1 /*
2  * Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "include/effects/SkBlurImageFilter.h"
10 #include <algorithm>
12 #include "include/core/SkBitmap.h"
13 #include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
14 #include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
15 #include "include/private/SkNx.h"
16 #include "include/private/SkTFitsIn.h"
17 #include "src/core/SkArenaAlloc.h"
18 #include "src/core/SkAutoPixmapStorage.h"
19 #include "src/core/SkGpuBlurUtils.h"
20 #include "src/core/SkImageFilter_Base.h"
21 #include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
22 #include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
23 #include "src/core/SkSpecialImage.h"
24 #include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
27 #include "include/gpu/GrContext.h"
28 #include "src/gpu/GrTextureProxy.h"
29 #include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
30 #endif
32 namespace {
34 class SkBlurImageFilterImpl final : public SkImageFilter_Base {
35 public:
SkBlurImageFilterImpl(SkScalar sigmaX,SkScalar sigmaY,SkTileMode tileMode,sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,const CropRect * cropRect)36     SkBlurImageFilterImpl(SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY,  SkTileMode tileMode,
37                           sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const CropRect* cropRect)
38             : INHERITED(&input, 1, cropRect)
39             , fSigma{sigmaX, sigmaY}
40             , fTileMode(tileMode) {}
42     SkRect computeFastBounds(const SkRect&) const override;
44 protected:
45     void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override;
46     sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> onFilterImage(const Context&, SkIPoint* offset) const override;
47     SkIRect onFilterNodeBounds(const SkIRect& src, const SkMatrix& ctm,
48                                MapDirection, const SkIRect* inputRect) const override;
50 private:
51     friend void SkBlurImageFilter::RegisterFlattenables();
52     SK_FLATTENABLE_HOOKS(SkBlurImageFilterImpl)
55     sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> gpuFilter(
56             const Context& ctx, SkVector sigma,
57             const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> &input,
58             SkIRect inputBounds, SkIRect dstBounds, SkIPoint inputOffset, SkIPoint* offset) const;
59 #endif
61     SkSize     fSigma;
62     SkTileMode fTileMode;
64     typedef SkImageFilter_Base INHERITED;
65 };
67 } // end namespace
to_sktilemode(SkBlurImageFilter::TileMode tileMode)69 static SkTileMode to_sktilemode(SkBlurImageFilter::TileMode tileMode) {
70     switch(tileMode) {
71         case SkBlurImageFilter::kClamp_TileMode:
72             return SkTileMode::kClamp;
73         case SkBlurImageFilter::kRepeat_TileMode:
74             return SkTileMode::kRepeat;
75         case SkBlurImageFilter::kClampToBlack_TileMode:
76             // Fall through
77         default:
78             return SkTileMode::kDecal;
79     }
80 }
Make(SkScalar sigmaX,SkScalar sigmaY,sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,const SkImageFilter::CropRect * cropRect,TileMode tileMode)82 sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkBlurImageFilter::Make(SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY,
83                                              sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
84                                              const SkImageFilter::CropRect* cropRect,
85                                              TileMode tileMode) {
86     return Make(sigmaX, sigmaY, to_sktilemode(tileMode), std::move(input), cropRect);
87 }
Make(SkScalar sigmaX,SkScalar sigmaY,SkTileMode tileMode,sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,const SkImageFilter::CropRect * cropRect)89 sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkBlurImageFilter::Make(SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY, SkTileMode tileMode,
90                                              sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
91                                              const SkImageFilter::CropRect* cropRect) {
92     if (sigmaX < SK_ScalarNearlyZero && sigmaY < SK_ScalarNearlyZero && !cropRect) {
93         return input;
94     }
95     return sk_sp<SkImageFilter>(
96           new SkBlurImageFilterImpl(sigmaX, sigmaY, tileMode, input, cropRect));
97 }
RegisterFlattenables()99 void SkBlurImageFilter::RegisterFlattenables() { SK_REGISTER_FLATTENABLE(SkBlurImageFilterImpl); }
101 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CreateProc(SkReadBuffer & buffer)103 sk_sp<SkFlattenable> SkBlurImageFilterImpl::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
105     SkScalar sigmaX = buffer.readScalar();
106     SkScalar sigmaY = buffer.readScalar();
107     SkTileMode tileMode;
108     if (buffer.isVersionLT(SkPicturePriv::kTileModeInBlurImageFilter_Version)) {
109         tileMode = SkTileMode::kDecal;
110     } else if (buffer.isVersionLT(SkPicturePriv::kCleanupImageFilterEnums_Version)) {
111         tileMode = to_sktilemode(buffer.read32LE(SkBlurImageFilter::kLast_TileMode));
112     } else {
113         tileMode = buffer.read32LE(SkTileMode::kLastTileMode);
114     }
116     static_assert(SkBlurImageFilter::kLast_TileMode == 2, "CreateProc");
118     return SkBlurImageFilter::Make(
119           sigmaX, sigmaY, tileMode, common.getInput(0), &common.cropRect());
120 }
flatten(SkWriteBuffer & buffer) const122 void SkBlurImageFilterImpl::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
123     this->INHERITED::flatten(buffer);
124     buffer.writeScalar(fSigma.fWidth);
125     buffer.writeScalar(fSigma.fHeight);
127     // Fuzzer sanity checks
128     static_assert((int) SkTileMode::kLastTileMode == 3 && SkBlurImageFilter::kLast_TileMode == 2,
129                   "SkBlurImageFilterImpl::flatten");
130     SkASSERT(fTileMode <= SkTileMode::kLastTileMode);
131     buffer.writeInt(static_cast<int>(fTileMode));
132 }
to_texture_domain_mode(SkTileMode tileMode)135 static GrTextureDomain::Mode to_texture_domain_mode(SkTileMode tileMode) {
136     switch (tileMode) {
137         case SkTileMode::kClamp:
138             return GrTextureDomain::kClamp_Mode;
139         case SkTileMode::kDecal:
140             return GrTextureDomain::kDecal_Mode;
141         case SkTileMode::kMirror:
142             // TODO (michaelludwig) - Support mirror mode, treat as repeat for now
143         case SkTileMode::kRepeat:
144             return GrTextureDomain::kRepeat_Mode;
145         default:
146             SK_ABORT("Unsupported tile mode.");
147     }
148 }
149 #endif
151 // This is defined by the SVG spec:
152 // https://drafts.fxtf.org/filter-effects/#feGaussianBlurElement
calculate_window(double sigma)153 static int calculate_window(double sigma) {
154     // NB 136 is the largest sigma that will not cause a buffer full of 255 mask values to overflow
155     // using the Gauss filter. It also limits the size of buffers used hold intermediate values.
156     // Explanation of maximums:
157     //   sum0 = window * 255
158     //   sum1 = window * sum0 -> window * window * 255
159     //   sum2 = window * sum1 -> window * window * window * 255 -> window^3 * 255
160     //
161     //   The value window^3 * 255 must fit in a uint32_t. So,
162     //      window^3 < 2^32. window = 255.
163     //
164     //   window = floor(sigma * 3 * sqrt(2 * kPi) / 4 + 0.5)
165     //   For window <= 255, the largest value for sigma is 136.
166     sigma = SkTPin(sigma, 0.0, 136.0);
167     auto possibleWindow = static_cast<int>(floor(sigma * 3 * sqrt(2 * SK_DoublePI) / 4 + 0.5));
168     return std::max(1, possibleWindow);
169 }
171 // Calculating the border is tricky. The border is the distance in pixels between the first dst
172 // pixel and the first src pixel (or the last src pixel and the last dst pixel).
173 // I will go through the odd case which is simpler, and then through the even case. Given a
174 // stack of filters seven wide for the odd case of three passes.
175 //
176 //        S
177 //     aaaAaaa
178 //     bbbBbbb
179 //     cccCccc
180 //        D
181 //
182 // The furthest changed pixel is when the filters are in the following configuration.
183 //
184 //                 S
185 //           aaaAaaa
186 //        bbbBbbb
187 //     cccCccc
188 //        D
189 //
190 //  The A pixel is calculated using the value S, the B uses A, and the C uses B, and
191 // finally D is C. So, with a window size of seven the border is nine. In the odd case, the
192 // border is 3*((window - 1)/2).
193 //
194 // For even cases the filter stack is more complicated. The spec specifies two passes
195 // of even filters and a final pass of odd filters. A stack for a width of six looks like
196 // this.
197 //
198 //       S
199 //    aaaAaa
200 //     bbBbbb
201 //    cccCccc
202 //       D
203 //
204 // The furthest pixel looks like this.
205 //
206 //               S
207 //          aaaAaa
208 //        bbBbbb
209 //    cccCccc
210 //       D
211 //
212 // For a window of six, the border value is eight. In the even case the border is 3 *
213 // (window/2) - 1.
calculate_border(int window)214 static int calculate_border(int window) {
215     return (window & 1) == 1 ? 3 * ((window - 1) / 2) : 3 * (window / 2) - 1;
216 }
calculate_buffer(int window)218 static int calculate_buffer(int window) {
219     int bufferSize = window - 1;
220     return (window & 1) == 1 ? 3 * bufferSize : 3 * bufferSize + 1;
221 }
223 // blur_one_direction implements the common three pass box filter approximation of Gaussian blur,
224 // but combines all three passes into a single pass. This approach is facilitated by three circular
225 // buffers the width of the window which track values for trailing edges of each of the three
226 // passes. This allows the algorithm to use more precision in the calculation because the values
227 // are not rounded each pass. And this implementation also avoids a trap that's easy to fall
228 // into resulting in blending in too many zeroes near the edge.
229 //
230 //  In general, a window sum has the form:
231 //     sum_n+1 = sum_n + leading_edge - trailing_edge.
232 //  If instead we do the subtraction at the end of the previous iteration, we can just
233 // calculate the sums instead of having to do the subtractions too.
234 //
235 //      In previous iteration:
236 //      sum_n+1 = sum_n - trailing_edge.
237 //
238 //      In this iteration:
239 //      sum_n+1 = sum_n + leading_edge.
240 //
241 //  Now we can stack all three sums and do them at once. Sum0 gets its leading edge from the
242 // actual data. Sum1's leading edge is just Sum0, and Sum2's leading edge is Sum1. So, doing the
243 // three passes at the same time has the form:
244 //
245 //    sum0_n+1 = sum0_n + leading edge
246 //    sum1_n+1 = sum1_n + sum0_n+1
247 //    sum2_n+1 = sum2_n + sum1_n+1
248 //
249 //    sum2_n+1 / window^3 is the new value of the destination pixel.
250 //
251 //    Reduce the sums by the trailing edges which were stored in the circular buffers,
252 // for the next go around. This is the case for odd sized windows, even windows the the third
253 // circular buffer is one larger then the first two circular buffers.
254 //
255 //    sum2_n+2 = sum2_n+1 - buffer2[i];
256 //    buffer2[i] = sum1;
257 //    sum1_n+2 = sum1_n+1 - buffer1[i];
258 //    buffer1[i] = sum0;
259 //    sum0_n+2 = sum0_n+1 - buffer0[i];
260 //    buffer0[i] = leading edge
261 //
262 //   This is all encapsulated in the processValue function below.
263 //
264 using Pass0And1 = Sk4u[2];
265 // The would be dLeft parameter is assumed to be 0.
blur_one_direction(Sk4u * buffer,int window,int srcLeft,int srcRight,int dstRight,const uint32_t * src,int srcXStride,int srcYStride,int srcH,uint32_t * dst,int dstXStride,int dstYStride)266 static void blur_one_direction(Sk4u* buffer, int window,
267                                int srcLeft, int srcRight, int dstRight,
268                                const uint32_t* src, int srcXStride, int srcYStride, int srcH,
269                                      uint32_t* dst, int dstXStride, int dstYStride) {
271     // The circular buffers are one less than the window.
272     auto pass0Count = window - 1,
273          pass1Count = window - 1,
274          pass2Count = (window & 1) == 1 ? window - 1 : window;
276     Pass0And1* buffer01Start = (Pass0And1*)buffer;
277     Sk4u*      buffer2Start  = buffer + pass0Count + pass1Count;
278     Pass0And1* buffer01End   = (Pass0And1*)buffer2Start;
279     Sk4u*      buffer2End    = buffer2Start + pass2Count;
281     // If the window is odd then the divisor is just window ^ 3 otherwise,
282     // it is window * window * (window + 1) = window ^ 3 + window ^ 2;
283     auto window2 = window * window;
284     auto window3 = window2 * window;
285     auto divisor = (window & 1) == 1 ? window3 : window3 + window2;
287     // NB the sums in the blur code use the following technique to avoid
288     // adding 1/2 to round the divide.
289     //
290     //   Sum/d + 1/2 == (Sum + h) / d
291     //   Sum + d(1/2) ==  Sum + h
292     //     h == (1/2)d
293     //
294     // But the d/2 it self should be rounded.
295     //    h == d/2 + 1/2 == (d + 1) / 2
296     //
297     // weight = 1 / d * 2 ^ 32
298     auto weight = static_cast<uint32_t>(round(1.0 / divisor * (1ull << 32)));
299     auto half = static_cast<uint32_t>((divisor + 1) / 2);
301     auto border = calculate_border(window);
303     // Calculate the start and end of the source pixels with respect to the destination start.
304     auto srcStart = srcLeft - border,
305          srcEnd   = srcRight - border,
306          dstEnd   = dstRight;
308     for (auto y = 0; y < srcH; y++) {
309         auto buffer01Cursor = buffer01Start;
310         auto buffer2Cursor  = buffer2Start;
312         Sk4u sum0{0u};
313         Sk4u sum1{0u};
314         Sk4u sum2{half};
316         sk_bzero(buffer01Start, (buffer2End - (Sk4u *) (buffer01Start)) * sizeof(*buffer2Start));
318         // Given an expanded input pixel, move the window ahead using the leadingEdge value.
319         auto processValue = [&](const Sk4u& leadingEdge) -> Sk4u {
320             sum0 += leadingEdge;
321             sum1 += sum0;
322             sum2 += sum1;
324             Sk4u value = sum2.mulHi(weight);
326             sum2 -= *buffer2Cursor;
327             *buffer2Cursor = sum1;
328             buffer2Cursor = (buffer2Cursor + 1) < buffer2End ? buffer2Cursor + 1 : buffer2Start;
330             sum1 -= (*buffer01Cursor)[1];
331             (*buffer01Cursor)[1] = sum0;
332             sum0 -= (*buffer01Cursor)[0];
333             (*buffer01Cursor)[0] = leadingEdge;
334             buffer01Cursor =
335                     (buffer01Cursor + 1) < buffer01End ? buffer01Cursor + 1 : buffer01Start;
337             return value;
338         };
340         auto srcIdx = srcStart;
341         auto dstIdx = 0;
342         const uint32_t* srcCursor = src;
343               uint32_t* dstCursor = dst;
345         // The destination pixels are not effected by the src pixels,
346         // change to zero as per the spec.
347         // https://drafts.fxtf.org/filter-effects/#FilterPrimitivesOverviewIntro
348         while (dstIdx < srcIdx) {
349             *dstCursor = 0;
350             dstCursor += dstXStride;
351             SK_PREFETCH(dstCursor);
352             dstIdx++;
353         }
355         // The edge of the source is before the edge of the destination. Calculate the sums for
356         // the pixels before the start of the destination.
357         while (dstIdx > srcIdx) {
358             Sk4u leadingEdge = srcIdx < srcEnd ? SkNx_cast<uint32_t>(Sk4b::Load(srcCursor)) : 0;
359             (void) processValue(leadingEdge);
360             srcCursor += srcXStride;
361             srcIdx++;
362         }
364         // The dstIdx and srcIdx are in sync now; the code just uses the dstIdx for both now.
365         // Consume the source generating pixels to dst.
366         auto loopEnd = std::min(dstEnd, srcEnd);
367         while (dstIdx < loopEnd) {
368             Sk4u leadingEdge = SkNx_cast<uint32_t>(Sk4b::Load(srcCursor));
369             SkNx_cast<uint8_t>(processValue(leadingEdge)).store(dstCursor);
370             srcCursor += srcXStride;
371             dstCursor += dstXStride;
372             SK_PREFETCH(dstCursor);
373             dstIdx++;
374         }
376         // The leading edge is beyond the end of the source. Assume that the pixels
377         // are now 0x0000 until the end of the destination.
378         loopEnd = dstEnd;
379         while (dstIdx < loopEnd) {
380             SkNx_cast<uint8_t>(processValue(0u)).store(dstCursor);
381             dstCursor += dstXStride;
382             SK_PREFETCH(dstCursor);
383             dstIdx++;
384         }
386         src += srcYStride;
387         dst += dstYStride;
388     }
389 }
copy_image_with_bounds(const SkImageFilter_Base::Context & ctx,const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> & input,SkIRect srcBounds,SkIRect dstBounds)391 static sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> copy_image_with_bounds(
392         const SkImageFilter_Base::Context& ctx, const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> &input,
393         SkIRect srcBounds, SkIRect dstBounds) {
394     SkBitmap inputBM;
395     if (!input->getROPixels(&inputBM)) {
396         return nullptr;
397     }
399     if (inputBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
400         return nullptr;
401     }
403     SkBitmap src;
404     inputBM.extractSubset(&src, srcBounds);
406     // Make everything relative to the destination bounds.
407     srcBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
408     dstBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
410     auto srcW = srcBounds.width(),
411          dstW = dstBounds.width(),
412          dstH = dstBounds.height();
414     SkImageInfo dstInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(dstW, dstH, inputBM.colorType(), inputBM.alphaType());
416     SkBitmap dst;
417     if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(dstInfo)) {
418         return nullptr;
419     }
421     // There is no blurring to do, but we still need to copy the source while accounting for the
422     // dstBounds. Remember that the src was intersected with the dst.
423     int y = 0;
424     size_t dstWBytes = dstW * sizeof(uint32_t);
425     for (;y < srcBounds.top(); y++) {
426         sk_bzero(dst.getAddr32(0, y), dstWBytes);
427     }
429     for (;y < srcBounds.bottom(); y++) {
430         int x = 0;
431         uint32_t* dstPtr = dst.getAddr32(0, y);
432         for (;x < srcBounds.left(); x++) {
433             *dstPtr++ = 0;
434         }
436         memcpy(dstPtr, src.getAddr32(x - srcBounds.left(), y - srcBounds.top()),
437                srcW * sizeof(uint32_t));
439         dstPtr += srcW;
440         x += srcW;
442         for (;x < dstBounds.right(); x++) {
443             *dstPtr++ = 0;
444         }
445     }
447     for (;y < dstBounds.bottom(); y++) {
448         sk_bzero(dst.getAddr32(0, y), dstWBytes);
449     }
451     return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(SkIRect::MakeWH(dstBounds.width(),
452                                                           dstBounds.height()),
453                                           dst, ctx.surfaceProps());
454 }
456 // TODO: Implement CPU backend for different fTileMode.
cpu_blur(const SkImageFilter_Base::Context & ctx,SkVector sigma,const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> & input,SkIRect srcBounds,SkIRect dstBounds)457 static sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> cpu_blur(
458         const SkImageFilter_Base::Context& ctx,
459         SkVector sigma, const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> &input,
460         SkIRect srcBounds, SkIRect dstBounds) {
461     auto windowW = calculate_window(sigma.x()),
462          windowH = calculate_window(sigma.y());
464     if (windowW <= 1 && windowH <= 1) {
465         return copy_image_with_bounds(ctx, input, srcBounds, dstBounds);
466     }
468     SkBitmap inputBM;
470     if (!input->getROPixels(&inputBM)) {
471         return nullptr;
472     }
474     if (inputBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
475         return nullptr;
476     }
478     SkBitmap src;
479     inputBM.extractSubset(&src, srcBounds);
481     // Make everything relative to the destination bounds.
482     srcBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
483     dstBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
485     auto srcW = srcBounds.width(),
486          srcH = srcBounds.height(),
487          dstW = dstBounds.width(),
488          dstH = dstBounds.height();
490     SkImageInfo dstInfo = inputBM.info().makeWH(dstW, dstH);
492     SkBitmap dst;
493     if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(dstInfo)) {
494         return nullptr;
495     }
497     auto bufferSizeW = calculate_buffer(windowW),
498          bufferSizeH = calculate_buffer(windowH);
500     // The amount 1024 is enough for buffers up to 10 sigma. The tmp bitmap will be
501     // allocated on the heap.
502     SkSTArenaAlloc<1024> alloc;
503     Sk4u* buffer = alloc.makeArrayDefault<Sk4u>(std::max(bufferSizeW, bufferSizeH));
505     // Basic Plan: The three cases to handle
506     // * Horizontal and Vertical - blur horizontally while copying values from the source to
507     //     the destination. Then, do an in-place vertical blur.
508     // * Horizontal only - blur horizontally copying values from the source to the destination.
509     // * Vertical only - blur vertically copying values from the source to the destination.
511     // Default to vertical only blur case. If a horizontal blur is needed, then these values
512     // will be adjusted while doing the horizontal blur.
513     auto intermediateSrc = static_cast<uint32_t *>(src.getPixels());
514     auto intermediateRowBytesAsPixels = src.rowBytesAsPixels();
515     auto intermediateWidth = srcW;
517     // Because the border is calculated before the fork of the GPU/CPU path. The border is
518     // the maximum of the two rendering methods. In the case where sigma is zero, then the
519     // src and dst left values are the same. If sigma is small resulting in a window size of
520     // 1, then border calculations add some pixels which will always be zero. Inset the
521     // destination by those zero pixels. This case is very rare.
522     auto intermediateDst = dst.getAddr32(srcBounds.left(), 0);
524     // The following code is executed very rarely, I have never seen it in a real web
525     // page. If sigma is small but not zero then shared GPU/CPU border calculation
526     // code adds extra pixels for the border. Just clear everything to clear those pixels.
527     // This solution is overkill, but very simple.
528     if (windowW == 1 || windowH == 1) {
529         dst.eraseColor(0);
530     }
532     if (windowW > 1) {
533         // Make int64 to avoid overflow in multiplication below.
534         int64_t shift = srcBounds.top() - dstBounds.top();
536         // For the horizontal blur, starts part way down in anticipation of the vertical blur.
537         // For a vertical sigma of zero shift should be zero. But, for small sigma,
538         // shift may be > 0 but the vertical window could be 1.
539         intermediateSrc = static_cast<uint32_t *>(dst.getPixels())
540                           + (shift > 0 ? shift * dst.rowBytesAsPixels() : 0);
541         intermediateRowBytesAsPixels = dst.rowBytesAsPixels();
542         intermediateWidth = dstW;
543         intermediateDst = static_cast<uint32_t *>(dst.getPixels());
545         blur_one_direction(
546                 buffer, windowW,
547                 srcBounds.left(), srcBounds.right(), dstBounds.right(),
548                 static_cast<uint32_t *>(src.getPixels()), 1, src.rowBytesAsPixels(), srcH,
549                 intermediateSrc, 1, intermediateRowBytesAsPixels);
550     }
552     if (windowH > 1) {
553         blur_one_direction(
554                 buffer, windowH,
555                 srcBounds.top(), srcBounds.bottom(), dstBounds.bottom(),
556                 intermediateSrc, intermediateRowBytesAsPixels, 1, intermediateWidth,
557                 intermediateDst, dst.rowBytesAsPixels(), 1);
558     }
560     return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(SkIRect::MakeWH(dstBounds.width(),
561                                                           dstBounds.height()),
562                                           dst, ctx.surfaceProps());
563 }
565 // This rather arbitrary-looking value results in a maximum box blur kernel size
566 // of 1000 pixels on the raster path, which matches the WebKit and Firefox
567 // implementations. Since the GPU path does not compute a box blur, putting
568 // the limit on sigma ensures consistent behaviour between the GPU and
569 // raster paths.
570 #define MAX_SIGMA SkIntToScalar(532)
map_sigma(const SkSize & localSigma,const SkMatrix & ctm)572 static SkVector map_sigma(const SkSize& localSigma, const SkMatrix& ctm) {
573     SkVector sigma = SkVector::Make(localSigma.width(), localSigma.height());
574     ctm.mapVectors(&sigma, 1);
575     sigma.fX = SkMinScalar(SkScalarAbs(sigma.fX), MAX_SIGMA);
576     sigma.fY = SkMinScalar(SkScalarAbs(sigma.fY), MAX_SIGMA);
577     return sigma;
578 }
onFilterImage(const Context & ctx,SkIPoint * offset) const580 sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkBlurImageFilterImpl::onFilterImage(const Context& ctx,
581                                                            SkIPoint* offset) const {
582     SkIPoint inputOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
584     sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> input(this->filterInput(0, ctx, &inputOffset));
585     if (!input) {
586         return nullptr;
587     }
589     SkIRect inputBounds = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(inputOffset.fX, inputOffset.fY,
590                                             input->width(), input->height());
592     // Calculate the destination bounds.
593     SkIRect dstBounds;
594     if (!this->applyCropRect(this->mapContext(ctx), inputBounds, &dstBounds)) {
595         return nullptr;
596     }
597     if (!inputBounds.intersect(dstBounds)) {
598         return nullptr;
599     }
601     // Save the offset in preparation to make all rectangles relative to the inputOffset.
602     SkIPoint resultOffset = SkIPoint::Make(dstBounds.fLeft, dstBounds.fTop);
604     // Make all bounds relative to the inputOffset.
605     inputBounds.offset(-inputOffset);
606     dstBounds.offset(-inputOffset);
608     SkVector sigma = map_sigma(fSigma, ctx.ctm());
609     if (sigma.x() < 0 || sigma.y() < 0) {
610         return nullptr;
611     }
613     sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> result;
615     if (ctx.gpuBacked()) {
616         // Ensure the input is in the destination's gamut. This saves us from having to do the
617         // xform during the filter itself.
618         input = ImageToColorSpace(input.get(), ctx.colorType(), ctx.colorSpace());
619         result = this->gpuFilter(ctx, sigma, input, inputBounds, dstBounds, inputOffset,
620                                  &resultOffset);
621     } else
622 #endif
623     {
624         // NB 135 is the largest sigma that will not cause a buffer full of 255 mask values to overflow
625         // using the Gauss filter. It also limits the size of buffers used hold intermediate values. The
626         // additional + 1 added to window represents adding one more leading element before subtracting the
627         // trailing element.
628         // Explanation of maximums:
629         //   sum0 = (window + 1) * 255
630         //   sum1 = (window + 1) * sum0 -> (window + 1) * (window + 1) * 255
631         //   sum2 = (window + 1) * sum1 -> (window + 1) * (window + 1) * (window + 1) * 255 -> window^3 * 255
632         //
633         //   The value (window + 1)^3 * 255 must fit in a uint32_t. So,
634         //      (window + 1)^3 * 255 < 2^32. window = 255.
635         //
636         //   window = floor(sigma * 3 * sqrt(2 * kPi) / 4)
637         //   For window <= 255, the largest value for sigma is 135.
638         sigma.fX = SkTPin(sigma.fX, 0.0f, 135.0f);
639         sigma.fY = SkTPin(sigma.fY, 0.0f, 135.0f);
641         result = cpu_blur(ctx, sigma, input, inputBounds, dstBounds);
642     }
644     // Return the resultOffset if the blur succeeded.
645     if (result != nullptr) {
646         *offset = resultOffset;
647     }
648     return result;
649 }
gpuFilter(const Context & ctx,SkVector sigma,const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> & input,SkIRect inputBounds,SkIRect dstBounds,SkIPoint inputOffset,SkIPoint * offset) const652 sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkBlurImageFilterImpl::gpuFilter(
653         const Context& ctx, SkVector sigma, const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> &input, SkIRect inputBounds,
654         SkIRect dstBounds, SkIPoint inputOffset, SkIPoint* offset) const {
655     if (0 == sigma.x() && 0 == sigma.y()) {
656         offset->fX = inputBounds.x() + inputOffset.fX;
657         offset->fY = inputBounds.y() + inputOffset.fY;
658         return input->makeSubset(inputBounds);
659     }
661     auto context = ctx.getContext();
663     sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> inputTexture(input->asTextureProxyRef(context));
664     if (!inputTexture) {
665         return nullptr;
666     }
668     // TODO (michaelludwig) - The color space choice is odd, should it just be ctx.refColorSpace()?
669     auto renderTargetContext = SkGpuBlurUtils::GaussianBlur(
670             context,
671             std::move(inputTexture),
672             SkColorTypeToGrColorType(input->colorType()),
673             input->alphaType(),
674             input->subset().topLeft(),
675             ctx.colorSpace() ? sk_ref_sp(input->getColorSpace()) : nullptr,
676             dstBounds,
677             inputBounds,
678             sigma.x(),
679             sigma.y(),
680             to_texture_domain_mode(fTileMode));
681     if (!renderTargetContext) {
682         return nullptr;
683     }
685     return SkSpecialImage::MakeDeferredFromGpu(
686             context,
687             SkIRect::MakeWH(dstBounds.width(), dstBounds.height()),
688             kNeedNewImageUniqueID_SpecialImage,
689             renderTargetContext->asTextureProxyRef(),
690             renderTargetContext->colorInfo().colorType(),
691             sk_ref_sp(input->getColorSpace()),
692             ctx.surfaceProps());
693 }
694 #endif
computeFastBounds(const SkRect & src) const696 SkRect SkBlurImageFilterImpl::computeFastBounds(const SkRect& src) const {
697     SkRect bounds = this->getInput(0) ? this->getInput(0)->computeFastBounds(src) : src;
698     bounds.outset(fSigma.width() * 3, fSigma.height() * 3);
699     return bounds;
700 }
onFilterNodeBounds(const SkIRect & src,const SkMatrix & ctm,MapDirection,const SkIRect * inputRect) const702 SkIRect SkBlurImageFilterImpl::onFilterNodeBounds(const SkIRect& src, const SkMatrix& ctm,
703                                                   MapDirection, const SkIRect* inputRect) const {
704     SkVector sigma = map_sigma(fSigma, ctm);
705     return src.makeOutset(SkScalarCeilToInt(sigma.x() * 3), SkScalarCeilToInt(sigma.y() * 3));
706 }