceID; }
MediaTimeToSeconds(GraphTime aTime)631   double MediaTimeToSeconds(GraphTime aTime) const {
633                  "Bad time");
634     return static_cast<double>(aTime) / GraphRate();
635   }
637   /**
638    * Signal to the graph that the thread has paused indefinitly,
639    * or resumed.
640    */
641   void PausedIndefinitly();
642   void ResumedFromPaused();
644   /**
645    * Not safe to call off the MediaTrackGraph thread unless monitor is held!
646    */
CurrentDriver()647   GraphDriver* CurrentDriver() const {
648 #ifdef DEBUG
649     if (!OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning()) {
650       mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
651     }
652 #endif
653     return mDriver;
654   }
656   /**
657    * Effectively set the new driver, while we are switching.
658    * It is only safe to call this at the very end of an iteration, when there
659    * has been a SwitchAtNextIteration call during the iteration. The driver
660    * should return and pass the control to the new driver shortly after.
661    * Monitor must be held.
662    */
SetCurrentDriver(GraphDriver * aDriver)663   void SetCurrentDriver(GraphDriver* aDriver) {
664     MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mGraphDriverRunning, InDriverIteration(mDriver));
665     MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!mGraphDriverRunning, NS_IsMainThread());
666     MonitorAutoLock lock(GetMonitor());
667     mDriver = aDriver;
668   }
NextDriver()670   GraphDriver* NextDriver() const {
671     MOZ_ASSERT(OnGraphThread());
672     return mNextDriver;
673   }
Switching()675   bool Switching() const { return NextDriver(); }
677   void SwitchAtNextIteration(GraphDriver* aNextDriver);
GetMonitor()679   Monitor& GetMonitor() { return mMonitor; }
EnsureNextIteration()681   void EnsureNextIteration() { CurrentDriver()->EnsureNextIteration(); }
683   // Capture API. This allows to get a mixed-down output for a window.
684   void RegisterCaptureTrackForWindow(uint64_t aWindowId,
685                                      ProcessedMediaTrack* aCaptureTrack);
686   void UnregisterCaptureTrackForWindow(uint64_t aWindowId);
687   already_AddRefed<MediaInputPort> ConnectToCaptureTrack(
688       uint64_t aWindowId, MediaTrack* aMediaTrack);
690   Watchable<GraphTime>& CurrentTime() override;
692   /**
693    * Interrupt any JS running on the graph thread.
694    * Called on the main thread when shutting down the graph.
695    */
696   void InterruptJS();
698   class TrackSet {
699    public:
700     class iterator {
701      public:
iterator(MediaTrackGraphImpl & aGraph)702       explicit iterator(MediaTrackGraphImpl& aGraph)
703           : mGraph(&aGraph), mArrayNum(-1), mArrayIndex(0) {
704         ++(*this);
705       }
iterator()706       iterator() : mGraph(nullptr), mArrayNum(2), mArrayIndex(0) {}
707       MediaTrack* operator*() { return Array()->ElementAt(mArrayIndex); }
708       iterator operator++() {
709         ++mArrayIndex;
710         while (mArrayNum < 2 &&
711                (mArrayNum < 0 || mArrayIndex >= Array()->Length())) {
712           ++mArrayNum;
713           mArrayIndex = 0;
714         }
715         return *this;
716       }
717       bool operator==(const iterator& aOther) const {
718         return mArrayNum == aOther.mArrayNum &&
719                mArrayIndex == aOther.mArrayIndex;
720       }
721       bool operator!=(const iterator& aOther) const {
722         return !(*this == aOther);
723       }
725      private:
Array()726       nsTArray<MediaTrack*>* Array() {
727         return mArrayNum == 0 ? &mGraph->mTracks : &mGraph->mSuspendedTracks;
728       }
729       MediaTrackGraphImpl* mGraph;
730       int mArrayNum;
731       uint32_t mArrayIndex;
732     };
TrackSet(MediaTrackGraphImpl & aGraph)734     explicit TrackSet(MediaTrackGraphImpl& aGraph) : mGraph(aGraph) {}
begin()735     iterator begin() { return iterator(mGraph); }
end()736     iterator end() { return iterator(); }
738    private:
739     MediaTrackGraphImpl& mGraph;
740   };
AllTracks()741   TrackSet AllTracks() { return TrackSet(*this); }
743   // Data members
745   /*
746    * If set, the GraphRunner class handles handing over data from audio
747    * callbacks to a common single thread, shared across GraphDrivers.
748    */
749   const RefPtr<GraphRunner> mGraphRunner;
751   /**
752    * Main-thread view of the number of tracks in this graph, for lifetime
753    * management.
754    *
755    * When this becomes zero, the graph is marked as forbidden to add more
756    * tracks to. It will be shut down shortly after.
757    */
758   size_t mMainThreadTrackCount = 0;
760   /**
761    * Main-thread view of the number of ports in this graph, to catch bugs.
762    *
763    * When this becomes zero, and mMainThreadTrackCount is 0, the graph is
764    * marked as forbidden to add more ControlMessages to. It will be shut down
765    * shortly after.
766    */
767   size_t mMainThreadPortCount = 0;
769   /**
770    * Graphs own owning references to their driver, until shutdown. When a driver
771    * switch occur, previous driver is either deleted, or it's ownership is
772    * passed to a event that will take care of the asynchronous cleanup, as
773    * audio track can take some time to shut down.
774    * Accessed on both the main thread and the graph thread; both read and write.
775    * Must hold monitor to access it.
776    */
777   RefPtr<GraphDriver> mDriver;
779   // Set during an iteration to switch driver after the iteration has finished.
780   // Should the current iteration be the last iteration, the next driver will be
781   // discarded. Access through SwitchAtNextIteration()/NextDriver(). Graph
782   // thread only.
783   RefPtr<GraphDriver> mNextDriver;
785   // The following state is managed on the graph thread only, unless
786   // mLifecycleState > LIFECYCLE_RUNNING in which case the graph thread
787   // is not running and this state can be used from the main thread.
789   /**
790    * The graph keeps a reference to each track.
791    * References are maintained manually to simplify reordering without
792    * unnecessary thread-safe refcount changes.
793    * Must satisfy OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning().
794    */
795   nsTArray<MediaTrack*> mTracks;
796   /**
797    * This stores MediaTracks that are part of suspended AudioContexts.
798    * mTracks and mSuspendTracks are disjoint sets: a track is either suspended
799    * or not suspended. Suspended tracks are not ordered in UpdateTrackOrder,
800    * and are therefore not doing any processing.
801    * Must satisfy OnGraphThreadOrNotRunning().
802    */
803   nsTArray<MediaTrack*> mSuspendedTracks;
804   /**
805    * Tracks from mFirstCycleBreaker to the end of mTracks produce output before
806    * they receive input.  They correspond to DelayNodes that are in cycles.
807    */
808   uint32_t mFirstCycleBreaker;
809   /**
810    * Blocking decisions have been computed up to this time.
811    * Between each iteration, this is the same as mProcessedTime.
812    */
813   GraphTime mStateComputedTime = 0;
814   /**
815    * All track contents have been computed up to this time.
816    * The next batch of updates from the main thread will be processed
817    * at this time.  This is behind mStateComputedTime during processing.
818    */
819   GraphTime mProcessedTime = 0;
820   /**
821    * The end of the current iteration. Only access on the graph thread.
822    */
823   GraphTime mIterationEndTime = 0;
824   /**
825    * The graph should stop processing at this time.
826    */
827   GraphTime mEndTime;
828   /**
829    * Date of the last time we updated the main thread with the graph state.
830    */
831   TimeStamp mLastMainThreadUpdate;
832   /**
833    * Number of active MediaInputPorts
834    */
835   int32_t mPortCount;
836   /**
837    * Runnables to run after the next update to main thread state, but that are
838    * still waiting for the next iteration to finish.
839    */
840   nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>> mPendingUpdateRunnables;
842   /**
843    * Devices to use for cubeb input & output, or nullptr for default device.
844    * A MediaTrackGraph always has an output (even if silent).
845    * If `mDeviceTrackMap.Count() != 0`, this MediaTrackGraph wants audio
846    * input.
847    *
848    * All mInputDeviceID access is on the graph thread except for reads via
849    * InputDeviceID(), which are racy but used only for comparison.
850    *
851    * In any case, the number of channels to use can be queried (on the graph
852    * thread) by AudioInputChannelCount() and AudioOutputChannelCount().
853    */
854   std::atomic<CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID> mInputDeviceID;
855   CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID mOutputDeviceID;
857   // Maps AudioDeviceID to a device track that delivers audio input/output
858   // data and send device-changed signals to its listeners.  This is only
859   // touched on the graph thread. The NativeInputTrack* here is used for
860   // for bookkeeping on the graph thread. The owner of the NativeInputTrack is
861   // mDeviceTracks, which is only touched by main thread.
862   nsTHashMap<CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID, NativeInputTrack*> mDeviceTrackMap;
864   /**
865    * List of resume operations waiting for a switch to an AudioCallbackDriver.
866    */
867   class PendingResumeOperation {
868    public:
869     explicit PendingResumeOperation(
870         AudioContextOperationControlMessage* aMessage);
871     void Apply(MediaTrackGraphImpl* aGraph);
872     void Abort();
DestinationTrack()873     MediaTrack* DestinationTrack() const { return mDestinationTrack; }
875    private:
876     RefPtr<MediaTrack> mDestinationTrack;
877     nsTArray<RefPtr<MediaTrack>> mTracks;
878     MozPromiseHolder<AudioContextOperationPromise> mHolder;
879   };
880   AutoTArray<PendingResumeOperation, 1> mPendingResumeOperations;
882   // mMonitor guards the data below.
883   // MediaTrackGraph normally does its work without holding mMonitor, so it is
884   // not safe to just grab mMonitor from some thread and start monkeying with
885   // the graph. Instead, communicate with the graph thread using provided
886   // mechanisms such as the ControlMessage queue.
887   Monitor mMonitor;
889   // Data guarded by mMonitor (must always be accessed with mMonitor held,
890   // regardless of the value of mLifecycleState).
892   /**
893    * State to copy to main thread
894    */
895   nsTArray<TrackUpdate> mTrackUpdates;
896   /**
897    * Runnables to run after the next update to main thread state.
898    */
899   nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>> mUpdateRunnables;
900   /**
901    * A list of batches of messages to process. Each batch is processed
902    * as an atomic unit.
903    */
904   /*
905    * Message queue processed by the MTG thread during an iteration.
906    * Accessed on graph thread only.
907    */
908   nsTArray<MessageBlock> mFrontMessageQueue;
909   /*
910    * Message queue in which the main thread appends messages.
911    * Access guarded by mMonitor.
912    */
913   nsTArray<MessageBlock> mBackMessageQueue;
915   /* True if there will messages to process if we swap the message queues. */
MessagesQueued()916   bool MessagesQueued() const {
917     mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
918     return !mBackMessageQueue.IsEmpty();
919   }
920   /**
921    * This enum specifies where this graph is in its lifecycle. This is used
922    * to control shutdown.
923    * Shutdown is tricky because it can happen in two different ways:
924    * 1) Shutdown due to inactivity. RunThread() detects that it has no
925    * pending messages and no tracks, and exits. The next RunInStableState()
926    * checks if there are new pending messages from the main thread (true only
927    * if new track creation raced with shutdown); if there are, it revives
928    * RunThread(), otherwise it commits to shutting down the graph. New track
929    * creation after this point will create a new graph. An async event is
930    * dispatched to Shutdown() the graph's threads and then delete the graph
931    * object.
932    * 2) Forced shutdown at application shutdown, completion of a non-realtime
933    * graph, or document unload. A flag is set, RunThread() detects the flag
934    * and exits, the next RunInStableState() detects the flag, and dispatches
935    * the async event to Shutdown() the graph's threads. However the graph
936    * object is not deleted. New messages for the graph are processed
937    * synchronously on the main thread if necessary. When the last track is
938    * destroyed, the graph object is deleted.
939    *
940    * This should be kept in sync with the LifecycleState_str array in
941    * MediaTrackGraph.cpp
942    */
943   enum LifecycleState {
944     // The graph thread hasn't started yet.
946     // RunThread() is running normally.
948     // In the following states, the graph thread is not running so
949     // all "graph thread only" state in this class can be used safely
950     // on the main thread.
951     // RunThread() has exited and we're waiting for the next
952     // RunInStableState(), at which point we can clean up the main-thread
953     // side of the graph.
955     // RunInStableState() posted a ShutdownRunnable, and we're waiting for it
956     // to shut down the graph thread(s).
958     // Graph threads have shut down but we're waiting for remaining tracks
959     // to be destroyed. Only happens during application shutdown and on
960     // completed non-realtime graphs, since normally we'd only shut down a
961     // realtime graph when it has no tracks.
963   };
965   /**
966    * Modified only in mMonitor.  Transitions to
967    * LIFECYCLE_WAITING_FOR_MAIN_THREAD_CLEANUP occur on the graph thread at
968    * the end of an iteration.  All other transitions occur on the main thread.
969    */
970   LifecycleState mLifecycleState;
LifecycleStateRef()971   LifecycleState& LifecycleStateRef() {
972 #if DEBUG
973     if (mGraphDriverRunning) {
974       mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
975     } else {
976       MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
977     }
978 #endif
979     return mLifecycleState;
980   }
LifecycleStateRef()981   const LifecycleState& LifecycleStateRef() const {
982 #if DEBUG
983     if (mGraphDriverRunning) {
984       mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
985     } else {
986       MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
987     }
988 #endif
989     return mLifecycleState;
990   }
992   /**
993    * True once the graph thread has received the message from ForceShutDown().
994    * This is checked in the decision to shut down the
995    * graph thread so that control messages dispatched before forced shutdown
996    * are processed on the graph thread.
997    * Only set on the graph thread.
998    * Can be read safely on the thread currently owning the graph, as indicated
999    * by mLifecycleState.
1000    */
1001   bool mForceShutDownReceived = false;
1002   /**
1003    * true when InterruptJS() has been called, because shutdown (normal or
1004    * forced) has commenced.  Set on the main thread under mMonitor and read on
1005    * the graph thread under mMonitor.
1006    **/
1007   bool mInterruptJSCalled = false;
1009   /**
1010    * Remove this blocker to unblock shutdown.
1011    * Only accessed on the main thread.
1012    **/
1013   RefPtr<media::ShutdownBlocker> mShutdownBlocker;
1015   /**
1016    * True when we have posted an event to the main thread to run
1017    * RunInStableState() and the event hasn't run yet.
1018    * Accessed on both main and MTG thread, mMonitor must be held.
1019    */
1020   bool mPostedRunInStableStateEvent;
1022   /**
1023    * The JSContext of the graph thread.  Set under mMonitor on only the graph
1024    * or GraphRunner thread.  Once set this does not change until reset when
1025    * the thread is about to exit.  Read under mMonitor on the main thread to
1026    * interrupt running JS for forced shutdown.
1027    **/
1028   JSContext* mJSContext = nullptr;
1030   // Main thread only
1032   /**
1033    * Messages posted by the current event loop task. These are forwarded to
1034    * the media graph thread during RunInStableState. We can't forward them
1035    * immediately because we want all messages between stable states to be
1036    * processed as an atomic batch.
1037    */
1038   nsTArray<UniquePtr<ControlMessage>> mCurrentTaskMessageQueue;
1039   /**
1040    * True from when RunInStableState sets mLifecycleState to LIFECYCLE_RUNNING,
1041    * until RunInStableState has determined that mLifecycleState is >
1043    */
1044   Atomic<bool> mGraphDriverRunning;
1045   /**
1046    * True when a stable state runner has been posted to the appshell to run
1047    * RunInStableState at the next stable state.
1048    * Only accessed on the main thread.
1049    */
1050   bool mPostedRunInStableState;
1051   /**
1052    * True when processing real-time audio/video.  False when processing
1053    * non-realtime audio.
1054    */
1055   const bool mRealtime;
1056   /**
1057    * True when a change has happened which requires us to recompute the track
1058    * blocking order.
1059    */
1060   bool mTrackOrderDirty;
1061   const RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mMainThread;
1063   // used to limit graph shutdown time
1064   // Only accessed on the main thread.
1065   nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mShutdownTimer;
1067  protected:
1068   virtual ~MediaTrackGraphImpl();
1070  private:
1073   /**
1074    * This class uses manual memory management, and all pointers to it are raw
1075    * pointers. However, in order for it to implement nsIMemoryReporter, it needs
1076    * to implement nsISupports and so be ref-counted. So it maintains a single
1077    * nsRefPtr to itself, giving it a ref-count of 1 during its entire lifetime,
1078    * and Destroy() nulls this self-reference in order to trigger self-deletion.
1079    */
1080   RefPtr<MediaTrackGraphImpl> mSelfRef;
1082   struct WindowAndTrack {
1083     uint64_t mWindowId;
1084     RefPtr<ProcessedMediaTrack> mCaptureTrackSink;
1085   };
1086   /**
1087    * Track for window audio capture.
1088    */
1089   nsTArray<WindowAndTrack> mWindowCaptureTracks;
1090   /**
1091    * Tracks that have their audio output mixed and written to an audio output
1092    * device.
1093    */
1094   nsTArray<TrackKeyAndVolume> mAudioOutputs;
1096   /**
1097    * Global volume scale. Used when running tests so that the output is not too
1098    * loud.
1099    */
1100   const float mGlobalVolume;
1102 #ifdef DEBUG
1103   /**
1104    * Used to assert when AppendMessage() runs ControlMessages synchronously.
1105    */
1106   bool mCanRunMessagesSynchronously;
1107 #endif
1109   /**
1110    * The graph's main-thread observable graph time.
1111    * Updated by the stable state runnable after each iteration.
1112    */
1113   Watchable<GraphTime> mMainThreadGraphTime;
1115   /**
1116    * Set based on mProcessedTime at end of iteration.
1117    * Read by stable state runnable on main thread. Protected by mMonitor.
1118    */
1119   GraphTime mNextMainThreadGraphTime = 0;
1121   /**
1122    * Cached audio output latency, in seconds. Main thread only. This is reset
1123    * whenever the audio device running this MediaTrackGraph changes.
1124    */
1125   double mAudioOutputLatency;
1127   /**
1128    * The max audio output channel count the default audio output device
1129    * supports. This is cached here because it can be expensive to query. The
1130    * cache is invalidated when the device is changed. This is initialized in the
1131    * ctor, and the read/write only on the graph thread.
1132    */
1133   uint32_t mMaxOutputChannelCount;
1135   /*
1136    * Hold the NativeInputTrack for a certain device
1137    */
1138   nsTHashMap<CubebUtils::AudioDeviceID, RefPtr<NativeInputTrack>> mDeviceTracks;
1139 };
1141 }  // namespace mozilla
1143 #endif /* MEDIATRACKGRAPHIMPL_H_ */